Rpp K13 3.14 Smp Kls VIII bahasa inggris

February 5, 2019 | Author: asbagz | Category: Duck, Foods, Nature
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Rpp K13 3.14 Smp Kls VIII bahasa inggris...


Ismi Fauziyah_122084029


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : VIII Kompetensi Inti :

KI 1: Mengharga Menghargaii dan menghayati menghayati ajaran ajaran agama agama yang yang dianutnya. dianutnya. KI 2: Menghargai dan menghayati perilau perilau jujur! disiplin! tanggungja"a#! peduli peduli $t%leransi! g%t%ng r%y%ng&! santun! per'aya diri! dalam #erinterasi #erinterasi se'ara e(eti( dengan lingungan s%sial dan alam dalam jangauan pergaulan dan e#eradaannya KI ): Memahami dan menerapan pengetahuan pengetahuan $(atual! %nseptual! %nseptual! dan pr%sedural& #erdasaran rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan! ten%l%gi! ten%l%gi! seni!  #udaya terait (en%mena dan ejadian ejadian tampa mata. KI 4: Meng%lah! menyaji! dan menalar dalam ranah %nret $menggunaan! mengurai! merangai! merangai! mem%di(iasi! dan mem#uat& dan ranah a#stra $menulis! $menulis! mem#a'a! menghitung! menggam#ar! dan mengarang& sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di se%lah dan sum#er lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang*te%ri.

Materi Pokok/Materi Pembelajaran

Kompetensi Dasar


Memahami (ungsi s%sial! strutur tes! dan unsur e#ahasaan dari tes narati(  #er#entu (a#el! sesuai dengan %ntes  penggunaannya

Teks narati"# berbent!k "abel pen$ek $an se$erhana

Kegiatan Pembelajaran Mengamati •

4.18 Menangap mana


tangan yang rapi #e#erapa (a#el!  pende dan sederhana dari  #er#agai sum#er! dengan dengan menggunaan ejaan dan tanda #a'a dengan #enar.

Fungsi sosial

Memper%leh hi#uran! menghi#ur dan mengajaran nilai+nilai luhur melalui 'erita dengan t%%h #inatang.

,is"a menyalin dengan tulisan


,is"a mem#a'a dan

Alokasi akt!

1 /

-ingat pemahaman •

(ungsi s%sial tes tes narati( #er#entu (a#el! pende dan sederhana. •

S!mber Belajar

-ingat elengapan dan eruntutan  pemahaman isi pesan

mendengaran (a#el terse#ut untu 

uu -es "aji# Keteladanan u'apan dan tindaan guru menggunaan setiap tindaan %muniasi interpers%nal* transasi%nal

Ismi Fauziyah_122084029

Kompetensi Dasar

tes narati( lisan dan tulis!  #er#entu (a#el  pende dan sederhana  penggunaannya

Materi Pokok/Materi Pembelajaran  Struktur text  (gagasan !tama $an in"ormasi rin)i*

Kegiatan Pembelajaran

memahami isi pesannya. •

tempat! "atu! terjadinya 'erita $%rientasi&. $ealuasi& tentang situasi dan %ndisi terjadinya 'erita. c.Memaparan risis yang

terjadi terhadap t%%h utama $%mpliasi& d.Memaparan ahir 'erita!

di mana risis #erahir $res%lusi& dengan #ahagia atau sedih

3engan #im#ingan dan arahan guru! sis"a menanyaan dan mempertanyaan tentang (ungsi s%sial! strutur tes! dan unsur e#ahasaan dari setiap (a#el terse#ut.. Meng!mp!lkan In"ormasi •

ast tense! ast

,e'ara %la#%rati(! sis"a men'ari dan mengumpulan #e#erapa (a#el  pende dan sederhana dari  #er#agai sum#er! termasu termasu dari internet! (ilm! %ran! majalah! #uu tes! ds#.

%mentar umum $re%rientasi&! %psi%nal.

( 1)-ata #ahasa: ,imple

,is"a mem#a'a rujuan dari  #er#agai sum#er! termasu termasu #uu tes! untu mengetahui (ungsi s%sial! strutur tes! dan unsur

S!mber Belajar

dengan #enar dan aurat

-ingat etepatan unsur e#ahasaan: tata #ahasa! %sa ata! u'apan! teanan ata! int%nasi! ejaan! tanda #a'a! erapihan tulisan tangan.


e.Mem#erian alasan atau

Unsur kebahasaan

3engan #im#ingan guru! sis"a

Alokasi akt!


mengidenti(iasi (ungsi s%sialnya! strutur tes $termasu a.l. gagasan utama dan in(%rmasi rin'i& dari setiap (a#el terse#ut.

a.Memperenalan t%%h!

 b.Mem#erian penilaian


,iap tanggung  ja"a#! erjasama! 'inta damai! dan  per'aya diri yang menyertai tindaan memahami isi pesan (a#el.

