
April 2, 2017 | Author: Zahra | Category: N/A
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Recitation of Sura 56 (Waqiyah) after Isha Salat Recitation of Ayat ”Mashaallahu laa Quwwata illa billah" (Ch. Al-Kahf (18), vs. 39 ) "It is as Allah has pleased, there is no power save in Allah." DUA'A 58 Who ever recites surah al Falaq time and again receives sustenance regu larly. DUA'A 59 Whoever recites AR RAZZAQ 308 times in the morning receives more susten ance than he expects. DUA'A 60 To earn independent income recite regularly surah Ta Ha in the last pa rt of the night. DUA'A 61 According to Imam Muhammad bin Ali al Baqir recite the following du'a' for increase in sustenance. O Allah, I beseech You for sustenance – abundant, good and lawful-from the “sustenan ce” You own. ALLAAHUMMA INNEE AS-ALUKA RIZQAN WAASI-AN T'AYYIBBAN MIN RIZQIKA DUA'A 62 Recite the following du-a'a 1000 times at midnight for removal of pover ty and increase in sustenance. Glory be to You, (my) master, the everliving, the self-subsisting, for whom ther e is no end. SUBH'AANAKA MAALIKIL H'AYYIL QAYYOOMIL LAD'EE LAA YAMOOT DUA'A 63 For increase in sustenance recite YAA GHANIYYU 1060 times between magh rib and Ishaa prayers DUA'A 64 The Holy Prophet taught the following du-a'a to ahl al safi for incre ase in sustenance. O Allah, the Lord of seven (or several) heavens and the Lord of the arash (the s eat of divine authority) repay our debts and free us from poverty. ALLAAHUMMA RABBIS SAMAAWAATIS SABI-I WA RABBAL A'RSHIL A'ZEEM IQZ'I A'NNAD DAYNA WA AGHNINAA MINAL FAQR DUA'A 65 Recite the following du-a'a for increase in sustenance O Allah, (You alone) administer my affairs. Do not let me depend on any other fo r the direction of my affairs. ALLAAHUMMA TAWALLA AMREE WA LAA TAWALLA AMREE GHAYRAKA DUA'A 66 According to Mulla Muhsin Kashaniif the following du-a'as are recited, as mentioned for every day separately, there will be a noticeable increase in t he means of livelihood. Recite each du-a'a 1000 times. SATURDAY

O Allah, send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad. So be it. ALLAAHUMMA S'ALLI A'LAA MUHAMMADIN WA AALI MUH'AMMAD AMEEN SUNDAY : O Lord of the worlds. YAA RABBAL A'ALAMEEN MONDAY : O Owner of splendour and generosity. YAA D'AL JALLAALI WAL IKRAAM TUESDAY : O He who decides definitely regarding wants and needs. YAA QAAZ'IYAL H'AAJAAT WEDNESDAY : O the most merciful of all the merciful. YAA ARH'AMAR RAAH'IMEEN THURSDAY : O the everliving, the self-subsisting. YAA H'AYYU YAA QAYYOOM FRIDAY : There is no god save You, the true and manifest sovereign LAA ILAAHA ILLAA ANTAL MALIKUL H'AQQUL MUBEEN DUA'A 67 Once a very poor man came to Imam Jafar bin Muhammad as Sadiq and told him tht i nspite of his best efforts, there was no improvement in his financial matters an d he remined poor and deprived. The Imam advised him to recite a du-a'a after I shaa prayers regularly. O Allah, verily I do not know wherefrom I will get my sustenance? Indeed to look for it I lay myself open to possible risks which threaten my heart. I go round in its search to (many) cities. There I (wander) as its seeker. Truly, I do not know whether it is in the plain, or on the mountain, or in the earth, or in the sky, or under the earth or in the sea. From where and through whom it will reach me? At all events, I know, its system (of production and distribution) is in Yo

ur power (because) You are, as creator, know all about its (availability, quanti ty and quality). Through Your grace and mercy it is distributed. O my sustainer give me abundant sustenance, make easy for me its seeking, let its source be nea r me and let me not in vain run after the sustenance You have not selected for m e, because You do not want to punish me whereas I am always in need of Your merc y. Give generously Your superabundant bounties to Your servant, (because) verily You are the owner of limitless gifts. ALLAAHUMMA INNAHOO LAYSA LEE I'LMUN MIN AYNA RIZQEE WA INNAMAA ANAA AT'LUBUHOO B IKHAT'ARAATIN TAKHT'URU A'LAA QALBEE FA-AJOOLU FEE T'ALABIHIL BULDAANA FA-ANAA F EEMAA ANAA T'AALIBUN KAL-HAYRANI LAA ADREE AFEE SAHLIN HUWA AM FEE JABALIN AM FE E ARZ'IN AM FEE SAMAA-IN AM FEE BARRIN AM FEE BAH'RIN WA A'LAA YADAY MAN WA MIN QIBALI MAN WA QAD A'LMITU ANNA I'LMUHOO I'NDAKA WA ASBAABUHOO BIYADIKA WA ANTALL AD'EE TUQASSIMUHOO BILUT'FIKA WA TUSABBIBUHOO BIRAH'MATIKA ALLAAHUMMA FAS'ALLI A 'LAA MUH'MMADIN WA AALI MUHAMMAD YAA RABBI WAJ-AL RIZQAKA LEE WAASI-AN WA MATLAB AHOO SAHLAN WA MAA KHAD'AHOO QAREEBAN WA LAA TU-ANNINEE BIT'ALABI MA LAM TUQADDI R FEEHI RIZQAN FA-INNAKA GHANIYYUN A'N AD'AABEE WA ANAA FAQEERUN ILAA RAHMATIKA FASALLI ALAA MUHAMMADIN WA AALIHEE WA JUD A'LAA ABDIKA BIFAZ'LIKA INNAKA D'OOO F AZ'LIN AZEEM. DUA'A 68 To receive sustenance in abundance recite the following verse of surah ash sura 66 times daily after obligatory prayer with ALLAAHU AKBAR in the beginning each time. It is recommended to recite it after Fajr or Maghrib prayers. Allah is benign to His servants. He gives sustenance to whomsoever He wills. He is strong, all-mighty. ALLAAHU LATEEFUM BI-IBAADIHEE YARZUQU MAY YASHAAA WA HUWAL QAWIYYUL AZEEZ DUA'A 69 Recite the following du-a'a 3 times with salawat at the end after Fajr and Maghr ib prayers regularly. It is said that Allah may give the reciter so much sustenance that it will suffi ce seven generations. O Allah, O Allah, O Allah, O Lord, O Lord, O Lord, O everliving, O self-subsisti ng, O owner of splendour and generosity, I beseech You in the name of Your great “ism azam” to give me sustenance, in abundance, lawful and pure by Your mercy, O th e most merciful. YAA ALLAAHU YAA ALLAAHU YAA ALLAAHU YAA RABBU YAA RABBU YAA RABB YAA H'AYYU YAA QAYYOOM YAA D'AL JALAALI WAL IKRAM AS-ALUKA BISMIKAL A'Z'EEMIL A'Z'AM AN TARZUQA NEE RIZQAN WAASI-A'N H'LAALAN T'AYYIBAN BIRAH'MATIKA YAA ARH'AMAR RAAH'IMEEN DUA'A 70 Recite the following du-a'a 7 times with salawat after every obligatory salat fo r increase in sustenance. O Lord, verily I have need of what You have sent me of the good. RABBI INNEE LIMAAA ANZALTA ILAYYA MIN KHAYRIN FAQEER

DUA'A 71 For increase in sustenance recite the following du-a'a 144 times with salawat af ter Isha salawat for 7 days from Friday. And with Him are the keys (treasures) of the unseen. None but He knows them: and He (alone) knows what is in the land and the sea. Not a leaf falls but He knows it, and there is not a grain in the darkest (recess) of the earth, nor anything wet or dry but is in a clear book. O Everliving, O self-subsisting. WA I'NDAHOO MAFAATIH'UL GHAYBI LAA YA'LAMUHAAA ILLAA HUW WA YA-LAMU MAA FIL BARR I WAL BAH'R WA MAA TASQUT'U MIW WARAQATIN ILLAA YA-LAMUHAA WA LAA H'ABBATIN FEE Z'ULUMAATIL ARZ'I WA LAA RAT'BIW WA LAA YAABISIN ILLAA FEE KITAABIM MUBEEN YAA H 'AYYU YAA QAYYOO DUA'A 72 According to Imam Ali ibn abi Talib recitation of the following du-a'a after Faj r salat increases sustenance O my Allah, save my honour and worth by giving one affluence and do not substitu te my prosperity with poverty (in which case) I may have to seek sustenance (cre ated by You) from the wicked among Your creatures, and thus be degraded by havin g to praise those who may give and shrewdly tolerate those who may refuse, (alth ough) it is You who, under all circumstances, administers grants and refusals. V erily You have power over all things. ALLAAHUMMA S'UN WAJHEE BIL YASAARI WA LAA TUBADDIL JAAHEE BIL IQTAARI FAS-TARZIQ A T'AALIBEE RIZQIKA WAS-TA-TIFA SHIRAARA KHALQIKA WAB-TULIYA BIH'AMDI MAN A'-T'A ANEE WA UFTAT'ANA BID'AMMI MAN S'ANA -A'NEE WA ANTA MIN WARAA-I D'AALIKA KULLIHE E WALIYYUL A'T'AA-I WAL MAN-I INNAKA A'LAA KULLI SHAY-IN QADEER DUA'A 73 According to Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib recitation of the following du-a'a after Faj r salat increases sustenance. Praise be to Allah who made me aware of His nafs (reality) and did not forsake m e to be one of those whose hearts do not perceive. Praise to be Allah who gave m e (wisdom) to follow and obey Muhammad, blessings of Allah be on him and on his children, and also peace. Praise be to Allah who has kept my sustenance in His ( own) hand and did not give it to other people (like me) from whom I may have to seek it. Praise be to Allah who covers my defects and shortcomings and does not disclose my infamy among the people. Praise be to Allah, the one and only. ALH'AMDU LILLAAHIL LAD'EE A'RRAFNEE NAFSAHOO WA LAM YATRUKNEE U'MYAANAL QALBI AL H'AMDU LILLAAHIL LAD'EE JA-A'LANEE MIN UMMATI MUH'AMMADIN S'ALLALLAAHU A'LAYJI W A AALIHEE WA SALLAM ALH'AMDU LILLAAHIL LAD'EE JA-A'LA RIZQEE FEE YADIHEE WA LAM YAJ-A'LHU FEE AYDIN NAASI ALH'AMDU LILLAAHIL LAD'EE SATARA U'YOOBEE WA LAM YAFZ 'AH'NEE BAYNAN NAASI ALH'AMDU LILLAAHIL LAD'EE WAH'DAHOO DUA'A 74 The following du-a'a is taken from Sahifa Alayiyyah by Imam Ali ibn abi Talib. This du-a'a is to be written, preferably on the skin of a deer or on any skin of a lawfull animal, and kept on the body for increase in sustenance.

