Rolls Royce Trent 1000
Short Description
Pequeña presentación de las principales caracteristicas del motor Trent 1000 de Rolls Royce, instalado en el Boeing 787...
Indian institute of space science and technology Thiruvananthapuram
TRENT 1000 Aircraft engine Done by : Priyanka Ojha , K.Raghava.
TRENT 1000!"EIN# $%$ EN#INE The Trent Trent 1000 engine is a three shaft high bypass ratio, axial
ow, trbofan with !ow Pressre, Pressre, "nter#e$iate Pressre an$ %igh Pressre Pressre &o#pressors $riven by separate trbines throgh 'oaxial shafts. •
(est engine for the (oeing )*) +rea#liner. +rea#liner.
"t is a new ltrahighthrst variant varia nt of the Trent fa#ily an$ ses a threeshaft layot.
!east environ#ental i#pa't
it is a blee$less $esign.
TRENT 1000!"EIN# $%$ EN#INE The Trent Trent 1000 engine is a three shaft high bypass ratio, axial
ow, trbofan with !ow Pressre, Pressre, "nter#e$iate Pressre an$ %igh Pressre Pressre &o#pressors $riven by separate trbines throgh 'oaxial shafts. •
(est engine for the (oeing )*) +rea#liner. +rea#liner.
"t is a new ltrahighthrst variant varia nt of the Trent fa#ily an$ ses a threeshaft layot.
!east environ#ental i#pa't
it is a blee$less $esign.
signi/'ant ar'hite'tral innovation •
%igher proplsive e'ien'y throgh in'rease$ bypass ratio. %igher engine ther#al e'ien'y throgh in'rease$ overall pressre ratio an$ i#prove$ 'o#ponent e'ien'ies. "#prove$ thrsttoweight ratio throgh the appli'ation of a$van'e$ #aterials. "ntro$'tion of a novel $alse ele'tri'al power generation syste# that $oble$ as the engine start syste#.
"ntelligent innovation •
The threeshaft architecture the threespool $esign aor$s inter#e$iate pressre power otake with $e#onstrate$ bene/ts in engine operability an$ fel 'ons#ption. The Trent 1000 is a bleedless engine to suit the re'uirements of the (ore Electric !oeing $%$ This oers re$'tions in fel brn an$ weight for the overall air'raft an$ enables in'rease$ levels of ele'tri'al energy to be transferre$ to the air'raft via the "nter#e$iate Pressre 2"P3 spool power otake. "n a$$ition, this ni4e three shaft te'hnology i#proves engine operability. "n'orporate the latest s)ept aero hollo)fanblade technology evolve$ fro# the pre$e'essor Trent 500 engine. "n'orporate surface coolers for 'o#pa't an$ e'ient
"ntelligent innovation •
+esign the Trent 1000 with the latest 'o#ptational i$ $yna#i'senable$ -D aerodynamics for high e'ien'y an$ low noise. improve component life the Trent 1000 features ne) technology solble 'ore %igh Pressre 2%P3 trbine bla$es, new #anfa'tring #etho$s pro$'e #ore ee'tive 'ooling for longerlife bla$es an$ i#prove$ fel brn. "#prove$ #aterials also in'rease lives of $is's an$ shafts 6sage of *ariable fre'uency starter generator.*+,#/ whi'h re$'e fel brn an$ noise on the )*). The engine has 178 lower fel brn than those of a $e'a$e ago, an$ $elivers 908 lower e#issions than re4ire$ by 'rrent international legislation.
Key prin'iples : bene/ts of threeshaft
;ngine < =horter, stier shafts allowing i#prove$ perfor#an'e retention Opti#ise$ bla$e spee$s i#proving engine e'ien'y !ighter weight engines reslting in higher revene earning potential >o$lar $esign allowing easier #aintainability
"nteresting ?a'ts •
t takeo the (oeing )*) +rea#liner@s two Trent 1000s will $eliver thrst of 170,000 lbf, whi'h is e4ivalent to the power of 1,700 'ars. The engine s'ks in 1.A7 tons of air per se'on$ $ring take o 2that@s abot the vol#e of a ra'ket ball 'ort every se'on$3. ir passing throgh the engine is s4eeBe$ to #ore than )00 lb per s4 in'h, whi'h is 70 ti#es nor#al air pressre. The engine has abot C0,000 in$ivi$al 'o#ponents The fel in the engine 'o#bstion 'ha#ber brns at abot CDCA $eg ? the sn@s srfa'e is abot 5591 $eg ?. The for'e on a fan bla$e at takeo is abot 100 tons. That is like hanging a freight train o ea'h bla$e. The /rst generation of trbine bla$es ha$ abot 10 tons of for'e. The bla$e tip travels at #ore than 500#ph E faster than the spee$ of son$. ;a'h high pressre trbine bla$e pro$'es #ore than *00 horsepower E the sa#e as a F=&R engine.