%nt%h tes dari sum#er %tenti  ,um#er dari internet! seperti: -

""".dailye nglish.'%m


http:**ameri' anenglish.st ate.g%*(iles *ae*res%ur'e  _(iles


http:**learne nglish.#ritis h'%un'il.%rg *en*


https:**""". g%%gle.'%m*

,A%A P&'ILAIA': Kinerja (praktik*

Menganalisis isi pesan (a#el. -bser.asi:

Ismi Fauziyah_122084029

Materi Pokok/Materi Pembelajaran

Kompetensi Dasar

 Struktur text  (gagasan !tama $an in"ormasi rin)i*

tes narati( lisan dan tulis!  #er#entu (a#el  pende dan sederhana  penggunaannya

Kegiatan Pembelajaran

memahami isi pesannya. •

tempat! "atu! terjadinya 'erita $%rientasi&. $ealuasi& tentang situasi dan %ndisi terjadinya 'erita. c.Memaparan risis yang

terjadi terhadap t%%h utama $%mpliasi& d.Memaparan ahir 'erita!

di mana risis #erahir $res%lusi& dengan #ahagia atau sedih

3engan #im#ingan guru! sis"a

,e'ara %la#%rati(! sis"a men'ari dan mengumpulan #e#erapa (a#el  pende dan sederhana dari  #er#agai sum#er! termasu termasu dari internet! (ilm! %ran! majalah! #uu tes! ds#.

e.Mem#erian alasan atau

%mentar umum $re%rientasi&! %psi%nal. •

Unsur kebahasaan

,is"a mem#a'a rujuan dari  #er#agai sum#er! termasu termasu #uu tes! untu mengetahui (ungsi s%sial! strutur tes! dan unsur

( 1)-ata #ahasa: ,imple

ast tense! ast

-ingat etepatan •

,iap tanggung  ja"a#! erjasama! 'inta damai! dan  per'aya diri yang menyertai tindaan memahami isi pesan (a#el.

Meng!mp!lkan In"ormasi •

S!mber Belajar

dengan #enar dan aurat

unsur e#ahasaan: tata #ahasa! %sa ata! u'apan! teanan ata! int%nasi! ejaan! tanda #a'a! erapihan tulisan tangan.


3engan #im#ingan dan arahan guru! sis"a menanyaan dan mempertanyaan tentang (ungsi s%sial! strutur tes! dan unsur e#ahasaan dari setiap (a#el terse#ut..

Alokasi akt!


mengidenti(iasi (ungsi s%sialnya! strutur tes $termasu a.l. gagasan utama dan in(%rmasi rin'i& dari setiap (a#el terse#ut.

a.Memperenalan t%%h!

 b.Mem#erian penilaian


%nt%h tes dari sum#er %tenti  ,um#er dari internet! seperti: -

""".dailye nglish.'%m


http:**ameri' anenglish.st ate.g%*(iles *ae*res%ur'e  _(iles


http:**learne nglish.#ritis h'%un'il.%rg *en*


https:**""". g%%gle.'%m*

,A%A P&'ILAIA': Kinerja (praktik*

Menganalisis isi pesan (a#el. -bser.asi:

Ismi Fauziyah_122084029

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok/Materi Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Pembelajaran

%ntinu%us -ense ( 2)Kalimat langung dan

e#ahasaan dari (a#el. •

tida langsung

telah terumpul ts#.! se'ara le#ih 'ermat dengan 'ara mengidenti(iasi dan menye#utan:

( 3)K%sa ata: t%%h

 #inatang dalam (a#el! tempat dan #enda+  #enda terait t%%h

$penilaian yang  #ertujuan untu mem#erian #alian se'ara le#ih 'epat& •

- t%%h! tempat! "atu! terjadinya

"atu: first, then, after that, before, at last,  finally! ds#.


- risis yang terjadi terhadap t%%h

( 5)5der#ia dan (rasa

- ahir 'erita di mana risis

 prep%sisi%nal penunju  "atu: a long time ago, one day, in the morning, the next day! immediately! ds#.


- %mentar atau penilaian umum tentang (a#el $%psi%nal! jia ada&

( 6)enggunaan n%minal

- %sa ata! tata #ahasa! u'apan! teanan ata! ejaan! tanda #a'a yang digunaan Mengasosiasi •

,is"a mem#andingan (ungsi

6#serasi terhadap tindaan sis"a  #erusaha memahami dan menganalisis isi  pesan (a#el pende dan sederhana.

- (ungsi s%sial setiap tes

( 4)5der#ia penghu#ung

singular dan plural se'ara tepat! dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their ! ds# se'ara tepat dalam (rasa n%minal

,is"a mem#a'a semua (a#el yang


6#serasi terhadap esungguhan! tanggung ja"a#! dan erja sama sis"a dalam pr%ses  pem#elajaran di setiap tahapan.

Penilaian $iri:

ernyataan sis"a se'ara tertulis dalam jurnal  #elajar sederhana  #er#ahasa Ind%nesia tentang pengalaman  #elajar menganalisis

Alokasi akt!

S!mber Belajar

Ismi Fauziyah_122084029

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok/Materi Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Pembelajaran

%ntinu%us -ense ( 2)Kalimat langung dan

e#ahasaan dari (a#el. •

tida langsung

telah terumpul ts#.! se'ara le#ih 'ermat dengan 'ara mengidenti(iasi dan menye#utan:

( 3)K%sa ata: t%%h

 #inatang dalam (a#el! tempat dan #enda+  #enda terait t%%h


- risis yang terjadi terhadap

- ahir 'erita di mana risis

 prep%sisi%nal penunju  "atu: a long time ago, one day, in the morning, the next day! immediately! ds#.


- %mentar atau penilaian umum tentang (a#el $%psi%nal! jia ada&

( 6)enggunaan n%minal

- %sa ata! tata #ahasa! u'apan! teanan ata! ejaan! tanda #a'a yang digunaan Mengasosiasi •

,is"a mem#andingan (ungsi

Alokasi akt!