O my Allah, (mention the name of the person with father’s name for whom this du-a’a is written) has no capacity, nor he has endurance to come to grips with misfortu nes, nor he has endurance to come to grips with misfortunes, nor he has strength to withstand hunger and destitution. O my Allah send blessings on Muhammad and on his children, and do not let his means of sustenance (from You) fluctuate, do not be less generous in giving him from the vastness of Your bounties, do not e xclude him from Your generosity, do not keep back from him Your liberal distribu tion (of bounties); do not give him over to Your liberal distribution (of bounti es); do not give him over to Your creatures, nor (even) to himself, because he w ill not be equal to the task and will be too weak to perform well or set aright that which has gone (wrong) before, but You by Yourself put into good condition the disorder in his business and confusion of affairs and take charge of his wel fare, look after all his affairs. If You put Your creatures in charge of (his af fairs) they will not serve him, nor hand over (his affairs) to his relatives, th ey will take possession of (his rights); and if at all they give, they will give that which is less and trifle; and if they refuse to give, they will withhold m uch; and if they be niggardly they do full justice to niggardliness. O my Allah, give much to him from Your abundant bounties and do not let him be without (You r abundant bounties), because, verily very much in need he turns unto You to see k and obtain that which is in Your hands, whereas You have no need of him, and Y ou are fully aware of his (needs and wants). Whoso relies upon Allah, for him He is sufficient. Verily Allah completes His decisions. Allah has set a due measur e for everything. Verily, with every difficulty there is ease. Whosoever is awar e of the divine laws (and follows them) to him He shows the true way out and giv es him sustenance from where he does not reckon. ALLAAHUMMA LAA T AAQATA LI (name of the person with father s name) WA LAA S ABRA LAHOO A LAL BALAAA-I WA LAA QUWWATA LAHOO A LAL FAQRI WAL FAAQATI ALLAAHUMMA S ALLI A LAA MUH AMMADIN WA AALI MUH AMMAD WA LAA TAKHTUR A LAA (name of the perso n with father s name) RIZQIKA WA LAA TAQTUR A LAYHI SA-A TA MAA INDAKA WA LAA TA H RIMHU FAZ LAKA WA LAA TAH SIMHU MIN JAZEELI QASMIKA WA LAA TAKULHU ILAA KHALQI KA WA LAA ILAA NAFSIHEE FAYA-JAZU A NHAA WA YAZ -A FU A NIL QIYYAAMI FEE MAA YAS LAHOO MAA QABLAHOO BAL TAFARRADA BILAMMI SHA-THIHEE WA TAWALLAA KIFAAYATAHOO WA N-Z UR ILAYHI FEE JAMEE-I UMOORIHEE LI-ANNAKA IN WAKKALTAHOO ILAA KHALQIKA LAM Y ANFA-O OHU WA IN ALJAATAHOO ILAA AQRIBAA-HEE H ARAMOOHU WA IN A-T AWHU A T AW QA LEELAN NAKIDAN WA IN MANA-O OHU MANA-O O KATHEERAN WA IN BAKHILOO FAHUM LILBUKH LI AHLUN ALLAAHUMMA AGHNI (name of the person with father s name) MIN FAZ LIKA WA LAA TAKHLIHEE MINHU FA-INNAHOO MUZ T ARRUN ILAYKA FAQEERUN ILAA MAA FEE YADAY KA WA ANTA GHANIYYUN A NHU WA ANTA BIHEE KHABEERUN A LEEMUN WA MAN YATAWAKKAL A LALLAAHI FAHUWA H ASBUHOO INNALLAAHA BAALIGHU AMRIHEE QAD JA-A LALLAAHU LIKULLI SHAY-IN QADRAA INNA MA-A L U SRI YASRAN INNA MA-A L USRI YUSRAA WA MAN YATTAQILL AAHA YAJ-A L U SRI YUSRAA WA MAN YATTAQILLAAHA YAJ-A L LAHOO MAKHRAJAN WA YARZUQ HU MIN H AYTHU LAA YAH TASIB

DUA A 75 It is written in Kanzul Maknun, on the authority of the Holy Prophet, if the fol lowing du-a a is recited after praying a 2 rakat salat, it increases sustenance. O glorious, O lasting survivor, O unique, O generous, I turn to You in the name of Muhammad, Your prophet, the prophet of mercy, (with a request to) send blessi ngs on him and on his children-O messenger of Allah, I turn to Allah through You (He is) Your Lord, my Lord and Lord of everything, (and I beseech Him to) send blessings on Muhammad and on his Ahlul Bayt and give me sustenance generously fr om the sustenance You own, easy success and abundant livelihood with which I wil l set aright my disordered business and confusion of my affairs, pay my debts, a

nd support my family. YAA MAAJIDU YAA WAAJIDU YAA AH ADU YAA KAREEMU ATAWJJAHU ILAYKA BI-MUH AMMADIN N ABIYYIKA NABIYYAR RAH MATI S ALLALLAAHU A LAYHI WA AALIHEE YAA RASOOLALLAAH INNE E ATAWAJJAHU BIKA ILALLAAHU RABBIKA WA RABBEE WA RABBI KULLI SHAY-IN FA-AS-ALUKA YAA RABBI AN TUS ALLIYA A LAA MUH AMMADIN WA AHLI BAYTIHEE WA AS-ALUKA NAFQATAN KAREEMATAN MIN NAFQATIKA WA FAT-HAN YASEERAA WA RIZQAN WAASI-AN ALUMMU BIHEE SH A-THEE WA AZQ EE BIHEE DAYNEE WA ASTA-E ENU BIHEE A LAA I YAALEE DUA A 76 For increase in income recite surah Al Waqi-ah 3 times daily after Ishaa salat f or 5 weeks continuously. Begin on any Saturday. Before reciting the surah reci te the following du-a a every time. O Allah, give us abundant sustenance, lawful, purified, without subjecting us to extra hardships. Accept my supplication. Do not reject it. I seek refuge with Y ou from the disgrace of poverty and debt, so drive away these misfortunes from m e for the sake of Imam Hasan and Imam Husayn, peace be on them, through Your mer cy, O the most merciful. ALLAAHUMMAR-ZUQNAA RIZQAN WAASI-A N H ALAALAN T AYYIBAN MIN GHAYRI KADDIN WASTAJ IB DA WATEE MIN GHAYRI RADDIN WA A-O OD U BIKA MIN FAZ EEH ATEE BIFAQRIN WA DAYN IN WADFA A NNEE HAAD AYNI BIH AQQIL IMAAMAYNIS SIBT AYNI AL H ASANI WAL H USAYN I A LAYHIMAS SALAAMU BIRAH MATIKA YAA ARH AMAR RAAHI IMEEN DUA A 77 It is written in Kanzul Maknun to recite the following du a a for increase in su stenance 141 times daily after Isha salat 40 days continuously. Recite 41 salaw ats in the beginning and at the end of each recitation. Whosoever fears (the wrath e him with sustenance from who relies on Him. Verily cribed a measure for every

of) Allah, He will make a way out for him, and provid where he does not reckon. Allah is sufficient for him Allah accomplishes His purpose. Allah has indeed pres thing.

WA MAY YATTAQILLAAHA YAJ-A L LAHOO MAKHRAJAA WA YARZUQHU MIN H AYTHU LAA YAHTASI B WA MAY YATAWAKKAL A LALLAAHI FA HUWA H ASBUH INNALLAAHA BAALIGHU AMRIH QAD JAA LALLAAHU LIKULLI SHAY-IN QADRAA DUA A 78 It is written in Kanzul Maknun to recite the following verse 186 of Al Baqarah b etween wudu (ablution) and salat for increase in sustenance. When My servants ask you about Me, then (say to them) verily I am very near; I a nswer the prayer of the supplicant when he beseeches Me. So they should hear My call, and believe in Me; so that they may be led aright. WA ID AA SA-ALAKA I BAADEE A NNEE FA-INNEE QAREEB UJEEBU DA-WATAD DAA-I ID AA DA -A ANI FAL-YASTAJEEBOO LEE WAL YOO-MINOO BEE LA-ALLAHUM YARSHUDOON DUA A 79 It is written in Kanzul Maknun to pray a 2 rakat salat and after reciting al Fat

