RPP Listening untuk kelas XI/1 made by Dewi Habibah

April 23, 2019 | Author: Inas Afifah Zahra | Category: Stars, Galaxy, Planets, Astronomy, Science
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Lesson Plan for Teaching Listening to Senior High School...



Mata Pelajaran

: Bahasa Inggris


: XI/1

Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan 2. Memahami makna teks fungsional f ungsional pendek dan monolog berbentuk  report, narrative, dan analytical exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. Kompetensi Dasar

: 2.2 Merespon makna dalam teks monolog yang menggunakan ragam  bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk: report , narrative, dan analytical exposition.


: 1. Mengungkapkan gagasan pokok dari teks report yang didengar  2. Mengidentifikasi karakteristik suatu benda/fenomena dari teks report yang didengar  3. Menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan teks report yang didengar 

Alokasi Waktu

: 1 x 30 menit (1x pertemuan)

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran Siswa dapat: 1. Mengungkapkan gagasan pokok pokok dari teks report yang didengar secara lisan. li san. 2. Mengidentifikasi karakterisrik suatu benda/fenomena dari teks r eport yang didengar  secara lisan. 3. Menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan teks report yang didengar secara tertulis.

B. Materi Pembelajaran 1. Script report text (terlampir) 2. Generic Structure of report text a. Social Function

To describe the way things are, with reference to a range of natural, manmade and social phenomena in our environment.  b. Generic Structure


General classification: tells what the phenomenon under discussion is


Description: tells what the phenomenon under discussion is like in terms of (1) parts, (2) qualities, (3) habits or behaviors, if living: uses, if non-natural.

c. Significant Lexicogrammatical Features


Focus on generic participants


Use of relational processes to state what is and that which it is


Use of the simple present tense (unless extinct)

-  No temporal sequence C. Metode Pembelajaran Collaborative learning dengan talking stick dan snowball.

D. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

 No 1


Kegiatan guru Pendahuluan (5’) - Guru memberikan salam dan menanyakan kabar kepada siswa. - Guru memberikan pengantar  atau motivasi mengenai materi  pembelajaran yang akan dibahas sesuai tema yang ada di RPP. Kegiatan Inti (20’) a. Eksplorasi - Guru menyajikan contoh teks report - Guru menjelaskan social function, generic structure dan grammatical feature dari teks report  b. Elaborasi - Meminta siswa untuk  membuat lingkaran besar. - Menyajikan listening teks

Kegiatan siswa -

Merespon salam dan menjawab pertanyaan pertanyaan guru. - Memperhatikan guru.


Memperhatikan dan mendengarkan guru.

Membuat lingkaran  besar. - Mendengarkan listening








report kepada siswa Mengulang listening sampai 2x. Menunjuk siswa menjawab  pertanyaan mengenai main idea dan karakteristik suatu  benda/fenomena dari listening teks report yang didengar  dengan menggunakan talking stik. Meminta siswa membuat 4-5 kelompok untuk metode snowball. Membuat pertanyaan di selembar kertas berupa pilihan ganda mengenai teks report yang didengar  Melempar kertas tersebut kepada siswa. Meminta siswa menjawab  pertanyaan secara lisan. Meminta siswa melempar  kertas tersebut kepada temannya, dan begitu seterusnya sampai semua soal di kertas dijawab. Memberikan apresiasi kepada siswa dengan meminta siswa  bertepuk tangan.

teks report dan sesekali membuat taking notes.


Menjawab pertanyaan  No. 1 & 2 guru secara lisan.


Membuat kelompok 




Menangkap kertas yang dilempar guru. Menjawab pertanyaan  No. 2 & 3 dari guru. Menangkap kertas  No. 2 & 3  berisi soal dari temannya dan menjawab  pertanyaannya. Bertepuk tangan mengikuti guru.

Memperhatikan guru.

c. Konfirmasi - Mereview kembali materi - Menjawab pertanyaan guru sesuai dengan  pembelajaran yang telah dipelajari.  pemahaman. - Menanyakan penguasaan materi kepada siswa mengenai teks report. 3 Penutup (5’) Menguasai - Guru memberikan PR kepada - Mencatat PR  materi siswa untuk memberikan satu contoh teks report. - Menutup pelajaran dengan - Bertepuk tangan dan tepuk tangan dan salam. menjawab salam. E. Alat dan Sumber Bahan 1. Alat pembelajaran a. Audio listening teks report  b. Laptop/notebook & speaker  c. Stick untuk talking stick 

2. Sumber Bahan a. Lanny Kurniawan & Siti Nuryuni Artiningsih, English Today 2 SMA Grade XI Science & Social Program hal. 28  b. http://soehaarrr.com/downloads/english-listening-materials-audio-script/

F. Penilaian 1. Jenis penilaian 2. Bentuk tes 3. Instrumen

: Mendengarkan : Tertulis : Intruksi atau perintah - Listen to the report carefully and fill in the blank below.