S!mber Belajar

6#serasi terhadap

6#serasi terhadap esungguhan! tanggung ja"a#! dan erja sama sis"a dalam pr%ses  pem#elajaran di setiap tahapan.


( 5)5der#ia dan (rasa

S!mber Belajar

tindaan sis"a  #erusaha memahami dan menganalisis isi  pesan (a#el pende dan sederhana.

- t%%h! tempat! "atu! terjadinya

"atu: first, then, after that, before, at last,  finally! ds#.

Alokasi akt!

$penilaian yang  #ertujuan untu mem#erian #alian se'ara le#ih 'epat&

- (ungsi s%sial setiap tes

( 4)5der#ia penghu#ung

singular dan plural se'ara tepat! dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their ! ds# se'ara tepat dalam (rasa n%minal

,is"a mem#a'a semua (a#el yang


Penilaian $iri:

ernyataan sis"a se'ara tertulis dalam jurnal  #elajar sederhana  #er#ahasa Ind%nesia tentang pengalaman  #elajar menganalisis

Ismi Fauziyah_122084029

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok/Materi Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Pembelajaran

( 7)7'apan! teanan ata!

s%sial! strutur tes! dan unsur e#ahasaan dari #e#erapa (a#el yang telah diumpulan dari  #er#agai sum#er terse#ut di atas.

int%nasi ( 8)jaan dan tanda #a'a ( 9)-ulisan tangan •

,is"a memper%leh #alian $ feedback & dari guru dan teman tentang hasil analisis merea tentang (ungsi s%sial! strutur tes! dan unsur e#ahasaan yang digunaan dalam (a#el yang merea  #a'a.


erita yang mem#erian eteladanan tentang  perilau jujur! disiplin!  per'aya diri! erjasama! dan #ertanggung ja"a#.


(a#el! termasu emudahan dan esulitannya. Tes tert!lis

Mem#a'a tes yang menuntut pemahaman tentang (a#el. Porto"olio •

analisis tentang  #e#erapa (a#el yang telah di#uat.

Mengkom!nikasikan •

,is"a menyampaian #e#erapa (a#el pende dan sederhana yang telah di#a'anya epada teman+ temannya! dengan 'ara antara lain mem#a'aan! menyalin dan mener#itan di majalah dinding!  #ertanya ja"a#! mem#ahas  pandangan masing+masing tentang isi (a#el! ds#.

,is"a #erupaya mem#a'a se'ara lan'ar dengan u'apan! teanan ata! int%nasi yang #enar dan menulis

Kumpulan hasil

em#ar s%al dan hasil tes

Ismi Fauziyah_122084029

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok/Materi Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Pembelajaran

( 7)7'apan! teanan ata!

s%sial! strutur tes! dan unsur e#ahasaan dari #e#erapa (a#el yang telah diumpulan dari  #er#agai sum#er terse#ut di atas.

int%nasi ( 8)jaan dan tanda #a'a ( 9)-ulisan tangan •

,is"a memper%leh #alian $ feedback & dari guru dan teman tentang hasil analisis merea tentang (ungsi s%sial! strutur tes! dan unsur e#ahasaan yang digunaan dalam (a#el yang merea  #a'a.


erita yang mem#erian eteladanan tentang  perilau jujur! disiplin!  per'aya diri! erjasama! dan #ertanggung ja"a#.


Alokasi akt!

S!mber Belajar

Tes tert!lis

Mem#a'a tes yang menuntut pemahaman tentang (a#el. Porto"olio •

Kumpulan hasil analisis tentang  #e#erapa (a#el yang telah di#uat.

,is"a menyampaian #e#erapa (a#el pende dan sederhana yang telah di#a'anya epada teman+ temannya! dengan 'ara antara lain mem#a'aan! menyalin dan mener#itan di majalah dinding!  #ertanya ja"a#! mem#ahas  pandangan masing+masing tentang isi (a#el! ds#.

S!mber Belajar

(a#el! termasu emudahan dan esulitannya.

Mengkom!nikasikan •

Alokasi akt!

em#ar s%al dan hasil tes

,is"a #erupaya mem#a'a se'ara lan'ar dengan u'apan! teanan ata! int%nasi yang #enar dan menulis

Ismi Fauziyah_122084029

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok/Materi Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Pembelajaran

dengan ejaan dan tanda #a'a yang  #enar! serta tulisan yang jelas dan rapi. •

,is"a mem#i'araan permasalahan yang dialami dalam memahami (a#el dan menulisannya dalam  jurnal #elajar sederhana dalam  #ahasa Ind%nesia.


Ismi Fauziyah_122084029

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok/Materi Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Pembelajaran

dengan ejaan dan tanda #a'a yang  #enar! serta tulisan yang jelas dan rapi. •

,is"a mem#i'araan permasalahan yang dialami dalam memahami (a#el dan menulisannya dalam  jurnal #elajar sederhana dalam  #ahasa Ind%nesia.

Ismi Fauziyah_122084029


Alokasi akt!

S!mber Belajar

Ismi Fauziyah_122084029

Ismi Fauziyah_122084029

%&',A'A P&LAKSA'AA' P&MB&LAA%A' (%PP*

Sat!an Pen$i$ikan : Sekolah Menengah Pertama Mata Pelajaran

: Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semester

: VIII/0

Materi Pokok Alokasi akt!

