Ross Jeffries - Sensual Access - How to Seduce Women With Your Computer

April 27, 2017 | Author: CDamionHarper | Category: N/A
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Ross Jeffries - Sensual Access - How to Seduce Women With Your Computer...






PREFACE The concepts and suggestions in this book are based on the psychological principles of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). In a nutshell, it teaches you that feelings and emotions are generated by mental processes people go through. When you feel love of, attraction to someone, you have gone through a set of mental processes which made you feel that way, An interesting thing about NLP is that you can recreate specific feelings in someone by describing that process to them in detail. As you do so, they naturally access the experience you're describing to them, and along with it come all the feelings they had during that experience. This gives you the ability to produce repeatable results as far as making people feel the way you want them to. Perhaps you can recall a time when a woman was attracted to you, and you didn't quite understand why or how it came about. What would it be like to discover the formula for attracting women, and having the flexibility to apply that formula under any set of circumstances ... pretty strong feeling, isn't it? One of the things NLP will allow is for you to elicit a woman's criteria, which 'is like a roadmap to whatever emotional states you want her to experience. Armed with that roadmap. you can follow the road that leads to emotional bliss, having her fall madly in love with you if you so desire. To use this book effectively, you first need to master the foundation and principles of Neuro Linguistic Programming. I cannot teach that here, as entire volumes have been written just on that subject. However, since you find yourself wanting to have a solid

understanding of the principles behind this book, you're going to be compelled to learn more about these principles, as I have. I first became interested in NLP after attending a short seminar by Ross Jeffries on Speed Seduction. The concept fascinated me, and as a result I went out into the real world to practice the little that I knew. I was caught by surprise by how well his principles worked, and this was despite the fact that I had only scratched the surface of what there was to know about the subject. As a result, I took his weekend "Secrets of Speed Seduction'' seminar, and learned a lot more about the subject. I strongly recommend that you gain a solid understanding of the principles of Speed Seduction before you attempt what's in this book. It's important you learn how to adapt these principles to the situation and circumstances you encounter, rather than memorizing the limited examples I give you. Basically, while I can show you what my actions were given a certain set of circumstances, I cannot teach you how I formulated my plan. As you find yourself wanting to formulate your own plan, you will realize that the following materials are going to change your lifeHow To Get The Women You Desire Into Bed (a book by Ross Jeffries) - - or better yet - Secrets of Speed Seduction Home Study Course (Complete 10 hour Ross Jeffries course) available from

Straightforward Publications 11918 Millpond Court Manassas, VA 22111-3283 703-791-6421 Keep in mind that I wrote this book as a result of studying the above. I can only lay out the roadmap for you; it is you who must feel that desire to follow it now, and reap a lifetime of rewards. INTRODUCTION We are all living in the "Information age", like it or not. What we all agree on is that it continues to expand by leaps and bounds each year, with no end in sight to the technological advances being made. As a result, the price of computers continues to nose-dive to the point where PC's are becoming as common a household item as VCR's or CD players. So why should any of this matter to us? Women, that's why! It just so happens that computers continue to capture the interest of more and more women than you ever fathomed. As 'it turns out, many of these women sit at home on their computer, "chatting'' with computer nerds who don't know how to ask them out! That's where Sensual Access comes in. I'm going to show you how to put your computer to work at tapping that unexploited gold mine of women. So, rathe r than sitting on the sidelines complaining, come and join in on the computer revolution ... it can be a lot of fun, if you know how to play the game. I'll show you how to give meaning to computing, by turning your computer into a Speed Seduction social tool ... the medium by which you will meet exciting, eager and willing women. Take this book and use it to propel you

forward into the hot and exciting world of computer bulletin board systems. Rather than starting from scratch and learning the hard way, you'll be able to use my tried and true shortcuts to get right down to the business of Speed Seduction. It is a rare treat in life to have the roadmap to an opportunity ... yet you can feel confident in knowing that I've made this trip successfully many times. Above all, enjoy what the computer revolution has to offer; women. GETTING ONLINE What is a BBS system? Computer bulletin board system, more commonly known as computer BBS's or just BBS's, share several things in common. First, they all allow you (users) to call in using a phone line. That means if you have a home or office phone, you're already halfway there toward calling your very first BBS system! What you will also need is a computer (any brand) and a modem. The modem is just a small inexpensive gadget which allows the computer to communicate over the phone line. How fast a modem? Modems come in several speeds, and for BBS use you can even get away with using a slower 2400 baud modem. This should cost you no more than $39 new. If you don't mind spending a little bit more, a high speed (14,400 baud) modem will cost about $125 these days. The benefit of high speed modems is that they can transfer data, or characters, six times faster than the 2400 baud one. At 2400 baud, the computer 'is transferring roughly 240 characters per second and at 14,400 baud that jumps to 1,440 characters per second! Neither you nor I are able to read that fast, yet a high-speed modem can be justified when you want to start transferring color pictures of BBS women! These large files

