Rkmfiles Correction Administration
Short Description
RKMFILES CENTER FOR COMPREHENSIVE STUDIES Room 309, 3rd Floor A-Building, Main AUF Campus, Angeles University Foundation Email: rm!iles"ya#oo$%om &e'site: ((($rm!iles$net C): 090***+9*0
CORRECTIONAL ADMINSITRATION NATURE AND TRENDS OF PUNISHMENT Punishment is a means o! so%ial %ontrol$ t is a devi%e to %ause people to 'e%ome %o#esive and to indu%e %on!ormity$ )eople 'elieve t#at punis#ment is e!!e%tive as a means o! so%ial %ontrol 'ut t#is 'elie! is dou't!ul$ .#ere is no /uestion, #o(ever, t#at some !orms o! punis#ment are more e!!e%tive in one so%iety t#an in anot#er$ For eample punis#ment in a small (ell ordered %ommunity, (#ere people pra%ti%ally no( every'ody, is more e!!e%tive in indu%ing %on!ormity t#an in a #ig#ly mo'ile metropolitan %ity$ .#e general %on%ept o! punis#ment is t#at it is in!li%tion o! some sort o! pain on t#e o!!ender !or violating t#e la($ .#is de!inition is not %omplete in t#e sense t#at it does not mention t#e %ondition under (#i%# punis#ment is administered or applied$ n t#e legal sense, it is more individual redress, or personal revenge$ )unis#ment, t#ere!ore, is de!ined as t#e redress that the state takes against an offending member$ )unis#ment is restri%ted to su%# su!!ering as is in!li%ted upon t#e o!!ender in a de!inite (ay 'y, or in t#e name o!, t#e so%iety o! (#i%# #e is a permanent mem'er$ )unis#ment must 'e intended and not a%%idental, to produ%e some sort o! 1usti!ied su!!ering on t#e o!!ender$ t is essential t#at t#e o!!ender s#ould 'e !or%i'ly made to su!!er and t#at so%iety is 1usti!ied in maing #im su!!er$ )unis#ment is a !orm o! disapproval !or %ertain 'e#aviors t#at is !ollo(ed 'y imposing a penalty$ )unis#ment maes t#e o!!ender stigmati2ed and penali2ed$ .#e o!!ender may or may not a%tually su!!er, under t#e intentional appli%ation o! punis#ment, depending on t#e %ir%umstan%es it is applied and t#e toug#ness o! t#e individual o!!ender$ Forms of Punishment .#e !orms o! punis#ment in primitive so%iety (ere: $ 4eat# penalty 5$ Corporal punis#ment 3$ )u'li% #umiliation and s#aming +$ Banis#ment$ 4eat# $ 5$ 3$ +$ 6$
penalty (as %arried out 'y #anging 'urning immersing in 'o iling oil !eeding to (ild animals ot#er 'ar'ari% (ays$
Corporal punis#ment (as in!li%ted t#e o!!ender 'y $ Flogging 5$ Mutilation 3$ 4is!iguration +$ Maiming$ )u'li% $ 5$ 3$ +$
#umiliation and s#aming (ere e!!e%ted 'y t#e use o! sto%s and pillery do%ing stool 'randing s#aving o!! t#e #air, et%$
Justifi!tions of Punishment .#e t#eories or 1usti!i%ations or punis#ment vary !rom one stage o! %ivili2ation to anot#er$ .#e most %ommon 1usti!i%ations o! punis#ment are retri'ution, epiation or atonement, deterren%e, prote%tion and re!ormation$ Retri"ution
n primitive days punis#ment o! t#e transgressor (as %arried out in t#e !orm o! personal vengean%e$ 7in%e t#ere (ere no (ritten la(s and no %ourts, t#e vi%tim o! a %rime (as allo(ed to o'tain #is redress in t#e (ay #e sa( !it$ 8!tentimes, t#e retaliatory a%t resulted to in!li%tion o! greater in1ury or loss t#an t#e srcinal %rime, so t#at t#e latter vi%tim (as per!or%e a!!orded #is revere$ )unis#m ent t#ere!ore 'e%ame unending vendetta 'et(een t#e o!!ender and t#e vi%tim$ ater, an attempt (as made to limit t#e retaliation to t#e degree o! in1ury in!li%ted, t#us t#e p#ilosop#y o! an eye !or an eye; evolved$ 4uring t#is period nearly all o!!enses t#at are no( in%luded in %riminal %odes as pu'li% %rimes, (ere %onsidered private o!!enses !or (#i%# t#e vi%tims (ere allo(ed t#eir redress through personal vengeance$ .#ere (ere a !e( o!!enses, #o(ever, (#i%# (ere regarded as %rimes %ommitted against t#e native gods$ )eople 'eing t#en superstitious, 'elieved t#at any %atastrop#e t#at 'e!ell t#e group (as a retaliation o! an o!!ended god$ n order to appease t#e o!!ended god, t#e so%ial group or %lan demanded t#at t#e supposed o!!ended 'e 'anis#ed or put to deat#$ &it%#%ra!t (as %onsidered a pu'li% %rime and person suspe%ted o! 'eing a (it%# (as tortured, 'anis#ed or put to deat#$ E#$i!tion or Atonement .#is t#eory or 1usti!i%ation o! punis#ment (as also advo%ated during t#e pre#istori% days$ A sort o! %ommon understanding and sympat#eti% !eeling developed in t#e group$ An o!!ense %ommitted 'y a mem'er against anot#er mem'er o! t#e same %lan or group aroused t#e condemnation of the whole group against the offending member$ .#e group (ould t#ere!ore demand t#at t#e o!!ender 'e punis#ed$ &#en punis#ment is ea%ted visi'ly or pu'li%ly !or t#e purpose o! appeasing t#e so%ial group, t#e element o! epiation is present$ Epiation is t#ere!ore, group vengean%e as distinguis# !rom retri'ution (#i%# is personal vengean%e$ )unis#ing t#e o!!ender gives t#e %ommunity a sense o! its moral superiority, an assuran%e t#at virtue is re(arded a!ter all$ epiation? 'ut to prevent ot#ers !rom %ommitting a lie o!!ense;$ *+3? #eld t#e opinion t#at an o!!ender is to 'e %onsidered sane and responsi'le until is proven t#at #e (as insane at t#e a%t (as %ommitted, and t#ere!ore, %ould not #ave no(n rig#t !rom (rong$ .#is do%trine #olds true in every progressive %ountry today$ Re!ormist (ould (ant t#e %riminal insane, su%# as t#e %riminal psy%#opat#s and %riminal neuroti%s, #andled 'y spe%ial la(s and pro%edures in %ourts and to provide spe%iali2ed mental institutions !or t#eir %are$ .#ere is no( a move t#at in %ases (#ere t#e plea is no responsi'ility; 'e%ause o! insanity or mental distur'an%e, 1uries s#ould 'e %on%erned only (it# t#e pro'lems o! esta'lis#ing guilt and t#at a panel o! eperts appointed 'y t#e %ourts= s#ould determine t#e disposition to 'e made o! t#e %ase$ Pre&C'!ssi!' Theories of Punishment A!ter t#e demonologi%al era in (#i%# ideas (ere an%ient and 'ar'ari% as to treating %riminal o!!enders, man (as a'le to ponder #imsel! on #umanisti% ideas o! dealing (it# people and t#e so%iety as a (#ole$ Seu'!r Theor( &#en men 'egan to live in simple %ommunities, t#e #istory o! punis#ment !or (rong doings 'egan, 'ut %riminology, (#i%# is man systemati% attempt to eplain %rime, (as still unno(n$ Man #as al(ays 'een %on%erned (it# t#e e!!ort o! solving t#e %rime %ommitted in #is midst rat#er t#an seeing an eplanation !or t#e o%%urren%e o! %rime$ .#e !irst attempt to eplain %rime (as made 'y t#e At#enian p#ilosop#er, Aristot'e $ n is #isa 'oo @i%omedean #e dis%usses 1usti%e, t#us D punis#ment means o! restoringEt#i%s;, t#e 'alan%e 'et(een %orre%tive pleasure and pain;$ .#is
p#ilosop#y o! individual determinism t#at eisted up to +00 B$C$, (as anot#er !orm o! t#e so %alled !ree-(ill t#eory$ t implied a notion o! %ausation in terms o! !ree %#oi%e to %ommit %rime 'y rational men seeing pleasure and avoiding pain$ A%%ording to Aristotle, %orre%tive 1usti%e is a means (#ere'y t#e loss su!!ered 'y t#e (ronged man is %ompensated$ 7u!!ering 'y t#e o!!ender restores t#e 'alan%e 'et(een t#e in1ured and t#e transgressor$ The Ju%e!n)Christi!n Theor( Follo(ing t#e 7e%ular .#eory o! punis#ment (as t#e udean or C#ristian .#eory, (#i%# (as at its !ullest development during t#e deat# o! C#rist in 30 A$4$ .#is t#eory o! epiation 'elieves t#at punis#ment #as a redemptive purpose o! repelling sin advo%ated 'y t#e devil$
Rise of the Canonical Courts - A system o! trial and punis #ment (as esta'lis#ed in t#e +t# Century A$4$ Rivalry eisted 'et(een t#e %#ur%# and state in trying o!!en%es$ )rimitive 1usti%e (as not so mu%# %on%erned (it# determining o! guilt as (it# saying t#at t#e proper religious ritual t#at o'served 'y private parties in settling private disputes$ n t#e early C#ristians era, t#e C#ur%# !or'ade its ad#erents to resort to state %ourts and later in t#e Medieval )eriod t#e po(er o! state %ourts de%lined and t#e po(er o! Canoni%al Courts in%reased$ Criminal Courts distin%t !rom %ivil %ourts and separate !rom t#e administration o! government #ad t#eir srcin in t#e Roman Repu'li% some t(o %enturies 'e!ore C#rist and 'e%ame !irmly esta'lis#ed under t#e empire$ .#e t#eory o! punis#ment under t#e %#ur%# %ourt (as mainly re!ormatory in purpose$ ndividuali!ation of "unishment - .#e la(m aers and 1udges #ad t#e pra%ti%al tasand o! maing and administering la( to not!a%e only(it# in t#e o!nation su%# t#eories o! !ree (ill respo nsi'ility, 'ut also !a%e t#elig#t indig o! t#e %ommunity at a parti%ular o!!ense$