: 'arrati.e te1t : 23 1 45 menit (6 P*

Komptensi Dasar: 1.1 Mensyuuri esempatan dapat mempelajari #ahasa Inggris se#agai #ahasa pengantar %muniasi Internasi%nal yang di"ujudan dalam semangat #elajar 

Indiat%r: Menunjuan rasa syuur dalam mempelajari #ahasa Inggris se#agai #ahasa  pengantar %muniasi internasi%nal.

Ismi Fauziyah_122084029

%&',A'A P&LAKSA'AA' P&MB&LAA%A' (%PP*

Sat!an Pen$i$ikan : Sekolah Menengah Pertama Mata Pelajaran

: Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semester

: VIII/0

Materi Pokok Alokasi akt!

: 'arrati.e te1t : 23 1 45 menit (6 P*

Komptensi Dasar: 1.1 Mensyuuri esempatan dapat mempelajari #ahasa Inggris se#agai #ahasa pengantar %muniasi Internasi%nal yang di"ujudan dalam semangat #elajar 

Indiat%r: Menunjuan rasa syuur dalam mempelajari #ahasa Inggris se#agai #ahasa  pengantar %muniasi internasi%nal. 2.) Menunjuan perilau tanggung ja"a#! peduli! erjasama! dan 'inta damai! dalam melasanaan %muniasi (ungsi%nal. ,u# K3 Menunjuan perilau tanggung ja"a# dalam melasanaan %muniasi (ungsi%nal. Indiat%r: Menunjuan perilau tanggung ja"a# dalam melasanaan %muniasi (ungsi%nal di dalam tes narati( #er#entu (a#el. ).14 Memahami (ungsi s%sial! strutur tes! dan unsur e#ahasaan dari tes narati( #er#entu  (a#el! sesuai dengan %ntes penggunaannya Indiat%r: 1. Menye#utan ma'am+ma'am tes narati(. 2.

Menye#utan (ungsi s%sal tes narati( #er#entu (a#el.

). Menentuan strutur tes narati( #er#entu (a#el. 4.

Menentuan unsur e#ahasaan dari tes narati( #er#entu (a#el.

Ismi Fauziyah_122084029


Menangap mana tes narati( lisan dan tulis! #er#entu (a#el pende dan sederhana  penggunaannya

Indiat%r: 27 Menjelasan isi tes dalam tes narati( #er#entu (a#el. 07 Menye#utan re(erensial dalam tes tulis narrative #er#entu  fable. 87 Mengidenti(iasi mana ata dalam tes tulis narrative #er#entu  fable. 47 Menganalisis in(%rmasi rin'i dalam tes tulis narrative berbentuk fable. 97 Menelaah isi p%% dalam "a'ana m%n%l%g #er#entu narrative berbentuk fable. 37 Mengidenti(iasi mana ata dalam "a'ana m%n%l%g lisan #er#entu narrative berbentuk fabel . 7 Menye#utan in(%rmasi rin'i dalam "a'ana m%n%l%g lisan #er#entu narrative berbentuk fabel .


T!j!an Pembelajaran: 1. 3iperlihatan tes narati( #er#entu (a#el! sis"a dapat menunjuan rasa syuur dalam mempelajari #ahasa Inggris se#agai #ahasa pengantar %muniasi internasi%nal7 2. 3iperlihatan tes narati( #er#entu (a#el! sis"a dapat menunjuan  perilau tanggung ja"a# dalam melasanaan %muniasi (ungsi%nal di dalam tes narati(. ). 3iperlihatan ) tes narati( ! sis"a dapat menye#utan jenis tes narati(. 4. 3iperlihatan tes narati( #er#entu (a#el! sis"a dapat menye#utan (ungsi s%sial tes narati( #er#entu (a#el. . 3iperlihatan tes narati( #er#entu (a#el! sis"a dapat menentuan strutur tes narati( #er#entu (a#el. . 3iperlihatan tes narati( #er#entu (a#el! sis"a dapat menenetuan unsur e#ahasaan dari tes narati( #er#entu (a#el. ;. 3i#erian pertanyaan tentang tes narati( #er#entu (a#le! sis"a dapat menjelasan isi tes dalam tes narati( #er#entu (a#le dengan #enar. 8. 3i#erian 2 pertanyaan mengenai re(erensial! sis"a dapat menye#utan re(erensial dalam tes tulis #er#entu narrative berbentuk fable, 1 diantaranya #enar. 9. 3i#erian 2 pertanyaan mengenai mana ata! sis"a dapat mengidenti(iasi mana ata dalam tes tulis narrative #er#entu  fable, 1 diantaranya  #enar.

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3i#erian ) pertanyaan tentang in(%rmasi rin'i! sis"a dapat menganalisis in(%rmasi rin'i dalam tes tulis #er#entu narrative berbentuk fabel ! 2 diantaranya #enar. 11. 3i#erian pertanyaan mengenai tes (a#le! sis"a dapat menelaah isi  p%% dalam "a'ana m%n%l%g #er#entu narrative berbentuk fable dengan #enar. 12. 3i#erian 4 pertanyaan tentang in(%rmasi rin'i! sis"a dapat menye#utan in(%rmasi rin'i dalam "a'ana m%n%l%g lisan #er#entu narrative berbentuk fable, ) diantaranya #enar.


