Rotational Motion

January 29, 2017 | Author: Mohammed Aftab Ahmed | Category: N/A
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Rotational Motion for Neet & Jee Main...


Physics : Rotational Motion

ROTATIONAL MOTION A rigid body can perform the various types of motion - from a simple translation to quite complex motions. The various types of motion of a rigid body can be grouped as follows : (a) (b) (c)

Pure Translation : SA rigid body is said to be in pure translation if every particle of the rigid body undergoes same linear displacement. Pure Rotation : A rigid body is said to have pure rotation if every particle of the rigid body moves in a circular path, the centers of which lie on a straight line called the axis of rotation. Translation and rotation : In general a rigid body can rotate as it translates. Its motion can be treated as a combination of translation of center of mass and rotation about an axis passing through the center of mass

KINEMATICS OF ROTATIONAL MOTION ABOUT A FIXED AXIS OF ROTATION Consider a body of arbitrary shape rotating about a fixed axis ‘O’ as shown in figure. In a given interval all the particles lying on the line OA move to their corresponding positions lying on OB. Although the particles of the body have different linear displacements, they all have the same angular displacement  , which is given by


s r

...(i) r

The average angular velocity of the body for a finite time interval is given by

av 


  f  i  t t f  ti


s A

The unit of angular velocity radian per second (rad/s). The instantaneous angular velocity is defined as

 d    t  0 t dt

  lim


 z


It is the rate of change of the angular position  with respect to time. It is a vector quantity. The direction of angular velocity is given by the right-hand rule. We hold the right hand such that when the fingers of the right hand curve in the sense of rotation, the thumb points in the direction of  .



Physics : Rotational Motion

The relation between linear speed and angular speed is obtained by differentiating equation (i) w.r.t time.

d  1 ds  dt r dt or



v r

v  r

Although all particles have the same angular velocity, their speeds increase linearly with distance from the axis of rotation. The average angular acceleration is defined as

av 

  f  i  t t f  ti

and the instantaneous angular acceleration is defined as

 d    t  0 t dt

  lim


Angular acceleration is a vector quantity measured in rad/s2. When the angular acceleration is constant, we can find the change in angular velocity by integrating equation (iii).

d   dt or or




 d    dt


  0  t

  0  t


Substituting the value of  in equation (ii), we get

d   dt   0  t  dt On integrating 




 d     0  t  dt

1   0  0t  t 2 2 or

1   0  0t  t 2 2


On eliminating t from equation (iv) and (v), we get

2  02  2    0 


The equations (iv), (v) and (vi) are called the equations of rotational kinematics for constant angular acceleration.


Physics : Rotational Motion

Note :  These relations can be easily compared with those in uniformly accelerated linear motion, i.e.,

v  v0  at ; x  x0  v0t  1/ 2 at 2 ; v 2  v02  2a  x  x0  , ,  can be clockwise or anti-clockwise. We can take anti-clockwise direction as

positive and clockwise direction as negative or vice versa. 

 and  are opposite if the rotating body slows down (compare with case of retardation in linear motion).

The angular velocity and angular acceleration are actually vector quantities. We are able to treat them as scalar quantites because we consider rotation about a fixed axis of rotation. But if the axis of rotation is changing direction then we will have to take their vector nature into consideration.


If acceleration is 0, v = constant

Rotational Motion (i)

If acceleration is 0,  = constant and  = t


If acceleration  = constant then

and s = vt (ii)

If acceleration a = constant,



(u  v ) t 2



(1  2 ) t 2



v u t



2  1 t


v = u + at


2 = 1 + t


s = ut + (1/2) at2


 = 1t + 1/2 t2


v2 = u2 + 2as



Snth = u + a(2n – 1)/2


22 = 12 + 2   nth = 1 + (2n – 1)/2


If acceleration is not constant, the


If acceleration is not constant, the above

above equation will not be applicable.

equation will not be applicable.

In this case, apply calculus method.

In this case, apply calculus method.


(ii) (iii)


dx dt

dv d2 x  2 dt dt vdv = ads a

(i)  

d dt

d d2   2 dt dt (iii) d = d

(ii)  


Physics : Rotational Motion


A disc starts rotating with constant angular acceleration of  rad/s2 about a fixed axis perpendicular to its plane and through its centre. (a) Find the angular velocity of the disc after 4s. (b) Find the angular displacement of the disc after 4 s. (c) Find number of turns accomplished by the disc in 4 s.

Solution :

Here    rad / sec 2

0  0 , t  4sec (a)

  0    rad/s 2   4 sec = 4 rad/s.




Let the number of turns be n

1  rad/s2   16s 2   8 rad.  2

 n  2  rad=8 rad  n=4 Example - 2

Solution :


A wheel mounted on a stationary axle starts moving from rest and is given the following angular acceleration   9  12t where t is the time after the wheel begins to rotate. Find the number of revolutions that the wheel turns before it stops (and begins to turn in the opposite direction). The kinematic equations do not apply because the angular acceleration  is not constant.

We start with the basic definition :   d  / dt to write t




  0    dt    9  12t  dt  9t  6t 2 we find the elapsed time t between

0  0 and   0 by substituting these values :

0  0  9t  6t 2 Solving for t, we obtain t = 9/6 = 1.50 s From   d  / dt , we have t




2 2 3   0   dt   9t  6t dt  4.5t  2t

Substituting 0  0 and t  1.5s, we obtain

  0  4.5 1.5  2 1.5  3.375 rad 2


If n be is the number of of turns. Then

n  2    3.375 n


3.375 ~  0.5 2  3.14


Physics : Rotational Motion

Example - 3

3 2 A wheel rotates with an angular acceleration given by   4at  3bt where t is the time

and a and b are constants. If the wheel has initial angular speed 0 , write the equations for:

Solution :

(i) (ii)

the angular speed the angular displacement.


We know

d   dt Integrating both sides, we get 






3 2  d     dt    4at  3bt  dt

or   0  at 4  bt 3 (ii)


Also d   dt On integrating both the sides, we get 






4 3  d    dt    0  at  bt  dt

or   0t  Example - 4

at 5 bt 4  5 4


A flywheel of radius 30 cm starts from rest and accelerates with constant acceleration of 0.5 rad/s2. Compute the tangential, radial and resultant accelerations of a point on its circumference : (a)

initially at   0 and


after it has made one third of a revolution.


At the start :

Solution :

  0.5 rad/s 2 , R  0.3 m and   i  0 rad/s radial acceleration = ar  2 R  0m/s tangential acceleration  ar  R

  0.3 0.5   0.15 m/s 2 Net acceleration = anet

 ar2  at2  02  0.152  0.15 m/s 2 (b)


After   120  2  / 3 :

2f  i2  2  0  2  0.5  2 / 3 

 f 

2 rad/s 3 5

Physics : Rotational Motion

a r  2 R  2 / 3  .3   / 5 m/s2 at  R   0.3 0.5   0.15 m/s 2 anet  ar2  at2 

2 2   0.15  25

 0.646 m/s2


MOMENT OF INERTIA The moment of inertia (I) of a body is a measure of its rotational inertia, that is, its resistance to the change its angular velocity. It depends on the location of the axis, that is, on how the mass of the body is distributed relative to the axis. Thus, a body does not posses a unique moment of inertia; different axes through the body are associated with different moment of inertia. Y




Let a particle P of mass m is rotating about an axis YY  . Then the moment of inertia of the particle P is defined as,


I  mr 2 where r is the perpendicular distance of the particle from the axis of rotation.



Let point masses m1 , m2 , m3 ,......., mn be rotating about an axis YY  . Then the moment of inertia of the system about this axis is defined as,


Y r3



I  m1r12  m2 r22  m3 r32  ............  mn rn2 where r1 , r2 , r3 ,........rn are perpendicular distances of the particles from axis of rotation.


r2 m1



I   mi ri 2


i 1

MOMENT OF INERTIA OF A CONTINUOUS BODY When the distribution of mass of a system of particles is continuous, the discrete sum I 



m r i 1

i i



is replaced by an integral. We have to calculate the sum of

contributions of infinitesimal mass elements dm shown in figure, each of which contributes dI = r2 dm to the total moment of inertia. The mass element should be chosen such that all the particle on it are at the same perpendicular distance from the axis. The moment of inertia of the whole body then takes the form



I   r 2 dm Keep in mind that here the quantity r is the perpendicular distance from an axis, not the distance from an origin. To evaluate this integral, we must express m in term of r.


Physics : Rotational Motion

RADIUS OF GYRATION If M is the mass and 1 is the moment of inertia of a rigid body, then the radius of gyration (k) of body is given by :



I  Mk 2



Circular Ring : Axis passing through the center and perpendicular to the plane of ring. I = MR2 Hollow Cylinder : I = MR2



hollow axis



Solid Cylinder & a Disc : About the geometrical axis I = ½ MR2 About the perpendicular axis of cylinder  L2 R 2  I=M     12 4 

R solid


R l






Solid Sphere : Axis passing through the center : I = 2/5 MR2 Hollow Sphere : Axis passing through the center : I = 2/3 MR2

Thin rod of length l : (a) Axis passing through mid-point and perpendicular to the length : Ml 2 I 12 (b) Axis passing through an end perpendicular to rod : Ml 2 I 3 Cuboid l  b  h  : Axis through center and parallel to the height (h) : M 2 I l  b2  12

h b 7

Physics : Rotational Motion



Many molecules have a simple diatomic , dumbbell structure. Let us find the moments of inertia about the four axes as shown in the figure. We treat the bodies as point particles with mass m1  3 kg and








m2  5 kg . Take d1  1m and d2  2m Solution :

2 2 2 Axis A : I A  md 1 1  m2d2   3kg 1m   5kg  2m  23kg.m 2


If the spheres are treated as point particles, the moment of inertia about axis D is zero

Axis B : I B  m1  0   m2  d1  d 2   45kg.m 2 2

Axis C : I C  m1  d1  d 2   m2  0   27kg.m2 2

Axis D : I D  0

I D is zero because we treated the masses as point particles. Example – 6

Solution :

Four point masses lie at the corners of a rectangle with sides of length 3 m and 4m, as shown in figure. Find the moment of inertia about each of the diagonals. Take M = 1 kg. For each mass we need its perpendicular distance from the axis. For each axis, two of the four masses do not contribute to the moment of inertia. The other two are at the same distance, that is


4M 3m




53 o



3sin 53  2.4m

I A   4kg  2.4m    2kg  2.4m   34.6kgm2 2


I B  1kg  2.4m    3kg   2.4m 2   23.0kgm 2 2

` Ans.

