Roads in Swampy Area

January 25, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Construction of roads over swamps require special attention. Either the soil has to be removed or otherwise,it has to be strengthened by suitable means after ascertaining the properties of the soil.

Building Roads Over Swamps


Building roads in challenging terrain and swamps or bogs requires special attention compared to construction in ordinary soil. Swampy or marshy lands are periodically or permanently inundated by water. Swampy soil  This type of soil soil contain contains s large qu quantities antities of v vegetable egetable matter, c clay lay and mud. mud. Swamps ar are e classied into bracish or fresh water depending on the salt content of the water. The depth of this particular layer may vary from shallow to deep. !or construction of roads, shallow deposits can be removed and deeper deposits strengthened by suitable means. Surveys and investigations  There are are certain basi basic c design c controls ontrols an and d criteria wh which ich gover govern n the geometri geometric c features o off a highway.  They are topography topography,, tra"c, speed, c capacity, apacity, vehi vehicle cle and con control trol access access.. #lso certain su surveys rveys and investigations are to be conducted so that construction failures can be avoided or minimi$ed. Embanment subsidence, %ooding of road, land&slides, deposition of sand dunes, erosion are some of the problems.

Types of Surveys


 The di'erent di'erent survey surveys s to be conduct conducted ed in conn connection ection with th the e constructi construction on of road roads s are( A. A.  Transport planning ).

Tra"c surveys


+ighway inventory


-avement deterioration


#ccident studies

B. Alignment and route location /.

0es study


2econnaissance survey


-reliminary survey


!inal location survey

C. Drainage studies 5.

+ydraulic studies


Subsurface drains


Cross drainage

D. Soil survey )*.

0es study


Site reconnaissance


Soil e7ploration and sampling

E. Pavement design investigations



Soil properties and strength


8aterial survey

Soil nvestigations nvestigations


Soil investigations are very important to assess the properties of the e7isting soil and to decide upon the improvements to be made to strengthen it. Purpose of soil investigations ).

To determine the nature and physical properties of the soil to be used for embanment


To facilitate the design of slopes of embanments and cuts


To locate suitable borrow pits


To determine the construction techniques


To determine the surface and subsurface drainage requirements


To determine the suitability of local materials


To determine the need for sub grade treatment

!et"ods of determination of soil pro#le !or determination of soil prole, trial pits or borings are to be made. The tests to be conducted for determination of the suitability of the soil for embanment construction are( 9radation test, liquid limit, plastic limit, shrinage limit, optimum moisture content, ma7imum dry density, di'erential free swell :for highly plastic clays;.  


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