Materi Ajar:  Teksnar at i f ,ber bent ukf abelpendekdanseder hana Fungsisosi al Memper ol ehhi bur an,menghi burdanmengaj ar kanni l ai ni l ail uhurmel al uicer i t a dengant okohbi nat ang. St r ukt urt ext

( gagasanut amadani nf ormasir i nci ) a.Memper kenal kan t okoh,t empat ,wakt u,t erj adi nyacer i t a( ori ent asi ) .  b.Member i kanpeni l ai an( eval uasi )t ent angsi t uasidankondi sit er j adi nyacer i t a. c.Memapar kankri si syangt er j adit er hadapt okoh ut ama( kompl i kasi ) d.Memapar kanakhi rcer i t a,dimanakr i si sber akhi r( r esol usi )denganbahagi aat au s e di h e.Memberi kanal asanat aukoment arumum ( r eor i ent asi ) ,opsi onal . Unsurkebahasaan ( 1)Tat abahasa:Si mpl ePastt ense,PastCont i nuousTense ( 2)Kal i matl angungdant i dakl angsung ( 3)Kosakat a:t okohbi nat angdal am f abel ,t empatdanbendabendat er kai tt okoh  fi s t ,t hen,af t ert hat ,bef o r e,atl as t ,final l y,dsb. ( 4)Adve r bi apenghubungwakt u :r o ngt i meag o ,o neday ,i nt he ( 5)Adver bi adanf r asapr eposi si onalpenunj ukwakt u:al mo r ni ng ,t hene x tday,i mme di at e l y,dsb. ( 6)Penggunaannomi nalsi ngul ardanpl ur alsec ar at epat ,denganat au t anpa a,t he, ,dsbsecar at epatdal am f r asanomi nal t hi s ,t ho se ,my,t he i r ( 7)Ucapan,t ekanankat a,i nt onasi ( 8)Ej aandant andabaca ( 9)Tul i sant angan Topik Ce r i t ay a ngme mbe r i ka n ke t e l a da na nt e nt a ngpe r i l akuj uj ur ,di s i pl i n,pe r c a y adi r i , ker j asama,dan ber t anggungj awab.


Meto$e Pembelajaran : S)ienti"i) Approa)h

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Langkah;Langkah Pembelajaran A7 Kegiatan As lun'h. 7n(%rtunately! he (%und %ut and g%t (uri%us! and sh%uted@ AB%u damned daughter %( a (ishC. -he daughter ran h%me and ased her m%ther. -he m%ther started 'rying! (elt sad that her hus#and had  #r%en his pr%mise.

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-hen she t%ld her daughter t% run up the hills #e'ause a huge disaster "as a#%ut t% '%me. Dhen her daughter le(t! she prayed. ,%%n there "as a #ig earthEuae (%ll%"ed #y n%n+ st%p p%uring rain. -he "h%le area g%t (l%%ded and #e'ame -%#a ae. ,he turned int% a (ish again and the man #e'ame the island %( ,am%sir. The Apple Tree An$ A Bo+ 6n'e up%n a time! there "as a huge apple tree "hi'h gae tasty apples t% the pe%ple ar%und it. -here "as als% a little #%y "h% #e'ame a 'l%se (riend t% the apple tree. -he  #%y used t% play "ith apple tree! 'lim# its #ran'hes! sleep under its shad%"! plu' its apples! et'. ery day he isited the apple tree! and ate s%me apples. -he apple tree "as ind t% the #%y and enj%ying spending time t%gether.6ne day! the #%y j%ined in s'h%%l and didn>t hae a time t% spend "ith apple tree. 5(ter seeral days! the #%y 'ame t% the tree. -he apple tree "as s% happy t% see the #%y. It ased the #%y t% play.

7n(%rtunately! the #%y said he "as n%t a 'hild anym%re. ?e didn>t "ant t% play "ith the tree. ut he ased an%ther reEuest t% the apple tree. -he tree ased "hat the #%y "anted. -he #%y said he needed t%ys! #ut his parents didn>t hae m%ney t% #uy it (%r him. -he tree said! A3ear my #%y! i d%n>t hae any m%ney t% #uy it (%r y%u! #ut y%u 'an pi'  my apples! then sell them! get m%ney and #uy the t%ys y%u "ant.C -he #%y "ent happily t% his h%me a(ter plu'ing apples. -he tree "as "aiting t% see the  #%y return. ut he neer 'ame #a' (%r many years. -he apple tree "as sad and it didn>t pr%du'e any apples anym%re.  Direction 1: read the following text! identify the kind of those narrative text above!  A Fox and A Cat

One day a cat and a fox were having a conversation. The fox, who was a conceited creature, boasted how clever she was. 'Why, I know at least a hundred tricks to get away  from our mutual enemies, the dogs,' she said. 'I know only one trick to get away from dogs,' said the cat. 'You should teach me some of yours' 'Well, maybe some day, when I have the time, I may teach you a few of the sim!ler ones,' re!lied the fox airily. "ust then they heard the barking of a !ack of dogs in the distance. The barking grew louder and louder # the dogs were coming in their direction $t once the cat ran to the nearest tree and climbed into its branches, well out of reach of any dog. 'This is the trick I told you about, the only one I know,' said the cat. 'Which one of your hundred tricks are you going to use%' The fox sat silently under the tree, wondering which trick she should use. &efore she could make u! her mind, the dogs arrived. They fell u!on the fox and tore her to !ieces.