Example – 7 Find the moment of inertia of a thin rod of mass M and length L about an axis at one end and perpendicular to the rod, as shown in figure. Solution :

The mass of an element of length dx is dm =  dx .

dx x L

where   M / L is the linear mass density.. The moment of inertia of the mass element that is at a distance x from the axis is

dI  x 2  dx  . For the entire rod the moment of inertia is L L3 I   x 2 dx  3 0 or,



ML2 3


Physics : Rotational Motion



PARALLEL AXIS THEOREM Let Icm be the moment of inertia of a body about an axis through its centre of mass and let IP be the moment of inertia of the same body about another axis which is parallel to the original one.

d P


If d is distance between these two parallel axes and M is the mass of the body, we can write according to the parallel axis theorem:

I p  I cm  Md 2

PERPENDICULAR AXIS THEOREM Consider a planar body (i.e. a plate of small thickness) of mass M. Let X and Y axes be two mutually Z perpendicular lines in the plane of the body. The axes intersect at origin O. Y

Let I x  moment of inertia of the body about X-axis Let I y  moment of inertia of the body about Y-axis



The moment of inertia of the body about Z-axis (passing through O and perpendicular to the plane of the body) is given by :

Iz  Ix  I y The above result is known as the perpendicular axis theorem. Note : The point of intersection of x and y axes need not lie certain the body. Example - 8

Two spheres each of mass M and radius R/2 are connected with a massless rod of length 2R as shown it fig. What wilI be the moment of inertia of the system about an axis passing through the centre of one of the sphere and perpendicular to the rod. 2

Solution : Example - 9

Solution :




2 R 2 R  21 M    M(2R)2  M    MR 2 5 2 5 2 5 Two circular discs A and B of equal masses and thickness t but made of metals with densities dA and dB (dA > dB). If their moments of inertia about an axis passing through the centre and normal to the circular faces be IA and IB then IA / IB = ? I

m A rA2 m r2 and IB  B B 2 2 Now mA =  rA2 t dA mB =  rB2 t dB So,  rA2 tdA =  rB2 t dB IA 


rA2 rB2

dB dA

I A rA2  IB rB2 ( mA = mB) ....(1)


From equations (1) and (2)

IA d  B IB d A . As dA > dB hence IA < IB 9

Physics : Rotational Motion

Example - 10

Solution :

Find the moment of inertia of a circular disc or solid cylinder of radius R about the following axes. (a)

through the centre and perpendicular to the flat surface.


at the ring and perpendicular to the flat surface


Figure shows that the appropriate mass element is a circular ring of radius r and width dr. Its area is dA  2 rdr and its mass is dm  dA, where   M / A is the areal mass density. The moment of inertia of this element is





dI  r 2 dm  2r 3 dr For the whole body, R

I  2  r 3 dr  0

1 R 4 2

The mass of the whole disk or cylinder is M  A  R 2 , and so

1 I cm  MR 2 2 (b)


The evolution of the moment of inertia about an axis at the rim, as in figure, by integration is difficult. The parallel axis theorem, equation, with d  R, provides the answer with remarkable simplicity.

1 3 I rim  I cm  Md 2  MR 2  MR 2  MR 2 2 2 Example - 11

Solution :


Calculate the moment of inertia of : (a)

a ring of mass M and radius R about an axis coinciding with a diameter of the ring.


a thin disc about an axis coinciding with a diameter.

Let X and Y axes be along two perpendicular diameters of the ring. By symmetry I x  I y and I z  I x  I y But we know that I z  MR 2

MR 2  I x  I y MR 2  2 I x

I x  I y  MR 2 / 2 Similarly for a thin disc (i.e., a circular plate), Iz = MR2/2, therefore moment of inertia about a diameter is I 


11 1 2 2  MR  = MR 22  4


Physics : Rotational Motion



Torque is the rotational analog of force. Force causes linear acceleration; torque causes angular acceleration. In order to lift a stone by using a lever, a force is required (see figure). The effectiveness of the force depends both on its direction and magnitude and it is applied relative to the pivot point. The turning ability of a force about an axis or pivot is called its torque.


A stone of mass M is lifted by using a lever


F 

The torque of a force F that acts at a distance r from the origin is defined as

  rF sin 



Where  is the angle between the vector r and F, as shown in the figure.


 = (r sin  F=r F

The definition of torque {in equation (i)} may be interpreted in two ways : (i)

  r  F sin    rF . The turning effect of a force about the origin is produced only by the perpendicular component  F  F sin   as shown in the figure.




   r sin   F  r F . Here r is the perpendicular distance from the origin to

y F = F sin 

the line of action of the force as shown in the figure. It is also called the lever arm. Torque is actually a vector and is given by      r F  where r is the position vector of the point of application of the force. the   direction of the torque is perpendicular to the plane formed by r and F.

F 

F cos 

r x


 = (r sin  F=r F Torque produced by a force F about the origin O.

NEWTON’S SECOND LAW FOR ROTATORY MOTION Since torque is a rotational analog of force, therefore, Newton’s second law for rotational motion is given by

net  I  It is valid in two situations : (i) (ii)

The axis is fixed in position and direction. The axis passes through the centre of mass and is fixed in direction only.

The equation cm  I cm  cm is valid even if the centre of mass is accelerating.


A weightless horizontal rod is free to rotate about an axis OO'. Two masses, each of 1 kg, are placed at A and A’ such that, O’A = O’A’ = 0.20 meter. Now a torque of 2.0 newtonmeter is applied on the system which rotates about OO'. If the masses are displaced to B and B’ such that O’B = O’B’ = 0.50 meter, then what will be the decrement in angular acceleration ?


Physics : Rotational Motion

Solution :

In the first case the moment of inertia of each, mass about OO' = mass x ( distance from


O 1kg

1kg O' 0.2m

= 1 kg × (0.20 m)2 = 0.04 kg-m2  moment of inertia of the whole system about OO' (rod is weightless) is

O 1kg

I = 2 x 0.04 = 0.08 kg-m2

1kg O'


Let a be the angular acceleration. Then the torque is,  = I  2.0N  m     25 rad / sec 2 I 0.08kg  m 2 In the second case, the moment of inertia of each mass about OO’ = 1 kg × (0.50 m)2 = 0.25 kg-m2  moment of inertia of the whole system is I = 2 × 0.25 = 0.50 kg-m 2  2. 0   4.0 rad / sec 2 I 0.50 Decrement in angular acceleration = 25.-4 = 21 rad/sec2   Given that. r  2 ˆi  3 ˆj and F  2 ˆi  6 kˆ . What will be the magnitude of torque ?   We know that   r  F     (2 ˆi  3ˆj )  (2 ˆi  6 kˆ )

Example - 13 Solution :

angular acceleration  

 12(  ˆj )  6(  kˆ )  18 ˆi  12ˆj  6 kˆ  18ˆi

ˆ ˆj  ˆi  kˆ etc. ] [Note : ˆi  ˆi  0, ˆi  ˆj  k,  Now |  |  ( 12)2  ( 6 )2  (18)2  144  36  324  504 Example - 14

A grind - stone in the form of a solid cylinder has a radius of 0.5 m and mass 50 kg. (a) (b)

Solution :

What torque will bring it from rest to an angular velocity of 300 rev/min in 10 s ? What is the kinetic energy when it is rotating at 300 rev/min ?

2 Let i  0 rad/s,  f  2   300 / 60   10rad/s


 f  i

10  0   rad/s 2 t 10 1 2 torque required   I    MR   2  

   1/ 2  50  0.5   19.6 Nm 2



Kinetic energy of a rotating body (RKE) :

1 11  RKE  I 2   MR 2  2 2 2 2  11 2 2    50  0.5   10  2 2  RKE = 3084 J 12


Physics : Rotational Motion

Example - 15

A disc-shaped pulley has mass M  4k g and radius R  0.5m. It can rotate freely on a horizontal axis, as shown in figure. A block of mass m = 2 kg hangs by a string that is tightly wrapped around the pulley. (a)


What is the angular velocity of the pulley 3s after the block is released ?

(b) Solution :


Find the speed of the block after it has fallen by 1.6m. Assume the system starts from rest.

Applying Newton’s second Law for the pulley

  I


For the pulley, I 

MR 2 2

 MR 2  TR     2 



a1 mg T FBD of pulley

FBD of block

MR 2


Applying Newton’s second Law for the block

Fnet  ma 

mg  T  ma


Since the block and the rim of the pulley have the same speed (the string does not slip), we have a  R . Thus, from equation (i) we find

1 T  Ma 2


Adding (ii) and (iii) leads to


mg M m 2


Putting m = 2 kg; M  4kg ; R  0.5m ; we get a  5 m/s 2 (a)

To find  after 3s, we use equation

a   0  t  0    t  30 rad/s R (b)


To find the speed of the block we use

v 2  v02  2ay  0  2  5m / s 2  1.6m  Thus v  4 m / s



Physics : Rotational Motion

Example - 16

For the arrangement shown in the figure, the string is tightly wrapped over the pulley. Find the acceleration of each block when released from rest. The string is not slipping over the pulley. Mass of pulley is M and that of blocks is m 1 & m 2.

Solution :

The free body diagrams of the pulley and the blocks are shown in the figure. Note that tensions on two sides of the pulley are different. Why ? Applying Newton’s second law on the pulley, we get

  T1 R  T2 R   T1  T2  R


 MR 2      I   Since  2   MR    2 

 MR    2 



Therefore,  T1  T2  R  

or T1  T2  



 ...(i)



Applying Newton’s Law on the blocks, we get

T2  m2 g  m2 a2



mg ...(ii)

m1 g  T1  m1a1


Since the string is tightly wrapped over the pulley, therefore,

a1  a2  R  a


Solving equation (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv), we obtain

  m1  m2 a M  m1  m2   2

  g  


ROTATIONAL WORK AND ENERGY The rotational work done by a force about the fixed axis of rotation is defined as

Wrot   d 


Where  is the torque produced by the force, and d is the infinitesimally small angular displacement about the axis. The rotational kinetic energy of a body about a fixed rotational axis is defined as

K rot 

1 2 I 2

where I is the moment of inertia about the axis.