Abused of #udicial ndividuali!ation - .#e la( gave 1udges (ide dire%tion to impose additional properties in vie( led to t#e %ir%umstan%es$ .#is t#eory gave t#e 1udges tyranni%al po(er t#at led to a'uses$ Class dis%rimination in t#e administration o! 1usti%e arose$ .#e emissions?, mastur'ation and sodomy$ Male prisoner are randomly distri'uted a%%ording to so%ial status and general li!e style !rom t#e pauper to t#e opulent, alt#oug# t#e prisoners (#o mae up t#e 'ul o! population are dra(n !rom t#e deprived se%tions o! so%iety$ As a %onse/uen%e, seual eperien%e o! t#ese men and t#e meaning t#at se #as !or t#em di!!ers signi!i%antly !rom ot#er se%tors living in !ree %ommunity$ A num'er o! dimension o! t#ese su'stantial di!!eren%es are to 'e !ound in t#e seual a%tivity and attitudes o! men (#o #ave di!!ering amounts o! edu%ation and so%ial srcin$ mprisoned men and men o! delin/uent #istories generally #ave (ider seual eperien%e t#an men living in %onventional and non-delin/uent lives$ Re!sons for the De+i!tion 4ra(ing on t#e no(ledge a'out t#e dimensions o! prior seual ad1ustment o! men (#o go to prison, t#e !irst ma1or sense o! eperien%e is a%tually #o( little seual a%tivity o! any sort se%ure (it#in t#e prison, t#us, even a!ter t#e s#o% o! imprisonment #as (orn o!!, (#i%# o!ten !or re%idivist t#is o%%urs /ui%ly, t#ere is no sudden 'urst o! seual a%tivity o! any type$ Con!irming t#ese impressions are t#e lo( order o! seual %omplaint as !ound in t#e list o! grievan%es presented 'y t#e prisoners$ )artly, t#is is due to t#e tig#t %ustody in t#e institution and t#e !a%t t#at t#e prisoners move and live in %lose proimity and e%ept !or %ertain moments o! t#e day, t#ere is very little priva%y$ Anot#er %ause is man in prison !inds #imsel! (it#out appropriate stimuli, (#i%# suggest opportunities !or seual a%tivity$ .#e a'sen%e o! !emales and Nt#e a'sen%e o! so%ial situation t#at %all !or seual responses, su%# as
'eing out o! to(n, ogling and drining, serve as e!!e%tive in#i'itors o! -seual responsiveness$ Homose#u!'it(
=omose)uality is t#e most %ommon !orm o! seual perversion in prison$ 4r$ )aul .appan states t#at t#e #omoseuality is a type o! se perversion t#at must 'e re%oned (it# 'y prison aut#orities 'e%ause o! its immensity and violent %onse/uen%es$ .#ere are t(o !a%tors t#at en%ourage #omoseual 'e#avior in )risons$ .#e !irst is deprivation o! opportunity !or normal se outlet, and as a result o! t#is denial, )risoners #ave no alternative 'ut >? to strive !or %omplete %ontinen%e, a state (#i%# is very di!!i%ult !or many to a%#ieve, or >5? to indulge in onanism= or >3? to engage in #omoseual pra%ti%es$ .#e ot#er 'asi% !a%tor en%ouraging #omoseual 'e#avior is !ound in t#e !a%t t#at every normal person #as Oeroti% 2oneO in #is 'ody aside !rom #is genital region (#i%# i! stimulated gives t#e person under %ertain %ondition, !ull grati!i%ation or %ompletion o! se a%t$ ? one %omposed o! persons (#o #ave learned Oa%%identallyO to indulge in perverted a%ts, >5? t#e ot#er %omposed o! persons (#o #ad t#eir in%linations ingrained as one o! t#eir !undamental personality traits$ Ch!r!teristis of Prison Homose#u!'s An o'vious eample o! a di!!eren%e 'et(een t#e inmate or %ongenital #omoseual and t#e average; or OnorrnalO person is !ound in reversed se%ondary se %#ara%teristi%s as #aving 'road #ips, a !emale #airline large 'reast, e!!eminate voi%e and !eatures, !or male= t#e !emale invert #omoseual (ill #ave a mas%uline #airline and a deep voi%e$ .#is, o! %ourse, is not true o! t#e a%%idental #omoseual$ .#ere are indi%ations t#at #omoseuality is su%# more prevalent t#at many assume$ .#ere is ample eviden%e t#at #omoseual relations#ips are o! transitory nature, o%%urring per#aps only on%e or t(i%e over o! a uni/ue, so%ial situation lie a man in prison (#ere #omoseuality is prevalent$ .#ere are varying estimates o! t#e num'er o! males (#o #ave #omoseual %onta%t during t#eir periods o! %on!inement, 'ut t#e range is pro'a'ly 'et(een 30 and +6 per%ent, depending upon t#e intensity o! %ustody in t#e institutions, t#e so%ial srcins o! t#e population, and t#e duration o! individual senten%e$ , t#e Bili'id )rison (as opened 'y virtue o! a Royal 4e%ree o! t#e 7panis# Cro(n$ .#e plan o! t#e old Bili'id (as su%# t#at t#e 'rigades (ere %onstru%ted a radial spoe-o!-a-(#eel !orm$ For easy %ommanding %ontrol, a %entral to(erin (as pla%ed at t#e %enter o! spoes$ .#is (as t#e most important to(er post t#en under t#e %ommand o! t#e 8!!i%er o! t#e 4ay$ .#e 'rigad es made o! strong ado'e stones (ere so sturdy t#at even to t#is day, a!ter t#eir trans!er to t#e %ity government o! Manila t#ey still stand and are 'eing used 'y t#e City o! Manila as t#e City ail$ The Ne: 4i'i"i% Prison .#e Bili'id )rison %ontinued as t#e main national prison until 9+ (#en it (as trans!erred to a ne( site in Muntinlupa, Ri2al$ .#e old prison #ad 'e%ome over%ro(ded 'e%ause prison population in%reased !rom year to year$ .#e )rison at A2%arraga >no(-Re%to? (as also !ast 'eing enveloped 'y t#e modem stru%tural epansion in t#e %ity so it (as t#en ne%essary to move t#e prison !rom t#e %ity to a su'ur'an site$ n 93, t#e City o! Manila e%#anged its Muntinlupa property o! 665 #e%tares (it# t#at o! t#e Bureau o! )rison lot in Manila$ .#is Muntinlupa estate (as srcinally intended as t#e site o! t#e Boys .raining 7%#ool 'ut 'e%ause it is !ar !rom Manila t#e
City overnment o! Manila pre!erred t#e site o! t#e old Bili'id$ .#e Bureau started %onstru%tion o! t#e prison in 93$ 4espite, t#e !a%t t#at t#e 'uildings (ere not yet ready, all t#e inmates o! t#e Bili'id )rison in Manila (ere trans!erred to t#e ne( site on t#e re%ommendation o! t#e Ca'inet s#ortly 'e!ore t#e out'rea o! &orld &ar $ .#e ne( site o%%upies 665 #e%tares$ 4uring t#e (ar, Filipinos (#o (ere suspe%ted as guerrilas (ere sent to t#e @e( Bili'id )rison !or %on!inement 'y t#e apanese 8%%upation Army$ &#en Manila (as li'erated, Ameri%ans (#o (ere !ormer prisoners o! (ar (ere %amped in t#e @e( Bili'id )rison reservation !or p#ysi%al re%uperation$
%he $ilibid "rison is mainly - a maimum %ustody institution$ Being t#e main prison, it re%eives %ommitments !rom Courts o! First nstan%e, and Criminal Cir%uit Courts all over t#e )#ilippines, e%ept t#ose senten%ed 'y t#e Courts o! First nstan%e and Criminal Cir%uit Courts o! Jam'oanga and 7ulu (#o may 'e %ommitted dire%tly to t#e 7an Ramon )rison and )enal Farm$ .#e @e( Bili'id )rison #as a %apa%ity o! 3,000 )risoners$ .#e ew $ilib id "rison operates t(o satellites units, namely, $ukang :iwayway Camp and *ampaguita Camp $ .#ese t(o %amps are lo%ated a'out a !e( #undred meters 'a% to t#e @e( Bili'id )rison %ompound$ .#e Buang i(ay(ay Camp #ouses ,600 minimum-se%urity prisoners (#o (or in t#e various pro1e%ts o! t#e insti tution$ n Camp *ampaguita, t# e Reception and 'iagnostic Center, the &edium *ecurity Unit and the outh Rehabilitation Center is located1 .#e Medium 7e%urity Unit %an #andle a population o! I00 prisoners (#o are employed in t#e agri%ultural pro1e%ts under guard es%orts$ .#e Gout# Re#a'ilitation Center is %apa'le o! a%%ommodating a population o! 600 inmates$ .#is unit o!!ers a spe%ial treatment and training program !or yout#!ul tra%ta'le o!!enders$ .#e @e( Bili'id )rison spe%iali2es in t#e industrial type o! vo%ational training$ t operates a !urniture s#op, s#oe repairing s#op, 'la%smit# and tinsmit# s#op, auto me%#ani%s and automo'ile 'ody 'uilding s#op, tailoring, ele%troni%s, (at%#-repairing %arpentry, and rattan !urniture s#op$ t is also engaged in tra% gardening, poultry, piggery and animal #us'andry$ .#e @e( Bili'id )rison also o!!ers a #ig# s%#ool %ourse !or prisoners (#o desire to %omplete t#eir #ig# s%#ool edu%ation$ .#e s%#ool is a part o! t#e pu'li% #ig# s%#ool o! Ri2al provin%e$ 7in%e its esta'lis#ment in 96, t#e s%#ool #as graduated over t#ree #undred inmates$ The Ree$tion !n% Di!*nosti Center n 963, t#e Re%eption and 4iagnosti% Center (as esta'lis#ed !or diagnosti% study o! prisoners !or more s%ienti!i% re#a'ilitation$ .#e Center (as opened 'y virtue o! Administrative 8rder @o$ o! t#e 7e%retary o! usti%e$ From t#en on t#e Re%eption and 4iagnosti% Center operated as a separate institution and is #oused in one 'uilding inside t#e Camp 7ampaguita %ompound in t#e @e( Bili'id )rison$
