Rossi Ernest Phd

June 25, 2016 | Author: Ruth Foff | Category: N/A
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“Therapy, Training & Research”

“Supporting Your Learning”

Diploma in Ericksonian Hypnotherapy, Humanistic Solution Focused Therapy & Ideo-Dynamic ‘Psycho-Cellular’ Healing SUSSEX HYPNOTHERAPY CENTRE PROSPECTUS


Contents Evidence-Based Therapy & ‘Common-Sense’ Psychology ...................................................................... 2 Overview of Course Features .................................................................................................................. 6 Some of the Benefits of Attending the Sussex Hypnotherapy Centre Diploma ..................................... 7 Opportunities Following the Course ....................................................................................................... 7 Maintaining High Standards.................................................................................................................... 7 Course Modules ...................................................................................................................................... 8 An Outline of What You Will Learn ....................................................................................................... 10 An Overview of Different Problems You Will Be Able to Treat On Completion of the Diploma .......... 10 About The Sussex Hypnotherapy Centre .............................................................................................. 11 About Your Qualification ...................................................................................................................... 12 Full Diploma Course Reading List .......................................................................................................... 13

127 St Pancras, Chichester West Sussex, PO19 7LH 1|Page

Tel: 01243 698949

Evidence-Based Therapy & ‘Common-Sense’ Psychology

The Sussex Hypnotherapy Centre has been providing a wide range of training and therapy since 2002. The great Psychiatrist and Hypnotherapist Milton H. Erickson MD used to say he based his approach on ‘common-sense’ psychology. He used to learn theories and different approaches but when he worked with a client he would tailor his approach to the needs of the client in front of him rather than try to fit the client to a theory. Here at the Sussex Hypnotherapy Centre we aim to keep up to date with the latest research findings in hypnosis and therapy as well as carry out research ourselves. This helps us to continue to offer cutting edge training and personal development. Why Should You Learn Hypnosis? In 1999, the British Medical Journal published a Clinical Review of current medical research on hypnotherapy concluding that there is good evidence from randomised controlled trials that Hypnotherapy can reduce anxiety and help with managing stress, Hypnotherapy can be effective in the treatment of panic disorders and insomnia, especially when combined with cognitive therapy, hypnosis enhances the effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for conditions like phobias, anxiety and obesity, randomised trials have shown hypnosis to be of value in the treatment of asthma and irritable bowel syndrome, and there is strong evidence of hypnosis being effective for cancer related anxiety, pain, nausea and vomiting, particularly in children. In 2001 the British Psychological Society published a report (The Nature of Hypnosis) to summarise current scientific research on hypnosis, concluding that “Enough studies have now accumulated to suggest that the inclusion of hypnotic procedures may be beneficial in the management and treatment of a wide range of conditions and problems encountered in the practice of medicine, psychiatry and psychotherapy.” The report covers research about the effectiveness of the use of hypnosis in the management of acute and chronic pain, the alleviation of pain, discomfort and distress due to medical procedures, dental procedures and childbirth, the effectiveness of self-hypnosis to significantly reduce general anxiety, tension and stress, assisting in helping overcome insomnia, helping with the treatment of psychosomatic conditions like tension headaches, migraines, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, warts and other skin complaints like psoriasis and hives, and significantly enhancing lasting outcomes in weight reduction and weight management. Hypnosis used in conjunction with other forms of therapy positively enhances the effectiveness of those therapies. Unlike some other forms of therapy alone the use of hypnosis can reduce the number of sessions clients require for treatment. When used with ‘brief therapy’ models this number of sessions can be reduced further still. Many problems may need just 1-3 sessions of treatment, with an average maximum of around 6 sessions of treatment, compared to an average of 18-20 sessions for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or an average of 20-30 sessions for standard counselling, or an average of 45-300 sessions for psychoanalytic psychotherapy.