Physics : Rotational Motion

WORK - ENERGY THEOREM In complete analog to the work energy theorem for the translatory motion, it can be stated for rotational motion as :

Wrot  K rot The net rotational work done by the forces is equal to the change in rotational kinetic energy of the body.

CONSERVATION OF MECHANICAL ENERGY In the absence of dissipative work done by non-conservative forces, the total mechanical energy of a system is conserved.

K  U  0 or K f  U f  K i  U i


A block of mass m = 4 kg is attached to a spring (k = 32 N/ m) by rope that hangs over a pulley of mass M  8kg . If the system starts from rest with the spring unextended, find the speed of the block after it falls 1m. Treat the pulley as a disc, so

I Solution :

k M


1 MR 2 . 2

Since the rim of the pulley moves at the same speed as the block, the speed of the block v and the angular velocity of the pulley  are related by v  R

When the block falls by a distance x, its potential energy decreases U g   mgx ; the

1 2  potential energy of the spring increases  U g   kx  , and both the block and the 2   1 2 1 2  pulley gain kinetic energy  K  mv  I   , 2 2  

From the conservation of mechanical energy, K  U  0 , 2

1 2 1 v 1 2 mv  I    kx  mgx  0 2 2 R 2

1 M m  2 2

 2 1 2  v  kx  mgx  0 2 

Note that radius R of the pulley was not needed. We need only shape of the pulley. Putting m  4kg ; M  8kg ; k  32 N / m; x  1m


Physics : Rotational Motion

1 8 2 1 2  4   v   32 1   4 10 1  0 2 2 2 4v 2  16  40  0 or

v  2.4 m/s


ROTATIONAL POWER In complete analog with the linear motion, the instantaneous rotational power is defined as

Prot 

dWrot    . dt


A motor rotates a pulley of radius 25 cm at a constant angular speed of 20 rpm. A rope around the pulley lifts a 50 kg block, as shown in figure. What is the power output of the motor ?

Solution :

The tension in the rope is equal to the weight since there is no acceleration.


T  500 N .



Therefore,   TR   500  0.25   125 Nm.


Angular velocity,



2  20  60

2N 60

2 rad / s 3

The power required is

 2  P    125 Nm   rad/s   260 N  3 


ROLLING MOTION Rolling motion is defined as the combination of translational motion and rotational motion.

Pure translation i.e.

Pure rotation  ve +

Rolling motion ve



In a pure rolling motion a wheel rotates about its center and the centre moves linearly so that while the wheel makes one full revolution, its centre covers a distance equal to its circumference.

s  2R


Physics : Rotational Motion

If T be the time period of one revolution, then dividing both the sides by T, we get

s  2   R T T  vC  R




Where  is the angular velocity of the wheel about its centre of

When a wheel of radius R rolls without slipping slipping at angular velocity , the speed of its centre is vC  R.

mass, and vC is the linear velocity of the centre of mass. Since rolling is a combination of translation of the centre and rotation about the centre, therefore velocity of any point on the rim is the vector sum

   v  vc  v


where vc is the velocity of the centre of mass, and v is the velocity of the particle with respect to centre of R mass. v1= vC 2 R v2 =2vC 2 2 2 2 vC vc R R








3 vc O



1 R

vc 3 R





O vC v0 = O

v3 = vC 2

0 v2 = 0

Rolling is a combination of translation of the centre and rotation about the centre. Velocity of any point is

   v  vC  v  .

It is obvious from the figure at the top point 2 of the wheel these two velocities are in the same direction, so

v2  2vC  2R and at the bottom point O, they are in the opposite directions, so v0  0 . Since the wheel does not slip, the point of contact with the surface is instantaneously at rest and the wheel momentarily rotates about this point. Any particle on the rim, appears to describe circular path with angular velocity  . The magnitude of the velocity of any point is given by the product of angular velocity  with the distance of that point from the point of contact. The direction of the velocity vector is perpendicular to the line joining the point and the point of contact. The velocities of the point 1, 2 and 3 are shown in the figure. v2 = 2 R

v1 = R 2


Example - 19

Solution :

v3 = R 2


A hoop of radius R rolls over a horizontal plane with a constant velocity vo without slipping. Find the velocity of point A of the hoop as shown in figure. The velocity of the point A can be obtained in two ways :

A c




Physics : Rotational Motion

Method I A C

Method II  



A vA= 2 v0 cos


vA= (2vo cos 




Write Fnet  Macm for the object as if it were a point - mass, that is ignoring rotation.


Write   I cm  as if the object were only rotating about the centre of mass, that is ignoring translation.

3. 4.

Use of no-slip condition i.e. Vc = r and ac =  r Solve the resulting equations simultaneously.

Caution : In general, it is not the case that friction force f  N . Be certain the sign convention for forces and torques are consistent.


A uniform sphere of mass 200 g rolls without slipping on a plane surface so that its centre moves at a speed of 2.00 cm/s. Find its kinetic energy.

Solution :

As the v sphere rolls without slipping on the plane surface, its angular speed about the centre is   cm . The kinetic energy is 1r 1 2 K  I cm 2  Mv cm 2 2 

1 2 1 2 . Mr 2 2  Mv cm 2 5 2

1 1 7 2 2 2 Mv cm  Mv cm  Mv cm 5 2 10

7 2  0.200kg   0.02 m/s   5.6  10 5 J 10


Example - 21

A rigid body of radius of gyration k and radius R rolls (without slipping) down a plane inclined at an angle  with horizontal. Calculate its acceleration and the frictional force acting on it.

Solution :

When the body is placed on the inclined plane, it tries to slip down and hence a static friction f acts upwards. This friction provides a torque which causes the body to rotate. Let a be the linear acceleration of centre of mass and  be the angular acceleration of the body.. From free body diagram :


for linear motion parallel to the plane m

mg sin   f  ma for rotation around the axis through centre of mass 18

n g si



c os

Physics : Rotational Motion

2 net torque = I   fR  mk 

As there is no slipping, the point of contact of the body with plane is instantaneously at rest.

v  R and a  R

Solve the following three equations for a and f :

mg sin   f  ma

fR  mk 2  a  R

g sin  a k2 1 2 R


mg sin  f  R2 1 2 k

 =

mg sin  MR2 1 I

We can also derive the condition for pure rolling (rolling without slipping) ; to avoid slipping, the friction must be static in nature, whose maximum value is  s N = f  s N

g sin    s mg cos  1  R2 / k 2

s 

tan  R2 1 2 k

tan  MR 2 1 I

This is the condition on  s so that the body rolls without slipping.


Example - 22

A solid cylinder rolls down an inclined plane of height h and inclination  . Calculate its speed at the bottom of the plane using acceleration-method and energy-method. Also calculate the time taken to reach bottom.

Solution :

Energy Method : Let v,  be the velocity of centre of mass and the angular velocity of cylinder respectively at the bottom of the plane.


As the cylinder rolls down : loss in G.P.E = gain in translation KE + gain in rotational KE

h 

1 1 mgh  mv 2  I 2 2 2 As the cylinder is rolling without slipping,

v  R

1 1 1 1 mgh  mv 2   mR 2 / 2  v 2 / R 2  mv 2  mv 2 2 2 2 4


4 gh 3

Ans. 19

Physics : Rotational Motion

Acceleration Method : From the result of last example (using k 2  R 2 / 2 ) acceleration of the cylinder is :

g sin  2  g sin  1 3 1 2 using v 2  u 2  2 as down the plane (taking downward direction positive)

h sin 

v  0  2a

4 gh 2  h  2  sin    3 3  sin  Time to reach bottom = t

v u   a

 Example - 23

4 gh 0 3 2 g sin  3

2h 1 g sin 


A solid cylinder of mass m  4kg and radius R  10 cm has two ropes wrapped around it, one near each end. The cylinder is held horizontally by fixing the two free ends of the cords to the hooks on the ceiling crush that both the cord are exactly vertical. The cylinder is released to fall under gravity. Find the tension in the cords when they unwind and the linear acceleration of the cylinder.





mg Solution :

Let a linear acceleration and

 =angular acceleration of the cylinder.. for the linear motion of the cylinder

mg  2T  ma for the rotational motion : net torque = I 

2TR  1/ 2mR 2   20

Physics : Rotational Motion

Suppose centre of cylinder falls with acceleration a, so the angular acceleration about its axis would be


a R

Combining the three equations, we get :

mg  ma 

Example - 24

Solution :

m a 2


2g  6.53 m/s 2 3


mg  ma  6.53N 2


A wheel of moment of inertia I and radius r is free to rotate about its centre as shown in figure. A string is wrapped over its rim and a block of mass m attached to the free end of the string. The system is released from rest. Find the speed of the block as it descends through a height h.


Let the speed of the block be v when it descends through a height h. So is the speed of the string and hence of a particle at the rim of the wheel. The angular velocity of the wheel is v/r and its kinetic energy at the instant is

1 2 I  v / r  . Using the principle of conservation of 2

energy, the gravitational potential energy lost by the block must be equal to the kinetic energy gained by the block and the wheel. Thus,

1 1 v2 mgh  mv 2  I 2 2 2 r


 2mgh  v 2  m  I /r 

1/ 2



ANGULAR MOMENTUM ANGULAR MOMENTUM OF A PARTICLE Angular momentum of a particle about a point O is defined as

   Lrp


where p is the linear momentum and r is the position vector of the particle w.r.t. the given point O.

Suppose a particle P of mass m moves at a velocity v (figure). Its angular momentum about a point O is, r

   l  OP   mv 


 P




Physics : Rotational Motion

l  mvOP sin   mvr



As in the case of torque, we define the angular moment of a particle “about a line” say AB. Take any point O

on the line AB and obtain the angular momentum r  p of the particle about O. The component of r  p along the line AB is called the angular momentum of the particle “about AB”. The point O may be chosen anywhere on the line AB.