The S!n R!mon Prison !n% Pen!' F!rm n ;, t#e aut#orities sa( t#e need o! esta'lis#ing one prison separate !rom Bili'id !or t#ose (#o !oug#t t#e esta'lis#ed government$ 7o, 7an Ramon )rison and )enal Farm in t#e sout#ern tip o! /amboanga (as esta'lis#ed !or t#e %on!inement o! politi%al o!!enders$ 4uring t#ose days a re'el (#o (as not s#ot (as eit#er sent to uam or t#e Marianas or to Jam'oanga$ .#e 7an Ramon )rison (as named a!ter its !ounder, Ramon $lanco, a 7panis# %aptain in t#e Royal Army$ .#e purpose o! t#is prison (as !or t#e segregation o! politi%al !e%al %itrates t#at advo%ated !or re!orms 'ut (#i%# re!orms (ere re1e%ted 'y t#e %onstituted aut#orities$ .#us, 4r$ ose Ri2al (#o !oug#t !or re!orms (as %onsidered an enemy o! t#e government and (as imprisoned in 4apitan, also in Jam'oanga$ .#e 7an Ramon )rison and )enal Farm #as an area o! 4,>3217 hectares$ t #ouses maimum, medium and minimum %ustody types o! prisoners$ )risoners (#o are dire%tly %ommitted, 'y t#e %ourt to t#is prison are later sent to t#e Re%eption and 4iagnosti% Center in t#e Central 8!!i%e !or study and diagnosis $ 7an Ramon #as an average population o! ,500 prisoners$ .#e prin%ipal produ%t o! t#e 7an Ramon )rison is copra, which is one o! t#e 'iggest sour%es o! in%ome o! t#e Bureau o! )risons$ t also raises ri%e, %orn, %o!!ee, %attle and livesto%$
The I:!hi* Pen!' Co'on( 8n @ovm'er , 90+, Foreman R$$ 7#eilds (it# #er siteen prisoners le!t t#e Bili'id )rison 'y order o! overnor For'es (#o (as t#e 7e%retary o! Commer%e and )oli%e, to esta'lis# t#e (a#ig Colonv in )ala(an$ .#e idea (as #at%#ed on t#e suggestion o! t#en 0overnor :uke .1 +right (#o envisioned it to 'e an institution !or in%orrigi'les$ .#e !irst %ontingent, #o(ever, revolted against t#e aut#orities$ .#ey #ogtied t#eir 7uperintendent, Mr$ Madaras, and %ould #ave illed #im (ere it not !or t#e timely su%%or o! t#e )#ilippine 7%outs stationed in )uerto )rin%esa$ &#en t#e )#ilippine Commission, 'y virtue o! Reorgani2ation A%t +0I, %reated t#e Bureau o! )risons on @ovem'er , 906, t#e aut#orities %#anged t#e poli%y regarding (a#ig so t#at instead o! sending in%orrigi'les, inmates (#o (ere (ell 'e#aved and de%lared tra%ta'le (ere assigned to t#is %olony$ .oday, t#e (a#ig )enal Colony en1oys t#e reputation o! 'eing one o! t#e 'est open institutions in t#e &orld$ 8nly mutual trust and %on!iden%e 'et(een t#e (ards and t#e prison aut#orities eep t#em toget#er, t#ere 'eing no (alls$ At present, t#e (a#ig )enal Colony is a minimum %ustody or open institution$ t #as an area o! ?7,;;; hectares and an average population o! +,000 prisoners$ .#e %olon y is divided into !our su'-%olonies, namely: *ta1 :ucia sub-colony, nagawan sub-Colony, &ontible sub-colony and Central sub-colony$ Ea%# su'-%olony operates as a small institution under t#e management o! a penal supervisor$ . .#e (a#ig )enal Colony administers t#e .agumpay 7ettlement$ .#e 7ettlement is a ,000 #e%tare portion o! t#e %olony (#i%# (as su'divided into #e%tares #omestead lots$ .#ese lots are distri'uted to released inmates (#o desire to live in t#e settlement$ 8ne important !eature o! t#e (a#ig )enal Colony is t#e privilege granted to %olonists to #ave t#eir !amilies transported to t#e %olony at government epense and to live (it# t#em in t#e %olonistsN village$ .#e institution maintains various %ommunity resour%es su%# as s%#ools, %#ur%#, re%reation %enter, post e%#ange, #ospital and %lini%s !or t#e %olonists and t#eir !amilies$ .#e %olonists (#o #ave t#eir !amilies (it# t#em are assigned a pie%e o! land to %ultivate and are en%ouraged to raise poultry and livesto% !or t#eir personal use$ .#eir produ%ts are gold 'y t#e Colony )ost E%#ange$ .#e prin%ipal produ%ts o! t#e (a#ig )enal Colony are rice, corn, copra, logs, minor !orest produ%ts and %attle$ The Corretion!' Institution for .omen n ;>;, t#e Corre%tional nstitution !or &omen (as esta'lis#ed on an *#e%tare pie%e o! land in Mandaluyong 'y aut#ority o! Act ?>96, (#i%# (as passed on ovember 39, 4636$ )rior to t#e esta'lis#ment o! t#is institution, !emale prisoners (ere %on!ined in one o! t#e (ings o! Bili'id )risons$ ater t#e position !or a !emale superintendent (as %reated in$ 93+$ Corre%tional nstitution !or (omen is an institution under t#e Bureau o! )rison, managed 'y t#e !emale personnel, e%ept t#e perimeter guard (#o are male$ .#e Corre%tional nstitution !or &omen is t#e only penal institution !or (omen in t#e )#ilippines$ t #as an average inmate population o! *0$ .#e institution %ondu%ts vo%ational %ourses in dressmaing, 'eauty %ulture, #andi%ra!ts %lot# (eaving and slipper maing$ The D!+!o Pen!' Co'on( .#e 4avao )enal Colony (as esta'lis#ed on anuary 5, 935, in a%%ordan%e, (it# A%t @o$ 3I35 and )ro%lamation @o$ ++, series o! 93$ .#e !irst %ontingent o! prisoners t#at opened t#e %olony (as led 'y 0eneral "aulino *antos, its !ounder and t#e t#en 4ire%tor o! )risons$ .#e area %onsists o! 48,;;; hectares, mostly devoted to abaca$ n prisoners 9+5, t#eo!4avao )enal Colon y (as (ere used all astrans!erred a %on%entration !or Ameri%an (ar$ .#e !ormer inmates to t#e %amp naga(an
su'-%olony in (a#ig$ 4uring t#e (ar, t#e apanese devastated t#e %olony, destroying its 'uildings, ma%#ineries and industries$ n August 9+, t#e %olony (as reesta'lis#ed to its !ormer produ%tive a%tivity 'y slo( re%onstru%tion$ .#is institution is no( t#e main sour%e o! in%ome o! t#e Bureau !rom its vast a'a%a, 'anana, ri%e and ot#er !arm industries$ At present, t#e 4avao )enal Colony is a %om'ination o! medium and minimum %ustody type o! institution$ .#e greater portions o! t#e prison population are medium se%urity inmates (#o live in a sto%ade en%losed (it# (ires$ .#e prisoners (or in t#e open !ields under es%ort guards$ .#e 4avao )ena Colony manages t#e 'iggest a'a%a plantation in t#e (#ole %ountry$ .#e %olony is divided into t(o su'-%olonies, namely, t#e "anabo *ub-Colony and the @apalong sub-colony $ Ea%# su'-%olony is #eaded 'y a )enal 7upervisor$ .#e 4avao )enal Colony also raises ri%e, %orn ena!, %opra, and %attle$ t #as a potential o! produ%ing ri%e, (#i%# (ill meet t#e needs o! t#e (#ole inmate )opulation o! t#e Bureau$ .#e %olony is engaged in a 1oint venture (it# .agum 4evelopment Company in a 3000-#e%tare 'anana plantation !or t#e eport o! 'anana !ruits not only to apan 'ut also to t#e Middle East %ountries parti%ularly 7audi Ara'ia and Egypt$ .#e %olony also operates t#e .angla( 7ettlement (#ere released prisoners o! said %olony are relo%ated as #omesteaders$