ihah in every rakat, recite verses 26 and 27 of Ali Imran (given in A) 10 times and after salam say salawat 10 times, go into sajdah and recite verse 35 of Sad (given in B) 10 times for increase in sustenance. (A) Say: “O Allah, master of the kingdom, You give kingdom to whom You like, and You t ake away the kingdom from whom You like. You exalt whom You like and abase whom You like; in Your hand is the good; verily You have power over all things. You c ause the night to pass into the day, and You cause the day to pass into the nigh t; You bring forth the dead from the living and You give sustenance to whom You like, without measure. QULILLAAHUMMA MAALIKAL MULKI TOO-TIL MULKA MAN TASHAAA-U WA TANZI-UL MULKA MIMMA N TASHAAA WA TU-IZZU MAN TASHAAA-U WA TUD ILLU MAN TASHAAAA BIYADIKAL KHAYR INNK A A LAA KULLI SHAY-IN QADEER TOOLIJUL LAYLA FIN NAHAARI WA TOOLIJUN NAHAARA FIL LAYL WA TUKHRIJUL H AYYA MINAL MAYYITI WA TUKHRIJUL MAYYITA MINAL H AYYI WA TARZ UQU MAN TASHAAA-U BIGHAYRI H ISAAB (B) O (my) Lord, forgive me, and give me such a dominion as no one after me shall ha ve the like. Verily, You are the great bestower. RABBIGH-FIR LEE WA HAB LEE MULKAL LAA YAMBAGHEEE LI-AH ADIM MIM BA-DEE INNAKA AN TAL WAHHAAB DUA A 80 Recite surah ash shams and surah al Layl after Ishaa salat for increase in suste nance. DUA A 81 According to Imam Jafar bin Muhammad as Sadiq, to incrase sustenance and have ab undant means of livelihood , keep written surah al Hijr in the purse, picket or box. DUA A 82 According to Imam Jafar bin Muhammad as Sadiq, if surah Ali Imran is written wit h the mixture of saffron and rose water and kept on the body (better to wear as a neclace) poverty goes and sufficiency comes. DUA A 83 Recite the following names of Allah twelve thousand times in "one sitting" witho ut talking to any or himself to have a large means of sustenance, wealth and pro sperity. O Mighty, O Self-Sufficient, O Guardian, O He who gives much long periods. YAA QAWIYYU YAA GHANIYYU YA WALIYYU YAA MALIYYU DUA A 84 In Mulla Muhsin Kashani s opinion the above noted du a a 83 should be recited on

e thousand times daily between Mughrib and Ishaa salats. DUA A 85 Some religious scholars add another name YAA WAFIYYU-O in du-a a 83to be recited 1398 times daily. DUA A 86 O drive away poverty and to get sufficient means of sustenance recite the follow ing du-a a 30 times daily after Fajr salat and also after Maghrib salat Glory be to Allah the great, and praise (be to Him) SUBH AANALLAAHIL A Z EEMI WA BIH AMDIHEE SUBH AANALLAAHIL A Z EEM DUA A 87 Recite the following verse 350 times daily for large means of livelihood And that the grace is wholly in the hands of Allah to give whomsoever He wills, for Allah is the owner of infinite grace. WA ANNAL FAZ LA BIYADILLAAHI YOO-TEEHI MAY YASHAAA WALLAAHU D UL FAZ LIL A Z EE M DUA A 88 According to Imam Jafar bin Muhammad as Sadiq recite the following du-a a 400 ti mes daily for two months to have rizqi akbar (large means of sustenance. I seek forgiveness from Allah, who is: “There is no god save He, the beneficent, t he merciful, the everliving, the self-subsisting, the creator of the heavens and the earth”, from all the offences, injustices and transgressions (I committed to destroy my self)’ and I turn repentant unto Him. ASTAGHFIRULLAAHAL LADEE LAA ILAAHA ILLAA HUWAR RAHMAANUR RAH EEMUL H AYYUL QAYYO OM BADEE-U S SAMAAWAATI WEAL ARZ MIN JAMEE-I JURMEE WA Z ULMEE WA ISRAAFEE A LA A NAFSEE WA ATOOBU ILAYHI DUA A 89 Recite the following verses 40, 41, 42 of al Baqarah 21 times daily after Fajr s alat for 40 days for having rizq akbar (large means of sustenance) O children of Israel, remember My bounty which I bestowed on you, and fulfill yo ur covenant with Me; I shall fulfill my convenant with you, and fear Me alone. And believe in that which I have sent down, verifying that which is with you, an d do not be the first to deny it, nor take a mean price in exchange for My signs , and Me alone should you fear. Do not mix up truth with falsehood, nor hide the truth while you know (it). YAA BANEE ISRAAA-EELAD -KUROO NI -MATIYAL LATEEE AN-A MTU A LAYKUM WA AWFOO BI-A HDEEE OOFI BI-A HDIKUM WA IYYAAYA FARHABOON WA AAMINOO BIMAAA ANZALTU MUS ADDIQAL LIMAA MA-A KUM WA LAA TAKOONOOO AWWALA KAA

FIRIM BIH WA LAA TASHTAROO BI AAYAATEE THAMANAN QALEELAA WA IYYAAYA FATTAQOON WA LAA TALBISUL H AQQA BIL BAA TILI WA TAKTUMUL H AQQA WA ANTUM TA -LAMOON DUA A 90 Given below is the a mal to have very large means of sustenance (rizqi akbar) Have a bath (ghusl) with intention of seeking nearness to Allah for the fulfillm ent of the legitimate desire of having rizqi akbar Pray 2 rakat salat with above noted intention Recite salawat 100 times With sincere faith and full concentration recite verses 2 and times after Fajr salat regularly for 39 days, preferably from (see Talaq 2 and 3 in duaa-77 ) . On the 40th day recite it tal of 40 days recitation is 6380. At the end recite salawat this amal till your legitimate desires are satisfied)

3 of at Talaq 159 Thursday or Friday 179 times. The to 100 times (repeat

DUA A 91 Recite the following du-a a 70 times every Friday to have rizqi akbar In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful. O the bestower of benefits, O pardoner, O affectionate, protect me from that which you have forbidden by giv ing me lawful (sustenance), and keep me safe from disobeying You, let me always obey You, and save me, with Your grace, from others than You, with Your mercy, O the most merciful. YAA MUFEEDU YAA GHAFOORU YAA WADOODU AGHNINEE BIH ALAALIKA A N H ARAAMIKA WA BI T AA-A TIKA A M MA-S IYATIKA WA BI FAZ LIKA A MMAN SIWAAKA BI RAH MATIKA YAA A RH AMAR RAAH IMEEN DUA A 92 It is written in Tafsir Burhan to recite surah Ya sin after praying a 2 rakat sa lat on 3 Thursdays to have wealth and prosperity. DUA A 93 Recite the following verses daily to have wealth and honour. And whoever holds fast to Allah is surely guided to the right path Do not (ever) think that Allah is heedless of what the unjust do. If you count the bounties of Allah you will not be able to number them. Verily A llah is oft-forgiving, most merciful. Your Lord has commanded that you shall not worship (any) but Him; and do good to the parents. A sending down from Him who created the earth and the heavens, and elevated regi on. The beneficent, firm in His authority. This is the decree of the almighty, the all-knowing (Lord). Then He turned to the heaven, and it was smoke. So He said to it and the earth: “C ome you two, willingly or unwilling.” They said: “We come willingly.” Be it known that all affairs go back to Allah. Whosoever fears (the wrath of) Allah, He will make a way out for him, and provid

e him with sustenance from where he does not reckon. Allah is sufficient for him who relies on Him. Verily Allah accomplishes His purpose Allah has indeed presc ribed a measure for every thing. 1) WA MAA YA -TAS IM BILLAAHI FAQAD HUDIYA ILAA S IRAAT IM MUSTAQEEM 2) WA LAA TAH SABANNALLAAHA GHAAFILAN A MMAA YA-MALUZ



[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Hizb ul Bahr

Ya Allahu, Ya Aliyyu, Ya Anta rabbi, wa

Adheemu, Ya Haleemu, Ya Aleem

ilmuka hasbi, fa ni mar-rabbu rabbi, wa ni mal hasbu hasbi,

tan-suru man tashaa-u wa antal

azeezur raheem

Nas-a shukuki wa-dhununi wal awhamis-satirati lil qulubi

an mutala atil ghuyub.

Faqadib tuliyal mu minoona wa zulzilu zilzalan shadeeda. Wa idh "yaqulul munafiquna wal-ladheena fi qulubihim maradun mawa adanallahu wa

rasuluhu illa . ghurura."Fa thibbitna wan-surna wa sakh-khir lana hadhal bahr, kama sakh-khartal bahra li Musa, wa sakh-khartan nara li Ibrahim. Wa sakh-khartal jibaala walhadeeda li Dawud. Wa sakh-khartar reeha wash-shayatina wal jinna liSulayman. Wa sakh-khir lana kulla bahrin huwa laka fi l ardi was-samaa-i walmulki wal malakut. Wa bahrad-dunya, wa bahral akhira. Wa sakh-khi r lana kulla shay-in ya man bi yadihi malakutu kulli shay."Kaf ha ya ain sad.Kaf ha ya ain sad. Kaf ha ya ain sad." Unsurna fi-innaka khayrun-nasireen.Waf-tah lana fi-innaka khayrul fatiheen.Waghfir lana fi-innaka khayrul ghafireen.War-hamna fi-innaka khayrur-rahimeen.War-zuqna fi-innaka khayr ur-raziqeen. Wahdina wanajjina minal qawmidh-dhalimeen. Wa hab lana reehan tayyibatan kama hiya fi Wan-shurha


alayna min khazaaini rahmatik.Wahmilna biha hamlal karamati

. ma assalamati wal afiyati fid-deeni wad-dunyawal akhira. Innaka ala kulli shay in qadeer. Allahumma yassir lana umurana ma arrahati li qulubina wa abdaninawas-salamati wa l afiyati fi deenina wa dunyana. Wa kul-lana sahiban fisafarina wa khaleefatan fi ahlina Wat-mis ala wujuhi a daaina. Wam-sakhhum ala makanatihim fala yasta-ti unal mudiyya walal majiyya ilayna. "Wa law nashaa-u latamasna

ala a yunihim fas-tabaqus-sirata fa-anna yubsiroon. . Wa law nashaa-u lamasakh nahum ala makanatihim famas-tata umudiyyaw-wa la yarji oon." • • • "Ya seen. Wal Qur aanil hakeem. Innaka laminal mursaleen. Alasiratim-mustaqeem. • Tanzeelal azeezir-raheem. Li tunzira qawmam-ma undhiraaabaa-uhum fahum ghafiloo n. • Laqad haqqal qawlu ala ak-tharihim fahum layu minoon. Inna ja alna fi a naqihim aghlalan • fa hiya ilal adhqani fahummuqmahoon. Wa ja alna mim-bayni aydihim saddaw-wa min . khalfihim saddanfa-agh shaynahum fahum la yubsiroon."

