
February 18, 2017 | Author: Ronaldus Ezio Quilestus | Category: N/A
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A Cleansing Ritual Needed:  1 tablespoon bicarbonate soda  5 drops essential oil  Juice of a lemon  1 teaspoon good oil, such as sweet almond  ½ cup sea salt Stir the soda, essential oil, lemon juice and oil together and then blend in the salt. Dissolve in the bath water. Light four candles (colors of your choice) and place at the four corners of the tub. Step slowly into the bath water, feeling it envelope around you. Close your eyes. Visualize yourself laying on the surface of the ocean. There is nothing around you, you are alone and at peace. Feel the warmth of the sun beating down on you. Say either out loud or quietly to yourself:

“Be Comforted, all is well Now you are blessed. You have life to nurture and nurture you. Be calm. Be easy. Be Comforted. You are blessed." A Grounding Ritual Visualize a cord extending from the base of your spine into the center of the earth. Align yourself along this cord. Breathe from your center -- from the diaphragm and your stomach. Feel the energy flow from the earth and fill you. Do this for a few moments, then: Imagine that your spine is the trunk of a tree and from its base, roots extend straight into the earth into the very center of the earth herself. Now you can draw power up from the earth with each breath. Feel the energy rising up through your spine. Feel yourself becoming more alive with each breath. Visualize branches that sweep up and back down to touch the earth; these are coming

from your crown. Feel the power burst from the crown of your head, and the power sweeping down toward the earth again where it completes a circuit, then returning to its source. Feel these branches intertwine together, blowing in the wind. Now, after you have raised all of this energy and used it for your ritual, there is still a great deal of power running through you. Every time such power is raised, it must also be earthed. Earthing is another form of grounding. If this is not done, the force you feel as vitalizing energy degenerates into nervous tension and irritability. In the final step before opening the circle we ground all excess energy. A good place to send it to is back to the Earth herself. Here is how: Sink to the ground and relax. Place your palms flat on the ground or just lie flat on the ground (floor). Keep what energy you need and let the rest sink through you into the Earth. Visualize the energy flowing down to the ground. Relax, and let the energy flow out of you -- deep into the earth from whence it came. Relax and let yourself drift peacefully. A Norse Samhain Ritual Needed:  Drinking horn  Hammer (Mjollnir)  Sword  Pentacle or stone  Bowl of salt  Water  Incense and censor Celebrants White Priestess


Gold Priest


Red Priestess


Red Priest


Black Priestess


Black Priest


Procession Soulers (any small number) White Mare

Skadi takes the sword around the circle with these words:

“Sharp bright steel the circle scribes: Carving, cleaving world from world.” Freyja banishes the circle with the hammer and these words:

“Mankind’s friend, by Mjollnir’s might Banish beings that bode us ill!” She stands in the center and to each quarter and above and below she makes the Hammer-Sign, saying:

“Holy hammer, hallow and hold us.” Vala seals the circle, carrying pentacle and bowl of salt, saying:

“Stout stone shield us, shut the circle.” Skadi asperses the circle (Vala follows with censer) with these words:

“Be all bless’d who bide herein, By stone and sea, by storm and sun.” Now Heimdallr takes the sword and calls the quarters as follows:

“Wisdom’s wain, East wind I call thee! Thoughts thy thanes that thrive in newness. Breathe and bless, blow all clean; Watch and ward, O wind of mind. Summer’s savor, South wind come now! Bright the blessings you bare with you. Strong of spirit, sun-like fire; Watch and ward, O wind of soul. Wild and wet, West wind I Summon! Sea-spray baring, singing, shouting; Beats the Earth’s blood in thy breast; Watch and ward, O wind of heart. White with winter, North wind, waken! Stone's strength bringing, snow-cloaked wind. From the frost-realms, fresh and chill, Watch and ward, O wind of form.” The Priestesses and Priests stand opposite each other, and each one of the pair

invokes the other, as follows: Skadi (to Freyr)

“Lord of life, hail land-master! God of grain that grows and dies And rises reborn, full of richness; Fallow fields shall yet be fertile -Spring sap runs as stirs your phallus -Bless barren Earth, let it bare again!” Freyr (to Skadi)

“Show-shoes striding, hail swift huntress! Wild one, free and willful Goddess, Bow and blade you bare beside you, Finding food to fend off hunger. Winter will not leave us wanting; Give good hunting, grant us skill!” Freyja (to Heimdallr)

“Standing steadfast, hail far-sser! Watchful one, on rainbow waiting, Horn at hand to rouse the heroes, News you know from nine worlds over. People's parent and our patron, Open our eyes to altered sight.” Heimdallr (to Freyja)

“Vanir bride, hail vision-giver! Capped in cat-fur, cloaked in feathers, Drumming for the dance of dreams, You haste to hunt out hidden things. Scant now the screen that hinders sight; Let us learn the lore of trance-work.” Vala (to Odin)

“One-eye, wanderer, god of wisdom, Hunt-lord, hail, who leads the hosting! Nine nights hanging, knowledge gaining, Cloaked at crossroads, council hidden. Now the night, your time is near us -Right roads send us on, rune-winner.”

Odin (to Vala)

“Every age your eye has witnessed, Cauldron-keeper; hail, wise crone! Rede in riddles is your ration -Wyrd-weaving at the world-tree’s root. Eldest ancient, All:knowing one, Speak secrets to us, send us kenning.” Odin reminds everyone what the festival is about, as follows:

“So comes the souls'-day. Summon for feasting Ancestors, ancients, honored and blessed; Let in beloved ones, lend them your bodies -Whom do you hallow? Hail them by name!” Allow a few minutes for everybody to name the ancestor they want to welcome. Then Vala gives this admonition:

“As ancient elders you learn from and honor, Let not the living ones moulder alone. Near is their knowledge nearer than spirits', Seen without ceremony, simply for asking.” Both then state:

“Grandmothers, grandfathers, great be their blessings Past ones and present we dance them all power!” All the Celebrants but Heimdallr form a circle facing outward; Heimdallr goes to the West, and all say:

“Wide are the world gates; now the wights wander. Welcome within are the dead who were ours; Rest from riding here, revel and feast here; Come in, old kinsfolk, keepers of wisdom!” Heimdallr cuts the Soulers' Procession into the Circle on "Come in", and moves to stand with the other Celebrants while the Soulers dance slowly around singing:

“Welcome winter, waning season, Now within night the new year comes; All who honor elder kinsfolk Dance the dead to earthly drums. Souls respected safeguard living House we'll hold, and hallow hearth; Blessings be on those who bide here,

And indeed on all the earth!” The Celebrants begin also to circle, dancing in character, starting widdershins then spiraling in and out to end deosil, as in the meeting dance, while the Soulers encourage the outer circle to dance also. The intent should be for luck in the new year, and better connection with our Ancestors (as well as better treatment of our Elders!). We are the old people, people and blood of the ancients are appropriate and may be sung in polyphony. As the providers of food, Freyr and Skadi bring forward the feast. Some food should be laid out for the ancestors, and people should be encouraged to let the ancestors use their senses for a while to enjoy the food with them. The Soulers in particular should receive Soul Cakes. A strong magical gesture would be for people to bring forward canned and other non-perishable food (which can be later given to a food bank or similar organization). Freyr speaks as follows:

“Cakes to us carry, corn from the storehouse; Wine defies winter, warm with caught ripeness; Milk made to cheeses, meat dried and salted; Last of the land's fruits ere the long sleep.” Skadi speaks as follows:

“Good nuts and game-food are hunters' guerdon; Sleeping Earth's secrets yield to the seeker True buried treasure: onions, potatoes Forest shall feed us while the fields rest.” Both say (if there is to be food donation):

“All who have aught to offer, now bring it; Wights, bare ye witness work with the givers. Feeding our fellows, let us be fed so, Sops for the spirit or sup for the flesh.” (If there is to be scrying and divination, it should be done now in a quiet space marked off as separate from the feasting-place. Freyja and Heimdallr lead the scrying and Vala and Odin lead rune-work, with the following optional speeches: Heimdallr:

“Let the lots tumble, loosing their learning; Word-wood and wit-stones, won through ordeal.

Come up and cast them, while word is clearest Augers may answer aught the year holds.” Freyja:

“Wide are the world gates, windows are open; Sights may be seen now, else times but scarcely. Crystal and cauldron capture the vision; Mystery's meaning speaks to the mindful.”) Note: it is entirely appropriate for partying to go on inside the sacred circle (people can get up and move around), so that the Dead have the opportunity to enjoy their day before we bid them farewell; the circle should be cast large, with this in mind. The only constraint is to open in sufficient time to clean up the hall before the rental time runs out. The circle is opened as follows: Heimdallr:

“To watching winds, we wish fair wandering; Fan us sweet fragrance; hail, farewell!” All:

“To sleepless souls, we wish sweet resting; Friends will keep faith; farewell now! Gods and Goddesses, go with praises! Finished our festival; hail, farewell!” Celebrants ground with this formula:

“As from the Earth our energy comes, Into the Earth the excess flows; Earth and all empowered alike Be it so!” Skadi:

“See: the circle is severed thus she cuts Merry meet, merry part, merry meet again!” A Ritual for Comfort from the Loss of a Loved One Needed:  2 candles (1 in your favorite color, 1 in the persons)  Red candle  Pink candle

 Blue candle  White candle  Purple candle  Stuff of the lost one  Black candle Cast a circle in the usual way, the way that you are most familiar. Light a candle of your favorite color to represent you. Next to it, place a candle of a color that reminds you of your friend, but, do not light it. Place a circle of candles around these two, on your altar, consisting of a red candle, saying as you do:

"I light this candle to represent the circle of life and death." The next candle should be pink. Say:

"This candle represents love. I ask with candle for the gift of love." The next candle should be blue. Light it, saying:

"This candle represents peace. May I have peace in my heart." The next candle should be white. Light it as you say:

"This candle represents protection, so that I may get through these hard times." Light a purple candle and place it in the last spot:

"This candle represents the power of the spirit." Outside the inner circle of candles, place memorabilia of the lost one, or the one you are about to loose to sickness or illness. This can be pictures, or any item that reminds you of him/her. Hold the unlit candle representing the loved one and spend some quiet time re-living the memories, and cherishing the fond memories you have of the loved one. When finished, light the candle and put it back in the holder. Visualize your loved one standing next to you. Watch him as he leaves your side and travels off to a another place. If the loved one has xian values, visualize him in heaven, if they believe in reincarnation, visualize them being born as a baby again. If unsure of the other's beliefs and you can't ask them, just visualize them leaving. As they leave your side, they should pass through a big white door. After the visualization has faded, hold a black candle. Pour all your negative emotions into this candle. You are allowed to cry. Breathe all you have into the candle and when finished, light it and place it somewhere outside the colorful circle of candles.

Address the lord and lady. Ask them for guidance. Ask the lady to hold you as a mother. Rock back and forth with her once she is holding you in her embrace. Feel the mother's warmth. Once you have reached a feeling of release, extinguish all candles, unless you are only planning on doing this ritual once, then let the candles burn out completely. Take the black candle outside immediately and either bury it beside a tree, or throw it into a large body of water. Ask the spirit of (earth/water) to purify it, and to give you strength to deal with your situation. Close the circle and perform any other ritualistic habits that may a part of your tradition, or that may help you feel better. Note: This ritual will cause strong emotions, that may seem at first to be overwhelming. However, you can get through it, with just a little persistence. A Ritual for Releasing Anger Needed:  Red candle  White or black candle  Paper and pen  Container to burn in Once you have gathered your stuff and set up your quiet space, you will want to call in a circle to protect yourself, and to protect others from the energies you plan to release. Face the east, and call upon the air to help you express your rage clearly, to help you focus mentally while you release your emotions safely within the circle. Face the south, and call upon fire to help your rage burn up and out of you, burning away the past and the trauma that has enraged you. Face the west, and call upon the water to help your emotions flow freely within the circle, cleansing your spirit and restoring yourself. Face the north, and call upon the earth to allow you to safely ground your rage, and to sustain and support your through the releasing process. As you call in the directions, visualize a circle of white light forming around your working space, shielding you and protecting you with the elements you've called in. (I have sometimes found that it also helps to call upon the archangels to further strengthen the circle -- Raphael for east, Michael for south, Gabriel for west, and Uriel for north -- if your beliefs trend that way.) Then when you feel the circle is secure, call upon the Higher Powers in whatever form you relate to them to work with you and shield you through the course of the ritual.

Now, light the red candle. By its light, begin to write or draw what it is that is enraging you, whether it be some form of emotional abuse that trashed your worth as a person, sexual abuse that made you into an object, physical abuse that broke your body's connection with your mind, or whatever. Focus on making the issues clear to yourself and the Higher Powers that you've called in. Focus on how the actions made you feel, not on the other person's guilt or motivations, or on revenge on the other person. (You can do this part ahead of time, if you want. I wrote a long letter to my mother explaining exactly what I remembered and felt out of our abusive relationship, being careful to keep it in "I-statements" and not start blaming her. Blame may be necessary for some folks, but until you release the rage within, I feel that you cannot assess blame rationally and safely.) Next, hold the paper between your hands, focus your awareness on the red candle, and begin to chant, shout, scream, or make whatever sounds help you to feel the rage come up and leave you. Send the rage into the red candle. Focus your rage on the red candle, watching the flames burn brighter and hotter as the force of your anger fuels them. When you feel that you've released the red rage as much as you can, light the papers on which you've drawn or written your problem and drop them into the container so they can burn out. (Do remember to put something under the container to protect the surface it rests on -- we did this ritual as a group a couple of years ago and caught the carpet on fire.) After the papers have begun to burn down, light the black or white candle. (The choice of color depends on how you wish to focus on restoring yourself -- black represents the energy of transformation and white represents and energy of peace and purification.) Focus on what you'd like to replace the rage with -- peace, self-esteem, happiness, or whatever. Let the energy of the new emotions fill you up. Write or draw on a new piece of paper those things that you want to find in yourself and your life now that you've released the poisonous rage that was holding you back. You could even take the ashes from the burnt paper and write the name of the emotion on a new piece of paper to help you focus. Feel the healing begin. When you are comfortably calm again, release the energy of the circle. Visualize it sinking back into the earth as you thank the elements at each direction for watching over you. Thank the Higher Powers for their insight and help. Let the candles burn completely out. A Ritual of Alchemy Needed:  Jar (or other container)

 Dirt (Earth)  Dried Rose Petals (Air)  Nitre (Saltpeter) (Fire)  Water (Water)  Dead matter (dried leaves, grass, etc.) Process Step One: Place dirt in the cauldron or pot saying:

"I place this dirt into the cauldron as a bed for the seeds we will plant in spring. Gracious Goddess and God, bless and consecrate this earth that it bring forth abundance." Place the Dried Rose Petals into the cauldron saying:

"I place dried petal into the cauldron that the smell will remind us of the changing winds that stir up life. Gracious Goddess and God, bless and consecrate this air that it bring about change for growth." Put some Nitre into the cauldron saying:

"I place nirte into the cauldron to fire up the energy lying dormant in the seeds this spring. Gracious Goddess and God, bless and consecrate this fire that it may release stored energy." Pour some water in the mixture (just to dampen the materials) saying:

"I pour water into the cauldron to dissolve and transmute the materials within, ever remembering that water is life and is the life blood of the Mother. Gracious Goddess and God, bless and consecrate this water that may truly be the Universal Solvent." Stir the cauldron saying:

"I stir this cauldron that the elements within be mixed, that they may combine and exchange essences in order that our work be done. Gracious Goddess and God, bless our work tonight. And as the elements transmute to another form, grant that we also be transmuted into a greater form." Process Step Two: Dip out the mixture and place it in a jar (fill to about ½ to 2/3 full). Write an action or condition to be transmuted by Ostara on a slip of paper. Consecrate and charge the paper and place it into the jar with the mixture. It is to stay in the jar. Process Step Three: Other items that may be added to the mixture at a later date are:

Hair, nail clippings, menstrual blood, semen or other items personally from the individual. Ashes from ceremonial fires, especially from the Yule log, a small amount of candle wax, incense, or other items found at special times and/or special places. Food (sparingly). A small crumbled piece of Sabbat Cake, a bit of the wine, small pieces of egg shell, tea, 'grounds', etc. Process Step Four: In the spring, the jar should contain transmuted matter to be used to bless seeds planted on Ostara. A Ritual of Gestures Gestures Stand in the ritual area. Still your thoughts. Breathe deeply for half a minute or so until composed and calm. Turn your mind to our Deities. Face North. Lift both hands to waist height, palms down. Press your fingers together, creating two solid, flat planes. Sense solidity, foundation, fertility. Invoke the powers of the Earth through the gesture. Moments Later, turn toward the East. Raise your hands a foot higher, your palms facing away from you (no longer parallel with the ground), and elbows slightly bent. Spread your fingers and hold this position, sensing movement and communication. Invoke the forces of Air through the gesture. Face South. Lift your hands fully above your head. Keeping the elbows straight, grasp your fingers into tight fists. Feel force, power, creation and destruction. Invoke the forces of Fire through the gesture. Turn to the West. Lower your hands a foot or so. Bend the elbows, turn your palms upward and cup them, pressing the thumbs against the forefingers. Sense fluidity, the ocean, liquidity. Invoke the forces of Water through the gesture. Face North again. Throw your head back and raise both hands to the sky, palms up, fingers spread. Drink in the essence of The One, the unknowable, unapproachable ultimate source of all. Sense the mysteries within the universe. Lower your projective hand (your writing hand) but keep your receptive hand high. Pressing the third, forth and fifth fingers against the palm, lift the forefinger and thumb to create a rough crescent shape. Sense the reality of the Goddess. Sense Her love, Her fertility, Her compassion. Sense the powers of the Moon in the gesture; the force of the eternal seas - the presence of the Goddess. Lower your receptive hand; lift

your projective hand. Bend down the middle and forth fingers toward the palm, and trap them with the thumb. Lift the forefinger and little finger up to the sky, creating a horned image. Sense the reality of the God. Sense the power of the Sun in the gesture; the untamed energies of the woodlands - the presence of the God. Lower your projective hand. Lay down flat. Spread your legs and arms until you've created the pattern of a pentagram. Sense the powers of the elements running through you; merging and coalescing into your being. Sense them as emanations from The One, the Goddess and God. Meditate. Commune. Communicate. When finished, simply stand up. Your rite of gestures is over. A Ritual of Thanks Needed:  1 blue candle  3 kernels unpopped corn  2 apple cut on the cross, showing the pentagram inside Set altar facing East. Light your candle with the following words:

“Great Goddess, Lady of the Summerland’s, Mother to us all. I welcome you to this place of power and offer thanks to you for what you have given me. I am a priestess of your path and I see with your eyes. You guide me in the lessons I must learn.” Put the bottom half of the apple in front of you. Charging the three kernels of corn between your hands, say:

"As the Maiden is ripe with potential, so is my life. As the Mother gives birth, so do my thoughts. As the Crone nourishes life, so do I nourish mine.” Place the kernels in the center of the core-pentagram and melt wax from your candle to cover them. Replace the top of the apple while the wax is till warm. Let the apple sit on your altar for three days and nights. Remove wax token and bury apple. The wax token can remain on your altar for as long as you wish. An Eclectic Circle Ceremony Needed:  Salt  Water

 Censer  Candle Preliminaries Water:

“Blessings upon thee, O creature of water, I cast out from thee all impurities and uncleanness of the spirits of phantasm, confusion, or any other influence not for the free will of all.” Salt:

“Blessings be upon this creature of salt; let all malignity and hindrance be cast forth thence from, and let all good enter therein. Wherefore I bless thee and invoke thee, that thou mayest aid me.” Mixing:

“I take this salt of the Earth, Blessed with the will of Fire; I take this water of spirit, Exorcised with mind of merit; I mix them with words of power, Dedicated to every Tower. By the power of moon and sun, By the power of Spirit, earth and sea, God and Goddess are part of One, As I Will, so mote it be!” Casting of the Circle

“I conjure thee, O circle of power, As thou encircle every Tower. That thou beest a place of Truth, Joy and love, Encircling Flight of Eagle, Hawk and Dove. Mighty Aegis of the Lady and Lord, Rampart of thought, action and word. To work in Peace, Powerful and Free, Who walk between two worlds conjure thee; A boundary to Protect, Concentrate and Contain, That Power raised here be not in vain. Wherefore do I bless thee and consecrate thee, in the names of Cernunnos and Aradia.” Sealing of the Circle (seal with water/salt mixture)

“With potion of earth and water, I seal the sacred circle, Linking air and fire! With potion of earth and air, I seal the sacred circle, Linking fire with water! With potion of earth, air, and fire, I seal the sacred circle, Linking water with the Earth! As the four directions are brought to merge, Let influence of the mighty ones converge! ” (Seal with Censer)

“With Incense and air of Mind, East to South, I do Bind! With Incense and air of mind, South to West, I do Bind! With Incense and air of Mind, West to North, I do Bind! With Incense and air of Mind, North to East Completion Find!” (Seal with Candle)

“With the Fire of emotion and will East to South, our dedication fulfill! With the Fire of veneration and Will, South to West, our allegiance fulfill! With the Fire of Devotion and Will, West to North, our consecration fulfill! With the Fire of Commitment and will, From North to East, This inscription fulfill! Within the circle All wills be free, The circle is sealed, So Mote it Be!” Setting the Watchtowers

“Ye Lords of the Eastern Tower,

Airy Lords of Spirit; Let your influence of Power, Aid our minds with merit! I do summon, stir and call you up, to witness these rites and to guard the circle. Ye Lords of Southern Power Fiery Lords of Will. Pray do grace your Tower, Your Powers to fulfill! I do summon, stir and call you up, to witness these rites and to guard the circle. Ye Lords of the Watchtowers of the West, Watery Lords of Death and Initiation; I do summon, stir and call you up, to witness these rites and to guard the Circle. Ye Northern Lords of the Earth, Though we be yet but Mortals; Bless our work with worth, Boreas, guardian of Northern portals. I do summon, stir and call you up, to witness these rites and to guard the Circle. Goddess and God, I would know, As 'tis above, so 'tis below Blessings on this work, please bestow! This be my will, true and free, I do so will, so mote it be” Invocation of the Elements

“Air, Fire, Water, Earth, Elements of astral birth, I call you now; attend to me! In the Circle, rightly cast, Safe from curse or blast, I call you now, attend to me! From cave and desert, sea and hill, By wand, blade, and pentacle, I call you now, attend to me! This Is my will, so mote it be!”

An Issian Circle Casting Needed:  Wand  Chalice  Athame  2 containers  Salt  Water  2 candles  Incense  Cakes and wine/juice  Bell (optional) This requires the use of a duly consecrated wand, a chalice, an athame and a container for salt and water -- non-plastic please non please -- on your altar as well as two candle sticks with candles in them and an incense burner for stick or hanging incense. You should work robed or nude as you prefer. In the four directions you should have either air (as incense) or fire (as candle, lit, of course, and preferably red) in the east -- according to your tradition. The other element -- the one not used in the east - in the south, again according to your tradition. The High Priesthood of a circle is the final say in any rite. So always follow their traditions. A bowl (again not plastic) of water in the west and some rocks or a dish of salt in the North for earth. If you wish you may lay a circle of salt on the floor, leaving a gate for the priest/ess to enter and leave for the temple purification or you may visualize the circle coming as electric blue light out of your athame point as you cast it. after s/he returns from purifying the outer perimeter, the gate would be closed and the circle cast (after the directions are called) by pointing the athame (or the sword) at the salt and charging it instead of casting into the air. The gate would be closed by completing the circle of salt. Priestess picks up bowl of salt and bowl of water on alter. Priest picks up athame and places it point down in the water and says:

"Salt is pure, let this salt be pure and let it purify our rites as we use it in the service of the Lady and the Lord?” All: “So mote it be.”

Priestess pours some of the salt into the water. (P) stirs it with his athame and says:

"May this sacred salt purify this water so it may be used in this service of the Lord and Lady, throughout this rite, in any way and at any time we may wish to use it." All: “So mote it be” Priestess takes the salt-water and sprinkles it about the perimeter of the circle (outer) saying the following while walking widdershins (to banish) or counter-clockwise:

"Salt and water where I cast thee No spell or unknown purpose be Unless in full accord with me and as I will So mote it be be" She returns to the circle. The Priest then takes the incense burner -- if a swinging one -- or the burning stick of incense and goes around the circle deosil saying:

"Ever as we walk in the ways may we feel the presence of the Lady and the Lord We know that in all we do they are ever with us They abide in us and we in them forever. No disharmony or imbalance can be entertained for purity, harmony and balance are the dwellers within and without us: For good do we strive and for good do we live Love unto all things So be it forever Love is the law and Love is the bond Blessed be the Lady and the Lord" All: “So mote it be” He returns to the circle. He then picks up his wand and goes to the East, raising it high he invokes the element of air visualizing either the ruler of that element as he understands that being or a yellow pentacle can be substituted. I like to imagine a weeping willow tree budding in the spring being moved by the gentle breezes through the center of the pentacle - as if through the center of a window. (If If you use fire in the EastEast- substitute visualization here with the one for the South and change the invocation accordingly) accordingly

"Hail to thee Lord of the Watchtower of the East element of air (fire) We invite your presence and your power in our circle and our magick this night.”

All: “So mote it be” Priest: “Welcome and Blessed be.” All: “Blessed be.” Go to the South and repeat this visualizing either your conception of the ruler of the watchtower for the south or a red pentacle - I like to "see" a campfire through it's center, as if through a window. Repeat invocation with raised wand substituting of the South and element of fire. Go to the West and repeat this visualizing either your conception of the ruler of the watchtower of the west or a blue pentacle - I like to see a mountain stream or the ocean through the center of it, as if through a window. Repeat invocation making suitable changes of direction and element in it. Go to the North and repeat the process visualizing either your conception of the ruler of that watchtower or a green pentacle - I like to see Mountains rising up in the distance through the middle of it, again as if through a window. He returns to the altar and replaces the wand. The Priestess takes up hers and invokes the Deities: "Hail to thee Lord and Lady" (Substitute aloud or silently the names you are using for the Goddess and the God here - with non-initiates, some prefer to use the generic "Lord and Lady" out loud, keeping the names by which the inner circle of initiates know Them a secret. This is also a good idea to use when you have members of several traditions present who may not agree on what names are used for them)

"We invite your presence and power in our circle and our magick this night." All: “So mote it be” Priestess: “Welcome and blessed be.” All: “Blessed be” She then replaces her wand on the altar and picks up her athame or the coven sword and casts the circle - either straight out, visualizing blue light coming from it's point or, if a circle of salt is used, straight down at the salt, to charge it.

This is done deosil. deosil. First casting: "I conjure this circle, a mighty Psychic rampart that turns back any

excess positive or negative energy which may come to do us harm" All: "So mote it be" Second casting: "I cast this circle, a place that is not a place, a time that is not a time, a

sacred place between the worlds, a place to commune with eternity (or the Lady and Lord)" the Lord All: "So mote it be" Third casting: "I charge this circle, a place of perfect love and of perfect trust where

all may know peace profound" All: "So mote it be" She returns to the altar. If a bell is used (brass or silver only please) she rings it and says:

"Now is the circle cast" All: "So mote it be" The circle then perform the full-moon rite, raising the power and drawing down the energy into themselves by whatever rites they use and Magick is performed as is appropriate and necessary or the ritual for one of the 8 sabbats is performed -- a much lighter and informal occasion - according to the time and purpose of the circle. The cakes and ale/wine (You cant substitute apple juice or spring water) are consecrated by the athame in the chalice Circle closing The Priest takes up his wand and goes to the 4 quarters, beginning at the north and going widdershins, where he raises his wand at each and dismisses the rulers of the elements thusly:

"Farewell to thee Lord of the watchtower of the (direction) element of (name element) We thank you for our presence and power in our circle and our magick this night"

All: "So mote it be" Priest: “Merry part and Blessed be.” All: “Blessed be.” As he does this, he visualizes whatever he visualized earlier and then "sees" it fading out. When he has done all 4 quarters he replaces his wand on the altar The Priestess picks hers up and raises it high says: "Farewell Lady" Farewell to the Lord and Lady (again names may be substituted silently or aloud) "We We thank you for your presence

and your power in Our circle and our magick this Night." All: "So mote it be" Priestess: “Go if you must, stay if you will and blessed be.” All: “Blessed be.” She then picks up her athame (or sword ) and pointing it either in the air or at the salt, whatever she did before, she walks widdershins and as she opens the circle she pictures in her mind's eye the electric blue light fading out or being reabsorbed by the tool she carries as she says:

"The circle is open, yet remains unbroke." All: "So mote it be" Priestess: “Merry part and Blessed be.” All: “Blessed be.” (they all hug each other in many circles here ) (Candles are snuffed on altar here - never blow out candles) If bell is used, she rings it and says:

“The circle is now open.” Banishing and Cleansing Ritual Needed:  Athame  Salt  Water Point your Athame at the sky, and then at the earth. Then pointing Athame

horizontally either spin 360 or walk around the perimeter with the Athame held out in a threatening manner.

“Spirits of evil, Unfriendly beings Unwanted guests, Be gone! Leave us leave this place, leave this Circle, that the Goddess and the God may enter. Go, or be cast into the outer darkness! Go, or be drowned in the watery abyss! Go, or be burned in the flames! Go, of be torn by the whirlwind! By the power of the Mother and the Horned One We banish you! We banish you! We banish you!” Sprinkle the perimeter with salt and water. Bardic Beltaine Needed:  Cauldron of water  Wreath of flowers for Maiden  White clothes for Maiden  2 wooden swords (optional)  Fire  Candles for all Note: If you have no Bard, then a male to act as Green Man should be chosen either by lottery, or by the Maiden. The Maiden is, of course, free to request a specific person to act as Green Man even if there is a Bard available to the coven. The Bard should stand to the West, West unless otherwise specified in the ritual. The place of ritual should be set up, away from the gathered participants. It is more than a good idea to manage bathrooms and such like before the circle is closed. This Mystery is not something any of the participants should miss out on! High Priestess: “Go we now to the sacred place

And stand within the sacred space Turn your minds to sacred things And dance with me unto the ring!” High Priest and High Priestess lead the coven to the place of ritual by a spiral dance,

ending in a circle around the altar. The cauldron should be at the south. The Bard/Green Man dances at the end of the line. High High Priestess: “Come we forth, with the Spiral Dance

Within the Lady's radiance To celebrate the Year renewed And praise the Powers, with gratitude. Earth and Water, Fire and Air I invoke the Goddess there! This night we are Between the Worlds To celebrate the year unfurled!” High Priest: “Earth and Water, Fire and Sky

I invoke the God on high This night we are Between the Worlds To celebrate the year unfurled!” The corners shall be called thusly, that all may hear, but shall not be called until the High Priestess reaches that corner on her circumambulation. East: “O Guardians of the Eastern Tower,

Airy ones of healing power I do summon, stir and call you See these rites and guard this circle! Come to us and heed our call! By the Power that made us all; By the Power that blesses Thee: Come to us; and Blessed Be!” South: “Oh fiery ones of Southern Power

Thus I invite you to this tower I do summon, stir and call you See these rites and guard this circle! Come to us and heed our call! By the Power that made us all; By the Power that blesses Thee: Come to us; and Blessed Be!”

West: “Western ones of water's flow

Help to guard us here below I do summon, stir and call you See these rites and guard this circle! Come to us and heed our call! By the Power that made us all; By the Power that blesses Thee: Come to us; and Blessed Be!” North: “Earthen ones of Northern fame

Bless and guard our Power's fane I do summon, stir and call you See these rites and guard this circle! Come to us and heed our call! By the Power that made us all; By the Power that blesses Thee: Come to us; and Blessed Be!” The High Priestess shall move to each corner, and say, following each corner's crying as she moves to the next: High High Priestess: “So I cast and consecrate

This Circle of the small and great: By Fin and Feather, Leaf and Tree, By Rock and Earth, by Land and Sea, By Fire and Water, Earth and Air, By the Lord, and Lady Fair! By Love and Joy and Work and Play, All things harmful cast away! By lightning’s flash, and rain's soft fall, By the Power that made us all; By the Power that blesses Thee: (Cast the Circle: Blessed be!)” On her return to the first corner she shall change the last line above, and say:

“The Circle's cast; and Blessed Be!” The callers of the corners shall return their tools to the altar, and then shall join the circle at their corners.

Here begins the Beltane Mystery Bard or Green Man: “Thus I invoke the Lady White

To come to us this sacred night. By Fin and Feather, Leaf and Tree, I show you a Mystery!” The Maiden shall stand beside the High Priest, who shall hold a wooden sword. The Bard/Green Man shall approach them, also carrying a wooden sword, and shall, in mime, challenge the High Priest. They shall strike their swords together in three sets of three blows, then Bard/Green Man shall strike the High Priest, with the last blow of his sword, who shall fall as if dead. (Note: This can be played as a Morris Dance, if so wished.) If no Maiden and Bard/Green Man are used, then the above combat may be eliminated, and the High Priest and High Priestess shall enact the Mystery. The High Priestess' part shall then be spoken by the participants. The Maiden moves to the East. The Bard/Green Man moves to the North. High Priestess: “Cunning and art she did not lack

But aye his whistle would fetch her back!” Maiden: “Oh, I shall go into a hare

with sorrow, sighing and mickle care And I shall go in the Lady's Name Aye, until I be fetched hame!” Bard/Green Man: “Hare, take heed of a swift greyhound

Will harry thee all these fields around For here come I in the Lady's Name All but for to fetch thee hame!” The Maiden moves to the South. The Bard/Green Man moves to the East. High Priestess: “Cunning and art she did not lack

But aye his whistle would fetch her back!” Maiden: “Yet I shall go into a bee

With mickle fear and dread of thee And flit to hive in the Lady's Name

Ere that I be fetch-ed hame!” Bard/Green Man: “Bee, take heed of a red, red cock

Will harry thee close thru door and lock For here come I in the Lady's Name All but for to fetch thee hame!” The Maiden moves to the West. The Bard/Green Man moves to the South. High Priestess: “Cunning and art she did not lack

But aye his whistle would fetch her back!” Maiden: “Yet I shall go into a trout.

With sorrow and sighing and mickle doubt And show thee many a merry game Ere that I be fetch-ed hame!” Bard/Green Man: Man: “Trout, take heed of an otter lank

Will harry thee close from bank to bank For here come I in the Lady's Name All but for to fetch thee hame!” The Maiden moves to the North. The Bard/Green Man moves to the West. High Priestess: “Cunning and art she did not lack

But aye his whistle would fetch her back!” Maiden: “Yet I shall go into a mouse

And haste me unto the Miller's House There in his corn to have good game Ere that I be fetch-ed hame!” Bard/Green Man: “Mouse, take heed of a white tom-cat

That never was baulked of mouse nor rat For here come I in the Lady's Name And thus it is I fetch thee hame! Bard/Green Man walks to Maiden and takes her hand. They both move to the Cauldron, and face High Priestess. High Priestess: “Cunning and art she did not lack

But aye his Song has fetched her back! Old Winter's dead, the Lady reigns And Summer has returned again!” Bard/Green Man and Maiden both wet their hands with water from the Cauldron, and sprinkle it on the High Priest, who comes to life again. High Priest: Priest: “Cunning and art I do not lack

But aye Her Cauldron will bring me back!” Bard/Green Man and Maiden both move to, and jump, the fire. If there is a May Pole, it should be erected by the men only at this point, and all dance around it, alternating male and female to raise the cone of power as outlined below. A normal cone-of-power may be raised, for growth and healing: High Priestess: Priestess: “In a ring we all shall stand

Pass the Power, hand to hand.” High Priest: “As the year is given birth

Build the Power; root to Earth” High Priestess: “Pass the Power, hand to hand

Bless the Lady, bless the Land” High Priest: “Bless the Lord, and bless the Skies

Bless the Power that never dies!” The above four verses should be repeated three times, (or as many as needed to fully wrap the pole) and then the High Priestess should say: High Priestess: “By Fin and Feather, Leaf and Tree:

Let the Power flow out and free!" All should release, at this point. Such coven business as must be transacted may be done here. The Circle is opened.

High Priestess: “Thus I release the East and West

Thanks to them from Host to Guest Thus I release the South and North With "Blessed Be' I send them forth! The Circle's open, dance we so Out and homeward we shall go. Earth and Water, Air and Fire Celebrated our desire. Winter's cold is gone away Now it is the Day of May. By Fin and Feather, Leaf and Tree, Our circle's done; and Blessed Be!” Coven: “Blessed Be!” All spiral dance out from the Circle, jumping the fire as they go. High Priest and High Priestess lead, with Bard/Green Man and Maiden taking care of bringing the Bel Fire into camp. Allow the Bel fire to burn out on its own, if possible, otherwise put it out with the water from the Cauldron. Disposal of the water otherwise should be to pour it at the roots of a tree. All participants may take fire from the Bel Fire to take home with them, cook over, or whatever, before it is extinguished. Basic Solitary Sabbat Ritual Needed:  Altar  Elemental representations  Illuminator candles  Quarter candles  Broom  Cakes and ale  Book of Shadows  Seasonal objects Step One: Sweep the area with the broom. Cleanse the ritual space by carrying a representation of the four elements around the area in a clockwise movement, working with one element at a time. Place any object of seasonal honor on the altar, along with the communion vessels and your Book of Shadows. Step Two: Open the altar energies by passing the four elements over the altar and intoning a personal blessing, then tap the altar five times -- once for each element, and once for Spirit.

Step Three: Light the illuminator candles on the altar. Step Four: Cast the magick circle using the following circle casting.

“Tides of the season, ebb and flow (Tap the altar once, stating the name of the holiday energy being invoked.)

From spring’s first light to autumn’s glow. (Hold your hands over the altar.)

Deosil around from birth to death (Begin at the north and start to walk clockwise around the circle.)

Legends, myths, and lore connect (You should be back at north.)

Solar fire, sun’s bright burning (Lift the red fire candle on the altar and look skyward.)

Purify the Great Wheel turning (Return the candle to the altar.)

Winds of north to carry the flame (Begin walking from the north to the east.)

The mists of eons, call the name. (Say the name of the holiday aloud.)

East and south, the west inspire (Pause the wording at each direction as you continue around the circle.)

Energy spirals ever higher! (Return to the north.)

The circle rises and makes rebirth (Begin the third pass around the circle.)

As seasons change and kiss the earth. (Return to the north.)

From seed and plough to harvest home (Hold your hands over the altar.)

To starry vault and standing stone (At the north, point upward.)

The sabbat circle thrice around (Visualize the complete circle.)

I seal thee now from sky to ground!” (Bring your arms down and stamp the floor with your foot.) Step Five: Light the quarter candles and call the quarters.

“Winds of the (name of holiday) north, attend, acknowledge, and proclaim! Winds of the (name of holiday) east, attend, acknowledge, and proclaim! Winds of the (name of holiday) south, attend, acknowledge, and proclaim! Winds of the (name of holiday) west, attend, acknowledge, and proclaim!

Winds of the (name of holiday) Spirit, fill this circle with thy love and protection!” Step Six: Read the Charge of the Goddess. Step Seven: Invoke your ancestors by reading their names and declaring your honor for them. Step Eight: Read the sabbat invocations given in the sabbats section. Step Nine: State the intent of the ritual aloud, along with your personal understanding of the holiday you are celebrating. This can be through poetry, a story, or even meditation. Step Ten: Draw down the sun. Note: Do note stare directly into the sun. Lift your head with eyes closed. Step Eleven: Perform any magickal work. Step Twelve: Take communion. Step Thirteen: Perform the offering to the gods. Step Fourteen: Thank the deities. Step Fifteen: Thank and release the quarters, extinguish the quarter candles at the release of each quarter -- remember to begin in the west if you started in the north, moving widdershins.

“Winds of the Spirit of (name the holiday), blessings upon you! I release thee upon thy way till next wee meet again! Winds of the (name the holiday) west, blessings upon you! I release thee upon thy way till next wee meet again! Winds of the (name the holiday) south, blessings upon you! I release thee upon thy way till next wee meet again! Winds of the (name the holiday) east, blessings upon you! I release thee upon thy way till next wee meet again! Winds of the (name the holiday) north, blessings upon you! I release thee upon thy way till next wee meet again!” Step Sixteen: Release the magick circle, saying:

“Oh Great Circle of Sabbat Art, attend me no more this day but be released back into Spirit.” Step Seventeen: Seal the altar energies by tapping once on the altar and extinguishing illuminator candles.

Step Eighteen: Clean up and offer libation outside. Beltane Needed:  Incense  Burner  Chalice of water  Salt  Pentacle  Dagger  4 element  Candles  Chalice of wine  Wand  Somewhere in circle, house guardian or symbol Special notes: Time of the Horned God and the Lady of the Greenwood; honor of the House Guardian. Cast the circle. Raise wand in greeting, say:

“I give greetings to the Goddess of things wild, of trees, of skies and of waters. I do call upon you, lovely Lady, to be here with me.” Dance or march around altar, starting in east moving deosil. Pause to salute each quarter candle with arms raised, move back to altar when done.

“Blessed be the words of the Lady of May and the laughing Lord of the Greenwood. Let now they great light come into me. I am a cup to be filled, that I may do what is needful. Blessed ever be the Lord and Lady!” Stand before the house guardian or symbol.

“Lovely Lady, great Lord, I present to you the guardian of this house, the special spirit I have invited into my home as protector and helper. I honor this spirit in this symbol of its being. Great Ones, bless this guardian of this house. And to your blessings, I add my thanks. Blessed be.”

Lightly anoint the guardian symbol with perfumed oil, if not possible hold it over the burning incense or move the incense around it. Place the wine chalice on pentacle for a few moments, lift it high, say:

“Honor to the Old Gods! Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again.” Drink the wine, saving some to be put outside for the little people or given to the earth. Continue on with The Simple Feast and closing the circle. Beltane Needed:  6 candles  Incense  Altar tools  Music Note: The Beltane ritual should start before sunrise or in the evening of April 30th. This is to welcome the sun in and to make effective use of the bonfire. The party or the ritual should finish some time after sunrise. Set up a candle in each of the four cardinal directions. Lay the rest of the tools on the altar cloth or near it. The altar can be on the ground, a table, a rock or a stump. The altar should be in the center or just north of center of the Circle. Light the six candles and the incense, start the music and begin the ritual. The Ritual Facing North, the High Priest and Priestess kneel in front of the altar with him to her right. She puts the bowl of water on the altar, places the point of her athame in it and says:

"I exorcise thee, O Creature of Water, that thou cast out from thee all impurities and uncleanliness of the world of phantasm; in the names of Cernunnos and Aradia" She then puts down her athame and holds up the bowl of water in both hands. The High Priest puts the bowl of salt on the altar, puts his athame in the salt and says:

"Blessings be upon this Creature of Salt; let all malignity and hindrance be cast forth hence from, and let all good enter herein; wherefore so I bless thee, that thou mayest aid me, in the names of Cernunnos and Aradia."

He then puts down his athame and pours the salt into the bowl of water the High Priestess is holding. The High Priest then stands with the rest of the Coven outside the Circle. The High Priestess then draws the Circle with the sword, leaving a gap in the Northeast section. While drawing the Circle, she should visualize the power flowing into the Circle from off the end of the sword. She draws the Circle in a East to North or deosil or clockwise direction. She says:

"I conjure thee, O Circle of Power, that thou beest a meeting place of love and joy and truth; a shield against all wickedness and evil; a boundary between men and the realms of the Mighty Ones; a rampart and protection that shall preserve and contain the power that we shall raise within thee. Wherefore do I bless thee and consecrate thee, in the names of Cernunnos and Aradia." The High Priestess lays down the sword and admits the High Priest with a kiss while spinning him deosil and whispers:

"Blessed Be" He then admits a women the same way. Alternate-male-female-male. Then the High Priestess finishes closing the Circle with the sword. She then names three witches to help strengthen the Circle. The first witch carries the bowl of consecrated water from East to East going deosil, sprinkling the perimeter as she/he goes. They then sprinkle each member in turn. If the witch is male, he sprinkles the High Priestess last who then sprinkles him. If female she sprinkles the High Priest last, who then sprinkles her. The bowl is replaced on the altar. The second witch takes the incense burner around the perimeter and the third takes one of the altar candles. While going around the perimeter, each person says:

"Black spirits and white, Red spirits and grey, Harken to the rune I say. Four points of the Circle, weave the spell, East, South, West, North, your tale tell. East is for break of day, South is white for the noontide hour, In the West is twilight grey, And North is black, for the place of power. Three times round the Circle's cast. Great ones, spirits from the past, Witness it and guard it fast." All the Coven pickup their athames and face the East with the High Priest and Priestess in front, him on her right. The High Priestess says:

"Ye Lords of the Watchtowers of the East, ye Lords of Air; I do summon, stir, and call

you up to witness our rites and to guard the Circle." As she speaks she draws the Invoking Pentagram of Earth in the air with her athame: 1







The High Priest and the rest of the Coven copy her movements with their athames. The High Priestess turns and faces the South and repeats the summoning:

"Ye Lords of the Watchtowers of the South, ye Lords of Fire; I do summon, stir and call you up, to witness our rites and to guard the Circle." She does the same pentagram and then faces West and says:

"Ye Lords of the Watchtowers of the West, ye Lords of Water, ye Lords of Death and Initiation; I do summon, stir, and call you up , to witness our rites and to guard the Circle." She faces North with rest of the Coven and says:

"Ye Lords of the Watchtowers of the North, ye Lords of Earth; Boreas, thou gentle guardian of the Northern Portals; thou powerful God and gentle Goddess; we do summon, stir and call you up, to witness our rites and to guard the Circle." The Circle is completed and sealed. If anyone needs to leave, a gate must be made. Using the sword, draw out part of the Circle with a widdershins or counter-clockwise stroke. Immediately reseal it and then repeat the opening and closing when the person returns. In this part of the ritual the Goddess becomes incarnate in the High Priestess. The High Priestess stands in front of the altar with her back to it. She holds the wand in her right hand and the scrounge in her left. She crosses her wrists and crosses the wand and scrounge above them while holding them close to her breast. The High Priest stands in front of her and says:

"Diana, queen of night In all your beauty bright, Shine on us here, And with your silver beam Unlock the gates of dream; Rise bright and clear. On Earth and sky and sea,

Your magic mystery Its spell shall cast, Wherever leaf may grow, Wherever tide may flow, Till all be past. O secret queen of power, At this enchanted hour We ask your boon. May fortune's favor fall Upon true witches all, O Lady Moon!” The High Priest kneels before the High Priestess and gives her the Five Fold Kiss; that is, he kisses her on both feet, both knees, womb, both breasts, and the lips, starting with the right of each pair. He says, as he does this:

“Blessed be thy feet, that have brought thee in these ways. Blessed be thy knees, that shall kneel at the sacred altar. Blessed be thy womb, without which we would not be. Blessed be thy breasts, formed in beauty. Blessed be thy lips, that shall utter the Sacred Names." For the kiss on the lips, they embrace, length to length, with their feet touching each others. When he reaches the womb, she spreads her arms wide, and the same after the kiss on the lips. The High Priest kneels again and invokes:

"I invoke thee and call upon thee, Mighty Mother of us all, bringer of all fruitfulness; by seed and root, by bud and stem, by leaf and flower and fruit, by life and love do I invoke thee to descend upon the body of this thy servant and priestess." During this invocation he touches her with his right forefinger on her right breast, left breast, and womb, repeats the set and finally the right breast. Still kneeling, he spreads his arms out and down, with the palms forward and says:

"Hail Aradia! From the Amalthean Horn Pour forth thy store of love; I lowly bend Before thee, I adore thee to the end, With loving sacrifice thy shrine adore. Thy foot is to my lip (he kisses her right foot) my prayer up borne Upon the rising incense smoke; then spend Thine ancient love, O Mighty One, descend To aid me, who without thee

am forlorn." The High Priest stands up and steps backwards. The High Priestess draws the Invoking Pentagram of Earth in the air with the wand and says:

"Of the Mother darksome and divine Mine the scrounge, and mine the kiss; The five point star of love and bliss Here I charge you in this sign." The High Priest says:

"Listen to the words of the Great Mother; she who of old was also Called among man Artemis, Astarte, Athene, Dione, Melusine, Aphrodite, Cerridwen, Dana, Arianhod, Isis and by many other names." The High Priestess, who should be in a trance, says as the Goddess:

"Whenever you have need of anything, once in a month, and better it be when the Moon is full, then shall ye assemble in some secret place and adore the spirit of me, who am Queen of all witches. There shall ye assemble, ye who are fain to learn all sorcery, yet have not won its deepest secrets; to these will I teach things that are yet unknown. And ye shall be free from slavery; and as a sign that ye be really free, ye shall be naked in your rites; dance, sing, feast, make music and love, all in my praise. For mine is the ecstasy of the spirit, and mine also is joy on earth; for my law is love unto all beings. Keep pure your highest ideal; strive ever towards it; let naught stop you or turn you aside. For mine is the cup of the wine of life, and the Cauldron of Cerridwen, which is the Holy Grail of Immortality. I am the gracious Goddess, who gives the gift of joy unto the heart of man. Upon Earth, I give the knowledge of the spirit eternal; and beyond death, I give peace and freedom, and reunion with those who have gone before. Nor do I demand sacrifice; for behold I am the Mother of all living things, and my love is poured out upon the earth. I who am the white Moon among the stars, and the mystery of the waters, and the desire of the heart of man, call unto thy soul. Arise, and come unto me. For I am the soul of nature, who gives life to the universe. From me all things proceed, and unto me all things must return; and before my face, beloved of Gods and men, let thine innermost divine self be enfolded in the rapture of the infinite. Let my worship be within the heart that rejoiceth; for behold, all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals. And therefore let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you. And thou who seekest to seek for me, know thy seeking and yearning shall avail thee not unless thou knowest the mystery; and if that which thou seekest thou findest not within thee, thou will never find it without thee. For behold, I have been with thee

from the beginning; and I am that which is attained at the end of desire." This declamation can be said by the High Priestess, the High Priest or the Coven as a whole.