The S!"'!(!n Pen!' Co'on( !n% F!rm n 46>2, t#e in%rease in prison population (as su%# t#at t#ere (as %ongestion again in t#e @e( Bili'id )rison$ .#e @e( Bili'id )rison (#i%# %ould #old only 3,000 #ad a population o! ,000 prisoners in 96+$ 8n 7eptem'er 5I, 97+, t#e )resident o! t#e )#ilippines issued -)ro%lamation @o$ I5 setting aside 47,;;; hectares o! t#e virgi n lands in *ablayan, ccidental &indoro !or t#e 7a'layan )enal Colony$ .#e !irst trail'la2ers (ere t#e eperien%ed %olony administrators !rom (a#ig )enal Colony #eaded 'y t#e Assistant 7uperintendent o! t#at %olony - Mr$ Candido Bagaoisan$ 7a'layan )enal Colony en1oys t#e reputation o! 'eing t#e youngest and !astest gro(ing %olony under t#e Bureau$ .#is institution is an open or minimum-se%urity type o! institution$ t #as an area o! 47,2;81> hectares and #as an average prison population o! ,600$ Rice is t#e prin%ipal produ%t o! t#e %olony$ .#is institution is sel!-su!!i%ient in ri%e$ t also raises vegeta'les not only !or t#e use o! t#e %olony, 'ut also !or t#e inmates o! t#e @e( Bili'id )rison$ 4ure!u of Prisons to 4ure!u of Corretions .#e 'asi% la( on t#e )#ilippine )rison 7ystem is !ound in t#e Revised Administrative Code, parti%ularly 7e%tions 49;> to 49>4 o! said Code, ot#er(ise no(n as t#e "rison :aw $ .#e )rison a( states t#at t#e #ead o! t#e Bureau o! )risons is t#e 4ire%tor o! prisons (#o is appointed 'y t#e )resident (it# t#e %on!irmation o! t#e Commission on Appointment$ .#e Bureau o! prisons #as general supervision and %ontrol o! national and provin%ial prisons and all penal settlementsO, and is %#arged (it# t#e sa!eeeping o! all prisoners %on!ined t#erein or %ommitted to t#e %ustody o! said Bureau$
*ection 4932 o! t#e a( re/uires t#e Bureau o! )risons to promulgate rules and regulations t#at (ill 'est promote dis%ipline in all t#e national and provin%ial prisons and penal institutions and 'est se%ure t#e re!ormation and sa!e %ustody o! prisoners o! all %lasses$ *ection 493> o! t#e same la( pres%ri'es t#at t#e mode o! treatment o! prisoners Os#all 'e (it# #umanityO, and t#at provisions s#all 'e made !or t#e segregation o! 1uveniles !rom t#e adult o!!enders and t#ose o! t#e sees$ Administrative Code of 4689 and "roclamation o1 26> issued on ovember 33, 46861 Change the agenciesB name to $ureau of Corrections from $ureau of "risons1 .#e rationale 'e#ind %#anging t#e Bureaus name is to %on!orm to t#e ongoing trends o! modern penology D s#i!ting !rom t#e anti/uated punitive system o! in%ar%eration to t#e #umanisti% re#a'ilitation approa%#
Re'!tionshi$ of the 4ure!u of Prisons :ith P!ro'e !n% J!i' )arole, 1ails and prisons are part o! t#e %orre%tional system o! t#e state$ )risons and parole are t(o separate and %o-e/ual entities under t#e 1urisdi%tion o! t#e 4epartment o! usti%e$ )olo'ello vs$ )alatino, I5 )#il$++ ? Differenes "et:een Amnest( !n% P!r%on )ardon in%ludes any %rime and is eer%ised individually 'y t#e C#ie! Ee%utive, (#ile amnesty is a 'lanet pardon granted to a group o! prisoners, generally politi%al prisoners$ )ardon is eer%ised (#en t#e person is already %onvi%ted (#ile amnesty may 'e given 'e!ore trial or investigation is #ad$ n Barrio Huinto, et al$, vs$ Fernande2, 8$$ 303, t#e 7upreme Court distinguis#ed pardon !rom amnesty in t#at, pardon is granted 'y t#e C#ie! Ee%utive and su%# it is a private a%t (#i%# must 'e pla%ed and proved 'y t#e person pardoned, 'e%ause t#e %ourts tae no noti%e t#ereo!= (#ile amnesty is 'y pro%lamation (it# %on%urren%e o! Congress, and it is a pu'li% a%t (#i%# t#e %ourts s#ould tae 1udi%ial noti%e$ )ardon is granted to one a!ter %onvi%tion, (#ile amnesty
is granted to %lasses o! persons (#o may 'e guilty o! politi%al o!!enses, generally 'e!ore or a!ter t#e institution o! %riminal prose%ution and sometimes a!ter %onvi%tion$ Limit!tions of the P!r%onin* Po:er .#e po(er o! t#e %#ie! Ee%utive to grant pardon is limited to t#e !ollo(ing: $ )ardon %annot 'e etended to %ases o! impea%#ment$ >Art K, 7o%$ 0, )ar$ 5, Constitution o! t#e )#ilippine?$ 5$ @o pardon, parole or suspension o! senten%e !or t#e violation o! any ele%tion la( may 'e granted (it#out !avora'le re%ommendation o! t#e Commission o! Ele%tions$ >Art$ T, 7o%$ 5, )ar$ 5 Constitution o! t#e )#ilippines? 3$ )ardon is eer%ised only a!ter %onvi%tion$ t is an elementary prin%iple in politi%al la( t#at pardon %an only 'e given a!ter !inal %onvi%tion$ Cases pending trial or an appeal are still (it#in t#e e%lusive 1urisdi%tion o! t#e %ourts #en%e, pursuant to t#e t#eory o! separation o! po(ers, t#e C#ie! Ee%utive #as no 1urisdi%tion over t#e a%%used$ Con%ition!' P!r%on & Conditional )ardon serves t#e purpose o! releasing, t#roug# ee%utive %lemen%y, a prisoner (#o is already re!ormed or re#a'ilitated 'ut (#o %ann ot 'e paroled 'e%ause t#e paro le la( does not apply to #im$ .#us a prisoner serving a determinate senten%e or li!e imprisonment is e%luded !rom t#e 'ene!its o! t#e parole la($ Art$ 69, R)C? Ho: Con%ition!' P!r%on is *i+en Conditional )ardon may 'e %ommen%ed 'y a petition !iled 'y t#e prisoner, #is !amily or relative, or upon t#e re%ommendation o! t#e prison aut#orities$ .#e petition or re/uest is pro%essed 'y t#e Board o! )ardons and )arole$ .#e Boar d s#all determine i! t#e prisoner #as served a su!!i%ient portion o! #is senten%e= #is release is not inimi%al to t#e interest o! t#e %ommunity= and t#at t#ere is a lieli#ood t#at t#e o!!ender (ill not 'e%ome a pu'li% %#arge and (ill not re%idivate in %rime$ ! all t#ese !a%tors are !avora'le, t#en t#e Board (ill endorse t#e petition !avora'ly to t#e )resident$ ! t#e %ase is premature, t#e petitioner is so in!ormed$
Some -ui%es in P!r%on Se'etion n determining t#e !itness o! a prisoner !or release on %onditional pardon, t#e !ollo(ing points s#all 'e %onsidered as guides$ .#e polit i%al, organi2ational or religious a!!il iation o! t#e priso ner s#ou ld 'e disregarded$ 5$ 4ue >'ut not undue? regard s#ould 'e given t#e attitude o! t#e people in t#e %ommunity !rom (#i%# #e (as senten%ed$ 3$ .#e 1udi%ial #istory o! t#e %ase s#ould 'e %are!ully investigated$ +$ .#e 'a%ground o! t#e prisoner 'e!ore #e (as %ommitted to prison D so%ial, e%onomi%, psy%#ologi%al and emotional 'a%grou nds D s#ould 'e %are!ully investigated$
Con%ition!' P!r%on Distin*uishe% from P!ro'e .#e purpose o! %onditional pardon and parole is t#e same D t#e release o! a prisoner (#o is already re!ormed in order t#at #e %an %ontinue to serve #is senten%e outside o! t#e institution, t#us giving #im t#e opportunity to gradually assume t#e responsi'ilities o! a !ree man$ Bot# releases are su'1e%t to t#e same set o! %onditions (ill su'1e%t t#e parolee or pardonee to 'e re%ommitted to prison$ .#e only di!!eren%e 'et(een t#e t(o is t#e granting aut#ority$ n parole t#e granting aut#ority is t#e Board o! )ardons and )arole, (#ile in %onditional pardon, t#e granting aut#ority is t#e )resident$ Con%itions of P!r%on !n% P!ro'e n t#e )#ilippines, t#e pardonee is given t#e same set o! rules or %onditions as t#e parolee$ Among t#e %onditions usually imposed on pardonees and parolees are t#e !ollo(ing: $ .#at #e s#all live in #is parole residen%e and s#all not %#a nge #is res iden%e during t#e period o! #is parole (it#out !irst o'taining t#e %onsent o! t#e Board o! )ardons and )arole$ 5$ ! t#e parolee or pard onee leaves t#e parole 1uri sdi%tion temporarily, #e needs not get t#e permission o! t#e Board, alt#oug# #e may so in!orm #is parole o!!i%er >Muni%ipal udge? o! #is (#ere a'out$ 3$ .#at #e s#all report to t#e Muni%ipal udge >o! t#e to(n (#ere #e (ill reside? or to su%# o!!i%er as may 'e designated 'y t#e Ee%utive 8!!i%er o! t#e Board o! )ardons and )arole during t#e !irst year on%e a mont# and, t#erea!ter, on%e every t(o mont#s or as o!ten as #e may 'e re/uired 'y said o!!i%er$ +$ .#at #e s#all not indul ge in any in1urious or vi%ious #a'its, and s#al l avoid pla%es or persons o! disreputa'le or #arm!ul %#ara%ter$ 6$ .#at #e s#all permit t#e )rovin%ial Commander, )#ilippine Consta'ulary or any o!!i%er designated 'y t#e Ee%u tive 8!!i%er o! t#e Board to visit #im at reasona'le times at #is pla%e o! a'ode or else(#ere and s#all trut#!ully ans(er any reasona'le in/uiries %on%erning #is %ondu%t or %onditions$ $ .#at #e s#all not %omm it any %rim e and s#all %ondu%t #imsel! in an orderly manner$ I$ .