Shaahatil wujooh.Shaahatil wujooh.Shaahatil wujooh. . "Wa anatil wujoohu lil hayyil qayyumi wa qad khaba man hamaladhulma." . "Ta seen. Ha meem. Ain seen qaaf.""Marajal bahrayni yaltaqiyaan. Baynahuma barz akhul-la yabghiyan." . ] "Ha meem. Ha meem. Ha meem. Ha meem. Ha meem. Ha meem. Ha meem."Hummal amru wa j a-an-nasru fa alayna la yunsaroon. • • "Ha meem. Tanzeelul kitabi minallahil azeezil aleem. Ghafiridh-dhambi waqabilit-tawbi shadeedil iqabi dhit-tawli la ilaha illa huwa ilayhilmaseer." ( Bismillahi, baabuna. Tabaraka, hitanuna. Ya seen, saqfuna. Kaf ha ya ainsad, ki fayatuna. Ha meem ain seen qaaf, himayatuna. ( ). "Fasayakfikahumullahu wa huwas-sami ul aleem. Fasayakfikahumullahu wa huwas-sami ul aleem. Fasayakfikahumullahu wa huwas-sami ul aleem." ( Sitrul arshi masbulun alayna, wa ainullahi nadhiratun ilayna, . bi hawlillahi la yuqdaru alayna. Wallahu miw-waraaihim muheet. Bal huwaQura anu m-majeed. Fi lawhim-mahfoodh. " ( ) . "Fallahu khayrun hafidhaw-wa huwa arhamur-rahimeen. Fallahu khayrun hafidhaw-wa huwa arhamur-rahimeen. Fallahu khayrun hafidhaw-wa huwa arhamur-rahimeen." " "( "Inna waliy-yiyallahul-ladhee nazzalal kitaba wa huwa yatawallas-saliheen." "Inna waliy-yiyallahul-ladhee nazzalal kitaba wa huwa yatawallas-saliheen." "Inna waliy-yiyallahul-ladhee nazzalal kitaba wa huwayatawallas-saliheen." " "Hasbiyallahu la ilaha illa huwa alayhi tawakkaltu wa huwa rabbul arshil adhee m.; Hasbiyallahu la ilaha illa huwa alayhi tawakkaltu wa huwa rabbul arshil adheem ." "Hasbiyallahu la ilaha illa huwa alayhi tawakkaltu wa huwa rabbul arshil adhee m." " Bismillahil ladhee la yadurru ma asmihi shayun fil ardi wa la fis-samaa-i wahuwa s-sami ul aleem. Bismillahil ladhee la yadurru ma asmihi shayun fil ardi wa la fis-samaa-i wahuwa s-sami ul aleem. Bismillahil ladhee la yadurru ma asmihi shayun fil ardi wa la fis-samaa-i wahuwa s-sami ul aleem Audhu bi kalimatillahit-taammati min sharri ma khalaq. Audhu bi kalimatillahit-taammati min sharri ma khalaq. Audhu bi kalimatillahit-taammati min sharri ma khalaq. " " ( ) Wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahil aliyyil adheem.


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Wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahil aliyyil adheem. Wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahil aliyyil adheem. Wa sallallahu ala sayyidina Muhammadiw-wa ala aalihi wa sahbihi wa sallim. ----------------------------------------------------------------------"Hasbiyallahu Laa ilaaha illaa hua; alayhi tawakkaltu wa hua rabb-ul-arsh el a zeem. (Allah is sufficient for me, none has the right to be worshipped except Hi m, upon Him I rely and He is Lord of the exhalted Throne) -Whoever says this 7X in the morning (after fajr, before sunrise) and in the eve ning (after asr), Allah will take care of whatever worries him/her of the matter s of this world and the hereafter. " Knowing that passing through this world, is like a journey between 2 doors in sh ort corridor, take your necessary possessions, but dont become attatched to usel ess desires that can destroy you spiritually, and islamically.. etc..... " Thats a beautiful dwa from the Quran, CHAPTER 9 VERSE 129 , LEARN IT IN ARABIC. JazakAllahKhair Remembering and understanding the magnificence of Allahs names ... and doing zik ir of them MUCH, at night and mornings especially Making ABUDANT DUA to the King and Soverieng of the Worlds, in humble submission and Hope, and sending peace and blessigns upon his Messengers SAW Praying Tahajjad, at night, has amny many benefits, as well as sayingh your sala at with proper sinceirty and Kushooo Being thankful for what you got, rather then thinking abuot what you don t have. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Dua for anxiety: Allahumma inni a oodhoo bika minal-hammi walhazan. Wa a oodhoo bika minal-ghammi -wal kasal. Wa a oodhoo bika minal jubni wal bukhl. Wa a oodhoo bikal min ghalab atid-dayni waqarir rijal. (O Allah, I seek refuge in You from worry and grief, f rom helplessness and laziness, from cowardice and stinginess, and from overpower ing of debt and from oppression of men.) Dua to help during worry: Hasbiyallahu Laa ilaaha illaa hua; alayhi tawakkaltu wa hua rabb-ul-arsh el az eem. (Allah is sufficient for me, none has the right to be worshipped except Him , upon Him I rely and He is Lord of the exhalted Throne) -Whoever says this 7X in the morning (after fajr, before sunrise) and in the eve ning (after asr), Allah will take care of whatever worries him/her of the matter s of this world and the hereafter. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Action Plan 1. Trust that Allah knows best always. 2. If you have a problem, face it and try and solve it and if you can’t solve it l eave it in Allah’s power. 3. In life find out triggers and patterns that make you impatient and have a pl

an to deal with your impatience. 4. Learn to relax, take life easy, be still, breathe deeply. 5.Recite duas for anxiety and stress 6. Make Dhikr * Ya Saboor -- O Patient * La ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu mina- zalimeen There is no God but you.I glorify you.Indeed, I’ve been among the wrongdoers. * La haula wala quwwata illa billah There is no power & no strength except t hru Allah * Hasbiyallahu wa nimal wakeel NB: Always remember when doing a good deed, have the correct intention/niy yah, do it for Allah’s pleasure with sincerity. May all our good deeds be accepted . InshaAllah. http://1000gooddeeds.com/2009/09/14/good-deed-25-be-patient/ ======================================================================== PRAYER TO FULFIL A WISH 1. Read any Salawaat / Darood 3 times or 7 times or 11 times. 2. Read the Ayat below 1200 times. YA BADEE UL AJAAIBE BIL KHAIRI YA BADEEU 3. Read Salawaat / Darood 3 times or 7 times or 11 times. 4. Ask Allah for your wish. 5. Repeat the above for 12 days. Insha Allah, the wish will be granted by Allah within 12 days. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Things that increase Rizq 1. Good intentions. 2. "Silla-e-Reham" - Staying in touch with family and relatives and being good t owards them. 3. Always saying in a state of "wudhoo". 4. Telling the truth. 5. Not swearing/taking oaths. 6. "Istighfar" - Seeking forgiveness from Allah (SWT). 7. "Good Akhlaq" - good moral/ethics. 8. Not being greedy and being gracious for all the blessings of Allah (SWT). 9. Joining the two namaazes and reciting the "taqeebat". 10. Being present in the mosque at the time of "azhan". 11. Saying namaaz in Jamaat. 12. Being absolutely attentive and humble during namaaz. 13. Being kind to all the forty neighbours on each of the four side of your hous e. 14. Clipping nails on Thursday. 15. sweeping the main door of the house and keeping it tidy. 16. Having good behaviours with the momineens. 17 Combing your hair. 18. Punctuality. 19. Being trustworthy. 20. Saying the azhan and repeating it while being said. 21. Staying awake in the morning.

22. Giving priority to Allah s (SWT) commands over people s wishes. 23. Must not consider "rizq" (sustenance) to be something insignificant. 24. Giving "sadqa" - alms. 25. Reciting Sura -e- Yaseen in the morning and Sura -e- Waqia at night. 26. Saing namaaz -e-Vitr. 27. Praying for the momineen in their absence. 28. Avoiding futile conversations. 29. Avoiding unchaste actions. 30. Not talking in the toilet. 31. Good handwriting. 32. Being a pleasant speaker . 33. Reciting this one hundred times a day: La illaha illalahul malikul haqul mob een. 34. Frequently repetition of : Lahawla wa la qoowata illa billahil aliyyil azeem . 35. Praying any outstanding and night prayers. 36.Reciting Sura -e- Tawheed when entering the house. 37. Wearing a finger ring either of"aqeeq" or"firouza" with "lahawla wa la qowwata illa billahil aliyyil azeem" engraved on the stone. 38. Washing hair with the herbs of"si dr" and"khu tm i". 39. Saying "Subhan Allah" thirty time daily. 40. Turning on the lights of the house before sunset. 41. Washing hands before and after eating. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 241- 247) Mulla Mohsin Kaashaani (a.m) narrates that in times of financial stres s one should recite the following dua. He will require so much wealth that it wi ll become difficult to manage. On Satuarday- 1000 times ALLAHUMMA SALLE ALAA MOHAMMADIN WA AALE MOHAMMAD. On Sunday -1000 times YAA RABBAL AALAMEEN On Monday- 1000 times YAA ZAL JALAALE WAL IKRAAM. On Tuesday- 1000 times YAA QAAZIYAL HAAJAAT On Wednesday- 1000 times YAA ARHAMAR RAAHEMEEN On Thursday - 1000 times YA HAAYU YAA QAYYUM On Friday -1000 times LAA ELAAHA ILLALLAAHUL MALEKUL HAKKUL MOBEEN =========================================================================== Duas for Rizq Rizq (provisions) means everything a person makes use of, for example, the money he earns, the clothes he wears, the roof over his head, whether it is lawful or unlawful. The subject is of paramount importance since it involves that area of activity in which most of us spend the greatest time and energy. May be the rea son you are doing your particular degree at university is to get a job and make as much money as possible. If a man is asked what is the source of his rizq he will probably reply from my job. However it is not possible to say that a man is anonymous with his rizq. Wh at a man earns may also contain his wifes and his children s rizq. Working is no t the cause of rizq, for example you can work hard all day in your business and make no money, on the other hand you could be sitting at home and inherit a mill ion pounds or receive a gift from a friend. Allah Tala says: "Who is the one who is going to give you rizq if Allah with holds it from you" ( Sura Mulk) Also "If Allah tests a person and withholds his rizq he will say my Lord has humiliat ed me" Sura Fajr. And this ayah:

"Allah has favoured some of you over others with regards to rizq" 16:17 So it is evident from these ayah that rizq is from Allah. The amount of rizq you will have is fixed before you are born. In a hadith Muham med (saw) said "The holy spirit inspired in my soul that nobody will pass away u ntil he accomplishes his livlihood (rizq), term of life (ajl), and destiny" How you try to gain your rizk is up to you, you may work for it or you may steal it. A man was caught stealing at the time of Imam Abu Hanifa, and was brought t o him. The Imam asked him why he had stolen what Allah had already ordained for him? It could be argued though that if your rizk is fixed and you cannot change it, and it is ordained for you before you are born, what is the point of working ? The answer is that Allah has commanded you to be in a position to work for you r family, so you are in a position to get your rizk. Also if you stay at home sa ying Allah will provide for you, How do you know that Allah has ordained rizq fo r you when you stay at home? Rizk in this world is for both believers and unbelievers, because it is a part o f Allah s universal mercy. You sometimes find that an unbeliever has more goods in this world then a believer. That is because he takes his entire wage in this world and non in the next. "Any who desire the life of this world and its finery, we will give them in it a full payment for their actions. They will not be deprived in it of their due. F or those theri is nothing in the next world but the fire. What they did in it wi ll come to nothing. What they were doing will prove worthless." (11-15:16) The good things of provision in the next world are for the believers alone:"Say: Who has forbidden the fine clothing of Allah and the good and wholesome ki nds of provision he has brought forth for his slaves? Say: On the day of rising they will be exclusively for those who believe during the life of this world" (7 :32) We must bear in mind that this world is a trial. since this is the case man is s ubject to be tested by everything in it. Testing can be in the form of rizq. You may feel that by taking out an insurance policy (which is Haram) on your life y ou may feel that your future is secure and their rizk is provided for. However, their is no security except in Allah and no blessing except in lawful provision. It is only by weakness in belief and lack of trust in Allah Tala that man withe rs into the unlawful. Allah says in a hadith Qudsi: "Oh son of Adam! I created this existence for your sake and I created you for my sake so do not busy yourself with what is yours and be distracted from what you owe." Many people busy themselves trying to get what was s infact created for them any way. We are created to worship Allah, And this is not simply in prayer, fasting and hajj, but in every action we do. The correct understanding of rizk will enable a Muslim to be at peace in this un iverse, so that if he is denied the means of rizq or is afflicted he is not lost

and finished - which is what happens when people get engrossed in the material world. At the same time it is this clear understand of Rizq that will allow us to make the most correct decisions according to Islam when we are faced with difficult t imes. So when there is a party at work or some function which is not permissible for Muslim to attend, the shaytan whispers in the ear and puts fear in people’s m ind like ‘you might lose your job’, ‘manager may not be happy’ ‘what will the colleagues t hink.’ In these times if one understands Rizq is fixed by Allah they will have no problem in speaking the truth about the matter and be brave about it. The most i mportant thing should be that we make correct decisions according to the Shariah of Islam and for the pleasure of Allah tala. The prophet (saw) said: "Let not the fear of people stop anyone of you from saying what is true, or doin g something important, because what you say or do will not keep you from your ri zq, or keep you from your ajl (life span)." The only thing that can increase your rizq is dua. Make dua for rizq. ******************************************************************************** * Seeking Rizq from Allah Mulla Juzar Sh Yusuf Rizq is a very distinct and broader term than to be translated to material wea lth or income. Rizq is consisted of all forms of Allah s bounties, which are e ssential for the prosperity of man in this world and the hereafter. Money or wea lth is only one form among many forms of Rizq . Among other forms of Rizq are : Iman, Ilm, Akhlaq, noble offspring, etc. Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin says in o ne of his Dua Mubarak that: "May Allah widen our "Arzaq", May He bless us in the Rizq of Knowledge, wealth and good character". Money and wealth can be advantageous and man s life can be prosperous only when this form of Rizq is combined with its other forms. The modern economic system emphasizes only on the generation of wealth (Income) and the production of good s and services to increase the prosperity of man.

The most important principle of "Al-Iqtesaad al-Islami(ÇáÇÞÊÕÇÏ ÇáÇÓáÇãí) " (Islamic Econom Allah as the "Razzaq (ÑÒÇÞ)" (Sole provider of livelihood and all bounties). Allah says (51:58): "Allah is is he who is the provider of all "Rizq", the lord of all power." Allah is the Razzaq as He is the creator of all natural resources upon which hum an existence depends and He is the distributor of Rizq among human beings. There is no limit in the treasures of Allah from which He distributes Rizq among His Ibaad, but in due measures. Allah Says: "There is not a thing but with Us are its treasures, but We send it down only in due measures." (15: 21) The Ayat clearly reveals that the means or resources created and endowed by Alla h are without any limit, they are not scarce, but they are distributes among hum an beings of different periods and places in due measure. Due measure means that Allah grants whom He wishes without any limits and gives in due measure to whom he desires as He says (2: 212): "And Allah provides Rizq to whom he wishes without any account." Modern economic system works under the assumptions put forward by Robbins in 193

1, that the wants of man are unlimited, and the means to fulfill his wants are l imited. These assumptions are against the declaration made by Allah in the Holy Quran: "And if you would count the bounty of Allah, you cannot reckon it." In fact, the wants of man, in spite of all its varieties and extensiveness are l imited when compared to the bounties and resources endowed by Allah. Imam Ali Za inul Abedeen (AS) says in one of his Dua Mubarak: "And I have known that all that I ask of you is very little for all that is in y our presence and the most precious to me is unworthy amidst your vast treasures, and your grace never falls short for those who seek your bounties, verily your hands of grace are above that of all others." The Holy Quran reminds of an important fact that: "Allah has the power over all things." Allah shows his Ibad a way to discover better means and approach of work, when a nd as need arises, by which they can increase the means of subsistence. At prese nt the global aggregate supply of many agricultural and manufactured goods is gr eater than global aggregate demand. Producers are competing for selling their go ods. Even if there is scarcity of goods in some part of the world then it is the result of the unjust economic system and because of the inhuman and irrational practices in the field of trade like, monopoly in production and distribution of goods, dumping surplus production in oceans to maintain price etc. Even at the Micro level we find many people, whose income and resources are so g reat that they can fulfill their wants with a portion of their income. Likewise, there are also those who cannot even meet the necessities of life with all thei r incomes. So the correct view here is that, there is no scarcity of resources b ut Allah distributes them in due measure. Allah, the most beneficent, increases the share of man in these resources if he seeks them and works to obtain them, as Allah has made these resources subservie nt to man. The Holy Quran says (14: 33-34): "It is Allah who has created the heavens and the earth and sent down rains from the skies, and with it Allah has grown fruits as Rizq for you, He has made the sun and the moon, constant in their courses, to be of service unto you, and has made of service unto you the night and the day. And He has given you of all tha t you ask of Him, and if you would count the bounty of Allah, you cannot reckon it." There are various narrations from Rasulallah (SA) and Awliya Kiram (AS) in which mumineen are commanded to work hard to earn a living. Imam Ja farus Sadiq (AS) says: "It is necessary for a Muslim to work hard to earn his livelihood, even if he has to feel the scorching heat of the sun." However, the most important principle of "Al Iqtisad al-Islami" in terms of seek ing Rizq is to have complete faith in Allah, and to believe that He is the sol e Provider of Rizq , the Sustainer of man and all that is in existence. The who le concept is explained in a single Hadith of Rasulallah (SA), "Spread out your goods and services, and seek Rizq from your Lord". Islam has obliged every person to work for his Rizq but does not allow him to have faith in his own capabilities or the potentials of the market. Instead, one must have faith and trust on Allah and seek Rizq from him. That is why our Aw liya Kiram (AS) hsve taught us various Dua that help us build our faith in All ah, while we strive and work to earn a living. It is a virtue of Allah that he helps those who have faith in Him and their trus t lies in his grace. Allah says (65:3): "And he who trusts Allah, sufficient is

Allah for him; verily Allah will acompilish his purpose." Fatemi Dai, Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin (TUS) says that: "Rizq is sought by all Ibad of Allah but a Mumin has trust upon Allah and faith in His presence. He has faith in the interception of Awliya-ulallah, and is blessed with the Ne mat of Eman, which is the greatest of all forms of Rizq and as a result his prospects of other Rizq are widened, and the doors of prosperity are opened." If man seeks Rizq believing in Allah and having his Tawakkul on him and Tav assul of His Awliya, then surely the mumins worldly act of earning will be an a ct of Allah s Ibadat. This important principle of Al Iqtisad al-Islami is reveal ed through the Hadith of Rasulallah (SA). Rasulallah (SA) while returning from t he Battle of Tabuk saw a young and strong man striving to make a living, when he (SA) said: "The reward of this young man is all that of a soldier who risks h is life in the way of Allah and the one who performs Hajj and Umrah." Amirul Muminen Moulana Ali (AS) says: A person striving to earn a living by mean s of Halal is like a Mujahid who risks his life in the way of Allah". When a Mumin seeks his Rizq having Tawakkul on Allah and believing his econo mic activity a form of Allah s Ibadat, he must obey Allah and His Awliya in all his economic activities and must not deceive His Ibad.

