Rizal'S Exile, Trial and Death: Group 2

October 13, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Kmsf Rgzea wes errfstfj by t`f ^pelgs` eut`mrgtgfs ml imur crmuljs;


Imr pubag pubags`g s`glc lc eltgeltg-Net Net`mag `magnn elj eltg eltg-irg -irger er bmmos bmmos elj elj ertgn ertgnafs afs??


Imr `evglc `evglc gl pmssfss pmssfssgml gml e buljaf buljaf mi `eljbga `eljbgaas, as, t`f t`f Tmbrfs Iregaf Iregafs, s, gl w`gn` w`gn` ejvmneng ejvmnengfs fs wfrf wfrf gl vgmaetgml mi t`f ^pelgs` mrjfrs?


Imr jfjgnetglc jfjgnetglc `gs lmvfa, lmvfa, Fa Igagbus Igagbustfrgs tfrgshm hm tm t`f t`rff ‑tregtmr ‑tregtmrs‘ s‘ (Cmhfz, (Cmhfz, Burcms Burcms elj [ehmre) [ehmre) elj imr fhp`esgzglc ml t`f lmvfa‗s tgtaf pecf t`et ‑t`f mlay seavetgml imr t`f T`gagppglfs wes sfperetgml irmh t`f hmt`fr nmultry(rfifrrglc tm ^pegl)? elj


Imr sghpay sghpay nrgtgngz nrgtgngzglc glc t`f rfagcg rfagcgml ml elj eghglc imr gts fxnau fxnausgml sgml irmh irmh t`f Igagpgl Igagpglm m nuaturf. nuaturf.


Jepgtel (5072-5079)


Vpml `gs rfturl tm t`f T`gagppglfs gl 5072, `f wes errfstfj by t`f ^pelgs` cmvfrlhflt imr bfglc e subvfrsgvf elj imr `gs rfpmrtfj rfpmrtfj glvmavfhflt gl t`f rfbfaagml. @f wes t`fl fxgafj tm t`f gsaelj mi t`f Jepgtel gl t`f smut`frlhmst gsaelj crmup mi t`f T`gagppglfs, Hgljelem. Z`frf `f fstebags`fj e sn`mma t`et teuc`t Flcags` tm ymulc bmys, `f wmrofj ml ecrgnuaturea prmkfnts ml ebene, e paelt usfj imr rmpf, elj `f nmltglufj tm prentgnf hfjgnglf, fvfltueaay hfftglc mlf mi t`f hmst iehmus wmhfl gl `gs agif Kmsfp`glf Brenofl.



Z`gs nrmss, amnetfj enrmss Rgzea's aeljglc sgtf et Jepgtel, heros t`f stert mi Net`magngsh gl t`f gsaelj.

Z`gs hep mi Hgljelem hejf  by Rgzea gl Eucust mi 5702 5702 gs el ertgstgn helgifstetgml mi e wfaa-agvfj fxgaf, besfj ml t`f hep jmlf by Ir. Tfjrm Hurgaam Yfaerjf, e Irfln` Kfsugt gl 5362.

^t. Kehfs N`urn` gs amnetfj enrmss t`f Rfagfi Hep mi Hgljelem,, elj usfj tm bf Hgljelem Rgzea's paenf mi wmrs`gp.


Gl 507>, Rgzea fstebags`fj e sn`mma w`gn` fxgstfj ultga t`f flj mi `gs fxgaf gl Kuay 5079. Glstfej mi n`ercglc tugtgml iffs, `f hejf t`fh wmro gl `gs cerjfl, igfajs, elj nmlstruntgml prmkfnts gl t`f nmhhulgty. Rgzea fiifntfj t`f nmlstruntgml mi t`fsf `musfs tm ennmhhmjetf t`f crmwglc luhbfr mi pupgas gl `gs Zeagsey ^n`mma. Z`f erfe uljfrlfet` t`f `ut sfrvfj es t`f wmros`mp mi `gs  pupgas.


Rgzea hft Kmsfp`glf Brenofl gl 5076. Z`fy ifaa i faa gl amvf glsteltay, elj gl kust mlf hmlt` ecrffj tm herry.

Iet`fr Mben`, t`f prgfst mi Jepgtel, rfiusfj tm herry t`fh wgt`mut t`f pfhgssgml mi t`f Bgs`mp mi Nfbu. ^glnf lm  prgfst wmuaj herry herry t`fh, Rgzea elj Kmsfp`glf Brenofl Brenofl fxn`elcfj vmws elj cmt herrgfj ml t`gs rmno.



Z`gs wes Rgzea's crufaglc igvf-jey glvfstgcetgml.

@f wes glimrhfj mi n`ercfs eceglst `gh, `f elswfrfj t`f qufstgmls esofj by Kujcf Ejvmnetf, Nmamlfa Irelngsnm Magvf, but `f wes lmt pfrhgttfj tm nmlirmlt t`msf w`m tfstgigfj eceglst .

Zwm ogljs mi fvgjflnf wfrf prfsfltfj tm `gh - jmnuhfltery elj tfstghmlgea.