The angular momentum L of a system of particles is the vector sum of the angular momenta of the individual particles.   n    i.e. L  L1  L2  ..........  Ln 

L i 1



ANGULAR MOMENTUM OF A RIGID BODY Suppose a particle is moving in a circle of radius r and at some instant the speed of the particle is v (figure a). What is the angular momentum of the particle about the axis of the circle ?


v P


B (a)


As the origin may be chosen anywhere on the axis, we choose it at the centre of the circle. Then r is

along a radius and v is along the tangent so that r is perpendicular to v and l  r  p  mvr. Also r  p

    is perpendicular to r and p and hence is along the axis. Thus, the component of r  p along the axis is mvr itself. Next consider a rigid body rotating about an axis AB (figure b). Let the angular velocity of the body be . Consider the ith particle going in a circle of radius ri with its plane perpendicular to AB. The linear velocity of this particle at this instant is vi  ri  . The angular momentum of this particle about AB  mi vi ri  mi ri2 . The angular momentum of the whole body about AB is the sum of these components, i.e.,

L   mi ri 2   I  where I is the moment of inertia of the body about AB.

ANGULAR MOMENTUM OF A BODY IN COMBINED ROTATION AND TRANSLATION Consider a body in combined translational and rotational motion in the lab frame. Suppose in the frame of the centre of mass, the body is making a pure rotation with an angular velocity  . The centre of mass

itself is moving in the lab frame at a velocity v0 . The velocity of a particle of mass mi is vi ,cm with respect

to the centre of mass frame and vi with respect to the lab frame. We have,

   vi  vi ,cm  v0 . Let O be a fixed point in the lab which we take as the origin. Angular momentum of the body about O is


Physics : Rotational Motion

   L   mi ri  vi i

      mi ri ,cm  r0  vi ,cm  v0 .

 


Here, r0 is the position vector of the centre of mass, ri , cm is position of particle on body w.r.t its centre of mass. Thus,


              L   mi  ri ,cm  vi ,cm     mi ri , cm   v0  r0    mi vi ,cm     mi  r0  v0 . i  i     i     mi vi ,cm  MVcm,cm  0. ( Linear momentum of a body w.r.t. its centre of mass frame is i



i i , cm



     L   mi  ri ,cm  vi ,cm   Mr0  v0 i

 L

    Lcm  Mr0  v0 .

The first term Lcm represents the angular momentum of the body as seen from the centre-of mass frame.

The second term Mr0  v0 equals the angular momentum of the body if it is assumed to be concentrated

at the centre of mass that is translating with the velocity v0 .

NEWTON’S SECOND LAW IN ANGULAR FORM Newton’s second law for a particle can  be written in angular form as

dL  net  dt

where net is the net torque acting on the particle, and L is the angular momentum of the particle.

CONSERVATION OF ANGULAR MOMENTUM If the net external torque on a system is zero, the total angular momentum is constant in magnitude and direction. That is, if ext  0 Thus,

dL 0 dt L  constant

for rigid body rotating about a fixed axis,

L f  Li


I f  f  I i i


Physics : Rotational Motion

Illustrations (i)

Suppose a ball is tied at one end of a cord whose other end passes through a vertical hollow tube. The tube is held in one hand and the cord in the other. The ball is set into rotation in a horizontal circle. If the cord is pulled down, shortening the radius of the circular path of the ball, the ball rotates faster than before. The reason is that by shortening the radius of the circle, the moment of inertia of the ball about the axis of rotation decreases.Hence, by the law of conservation of angular momentum, the angular velocity of the ball about the axis of rotation increases.[fig. (1)]

(ii) When a diver jumps into water from a height, he does not keep his body straight but pulls in his arms and legs toward: the centre of his body. On doing so, the moment of inertia I of his body decreases. But since the angular momentum I  remains constant, his angular velocity  correspondingly increases. Hence during jumping he can rotate his body in the air - fig. (2)] (iii) In fig. (3) a man with his arms outstretched and holding heavy dumb bells in each hand, is standing at the centre of a rotating table. When the man pulls in his arms, the speed of rotation of the table increases. The reason is that on pulling in the arms, the distance R of the dumbells from the axis of rotation decreases and so the moment of inertia of the man decreases. Therefore, by conservation of angular momentum, the angular velocity increases. In the same way, the ice skater and the ballet dancer increase or decrease their angular velocity of spin about a vertical axis by pulling or extending out their limbs.

Example - 25

A wheel is rotating at an angular speed  about its axis which is kept vertical. An identical wheel initially at rest is gently dropped onto the first wheel so that they have the same axis and the two wheels start rotating with a common angular speed. Find this common angular speed.

Solution :

Let the moment of inertia of the wheel about the axis be I. Initially the first wheel is rotating at the angular speed  about the axis and the second wheel is at rest. Take both the wheels together as the system. The total angular momentum of the system before the coupling is I   0  I  . When the second wheel is dropped into the axle, the two wheels slip on each other and exert forces of friction. The forces of friction have torques about the axis of rotation but these are torques of internal forces. No external torque is applied on the two - wheel system and hence the angular momentum of the system remains unchanged. If the common angular speed is  , the total angular momentum of the two-wheel system is 2I  after the coupling. Thus,

or, Example - 26


I   2 I     / 2


A turntable rotates about a fixed vertical axis, making one revolution in 10s. The moment of inertia of the turntable about the axis is 1200 kg m2. A man of mass 80 kg initially standing at the centre of the turntable, runs out along a radius. What is the angular velocity of the turntable when the man is 2m from the centre ?

Physics : Rotational Motion

Solution :





I 0  initial moment of inertia of the system I 0  I man  I table I 0  0  1200  1200kgm 2 ( I man  0 as the man is at the axis)

I  final moment of inertia of the system I  I man  I table

I  mr 2  1200 I  80  2   1200  1520kgm 2 2

By conservation of angular momentum

I 00  I  Now 0  2  / T0  2  /10   / 5 rad/s


I 0 0 1200    I 1520  5

 0.5 rad/s


ANGULAR IMPULSE The angular impulse of a torque in a given time interval is defined as t2

J   dt.

... (1)


If  be the resultant torque acting on a body, hence


dL , dt

Now frame equation (1)

J 

dL dt  dt


 dL


Integrating this

J  L2  L1. Thus. the change in angular momentum is equal to the angular impulse of the resultant torque. 25

Physics : Rotational Motion


Solution :

F A billiard ball, initially at rest, is given a sharp impulse by a rod. The rod is held horizontally at a height h above the center of the ball. The ball immediately beings to roll without slipping after the impact. Calculate the height h in terms of the radius of the ball. The horizontal force creates a linear impulse and angular impulse.

h O

Linear impulse = change in linear momentum

 Fdt  mv  0


angular impulse about CM = change in angular momentum

 dt  I   0 But   Fh

 Fh dt  I   0


dividing (ii) and (i) we get :

2 2 mr  2 I 5 h   r mv mr  5



KE  KE T  KE R 

 .

1 1 2  Icm  2 Mv cm 2 2

1 2  k2  Mvcm 1  2  2  R 

Motion of a body rolling down an incline plane:

v cm  a cm 

2gh 1  k 2 R2

[ v cm is the velocity at the bottom of the incline]

g sin  1 k2 R2

 k2  21  2 h 1  R  td  sin  g 

 Vcm  R 

[ t d is the time of descent]

where h is the height of the incline plane,  is the angle of inclinction and K is the radius of gyration. The final velocity is independent of the inclination of the plane and depends only height h through which the body descends. Acceleration and time depend on the inclination. Greater the inclination, greater will be the acceleration and lesser will be the time of descent 26

Physics : Rotational Motion

Note : 

Vcm , a cm and t d depends only on radius of gyration and are independent of mass of the bodies.

Vcm is inversely related to radius of gyration. Greater the radius of gyration, lessor will be the velocity. For instance, if a ring, cylinder and sphere simultaneously start rolling down an inclined plane sphere will reach the bottom first and with greatest velocity and ring in the last with least velocity as k ring  k cylinder  k sphere

Angular momentum (a) Angular momentum of a single particle:

   L  r  mv  L  L  mvr sin   mvr


Angular momentum of a rigid body:

L  I 

Moment of inertia of a body depends not only on its mass but also on its mass distribution with respect to the axis of rotation. The greater the distance of particles from axis rotation, greater will be their contribution to the moment of inertia. The moment of inertia is minimum about the axis which passes through the center of mass. Analog of between linear motion and rotation

4. 5.

dp dt

F  ma 


W 

Kinetic Energy

KE 

Work-Energy theorem

1 1 mv 2f  mv i2  W 2 2

1 2 1 2 If  Ii  W 2 2


P = Fv

P  


 Fdt

 d t

 Fd s 1 2 p2 Mv  2 2m

  I 

dL dt

Newton’s Second Law

W 

 d 

KE 

1 2 L2 I  2 2I

In rolling without slipping, work done by friction (or dissipation of energy) is zero as there is no relative motion between body and surface at the point of contact. For a system consisting of single body rotating about an axis

L  I In such situation if I is decreased by changing the mass distribution,  will increase so that I remains constant. This method of increasing the angular velocity is quite familiar to gymnasts, dancers

 L2  K   and divers. It should also be noted that kinetic energy  R 2I  will increase. This increase in  6.

kinetic energy is achieved by internal non-conservative forces. The ratio of translational kinetic energy and rotational kinetic energy in pure rolling is given by

1 2 MVcm KE T R2 2   2 1 KER k I 2 2 cm 27

Physics : Rotational Motion


The motor of an engine is rotating about its axis with an angular velocity of 100 rev/minute. It comes to rest in 15 s, after being switched off. Assuming constant angular deceleration, calculate the number of revolutions made by it before coming to rest.

Solution :

The initial angular velocity = 100 rev/minute = (10  / 3 ) rad/s. Final angular velocity = 0 Time interval = 15 s. Let the angular acceleration be  . Using the equation   0  t , we obtain

   2 / 9  rad/s2. The angle rotated by the motor during this motion is

1   0 t  t 2 2 1  2 rad  2  10 rad   15s   15s    2  2 9 s   3 s   25 rad  12.5 revolutions. Hence the motor rotates through 12.5 revolutions before coming to rest.


Example - 2

A bucket is being lowered down into a well through a rope passing over a fixed pulley of radius 10 cm. Assume that the rope does not slip on the pulley. Find the angular velocity and angular acceleration of the pulley at an instant when the bucket is going down at a speed of 20 cm/s and has an acceleration of 4.0 m/s2.