"Hear now the words of the witches, The secrets we hid in the night, When dark was our destiny's pathway, That now we bring forth into the light. Mysterious Water and Fire, The Earth and the wide ranging Air, By hidden quintessence we know them, And will keep silent and dare. The birth and rebirth of all nature, The passing of winter and spring, We share with the life universal, Rejoice in the magical ring. Four times in the year the Great Sabbat Returns, and the witches are seen At Lammas and Candlemas dancing, On May Eve and old Hallowe'en. When day time and night time are equal, When sun is at greatest and least, The four lesser Sabbats are summoned, Again witches gather in feast. Thirteen silver moons in a year are, Thirteen is the Coven's array. Thirteen times at Esbat make merry, For each golden year and a day. The power was passed down the ages, Each time between woman and man, Each century unto the other, Ere time and ages began. When drawn is the magical circle, By sword or athame of power, It's compass between the two worlds lies, In the land of shades that hour. This world has no right to know it, And the world beyond will tell naught. The oldest of gods are invoked there, The Great Work of Magic is wrought.

For two are the mystical pillars, That stand at the gate of the shrine, And two are the powers of nature, The forms and the forces of the divine. The dark and the light in succession, The opposites each unto each, Shown forth as a God and a Goddess: This did our ancestors teach. By night he's the wild wind's rider, The Horn'd One, the Lord of the Shades. By day he's the King of the Woodland, The dweller in green forest glades. She is youthful or old as she pleases, She sails the torn clouds in her barque, The bright silver lady of midnight, The crone who weaves spells in the dark. The master and mistress of magic, They dwell in the deeps of the main, Immortal and ever renewing, With power to free or to bind. So drink the good wine to the Old Gods, And dance and make love in their praise, Till Elphames's fair land shall receive us In peace at the end of our days. And Do What Thou Wilt shall be the challenge, So be it in love that harms none, For this is the only commandment, By magic of old, be it done! Eight words the Witches Creed fulfill: If It Harms None, Do What Thou Will!” The High Priest faces the Coven, raises his arms wide and says:

"Bagabi lacha bachabe Lamac cahi achababe Karellyos Lamac lamac bachalyas Cabahag sabalyos Baryolos Lagaz atha cabyolas Samahac atha

famolas Hurrahya!" The High Priestess and the Coven repeat:

"Hurrahya!" The High Priest and High Priestess face the altar. The High Priest continues:

"Great God Cernunnos, return to Earth again! Come to my call and show thy self to men. Shepherd of Goats, upon the wild hill's way, Lead thy lost flocks from darkness unto day. Forgotten are the ways of sleep and night Men seek for them, whose eyes have lost the light. Open the door of dreams, whereby man come to thee. Shepherd of Goats, O answer unto me!" The High Priest and the rest of the Coven then say:

"Akhera goittiakhera beitti!" And lower their hands on the second phrase. This is a ring dance as usual. This can be replaced or others added as desired. Everyone should take part. Use what music you feel comfortable with.

Walpurgis Night, the time is right, The ancient powers awake. So dance and sing, around the ring, And Beltane magic make. Walpurgis Night, Walpurgis Night, Upon the eve of May, We'll merry meet, and summer greet, Forever and a day. New life we see, in flower and in tree, And summer comes again.

Be free and fair, like earth and air, The sunshine and the rain. Walpurgis Night, Walpurgis Night, Upon the eve of May, We'll merry meet, and summer greet, Forever and a day. As magic fire be our desire To tread the pagan way, And our true will find and fulfill, As dawns a brighter day. Walpurgis Night, Walpurgis Night, Upon the eve of May, We'll merry meet, and summer greet, Forever and a day. The pagan powers this night be ours, Let all the world be free, And sorrow cast into the past, And future blessed be! Walpurgis Night, Walpurgis Night, Upon the eve of May, We'll merry meet, and summer greet, Forever and a day. The Coven spread themselves out around the Circle. They start a soft rhythmic clapping. The High Priestess says:

"Now it is time for the Oak King to impregnate Our Lady. No longer will she be the Virgin Huntress and Maiden. She is now to be Hecate, the Queen of Elphame. But first she must catch him." This song is from Robert Graves "White Goddess". It is an old Scottish Craft song. In

it, the High Priest turns into a variety of animals and the High Priestess chases him. Starting with the High Priest and Priestess, then followed by the other couples in the Coven, the men are chased by the women. The ladies use a scarf to signify the capture at the end of the song. The dancers should try to imitate the animals they are playing. The dance and the tune should be slow. After all the couples have done so, the High Priestess and Priest repeat it. High Priest:

"O, I shall go into a hare With sorrow and sighing and mickle care, And I shall go in the Devil's name Aye, till I be fetched hame." High Priestess:

"Hare, take heed of a bitch greyhound Will harry thee all these fells around, For here come I in Our Lady's name All but to fetch thee hame." Coven:

"Cunning and art he did not lack But aye her whistle would fetch him back." High Priest:

"Yet I shall go into a trout With sorrow and sighing and mickle doubt, And show thee many a merry game Ere that I be fetched hame." High Priestess:

"Trout take heed of an otter lank Will harry thee close from bank to bank, For here come I in Our Lady's name All but for to fetch thee hame." Coven:

"Cunning and art he did not lack But aye her whistle would fetch him back." High Priest:

"Yet I shall go into a bee

With mickle horror and dread of thee, And flit to hive in the Devil's name Ere that I be fetched hame." High Priestess:

"Bee, take heed of a swallow hen Will harry thee close, both butt and ben, For here come I in Our Lady's name All but to fetch thee hame." Coven:

"Cunning and art he did not lack But aye her whistle would fetch him back." High Priest:

"Yet I shall go into a mouse And haste me unto the miller's house, There in his corn to have good game Ere that I be fetched hame." High Priestess:

"Mouse take heed of a white tib-cat That never was balked of a mouse or a rat, For I'll crack thy bones in Our Lady's name: Thus shall thee be fetched hame." Coven:

"Cunning and art he did not lack But aye her whistle would fetch him back." The High Priestess finally catches the High Priest at the last refrain. She drapes a scarf over his neck to signify her catching him. The Maiden and the Coven say:

"The Queen of Elphame has caught her Son who is also her Consort. They must mate so that the Earth may bear it's fruits and that man and animal may live. " The High Priest and High Priestess, and the rest of the couples in the Coven, kiss with vigor. The men should wilt and fade back to the edge of the Circle. The women gather around the unlit bonfire or the cauldron with the candle in it. The High

Priestess says:

"The Oak King is dead. He has died of his love for the Lady that the Earth may live. So has it been for year after year, since time began. But the Oak King, the God of the Waxing year, must live so the crops in the Earth can come forth. " The Coven shouts:

"Kindle the Beltane fire. May the Oak King live again. May the Earth bring forth her fruits, may the animals bear their young and the land be fruitful again." The High Priestess lights the bonfire using a taper lit from the altar candle. She then says:

"Come back to us, Oak King, that the land may be fruitful." The men gather around the fire, next to their partners, and the say in unison:

"I am the stag of seven tines; I am a wide flood on the plain; I am a wind on the deep waters; I am a shining tear of the sun; I am a hawk on a cliff; I am fair among flowers; I am a god who sets the head afire with smoke." The High Priestess and High Priest lead a ring dance around the bonfire. Start out with "A Tree Song" from Rudyard Kipling's "Weland's Sword" story in "Puck of Pook's Hill". The dance should be joyful.

"Oh, do not tell the Priest of our Art, Or he would call it sin; But we shall be out in the woods all night, Aconjuring summer in! And we bring you news by word of mouth For women, cattle and corn Now is the sun come up from the South With Oak, and Ash and Thorn!" Continue the dance with this song and/or any others that sound appropriate. This chant goes to the tune of the old folksong, "The Lincolnshire Poacher":

Come join the dance, that doth entrance,

And tread the circle round. Be of good cheer, that gather here, Upon this merry ground. Good luck to we that faithful be, And hold our craft so dear, For 'tis our delight of a shiny night, In the season of the year. Oh, 'tis our delight of a shiny night, In the season of the year. While stars do shine, we pledge the wine Unto the Gods of old, Nor shall there fail the witch wassail, Nor shall their fire grow cold. Good luck to we that faithful be, And hold our craft so dear, For 'tis our delight of a shiny night, In the season of the year. Oh, 'tis our delight of a shiny night, In the season of the year. Throughout, about and round about, By flame that burneth bright, We'll dance and sing, around the ring, At witching hour of night. Good luck to we that faithful be, And hold our craft so dear, For 'tis our delight of a shiny night, In the season of the year. Oh, 'tis our delight of a shiny night, In the season of the year. Near the end of the dance, the High Priestess should call out the name of either a person or a couple. They should then jump over the fire while making a wish. They should then rejoin the ring and another couple or person do it. When ready, stop the

dance and sit down about the fire. After a break, perform the Great Rite. The Coven, except for the High Priestess and High Priest, arrange themselves around the perimeter of the circle, man and woman alternately as far as possible, facing the center. The High Priestess and High Priest stand facing each other in the center of the circle, she with her back to the altar, he with his back to the South. The High Priest kneels before the High Priestess and gives her the Five Fold Kiss; that is, he kisses her on both feet, both knees, womb, both breasts, and the lips, starting with the right of each pair. He says, as he does this:

"Blessed be thy feet, that have brought thee in these ways. Blessed be thy knees, that shall kneel at the sacred altar. Blessed be thy womb, without which we would not be. Blessed be thy breasts, formed in beauty. Blessed be thy lips, that shall utter the Sacred Names.” For the kiss on the lips, they embrace, length to length, with their feet touching each others. When he reaches the womb, she spreads her arms wide, and the same after the kiss on the lips. The High Priestess then lays herself down, face upwards, with her arms and legs outstretched to form the Pentagram. The High Priest fetches the veil and spreads it over the High Priestess's body, covering her from breasts to knees. He then kneels facing her, with his knees between her feet. The High Priest calls a woman witch by name, to bring his athame from the altar. The woman does so and stands with the athame in her hands, about a yard to the West of the High Priestess's hips and facing her. The High Priest calls a male witch by name, to bring the chalice of wine from the altar. He does so and stands with the chalice in his hands, about a yard to the East of the High Priestess's hips and facing her. The High Priest delivers the invocation:

"Assist me to erect the ancient altar, at which in days past all worshipped; The altar of all things. For in old time, Woman was the altar. Thus was the altar made and placed, And the sacred place was the point within the center of the Circle. As we have of old been taught that the point within the center is the origin of all things, Therefore should we adore it; Therefore whom we adore we also invoke.

O Circle of Stars, Whereof our father is but the younger brother, Marvel beyond imagination, soul of infinite space, Before whom time is ashamed, the mind bewildered, and the understanding dark, Not unto thee may we attain unless thine image be love. Therefore by seed and stem, root and bud, And leaf and flower and fruit do we invoke thee, O Queen of Space, O Jewel of Light, Continuous on of the heavens; Let it be ever thus That men speak not of thee as One, but as None; And let them not speak of thee at all, since thou art continuous. For thou art the point within the Circle, which we adore; The point of life, without which we would not be. And in this way truly are erected the holy twin pillars; In beauty and strength were they erected To the wonder and glory of all men." The High Priest removes the veil from the High Priestess's body, and hands it to the woman witch, from whom he takes his athame. The High Priestess rises and kneels facing the High Priest, and takes the chalice from the man witch. (Note that both of these handings over are done without the customary ritual kiss.) The High Priest continues the invocation:

"Altar of mysteries manifold, The sacred Circle's secret point Thus do I sign thee as of old, With kisses of my lips anoint." The High Priest kisses the High Priestess on the lips, and continues:

"Open for me the secret way, The pathway of intelligence, Beyond the gates of night and day, Beyond the bounds of time and sense. Behold the mystery aright The five true points of fellowship." The High Priestess holds up the chalice, and the High Priest lowers the point of his athame into the wine. Both use both of their hands for this. The High Priest continues:

"All life is your own, All fruits of the Earth

Are fruits of your womb, Your union, your dance. Lady and Lord, We thank you for blessings and abundance. Join with us, Feast with us, Enjoy with us! Blessed Be.” Then, draw the Invoking Pentacle of Earth in the air above the plate with the athame.

"Here where Lance and Grail unite, And feet, and knees, and breast, and lip." The High Priest hands his athame to the woman witch and then places both his hands round those of the High Priestess as she holds the chalice. He kisses her, and she sips the wine; she kisses him, and he sips the wine. Both of them keep their hands round the chalice while they do this. The High Priest then takes the chalice from the High Priestess, and they both rise to their feet. The High Priest hands the chalice to a woman witch with a kiss, and she sips. She gives it to a man with a kiss. The chalice is passed around the Coven, man to woman, with a kiss each time, until the entire Coven has sipped the wine. The chalice can be refilled and any one can drink from it without repeating the ritual once the chalice has gone around once. The woman lays down her athame and passes the cakes to the man with a kiss, he passes them back with a kiss and they are passed around the Coven the same way the wine was. Be sure to save some of the wine and some cake for an offering to the Earth and the Little Folk. After the meeting, leave the offering outside of the house if working indoors, or behind in the woods or field, when you leave if you are working outdoors. The High Priestess faces East, with her athame in her hand. The High Priest stands to her right with the rest of the Coven behind them. If any tools have been consecrated, they should be held by the person furthest to the back. The Maiden stands near to the front to blow out each candle in turn. The Priestess says:

"Ye Lords of the Watchtowers of the East, ye Lords of Air; we do thank you for attending our rites; and ere ye depart to your pleasant and lovely realms, we bid you hail and farewell. Hail and farewell."

As she speaks, she draws the Banishing Pentagram of Earth in the air in front of her thus, each time: 2







The rest of the Coven copy the Pentagram and chorus in on the second hail and farewell. The Maiden blows out the candle and the Coven faces the south and the High Priestess says:

"Ye Lords of the Watchtowers of the South, ye Lords of Fire; we do thank you for attending our rites; and ere ye depart to your pleasant and lovely realms, we bid you hail and farewell. Hail and farewell." She turns to the West and says:

"Ye Lords of the Watchtowers of the West, ye Lords of Water; ye Lords of Death and Initiation; we do thank you for attending our rites; and ere ye depart to your pleasant and lovely realms, we bid you hail and farewell. Hail and farewell." She turns to the North and says:

"Ye Lords of the Watchtowers of the North, ye Lords of Earth; Boreas, thou gentle guardian of the Northern Portals; thou powerful God, Thou gentle Goddess; we do thank you for attending our rites; and ere ye depart for your pleasant and lovely realms, we bid you hail and farewell. Hail and farewell." This ends the Circle. The party following this should be a loving one. If there is a May Pole available, circle the May Pole. Beltane is also a time for forfeits. The High Priestess picks out the people and their forfeit, except the High Priest picks out the last one to play on the High Priestess. Beltane is also a time for "green wood marriages" and other unbridled sexuality and such. Beltane Needed:  Tree  Small token or charm  Candles If possible, celebrate Beltane in a forest or near a living tree. If this is impossible, bring a small tree within the circle, preferably potted; it can be of any type. Create a small token or charm in honor of the wedding of the Goddess and God to hang upon the tree. You can make several if you desire. These tokens can be bags

filled with fragrant flowers, strings of beads, carvings, flower garlands -- whatever your talents and imagination can conjure. Arrange the altar, light the candles and censer, and cast the Circle of Stones. Recite the Blessing Chant. Invoke the Goddess and God. Stand before the altar and say, with wand upraised:

“O Mother Goddess, Queen of the night and of the Earth; O Father God, King of the day and of the forest, I celebrate Your union as nature rejoices in a riotous blaze of color and life. Accept my gift, Mother Goddess and Father God, in honor of Your union.” Place the token(s) on the tree and say:

“From Your mating shall spring forth life anew; a profusion of living creatures shall cover the lands, and the winds will blow pure and sweet. O Ancient Ones, I celebrate with You!” Works of magick, if necessary, may follow. Celebrate the Simple Feast. The circle is released. Beltane Ritual Needed:  Incense  God candle  Goddess candle  Milk, juice, or spring water  2 goblets  Bell  Athame  Food Cast the Circle Call the Watchtowers as follows: East: “Soft Spring Breeze blow now forth. Greetings unto thee. In the name of the

Spring Maiden, I call your presence, Blessed Be!”

South: “Fiery Beltane fires come forth. Greetings unto thee. In the name of the Spring

Maiden, I call your presence, Blessed Be!” West: “Cool waters of stream, lake and sea , Greetings to you. In the name of the

Maiden of Spring, I call your presence, Blessed Be!” North: “Earth of green and flowers wild. Greetings unto you. in the name of the

Spring Maiden I call your presence, Blessed Be!” Return to the altar. Replace the athame. Light your chosen incense. The Goddess candle and invoke Her:

“Lovely Maiden, Mother, Wise one, Threefold Goddess be A flame within my hearts tonight That grows in energy. Thy priestess seeks thee. Fill me now, will all thy magick light. Come, my Queen, to the Beltane rite Come share my joy tonight.” Light the God candle. Invoke Him:

“Young Sun King, Horned One, Stag, Spirit wild and free Come dance with the Maiden of Spring. Come forth we welcome thee! Thy priestess waits for thee! Fill me now, with all thy magickal light. Come Young King, to our Beltane rite Come share my joy this night.” Milk, juice, or spring water should be placed in a goblet. Pour some in an offering bowl or on the ground (if out doors). Take a sip and say:

“The Goddess of Spring walks through the land with the God of the forest and the dark time of winter is behind Them.” Ring the bell seven times or tap the altar seven times with your athame and say:

“The animals breed and the plants pollinate as the May Queen and Green man bestow their blessings upon the Earth's creatures. I, who am their child rejoice with them and ask that their happy union become the example for all humanity to live in love and harmony.”

Place a dark green candle in your cauldron or middle of the altar. Light it and say:

“The dark days are cleared away that the May day can now begin.” Ring the bell three times or tap the altar three times with the athame. Spread your feet and raise your arms to the sky. Say:

“I acknowledge my needs and offer my appreciation to that which sustains me! May I ever remember the blessings of my Lord and Lady.” Place your feet together now. Take up the second goblet filled with chosen liquid in your left hand and your athame in your right hand. Slowly lower the point into the goblet and say:

“As male joins female for the benefit of both, let fruits of their union promote life. Let the Earth be fruitful and let Her wealth be spread throughout the lands.” Lay down the athame and drink from the goblet. Replace the goblet and pick up the athame. Touch it to the chosen food and say:

“This food is the blessings of the Lord and Lady given freely to me. As freely as I have received, may I also give food for the body, mind and spirit to those who seek such from me.” Eat the food and finish the drink in the goblet and say:

“As I enjoy these gifts of the God and Goddess, may I remember that without them I have nothing. So mote it be!” Close the circle. Beltane Ritual Needed:  Harp  Twigs  Torch  White sage and cedar chips  Drum  Lime or flour Note: there is no meeting dance before the ritual because the spiral dance occurs inside it. Celebrants Bard Priestess

Goddess Fire maker Priest God Bard: (harp accompaniment)

“This is the air, oh people; these are the creatures: Far-flying Goose; far-seeing Hawk; Owl who knows; Raven who talks; Crane who dances; Thrush who sings; Quail the humble; Wren the king; Lark who revels; Loon who weeps; Jay who scatters; Buzzard reaps. This is the air I conjure, and this is the birth of the world. This is the fire, oh people; these are the creatures: Drake who hoards; Kirin who gives; Angel heals; Chimera reaves; Coal the slow; lightning the quick; Salamander, power's wick; Soul who praises; Gryphon scorns; Phoenix dies and is reborn. This is the fire I conjure, and this is the birth of the world. This is the sea, oh people; these are the creatures: Whale who chants; Dolphin who speaks; Clam content; Salmon who seeks; Pike who rages; Shark who mourns; Walrus steadies; Carp transforms; Seal who gathers; Crab the lone; Otter wave-borne; Eel in stone; This is the sea I conjure, and this is the birth of the world. This is the earth, oh people; these are the creatures: Deer who worries; Boar who schemes; Cat who conjures; Sheep who dreams; Hare the playful; Brock the stern; Mouse who teaches; Horse who learns; Wolf who wanders; Bear who stays; Stag who guards; Puma who preys. This is the earth I conjure, and this is the birth of the world.

Now is the darkness. Now is the pain. Now is the fear. Now is the danger. Now is the hate. Now are the tears. Call on our mother! She is the one! Hers is the way! She will bring comfort. She will bring life. She will bring day.” Priest:

“Earth Mother, Birth Mother, Birch Mother, Sea Mother, Stone Mother, Star Mother! Queen of night and death and birth, Womb of deep and fertile earth, Dame of heaven's silver wheel, Lady of the greening field, Keeper of the apple grove, Mistress of the arts of love, Shine out in the fearsome dark -Teach us how to strike the spark. People, we can feel Her near! She is coming! She is here!” Goddess: (emerging from hiding -- should be in green, with amber and copper)

“Now the veils of worlds are thin; To move out you must move in. Let the Balefires now be made, Mine the spark within them laid. This My gift: that people meet In peace and plenty made complete. This I give: the Sacred Way, The strength, the soul, the sight, the say. Move beyond the fiery screen Between the seen and the unseen; Shed your anger and your fear, Live anew in a new year!” Fire Maker: (at each tree name, holds up twig, then binds all together into a torch)

“The Nine I sing, the Nine blessed trees Which were empowered of old: Oak, thou druid's door, open the way for us. Apple, thou knowledge-giver, break our circle of blindness. Ash, thou world-supporter, drive away ill powers. Birch, thou tree-mother, help in our healing. Hawthorn, thou branch of May, give us light and hope.

Willow, thou soul-leader, grant us safe passage. Holly, thou forest king, be our safe refuge. Hazel, thou wise-one's branch, give us true vision. Alder, thou river's love, let us flow outward. In peace let us flow outward; in power let us flow outward; in beauty let us flow outward.” The Goddess lights the torch, the Fire maker lights the two fires, which have been saturated with some flammable material, i.e. charcoal starter. White Sage and Cedar chips may be thrown thereon. Fire-Passing Chant (drum)

“Dark to light, night to day, Through the fires lies the way; Old to new, death to birth, Between the worlds to our rebirth.” Once all have passed between the fires, the Priestess says:

“Sky's Father, Wise Father, Wine Father, Sun Father, Sap Father, Song Father! Lord of forest, field and beast, Lord of harvest, hunt and feast, King of heaven's golden fire, Dancer of the soul's desire, Master of the drum and flute, Keeper of the vineyard's fruit, Shine on us and warm our souls -Teach us how to make us whole! People, we can feel Him near! He is coming! He is here!” God: (emerging from hiding, dressed in green, with leaves & horns)

“Let the light of living blaze! Dance within the spiral maze; Cry of pipe and thump of drum; Out you go and in you come! Mine the living pole of May -Outside loving starts today! This My gift: that lovers join Touching at the lip and loin. This I give: the Joyous Dance,

Music, song, the vine, the chance! Now do fear and anger cease: Dance the healing and release!” A fairly simple triple spiral should be traced on the ground in lime or flour, to give the people guidelines for dancing. The dance should go on until satiation or until the circle forms again; there is no one human focal point -- the intent should be for peace, understanding, tolerance, etc. Spiral-Dancing Chant (drum)

“Joy, health and peace be in the world That spins into the May-o, For summer is a-comin' in And winter's gone away-o.” Blessing the Food God: “Mine is the ripening sun.” Goddess: “Mine is the nurturing soil.” God: “Mine is the fruit of the vine.” Goddess: “Mine is the chalice of life.” Both: “We are the blessing of wine! And the wine blesses us.” God: “Mine is the planted seed.” Goddess: “Mine is the fertile earth.” God: “Mine is the mower's blade.” Goddess: “Mine is the oven of making.” Both: “We are the blessing of bread! And the bread blesses us.” Feasting, dancing, singing, party, etc. Some kind of grounding afterwards. Bidding the Elements Farewell Once you are finished, it is time to bid farewell to the elements. To do this, begin at the North and say:

“Generous powers of Earth, depart in peace. Many thanks for your presence.” Then face East, and say:

“Generous powers of Air, depart in peace. Many thanks for your presence.” Next, turn to the South, and say:

“Generous powers of Fire, depart in peace. Many thanks for your presence.” Then face West, and say:

“Generous powers of Water, depart in peace. Many thanks for your presence.” Birthday Ritual Needed:  Markers  6 candles  Herbs  Oils  Small crystals The Birthday Ritual: To begin with you must choose something as a “marker” for the Pentagram. This should be something small and plentiful -- every year you will add one more. You should keep in mind that this needs to be something that will stand the test of time. Plant products, such as resin (frankincense or myrrh), berries or seeds, are not a good choice. You will also need six candles, one for each point of the pentagram. The pentagram is said to represent the human form; the top point is your head, the side points your harms and the bottom points your feet. In this ritual, the pentagram represents you. A candle is placed at each point and in the middle. The color of the candle and how you bless it will depend on your wish (petition) for each point. The center candle is a general wish for the upcoming year. The top point represents what you want to receive spiritually this year. The right side point of the pentagram (keep in mind this will be to your left -- the pentagram’s right as it faces you) represents what you wish to receive this year on a material level and the left side point represents what you pledge to give on a material level. The right bottom point represents where you wish your path to lead and the bottom point represents what you pledge to leave behind you as you go. Personalize Your Ritual: Take the time to plan each wish and each candle carefully. For each individual candle, choose a specific God/Goddess and select three herbs, an oil, and a very small crystal appropriate to that particular God/Goddess as well as a petition to say for each one. By using tea light candles for this ritual, the candles can be popped out of their foil container and a pinch of each herb plush the crystal are placed beneath in the foil, the candle is anointed with oil and then returned to the foil. When done this

way, the flame gives an extra burst of energy right before it goes out. This part can be personalized however you choose to express your wishes. The type of candle you use and what elements you wish to use for each point is entirely up to you. Setting Up: Use your markers to form the outline of a pentagram -- how many you will have depends on how old you are. When determining how many you need, keep in mind that you are asking for the year ahead. For example, on your thirty-second birthday, you will be making wishes for the thirty-third year of your life; therefore you will need to use thirty-three markers. Set the markers out with the top point facing north, left is to the east and right is to the west in invoking direction -- start at the top to the right bottom point to left side point to right side point to bottom left point then back to top. Once you have laid out the markers, place your candles, petitions, offerings at the points. The Ritual: To be performed solitary! Cleanse yourself and your area; call the directions; cast your circle; call upon the God/Goddess for their blessings in your own preferred fashion. Light the candles starting with the center, then the top (be careful not to get burnt by the center candle, watch the robe sleeve), the right side, the left side, the right bottom and the left bottom. As you light each candle, state your petition (wish). Allow the candles to burn completely (Candles should burn entirely on your birthday so make sure you start early and use smaller candles -- not for seven day candles). Close the ritual and allow the candles to remain burning. Once the candles have burnt out, retain the markers for next year and toss the crystals into a river. Bottle of Desire Needed:  Blue candle  Sandalwood incense  Glass bottle  Piece of white paper (large enough to write your wish on)  Sufficient water to fill the bottle 2/3 of the way Begin by lighting your candle and incense. While the latter is being consumed, write on the paper your desire or wish. Then insert it into your bottle. Fill the bottle with water, 2/3 of the way, while pronouncing the following incantation:

“I entrust my wishes with the forces of the Universe. I put it on ice and worry no more, because they are the ones different from me who shall offer it to me. My confidence is in them and I thank them.” Stop the bottle with wax and place it in the freezer so that the water becomes ice.

Avoid thinking of your wishes, but should it enter your mind, thank the forces of the Universe and quickly think of other things. When your wish is carried out, take the bottle and throw it away, without thawing it out and especially without opening it. Calling in the Elemental Powers Facing your altar, and the North direction, stretch your arms toward the sky. Merge with the Earth element, and say:

“Guardians of the North march, Generous powers of Earth, Protect the gate of the North ward, And guard this circle and all within. Come, I summon you!” Now turn and face the East and stretch your arms toward the sky. Merge with the Air element, and say:

“Guardians of the East march, Generous powers of Air, Protect the gate of the East ward, And guard this circle and all within. Come, I summon you!” Then face the South, stretching your arms toward the sky. Merge with the Fire element, and say:

“Guardians of the South march, Generous powers of Fire, Protect the gate of the South ward, And guard this circle and all within. Come, I summon you!” Then face the West, and stretch your arms upward. Merging with the powers of Water, say:

“Guardians of the West march, Generous powers of Water, Protect the gate of the West ward, And guard this circle and all within. Come, I summon you!” Now stand in the center of your magick circle, face your altar, and say:

“Guardian spirits of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water Grant me your power and protection tonight!”

The elemental powers are now set in place. Candle Ritual for Our Country Needed:  1 red candle  1 white candle  1 blue candle In memory of those who died in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack and in support of those who are called to protect our freedom, we hope you will perform this simple ritual. If you are accustomed to casting a circle for rituals, do so, but it is not essential. Say each verse as you light the candle.

“O candle of white I give you flame Your light is that of truth and purity. As you burn, give clarity to our leaders So that they will know the right path to take. And those who face the conflict ahead Give spiritual strength, a beacon to light their way. So mote it be! O candle of red I give you flame Your light is that of strength and courage. A symbol of war, of blood and passion, Bless us with the power to face evil Without allowing evil to overcome and possess us. So mote it be! O candle of blue I give you flame Your light is that of peace and tranquility. Guide us so that our actions will lead to Peace for all who desire it. And the Earth will be safe for all its children. So mote it be!” Allow the candles to burn as you concentrate on their meaning and send positive energy to the families of the victims, the leaders of our country, and all who will take part in the trails to come. Candlemas (Imbolc) Needed:  Usual plus: white candle on left of cauldron, green candle on right

Special notes: First stirrings of Mother Earth; spring cleaning; time of cleansing and purification; preparation for growth and renewal. Cast the Circle Add a little more incense to burner:

“Mother Earth stirs from her long slumber. The fields and forests hear her whisper to awake. The creatures of her realms answer her summons. Everything waits in anticipation for spring.” Tap the altar three times gently with wand:

“This is the festival of the Maiden who gives to all the breath of life. This is a time of waxing light and receding darkness. This is the season of purification, a renewing of life. At this time and in this place between the worlds, I come into the presence of the Lord and Lady that I may gain wise and truthful counsel.” Time of silence while you ask the God and Goddess for inspiration and guidance on the future. Tap the altar three times gently with wand:

“Ancient Ones, I know my life-path is within your keeping. Only with your help and guidance can I hope to avoid any pitfalls and reach my destination safely.” Light the white candle on the left of the cauldron:

“I salute the glorious Maiden, preparer of new life out of darkness. This is her season of the year-wheel when she spreads her blessings over the land.” Light the green candle on the right of the cauldron:

“Behold, the Lord of the Forests caresses the dreaming Earth. As there is a renewal within the plants and animals, so should there be renewal in my life also.” Place wine chalice on pentacle for a second, lift it high saying:

“Make my life fertile with insight, good health, prosperity and magical power. Honor to the Old Gods! Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again!”

Drink some wine saving some to be put outside for the little people or give to the Earth. Continue on with The Simple Feast and Closing the Circle. Candlemas Ritual Needed:  A candle for each covener present  Crown of light made from three, six, or nine candles Celebrants:  Maiden (Dressed in white)  Bard/Green Man  Dark Lord (Dressed in dark clothing, and holding a dark cloak) The place of ritual should be set up, away from the gathered participants. It is more than a good idea to manage bathrooms and such like before the circle is closed. This Mystery is not something any of the participants should miss out on! The Bard should stand to the West, West unless otherwise specified in the ritual. High Priestess: “Go we now to the sacred place

And stand within the sacred space Turn your minds to sacred things And dance with me unto the ring!” High Priest and High Priestess lead the coven to the place of ritual by a spiral dance, ending in a circle around the altar. The cauldron should be at the south. The Bard/Green Man dances at the end of the line. A good song to sing here is "Lord Of The Dance." High Priestess: “Come we forth, with the Spiral Dance

Within the Lady's radiance To celebrate the Sun's rebirth To renew life, to warm the Earth Earth and Water, Fire and Air I invoke the Goddess there! This night we are Between the Worlds To celebrate the year unfurled!”

High Priest: “Earth and Water, Fire and Sky

I invoke the God on high This night we are Between the Worlds To celebrate the year unfurled!” The corners shall be called thusly, that all may hear, but shall not be called until the High Priestess reaches that corner on her circumambulation. East: “O Guardians of the Eastern Tower,

Airy ones of healing power I do summon, stir and call you See these rites and guard this circle! Come to us and heed our call! By the Power that made us all; By the Power that blesses Thee: Come to us; and Blessed Be!” South: “Oh fiery ones of Southern Power

Thus I invite you to this tower I do summon, stir and call you See these rites and guard this circle! Come to us and heed our call! By the Power that made us all; By the Power that blesses Thee: Come to us; and Blessed Be!” West: “Western ones of water's flow

Help to guard us here below I do summon, stir and call you See these rites and guard this circle! Come to us and heed our call! By the Power that made us all; By the Power that blesses Thee: Come to us; and Blessed Be!” North: “Earthen ones of Northern fame

Bless and guard our Power's fane I do summon, stir and call you

See these rites and guard this circle! Come to us and heed our call! By the Power that made us all; By the Power that blesses Thee: Come to us; and Blessed Be!” The High Priestess shall move to each corner, and say, following each corner's crying as she moves to the next: High Priestess: “So I cast and consecrate

This Circle of the small and great: By Fin and Feather, Leaf and Tree, By Rock and Earth, by Land and Sea, By Fire and Water, Earth and Air, By the Lord, and Lady Fair! By Love and Joy and Work and Play, All things harmful cast away! By lightning’s flash, and rain's soft fall, By the Power that made us all; By the Power that blesses Thee: (Cast the Circle: Blessed be!)” On her return to the first corner she shall change the last line above, and say:

“The Circle's cast; and Blessed Be!” The callers of the corners shall return their tools to the altar, and then shall join the circle at their corners. Here begins the Candlemas (Imbolc) Mystery: The Maiden shall step forth, and say: Maiden: “This is the time of Brigid, the Patron of Poets and Fire, and of Healing.” High Priestess: “This is the time of new beginnings, when the Mother has become

Maiden.” High Priest: “The days have turned, and grow longer, and the Sun-child is growing to

His strength.” Bard/Green Man: “I have been a wave upon the sea,

And a spark in the firelight. I have been a fish in the ocean. I have been a Thought within a Word, And a Word within a Deed. I was cast away, and found again. I have been made of flowers And of cold steel and brass. Fire and ice are alike unto me. I have been the narrow blade of a sword That kills without cutting. And the Void is my homeland. I have been in Caer Sidi In the Spiral Castle of Glass. And the letters on the Standing Stones Are no secret from me. I have been in Annwyn And Tir na n'Og, I have danced the Spiral Dance, And drunk from the Hierlas at daybreak. I have ridden beneath two ravens And served in the kitchen, And all places are alike unto me. I have been a child And now I come into my strength! I invoke the Land, the dear Land, the Earth our Mother!” Maiden: “The cycles of the Moon have taken their course, and I am in my

Maidenhood. The stars are kindled, and I dance in their light.” Dark Lord: “Thy home is with me thru the long months of Winter, and the Earth

shall lie fallow and bare.”

The High Priestess shall then light the candles of the Crown of Light, and shall approach the Maiden, who is now standing in the East, and place it upon her head. She shall now, in company with the Bard/Green Man, circumambulate the circle, and the coveners shall light their candles from her crown. The Bard/Green Man shall return to his normal place within the circle and the Maiden shall place the Crown of Light on the altar. The Maiden shall then approach the Dark Lord, and kneel before him, and he shall say: Dark Lord: “As it always is, always was, and always shall be. Come to my Kingdom” Here he shall place the dark cloak around her, and they shall retire to the West. Here ends the Candlemas Mystery. A normal cone-of-power may be raised, for growth and healing: High Priestess: “In a ring we all shall stand

Pass the Power, hand to hand.” High Priest: “As the Sun is given birth

Build the Power; root to Earth” High Priestess: “Pass the Power, hand to hand

Bless the Lady, bless the Land” High Priest: Priest: “Bless the Lord, and bless the Skies

Bless the Power that never dies!” The above four verses should be repeated three times, (or as many times as needed) and then the High Priestess should say: High Priestess: “By Fin and Feather, Leaf and Tree:

Let the Power flow out and free!” All should release, at this point. Such coven business as must be transacted may be done here. This is a good time to bless candles for use during the coming year. This is also a good time for initiations.

The Circle is opened. High Priestess: “Thus I release the East and West

Thanks to them from Host to Guest Thus I release the South and North With "Blessed Be' I send them forth! The Circle's open, dance we so Out and homeward we shall go. Earth and Water, Air and Fire Celebrated our desire. The Sun's returned to banish dark The Earth awakes to sunlight's spark. By Fin and Feather, Leaf and Tree, Our circle's done; and Blessed Be!” Coven: “Blessed Be!” All spiral dance out from the Circle. Cast a Circle Needed:  Compass  Athame  Bowl of salt  Wand First, use your compass to find North. Face North, and slowly spin in a clockwise circle, with your arms stretched outward. Imagine a clear blue light washing out the area as you say:

“May all evil and foulness be gone from this place. I ask this in the Lady’s name. Be gone, now and forevermore!” Use your athame to draw a circle around your magick making area. To do this, point it at the North point. Imagine a blue-white flame coming out of the tip of the blade and creating a bright circle of light. Next, purify the circle by taking a pinch of salt from the bowl, tossing it gently toward the North point, and say:

“Ayea, Ayea (Goddess)!

Ayea, Ayea (God)! Ayea, Ayea, Ayea!” After purifying the North point, repeat this process for the East, South, and West points, in that order. At each point, sprinkle a pinch of salt, and repeat:

“Ayea, Ayea (Goddess)! Ayea, Ayea (God)! Ayea, Ayea, Ayea!” Then face the altar, and say in a firm voice:

“I consecrate this circle of power to the Ancient Ones May they bless this circle with their presence Blessed be! Blessed be all who are gathered here.” When you are finished casting the circle, knock nine times on the altar with the base of your wand or your knuckles, in three series of three. Your circle is now set in place. While in the circle, always move clockwise, the direction of positivity in magick making. Cast a Circle Needed:  5 candles  Water  Salt  Incense  White cord Lay the cord around the perimeter of your temple, making sure the two ends overlap. Light the candles, beginning with the altar candle and walking deosil from the north through east, south, west and back to north, lighting the candles as you go. Seat yourself before the altar and center yourself. When you are centered, take the container of water in one hand and describe the seal of the invoking pentagram of Earth over it. Using your visualization technique, you will see the pentagram in vivid electric-blue light. Then infuse water with it. Replace the container of now-charged water and do the same with the salt. Then mix the salt into the water. This is now consecrated water. Walk the boundary of the circle, from north to north, being conscious of the understanding and the vision of what this circle is. Walk slowly so you can control the process involved in the casting of the circle.

Summon the guardian of the gate of Earth by tracing the invoking pentagram of earth with your hand at the northern compass point of your circle. Summon the guardian of Air with the relevant invoking pentagram at the eastern compass point of your circle. Do likewise for Fire at the southern point and for Water at the western point. Now take the time to sit and contemplate your place of ritual and what you have achieved. That area will not be the same once you have worked it. When you have given yourself adequate time in this manner, go to the gate of Earth and silently honor the power of that element before you describe the relevant banishing pentagram; likewise for the elements. Extinguish your altar candle and break the seal of the circle by opening the cord. To ground and center yourself after ritual, you can do one of two things: 1) stand with your legs akimbo and breathe your energy into the floor or earth, or 2) eat. Casting a Circle Needed:  4 white candles  Incense  Music Place Four White Candles at the Cardinal Directions of a four to six foot circle, light the incense and start the music. Close your eyes, and imagine a tiny light in the center of your heart chakra. The light is pure white and every time you exhale it grows larger and larger until it fills the space (above and below like a real sphere) of your designated circle. When you have finished filling your sphere, recite the following:

"Yea, This Ground Of Mortal Clay Nigh Raise the Gates To Windows Fae" Use either your right index finger, a wand or the tip of an athame blade, to define the area around your circle and bind the energy within. This action also bars any unwanted entities from entering the circle while you are working. Always begin and end at the eastern most point of the circle (the direction of the rising sun) and also

make sure to travel in a Deosil direction (clockwise). Once your circle is securely in place, carry on with any additional ritual workings you have planned. When you have completed your ritual session, simply re-define the circle, once again beginning with the east, but this time move in a Widdershins (counter-clockwise) direction. This closes the circle and allows the remaining un-used energy to disperse. Make sure to Ground and Center yourself after you have closed the circle. Casting and Releasing a Circle Circle Start at the center of the room, take a deep breath, and relax into a perfect calm. Then walk to the north of the room and hold your dominant hand out, index finger pointing out and down. As you begin to walk clockwise, imagine a barrier springing from your finger, saying:

"I conjure thee, O great circle of power, So that you will be for me a boundary Between the world of men and the mighty spirits, A meeting place of perfect love, trust, peace, and joy Containing the power I will raise within thee. I call upon the guardians of the North, the East, the South, and the West To aid me in this consecration. In the name of the Lord and the Lady Thus I do conjure thee, O great circle of power!" By the time you finish saying the words, you will have walked the circle three times. Now walk to the North quarter, pound your hand on the ground, and say:

"As above, so below, this circle is sealed!" To release the circle, walk counterclockwise, starting from the West, moving South, East, then North, drawing the energy back into your finger. When you reach the West again, pound the ground with your hand and say:

"This circle is open, but never broken. So mote it be! We are the people, we are the power, And we are the change! Merry meet and merry part, Until we merry meet again!" Casting the Circle Needed:

 Dagger or sword (optional)  Wand  Chalice  Pentacle  Salt  Incense  White or red candle  Black or green candle  Red or yellow candle  Blue or grey candle  Cup of wine  Bread or cake While drawing the circle with dagger, sword or forefinger of power hand say:

“I consecrate this circle of power to the Ancient Gods. Here may they manifest and bless their child.” Move back to altar, face east. Raise dagger or wand in greeting, say:

“This is a time that is not a time, in a place that is not a place, on a day that is not a day. I stand at the threshold between the worlds, before the veil of the Mysteries. May the ancient ones help and protect me on my magical journey.” Set water chalice on pentacle, hold dagger over it, say:

“Great Mother, bless this creature of Water to your service. May I always remember the cauldron waters of rebirth.” Hold dagger over the salt, say

“Great Mother, bless this creature of Earth to your service. May I always remember the blessed Earth, its many forms and beings.” Sprinkle a little salt into the water, hold chalice up high, say:

“Great Mother, I give you honor!” Beginning in east moving clockwise, sprinkle salt/water around edges of circle. Replace chalice on altar.

Hold dagger over lighted incense burner, say:

“Great Father, bless this creature of Fire to your service. May I always remember the sacred Fire that dances within the form of every creation.” Hold dagger over incense, say:

“Great Father, bless this creature of Air to your service. May I always listen to the spirit winds that bring me the voices of the Ancient Ones.” Put a little incense on lighted burner. Touch burner to pentacle, lift it high, say:

“Great Father, I give you honor!” Carry burner around circle clockwise, beginning in east. Return it to altar. Go to Eastern corner, light red/yellow candle, hold hand up in greeting:

“I call upon you, Powers of Air, to witness this rite and to guard this circle.” In southern corner, light white/red candle, hold hand up in greeting:

“I call upon you, Powers of Fire, to witness this rite and guard this circle.” In west, light grey/blue candle, hold hand up in greeting:

“I call upon you, Powers of Water, to witness this rite and guard this circle.” In north, light black/green candle, hold hand up in greeting:

“I call upon you, Powers of Earth, to witness this rite and guard this circle.” Move back to altar, face east. Raise arms in greeting

“This circle is bound, With power all around. Between the worlds, I stand, With protection at hand.” (Insert spell work or ritual ceremony here!)