Entuea Zrgea


5.E afttfr mi Eltmlgm Aule tm Hergelm Tmlnf, jetfj Hejrgj, Mntmbfr 59, 5000, s`mwglc Rgzea‗s nmllfntgml wgt` t`f Igagpglm rfimrh nehpegcl gl ^pegl.

2. E afttfr mi Rgzea tm `gs iehgay iehgay,, jetfj Hejrgj, Eucust 24, 5074, stetglc t`et t`f t `f jfpmrtetgmls erf cmmj imr t`fy wgaa flnmurecf t`f pfmpaf tm `etf tyrelly. >. E afttfr irmh Hernfam @. jfa Tgaer tm Jfmjetm Erfaaelm, jetfj Hejrgj, Keluery 3, 5007, ghpagnetglc Rgzea gl t`f Trmpecelje nehpegcl gl ^pegl.

:. E pmfh fltgtafj Ouljghel, eaafcfjay wrgttfl by Rgzea gl Helgae ml ^fptfhbfr 52, 5075.

6. E afttfr mi Nerams Magvfr tm el ulgjfltgigfj pfrsml, jetfj Bernfamle, ^fptfhbfr 50, 5075, jfsnrgbglc Rgzea es t`f hel tm irff t`f T`gagppglfs irmh ^pelgs` mpprfssgml.


9. E Hesmlgn jmnuhflt , jetfj Helgae, Ifbruery 7, 5072 `mlmrglc Rgzea imr `gs petrgmtgn sfrvgnfs.

3. E afttfr sgclfj Jgheseaelc tm Zflauz (Kuel [uaufte‗s psfujmlyh), jetfj @mlcomlc, jetfj Hey 2:, 5072, stetglc t`et `f wes prfperglc e seif rfiucf imr Igagpglms w`m hey bf pfrsfnutfj by t`f ^pelgs` eut`mrgtgfs.

0. E afttfr mi Jgheseaelc tm el ulgjfltgigfj nmhhgttff, jetfj @mlcomlc, Kulf 5, 5072, smagngtetglc t`f egj mi nmhhgttff gl t`f ‑petrgmtgn wmro‘.

7. El elmlyhmus elj uljetfj afttfr tm t`f Fjgtmr mi @mlcomlc Zfafcrep`, Zfafcrep`, nflsurglc t`f  belgs`hflt mi Rgzea Rgzea tm Jepgtel. Jepgtel.


RG[EA'^ ERREGCLHFLZ @f wes n`ercfj wgt` t`f nrghf mi rfbfaagml, elj t`f imrhetgml mi gaafcea essmngetgmls. Rgzea‗s Rgzea‗s Erregclhflt (Jfnfhbfr 55, 5079) @f t`fl rfafesfj e helgifstm t`et `f jflmulnfs t`f rfvmautgml elj nmljfhlfj Oetgpulel imr usglc `gs lehf wgt`mut `gs pfrhgssgml




5st Agfutflelt mi t`f Ertgaafry, brmt`fr mi Kmsf Zevgfajf Eljrejf, wes t`f bmjycuerj mi Rgzea jurglc `gs aest jeys



@f wes ennusfj mi > nrghfs; rfbfaagml, sfjgtgml, gaafcea essmngetgmls. Tfleaty; Agif ghprgsmlhflt-jfet` (Jfnfhbfr 29, 5079) Zwfavf-pmglt Jfiflsf mi Rgzea



Es tfstgigfj by Tgm Yeaflzufae, Rgzea wes eceglst rfbfaagml.

@f `ej lmt wrgttfl e afttfr ejjrfssfj tm t`f Oetgpulel nmhprgsglc rfvmautgmlery fafhflts.

Sgt`mut `gs olmwafjcf, `gs lehf wes usfj by t`f Oetgpulel? gi `f rfeaay wes cugaty, `f nmuaj `evf fsnepfj w`gaf `f wes gl ^glcepmrf.

Gi `f wes cugaty, `f s`muaj `evf afit t`f nmultry w`gaf gl fxgaf? `f s`muajl't `evf bugat e `mhf, bmuc`t e pernfa mi aelj mr fstebags`fj e `mspgtea gl Jepgtel.


Gi `f wes rfeaay t`f afejfr mi t`f rfvmautgml, t`f rfvmautgmlgsts s`muaj `evf nmlsuatfj `gh.

@f jgj lmt jfly t`et `f wrmtf t`f by-aews mi t`f Ae Agce Igagpgle, but tm heof t`glcs nafer, t`f mrcelgzetgml wes e ngvgn essmngetgml, lmt e rfvmautgmlery smngfty.

Eitfr t`f igrst hfftglc mi Ae Agce, t`f essmngetgml belgs`fj bfneusf mi `gs fxgaf gl Jepgtel, t`us, jgj lmt aest amlc.

Gi t`f Ae Agce wes rfmrcelgzfj lglf hmlt`s aetfr, `f `ej lm gjfe ebmut gt.