can take fifteen minutes or more each with a slow modem. Why should I use a BBS? That's simple because you are a resourceful person who wants to tap into almost virgin territory and seduce dozens of women at will. You may have already noticed that the typical computer nerd has no social life, at least not one that involves women. This gives you a tremendous advantage over them since the women you'll interface with won't be expecting someone who knows how to Speed Seduce a lady. How do I find a BBS? Now that you're ready to play the game, what you need to do is find a BBS system near you. You see, you don't want to seduce a gal who's hundreds of miles away, unless you plan on vacationing in her area. Specifically, what you want is a BBS that at least has many other subscribers living within driving distance. So, How do I find a BBS? Alright, I'll answer. Since there are literally thousands of BBS's all across the nation, finding one nearby should not be a difficult task. The trick is to be resourceful (the opposite of lazy) and start by checking local "freebie" newspapers for BBS ads. You could also look in the phone book for the number to your local computer store, call and tell them you're interested in a modem but first want to know what local BBS systems there are in the area. Be resourceful; think! If you're really stumped, pick up some of the magazines mentioned later in this book and check for local listings. If you can't find one, then perhaps you may want to start you own and get the pick of the litter! Which BBS do I join? I strongly suggest that you only join a BBS that has a feature known as multi- user chat. Why and what that means is left to another chapter. Also,

try and join a system that has a lot of phone lines, since that is a measure of how many people it can accommodate at the same time. The more lines it has (which cost money), the more people it probably has on it. Here in Los Angeles, the Westside BBS has over a hundred phone lines! What do I do now? I was hoping that by now, you had enough motivation to not have to ask that question. Don't ask, do! Pick up your phone, call the computer store, go to the bookstore or magazine stand; do what it takes to get yourself set up. Hook up that modem to your computer, plug in the phone line, install the modem software and call into your first BBS! What's my first call like? On your very first call, the BBS system will ask you a series of questions to verify your identity. It should even ask you to choose a password, so other people can't use your identity. Make sure you choose a password which others won't be able to guess! There may be online help you can access which will explain how to use the various features of that particular BBS. Learn by doing and exploring ... BASIC OVERVIEW Most BBS systems offer the following basic features, under a similar flavor or perhaps a different name. You should take the time to fully acquaint yourself with what your system offers. Here they are: Online user profiles - Allows you to "browse" or read the profile of other users on the system. The profile is established as a result of answering a series of multiple choice or essay questions the system might ask you. Matchmaker function - Matches you with other users who share similar interests,

based on how they answered their online profile. What this will produce is a list of user names, whose profiles you can later browse and send an electronic letter (email) to if you're interested.

regular face-to-face conversation, all conversations on a BBS have to be typed in, providing you with a long enough delay to think and be able to formulate a good reply, until you master your skills.

Live group chat - Imagine holding a live conference with many other people through your home computer, Rather than speaking, each person types, and everyone sees what everyone else is typing. In order to know who's saying what, the text is automatically stamped with the user's name,

This is particularly important when learning new language patterns, since the key to proficiency with Speed Seduction is practice; practice until your responses become automatic and subconscious. On a BBS, things seem more relaxed since you're not physically facing someone in an encounter. You will find yourself using the tools which the BBS provides - anonymity and time - to your advantage in mastering these new skills. Before you know it, you'll find yourself continuing those patterns naturally when you attend user meetings.