When done continue on:

“By the powers of the Ancient Gods,

I bind all power within this circle Into this spell. So mote it be.” Celebrate the simple feast -- hold cup of wine up to sky

“Gracious Goddess of Abundance, Bless this wine and infuse it with Your love. In Your names, Mother Goddess and Father God, I bless this wine.” Hold up plate of cakes or bread to sky

“Powerful God of the Harvest, Bless these cakes and infuse them with Your love. In Your names, Mother Goddess and Father God, I bless these cakes.” Closing The Circle When ready to end ritual, go to east, extinguish red/yellow candle, say:

“Depart in peace, O Powers of Air. My thanks and blessings.” In south, extinguish white/red candle, say:

“Depart in peace, O Powers of Fire. My thanks and blessings.” In west, extinguish grey/blue candle, say:

“Depart in peace, O Powers of Water. My thanks and blessings.” In north, extinguish black/green candle, say:

“Depart in peace, O Powers of Earth. My thanks and blessings.” Cut circle backwards with dagger or sword to release all remaining traces of power for manifestation, say:

“The circle is open, yet ever it remains a circle. Around and through me always flows its magical power.” Casting the Circle Needed:  Compass  Wand Remove all animals and small children from the area and any furniture that you do not want to be inside your circle.

Set up your altar before you cast the circle. Locate magnetic north with a compass and, holding the wand out from your body, go into alpha and see the wand's aura extending out from it, especially at the tip. Visualize the tip of the wand creating a circle of light and energy, like a laser, as you walk clockwise three times around the area. The circumference drawn by the wand's tip will be the edge of your circle. Project white light out from the wand to create the circle of energy. In your mind see the circle as geometrically perfect and say to yourself that it is. Walk the circle the second time around and say out loud:

"I cast this circle to protect me from all negative and positive energies and forces on any level that may come to do me harm. I draw into this circle only the energies and forces that are right for me and the most correct for my work." Walk the circle the third time and say:

"I create sacred space. So mote it be." Invoke the four directions and the energies of the elements, angels, and powers that reside in them by using the athame, wand, sword, or index finger to draw an invoking pentagram as you face each direction. Use a ritual spell of invocation or one you write for yourself. To open a circle hold the wand out over the circumference of the circle and, beginning at magnetic north, walk once around the circle counterclockwise as you say:

"I send this circle into the cosmos to do my bidding. The circle is undone but not broken." Casting the Circle Needed:  6 candles  Music  Altar tools  Incense Set up Place a candle in each of the four cardinal directions. Lay the rest of the tools on the altar cloth or near it. The altar can be on the ground, a table, a rock or a stump. The altar should be in the center or just north of center of the Circle. Light the six candles and the incense, start the music and begin the ritual.

The Ritual Facing North, the High Priest and Priestess kneel in front of the altar with him to her right. She puts the bowl of water on the altar, places the point of her athame in it and says:

"I exorcise thee, O Creature of Water, that thou cast out from thee all impurities and uncleanliness of the world of phantasm; in the names of Cernunnos and Aradia" She then puts down her athame and holds up the bowl of water in both hands. The High Priest puts the bowl of salt on the altar, puts his athame in the salt and says:

"Blessings be upon this Creature of Salt; let all malignity and hindrance be cast forth hence, and let all good enter herein; wherefore so I bless thee, that thou mayest aid me, in the names of Cernunnos and Aradia." He then puts down his athame and pours the salt into the bowl of water the High Priestess is holding. The High Priest then stands with the rest of the Coven outside the Circle. The High Priestess then draws the Circle with the sword, leaving a gap in the Northeast section. While drawing the Circle, she should visualize the power flowing into the Circle from off the end of the sword. She draws the Circle in a East to North or deosil or clockwise direction. She says:

"I conjure thee, O Circle of Power, that thou beest a meeting place of love and joy and truth; a shield against all wickedness and evil; a boundary between men and the realms of the Mighty Ones; a rampart and protection that shall preserve and contain the power that we shall raise within thee. Wherefore do I bless thee and consecrate thee, in the names of Cernunnos and Aradia." The High Priestess lays down the sword and admits the High Priest with a kiss while spinning him deosil and whispers: "Bless Be". He then admits a women the same way. Alternate male female male. Then the High Priestess finishes closing the Circle with the sword. She then names three witches to help strengthen the Circle. The first witch carries the bowl of consecrated water from East to East going deosil, sprinkling the perimeter as she/he goes. They then sprinkle each member in turn. If the witch is male, he sprinkles the High Priestess last who then sprinkles him. If female she sprinkles the High Priest last, who then sprinkles her. The bowl is replaced on the altar. The second witch takes the incense burner around the perimeter and the third takes one of the altar candles. While going around the perimeter, each person says:

"Black spirits and white, Red spirits and grey,

Harken to the rune I say. Four points of the Circle, weave the spell, East, South, West, North, your tale tell. East is for break of day, South is white for the noontide hour, In the West is twilight grey, And North is black, for the place of power. Three times round the Circle's cast. Great ones, spirits from the past, Witness it and guard it fast." All the Coven pickup their athames and face the East with the High Priest and Priestess in front, him on her right. The High Priestess says:

"Ye Lords of the Watchtowers of the East, ye Lords of Air; I do summon, stir, and call you up to witness our rites and to guard the Circle." As she speaks she draws the Invoking Pentagram of Earth in the air with her athame. The High Priest and the rest of the Coven copy her movements with their athames. The High Priestess turns and faces the South and repeats the summoning:

"Ye Lords of the Watchtowers of the South, ye Lords of Fire; I do summon, stir and call you up, to witness our rites and to guard the Circle." She does the same pentagram and then faces West and says:

"Ye Lords of the Watchtowers of the West, ye Lords of Water, ye Lords of Death and Initiation; I do summon, stir, and call you up, to witness our rites and to guard the Circle." She faces North with rest of the Coven and says:

"Ye Lords of the Watchtowers of the North, ye Lords of Earth; Boreas, thou gentle guardian of the Northern Portals; thou powerful God and gentle Goddess; we do summon, stir and call you up, to witness our rites and to guard the Circle." The Circle is completed and sealed. If anyone needs to leave, a gate must be made. Using the sword, draw out part of the Circle with a widdershins or counterclockwise stroke. Immediately reseal it and then repeat the opening and closing when the person returns. Cauldron Ritual to Move On

Needed:  Cauldron  Spring water  Your favorite skin-safe magickal oil  White rose petals  New wooden spoon  13 white votive candles  White taper candle with what is lost inscribed on it  Box of tissue  1 yard each thin red, white and black ribbons  Black cloth Cast a magick circle and call the quarters. Place the cauldron and all supplies in the center of the circle. Surround the cauldron with the thirteen unlit candles. As you lay out the candles, say:

“The first for the blessings of Spirit. The second for combined energy of the Lord and Lady. The third for the unity of the sacred triad. The fourth for love that never dies. The fifth for all of the elements -- earth, air, water, fire, and Spirit. The sixth to honor memories past. The seventh for the safe journey forward and changes I will encounter. The eighth to build for the future. The ninth to grant all wishes. The tenth for endings free to pain. The eleventh to master all fear. The twelfth to bring happiness near. The thirteenth to dispel all evil. So mote it be.” Tie the ribbons onto the handle of the spoon, saying:

“Red for the blood of life, white for the purity of Spirit, black to repel all negativity.” Pour the water into the cauldron, saying:

“Water cleanses and renews. Water washes away pain and sorrow. Water blesses and creates harmony.” With the oil, draw a pentacle on your forehead, then put three drops into the water. Stir the water three times with the spoon in a clockwise direction, saying:

“Once for love, twice for joy, three times for harmony. The cauldron is blessed.” Add the rose petals to the water, then stir the water with the spoon in a clockwise

direction three times, repeating:

“Once for love, twice for joy, three times for harmony.” Recite the Charge of the Star Goddess, which invokes the energy of deity, as you hold your hands over the cauldron. Once finished, light the candles, one at a time, remarking again what each is for. Light the taper candle and say:

“Bring forth, Great Lady, a new day, a time of laughter and joy, a time of happiness and love. May the blessings of Spirit be ever upon me now, and in times to come. So mote it be.” If you are in an area where the burning candles can safely remain lit, you can let them burn out. If this is not the case, then, with the back of the spoon, snuff each of the candle, again repeating what they are for. Allow the inscribed candle to burn completely. Thank deity, release the quarters, release the circle, and pour the water outside of your property. If you had to put out the candles, wrap them and the spoon in black cloth. Place under your bed. If this has been a particularly bad time for you, repeat the ritual with the same materials in thirty days. If you have done this ritual as a gift for someone else, give them the spoon with instructions for its safekeeping. Ceremony of Remembrance Needed:  Bell (or drum)  Candle (person’s favorite color)  8 votive candles  Needfire candle  Deceased’s favorite flowers  Picture  Cauldron  Bottle of holy water  Person’s favorite drink and food  Box of tissues  Music  White clothing  Illuminator candles (optional) When to Perform: When the moon is in Pisces, during a Jupiter, Venus or moon hour, or on Monday, Thursday or Friday Preparation: Cleanse the room with the four elements and set the altar with your choice of tools.

Set the cauldron in the center of the circle or the altar. Place the flowers, candle, to the deceased, fire candle, picture, and food on your altar or a table. Place the votive candles in their appropriate places around the room, or you can place everything on a large table, turning the table itself into the altar. Devote the altar through prayer, light the fire candle, then mix the energies on the altar with your hands. Seal with an equal-armed cross. The Ritual: Light the illuminator candles. Cast your magick circle and call in the quarters. If there are others in the room, stand in a circle holding hands. Invoke the Lord and Lady using any invocation you wish. Stand in front of the picture, and say:

“As the sacred Wheel of the Year spins slowly, blessing us with the gifts of transformation, so does the cycle of life, death, and rebirth also turn, allowing us to fulfill our destiny.” Say the person’s name three times loudly. Then say:

“Even though you have gone beyond the veil, we know that we can send these blessings to you.” Light each of the sabbat candles, repeating the name of the sabbat aloud, and then saying a gift that you are sending to the loved one -- such as love, peace, harmony, rest, happiness, safe journey, ect -- with the flame of that candle, with the following procedure: Light the Yule candle from the fire candle. Carry the fire candle clockwise around the circle and place on the altar. Stand in front of the Yule candle and give the Yule blessing (below), then light the Candlemas candle from the Yule candle. Carry the Yule candle around the circle in a clockwise direction and replace in the Yule position. Stand in front of the Candlemas candle, give the blessing, then move to the Ostara candle, and so on. In this way each sabbat candle is lit from the last, beginning with Yule and moving around the circle in a clockwise direction, which builds the energy to send to the deceased. Blessing might include: Yule: May the love of the divine be with you. Candlemas: May your guide light your journey. Ostara: May you find joy in your rebirth. Beltane: May you receive our love and blessings. Midsummer: May you find wisdom and empowerment. Lammas: May you find forgiveness for all things. Mabon: May you be purged of all unhappiness. Samhain: May you rest in peace.

Pick up the Samhain candle and stand before the altar. In your own way, ask Spirit to carry your blessings to the individual. In the case of a pet, you might also ask that the spiritual caretaker of animals also be present to ensure the safety of the animal’s spirit. Say the deceased’s name three times, then light the pillar candle in front of their picture with the Samhain candle, and envision all the energy and blessings built into the ritual being released into their arms. If you wish to move the deceased individual into the realm of your personal ancestral dead, you will now make the first offering by verbally listing your linage and adding the person’s name to the list. Each time you say a person’s name, you will sprinkle holy water into the cauldron. If you do not wish to add them to your ancestral pantheon, you will state the names of your ancestors but you will not add the deceased person’s name -- you will say their name later. If you are facilitating this ceremony for someone else, they need to give you a list of beloved friends and family who have passed away. It is this list you would intone during this potion of the ritual. The litany might go as follows:

I honor my great grandfather, (name). I honor my great grandmother, (name). I honor my great grandfather, (name). I honor my great grandmother, (name). I honor my grandmother, (name). I honor my grandmother, (name). I honor my uncle, (name). I honor my pet, (name). I honor the Lord and Lady. May they continue to bless the living as well as the dead. Add the deceased’s favorite drink to the cauldron, honoring the newly deceased (this would be the second time you said their name if you added them to the ancestral pantheon). For example: I honor my friend, Randy Boyer. May Spirit carry this act of

honor to him. So mote it be. When you are finished, thank Spirit, release the quarters, and then release the circle. Lay the food and flowers outside. Pour the contents of the cauldron on the ground. If you can, allow the candle(s) to burn completely, if not, snuff them out. Circle Casting Needed:  Athame or wand  Incense  Bell

Stand in front of your altar with your athame or wand raised above your head. Ground and center to relax and become focused. Say:

"I conjure ye, o circle of power, so that you can be for me a boundary between the worlds of men and the realm of the mighty spirits. A meeting place of trust, love, and joy, containing the power I raise herein." Now go to the north side of the circle. Walk around the boundary three times with your athame or wand. Visualize a white energy or light coming from the tip to energize the circle and form a sphere of protection around you. Return to the altar. Light the incense. Let the smoke fill your circle and visualize it cleansing the atmosphere. Say:

"The circle is cast. I am between the worlds, beyond the bounds of time. Where night and day, birth and death, joy and sorrow meet as one." Go to the Eastern quarter of the circle. Raise your arms high in salute. Say:

"Hail to the Guardians of the Watchtower of the East. By the air that is Her breath, send forth your light. Be here now." Trace an invoking pentagram in the air (an invoking pentagram starts at the top point and moves to the bottom left point). Now move to the South. Say:

"Hail to the Guardians of the Watchtower of the South. By the fire that is Her spirit, send forth your flame. Be here now." Trace an invoking pentagram in the air. Now move to the West. Say:

"Hail to the guardians of the Watchtower of the West. By the waters of Her living womb, send forth your flow. Be here now." Trace an invoking pentagram in the air. Now move to the North. Say:

"Hail to the Guardians of the Watchtowers of the North. By the Earth that is Her body, send forth your strength. Be here now." Trace an invoking pentagram." Return to the altar. Say:

"Welcome all kind and wonderful spirits. The circle is cast. Let the ritual begin!" Now perform the ritual you came before the Gods to do. Here is one way to close the circle. Take the athame or wand from the altar. Walk counterclockwise around near the boundary. Draw the circle's energy into the tool. When all is absorbed, return to the altar, ring the bell once or tap the altar and say:

"Let the circle now be open. Thank you wonderful spirits, Mother and Father for attending my circle. May we all go in peace and love. Blessed Be!" Circle Casting Needed:  Broom  Incense  Something to represent Earth  Something to represent Air  Something to represent Fire  Something to represent Water  Athame or wand Clean the space physically with your broom or even a vacuum. Purify by burning incense. As you purify, visualize all the negative and disturbing energies leaving your sacred space. The altar should face the North (the direction of Earth, representing the Goddess) or East (the direction of the rising sun and represents the God). At each of the for Watchtowers, place some sort of mark or object. North is Earth (bowl of salt, a crystal, or bowl of soil). East is Air (incense, flowers or a feather). South is Fire (red or orange candle, obsidian stone). West is water (a bowl of water or shell). Take your athame or wand to the North. Trace the outline of the circle. Visualize energy extending out to the circle boundary. Do this three times. Say as you trace:

"I cast this circle to protect me from outside influences. I charge this circle to draw in only loving and helping vibrations. I create sacred space." When you return to the North, face towards your circle's barrier. Raise your athame or wand. Say:

"God, Goddess, and Guardians of the North. Powers of the Earth, I call you to attend my circle." Move to the East. Raise your wand or athame. Say:

"God, Goddess, and Guardians of the East. Powers of the Air, I call you to attend my circle." Move to the South. Raise your wand or athame. Say:

"God, Goddess, and Guardians of the South. Power of Fire, I call you to attend my circle." Move to the West. Raise your wand or athame and say:

"God, Goddess, and Guardians of the West. Powers of Water, I call you to attend my circle." Return to the altar and proceed with ritual work. Circle Casting and Closing Casting Starting in the Center, then walking:

"This night, this night, Every night and all; Power and might of dark and light, Come answer to our call." East (Air):

"Queen Above, Below as well, Every night and all; Listen as we strike your bell, Come answer to our call." Walking to South:

"Silver Huntress of the night, Every night and all; Put the evil ones to flight, Come answer to our call." South (Fire):

"Lord of Lust, warrior fell, Every night and all; Lend Your aid unto the spell, Come answer to our call." Walking to West:

"Golden Starlord of the Flame, Every night and all; Your children from You warding claim, Come answer to our call." West (Water):

"Ancestors beneath the seas, Every night and all; Guard your sacred mysteries, Come answer to our call." Walking to North:

"Ye who to the Gods are bound, Every night and all;

Make the circle strong and sound, Come answer to our call." North (Earth):

"Midnight sun and midday moon, Every night and all; Harken to the ancient tune, Come answer to our call." Walking to East:

"East and South, then West and North, Every night and all; Your people sing to call ye forth, Come answer to our call." Turning in the Center:

"By fertile Earth, blue Water fair, Every night and all; By rushing Fire, and whirling Air, Come answer to our call. By Your sacred names revealed, Every night and all; Your circle now is cast and sealed, Come answer to our call." Closing Turning in the Center:

"This night, this night, Ye answered to our call; Power and might of dark and light -- Farewell unto ye all! Lady of the Moon and Lord of the Sun, Ye answered to our call; Our thanks to Thee, our magic's done. Farewell unto ye all! Earth and water, fire and air, Ye answered to our call; We bless thee for thy love and care. Farewell unto ye all! Merry meet and merry part, Ye answered to our call; In love and trust, by magic's art. Farewell unto ye all! This night, this night, Ye answered to our call; Power and might of dark and light -- Farewell unto ye all!" Cleanse a Sacred Space Needed:  Besom  Bowl of water  Bowl of salt  Incense With your besom, sweep out the negative energy, and don’t forget to sweep the corners. While you sweep, say:

“Sweep, sweep with this broom All bad out of this room Sweep, sweep all good in The bad to never return again.” Once you have swept out all the negative energy, you need to consecrate the area. To do this, walk around the room in a circle three times. Each time, carry a representation of an element -- first Water, then Earth, then Fire and Air -- from your altar. First take your bowl of water and walk deosil around the circle. As you walk, say:

“I walk the circle once around To cleanse and consecrate this ground.” Then pick up your bowl of salt. As you walk deosil around the circle say:

“I walk the circle once again. Between the worlds all time can bend.” When you are finished with your second tour around the circle, pick up your censer, which should have smoldering incense in it. As you walk deosil around the circle for the third and final time, say:

“I walk the circle thrice this time For the protection of the Lord and Lady are mine.” Cleansing and Consecrating Your Sacred Space and Tools Needed:  Besom  2 illuminator candles  Chalice with holy water  Lighter  1 silver candle  1 birthday candle  A 4 inch diameter pentacle  Small bow of earth  4 element candles (red, blue, brown, yellow)  Sage incense  Black cloth  Tools  Scented oil After you have gathered all the necessary items, place everything on the altar and cover them with the black cloth until you are ready to use them.

Take a shower or relaxing bath with scented oil. Choose clothing that is non-restrictive or you can perform the ritual sky-clad. When you are nearly ready to begin, place each of the element candles at the appropriate compass points. Place the silver candle on the altar. Stand before your altar. Breathe deeply. Light the illuminator candles with the lighter or birthday candle. Circle the room in a clockwise direction and light each element candle. Pick up your broom and sweep the circle as you walk inside in a clockwise manner. Repeat:

“Sweep, sweep, sweep this place By Powers of Air, I cleanse this space.” Shut your eyes and feel the element of air move within the circle. Return to the altar and pick up the silver candle. Light it from the illuminator candle on the left, walk around the inside of the circle in a clockwise manner, and say:

“Light, light, I light this place By Powers of Fire, I cleanse this space.” Concentrate on the fire energy entering and flowing around the circle. Return to the altar and pick up the chalice of holy water. As you walk clockwise inside the circle, sprinkle the water with the fingers of your right hand and say:

“Liquid, liquid, I wash this place By Powers of Water, I cleanse this space.” Feel the element of water flow in a clockwise direction around the circle. Return to the altar and pick up the bowl of earth. Walk clockwise around the circle, sprinkle the earth, and say:

“Dirt, dirt, as I walk this place Powers of Earth, cleanse this space.” Feel the element of earth bring her gifts to the circle. Return the bowl of earth to the altar and move to the center of the circle. In the Goddess position, say:

“Spirit, spirit, fill this place Powers of the Divine, consecrate this space!”

Feel the power of the Goddess and God enter yourself and your sacred space. Say:

“I now direct the energy of the Universe to forever fill and bless this place.” Feel the energy raise from your body and meld with the Universe. When the energy begins to dissipate, turn back to the altar. Lay your hands upon the altar and say:

“This altar is dedicated to the Lord and Lady of light. May it serve me well.” Stand before the altar and pick up the first item to be consecrated. Imagine a glowing gold light from the heavens spotlighting the item. Pass the item over the incense and say:

“I cleanse and consecrate this (item) for positive means. All negativity is removed from it in any time and space.” Repeat this process through the remaining three elements. Pass it through the flame, sprinkle it with water and finally with the earth element. Now, lay the item down on top of your pentacle. Form a triangular opening with your hands. Imagine a silver orb in the opening of your hands. Let it glow brighter and brighter. Raise the energy from your body and gently push it out between your hands and into the silver orb. With your mind, lower the orb onto the item and let it be encompassed. When the energy dissipates, say:

“By the Will of the Lord and Lady I have empowered this (item). May their blessings shine upon and through it always.” “By the Free Will of All And with harm to none As I will So shall it be done!” When you are finished, clean up the area and store away all tools and implements that you have used. Take the reaming earth and Holy Water and pour it outside on the ground, and say:

“I thank thee for the use of thy Powers.” Cleansing Ritual Needed:  A tub to draw a bath.  A white candle  Essential Oil of Myrrh  Essential Oil of Frankincense

 Sea Salt (fine, bath salts) This ritual is a self cleansing ritual. It was designed to cleans the body, mind & spirit of residual negativity after being involved in magickal battles (specifically, exorcism). Preparations: Place the white candle so that it's light can shine upon you when you are in the tub. Mix nine drops Myrrh and three drops Frankincense into 1/8 cup sea salt. Be certain that you will not be disturbed for at least twenty minutes, preferably an hour. Shut off the phone ringers, etc. Ritual: Invoke your sacred space. (using what means is appropriate for your practice) Light the candle. Recite the following:

“Spirits of Fire do I call upon thee. Send thy divine fire and burn through the darkness. Shed thy light upon me and clear the shadows of my soul.” Draw a bath of hot (or the warmest you can comfortably get into) water and recite the following:

“Oh spirits of water do I call upon thee. Enter this sacred space and lend me thy cleansing powers. From the waters we come and to water we return.” As the tub fills (about half way), sprinkle the salt into the waters. Recite the following:

“Oh spirits of earth do I call upon thee. Ground and disperse all that is not of light. Mix with me and cleans me of the weight of darkness.” Once filled, settle into the tub. Relax and feel the light and warmth. Breath in the vapors of the oils and recite the following:

“Oh spirits of ear do I call upon thee. Thou art my breath and my life. Let me breath in thy light and release the smoke of darkness.” Breath and feel the energy about and within you. Feel the light of fire burning away that which clings to you. Let the water's warmth wash through you, and lift away the darkness. Feel the salt cling to the darkness and ground it for you. Feel your lungs fill with light and carry out the fog of darkness as you exhale.

Remain in the bath till you feel that all the darkness that will release has left you. Stand, or kneel, and pull the plug from the tub. As the water drains, recite the following:

“As we come from the waters so shall we return. Oh earth and water, take from here the darkness. Disperse it and ground it. Let it weigh upon me no more.” Dry off. Put out the candle. Thank the divine and the spirits & open your sacred space. Closing the Circle Needed:  Athame  Wand Once the rite is ending, face North, hold the wand up and say:

"Farewell, Spirit of the North. I give thanks for your presence here. Go in power and love." Repeat this at each point. When done, take your athame and go to the North. Pierce the energy field of the circle and bring the power into the athame. When you return to the North, the circle is no more. Closing the Circle Draw a banishing pentagram while standing in the center of the circle. Say:

"Guardians of the East, South, West, and North. Powers of Earth, Air, Fire and Water I thank you for joining in my circle and I ask for your blessings as you depart. May peace be between us now and forever. Blessed Be!" Consecrate Consecrate Your Grimoire Needed:  Yellow candle  Frankincense incense  Your grimoire/book of shadows Light a yellow candle and call upon Sophia, the embodiment of holy wisdom, to

guide you. Burn frankincense upon your altar. Hold the book slightly opened over the rising smoke, allowing it to drift through the pages. Turn the pages slowly and gently, letting the sacred smoke waft throughout your new book of shadows. Speak the following words, or improvise your own:

"Blessed be this instrument of art, by my hand (or human hands) you were made, By magick, be now changed! No more an ordinary book in my eyes But a grimoire dedicated to the Craft of the Wise. By all the power of three time three, As I will so mote it be." Hold the book on your right hand and place your left hand on top of the book and imagine all of the changes and lessons yet to come. Imagine all the witches you know of and admire, both contemporary and historical, all those who are older and younger than you. Picture yourself in the middle of a growing circle. To your left are those who are older, to your right are those who are younger. To the left of the elders are those who have passed on. Picture the circle growing as you imagine the lives of all witches who have gone before you. To the right of those who are younger, imagine the cycle of life continuing, extending outward to encompass all of those yet to be born. Recognize your place in the spiral of time and this task that you have chosen. See yourself within the context of humanity and companionship. When the image is clear in your mind, speak these words aloud:

"Wisdom of the ages Be with me here now. Sacred book of changes This promise I vow: To honor those who have gone before To preserve the secrets, legends, and lore To hold my place in the spiral of time Contained within my sacred grimoire." Consecrating a Sword or Athame Needed:

 Sword/athame  Pentacle  Consecrated salt and water  Incense Lay sword (or athame) on pentacle, preferably by, and touching, another, consecrated, weapon. Asperge them with consecrated salt and water, then woman pick up the weapon to be consecrated and passes it through the incense smoke and replace it on the pentacle. Lay your right hand upon the weapon and press down, saying:

"I conjure thee, O Sword (Athame), by these Names, Abrahach, Abrach, Abracadabra, that thou servest me for a strength and defense in all magical operations against all mine enemies, visible and invisible. I conjure thee anew by the Holy Name Aradia and by the Holy Name Cernunnos; I conjure thee, O Sword (Athame), that thou servest me for a protection in all adversities; so aid me now!" Again asperge, and cense, and the weapon is returned to the pentacle, saying:

"I conjure thee, O Sword (Athame) of Steel, by the Great Gods and Gentle Goddesses, by the virtue of the heavens, of the stars and of the spirits who preside over them, that thou mayest receive such virtue that I may obtain the end I desire in all things wherein I shall use thee, by the power of (goddess) and (god)." Immediately use it to recast the Circle, but without words. Consecrating Your Athame Needed:  Athame  Magnet  Wine  Holy water  Chalice  Vial of personal oil  5 candles  Incense  Wand  Pentacle Do not eat a heavy meal for quite a while before this rite. Light the candles and the incense, and seat yourself before your altar to center yourself. When you are focused, cast your circle as you have been taught. Then go to the gate of the Earth, raise your arms, and summon the powers:

“Come ye, of the Northern Winds,

Place of storms and the deepest Night, Place of silence most profound, Guard this circle set outside of Time. Acknowledge the purpose of this Rite! Open for me the Gate of Earth!” You will then describe the seal of the invoking pentagram of Earth. Walk deosil to the gate of Air, raise your arms, and summon the powers:

“Come ye, of the East Winds, Place of first Sun and rise of Moon, Place of Inspiration, Guard this circle set outside of Time. Acknowledge the purpose of this Rite! Open for me the Gate of Air!” Cast the seal of the invoking pentagram of Air. Walk deosil to the gate of Fire, raise your arms, and summon the powers:

“Come ye, of the Southern Winds, Place of the highest Sun, Place of Creation manifest, Guard this circle outside of Time. Acknowledge the purpose of this Rite! Open for me the Gate of Fire!” Go deosil to the western gate, raise your arms, and summon:

“Come ye, of the West Winds, Place of the setting Sun, Home of the Island Remembered, Place of Wisdom; Guard this circle set outside of Time. Acknowledge the purpose of this Rite! Open for me the Gate of Water!” Describe the invoking pentagram of Water. You are then to take the consecrated water and sprinkle it, deosil, around the perimeter of the circle. Return to your altar.

Take up your dagger and wipe it all over with consecrated water; hold it tightly to your body; fully will your power into it! You will then kiss your athame on both sides of the blade and the hilt. To cause your athame to awaken to the powers of Earth, you will place the athame on the pentacle, raise it up, and say, slowly:

“By the Dance And in the Darkness By the Door and by the Drum By Enchantment The Eye of Midnight, The Inner Shield I bid thee come!” Wait until you sense the field, then say:

“The Element of Earth infuse my Blade!” To cause it to awaken the powers of Air, refuel the censer, hold your athame in the smoke, and slowly say:

“By the Bridge that spans the River; By the Book -- the Shadow Tome; By the Breath, the Sword of Wisdom, By Tuatha‘n Bow I bid thee come!” Wait until you sense them, and then say:

“Element of Air infuse my Blade!” To cause your athame to awaken to the powers of Fire, you will hold it with the blade passing in and out of the flame of the altar candle and slowly say:

“By the Seed beneath the Snow; By the Finger of the Flame; By the Forge, the power of Shaping; By Stellar Fire I bid thee come!” Wait until you sense them, then say:

“The Element of Fire infuse my Blade!” To awaken your athame to the powers of Water, place the tip of your athame into the consecrated Water and slowly say:

“By the Queen of Ancient Magick! By the Rainbow in the Storm! By the Lake, the Isle Remembered! By Sea of Space I bid thee come!” Wait until you feel them infuse your dagger, and say, lastly:

“The Element of Water infuse my Blade!” For the consecration to be complete you are to do two more things: 1) With much passion and focus, place the tip of your athame into the chalice of wine and charge it with the concept of conjunction (symbolic sacred sexual union.) Place your athame in your lap wile you drink from the cup. 2) Gently oil the blade with your specially prepared oil. Take your athame, go deosil around your circle honoring each element in their turn, and using your will, extended through the blade, describe each banishing pentagram. Extinguish the candles. Open the circle by drawing the energy of the force field into the blade of your athame. Then place the point into the ground to discharge it into the earth. Put all your ritual things away before you do anything -- then have something to eat to ground yourself. Consecrating Your Magick Tools Needed:  Tool  Sage and cedar smudge stick  Sandalwood incense  Salt/earth  A candle  Water  Scented oil When you get a new tool, first smudge it thoroughly with a sage and cedar smudge stick to clear out any unwanted energies. To consecrate your new tool, bless it with the elements of Earth (salt/soil), Air (incense), Fire (flame), Water, and Spirit (scented oil). Actually apply the element to the tool. Sprinkle the salt on the tool, then pass it through incense smoke, a candle flame, sprinkle it with water, and rub it with scented oil. Then hold the tool in your

hands and present it to each of the for directions, moving in a clockwise circle. Next, face the altar, and say:

“I charge this tool by the Ancient Ones, By the divine powers of the Goddess and God, By the powers of the sun, moon, planets, and stars By the powers of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, May I attain all that I desire through this tool. Charge and bless this tool with your power Old Ones! Blessed be! As I will, so shall it be!” A more elaborate way to consecrate your tools and other items used in magick is by merging deeply with the divine energies of the Goddess and God, and blessing the tools with the elemental qualities they correspond to, be it Earth, Air, Fire, or Water. 

To consecrate the bowl, fill it with salt or earth, hold it upward toward the North point of your magick circle, and say:

“Generous and Divine powers of earth, Fill this tool with your sacred energy. I ask this in the name of the Goddess and God, Blessed be! As I will, so shall it be!” 

To consecrate your incense censor, put incense in it, light it, and then hold it upward toward the East point of your magick circle, and say:

“Generous and Divine powers of air, Fill this tool with your sacred energy. I ask this in the name of the Goddess and God, Blessed be! As I will, so shall it be!” 

To consecrate your candle holder, hold it upward toward the South point of your magick circle, and say:

“Generous and Divine powers of fire, Fill this tool with your sacred energy. I ask this in the name of the Goddess and God, Blessed be! As I will, so shall it be!” 

To consecrate your chalice, cup, or cauldron, hold each one of them upward toward the West point of your magick circle, and say:

“Generous and Divine powers of water, Fill this tool with your sacred energy. I ask this in the name of the Goddess and God, Blessed be! As I will, so shall it be!”

To empower your tools even more, pass them through or sprinkle them with the corresponding element. For example, pass your candle holder through the flame of a candle, or sprinkle water on your chalice. When doing this, say:

“With this element, I consecrate this tool to the Goddess and God. Blessed be! So shall it be!” Consecration Needed:  Salt  Water  Tool  Candle  Incense Before you consecrate your tools, you need to consecrate the elements on your altar. To do so say:

“O element of Earth, may all negative energies depart and only positive energies remain. This is my will, so mote it be.” As you say these lines, draw a banishing Earth pentagram in the air over the bowl of salt on your altar. Then say:

“O element of Water, may all negative energies depart and only positive energies remain. This is my will, so mote it be.” Draw a banishing Water pentagram in the air over the bowl of water on your altar. Then say:

“O element of Fire, may all negative energies depart and only positive energies remain. This is my will, so mote it be.” Draw a banishing Fire pentagram in the air over the candles on your altar. Then say:

“O element of Air, may all negative energies depart and only positive energies remain. This is my will, so mote it be.” Draw a banishing Air pentagram in the air over your incense. Then say:

“O element of Spirit, may you charge and protect this altar from any negativity. May your blessing be upon it as I dedicate the work of this altar for positive purposes only so as it harm none. So mote it be.” Once you have consecrated your elements, take three measures of salt and put them in the water to make holy water. As you do this, say:

“One to purify the body, one to purify the mind, and one to purify the heart. The spirit will bind them all as one.” Take your tool and sprinkle the salted water over it. As you do this, say:

“With the element of Water, I wash away any negative energies from this (tool) so that only positive energies remain.” Sprinkle salt over the tool and say:

“With the element of Earth, I wash away any negative energies from this (tool) so that only positive energies remain.” Then, wave the tool over a lit candle and say:

“With the element of Fire, I wash away any negative energies from this (tool) so that only positive energies remain.” Next, pass the tool through the smoke from your incense and say:

“With the element of Air, I wash away any negative energies from this (tool) so that only positive energies remain.” Finally, hold the tool up to the Lord and Lady and say:

“O spirit, may you charge and protect this (tool) from any negativity. May your blessing be upon it as I dedicate the work of this (tool) for positive purposes only so as it harm none. So mote it be.” Consecration of Chalice, Athame or Other Tool Needed:  Tool  Incense  Candle  Water  Stone or salt

“Before these assembled spirits I bring (name type of tool) to be dedicated to the service of the Lady and Lord.” Pass tool three times through smoke of the incense:

“By the power of air, be thou purified. Be thou dedicated to purity of thought and to harmlessness that all intentions for which thou art used may harm none and be for the good of all.” Pass tool three times through or over the flame of the fire candle:

“By the power of fire, be thou purified. Be thou dedicated to purity of desire, and to

harmlessness that all goals which thou art doest help achieve may harm none and be for the good of all.” Take a few drops of water and sprinkle or dab on instrument:

“By the power of water, be thou purified. Be thou dedicated to purity of emotion, and to harmlessness that all that thou shalt be used in a spirit of harmony, harming none and for the good of all.” Touch instrument to the stone or salt in north quarter:

“By the power of earth, be thou purified. Be thou dedicated to steadfastness and purity of purpose, that my will be achieved without wavering, with harm to none and for the good of all.” If this is a chalice, present it first to the Lady, then to the Lord, if athame, reverse order. All other instruments use personal preference, but it is courtesy to present them to Her first. Presentation for Chalice:

“Lady Freya, Keeper of Femininity, bless this chalice. Let it be as Thy cauldron, a vessel of productivity that it may be worthy to dispense Thy bounty. Let it be used in Thy service and in the service of humanity. Let it be so bound that no harm may come of it to any being, but let it rather be an instrument of good-will and understanding; of loving harmony. To Thy sacred self I dedicate this vessel, (name of vessel), that it and I may long be of service to Thee. ” “Lord Thor, companion to the Lady, champion of the Gods, bless this chalice and keep watch over it. Guard the works which come forth from it, that they ever be in the service of Thee and Thy Lady, that they be of service to humankind, and that they abide by the laws of harmony. To Thee I vow I shall use it for Her sacred purposes, and for no other. So mote it be.” Presentation for Athame:

“Lord Thor, thunderer and hammer wielder, bless this athame. Let it be as the spring rains which fall upon the earth to cause Her to bring forth Her bounty.” “Let it quicken my hopes and dreams, yet keep them from causing harm. Let it guide them in the harmony of the seasons, bringing forth only good for all. Lord Thor, bless this athame, (name of athame), that it be used ever in the worship and honor of the Gods.”

“Lady Freya, companion to the Thunderer, lover of the Gods, bless this athame that it shall bring forth joy, and shall cause no pain nor disharmony to any. I dedicate this athame (name athame), symbol of the Defender and Rain Maker, to Thy service. May it ever bring Thee joy and pride. So mote it be.” This ritual, with suitable changes, may be used to dedicate other tools as well as these. Consecration Spell Needed:  Container of salt  Fire  Water  Earth For each line respectfully in the chant: Hold your container of salt, in your receiving hand, up to the Sun or a flame, next gently swirl it in the air, dip it into Water (don't get the salt wet), and then touch it to the Earth. As you speak the last sentence, hold it high over your head.

"God of Fire, God of Air, Goddess of Water, Goddess of Earth. Bless my salt with safety and protection from all who would harm." Create a Portable Portable Sacred Space Needed:  Small sealable container  Ashes from a magickal fire (i.e. any fire previously used for the craft which you can gather ashes from)  Feather  Crystal or tiny stone  Seashell or sand Take the container and components beneath a full moon (or a window where moonlight shines in). Put the ashes in the container saying:

“Spirit of Fire, I conjure and call you. Leave a small spark of your power in this object to protect and energize my sacred space wherever I may be. Come to life when I say (activating phrase).” Close up the container, and invoke your patron or patroness to bless your efforts and

bind the magick within. Whenever you want to activate the object, hold it in both hands, center yourself, and whisper the activating phrase three times with purpose. Visualize a bright white light radiating outward from you in the center. This sphere of force will remain in effect until you release it by speaking the activating phrase a fourth time. Create Instant Sacred Space Needed:  4 objects to represent the elements Put each object at or near the correct directional center for its element. As you put the object in place state:

“Spirit of (element), I call and charge you to fill this token. Radiate (characteristic attribute of the element) through my sacred space of home, and fill it with your protective energy when I say (activating phrase).” When you need to set up sacred space quickly, just point to the object and speak the word or phrase three times. Leave the sacred space firmly in place until you are done with the magick at hand, then dismiss it by repeating the word or phrase a fourth time and thank it. Creating a Fetch Needed:  Small piece of paper and pen  Earth  Oil  Beeswax  Feathers  Bodily secretions (saliva, sweat, ect.)  Water  String  Music  Chalice of wine  Athame  Wand  Altar candle  4 element candles  Incense and charcoal  Cloth Have all things that you require for the rite on your altar and place the elemental candles at each compass point. Light the altar candle.

Using your athame, cast a circle around your work space. Seat yourself before your altar and breathe to quiet the mind. When you are ready, take up your wand and the altar candle. Go to the gate of Earth, light the candle, raise your wand aloft, and say:

“I call upon the powers of Earth, By Aradia, by Cernunnos! Come to my circle to guard and to guide!” Draw the invoking pentagram of Earth into the space before you, visualizing the gate and the elementals attending, and then say:

“Blessed be the powers of Earth!” Go around your circle, then, to Air, to Fire, to Water, and summon the powers of each element. Then return the altar candle and your wand to the altar, and light the charcoal. When it is glowing, place your incense upon it. Take your athame and hold it, blade point down, over the chalice of wine. Focus on the understanding act of consecration as you lower your blade into the wine saying:

“This Cup is the symbol of Woman and Goddess, This Blade is the symbol of Man and God. Conjoined, are They, in the way of Creation! Life within Death, Death within Life. Blessed be the fruit of the Vine!” Drink from the cup and sprinkle a few drops on the ground in libation. Put the music on and let yourself go with it in a dance-to-raise-power. Really let yourself go! Dance ‘til you drop, aroused with pleasure, at your altar. Wait until your breathing, while still deep from dancing, become regular, then hold your hands, fingers spread, over the makings of your fetch and say:

“O Lady of Delight, Goddess of Earth and Bounty! I call upon you by your ancient of Names Ishtar; Aphrodite; Hecate; Aradia! Lend me your Power to see the spell done! O Lord of the Hunt, my God of the Wild-wood! I call upon you by your ancient of Names Herne; O great Pan; Cernunnos; Dionysis! Lend me your Power to see the spell done!” Feel and sense the power, thus summoned, flow through you to your fingertips.

Knead the beeswax until it is pliant, shaping it into whatever shape is pleasing to your senses, keeping a small cavity open into which you put the written intent and your bodily secretions (leave it open for the moment).Work the earth, that has been mixed to a paste, into the body of the fetch, and then add the feathers. With your athame, cut the thread into three even lengths, tie them tighter at one end, place that cord between your teeth, and plait the three lengths together while breathing the chant:

“By the ancient awesome Law of Three; As I do Will so mote it be!” (Of course it won’t come out sounding like the words, because of the string. It’s the sound, the repetition, the intent that is woven into the plait.) When the plait is complete, tie off the ends stating the intention of the spell and breathing on it three times. Place the plait into the cavity of the fetch and seal it. Say to the fetch:

“As I make you so I will break you! You have until (state time frame)-To fetch my desire Only then will my hand set you free!” Breathe the breathe of life on it and say:

“By Earth, by Sky, by Sea, So be it done, so mote it be!” Visualize the entity of the fetch flying swiftly from its body as it seeks its purpose. Refuel the censer, drink a sip of the consecrated wine, raise your athame in one hand and your wand in the other, and give thanks to your lady and lord for their assistance in this rite. Then, taking your wand only, go to each elemental gateway and give honor and farewell to the guardians gathered there, describing the appropriate banishing pentagram before snuffing each flame. Cut your circle open with your athame and snuff the altar candle saying:

“Blessed be; the rite is done.” Wrap the fetch in some cloth and place it away with your ritual things until its allotted time.

When the time frame is up, you will summon the entity back into the fetch, from within your circle, break the thing to pieces, and consign the pieces to the earth. Only then will the spell unfold. Creating a FithFith-Fath Needed:  Altar candle  Salt  Water  Athame  Incense and charcoal blocks  Thread  Elemental candles  White cord  Supplies to create the poppet  Wand Cast the cord around the perimeter of the circle and place the elemental candles at each of the compass points. Seat yourself before the altar and light the altar candle and the charcoal blocks, placing a small amount of prepared incense on them when they are fully burning. Center yourself as you have learned to do. When your mind is clear and you are focused clearly on your undertaking, stand, take your athame in your hand, and cast a circle around the boundary of the cord, beginning and ending at the Gate of Earth. Return to the altar and consecrate the salt by placing the point of your athame into it and saying:

“Blessed salt, crystal of the sea, I summon your power to cleans and guard. By Earth, by Sky, by Sea, As I do Will, so mote it be.” Place the container back on the altar and take up the container of water. Place the tip of your athame into it and say:

“By my Will I cast out of you all that is unclean! You are Water, pure clear Water; I seek your power to aid me in this rite. By Earth, by Sky, by Sea, As I do Will, so mote it be!”

Add the salt to the water and mix them with the tip of your athame. Stand and cast about your circle with the consecrated water, beginning and ending at the gate of Earth. Return the container to the altar. Take your wand in one hand and the altar candle in the other, and summon the guardians of each element. With the altar candle, light the candle at the gate of Earth, and then place it on the ground near you. Raise your wand aloft as you say:

“I summon the protection of the forces of Earth To guard me and aid me in this rite! By Aradia and by Cernunnos do I call you here!” Using your wand, inscribe the invoking pentagram of Earth in the air before you. Sense the guardian before you proceed, with the altar candle, to the gate of Air. Light the candle at the gate of Air, from the altar candle, which you will then place on the ground near you. Raise your wand aloft as you say:

“I summon the protection of the forces of Air To guard me and aid me in this rite! By Aradia and Cernunnos do I call you here!” Use your wand to inscribe the invoking pentagram of Air before you. Know that the guardians have come before proceeding to the gate of Fire. Light the candle as before, raising your wand aloft, and say:

“I summon the protection of the forces of Fire To guard me and aid me in this rite. By Aradia and Cernunnos do I call you here!” Use your wand to inscribe the invoking pentagram of Fire. When the guardians have come, take the altar candle and proceed to the gate of Water. Light the candle and raise your wand, saying:

“I summon the protection of the forces of Water To guard me and aid me in this rite. By Aradia and Cernunnos do I call you here!” Wait until the guardians have come before returning to the altar and replacing the

candle thereon. Refuel the censer. Center yourself again, and prepare yourself to be a vessel for the power of magick to flow through you and into the fith-fath. Raise up your athame and call on your Lady and Lord to add to their power and intent.

“Aradia, Queen of all witches, Lend your power to my spell! Cernunnos, Lord of the Wild, Lend your power to my spell! Lady and Lord of Life and Death Lend your power to halt the harm! Assist me to bind the one who seduces the gullible. Do as your Will where he/she is concerned. By my actions we seal him/her in!” Place your athame on the altar. Breathe the power of the Lady and Lord into you. Breathe deeply and exhale fully a number of times until you feel your hands tingle slightly. Allow your breathing to become a repetitive hum. Hold this wordless chant as you make the fith-fath. Allow your mind to consider the circumstances that have induced this spell. Don’t invent emotion, simply be aware and feel freely. When you have made the poppet, refuel the censer. Place the fith-fath on the pentacle, hold the blade of your athame over it, and draw an invoking pentagram of Earth saying:

“Infused of Earth so flesh you are!” Pass the fith-fath through the incense, hold the blade of your athame over it, and draw the invoking pentagram of Air saying:

“Infused of Air so think you can!” Pass the fith-fath through the flame of the altar candle, hold the blade of your athame over it, and draw the invoking pentagram of Fire saying:

“Infused of Fire, choose you can!” Sprinkle the fith-fath with the consecrated water. Hold the point of your athame over it, and draw the invoking pentagram of Water saying:

“Infused of Water for feeling and sense!” Lift the fith-fath to your mouth and breathe on it three times with the breath of life, then begin to bind the figure with the thread chanting your rhyme. An example of this rhyme is:

“You do not harm, You will find another way of living. As this cord does bind, you change your mind; Not taking now but giving!” When you have completed the task, hold the fith-fath aloft saying:

“By Earth, by Sky, by Sea, By the ancient awesome Law of Three, This rite is done, so mote it be!” Immediately put the poppet down, go to the gate of Earth with your wand, thank the forces for attending you, and inscribe the banishing pentagram of Earth in the air before you. Snuff the candle at the gate. Do likewise, using the appropriate banishing pentagrams, at each of the other elemental gates. Return to your altar and breathe deeply several times to center yourself, saying:

“Blessed Lady, Lord of the Wild, I thank you for aiding me. Take the intent behind this rite And see it done, so mote it be!” Open the circle by symbolically cutting the boundary with the blade of your athame. Take up the cord and place it and all other ritual things away. When this is done, put the fith-fath where it will not be disturbed (burying it is sensible) and consciously let it go; forget it. There will be no need to think about it or mention it to anyone. Creating a Sacred Space Needed:  1 blue candle  1 red candle  1 yellow candle  1 green or brown candle  1 white candle  Matches Put the four colored candles at the western, southern, eastern, and northern points of your work room, respectively. Place the white candle in the center of the space to represent Spirit. Settle into the central part of your work space. Breathe deeply and center your spirit, focusing your mind on your goals for this day.