,tages •
The !P an$ "P asse#blies rotate in$epen$ently in an anti'lo'kwise $ire'tion, the %P asse#bly rotates 'lo'kwise, when viewe$ fro# the rear of the engine. The &o#pressor an$ Trbine have the following featres< &o#pressor !P E =ingle stage "P E * stage
Trbine !P E D stage "P E single stage %P E single
ey parameters #eneral characteristics
Type: Threeshaft high bypass ratio 211 10.*axi## for takeo 27 #in. li#it3< 500 >axi## &ontinos 2nrestri'te$ $ration3< *70 >axi## overte#peratre 2A0 se'on$ li#it3< 5A0
+uel temperature .97/ >ini## fel te#peratre< 97 >axi## fel te#peratre< D7
"il temperature .97/ Range is 90 to A07
4ressure imits ?el pressre 2kPa3 (inimum absolute inlet pressure .measured at engine inlet/: •
=tea$y state 'on$itions with engine rnning< C9.7 H vapor pressre
Transient 'on$itions with engine rnning 2A se'on$s3< 1C.* H vapor
(a5imum pressure at inlet .measured at the pylon interface/: •
=tea$y state 'on$itions with engine rnning< 9*C
Transient 'on$itions with engine rnning 2A se'on$s3< 5DD
=tati' after engine sht $own< 11)A
(a5imum permissible rotor speeds Rotor
Referen'e spee$s, 1008 rp#
Lithot =( )A MC15
>axi## for take o
>axi## 'ontinos
>axi## for take o
>axi## 'ontinos
Lith =( )AMC15
2+ata #akes allowan'e for instr#entation a''ra'ies3
+an system •
+eatures: !ow fan spee$, life of engine bla$es, ellipti'al lea$ing e$ge bla$es, low hbtotip ratio. >oving a tonne of air per se'on$, the fan pro$'es over *78 of the engine@s thrst. A.* # 2110 in3 $ia#eter sweptba'k fan, with a s#aller $ia#eter hb to help #axi#iBe airow, This pro$'es a higher bypass ratio withot any in'rease in external $ia#eter. The biggest an$ #ost swept set of otlet gi$e vanes #a$e fro# sperplasti'for#e$J$isionbon$e$ titani#N a forge$ titani#, lightweight an$ a'osti'allytreate$ rigi$ fan 'ase.
+an ,ystem •
?an bla$es rotate CC00 ti#es per #inte with a tip spee$ of 1)C0 k#Jhr %eavy bla$es nee$ #ore energy to #ove an$ therefore re4ire #ore fel. &entripetal for'e is abot 500 kF (la$es are abot 10 kg in #ass, 100 '# high an$ abot 90 '# wi$e. >a$e of Titani# alloy 'ontaining s#all a#onts of ?e, O, an$ l. >elting point1D09 1DD0
?lly swept titani# fan
Trent 1000 the )orld;s best fan •
The proven swept fan $esign is the lightest in the in$stry an$ balan'es the re4ire#ent for low noise with high perfor#an'e. "t $oes this by 'o#bining lower rotational spee$ with a$van'e$ aero$yna#i' pro/les. The low hb $ia#eter enables a #ore 'o#pa't $esign an$ even lower weight to be a'hieve$. The hollow titani# fan bla$e is the lightest weight soltion $e to its sti gir$er str'tre
+an !lade 8ollo) titanium •
?irst, at an ato#i' level, three sheets of titani# #aterial, are fse$. "t has to be $one in an ltra'lean pro$'tion fa'ility throgh a pro'ess of $ision bon$ing. Then the pro'ess of sperplasti' for#ing 'reates a hollow within the bla$e. rgon gas is se$ to inate the titani# in a frna'e operating at al#ost 1000&. The two oter titani# panels are expan$e$, while the #i$$le sheet is stret'he$ into a BigBag shape, 'reating the /nal hollow C+ aero$yna#i' shape of the bla$e an$ giving extraor$inary rigi$ity to the str'tre The hollow titani# fan bla$e 'ople$ with linear fri'tion wel$ing
Rotor blisk
7ompressor Intro •
The 'o#pressor is #a$e p of the fan an$ alternating stages of rotating bla$es an$ stati' vanes. The 'o#pression syste# of a Trent engine 'o#prises the fan, eight inter#e$iate pressre stages an$ six high pressre stages. The pri#ary prpose of the 'o#pressor is to in'rease the pressre of the air throgh the gas trbine 'ore. "t then $elivers this 'o#presse$ air to the 'o#bstion syste#. The pressre rise is 'reate$ as air ows throgh the stages of rotating bla$es an$ stati' vanes. The bla$es a''elerate the air in'reasing its $yna#i' pressre, an$ then the vanes $e'elerate the air transferring kineti' energy into stati' pressre rises
7ompressorfacts •
t the start of an "P& the te#peratres are aron$ 1700& The air leaves %P& at abot )000& "t 'o#presses air at abot 10,000 rp# %igh strength, 'orrosion resistant to high te#peratres, resistant to $efor#ation an$ low $ensity is re4ire$. =o we 'hoose ni'kel base$ alloys. (la$es are #a$e by
n erme a e compressor •
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