Private chat - Similar to group cha t, except you're having a private one-on-one conversation. Sometimes private chat can get pretty steamy and personal ... especially if you know the secrets of Speed Seduction Public Mail Forums - Sometimes known as "pubs", these allow you to post an electronic message (email), which others may then read and respond to. Forums (pubs) are usually classified by interest, so if you wanted to read and/or post messages about dating, you would join the dating pub. It provides a free exchange of ideas between people with similar interests. Private electronic mail - You can send a private message to anyone else on the BBS system. They can, in turn, send you email. This allows you to communicate with others who are not on the system while you're on. These are just some of the features available on BBS's. It is up to you to explore and learn all the features of your particular system.

Right now, you may not fully understand these advantages. However, as you use the system you'll begin to appreciate the delayed nature of group chat and electronic mail. You'll quickly realize the advantage of having all the time in the world to compose a seductive response to whomever sent you mail. After studying the Speed Seduction Course, you'll be beaming with Joy knowing that it only takes a few sentences in your email reply to produce a seductive reply that will have the gal interested in you, After you've studied the basics, you'll want to start trying and developing new techniques on your own. Practice is the key! Well, after all we've discussed, you can realize why a BBS system is the best place to do your homework, as you 'imp rove your skills while meeting women!

PERSONAL TRAINING One of the most wonderful things about BBS systems is 08t they serve as the perfect low-pressure training tool for the Speed Seduction student. This is because unlike

Whatever you do and however you portray yourself, make sure you remain consistent. Do not tell different women conflicting things about yourself. You see, gals on a BBS generally gossip like mad, especially

about guys! So, if you want to make a perceived change in your image, do it slowly! MULTIPLE CHOICE In order to give users a glimpse into each other's personalities, most BBS systems have them complete one or more multiplechoice questionnaires, collectively known as a bio (short for biography). Users can then "browse" each other's bio" any time they want, anonymously. The bio questions are often organized into groups or categories. For example, the Westside BBS breaks its bio" down into the following categories: General

Hair color, eye color, waist size, height, etc.

Friendship Hobbies and interests, tastes in food, views, etc.

book on that subject. Later, when you want to get to know her, you can use your newfound knowledge in a nonchalant way to gain her interest. Remain sincere, however. She will respect your authority in her subject even if you disagree with her. You may be surprised to find that the majority of women believe in one or more of the occult sciences, be it astrology, palmistry, metaphysics, UFOs, reincarnation, or channeling to name only a few. Have you ever noticed that the men they're with are fluent in that stuff also? That should be a lesson in itself; the easy way to get laid is to be truly knowledgeable in their favorite subject. You don't need to believe in it, just have some basic knowledge about it. As always, make that "spiritual connection" by following her road map and you'll build rapport in no time. FREESTYLE SEDUCTION



Personal values, dating history and background. Preference, favorite positions, permissiveness.

Technical Computer literacy, technical skills, nerd factor. Even though the answers are all multiplechoice, they're at least varied enough to give you a decent clue as to whether a potential mate is liberal or conservative. Far more important, the answers will help you elicit their criteria, giving you a head-start in the battle to win them over; read on. To have instant rapport with women, It is crucial you learn how to elicit their criteria, and later use that criteria to leverage yourself. If a gal's bio reveals that she's into metaphysics (or whatever), you should go to the bookstore and buy the hottest selling

Nowhere else in the BBS world will you find a more powerful and useful seduction tool than the freehand essay. This weapon consists of intimate personal questions, all of which can be answered in essay freehand format! To the trained "Speed Seducer" this is like wielding a double-edged sword; not only can you accurately elicit someone's criteria by reading their essay, but you can also hypnotize them by mirroring their criteria in your essay! Later on in this book, I'll show you how to reel in fish by the dozens using your freehand essay. Meanwhile, however, it's important that you master the art of baiting your essay with language patterns. If at this stage you don't know what I'm talking about, go back and review the Ross Jeffries "Speed Seduction Weekend" tapes. Language patterns are crucial to your success with women, be it on a BBS, by phone, letter or

in person. You need to master the basics before playing the game. Enough said. Fortunately, you can take as long as you want to compose a perfect Speed Seduction essay, redoing it as often as necessary to fit the occasion. Once your essay is composed however, a miracle happens ... You now have the electronic-warfare equivalent of a billboard ad that's ready to seduce women twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Remember, any user can "browse" you or read your essay anonymously at any time! That's why it's important to take the time to compose an effective essay.