Light one of the matches and walk to the eastern candle, put the flame to the wick and say:

“Guardians and Watchtowers of the east, I call and charge you. Come, protect this sacred space and breath on me with the winds of inspiration and learning.” Move clockwise to the southern candle (you may need to keep your hand in front of the match head as you move so the flame doesn’t go out). As you go, visualize a line of white light connecting the two points together. Put the flame to the wick saying:

“Guardians and Watchtowers of the south, I call and charge you. Come protect this sacred space and ignite in me the spark of magick.” Continue moving clockwise to the western candle. Visualize the line of energy/power connected to both the southern and the eastern candle by radiant light. Put the flame to the wick saying:

“Guardians and Watchtowers of the west, I call and charge you. Come protect this sacred space and wash over me with waves of insight and discernment.” Continue on to the northern candle extending your visualization, and putting the flame to the wick (or if necessary, lighting a fresh match first) saying:

“Guardians and Watchtowers of the north, I call and charge you. Come protect this sacred space and grant me strong foundations from which to grow.” Finally move back to the center saying:

“Great Spirit, Guides, and Ancient Ones, I welcome you to this time of creation and study. Help me in my tasks this day -- (insert tasks) with your wisdom and blessing. So be it.” Light the central candle and visualize the outlines of your circle now slowly expanding to create a complete sphere of protection all around, above and below you. Begin your work. When you’re done working for the day, thank the powers that have protected and guided you by saying:

“God/dess, Guides, Ancestors, Powers of Creation -- thank you for joining me here today and blessing the work in my hands. As you leave this place, carry the positive energy created to any in need. Walk with me daily that I might follow the Path of Beauty to confidence and peace. Farewell.” Dark Moon Ritual

Needed:  2 black candles  Pen and paper  Cauldron Place the cauldron in the center of the altar and put the paper and pen beside it. Cast the circle in a counter clockwise way. when it is cast, return to the altar and face the North. Light the black candles. Say:

“The moon is dark. She hides her face from humans. Only women can know the true secrets of the Dark Mother. Wise one, let me feel Your presence and power. I need Your wisdom of releasing and removing. If punishment be needed by those who work against me, I leave it within your hands.” Move counterclockwise to the East and say:

“Remove all negatives from my thoughts and mind, Dark Mother. Let them bear no fruit within my life.” Go to the North and say:

“Remove all negatives from my body, Dark Mother. Let them bear no fruit in my life.” Go to the West and say:

“Remove all negatives from my emotions, Dark Mother. Let them bear no fruit in my life.” Go to the South and say:

“Remove all negatives from my spiritual life, Dark Mother. Let them bear no fruit in my life.” Return to the altar and stand facing North. Say:

“I accept no negative thoughts, words, or deeds from others. They are destroyed by the powers of the Dark Mother. If these negatives come from within myself, turn them into lessons of good. Help me to become balanced, a true Goddess-daughter of light and wisdom.” Face the altar now. Write down on the appear negative things you wished removed from your life (i.e. negative thoughts about yourself, bad habits, negative influences of people.) Read each one out loud to the Dark Mother to release them to Her. Light the paper from one of the black candles and drop it into the cauldron and watch it burn. Say:

“I release these unto Your keeping. Show me how to move beyond these negatives into a position of light and power.”

Burn the paper until it is reduced to ashes. Raise your arms in reverence to the Goddess when the paper is finished and say:

“Dark Mother, Crone Goddess, Wise and Elder One, teach me Your deep mysteries, the Ancient Goddess magick known to my foremothers and fathers. Guide and protect me, Dark Mother.” Now would be a good time to meditate and see what insight you may receive from the Mother. Or do a spell of some sort. When finished, release the circle as usual. Bury the ashes of the paper somewhere off of your property. Dark Moon Ritual Needed:  Music  Salt  Water  Censor  Parchment and pens  Cauldron  Chalice and cakes Chant before and while entering circle. Play soft background music when ritual starts. Priest: “We are gathered here in recognition of the dark, to celebrate the dark

mother, the crone of time, grandmother of us all! All ears hear! The circle is about to be cast, let none be present but of their own free will! Be it known that we are in the presence of the dark Goddess.” The Priestess circles deosil with the salt, casts the first circle.

“I cast the circle thus! With salt, deep from the womb of the mother! From oceans deep and cold! I consecrate this space! So mote it be!” The Priest circles deosil with water.

“I cast the circle thus! With water, ancient and old; with the life blood of the world! I consecrate this space! So mote it be!” The Priestess circles deosil with censor.

“I cast the circle thus! With fire and air, clean and hot! I consecrate this space! So mote it be!”

Priest: “And ever it was thus!” All: “So mote it be!” Call the quarters. Priestess: “Ancient one of elemental Air! I call and summon thee by name!

Raphael of the wide ranging air! Sylph of the endless skies! We bid you come! Stand in our presence and guard this circle cast. So mote it be!” All: “So mote it be!” Priest: “Ancient one of elemental Earth! I call and summon thee by name!

Oriel of the fertile plain! Gnome of forests deep! We bid you come! Stand in our presence and guard this circle cast! So mote it be!” All: “So mote it be!” Priestess: “Ancient one of elemental Fire! I call and summon thee by name! Michael of flickering flame! Salamander of scorching fire! We bid you come! Stand in our presence and guard this circle cast! So mote it be!” All: “So mote it be!” Priest: “Ancient one of elemental Water! I call and summon thee by name!

Gabriel of oceans and streams! Undine of pools and ponds! We bid you come! Stand in our presence and guard our circle cast! So mote it be!” All: “So mote it be!” The Priest stands in the east, and the Priestess stands in the west. Together with outstretched arms begin chant: “Aum!” All: “So mote it be!” Priestess: “And ever it was thus! From the beginnings of the world, air and earth, fire

and water weaved together with spirit and love!”

All chant:

“We all come from the Goddess And to her we shall return. Like a drop of rain, Flowing to the ocean. Isis, Astarte, Diana,Hecate, Demeter, Kali, Inanna” Priest: “Dark Mother! Crone of time! We ask your presence and your blessing! All

things to you must go, though darkness and death are your domain, you promise peace and rest! Thy gift is life! Yours is the hand that turns the wheel and cuts the thread. Be with us this magickal night! Give each of us your wisdom and bless our rite! So mote it be!” All: “So mote it be!” Priest and Priestess circle while chanting:

“Hecate, Hecate of visage dower, Dark Mother, Dark Mother come in power. Hecate, Hecate of visage dower, Dark Mother, Dark Mother crone of time.” While Priest and Priestess chant, everyone else can chant also if the mood strikes. Each person will take a sheet of parchment paper and write down that which they have outgrown and want removed. They will keep the paper with them until later when this petition will be burned and tossed into cauldron. Priest and Priestess: “And ever it was thus!” Priest: “As God” Priestess: “To Goddess” Together:

“So woman to man From the beginnings of the universe The energies joined and co-mingled whereby we are sustained and carry on.”

The Priestess takes chalice:

“Dark Lady, Mother of night, we thank you for your presence and wisdom. (pouring liquid into libation bowl) As the fruit of the vine was plucked and pressed, it came to know the touch of death and thereby we are sustained and carry on!” The Priest takes cakes:

“Likewise as the grain of the field ripened and fell beneath the scythe it came to know the touch of death, whereby we are sustained and carry on!” While cakes and wine are passed around all will chant:

“Hine matov umanayim Shevet akim gom yokad” (Happy are they that dwell together as brother and sister) Priestess: “And ever it was thus!” All: “Blessed be!” Priestess stand in the west with cauldron in front of her. Priest kneels and silently draws down. While still kneeling the Priest says:

“Dark Lady of the waning moon! We thank you for your presence and your blessing, and in silence we turn within and willingly offer to thy realm that which is old and outdated, that which no longer has life and no longer grows. We offer to thy Blade that which we no longer need.” The Priest then stands and lights cauldron. The Priestess draws invoking earth pentagram in front of the Priest saying:

“Of the Mother darksome and divine Mine the scourge, and mine the kiss; The five-point star of love and bliss Here I charge you, with this sign.” Priest: “Here ye the words of the Dark Lady; we who of old was called among men

Hecate, Persephone, Kali, and many other names.” Priestess: “Worship me as the Crone! Tender of the unbroken cycle of death and

rebirth. I am the wheel, the shadow of the Moon.

I rule the tides of women and men and give release and renewal to weary souls. Though the darkness of death is my domain, the joy of birth is my gift.” Everyone in turn ignites their petition off the cauldron and tosses it into the cauldron. Priestess embraces each person as they go by. Priestess: “And ever it was thus! That which falls to the hand of the crone finds

regeneration and new life!” All circle and chant:

“She changes everything she touches and everything she touches changes!” **Priestess Priestess: Priestess: “Grandmother! Blessed thou be! Depart to thy realms.

Thank you for the lessons learned this dark night! Blessed be!” All: “Blessed be!” Priestess: “Ancient one of elemental Air! Thank you for your vigil here!

Leave with us a renewed mind as clear as air! Blessed be!” All: “Blessed be!” Priest: “Ancient one of elemental Earth! Thank you for your vigil here!

Leave with us steadiness and patience! Blessed be!” All: “Blessed be!” Priestess: “Ancient one of elemental Fire! Thank you for your vigil here!

Leave with us swiftness and action, a flaming soul to always do what is right! Blessed be!” All: “Blessed be!” Priest: “Ancient one of elemental Water! Thank you for your vigil here!

As you depart leave with us the fluidity of water that we may have compassion for our fellows as well as our selves! Blessed be!” All: “Blessed be!”

Priestess: “Let all ears hear! The circle is open but remains unbroken!

Brothers and sisters, we are children of the Lord and Lady! May they always dance within our hearts. Merry did we meet, merry do we part, merry we meet again!” All: “Merry did we meet, merry do we part, merry we meet again!

Blessed be!” Dedication of Altar and Athame Needed:  Altar  Athame  3 drops of your blood Altar

“This Altar in the circle's center, A focal point that only good may enter. Erected to God and Goddess in strength, Circular, it has neither breadth nor length. Focal point in A Circle of Power, A mighty lens for every Tower! Sacred to Lord, Maiden, Lady, and Crone, The foundation of many a powerful Cone! Resting Place of Magick and its implements, Let veneration and Love be our only sentiments! A tool of will, powerful and free, As it is willed, So Mote it Be!” Athame

“Mighty Deities, Gracious Lady and Mighty Lord, As I perform this ritual, Pray hearken to my word. This tool, conceived in Mind of Air, (Point East) Forged and formed in Fire of the South, (Point South) Power tool for those who dare, I claim thee with my mouth! (Kiss Blade)

Tempered with Water for Strength, (Point West) Also dedicated to the Earth, in Power. (Point North) Blessed be, entire in length, (Kiss Pommel) As it partakes of every Tower! By the Power of Cosmos, As above, (Point Up) The Expression of Cosmos, is below. (Point Down) Upon this instrument of Will and Love, My Sacred Tie I bestow! (1 drop of blood on each side and hilt) This tool is dedicated to my service of Lady and Lord, Please find this work beneficial and good. Bound to thee by homage, decimation, effort and word, Bound to me by words, will, and blood. By the powers of earth, sky, star, and sea; Such is my will, So mote it be!” Do You Believe in Magick Ritual Needed:  3 white candles  Lavender scented oil  Silver bell  Cool water  Cotton ball/handkerchief Wash the candles in cool water, dry them, and then rub lavender oil on them. Put them in their holders on the altar. Anoint yourself with the lavender oil. Then draw a magick circle of bright green light and call in the elemental powers. Ring the bell three times each time you light one of the candles. When all of the candles are lit, say:

"Magick rings, three times three Spells and dreams, red and green By the powers of Earth, Air, Fire, and Sea By the ancient powers of the fairies Bless my life with magick. Blessed be!" Now ring the bell seven times, and then sit back. Breathe rhythmically to the count of three: breathe in, counting to three, hold your breath for three counts, then exhale to the count of three. Do this three times. Then begin to imagine yourself standing in the middle of a circular grove of oak trees. Walk over to the oak closest to you, and

touch the coarseness of the oak tree’s bark. The moment your skin makes contact with the tree, you see a circular chasm abruptly appear in the ground at the foot of the oak. It looks like a dark green ring, a magickal ring that opens into a different reality -- an Otherworld. As you look deep into the opening, you can see strange yet familiar people in this place, fertile fields, gleaming rivers twisting to the seas, as well as forests and dwellings. You enter the opening, climbing through the ring and down into the chasm, following a long steep winding passage. Moving to the end of the passageway, you find yourself at the edge of a bright, moonlit village. An oddly refreshing wind flips across the land and over your skin, and suddenly everything seems filled with the curious stillness of a magickal realm. You begin to see and sense the starspun fairies gathering all around you, communicating with you. You can see and sense their energies empowering you, and filling you with brilliant starlight. Allow the starspun fairy light to completely fill you. Write down your experience in your book of shadows if you like. Allow the candles to safely burn down on their own, and then ring the bell three times. Thank the fairies, bid farewell to the elements, and pull up the circle. Put a few drops of lavender oil on a cotton ball or handkerchief, and put it in your pocket or desk. Take it out to remind you that the world is a magickal place. Drawing Down the Moon Needed:  Wand  Scourge  Athame Stand in the God position in north before altar, holding scourge and athame. Invoke the Goddess, saying:

"I invoke thee and call upon thee, Mighty Mother of us all, (touch right breast) bringer of all fruitfulness; (touch left breast) by seed and root, (touch womb) by stem and bud, (touch right breast) by leaf and flower and fruit, (touch left breast) by life and love (touch womb) do I invoke (raising wand) thee to descend upon the body of this thy servant and priestess. Here, speak with her tongue,

touch with her hands, kiss with her lips, that thy servants may be fulfilled." As you invoke, touch yourself gently with wand upon right breast, left breast, womb and upon the same three places again. As you finish the invocation, spread your arms in adoration (still kneeling) and say:

"Hail, Artemis! From the Amalthean Horn Pour forth thy store of love; I lowly bend Before thee, I adore thee to the end, With loving sacrifice thy shrine adorn. Thy foot is to my lip kiss, my prayers upborne Upon the rising incense smoke; then spend Thine ancient love, O Mighty One, descend To aid me, who without thee am forlorn." Trace the invoking Earth pentagram in air before you with athame, saying:

"Of the Mother, darksome and divine, Mine the scourge, and mine the kiss, The five-point star of love and bliss -Here I charge you, in this sign." This completes Drawing Down the Moon. Dream Knight Knight Protection Ritual Needed:  Warm bath  3 pinches of thyme  3 lemon slices  Jasmine oil  3 white candles  3 blue candles  Clear glass of water  Sandalwood incense and censor  Ballpoint pen or quill Time: Sunday, Tuesday or Thursday night on or just before the full moon. Begin by taking a warm bath and adding the thyme, lemon slices, and tree drops of jasmine oil to the water. Soak for at least ten minutes. As you bathe, breathe deeply by inhaling for three counts, holding your breath to the count of three, and then

exhaling completely. As you do this, imagine a protective egg of white light surrounding you. As you soak in your magickal bath, take a few minutes to decide what you would like to ask your Dream Knight when you meet him/her. Is there someone or something you need your Dream Knight to protect you from? Make a mental note of the things you would like to say when you meet. I also suggest you jot down a few questions or ideas for your Dream Knight as soon as you get out of the bathtub. Put your notes on your altar where you can refer to them. Dip the six candles into the bath water before draining it. Dry the candles, and then place them on your altar, along with the pen, and a clear glass of water. Next, draw a magick circle of blue-white light, call in the elemental powers, and light the incense. Focus on the purpose of the ritual, and state your intent and expectation:

"I am here tonight to make contact with, And gain protection from my Dream Knight." Then use the pen or quill to inscribe the words “Dream Knight” on the first blue candle. Next, apply a thin film of jasmine oil on the candle body, and put it in its holder on the altar. Wipe the oil off your hands, and light the candle. Merge with the candle flame, and say:

“May this candlelight stretch beyond Across the celestial realms to all worlds. Creating a path of light for my Dream Knight, To come now and protect me tonight.” Use the pen or quill to inscribe the words, “Dream Knight” on the second blue candle, and then apply jasmine oil to the candle body. Place the candle in its holder, and wipe the oil from your hands. Merge with the candle flame, say:

“May this spirit light reach beyond Across the celestial realms to all worlds. Building a bridge of light for my Dream Knight To cross now and protect me tonight.” Inscribe the same words, “Dream Knight”, on the third blue candle, once again applying oil to the candle body, and putting the candle in its holder on the altar. Wipe the oil off your hands, light the candle, and merging with the flame, say:

“May these three lights shine beyond Across the celestial realms to all worlds. Weaving a thread of light for my Dream Knight To follow now and protect me tonight.”

Next, inscribe the word “Protection” on the three white candles, and dress them with jasmine oil. Place them in their holders, positioning them in front of the three blue candles. Wipe your hands, and then light the white candles, one at a time. As you do, merge with each flame, and say:

“May this spirit flame burn true Dream Knight now let me see you!” Position the clear glass of water in the middle of the candles, and sit or recline comfortably. Gaze into the glass of water, while chanting the words “Dream Knight”, over and over. Just keep gazing at the water, blinking naturally, and remaining focused on the glass. Allow whatever images or sensations to occur in the water. Eventually a misty shadow, figure, or face will appear in the water. The image usually appears within a few minutes to about twenty-five minutes. When a shape appears, ask the image if he or she is your Dream Knight. You will sense an answer. If it’s not, then stop the ritual, and pull up the circle and try again another night. If the answer is yes, proceed with your request or questions. Then ask your Dream Knight to return when you call him or her by name. When you are finished communicating, thank your Dream Knight, and make a note of any answers or messages you receive. Allow the candles to burn safely down, or snuff them out. As you drift to sleep, repeat silently:

“Dream Knight protect me So be it, blessed be!” Know that your Dream Knight is always there to protect and guide you, especially in your sleep. In the morning, drink the glass of water, write down what you recall of your dreams, bid farewell to the elemental powers, and pull up the circle. Empower Empower a Crystal Needed:  Crystal Cleanse the crystal of negative energy and then charge the crystal with your intent by chanting the following:

“This crystal I hold with intentions clear, To contain the magick within its sphere. Make it last and hold it long. Enhance the magick make it strong.” Empowerment Ceremony for Wands, Rods, Staves, Stangs, and Brooms

Needed:  Red candle  Holy water  Salt  Empowering oil  Incense of your choice  Carving or wood-burning tool  Selection of magickal symbols  Pencil  13 bricks or white stones  Cauldron Timing: New moon Pre-Ritual Preparation: Choose and carve the magickal symbols you desire on the piece. Build your circle with the bricks or stones. When you are finished sprinkle both wooden tool and circle with holy water. Ritual: Cast your circle around the stone circle, which will be in the center. Place the cauldron in the stone circle. Light the fire candle and place inside the cauldron. Call the quarters and invoke the deities. Place the wooden ritual piece inside the stone circle. Pass the four elements over the item. Stand over the circle, raise your arms to the heavens, and say:

“Mistress/Master of the Universe! I call thee forth to cleanse and consecrate this (item name). Empower this (item) in the name of universal perfection!” Outstretch both hands toward the item and say:

“(Item name), I conjure thee in the name of the Mistress/Master of the universe to work all forms of magick for me! Ye shall conjure, banish, empower, or cast aside negative energies as I so dictate. Ye shall overcome all obstacles in the performance of these tasks. At my very touch ye shall awaken into life in preparation for any and all magicks and respond with perfection to my very will, and you shall retain your power in fallow days when magick is not required. As I will, so shall it be!” Rub the item with the empowering oil, then draw an equal-armed cross in the air over the item to seal your work. Complete the ritual by offering a libation to the gods. Thank the deities and close the quarters. Take up the circle with your finger and place the circle energy in the tool by directing your finger at the tool and envisioning the energy leaving your finger and entering the tool. Leave the item in the light of

the following full moon for at least one hour. Esbat Ritual Needed:  Quarter candles  Cake and ale/juice  Illuminator candles  Bowl of salt  Incense  Fire candle  Bowl of water  Cauldron  Pen and paper  Tea candle  Anointing oil  Your Book of Shadows Place the quarter candles at the appropriate locations, arrange the altar with the illuminator candles, the bowl of salt in the North, the incense in the East, the fire candle in the South and the water in the West. Place the cauldron in the center, the anointing oil on the right and your Book of Shadows on the left. On the paper, write your request and set it on the altar. Create sacred space by holding your hands over each object, and ask that Spirit cleanse, consecrate, and regenerate the object in the name of Spirit, saying:

"Holy Mother, I cleanse this (object) of all negativity in this world and in the astral. I consecrate and regenerate this (object) in the name of the Lord and Lady." Do the same for the other representations of the elements, the order does not matter. Once you've done this, take three pinches of the salt and add them carefully to the water. When you finish, stir the water three times with the index finger of your dominant hand in a clockwise direction. Then hold your hands over the water and say:

"In the name of the Mother and the Father I ask for the blessings of love, harmony, and peace upon this water." As you say the words, imagine that the water glowing with white light. Once the light is very big, stop. Beginning with your North object move around the room in a clockwise circle, sprinkling just a bit of the salt as you go, saying:

"I cleanse, consecrate, and empower this sacred space with the element of Earth in the name of Spirit." When you get back to the North, say:

"So mote it be!" Pick up the East representation and do the same thing, walking around the room in a clockwise direction, saying:

"I cleanse, consecrate, and empower this sacred space with the element of Air in the name of Spirit. So mote it be!" Pick up the candle, walk clockwise around the room, and say:

"I cleanse, consecrate, and empower this sacred space with the element of Fire in the name of Spirit. So mote it be!" Finally, walk clockwise around the room holding the bowl of water, sprinkling a bit as you go, saying:

"I cleanse, consecrate, and empower this sacred space with the element of Water in the name of Spirit. So mote it be." Then walk to the center of the room, hold your hands above your head, palms facing upward, and say:

"In the name of the Lord and Lady, in the name of the Great Mother and Good Father, I cleanse, consecrate, and empower this sacred space with the element of Spirit! So mote it be!" Next, take the anointing oil, and touch your forehead, saying:

"In the name of the Lord and Lady, May I be cleansed, purified, and regenerated. May all evil flee from me. Blessings of the Lord and Lady upon me and in me. So mote it be." Move to the center of the room, take a deep breath and relax into a calm state. Then look up, smile, take another deep breath and begin to walk the circle clockwise with the index finger of your dominant hand pointing out and down. Walk the circle three times while saying:

"I conjure thee, O great circle of power, So that you will be for me a boundary Between the world of men and realms of the mighty spirits -A meeting place of perfect love, trust, peace, and joy

Containing the power I will raise within thee. I call upon the angels of the East, South, West, and North To aid me in this consecration. In the name of the Lord and the Lady Thus do I conjure thee, O great circle of power!" Pound the ground with your hand, and say:

"This circle is sealed." Face North, with your back to the center, cross your hands over your chest, take a deep breath and calm yourself before saying:

"Hail Spirits of the North, Powers of Earth. Be with us here tonight." Slowly open your arms, as if opening a curtain, and say:

"Bring your strength, prosperity, and stability into my circle. Please witness this rite and guard my sacred space. So mote it be!" Move to the East, repeat your actions at the north, and say:

"Hail Spirits of the East, element of Air. Bring your intellect, your wisdom, and your positive thought. Please witness this rite and guard my sacred space. So mote it be!" Move to the South, repeat, and say:

"Hail Spirits of the South, element of Fire. Bring your courage, your passion, and your creativity. Please witness this rite and guard my sacred space. So mote it be!" Finally move to the West, repeat your earlier actions, and say:

"Hail Spirits of the Water, element of Water. Bring your transformation, your love, and your joy. Please witness this rite and guard my sacred space. So mote it be!" Assume the Goddess Position and ask the Lord and Lady to enter the circle, then turn to face the moon (if possible) and ask the Lady to fill you with Her loving energy.

Take your request, and attach a mental picture of success to it, then step up to the altar, and say:

"There is one power, which is the God and the Goddess. I hereby call upon the bountiful energies of the universe To aid me in manifesting my petition. My life is filled with abundance, And all my needs are met." Burn the paper, saying:

"Paper will give way to flame, The essence of the word remains. Fire destroy and fire create Let what's written be my fate. Fly to the heavens, fiery bird. Bring back the fact behind the word. So mote it be!" Take a moment, then continue:

"May this spell not reverse, nor place upon me any curse. May all astrological correspondences be correct for this working, And may I harm none. So mote it be." Meditate for a bit on your thoughts of success, then get ready for communion. Retrieve the cakes and ale, place your hands over the goblet of juice, palms down, and say:

"From the moon to the earth, From the earth to the roots, From the roots to the vine, From the vine to the berry, From the berry to juice -May the Lord and Lady bless and consecrate the contents of this cup. So mote it be!" Imagine a white light glowing all around the goblet, then take a sip. Next hold your haves over the cakes, and say:

"From the sun to the earth, From the earth to the roots, From the roots to the stalk, From the stalk to the grain,

From the grain to these cakes -May the Lord and Lady bless and consecrate the meal upon this tray. So mote it be!" Envision the white light surrounding and entering the cake, then eat one. Once you're done, face West and turn to the outside of the circle, with arms open. Slowly close your arms to rest across your chest, and say:

"Spirits of the West, element of Water. Thay you for your participation in this ritual tonight. Go if you must, stay if you like. Hail and farewell!" Move South, repeat your actions, and say:

"Spirits of the South, element of Fire. Thay you for your participation in this ritual tonight. Go if you must, stay if you like. Hail and farewell!" Head East, repeat, and say:

"Spirits of the East, element of Air. Thay you for your participation in this ritual tonight. Go if you must, stay if you like. Hail and farewell!" Finally move to the North, repeat the earlier actions, and say:

"Spirits of the North, element of Earth. Thay you for your participation in this ritual tonight. Go if you must, stay if you like. Hail and farewell!" With your dominant hand, index finger pointing out and downward, walk around the circle, counterclockwise, envisioning the energy collecting in your hand. When you're finished, pound the floor with your hand, and say:

"This circle is open but never broken. We are the people, We are the power, We are the change! Merry meet, merry part, until we merry meet again! So mote it be!"

Evening Rite Needed:  Cup of water  Stone  Incense  A candle Begin by reflecting on the day that has just passed. Contemplate the energies you have experienced, which things went as you had hoped and which things you would like to have changed if given the chance. Place a cup of water and a stone on your altar. Light some incense and a candle. Invoke the mysteries of the night with this charge:

"Queen of the night, radiant goddess who shines forth in her many aspects through the myriad of stars, bless this coming darkness. I ask for your blessing as a devotee who seeks to honor you and learn your great mysteries." Hold the incense aloft and say:

"As the curling whispers of smoke rise to greet the night sky, so does my mind rise along the rivers of dreamtime to welcome you, beloved Goddess, into my dreams. I invoke you and I invite you to inspire my dreams that I may experience your divine grace." Light the candle and meditate on its softly glowing flame. Use these words or improvise your own:

"I step between the worlds into a world both in and out of time. The candle lights my path as the moon lights the night sky. I gaze upon your great beauty in wonder, Goddess of the ages, Lady of mystery, thou who are brighter than all the stars." Hold your cup or chalice and take a sip of water:

"May your abundance flow through me, may dreams and visions come to me. May the unseen and the power of sight granted to me that I may perceive in the night that which is unknowable by day." Pick up your stone and hold it to your third eye, and say:

"Rare gem of the night, send forth your light to guide me through the darkness. I enter into your starry realm in love and trust, abandoning all fear with the knowledge that you are with me ever, in my thoughts and in my dreams as I do not merely sleep, but awaken to your presence." As in the morning rite, you may substitute the specific name of a particular goddess to whom you are devoted.

Fall Ritual Needed:  Nuts, apples, squash, pumpkins, grapes  Orange altar cloth  Fall leaves  Grape wine/cider  Spirit candle  Black construction paper  Cup of water  Quarter symbols Use the nuts, apples, squash, pumpkins, or grapes to decorate your circle. Litter the leaves on the altar and put a cup of grape juice or cider on the altar along with a Spirit candle, a handful of nuts, and a piece of black construction paper. Invocation: This begins in the west, the region associated with fall metaphysically. Start this ritual at sunset, and if possible place at the four quarters symbolic items that you can pick up and hold during the invocation (like a cup of water or a shell, seeds or soil, a fan, and a candle or incense). West: “Lady of the Waters

I welcome your abundant energy Let my heart overflow with gladness.” North: “Earth Mother

I welcome your harvest Let me reap seeds of character.” East: “Lord of the Winds

I welcome your changes Let me breathe deeply the air of thoughtfulness” South: “Fire Father

I welcome your warm protection Let me burn with Spirit’s embers” The Ritual: Go to the altar and hold the cup high up to the sky saying:

“Gods and Goddesses of Earth and the harvest, you have been generous once more and now I return your kindness with thankful heart.”

Pour half the water in the cup onto the earth to return the gift given by the soil. Next, state:

“I harvest and accept the ability to (characteristic or attribute desired).” Take a sip then replace the cup on the altar. Afterward take the candle from the altar and hold it in both hands while thinking intently about one question that lies heavy on your heart. Visualize the question in symbolic or literal terms, if possible. When you feel ready, tip the candle toward the black paper so the wax freely drips down saying:

“Spirit of insight, reveal the answer. Open my inner sight so I can see what you place here.” Let the candle keep dripping in a random pattern for three to four minutes, then replace the candle. Let the paper dry through the rest of the ritual; you can scry it for interpretive value later during the grounding time. Finally, hold both hands, palms down, over the nuts (shells on) saying:

“Spirit of Providence, fill--fill! By your power, by my will!” Keep the nuts and open them only when you have a pressing need, opening the nut releases the magick. One should be planted in the earth to fulfill the planet’s needs. Closing the Circle: Move counterclockwise, beginning in the East. East: “The winds grow quiet, but the magick stays

To keep me judicious and thrifty each day. Hail and farewell.” North: "The earth is weary, but potential remains

To grand strong foundations, when the sun wanes. Hail and farewell.” West: “The waters chill, but house life deep within

To feed the spirit, so let the Wheel spin! Hail and farewell.” South: “The fires die down, but the coals still burn

To maintain our soul, and the lessons it has learned.

Hail and farewell.” Family Full Moon Ritual Needed:  Moon candle (a large white candle, preferably unscented)  Clear or blue glass bowl filled with water This may be done at dinner time, in addition to your own ritual later in the evening. Place your moon candle in the middle of the table in a bowl made of clear or blue glass, if possible, and filled with water. Use your best dishes. When the meal is ready, establish a sacred time and say a mealtime prayer. Then one child says:

"Why is tonight special?" An adult answers:

"Tonight is the Full Moon." The child (or another one) asks:

"Why is that a special time?" An adult answers:

"The Full Moon is our Mother Who wraps Her arms around us. She guards us and loves us and tonight we return that love." Another way to do this is for the adults to ask the children the questions and let them answer in their own words. As they grow, their understanding of the day will change and there will be a regular opportunity to express it. The mother then lights the moon candle. She holds it above the table and everyone says:

"The Goddess is shining, high in the sky." She returns it to the bowl of water and everyone says:

"The Goddess is shining, here in our home." Everyone crosses their hands on their breasts and says:

"The Goddess is shining, deep in our hearts." Then have your dinner. At the end, clear away the dinner things. Leave your glasses

and the moon candle. Set the table again with cakes and drinks. Then an adult says:

"We share the gifts of the Goddess with her and each other on the night when she rides high in the sky." Pass the cakes around. While you do, one parent says:

"Mother of us all, Watch over us. Hug us Hold us Wrap us round with your loving arms and keep us safe until the Moon is full again." After the cakes are eaten, snuff out the moon candle. Then pour the melted wax from it into the water. It will cool quickly. Use it to divine from, to see what the next month will bring. For young children, this is a game of "What does it look like?" As the children go to bed, anoint them with the water, saying:

"May the Moon send you good dreams." The moon water can also be used for sprinklings, offerings, or watering plants. Full Moon Dream Ring Ritual Needed:  Silver candle  Silver or silver colored ring  Sandalwood incense  Pen and dream worksheet Cast this spell at midnight on the eve of a full moon. Draw a magick circle of silver light, and call in the elemental powers. Light the candle, dedicating it to a favorite moon goddess. Bathe the ring in the incense smoke for a few minutes, and then place it on the altar in front of the candle. Clear your mind, letting go of all your tensions and worries for a little while. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself, and pick up the ring, holding it in your dominant hand. Hold the ring up toward the North, and say:

"Helpful Earth spirits of the North, Empower this magick ring tonight!" Hold the ring up toward the East, and say:

"Helpful Air spirits of the East, Empower this magick ring tonight!" Hold the ring up toward the South, and say:

"Helpful Fire spirits of the South, Empower this magick ring tonight!" Hold the ring up toward the West, and say:

"Helpful Water spirits of the West, Empower this magick ring tonight!" Hold the ring up to your heart, and say:

"By spirit, Earth, Air, Fire, and Sea, With this ring, empower my dreams! As I will, so shall it be!" Allow the candle to burn down, and put the ring on a finger of your left hand. As you drift to sleep, repeat silently, “Magick ring empower my dreams.” In the morning, write down what you recall from your dreams, then pull up the circle of silver light, and release the elemental powers. Take off your Full Moon Dream Ring, and place it on your altar. At night, put it back on before you go to sleep to make your dreams magickal. Full Moon Ritual Needed:  Lunar symbols  Quartz crystal sphere or cauldron  Candle  Incense  Circle of stones Perform this at night, in view of the Moon if possible. It is appropriate for crescents, white flowers, silver and other lunar symbols to be present on the altar for this ritual. The quartz crystal sphere can be placed upon the altar as well. Or, if you prefer, use the cauldron (or a small white or silver bowl) filled with water. Place a piece of silver into the water. Arrange the altar, light the candles and censer, and cast the Circle of Stones. Stand before the altar and invoke the Goddess and God, with the Blessing chant and/or any other invocations. Now gaze at the Moon, if possible. Feel its energies sinking into your body. Feel its cool Goddess energy wash you with power and love.

Now say:

“Wondrous Lady of the Moon You who greets dusk with silvered kisses; Mistress of the night and of all magicks, who rides the clouds in the blackened skies and spills light upon the cold Earth; O Lunar Goddess, Crescented-One, Shadow maker and shadow breaker; Revealer of mysteries past and present; Puller of seas and ruler of women; All-wise Lunar Mother, I greet Your celestial jewel at the waxing of its powers With a rite in Your honor. I pray by the Moon, I pray by the Moon, I pray by the Moon.” Continue chanting "I pray by the Moon" for as long as you will. Visualize the Goddess if you so desire, perhaps as a tall, healthy woman wearing silver jewelry and a white, rippling, draped clothing. A crescent Moon may rest upon Her brow, or She may toss a glowing silvery white orb in Her hands. She trods the star field of eternal night in an eternal round with Her lover, the Sun God, spreading moon rays wherever She goes. Her eyes laugh, Her skin is white and translucent. She glows. Now is time for magick of all types, for the full of the Moon marks the height of its powers, and all positive spells cast then are more powerful. Full moons are also excellent times for meditation, mirror magick and psychic workings, for such are often more successful within the circle. Crystal-scrying is particularly recommended; flood the crystal with moonlight prior to the ritual. If you have no crystal sphere, use the cauldron filled with water and the piece of silver. Gaze at the water (or at the Moon glinting on the silver) to awaken your psychic awareness. Lunar liquids such as lemonade, milk or white wine can be consumed during the Simple Feast that follows. Thank the Goddess and God and release the circle. It is done.

Full Moon Ritual Needed:  2 white candles  A bell  Wine or lunar liquid  Chalice  Spell material if you are doing something afterwards Cast your circle. Stand before the altar facing North and say:

"This is the time of the full moon, a time of great power for positive manifestation, a time of increasing and gaining. The tide of Moon-power is strong. I am of the Goddess. I stand before You at Your altar, in love and adoration. Be with me Goddess. Let me feel your presence here tonight." Go to the east with the bell. Ring it once and say:

"Hail Selene. Help me feel the Lady's power and presence within my mind." Go to the South. Ring the bell once and say:

"Hail Cerridwen. Help me feel the Lady's power and presence within my spirit." Go to the West. Ring the bell once and say:

"Hail Athena. Help me feel the Lady's power and presence within my emotions." Go back to the North. Ring the bell once and say:

"Hail Aphrodite. Help me feel the Lady's power and presence in my body." You will probably have an amazing wave of feelings come over you. Let them sink into your body and soul. When you are ready, return the bell to the altar, turn to the North, and raise your arms high above your head. Say:

"Hail Goddess! Moon Mother, Lady of Light, Mistress of Magick and Animals. You are the white light of the Moon upon the Earth, the brilliant rays of sun upon life. You are the beginning and ending, the One who creates and takes away. Within You, I see myself and all woman. In this time, You come to me and fill me with your presence." Communicate with Her now. Tell Her your problems, wishes and anything you wish to tell her. When you are finished say:

"All honor and love to the wonderful Goddess, for She is the power behind all powers, the Goddess behind all gods, the Eternal Life behind death. I see Her loving face within the moon and rejoice. All Hail Queen of the heavens and the earth, the eternal on of Wisdom!" Raise the chalice to toast her and say:

"To Diana and all the Goddesses!" Now is the time for divination, meditation, and spell work of any kind. Full Moon Ritual Needed:  2 pieces of paper  White candle  Black candle  Green candle  Cauldron  Frankincense When you are ready burn a purifying incense place cauldron in middle of altar prepare a list of things you want to expel from your life on another sheet the things you want to bring into your life. Place a white candle in the center of your space, black on left, green on right. Light the white candle and say:

"This is the guiding light of divine wisdom and spiritual power." Light the black candle on the left and say:

"I release all that is written here." Light the list to expel from the flame of the white candle and place in cauldron. Light the green candle and say:

"I welcome all that is written here." Light the list to attract from the white candle and place in cauldron. Leave the candles to burn out. Full Moon Ritual Needed:  Bowl of water  White paper moon or white flower The ritual can be performed indoors as well as out. Try to have a type of representation of the Full Moon floating in the water, it may be made of white paper or use a white flower, so long as you cannot see its reflection. Raise the bowl towards the Moon in the sky and say these words:

“Hail to thee white swan on the river. Present life, tide turner, moving through the streams of life, all hail. Mother of old and new days, to you, through you, this night we cling to your aura. Pure reflection, total in belief, touched by

Your presence, I am in your power and wisdom. I praise Your power, your peace, my power, my peace. I am strong, I praise, I bless.” Replace the bowl on your altar. Stand for a few moments while appreciating the power of the Moon. Full Moon Ritual Needed:  Teaspoon of rosemary  Bowl of water  White candle Go outside to experience the full moon or sit near a window where the full moon shines, light a white candle to symbolize the light of the full moon. Cast your circle, hold the bowl in your hands and light it above your head chant:

“By the shining power of the lady's light this water is purified and made clean.” Set the bowl down where the moon light or candlelight shines upon it. See the reflection of the light on the water's surface. When the surface of the water is still hold the rosemary in one hand and chant:

“Through the cleansing power of the earth this herb brings purity.” Add the rosemary to the water. Dip a finger into the water and touch each part of your body listed below and say: Third eye (forehead): “May my intentions be pure.” Lips: “May my words be pure.” Chest: “May my love be pure.” Hands: “May my actions be pure" Feet: "May my path be pure.” Feel the power of the full moon's light and the cleansing rosemary move through your body bringing light and purity into every cell. Knowing that this energy will continue to guide and inspire you over the next moon cycle thank the Goddess for her blessing. You can drain the rosemary from the water and keep the consecrated water for future purifications and blessings or pour the water into the earth outside as and offering. Full Moon Ritual Needed:

 6 candles  Bowl of water  Athame Facing North, the High Priest and Priestess kneel in front of the altar with him to her right. She puts the bowl of water on the altar, places the point of her athame in it and says:

"I exorcise thee, O Creature of Water, that thou cast out from thee all impurities and uncleanliness of the world of phantasm; in the names of Cernunnos and Aradia" She then puts down her athame and holds up the bowl of water with both hands. The High Priest puts the bowl of salt on the altar, puts his athame in the salt and says:

"Blessings be upon this Creature of Salt; let all malignity and hindrance be cast forth hence from, and let all good enter herein; wherefore so I bless thee, that thou mayest aid me, in the names of Cernunnos and Aradia." He then puts down his athame and pours the salt into the bowl of water the High Priestess is holding. The High Priest then stands with the rest of the Coven outside the Circle. The High Priestess then draws the Circle with the sword, leaving a gap in the Northeast section. While drawing the Circle, she should visualize the power flowing into the Circle from off the end of the sword. She draws the Circle in a East to North or deosil or clockwise direction. She says:

"I conjure thee, O Circle of Power, that thou beest a meeting place of love and joy and truth; a shield against all wickedness and evil; a boundary between men and the realms of the Mighty Ones; a rampart and protection that shall preserve and contain the power that we shall raise within thee. Wherefore do I bless thee and consecrate thee, in the names of Cernunnos and Aradia." The High Priestess lays down the sword and admits the High Priest with a kiss while spinning him deosil and whispers: "Bless Be". He then admits a women the same way. Alternate male female male. Then the High Priestess finishes closing the Circle with the sword. She then names three witches to help strengthen the Circle. The first witch carries the bowl of consecrated water from East to East going deosil, sprinkling the perimeter as she/he goes. They then sprinkle each member in turn. If the witch is male, he sprinkles the High Priestess last who then sprinkles him. If female she sprinkles the High Priest last, who then sprinkles her. The bowl is replaced on the altar. The second witch takes the incense burner around the perimeter and the third takes one of the altar candles. While going around the perimeter, each person says:

"Black spirits and white, Red spirits and grey, Harken to the rune I say. Four points of the Circle, weave the spell,

East, South, West, North, your tale tell. East is for break of day, South is white for the noontide hour, In the West is twilight grey, And North is black, for the place of power. Three times round the Circle's cast. Great ones, spirits from the past, Witness it and guard it fast." All the Coven pickup their athames and face the East with the High Priest and Priestess in front, him on her right. The High Priestess says:

"Ye Lords of the Watchtowers of the East, ye Lords of Air; I do summon, stir, and call you up to witness our rites and to guard the Circle." As she speaks she draws the Invoking Pentagram of Earth in the air with her athame: 2







The High Priest and the rest of the Coven copy her movements with their athames. The High Priestess turns and faces the South and repeats the summoning:

"Ye Lords of the Watchtowers of the South, ye Lords of Fire; I do summon, stir and call you up, to witness our rites and to guard the Circle." She does the same pentagram and then faces West and says:

"Ye Lords of the Watchtowers of the West, ye Lords of Water, ye Lords of Death and Initiation; I do summon, stir, and call you up, to witness our rites and to guard the Circle." She faces North with rest of the Coven and says:

"Ye Lords of the Watchtowers of the North, ye Lords of Earth; Boreas, thou gentle guardian of the Northern Portals; thou powerful God and gentle Goddess; we do summon, stir and call you up ,to witness our rites and to guard the Circle." The Circle is completed and sealed. If anyone needs to leave, agate must be made. Using the sword, draw out part of the Circle with a widdershins or counterclockwise stroke. Immediately reseal it and then repeat the opening and closing when the person returns. In this part of the ritual, the Goddess becomes incarnate in the High Priestess. The High Priestess stands in front of the altar with her back to it. She holds the wand in her right hand the scrounge in her left. She crosses her wrists and crosses

the wand and scrounge above them while holding them close to her breast. The High Priest stands in front of her and says:

"Diana, queen of night In all your beauty bright, Shine on us here, And with your silver beam Unlock the gates of dream; Rise bright and clear. On Earth and sky and sea, Your magic mystery Its spell shall cast, Wherever leaf may grow, Wherever tide may flow, Till all be past. O secret queen of power, At this enchanted hour We ask your boon. May fortune's favor fall Upon true witches all, O Lady Moon!" The High Priest kneels before the High Priestess and gives her the Five Fold Kiss; that is, he kisses her on both feet, both knees, womb, both breasts, and the lips, starting with the right of each pair. He says, as he does this:

"Blessed be thy feet, that have brought thee in these ways. Blessed be thy knees, that shall kneel at the sacred altar. Blessed be thy womb, without which we would not be. Blessed be thy breasts, formed in beauty. Blessed be thy lips, that shall utter the Sacred Names." For the kiss on the lips, they embrace, length to length, with their feet touching each others. When he reaches the womb, she spreads her arms wide, and the same after the kiss on the lips. The High Priest kneels again and invokes:

"I invoke thee and call upon thee, Mighty Mother of us all, bringer of all fruitfulness; by seed and root, by bud and stem, by leaf and flower and fruit, by life and love do I invoke thee to descend upon the body of this thy servant and priestess." During this invocation he touches her with his right forefinger on her right breast, left breast, and womb, repeats the set and finally the right breast. Still kneeling, he spreads his arms out and down, with the palms forward and says:

"Hail Aradia! From the Amalthean Horn

Pour forth thy store of love; I lowly bend Before thee, I adore thee to the end, With loving sacrifice thy shrine adore. Thy foot is to my lip (he kisses her right foot)

My prayer up borne Upon the rising incense smoke; then spend Thine ancient love, O Mighty One, descend To aid me, who without thee am forlorn." The High Priest stands up and steps backwards. The High Priestess draws the Invoking Pentagram of Earth in the air with the wand and says as the Goddess:

"Of the Mother darksome and divine Mine the scrounge, and mine the kiss; The five point star of love and bliss Here I charge you in this sign." The High Priest starts off by saying:

"Listen to the words of the Great Mother; she who of old was also called among man Artemis, Astarte, Athene, Dione, Melusine, Aphrodite, Cerridwen, Dana, Arianhod, Isis and by many other names." The High Priestess, who should be in a trance, says as the Goddess:

“Whenever you have need of anything, once in a month, and better it be when the Moon is full, then shall ye assemble in some secret place and adore the spirit of me, who am Queen of all witches. There shall ye assemble, ye who are fain to learn all sorcery, yet have not won its deepest secrets; to these will I teach things that are yet unknown. And ye shall be free from slavery; and as a sign that ye be really free, ye shall be naked in your rites; dance, sing, feast, make music and love, all in my praise. For mine is the ecstasy of the spirit, and mine also is joy on earth; for my law is love unto all beings. Keep pure your highest ideal; strive ever towards it; let naught stop you or turn you aside. For mine is the cup of the wine of life, and the Cauldron of Cerridwen, which is the Holy Grail of Immortality. I am the gracious Goddess, who gives the gift of joy unto the heart of man. Upon Earth, I give the knowledge of the spirit eternal; and beyond death, I give peace and freedom, and reunion with those who have gone before. Nor do I demand sacrifice; for behold I am the Mother of all living things, and my love is poured out upon the earth. I who am the white Moon among the stars, and the mystery of the waters, and the desire of the heart of man, call unto thy soul. Arise, and come unto me. For I am the soul of nature, who gives life to the universe. From me all things proceed, and unto me all things must return; and before my face, beloved of Gods and men, let thine innermost divine self be

enfolded in the rapture of the infinite. Let my worship be within the heart that rejoiceth; for behold, all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals. And therefore let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you. And thou who seekest to seek for me, know thy seeking and yearning shall avail thee not unless thou knowest the mystery; and if that which thou seekest thou findest not within thee, thou will never find it without thee. For behold, I have been with thee from the beginning; and I am that which is attained at the end of desire." The High Priest faces the Priestess and says:

"We thank you Our Lady for attending our rites. We bid you farewell till next we call you. Blessed Be." The Witches' Creed should be said by the entire Coven.