Solution :

Since the rope does not slip on the pulley, the linear speed v of the rim of the pulley is same as the speed of the bucket. The angular velocity of the pulley is then

 v/r 

20cm / s  2rad / s 10cm

and the angular acceleration of the pulley is

  a/r 


4.0m / s 2  40rad / s 2 10cm


Physics : Rotational Motion

Example - 3

The wheel of a motor, accelerated uniformly from rest, rotates through 2.5 radian during the first second. Find the angle rotated during the next second.

Solution :

As the angular acceleration is constant, we have

1 1   0t  t 2  t 2 2 2 Thus, 2.5rad  or

1 2  1s  2

  5rad / s 2

The angle rotated during the first two seconds is

1 2    5rad / s 2   2 s   10rad 2 Thus, the angle rotated during the 2nd second is

10 rad  2.5 rad  7.5 rad


Example - 4

A wheel having moment of inertia 2 kg-m 2 about its axis, rotates at 50 rpm about this axis. Find the torque that can stop the wheel in one minute.

Solution :

The initial angular velocity

 50rpm 

5 rad / s 3

Using   0  t ,

  0   t

5 3 rad / s 2    rad / s 2 60 36


The torque that can produce this deceleration is

    r  I    2kg  m 2   rad / s 2   N  m  36  18


Example - 5

Four particles each of mass m are kept at the four corners of a square of edge a. Find the moment of inertia of the system about a line perpendicular to the plane of the square and passing through the centre of the square.

Solution :

The perpendicular distance of every particle from the given line is a / 2. The moment of

inertia of one particle is, therefore, m a / 2


1  ma 2 The moment of inertia of the system 2

1 2 ma  2ma 2 . 2 m




is , therefore, 4 




Physics : Rotational Motion

Example - 6

A wheel of radius 10 cm can rotate freely about its centre as shown in figure. A string is wrapped over its rim and is pulled by a force of 5.0 N. It is found that the torque produced an angular acceleration 2.0 rad/s in the wheel. Calculate the moment of inertia of the wheel.

Solution :

The forces acting on the wheel are (i) W due to gravity, (ii) N due to the support at the centre and (iii) F due to tension. The torque of W and N are separately zero and that of F is F.r. The net torque is

5.0 N

   5.0 N  . 10cm   5.0 N  m The moment of inertia is


 0.50 N  m   0.25 kg  m 2 .  2rad / s 2


Example - 7

A string is wrapped around the rim of the wheel of moment of inertia 0.20 kg-m2 and radius 20 cm. The wheel is free to rotate about its axis. Initially, the wheel is at rest. The string is now pulled by a force of 20 N. Find the angular velocity of the wheel after 5.0 seconds.

Solution :

The torque applied to the wheel is

  F .r   20 N  0.20m   4.0 N  m The angular acceleration produced is


 4.0 N  m   20 rad/s2 I 0.20kg  m 2

The angular velocity after 5.0 seconds is

  0  t   20 rad/s 2   5.0 s   100 rad/s. Example - 8

Solution :

A wheel of radius r and moment of inertia I about its axis is fixed at the top of an inclined plane of inclination  as shown in figure. A string is wrapped around the wheel and its free end supports a block of mass M which can slide on the plane. Initially, the wheel is rotating at a speed  in a direction such that the block slides up the plane. How far will the block move before stopping ?

M 

Suppose the deceleration of the block is a. The linear deceleration of the rim of the wheel is also a. The angular deceleration of the wheel is   a / r. If the tension in the string is T, the equations of motion are as follows :

Mg sin   T  Ma and

Tr  I   I  / r.

Eliminating T from these equations,

a  Ma r2 Mgr 2 sin   a giving, I  Mr 2 Mg sin   I



Physics : Rotational Motion

The initial velocity of the block up the incline is v  r. Thus, the distance moved by the block before stopping is 2 2 2 2 2 v 2  r  I  Mr   I  Mr     x 2a 2 Mgr 2 sin  2Mg sin 

Example - 9

Solution :


A uniform ladder of mass 10 kg leans against a smooth vertical wall making an angle of 530 with it. The other end rests on a rough horizontal floor. Find the normal force and the frictional force that the floor exerts on the ladder.


53 N2

The forces acting on the ladder are shown in figure. These are (a) Its weight W, (b) normal force N1 by the vertical wall, (c) normal force N2 by the floor and (d) frictional force f by the floor. Taking horizontal and vertical components,







N1  f


and N 2  W Taking torque about B, N1  AO   W  CB  or

N1  AB  cos53  W




2 N1  W 3

3 W  5 2

...(ii) .

AB sin 53 2

4 ,  5 ...(iii)

The normal force by the floor is

N 2  W  10kg   9.8 m/s 2   98 N

2 3

The frictional force is f  N1  W  65 N Example - 10


Two particles of mass m each are attached to a light rod of length d, one at its centre and the other at a free end. The rod is fixed at the other end and is rotated in plane at an angular speed  . Calculate the angular momentum of the particle at the end with respect to the particle at the centre.

Solution :




The situation is shown in figure. The velocity of the particle A with respect to the fixed end O is

d vA     and that of B with respect to O is vB  d . Hence the velocity of B with respect 2 d  to A is vB  v A     . The angular momentum of the with respect to A is therefore, 2


Physics : Rotational Motion

d d 1 L  mvr  m    md 2 22 4 along the direction perpendicular to the plane of rotation.


Example - 11

A particle is projected at time t = 0 from a point P with a speed v0 at an angle of 450 to the horizontal. Find the magnitude and the direction of the angular momentum of the particle about the point P at time t = vo/g.

Solution :

Let us take the origin at P, X-axis along the horizontal and Y-axis along the vertically upward direction as shown in figure. For horizontal motion during the time 0 to t,


v x  v0 cos 45  v0 / 2

v r

and x  vx t 

v0 v0 v2 .  0 2 g 2g


For vertical motion, v y  v0 sin 45  gt  and y   v0 sin 45  t 

1 2 gt 2



v02 v02  2g 2g

v0 2

 v0 


1  2  v 2


2 1

The angular momentum of the particle at time t about the origin is

    L  r  p  mr  v

     m  ix  jy    ivx  jv y 

   m kxv y  kyv x

  v 2  v v2  mk  0  0 1  2  0 2g  2 g  2

 v2 

2 1


 mv 3 0  k 2 2g

Thus, the angular momentum of the particle is

mv03 2 2g

in the negative Z  direction i.e.,

perpendicular to the plane of motion, going into the plane. Example - 12

Solution :


A uniform circular disc of mass 200 g and radius 4.0 cm is rotated about one of its diameter at an angular speed 10 rad/s. Find the kinetic energy of the disc and its angular momentum about the axis of rotation. The moment of inertia of the circular disc about its diameter is

Physics : Rotational Motion

1 1 2 I  Mr 2   0.200kg  0.04m  4 4  8.0  105 kg-m2 The kinetic energy is


1 2 1 I    8.0  105 kg  m 2 100rad 2 / s 2  2 2

3 = 4.0  10 J

and the angular momentum about the axis of rotation is L  Iw   8.0  105 kg  m 2 100 rad 2 /s 2 

 8.0  103 kg  m 2 / s  8.0 103 J  s


Example - 13

Two blocks of mass M and m are connected by a light string going over a pulley of radius r. The pulley is free to rotate about its axis which is horizontal. The moment of inertia of the pulley about the axis is I. The system is released from rest. Find the angular momentum of the system when the mass M has descended through a height h. The string does not slip over the pulley.

Solution :

The situation is shown in figure. Let the speed of masses be v at time t. This will also be the speed of a point on the rim of the wheel and hence the angular velocity of the wheel at time t will be v/r. If the height descended by the mass M is h, the loss in the potential energy of the “masses plus the pulley” system is Mgh-mgh. The gain in kinetic energy is

1 r M


1 1 1 v Mv 2  mv 2  I   . 2 2 2 r As no energy is lost,


v2 


1 I  2  M  m  2  v   M  m  gh 2 r 

2  M  m  gh I M m 2 r

The angular momentum of the mass M is Mvr and that of the mass m is mvr in the same direction. The angular momentum of the pulley is I   Iv / r . The total angular momentum is

 I I   2  M  m  gh   M  m  r  r  v   M  m  r 2  r      M m I  r2

I    2  M  m   M  m  2  r 2 gh . r  



Physics : Rotational Motion

Example - 14

A uniform rod of mass m and length l is kept vertical with a hinge at the lower end. It is slightly pushed to let it fall down under gravity. Find the its angular speed when the rod is passing through its lowest position, Neglect any friction at the clamp. What will be the linear speed of the free end at this instant?

l l

Solution :

As the rod reaches its lowest position, the centre of mass is lowered by the distance l. It gravitational potential energy is decreased by mgl. As no energy is lost against friction, this should be equal to the increase in the kinetic energy. As the rotation occurs about the horizontal axis through the hinged end, the moment of inertia is I  ml 2 / 3 .

1 2 I   mgl 2 1  ml 2  2     mgl 2 3  or


6g l

The linear speed of the free end is

v  l   6 gl . Example - 15

A uniform rod of mass M and length a lies on a smooth horizontal plane. A particle of mass m moving at a speed v perpendicular to the length of rod strikes it a distance a/4 from the centre and stops after the collision. Find (a) (b)

Solution :


the velocity of the centre of the rod and the angular velocity of the rod about its centre just after the collision.

The situation is shown in figure. Consider the rod and the particle together as the system. As there is no external on the system force, the linear momentum of the system will remain constant. Also there is no resultant external torque on the system and so the angular momentum of the system about any line will remain constant.









Suppose the velocity of the centre of the rod is V and the angular velocity about the centre is  . (a)

The linear momentum before the collision is mv and that after the collision is MV. Thus, mv  MV ,





m v M

Let A be the centre of the rod when it is at rest. Let AB be the line perpendicular to the plane of the figure. Consider the angular momentum of the system about AB. Initially the

Physics : Rotational Motion

rod is at rest. The angular momentum of the particle about AB is

L  mv  a / 4 

After the collision, the particle comes to rest. The angular momentum of the rod about A is

    L  Lcm  Mr0  V     As r0 || V , r0  V  0.   Thus, L  Lcm

Hence the angular momentum of the rod about AB is

L  I  Thus, or,

Ma 2 . 12

mva Ma 2   4 12 3mv  Ma


Example - 16

A cylinder is released from rest from the top of an incline of inclination  and length l. If the cylinder rolls without slipping, what will be its speed when it reaches the bottom ?