The Idea of maximization of profits as an aim of producers, as given by the mode rn economic system, stimulates man to generate profit and maximize it by all mea ns possible. This in turn harms our social and moral values and responsibilities . While the principles of Al Iqtisad al-Islami prevent individuals from cutthroa t competitions in which every person sees his survival in the destruction of oth ers. Such competition is harmful not only at the micro level but at macro level as well. It affects adversely on aggregate output and income. Principles of Taw akkul (Êæßá) and Ibadat (ÚÈÇÏÉ) teach every individual strive to seek his welfare withou ng others. It results in the feature of cooperation and brotherhood, which in tu rn leads individuals to render sacrifice of their own interests for the well bei ng of their brothers. It is a noted fact of history and a lesson to learn from the seerat of Amirul Mumineen (AS) that he had once given his borrowed dinar to Miqdad (RA) in spite of hunger days. He ignored the hunger of his own family compassioning upon the h unger of Miqdad and his family, just because they were striving for an additiona l day than Amirul Mumineen and his Ahle Bait (AS). The Ansar of Medina (who welcomed Rasulallah to their home land and sacrificed e verything to help and serve him) gave half of their belongings and properties to their Mohajir (who had migrated from Mecca with Rasulallah leaving all their be longings behind) brethren. Principles of Tawakkul and Ibadat refrain people from establishing their mon opoly to exploit the consumers and the market. In fact Islam is against the mono polization of any particular goods in a given market and has commanded the Islam ic government to act against such exploitations by banning merchants from hoardi ng supplies and similar activities. In olden times when merchants would bring th eir trade in caravans to a town a trader was not allowed to go forth to receive the caravan, where ordinary people could not go and buy off all goods for himsel f, so as to exploit the market with his holding capacity. The principle of Tawakkul is clearly stated in a Hadith in which Rasulallah sa ys: "I am informed by Jibra eel that a person will not die until his Rizq is f ulfilled, so fear Allah and be patient in earning it." Allah has not only destined the amount of

Rizq but also the right time for it.

Therefore, man should not be hasty and lose his patience by seeking from Haram (forbidden) means. Our Awliya Kiram have taught mumineen to do Dua at times of adversities that bring us faith in Allah and provide us the strength of patienc e. Dua is a form of Tawakkul on Allah and is indeed a part of Al Iqtisad al-Is lami. Aqa Moala (TUS) has stated this fact clearly in this year s Munajaat Shari fah, where Moula (TUS) says: ???????????????? ???????????????? "Inspite of constrains in life one sees the fullness of Allah s Blessings and bo unties upon him, if one has a thankful heart." If Allah has destined our Rizq then why strive for it, one would say. Why does Islam ask us to seek Rizq ? Is it not the breach of Tawakkul ? The answer is very simple that Islam has obliged every individual to seek his Rizq by Halal means, and the true test of ones Tawakkul is when he has to choose between t he difficulties of time by clinging on to the Halal way or by simplifying life for the time being by opting for the forbidden way. Rasulallah (SA) has said that: "There is no one in Allah s creation but has Riz q which is kept under a curtain, if he is patient the curtain is lifted of by A llah at the right time and he gets his Rizq by Halal ; but if he does not wait and he would get it as Haram . So beware from the forbidden, for Allah s treas ures are not begotten but by his obedience." Another advantage of working for a living is that it keeps a person away from th e evil of idleness, saves him from poverty and most off all it is a form of Ibad at in itself which begets him the reward of Jihad, Hajj and Umrah. Seeking worldly gains is a very divine and religious matter in the eyes of Islam and to this fact Rasulallah has pointed out saying, "The market place of Muslim s is just like their Masajid", where treachery and deception is not allowed. Isl am has guarded the rights of labor and the benefits of the employers both. It ca res about the concerns of consumers and sellers both. Islam has obliged the gove rnment to allow free trade and avoid intervention in the market place but also m onitor the economic trends so that a single class or group of people does not ac cumulate and hoard wealth and resources. Imam Ahmad ul-Mastur (AS) has given a clear description of the whole economic sy stem and Allah s Hikmat in various means and principles that govern this system and the balance between Allah s Destined Rizq and the necessity for man to see k it; including the social makeup required for it. The Imam (AS) says: Know, O my brother, that a person cannot survive alone in this world, his life w ould be full of difficulties, as his needs several commodities and necessities t o live in comfort. These needs require skills, knowledge and craft, which a he c an by no means achieve during his lifetime. For knowledge has no limits while hi s lifespan is indeed very short. That is why people get together and form a soci ety in which every person is a helping hand for the other. Allah s Hikmat has sh aped this shaped this environment in such a way that each person is equipped wit h a particular skill and therefore some of them indulge in trade and business, w hile others take care of the government and legal affairs. Further more, there a re those who are builders and constructors, while others are service providers a nd social workers. Some of them deal with education and research and so on. All living together like a huge family from a common ancestor, brothers and sisters, each playing his/her role in a single household. However, the use of weights, m easurements, wages and other monetary means is defined in the Hikmat of Allah. I t is meant to encourage everyone to work hard in his or her own particular field s, so that each person gets his just share of wage accordingly.

This is the vision of Imam Ahmed al-Mastoor (AS) of a society governed by the la ws and principles of faith and belief in Allah. To this Syedna Taher Saifuddin ( RA) has pointed out saying that: "If the affairs of this world were to be govern ed by the principles of Deen it would be as beautiful as Mercury and people would live in peace and harmony". Imam (AS) states further more that: "And Know, O my brother, and have faith that you cannot attain salvation and freedom from this world, which is the result of our sins, alone! You will need the support and help of your loving and caring b rothers, who possess the knowledge of the hereafter, to free your self and rise above to the heavens and abode of Angels from this non-consistent world and the neighborhood of satan. For your brothers will show you the right path to freedom and salvation. (Refernce: Ikhwan-us-Safa 1, Risalat al gometriya - al qism ar-R iyadhi. Note: This is not an exact translation, but a brief expression of the "F asl fi hajat al-Insan ila Ta avun") Indeed, these men of knowledge are no other than the Duat of Ale Mohammed (AS) w ho has ever tried to guide their community to the right path of virtue and peace in this world and to the abode of heavens in the hereafter. These are the Holy Men who have ever taught their community of mumineen to view this world as a sin gle household and its people as their family, and guided them to the maintain pe ace and harmony amongst them. Our beloved Moula Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin the successor of this glorious history and tradition often relates a Hadith of Rasul allah (SA), "Mankind is a single family dependent upon Allah and the most belove d to Him is the most beneficial to it", and so he strives for the cause. May All ah Subhanahu bless him with a long life for the benefit of this community and ma nkind as a whole. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$ Pray 4 rak’at Namaaz in units of two rak’at. In the 1st rak’at after Al-Hamd recite 11 times Surah Ikhlaas (Qulhuwallaahu…) in the second rak’at after Al-Hamd recite S.Ik hlaas 21 times, in the 3rd rak’at 31 times, and in the 4th rak’at 41 times. After fi nishing the Namaaz recite 51 times Salawaat and then go into Sajdah wherein reci te 100 times Yaa Allaahu and beseech Allaah for your Haajat. Duaa-e-Mujeer, Duaa-e-Sabaasab, Duaa-e-Qaaf, Duaa-e-Hojob, Duaa-e-Saheefah, Duaa -eYastashir and many various Duaas are presented in Mafaatihul Jinaan, Majmooa, and Tohfatul Awaam, which are very effective if recited sincerely. Before praying Namaaz-e-Sub’h recite: Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem, Bihaqqi Bismi llaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem. Perform 2 rak’at Namaaz with the Niyyat of Hadiya-e-Bibi Fatima Zahra (S.A.) In th e Qunoot of this Namaaz recite: Allaahummaa Bihaqqi Faatimataa Wa Abeehaa, Bihaq qi Faatimataa Wa Ba’lihaa, Wa Bihaqqi Faatimataa Wa Baneehaa, Wa Bihaqqi Faatimata a Wassirrey Almustwdi’ee Iqdhee Haajatee, Swallallaahu Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aalihee Ajmaeen. Except for this Duaa in Qunoot all the rest is to be prayed as a usual Namaaz. On every first date of a lunar month recite Duaa-e-Mujeer and Duaa-e-Mubaahila. This is a rewarding prayer. Everyday after Namaaz-e-Sub’h and after Maghrib recite: 100 times Laa Hawla Walaa Quwwata Illaa Billahil Aliyyil Adhweem, and then 3 times: Yaa Allaahu Yaa Rahmaa nu Yaa nooru Yaa Dhal Jalaali Wal Ikraam. This is also highly recommended for Haajaat. On Friday-night after midnight, pra