"Hear now the words of the witches, The secrets we hid in the night, When dark was our destiny's pathway, That now we bring forth into the light. Mysterious Water and Fire, The Earth and the wide ranging Air, By hidden quintessence we know them, And will keep silent and dare. The birth and rebirth of all nature, The passing of winter and spring, We share with the life universal, Rejoice in the magical ring. Four times in the year the Great Sabbat Returns, and the witches are seen At Lammas and Candlemas dancing, On May Eve and old Hallowe'en. When day time and night time are equal, When sun is at greatest and least, The four lesser Sabbats are summoned, Again witches gather in feast. Thirteen silver moons in a year are, Thirteen is the Coven's array. Thirteen times at Esbat make merry, For each golden year and a day. The power was passed down the ages, Each time between woman and man, Each century unto the other,

Ere time and ages began. When drawn is the magical circle, By sword or athame of power, It's compass between the two worlds lies, In the land of shades that hour. This world has no right to know it, And the world beyond will tell naught. The oldest of gods are invoked there, The Great Work of Magic is wrought. For two are the mystical pillars, That stand at the gate of the shrine, And two are the powers of nature, The forms and the forces of the divine. The dark and the light in succession, The opposites each unto each, Shown forth as a God and a Goddess: This did our ancestors teach. By night he's the wild wind's rider, The Horn'd One, the Lord of the Shades. By day he's the King of the Woodland, The dweller in green forest glades. She is youthful or old as she pleases, She sails the torn clouds in her barque, The bright silver lady of midnight, The crone who weaves spells in the dark. The master and mistress of magic, They dwell in the deeps of the main, Immortal and ever renewing, With power to free or to bind. So drink the good wine to the Old Gods, And dance and make love in their praise, Till Elphames's fair land shall receive us In peace at the end of our days. And Do What Thou Wilt shall be the challenge, So be it in love that harms none, For this is the only commandment, By magic of old, be it done! Eight words the Witches Creed fulfill: If It Harms None, Do What Thou Will!” The High Priest faces the Coven, raises his arms wide and says:

"Bagabi lacha bachabe Lamac cahi achababe Karellyos Lamac lamac bachalyas Cabahagy sabalyos Baryolos Lagaz atha cabyolas Samahac atha famolas Hurrahya!" The High Priestess and the Coven repeat:

"Hurrahya!" The High Priest and High Priestess face the altar. The High Priest continues:

"Great God Cernunnos, return to Earth again! Come to my call and show thy self to men. Shepherd of Goats, upon the wild hill's way, Lead thy lost flocks from darkness unto day. Forgotten are the ways of sleep and night Men seek for them, whose eyes have lost the light. Open the door of dreams, whereby man come to thee. Shepherd of Goats, O answer unto me!" The High Priest and the rest of the Coven then say:

"Akhera goittiakhera beitti!" This invocation can be said by anyone or everyone.

"Diana of the rounded moon, The Queen of all enchantments here, The wind is crying through the trees, And we invoke thee to appear. The cares of day departed are, The realm of might belongs to thee; And we in love and kinship join With all things wild and free. As powers of magic round us move, Now let time's self dissolve and fade. Here in the place between the worlds May we be one with nature made. Thy consort is the Horn'd One, Whose sevenfold pipes make music sweet.

Old Gods of life and love and light, Be here as merrily we meet! For ye the circle's round we tread, And unto ye the wine we pour; The sacred Old Ones of this land, Ye we invoke by ancient lore By magic moon and pagan spell, By all the secrets of the night, Dreams and desires and mystery, Borne on the moonbeams' silver light. Now may we hear, or may we see, Or may we know within the heart, A token of true magic made, Ere from this circle we depart." Pause and wait in silence. There may come a sound, an outward sign or inner vision. When you feel the time is right, end the period of silence by bowing towards the altar and saying:

"O Goddess Queen of Night, O Horn'd One of might, In earth and sky and sea May peace and blessing be!" Relax. You can also do any other magic craft at this time. The Coven, except for the High Priestess and High Priest, arrange themselves around the perimeter of the circle, man and woman alternately as far as possible, facing the center. The High Priestess and High Priest stand facing each other in the center of the circle, she with her back to the altar, he with his back to the South. The High Priest kneels before the High Priestess and gives her the Five Fold Kiss; that is, he kisses her on both feet, both knees, womb, both breasts, and the lips, starting with the right of each pair. He says, as he does this:

"Blessed be thy feet, that have brought thee in these ways. Blessed be thy knees, that shall kneel at the sacred altar. Blessed be thy womb, without which we would not be. Blessed be thy breasts, formed in beauty. Blessed be thy lips, that shall utter the Sacred Names.” For the kiss on the lips, they embrace, length to length, with their feet touching each others. When he reaches the womb, she spreads her arms wide, and the same after

the kiss on the lips. The High Priestess then lays herself down, face upwards, with her arms and legs outstretched to form the Pentagram. The High Priest fetches the veil and spreads it over the High Priestess's body, covering her from breasts to knees. He then kneels facing her, with his knees between her feet. The High Priest calls a woman witch by name, to bring his athame from the altar. The woman does so and stands with the athame in her hands, about a yard to the West of the High Priestess's hips and facing her. The High Priest calls a male witch by name, to bring the chalice of wine from the altar. He does so and stands with the chalice in his hands, about a yard to the East of the High Priestess's hips and facing her. The High Priest delivers the invocation:

"Assist me to erect the ancient altar, at which in days past all worshipped; The altar of all things. For in old time, Woman was the altar. Thus was the altar made and placed, And the sacred place was the point within the center of the Circle. As we have of old been taught that the point within the center is the origin of all things, Therefore should we adore it; Therefore whom we adore we also invoke. O Circle of Stars, Whereof our father is but the younger brother, Marvel beyond imagination, soul of infinite space, Before whom time is ashamed, the mind bewildered, and the understanding dark, Not unto thee may we attain unless thine image be love. Therefore by seed and stem, root and bud, And leaf and flower and fruit do we invoke thee, O Queen of Space, O Jewel of Light, Continuous on of the heavens; Let it be ever thus That men speak not of thee as One, but as None; And let them not speak of thee at all, since thou art continuous. For thou art the point within the Circle, which we adore; The point of life, without which we would not be. And in this way truly are erected the holy twin pillars; In beauty and strength were they erected

To the wonder and glory of all men." The High Priest removes the veil from the High Priestess's body, and hands it to the woman witch, from whom he takes his athame. The High Priestess rises and kneels facing the High Priest, and takes the chalice from the man witch. (Note: Note: Both of these handings over are done without the customary ritual kiss.) The High Priest continues the invocation:

"Altar of mysteries manifold, The sacred Circle's secret point Thus do I sign thee as of old, With kisses of my lips anoint." The High Priest kisses the High Priestess on the lips, and continues:

"Open for me the secret way, The pathway of intelligence, Beyond the gates of night and day, Beyond the bounds of time and sense. Behold the mystery aright The five true points of fellowship." The High Priestess holds up the chalice, and the High Priest lowers the point of his athame into the wine. Both use both of their hands for this. The High Priest continues:

"All life is your own, All fruits of the Earth Are fruits of your womb, Your union, your dance. Lady and Lord, We thank you for blessings and abundance. Join with us, Feast with us, Enjoy with us! Blessed Be.” Then, either the High Priestess or one of the other women draws the Invoking Pentacle of Earth in the air above the plate with the athame. The High Priest hands his athame to the woman witch and then places both his hands round those of the High Priestess as she holds the chalice. He kisses her, and she sips the wine; she kisses him, and he sips the wine. Both of them keep their hands round the chalice while they do this. The High Priest then takes the chalice from the High Priestess, and they both rise to their feet.

The High Priest hands the chalice to a woman witch with a kiss, and she sips. She gives it to a man with a kiss. the chalice is passed around the Coven, man to woman, with a kiss each time, until the entire Coven has sipped the wine. the chalice can be refilled and any one can drink from it without repeating the ritual once the chalice has gone around once. The woman lays down her athame and passes the cakes to the man with a kiss, he passes them back with a kiss and they are passed around the Coven the same way the wine was. Be sure to save some of the wine and some cake for an offering to the Earth and the Little Folk. After the meeting, leave the offering outside of the house if working indoors, or behind in the woods or field, when you leave if you are working outdoors. The High Priestess faces East, with her athame in her hand. The High Priest stands to her right with the rest of the Coven behind them. If any tools have been consecrated, they should be held by the person furthest to the back. The Maiden stands near to the front to blow out each candle in turn. The Priestess says:

"Ye Lords of the Watchtowers of the East, ye Lords of Air; we do thank you for attending our rites; and ere ye depart to your pleasant and lovely realms, we bid you hail and farewell. Hail and farewell." As she speaks, she draws the Banishing Pentagram of Earth in the air in front of her thus, each time: 2







The rest of the Coven copy the Pentagram and chorus in on the second hail and farewell. The Maiden blows out the candle and the Coven faces the south and the High Priestess says:

"Ye Lords of the Watchtowers of the South, ye Lords of Fire; we do thank you for attending our rites; and ere ye depart to your pleasant and lovely realms, we bid you hail and farewell. Hail and farewell." She turns to the West and says:

"Ye Lords of the Watchtowers of the West, ye Lords of Water; ye Lords of Death and Initiation; we do thank you for attending our rites; and ere ye depart to your pleasant and lovely realms, we bid you hail and farewell. Hail and farewell."

She turns to the North and says:

"Ye Lords of the Watchtowers of the North, ye Lords of Earth; Boreas, thou gentle guardian of the Northern Portals; thou powerful God, Thou gentle Goddess; we do thank you for attending our rites; and ere ye depart for your pleasant and lovely realms, we bid you hail and farewell. Hail and farewell." This ends the Circle. Bless Be. General Ritual to Help with an Intent Needed:  Written or drawing of intent  Candle that matches your intent  Salt  Water  Incense  Fire candle  White candle Set the four representations of the elements. Place your statement/drawing in the center of the altar with the white candle beside the paper. Take a ritual purifying bath, then devote the altar by cleansing, consecrating, and mixing the elemental energies together. Light the incense, hold your hands over it, and say:

"I cleanse and consecrate thee in the names of the God and Goddess. May their blessings reside within thee." Then put your hand over the small fire candle, hold it up, and say:

"Creature of Fire, Work thy will by my desire." Put the candle down, hold your hands over the flame (not close enough to burn yourself) and say:

//"I cleanse and consecrate thee in the names of the God and Goddess. May their blessings reside within thee." Next, hold your hands over the cup of water, and say:

"Creature of Water, I cleanse and consecrate thee in the names of the God and Goddess. May their blessings reside within thee."

Finally, put your hands over the salt, and say:

"Creature of Earth, I cleanse and consecrate thee in the names of the God and Goddess. May their blessings reside within thee." Take three pinches of salt and put it in the water bowl. Hold the bowl up and imagine Spirit entering the water. When you feel that the water has reached empowerment, place it back on the altar. With your dominant hand, draw four clockwise circles in the air over the altar, then tap the altar four times with the heel of your hand. Stand in the middle of the room, take a deep breath and relax into a calm state. Look up, smile, take another deep breath, and begin to walk the circle clockwise with the index finger of your dominant hand pointing out and down. While walking the circle three times, say:

"I conjure thee, O great circle of power, So that you will be for me a boundary Between the world of men and realms of the mighty spirits-A meeting place of perfect love, trust, peace, and joy, Containing the power I will raise within thee. I call upon the angels of the East, South, West, and North To aid me in the consecration. In the name of the Lord and the Lady Thus do I conjure thee, O great circle of power!" Tap on the floor with your hand, and say:

"This circle is sealed." Beginning in the North, call each quarter, moving in a clockwise direction. With head bowed, arms folded across your chest, and legs spread in a sturdy stance, begin in the North. As you speak, slowly raise your head and open your arms, saying:

"Angels of Earth, help me today in my ritual to help (state intent)." Repeat at the other three quarters, always moving clockwise. Once you've finished, move to the center of the circle, hold your arms above your head, and say:

"Lord and Lady, precious Spirit, lend me your wisdom, confidence, and clarity of thought as I work this ritual to (state intent)." Pick up the unlit candle that will represent your purpose. Hold it tightly between

both hands, close your eyes and ask the Lord and Lady:

"Cleanse, regenerate, and bless this tool for this ritual for (intent)." Imagine white light surrounding the unlit candle. Then, with your eyes still closed, think of the intent of your ritual. Conjure the picture of said intent and hold it in your mind as long as you can. Once the picture slips from your mind, put the candle in a fire-safe candle holder. Next, pick up your drawing/written intent, close your eyes, and ask the Lord and Lady:

"Cleanse, regenerate, and consecrate this drawing of (intent)." Again, envision the picture surrounded by white light, just as you did the candle. When you loose the image in your mind, pick up the picture/writing and walk around the circle in a clockwise direction, chanting softly:

"She changes everything she touches; Everything she touches changes." As you continue the chant, move faster and pick up the beat. When you feel you are finished, put the paper under the candle holder, hold your hands over the candle and imagine your success. Then say:

"As I light this candle, my will be done!" Light the candle and stand with your feet spread apart and your arms outstretched, palms up and imagine your goal whirling about you. Imagine the energy of the quarters blending over your candle. Then slowly raise your arms, envisioning the energy that you have created moving up into the air. When you feel ready, raise your arms and just let go of the energy you've collected. When you have let go, say:

"Holy Mother, take this, the energy I have raised into the Universe, and allow my petition to manifest. Bless and protect me on my journey through life. May this working not reverse, or place upon me any curse, And may all astrological correspondences be correct for this working. With harm to none. So mote it be!" Take a deep breath, lower your arms, and ground and center yourself. Move to the center of the circle and give thanks to the Lord and Lady for their participation. Then walk to the West, hold your arms out, and close that quarter by saying:

"Angels of the West, Element of Water, thank you for your participation in this ritual. Go if you must, stay if you like. Hail and farewell." As you speak, close your arms across and next to your chest and bow your head.

From the West quarter, move to the South and say:

"Angels of the South, Element of Fire, thank you for your participation in this ritual. Go if you must, stay if you like. Hail and farewell." Move to the East quarter and say:

"Angels of the East, Element of Air, thank you for your participation in this ritual. Go if you must, stay if you like. Hail and farewell." Move on to the North quarter and say:

"Angels of the North, Element of Earth, thank you for your participation in this ritual. Go if you must, stay if you like. Hail and farewell." Hold out your dominant hand and, beginning in the North, walk counterclockwise, envisioning the circle coming back into your fingers and hand. When you return to the North, tap the floor, and say:

"This circle is open, but never broken. We are the people, we are the power, We are the change! So mote it be!" Graduation Ritual Needed:  Pillar or taper candle in your favorite color  Something that signifies your advancement (certificate, badge, hat, ect.)  2 sheets of laminating plastic  Card wishing yourself success  Dried flower  Photo of yourself  Cornmeal or panted pentacle on a large plate  Incense  Scissors Timing: Full moon (representing harvest) or new moon (representing beginnings) Setup: Cleanse, consecrate and empower all supplies. Place what you have earned in the center of the pentacle. Set the power candle at the top of the pentacle. With careful thought, write a secret wish to yourself on the inside of the graduation card. Ritual: Light the incense and carry around the room or sacred area. Cast the circle and call

the quarters. Walk to the center of your pentacle and stand in the God position. Concentrate on your image of the God in your mind and feel yourself filling with the power and strength of the Master of the Universe. Take a deep breath and open your eyes. Stand in the Goddess position, opening your arms to the gifts and enchantments of the Mistress of the Universe. Feel Her move through your body. Take a deep breath and lower your arms, welcoming your connection to all that is. Hold the power candle in your hands and think about your wondrous accomplishment. Be proud of yourself! Believe that the pathway ahead will be filled with joy and opportunity. Light the candle in honor of your present success and to draw future positive energies toward you. Peel the backing off of one of the laminated sheets. Artfully place the card of congratulations, flower, and your picture on the sticky side of sheet. Once you are satisfied with the arrangement, peel the backing off the second laminated sheet and place it on top of your creations (sticky-side down and smooth side on top) to form your magickal success packet. As you smooth out the bubbles, believe that this smoothing process is helping to level out the road ahead. When you are finished, trim your new success packet and put it in a safe place. Thank the deity for all that you have accomplished and the help that you have received along the way. Be sure to ask for future success for yourself and for anyone who has assisted you. Dismiss the quarters and release the circle. If possible, allow the candle to burn down completely, then bury the cool end somewhere on your property. After the ritual, store any memorabilia from the recent past and carefully pack it away. When you reach the next milestone in your life, repeat the ceremony and make a new packet. With a paper punch, punch a hole in the top of both packets and tie them together with a ribbon. As your success continues to grow, these packets can work together to launch you into the type of lifestyle that you imagine for yourself in the future. Green Man Ritual for Blessings and Prosperity Needed:  Basket  Items from nature  Modeling clay  Incense  Salt  Holy water  Sacred oil

 Illuminator candles  Sweet smelling plants, leaves and flowers Part One Using your basket, take a walk in the woods, fields, by the beach, or along a creek or river and collect small items from nature that you would like to include in your ritual. Before you remove anything living, ask the universe for permission first. If you feel uncomfortable, don’t take the item -- look for something else. Thank nature and the deities each time you put something in the basket, asking for blessings and prosperity. At some point on your walk, rest and close your eyes. Talk to the Green Man in your mind. Part Two Following the instructions on the clay package, fashion the face of the Green Man with your own hands. When modeling the face, take your time. It doesn’t have to look gorgeous -- what is important is that the energy you use and the thoughts you have while you are building your Green Man. As your fingers move through the clay, think of the years of history that belong to that figure. Work some of the items you collected into your design. When you are finished, cleanse and consecrate the image with incense, salt, and holy water. Finish by holding the Green Man image in the sunlight for a few minutes, asking for the cleansing and blessing of heavenly fire. Finally, hold your hands over your work and ask that the Green Man instill the image with the positive energy of harmony and abundance. Place the Green Man in a basket filled with sweet smelling leaves, plants and flowers of the season until you are ready to perform the ritual. Part Three Prepare for ritual by setting up your sacred space, followed by taking a spiritual bath. As the water pours over you, think of your body, mind, and spirit casting off all negative energy. Towel dry and dress in ritual clothing or something loose. Light the illuminator candles on your altar. Place the basket containing your Green Man project on the center of your altar. Cast the circle. Carry the basket to the north quarter, hold it out toward that quarter, and say:

“I call to the Green Man who resides in the north. I am the daughter of Earth who summons you forth. From caves and deep forests from fields and their flowers bring abundance and joy in this sacred hour.” Move to the east, and say:

“Green Man with knowledge who sits in the east please hear my wishes and bless my pleas. Bring abundance and joy on eastern breeze from over the land and across the seas.”

Walk to the south, and say:

“Green Man with fire from out of the south remove from my life negativity and doubt. Instill in this circle courage and growth. Bring blessings and joy; abundance of both.” Walk to the west, and say:

“Green Man who governs the love and the rain come from the west and push away pain. With each movement I make and breath that I take bring blessings, abundance, and gain.” Remove the Green Man image from the basket and place in the center of the altar. Set the basket aside. Anoint the eyes and mouth of the Green Man, and say:

“May your eyes be focused on prosperity. May your mouth utter blessings upon this household. So mote it be.” Hold your hands over the image, and say:

“I saw you in the forest, your eyes so deep and green. I saw you in the fields, dancing there unseen. I heard your breath of life as you tickled leaf and blade I wondered at your rippling skin of amber, gold, and jade. I banish smog and poisons as I bring you in my life. I release pain and suffering I refuse to live in strife. Your gifts of joy and bounty are welcome in this place. Pray bring blessings to each season and touch this sacred space.” Repeat the words “Blessings, abundance, and gain” nine times, beginning softly and growing louder, concentrating on positive energy surrounding you. After the ninth time, clap your hands three times, saying loudly:

“It is done! So mote it be. From this day forward I enjoy blessings, gain, and harmony.” Close the quarters and release the circle. Place the Green Man image wherever you like. Scatter the leaves and flowers from the basket outside to the four quarters, asking for continued blessings for your home from the winds of each direction. Reempower the statue every six months. Guardian Angel Ceremony to Call Your Guardian Guardian Angel to You Needed:  4 white pillar candles

 White bowl filled with spring water  Empty white bowl  Pillar candle the color of the day you were born  7 herbs that match the day you were born  Incense  White sheet  Lodestone  Small white drawstring bag  Straight backed chair  4 fire safe plates Timing: First or second quarter of the moon, preferably on the day that matches the day you were born Cleanse and consecrate all supplies, take off your shoes, and place the white sheet on the floor of your magickal work area. Place the chair in front of the altar, on the sheet. Cast the circle, call the quarters and invoke the deities. Place the four white candles around the chair in fire safe holders and on fire safe plates. Be careful not to knock them over or catch clothing on the flames when they are lit. Carry the lit incense around the room in a clockwise direction. Light the guardian candle and place on the center of the altar. In your own words, ask your guardian angel to come to you. Mix the herbs together in the white bowl without the water. Place the lodestone in the bowl of spring water and put that bowl in front of the chair (not so close you knock it over). Scatter the herbs on the sheet around the base of the bowl. Moving clockwise, light the four candles around the chair. Sit on the chair with your feet flat on the floor, your back straight and your palms up, relaxed in your lap. Take seven deep breaths. Repeat the following softly until you begin to grow drowsy:

“Guardian angel, come to me, come to me, I need you, I invite you.” Now switch the chant to “I am”, repeating these two words until you drift into a meditative state. Be patient. You may see something in your mind, or you may see nothing. If you have a special request, now is the time to make it. When you feel you are finished, thank your guardian, count from one to five, and open your eyes. Take three deep breaths and remain seated for at least three minutes, considering your experience. Rise from the chair and extinguish the candles clockwise around the chair. Take the lodestone out of the water and dry it thoroughly. Gather up the herbs and place them and the lodestone in the white bag. Place the bag on the altar and let it remain there until the candle is finished burning, or you can extinguish the candle and use it again

when you wish to commune with your guardian. Thank the deities, close the quarters and release the circle. Put the guardian bag in a safe place or carry with you on a daily basis. Make a fresh bag once a year. Handfasting Needed:  Wedding bands  Chalice  Bread Priest: “We have come together here in celebration of the joining together of (bride)

and (groom). There are many things to say about marriage. Much wisdom concerning the joining together of two souls, has come our way through all paths of belief, and from many cultures. With each union, more knowledge is gained and more wisdom gathered. Though we are unable to give all this knowledge to these two, who stand before us, we can hope to leave with them the knowledge of love and its strengths and the anticipation of the wisdom that comes with time. The law of life is love unto all beings. Without love, life is nothing, without love, death has no redemption. Love is anterior to Life, posterior to Death, initial of Creation and the exponent of Earth. If we learn no more in life, let it be this. Marriage is a bond to be entered into only after considerable thought and reflection. As with any aspect of life, it has its cycles, its ups and its downs, its trials and its triumphs. With full understanding of this, Groom and Bride have come here today to be joined as one in marriage. Others would ask, at this time, who gives the bride in marriage, but, as a woman is not property to be bought and sold, given and taken, I ask simply if she comes of her own will and if she has her family's blessing. Bride, is it true that you come of your own free will and accord?” Bride: “Yes, it is true.” Priest: “With whom do you come and whose blessings accompany you.” Father: “She comes with me, her father, and is accompanied by all of her family's

blessings." Priest: “Please join hands with your betrothed and listen to that which I am about to


Above you are the stars, below you are the stones, as time doth pass, remember. Like a stone should your love be firm like a star should your love be constant. Let the powers of the mind and of the intellect guide you in your marriage, let the strength of your wills bind you together, let the power of love and desire make you happy, and the strength of your dedication make you inseparable. Be close, but not too close. Possess one another, yet be understanding. Have patience with one another, for storms will come, but they will pass quickly. Be free in giving affection and warmth. Have no fear and let not the ways of the unenlightened give you unease, for God is with you always. Groom, I have not the right to bind thee to Bride, only you have this right. If it be your wish, say so at this time and place your ring in her hand.” Groom: Groom: “It is my wish.” Priest: “Bride, if it be your wish for Groom to be bound to you, place the ring on his finger.” (places ring on Groom's left ring finger)

“Bride I have not the right to bind thee to Groom only you have this right. If it be your wish, say so at this time and place your ring in his hand.” Bride: “It is my wish.” Priest: “Groom, if it be your wish for Bride to be bound to you, place the ring on her finger.” (places ring on Bride's left ring finger) (to Groom) Repeat after me:

“I, (groom’s full name), in the name of the spirit of God that resides within us all, by the life that courses within my blood and the love that resides within my heart, take thee (bride's full name) to my hand, my heart, and my spirit, to be my chosen one. To desire thee and be desired by thee, to possess thee, and be possessed by thee, without sin or shame, for naught can exist in the purity of my love for thee. I promise to love thee wholly and completely without restraint, in sickness and in health, in plenty and in poverty, in life and beyond, where we shall meet, remember, and love again. I shall not seek to change thee in any way. I shall respect thee, thy beliefs, thy people, and thy ways as I respect myself.” (to Bride)

“I (bride's full name), in the name of the spirit of God that resides within us all, by the

life that courses within my blood, and the love that resides within my heart, take thee, (groom's full name) to my hand, my heart, and my spirit to be my chosen one. To desire and be desired by thee, to possess thee, and be possessed by thee, without sin or shame, for naught can exist in the purity of my love for thee. I promise to love thee wholly and completely without restraint, in sickness and in health, in plenty and in poverty, in life and beyond, where we shall meet, remember, and love again. I shall not seek to change thee in any way. I shall respect thee, thy beliefs, thy people, and thy ways as I respect myself.” The priest hands chalice to the groom, saying: "May you drink your fill from the cup

of love.” The groom holds chalice to bride while she sips then bride takes chalice and holds it to groom while he sips. The chalice is then handed back to the Priest who sets it on the table. Next the Priest takes the plate of bread, giving it to the groom. Same procedure repeated with bread, groom feeding bride and bride feeding groom. Priest:

“By the power vested in me by God and the State of (state), I now pronounce you husband and wife. May your love so endure that its flame remains a guiding light unto you.” Happy Family Ritual Needed:  1 white candle  Lavender incense and censor  Chalice or cup filled with water  6 pinches crushed rosemary in a bowl Set up your altar, put the rosemary in the bowl, and draw a magick circle. As you do this, imagine the circle surrounding your entire home. Light the candle and incense, and invite your favorite Divine energies into the circle. Carefully take the burning incense from the altar and hold it in your hands. Face East, wave the incense three times, side-to-side. Merge with the power of Air, and say:

“Powers of the East, masters of air I greet, honor, and welcome you here! Powers of the East, masters of the four winds Bring happiness to my family and be my friend!” Set the incense down on the altar, and hold the lit candle. Face South, and wave the candle side-to-side, being careful of dripping wax. Merge with the powers of Fire, and


“Powers of the South, masters of fire I greet, honor, and welcome you here! Powers of the South, masters of light Bring happiness to my family and blessings bright!” Set the candle on your altar, and hold the chalice in your hands. Face West, dip your fingers into the water, and sprinkle the West point. Do this three times, while merging with the powers of Water, and say:

“Powers of West, masters of water I greet, honor, and welcome you here! Powers of the West, masters of fin and fish Bring happiness to my family and grant my wish!” Set the chalice on the altar, and take the bowl of rosemary in your hands. Face North, and sprinkle three pinches of the herb onto the floor. Merge with the powers of Earth, and say:

“Powers of Earth, masters of Earth I greet, honor, and welcome you here! Powers of the North, masters of the sacred land Bring happiness to my family, and lend a helping hand!” Place the bowl back on the altar. Facing your altar, raise your arms upward. Merge with Oneness, and say:

“Helpful powers of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water I greet, honor and welcome you here! Bring happiness to my family So be it! Blessed be!” Take the bowl of rosemary and scatter tiny bits throughout the corners of your home. Start just inside your front door, and move clockwise. Cover the four corners of each room with a tiny sprinkle. When you are done, gaze at the candle flame on the altar for a few minutes. Imagine the candle flame being a bright spirit light growing larger and filling yourself, your bedroom, and your entire home with completely. Then bid farewell to the elements, thank deity, and pull up the circle. Pour the altar water into a favorite house plant. Harvest Home Ritual Needed:  Incense  Candle

 Fruit and juice  Water  Salt Circle Casting (Spoken while harvesting imaginary grain in perimeter of circle)

“Birds circle hungrily overhead As through harvested fields we tread. The smokehouse fires and burning leaves Their scents do spiral and interweave. Ripples circle in our wake As rice we harvest from a lake. The dusty Earth now shorn of locks Swirls as pass our fattened flocks. Much bounty may our harvest see As we cast, so mote it be!” Quarter Invocations Facing East:

“Guardians of the watchtower of the east, we do summon, stir, and call thee up to protect us in our rite. Come to us now on the cool breath of Autumn's sigh which heralds the advent of Winter and the close of harvest time. Breathe into us the spirit of the pure joy of life. So mote it be!” Facing South:

“Guardians of the watchtower of the south, we do summon, stir, and call thee up to protect us in our rite. Come forth from the cook fires and smokehouses where food is being made ready for the coming cold months. Kindle within us the flame of spiritual awakening. So mote it be!” Facing West:

“Guardians of the watchtower of the west, we do summon, stir, and call thee up to protect us in our rite. Come forth from the rainbow hued morning dew that covers the fields, and is soon to be frost. Asperge us with your diadems and water our deepest roots that we may find peace of mind. So mote it be!” Facing North: North:

“Guardians of the watchtower of the north, we do summon, stir, and call thee up to protect us in our rite. Come forth from the fertile bosom of our Blessed Mother Earth, and nourish us so that our hopes may grow to fruition. So mote it be!” Blessing, Consecration, and Procession of the Elements

Lift the incense burner symbolizing the element of air:

"I am everywhere. I fill the fleshy pouches of your lungs, I stir all things from the smallest blade of grass to the tallest tree. I cool you with my breezes and destroy you with my storms. Without me you would die. Am I not holy and worthy of praise?" Lifting the candle symbolizing the element of fire:

"I live in the guarded embers of campfires and the pilot lights of stoves, I spring from the lightning and the hands of men, I warm you and I destroy you. Without me you would die. Am I not holy and worthy of praise?" Lift the water vessel symbolizing the element of water:

"I rise from the moist crevices of the Earth, I beat on the shores of Her body, I fall from the skies in silver sheets. Without me you would die. Am I not holy and worthy of praise?" Asperge the circle with water. Lift the salt vessel symbolizing the element of earth:

"I am your Mother. From me come the fruit and grain and animals which feed you. I am your support, and my pull on your bodies keeps you held firmly to me. Without me you would die. Am I not holy and worthy of praise?" Invocation of the Goddess

"Come to us Moist Mother Earth. Come to us and take your ease. You have labored long and hard to bring forth your bounty, so that we your children may survive. Come and relax, for well have you earned your rest. Eat and drink your fill, sing, dance, and be merry, for you have done well, and there is plenty for all. And, if it pleases you to ask for the favors of one of us as well, may you find satisfaction there too. We shout your praises, for you are the essence of fulfillment, love, and joy. You are the most beautiful, and beyond measure is your grandeur and greatness. May we never forget that we are a part of your Sacred Body, and may we work to preserve it in all of its myriad forms. All hail the Great Mother!" Invocation of the God

"Come to us Lord of the Hunt, Sacred Herdsman, and Divine Smith. Put by your horn, lay aside your crook, stow your hammer, and quit your forge for now. Wipe your brow, and come find your leisure in the midst of our good company. Have a seat, put up your feet, and pour yourself a cold draught. By the virtue of your work have you earned a rest, for well have your cared for the wild beasts and domesticated flocks. And many a time has your forge burned long into the night with you hard at work creating lightning bolts of such exquisite beauty and terrible power as we have

ever beheld. Join us Great Lord, and indulge yourself to the fullest. May you know no want in our presence, for thanks to you and the Goddess, we know no want. We raise our glasses high and toast your greatness. All hail the God of the Wild Magicks." Guided Meditation Meditation will be about our own spiritual harvest. This will conclude with a personal empowerment chant. Empowerment Chant Repeat the following chant until you decide that enough energy has been raised, and direct a portion of the energy into yourself to help them to develop the inner strength to attain personal spiritual goals.

“Ripen fruit, ripen seed Harken to my inner need” Communion Fruit and Wine, songs, and a good time. Also, describe something that you have done in the last liturgical year that has "borne fruit." Quarter Banishings Facing East:

"Guardians of the watchtower of the east, return now to the brisk Autumn breezes which are brimming with the excitement of the year's climax. Take with you our blessings and thanks. Hail and farewell!” Facing South:

"Guardians of the watchtower of the south, return now to the dying fires of Autumn's heat soon to give way to Winter's chill. Take with you our blessings and thanks. Hail and farewell!” Facing West:

"Guardians of the watchtower of the west, return now to the Autumn rains which cool the Earth's fevered brow baked in the heat of Summer afternoons. Take with you our blessings and thanks. Hail and farewell!” Facing North:

“Guardians of the watchtowers of the north, return now to the Earth where worms burrow deeper and seeds nestle awaiting the long sleep of Winter. Take with you our blessings and thanks. Hail and farewell!”

Circle Banishing

“Equal night and equal day Soon the light will fade away Equal day and equal night This circle fades as does the light Thus the magick we invoke Fades anon like wisps of smoke Until we next decide to play be!” So mote it be! House Cleansing Ritual Ritual Needed:  Cup of red wine  Salt  Water  Sage smudge stick or incense If you can identify the actual spirit, locate the center point of the house, and standing there take a cup of red wine. After each of the following statements take a sip of wine, and drain the cup after the last direction. Facing east:

“Lady of love and power and all blessings, breathe love into this house, fill air with good. Through you, in you, I bless this house.” Facing south:

“Lady of love and living and all blessings, warm this house with comfort, make whole its hearth. Through you, in you, I bless this house.” Facing west:

“Lady of tide and time and every blessing, let every hour flow sweetly in this house. Through you, in you, I bless this house.” Facing north:

“Lady of strength and riches and all blessings, make this house strong and filled with earthly good. Through you, in you, I bless this house.” Walk around the house saying the following in each room (including attic and


“Be comforted. All is well. Now you are blessed. You have life to nurture and nurture you. Be calm. Be easy. Be comforted. You are blessed.” If you can identify the spirit, say the following in the room most affected:

“It is time to leave here. All is well. There is nothing here for you. You must be gone. Go now, go, complete your passing. Go, and with our blessing and farewell.” Often commanding any evil spirits to leave at once, in the name of your deity three times works well. After this you could get a smudge stick of sage, or sage incense, and perform a house blessing carrying it deosil around the property and from room to room, paying special attention to doorways, crevices and windows, and also any places that feel cold. As you do this with words from a house blessing, scatter salt and water which has been consecrated and blessed. Have windows and doors open as you bless the house. Salt scattered along windowsills and doorways will prevent any entity re-entering the property. How to Consecrate Consecrate a Statue Needed:  Herbs  Statue  Cauldron  Pouch  Athame  Butter  Cheese  Milk  Water  Oil  Salt  Candle  Pentacle Prepare your altar as for a Full Moon Esbat ritual and cast your circle. For your statue, you will be combining in your cauldron one herb from the goddess, god, or dual deity listing, along with one herb from the matching elemental list. This echoes the pentagram with a deity spirit and four relating elementals.

Goddess Herbs: Marjoram, moonwort, elder flower. Her Earth: Cypress, honeysuckle, jasmine Her Air: Anise seed, comfrey, elder wood, eyebright, hazel, lavender, mugwort Her Fire: Angelica, celandine, coriander, heliotrope, hyssop, nettle, primrose, rowan. Her Water: Chamomile, camphor, catnip, geranium, hawthorn, hyacinth, ivy, rose, willow God Herbs: Woodruff, yarrow, bergamot His Earth: Cedar, fern , High John the Conqueror, horehound, pine His Air: Acacia, benzoin, mistletoe, nutmeg, thyme, wormwood His Fire: Alder, basil, betony, cinnamon, clove, holly, oak, peppercorn, thistle. His Water: Ash, burdock, hops, orris root, yarrow. Dual Deity Herbs: Mullein, dianthus, heather Their Their Earth: Cinquefoil, mandrake, patchouli, sage, slippery elm. Their Air: Eucalyptus, lemon verbena, mugwort, peppermint, sandalwood, spearmint. Their Fire: Bay, juniper, marigold, rosemary, rue, saffron, St. John's wort, vervain. Their Water: Apple elecampane, heather, meadowsweet, poppy, star anise. Place the cauldron on your pentacle. Hold each herb over the cauldron before dropping it in and say:

“I call upon thee (herb) to lend unto me thy power for the consecration and enlivening of this image of (deity name).” Stir all with your athame:

“Through the power of the Goddess and the God are these herbs blessed to enliven this image of (deity name).” Place the herbs in a small pouch. If your pouch has drawstrings, wrap the ends around the stuffed bag, otherwise fold the pouch shut. Set the cauldron aside. Pass the herbal pouch through the elements: “By earth you have form” (sprinkle with salt). “By air you have breath” (pass through incense smoke). “By fire you have energy” (pass through candle flame). “By water you have the fluids of life” (sprinkle with water). Place the pouch on the pentacle. With your athame in your power hand, raise your open arms overhead to gather the energy:

“I call upon the power of the Lady and the Lord to bless and empower these herbs with their divine essence.” Bring your hand together to hold the knife. Bring the athame down to touch the pouch with the tip and see the energy flow through the blade into the pouch. Set

down the athame. Place your hands with palms down above the pouch:

“By spirit are you charged and enlivened.” Now the image is given spiritual birth through the materials of the sacred cow. This image is found in Hathor, the most ancient goddess of Egypt, portrayed in some statues as the sacred cow with the solar disk resting between her horns.

“With the essences of the sacred cow, who gives of herself in many ways for the lives of others, is this image now blessed.” Rub the statue all over with soft butter.

“With butter are you anointed.” Rub it all over with a soft cheese like a brie, cottage cheese, or use yogurt or sour cream.

“With cheese are you fed.” Wash the statue with about a cup of milk.

“With milk are you given the substance of life.” Rinse the statue off with spring water or running water.

“With water are you cleansed and purified.” Dry the statue and anoint it with consecration oil.

“In the names of the Goddess and the God, I consecrate this statue. Let this image of (name) draw (His/Her) divine power into my home and my Craft. Let this image remind me that (name) is always close to me, as I am always close to (name).” Pick up the herb bundle and tuck it securely inside the statue. If you are concerned that the bundle may fall out, you can close off the bottom of the statue with a piece of felt cut to fit and glued along the edges. Usually the curves of the figure are sufficient to hold the pouch in place. Set the image on the pentacle and cover it completely with a black cloth. Pick up your athame or wand - athame for images of he God and Dual Deity, and the wand for images of the Goddess - to call the Divine into the statue. Hold the athame or wand upright with your arms raised and open before the covered statue and say:

“I call upon the elemental earth, elemental air, elemental fire, and elemental water to bring thy energy and thy power that this image of (deity name) be made ready for enlivening.” Bring your hands together to hold the tool and slowly point it toward the statue as

you say:

“Come Great Lady (Great Lord) and inhabit this image I have prepared for you. let your presence in my life and in my home be a comfort and joy to me.” Touch the statue with the tip of the tool and feel the power of the Divine entering into the image. Leave the statue on the pentacle for grounding and set the athame on the altar. Carefully unveil the statue and set aside the cloth. Verbally welcome the deity by name and place an offering before it such as a cornbread muffin, fruit, or flowers, or you may want to use a dish with food and a small cup with milk or some other beverage. Light an incense such as frankincense on one side of the statue and a white candle on the other side.

“Welcome to my home and my heart, Great Lady/Lord (name). I am blessed by thy presence, and my blessings I give unto thee. Let the light of thy love be with me always.” After an hour, place the statue where you plan to keep it. Offerings, incense, and candles will change in accordance with your needs, the season, the Sabbat and so forth because the statue is now a focal point for your practice. Do not feel odd about talking to the image or meditation on it, for this is an ancient practice that strengthens the ties between yourself and the Divine. For statues that have no hollow space for an her bundle, touch the herb pouch to the statue. Lightly anoint the image with a consecration oil, then set the statue on the pentacle and cover it with a black cloth with the herb bundle under the cloth as well, either under the statue, or behind it or somehow draped against it. follow the rest of the procedure as above, keeping the herb bundle close to the statue, perhaps in a small covered jar behind the image. Imbolc Needed:  Symbol of the season (a representation of a snowflake, a white flower, or perhaps some snow in a crystal container)  Orange candle  Musk, cinnamon, frankincense or rosemary oil  Melted snow  Elemental candles  Incense Arrange the altar, light the candles and censer, and cast the Circle of Stones. Recite the Blessing Chant.

Invoke the Goddess and God. Say such words as the following:

“This is the time of the feast of torches, when every lamp blazes and shines to welcome the rebirth of the God. I celebrate the Goddess, I celebrate the God; all Earth celebrates Beneath its mantle of sleep.” Light the orange taper from the red candle on the altar(or at the Southern point of the circle). Slowly walk the circle clockwise, bearing the candle before you. Say these or similar words:

“All the land is wrapped in winter. The air is chilled and frost envelops the Earth. But Lord of the Sun, Horned One of animals and wild places, unseen you have been reborn of the gracious Mother Goddess, Lady of all fertility. Hail Great God! Hail and welcome!” Stop before the altar, holding aloft the candle. Gaze at its flame. Visualize your life blossoming with creativity, with renewed energy and strength. If you need to look into the future or past, now is an ideal time. Works of magic, if necessary, may follow. Celebrate the Simple Feast. The circle is released. Imbolc Ritual Needed:  Broom  Juice or wine  Chalice  3 red candles  Purification incense  Bell

Cast your circle. Ring the bell three times. Say:

“Now our Lord has reached the zenith of his journey. Now does he turn to face the Lady. Though they are apart, they are one. The are both the shadow and the light.” Light the three red candles and set the incense burning. Say:

“The Lady is come, and we welcome Her. The creatures of the wild know She is near, for the world shall soon feel life. The season is harsh; the winter King rules at this bitter time -- and this is foreordained. But now she shall return, and life comes again, forest and field awakening in virgin purity.” Take your broom, sweep the area around the altar and mentally or out loud state negative things you want out of your life. Place the broom next to the altar. Stand before the altar, hold your hands over the candle flames (not so you burn yourself but so you can feel the heat from them) and say:

“O depths of my soul, may I be purified. O Threefold Goddess, place your warmth about me!” Take the chalice of juice and place it on your pentagram if you have one and say:

“May this juice of the season to come be given the powers of the Lady, new and fresh and joyous, that we may all gain of these strengths as I drink, and be blessed. So be it!” Take a drink and say:

“I drink in honor of our Ancient Gods, to our lovely Goddess, and to the coming seasons of warmth and of love.” After this, kneel before the altar, raise your arms and say:

“O Goddess, O God of the ancient ways, spread your blessings far and wide! And that the world may thus be led back to the ways of peace and joy!” Extinguish all the candles. Close the Circle. If any juice is left, pour it on the ground outside as a libation to the Gods. Invocation of Lord and Lady Needed:  Athames  Staff

Part One: The Preparations The Priest, Priestess, Bard and Quarters begin standing in circle just outside the circle that will be consecrated for the ritual. Other participants begin outside of circle and will later enter through South gate. Customarily, East and North are male, South and West female. 1. The Warning The Bard moves to center of circle and addresses all:

"We gather tonight to open the veil between the worlds. This is not safe -- To pass beyond that threshold we must leave behind the protections of the mundane world. We must remove the veils which disguise us and lay aside the jewels which dazzle our eyes. We must take the risk of Seeing, and of being Seen. For our protection we rely upon the Lord and the Lady, whose Children we are. Any who are not ready to approach Them in reverence, love and trust should leave now. Pause

Those of you who have chosen to walk this path, prepare yourselves to meet God and Goddess.” The Bard remains in center. 2. Claiming the Circle East takes one step forward into the circle and speaks, facing inward:

"In the name of the Lady of Light, and in my own name, I claim this circle as a place of Men. Let all who enter be bound to speak, and hear, the Truth. So mote it be." West takes one step forward into the circle and speaks, facing inward:

"In the name of the Sacred King, and in my own name, I claim this circle as a place of Women. Let all who enter be bound to Perfect Love and Trust. So mote it be." South takes one step forward into the circle and speaks, facing inward:

"In the name of the Lord of the Greenwood, and in my own name, I claim this circle as a place of Nature Let all who enter be bound to the sacred web of life. So mote it be."

North takes one step forward into the circle and speaks, facing inward:

"In the name of the Queen of Heaven, and in my own name, I claim this circle as Sacred Space. Let all who enter be opened to the presence of God and Goddess. So mote it be." 3. Marking the Circle All sing Listen to the Lord and Lady while Priest and Priest mark circle. When finished Priest and Priestess stand before alter in North, facing South. 4. The Challenges East and West move to South gate and form Arch with athames. North crosses to South gate. Participants enter through South gate one at a time and are challenged at knife point by North and South, then shown to places by Bard.

“Who seeks to join this fellowship?” “Will you support and defend your companions on this quest?” “Do you swear to use that which you learn in this circle only in service of the light?” “Are you ready to meet the Mother and Father of All life?” “Then enter and be welcome.” This may take several minutes, but the effect of the delay is positive rather than negative. The lengthy challenge process acted to center and focus the entire circle. 5. Sealing the Circle The Bard speaks from center:

“We have stepped beyond time, to a place not of earth. In the presence of the Lord and Lady, we join together and are one.” The Bard crosses to take place in circle, then takes hand of next person deosil and says We are one. Each participant takes the hand of the next repeating We are one until the whole circle is joined. When the circle is complete, the Bard announces again:

“We are one!” Part Two: The Mystery 1. Pathworking Pathworking The Priest moves to center and leads all in pathworking. After preliminary relaxation

and centering, the working takes the participant first to four symbols -- a living tree, a sword, a cup, and a standing stone -- each of which holds a message for the visitor. Then the participants journey to an ancient clearing around a weathered stone alter where, in times long past, their ancestors honored the Lord and Lady. In that holy place, the participants call the Guardians of the Quarters, then prepare to invoke the Lord and Lady. Note: The actual invocation of the Lord and Lady follows without transition, inviting the participants to continue to experience it in the ancient clearing. 2. Calling the Lord and Lady The Priestess joins Priest in center. Priestess invokes the Lord. Other celebrants invoke Lord and/or Lady as they feel inspired. Priest closes invocations by invoking the Lady. All invocations end with “Come join with us.” which is repeated by all. 3. Chant The Priestess begins chant alone, all join in after first time through. Participants should stand, clap and dance as they feel moved.

