RNC 3820 Commissioning

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RNC 3820 Commissioning...


RNC 3820 Commissioning


CYGWIN installed. Moshell installed and logged into a Node before. BPFTP server  Emily able and !erial to "!B able along #ith its drivers. !oft#are Pa$age. Ethernet Cable. Prechecks

Boards %osition sho&ld be he$ed #ith that of 'TN( 'TN( %rovided. 'll the onnetions needs to he$ed)inter*board and inter*s&bra$+. Emily able, re-&ired for serial onnetion #ith GPB boards.

Formatting the GPB’s

Connet to the ' %ort of the GPB and login into hy%erterminal #ith the defa< setting. it /01!. It #ill sho# the stat&s of memory of the GPB. GPB #or$s in 2 modes*B'!IC and B'C3"P. If in /01!4 2 drive is %resent it means that GPB is in B'C3"P. 'lso4 GPB #or$s in B'C3"P mode #ith the C01I ommand 5E10'(**and reverts  ba$ to B'!IC mode #ith 5E10'(. Format GPB )after bringing them in the B'C3"P mode+ #ith the follo#ing ommands Formathd 6d Formathd 62 5eload Format all the GPBs e7l&ding 8 9 2:. Then bring GPB 8 to B'C3"P mode and then onnet to GPB2: and format it in B'C3"P. Then format GPB 8)it is already in the B'C3"P mode+. Give ;< min %o#er yle.)remove the s&bra$ %o#er ables+ When try to onnet to GPB thro&gh !erial*"!B able4 it may fail bea&se the able may  be fa<y. Che$ for the the same.

Assigning defaut !P

Connet to GPB 8 'ssign a defa< IP to the 5NC by the follo#ing ommand =Ifonfig le< ;>?.28:.;.; netmas$ 288.288.?.28:.;.; With these ommands4 the 5NC #ill be onfig&red #ith a defa< IP ;>?.28:.;.; To verify for the same4 it ifconfig The o&t%&t #ill be = ifonfig e0" inet #$%&2'(&#&# netmask 2''&2''&0&0 )roadcast #$%&2'(&2''&2'' If any error4 then give a reoad to the GPB 8

Creating F*P +er,er

Connet to Port >< in 'PP*; )#hih is onneted to GPB 8+ thro&gh Ethernet able. Change the la%to% IP to ;>?.28:.;.2 and mas$ 288.288.?.28:.;.;4 rn4rn res%. 'nd then hange the name to initiaft13820modified&t4t 0%en Command %rom%t Change the (ir to C@P?< in %ath*..C5P%0#(6##72R3Bconfigscri1tinitiamoscri1t 'nd e7e&te the file.

C:\Users\euyzcde\ Dest!"\#!$%&"ur\""t

It reates "er related M0Hs. M0Hs. Che$ for the same.

+et the 1ass
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