Role of Technology in HRM

June 27, 2018 | Author: Harneet Kanwar Singh | Category: Human Resource Management, Employment, Technology, Economies, Labour
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Role of Technology in HRM...


The Role Technology Plays in Today’s Human Resource Management

The Role Technology Plays in Today’s Today’s Human Resource Management By John Peterson December 18, 2010 The Role Technology Plays on Today’s Human Resource Management


mage !"a #"$"%ed"a

Trad"t"onally human resource management management &HRM' has had a %eo%le(or"ented a%%roach) Ho*e!er today, *hen *hen the com%et"t"!e demands o+ the mar$et%lace reu"re a reor"entat"on o+ strateg"c human resource %h"loso%h"es and %ract"ces, an em%has"s are be"ng g"!en to a $no*ledge(based adm"n"strat"on us"ng technology technology as a tool) Th"s %a%er *"ll analy-e the "m%l"cat"ons o+ th"s ne* "m%erat"!e on human resource management)

Literature Review  .ccord"ng to /enter /enter &200' today’s today’s human resources resources &HR' tas$s tas$s co!er an am%le am%le !ar"ety o+ act"!"t"es reu"r"ng reu"r"ng !ery d"++erent d"++erent s$"ll sets, +rom com%ensat"on and bene+"t adm"n"strat"on adm"n"strat"on &h"ghly uant"tat"!e' to em%loyee relat"ons relat"ons &h"ghly ual"tat"!e' &% "3') .s a conseuence, there are leg"t"mate uest"ons about *hether these tas$s need to be together on organ"-at"onal %lans "n l"ght o+ ne* real"t"es and technolog"es &/enter, 200')

To be cons"dered success+ul HR technology must ach"e!e se!eral goals, as descr"bed by #al$er &2001'4 &a' 5trateg"c al"gnment, *h"ch must su%%ort the goals o+ a bus"ness by hel%"ng users6 &b' bus"ness "ntell"gence, *h"ch should "ns%"re n e* "ns"ghts and learn"ng, by %ro!"d"ng users *"th rele!ant "n+ormat"on and data, and by ans*er"ng uest"ons6 and &c' e++"c"ency and e++ect"!eness, *h"ch must change the *or$ %er+ormed by HR %ersonnel, by dramat"cally "m%ro!"ng the"r le!el o+ ser!"ce, allo*"ng more t"me +or *or$ o+ h"gher !alue, and reduc"ng the"r costs &#al$er, 2001, %) 7')

"gure 1

Hol"st"c model o+ human resource management %ract"ces

9ote4 Source: 9"che :onsult"ng ;"m"ted &200
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