#at #e s#all pay not less t# an )60 $00 a mont# to t#e %as#ier o! t#e 4epartment o! usti%e in payment o! t#e indemnity imposed upon #im$ *$ .#at #e s#all %omply (it# su% # orders as t#e Board or its Ee%utive 8!!i%er may !rom time to time mae$ A"use of the P!r%on Po:er !n% It,s S!fe*u!r%s .#e po(er vested on t#e )resident 'y t#e Constitution to grant pardon is very 'road and e%lusive$ t is not su'1e%t to revie( 'y t#e %ourts$ @eit#er does %ongress #ave t#e rig#t to esta'lis# %onditions nor provide pro%edure !or t#e eer%ise o! pardon$ Under t#ese %ir%umstan%es, it is t#ere!ore possi'le t#at uns%rupulous C#ie! Ee%utive %an a'use #is po(er$ n !a%t, nearly every presidential ele%tion t#e alleged a'use o! t#e pardoning po(er #as %ome up as %ampaign issue against t#e in%um'ent )resident$ .#e trut# o! t#e %#arge #as never 'een investigated, 'ut t#e !a%t t#at t#e alleged anomaly is aired pu'li%ly is an indi%ation t#at t#e po(er to grant pardon may 'e a'used$ .#ere are %ertain sa!eguards, #o(ever, against t#e a'use o! t#e pardoning po(er$ First is t#e %onstitutional provision t#at t#e )resident may 'e impea%#ed !or a (ill!ul violation o! t#e Constitution$ .#is is enoug# deterrent !or t#e C#ie! Ee%utive to a'use t#is po(er$ 7e%ond, is t#e poli%y o! t#e 8!!i%e o! t#e C#ie! Ee%utive, ever sin%e t#e time o! t#e Ameri%an overnors eneral, to approve pardon %ases, (#i%# are !avora'ly re%ommended 'y t#e Board o! )ardons and )arole$ Alt#oug# t#is poli%y does not (#olly 'ind t#e )resident, seldom, i! ever, #as it 'een disregarded$ Is P!r%on Neess!r( in our Pen!' S(stem udges are #uman 'eings and are t#ere!ore apt to %ommit errors$ t is possi'le !or an inno%ent to get %onvi%ted, as it is possi'le !or a %riminal to es%ape t#e #ands o! 1usti%e$ An inno%ent man may not 'e a'le to present eviden%e to prove #is
inno%en%e, or may not #ave t#e money to #ire a good %ounsel$ Many o! our penal la(s are outmoded and are not longer ept a'reast (it# %urrent trends o! %riminal 1usti%e administration$ udges are limited 'y la(s to t#e use o! dis%retion t#ey may eer%ise in any given %ase$ Under any o! t#e a'ove %ir%umstan%es, an in1usti%e may result, (#i%# %an only 'e remedied 'y t#e eer%ise o! pardon$ deally, all releases s#ould 'e 'y parole$ 7o%iety %an only 'e su!!i%iently prote%ted against t#e e-prisoner i! t#e latter is released t#roug# parole or %onditional pardon$ Un!ortunately, not all senten%es are indeterminate so t#at some prisoners are deprived o! t#e privilege o! parole$ .#ere!ore, pardon is ne%essary !or t#e prisoners (#o do not !all under t#e parole la($ OTHER FORMS OF EGECUTIVE CLEMENC0 Amnest(
Amnesty is a general pardon etended to groups o! persons and is generally eer%ised 'y ee%utive %lemen%y (it# t#e %on%urren%e o! Congress$ Usually t#e re%ipients o! amnesty are politi%al o!!enders, alt#oug# t#ere are some e%eptions$ For eample, )resident .ruman issued t(o pro%lamation granting amnesty to unnamed persons, one at t#e end o! &orld &ar in 9+6 and anot#er at t#e end o! t#e orean Con!li%t in 965$ n t#ese %ases, t#e persons #ave 'een %onvi%ted o! %rimes against t#e United 7tates 'ut (ere pardoned 'y terms o! pro%lamation !or #aving served in t#e armed !or%es !or at least a year during t#e %on!li%ts$ .#ose (#o did so re%eived pardons (it#out #aving to apply !or t#em$ .#e 7upreme Court, in t#e %ase o! )eople vs$ 7antos, et al$, +I 8$$ *, stated t#at t#e purpose o! amnesty is to 'ring a'out t#e return o! dissidents and re%al%itrant elements o! ourorpopulation to t#eir and la(-a'iding t#e resumption 'y t#em o! t#eir la(!ul pursuits, o%%upations, as #omes loyal and %iti2ens, to a%%elerate t#e re#a'ilitation o! t#e (ar-devastated %ountry, restore pea%e and order, and se%ure t#e (el!are and #appiness o! t#e %ommunities$; Amnesty loos 'a%(ard and a'olis#es and puts into o'livion t#e o!!ense itsel!$ t so overloos and o'literates t#e o!!ense (it# (#i%# #e is %#arged t#at t#e person released 'y amnesty stands 'e!ore t#e la( as t#oug# #e #ad %ommitted no o!!ense$ Amnesty is etended to %onvi%t as (ell as persons (#o #ave not yet 'een tried 'y t#e %ourt$ 7ome o! t#e pro%lamations o! amnesty are as !ollo(s: $
Pro'!m!tion No< @; D .#is pro%lamation (as issued 'y t#e late )resident Manuel Roas on anuary 5*, 9+*, granting amnesty to t#ose (#o %olla'orated (it# t#e enemy during &orld &ar $
Pro'!m!tion No< B D .#is (as issued 'y )resident Elpidio Huirino on une 5, 9+*, etending amnesty to leaders o! t#e )M?$ .#e amnesty applied to %rimes o! re'ellion, sedition, illegal asso%iation, assault, resistan%e and diso'edien%e to persons in aut#ority and illegal possession o! !irearm$
Pro'!m!tion No< @; D (as issued in order to attain t#e !ollo(ing o'1e%tives: .o pardon t#ose %ommited %rimes against t#e se%urity o! t#e 7tate (#o #ave %#anged t#eir #ostile attitude to(ards t#e government and #ave voluntarily surrendered (it# t#eir arms and ammunitions$ .o get t#e dissidents 'a% into t#e !old o! la( a'iding %iti2ens$ .o gat#er t#e loose !irearms$
Commutation is an a%t o! %lemen%y 'y (#i%# an ee%utive a%t %#anges a #eavier senten%e to a less serious one or a long term to a s#orter term$ it may alter deat# or li!eredu%es senten%e a termo! o!li!e years$ Commutation does not !orgive t#e o!!ender 'ut merely t#etopenalty senten%e !or a term o! years$
Pur$oses of Commut!tion 7ome o! t#e %ommon uses o! %ommutations are t#e !ollo(ing: $ .o 'rea t#e rigidity o! t#e la( - 7ome pena l la(s are rigi d and unusually %ruel$ For eample, a la( main g /uali!ied t#e!t, t#e stealing o! young %o%onuts !rom trees, or !is# !rom t#e !is#pond, or sugar %ane !rom t#e sugar %ane !ield$ Huali!ied t#e!t imposes an unusually #eavy penalty on t#e %ulprit, (#i%# is greatly misappropriated to t#e value o! arti%le stolen$ Even i! t#e 1udge (ould (ant to impose a lig#t penalty, #e %ould not do so 'e%ause #is #ands are tied 'y t#e provision o! t#e la($ .#e senten%e in t#is %ase may 'e redu%ed 'y %ommutations o! senten%e$ 5$ .o etend parole in %ases (#ere t#e parole la( does not app ly - Commutation ena'les t#e re%ipient to 'e released on parole (#en #is senten%e does not allo( #im parole, lie, !or eample, (#en t#e senten%e is determinate or li!e senten%e, or (#en t#e prisoner is serving t(o or more senten%es$ .#e senten%e may 'e %#anged to an indeterminate senten%e 'y %ommutation to ena'le t#e re%ipient to re%eive parole a!ter serving t#e minimum o! t#e senten%e$ 3$ .o save t#e li! e o! a person sen ten%ed to deat# - .#is is one o! t#e most %ommon uses o! %ommutation o! senten%e$ n t#e )#ilippines, 96 o! deat# penalty %ases are %ommuted to li!e imprisonment$ Proe%ures in Commut!tions &#en t#e senten%e o! deat# penalty is %on!irmed 'y t#e 7upreme Court, t#e %ondemned man or t#e #ead o! t#e prison system >4ire%tor o! )risons? may !ile a petition !or %ommutation$ .#e prisoner is su'1e%ted to a so%ial, psy%#ologi%al and psy%#iatri% eamination 'y t#e 7ta!! o! t#e Re%eption Center$ .#e in/uiry (ill in%lude t#e so%iologi%al #istory o! t#e prisoner, #is %riminal #istory, mental psy%#ologi%al %apa%ities, (or #istory, et%$, t#e purpose o! (#i%# is to determine t#e degree o! involvement in %rime t#e prisoner is in, and to determine i! #e deserves to 'e given a ne( lease in li!e$ .#e petition is t#en !or(arded to t#e Board o! )ardons and )arole, toget#er (it# t#e reports o! eaminations o! t#e re%eption and 4iagnosti% Center and t#e re%ommendation o! t#e 4ire%tor o! )rison on t#e petition$ .#e Board o! )ardons and )arole pro%esses t#e petition and (ill deli'erate on a re%ommendation a!ter a %are!ul study o! t#e papers, in%luding t#e reports o! t#e Re%eption and 4iagnosti% Center$ t (ill t#em !or(ard t#e petition, in%luding its re%ommendation to t#e )resident$ .