suddenly realize the importance of that essay, as you see it captivating her interest with your carefully laid-out language patterns. Now you can understand how crucial it is that you spend time creating a good essay. Studying my sample essay allows you to build a more solid understanding that In turn gives you the confidence you need to create your own. While my essay is greatly exaggerated for the purpose of illustration, yours need not be so. In fact, the more subtle you are, the better it works. Q:

To help you get started, I'm going to show you what some of my essay on Westside BBS looks like. However, you'll find that learning and practicing the "Speed Seduction Weekend" course is crucial; my examples alone will not teach you how to think like a fish. For that very same reason, those of you without the prerequisite background won't understand why or how my examples work. Instead, you may first think I'm crazy until you allow yourself to think things differently and begin to realize how powerful these language patterns are on their intended and unsuspecting audience. Then again, you may not think that: you may already sense a natural awareness of the potential hidden within these patterns. In either case, study the sample patterns coming up next and use them to make your essay stand out from the crowd ... you'll be glad you did. LANGUAGE PATTERNS It is now time for you to learn how to best use the single most important feature on a BBS - the freehand essay. As you start to think about how your essay can be viewed by any woman round the clock, you stop and


Q: A:

Describe your physical appearance and attractive attributes ... Let's see, how do I describe this so you find yourself picturing it clearly in your mind now ... Can you remember your first love, as you stared into his eyes and admired those features that made him special. You felt so happy around him, and melted when he stared into your eyes. It was as if you shared a special connection with him, and he seemed beautiful to you no matter what. That's the same type of connection that lets you realize the beauty within me. Briefly describe your personality ... Getting to know someone's personality can be a wonderful experience. In many ways, my personality is like that of several people whom you've already enjoyed in your life. What's it like to suddenly discover that someone you're getting to know for the first time is very much like you. Where you find yourself sharing the same values and emotions that make it feel as if you've known each other for the longest time already. As you find yourself fascinated by them, and comfortable being around them because they seem

so much like you. That's my personality. Q: A:

Q: A:

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? The concept of change itself is interesting. Can you remember judging someone prematurely … at first thinking they weren't your type only to just as quickly realize how wonderful they really are now. Where you learned that the search for what really makes you happy extends far beyond your initial perceptions. As you begin to realize this, you know there's no need to change, because I am who I need to be to be he. What kind of person would you most like to meet? Such deceivingly simple questions can be so difficult to answer. Have you ever spent time with someone whom you shared an instantaneous connection with ... where you can remember that connection feeling so strong, as if it seemed predestined, Where you suddenly realize how much that person really understands you, in a way which you always wanted to be understood, As you begin to sense your comfort building, you notice how you feel that powerful connection that comes from two people who were meant to share time together. A connection like that takes someone special, I can remember feeling that on those rare and special moments when you know you've met your own special me.


What's the perfect first date and where would you go?


The perfect first date ... What fascinated me was that I knew it was going to be perfect even before the date. Where something within senses how wonderful it's going to be, and you can hear that voice in your subconscious saying "How surprised would you be to find yourself actually looking forward to spending some time with me, like maybe to the point where you could imagine us over coffee, laughing and having the best time, and you find yourself starting to feel really comfortable with that. As you think about it like that, doesn't it just seem natural that we meet and spend just a little time together?" That's what I remember ... and it's a wonderful feeling, wasn't it? When you're really adept at it, you can adjust or tailor your essay to focus in on the criteria of a particular lady you're targeting. In this way, it will reflect a common interest which you may later use as leverage to make her feel comfortable and connected with you. A tried and tested example would be to leverage metaphysics into making that special lady feel a spiritual connection" with you as she reads about your journeys into people's minds and souls. Skeptical? More on that later.

GROUP SEDUCTION Can you remember the days of CB radio, where anyone who owned one could select a channel and end up talking with everyone else who was also on that channel? It was like a huge party- line where you had a choice of conversations and topics. Well, computer BBS systems have brought this popular concept online and into the world of cyberspace.

