Firstl! I "ould li#e to e$%ress m %ro&ou'd se'se o& (r)titude to")rds the )lmi(ht *ALLAH+ &or %ro,idi'( me "ith the )uthe'ti- -ir-umst)'-es "hi-h "ere m)'d)tor &or the -om%letio' o& m %roe-t. I &eel msel& hi(hl deli(hted! )s it (i,es me i'-redible %le)sure to %rese't )' )ssi('me't "or# o' *Role o& the Ele-tio' Commissio' o& I'di) i' Stre'(the'i'( Demo-r)- i' I'di)+. I "ould li#e to e'li(hte' m re)ders re()rdi'( this to%i- )'d I ho%e I h),e tried m best to %),e the ") &or bri'(i'( more lumi'osit to this to%i-. I )m (r)te&ul to m He)lth L)" Te)-her Mr. Kishore Dere "ho h)s hel%ed me to ,e'ture this %roe-t )s "ell )s the libr)r o& F)-ult o& L)"! /)mi) Milli) Isl)mi). I "ould li#e to th)'# )ll -o'-er' &or their i'terest i' %ro,idi'( me ) (ood b)-# u% m)teri)l.
elections, such that no ma+or adult- social group is excluded +; Com%etiti,e ')ture o& ele-tio's is ide'ti&ied )s o'e o& the m)or reuireme'ts &or &u'-tio'i'( demo-r)- b Mro' ?ei'er i' his @ mpirical (emocratic $heory’ / Ele-tio's -re)te ) se'time't o& %o%ul)r -o'se't )'d %)rti-i%)tio' i' %ubli- )&&)irs )'d %ro,ide &or orderl su--essio' i' (o,er'me't b %e)-e&ul tr)'s&er o& )uthorit to 'e" rulers3. *$he constitution of a country+! s)s R.9.0h)ll)! *has been called the vehicle of a nation’s life+. A--ordi'( to him the ele-tio' is the %ro-ess b "hi-h the %eo%le -hoose the i'strume't o& (o,er'me't to -o'du-t the ')tio's li&e5>. I' ) demo-r)ti- sstem %o"er ori(i')tes &rom the %eo%le. It is i' this -o'te$t th)t the Lo# S)bh) S%e)#er! Somnath Chatterjee s)s! *... democracy rests on the belief that the people are the source as well as the purpose of power in the polity. It is their consent expressed periodically through elections, either directly or indirectly legitimi)es the decision*maing process+. He )dds! *$hrough elections, we undertae the tas of translating the consent of the people into the authority to govern. $hey are also an opportunity to test a country’s health in terms of progress and development +55. The si('i&i-)'-e o& ele-tio's i' demo-r)- is eu)ll em%h)si. The Commissio' -o'du-ts ele-tio's i' )--ord)'-e "ith the -o'stitutio')l %ro,isio's! su%%leme'ted b l)"s m)de b 9)rli)me't. The m)or l)"s i'-lude Re%rese't)tio' o& the 9eo%le A-t! 538>! "hi-h m)i'l de)ls "ith the %re%)r)tio' )'d re,isio' o& ele-tor)l rolls! the Re%rese't)tio' o& the 9eo%le A-t! 5385 "hi-h de)ls! i' det)il! "ith )ll )s%e-ts o& -o'du-t o& ele-tio's )'d %ostBele-tio' dis%utes. The &ou'di'( &)thers o& the Co'stitutio' o& I'di) (),e the I'di)'s ) Co'stitutio' th)t e',is)(es i'de%e'de't! 'eutr)l )'d )%oliti-)l i'stitutio's "hose &u'-tio'i'(! the ,isu)li> %erso's "ho "ere -)'did)tes i' the Lo# S)bh) ele-tio's o& 533= re,e)led th)t ;6 o& them h)d -rimi')l %ro-eedi'(s %e'di'( )()i'st them. As %er the estim)te o& G..G. Krish')murth! the &ormer CEC some ;>> o& the 4>>> odd MLAs i' the -ou'tr )re *historBshetters+ or h)d bee' -h)r(ed i' -rimi')l -)ses. The &ormer Chie& Ele-tio' Commissio'er! G..G. Krish')murth! stro'(l %le)ded &or ) 'e" le(isl)tio' to )rrest -rimi')li>32! Ch)'di()rh 'ist)r 9ubli-)tio'! %.78 G)'esh)'! K. 153342 JEle-tor)l Re&orms ! 9)rli)me't)r A&&)irs! ol. 56! No. 66B76 ‟
S)'()l)re! %.5=
0h)mbri! C.9 153342. I'di)' 9oliti-s Si'-e I'de%e'de'-e. Delhi Shi%r). D)hl! Robert 153=32. Demo-r)- )'d Its Criti-s. Ne" Delhi Orie't Lo'(m)'. De SouRe&ormsEle-tor)lP6>Re&orms
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