#e )resident (ill t#en a%t on t#e petition$ n giving or denying %ommutation, t#e )resident may not !ollo( t#e re%ommendation o! t#e Board o! )ardons and )arole$ Re$rie+e Reprieve is a temporary stay o! t#e ee%ution o! t#e senten%e$ ie pardon, t#e )resident %an only eer%ise reprieve (#en t#e senten%e #as 'e%ome !inal$ enerally, reprieve is etended to deat# penalty prisoners$ .#e date o! t#e ee%ution o! senten%e is set 'a% several days to ena'le t#e C#ie! Ee%utive to study t#e petition o! t#e %ondemned man !or %ommutation o! senten%e or pardon$ -oo% Con%ut&time De%utions Conditional release is t#e statutory s#ortening o! t#e maimum senten%e t#e prisoners serves 'e%ause o! good 'e#avior (#ile in prison$ .#is is %alled good %ondu%t-time and is given 'y t#e la( as motivation !or good 'e#avior (#ile serving senten%e in prison$ Arti%le 9I, Revised )enal Code, provides good %ondu%t time allo(an%e to all senten%es under t#e !ollo(ing s%#edules: “ 1ood 2onduct time allowance is automatically applied to reduce the sentence but may be ta$en away from the prisoner if he fails to obey the rules and regulations of the prison& However good conduct time allowance may be remitted as a reward for e!ceptional services the prisoner may render to the prison administration or after the lapse of some time when the prisoner has sufficiently demonstrated that he has reformed& “
“ /f the prisoner does not forfeit his statutory good conduct time allowance through misbehavior he is released at time earned& He is released under supervision as if on parole and subjected to all parole condition whic h if violated will result in the issuance of a warrant revocation of his release and the re#uirement that he return to prison to serve the ma!imum term&' .#is !orm o! %onditional release is used in Federal, entu%y, ansas, @ort# Carolina and &is%onsin %orre%tional institutions$ .#e release o! t#e prisoner is mandatory (#en t#e a%%umulated time dedu%ted !rom t#e senten%e !or good 'e#avior and (or %redits maes it mandatory to release t#e prisoner$ .#e Board o! )arole does not parti%ipate in t#e sele%tion pro%ess$ .#is !orm o! release does, #o(ever, ena'le t#e parole sta!! to provide supervision !or a period o! time 'y (#i%# #is release #as 'een advan%ed !or good 'e#avior as t#oug# t#e o!!ender (as on parole$ .#e released prisoners are su'1e%t to t#e regulation and %ontrol o! parole$ n t#e )#ilippines, t#e prisoner (#o is released !rom prison a!ter serving #is senten%e less t#e good %ondu%t time allo(an%e, is released (it#out any %ondition and is %onsidered to #ave served #is senten%e in !ull$ A%t @o$ 5+*9, ot#er(ise no(n as t#e ndustrial ood .ime a(, provides t#at (#en a prisoner #as 'een %lassi!ied as trusty or penal %olonists, #e is given an additional 6 days time allo(an%e !or every mont# o! servi%e$ A prisoner serving li!e senten%e #as #is senten%e automati%ally redu%ed to 30 years o! imprisonment upon attaining t#e %lassi!i%ation o! trusty or penal %olonists$
"robation - A term %oined 'y o#n Augustus, !rom t#e atin ver' Opro'areO D (#i%# means to prove or to test$ "robation is a pro%edure under (#i%# t#e %ourt releases a de!endant !ound guilty o! a %rime (it#out imprisonment su'1e%t to t#e %ondition imposed 'y t#e %ourt and su'1e%t to t#e supervision o! t#e pro'ation servi%e$ )ro'ation may 'e granted eit#er t#roug# t#e (it##olding o! senten%e >suspension o! imposition o! a senten%e? or t#roug# imposition o! senten%e and stay or suspension o! its ee%ution$ .#e !ormer generally %onsidered more desira'le$ Histor( of Pro"!tion .#e srcins o! pro'ation %an 'e tra%ed to Englis# %riminal la( o! t#e Middle Ages$ ? to 'ring t#e %ase #istory !a%ts up to date, and >5? to veri!y parole plan or (or and residen%e$ P!ro'e Se'etion 8ne o! t#e most important !un%tions o! t#e nvestigation 4ivision is to #elp t#e parole 'oard in t#e sele%tion o! prisoners !or parole$ .#is %annot 'e determined merely 'y t#e lengt# o! time served$ ! a prisoner is paroled too soon and (#ile still malad1usted, #e may !ail and return to prison$ 8n t#e ot#er #and i! t#e prisoner is retained too long, #e may 'e em'ittered, depressed, 'e%ome apat#eti% or get dis%ouraged, soO t#at (#en released #e may !ail to reesta'lis# #imsel!, ade/uately in so%iety$ .#e institutional re%ord a one %annot 'e used as an inde o! a prisonerNs readiness !or parole 'e%ause some men (it# deeply and so%ially dangerous patterns o! %riminality are s#re(d enoug# to maintain a good institutional re%ord and yet 'e a%tually among t#ose (it# t#e poorest lieli#ood to su%%eed on parole$
n determining readiness o! a prisoner !or release, t#e program o! treatment and training o! t#e prisoner in t#e penal institution s#ould 'e %oordinated (it# #is -program (#en released$ .#e prison sta!! and parole 'ureau s#ould %oordinate in preparing t#e detailed program o! t#e prisoner, 'ot# in prison and on parole$ 8ne (ay o! a%#ieving %oordination 'et(een t#e t(o agen%ies, t#e prison and t#e parole 'ureau, is to provide Oinstitutional paroleO o!!i%ers (#o understand t#e pro'lems o! parole -supervision and %an (or e!!e%tively (it# t#e parole 'ureau$-Anot#er (ay to e!!e%t %oordination 'et(een t#e prison and t#e parole 'ureau is to assign parole o!!i%ers !rom t#e sta!! o! t#e latter agen%y to (or in t#e penal institutions$ Under t#is arrangement t#e parole o!!i%er parti%ipates a%tually in t#e %lassi!i%ation and %ase(or program o! t#e prison and is responsi'le !or t#e evaluation o! t#e inmates program !rom t#e standpoint o! its use!ulness a!ter release$ Too's in Se'etion .#ree do%uments need to 'e prepared 'y t#e institutional sta!! to assist t#e paroling aut#orities and t#e parole 'ureau t#eir (or (it# individual prisoners$ .#ey are: $ 5$
t#epre-'oardsummary= t#e parole re!erral summary o! t#e %lassi!i%ation %ommittee
t#e !inal pre-release progress report$
The Pre&4o !r% Summ!r ( & .#is do%ument is prepared 'y t#e institutio nal parole o!!i%er$ t a 'rie! summary o! t#e inmateNs %ase, in%luding #is %ase #istory and t#e salient points , (#i%# are %onsidered ne%essary (#et#er or not, parole is to 'e granted$ The P!ro'e Referr!' Summ!r( - .#is do%ument is prepared 'y t#e prisonNs %lassi!i%ation %ommittee !or t#e use o! t#e parole 'ureau$ .#e purpo se o! t#is summary is to indi%ate to t#e !ield >parole? (orers (#at t#e sta!! o! t#e prison %onsiders to 'e essential !or t#e 'est interest o! t#e parolees and t#e prote%tion o! t#e so%iety$ t %ontains an appraisal o! t#e prisonerNs personality and #is needs !or ad1ustment upon return to so%iety$ Pre&re'e!se Pro*ress Re$ort & t#e institutional Classi!i%ation Committee also prepares t#is do%ument$ n t#is report, t#e pro!essional %ontri'utions o! t#e Re%eption-uidan%e Center and o! t#e institution are 'roug#t toget#er !or greatest use!ulness at pre-release$ .#e pre-release progress report is used 'y t#e )arole Board as guide in determining t#e prisonerNs eligi'ility !or parole and in preparing #is parole program$ t outlines t#e treatment program o! t#e parolee$ &#ile t#e report %ontains %ertain suggestions on t#e prisonerNs program during t#e remaining (ees o! #is stay in prison, spe%ial emp#asis is given to #is program (#en #e leaves t#e institution in terms o! su%%ess a!ter release$ .#e parole o!!i%ers use it as re!eren%e and guide (#en t#e inmate is 'roug#t in !or personal appearan%e to !ormulate (it# t#e parole o!!i%er a program !or parole$ Contents of the P!ro'e Referr!' Summ!r( $ .#e general 'a%ground and present status o! t#e inmate$ o%al status (it# regard to release )revious %riminal 'e#avior in relation to parole situation$ 7o%ial #istory >in%luding !amily relations, so%ial (el!are assistan%e and use o! leisure time$? )ersonality ad1ustment in prison >in%luding appraisal o! dis%iplinary re%ord$? 8t#er matters$ 5$ Report o! nstitutional )rogram .reatment o! personality malad1ustment Ko%ational training A%ademi% edu%ation Medi%al treatment • • •
• • • • •
Re%reational a%tivities >in%luding #o''ies$?