“Isis, Osiris, Woden and Freya; Lord and Lady, Brigid and Lugh.” The chant builds in power to be cut off at the peak by the Bard striking the staff on the ground. 4. Readings During chant East and West have stepped outside circle and deliver readings from opposite sides of circle. The Bard is at center and says:

“Hear now the words of the Great Mother who is called Isis, and Freya, and Brigid, and many other names.” West says:

“Think not that I am far from you, for you can see my visage in the moon, and hear my voice upon the wind. I am the silence of the sea, and the secret of the standing stones. I am the beauty of the green earth, and the mystery of the stars. I am the Mother of all things, and the soul of nature, who gives life to the universe. I am the source of your beginning, and I am the fulfillment of your desire.” The Bard says:

“Hear the words of the All Father who is called Osiris, and Woden, and Lugh, and other names beyond counting.”

East says:

“You know me not, but I am with you. My face is the sun, and my voice the thunder. I am the strength of the forest, and the keenness of the sword. I am the rune giver; the patient teacher; the revealer of secrets. I am the warrior, the defender of the weak and the companion of heroes. I am the Horned One. I am the gateway to the Mysteries, and I am Mystery itself.” West says:

“Arise and come unto us, for mine in the womb that bore thee and the breast that nursed thee. Your joy is our joy, and your sorrow, our sorrow. We would teach you the ways of healing, and the joys of love, for our law is love unto all beings. We give the knowledge of the eternal spirit, and beyond death we give peace and reunion with those who have gone before. We would lead you to love and to freedom. Call on us, and we will show you the hidden paths.” East says:

“Follow my white stag into the deep forest. There is mystery in the wild places, and a path that leads between the worlds. The path is not easy, for it leads to that which cannot be given by another. Those who would share our freedom must create it anew within their own hearts. But no one who walks that path walks alone. Fear not to call on us, for we have not forgotten our Children.” 5. Great Rite The Priest and Priestess take positions in center of circle, Priest kneeling with chalice, Priestess standing with athame. Priest makes spontaneous prayer to Lord and Lady. Priestess prays and/or responds on behalf of Lord and Lady, customarily ending with So mote it be as she lowers the athame. Note: A common theme here is to invite the Lord and Lady to join with us as they join with each other, but sensitivity to the inspiration of the moment is the prime concern. 6. Blessing All sing We all come from the Goddess as Priest and Priestess circle group, touching and offering a blessing to each in turn. When all have received a blessing, Priest and Priestess return to circle and all join hands. Priest and Priestess signal end to song by returning to center. Part Three: Closing

1. Thanking the Lord and Lady The Priest thanks Lady, Priestess thanks Lord. 2. Return to Mundane Consciousness The Priestess returns to circle. The Priest resumes pathworking in ancient clearing, thanks quarters and draws participants back into normal consciousness before returning to circle. 3. Opening the Circle The Bard moves to center and addresses all:

“The rite is ended, the circle is open, may the blessing of the Lord and Lady be with you all. So mote it be.” (All respond.) Lammas Needed:  Incense  Burner  Chalice of water  Salt  Pentacle  Dagger  4 element candles  Chalice of wine  Wand  Plate of bread  Cauldron with orange or yellow candle in it  Fall flowers, ivy and leaves for decoration Special notes: The turning point in Mother Earth’s year; a Harvest festival in the northern lands. The waning God and waxing Goddess. Spell work for good fortune and abundance is especially appropriate. Cast the Circle. Light the cauldron candle, say:

“O Ancient Gods of the Celts, I do ask your presence here. For this is a time that is not a time, in a place that is not a place, on a day that is not a day, and I await you.”

Set plate of bread on the pentacle. Stand still and breathe deeply for a few moments. Concentrate on the cleansing power of the breath of air when you feel ready say:

“I have purified myself by breathing in the life force of the universe and expelling all evil from me.” Lift plate of bread high, then set it back on the altar.

“I know that every seed, every grain is a record of ancient time, and a promise to all of what shall be. This bread represents life eternal through the cauldron of the Triple Goddess.” Eat a piece of bread, put wine chalice on pentacle, lift it high, then set on altar.

“As the grape undergoes change to become wine, so by the sacred cauldron of life shall I undergo change. And as this wine can give man enchantment of the divine or sink him to the lower realms, so I do realize that all humans rise or fall according to their own strength and will.” Drink some wine, say:

“As in the bread and wine, so it is with me. Within all forms is locked a record of the past and a promise of the future. I ask that you lay your blessings upon me, Ancient Ones, that this season of waning light and increasing darkness may not be heavy. So Mote It Be!” Put some wine out for the little people or give it to the Earth Continue on with The Simple Feast and Closing the Circle. Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram Needed:  Dagger Warning: Treat this Ritual with the utmost Respect! Take a few minutes to relax and when you are ready you may proceed. You will need a Dagger or if you do not have one you may use your index finger. You are going to be tracing Pentagrams in the air, vibrating sacred names of God, and calling upon the

Archangels to surround you. You are going to have to visualize these things you do but after much practice you will see the Pentagrams and angels and not have to imagine, because they are really there! Now, take your dagger and stand facing the east. Place the dagger in your right hand and follow the next steps. 1. Touch you forehead and vibrate the name (ah-tah). 2. Touch the dagger to your chest and vibrate the name (mahl-koot). 3. Touch your right shoulder and vibrate name (Vih-G'boo-rah) 4. Touch your left shoulder and vibrate the name (Vih-G'doo-Lah) 5. Fold your hands at chest and point them forward with the dagger pointing the same direction. Vibrate (Leh-Oh-Lahm) 6. Keep hands folded and point them up with dagger pointing the same direction. Vibrate the word (Amen) 7. Stay facing the east and trace a pentagram as big as you can in the direction that the diagram below shows.

Start here at the bottom left hand corner. Imagine that as you trace this pentagram it is done in blue flame. So you now have a flaming blue pentagram. Thrust at the middle of the pentagram with the dagger and vibrate the sacred name (Yud-HehVahv-Heh) 8. From that point trace a single line in white fire to the South. By this time you should be facing south. Each time you trace a new pentagram, make sure that you are facing the direction that you are pointing in. Now that you are facing south, trace a pentagram in blue flame. Thrust at the middle and vibrate the sacred name (Ah-DohNye) 9. Repeat this tracing your line to the West. Thrust at the pentagram and vibrate the sacred name (Eh-Hehee-Yeh) 10. Repeat once again this time to the North. Thrusting once again vibrate the sacred name (Ah-Glah) Now trace a line back to the East to finish off the circle. You now have four blue flaming pentagrams and a circle of white fire surrounding you. 11. Stretch your arms straight out to the sides and say:

“Before me Ra-Fay-El behind me Gab-Ray-El at my right hand Mih-Chai-El at my left hand Ar-Ree-El around me flames the Pentagram within me shines the six ray star.” Visualize these Archangels standing a good nine feet tall surrounding you. Believe me, they are there. Imagine seeing this six rayed star shining in the middle of your chest. This star is the Hexagram the same shape as the "Star of David". 12. Repeat steps 1-6 and you are done. You are now protected by the Power of God and his Archangels. All spirits that may have been around you are now banished. You are now in the presence of God. If you been conjuring up some type of spirit or have been using the Ouija board, you will want to use this ritual at the end of your Practices. This ritual should be done every day just to protect you and build up your Aura. There are psychic Vampires out there that looking to drain the energy out of the unsuspecting victim. This is a very simple ritual so memorize it, and do it well. Litha Ritual Needed:  Holly  Mistletoe  Salt water The mistletoe should be placed on the altar, and the holly near it but just out of sight. you can use artificial if necessary. If you have a pet or familiar, you can give them a special blessing in this ritual. Cast your circle as usual. Face your altar and say:

“Blessed be this season of Midsummer. The sun rides at s peak in the skies above. The Goddess is heavy with pregnancy. Today I celebrate the light, for tomorrow that light will wane. Today I acknowledge the end of the waxing year, and the beginning of the waning time.” Take your athame and raise it in front of you pointing up. Say:

“Farewell to the waning year Season of fertility and growth and the time of planting” Make the sign of the banishing pentagram. Say:

“Welcome the waning year Season of harvest and wisdom

Welcome to the bounty of autumn.” Make the sign of the invoking pentagram. Set the athame back in its place on the altar, then switch the mistletoe with the holly. The holly is the symbol of the Holly King who now reigns over the rest of the ear. Midsummer is a good time to renew your self-dedication. Take your salted water from the altar and hold it upward with both hands. Say:

“O blessed Lady, whose belly quickens with the harvest bounty, fill this vessel of your womb with your holy presence that I might rededicate myself to your service. great mother of heaven and Earth from whom I and life was born. Womb to whom we all return to be born again, as did my ancestors so long ago, I stand before you today to acknowledge you as the Great Mother, giver of all life.” Hold the container in your left hand and with your right hand, reach into the container and wet your fingertips. Bend down and anoint your feet. Say:

“Bless my feet as I seek to walk your ancient pathway. Steer them in the direction of right and light.” Anoint your heart area. Say:

“Bless my heart which humbly turns to you in love and is given to you freely. Help me love unconditionally all my fellow living things.” Anoint your eyelids. Be careful not to get any in your eyes. Say:

“Bless my eyes that they may be open to the wonders of your world; that I may see you in all your guises; that I may see the unseen and know all truths through them.” Anoint the crown of your head. Say:

“Great Mother, bless my mind that it will always be open to you, and guard it that it not conceive to do harm to any fellow living creatures. May I always remember and follow the Wiccan Rede. I know that if along your path I bring harm to any living creature that I will experience the same three times over. As all living things are one, as I harm others, I also harm myself. May I always seek a spiritual path in this earthly incarnation, and dome joyfully when my earthly time is done.” Hold the container upward again. Say:

“Blessed Lady of many faces, you who are warrioress, protectress, instructress, inspirer, innocent Virgin, wise old Crone, and Great Mother. I present myself to you as your child, (name), and ask that you accept my dedication to you. So mote it be, Blessed Be!” Spend a few moments in quiet meditation on the meaning of the ritual you just

performed. Close the circle whenever ready. Litha Ritual Needed:  Small cloth pouch  Herbs  Red string  Cauldron  Quarter candles  Red candle  Incense  Wand Before the rite, make up a small cloth pouch filled with herbs such as lavender, chamomile, St. John's Wort, vervain, or any of the Midsummer herbs. Mentally pour all your troubles, problems, pains, sorrows and illnesses, if any, into this petition as you construct it. Tie it shut with a red string. Place this on the altar for use during the rite. The cauldron should also be there or nearby. Even if you use candles to mark the quarters, the red candle in a holder should also be on the altar. For outdoor rituals, light a fire -- however small -- and drop the pouch into this. Arrange the altar, light the candles and censer, and cast the Circle. Recite the Blessing Chant. Invoke the Goddess and God. Stand before the altar and say, with wand upraised:

“I celebrate the noon of summer with mystic rites. O great Goddess and God, all nature vibrates with Your energies and Terra is bathed with warmth and life. Now is the time of forgetting past cares and banes; O fiery Sun, burn away the unuseful, the hurtful, the bane, in Your omnipotent power. Purify me! Purify me! Purify me!”

Lay the wand on the altar. Take up the herbal petition and light it in the red candle on the altar (or, if outdoors, the ritual fire). When it is burning drop it into the cauldron (or some other heat-proof container) and say:

“I banish you by the powers of the Goddess and God! I banish you by the powers of the Sun, Moon and Stars! I banish you by the powers of Earth, Air, Fire and Water! O Gracious Goddess, O Gracious God, on this night of Midsummer magick I pray that You charge my life with wonder and joy. Help me in attuning with the energies adrift on the enchanted night air. I give thanks.” Reflect upon the purification you have undergone. Feel the powers of nature flowing through you, washing you clean with divine energy. Works of magick, if necessary, may follow. Part take in the Cakes and Wine ceremony. The circle is released. Litha Litha Ritual Needed:  Seasonal flowers  Pouch of Summertime Herbs  Green Goddess candle  Fresh spring water  Wand  Red Sun God candle  Quarter candles  Altar candle  Cakes and ale Preparation: Sweep area moving in deosil manor. Set up Quarter Candles and any accessories symbolizing the Elements of the Quarters. Decorate the altar with seasonal flowers, especially Sunflowers. Prepare your Pouch of Summertime Herbs, and as you make it, pour your troubles, pains, sorrows, illness, and regrets into it. Place the Cauldron in

the center of your altar, the Red Sun candle to the right of it , the Green Goddess Candle to the left of it. Place the cup of Fresh Spring Water in front of the Goddess Candle. Take a shower or bath for purification. Sit quietly and meditate for a while, then ground and center. When ready, play some peaceful music for the ritual. Cast the circle. Pick up your Wand, and with arms upraised, face South and say:

"I celebrate the Mid-of-Summer, held in honor of the Blazing Sun God. All of Nature vibrates with the fertileness of the Goddess and of the God. The Earth basks in the light and life of the Sun. The ever turning Wheel of the Year has made the light ever stronger And the light has kept growing longer, until today-The middle of the time of light, Litha, Midsummer’s Day, Summer Solstice. From here, the light begins to fade, again, until once more the Wheel turns to the time of darkness, Yule, Winter Solstice. Yet, for today, the Sun is high, the light is bright, the Earth is warm. As the Sun God blazes above, may the fires of my rite flame below." Face the altar, put down your wand, and light the Green Goddess Candle to the left of your cauldron, saying:

"Oh, Mother of Nature, She that brings the meadow to bloom, Green Forest Mother, from lakes and streams your children spring forth. Blessed Lady of the stars and the Moon, Fruitful Womb of which I honor, and ask of Thee, Thy Blessings." Light the Red Sun God Candle to the right of your cauldron, saying:

"Oh, Father of all things, He that plants the seed and nurtures Life. God of Fertility and Fruitfulness, from hill and forest your children emerge. Blessed Lord of the blazing Sun, potent Consort of which I honor, and of Thee, Thy Blessings." Take the Herb Pouch and hold above your head, saying:

"By thy power, oh sacred herbs, may the Lord of the Sun Burn away the hurtful, the troublesome, and the painful, Leaving me purified through His warmth and Light." Hold the pouch over your main Altar Candle to take flame. While it is burning, drop it in the cauldron, saying:

"Great Goddess and Great God, from Thee all powers flow forth. The Two that are One, Great Spirit of All-That-Is, By Thy powers, and the powers of Air, Fire, Water, and Earth, By Thy powers, and the powers of the Sun, Moon, and Stars, I banish these negatives from my life."

Visualize the negatives burning away to nothingness. When all that is left is ashes, douse the ashes with the cup of Fresh Spring Water, feel as if the water were being poured over you and your negatives washed away. Air dry by dancing and running your hands up and down your arms, body, and legs. Don't forget your head, lay it back and shake running your fingers through your hair. When done, face altar, wave hand over the cauldron and say:

"As the Phoenix rises from the ashes, so let this water be pure and new. Mother Goddess, bless this water so that it may bless and renew me. Father God, may your rays of the Midsummer Sun bless and nourish me. Two that are One, may your blessings sustain me as I journey, anew." Pass your cupped hands over the cauldron, pausing briefly each time to 'pour' in wishes for health, prosperity, and good fortune to be part of your life. Dip the forefinger of your right hand into the cauldron water, and trace a pentagram on your forehead, saying:

“Let my mind be open to the truth." Anoint your lips saying:

"Let my lips always speak the truth." Anoint your heart area, saying:

"Let my heart seek the ways of the Goddess, now and always." Anoint the centers of your palms, saying:

"Let my hands be gifted to work in magickal ways." Anoint the soles of your feet, saying:

"Let my feet ever walk upon the sacred paths!" Now is the time for meditation and any spell workings. Midsummer spell workings include: prosperity, fertility, and plentiful harvests. Finish by having the Cakes and Ale Ceremony and releasing the circle. Clean up. The Ritual is done. Litha (Summer Solstice) Needed:  Incense  Burner  Chalice of water  Salt  Pentacle

 Dagger  4 element candles  Chalice of wine  Wand  A red candle (set to the right of cauldron)  Cup of fresh water set in the cauldron (with a green or blue candle on the left.) Special notes: Rededication to the Great Goddess and Great God. Time when the Sun casts three rays to light the world. Cast the Circle. Light the green candle to the left of cauldron

“Green forest Mother, bless this water, I do ask. Great One of the stars, spinner of fates, I give honor to you, and call upon you in your ancient names, known and unknown.” Light the red candle to the right of cauldron.

“Mighty Sun God, god of fertility and plenty, be here with me now, I do ask. I give honor to you, and call upon you in your ancient names, known and unknown.” Raise your arms over the cauldron and say:

“This is the sacred cauldron of the Triple Goddess. The touch of its consecrated water blesses and renews, even as the rays of the Sun nourish and bless all life.” Pass your hands/arms between the two candles, making wishes as you do; or set them on the floor and walk between them. Dip forefinger of your power hand into the cauldron water and trace a pentagram on your forehead. Kneel before the altar to rededicate your life to the Old Gods.

“I will serve the Great Goddess and give reverence to the Great God. I am a pagan, a stone of the ancient circle, standing firmly balanced upon the Earth, yet open to the winds of the heavens, and enduring through time. May the Old Gods witness my words!” Place wine chalice on pentacle and lift it high.

“Honor to the Old Gods! Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again!” Drink the wine, saving some to be put out for the little people or to be given to the earth. Continue with The Simple Feast and Closing the Circle. Lughnassadh Needed:  Sheaves of wheat, barley or oats  Fruit  Bread  Corn dollies  Candles  Censer Place upon the altar sheaves of wheat, barley or oats, fruit and breads, perhaps a loaf fashioned in the figure of the Sun or a man to represent the God. Corn dollies, symbolic of the Goddess, can be present there as well. Arrange the altar, light the candles and censer, and cast the Circle of Stones. Recite the Blessing Chant. Invoke the Goddess and God. Stand before the altar, holding aloft the sheaves of grain, saying these or similar words:

“Now is the time of the First Harvest, when the bounties of nature give of themselves so that we may survive. O God of the ripening fields, Lord of the Grain, grant me the understanding of sacrifice as You prepare to deliver Yourself under the sickle of the Goddess and journey to the lands of eternal summer. O Goddess of the Dark Moon, Teach me the secrets of rebirth as the Sun loses its strength and the nights grow cold.” Rub the heads of the wheat with your fingers so that the grains fall onto the altar. Lift a piece of fruit and bite it, savoring its flavor, and say:

“I partake of the first harvest, mixing its energies with mine that I may continue my quest for the starry wisdom of perfection. O Lady of the Moon and Lord of the Sun, gracious ones before Whom the stars halt their courses,

I offer my thanks for the continuing fertility of the Earth. May the nodding grain loose its seeds to be buried in the Mother's breast, ensuring rebirth in the warmth of the coming Spring.” Consume the rest of the fruit. Works of magick, if necessary, may follow. Celebrate the Simple Feast. The circle is released. Lughnassadh Ritual Needed:  Golden yellow center cloth  Gold candle  Silver candle  Summer blend incense  Harvest vegetables  Golden stones or other Sun symbols  Cornbread cupcakes  Cauldron  Apple cider  Broom  Soothing music Preparation: Sweep area moving in a deosil manner. Outline the perimeter of your Circle with cornmeal or yellow sand. Place Gold Center cloth on the altar and garnish with Harvest Vegetables, (Corn, Squash, etc), Grains, (Oats, Rice, Wheat, Rye, etc), and Fruits (Apples, Berries, Cherries, Plums, etc), on the altar. Set the Gold God Candle to the top right of center, and surround with Gold Stones or Sun Symbols. Place the Silver Goddess Candle to the top left of center. Place your (cauldron, if coven) chalice full of Cider in the center and surround with Cornbread Cupcakes. Take a shower or bath for purification. Sit quietly and meditate for a while, then ground and center. When ready, play some soothing music in correspondence with the ritual. Cast the circle and call Quarters (the four elements, Earth to the North, Air to the East, Fire to the South, Water to the West, and, if you want, the element of Spirit can be called from the center of your magic circle). Pick up your wand with your right

hand, face the North with arms stretched out above head, and say:

"What will be is. What was will be. The Wheel of the Year forever turns. Dark to light, light to dark, each season passes with lessons learned. We plant with love, tend with respect, and at Harvest time our yields reflect the bounty of our Mother Earth, ripened by our Father Sun. Now upon our humble hearth, gifts we offer the Two that are One. As each day passes, shorter than the last, May we each be reminded of the seasons that have passed. The marriage and the seeding of the Goddess back in May, Her womb swollen with life anew at Summer Solstice Day, All this time the Father Sun has shone with so much pride Rising early, setting late, and now that he's supplied, The warmth and light to bring to bear, the Goddess and the lands, He knows that his death is drawing near, but this secret he understands, That with the turning of the wheel, his rebirth has been planned." Place you wand upon the altar and with both hands gesture to the Harvest Vegetables, Grains, and Fruits you have adorned the altar with.

"Truly blessed are we that receive the bounty of the Harvest, Blessed be our Mother Earth, Blessed be our Father Sun, As he teaches us of life, death, and rebirth. I honor Thee, The Two that are One." Pick up one of the Cornbread Cupcakes, and offer up to the God/dess, saying:

"Blessed be the Harvest, Blessed be the Corn Mother, Blessed be the Grain God, For together they nourish both body and soul. Many blessings I have been given, I count them now by this bread." Now name all the things that you are currently grateful for. With each item that you name, break off a piece of the Cornbread Cupcake and eat it. Sip from the chalice filled with Apple Cider as well. When finished with list of blessings, take the a small handful of the Grain from your altar and hold it in your open hand at face level, saying:

"Guardian of the East, I pray for your indulgence. Hear me now as I request your aid in the cycle of life. As your winds blow through fields of ripened grain, Carry loosened seeds upon your back That they may fall amidst the soil that is our Mother Earth. She will cover them in times of storm, protecting and nourishing Them until they sprout next Spring, beginning life anew." Blow gently across your hand as if imitating the wind taking the seeds air-born. Continue:

"I give thanks to the Great Mother, Goddess of fertile land, And to the Great Father,

Consort and Provider, For as their bounty sustains my life, So does their bounty sustain my brethren; All living creatures of wood and field, of lake and stream, and of air. Of these blessings I partake And share. Blessed be this Harvest Night, The Givers and the gift." Face the altar and assume the Goddess position, saying:

"All things have their season. Again the wheel has turned and brought us to the season of the First Harvest. A time when we think about sacrifices and reborn hope, A time when we reflect on what we have sown by what we reap, A time when we gather our memories, And from those lessons that we have learned, We plan for the future. Blessed Be our Mother, whose womb contains and bears all life. Blessed Be our Father, whose seed plants all life. Blessed Be the Two that are One, From Them life flows and flows back again." Now is the time for meditation and spell workings. If no spell workings are to be done, proceed with the Cakes and Ale ceremony, followed by releasing the Circle. Mabon Needed:  Acorns, oak sprigs, pine and cypress cones, ears of corn, wheat stalks and other fruits and nuts  Rustic baskets  Dried leaves  Candles  Censer Decorate the altar with acorns, oak sprigs, pine and cypress cones, ears of corn, wheat stalks and other fruits and nuts. Also place there a small rustic basket filled with dried leaves of various colors and kinds. Arrange the altar, light the candles and censer, and cast the Circle of Stones. Recite the Blessing Chant. Invoke the Goddess and God. Stand before the altar, holding aloft the basket of leaves, and slowly scatter them so that they cascade to the ground within the circle. Say such words as these:

“Leaves fall, the days grow cold. The Goddess pulls Her mantle of the Earth around Her as You, O Great Sun God, sail toward the West to the lands of Eternal Enchantment, wrapped in the coolness of night.

Fruits ripen, seeds drop, the hours of day and night are balanced. Chill winds blow in from the North wailing laments. In this seeming extinction of nature's power, O Blessed Goddess, I know that life continues. For spring is impossible without the second harvest, as surely as life is impossible without death. Blessings upon You, O Fallen God, as You journey into the lands of winter and into the Goddess' loving arms.” Place the basket down and say:

“O Gracious Goddess of all fertility, I have sown and reaped the fruits of my actions, good and bane. Grant me the courage to plant seeds of joy and love in the coming year, banishing misery and hate. Teach me the secrets of wise existence upon this planet, O Luminous One of the Night!” Works of magick, if necessary, may follow. Celebrate the Simple Feast. The circle is released. Mabon (Autumn Equinox) Needed:  Incense  Burner  Chalice of water  Salt  Pentacle  Dagger or sword  Chalice of wine  Wand  Autumn colored ribbons tied upon dagger  Autumn leaves for decoration  3 candles: white, red, and black set around the cauldron  Ivy in the cauldron Special notes: Balance of light and dark, time of rest after labor, completion of the harvest, thanksgiving. A good time for meditations on reincarnations in preparation for

Samhain. Cast the circle: Light the three candles around the altar:

“I call upon the blessed Lady, queen of the harvest, giver of life and plenty since before time began. Bestow upon me your joy and beauty, power and prosperity, I do ask.” Salute ivy filled cauldron with dagger, say:

“I call upon the Lord of the harvest, sacred King, giver of riches and protection since before time began. Bestow upon me your strength and laughter, power and prosperity, I do ask.” Take the ribbon tied dagger in your power hand wine chalice in the other hand, say:

“Always has life fulfilled its cycle and led to life anew in the eternal chain of the living. In honor of the Old Gods, I mark the fullness of my life and the harvest of this year’s lessons.” Walk three times clockwise around the circle, beginning in the east, chant:

“The year-wheel turns, and bounty comes.” Move back to the altar, lay aside dagger. Set wine chalice on pentacle briefly. As you make the following toasts, raise the chalice high before taking a sip:

“To the good seasons that have gone and the good ones yet to come. Blessed be. To the Goddess! May she bring peace and fulfillment to all her children. Blessed be. To the God! May he protect his followers and bring me prosperity and happiness. Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again! Blessed be.” Continue with closing the circle. Mabon Ritual Needed:  Apple  Chalice

 Apple or grape juice If it is at all possible, this ritual should take place in a secluded cemetery. If this isn't possible, you should try to visit a cemetery where your loved ones are buried and leave apples to wish them a quick rebirth. When you are ready to begin, cast your circle, and invite your deities. Say:

“Blessed be this season of Mabon, time of the second harvest, the harvest of fruit and wine. Tonight all things are in balance: Goddess and God, Life and Death, Light and Dark. Tonight the darkness will conquer the light, leading us deeper into the waning year.” If you are not at the cemetery of your loved ones, visualize if you can their resting places. Take the apple and hold it in front of you at heart level. Say:

“Ancient symbol of life, death and rebirth, take away my mourning. Help me to be assured that death is not a permanent parting, but a new and joyful beginning.” If you are in the cemetery place the apple in front of the grave of a loved one. The apple symbolizes reincarnation. If you aren't at the cemetery you should save the apple to bury in the Earth later to symbolize your hope for rebirth to all life. With the somber part of the ritual over now, you should turn yourself to gladness and honor the God of wine and the aging Crone Goddess. Take the chalice of wine and hold it upward. Say:

“Blessed Crone, thank you for bringing me safely to this season. God of wine, thank you for your gift of the grape.” Now you can make a toast to whomever or what ever you like. Make as many as you toasts as you want and make them as silly as you want! When you are finished, say:

“Blessed be Mabon, season of bounty.” Now spend some time in your circle meditating or communing with the spirits that may surround you. Then close the circle however you wish. Midsummer Needed:  Cloth pouch  Herbs  Quarter candles

 Red candle  Censer  Wand Before the rite, make up a small cloth pouch filled with herbs such as lavender, chamomile, St. John's Wort, vervain, or any of the Midsummer herbs listed in An Herbal Grimoire. Mentally pour all your troubles, problems, pains, sorrows and illnesses, if any, into this petition as you construct it. Tie it shut with a red string. Place this on the altar for use during the rite. The cauldron should also be there or nearby. Even if you use candles to mark the quarters, the red candle in a holder should also be on the altar. For outdoor rituals, light a fire - however small - and drop the pouch into this. Arrange the altar, light the candles and censer, and cast the Circle of Stones. Recite the Blessing Chant. Invoke the Goddess and God. Stand before the altar and say, with wand upraised:

“I celebrate the noon of summer with mystic rites. O great Goddess and God, All nature vibrates with Your energies and the Earth is bathed with warmth and life. Now is the time of forgetting past cares and banes; O fiery Sun, burn away the unuseful, the hurtful, the bane, in Your omnipotent power. Purify me! Purify me! Purify me!” Lay the wand on the altar. Take up the herbal petition and light it in the red candle on the altar (or, if outdoors, the ritual fire). When it is burning drop it into the cauldron (or some other heat-proof container) and say:

“I banish you by the powers of the Goddess and God! I banish you by the powers of the Sun, Moon and Stars! I banish you by the powers of the Earth, Air, Fire and Water!” Pause, seeing the hurts and pains burning into nothingness. Then say:

“O Gracious Goddess, O Gracious God, On this night of Midsummer magick I pray that You charge my life with wonder and joy.

Help me in attuning with the energies adrift on the enchanted night air. I give thanks.” Reflect upon the purification you have undergone. Feel the powers of nature flowing through you, washing you clean with divine energy. Works of magick, if necessary, may follow. Celebrate the Simple Feast. The circle is released. Money Ritual Needed:  Money bath salt  God and Goddess candles  Lodestone oil  Cinnamon  Cloves  Money incense  Green pillar altar candle Perform on the three nights before the full moon, the night of the full moon, and the three nights after, using the same candles. Ritual Bath: Use money bath salts, candlelight. Bring power through the head and feet to cleanse any negativity. Get in water and focus on goal. (When you drain the tub, negativity will go down the drain). Cast circle. Light altar candle, God and Goddess candle. Invoke Gods. Anoint green pillar candle with lodestone oil, visualizing putting your energy for your goal into the candle. Visualize the goal as already existent. Rub candle with cinnamon and cloves. Burn money incense. Morning Rite Needed:  Small stone  Cup or chalice of water  Incense  Essential oil Begin by setting your altar with a small stone, cup or chalice of water, a bit of

incense, and an essential oil that you find pleasing. Take a moment to reflect before your altar in silence and think about the types of energies that you would like to call to yourself to influence the unfolding day. Imagine your perfect day and try to form a very clear image of it in your mind. You may have a specific accomplishment in mind, or perhaps there is a new and beneficial habit you have been wanting to adopt but are procrastinating about. Picture yourself in a state of attainment. See yourself achieving what your heart desires. Imagine yourself doing all of the "I meant to's" in a state of joy and satisfaction. When the image of what you want is clear, speak the following words aloud, or improvise your own:

"Rosy-fingered Eos, goddess of the dawn who paints the morning sky with light I ask for your blessing and rejoice as you set the sky alight. I anoint myself as your child, alive and anew with your radiant energy." Take your vial of oil and place a small drop on your fingertip. Touch your fingertip to your third eye. See yourself bathed in the light of the breaking dawn. Light the incense and let its perfume waft over you. Take in its aroma and speak the following words:

"The fires of day have risen. Let my heart's desire rise up to the feet of the Goddess, that she may gather and direct my sacred intention with her wisdom and power. As the sun climbs through the sky, bless me, Lady of the Morning, who bestows all abundance to her devotees. So mote it be." Take the cup of water and hold it aloft to greet the day. Bring it down to chest level, close to your heart. Dip your fingers in the water, close your eyes, and place a little water on each eyelid.

"Beautiful Iris, who adorns the sky with rainbows of light, bring me clarity of vision and bless my sight that I may see the true nature of those around me. May I be blessed in your eyes." Take the stone and hold it in your hands, feeling it come alive with your energy. Imbue the stone with the intentions of what you would most like to manifest on this day. As you hold the stone, speak the following words or improvise your own:

"Blessed earth, blessed by the dawn, I honor you and your unending grace. May my existence be blessed with your sacred treasure. May I share the abundance of the Goddess on this day." You may carry the stone around with you as a talisman to aid in maintaining your focus throughout the day. You can also personalize the preceding rite by using other goddess names.

Opening the Circle Needed:  Athame Go to each of the four directions in turn, and draw a Banishing Pentacle, saying:

“Guardians of the East (South, West, North), Powers of Air (Fire, Water, Earth), I thank you For joining in my circle And I ask for your blessing As you depart May there be peace between us Now and forever. Blessed be.” Raise your athame to the sky and touches it to the earth, then open your arms and say:

“The circle is open, but unbroken, May the peace of the Goddess Go in your hearts, Mercy meet, and merry part. And merry meet again. Blessed be.” Opening the Circle Needed:  Wand or Athame Face the north and raise your wand or athame. You can use the following releasing invocation as a starting point for creating your own:

"Guardian of the Watchtowers of the North, Spirits of Earth! I give thanks to you for your presence at this rite. I ask now that the tremors of earthquakes recede back to the far corner of the universe from whence they came, ere you depart for your lovely realms. Stay if you will, go if you must. Until I have need to call upon you again, to the North and the Spirits of Earth, I bid thee hail and farewell." Walk to the west and raise your wand or athame, saying:

"Guardian of the Watchtowers of the West, Spirits of Water! I give thanks to you for your presence at this rite. I ask now that the mighty waves subside and that the tides ebb and recede back to the far corner of the universe from whence they came, ere you depart for your lovely realms. Stay if you will, go if you must. Until I have need to call upon you again, to the West and the Spirits of Water, I bid thee hail and farewell."

Turn to the south, again raising your wand or athame, saying:

"Guardian of the Watchtowers of the South, Spirits of Fire! I give thanks to you for your presence at this rite. I ask now that the raging flames die down to gently glowing embers as you recede back to the far corner of the universe from whence they came, ere you depart for your lovely realms. Stay if you will, go if you must. Until I have need to call upon you again, to the South and the Spirits of Fire, I bid thee hail and farewell." Finally, walk to the east and raise your wand or athame, saying:

"Guardian of the Watchtowers of the East, Spirits of Air! I give thanks to you for your presence at this rite. I ask now that the winds of change subside into gentle breezes as they recede back to the far corner of the universe from whence they came, ere you depart for your lovely realms. Stay if you will, go if you must. Until I have need to call upon you again, to the South and the Spirits of Air, I bid thee hail and farewell." Ostara Needed:  Flowers  Cauldron  Spring water  Small potted plant  Candles Flowers should be laid on the altar, placed around the circle and strewn on the ground. The cauldron can be filled with spring water and flowers, and buds and blossoms may be worn as well. A small potted plant should be placed on the altar. Arrange the altar, light the candles and incense, and cast the Circle of Stones. Recite the Blessing Chant. Invoke the Goddess and God in whatever words please you. Stand before the altar and gaze upon the plant as you say:

“O Great Goddess, you have freed yourself from the icy prison of winter. Now is the greening, when the fragrance of flowers drifts on the breeze. This is the beginning. Life renews itself by Your magick, the Earth Goddess. The God stretches and rises, eager in His youth, and bursting with the promise of

summer.” Touch the plant. Connect with its energies and, through it, all nature. Travel inside its leaves and stems through your visualization -- from the center of your consciousness out through your arm and fingers and into the plant itself. Explore its inner nature; sense the miraculous processes of life at work within it. After a time, still touching the plant, say:

“I walk the Earth in friendship, not in dominance. Mother Goddess and Father God, instill within me through this plant a warmth for all living things. Teach me to revere the Earth and all its treasures. May I never forget.” Meditate upon the changing of the seasons. Feel the rousing of energies around you in the Earth. Works of magick, if necessary, may follow. Celebrate the Simple Feast. The circle is released. Ostara Ritual Needed:  Fresh flowers  Potted plant  Cauldron with water  Candles  Incense Decorate the altar with fresh flowers. Set up the altar with your usual tools and include a potted plant, and the cauldron with water and flowers. Light the candles and the incense. Cast your circle. After invoking the Gods, kneel before the altar, facing east and gaze at the plant. Recognize it not only as a plant but as a symbol of the awakening Earth. Say:

“Blessed is the Goddess, our Mother, our provider. Now the dark days of winter have passed and the world grows greener again. As life awakens from its slumber and is renewed by the power of the God and Goddess, we thank them for all we have received from them.” Touch the plant to connect with its energies; feel its life. When ready, say:

“This plant is representative of awakening of life after its long winter slumber. May I learn to be kind to all creatures, great and small, and may I bear in my heart a warmth and understanding of all living things. mother Goddess, Father God, teach me to revere the Earth and all its treasures always.” Ostara (Spring Equinox) Needed:  Cauldron with red candle  Dish for burning  Paper and pen  Bell  Colored Eggs and spring flowers for decoration Special notes: Balance of light and dark; Earth cycle of plant and animal fertility; spell producing, new beginnings. Cast the circle. Take up wand and raise arms in greeting:

“Behold, Lord and Lady of life and the giver of life. Without her Lord, The Goddess is barren. Without the Lady, the God has no life. Each is needful of the other for completion and power, as Sun to Earth, the spear to the cauldron, spirit to flesh, man to woman.” Light candle in cauldron. Rap cauldron lightly with wand:

“Great Goddess, be with me now in your aspect of Maiden, the fair one who brings joy and new life.”// Ring bell once:

“Great God of renewal, be with me now in your aspect of the Lord of the Forests, the Horned God who brings warmth and love.” Rap cauldron once more with wand:

“May the strength of the old enter into the new. Great Lord and Lady, make all things strong and giving of new life. Blessed Be.” Put a little incense on the coals, carry burner around circle clockwise. Put burner on

altar, raise arms and say:

“Awake! All Creatures in the realm of Earth, awake! Greet the Maiden and her Lover, who herald the coming of spring.” Touch parchment paper with dagger:

“Now I cast behind me the darkness of Winter and the past. I look only to that which lies ahead. This is the time for me to plant seeds in the physical, mental and spiritual.” Write on the paper your desires for the coming year. Write only one on each piece of paper, fold them and hold them over the altar in offering to the Old Gods.

“This is a joyous time, a time for planting. With joy and trust, I place these requests in the hands of the Goddess and her Lord.” Light the papers one by one from the candle in the cauldron and drop them on the dish for burning:

“These thought-seeds I do willingly place into the hands of the Lady and her Lord, that these desires and dreams may manifest and become reality. Blessed Be the Old Gods!” Place chalice of wine on pentacle for a few seconds, lift it high:

“Honor to the Old Gods! Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again!” Drink some of the wine, but save some to be put out for the little people or to be given to the Earth. Continue with The Simple Feast and Closing the Circle. Pagan Ceremony Invoking Eros and Aphrodite Needed:  Long ribbon or soft rope (3 feet)  Vows to exchange (written by the couple)  Small gifts (or rings) to be exchanged by the couple.  5 rose candles (Quarter and god candle (god candle can be red))  1 white candle (Goddess candle)  Gifts from the coveners/guests for the couple Cast the circle normally.

Invoke the Goddess and God normally, or as below. High Priest:

"We call upon you in the guise of Eros, Kindler of desire, Bringer of love, to join us here and witness the bonding of (name) and (name)." High Priestess:

"We call upon you in the guise of Aphrodite, Always desirous one, Sensual lover, to join us here and witness the joining of (name) and (name)." Grounding meditation. The High Priest and High Priestess motion the two people to be handfasted to join them before the altar. Couple faces the altar. High Priest: (To one of the couple, the female if the couple are of opposite gender)

"Do you (name) join us here of your own free will, to acknowledge before the Lord and Lady the bond that is shared between yourself and (name)." Person 1: (Responds, hopefully this will be a yes if not, go to closing). High Priestess asks the other the same thing and gets response. Couple turn to face each other and join their left hands. Each now recites the vows they have prepared.

High Priest: (Taking the joined left hands, and the rope)

"Here before witnesses, (name) and (name) have sworn vows to each other. With this cord, I bind them to the vows that they each have made." (Wrap the cord loosely around both arms)

"However this binding is not tied, so that neither is restricted by the other, and the binding is only enforced by both their wills." Couple: (Turning to face each other, in unison)

"Heart to thee, Soul to thee, Body to thee, Forever and always, So mote it be." Coven:

"So mote it be." Couple unbind their left arms. Couple exchange the gifts they have brought for each other. Coven members and guests give couple good wishes and/or gifts. Great rite and Cakes and Ale. Bid farewell to God and Goddess as usual, or as below. High Priestess:

"We thank you Aphrodite, for your presence among us, And as you take your leave, we ask that you leave among us, in each of us, the ability to each be Sensual lover, and desirous one. Hail and farewell."

High Priest:

"We thank you Eros, for your presence here this day, And ask, as you take your leave, that you leave in each of us, the ability to be a Bringer of desire, and kindler of love. Hail and farewell." Dismiss the Quarters, and open the circle. Relax, talk, and party. Pagan Ritual for Basic Use Needed:  Willow wand  Goddess image  Incense  5 candles A circle should be marked on the floor, surrounding those who will participate in the ceremony. An altar is to be set up at the center of the circle. At the center of the altar shall be placed an image of the Goddess, and an incense burner placed in front of it. Behind the image should be a wand fashioned from a willow branch. Candles should be set upon the altar, a total of five, since on is to be set at each quarter and one will remain on the altar during the rite. When all the people are prepared they shall assemble within the circle. The woman acting as priestess shall direct the man who acts as priest to light the candles and incense. She shall then say:

"The presence of the noble Goddess extends everywhere, Throughout many strange, magical, And beautiful worlds, To all places of wilderness, enchantment, and freedom." She then places a candle at the north and pauses to look outwards, saying:

"The Lady is awesome, The Powers of death bow before Her." The person closest to the east takes a candle from the altar and places it at that quarter, saying:

"Our Goddess is a Lady of Joy, The winds are Her servants."

The person closest to the south takes a candle from the altar and places it at that quarter, saying:

"Our Goddess is a Goddess of Love. At Her blessings and desire The sun brings forth life anew.” The person closest to the west takes a candle from the altar and places it at that quarter, saying:

"The seas are the domain of our Serene Lady, The mysteries of the depths are Hers alone." The priest then takes the wand, and starting at the north, draws it along the entire circle clockwise back to the north point, saying:

"The circle is sealed, and all herein Are totally and completely apart From the outside world, That we may glorify the Lady whom we adore. Blessed Be!" All repeat: "Blessed Be!" The priest now holds the wand out in salute towards the north for a moment and then hands it to the priestess, who also holds it out in salute. She motions to the group to repeat the following lines after her:

"As above, so below As the universe, so the soul. As without, so within. Blessed and gracious one, On this day do we consecrate to you Our bodies, Our minds, And our spirits. Blessed Be!" Now is the time for discussion and teaching. Wine and light refreshments may be served. When the meeting has ended, all will stand and silently meditate for a moment. The priestess will then take the wand and tap each candle to put it out, starting at the north and going clockwise around the circle, while saying:

"Our rite draws to its end. O lovely and gracious Goddess, Be with each of us as we depart.

The circle is broken!" Prosperity Ritual Needed:  Poppet made out of green cloth  Chamomile for money  Rosemary for luck  Basil for success  Needle and thread  Directional elementals (earth, incense for air, fire, water)  Altar devotion  Athame Casting the Circle: As you walk around the circle three times, imagine a green, soothing mist trailing from your fingers, enveloping you and enclosing your magick circle.

“I conjure the magick circle I am safe within the Goddess’ womb A sacred place, a world apart Where enchantment births and magick starts With Air and Fire, Water and Earth I circle round the Mother’s girth This circle is sealed.” Drawing Down the Moon: Stand holding your athame, legs slightly apart, arms at your side. Breath deeply. Raise the athame to your lips, holding it with both hands, and then point it toward the moon. Feel the energy of the moon move through the athame, down your arms and into your whole being. Invocation to the Goddess:

“Wondrous Lady of the Moon Mistress of all magick and protectress of all Wicca Live-giving mother I greet you at the waxing of the moon’s power I invite you to attend my Full Moon rite” Invocation to the God:

“Radiant King of the Heavens Master of beasts wild and free Horned stag I greet you at the waxing of the moon’s power I invite you to attend my Full Moon rite”

Meditation and Chant to the Goddess: Sit with your spine straight, legs crossed, hands in your lap. Close your eyes and visualize the Goddess, however She appears to you. Feel Her arms around you in a protective embrace. When you have the vision firmly planted, begin chanting softly:

“Starry Goddess, Full of Light I honor you this Full Moon Night” Repeat, feeling your energy grow. This energy will be used during the following spell working. Spell Working: Cleanse and consecrate poppet for workings of magick. Stuff it with the herbs. Sew the opening closed.

“Goddess of Opportunity Bring good things in life to me I’ll be alert to all you send Goddess be my helpful friend” Repeat three times, envisioning the opportunities you wish to come to you. Reverse Lunar Draw: Raise the athame to the moon, then bring it to your lips and back down to your side, releasing the energy you built during the Drawing. Thank the Goddess and God. Release the Circle: Walk back around the circle, pulling the mist back into your hands. Place the poppet in your closet, your car, your handbag or somewhere else close to you. You can rework this spell at the next full moon if you feel it’s necessary. Quarter Calling East

"Winged One, Spirit of Air, your children invite you here. Come on the winds of the sunrise, give us your vision so clear. You are the gentle spring breezes, you are the glory of flight. Winged One, Spirit of Air, keep us wise through our rite."


"Fierce One, Spirit of Fire, your children invite you here. Come with your blazing noon passion, banish all sorrow and fear. You are the flickering candle, you are the bonfire bright. Fierce One, Spirit of Fire, keep us brave through our rite." West

"Swift One, Spirit of Water, your children invite you here. Come on the waves of the sunset, bring to us joy and good cheer. You are the well of deep comfort, you are the crashing waves height. Swift One, Spirit of Water, keep us sure through our rite." North

"Hoofed One, Spirit of Earth, your children invite you here. Come from the mountains of midnight, with new strength and vigor appear. You are the field of our pleasure, you are the source of our might. Hoofed One, Spirit of Earth, keep us strong through our rite." Center

"Winged One -Fierce One -Swift One -Hoofed One -Keep us pure through our rite." Quarter Farewell East

"Wise One--"


"Brave One--" West

"Sure One--" North

"Strong One--" Center

"We bid you now hail and farewell. Go by the powers that brought you, Go by the unweaving spell. As thy bright pentagrams fade, Depart, 'ere the circle is gone." East

"Winged One--" South

"Fierce One--" West

"Swift One--" North

"Hoofed One--" Center

"As we say, be it done!" Rite of Death For a Pet Needed:  Sprig of evergreen  Grave gifts (food, toys etc. that the animal enjoyed)  Libations (drinks the animal enjoyed in life, especially water)  Talking stick (optional, to be deposited in grave)  Incense  Candles  Flowers etc. as desired

“We come to bid farewell to (pet’s name).

By Nature's sacred law, each life must end, so others may be born upon the earth. Each soul is made unique and lives awhile, before returning to the womb from which all life is born. Although we all must die, we're always sad to wish a friend good-bye.” Make the Manus Cornuta (Horned Hand: first and fourth fingers extended from fist) with right hand. Trace Invoking Pentagram (top to lower left) while saying following.