Why Should You Learn Humanistic Solution Focused Psychotherapy? ‘Follow up of clients from single sessions a year later had the same benefits as clients that had brief therapy and long-term therapy…There is growing evidence that only a proportion of cases require longer term work, and as research develop it would seem that this proportion is getting smaller…’

The Handbook of Counselling Psychology 2003

Solution-focused therapy is a strengths-based approach, emphasizing the resources people possess and how these can be applied to the change process. The humanistic solution focused psychotherapy element of the ‘Sussex Hypnotherapy Centre’ diploma is the approach used by ‘ALT Solutions’ that offer humanistic solution focused coaching and consulting. In some reviews comparing solution focused therapy with cognitive behavioural therapy and other approaches they found that solution focused therapy is better and quicker at treating depression and anxiety disorders, yet it matches or isn’t quite as effective as other therapies in treating other conditions. Solution focused therapy often takes significantly less sessions, normally an average of 35 sessions, compared to an average of 18-20 sessions for CBT, 20-30 sessions for standard counselling and 45+ sessions for psycho-analytic therapies. By integrating a humanistic element into the solution focused approach its effectiveness can be enhanced. The humanistic element is adding focus to what it means to be human, it takes into account thinking styles, emotions, behaviour, social interactions, basic innate needs, skills and patterns and life-long learning. The therapist uses an overarching solution focused approach and within that approach takes into account humanistic elements and uses cognitive, behavioural, interpersonal and motivational interviewing approaches as well as approaches to access past patterns and learnings. Aspects of the humanistic solution focused approach are developed from the highly effective human givens approach (developed by Joe Griffin and Ivan Tyrrell), the results on completed cases of human givens therapy suggest clinical and reliable change with around 74% of clients in an average of less than four treatment sessions. Using a solution focused approach allows for the therapist to ‘evidence-base’ their work as they can establish where a client is in relation to their problem at the start of an intervention, what level of success they would be happy to achieve and what success they actually achieve by the end of the intervention and what level of success is maintained at follow up intervals. The ‘Sussex Hypnotherapy Centre’ and ‘ALT Solutions’ approach leads to over 81% of clients achieving or exceeding the desired level of success they stated they would be happy to achieve by the end of the intervention. Almost all clients achieved progress or positive changes from humanistic solution focused psychotherapy and at six months follow up over 97% of clients had maintained progress and success. At three year follow up from using a humanistic solution focused approach with parents of young people committing youth crime or at risk of committing youth crime 66% less young people at risk of offending went on to commit youth crime compared with youth of parents that met criteria for support but didn’t receive support (89% of the youth with supported parents didn’t go on to offend), and 51% less young offenders went on to re-offend compared with young offenders with unsupported parents (60% of the youth with supported parents didn’t go on to reoffend), all the young offenders were supported by a youth justice officer. Average number of humanistic solution focused sessions taken was six. 3|Page

Why Should You Learn Ideo-Dynamic ‘Psycho-Cellular’ Healing? A growing area of research since the latter part of the 20th century has been into mind-body interactions. Psycho-cellular healing isn’t a ‘mystical’ approach, or unscientific approach, it is based on sound research. Much of this research is still in its infancy as much of it is being done with technology that didn’t exist ten or twenty years ago, and the technology that did exist was very expensive or impractical to use. In a 2009 interview with Dr Ernest Rossi stated: “[In the middle of the 90’s] neuroscience found that experiences of novelty, enrichment, exercise, both mental and physical, turn on activity-dependent gene expression, and that turns on brain plasticity, modulates the immune system, and activates stem cells throughout the body. And we've just completed a study, published last year for the first time; we used DNA microarrays to evaluate therapeutic hypnosis in psychotherapy. For the first time, we've established that therapeutic hypnosis in psychotherapy does change gene expression, specifically activity-dependent or experience-dependent gene expression… DNA microarrays are a new genomic technique of measuring, in a single test with a few drops of blood (or other body fluids) all the genes that are being expressed in a moment of time. Our Italian-American team was the first to use DNA microarrays to determine a "molecular-genomic signature" (something like a genetic fingerprint) of therapeutic hypnosis. Other researchers have also used DNA microarrays and found that meditation, music, and Qi Gong can also turn on experience-dependent gene expression…PTSD also turns on gene expression; we are now exploring which therapeutic techniques are most effective in turning off the genes that are turned on by PTSD as well as other psychiatric diagnostic categories like anxiety, depression, and so forth…So for the first time in our generation we're seeing the whole connection—mind, thoughts, feelings. Excitement turns on our genes in our brain and our body and immune system. Those genes make proteins, and in the brain, those proteins make new synaptic connections, turn on stem cells, and create new neural networks, which now create new thoughts. So we've got the complete circle. The Cartesian gap between mind and body no longer exists.” Ideo-Dynamic ‘Psycho-Cellular’ Healing consists of techniques and approaches designed specifically to access this ‘gene-expression’ rather than get bogged down in the content of the problem. Often therapist will focus on ‘what do you think, feel, do’, they often expect clients to consciously access all of this information and for that information to be correct, when often it is just the clients’ opinions or perception. By using ideo-dynamic techniques the client to be an observer with the therapist as the clients’ inner-self does all the necessary work on the problem making changes to thought processes, behavioural changes, interpersonal changes and biological changes. They can generate new neural growth, changes within cells in the body, hormonal changes and a whole multitude of other changes that the client wouldn’t be able to make consciously and wouldn’t know what changes to make consciously. Psycho-cellular healing takes into account and places importance on ‘life processes’ like natural biological rhythms, the process for memory formation and recall, brain plasticity, the interactions between nerve cells, hormones, messenger molecules and DNA and the effects of life experiences and social interactions on health and wellbeing.