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The Ant An$ The >rasshopper 6ne summer day! there "as a grassh%pper "h% 'hirped and sang a#%ut its heart '%ntent. -hen! an ant passed #y! #earing a s"eet 'andy that he "as taing t% his nest.CDhy d%n>t y%u '%me and sing "ith me instead %( m%iling and t%iling a"ayC -he grassh%pper said. AI am preparing the (%%ds (%r the "inter. B%u hae t% d% the same.C the ant replied. ADhy I d%n>t hae any "%rries a#%ut "inter. I hae g%t plenty %( (%%ds.C said the grassh%pper.

ut the ant le(t the grassh%pper and '%ntinued its t%il. -hen! the "inter 'ame! the grassh%pper (%und there "as n% (%%d le(t t% eat. It "as s% hungry. -he grassh%pper remem#ered "hen it sa" the ants '%lle'ting the (%%ds in summer (%r the st%' in "inter. -hen the grassh%pper ne" he "as s% "r%ng didn>t (%ll%" the ant in '%lle'ting the (%%ds.  Direction : identify the social function of the text abovet!  Direction : identify the generic structure of the text above!  Direction ": identify the language features of the text above!  Direction #: read the text below and answer the following $uestions!

Ts g% and l%% (%r laeC. ABes! ans"ered the se'%nd du'! Aut (irst let>s say g%%d #ye t% %ur (riend! the turtle.C Dhen the+ t%ld the turtle they "ere g%ing t% leae! he said! AI>ll die here "ith%ut any "ater and "ith%ut any (riends. -ae me "ith y%u.C A-he du's ans"ered! ADe 'an>t. De are g%ing t% (ly! and y%u hae n% "ings.C A-he turtle th%ught (%r a minute and then said! Aplease "ait here.C -hen the turtle "ent a"ay and (%und a str%ng! straight sti'. ?e #r%ught it #a' t% his (riends!  put the middle %( it in his m%uth and said! AG%" i( ea'h %( y%u taes me %ne end %( the sti' in his m%uth! y%u 'an li(t me up and 'arry me "ith y%u.C A -hat is danger%us!C said the du's! Ai( y%u try t% tal "hile "e>re 'arrying y%u thr%ugh the air! y%u "%n>t #e a#le t% h%ld the sti'! s% y%u>ll (all d%"n al%ng "ay and #rea y%ur shell.C Aall right!C ans"ered the turtle! AI pr%mise n%t t% tal "hile "e>re in the air. ,% the du's t%%  the sti' and (le" a"ay! "ith the turtle #et"een them. 5ll "ent "ell until they "ere (lying %er a t%"n. -hen s%me pe%ple sa" them and sh%uted! A%%! th%se du's are 'arrying a 'atHC-he turtle g%t ery angry! A5 'at I>m n%t C he said!

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 #ut he did n%t get any (urther! #e'ause "hen he %pened his m%uth! the sti' 'ame %ut %( his m%uth and the p%%r turtle (ell t% the gr%und %uestions

1. Dhat is the teJt a#%ut 2. Dhat d%es the #%ld "%rd Athe+C re(er t% ). Dhat d%es the #%ld "%rd A heC re(er t% 4. Dhat d%es the "%rd AshellC mean . Dhat d%es the "%rd A"ingC mean . Dhy "as the t"% du's g%ing t% m%e ;. Dhat did the turtle as t% the t"% du's 8. Dhy did the turtle (elt t% the gr%und  Direction &: listen to the recording and answer the following $uestion A t y%u a(raid y%u "ill (all d%"n (r%m that 'li(( %me d%"n here and graze %n this (ine grass #eside me %n sa(e! leel gr%und.C AG%! than y%u!C said the g%at. ADell then!C said the "%l(! Aaren>t y%u '%ld up there in the "ind B%u "%uld #e "armer grazing d%"n here #eside me in this sheltered area.C AG%! than y%u!C said the g%at. Aut the grass tastes #etter d%"n hereHC said the eJasperated "%l(! A"hy dine al%neC AMy dear "%l(!C the g%at (inally said! Aare y%u Euite sure that it is my dinner y%u are "%rrying a#%ut and n%t y%ur %"nC %uestions!

1. Dhat d%es the speaer tell us a#%ut 2. Dh% "ere the 'hara'ters %( the st%ry that y%u hear ). Dhat did the "%l( suggest t% the g%at 4. 3id the g%at a''ept the "%l(>s suggesti%n . Dhat did the g%at say in the last

