YUM vs RPM for PACKAGE MANAGEMENT | LINUX RPM and YUM Package Management In this article , I will explain RPM and YUM tools to manage the packages on LINUX systems. RedHat Package Manager (RPM), which was developed by
REDHAT, as well as Yellowdog Updater Modified (YUM), which was
originally developed to manage REDHAT LINUX SYSTEMS. REDHAT introduced RPM in 1995. It is also known as RPM Package Manager. The rpm command options are grouped into following subgroups . Querying and Verifying Packages Installing, Upgrading, and Removing Packages i = install , v = verbose , h = display status U = Upgrade (ivh/Uvh) rpm is a Powerful Package Manager, which can be used to Build, Install, Query, Verify, Update, and Erase individual software packages. We can install
or remove any rpm package through rpm command. Simply , In General about RPM List of Commands for RPM
To query a package
# rpm -qa packagename
To remove a package
# rpm -e packagename
To Install a package
# rpm -ivh packagename
To upgrade a package
# rpm -U packagename
To query a package which owns the file
# rpm -qf filename
To install a package without dependancy # rpm -ivh –nodep packagename.rpm The extension of RPM files also .rpm. Have a look rpm is a package format and yum is a package manager.
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YUM vs RPM for PACKAGE MANAGEMENT | LINUX YUM YUM Stands for Yellow dog Updater and Modifier.
YUM is an interactive, rpm based, open source package manager. YUM automatically performs system updates, including dependency analysis and obsolete processing based on “repository” meta data. It can also perform installation of new packages, removal of old packages and perform queries on the installed and /or available packages. It is capable of tracking the dependencies of package and installing them prior to installing the package (Which is user wanted to install). This simplifies the whole process (as we need to know only name of the package which want to install ) and no need to worry whether the required packages have been installed or not. Packages that can’t be found on the system are searched for in the repositories. Sample Commands for YUM Listing all available packages in the yum repository using list # yum list or # yum list all # yum list httpd # yum list updates Displays list of updated softwares. View Installed Packages # yum list installed
# rpm -qa
Prints all the packages which are installed on linux system.
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Searching Package # yum search libaio Searching libaio package. Installing Specified Packages # yum install {package_name} # yum install httpd Displays what package provides the file same as rpm -qf # yum whatprovides { filename} # yum whatprovides /etc/password # yum whatprovides /etc/sysctl.conf Easily find out what RPM package provides the file. Updating Existing Package # yum update { package_name } # yum update libaio* We can upgrade older version of package to the newer version **Checking for updates and upgrading a package to current version ** Uninstall a Package # yum remove {package_name} # yum remove httpd Who wants to know more information about the yum linux> man yum. Explore !! Successful People in life seem to like LINUX
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View Patchup System by applying all updates # yum update To download and install all updates Finding Recent Updates # yum list recent Lists packages recently added into repositories ‘
Registering System with RHN # rhn_register To register your system with RHN and follow screen instruction Installing Default packages by grtoup # yum groupupdate "Development Tools" Update all 'Development Tools' group packages Installing Default packages by grtoup # yum groupremove "Development Tools" Remove all 'Development Tools' group package Displays all the packages in the yum repository # yum repolist [all] If we provide "all", it displays enabled and disabled repositories otherwise it displays only enabled repositories.
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POINTS TO NOTE : RPM and YUM are what really installs the packages . RPM cannot handle updated software installation automatically. The RPM
package manager is unable to track dependencies while YUM can. RPM
Cannot connect to online repositories
but Can connect to on-line
repositories to get latest software before installing the applications
I Strongly recommend don't use rpm , use yum. Preference always goes with using yum when rpm failed to install package with dependencies issue. Instructions are here http://public-yum.oracle.com/ To know more about yum http://yum.baseurl.org/wiki/YumCommands
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