Overview of Course Features Here is an overview of some of the key course features: 

Accreditation – This diploma course is accredited by the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council, allowing you access to membership within the General Hypnotherapy Register following successful completion, which offers you benefits including access to professional liability insurance and numerous other benefits.

Free Self-Hypnosis Mp3’s – On full diploma enrolment you will receive around 50 free selfhypnosis mp3’s covering a range of problems that you may be faced with when you start in private practice. These Mp3’s allow you to hear and experience the use of various hypnotic skills and techniques. You can use the tracks for yourself to develop your understanding from the client’s perspective what the experience of being hypnotised is like, or you can listen and analyse the tracks to really delve into enhancing your knowledge and skills as a hypnotherapist.

Free Books – On full diploma enrolment you will receive copies of ‘Advanced Ericksonian Hypnotherapy Scripts’, ‘Hypnosis For Beginners’, and ‘Learn Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy From Beginner to Mastery’.

Free Email Support for the Duration of The Training – On full diploma enrolment you will receive free email support for the duration of your training to support you as you integrate the knowledge and skills you learn into your everyday life and therapeutic practice.

Experiential Training – To ensure your learning experience is as effective as possible the training is very experiential. You will be experiencing what you are learning about and you will be practicing what you are learning about. The course isn’t about just ‘watching lectures’ it is about having an experience that touches you and connects with you and helps you to take the learning on as part of who you are rather than just something you can now do.

Free Mp3 Training Lectures – To help you to embed the skills and knowledge that you are learning you will receive free mp3 training lectures which you can listen to and absorb between modules. These will also help over the first few months when you are newly practicing as a Hypnotherapist and may want the occasional recap on aspects of what you have learnt.

Free On-going ‘After Diploma’ Coaching & Support – To ensure you have the best opportunities at achieving what you want to achieve following completing the diploma you can receive free Skype coaching and support sessions to discuss your plans, to discuss progress and to look at what your next steps are. These sessions can help you to stay on track, to stay motivated and to achieve your goals.

Observed Therapy Sessions – One comment frequently mentioned by newly qualified therapists is that they lack confidence to now go and ‘do’ the therapy for real with genuine clients, they often comment that they didn’t feel they saw enough ‘therapy’ being done as part of their training, or that they ‘did’ enough therapy as part of their training. Here students carry out observed therapy sessions and receive feedback as well as watching therapy sessions both by the instructors and by other students, it is important for students to feel confident that they can now go out and be effective therapists before they reach the end of the course.


Some of the Benefits of Attending the Sussex Hypnotherapy Centre Diploma 

Many private therapists charge between £50 - £100 per session

Not only will you learn ‘therapy’, you will also develop the confidence necessary to work with clients with a wide range of conditions

You will learn solution focused therapy skills that are becoming more widely sought after within a range of organisations and businesses including many local authorities and the NHS

You will learn how to evidence-base your work and your effectiveness

You will have on-going support as you apply the skills you will have learnt

Maximum group size of 12 people to ensure each student get the attention and close supervision and support necessary to give them the best opportunity to learn and develop and interact and ask questions

Opportunities Following the Course This course is aimed at complimenting your current work, for those wanting further personal development or those interested in starting up a new full or part-time therapy or training practice. 