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L&A%'I'> S?&&T

The Smartest Parrot

6n'e up%n time! a man had a "%nder(ul parr%t. -here "as n% %ther parr%t lie it. -he parr%t '%uld say eery "%rd! eJ'ept %ne "%rd. -he parr%t "%uld n%t say the name %( the pla'e "here it "as #%rn. -he name %( the pla'e "as atan%. -he man (elt eJ'ited haing the smartest parr%t #ut he '%uld n%t understand "hy the  parr%t "%uld n%t say atan%. -he man tried t% tea'h the #ird t% say atan% h%"eer the  #ird ept n%t saying the "%rd. 5t the (irst! the man "as ery ni'e t% the #ird #ut then he g%t ery angry. AB%u stupid  #irdHC p%inted the man t% the parr%t. ADhy 'an>t y%u say the "%rd ,ay atan%H 6r I "ill ill y%uC the man said angrily. 5lth%ugh he tried hard t% tea'h! the parr%t "%uld n%t say it. -hen the man g%t s% angry and sh%uted t% the #ird %er and %er@ A,ay atan% %r  I>ll ill y%uC. -he #ird ept n%t t% say the "%rd %( atan%. 6ne day! a(ter he had #een trying s% many times t% mae the #ird say atan%! the man really g%t ery angry. ?e '%uld n%t #ear it. ?e pi'ed the parr%t and thre" it int% the 'hi'en h%use. -here "ere (%ur %ld 'hi'ens (%r neJt dinner AB%u are as stupid as the 'hi'ens. /ust stay "ith themC ,aid the man angrily. -hen he '%ntinued t% hum#le@ AB%u n%"! I "ill 'ut the 'hi'en (%r my meal. GeJt it "ill #e y%ur turn! I "ill eat y%u t%%! stupid parr%tC. 5(ter that he le(t the 'hi'en h%use. -he neJt day! the man 'ame #a' t% the 'hi'en h%use. ?e %pened the d%%r and "as ery surprised. ?e '%uld n%t #eliee "hat he sa" at the 'hi'en h%use. -here "ere three death 'hi'ens %n the (l%%r. 5t the m%ment! the parr%t "as standing pr%udly and s'reaming at the last %ld 'hi'en@ A,ay atan% %r I>ll hit y%uC. Toba Lake

6n'e up%n a time! there "as a man "h% "as liing in n%rth ,umatra. ?e lied in a simple hut in a (arming (ield. ?e did s%me gardening and (ishing (%r his daily li(e. 6ne day! "hile the man "as d% (ishing! he 'aught a #ig g%lden (ish in his trap. It "as the  #iggest 'at'h "hi'h he eer had in his li(e. ,urprisingly! this (ish turned int% a #eauti(ul  prin'ess. ?e (elt in l%e "ith her and pr%p%sed her t% #e his "i(e. ,he said@ ABes! #ut y%u hae t% pr%mise n%t t% tell any%ne a#%ut the se'ret that I "as %n'e a (ish! %ther"ise there "ill #e a huge disasterC. -he man made the deal and they g%t married! lied happily and had a daughter. Fe" years later! this daughter "%uld help #ringing lun'h t% her (ather %ut in the (ields. 6ne day! his daughter "as s% hungry and she ate his (ather>s lun'h. 7n(%rtunately! he

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(%und %ut and g%t (uri%us! and sh%uted@ AB%u damned daughter %( a (ishC. -he daughter ran h%me and ased her m%ther. -he m%ther started 'rying! (elt sad that her hus#and had  #r%en his pr%mise. -hen she t%ld her daughter t% run up the hills #e'ause a huge disaster "as a#%ut t% '%me. Dhen her daughter le(t! she prayed. ,%%n there "as a #ig earthEuae (%ll%"ed #y n%n+ st%p p%uring rain. -he "h%le area g%t (l%%ded and #e'ame -%#a ae. ,he turned int% a (ish again and the man #e'ame the island %( ,am%sir. The Apple Tree An$ A Bo+ 6n'e up%n a time! there "as a huge apple tree "hi'h gae tasty apples t% the pe%ple ar%und it. -here "as als% a little #%y "h% #e'ame a 'l%se (riend t% the apple tree. -he  #%y used t% play "ith apple tree! 'lim# its #ran'hes! sleep under its shad%"! plu' its apples! et'. ery day he isited the apple tree! and ate s%me apples. -he apple tree "as ind t% the #%y and enj%ying spending time t%gether.6ne day! the #%y j%ined in s'h%%l and didn>t hae a time t% spend "ith apple tree. 5(ter seeral days! the #%y 'ame t% the tree. -he apple tree "as s% happy t% see the #%y. It ased the #%y t% play.

7n(%rtunately! the #%y said he "as n%t a 'hild anym%re. ?e didn>t "ant t% play "ith the tree. ut he ased an%ther reEuest t% the apple tree. -he tree ased "hat the #%y "anted. -he #%y said he needed t%ys! #ut his parents didn>t hae m%ney t% #uy it (%r him. -he tree said! A3ear my #%y! i d%n>t hae any m%ney t% #uy it (%r y%u! #ut y%u 'an pi'  my apples! then sell them! get m%ney and #uy the t%ys y%u "ant.C -he #%y "ent happily t% his h%me a(ter plu'ing apples. -he tree "as "aiting t% see the  #%y return. ut he neer 'ame #a' (%r many years. -he apple tree "as sad and it didn>t pr%du'e any apples anym%re.  Direction 1: read the following text! identify the kind of those narrative text above! The Rabbit and The Bear

6n'e up%n a time! there lied a #ear and a ra##it. -he ra##it is a g%%d sh%t. In '%ntrary! the  #ear is al"ays 'lumsy and '%uld n%t use the arr%". 6ne day! the #ear 'alled %er the ra##it and ased the ra##it t% tae his #%" and arr%"s. -he ra##it "as (earing t% ar%use the #ear>s anger s% he '%uld n%t re(use it. ?e "ent "ith the  #ear and sh%t en%ugh #u((al% t% satis(y the hungry (amily. Indeed he sh%t and illed s% many that there "ere l%ts %( meats le(t a(ter. ?%"eer the #ear did n%t "ant the ra##it t% get any %( the meat. -he ra##it '%uld n%t een taste the meat. -he p%%r ra##it "%uld hae t% g% h%me hungry a(ter his hard day>s "%r.