Religious interest 8t#er matters$ 3$ .#e nmates o(n plans and %on%ern over parole )re!erred pla%e o! residen%e .ype o! (or desired$ Family relations$ )ro'lems anti%ipated 'y inmate$ 8t#er matters +$ Comments 'y t#e %ompiler o! t#e report$ 6$ .#e sta!! re%ommendations$ evel o! supervision >maimum, medium, minimum?$ Residen%e &or )rogram >edu%ation, religion, re%reation, et%$? 7pe%ial needs >medi%al, !inan%ial, et%$? 8t#er matters$ • •
• • • • •
• • • • • •
The Im$ort!ne of the P!ro'e Referr!' Summ!r( .#e parole re!erral summary represents t#e !inal evaluation o! t#e e!!e%t upon t#e inmates o! t#is investment in t#eir (el!are 'y so%iety$ .#e parole re!erral summary is sent to t#e !ield o!!i%ers o! t#e parole 'ureau$ .#is do%ument represents a general plan !or t#e %are and treatment o! t#e parolee$ Cir%umstan%es may re/uire modi!i%ations o! t#e re%ommendations %ontained 'y t#e paroling agen%y, yet t#e parole re!erral summary remains t#e 'asi% %lini%al do%ument !or t#e determination o! t#e manNs program upon release, sin%e it represents a %ompre#ensive study 'y t#e institutional sta!! o! #is entire li!e$ Pre&P!ro'e In+esti*!tion .#e primary duty o! t#e parole 'oard is t#e proper sele%tion o! prisoners to 'e released on parole$ t is t#e prime %on%ern o! t#e 'oard to determine (#et#er parole appli%ants are %apa'le o! living in t#e %ommunity and remaining at li'erty (it#out violating la(s$ t must also determine (#et#er t#e release o! t#e prisoner is %ompati'le (it# t#e (el!are o! so%iety$ .#e investigation division o! t#e parole o!!i%e taes %#arge o! maing a preparole investigation !or re!eren%e and guidan%e o! t#e 'oard in t#e proper sele%tion o! prisoners !or parole$ .#e parole o!!i%er maing t#e pre-parole investigation %ollates all in !ormations regarding t#e inmate %ontaine d in various do%uments or reports, namely, t#e %omments !rom t#e senten%ing 1udge, %omments !rom t#e prose%uting !is%al, and a !urt#er analysis o! t#e many studies and %onta%ts made 'y t#e trained prison sta!! during t#e period o! t#e inmates imprisonment$ .#e institutional reports %onsist o! psy%#iatri% and psy%#ologi%al reportsN, t#e so%ial #istory o! t#e prisoner prepared 'y t#e so%iologist, edu%ational report eviden%e o! (anting to re!orm, %ondu%t (#ile in prison, attitude and ot#er %ontri'utory !a%tors$ n determining t#e !itness t#e prisoner !or parole, t#e parole 'oard s#ould lie(ise loo into t#e negative !a%tors (#i%# may dis/uali!y t#e prisoner !or parole, su%# as t#e adverse !eeling o! t#e %ommunity to(ard #is release on parole, and unsta'le !amily situation, la% o! employment= opportunity or unsatis!a%tory re%ord o! previous employment #istory o! !ailure to support !amily or dependents properly= la% o!: responsi'ility, re%ord o! nomadism, al%o#olism la% o! #ome sites, and antiso%ial Nnor immoral a%ts$ .#e parole 'oard s#ould lie(ise %onsider t#e !avora'le or un!avora'le reports o! t#e !ield supervising parole o!!i%er on t#e parole plan !or t#e prisoner sin%e t#is o!!i%er maes last minute veri!i%ation on arrangement regarding residen%e, sele%tion o! parole adviser, and prospe%tive employment$ P!ro'e He!rin* ) Ho: Con%ute% )arole #earings may 'e %ommen%ed 'y a (ritten petition o! t#e prisoner or 'y #is relatives$ n an institution (#ere %ase(or met#od is #ig#ly developed, t#ere is
no need !or t#e prisoner to !ile a petition sin%e t#e institutional %lassi!i%ation %ommittee, motu propio initiates parole pro%eedings t#e moment t#e prisoner 'e%omes eligi'le$ 7everal met#ods are used in sele%ting prisoners !or parole$ 7ome 'oards o! parole %ondu%t intervie(s in t#e prison (it# t#e entire mem'ers#ip present to interrogate t#e prisoner$ n some 1urisdi%tions, t#e 'oard does not %ondu%t intervie(s (it# t#e prisoners 'ut depends solely on t#e re%orded material$ n t#e United 7tates Board o! )arole, t#e 'oard does not meet en 'ane to intervie( t#e prisoner$ nstead, ea%# o! t#e !ive 'oard mem'ers intervie(s all prisoners eligi'le !or parol e in a parti%ular institution$ 7, R"CG Elements: a? .#e o!!ender is a private individual, '? Art$ 553? and Es%ape o! a )risoner under t#e %ustody o! a person not a pu'li% o!!i%er >Art$ 556? respe%tively$ .#is o!!ense lie ot#er o!!enses o! similar nature may 'e %ommitted t#roug# impruden%e or negligen%e$
.vasion of *ervice of *entence FArt 4>9-4>6, R"CG $ Evasion o! 7ervi%e under Art 6I, R)C Elements: a?
8!!ender is a prisoner-serving senten%e involving deprivation o! li'erty 'y reason o! !inal 1udgment$ '? ail 'reaing is synonymous (it# evasion o! senten%e?$
5$ Evasion o! 7ervi%e o! 7enten%e on t#e 8%%asion o! 4isorders due to Con!lagrations, Eart#/uaes, or 8t#er Calamities >Art$ 6*, R)C? Elements: a?
8!!ender is a prisoner serving senten%e and is %on!ined in a penal institution$ '? P6? o! t#e period o! senten%e is to re(ard t#e %onvi%ts mani!est intent o! paying #is de'ts to so%iety 'y returning to prison a!ter t#e passing a(ay o! t#e %alamity$ &#enever la(!ully 1usti!ied, t#e 4ire%tor o! )risons >Bureau o! Corre%tions? s#all grant allo(an%e !or good %ondu%t and su%# allo(an%es on%e granted s#all not 'e revoed$ 3$ 8t#er %ases o! Evasion o! 7ervi%e o! 7enten%e >Art$ 69, R)C? .#e violation o! any %onditions imposed to a Conditional )ardon is a %ase o! evasion o! servi%e o! senten%e$ .#e e!!e% t o! t#is is, t#e %onvi%t may su!!er t#e unepired porti on o! #is srcinal senten%e
nfidelity of "ublic fficers $ n!idelity in t#e Custody o! )risoners .#roug# Connivan%e >Art$553, R)C? A !elony %ommitted 'y any pu'li% o!!i%er (#o s#all %onsent to t#e es%ape o! a prisoner in #is %ustody or %#arge$ 5$ n!idelity in t#e Custody o! )risoners t#roug# @egligen%e >Art$ 55+, R)C? A !elony %ommitted 'y a pu'li% o!!i%er (#en t#e prisoner under #is %ustody or %#arge es%aped t#roug# negligen%e on #is part$ 3$ Es%ape o! a )risoner under t#e Cust ody o! a )erson not a )u'li% 8!!i%er$ >Art 556, R)C?
ther ffenses or rregularities by "ublic fficers $ Maltreatment o! )risoner >Art$ 536, R)C? Elements: a? '?
8!!ender is a pu'li% o!!i%er or employee 7a#ara,9**?$ 8t#er models o! prison management #ave 'een prominent in t#e last !our de%ades$ 8ne is t#e Custodial Model, 'ased on t#e assumption t#at prisoners #ave 'een in%ar%erated !or t#e prote%tion o! so%iety and !or t#e purpose o! in%apa%itation, deterren%e and retri'ution$ t emp#asi2es maintenan%e and se%urity and order t#roug# t#e su'ordination o! t#e prisoner to t#e aut#ority o! t#e (arden$ 4is%ipline is stri%tly applied and most aspe%t o! 'e#avior is regulated$ &it# t#e onset o! t#e treatment orientation in %orre%tions during t#e 960s, t#e Rehabilitation &odel o! institutional organi2ation and prison management (ere developed$ n prisons o! t#is sort, se%urity and #ouse eeping a%tivities are vie(ed primarily as a !rame(or !or re#a'ilitative e!!orts$ )ro!essional treatment spe%ialist en1oys a #ig#er status t#an ot#er employees, in a%%ordan%e (it# t#e idea t#at all aspe%t o! prison management s#ould 'e dire%ted to(ards re#a'ilitation$ 4uring t#e past de%ade, (it# t#e ret#ining o! t#e goal o! re#a'ilitation, t#e num'er o!
