PDPM Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design & Manufacturing, Jabalpur. (An Institute of ational Importance! "#$%$'
A) *+P*T Ad-anced Manufacturing Processes abII (M+%/!. +0periment o. "1 Modelling and 2reating 2omponent by using *P Machine.
3ubmitted by1
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Dr. 4. 2helladurai,
Animesh 6umar Amar
Assistant Professor,
An7it 6umar
Perumalla 3ateesh 6umar $%$#55/ Prashant Meshram
*an8eet 3ingh 6aura-
3hashan7 6umar
3uhas 3 Arali7atti
;ada;ada- agesh 6umar
b8ecti-e • • •
Modeling a 3D solid model by using a CAD Software. Convert this solid model into STL format. Using fused deposition modeling mahine reate a omponent by !apid "rototyping tehni#ue.
Introduction "rototyping or model ma$ing is one of the important steps to finali%e a produt design. !apid "rototyping &!"' by layer(by(layer material deposition started during early )*+,s with the enormous growth in Computer Aided Design and Manufaturing &CAD-CAM' tehnologies. !apid prototyping tehnology aids this proess. !apid prototyping automates the ma$ing of a prototype. t builds a prototype part from a three(dimensional &3(D' CAD drawing. /ther terms used for rapid prototyping0 Des$top manufaturing1 Automated fabriation1 Tool(less manufaturing1 2ree(form fabriation and 3D printing. !" models an be used to reate male models for tooling1 suh as silione rubber molds and investment asts. n some ases1 the !" part an be the final part1 but typially the !" material is not strong or aurate enough. hen the !" material is suitable1 highly onvoluted shapes &inluding parts nested within parts' an be produed beause of the nature of !".
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