Mengetahui ……


Kepala Sekolah

Guru Mata Pelajaran

Dewi Habibah Arriyani  ______________________




Lampiran Listening Report Text a.

Information Society When you hear the term 'information society', you might guess that people are talking

about the internet and the level of access people have to information. And that's quite close. An 'information society' has information and communication at its heart, where once it might have had industrial development, or agriculture. According to the United Nations it's important to understand the 'information society'

 because it affects the way we live, how we learn and work and how we relate to each other. The term is used in the news because the ability to get information, whether you get it from a computer, a telephone, or your radio, throws up a number of interesting issues. When the internet or telecommunications are in the news, you'll hear stories about who controls access to networks, how they're being developed and how much they cost. The 'information society' also has implications for countries where there are fewer   political freedoms. How is access to information controlled? And how does this affect economic and political development? You might also hear of 'the digital divide'. What do you think is the best way to bridge the gap between those who have access to new technology and those who don t? ’

 b. Pertanyaan yang dijawab dengan metode talking stick  1. 2.

What does the woman talk about? When people hear about information society, what might they guess?

c. Pertanyaan pilihan ganda yang dijawab dengan snowball 1.

When people hear the term 'information society', they will t alk about internet and… A. the level of access people have to information B. the level of extent people have to information C. the level of access people have informants D. the level of some people have to information


According to the United Nations it's important to understand the 'information society'  because it affects… A. the way we live, how we learn and walk  B. the way we live, how we learn and work  C. the way of life, how we learn and work  D. the way we live, how we learned and work 


Based on the text you hear, where can you get information? A. from a computer, a mobile phone, or your radio B. from a computer, a telephone, or your tape radio C. from a computer, a telephone, or your radio D. from a notebook, a telephone, or your radio


The 'information society' also has implications for countries where there are… A. fewer politic freedoms B. few political freedoms C. fewer politicians freedoms D. fewer political freedoms

d. Penilaian Listening

 New Stars Discovered in the Sky Astronomers have assumed that the composition of all galaxies is the same as our 

own. But using a new, more powerful instrument on the Keck telescope in Hawaii, researchers have discovered that older 

galaxies contain twenty times more small

dim stars, called ‘red dwarves’, than younger  galaxies such as our own. Doctor Marek  Kukula of the Royal Greenwich Observatory describes what the view from a planet in an older galaxy might be like. "When one of these galaxies that we now know contain lots and lots of small red stars, it may well be true that the night sky is dotted with these small, faint red stars glowing like embers and that might produce a very pretty effect."

According to Professor Pieter van Dokkum of Yale University, the discovery also increases the estimate of the number of planets in the universe, and therefore makes it even more likely that there's life somewhere else in the cosmos. "There's been particular attention recently to these red dwarf stars. In one galaxy there's about a trillion of these stars and there's hundreds of billions of these galaxies. Even if the planet is quite close to the star, you could have liquid water on the planet,  because the star is not as bright as the sun and so a planet can be a lot closer and still  be kind of balmy, rather than scorching hot." The discovery that there are many more stars means that our  universe is a much  brighter, more crowded place than we previously thought.

e. Soal penilaian listening report text Listen to the report carefully and fill in the blank below!

………. have assumed that the composition of all galaxies is the same as our own. But using a new, more powerful instrument on the Keck telescope in Hawaii, researchers have discovered that older galaxies contain twenty times more small dim stars, called ‘red dwarves’, than younger ……… such as our own. Doctor Marek Kukula of the Royal Greenwich Observatory describes what the view from a ………. in an older galaxy might be like. "When one of these galaxies that we now know ………. lots and lots of small red stars, it may well be true that the night sky is dotted with these small, faint ………. glowing like embers and that might produce a very pretty effect ." ………. Professor Pieter van Dokkum of Yale University, the discovery also increases the estimate of the number of planets in the ………., and therefore makes it even more likely that

there's life somewhere else in the cosmos. "There's been particular attention ………. to these red dwarf stars. In one galaxy there's about a trillion of these stars and there's hundreds of billions of these galaxies. Even if the planet is quite close to the star, you could have liquid water on the planet, ……………………. is not as bright as the sun and so a planet can be a lot closer and still be kind of balmy, rather than scorching hot." The discovery that ………….……. stars means that our universe is a much brighter, more crowded place than we previously thought.

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