y 2 rak’at Namaaz, in each rak’at whle reciting Al-Hamd when you reach Iyyaka Na’budoo Wa Iyyaka Nasta’een repeat this verse 100 times and then continue the Surah. When you complete reciting Al-Hamd this way then recite Surah-e-Ikhlaas 200 times, a nd then perform Rukuu and Sajdah as usual. And the second rak’at also perform same way as in the first. When you finish the Namaaz recite Tasbeeh. Then recite 70 times Laa Hawla Walaa Quwwata Illaa Billaahil Aliyyil Adhweem. Then go into Sajd ah and recite 201 times Yaa Rabbee and finally beseech your Haajat. Inshaa-Allah it will be fulfilled. To succeed in a hard task recite recite this on a Thursday morning while you are going out for it: Last portion of Surah-e-Aal-e-Imraan, Aayatul Qursee, Innaa A nzalna…, and S.Al-Hamd, Inshaa-Allaah you will overcome the task and shall achieve success. Another beneficial A’amaal for immediate fulfillment of Haajat is Namaaz-e-Ja’far-eTayyaar. It is a two-rak’at Namaaz and you may refer to the final portions of this book [*] for its method. It is usually to be prayed on Friday before noon, but if need arises it can be prayed at any time. This Namaaz is also emphasized to p ray in the Holy Shrines of Ma’soomeen (A.S.) For overcoming financial problem: Perform this A’amaal for 41 days, after Namaaz-e -Sub’h, at the same place and on the same time, from day-one upto the final day. R ecite Surah Al-Hamd 41 times with proper pronounciation, then recite 13 times – Ya a Mufattih Yaa Fattih Yaa Mufarrij Yaa Musabbib Yaa Musahhil Yaa Sahhil Yaa Muda bbir Dabbir Yaa Mutamayyim Tamayyim, Bi Rahmatika Yaa Arhamar Raahimeen. If the routine gets changed then start afresh. And by the Grace of Allaah if your need is fulfilled during this A’amaal then also you have to complete the routine upto 4 1 days. Recite many times Ar-Raheemu in the state of Sajdah. Recite Yaa Allaahu 66 times every morning, noon and evening. To recite Laa Ilaaha Illal-laah 100 times with fully realizing it’s meaning is ben eficial. After midnight recite Al-Wahhaabu 100 times, bare-headed and with raised hands. Reciting 1000 times Al-Badeeu in one sitting and 290 times Al-Faatiru is also a way of gaining. When you have a very difficult problem then seek its solution through this A’amaal : Go to a nearby jungle and there draw four lines on the earth with your finger, and bring to mind the middle lines as being the blessed grave of Holy Prophet ( S.A.W.W.), then facing these line and your back towards Qibla recite – Swallallaah u Alayka Yaa Rasoolallaah. InshaaAllaah your problem will immediately be solved with great ease. Twelve days A’amaal – Recite 100 Salawaat, 1000 times Bismil-Laahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem , and finally 100 times Salawaat. This is very effective but should be observed in secrecy, nobody should know you are doing this A’amaal. For any Haajat and especially to cure a disease sit in the Masjid and recite thi s Duaa 70 times with pure intention: Laa Illaha Illallaahu Bi Izzatika Wa Qudrat ika, Laa Ilaaha Illallaahu Bi haqqi Haqqiqa Wa Hurmatika, Laa Ilaaha Illallaahu Farrij Bi Rahmatik. Recite Aaya-e-Mulk and then recite this Duaa: Bismil-Laahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem, Ya a Allaahu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Allaahu, Laa Ilaaha Illaa Anta Wahduka Laa Shareeka La ka Tajabbarta Anyakoona Laka Waladun Wa Taa Alayta Anyakoona Laka Shareekun Wa T a’Azzamta Anyakoona Laka Wazeerun, Yaa Allaahu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Allaahu, Iqdhi Haaj atee Bi Haqqee Muhammadin Wa Aalihi, Swalawaatuka Alayhi Wa Alayhim Ajmaeen. For having good fortune: Pray 2 rak’at Namaaz, in each rak’at after Al-Hamd recite S

urah Al-Feel [*]and before Salaam recite 7 times Surah Al-Nasr and recite this v erse 12 times – Am Indahum Khazaainu Rahmati Rabbikal Azeezil Wahhaab, Am Lahum Mu lkus Samaawaati Wal Ardhi Wamaa Baynahumaa, Fal Yartaqoo Fil Asbaab. Then comple te the Namaaz and raise your hands and recite 100 times Yaa Wahhaabu. It is recommended to recite Tasbeeh of Bibi Fatima Zahra (S.A.) in times of diff iculty. The unit 40 (fourty) is said to be very effective. If a particular Duaa is recit ed 40 times, or 40 people gather to recite it, or it is recited for 40 days then its effectiveness is highly increased. Reciting Surah Al-Faatiha 5 times, then Aaya-e-Mulk, and then Tasbihhat-e-Arba’aa is also an effective remedy. If one recites Surah Al-Muzzammil he or she will get the guidance in dream for s olving the problems. On the eve of Friday pray 2 rak’at Namaaz, then recite 15 Salawaat, then recite th is Duaa (Ilaahee Kayfa Ad’ooka…given here: Ilaahee Kayfa Ad’ooka Wa Anaa Anaa Wa Kayfa Aqtwaoo Rajaa’ee Minka Wa Anta Anta, Ilaahee Idh Lam As’aluka Fa Tu’tweenee Fa Man Dh al-Ladhee As’aluhu Fayu’tweenee, Ilaahee Idhaa Lam Ad’ooka Fatastabeebu Lee, Faman Dha l-Ladhee Ad’oohu Fayastajeebu Lee, Ilaahee Idhaa Lam Atadhwarraoo Ilayka Fatarhamu nee, Faman Dhal-Ladhee Atadhwarraoo Ilayhi Fayarhamunee, Ilaahee Fakamaa Falaqta l Bahra Li Moosaa Alayhissalaamu Wa Najjaytahoo, As’aluka An Tuswalli Alaa Muhamma din Wa Aali Muhammad Wa An Tunjiyanee Mimmaa Anaa Feehi Wa Tafarrija Annee Faraj an Aajilan Ghayra Aajilin Bi-Fadhlika Bi-Rahmatika Yaa Arhamar-Raahimeen. And th en finally recite 15 Salawaat, then request for your Haajat. Reciting 7 times Naade - Aliyyan [*] also brings much blessings. On any Sunday perform Sunnat Ghusl, do Wudhoo, apply some good scent, then recit e 100 times Salawaat followed by Duaa-e-Durrood-e-Toosi (refer Majmooa), then re cite 100 Salawaat again, this A’amaal should be carried on everyday upto next Sund ay. Inshaa-Allah your lawful Haajat will be answered. Pray 2 rak’at Namaaz in this method;- niyyat of Haajat, start as usual Namaaz, whe n you reach Iyyaka Na’abudoo Wa Iyyaka Nasta’een repeat this Aayat 100 times and the n carry on as usual In Rukoo and Sajdah repeat their Zikr 7 times In both rak’at d o the same as first rak’at. Finally recite 100 Salawaat then sit to write Areeza t o the Imam of the Age A.F. When the Areeza is written put it in the Holy Qur’an in Surah An-Noor Finally take out the Areeza and put it in water. Inshaa-Allah the problem will be solved instantly. It is also said that when one looks at the new moon crescent and recite 3 Salawa at and begs Allaah for his need he will not be turned away disappointed. The one who recited Al-Kaafiya shall not be in need of anyone except Allaah (S.W .T.) If one recites Surah Az-Zumur then most certainly Allaah will fulfill his/her de mands. Recitation of Surah At-Toor, Surah As-Sabaa and Surah Al-Faatir brings the bless ings of this world and of the Hereafter. It is very effective to recite this before Namaaz, before Duaa or before beseaci ng for a need: Wa Idhaa Sa’alaka Ibaadee Annee Fa Innee Qareeb Ujeebu Da’awatad Daae e Idhaa Da’aanee, Fal Yastajeeboo Lee Wal Yu’minoo bee La’allahum Yarshudoon. Recite t his 7 or 70 or 700 times. Recite 72 times: Yaa Sayyidanal Kareem Najjina Wa Khallisnaa Bihaqqi Bismillaahi rrahmaanirraheem, and then recite 70 times: Allaahu Lateefun Bi Ibaadihee Yarzuq

u Manyashaau Wa Huwal Qawiyyul Azeez. When you are disperate and in need of urgent help recite 70 times: Yaa Allaah, Y aa Muhammad, Yaa Ali, Yaa Fatima, Yaa Swaahibuz Zamaan Adriqnee Walaa Tulhiqnee. Pray 2 raka’t Namaz-e-Haajat, then recite 110 times Salawaat, then 1570 times Yaa Ali, then beseech your Haajat, then 10 times Yaa Ali and 10 times Salawaat. When problems and tribulations have reached the extreme, perform Sajdah and reci te this Duaa in it: Yaa Mudhilla Kulli Jabbaarin Yaa Mu’izza Kulli Dhaleelin Qad W a Haqqiqa Balagha Majhoodee Fa Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammad Wa Farrij Annee. On Fridays after Namaaz-Asr keep reciting Ar-Raheemu as many times as possible u pto the Maghrib. It is stated that a person is never more nearer to Allaah than when he is in the state of Sajdah. So if you have to ask for something then ask in Sajdah. Perfor m a Sajda-e-Shukr and recite: Yaa Rabbal Arbaabi Wa Yaa Malikal Mulooki Wa Yaa S ayyidas Saadaati Wa Yaa Jabbaaral Jabaabirati Wa Yaa Ilaahal Aalihati Swalli Ala a Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammad, then beseech your Haajat, then recite - Fa Innee Abduka Naasiyatee Fee Qabdhatika. An excellent Duaa for gaining success: Allaahumma In Kaanat Dhunoobee Qad Akhlaq at Wajhee Indaka Fa Innee Atawajjahu Ilayka Bi Nabiyyika Nabiyyir Rahmati Muhamm adin Swallallaahu Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wa Aliyyin Wa Fatimata Wal Hasani Wal Husayni Wal Aimmati Alayhimus Salaam. Before retiring to bed if one recites these Surahs of the Holy Qur’an, he/she shal l not depart from this world without meeting the Imam A.F. and if atall death co mes he/she will be in the neighbour of the Holy Prophet (S.A.)W.W: Surah-e-Hadee d, S.Hashr, S.Saff, S.Jumuah, S.Taghaaboon, and S.A’alaa. To recite Surah-e-Innaa Anzalna 10 times erases 1000 sins. One who recites it lo udly is like martyr who performs Jihaad in the way of Allaah. To remain safe from problems recite Surah-e-Ikhlaas on your right, left, front, back, up and down. To remain safe from earth quake and lightening always recite Sura-e-Zilzaal, esp ecially in Naafila Namaaz. To gain spiritual strength recite Al-Adhweemu abundan tly. -------------------------------------------------------------------------Rizq Dua- Sustenance in Abundance To receive sustenance in abundance recite the following verse of surah ash sura 66 times daily after obligatory prayer with ALLAAHU AKBAR in the beginning each time. It is recommended to recite it after Fajr or Maghrib prayers. Allah is benign to His servants. He gives sustenance to whomsoever He wills. He is strong, almighty. ALLAAHU LATEEFUM BI-IBAADIHEE YARZUQU MAY YASHAAA WA HUWAL QAWIYYUL AZEEZ --------------------------------------------------------------------------Recite Ya Fattaho as a wird after Fajr namaz. When men leave for work, recite Ya Fattaho 70 times and right hand placed over h eart. When u enter house, say Salam to Rasool e Khuda and recite Surah Ikhlas 3 times. After each prayer reciting ayat ul Kursi once(including the two ayats after it.. upto Khalidon) is for rizq. And ofcourse say prayers regularly. ----------------------------------I have heard in many places that Surah-e-Muzammil is recited for this intention.