Setting up in full-time practice, or part-time practice to supplement current income

Integrating what you learn into your current or future employment, many employers are looking for those trained in a solution focused approach and those trained in stress management or relaxation skills, and advanced effective communication skills

Running your own training courses, self-hypnosis courses or self-help courses or group therapy sessions, and becoming a specialist and developing your own niche and natural style

Maintaining High Standards At the Sussex Hypnotherapy Centre we like to maintain high standards. To ensure that you receive the best possible training the Sussex Hypnotherapy Centre diploma course is an evolving course. We continue to study and develop our practice, as well as carrying out research and evidencing our work. The trainers are always therapists that use the content of this diploma in their everyday work with individuals, couples, families or in groups. The diploma is frequently updated to include new research and data as it becomes available, we regularly read journals and research articles and attend conferences and workshops to continue our learning and development process. 6|Page

Course Modules The course is divided into modules that take place over 24 days or 180 hours of classroom/personal training, the modules include the following topics: Module One – Humanistic Solution Focused Psychotherapy                                

Basic Emotional Needs Innate Skills & Abilities Client-Centred Approach Finding & Using patterns Assessing The Needs Of The Client Treating The Client Promoting The Client’s Future Self Care Miracle Question Focusing Attention Working With The Past, Present & Future Uncovering Exceptions Measuring Progress & Success Goal Setting Finding Resources Building Hope & Expectancy Developing Resilience Increasing Possibilities ‘Chaos Therapy’ Going Slow To Go Fast In Therapy Finding Solutions Being An Expectant Therapist Amplifying Pre-Therapy Change The Power of Problem Free Talk Being A Creative Therapist Mental Rehearsal Building Rapport Gathering Useful Information Working From Within The Client’s Reality Questioning Therapeutically Reframing Using The ‘Observing Self’ Keeping Therapy Conversational Students Undertake Observed Therapy Sessions & Multiple Choice Exam

Module Three – The Practical Applications of Self Hypnosis                  

Uses Of Self Hypnosis The Importance Of Learning & Teaching Self Hypnosis Self-Hypnosis As Part Of Therapy Recording Personalised Self Hypnosis Tracks Structured Self Hypnosis Inductions Therapeutic Self Hypnosis Body Scan Induction Three Things Induction Eyes Open Eyes Closed Induction Rabbit Hole Induction Staircase Induction Tension & Relaxation Induction Secret Garden Induction Beautiful Place Induction Crystal Ball Induction Four Seasons Induction Developing Your Own Inductions Students Undertake Observed Therapy Sessions & Multiple Choice Exam


Module Two – Eclectic Hypnotherapy                              

What Is Hypnosis Hypnosis & The REM State Understanding Hypnotic Principles How To Do Hypnosis Understanding Trance A Brief History Of Hypnotism The Techniques Of Franz Anton Mesmer The Techniques Of James Esdaile The Techniques Of James Braid The Techniques Of Dave Elman The Techniques Of Emile Coue The Techniques Of Leslie Le Cron The Techniques Of Milton H Erickson The Techniques Of Ernest Rossi The Techniques Of George Estabrooks External Attention Fixation Internal Attention Fixation Inducing Trance With Touch Inducing Trance With Rhythms Inducing Trance Through Relaxation Inducing Trance Through Imagery Inducing Trance Through Activity Inducing Trance Through Motionlessness Inducing Trance Through Memory Recall Inducing Trance Through Shock & Surprise Hypnotherapeutic Techniques ‘Trance-Forming’ Experience Post Hypnotic Suggestions Structured Hypnotic Inductions Students Undertake Observed Therapy Sessions & multiple Choice Exam

Module Four – Advanced Ericksonian Hypnotherapy                   

Fundamental Principles Agreement Set Linking Suggestions Presuppositions ‘Working From Within The Clients’ Reality Towards A New Reality’ The Use Of Artfully Vague Language The Use Of Binds Using Commands & Suggestions Metaphors & Analogies Creating Empowerment Presenting Ideas ‘Humble Therapy’ Client Credited For Change Paradoxical Therapy Approaches Strategic Therapy Approaches The Therapists Trance Sensory Acuity Creativity ‘Creating A New Therapy For Each Client’ Priming Ericksonian Post Hypnotic Suggestions Students Undertake Observed Therapy Sessions & Multiple Choice Exam

