Rizal Course Chapters 1-3

May 10, 2017 | Author: Erika Soriano | Category: N/A
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RIZAL COURSE CHAPTER 1 – Introduction to the Study of Rizal’s Life, Works and Writings Rizal Law and the Teaching of Rizal Course Republic Act 1425 → Rizal Law → Mandates the teaching of the life, works, and writings of Rizal in all schools in the country → Senator Jose P. Laurel – sponsored the said law o He believed that by reading and studying Rizal’s life, teachings, and writings, the Filipino youth will be able to gain incorruptible confidence, direction, courage and determination to move forward in our people’s journey towards an abundant life → Objectives: o Rededicate the lives of youth o Pay tribute to our national hero o Gain an inspiring source of patritrism → Goals set by the then Board on National Education (Capino et al, 1997): o Recognize the relevance of Rizal’s ideals, thoughts, teachings, and life values to present conditions in the community o Apply Rizal’s ideas in the solution of dayto-day situations and problems in contemporary life o Develop an understanding and appreciation of the qualities, behavior and character of Rizal o Foster development of moral character, personal discipline, citizenship, and vocational efficiency among the Filipino youth Rizal, A True Filipino Hero → In many countries in the world, the leader is almost always chosen o Lenin of Russia, Mao Tse-Tung of China, Ho Chi Minh of Vietnam, Washington of the United States → Jose Rizal was not a man of war but a man of peace → Rizal was not an American sponsored hero → Rizal was acceptable as a national hero to the Americans because he was the symbol of assimilation, which was their policy then in the Philippines. → Other factors: o Rizal was already deat at the time Americans began their aggression in the Philippines o No embarrassing anti-American quotations could ever be attributed to Rizal o Rizal’s dramatic martyrdom had already made him the symbol of Spanish oppression


→ In reality, it is the Filipinos themselves who chose Rizal as their national hero o Katipuneros considered him the honorary leader of Katipunan o His guidance was sought after by its emissaries o Rizal’s name was one of the passwords of the secret society which swore to fight for the country’s freedom → Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo issued a decree on December 20, 1898 ordering that December 30, the anniversary of Rizal’s execution in Bagumbayan, be commemorated as “a day of mourning for Rizal and other victims of the Philippine Revolution” o Act No. 345 → Rizal Province was named in his honor by virtue of Act No. 137 of the Philippine Commission → In making Rizal as our national hero, a number of conclusions can be drawn: o Filipinos love peace o Filipinos are lovers of freedom and justice o Filipinos prize virtue more than victory, and sacrifice above success Rizal, Pioneer Asian Nationalist Leader → Rizal was born in the decade when other nationalist leaders of Asia were born: Mohandas Gandhi; Rabindaranath Tagore; Sun Yat-Sen → Fisher (1962) called Rizal the Pioneer Exponent of Liberal Democrazy in Asia → Rizal’s courage ideas on liberal democracy: o Worth and dignity of the individual o Inviolability of human rights o Innate equality of all men and races o Necessity of constitutional government o Due process of law o Popular sovereignty as the basis of all political authority o Faith in human reason and enlightenment o Rights of the masses to public education o Belief in social progress through freedom → Rizal called to be the First Asian Nationalist Leader Major Periods in Life of Rizal First Period (1861-1872) → Young Rizal learned how to read, write and listened to stories that triggered imaginative and critical thinking on his part → Industriousness instead of idleness, creativeness instead of unproductive-ness, rationality instead of blind acceptance, dignity instead of servility Second Period (1872-1882) → First turning point of Rizal’s life → He was 11 yrs old when he was enrolled at Ateneo Municipal → Period when Fathers Gomez, Burgos, and Zamora were unjustly executed by the Spanish government