institution geared to(ard t#at end #as de%lined$ .reatment programs still do eist in most institutions, 'ut very !e( prisons %an 'e said to %on!orm under t#is model$
%he Reintegration &odel is lined to t#e stru%tures and goals o! %ommunity %orre%tions 'ut #as dire%t impa%t on prison operations$ Alt#oug# an o!!ender is %on!ined in prison, t#at eperien%e is pointed to(ard reintegration into so%iety$ .#is ind o! treatment gradually give inmates greater !reedom and responsi'ility during t#eir %on!inement and move t#em into a #al!(ay #ouse, (or release programs, or %ommunity %orre%tional %enter 'e!ore releasing t#em to supervision$ Consistent (it# t#e perspe%tive o! %ommunity %orre%tions, t#is model is 'ased on t#e assumption t#at it is important !or t#e o!!ender to maintain or develop ties (it# t#e !ree so%iety$ .#e entire !o%us o! t#is approa%# is on t#e resumption o! a normal li!e >Clear and Cole, 9*?$ .#e e!!e%ts o! t#ese management p#ilosop#ies, on t#e 'asis o! eisting resear%#, appear positive >7a#ara, 9**?$ 7a#ara, 9**?$ .#e %o n%ept o! a %otal nstitution developed 'y Erving o!!man, #as in!luen%ed mu%# resear%# on prisons$ o#nson, 9*I?$ .#is is %onsidered as t#e 'irt# o! a modern prison !or purposes o! t#e prisoners re!ormation 'y prote%ting #ealt# and improving %#ara%ter$ n t#e %ontet o! %orporal punis#ment, it seemed primitive and 'ar'ari% 'ut t#ese punis#ments (ere t#e vestiges o! t#e 8ld &orld >o#nson, 9*I?$ n t#e @e( &orld, 'y %ontrast, it (as sel!-evident t#at a %riminal (as not a preordained sinner$ Clear and Cole, 9*?$ t is !urt#er essential to note t#at t#e re!ormers or legislators (#o supported t#e penitentiary did so (it# one !irm %riterion and t#at, t#e punis#ment is #umane and not repli%ate t#e 'rutal punis#ment o! t#e past >Clear and Cole, 9*?$ .#e penitentiary model o! re!ormation applies t(o systems namely, t#e se$!r!te and t#e on*re*!te$ .#e se$!r!te s(stem used solitary %on!inement and manual la'or in (#i%# t#e prisoners (ere ept separate !rom one anot#er as (ell as !rom t#e outside (orld$ .#e on*re*!te s(stem is one in (#i%# t#e prisoners slept in solitary %ells, (ored toget#er 'ut %omplete silen%e is o'served$ .#ey are united 'ut no moral %onne%tion eists among t#em$ .#ey see (it#out no(ing ea%# ot#er$ .#ey are in a so%iety (it#out mental inter%ourse 'e%ause t#ere (as no %ommuni%ation and #en%e no intera%tion >Clear and Cole, 9*?$
.#e penitentiary (as in pra%ti%e, a %ustodial institution$ t demanded a'solute o'edien%e !rom %riminals (#o #ave never learned to respe%t limits, !ollo( rules, or put in an #onest days (or and (#o, moreover, (ere t#e !ilt#y elements o! t#e so%iety$ 4espite t#e t#eoreti%al emp#asis on re!orm and t#e (idespread use o! t#e terminology o! re#a'ilitation, t#e a%tual eperien%e o! imprisonment !or most persons (#o are imprisoned in t#is %entury #as 'een simply punitive$ From t#e mid0s to t#e present, a ne( prison type #as emerged (#i%# is de!ined 'y t#e %limate o! violen%e and predation on t#e part o! t#e prisoners$ no(n simply as t#e violent prison;, it #as 'een aptly des%ri'ed as a #uman (are#ouse (it# a 1unglelie underground; >o#nson, 9*I?$ n t#e management o! prisons, one re%ogni2es t#at t#e pain su!!ered 'y t#e prisoners %an %reate more prison management pro'lems rat#er t#an solve t#em$ &#en prisoners !eel pain, prisons 'e%ome #ard to operate$ A%%ording to o#nson >9*I?, in prin%iple, it is possi'le to es%alate pain and 'rea t#e (ill o! t#e prisoners and to resort into outrig#t 'rutality and to run t#e prison on ra( !ear$ o#nson, 9*I?$ .#e @e( Gors !amous Elmira Re!ormatory, !or eample, is o!ten des%ri'ed as t#e original model !rom (#i%# progressive penology evolved$ t (as praised as a #umanitarian #ospital; or %ollege on t#e #ill;, 'ut pain as a !undamental !a%t o! prison li!e (as not a%no(ledged as an Elmiras ingredients$ Alt#oug# t#e system developed a ne(, li'erating re!ormatory and produ%ed a ind o! s%ienti!i% penitentiary, t#e system attri'uted largely on t#e result o! !ear >o#nson, 9*I?$ .#e 'rutality inside prisons in todays (orld re!le% ts a !ailure o! poli%y, a triump# o! %onvenien%e over %ons%ien%e, and a %#allenge to responsi'le prison administrators$ ! our nurturing is de!e%tive, i$e$ unappre%iative, in%onsistent, la, #ars# and %areless, one gro(s up #ostile and t#is #ostility seems as mu%# turned in(ard as it (as turned out(ar d$ .#e nurturing environments t#at produ%e t#is denigration o! sel! and ot#ers are t#e !a%tors t#at 'reed %riminality$ ! t#is is (#at really appears to 'e, t#en (#en (ill man reali2e t#e meaning o! re!ormation or re#a'ilitation !or prisonersQ 4oes it only end in (is#!ul t#iningQ Blumstein list !ive possi'le approa%#es t#at prison administrators may tae to deal (it# t#e prison %risis$ Ea%# approa%# #as e%onomi%, so%ial and politi%al %osts, and ea%# entails a di!!erent amount o! time !or implementation and impa%t$ First, t#e proponent o! t#e ull *trategy say t#at not#ing s#ould 'e done, t#at prisons s#ould 'e allo(ed to 'e%ome in%reasingly %ongested and sta!! s#ould remain to maintain t#em (it# t#e assumption t#at t#e pro'lem is temporary and (ill disappear in time$ .#is, o! %ourse, may 'e t#e most politi%ally a%%epta'le approa%# in t#e s#ort run$ n t#e long run, #o(ever, t#e approa%# may lead to riots as prisoners tae %ontrol o! t#eir situation and sta!! mem'ers 'e%ome demorali2ed$ t may ultimately result in t#e %ourts de%laring t#e !a%ilities un%onstitutional and taing over t#eir administration$ )#ilosop#i%al opponents o! in%ar%eration may support t#is approa%# 'e%ause t#ey !ear t#at ot#er strategies (ill only result in greater num'ers o! persons imprisoned$ 7e%ond, proponents o! t#e *elective ncapacitation strategy argue t#at epensive and limited prison spa%e (it# t#e ne%essary num'er o! sta!! to maintain t#em s#ould 'e used more e!!e%tively 'y targeting t#e individuals (#ose in%ar%eration (ill do t#e most to redu%e %rime$ t s#o(s t#at t#e in%ar%eration o! some %areer %riminals #as a pay o!! in t#e prevention o! multiple serious o!!enses$
.#ird, t#e "opulation-Reduction strategy incorporates !ront door and 'a% door strategies$ Front-door strategies divert o!!enders to non-in%ar%erative san%tions, among t#em, %ommunity servi%e, restitution, !ines, and pro'ation$ 7ome %riti%s %ontend, t#at even i! su%# alternative (ere !ully in%orporated into t#e %orre%tional system, t#ey (ould a!!e%t only !irst time, marginal o!!enders, as t#ey are not appropriate !or serious %riminals i! %rime %ontrol is a goal and #as t#e e!!e%t o! (idening t#e net so t#at a greater num'er o! %iti2ens %ome under %orre%tional supervision$ &#ile t#e Ba%-door strategies su%# as detention, parole, (or release and good 'e#avior are devised to get o!!enders out o! t#e prison 'e!ore t#e end o! t#eir terms in order to !ree spa%e !or ne( %omers$ Fourt#, t#e Construction *trate gy o! 'uilding ne( !a%ilities to meet t#e demand !or prison spa%e !or an advantageous prison management$ .#e approa%# %omes to mind (#en legislators and %orre%tional o!!i%ials %on!ront t#e pro'lem on prison %ro(ding, sanitation and prison violen%e to epand t#e si2e, num'er o! !a%ilities and personnel$ But given %ontemporary !inan%ial restri%tions, t#is strategy may not 'e as !easi'le as it seems$ 8pponents o! t#is approa%# o! prison management 'elieve t#at given t#e nature o! 'ureau%ra%y, prison %ells (ill al(ays 'e !illed as (ell as t#e %onditions in prisons #as detrimental e!!e%t o! in%ar%eration on o!!enders$ Fi!t#, t#e "opulation-*ensitive (low Control strategy urges t#e senten%ing 'e lined to t#e availa'ility o! prison spa%e and management sta!!, t#at poli%ies 'e developed allo(ing t#e release o! t#e prisoners (#en prison !a%ilit ies 'e%ome %ro(ded and sta!! are greatly outnum'ered to manage prisoners, and t#at ea%# %ourt 'e allotted a %ertain amount o! prison spa%e and sta!! mem'ers so t#at 1udges and prose%utors mae t#eir de%isions a%%ordingly$ .#is strategy depends on t#e politi%al Cole, 9*?$ (ill to release prisoners even in t#e !a%e o! pu'li% protest >Clear and Contemporary 1ails serve t(o vital purposes: t#ey detain a%%used individuals a(aiting trial and t#ey #ouse senten%ed o!!enders serving s#ort terms$ 7ome argue t#at 1ails are outside t#e 'oundaries o! t#e %orre%tion enterprise (#ile ot#ers 'elieve t#at 1ails are important part o! %orre%tions and t#at t#ey illustrate many %ompleities$ t is per#aps t#e most !rustrating %omponent o! %orre%tions !or people (#o (ant to #elp persons (#o !ind t#emselves under supervision$ Many o! t#em need a #elping #and, 'ut t#e un%easing #uman !lo( usually does not allo( time !or su%# #elp nor t#e resour%es availa'le in most instan%es$ Many programs #ave 'een tried and alternatives to 1ails (ere developed, 'ut t#e %ommon eperien%e is t#at t#ey %ome to 'e applied to persons (#o ot#er(ise (ould 'e senten%ed to pro'ation or t#ose (#o (ill serve t#eir senten%es (it# in t#e %ommunity$ n t#e United 7tates, a Federal 7urvey >7enna and 7iegel, 9*I? !ound out t#at t#e ratio o! pro'ation to prison population is in%reasing as a !aster rate t#an t#e prison population$ A'out ,035,000 adult o!!enders (ere put on pro'ation in 9*+, and a'out 90+,000 !inis#ed t#eir pro'ationary period$ 8! t#ese a'out *$6 per%ent (ere %onsidered su%%ess!ul %ompletions$ .#e remainder, *$6 per%ent, (as %onsidered unsu%%ess!ul eit#er 'e%ause t#e pro'ationer (as in%ar%erated !or a ne( o!!ense or 'e%ause t#e pro'ationer a's%onded or (as in %ustody !or anot#er reason >7enna and 7iegel, 9*I?$ n t#e %ontet o! re%idivism, t#e e!!e%tiveness o! %orre%tional poli%y %an 'e evaluated on t#e 'asis o! (#et#er !ormer inmates return to li!e o! %rime$ .o assess t#e etent o! re%idivism in t#e prison system, a(ren%e reen!eld o! t#e Bureau o! usti%e 7tatisti%s analy2ed data !rom a national survey o! prison inmates in &as#ington 4$C$, United 7tates$ reen!eld !ound t#at an estima ted per%ent o! t#ose admitted to 1ail or prison #ad previously served a senten%ed o! imprisonment as a 1uvenile, an adult, or 'ot#$ 8! t#e 39 per%ent entering prison (#o #ad no prior imprisonment re%ord, nearly 0 per%ent #ad %onvi%tions t#at resulted in pro'ation and 5I per%ent (ere on pro'ation at t#e time o! t#eir o!!ense$ n all, a'out *6
per%ent o! entering inmates #ad prior %onvi%tions t#at #ad resulted in %orre%tional treatment$ Anot#er distur'ing !a%t un%overed 'y reen!eld (as t#at + per%ent o! t#e returning o!!enders (ould still #ave 'een in prison #ad t#ey 'een !or%ed to serve t#e entire term o! t#e senten%e given t#em at t#eir previous trial$ Many o!!enders #ad long %riminal re%ords 'e!ore t#ey %ommitted t#e o!!ense t#at gained t#em t#eir %urrent senten%e$ o#nson, 9*I?$
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