THE GIFTED MIND Just imagine getting on the BBS, going into the group chat feature, and being presented with a list of "channels" to choose from. The choices may also show a short description of the topic for that channel. As you select your channel of choice, you're thrust into the electronic equivalent of a group conversation with others on that same channel. You all see what each other types, and what you type is automatically prefaced with your username. Welcome to cyberspace. So what can you, the Speed Seduction Student, do with group chat? You can use it to get women subconsciously interested in reading your essay! You can covertly practice new language patterns en masse, targeting as many women at a time as there are on the channel! You can just sit back and listen to what the women have to say, studying and learning their criteria! The possibilities are endless ... Group chat can be your personal advertising medium, and through it you can make women curious to electronically browse you. All you have to do is study the patterns of Speed Seduction, and apply them. I enjoy doing multiple subtle patterns, to make sure I've covered everyone's personality type. Some of the things I might innocently say are: "Hannah - Your essay was wonderful, I found it charming, as are you." "Elaine - Don't even think of reading my essay as a means of satisfying your growing curiosity." "Nancy - What's it like to find yourself wondering what that guy at the other end of the keyboard is like."

As one of my social experiments oil the BBS, I decided to ice what would happen if I applied my Speed Seduction skills en masse. My goal was to make women feel appreciated, so I decided to send them a gift showing my thoughtfulness and sensitivity. Of course, I didn't want the gift to cost me anything, yet I did want it to have value in their mind. So, I set off and wrote a letter to make them experience what I wanted, and all it cost me was some time. I then e- mailed that letter to eight women on Valentine's day. Five of the eight women sent me a reply, each showing interest in pursuing our new relationship further. Here is that letter: As you stare at the container, you can taste the sweet memories in your mouth. The days of mmm ... smiling faces biting into sweet and eve r so scrumptious chocolate truffles. You can remember that first bite, ever so slow and deliberate ... filled with anticipation. The fond memory of you biting down gradually, breaking through the delicate chocolate coating and being rewarded by the heavenly whipped potion inside. Ahh ... it tastes so creamy, so sweet, and makes you smile contentedly; joy is with you. You now begin to focus on the box which houses these treats from the heavens; it in itself is a work of art. Heart shaped and bright red with a white bow on top ... a most elegant and befitting housing for those treats as they await your tongue savoring them, melting on your taste buds. The card ... you notice there's a small card attached to the bow. Who is this Valentine's day suitor who bestows such savory gifts from heaven upon you? Now holding the card in your hand, you realize that opening it may spoil the suspense. You go for it,

unfolding the card, revealing words written in that calligraphy you remember so well, using deep blue ink. As you read the card, the words speak to you, they say in my voice ... "The perfect Valentine's ... was, is, and will always be. Lew". and here are their responses "I don't believe that I have ever received such a beautiful valentine before. Thank you for such an elegant description! I'm looking forward to chatting with you again "You too ... but now I want truffles!" "Thank you, that was the sweetest letter I have gotten in a long time. It brought a nice big smile and warm thoughts to mind of days and lo ve long past but sweet just the same. Wish you the happiest of days and much love ... maybe someday we will connect."

letter in once and send it to many people. The system then marks your letter as a massmailer, and the recipients can tell that they weren't the only ones to receive it. Whoops it kind of lost its personal touch. You see, gals on a BBS are often bombarded with mass- mail from prospecting guys, and sending her mass- mail is the equivalent of scraping bottom. Instead, you should send that same letter out individually. Type it in each time, or learn how to upload it as ASCII text directly into the letter editor. There are many holidays you can take my Valentine's approach with. So, become resourceful and creative, and compose your own holiday letter! THL PLEIADIAN FACTOR

"Sweets! That was the best valentine! Thank you so much ... you, my dear, have an incredible way with words ... happy valentines day to you too sweety, and remember, you are never forgotten, and never will be!"

I met a gal online who was into UFO's in a big way ... she was convinced that the Pleiadians were going to beam her aboard. Realizing this was her criteria, I bought a book at the metaphysics store about Pleiadians, and learned all about her beliefs. Here is one of the first messages I sent her: Have you ever known strongly that you would enjoy someone's company, without the need to even talk? As if just being near their energy and vibrations was enough to make you relaxed and comfortable, because your spirit was being fed. It has happened here mysteriously with us, and becoming one with you will be smooth, fulfilling and deeply satisfying.

