Rodriguez vs Arroyo FACTS: This case involved two consolidated petitions assailing the April 12, 2010 ecision o! the Court o! Appeals granting the writ o! a"paro and writ o! ha#eas data #y petitioner $oriel Rodriguez, who is a "e"#er o! o ! Alyansa Alyansa agiti %annalon &ti Cagayan '(agi"ungan), a peasant organization a!!iliated with (ilusang (ilusang %ag#u#u*id ng +ilipinas '(%+) Rodriguez clai"s that the "ilitary tagged (%+ as an ene"y o ! the State under the -plan .antay /aya, "a*ing its "e"#ers targets o! etraudicial *illings and en!orced disappearances +etitioner was then a#ducted, tortured and !orced to con!ess to #eing a "e"#er o! the $ew +eoples Ar"y '$+A) '$+A) Rodriguez !iled #e!ore this Court a +etition !or the 3rit o! A"paro A"paro and +etition +e tition !or the 3rit o! 4a#eas ata with +rayers !or +rotection -rders, &nspection o! +lace, and +roduction o! ocu"ents and +ersonal +roperties The petition was !iled against !or"er +resident Arroyo, 5en rado, +5 6ersoza, 6ersoza, /t 5en .angit, %aor 5eneral $estor 7 -choa, +8CSupt Tolentino, Tolentino, +8SSupt Santos, Col e 6er 6era, a, and !ive others The writs were granted #ut the CA dropped +resident Arroyo as party9respondent, as she "ay not #e sued in any an y case during her tenure o! o!!ice or actual incu"#ency as part o! her presidential i""unity i""unity Also, Also, the prayer !or the issuance o! a te"porary protection order and inspection order was denied #y the CA The respondents !iled a %otion !or Reconsideration on the decision o! the CA #ut #e!ore such "otion could #e resolved petitioner !iled a %otion !or +artial Reconsideration raising that the CA erred in not granting the interi" relie! !or te"porary protection order and in dropping d ropping +resident Arroyo as party9respondent &SS;S: 1 3hether or not the interi" relie!s prayed !or #y p etitioner "ay #e granted even a!ter the writs o! a"paro and ha#eas data have #een granted 2 3hether or not +resident Arroyo should #e dropped as respondent #ecause o! her presidential i""unity i""unity
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