Solution :

Let the mass of the cylinder be m and its radius r. Suppose the liner speed of the cylinder when it reaches the bottom is v. As the cylinder rolls without slipping, its angular speed about its axis is   v / r. The kinetic energy at the bottom will be


1 2 1 2 I   mv 2 2

11 1 1 1 3    mr 2  2  mv 2  mv 2  mv 2  mv 2 . 2 2 2 4 2 4  This should be equal to the loss of potential energy which is mgl sin  . Thus,

3 2 mv  mgl sin  4 4 v gl sin  or 3


Example - 17

A sphere of mass m rolls without slipping on an inclined plane of inclination . Find the linear acceleration of the sphere and the force of friction acting on it. What should be the minimum N coefficient of static friction to support pure rolling ?

Solution :

Suppose the radius of the sphere is r. The forces acting on the sphere are shown in figure. They are (a) weight mg, (b) normal force N and (c) friction f.

f  mg

Let the linear acceleration of the sphere down the plane be a. The equation for the linear motion of the centre of mass is

mg sin   f  ma

....(i) As the sphere rolls without slipping, its angular acceleration about the centre is a/r. The equation of rotational motion about the centre of mass is,


Physics : Rotational Motion

2  a   5   r  2  f  ma. 5 5 From (i) and (ii), a  g sin  7 2 and f  mg sin  7 2   I  fr   mr 


The normal force is equal to mg cos  as there is no acceleration perpendicular to the incline. The maximum friction that can act is, therefore, mg cos  , where  is the coefficient of static friction. Thus, for pure rolling

2 mg cos   mg sin  7 or

2   tan . 7


Example - 18

On the flat surface of a disc of radius a, a small circular hole of radius b is made with its centre at a distance c from the centre of the disc. If mass of the uncut disc is M, calculate the moment of inertia of the cut disc about the axis of the circular hole.

Solution :

The disc is shown in figure.


axis b



Let m be the mass of the cut out portion of the disc, then

Mb 2 a2 We know that moment of inertia of a disc about an axis passing through its centre and m 

perpendicular to its plane is given by

1 Ma 2 2

Let I 1 be the moment of inertia of the uncut disc about an axis passing through O 1 and perpendicular to the plane of disc. Then applying theorem of parallel axes, we have

I1 

1 Ma 2  Mc 2 2

If I 2 be the moment of inertia of the cut-off portion about an axis passing through and perpendicular to its plane, then


Physics : Rotational Motion

Moment of inertia of the holed disc about an axis passing through O1 and perpendicular to its plane Example - 19

A body of radius R and mass m is rolling horizontally without slipping with speed v. It then rolls smoothly up a hill rising upto a maximum height h. It is given that h 

3 v2 . What is 4 g

the body’s rotational inertia?

Solution :

g sin  2  f (retardation up the plane) =  1  k  2  R  v 2  v02  2 f s , where s is measured along the inclined plane.


v2  2 

g sin  h  k 2 sin  1 2 R

 h  s sin   v2  or,


2 gh 2g 3 v2   k2 k2 4 g 1 2 1 2 R R

R 2

2 The rotational inertia of the body is I  mk 

1 mR 2 . 2

Example - 20

A 10-m-long uniform ladder rests against a wall and makes an angle of 600 with the horizontal floor. If it just starts to slip from this position, find its instantaneous axis of rotation.

Solution :

When the rod begins to slip, its position changes from time to time. At any instant, two successive positions (one a little before that instant and the other a little later) can be represented by the rotation of the rod about the certain point called the instantaneous centre. At any instant, the end A slides along the vertical direction, while the end B slides along the horizontal. This motion may be imagined to be rotation about some point O ' as follows:

d d O A   cos  ; v 1  dt O A    sin  dt d d O B   sin  ; v 2  dt O B    cos  dt


Physics : Rotational Motion

v1 A

O’ 


60° O



Clearly, v 1  .  sin   .O ' A and, v 2   cos   .O ' B if, O ' A  OB and O ' B  O A . At any position of the rod, the instantaneous centre is the point of intersection of the vertical line through the lower end and the horizontal line through the upper end. Therefore, the coordinates of the instantaneous centre of rotation are 10 cos 600 and 10 sin 600 or 5 m and 5 3 m.


Physics : Rotational Motion




The moment of inertia of a ring about its perpendicular geometrical axis is I, then its moment of inertia about its diameter will be I (2) (1) 2I 2 I (3) I (4) 4 The angular momentum and moment of inertia are respectively (1) Vector and tensor quantities (2) Scalar and vector quantities (3) Vector and vector quantities (4) Scalar and scalar quantities A rigid body is rotating with variable angular velocity (a-bt) at any instant of time t. The total angle subtended by it before coming to rest will be - (a and b are constants) (1)

(3) 4.




a  b  a 2 a 2  b2 2b


a2 2b


a 2  b2 2a

A ring of mass M is rolling down an inclined plane. The length of this plane is L and it makes an angle  with the horizontal. The velocity of the centre of mass of the ring at the centre of the plane will be (1)

g L sin  2



2g L sin 

(4) 0

2 g L sin  3




The moment of inertia of a thin square plate ABCD of uniform thickness about an axis passing through its centre and perpendicular to its plane will be (1) I 1  I 2

(2) I 1  I 3

(3) I 1  I 2  I 4

(4) I 1  I 2  I 3

3 O 2


If the earth shrinks to half of its radius without change in mass, the duration of the day will be (1) 48 hour (2) 24 hour (3) 12 hour (4) 6 hour. How can we differentiate between a solid sphere and a hollow sphere of the same material and of a same size without weighing ? (1) By determining their moment of inertia about their central axes. (2) By rolling them simultaneously on an inclined plane. (3) By rotating them about a common axis of rotation. (4) By applying equal torque on them. 39

Physics : Rotational Motion


The curve for the moment of inertia of a sphere of constant mass M versus its radius will be -












The moment of inertia of an annular disc of mass M about an axis passing through its centre and perpendicular to its plane will be (1)

M 2 r1  r22  2


M 2 r1  r22  2


M 2 r1  r12  2


M 3 r2  r13  2




log p The relation between the linear velocity and angular velocity is       (2) v    r (1) v  r         (3)   v  r (4)   r  v

log p

The work done by a constant torque  in rotating a body from angle 1 to an angle 2 will be  (1)      (2)   2  1  1 2 (3) Zero


log L

log p

log L (3)




log p


r1 O

The curve between logeL and loge p is (L is the angular momentum and p is the linear momentum).

log L



log L





 1  2  

A girl sits near the edge of a rotating circular platform. If the girl moves from circumference toward the centre of the platform. Then the angular velocity of the platform will (1) decrease (2) increase (3) remain same (4) become zero A constant torque acting on a uniform circular wheel changes its angular momentum from A0 to 4A0 in 4 seconds. The value of torque is (1) 4A0

(2) 12A0

(3) A0

(4) 3A0 /4


Physics : Rotational Motion


According to the theorem ofparallelaxes I=Icm+Md2, the graph between I and d will be













d 16.



A solid cylinder of mass M and radius R rolls an inclined plane of height h. The velocity of its centre of mass at the bottom of the plane will be (1)

4g h



4 gh 3


3 gh 4 2gh

If the rotational kinetic energy of a body is increased by 300% then the percentage increase in its angular momentum will be (1) 600%

(2) 150%

(3) 100%

(4) 1500%


The dimensions of Plank’s constant h are equivalent to those of   (1) L (2) P  (3) E (4) F


An earth satellite is moving around the earth in circular orbit. In such case, what is conserved ?



(1) velocity

(2) linear momentum

(3) angular momentum

(4) none of these

Which of the following quantities plays same role in rotational dynamics as is played by mass in linear dynamics ? (1) moment of inertia

(2) torque

(3) angular velocity

(4) none of these

Which of these statements in not correct ? (1) Moment of inertia depends on shape and size of the body (2) Moment of inertia depends on choice of axis (3) Moment of inertia does not depend on mass of the body (4) None of these


Physics : Rotational Motion


The angular momentum of a system of particle is not conserved. (1) when net external force acts upon the system (2) when an net external torque is acting upon the system (3) when a net external impulse is acting upon the system



(4) none of these If a force acts on a body, whose action line does not pass through its centre of gravity, then the body will experience (1) angular acceleration (2) linear acceleration (3) no acceleration (4) none of these The graph between the angular momentum L and angular velocity  will be









 25.

  The correct relation connecting the quantities Pr ,  and  is  Pr  Rotational Power 

 (1) Pr      (3) Pr  . 26.


(1) zero

(2) ml 2



ml 2



ml 22

O z

About which axis in the following figure the moment of inertia of the rectangular lamina is the 2 maximum ? 3 (1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 4 The angle covered by a body in nth second is   2n  1 2


(4) 1

(2) 0 

  2n  1 2

(3) 0 

(4) 0 

 n  1 2

 (1) parallel to the plane of r and F  (3) parallel to the plane of r and P

 (2) perpendicular to the plane of r and F  (4) perpendicular to the plane of r and P

(1) 0 


  (2) Pr      (4) Pr    

A thin wire of length l and mass m is bent in the form of a semicircle (Figure). Its moment of inertia about z an axis joining its free ends will be

(3) 27.

 n  1 2 The direction of  is



Physics : Rotational Motion






Three identical rods, each of mass m and length l, are placed along X, Y and Z- axis respectively. One of the ends of the rods is at the origin. The moment of inertia of the system about X-axis will be (1)

ml 2 3


2ml 2 3


3ml 2 3


4ml 2 3

A uniform rod is kept vertically on a horizontal smooth surface at a point O. If it is disturbed slightly and released, it falls down on the horizontal surface. The position of the lower end when rod strikes the ground is (1) at O

(2) at a distance less than l/2 from O

(3) at a distance l/2 from O

(4) at a distance larger than l/2 from O.