I was not expecting so many positive replies, and it was difficult to make enough time to date them all! Over and over again, the Speed Seduction techniques have amazed even me ... exceeding my every expectation. A word to the wise - when sending a generic letter to many recipients simultaneously, do it individually. Let me clarify. Some BBS systems have a feature where you can type a

As you know, I like to travel spiritually visiting the souls and energies of others. What would it feel like after my next journey took me into your mind ... where I meshed with your soul and infused you with my joy. Can you feel your display of enjoyment and ecstasy serving as my nourishment, completing the cycle as it frantically feeds on itself, faster and faster,

"Such words ... that touch the soul. Thank you and to you too. Let's get together sometime if you have the inclination or desire."

drawing us in deeper and deeper. Feel the pinnacle of sensory overload that would result … that explosion of relief, finally allowing us to melt into each other as we fuse together, bodies melting, souls meshing - destiny. -- and here are two responses -Wow! That was an amazingly powerful letter you sent me ... yes, I too can feel that you're going to be a special energy in my life ... and I know exactly what you mean by enjoying someone's company without even talking ... you fill me with interest ... I too want to know all about you and I want to mesh with your soul very much ... Visit Me! Visit me! I look forward to our next talk and even more so our meeting ... though I know we've met before. Until then, peace and good vibrations. Hey there! Thanks for the message on my machine ... I LOVE messages! I went dancing tonight, and got home at 2:30am. The temptation to call you is incredible, but alas I'll restrain myself. I'm thinking of ya ... Well, as you might imagine, the Earth shook and our souls meshed as we exchanged a cosmic connection that didn't end until 4:30 in the morning! This gal still goes bonkers whenever she sees me at parties ... and the less I speak to her, the more of a connection slip feels. Did I do that? ONLINE PROSPECTING One of the easiest ways to introduce yourself electronically to women on a BBS system is by finding the right excuse. Often, if they see an obvious and legitimate reason for your contact, they'll be that much more off- guard and susceptible to your Speed

Seduction Patterns. Here are some simple yet effective ways to reel in women by the dozens, as I promised ... Some BBS's, such as Westside, give a daily announcement of birthdays on the system. You can use that daily list to peruse women (too bad you can't peruse them in their birthday suits!) and note down the ones that interest you. Armed with this information, I can picture you sending each of these ladies an electronic "birthday card" that not only charms them, but also makes them curious enough to browse you. This technique also lends itself well to special occasions, such as holidays. Send your appropriate email "holiday card" to not more than half a dozen women at a time, since simultaneous responses can quickly bury you with more prospective dates than you can pursue. Produce your customized birthday and occasion cards ahead of time, on paper. Make them powerful by using the subtle techniques taught in the Speed Seduction Course, then reuse the ones that get results! When it's time to email a card to someone new, just type in your already prepared one, substituting her name where appropriate. Be a scout - be prepared! An important word to the wise here - make sure your card is unobtrusive. You don't want to come on hard and heavy at first, especially with a total stranger. Your main goal is to make her feel comfortable with and totally fascinated by you. If you didn't know this already, take Speed Seduction. As Ross Jeffries so fondly likes to say, "Be an Iron fist in a velvet glove". You will have plenty of opportunity and know-how to pursue those women who are captivated by and reply to your mail.

WHALE WATCHING Believe it or not, what you are about to read may save you many times the price of this book, along with a lot of embarrassment and discomfort. I'm referring to the art of whale watching, or learning to spot fat and ugly pigs on the BBS before they talk you into a blind dinner date. I'm talking about three hundred pound welfare mothers with SIX children and no car. Some of the BBS women might have a picture (GIF) of themselves online, which you can copy to your computer (download) and view on your screen. This is an effective method for prevention and detection. Not all women have their GIF online, however, some are too fat to fit on a screen, while others are actually beautiful and tired of the fan- mail it generates. For these, you will need another way to ascertain their weight/beauty ratio. You might want to have an innocent chat with your gal, and ask her who else She knows from the BBS. You can then discreetly ask these people non-obvious questions about her. Of course, this is also a great way to break the ice and introduce yourself to these gals as well! Some BBS systems have monthly user meets. For a really fruitful fishing trip, go to one of these meetings under an assumed name. Stay only long enough to scout all the women, noting down their usernames and how you rate their looks, Then get out! Now you know which ones to pursue. One important lesson is to not get yourself into something you may regret later when you meet the gal. Don't come on too strong, and don't set up a date until you know what you're dealing with!