Module Five – Ideo-Dynamic ‘Psycho-Cellular’ Healing                              

Healing Practices Shamanism, Tribal, Meditation & Religious Healing Practices The Healers Role Trance & Healing Rhythm & Trance Light & Trance Sound & Trance Touch & Trance Movement & Trance Healers Trance Designer Trance States Psychoneuroimmunology Psychoneuroendocrinology Epigenetics Psychosocial Genomics Mind-Body Connection State Dependant Memory, Learning & Behaviour Information Transduction Chaos Theory & Network Theory Ultradian Rhythms & Other Natural Rhythms Healing Psychological Problems Working With Physical Problems Creating Your Own Style Of Healing Ideo-Motor Healing Methods Ideo-Sensory Healing Methods Ideo-Affective Healing Methods Ideo-Cognition Healing Methods Working With Dreams Using Symptoms As The Technique Students Undertake Observed Therapy Sessions & Multiple Choice Exam

Module Six – Coaching, Therapy & Business Development                             

Working With Addictions Working With OCD Working With Anxiety Working With Phobias & PTSD Working With Depression Working With Weight Loss Working With Confidence & Self Esteem Working With Couples & Families Working With Insomnia Working With Pain Working With Stress Working With Anger Working With Sexual Problems Working With Grief Working With Psychosomatic Problems Working With Personal Development Working With Performance Enhancement & Peak Performance Life Coaching Business Coaching Running A Therapy Practice Marketing Alternative Income Streams Keeping Safe Record Keeping Evidence-Based Practice Planning Your Next Steps Continued Professional Development Professional Membership & insurance Students Undertake Observed Therapy Sessions & Multiple Choice Exam

Additional Expectations Personal Study - Reading

Personal Development – Log Book

As well as course modules students are also expected to read the books on the essential reading list and encouraged to read the books on the recommended reading list.

Students are expected to keep a log book recording how they are integrating their knowledge into their everyday personal and professional lives.

Personal Study – Audio Lectures

Personal Development – Practice Group

Students will receive around 30 hours of audio lectures and 20 hours of self-hypnosis audio tracks to help with deepening understanding of hypnosis and therapy.

Students are expected to meet regularly in practice groups to consolidate learning and discover any areas that they feel they still need to develop.

Multiple Choice Exam

Observed Practice

At the end of each module is a multiple choice Each module includes observed practice exam. To complete the diploma each module sessions. In these sessions the student does ‘live’ therapy in front of an instructor and other exam and ‘observed practice’ must be passed. students. To complete the diploma each module’s observed practice must be passed. 8|Page

An Outline of What You Will Learn By the end of the Sussex Hypnotherapy Centre diploma course you will have learnt: 

The role trance plays in problem formation, life experience, and therapeutic interventions

How to rapidly remove trauma and phobias

How to set tasks, and how to encourage clients to follow tasks

An understanding of the ‘Human Givens’

Cognitive, behavioural, interpersonal, systematic and strategic approaches to therapy

How to treat clients using what they bring to therapy as a whole-being

How to evidence-base your work

Paradoxical interventions

How to work with families, couples, parents and children

Hypnotic interventions

How to elicit and use trance phenomena

An understanding of post-hypnotic suggestion

How to work with the conscious and unconscious mind

How to build rapport verbally and nonverbally

How to create new internal resources in clients

How to relieve and work with clients symptoms

How to create hope and expectancy

How to structure therapy sessions

The importance, and the use of guided imagery

How to use Ericksonian hypnotic language patterns and techniques

How to use solution focused questioning and techniques

How to handle resistance

How to work with psychosomatic problems, pain and stress related problems

How to make money with your new skills

And so much more…

How to ‘read’ non-verbal behaviour

How to understand clients’ verbal and nonverbal metaphors

How to create motivation for change

How to create change quickly

Where to start when doing therapy, and what to treat first

How to do hypnosis, therapy and create change conversationally

How to create positive influence covertly

How to use age regression and age revivification and accessing resources in therapy

How to communicate outside of conscious awareness How to genuinely understand and use dreams


An Overview of Different Problems You Will Be Able to Treat On Completion of the Diploma

When you complete the Sussex Hypnotherapy Centre diploma course you will have developed a wide range of skills. You will have developed skills from a wide range of approaches including; cognitive therapy, behaviour therapy, interpersonal therapy, strategic therapy, Ericksonian hypnotherapy, solution focused therapy, motivational interviewing, psycho-social genomics, emotional freedom technique, mindfulness meditation, and more… Some of the problems you will be able and confident to treat on completion of the diploma include: 