A circular disc A of radius r is made from an iron plate of thickness t and another circular disc B of radius 4r is made from an iron plate of thickness t/4. The relation between the moments of inertia IA and IB is (1) I A  I B

(2) I A  I B

(3) I A  I B

(4) depends on the actual value of t and r.

Equal torques act on the discs A and B of the previous problem, initially both being at rest. At a later instant, the linear speeds of a point on the rim of A and another point on the rim of B are vB respectively. We have (1) vA > vB

(2) vA = vB

(3) vA < vB of the torque.

(4) the relation depends on the actual magnitude

A closed cylindrical tube containing some water (not filling the entire tube) lies in a horizontal plane. If the tube is rotated about a perpendicular bisector, the moment of inertia of water about the axis (1) increases

(2) decreases

(3) remain constant (4) increases if the rotation is clockwise and decreases if it is anticlockwise. 35.

The moment of inertia of a uniform semicircular wire of mass M and radius r about a line perpendicular to the plane of the wire through the centre is 1 Mr 2 (1) Mr 2 (2) 2 (3)



1 Mr 2 4


2 Mr 2 5

A cubical block of mass M and edge a slides down a rough inclined plane of inclination  with a uniform velocity. The torque of the normal force on the block about its centre has a magnitude (1) zero

(2) Mga

(3) Mga sin 


1 Mga sin  2

A person sitting firmly over a rotating stool has his arms stretched. If he folds his arms, his angular momentum about the axis of rotation (1) increases

(2) decreases

(3) remains unchanged

(4) doubles 43

Physics : Rotational Motion


The centre of a wheel rolling on a plane surface moves with a speed v 0 . A particle on the rim of the wheel at the same level as the centre will be moving at speed (1) zero (3)





2v 0

(2) v 0 (4) 2v 0

A solid sphere, a hollow sphere and a disc, all having same mass and radius, are placed at the top of a smooth incline and released. Least time will be taken in reaching the bottom by (1) the solid sphere

(2) the hollow sphere

(3) the disc

(4) all will take same time.

A solid sphere, a hollow sphere and a disc, all having same mass and radius, are placed at the top of an incline and released. The friction coefficients between the objects and the incline are same and sufficient to allow pure rolling. Least time will be taken in reaching the bottom by (1) the solid sphere

(2) the hollow sphere

(3) the disc

(4) all will take same time

A solid sphere, a hollow sphere and a disc, all having same mass and radius, are placed at the top of an incline and released. The friction coefficients between the objects and the incline are same and sufficient to allow pure rolling. The smallest kinetic energy at the bottom of incline will be achieved by (1) the solid sphere

(2) the hollow sphere

(3) the disc

(4) all will achieve same kinetic energy

A rod of mass M and length L is placed in a horizontal plane with one end hinged about the vertical axis. A horizontal force of F 

Mg 5L is applied at a distance from the hinged end. The angular acceleration 2 2

of the rod will be




4g 5L


5g 4L


3g 4L


4g 3L

A wheel having moment of inertia 2 kg-m 2 about its vertical axis, rotates at the rate of 60 rpm about this axis. The torque which can stop the wheel’s rotation in one minute would be

2 2 (1) N-m 15

2 (2) N-m 12

2 N-m (3) 15

2 (4) N-m 18

Three particles, each of mass m gram, are situated at the vertices of an equilateral triangle ABC of side l cm (as shown in figure). The moment of inertia of the system about a line AX perpendicular to AB and in X the plane of ABC, in gram-cm 2 units will be m C


3 2 ml 4


(2) 2ml 2 A



5 2 ml 4


3 2 ml 2

B m

Physics : Rotational Motion


The ratio of the radii of gyration of a circular disc about a tangential axis in the plane of the disc and of a circular ring of the same radius about a tangential axis in the plane of the ring is (1) 2 : 3 (2) 2 : 1 (4) 1 : 2 5: 6 A round disc of moment of inertia I2 about its axis perpendicular to its plane and passing through its centre of placed over another disc of moment of inertia I1 rotating with an angular velocity  about the same axis. The final angular velocity of the combination of discs is (3)




I 2 I1  I 2

(2) 


I1 I1  I 2



Two particles having mass M and m are moving in a circular path having radius R and r. If their time periods are same, then the ratio of angular velocity will be r R (1) (2) R r (3) 1


 I1  I 2  


R r

A disc is rolling, the velocity of its centre of mass is Vcm . Which statement is correct ? (1) the velocity of highest point is 2 Vcm and point of contact is zero (2) the velocity of highest point is 2 Vcm and point of contact is Vcm (3) the velocity of highest point is 2 Vcm and point of contact is Vcm (4) the velocity of highest point is 2 Vcm and point of contact is 2 Vcm


A small steel sphere is tied to a string and is whirled in a horizontal circle with a uniform angular velocity

1 . The string is suddenly pulled so that radius of the circle is halved. If 2 is new angular velocity, then


(1) 1  2

(2) 1  22

(3) 2  21

(4) 1  2 / 4

From a disc of radius R, a concentric circular portion of radius r is cut out so as to leave an annular disc of mass M. The moment of inertia of this annular disc about the axis perpendicular to its plane and passing through its centre of gravity is (1)

1 M  R2  r 2  2


1 M  R2  r 2  2


1 M  R4  r 4  2


1 M  R4  r 4  2


Physics : Rotational Motion

Level - II 1.

A body of mass m slides down an incline and reaches the bottom with a velocity v. If the same mass were in the form of a ring which rolls down this incline, the velocity of the ring at bottom would have been (1) v

1 (3) 2.




2 v 5

 2mgh  (2)    I  mr 2 

2gh I  mr

 2mgh  (3)    I  2mr 2 



A cord is wound round the circumference of wheel of radius r. The axis of the wheel is horizontal and moment of inertia about it is I. A weight mg is attached to the end of the cord and falls from rest. After falling through a distance h, the angular velocity of the wheel will be




1/ 2

1/ 2



Two point masses of 0.3 kg and 0.7 kg are fixed at the ends of a rod of length 1.4 m and of negligible mass. The rod is set rotating about an axis perpendicular to its length with a uniform angular speed. The point on the rod through which the axis should pass in order that the work required for rotation of the rod is minimum. is located at a distance of (1) 0.4 m from mass of 0.3 kg (2) 0.98 m from mass of 0.3 kg (3) 0.70 m from mass of 0.7 kg (4) 0.98 m from mass of 0.7 kg A disc of mass M and radius R is rolling with angular speed  on a horizontal plane as shown. The magnitude of angular momentum of the disc about the origin O is y


1 MR 2  2

(2) MR2 M

3 MR 2  (4) 2MR2 O x 2 A thin circular ring of mass M and radius r is rotating about its axIs with a constant angular velocity . Two objects each of mass m are attached gently to the opposite ends of a diameter of the ring. The ring will now rotate with an angular velocity (3)




(M  2m) M  2m


M M  2m


M Mm


(M  2m) M

Let  be the moment of inertia of a uniform square plate about an axis AB that passes through its centre and is parallel to two of its sides. CD is a line in the plane of the plate that passes through the centre of the plate and makes an angle  with AB. The moment of inertia of the plate about the axis CD is then equal to (1)  (2)  sin2  (3)  cos2  (4)  cos2 /2


Physics : Rotational Motion


In a rectangle ABCD (BC = 2AB). The moment of inertia along which axis will be minimum


(1) BC

(2) BD


(3) HF

(4) EG

Two spheres each of mass M and radius R/2 are connected with a massless rod of length 2R as shown in the-figure. What will be the moment of inertia of the -system about an axis passing through the centre of one of the spheres and perpendicular to the rod


(3) 9.

21 MR 2 5

5 MR 2 2











R/ 2



2 MR 2 5



5 MR 2 21

A uniform solid cylinder rolling without slipping along a horizontal plane with angular speed  suddenlycomes into contact with a plane inclined at an angle  as shown in the figure. Which of the following values of


 could possibly bring the cylinder immediately to rest on impact? (1) 900 10.

(2) 600

(3) 1200 (4) 300 Four particles each of mass m are placed at the corners of a square of side length l. The radius of gyration of the system about an axis perpendicular to the square and passing through its centre is

l (1)


(3) l


l 2

(4) ( 2 ) l


An equilateral triangle ABC formed from a uniform wire has two small identical beads initially located at A. The triangle is set rotating located at A. The triangle is set rotating about the vertical axis AO. Then the beads are released from rest simultaneously and allowed to slide down, one along AB and the other along AC as shown. Neglecting frictional effects, the quantities that are conserved as the beads slide down, are A (1) Angular velocity and total energy (kinetic and potential) g (2) Total angular momentum and total energy (3) Angular velocity and moment of inertia about the axis of rotation (4) Total angular momentum and moment of inertia about the axis of rotation


A thin wire of length L and uniform linear mass density  is bent into a circular loop with centre at O as shown. The moment of inertia of the loop about the axis XX’ is




L3 8 2 5L3 16  2



L3 16  2 3L3




X 90º


8 2 47

Physics : Rotational Motion


A small spherical metal ball of mass m is put at the point A of a loop track and the vertical distance of A from the lower most point of track is 8 times the radius R of the circular part. The angular momentum of ball when it rolls at the point B to a height R in the circular track, about the center of the track will be :

  m 1.4 gR 

(1) m 10 gR 3 (3) 14.

1 2

1 3 2

A nR 8R

  m  5 gR  .

(2) m 4.9 gR 3 (4)

A ball slides without friction down an inclined chute from a height h and then moves in a loop of radius R. What is the pressure exerted by the ball on the chute at a point B where the radius drawn from the centre of the loop to the point B makes an angle  with the vertical? The mass of the ball is

1 2

1 3 2

 h=5/2R

 5 m and height h    R . Consider the size of the ball to be  2 negligible compared to other dimensions (1) mg 1  cos   15.