→ The martyrdom of the three priests led Rizal to be awakened to the abuses of the regime and at the same time led him to devote himself in the future to avenge the victims of injustices and cruelties by the Spanish colonizers → Other significant developments: o Strengthening of his religious foundation o Cultivation of the drive toward excellence o Conception of the Philippines as his fatherland o Envisioning the Philippines receiving light thru education o Perception of the intimate alliance between religion and education Third Period (1882-1892) → Second major turning point → Rizal decided to leave the Philippines to escape persecution → He went to Europe → Rizal took part in the Propaganda Movement Fourth Period (1892-1896) → Last turning point before his martyrdom on December 30, 1896 → Rizal was exiled in Dapitan o He demonstrated what an individual can do and accomplish within a short period of time

Chapter 2 – The 19th Century World of Jose Rizal Growth and Development of Nationalism Nationalism → A sense of loyalty or psychological attachment that members of a nation share, based on common language, history, culture, and desire for independence → Growth of Nationalism can be attributed to two major revolutions of the earlier century: o American Revolution of 1776 – gave birth to the United States of America o French Revolution of 1789 → Nationalism has evolved from a real or imagined cultural unity, manifesting itself in a common language, history, and territory → Nationalists have usually sought to turn this cultural unity into political reality so that the territory of each people coincides with its state boundaries → Negative side: o Ideas of national superiority and national mission can lead to aggressive crusades and counter-crusades o Nationalism can also stress differences among people Rise and Gradual Democracy






→ Consequence of the growth and development of nationalism → Liberalism demanded representative government as opposed to autocratic monarchy, equality before the law as opposed to legally separate classes. o The idea of liberty also meant specific individual freedoms: freedom of press; freedom of speech; freedom of assembly; and freedom from arbitrary arrest. → Democracy was gradually established thru the following means: o Promulgation of laws that advance democracy o Undertaking reforms thru legislation o Abolition of slavery o Adoption of a liberal constitution o Providing the citizens the opportunity to propose laws o Adoption of manhood suffrage o Granting of political, economic and social rights to the people Industrial Revolution → Transformation of manufacturing brought about by the invention and use of machines → Positive effects: o Rise of factory system o Mass production o Improvement of people’s standard of living o Greater urbanization o Beginnings of specialization o Invention of labor-saving devices o Capitalism o Fostering of liberalism and nationalism o Encouragement of people’s mobility → Negative effects: o Widening gap between the rich and the poor o Economic warfare o Pollution o Child and women labor o Rivalry between and among industrialized countries → Proposals given by concerned sectors of world society to solve the evils created by the industrial system: o For the liberals – laissez-faire policy o Socialists – control vital industries and resources o Communists – all factors of production be owned and controlled by the government o Catholic Church – calls for humane treatment of workers Advancement of Science th

→ 19 Century was the time for the expansion of scientific knowledge o search for knowledge and truth could be explained by a rational and empirical approach




→ result of the Age of Enlightenment during the 18 century → Scientific Method – knowledge needs to be proven by a systematic and rational approach → Three significant consequences: 1. everyday experience and innumerable scientists impressed the importance of science on the mind of ordinary citizens 2. philosophical implications of science spread to broad sections of the population 3. methods od science acquired unrivaled prestige → effects of scientific revolution spilled to the challenging of traditional beliefs in religion and politics

→ Foreign trade brought forth wealth to more people → Rising class composed of merchants, mostly mestizos, who gained advantage from trade with foreigners → The result of greater participation in trade created a new middle class in the colony. → Middle class family were able to send their children to acquire higher education which gave them perspectives on Spain’s treatment of the Philippines. o Illustrados or the “enlightened ones” o This class brought forth reformists, which included Rizal.

The Resurgence of Western Imperialism

→ As a result of the Spanish conquest of the Philippines, the Filipinos lost their ancestral lands on account of Spain’s institution of the encomienda system. → They were forced to accept Spanish culture and religion

→ western expansion had far reaching consequences → for the first time in human history, the world became in many ways a single unit → European expansion diffused the ideas and techniques of a highly developed civilization Optimism and Confidence in Progress → Can be gleaned from the achievements of men in th the 19 century o Extension of human rights to many people o Promotion of higher education for men and women o Education for nationalism in schools o Investment in science to serve mankind o Improvement of public health thru the establishment of numerous hospitals o Emergence of realistic literature, depicting the life of the time.