Above all, be nice to the fatties and pigs, despite your lack of interest. These are the women who may make or break you when the gal you're interested in gossips with them about how rude or nice men are. Women are impressed with men who are kind and sensitive, As a final note, stand firm with women who are abusive to you. If they don't return email promptly, call them on it; tell them how rude it is. All this is covered in the Speed Seduction Course, shouldn't you know it? RESOURCE CENTRAL You may be amazed to learn that there's a whole industry out there that caters just to the BBS world. There are large thriving companies which do nothing but supply BBS owners with software and hardware needed to run a BBS. Some companies even maintain a full-time technical support desk. Just imagine how many women have joined the computer revolution! One good measure of popularity is to see how many magazines are in print for a particular subject. In the world of BBS'ng, a surprising number of magazines exist. You may he interested in getting one from your local bookstore: any one of them may introduce you to a BBS system in your own city. Do n't be surprised to find the blonde next door on a BBS! Boardwatch Magazine 5970 South Vivian Street Littleton, CO 80127-9929 Online Access 900 N. Franklin, Ste 310 Chicago, IL 60610 BBS Magazine 701 Stokes Road

Medford, NJ 08055 609-953-9110 800-822-0437 Connect Magazine 3487 Braeburn Circle Ann Arbor, MI 313-973-8825 FREE MEMBERSHIP As a bonus, I've made arrangements with one of the largest BBS systems in Southern California to offer you a free trial subscription, As you fill out the subscription form, just mention the "Lew Payne Seduction Special" and you will get ten free hours of trial access. To subscribe, Just turn on your modem and call one of the local access numbers listed below. Westside/Metropolis BBS access numbers (Partial Listing) 213-933-4050


213-564-0695 310-670-5212



818-571-5524 818-961-6133

L.A., W.L.A., Beverly Hills, Culver, Santa Monica, etc. Alhambra, Montebello, Pasadena, El Monte, Arcadia Downey, Norwalk, Long Beach Redondo Beach, Torrance, Lomita, Gardena, Compton Alamitos, Garden Grove, Huntington Beach, Buena Park Canoga Park, Northridge, Sunland, Sun Valley, Reseda Pico Rivera, Whittier, Monrovia, La Puente Covina, Pomona, Diamond Bar, Brea, Azusa, Placentia

818-709-0729 805-255-7341 805-526-2395



714-458-7271 714-649-2857 909-734-8389

Simi, Newhall, Santa Clarita, Saugus area Canyon Country, Castaic Thousand Oaks, Moorpark, places out yonder. Anaheim, Irvine, Newport, Orange, La Habra, Santa Ana Laguna Beach, Trabuco Cyn, El Toro, Saddleback Valley Rancho Viejo, Capsitrano Valley Corona & surrounding community (Silverado) Arlington, Woodcrest area, West Riverside (some)

The system covers most of Southern California, so space does not permit me to publish every access number. You can get a list of access numbers local to you by calling any of the above numbers. For recorded information about Westside BBS, dial 800HOT-TBBS (It may take several tries). If you're long distance or out of state, don't feel left out! Just call CRIS at 800-745CRIS and ask about the "BBS-direct" signup. CRIS provides a long distance modem service ... They let you call long distance BBS's at incredibly cheap rates ($2/hr)! No ... you can't use it for voice calls. I would like to thank Dave Harrison of Westside BBS for his generosity in making this offer possible for my readers. Make sure and drop me a line when you're on ... My user number is 231, with the nickname "Lewicifer", ABOUT THE AUTHOR Lew Payne has been a computer

professional for over fourteen years. He serves as Director of MIS (Management Information Systems) for a large corporation in Los Angeles, managing a national computer network for a multi- million dollar company. He enjoys coming up with new and innovative ways to make computers more palatable and interesting for those who can't stand them. Starting as early as 1981, his exploits with computers were featured in newspaper and magazine articles throughout the country. He has been the subject of several books on the subject of computer vulnerability, as well as having participated in computer security forums. In his spare time he enjoys eating banana yogurt at his gym, writing books and screenplays, volunteering his expertise to good causes and spending time with his girlfriend, to whom lie is faithful. His next project is a guide on how to successfully respond to newspaper personal ads, complete with ready-to-use generic sample letters. He also plans on writing a guide on how to play the telephone dating service voice- mail personals, complete with canned generic messages. In the near future, he will be starting a voice-mail dating service specially geared to the training needs of new Speed Seduction students. You might also occasionally find him on Westside, his favorite BBS.

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