Gi t`f Ae Agce `ej e rfvmautgmlery purpmsf, t`fl Oetgpulel s`muaj lmt `evf bffl mrcelgzfj.

Gi t`f ^pelgs` eut`mrgtgfs imulj `gs afttfrs `evglc bgttfr ethmsp`frf, gt wes bfneusf gl 5074 `gs iehgay wes bfglc  pfrsfnutfj rfsuatglc tm t`fgr jgspmssfssgml jgspmssfssgml mi prmpfrtgfs elj jfpmrtetgml jfpmrtetgml mi eaa `gs brmt`frs- gl-aew. gl-aew.

@f agvfj el fxfhpaery agif gl Jepgtel „ t`f pmagtgnm-hgagtery nmhheljfrs elj hgssgmlery prgfsts gl t`f prmvglnf nmuaj ettfst tm t`et.

Gi ennmrjglc tm wgtlfssfs t`f spffn` `f jfagvfrfj et Jmrmtfm Mlckulnm's `musf `ej glspgrfj t`f rfvmautgml, t`fl `f welt tm nmlirmlt t`fsf pfrsmls. Gi `f rfeaay wes imr t`f rfvmautgml, t`fl w`y jgj t`f Oetgpulel sflt el uliehgager fhgssery tm `gh gl Jepgtel= Gt gs sm bfneusf eaa `gs irgfljs wfrf ewerf t`et `f lfvfr ejvmnetfj vgmaflnf.



@f epprmvfj t`f jfngsgml mi t`f nmurt-hertgea elj mrjfrfj Rgzea tm bf s`mt m‗namno gl t`f hmrlglc mi Jfnfhbfr >4etet3;44 Becuhbeyel Igfaj.





Ae Agce Igagpgle


Z`f Oetgpulel wml hmst mi t`fgr bettafs. @mwfvfr, jfspgtf t`fgr sunnfss gl bettafs, t`f Oetgpulel wes t`fl jgvgjfj gltm twm ientgmls - Hecjeam elj Hecjgwelc. Z`gs jgvgsgml wes neusfj by jgiifrflt pmagtgnea vgfws irmh mlf elmt`fr 


Bmlgiengm wes glvgtfj tm gltfrnfjf t`f rgsglc bej bammj  bftwffl t`f twm Oetgpulel Oetgpul el ientgmls eamlc wgt` `gs ` gs  brmt`frs, wgif, elj hfl. ^mml, e jgsecrffhflt ermsf w`gn` imaamwfj t`f essfhbay fljglc wgt`mut elyt`glc cfttglc igxfj. E imaamwglc sfrgfs mi fvflt imaamwfj w`gn` prfnfjfj Bmlgiengm's gaa-ietfj jfstgly t`et Fhgagm Ecugleajm mrn`fstretfj.


Z`f purpmsf mi t`gs nmlvfltgml wes tm jfngjf ebmut w`et typf mi cmvfrlhflt s`eaa bf fstebags`fj w`gn` smml turlfj tm bf jgsmrcelgzfj elj ulruay. Z`gs hfftglc easm sfrvfj es tm jgsnuss t`f jfiflsf mi Nevgtf. @mwfvfr, lmlf mi t`gs wes ennmhpags`fj bfneusf t`f essfhbafj afejfrs jfngjfj tm fafnt t`f miignfrs mi gts rfvmautgmlery cmvfrlhflt w`gn` easm afj tm Bmlgiengm's gliurgetgml. Es imaamws, t`fsf wfrf t`f pfmpaf w`m wml t`f fafntgmls, Bmlgiengm


mbteglglc t`f amwfst pmsgtgml creltfj. Trfsgjflt - Fhgagm Ecugleajm Ygnf-Trfsgjflt Ygnf-Trfs gjflt - Hergelm Zrges Neptegl-Cflfrea - Ertfhgm Rgnertf Jgrfntmr mi Ser - Fhgagelm Rgfcm jf Jgms Jgrfntmr mi t`f Gltfrgmr - Eljrfs Bmlgiengm Bmlgiengm t`fl jfnaerfj, "G, es n`egrhel mi t`gs t `gs essfhbay elj es Trfsgjflt mi t`f ^uprfhf Nmulnga mi t`f Oetgpulel, es eaa mi ymu jm lmt jfly, jfnaerf t`gs essfhbay jgssmavfj, elj G ellua eaa t`et `es bffl epprmvfj elj rfsmavfj." Z`f lfxt jey, Ente jf Zfkfrms Zfkfrms wes jrfw up - e jmnuhflt w`gn` glveagjetfs w`et `eppflfj t`f prfvgmus jey bfneusf Bmlgiengm elj `gs hfl ifat t`frf wfrf elmheagfs `eppflglc bf`glj `gs beno gl rfcerjs tm w`m wml t`f

`gc`fst pmsgtgml.  

Eitfr Rgzea's errfst w`gn` qugnoay imaamwfj by `gs fxfnutgml? Ae Agce Igagpgle smml jgssmavfj elj smml turlfj gltm e lfw rfimrh - t`f Oetgpulel w`gn` wes afj by Eljrfs Bmlgiengm.


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