These are some of the possible projects that you can do in robotics. Most of these projects are based on IEEE papers. Al...
Ultimate Project Ideas for Robotics - 2010 1. A robot robot system system for for fire fire fightin fighting g in tunnels tunnels (IEEE (IEEE 2005) 2. SMS based based autom automati aticc to heele heelerr loc!ing loc!ing syste system m ". #he de$elo%me de$elo%ment nt of intell intelligent igent home home securit security y robot robot (IEEE (IEEE 2005) 2005) &. 'S base based d $ehicle $ehicle root root trac!i trac!ing ng syste system m 5. esign esign and de$elo%ment de$elo%ment of $oice $oice * #ele #ele o%erated o%erated intelligent intelligent mobile mobile robot robot (IEEE (IEEE 1++,) -. Automa Automatic tic Steeri Steering ng ont ontrol rol robot robot ,. An intellige intelligent nt mobile mobile robot na$igatio na$igation n techni/ue techni/ue using I I #echnology #echnology (IEEE (IEEE 200) . abr abric icat atio ion n of 'S 'S ob obot ot +. 'SM mobile mobile %hone %hone based based automobi automobile le security security system system (IEEE (IEEE 2000) 2000) 10. Automatic Automatic alcohol alcohol sensing robot robot 11. Artificial Intelligent based Solar 3ehicle 12. obot for military military a%%licatio a%%lication n 1". 'SM based automatic automatic $ehicle accident information system 1&. Material Material imensions imensions Analy4ing Analy4ing obot 15. #hree ais ais modern modern trailer trailer 1-. SMS controlled controlled $ideo analy4ing analy4ing robot 1,. 6 based based %ic! and %lace %lace obot 1. ire ighting ighting obot obot 1+. Automatic Automatic car o$erta!ing o$erta!ing system system 20. ath findin finding g obot obot 21. ully Automated Automated #rac! 'uided 3ehicle 3ehicle (A#'3) 22. Automatic Automatic 7all rinting rinting obot 2". Industrial Industrial tem%eratur tem%eraturee analy4ing obot 2&. SMS controlled controlled solar solar $ehicle $ehicle 25. obot controlled controlled 3acuum 3acuum leaner 2-. Automatic fire fighting $isitor $isitor guided $ehicle $ehicle 2,. obot 8and (Model) (Model) 2. SMS controlled controlled %ic! %ic! and %lace robot
2+. emote controlled bomb detecting robot "0. Automatic Arc 9elding obot "1. abrication of om%uter Interfaced obot "2. Automatic sensor based all %ainting obot "". emote o%erated ea%ons robot "&. Automatic %ic! and %lace %aint s%raying robot "5. Automatic $ehicle accident %lace finding system by using 'S technology "-. Automatic 3isitor 'uided obot ",. Sensor :%erated Automatic unching robot ". Aero %lane ontrolling System (lying Model) "+. emote ontrolled 3ideo Analy4ing obot &0. Mini obot ar for industrial a%%lication &1. emote controlled air craft (lying Model) &2. Mini obot S%ray ainting System &". emote controlled material handling robot &&. ic! and lace ;um%ing robot ith remote control &5. 3ideo analy4ing remote controlled $acuum cleaning robot &-. Automatic Scra% collecting obot &,. SMS controlled mo$ing robot &. 6 based %ic! and %lace obot &+. ell %hone controlled Solar 3ehicle 50. Man less defense 51. obot mani%ulator 52. emote controlled %aint s%raying obot 5". Mini obot ar 5&. material handling robot ,&. Automatic %aint s%raying on$eyer :%erated obot 8and Model ,5. Automated 'uided 3ehicle (A'3) ,-. ic! and lace obot ith emote ontrol ,,. 9ire ontrolled ic! and lace Mo$ing obot ,. 3oice ontrolled obot ,+. Intelligent obot 0. #ele%hone :%erated obot 1. om%uter Interfaced Stationery obot 2. neumatic our Ais Material 8andling obot ". 3isitor guided ith material handling obot &. Automatic railay trac! crac! detecting 3ehicle 5. igital loc!ing system (assord) for mo$ing robot -. ?naided 'uided 3ehicle(?'3)
,. Sand ollecting 3ehicle . Automatic ire Sensing and fighting obot +. #he de$elo%ment of intelligent home security robot (IEEE 2005) +0. 3ideo analy4ing remote controlled $acuum cleaning robot +1. SMS 7ased automatic $ehicle accident information system +2. Automatic Scra% collecting obot +". A robot system for fire fighting in tunnels (IEEE 2005) +&. emote controlled material handling e/ui%ment +5. SMS controlled mo$ing robot +-. 'S based $ehicle root trac!ing system +,. esign and de$elo%ment of $oice * #ele o%erated intelligent mobile robot (IEEE 1++,) +. ell %hone controlled Solar 3ehicle ++. abrication of road cur$e finding robot 100.
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