Rosete v. Lim June 8, 2006 | Chico-Nazario, J. J. | Petition for Certiorari | Rights of a witness PETITIONER: Alfredo Rosete, scar !a"alo, and Chito Rosete RESPONDENT: Juliano #i$ and #ilia #i$ SUMMARY: %he "etitioners are &eing sued for annul$ent and s"ecific "erfor$ance &ecause of the sale of real "ro"ert' $ade &' A(P-R)*) A(P-R)*) to +s"re$e Realt' of "arcels of land which allegedl' &elong to the res"ondents #i$s %he res"ondents want to tae the de"osition of the "etitioners, &ut the "etitioners refuse to do so &' filing a $otion and o&.ection to tae de"osition u"on oral e/a$ination Petitioners Petitioners clai$ that this goes against their right against self-incri$ination self-incri$ination since the' hae "ending cri$inal cases inoling the sa$e facts, and that the' can co$"letel' refuse to testif' %he %he trial court and the CA denied their $otion %he )C u"held the lower courts1 ruling, ruling, sa'ing that the "resent case is a ciil case, not a cri$inal one %he "ending cri$inal cases do not gie the$ the right to refuse to testif' in the ciil cases DOCTRINE: nl' an accused in a cri$inal case can refuse to tae the witness stand r in cases which "artae of the nature of a cri$inal "roceeding or analogous thereto r in ciil actions which are cri$inal in nature t is the nature of the "roceedings that controls, not the character of the suit inoled FACTS: 3 Juliano #i$ and #ilia #i$ filed co$"laint for annul$ent, s"ecific "erfor$ance w da$ages against the A(P Retire$ent and )e"aration *enfits )'ste, +s"re$e Realt' and 4e1t Co, Alfredo Rosete, !a. scar !a"alo, Chito Rosete, *P, and Register of 4eeds of !indoro ccidental - Ass for annul$ent of deed of sale, e/ecuted &' A(P-R)*) A(P-R)*) to +s"re$e Realt' of "arcels of land, and for the cancellation of the titles in +s"re$e Realt'1s na$e %he' also as for e/ecution of docs to restore ownershi" and title of the lands to the #i$s 2 #ots of "rocedural stuff ha""ened 5Answer e/ a&udanti cautela$ was filed Releant to us is that the res"ondents filed a Notice to %ae 4e"osition 7"on ral +/a$ination, giing notice that on June 38 and 20 39, the' will de"ose "etitioners !a"alo !a"alo and Chito Chito Rosete Petitioners filed an 7rgent +/ Parte !otion and &.ection to %ae 4e"osition 7"on ral +/a$ination - %here are two "ending cri$inal cases in !andalu'ong and Pasig 5*P 22 and +stafa inoling the sa$e set of facts: allowing their de"osition would iolate their right against self-incri$ination &ecause the de"osition would esta&lish allegation of fact in the co$"laint-affidaits co$"laint-affidaits in the cri$ cases ; #ower court denied the "etitioners1 e/ "arte $otion and scheduled the taing of the de"osition
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