Chapter 3 – Spain and the Philippines in the 19th Century th

Spain in the 19 Century Political Instability in Spain → Carlist Wars o Struggle for the throne between the forces loyal to Isabella and his brother Charles after the death of their father Ferdinand VII → Under Isabella II, Spain lost a bid to re-conquer Peru and Chile and under continued mismanagement by her favorites, the empire was a shadow of its former glory → Canovite System/Rotativism – liberals and conservatives in Spain took turn in administering the affairs of the country Abandonment of Mercantilism → Shift towards laissez faire or free market trade → Countries and their colonies began trading with one another → There was a demand for Philippines products such as sigar, coffee, rice, indigo, and tobacco.


The Philippines During Rizal’s Time

Administrative Organization → The Philippines was governed directly by the Spanish Crown, thru the Ministries of Colonies in th the 19 Century. → Governor General – head of the Spanish colonial government in the country o Represented the crown in all governmental matters o Vice Royal Patron over religious affairs § Could nominate priests fro ecclesiastical administration of the parishes o Commander in chief of the colonial army o Chief executive of the colonial government, he was an exofficio president of the Royal Audencia o Had legislative powers o Actos acordados – laws enacted by the governor general o Cumplase – power to decide which law or royal decree should be implemented or disregarded in the colony → Local government units: o Alcaldias – provinces § Headed by the alcalde mayor or provincial governor § Provincial government was the most corrupt unit in local government then, owing to the privilege to engage in and monopolize trade called indulto de commercio o Pueblos – towns § Headed by the gobernadorcillo or town mayor • Principal responsibility is tax collection o Barangays – barrios § Headed by the cabeza de barangay



• Maintain peace and order Ayuntamiento – city government § Governed by a cabildo or city council § Composed of city mayor (alcalde en ordinario), councilors (regidores), chief constable (aguacil mayor) and a secretary (escribano) Key figure in the local administrative set up was the Spanish friar o Frailocracia (Lopez Jaena) Spain tightened her control over the country thru the friars for fear of losing the Philippines Guardia Civil – corps of native police under the leadership of Spanish officers for the purpose of dealing with outlaws and renegades o Filubusteros – enemies of the government o Erehes – enemies of the Catholic Church Audenica Real – Supreme Court during those times Cortes – lawmaking body Las Leyes de Indias – basic law Residencia – trial of an outgoing governor-general to account for his acts during his tenure of office Visitador – investigating officer to probe on the complaints against the governor-general o

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The Social Structure of Filipino Society → Philippine Society then was feudalistic as a consequence of the encomienda system imposed by the colonizers → Polo y servicio – forced labor → Social structure implemented by Spain was pyramidial due to the colonizers’ adherence to the doctrine of limpieza de sangre or purity of blood

→ Centered on the teaching of fear of God and obedience to the friars → It was also in this century when public education for the natives begun → Educational Decree of 1863 – required the establishment of one elementary school for boys and one elementary school for girls in each town in the Philippines → Friars resisted the teaching of Spanish language to the Filipinos → Weaknesses o Over emphasis on religion o Limited and irrelevant curriculum o Obsolete classroom facilities o Inadequate instructional materials o Absence of academic freedom o Racial prejudice against the Filipinos in school Economic Situation → The country was opened to foreign trade in 1834, which resulted to the rapid rise of foreign firms in Manila. → Consequences: o Opportunities for trade increased Filipino contacts with foreigners and peninsular Spaniards o Number of families prospered from foreign trade and commerce and were able to send their sons for an education in Europe further destroying the isolation of the country from the rest of the world o Awareness of a completely different type of society prevalent in Europe made these Europe-educated Filipinos disenchanted with Spain

Peninsulares   (spanish  born  in   Spain)  &  Insulares   (spanish  born  in  the   Philippines)  

Spanish  and  Chinese   mestisoz  &  Principalia  

Indios  or  Natives  

→ A system of racial discrimination came to be institutionalized because of the doctrine Educational System th

→ Up to the middle of the 19 century schools were under the control of the friars → Primary education was not given attention despite the establishment of parochial schools in many towns




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