Performance Anxiety


Sports Skills Improvement

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder



Confidence, Self Esteem & Shyness




Performance Enhancement


Goal Development & Achievement


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Weight and Dieting

Motivation and Procrastination

Relationship Difficulties

Learning & Skill Development

Sexual Difficulties

Eating Disorders

Family Breakdown


Parenting Issues

Improving Communication Skills


Nail Biting

Panic Attacks

Child Birth Pain & Anxiety

Sleep Problems

Worrying & Negative Thinking

High Blood Pressure


On completion of the course you will be skilled enough to individualise and tailor your therapy to each client that you see, creating a new ‘therapy’ and ‘treatment’ in each session

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About The Sussex Hypnotherapy Centre

The Sussex Hypnotherapy Centre was founded in 2002 by Dan Jones to provide cost effective ‘evidence-based’, ‘common-sense’ therapy and training. Dan researched what therapy was available at the time in Sussex and met with numerous therapists in full-time practice in the local area. What he discovered was that many of the therapists were seeing clients for an average of 12-18 months, or they had very little training and so would only see clients with minor difficulties and not clients with depression, OCD or anxiety problems. Many of the therapists trained in Neuro-linguistic Programming were able to quickly help clients with problems like phobias, confidence, and performance enhancement but didn’t feel they had the training to work with more significant issues. Many Hypnotherapists would work with smokers, weight loss and sleep problems but most wouldn’t work with other issues they saw as ‘deep-rooted’. The therapists that were working with more significant issues were often psycho-dynamically trained and would offer long term therapy and clients often had to ‘learn the language’ of the therapeutic approach to get benefit from the therapy. Therapy usually also lasted a year or more of weekly sessions. There also appeared to be very few therapists working in an evidence-based way. Before Dan set up the Sussex Hypnotherapy Centre he was running courses on stress management, communication skills, conflict resolution and behaviour management with professionals and anger management, communication skills and stress management with young people. Once the Sussex Hypnotherapy Centre was founded Dan started holding group therapy for phobia removal, stress management and smoking cessation. He also began holding self-hypnosis workshops, communication skills workshops, hypnosis workshops and solution focused workshops. By 2005 training videos, audio courses and demonstration and self-help videos and audio tracks were made available for download online, and in 2007 hypnosis and therapy courses were held as live events and streamed live and interactive via the internet. 2007 also saw the development of the first Sussex Hypnotherapy Centre Diploma.

About The Founder Dan Jones used to work in mental health with adults with difficulties like Schizophrenia, Manic Depression and severe OCD and used to apply unusual and effective strategies for rapid change. Dan also worked with young people with extreme challenging behaviour and helped to set up a therapeutic children’s home before moving onto working more intensively with parents and families to reduce and prevent youth offending and anti-social behaviour where he evidenced the use of a Humanistic Solution Focused Approach to parenting support to reduce youth crime and anti-social behaviour. As well as working with people, doing therapy and training, Dan has also written about ten books on therapy, psychological topics and wellbeing, created dozens of self-help and training products, and been involved in research projects and TV programmes and holds many talks and events throughout the UK and abroad. Dan has around 20 years’ experience with a variety of hypnotic approaches and around 10 years’ experience with Solution Focused Therapy and various other therapies and disciplines including mindfulness, meditation, EFT, and NLP. Dan’s therapeutic training has covered areas including solution focused therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy approaches, psycho-dynamic therapy approaches, neuro-linguistic programming, motivational interviewing, transactional analysis, human givens approach, systemic family therapy, and Ericksonian psychotherapy.

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About Your Qualification

This course is accredited by the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council and is divided into six modules. Following the completion of each module you will receive a certificate to show that you have successfully met all criteria and are knowledgeable and competent within that subject. The modules are: 

Humanistic Solution Focused Psychotherapy (Issued in partnership with ALT Solutions)

Eclectic Hypnotherapy

The Practical Applications of Self Hypnosis

Advanced Ericksonian Hypnotherapy

Ideo-Dynamic ‘Psycho-Cellular’ Healing

Coaching, Therapy & Business Development

Upon successful completion of the Sussex Hypnotherapy Centre diploma course you will be entitled to use the letters D Hyp Psych IH (SHC) after your name. You will also be eligible to join the General Hypnotherapy Register. Personal Financial Investment: £2400 (Paid in full no later than one month prior to the diploma start date. All students receive a free iPad Mini with which they can audio or video record lectures and demonstrations, and can take notes on, and listen to the supplied Mp3’s & read the supplied PDF’s)

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Full Diploma Course Reading List Required Reading:             