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-he #ear "as the (ather %( (ie 'hildren. F%rtunately! the y%ungest 'hild "as ery ind t% the ra##it. ?e "as ery hearty eater. -he m%ther #ear al"ays gae him an eJtra large pie'e %( meat #ut the y%ungest 'hild did n%t eat it. ?e "%uld tae it %utside "ith him and pretended t%  play #all "ith the meat. ?e i'ed t%"ard the ra##it>s h%use.Dhen he g%t 'l%se t% the d%%r he "%uld gie the meat "ith su'h a great i'. -he meat "%uld (ly int% the ra##it>s h%use. In this "ay! the p%%r ra##it "%uld get his meal.

 Direction : identify the social function of the tex abovet!  Direction : identify the generic structure of the text above!  Direction ": identify the language features of the text above!  Direction #: read the text below and answer the following $uestions! The tiger' the buffalo' and the far(er 

6ne day! a tiger sa" the (armer and his #u((al% "%ring in the (ield. -he tiger "as ery surprised t% see a #ig animal listening t% a small animal. ?e "anted t% n%" m%re a#%ut the  #ig animal and the small animal. 5(ter the man "ent h%me! the tiger sp%e t% the #u((al%@ A +o! are s% #ig and str%ng. Dhy d% y%u d% eerything the man tells y%uC -he #u((al% ans"ered@ A%h! the man is ery intelligentC. -he tiger ased@ A'an y%u tell me h%" intelligent he isC. AG%! I 'an>t tell y%uC! said the  #u((al%@ A#ut y%u 'an as himC ,% the neJt day the tiger ased t% the man@ Aan I see y%ur intelligen'eC. ut the man ans"ered@ Ait at h%meC. Aan y%u g% and get itC ased the tiger. ABesC said the man@ A#ut I am a(raid y%u "ill ill my #u((al% "hen I am g%ne. an I tie y%u t% a treeC 5(ter the man tied the tiger t% the tree! he didn>t g% h%me t% get his intelligen'e. ?e t%% his  pl%ugh and hit the tiger. -hen he said@ AG%" y%u n%" a#%ut my intelligen'e een y%u haen>t seen it. %uestions

1. Dhat is the teJt a#%ut 2. Dhat d%es the #%ld "%rd A?eC re(er t% ). Dhat d%es the #%ld "%rd A +o!C re(er t% 4. Dhat d%es the "%rd AintelligentC mean . Dhat d%es the "%rd Apl%ughC mean . Dh% "ere the 'ahara'ters %( the teJt ;. Dhy did the #u((al% listen t% the man

Ismi Fauziyah_122084029

8. ?%" did the man sh%" his intelligen'e  Direction &: listen to the recording and answer the following $uestion The Ugl+ D!)kling

6ne up%n time! a m%ther du' sat %n her eggs. ,he (elt tired %( sitting %n them. ,he just "ished the eggs "%uld #rea %ut. ,eeral days later! she g%t her "ish. -he eggs 'ra'ed and s%me 'ute little du'lings appeared. eep! peep the little du'lings 'ried. Lua'! Eua' their m%ther greeted in return. ?%"eer the largest egg had n%t 'ra'ed. -he m%ther du' sat %n it (%r seeral days. Finally! it 'ra'ed and a huge ugly du'ling "addled %ut. -he m%ther du' l%%ed at him in surprise. ?e "as s% #ig and ery gray. ?e didnt l%% lie the %thers at all. ?e "as lie a turey Dhen the m%ther du' #r%ught the 'hildren t% the p%nd (%r their (irst s"imming less%n. -he huge grey du'ling splashed and paddled a#%ut just as ni'ely as the %ther du'lings did. -hat is n%t a turey 'hi'. ?e is my ery %"n s%n and Euite hands%me the m%ther said  pr%udly ?%"eer! the %ther animals didnt agree. -hey hissed and made (un %( him day #y day. en his %"n sisters and #r%thers "ere ery unind. B%u are ery ugly they Eua'ed. -he little p%%r du'ling "as ery unhappy. I "ish I l%%ed lie them he th%ught t% himsel(. 6ne day! the ugly du'ling run a"ay and hid in the #ushes. -he sad du'ling lied al%ne thr%ugh the '%ld and sn%" "inter. Finally the spring (l%"ers #egan t% #l%%m. Dhile he "as s"imming in the p%nd! he sa" three large "hite s"ans s"imming t%"ard him. 6h! dear. these #eauti(ul  #irds "ill laugh and pe' me t%% he said t% himsel(. ut the s"ans did n%t atta' him. Instead! they s"am ar%und him and str%ed him "ith their #ills. 5s the ugly du'ling #ent his ne' t% spea t% them! he sa" his re(le'ti%n in the "ater. ?e '%uld n%t  #eliee his eyes. I am n%t an ugly du'ling #ut a #eauti(ul s"am he eJ'laimed. ?e "as ery happy. Fr%m that day %n! he s"am and played "ith his ne" (riends and "as happier than he had neer #een. %uestions!

1. Dhat d%es the speaer tell us a#%ut 2. Dh% "ere the 'hara'ters %( the st%ry that y%u hear ). Dhat did the m%ther du' surprise at the last du' 4. Dhat did the ugly du' d% in the s"imming less%n . Dhat is the m%ral alue %( the st%ry

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