“We make the Horns of Nature, wild and fierce, the crescent moon, to call the Queen of Beasts. Descend to us from Heaven, this we pray; allow this soul to speed upon its way. Breath deep three times; inhale all Nature's breath, the cosmic soul, where we return at death.” Everyone takes three deep breaths. In your mind's eye now look toward the West, and see the land where dwell the spirits blest. Point first and middle fingers of right hand to animal's body and say the following.

“By every holy name, my little friend, I bid you to accept your short life's end, and leave behind your spirit's earthly shell, of no more use, although it served you well. May Artemis protect you on your way, from us your friends, and from the light of day.” Take up some or all of grave gifts.

“We bless these gifts, which gave you joy in life, to speed your way until your journey's end, so you may venture forth with little strife. You will not be forgotten, little friend.” Let each remember, or just say good-bye, in silence or out loud, as they think right. Each person may say what he or she remembers about the animal, just say good-bye, or remember in silence. This may be done informally, while depositing the grave goods, or by passing a talking stick, which is deposited after all have held it. This is a

good time for saying prayers, reading poems. The Priest speaks last; after personal reminiscences, he or she continues as follows.

“We won't forget the joy you've brought our lives; though gone from earth, in us your soul survives.” Take up sprig of evergreen. Through seasons warm and cold, the evergreen grows on; through Nature's life and death it's seen. Lay evergreen on grave.

“Perhaps you too will come to us again, to share our lives in love, and be our friend. For now your soul is free. Farewell and blessed be.” Throw kiss. Flowers etc. may be placed on grave at this time. The Rite is done. Ritual for AIDS Needed:  People  Crepe paper  Juice and cookies This ritual focuses on destroying barriers and increasing the positive elements that will help us overcome AIDS. The ritual space is purified according to personal practice. Invocations to Athena, Hermes, and/or Brigid may be done. Those gathered will be divided into five groups. One will be assigned to each of the elements with one group in the center. Each group may be led by a particular coven or group of coven leaders. The center (altar) group will present each elemental group with the obstacle to overcome and later accept the positive "goal". We have divided the elements this way: Air - Knowledge/Ignorance Fire - Commitment/Indifference Earth - Funding/Red Tape Water - Empathy/Hostility When confronted with the obstacles the small groups will be wrapped with crepe paper by the center group. Some suggest the spectral colors, we suggest the following:

Air - White Fire - Red Earth - Brown Water - Blue The groups break their bonds, overcoming the obstacle. When all four are done, each quarter group presents the center group with a candle symbolizing the positive quality. They are all placed on the altar and tied with silver thread. As they burn, the group can dance to raise energy. Afterwards, all are given candles charged during the ritual that were on or under the altar to take home and spread the light. Cakes and Wine/Libations can follow. All present will be divided into five groups. In the east - air In the south - fire In the west - water In the north - earth In the center are the drama facilitators. Each group is "lead" by an experienced person. Water, salt are consecrated. Circle is drawn with wand. Circle is blessed with water and incense. Invocation to Athena, Hermes and Brigid as to purpose of rite. Air group speaks intelligently intelligently on AIDS. Statements like "The HIV virus is very fragile and is only passed through intimate contact." They are all bound with purple crepe paper. They begin to make ignorant statements like "You can catch AIDS from shaking hands." They are temporarily defeated by the ignorance of the crepe paper. Then they rally and tear apart their bonds. Fire group speaks about dedication to finding a cure for AIDS, expressing commitment. commitment They are bound with green crepe paper. They speak with indifference. indifference They slowly overcome and break free of their bonds. The Water group talks about empathy. empathy They are bound with orange crepe paper. They speak of hostility. hostility They break free. The Earth group talks about adequate funding. funding They are bound with red crepe paper. They become tangled in red tape. tape They overcome the challenge.

Each group charges a taper with their positive element. The tapers are placed on the altar and bound with silver thread. They are lit and all dance around in a single or double circle and send energy out to spread our will. Extra candles on the altar are also charged. Juice and cookies are blessed and shared. All are given candles to take home to spread the light. The deities are thanked, and the circle is closed. Ritual for Banishing Evil Spirits From Your Home Needed:  Sage incense  Broom  Drum  Smudge stick  Candles Negative spirits can easily find purchase in your home causing bad luck and even accidents in the home. Some spirits can be troubled human souls or ghosts. Others were never human and manifest pockets of negativity in your home. Malignant spirits can usually be detected without the use of meditation or magick. If you feel at all uncomfortable in your home, you might want to try a banishing ritual to rid your home of bad spirits. One thing every witch's home should have is a house-spirit shrine. House spirits are like elves or fairies and are also called hearth-spirits. These beings love to help around the house and will aid you in keeping out negativity, keeping the house tidy, and helping you find things. Many witches keep a shrine for the hearth spirits in their home. This shrine is most usually found in the living room on or near the fireplace or in the kitchen. Some witches, however, are not completely comfortable with their families seeing the shrine. It is acceptable to keep the shrine in a bedroom where it will be a bit more out of the way. The shrine can be on a ledge, mantle, bookshelf, or an altar table. If you don't have anything like this, you can put it on a corner of the fireplace or in your kitchen window. Your altar can have a small statue, living plants, or just some sort of decoration you think your spirits might like. I have a statue that was given to me by a friend of mine. It is of a fairy sitting cross-legged with her arms held out in front of her. There is a matching dish shaped like a flower in which I place shiny coins and found buttons. The little people seem to have a great love for small baubles and shiny things. You should have some type of small dish in which you can put milk, cream, wine, or sweet cakes. Many house spirit altars have a small

vase for flowers. You can add any other decorations you like and an altar cloth if it pleases you. Gather together some sage incense (you can substitute any kind of purifying incense or use a smudge stick), a broom, sage tea or holy water, salt, a white or a black candle (or both), a candle for your hearth-spirit altar, and if you like, a rattle or a drum. First, go around your home and open all of the windows and doors, including the garage door and any cabinets or closets. Set up your altar for the house spirits the way you want it. Take up your ritual broom and go to the end of the house, farthest from the front door. Sweep the negativity out of each room. The broom needn't touch the floor for this. Be sure to get into closets, cabinets, and cupboards. Imagine all of the negativity being swept out the doors and windows. If you have a drum, this is the time to carry it from room to room. Playing loudly will force the negativity out. If your problem is spirits, command them to leave as you sweep each room. Next, take up your incense or smudge stick and light it. Carry it from room to room. Blow the purifying spoke into corners and crevices. Again, do not forget cabinets and closets. Then light your candles and walk around the house, shining them into all the corners and walking around the perimeters of the rooms. Shine their purifying light under cabinets and into closets. Next, take some of your salt and pour it into your tea or sacred water. Stir it thrice with your finger. Carry it around the house and sprinkle it around all the rooms and in the closets and cabinets. This action ends the purifying process. now you may go around your home and shut all of the doors and windows. As you shut each, draw a large banishing pentacle over each with your finger stating: "No evil may enter here," for each one. End with the front door. (Don't forget the garage door!) Go to your hearth spirit's altar and light the candle. Leave a generous offering in the dish. Go to the front door and open it. Tell the good hearth-spirits that you welcome them into your home and any help they might provide. Let the offering remain on the altar the entire day. At the end of the day, pour it off onto the ground in the garden or under a tree. Don't forget to give them an offering once a week. Sunday is a good day as it is generally known as the day of rest and relaxation. Ritual for Peace Needed:  Candle Design this ritual to suit your needs. Choose candle colors that represent the things you seek peace for (e.g., maybe green and brown for peace on earth).

“From out of the dark and into the light

A circular mark, a candle burns bright. I look towards the sky -- my song do I sing. Spirits soar high and gifts do I bring. I offer my all! My mind, I then clear Harken my call! I feel you are near! Candle burns higher; my spirits set free! Hotter than fire, this magick will be! Let magick come 'round, from under the ground, To form with my sound and then, to be bound! Around me I feel the magick so real, Before you I kneel -- the spell I now seal! Let all hatred cease cease! And let there be peace peace! These words that I say, with magick away away! This spell that I send is now at an end. Let the magick I've laid, go forth and not fade! be!” So mote it be Ritual for the Healing and Preservation Preservation of Rainforests: Group Version Needed:  Slips of paper with the God and Goddess’ names written on them  Pieces of green string  Drum Facilitators give each participant a slip of paper containing the name of an Earth Goddess and a Nature God. Facilitators invoke elements, stressing protective/preservative aspects of each one and ending with: "Into this circle I call the Element Air! (Fire, Water, Earth.)" After each such invocation, a dancer or dancers representing the particular element come into the circle from outside and do an elemental dance. A facilitator says: "We now call upon the Earth Goddess by her many names!" Participants call out the Goddess name on their slip of paper, then any other Goddess names they wish. This ends on a signal from the drums. A facilitator says: "We now call upon the God of Nature by his many Names!" The God is invoked in the same fashion as the Goddess, ending with a drum signal. The elemental dancers go to the quarters and begin passing out pieces of green string, while a facilitator explains that the condition of the rainforests affects us all, that all

things are connected, and that the worldwide climate is changed every time another acre of rainforest is lost. S/he explains that these sections of cord represent parts of the Life Circle of Earth, and that they must be joined to protect her. When the above speech has been made and all the cords have been passed out, a facilitator ties the first knot, saying that tying the cord is renewing the Earth, that we are her children, bringing her rebirth. This is the signal to begin the chant:

“Tying the Cord, Renewing the Earth; We are Her Children, bringing Rebirth.” Clockwise around the circle, one by one, each cord is tied to the next. When the circle is complete, the elemental dancers go to the quarters and hold the cord aloft (participants should not let go yet). The chant continues until the facilitators begin a second chant:

“We are the Flow and we are the Ebb; We are the Weavers, we are the Web.” Since this is to the same tune, the transition should be easy and seamless. When this chant begins, the elemental dancers begin to gather in the cord, gently pulling it away from the participants, who gently release it. The elementals bury the cord in a container of earth in the center of the circle, then return to the outside to lead a spiral dance in to the center and back out (once) as the chant continues. When the participants are standing in a circle once more, the chant builds to a cone of power and fires. The Deities and Elements are thanked, the power is earthed, the circle opened, hugs exchanged. Later bury the cord in the woods. Ritual for the Healing and Preservation of Rainforests: Rainforests: Individual Version Needed:  Green string Cast a circle. Invoke elements by calling upon them in protective aspects (for example, you might invoke Watchfires or Beacons in the South). Chant the names of the Earth Goddess, beginning with your personal favorites, then naming as many as you can think of. Take a piece of green string. Begin to tie knots in it, while chanting:

“Tying the Cord, Renewing the Earth;

We are Her Children, bringing Rebirth.” The knots may be simple or elaborate, but leave enough string to tie together at the end. As you chant, see the world as a network of connected systems. Breathe the air that comes from the jungles of South America. Feel the living fire of an ocelot's power. Taste the rain on the leaves at the tops of the trees. Feel the delicate structure of the soil at the forest floor. Tie the cord together in a loop; hold it up, strung around your two hands, and begin chanting:

“We are the Flow and we are the Ebb; We are the Weavers, we are the Web.” As you chant, see yourself standing guard over the borders of the rainforest. See yourself with others, protecting rainforest as you would protect yourself, because that's what you're doing. Bury the cord in a container of earth. Earth the power; thank the Deities and elements; open the circle. Later bury the cord in the forest if possible. If circumstances make the above impossible: Sit quietly and see: the network of ecosystems that make up the world; the rainforests thriving; plants and animals breeding; the Earth, green and filled with life; yourself, standing guard. Breathe, and know that the air comes from the sea and the jungles of Brazil. Drink and know that the water has been around the world, and circulates through you as it does through the air, land, and sea. Stand up and stretch; the strength of your body is the Earth's strength. Ritual for the Troops Needed:  Athame  Drum Note: For circles with both a High Priestess and a High Priest, the female in parentheses refers to what should be spoken by the High Priestess, the male in parentheses means that which should be spoken by the High Priest. Part One: Establishing the Sacred Grounds Officiate (Female): (Female) “To all present, I bid you Ho'n'dah (welcome). Welcome to the

sacred ground, the place where the world is made one -- the special place, the place where we can remember ourselves.”

Participants: Participants "Ho'n'dah! Welcome!” Officiate (Male): (Male) “We come in a time of crisis, in a time when our brothers and sisters

have taken up arms against the enemy. The Pagans of old have seen the war times again and again, and have when needful fought valiantly and victoriously. It is time again to ask the Lady of War, the One Who taught us the arts of battle in the first place, for Her protection and for the blessings of quick and decisive victory!” Participants: Participants “Enju! Let it be so!” Officiate (Female): (Female) “Let us make the circle and make the ceremony.” Drummer starts a slow (60-70 bpm) beat. The Officiate(s) and the(ir) Acolyte walk to the intended perimeter of the circle, just in front of the eastern shield. The Officiate (Female) is given the Smudge Stick by the Acolyte. She smudges the Eastern Quarter, saying: Officiate (Female): (Female) “Harmful ones of the East, Gan'n of the Eastern Mountains, stay

away from this sacred ground -- leave and not return. The process is repeated at the Southern quarter.” Officiate Officiate (Female): (Female) “Harmful ones of the South, Gan'n of the Fiery Southern

Mountains, stay away from this sacred ground -- leave and not return. The process is repeated at the Western quarter.” Officiate (Female): (Female) “Harmful ones of the West, Spirits of unquiet dead and those

conjured by the sorcerers of the Enemy, Gan'n of the Western Mountains, stay away from this sacred ground -- leave and not return.” The process is completed at the Northern quarter. Officiate (Female): (Female) “Harmful ones of the North, Thunder people of evil intent, Gan'n

of the Northern Mountains, stay away from this sacred Ground -- leave and not return.” The Officiate (Female) then passes the smudge stick back to the Acolyte (or Male Officiate) who smudges him/erself then smudges all participants. S/he then takes the smudge stick back to the altar, placing it in its bowl. The Acolyte takes the pouch of sacred meal off the altar, to bring it to the Officiate

The Acolyte and Officiate(s) then walk to the Eastern Quarter. The Officiate(Female) throws a pinch of corn meal in the direction of the East, then says: Officiate (Female): (Female) “Spirit keepers of the East, direction of the Sun's rebirth, kindly

ones of Air, come, see, and join in the ceremony!” Participants: Participants “Blessed Be!” The process is repeated at the South. Officiate (Female): (Female) “Spirit keepers of the South, direction of the Sun's repose, kindly

ones of Fire, come, see, and join in the ceremony!” The process is repeated at the West. Officiate (Female): (Female) “Spirit keepers of the West, direction of the Sun's setting, brave

warriors who have fallen in battle, blessed, mighty, good and brave ancestors, kindly ones of Water, come, see and join in our ceremony!” The process is completed at the North. Officiate (Female): (Female) “Spirit keepers of the North, direction of the Sun's zenith, kindly

ones of the Soil, come, see, and join in our ceremony!” The Officiate(s) then walk back to the East. The Acolyte joins them. The Officiate(Female) unsheathes her athame, points it to the sky, and says: Officiate (Female): (Female) “Great Sky Father, Sun Father, Killer of Enemies, Lord of Battle,

Lord of the Hunt, Rain Lord, Eternal Hero, Father, Grandfather, we welcome you to the Circle of Light, on this night when we ask your blessing on the Warriors of our Nation. Come bless us, come comfort us, come strengthen us, come enlighten us, come, see, and join in the ceremony!” All: All “Hail, Sky Father! Hail, Lord of Battle! Come bless us, come comfort us, come

strengthen us, come enlighten us, come, see, and join in the ceremony! Ho'n'dah! Blessed Be!” The male officiate unsheathes his athame, then the Officiate(Male) then says: Officiate (Male): (Male) “Great Mother, White Painted Woman, She Who taught the Pagans

puissance at arms, She who gives victory to Her beloved People, Mother of Limitless

Space, Mother of the Silver Moon, Corn Mother, Grandmother Wisdom, we your children welcome you to the Circle of Light, on this night when we ask your blessing on the Warriors of our Nation. Come bless us, come comfort us, come strengthen us, come enlighten us, come, see and join in the ceremony!” All: All “Hail, White Painted Woman! Hail, Bringer of Victory! Hail, Maiden of Battle,

She of Unlimited Strength! Come bless us, come comfort us, come strengthen us, come enlighten us, come, see and join in the ceremony! Ho'n'dah! Blessed Be!” The Male Officiate then sheaths his athame then the Officiate(s) and the Acolyte then walks the circle around four times Deosil, once for each of the four directions. The Officiate(Female) traces the circle in the air with the athame three times, then scatters more corn meal on the next pass. The rounds begin and end in the Eastern Quarter. The Officiate(s) and the Acolyte complete the rounds, then stand at attention at the Eastern Quarter. Officiate (Female): (Female) “Four times the circle is drawn. It is good, and unbroken. It is the

boundary between Ordinary and Non-ordinary, between sacred and more sacred still. I have done this! Enju!” be!” All: Enju! Blessed be! All “Enju! The circle is completed. completed. NoNo-one is to leave it abruptly, but at a suitable lull one who has need can cut themselves out. Children and animals are excluded from these requirements. The Circle is Broken Officiate (Female): (Female) “It is time to break the circle. We have joined here to lend our

support to our Warriors, as Pagans have done in war times past. It is time to dismiss the Spirit Keepers, the great ones, who have kept guard over this sacred spot.” The Officiate(s) face East. Officiate(s): Officiate(s) “Spirit keepers of the East, from the direction of the Sun's rebirth, kindly

ones of the Air, we bid you farewell. Blessed Be.” The Officiate(s) face North. Officiate(s): fficiate(s) “Spirit keepers of the North, from the direction of the sun's Zenith,

kindly ones of the Soil, we bid you farewell. Blessed Be.”

The Officiate(s) face West. Officiate(s): Officiate(s) “Spirit keepers of the West, from the direction of the sun's setting,

blessed, mighty, good and brave ancestors, kindly ones of water, we bid you farewell. Blessed be.” The Officiate(s) face South. Officiate(s): Officiate(s) “Spirit keepers of the South, from the direction of the sun's repose,

kindly ones of fire, we bid you farewell. Blessed be.” The Officiate(s) return to face East.

“Great Mother, Noble Father, Beautiful Lady, Mighty Lord, we thank you for your presence and blessings here. Go if you must, but stay if you can. Blessed Be.” The circle is then "sunken" by all assembled into the soil, to give the energy released within to the Earth for healing if the ritual is done outdoors. If indoors, the circle is broken by the Officiate(s) walking the circle around four times Widdershins to disperse it. Ritual for Winter Solstice Needed:  Cinnamon  Rose petals  Mint  Gold and silver spheres  Wreaths  Oak shavings  Pale green cloth  Red berries  Ivy  Pine branches  Yule log  God & Goddess candles  Things for activities Preparations: If it's physical feasible, fast and pray for three days beforehand. This allows you to enter the new year's cycle purified in body and spirit. Also consider a ritual bath with cinnamon, mint, and rose petals to improve psychic awareness.

Decorate the sacred space with gold and silver spheres to represent the returning sun, and wreaths to symbolize the turning Wheel. Have oak shavings ready as a base for your incense. Add any other personally meaningful herbs to this mixture and start burning it before the invocation to help prepare the sacred space. Finally, put your sun candle from earlier in the year at the southern point of the circle. The Altar: Cover the table with a pale green cloth - the color of early sprouts, which represent continuance. Add red berries for life's blood; holly; ivy; and pine branches as a symbol of longevity. The pine also welcomes sylvan spirits to your circle. Have a Yule log at the center point, placing there your God and Goddess candles. Always keep part of the candles or the log itself for future years; this brings good luck, life, health, and providence. Invocation: Light the Goddess candle in the Yule log, then move to the northern point of your circle. This is the quarter traditionally ascribed to the season of winter. North: "Ancient Mother, I look for your opulence, but tonight naught but barren

trees decorate the land. In this restful moment, let my spirit find healing." East: "Ancient Brother, I listen for your winds, but tonight they are still. In this quiet

darkness, help me find inspiration." South: "Ancient Father, I look for your fires, but tonight the embers only begin to

glow more brightly. May this gentle warmth temper my spirit." West: "Ancient Sister, I seek your glistening tears, but tonight they are frozen.

Beneath this cool blanket, let my emotions find stability." Center: "Ancient Ones, I seek your face, but tonight darkness surrounds. Help me

find your spark within to guide my path." Meditation and Visualization: Winter Solstice is an excellent time to undergo a vision quest to find your magical name, a totem animal, a mantra, or other empowering insights. This meditation is meant to accent that quest by opening your awareness to the power within and without all things. Begin in a standing position. Center yourself and breathe deeply. Slowly take off your

mundane clothes, likewise removing the "world" with each. Wrap a blanket around yourself for warmth, but remain naked for the meditation. You need no trappings to discover personal power. Sit and close your eyes. Let any remaining tension drain away, then begin listening to the sound of silence. Smell the aromas of oak and herb. Feel the latent energy of everything around you and the magic you've placed there. Know it is your own. Listen to your breath and your heartbeat. Sense the pulse and ebb within as the same energy without. Listen closely, does it whisper a message to you? Does it whisper a name? Do you hear the cry of an animal? Do you hear words that fill you with energy? Linger in this place between Earth and stars until you receive a message. Then return to normal levels of awareness, and write of the experience in your journal. The Ritual: Turn toward the northern part of your circle. Think of things that you want to banish, such as bad habits. Say:

"I call to the darkness. Come embrace my (fill in with your negative characteristics). Take them to yourself. I release them. As the sun climbs in the sky, take these things with you in retreat, never to return to me again." Turn to the south of the circle, light the sun candle, and repeat this chant. Let it naturally grow to fill the entire space with positive vibrations:

"Strong sun, returning sun, the light burns as the Wheel turns Strong sun, returning sun; the shadows fade; by magic bade strong sun, returning sun; the shadows flee, the magic is free!" Return to the altar now and light the God candle, using the Goddess candle as a fire source (symbolic of the womb). Say:

"Sun Father, your journey has left you weary. May this light give you strength to reach toward the heavens again with warmth and brilliance." After so saying, go through your home and light all its candles, lamps, flashlights, or decorative lights to represent the sun's return. Other Activities: Make symbolic decorations for the tree. The traditional pastime of stringing popcorn

and cranberries can symbolize continued providence, for example. Or bundle scraps of yellow cloth with brightly colored ribbons, tying in wishes as you go. Another customary activity in rural communities is the blessing of fruit-bearing trees. If you don't have a fruit tree nearby, use any indoor plant as a substitute. Sprinkle it with wassail mixed with the ash from your incense. This helps manifest a productive year. Finally, make predictions for the coming year based on the weather. Folklore says a white Christmas brings prosperity, while a green one precedes a bad year for crops; when the sun shines through fruit trees on the Winter Solstice, it foreshadows abundance. Closing the Circle: West: "Spirit of the West, thank you for cleansing body, mind, and spirit. As you go

from this place, likewise purify Earth." South: "Spirit of the South, thank you for this warmth of body, mind, and spirit. As

you go from this place, likewise generate love on Earth." East: "Spirit of the East, thank you for this stillness of body, mind, and spirit. As you

go from this place, likewise bring peace to Earth." North: "Spirit of the North, thank you for healing me in body, mind, and spirit. As

you go from this place, likewise heal Earth." Center: "Ancient Ones, thank you for the turning Wheel that enlightens body, mind,

and spirit. As you go from this place, likewise edify Earth." Post Ritual Foods: Go with your traditional holiday foods, which for some include many that have solar symbolism. Cookies are round like the sun, eggnog is golden and fertile, gingerbread is hot and spicy, and fruitcake bears red and orange highlights. As a side, try a little flaming brandy to warm you up! Ritual of Blessing Needed:  13 stones Perform this ritual on the Waxing Moon, just before it sets in the sky. Ground and Center.

Stand before a calm lake, pond or other pool of water and select a handful of thirteen stones from the ground. Charge them between your two hands until they are warm and strong with your personal energy. Next holding the stones in your left (receptive) hand, pass your right (projective) hand over them and recite the following:

"These Stones of Time Thy Boons Bestow And Blessings Grant To Ever Grow" Inhale deeply of Nature’s air and exhale over the stones. Cast them into the waters and watch as they create ripples in the surface of the water. Allow your mind to clear so that you no longer think about the purpose of the ritual, but only of the spreading of the ripples. Chant the following under your breath until the water is calm and smooth once again:

"Mandatum" Repeat this ritual whenever you are near a pool of water, but only during the waxing phase of the moon. Ritual of Dedication to Make a Talisman Effective Needed:  Talisman or other object  Smoke of a pungent incense To be really effective, a talisman, amulet, gri-gri, or even a simple medal must be devoted. Begin by passing the talisman or other object through the smoke of a pungent incense of your choosing. While passing the object through the smoke, generate and focus on thoughts of your objective or desire, of which to reach through the power of the talisman, amulet, gri-gri or other object you wish to employ and are now consecrating for that determined purpose. Repeat the following words aloud as you continue to pass the object through the smoke:

“Seven spirits, carriers of the powers of the seventh star, guardians of the seventh door, whose names remain unspoken, I entreat you, in silence of your seven names, to grant me the whole of my request and in this thing I beg your attention and power that no wish be left unheard and no sight go by unseen. In your care I lay my trust that thus it may be done.” Ritual of Disenchantment Needed:  Sharp, stimulating, even bitter incense

 2 white candles  1 yellow candle  4 black candles If you feel you have been the victim of bad fate, this ritual is perfect to deliver you from the forces of evil which have invaded you. This ritual lasts nine consecutive days. Begin one Tuesday between midnight and one o’clock in the morning. At a table, light the incense. Light the white candles and place them on each side of the incense. Light the yellow candle and put it at the center, nearer you. Place the black candles around the yellow candle and light them with a different source than the preceding candles. Fixate upon their malignant light and try to visualize the forces of evil which have disturbed you. Call upon the power of the guardian of the universe aloud while saying:

“Guardian, angel of the stars, I call upon you, grand protective angel, To help me, to defend. I am without defense from this rancorous attack, Directed against all the levels by its being, Combatant of the right causes against the evil, And malicious of the guard without defenses. I implore you, utilize your force to destroy and cut down this evil, To purge it thanks to your crowned fire and purifier, To clean this iniquity, In the name of the one who is all, Thus is it!” Extinguish the candles. Every night, just after midnight, for the next eight nights, repeat this ritual. The evil will be vanquished. Ritual of Disenchantment Needed:  3 beeswax candles  Incense (Frankincense works well) If you feel you have been the victim of an evil enchantment, this ritual is perfect to deliver you from the forces of the evil invasion. This ritual takes approximately nine consecutive days. Begin on Tuesday night, right before midnight. Place the incense in a burner of your choosing. Light the incense and place it on a flat surface. Light each candle and place them surrounding the incense, so as to form a triangle.

Visualize the forces of the evil which disturb you. Call upon the spirit of Samael aloud by saying:

“Lord Samael, spirit of the planet Mars, I call upon you, protective spirit, To hem me--to defend me. Being without defense against this malevolent attack, I entreat you, combatant of the right causes, Guardian of the defenseless, To lift your hand against this evil and malicious presence, Utilize your mighty force to destroy and cut down this evil. Purge it by your fire, to purify and clean this iniquity, That it may no longer wield its wicked influence. This I ask, in confidence that it shall be done, By your presence, By your will, As I ask, so let it be done!” This should be repeated for nine consecutive nights so that the enchantment might be banished. Ritual of the Guardians Needed:  9 foot long gold cord  White seven-day candle Timing: Daybreak Make a large circle on the ground where you will not be disturbed, but where you can face the sun with the gold cord. Hold the white candle in your hands and concentrate on being solution-oriented. Visualize each speaker below as you read aloud their lines. Speaker One: The Goddess She is dressed in white and is crowned with glittering silver stars. As she begins speaking to you, she will place her hand on your head. Behind her is the night sky.

"Seeker of Light, I have heard your call in the darkness, and as the sun meets the new day I come to you. I am the Mistress of the Heavens and the Queen of the Stars. I am

the Mother who created all things from the void. I am the beginning and the end of all manifestation. I have come to protect you. I will guard you against hungry, pain, sickness, and enemies. You have the power to master all difficulties. I ride on the winds of the North. I only ask that you will try to be truthful in all things." Speaker Speaker Two: The God He is dressed in gold, with a crown of stag antlers upon his great head. Daybreak is behind him. He, too, will place his hand upon your head during the reading. He will stand close to the Goddess, who does not leave. She remains as he speaks.

"Seeker of Light, I have heard your call. I am the Lord of the Sun and the King of the Earth. I am the strength and power of the universe. I am the divine partner of your Spiritual Mother. I have come to protect you. Just as I am the master of the force of the sun, you must be the master of your own fate. You have the ability to change your life in positive ways. I bring the wit and the wisdom of the east winds. May they bear you up and speed you over your unhappiness. I have only one request, that you do your best to speak the truth in all things." Speaker Three: Your Guardian Angel Only you can visualize this form. He or she will stand close to the Lord and Lady.

"Seeker of Light, friend, and companion, I have heard your cry, as have others in your heavenly circle of learning, those who you have left behind here in the Summerland, and those who have passed from your world to ours. They, as I, are always ready to assist you. I have walked with you into birth and have trodden your path, matching you step for step. Know that you are never alone. You have the power to change your life. I bring you protection and solutions to your problem. I have come on the winds of the South, and I hand you the flaming torch of knowledge and protection -- take it and rejoice! I have only one request, that you do your best to speak the truth in all things." Speaker Four: Yourself You are addressing the other three.

"I am the Seeker of Light, and master/mistress of my universe. I am a Witch in thought, word, and deed. I am a part of the Hidden Children. I have the power to change and improve my life. I can orchestrate my own destiny. My life will be filled with beauty, love, and joy. I, above any, have the ability to direct the ship of my life to wherever I want to go, and to become whomever I wish to be. I welcome your protection and your gifts. Please help me to use them wisely. I will do my best to speak the truth in all things. So mote it be." Meditate on the rising sun and enjoy the feeling of warmth that surrounds you. Don't be afraid to reach out and touch the divine. When you are through, take three deep,

cleansing breaths and leave the circle area, drawing the energy of the circle into yourself. Ground and center. Allow the candle to burn completely. Ritual of the Red Pot Needed:  Red clay  Pencil or clay stylus  Large black cloth  Large metal bucket Fashion a clay pot with your hands. (Don't worry about it being a piece of art, because you're going to destroy it.) Carefully draw on the pot all the things that you want to get rid of in your life. Allow the pot to dry completely. Hold the pot in your hands and with your mind, fill it up with all the things that make you angry and unhappy. Cover the pot with the black cloth until you are ready to perform the spell. On a dark moon night or on a Saturday, take the pot and the bucket outside. Cast a magick circle and call divinity. State exactly what you want to do, and say what is making you sad or angry. Ask for strength and blessings. Release the circle by taking the energy into yourself. Stand in the middle of where the circle was and place the bucket at your feet. Take a firm grip on the pot with both hands and slowly raise it above your head, feeling the power of divinity within yourself. At the peak, say loudly:

"I release myself from negativity. By the power of the mighty Isis, Mother of Magick, I break all negative connections to me. As I will, so mote it be!" Then dash the pot into the bucket, visualizing all negativity breaking from you and dispersing where it can do no harm. Take the pottery pieces away from your home and dump them in an outside trash receptacle. Ritual of the Sphinx Needed:  Poster board  Pen/marker  Scissors  Illuminator candles  Red candle  Paper  Fire-safe cauldron (optional) Draw a large pentacle, about the size of a dinner plate, on the poster board. Cut out the pentacle and place it on the center of your altar. Place white illuminator candles on either side of the pentacle. Write out specifically what you want to manifest and

place the paper with your desire on top of the pentacle. Cast a magick circle and light the illuminator candles, saying:

“Out of the darkness our Mother emerged, bringing health, wealth, love, and harmony to Her people.” Take three deep breaths, then ground and center. Place your hands on the altar and leave them there for a few moments to activate the energies there. Instead of following the compass points for directions, you will be walking the pentacle to manifest your desire. Light the red candle and place it in a candleholder that can be carried. As you carry the candle from point to point, it will gather the energy you build. As you light the candle, say:

“Spirit of fire, bring to me my heart’s desire” Using your altar as the point of Spirit, take the candle and walk clockwise around the circle until you reach the point of To Know as given in the witch’s pyramid, repeating the word, “Noscere” in your magickal voice. As you walk, visualize walking toward the element of air, and believe that you are gathering wisdom with every step. When you reach the To Know point, face outward, with your back to the center of the circle, hold the candle high with both hands, and say:

“Element of air, I seek your blessings here. I invoke the power of wisdom and knowledge. I know that you will do this for me.” Turn and face the center of the circle. Begin changing the word “Audere” as you walk to the To Dare point in your circle, as you walk visualize yourself transforming into the most powerful magickal person in the world. Feel that confidence grow with each step. When you reach the To Dare point, face outward, with your back to the center of the circle, hold the candle high with both hands, and say:

“Element of water, I seek your blessings here. I invoke the power of love and transformation. I know that you will do this for me.” Turn and face the center of the circle. Begin chanting the word “Velle” as you walk to the To Will point in your circle. As you walk, visualize divine light before you. Straighten your shoulders and walk proudly forward. Think of this point as the one that will sling your spell into forward motion, where the spark of life will be added to your work. When you reach the To Will point, face outward with your back to the center of the circle, hold the candle high with both hands, and say:

“Element of fire, I seek your blessings here. I invoke the power of action and creativity.

I know that you will do this for me.” Turn and face the center of the circle. Begin chanting the word “Tacere” as you walk to the To Be Silent point of the circle. Imagine the mystery of your work surrounding you as you walk -- the essence of the meaning of “the hidden children”. Walk toward that still point of the universe where perfect harmony exists. When you reach the To Be Silent point, face outward, with your back to the center of the circle, and say:

“Element of earth, I seek your blessings here. I invoke harmony and balance in my work. I know that you will do this for me.” Turn and face the center of the circle. Following the diagram, walk to the Spirit portion of the circle (located at the altar), chanting “Ire” as you make your way there. As you walk, visualize that you have gathered blessings from all of the elements and that you are taking these combined energies to the point of manifestation, where their pattern will form on the astral plane under the guidance of Spirit. If it helps you visualize, think of these energies as collected in the candle flame that you hold before you. Once you reach the Spirit point, face the altar and hold the candle up over the altar, and say:

“The power is gathered The energies one. The elements are summoned The magick begun.” Place the candle on top of the paper that contains your desire. Beginning with your hands at your side, slowly raise them as you chant, “Noscere, Audere, Velle, Tacere, Ire!” until your palms are pointed at the heavens and you feel amazingly good inside. Run through the chant one more time, and on the last word stretch your arms toward the heavens and utter the last sound as loud as you can. You should feel an emotional release. Before you lower your hands, inhale deeply from your nose and exhale slowly from your mouth. At this point, you can burn the paper in a fire-safe cauldron or keep it until your wish has been granted. Allow the candle to burn completely, if at all possible (meaning if you can monitor it safely while it burns, do so; if not, extinguish with a candlesnuffer, not your breath.) Thank deity and the elements then release the circle. Note: The condition of this spell is that you must keep it secret or it won’t work. Ritual to Artemis Needed:

Item to represent the Goddess Drinking water Goddess candle 3 candles in colors that represent strength, confidence and courage.(red, green and black work well)  Mugwort incense  Circle casting materials  Candles for the four directions Intent: To gain strength, confidence, courage to be who you are.    

Timing: On the New Moon If performing at home, take a cleansing bath. If in the mountains, use a stream or a bottle of water you have brought for this purpose. Cast the circle. Light the Goddess candle. Call the directions as you light the candles. Light the incense.

“Artemis, Lady of the Crescent Moon I come to you on this, the New Moon to ask for the strength, courage and confidence to be me. I am tired of being whatever someone else thinks I should be. I know what is best for me. I know what is true for me. I know I am buried deep from all the years of neglect. I can feel me. I am ready, the labor is starting I am waiting to be born. With your guidance and your assistance, I can be delivered. I know you will make it as painless as possible. I have the strength. I have the confidence and I have the courage.” Meditate upon who you are, who you want to be, what attributes, qualities you admire in others. If you admire this in others, it is in you. They are mirroring for you. It is just buried. Ask Artemis to help bring it forward. What has been imposed on you by others? Ask Artemis to take these away. Raise energy by whatever means you are most comfortable with. I chose to perform a bear dance. I envision myself as a she-bear. Fierce and strong. Growl like a bear. Let all the tension, anger, bitterness anything you don't want to diminish with each growl. Dance around the circle envisioning yourself as a bear. Raise the energy, fill it with all your frustrations! Growl, become fierce. Let yourself out. When you feel

ready, release the energy, knowing with each passing minute, you are becoming true to yourself. Ground the excess energy. Drink water.

“Artemis, I thank you for your strength. I thank you for my birth. I am strong. I am confident. I am courageous. I am Me!” Extinguish the Goddess Candles. If possible, leave the three candles on the altar burning. Thank the elements and extinguish the candles. Open the circle and celebrate your birth! Ritual to Bind a Spell Perform your spell but do not close your circle. Recite the following four times:

"This be will of purest might And by desire it blooms tonight As sun and moon in heavens reign May rites be spoke and ne'er in vain 'Til deeds be done shall currents rise And needs be met before mine eyes." Using your right index finger, and make the sign of the upright pentagram over your altar or spell objects beginning with the lower-right point and moving upward towards the top point. Recite the following a single time:

"Coup de Vents Chutes de L'eau Elevations de Feu Rampements de La Terre Orthographie le Grippage." This permanently binds the spell and sets the energy irretrievably towards is target. Ritual to Empower a Poppet Needed:  2 white illuminator candles  Poppet  Herbs and incense of choice  Representations of the four elements

 Taglock  Perfume  Needle and thread  Scissors  Picture of the individual you are working for  Small piece of paper with their complete name on it Gather together all your supplies and place them on the altar. Ground and center. Sprinkle the illuminator candles lightly with the perfume. Light the illuminator candles, saying:

“Out of the darkness came the birth of creation, just as I will create (state your purpose) this night/day.” Cast the magick circle and call the quarters. Cleanse and consecrate the doll with the four elements. Conjure the herbs then stuff them in the doll, along with the taglock and the person’s name on the paper. Sew the doll shut. With each stitch, repeat your intent and visualize the person for whom you are making the doll. Hold the photograph of the person and the doll together in both hands. Pass the doll and photo through the four elements again, saying:

“Earth links you to (say person’s name). Air links you to (repeat name). Fire links you to (name). Water links you to (name).” Hold the doll in both hands over the altar, and say:

“The bond is forged. The doll and (person’s name) are one, the link cannot be broken until I choose or, in Spirit’s eyes, the work is complete.” Breathe slowly on the doll three times, saying each time:

“The breath of life around you. The breath of life within you. So mote it be!” Carry the doll and picture to the center of the circle. Hold the doll high and ask for blessings of Spirit (or your patron deity) on your intention. Take the doll to each quarter, beginning in the north, asking that each elemental energy bless this working. Return the doll to the altar. Ground and center. Thank deity. Release the quarters in a counterclockwise direction, and then release the circle in the same manner. You can take the energy from the circle and place it in the doll, if you desire. Ritual to Find the Right Stones, Gems, and Minerals for You Needed:  Bowl of dirt or sand

 Tea candle or solar light  Magnet When the moon is in Scorpio, or during a new moon, go outside to a private place. Sit down and set the bowl of dirt in front of you. Bury the magnet in the dirt. Light the candle and place it in the center of the dirt. Ground and center. Take a deep breath and close your eyes. In your mind, visualize what you would like to do. Say:

"Spirits of the forest: wood and hill and dales. Spirits of the seas: sands and waves and gales. Steward of earth's treasures, guardian of the vale please draw to me the stones I need upon your sacred trail. As I will, desire fulfilled. So mote it be." Sit back and enjoy the sounds, sights, and smells of nature. Snuff out the candle. Keep the magnet in the bowl until you find the right stone, then remove the magnet and scatter the dirt to the winds, thanking the spirits for their service. Sacred Space Needed:  Incense  Candle  Bowl of water  Salt Hold your hands over each object, and ask that Spirit cleanse, consecrate, and regenerate the object in the name of Spirit, saying:

"Holy Mother, I cleanse this (object) of all negativity in this world and in the astral. I consecrate and regenerate this (object) in the name of the Lord and Lady." Do the same for the other representations of the elements, the order does not matter. Once you've done this, take three pinches of the salt and add them carefully to the water. When you finish, stir the water three times with the index finger of your dominant hand in a clockwise direction. Then hold your hands over the water and say:

"In the name of the Mother and the Father I ask for the blessings of love, harmony, and peace upon this water." As you say the words, imagine that the water glowing with white light. Once the light is very big, stop.

Beginning with your North object move around the room in a clockwise circle, sprinkling just a bit of the salt as you go, saying:

"I cleanse, consecrate, and empower this sacred space with the element of Earth in the name of Spirit." When you get back to the North, say:

"So mote it be!" Pick up the East representation and do the same thing, walking around the room in a clockwise direction, saying:

"I cleanse, consecrate, and empower this sacred space with the element of Air in the name of Spirit. So mote it be!" Pick up the candle, walk clockwise around the room, and say:

"I cleanse, consecrate, and empower this sacred space with the element of Fire in the name of Spirit. So mote it be!" Finally, walk clockwise around the room holding the bowl of water, sprinkling a bit as you go, saying:

"I cleanse, consecrate, and empower this sacred space with the element of Water in the name of Spirit. So mote it be." Then walk to the center of the room, hold your hands above your head, palms facing upward, and say:

"In the name of the Lord and Lady, in the name of the Great Mother and Good Father, I cleanse, consecrate, and empower this sacred space with the element of Spirit! So mote it be!" Salem Remembered Needed:  Chime  Cauldron  Bowl of flash powder (50/50 mixture of sugar and saltpeter) Noted: Be careful to "dump" the flash powder rather than pour it. It will not only be more effective this way, but will prevent the fire from climbing the stream of powder back up to the hand of the person pouring it! Quarters are called: East: “Powers of the East! Lords and Ladies of Greece and Rome! Guardians of the

mysteries and honored dead! Pagans and witches who dwell in the East, be ye spirit or be ye flesh! Come! Come one and all who would join us in our right of remembrance, affirmation, and protection! Be with us now, that the Craft shall ever survive!” South: “Powers of the South! Lords and Ladies of the two lands of Egypt! Guardians of

the mysteries and honored dead! Pagans and witches who dwell in the East, be ye spirit or be ye flesh! Come! Come one and all who would join us in our right of remembrance, affirmation, and protection! Be with us now, that the Craft shall ever survive!” West: West: “Powers of the West! Lords and Ladies of the Land of the Celts! Guardians of

the mysteries and honored dead! Pagans and witches who dwell in the East, be ye spirit or be ye flesh! Come! Come one and all who would join us in our right of remembrance, affirmation, and protection! Be with us now, that the Craft shall ever survive!” North: “Powers of the North! Lords and Ladies of the Viking Lands! Guardians of the

mysteries and honored dead! Pagans and witches who dwell in the East, be ye spirit or be ye flesh! Come! Come one and all who would join us in our right of remembrance, affirmation, and protection! Be with us now, that the Craft shall ever survive!” At center, priest and priestess invoke God and Goddess and spirits of this place. All sing “Lady Weave Your Circle Tight” and “Lord, Lord Guide Us” (or other suitable songs.) Priest: “Three hundred years have gone by since that dark time of history we all

remember as the "Salem Witch Trials," yet, even after three hundred years, we dare not allow ourselves to forget! We must remember what can happen when hatred, fear, and intolerance gain a stronghold over love, sanity, and tolerance. Innocent people died in Salem. They died horrible deaths, tried and sentenced for the "crime" of witchcraft. They died for the crime of practicing an alternative religion, and they were not even part of that religion. They died, not for their own beliefs, but for ours! They died in the name of our Gods, yet they did not know Them.” Priestess: “They were not witches, but we are! are They were not pagans, but we are! are It is

our task to remember, and to be sure history cannot repeat itself today. Therefore, we now call their names into our circle, to be remembered and honored here.”

The names of the victims of Salem are proclaimed, one by one, and a chime is sounded after each name. Rebecca Nurse Sarah Good Sarah Wilde Susanna Martin Briget Bishop John Proctor John Willard George Jacobs George Burroughs Martha Carrier Samuel Wardwell Giles Corey Alice Parker Martha Corey Mary Parker Margaret Scott Ann Pudeator Mary Esty Wilmot Redd Sarah Osborne Priestess: “Sisters and Brothers! We will not allow your deaths to have been in vain.” Song: "Burning Times". All join in with the chorus of "Isis, Astarte" and the chant blends into "We are the Old People". When the song has reached the peak of energy, the Priest says:

“We are the old people. We are the new people. We are getting stronger every day. We are stronger, and we are no longer in hiding. We are here, and none need fear us, for our way is love and our ethic is harmlessness, but we say to the world that all may hear: We will stand against hatred! We will stand against intolerance! We will not stand silent in the face of harm to others or to our own. The few have become many, and our Gods are awake and strong! Never more the burning! We won't be burned again!” Priestess: (lights fire in the cauldron) “Let the cauldron burn with our love and our

faith! Let it illuminate the world with the light of the Old Religion. Let negativity and fear be banished in its flames, and let it kindle love in the hearts of those who hate us.” (loudly, pointing at the cauldron) “Fire! Burn high on all planes, that strength and

protection come to us from all directions, as we join hearts and hands to weave a destiny of peace and freedom!” (to circle)“Let us sing and dance, that all may remember Salem, and the Craft shall ever survive.” Song: "We are the Weavers". All join hands and dance slowly in a circle. All who are unable to dance should step into the circle, not out of it. The song should be sung for several rounds, ending with a very enthusiastic "We are the Witches, Back from the Dead!” Starting with the East, the representative of each quarter walks to the center, pouring flash powder from a bowl into the cauldron, proclaiming: East: “From the guardians of the mysteries of the ancient temples, from the

windswept mountains of Greece and Rome, I bring protection and wisdom! Remember Salem and the Craft will survive!” South: “From the guardians of the mysteries of the towering pyramids, from the

burning deserts of the Two Lands of Egypt, I bring protection and courage! Remember Salem, and the Craft will survive.” West: “From the guardians of the mysteries of the Standing Stones, from the lakes

and groves of the land of the Celts, I bring protection and love! Remember Salem, and the Craft will survive.” North: “From the guardians of the mysteries of the sacred runes, from the snow and

ice of the Viking Lands, I bring protection and strength! Remember Salem and the Craft will survive!” Priest: “Great Lady! Bright Lord! Lords and Ladies all! Guardians and Honored Dead!