‘Advanced Ericksonian Hypnotherapy Scripts’ by Dan Jones. ISBN: 978-1-4477-5441-1 (supplied) ‘Hypnosis for Beginners’ by Dan Jones. ISBN: 978-1-4709-0139-4 (supplied) ‘Learn Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy from Beginner to Mastery’ by Dan Jones. ISBN: 978-1-4467-8143-2 (supplied) ‘Using a Humanistic Solution Focused Approach With Parents & Families to Reduce Anti-Social Behaviour & Youth Offending’ by Dan Jones. Lulu Publishing. ISBN: 978-1-4717-4013-8 ‘In Search of Solutions’ by Bill O’Hanlon & Michele Weiner-Davies. W W Norton. ISBN: 0-393-70437-8 ‘Human Givens’ by Joe Griffin and Ivan Tyrrell. Human Givens Publishing ISBN: 978-1899398317 ‘My voice will go with you’ edited by Sidney Rosen. W W Norton. ISBN: 0-393-30135-4 ‘A Guide to Possibility Land’ by Bill O’Hanlon and Sandy Beadle. W.W. Norton. ISBN: 0-393-70297-9 ‘A Guide to Trance Land’ by Bill O’Hanlon. W W Norton. ISBN: 978-0-393-70578-2 ‘1001 Solution-Focused Questions’ by Fredrike Bannink. W W Norton. ISBN: 978-0-393-70634-5 ‘Hypnosis’ by Tad James, Lorraine Flores & Jack Schober. Crown House Publishing. ISBN: 189983645-4 ‘Hope & Resiliency’ by Dan Short PhD, Betty Alice Erickson, MS, LPC & Roxanna Erickson Klein, RN, PhD. Crown House Publishing. ISBN: 190442493-7 ‘The Psychobiology of Gene Expression’ by Ernest Rossi PhD. W W Norton. ISBN: 0-393-70343-6

Recommended Reading:      

‘Uncommon Therapy’ by Jay Haley. W W Norton. ISBN: 0-393-31031-0 ‘Taproots’ by William O’Hanlon. W W Norton. ISBN: 978-0-393-70031-2 ‘How to Lift Depression […fast]’ by Joe Griffin & Ivan Tyrrell. HG Publishing. ISBN: 1899398414 ‘Release from Anger’ by Joe Griffin & Ivan Tyrrell. HG Publishing. ISBN: 978-1-899398-07-2 ‘How to Master Anxiety’ by Joe Griffin & Ivan Tyrrell. HG Publishing. ISBN: 1-899398-81-3 ‘How to Liberate Yourself from Pain’ by Dr Grahame Brown. HG Publishing. ISBN: 978-1-899398-17-1

‘Freedom from Addiction’ by Joe Griffin & Ivan Tyrrell. HG Publishing. ISBN: 1899398465 ‘When Living Hurts’ by Michael D Yapko’ ISBN: 0-87630-757-8 ‘Emotional Intelligence’ by Daniel Goleman. Bloomsbury. ISBN: 0-7475-2830-6 ‘The Wisdom of Milton H. Erickson’ by Ronald Havens PhD. Crown House Publishing. ISBN: 190442417-1 ‘Healing in Hypnosis’ edited by Ernest Rossi, Margaret Ryan, Florence Sharp. Free Association Books. ISBN: 1-85343-405-1 ‘Life Reframing in Hypnosis’ edited by Ernest Rossi, Margaret Ryan. Free Association Books. ISBN: 185343-406-X ‘Mind-Body Communication in Hypnosis’ edited by Ernest Rossi, Margaret Ryan. Free Association Books. ISBN: 1-85343-420-5

     

‘Creative Choices in Hypnosis’ edited by Ernest Rossi, Margaret Ryan. Free Association Books. ISBN: 185343-421-3

   

‘Niche Marketing for Coaches’ by Hannah McNamara. Thorogood Publishing. ISBN: 1-854184-83-0 ‘Mindfulness’ by Mark Williams & Danny Penman. Piatkus. ISBN: 978-0-7499-5308-9 ‘Trancework’ by Michael Yapko. Brunner-Routledge. ISBN: 0-415-93589-X ‘The Oxford Handbook of Hypnosis’ edited by Michael Nash & Amanda Barnier. Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0-19-964580-0

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127 St Pancras, Chichester West Sussex, PO19 7LH 14 | P a g e Tel: 01243 698949

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