 C


(2) 2mg 1  cos  

(3) 3mg 1  cos   (4) mg 1  cos   . Two discs of same thickness but of different radii are made of two different materials such that their masses are same. The densities of the materials are in the ratio 1 : 3. The moments of inertia of these discs about the respective axes passing through their centres and perpendicular to their'planes will be in the ratio (1) 1 : 3 (2) 3 : 1 (3) 1 : 9 (4) 9 : 1 Y Three rings each of mass M and radius R are arranges shown in the figure. The moment of inertia of the system about YY’ will be (2) 3/2 MR2 (1) 3 MR2 2 (3) 5 MR (4) 7/2 MR2 A uniform rod of length 2L is placed with one end in contact with the horizontal and is then inclinedYat an angle to the horizontal and allowed to fall without slipping at contact point. When it becomes horizontal. its angular velocity Will be 2L 3g sin  (1)   (2)   3g sin  L

L 6g sin  (4)   g sin  L One quarter sector is cut from a uniform circular disc of radius R. This sector has mass M. It is made to rotate about a line perpendicular to its plane and passing through the centre of the original disc. Its moment of inertia about the axis of rotation is 1 1 MR 2 MR 2 (2) (1) 2 4 1 MR 2 (3) (4) 2 MR 2 8 A ball rolls without slipping. The radius of gyration of the ball about an axis passing through its centre of mass is K. If radius of the ball be R, then the fraction of total energy associated with its rotational energy will be K 2  R2 K2 (1) (2) 2 R R2 2 K R2 (3) (4) 2 2 2 K R K  R2 (3)  





Physics : Rotational Motion





A smooth sphere A is moving on a frictionless horizontal plane with angular speed  and center of mass velocity v . It collides elastically and head-on with an identical sphere B at rest. Neglect friction everywhere. After the collision their angular speeds are A and B respectively. Then (1) A < B (2) A = B (3) A =  (4)  = B A rigid horizontal smooth rod AB of mass 0.75 kg and length 40 cm can rotate freely about a fixed vertical axis through its mid point O O. Two rings, each of mass 1 kg are at rest at a distance of 10 cm A B from O on both sides of the rod. The rod is set into rotation with an angular velocity of 30 rad/s. When the rings reach the ends of the Vertical rod, then angular velocity of the ring is axis (1) 10 rad/sec (2) 15 rad/sec (3) 20 rad/sec (4) 25 rad/sec A solid cylinder of mass M and radius R rolls without slipping down an inclined plane of length L and height h. What is the speed of its centre of mass when the cylinder reaches its bottom


3 gh 4


4 gh 3


4 gh


2 gh

A thin circular ring of mass M and radius r is rotating about its axis with a constant angular velocity . Four objects each of mass m, are kept gently to the opposite ends of two perpendicular diameters of the ring. The angular velocity of the ring will be (1)

M M  4m


(M  4m) M

M (M  4m) (4) M  4m 4m A uniform bar of length 6 a and mass 8 m lies on a smooth horizontal table. Two point masses m and 2 m moving in the same horizontal plane with speed 2v and v respectively strike the bar (see figure) and stick to the bar after collision at distances a & 2a, respectively from the centre of the rod as shown in figure. The angular velocity about (3)



the centre of mass denoted by  c satisfies rod as shown in figure.

2v a 2m



The angular velocity about the centre of mass denoted by  c satisfies

(1)  c  0 (3)  c  25.

v 5a

(2)  c 

3 v 5a

(4) none of the above.

A cubical block of side a is moving with a velocity v on a smooth horizontal plane as shown in the figure. It hits a ridge at point O. The angular speed of the block after it hits O is:



3v 4a

3v 2a



3v 2a

(4) zero 49

Physics : Rotational Motion



Two identical particles move towards each other with velocity 2v and v respectively. The velocity of centre of mass is [AIEEE 2002] (1) v

(2) v/3

(3) zero

(4) v/2

A particle of mass m moves along line PC with velocity v as shown in figure. What is the angular momentum of the particle about P ?


[AIEEE 2002] (1) mvl 3.




5  4


2  3


4  5


3  2

 M  m  1 M


 M  m  1 m

 M   M  (3)  (4)   1  1  M  4m   M  2m  A solid sphere. a hollow sphere and a ring are released from top of an inclined plane (frictionless) so that they slide down the plane. Then maximum acceleration down the plane is for (no rolling) [AIEEE 2002] (1) Solid sphere (2) hollow sphere (3) Ring (4) All same The angular momentum of a system of particles is not conserved when

[AIIMS 2002, AFMC 2002]

(2) net external torque acts on the system (4) none of these

Two spherical bodies of mass M and 5 M and radii R and 2 R respectively are released in free space with initial separation between their centres equal to 12 R. If they attract each other due to gravitational force only, then the distance covered by the smaller body just before collision is [AIEEE 2003] (1) 2.5 R



The initial angular velocity of a circular disc of mass M is 1 . A small sphere of mass m is attached [AIEEE 2002] gently on edge of the disc. The final angular velocity of the disc will be

(1) net external force acts on the system (3) net external impulse acts on the system 7.


(2) mvL

(3) zero (4) mvr O X A thin and circular disc of mass M and radius R is rotating in a horizontal plane about an axis passing through its centre and perpendicular to its plane with an angular velocity . If the another disc of same dimensions but of mass M/4 is placed gently on the first disc co-axially, then the new angular velocity of the system is [AIEEE 2002]




(2) 4.5 R

(3) 7.5 R (4) 1.5 R    Let F be the force acting on a particle, having position vector r , and T be the torque of this force about the origin, then [AIEEE 2003]         (1) F .T  0 and F .T  0 (2) F .T  0 and F .T  0

    (3) F .T  0 and F .T  0 50

    (4) F .T  0 and F .T  0

Physics : Rotational Motion



A particle is moving on a circular path in the horizontal plane with constant angular speed. The angular momentum will be constant about a point : [IIT 2003] (1) on the circumference (2) outside the circle (3) inside the circle (4) on the centre A circular disc X of radius R is made from an iron plate of thickness t, and another plate Y of radius 4 R is made from an iron plate of thickness t/4. The ratio of moment of inertia IY / I X is




(1) 32 (2) 16 [AIEEE 2003] (3) 1 (4) 64 A circular disc X of radius R is made from an iron plate of thickness t, and another disc Y of radius 4R is m ade from an iron plate ofthickness t/4.Then the relation betw een the m om entofinertia Ix and Iy is [AIEEE 2003] (1) Iy = 64 Ix (2) Iy = 32 Ix (3) Iy = 16 Ix (4) Iy = Ix A particle undergoes uniform circular motion. About which point on the plane of the circle, will the angular momentum of the particle remain conserved [IIT Screening 2003] (1) Centre of the circle (2) On the circumference of the circle (3) Inside the circle (4) Outside the circle A particle performs uniform circular motion with an angular momentum L. If the frequency of particle's motion is doubled and its kinetic energy is halved, the angular momentum becomes [MNR 1991: AlEEE 2003]


(1) 2L

(2) 4 L

(3) L/2

(4) L/4

Consider a body, shown in figure, consisting of two identical balls, each of mass M connected by a light rigid rod. If an impulse J = MV is imparted to the body at one of its ends, what would be its angular velocity [lIT Screening 2003] L M


(1) V/L (2) 2V/L (3) V/3L (4) V/4L A disc is rolling (without slipping) on a horizontal surface. C is its centre and Q and P are two points equidistant from C. Let V p , VQ and VC be the magnitude of velocities of points P, Q and C respectively, then (1) VQ  VC  VP (3) VQ  VP , VC 



(2) VQ  VC  VP

1 VP 2

(4) VQ  VC  VP


[IIT 2004]

A child is standing with folded hands at the centre of a platform rotating about its central axis. The kinetic energy of the system is K. The child now stretches his arms so that the moment of inertia of the system doubles. The kinetic energy of the system now is (1) 2K (2) K/2 (4) 4K [IIT 2004] (3) K/4


Physics : Rotational Motion





A solid sphere is rotating in free space. If the radius of the sphere is increased keeping mass same which one of the following will not be affected? [AIEEE 2004] (1) Moment of Inertia

(2) Angular momentum

(3) Angular velocity

(4) Rotational kinetic energy

One solid sphere A and another hollow sphere B are of same mass and same outer radii. Their moment of inertia about their diameters are respectively IA and IB such that : [AIEEE 2004] (1)







IA d A  IB d B

The moment of inertia of a uniform semicircular disc of mass M and radius r about a line perpendicular to the plane of the disc through the centre is [AIEEE 2005]


2 Mr 2 5


1 Mr 2 4


1 Mr 2 2


Mr 2

A solid sphere of radius R is moulded into a solid disc of radius r and thickness t. The moment of inertia of the disc about an axis perpendicular to the cross section of the disc and passing through circumference is equal to the moment of inertia of the sphere about its diameter. The value of r (in terms of R) is [IIT 2006]



2 R 15


2 R 15


1 R 2


1 R 5

A small ball starts rolling from position A down the fixed hemispherical surface (see figure) to position C. There is friction on path AB while path BC is frictionless. If KA, KB, KC represent kinetic energy of the ball and hA, hB, hC height of the ball at points A, B and C, then [IIT 2006]

C hC

hA A B (1)

hA  hC , KA  KC


hA  hC , KC  KA


hA  hC , KA  KC


hA  hC , KC  KA


Physics : Rotational Motion


A solid cylinder of mass m rolls down a fixed incline of angle q. If F be the magnitude of friction force acting on the cylinder, then [IIT 2006]

 (1) F is dissipative. (2) F = m mg cos q. (3) F helps rotational but opposes translatory motion. (4) F  mg sin  23.


A force of -F kˆ acts on O, the origin of the coordinate system. The torque about the point (1, -1) is [AIEEE 2006]

O (1)  F (iˆ  ˆj )



(2) F (iˆ  ˆj )



(3)  F (iˆ  ˆj ) (4) F (iˆ  ˆj ) A thin circular ring of mass m and radius R is rotating about its axis with a constant angular velocity w. Two objects each of mass M are attached gently to the opposite ends of a diameter of the ring. The ring now rotates with an angular velocity  = [AIEEE 2006] (1)

m (m  2M )


(m  2M ) m


(m  2M ) (m  2M )


m (m  M )

Four point masses, each of value m, are placed at the corner of a square ABCD of side  . The moment [AIEEE 2006] of inertia of this system about an axis passing through A and parallel to BD is (1) m 2 (3)

3 m 2

(2) 2 m 2 (4) 3m 2


Physics : Rotational Motion



















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