QUALI#6 Charman/*ntate! of 2 project/e+ent/ act+t$ supporte! "th !ocumpents l#e proposal7 termnal report7 certfcate of recognton7 re:uest7 n+taton7 etc%
an! home +staton con!ucte! an! home +staton 15 !a$s after :uarterl$ con!ucte! 20 !a$s after eamnaton% :uarterl$ eamnaton%
an! home +staton con!ucte! 25 !a$s after :uarterl$ eamnaton%
QUALI#6 t"o of the e+!ences not satsfe!
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three of the e+!ences not satsfe!
#IMELINE&& ;rgan)e!7 con!ucte! an! ;rgan)e!7 con!ucte! an! ;rgan)e!7 con!ucte! an! submtte! reports one "ee# submtte! reports t"o "ee#s submtte! reports three after the set target !ate after the set target !ate "ee#s after the set target !ate Mermber of a commttee of 2 project/e+ent/ act+t$ supporte! "th !ocumpents l#e proposal7 termnal report7 certfcate of recognton7 re:uest7 n+taton7 etc%
Charman/*ntate! of 1 project/e+ent/ act+t$ supporte! "th !ocumpents l#e proposal7 termnal report7 certfcate of recognton7 re:uest7 n+taton7 etc%
;rgan)e!7 con!ucte! an! submtte! reports one month after the set target !ate
Member of a commttee of 1 Propose! an act+t$/ e+ent/ project/e+ent/ project% act+t$ supporte! "th !ocumpents l#e proposal7 termnal report7 certfcate of recognton7 re:uest7 n+taton7 etc%
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