: Communication-Engli Communication-English sh Language (BI)
Learning Standard
BI 1.4 Listen to follow simple instructions. BI 1.6 Sing songs and recite rhymes and poems BI 1.9 Perform a variety of language forms and functions in a social context.
Learning Outcomes
BI 1.4.2 Listen to and follow simple instructions BI 1.6.1 Sing songs BI 1.9.2 Use simple sentences to carry out conversation
Learning Objective: Objective: By the end of the t he lesson, children will be able to; I. Listen to and follow simple instruction. II. Use simple simple sentences sentences to carry carry out conversation for e.g. say the name of months correctly.
Integration of strand strand : ST 10.1.6 Science and technology Prior knowledge
: Children already know the name of days in a week
Thinking Skills
: Identify the sequence the months
: Cooperation
Teaching Materials
: Audio CD and radio
MI Focus
: Verbal/ Linguistic, Music
: January, February, March, April, May
Development Developm ent of
Teaching and Learning Activities
Marlika Sharahwat
Induction Set
Sing a song “Seven days” days”
1. Encourage the children to sing a song “ seven days “ to
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