Also, I have heard from some great scholars few hadiths, the reference of them I don t have at the moment. According to those hadtihs, two acts helps a lot in i ncreasing Rizq. 1. Trying to remain in the state of Wudhu (Ablution) for as much time possible i n daily life. 2. Doing as much Zikr of Allah (swt), astaghfar (repentance) of sins, shukr of t he rizq you already have,...etc. --------------------------------Dua’a for RIZQ (Sufficient Sustenance) Once a very poor man came to Imam Jafar bin Muhammad as Sadiq and told him tht i nspite of his best efforts, there was no improvement in his financial matters an d he remined poor and deprived. The Imam advised him to recite a du-a’a after Ish aa prayers regularly. O Allah, verily I do not know wherefrom I will get my sustenance? Indeed to look for it I lay myself open to possible risks which threaten my heart. I go round in its search to (many) cities. There I (wander) as its seeker. Truly, I do not know whether it is in the plain, or on the mountain, or in the earth, or in the sky, or under the earth or in the sea. From where and through whom it will reach me? At all events, I know, its system (of production and distribution) is in Yo ur power (because) You are, as creator, know all about its (availability, quanti ty and quality). Through Your grace and mercy it is distributed. O my sustainer give me abundant sustenance, make easy for me its seeking, let its source be nea r me and let me not in vain run after the sustenance You have not selected for m e, because You do not want to punish me whereas I am always in need of Your merc y. Give generously Your superabundant bounties to Your servant, (because) verily You are the owner of limitless gifts. ALLAAHUMMA INNAHOO LAYSA LEE I’LMUN MIN AYNA RIZQEE WA INNAMAA ANAA AT’LUBUHOO BIKHA T’ARAATIN TAKHT’URU A’LAA QALBEE FA-AJOOLU FEE T’ALABIHIL BULDAANA FA-ANAA FEEMAA ANAA T’A ALIBUN KAL-HAYRANI LAA ADREE AFEE SAHLIN HUWA AM FEE JABALIN AM FEE ARZ’IN AM FEE SAMAA-IN AM FEE BARRIN AM FEE BAH’RIN WA A’LAA YADAY MAN WA MIN QIBALI MAN WA QAD A’LM ITU ANNA I’LMUHOO I’NDAKA WA ASBAABUHOO BIYADIKA WA ANTALLAD’EE TUQASSIMUHOO BILUT’FIKA WA TUSABBIBUHOO BIRAH’MATIKA ALLAAHUMMA FAS’ALLI A’LAA MUH’MMADIN WA AALI MUHAMMAD YAA R ABBI WAJ-AL RIZQAKA LEE WAASI-AN WA MATLABAHOO SAHLAN WA MAA KHAD’AHOO QAREEBAN WA LAA TU-ANNINEE BIT’ALABI MA LAM TUQADDIR FEEHI RIZQAN FA-INNAKA GHANIYYUN A’N AD’AABE E WA ANAA FAQEERUN ILAA RAHMATIKA FASALLI ALAA MUHAMMADIN WA AALIHEE WA JUD A’LAA ABDIKA BIFAZ’LIKA INNAKA D’OOO FAZ’LIN AZEEM. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The English translation of the Azafa Rizq Dua is: la ḥawla wa la quwwata illa billah la Malja wa la manja minka illa ilaika None can grant Refuge or Salvation except Allah. None has the strength to save himself from Loss or to gain Profit except (by the will of) Allah. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PRAYERS 1. SALAT AL-KAFAAYA (sufficiency). Imam al-Sadiq (as) said: pray two raka at (as you would morning prayers) then yo u do sujood (prostrate) then you praise Allah (swt) and thank him (Subhanallah W al Hamdulillah) and then send blessing upon Mohammad and the Progeny of Mohammad

(Allahuma Sal ee 3ala Mohammad wa Aa li Mohammad) then say 100 times: Ya Mohammad Ya Jibra el Ya Jibrae el Ya Mohammad Ikfiyaani mim ma anna feehi fa in nakumaa kaa fiyaan, i7fadhaani bi ithnil Allah fa in nakumaa 7aafithaan. Mohammad O Jibrael O Jibrael O Mohammad, suffice for the condition that I am in, for you both provide sufficiently and guard me for you both are sufficient prot ectors. 2. Mobshir bin Abdul Aziz said I was with Imam al-Sadiq when one of our companio n came to him and said, may I be a sacrifice for you, I am poor . The Imam said , when Wednesday approaches fast it and follow the fasting on Thursday and Frida y – 3 days. When forenoon (dhu7aa) approaches visit the Prophet (recite ziyarat) f rom atop the roof of your house or from an open field, where no one can see you, then in the same place pray 2 rak aat, then fall on your knees while facing the qibla with your right hand atop your left hand and say: Allahum ma anta anta, inqata3al rajaa a illa minka wa khaabat al aamaal illa fee k. Yaa thiqata man laa thiqata lahu, laa thiqata lee ghayruk, ij3al lee min amre e farajan wa makhrajan wa arziqnee min 7aythu i7tasib wa min 7aythu laa a7tasib. O Allah You are You, All hopes have been cut off except from You, and all wishes /hopes have been frustrated except from you, O Confidant of those who have no co nfidant, There is no confidant for me other than You. Give me in my matter relie f and a way out, and provide me from whence I anticipate and from whence I do no t anticipate Then prostrate (do sujood) on the ground and say "Ya Mugheeth Ij 3al lee rizqan Min fadhlika" - O Reliever! Provide me with sustenance from your Grace. SALAT FOR PAYING OF DEBTS Pray two rak aat – reciting whatever chapters (surahs) one wishes, and when one fi nishes the salat he recites verses of Mulk (Aal Imran: 3: 26) and then recites t his dua: Ya Rahman alDunya wal aakhira wa Ra7eemahumaa, tu3tee minha man ta shaa wa tam n a3 man ta shaa, Salee 3ala Mohammad Wa Aalihi Wa aqdhee 3an nee day nee. Oh Mercy of the World and Hereafter and One who sends Mercy upon them (both), Yo u give in them to whom You wish and deny whom You wish, Send Blessing upon Moham mad and the Progeny of Mohammad and settle my debts for me. CHAPTER ALWA QI3A (CH:56) There are many methods which are narrated for surat al-waqi3a that one can under take to perform. This chapter of the Quran is associated with Rizq. I have provi ded two of them. 1. You start reciting this chapter from the Night of Saturday (which is Friday N ight). It is to be recited 3 times every night and every Thursday Night to be re cited 8 times. You continue with this for a period of 5 weeks, and before you st art reciting the verse you recite this dua: Allahuma irziqnee rizqan waa si3an 7alalan ta yiban min ghairi kad din wa astaji b da3 watee min ghairi rad din wa a3oothu bi ka min fa thee 7atel faqri wal dayn i wa adfa3 3an ni haa thayni bi 7aq qi al Imamayn al-Sibtain al-Hassan Wal Hussa in Bira7matika Ya Arham alRa7imeen. O Allah Provide me with abundant sustenance, that is both permissible (halal) an d good, without labour and answer my supplication without rejection and I seek r

efuge in You from the scandal of poverty and debt, and repel from me both of the m by the two Imams and Youths, Al-Hassan and Al-Hussain, By Your Mercy O Most Me rciful One!. 2. Narrated from Ali bin Al-Hussain, Al-Sajjad (as) who said, if the first of th e month (Lunar Calendar) is a Monday, start reciting Chapter Al-Waqi3a (56) and continue till day 14. You recite it once on the first day and twice on the secon d, three times on third….etc…till day fourteen where you recite it fourteen times. A nd you recite this dua every Thursday while undertaking this 3amal. Ya Waa7id, Ya Maajid, Ya Jawaad Ya 7aleem Ya 7an naan Ya Man naan Ya Kareem. As aluka tu7fatun min tu7afaatik ta lum mu biha sha3thee wa taqthee biha dai nee wa tu2li7 biha sha anee bira7matika Ya Say yidee. Allahuma inn kaana rizqee fil sa maa a fa anzilhu wa inn kaana fil ardhi fa akhrijhu wa inn kaana ba 3eedan fa qa r rib bhu, wa inn kaana qareeban fa yas sirhu wa inn kaana qaleelan fa kath thir hu wa inn kaana katheeran fa baarik lee feehi wa arsil hu 3ala aydee khiyari kha lqika walaa ta7wijnee ilaa shiraari khalqika wa inn lam yakun fa kaw winhu bi ka ynu natika wa wa7daaniyatika. Allahum anqulhu illay ya 7aythu akoon wala tanquln ee illay he 7aythu yakoon in naka 3ala kuli shay in qadeer Ya Ra7eem Ya Ghaniy, Salee 3ala Mohammadin wa Aali Mohammad wa atmim 3alayna ni3matika wa han ni2na k aramatika wa al bis sna 3aafiyatika. O One (and Only) , O Most Glorious One , O Munificent One, O Forbearing One, O C ompassionate One! O Beneficent One! O Generous One. I implore you (for a) treasu re of Your treasures that will reunify my family and settle my debts and better my condition by Your Mercy O Master. O Allah if my sustenance is in the sky then allow it to descend upon me and if it is in the ground then expel it, and if it is distant make it nearer, and if it is near then facilitate it, and if it is l ittle then increase it, and if it is abundant then bless it and send it (my rizq -sustenance) through the hands of the best of your creations and do not make me in need of the wretched of Your creations. And if it does not exist, then create it By your Existence and Oneness. O Allah deliver it to me wherever I may be an d do not deliver me to where it is, for You have power over all things O Mercifu l One O All-Sufficient One, Send blessing upon Mohammad and the Progeny of Moham mad and perfect for us Your Bounty and satisfy us with your Generosity and cloth e us with Your health.

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