Spirits of this place! All in flesh and spirit who have joined us here! We thank you for attending! Go if you must, stay if you will! Remember Salem! May the craft survive! survive!” Circle is ended. Samhain Needed:  Incense and burner  Chalice of water  Salt  Pentacle  Dagger

 Wand  4 element candles  Cauldron  Chalice of wine  Plate of bread and salt  Extra candles: 1 each white, red, yellow, green and 2 black, and holders for them Special Notes: This is the Time of the Thin Veil, remembrance of those who have passed from this life. This is celebrated as the new year among many. Arrange white, red, and black candles on left side of altar and green, black, and yellow candles on right side. Cast the circle inserting the following where it says insert ritual. Turn to the candles on the left side of altar, say:

“I light three candles for the Triple Goddess-the Great Lady of the Three Aspects.” Light the white:

“Glorious Maiden, Goddess of youth and new beginnings, dawn and the planted seed.” Light the red:

“Great Mother, Goddess of magick and plenty, love and knowledge.” Light the black:

“Dark Crone, wise Goddess of the night, death and rebirth. I welcome the Goddess in all Her forms.”// Turn to the candles on the right side of altar, say:

“I light three candles for the Triple God -- Great Lord of many faces.” Light the yellow:

“Bright Sun King, God of success and plenty.” Light the green:

“Horned God of the Woodlands, God of fertility and growth.” Light the black:

“Dark Lord of the Underworld, God of protection and rest. I welcome the God in all His forms.”

Raise your arms over the altar and say:

“This night is the Feast of the Dead, the night of the wheel-turning year that brings us to the Thin Veil. The gates between the worlds stand open this night. I honor my ancestors whose voices come to me on the whispering wind. All those who wish me well are welcomed within this circle.” Place the plate of bread and salt on the pentacle and say:

“This is Ancestor Night, the night strongest for communication with those gone into Emania, those who now dwell in the presence of the Old Gods. The Veil has been lifted that I may know I am not forgotten. All those who wish me well are welcomed within this circle.” Lift the plate of bread and salt up over the altar, say:

“I ask all who have gathered here to join me in this feast.” Dip a piece of the bread into salt and eat it, say:

“May I always have good health, prosperity, and happiness." Set the plate aside and put wine chalice on pentacle for a second. Take it up and say:

“May I always be strong in body, mind and spirit. To the Old Gods! Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again.” Drink some of the wine. Save some wine, bread, and salt to be given to the earth outside later. Replace chalice on altar. Turn back to the Goddess candles say:

“The year wheel has turned, the harvest has come again. I have sown many thought seeds since last Samhain. Let the good be harvested; let those that would hinder or harm me be cast aside. The Triple Goddess has covered me with her gentle hands, guided my steps, heard my desires. For this I give Her honor and love.” Turn to the God candles say:

“The year wheel has turned, the harvest has come again. Once more I stand before the Thin Veil, before the gates that divide the worlds.

The Triple God has protected me with his sword, guided my steps, heard my desires. For this I give Him honor and love.” Tap pentacle gently with wand say:

“Give me clear knowledge of the path I must follow. Hear my desires, O Great Ones! Guide and protect me. Lead me to greater knowledge and fulfillment.” Stand in silence while you ask what you need of the Gods. Listen for spirit guidance that may come from those in Emania. When finished say:

“All love and honor to the Great Lady and her Lord. Blessed Be!” Now is a time for divination, meditation, or spell work (which should be to begin new projects and end old attachments or projects.) Continue with The Simple Feast and Circle closing! Samhain Needed:  Apples, pomegranate, pumpkins, squash, and other autumn fruits  Autumn flowers (marigolds, chrysanthemums)  Pen and paper  Cauldron  A small, flat dish marked with an eight-spoked wheel  Candles  Censer  Bolline Place upon the altar apples, pomegranates, pumpkins, squashes and other late autumn fruits. Autumn flowers such as marigolds and chrysanthemums are fine too. Write on a piece of paper an aspect of your life which you may wish to be free of; anger, a baneful habit, misplaced feelings, disease. The cauldron or some similar tool must be present before the altar as well, on a trivet or some other heat-proof surface (if the legs aren't long enough). A small, flat dish marked with an eight-spoked wheel symbol should also be there. (This is just what it sounds like. On a flat plate or dish, paint a large circle. Put a dot in the center of this circle and paint eight spokes radiating out from the dot to the larger circle. Thus, you have a wheel symbol - a symbol of the Sabbats, a symbol of timelessness.) Prior to ritual, sit quietly and think of friends and loved ones who have passed away. Do not despair. Know that they have gone on to greater things. Keep firmly in mind

that the physical isn't the absolute reality, and souls never die. Arrange the altar, light the candles and censer, and cast the Circle of Stones. Recite the Blessing Chant. Invoke the Goddess and God. Lift one of the pomegranates and, with your freshly-washed Bolline, pierce the skin of the fruit. Remove several seeds and place them on the wheel-marked dish. Raise your wand, face the altar and say:

“On this night of Samhain I mark Your passing, O Sun King, through the sunset into the Land of the Young. I mark also the passing of all who have gone before, and all who will go after. O Gracious Goddess, Eternal Mother, You who gives birth to the fallen, teach me to know that in the time of the greatest darkness there is the greatest light.” Taste the pomegranate seeds; burst them with your teeth and savor their sharp, bittersweet flavor. Look down as the eight-spoked symbol on the plate; the Wheel of the Year, the Cycle of the Seasons, the End and Beginning of all Creation. Light a fire within the cauldron (a candle is fine). Sit before it, holding the piece of paper, gazing at its flames. Say:

“Wise One of the Waning Moon, Goddess of the Starry Night, I create this fire within Your cauldron to transform that which is plaguing me. May the energies be reversed: From the darkness, light! From bane, good! From death, birth!” Light the paper in the cauldron's flames and drop it inside. As it burns, know that your ill diminishes, lessens and finally leaves you as it is consumed within the universal fires. (The cauldron, seen as the Goddess.) If you wish, you may attempt scrying or some other form of divination, for this is a perfect time to look into the past or future. Try to recall past lives too, if you will. But leave the dead in peace. Honor them with your memories but do not call them to you.

(Many Pagans do attempt to communicate with their deceased ancestors and friends at this time, but it seems to me that if we accept the doctrine of reincarnation, this is a rather strange practice. Perhaps the personalities that we knew still exist, but if the soul is currently incarnate in another body, communication would be difficult, to say the least. Thus, it seems best to remember them with peace and love - but do not call them up.) Release any pain and sense of loss you may feel into the cauldron's flames. Works of magick, if necessary, may follow. Celebrate the Simple Feast. The circle is released. Samhain Ritual Needed:  1 orange candle  Matches/lighter  Offering for the dead If inside, turn off lights, light candle and say:

“Though you are gone, You are not forgotten. You are with me, Watching, guiding and protecting me from within. I thank thee.” Take the offering to a place where the dead can find it and leave it for them thanking them. Samhain Ritual Needed:  Photos of your deceased loved ones or items of theirs if possible  Unlit candle  Matches When you are ready too begin you should cast your circle as usual and invite your deities. Say:

"Blessed be the season of Samhain. The time of the wise Crone Goddess. The night of the death of the God. The night to celebrate the nearness of the spirit world."

Spend a few moments standing quietly inside your circle allowing your thoughts to dwell on the meaning of this Sabbat. Move to the photos or items of your passed over loved ones and stand before them. Say:

“Dearest loved ones, tonight the passing of our God makes a veil which separates us thin. Come now to my circle side and join the celebration.” Light the remaining candle on your altar to light the way for the spirits. Spend a few moments sensing their presence. Now address each one individually. Say things to them you wish to say, and then fall silent to try to feel their response. When you feel the time is right, take up both the God and Goddess candles. Say:

"Tonight the Goddess and God belong to separate worlds, divided by the thin veil which separates the world of the living from the land of the dead." Blow out the God candle to signify his death, and replace both candles on the altar as far apart as possible. Say:

"Blessed be the Crone Goddess, sorrowful in her mourning, Blessed be the Aged God, beloved of the Summerland." Now you may do what ever other working you'd like. Close the circle however you wish. Samhain Ritual Needed:  Incense made of Frankincense and Myrrh or Lavender  Basil and rosemary  2 black or white candles  Black altar cloth  Bell  Chalice of milk  Dish of barley  81 black beans  Bowl of spring water  Towel This ritual should be performed barefoot. Although if you do this ritual for Samhain, you may want to wear socks. I'm sure the Goddess will understand. Cast your circle. Light the candles and say:

"Blessed Be thou, creature of light"

Light the incense. Bless the barley. Say:

"I bless this grain in the names of Demeter and Kore." Invoke the Goddesses going counterclockwise. Begin with the North:

"I call upon rich-haired Demeter, Mother of Harvest, Giver of Eternal Life. Bless me with your protection, Mother, and aid me in these rites." Leave an offering of barley for Her. Move to the West. Say:

"I call upon Hecate, Witch-queen, the hag of the crossroads who walks with Death. Bless me with your protection, Mother, and aid me in these rites." Leave an offering of barley for Her. Move to the South. Say:

"I call upon Vesta, sacred Hearth and Flame, Guardian Goddess of home and nations. Bless me with your protection, Mother, and aid me in these rites." Leave an offering of barley for Her. Move to the East. Say:

"I call upon Isis, Black Madonna, compassionate Queen, whom our fore-mothers worshipped from Asia to the Atlantic. Bless me with your protection, Mother, and aid me in these rites." Leave an offering of barley for Her. Return to the altar. Say:

"Hail Persephone! Queen of Earth and the underworld. In this time of growing life (or for Samhain say in this fading time) renew our hearts, and purify our homes." Toss a handful of barley onto the altar, Say:

"I offer this grain in thanksgiving to Persephone, Conductor of Souls. I ask you to lead my departed kindred into your realms of peace." Lay your hands over the chalice of milk and bless it by saying:

"I bless this cup in the name of Persephone, Queen of the Dead. Shades of my ancestors, known and unknown, I offer this cup in thanks, for all your care, and all your gifts. Depart in peace to your abodes in the Earth, knowing that all is well." Place your hands in the sign of the Yoni (a upside down triangle). Rinse your hands in the water three times in the water and dry. Take nine beans into your mouth. Make the sign of the Yoni again, turn around counterclockwise, spit the beans out through the opening in your hands. This a symbolic rebirth for spirits. Say:

"These I send forth. With these beans, I redeem myself and mine." Do this nine times. when you have used all the beans, turn away from them and avert

your eyes, giving the spirits a chance to pick them up. Keep still for the space of thirteen heartbeats. Take up the bell and ring or strike it nine times, say after each strike:

"Shades of my ancestors depart." Then say:

"It is done! Blessed Be!" Thank the Goddesses and open your circle. Bury the milk and candles. Walk away without looking back. Samhain Ritual Needed:  Sea salt  Orange candle  Gold candle  Yellow candle  Light blue candle  Decorations suitable to fall (see below)  Patchouli incense  Homemade bread and juice, wine or spring water  Mortar and pestle  Square of muslin or cotton  Needle and thread  Pen  4 tiny slips of paper Preparation: Ahead of time, select a quiet corner of your home for your ceremony, or better yet, decide upon a place in nature which makes you feel close to your higher power. Also, gather and dry a few blooms from honeysuckle, sage and marigold plants.  Honeysuckle enhances your psychic abilities and helps attract prosperity.  Marigold encourages prophetic dreams to help you access your subconscious knowledge.  Sage is for wisdom and clarity. During your ceremony, any or all of these herbs can be sewn into a tiny charm bag made from muslin or cotton, and then dedicated to a single purpose of your choosing. Your charm bag can be worn or carried throughout the season. You might also want to prepare a special harvest celebration bread.

Your Celebration: Prepare yourself by drawing a bath and adding sea salt, then light an orange candle. As you slip into the water, imagine the golden glow of the sun in your bath and around your aura. Bathe in the solar energy, clearing away anything you no longer need to hold on to. After bathing, take the orange candle and go to your pre-selected place of celebration and decorate a table with pine cones, grains, dried ears of corn, grapes, nuts, colorful fall leaves, and autumn flowers. A cornucopia is especially significant as it symbolizes the wealth of the harvest and our gratitude for the abundance in our lives. Light your incense and set your four candles in non-flammable holders (or a container filled with sand) then concentrate on the symbolism of each candle's color as you write your intentions on separate pieces of paper. Place the appropriate paper under each candle and light it: 1. Orange - Warmth, energy, creativity. What do I need to acquire to bring more joy into my life? 2. Yellow - Communication. How can I best communicate and translate my desires using creative energy? 3. Light Blue - Idealism, spirituality. How can I increase my spiritual awareness and keep my desires congruent with my life's purpose? 4. Gold - Abundance. What am I most grateful for today, and how can these gifts help me during the next three months? While your candles are burning (with the slips of paper tucked beneath them), grind your herbs individually with a mortar and pestle and concentrate on their particular energies as described above. Stitch up a small charm bag, add the herbs, and offer a silent prayer of gratitude for the abundance in your life and for the desires of your heart which will soon come to fruition. Spend some time meditating and truly appreciating the beauty of the world around you. Then eat, drink and be merry! When your celebration is complete, you can remove your intention papers from below each candle, place them in your charm bag and stitch it closed. You might instead want to burn each paper in the flame of its candle, allowing your intentions to be sent out powerfully into the ethers.) In the same order you lit them, snuff out your candles. (You don't want to scatter the energies by blowing them out.)

Samhain Ritual Needed:  7 black candles  6 orange candles  3 white candles  Apple  A chalice full of apple cider or juice  Athame  Bell Samhain is a good time to cast a full size nine foot circle, if you only cast one this year I would do it on this day. You can draw it out in chalk or make it with rope -- I use shells but use whatever is to hand. Once cast place thirteen candles around the circle -- seven black (the color of the day) and six orange (a good strong energy type color) as you light each one say:

"Samhain candle of fire so bright Consecrate this circle of light" In the centre of the consecrated circle place your altar, this can be whatever you like, something that is big enough to work off of. I use a really large flat stone from my garden but again use whatever. On the altar that should face north by the way, place three white candles one each of maid, mother and crone. At the west quarter place a cup (chalice) of apple cider (juice). To the east place a pot/stick of incense. To the south place an apple, a altar bell (clapping will do) and your athame (make do and mend). Ring the altar bell or clap three times then take the athame in your dominant hand and say:

"Listen well mighty elements Hear my calls Air, fire, water, earth By noise of night and shinning blade I summon thee I summon thee!" Now light the incense and the three white altar candles and say:

"Three candles in honor I light for thee. O great and wondrous goddess Let the flame burn for the Maiden Let the flame burn for the Mother Let the flame burn for the Crone"

As you say each phase of the goddess light one of the candles.

"In perfect love and perfect trust, to the god and goddess, to all things wild and free, I am here to honor thee" Now take you athame and place it in to the chalice and say:

"Bless this Goddess with your eternal power I drink of the season, I drink of thee. Blessed now and Blessed be" Return with the blessed drink to the altar and pour a drop on to the apple and say:

"I bless those that have gone by and ask that the blessings of the god and goddess go with them I fill the fruit of the harvest with the knowledge and wisdom of those that have gone before and in there memory I ask that this be passed to me" As you pour visualize the knowledge and wisdom passing in to the apple as a silver flow of energy. Eat the apple and drink the last of the cider and as you do feel and enjoy the power of the ancients. Sit quietly for a while and when you feel ready you can either close the circle or now would be a really good time to do some divination. Samhain Ritual Needed:  1 candle (white or a harvest color even black is good)  Apple  A bit of fruit of the harvest  Chalice for wine/juice  Something for communion  Cauldron full of water  Paper  Pen This poem (below) is a good place to start it can be recited before you cast the circle

and invoke the god and goddess.

The year's fruitfulness is at an end. Life has ebbed down into the earth. There is no thrust of life and, in all nature, darkness gathers. Now, with plants and animals and all of life, the wise turn inwards to the sleeping seeds, for death is a beginning. I share this time with the dead and the unborn. After casting the circle and invoking the god and goddess light a candle in the centre of your circle, with the words:

"May this light shine in the Inner Realms, as it does in the world. It is the Samhain fire. Those who come to sit beside its flame are welcome." Sit in silence, remembering friends or family members who have gone by. See if you can feel them near to you -- sat at your fire. Do not force all of this just sit quietly and see what you will. Now is the time you may hear messages or advice for those who have gone or are yet to come. Give silent thanks for this then say aloud:

"The Wheel of Life must always turn and death is preparation for rebirth, as darkness deeply holds the seeds of light, We shall meet and know, and remember, and love again." Now rise and when you are ready dance around the candle deosil (clockwise) and chant:

"Darkness of deepest night, filled with seeds of light." Note: Note If you are not a big dancer you could drum, clap your hands or just chant ever louder till you feel some energy in the room. If you do dance try your best not to set your robes on fire dancing around a naked flame.

Now sit again -- but keep chanting. Place in front of the candle a piece of fruit from the autumn harvest (this includes nuts) to represent a gift from the goddess. E.g. blackberries, hazelnuts something small and nice. Visualize a gold cone of energy building in the centre of the circle watch it grow with your chant. Once you feel it is strong let it channel all of its energy in to the food. If you have a wand or athame you can channel it through that but it is up to you. Now say:

"Within the silence and the darkness, may wisdom's fruit bring inner knowing. May it strengthen me, as I descend through the darkness of a winter season. I accept the change that wisdom brings, for such fruit may not be eaten lightly. It is the Lady's gift." Now eat the fruit. Now would be a good time to light some vision incense - which contains herbs to help get into a light trance or if you have non of these you could just keep burning the incense you were burning already. Now walk deosil to the west quarter, where you have placed a cauldron (or bowl) full or water. Sit beside the bawl and gaze into the water until you see visions or until, with your eyes closed, you fall into a light trance. If nothing happens except that you will receive some wisdom through the winter season, somehow. This may be a dream or relaxation. If you are relaxed some pictures really do tend to come. When the trance is over and you feel ready get up and go to the altar, on which you have placed the apple. No altar then make one out of a stone placed at the north quarter. Now hold the apple in your hand and say:

"I hold the fruit of the Underworld, which is given to all who know death in any shape, that they may find the seeds of new life. Every end is a beginning." Eat the apple slowly and remember the this is the fruit of death and as you eat it Meditate upon what has to go in your life on the bad things that you want to change. Now take up your chalice that should be filled with wine/juice and go clockwise to the east quarter - where the sun rises, the quarter of rebirth and new beginnings. Now sat at that quarter write down on paper a word or two that represents what you need to lose, weight, a bad habit a crap job. Something for the world could also be added that we should also be rid of pollution etc then burn it in the Samhain fire and watch them disappear in flames. With the words:

"So may this pass away and leave the world" Sit awhile take in the peace of the new year have communion and close the circle. Samhain Ritual

Needed:  Bath salt  Black robe (optional)  Acorn necklace  Oak leaf crown  White chalk or paint  13 black and orange candles  3 candles (1 white, 1 red, 1 black)  Chalice of apple cider  Sea salt  Censer of herb incense  Water  Bell  Athame  Red apple After a ritual bath in salt water to cleanse your body and soul of any impurities and negative energy, put on a long, black ceremonial robe (unless you prefer to work skyclad, as many Witches do), wear a handcrafted necklace of acorns around your neck, and place a crown of oak leaves around your head. Begin by casting a circle about nine feet in diameter, using white chalk or paint. Place thirteen black and orange candles around the circle, and as you light each one say:

"Samhain candle of fire so bright Consecrate this circle of light." In the center of the circle, erect an altar facing north. On the center of the altar, place three candles (white, red and black) to represent each phase of the Triple Goddess. To the left (west) of the candles, place a chalice filled with apple cider and a dish containing sea salt. To the right (east) of the candles, place a censer of herb incense and a small bowl of water. Before the candles (south), place a brass altar bell, a consecrated athame, and a red apple. Ring the altar bell thrice and say:

"In the sacred name of the Goddess and under her protection is this Sabbat Rite now begun." Sprinkle a bit of salt and water at each compass point around the circle to cleanse the space of any negativity or evil influences. Take the athame in your right hand, and say:

"Harken well ye elements Air, fire, water, earth By bell and blade I summon thee On this sacred night of mirth." Dip the blade of the athame into the chalice of apple cider and say:

"I offer to Thee, O Goddess This nectar of the season." Return the athame to the altar. Light the incense and the three altar candles, and say:

"Three candles I do light in honor of Thee, O Goddess: White for the Maiden, Red for the Mother, Black for the Crone. O Goddess of all things wild and free, Strong and loving, fair and just, This sacred temple I raise to Thee In Perfect Love, In Perfect Trust." Pick up the chalice with both hands and pour a few drops of the cider onto the apple and say:

"To the Womb of the Mother Goddess The Horned God now returns Until the day when he is reborn again. The great solar wheel Once again turns. The cycle of the seasons never ends. Blessed be the souls of those who have journeyed beyond To the dark world of the dead. I pour this nectar in honor of their memory. May the Goddess bless them With Light, Beauty and Joy. Blessed Be! Blessed Be!" Drink the remaining cider, and then return the chalice to its place on the altar. Ring the bell thrice, and then uncast the circle by extinguishing the orange and black

candles, starting at the east and moving in a counterclockwise direction. Take the apple from the altar and bury it outside in the earth to nourish the souls of those who have died in the past year. The Samhain ritual is now complete and should be followed by meditation, divination by crystal ball, the reciting of mystical Goddess-inspired poetry, and a Witches' prayer for the souls of all family members and friends who have passed on to the Spiritual Plane. Samhain Ritual Needed:  Apples  Pomegranates  Pumpkins  Squashes  Paper and pen  Cauldron  Small dish marked with an eight-spoked wheel  Candles  Censer  Bolline  Wand Place apples, pomegranates, pumpkins, squashes, and other late autumn fruits upon the altar. Write on a piece of paper some aspect of your life that you would like to get rid of. The cauldron or some similar tool must be present before the altar as well. A small dish marked with an eight-spoked wheel should also be set upon it. Prior to the ritual, sit quietly and think about friends and family that have passed away. Do not sorrow. Keep in mind that the physical is not the absolute reality and that the soul is eternal, that those you have known have only passed on to greater things and other lifetimes - new and rewarding experiences whatever they be. Arrange the altar, light the candles and censer, and cast the circle. Recite the Blessing Chant. Invoke the Goddess and the God. Lift one of the pomegranates and with your freshly washed white-handled knife, pierce the skin of the fruit and remove several of the seeds. Place them upon the

wheel-marked dish. Raise your wand, face the altar, and say these or similar words:

“On this night of Samhain, I mark the passing of the God, and all who have gone before and all who will go after, from the sunset into the Land of the Young. O Goddess, teach me thy secrets. Make me aware that even in times of greatest darkness and despair there resides the greatest light.” Taste the pomegranate seeds, bursting them open in your mouth so that you may taste their sharp, bittersweet, flavor. Look down upon the eight-spoked wheel on the plate; the symbol of the beginning and end of all creation, the cycle of the seasons, the Wheel of the Year. Light a fire within the cauldron, a candle is fine, and gaze at it. Holding the piece of paper on which you wrote earlier, say:

“Wise One of the Waning Moon, Goddess of the starry night, I create this fire in thy cauldron to transform that which plagues me. Let the energies be reversed! From darkness, light! From bane, good! From death, birth!” Light the paper in the cauldrons flames and drop it inside. As it burns, know that your ill diminishes, weakens, and is finally consumed within the Goddess' fire. Scrying or any other forms of divination may be accomplished now, as Samhain is a very good time to take a look into the past or future. It is also a good time to try to remember past lives. Leave the dead in peace. Honor their memory in love and peace and draw forth from yourself the pain of their passing. Do not call them to you. Release your feelings of pain and loss into the cauldron's flames. Only very necessary works of magic may follow. This is a time to remember and honor those who have gone before, and to honor the God and the Goddess, not to take selfish advantage of the powers inherent in this night. Celebrate the Simple Feast.

Release the circle. Samhain Ritual Needed:  Broom  Quarter candles  Orange and black altar cloth  Photographs, obituaries and other mementos from loved ones (family, friends and pets) who have passed on  3 candles in holders for the Triple Goddess (1 white, 1 red, and 1 black - placed on the left side of the altar)  3 candles in holders for the Triple God (1 yellow, 1 green, and 1 black - placed on the right side of the altar)  Cauldron with a black candle inside  Apple  Bolline  Food and Drink of your choice for sharing the Feast with the Departed Ones  Incense, Autumnal Blend using any combination of the following, or simply use one alone: Mint, Nutmeg, Sage, Apple, and Heliotrope This Ritual shall be performed during the evening hours, sometime after Sunset. Sweep area, starting in the North and moving deosil, with your magickal broom to cleanse the Circle area and "sweep away" any lingering negative energies. Set up the Quarter candles (North-Green, East-Yellow, South-Red, West-Blue) and/or other items symbolizing the elements at the Four Quarters. Set up your altar as desired, and face it to the North, covering it with the orange-and-black altar cloth. Place all of the items listed above in their proper places upon it. For this ceremony, decorate the altar with photographs, obituaries and other mementos of loved ones who have passed on (Family, Friends and Pets), and whatever else feels right. When all is set up, take a shower or bath for purification and don your ritual robe or other ritual attire. Be sure to wear your magickal jewelry. Sit quietly and meditate for a little while - to ground and center before beginning the Ritual. When you feel ready to begin, play some quiet peaceful music for the ritual. Cast the Circle and sit quietly meditating within the cast Circle for a little while. When you feel ready, begin by turning to the three candles on the left side of the altar, saying:

"I light three candles for the Triple Goddess... ...the Great Lady of Three Aspects." Light the White Candle, saying:

"Glorious Maiden, Goddess of youth and new beginnings, dawn, and the planted seed…” Light the Red Candle, saying:

"Great Mother, Goddess of magick and plenty, love and knowledge." Light the Black Candle, saying:

"Dark Crone, wise Goddess of the night, death and rebirth. I welcome the Goddess in all Her forms." Turn to the three candles on the right side of the altar, saying:

"I light three candles for the Triple God... ...Great Lord of many faces.” Light the Yellow Candle, saying:

"Bright Sun King, God of success and plenty..." Light the Green Candle, saying:

"Horned God of the Woodlands, God of fertility and growth..." Light the Black Candle, saying:

"Dark Lord of the Underworld, God of protection and rest... I welcome the God in all His forms." With the Wand in your power hand, tap the Cauldron five times. Raise your arms over the altar and say:

"Dark Goddess, Lord of Death, I ask Your blessings. Lift the Veil for me so that I may greet my Loved Ones who have passed on, Friends, family and pets who have gone ahead into your realms. Let only those who wish me well enter this Circle." Touch the plate (or basket) of food with the Wand, saying:

"This is the night of the Feast of the Dead, the night of the wheel-turning year that brings us to the Thin Veil. The gates between the worlds stand open this night. I honor my Loved Ones whose voices

come to me on the whispering wind. The Veil is lifted this night so that all may once more rejoice together in fellowship. All those who wish me well, welcome to my Circle As we eat, may we remember the eternal presence of the Gods, and may we remember that what we call death is but a fleeting existence in the cycle of birth, death and rebirth." Place the plate (or basket) of food on the Pentacle. Light the black candle in the Cauldron, say:

"I ask all who have gathered here To join me in this feast. This is a time of remembrance of all those gone into the realm of the Dark Mother and the Dark Lord. May I always have good health, prosperity and happiness." Eat a little of the food and drink some of the fruit juice. Anything left after the ritual must be placed outside or buried. Sit silently now and think of family, friends, and pets who have departed this Earth. Pick up and look at the photographs. Savor this time with them. When you feel that you are finished, say:

"The Thin Veil has been lifted. My Loved Ones have come to the Feast of the Dead. I thank them for their presences and words of comfort." Pick up the apple and say these words:

"Beautiful Maiden, you are the dispenser of the seed of life, Life that awaits, hidden in the Sacred Cauldron. Fruitful Mother, your ripeness of power nurtures the seed Bringing it into existence and helping it grow. Dark Mother, your Magick Cauldron is The well of death and rebirth, An experience each of us undergoes again and again. Let there be no fear in me, for I know your gentleness. Here is the secret symbol of life in death and death in life,

The hidden, mystical symbol of the Triple Goddess." Cut the apple crosswise to reveal the hidden pentagram in the core. Incline your head toward the altar and say:

"My deepest thanks to the Triple Ladies, and to the Triple Lords. May I always walk in peace beside you." Eat part of the apple. Place the remainder outside (after you have completed your ritual) as an offering to the birds and animals. Turn back to the Goddess candles and say:

"The Wheel of the Year has turned, The harvest has come again. I have sown many thought-seeds since last Samhain. Let the good be harvested; Let those that would hinder or harm me be cast aside. The Triple Goddess has covered me with Her gentle hands, Guided my steps, heard my desires. For this I give Her honor and love." Turn to the God candles and say:

"The Wheel of the Year has turned, the harvest has come again. Once more I stand before the Thin Veil, before the gates that divide the worlds. The Triple God has protected me with His sword, guided my steps, heard my desires. For this I give Him honor and love." Now tap the Pentacle gently with your Wand, saying:

"Give me clear knowledge of the path I am to follow. Hear my desires, O Great Ones! Guide me and protect me. Lead me to greater knowledge and fulfillment." Sit in silence while you ask what you need of the Gods. Also listen for spirit guidance that may come from those in the Summerland. When you feel you are finished, say:

"All love and honor to the Great Goddess and the Horned God! Blessed Be!" When you have finished, the time has now come to Release the Circle.

Now is the time for meditation and any spellworkings you may need or desire to end your Sabbat celebration. Appropriate Spellwork to consider for this turn in the Wheel of the Year is any for protection and neutralizing harm -- these are particularly warranted at this time of year, because Samhain is considered to be a good time to boost your confidence and security. If no spellwork is to be done at this time, then proceed with the Cakes and Ale Ceremony, followed by Releasing the Magick Circle. Samhain Samhain Ritual Needed:  Cauldron  Chalice of wine  Plate of bread and salt  White candle  Red candle  Black candle Special Notes: Time for communication with the dead; the ruling time of the Crone Goddess. Traditionally, the Veil between the worlds is said to be thinnest on this night, making it easier to communicate with souls of the deceased. Remember, people do not change because they die. If there was someone with whom you did not get along, deny them entrance to your circle. Their vibrations can be just as disruptive and uncomfortable now as they were when the person was on the physical plane. There can also be the added complication that, once invited, the spirit will feel free to hand around and annoy you. Arrange the candles around the cauldron. Cast the circle as usual. Light the extra candles, saying:

“I light three candles for the Goddess -- as Maiden, as Mother, as Wise One. Light the white Glorious Idhunn, keeper of the golden apples, forever the Maiden of youth and new beginnings, spring, and the planted seed. Light the red Lovely Freyja, Great Mother of magick and prosperity, love and knowledge. Light the black Dark Mother Hel, wise one of the twilight lands; queen of the night, death, and rebirth. I welcome the Goddess in all Her forms.” Raise your arms and say:

“This is Ancestress Night, the feast to honor my foremothers, the night of the wheelturning year that brings us to the Thin Veil. The gates between the worlds stand open

this night. The footsteps of my foremothers and sisters rustle in the fallen leaves. The whispering winds carry their voices to my inner ears. All those who wish me well are welcomed within this circle.” Put the plate of bread and salt on the pentagram:

“This is the night to honor my foremothers, the Feast of the Dead, the night strongest for communication with those gone into the shadow lands, those who now dwell with the Goddess. The Veil is lifted that they may know I have not forgotten, and that I may know they have not forgotten me. I await the voices of my departed sisterfriends.” Dip a piece of bread into the salt and eat it.

“I ask all who have gathered here to join me in this feast. For the bread gives strength and prosperity in all worlds. The salt reminds us of the Mother's blood within Her womb of rebirth.” Raise the wine chalice high over the altar, say:

“May we all be strong in body, mind, and spirit. And may the wheel of karma bring us together once more. To my ancestresses! To the Goddess! Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again.” Drink some of the wine. Turn back to the extra candles, and say:

“The year wheel has turned, the harvest has come again. I have sowed many thoughtseeds since last Ancestress Night. Let the good be harvested; let those that would hinder or hurt me be cast aside. The Threefold Goddess - the Maiden, the Mother, the Wise One -- has covered me with Her gentle hands, guided my steps, heard my desires. For this I give Her honor and love.” Tap the pentagram gently with your wand, saying:

“Give me the true inner vision. Hear my desires, O Goddess! Guide and protect me. Lead me to greater knowledge and fulfillment.” Stand in silence while you ask what you need of the Goddess. When you are finished, say:

“All love and honor to the Great Lady!” Now is a time for divination, meditation, or spellwork. It is a special time to listen for the voices of loved ones gone into spirit. Ask them to help you by interpretation of the runestones, cards, or whatever. Thank them when you are finished. Close the circle.

Samhain Ritual Needed:  Cauldron of water Celebrants:  Crone: This should be an older female.  Old King: This should be a person chosen by lottery, or by whoever is acting as Crone. It can be enacted by the High Priest if needed  Bard/Green Bard/Green Man: If the coven has no Bard available, then a Green Man should be chosen by lottery, or by whoever is acting as Maiden. It can be enacted by the High Priest, if needed. The place of ritual should be set up, away from the gathered participants. This is not something that people should miss, so make sure that potty break is taken care of before the circle is cast. High Priestess: Priestess: “Go we now to the sacred place

And stand within the sacred space Turn your minds to sacred things And dance with me unto the ring!” High Priest and High Priestess lead the coven to the place of ritual by a spiral dance, ending in a circle around the altar. The cauldron should be at the south. The Old King dances at the end of the line. High Priestess: “Come we forth, with the Spiral Dance

Within the Lady's radiance To mark the turning of the year The door to Winter now is here. Earth and Water, Fire and Air I invoke the Goddess there! This night we are Between the Worlds To celebrate the year unfurled!” High Priest: “Earth and Water, Fire and Sky

I invoke the God on high This night we are Between the Worlds To celebrate the year unfurled!” The corners shall be called thusly, that all may hear, but shall not be called until the

High Priestess reaches that corner on her circumambulation. East: “O Guardians of the Eastern Tower,

Airy ones of healing power I do summon, stir and call you See these rites and guard this circle! Come to us and heed our call! By the Power that made us all; By the Power that blesses Thee: Come to us; and Blessed Be!” South: “Oh fiery ones of Southern Power

Thus I invite you to this tower I do summon, stir and call you See these rites and guard this circle! Come to us and heed our call! By the Power that made us all; By the Power that blesses Thee: Come to us; and Blessed Be!” West: “Western ones of water's flow

Help to guard us here below I do summon, stir and call you See these rites and guard this circle! Come to us and heed our call! By the Power that made us all; By the Power that blesses Thee: Come to us; and Blessed Be!” North: “Earthen ones of Northern fame

Bless and guard our Power's fane I do summon, stir and call you See these rites and guard this circle! Come to us and heed our call! By the Power that made us all; By the Power that blesses Thee: Come to us; and Blessed Be!”

The High Priestess shall move to each corner, and say, following each corner's crying as she moves to the next. High Priestess: “So I cast and consecrate

This Circle of the small and great: By Fin and Feather, Leaf and Tree, By Rock and Earth, by Land and Sea, By Fire and Water, Earth and Air, By the Lord, and Lady Fair! By Love and Joy and Work and Play, All things harmful cast away! By lightning’s flash, and rain's soft fall, By the Power that made us all; By the Power that blesses Thee: (Cast the Circle: Blessed be!)” On her return to the first corner she shall change the last line above, and say:

“The Circle's cast; and Blessed Be!” The callers of the corners shall return their tools to the altar, and then shall join the circle at their corners. Here begins the Samhain Mystery: Old King: “Thus I invoke the Lady White

To come to us this sacred night. By Fin and Feather, Leaf and Tree, I shall show you a Mystery!” Bard/Green Man and Maiden join hands, facing each other. The Maiden speaks to the Bard/Green Man: Maiden: “Lord of Life, hail Land-Master!

God of grain that grows and dies Rising reborn, full of richness; Fallow fields shall yet be fertile -Spring sap runs as stirs your manhood Bless barren earth, bear fruit again!” The Bard/Green Man speaks to Maiden: Bard/Green Man: “Snow-shoes striding, hail swift Huntress!

Wild one, free and willful Goddess Bow and blade you bear beside you, Finding food to fend off hunger -Winter will not leave us wanting; Give good hunting, grant us skill.” The Old King moves to the West. The Crone moves to the North. High Priest: “Cunning and art he did not lack

But aye her whistle would fetch him back!” Old King: “Yet I shall go into a trout.

With sorrow and sighing and mickle doubt And show thee many a merry game Ere that I be fetch-ed hame!” Crone: “Trout, take heed of an otter lank

Will harry thee close from bank to bank For here come I in the Lady's Name All but for to fetch thee hame!” The Old King moves to the South. The Crone moves to the West. High Priest: “Cunning and art he did not lack

But aye her whistle would fetch him back!” Old King: “Yet I shall go into a bee

With mickle fear and dread of thee And flit to hive in the Lady's Name Ere that I be fetch-ed hame!” Crone: “Bee, take heed of a red, red cock

Will harry thee close thru door and lock For here come I in the Lady's Name All but for to fetch thee hame!” The Old King moves to the East. The Crone moves to the South. High Priest: “Cunning and art he did not lack

But aye her whistle would fetch him back!”

Old King: “Oh, I shall go into a hare

with sorrow, sighing and mickle care And I shall go in the Lady's Name Aye, until I be fetch-ed hame!” Crone: “Hare, take heed of a swift greyhound

Will harry thee all these fields around For here come I in the Lady's Name All but for to fetch thee hame!” The Old King moves to the North. The Crone moves to the East. High Priest: “Cunning and art he did not lack

But aye her whistle would fetch him back!" Old King: “Yet I shall go into a mouse

And haste me unto the Miller's House There in his corn to have good game Ere that I be fetch-ed hame!” Crone: “Mouse, take heed of a white she-cat

That never was baulked of mouse nor rat For here come I in the Lady's Name And -thus- it is I fetch thee hame!” Crone walks to Old King and takes his hand. He falls as if dead. High Priestess: “Cunning and art he did not lack

But aye Her Song has fetched Him back! Summer's gone, the Lady reigns And Winter has returned again!” Maiden wets her hands with water from the Cauldron, and sprinkles it on the Old King, who comes to life again. Old King: "Cunning and art I do not lack

But aye Her Cauldron will bring me back!” The Crone and Old King shall join hands, facing each other, and say: Crone: “One-eye, Wanderer, God of wisdom,

Hunt-lord, hail, who leads the hosting! Nine nights hanging, knowledge gaining, Cloaked at crossroads, council hidden. Now the night, your time, is near us -Right roads send us on, Rune-winner.” Old King: “Every age your eyes have witnessed;

Cauldron-Keeper, hail wise Crone! Rede in riddles is your ration -Wyrd-weaver at the World-tree's root. Eldest ancient, all-knowing one, Speak unto us, send us vision!” Here the High Priestess should say:

“We remember our dead; our loved ones gone to the Summerland before us. Give them peace and joy.” All: “Blessed be!” If there is time enough, the High Priestess and/or a selected member(s) of the coven should read aloud the "Roll of Martyrs." Note: This listing is copyrighted, and used by the author's permission. The reader shall say: Reader: “Never again the Burning Times! Let us remember our dead, good and bad,

innocent and guilty:” Follows is the Roll of Martyrs. This may be read aloud, or may be placed in written form upon the altar as the above words are said. Adamson, Francis: executed at Durham, England, in 1652 Albano, Peter of: died in prison circa 1310 Allen, Joan: hanged at the Old Bailey, London, England, in 1650 Allen, Jonet: burned in Scotland in 1661 Amalaric, Madeline: burned in France in mid-1500's Ancker, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Andrius, Barthelemy: burned at Carcassonne, France in 1330 Andrius, Jean: burned at Carcassonne, France in 1330 Andrius, Phillippe: burned at Carcassonne, France in 1330 Arnold, (first name unknown): hanged at Barking, England, in 1574 d'Arc, Joan: burned at Rouen, France, on 30 May, 1431 (note: the witchcraft charge in

this case was implied and not specific) Ashby, Anne: hanged at Maidstone, England, in July, 1652 Askew, Anne: burned for witchcraft 1546 Audibert, Etienne: condemned for witchcraft in France, on 20 March 1619 Aupetit, Pierre: burned at Bordeaux, France, in 1598 Babel, Zuickel: beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Babel, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Baker, Anne: executed in Leicester, England, in 1619 Balcoin, Marie: burned in the reign of Henry IV of France Balfour, Alison: burned at Edinburgh, Scotland, on 16 December, 1594 Bannach, (husband)(first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 16281629 Bannach, (wife) (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Barber, Mary: executed in Northhampton, England, on 22 July, 1612 Barker, Janet: burned in Scotland in 1643 Baroni, Catterina: beheaded and burned at Castelnovo, Italy, on 14 April, 1647 Barthe, Angela de la: burned at Toulouse, France, in 1275 Barton, William: executed in Scotland (year unknown) Basser, Fredrick: beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Batsch, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Bayerin, Anna: executed at Salzburg, Austria, in 1751 Beaumont, Sieur de: accused of witchcraft on 21 October, 1596 Bebelin, Gabriel: beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Beck, Viertel: beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Beck, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Belon, Jean: executed in France, in 1597 Berger, Christopher: beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Berrye, Agnes: hanged at Enfield, England, in 1616 Bentz, (mother) (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Bentz, (daughter) (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 16281629 Beuchel, Anna: burned at Waldsee, Germany, in 1581 Beutler, (first name unknown) beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Bill, Arthur: executed in Northhampton, England, on 22 July, 1612 Birenseng, Agata: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 25 June, 1594 Bishop, Briget: hanged at Salem, New England on 10 June, 1692 Bodenham, Anne: hanged at Salisbury, England, in 1653 Bonnet, Jean: burned alive at Boissy-en-Ferez, France, in 1583 Boram, (mother) (first name unknown): hung at Bury St Edmunds, England, in 1655 Boram, (daughter) (first name unknown): hung at Bury St Edmunds, England, in 1655 Bolingbroke, Roger: hanged, drawn and quartered at Tyburn, England, on 18

November, 1441 Boulay, Anne: burned at Nancy, France, in 1620 Boulle, Thomas: burned alive at Rouen, France, on 21 August, 1647 Bowman, Janet: burned in Scotland in 1572 Bragadini, Mark Antony: beheaded in Italy in the 1500's Brickmann, (first name unknown) beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Brose, Elizabeth: tortured to death in the castle of Gommern, Germany, on 4 November, 1660 Brown, Janet: burned in Scotland in 1643 Browne, Agnes: executed in Northhampton, England, on 22 July, 1612 Browne, Joan: executed in Northhampton, England, on 22 July, 1612 Browne, Mary: hanged at Maidstone, England, in July, 1652 Brooks, Jane: hanged in England on 26 March, 1658 Brugh, John: burned in Scotland in 1643 Buckh, Appollonia: burned at Waldsee, Germany, in 1581 Bugler, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 16281629 Bulcock, John: executed in Lancaster, England, in 1612 Bulcock, Jane: executed in Lancaster, England, in 1612 Bull, Edmund: hanged at Taunton, England, in 1631 Bulmer, Matthew: hanged at Newcastle, England, in 1649 Burroughs, George: executed at Salem, New England, on 19 August, 1692 Bursten-Binderin, (first name unknown) beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 16281629 Calles, Helen: executed at Braynford, England, on 1 December, 1595 Camelli, Domenica: beheaded and burned at Castelnovo, Italy, on 14 April, 1647 Canzler, (first name unknown) beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 16281629 Carrier, Martha: executed at Salem, New England, on 19 August, 1692 Caveden, Lucia: beheaded and burned at Castelnovo, Italy, on 14 April, 1647 Cemola, Zinevra: beheaded and burned at Castelnovo, Italy, on 14 April, 1647 Corey, Martha: executed at Salem, New England, on 22 September, 1692 Corey, Giles: pressed to death at Salem, New England, on 19 September, 1692 Corset, Janet: killed by a mob at Pittenweem, Scotland, in 1704 Challiot, (first name unknown): murdered at St. Georges, France, in February, 1922 Chalmers, Bessie: tried for witchcraft in Inverkiething, Scotland 1621 Chambers, (first name unknown): died in prison, in England, in 1693 Chamoulliard, (first name unknown): burned in France, in 1597 de Chantraine, Anne: burned as a witch in Waret-la-Chaussee, France, on October 17, 1622 Chatto, Marioun: tried for witchcraft in Inverkiething, Scotland 1621 Ciceron, Andre: burned alive at Carcassone, France, in 1335 Cockie, Isabel: burnt as a witch, at a cost of 105 s. 4 p., in England 1596

Cox, Julian: executed at Taunton, England, in 1663 Couper, Marable: burned in the north of Scotland in 1622 Craw, William: burned in Scotland in 1680 Crots, (son) (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Cullender, Rose: executed at Bury St Edmunds, England, on 17 March 1664 Cumlaquoy, Marian: burned at Orkney, Scotland in 1643 Cunningham, John: burned at Edinburgh, in January, 1591 Cunny, Joan: hanged in Chelmsford, England, in 1589 Deiner, Hans: burned at Waldsee, Germany (year unknown) Delort, Catherine: burned at Toulouse, France, in 1335 Demdike, Elizabeth: convicted, but died in prison, in Lancaster, England, in 1612 DeMolay, Jacques: Grand Master of the Templars, burned in France on 22 March 1312 Desbordes, (first name unknown): burned in France, in 1628 Deshayes, Catherine: burned on 22 February, 1680 Device, Elizabeth: executed in Lancaster, England, in 1612 Device, James: executed in Lancaster, England, in 1612 Device, Alizon: executed in Lancaster, England, in 1612 Doree, Catherine: executed at Courveres, France, in 1577 Dorlady, Mansfredo: burned at Vesoul, France as being the Devil's banker, on 18 January, 1610 Dorlady, Fernando: burned at Vesoul, France as being the Devil's banker, on 18 January, 1610 Dormar, Anna: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 9 October, 1586 Douglas, Janet: burned at Castle, Hill, Scotland, on 17 July, 1557 Drummond, Alexander: executed in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1670 "Dummy" (name unknown; he was deaf-and-dumb): killed by a mob at Sible Hedingham, England, on 3 August, 1865 Duncan, Gellie: hanged in Scotland in 1591 Dunhome, Margaret: burned in Scotland (year unknown) Dunlop, Bessie: burned at Castle Hill, Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1576 Duny, Amy: executed at Bury St Edmunds, England, on 17 March, 1664 Dyneis, Jonka: burned in the north of Scotland in 1622 Easty, Mary: executed at Salem, New England, on 22 September, 1692 Echtinger, Barbara: imprisoned for life at Waldsee, Germany, on 24 August, 1545 Edelfrau, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Edwards, Susanna: hanged at Bideford, England in 1682 Einseler, Catharina: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 6 July, 1581 Erb, Anna: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 9 March, 1586 Eyering, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Fian, John: hanged at Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1591

Fief, Mary le: of Samur, France, accused of witchcraft, on 13 October 1573 Fleischbaum, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Flieger, Catharina: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 6 July, 1581 Flower, Joan: died before trial, at Lincoln, England, 1619 Flower, Margaret: executed at Lincoln, England, in March, 1619 Flower, Phillippa: executed at Lincoln, England, in March, 1619 Foster, Anne: hanged at Northhampton, England, in 1674 Fray, Ursula: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 12 June, 1587 Fray, Margaret: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 25 June, 1594 Fynnie, Agnes: burned in Scotland in 1643 Gabley, (first name unknown): executed at King's Lynn, England, in 1582 Galigai, Leonora:beheaded at the Place de Grieve, France, on 8 July, 1617 Garnier, Gilles: burned as a werewolf in Dole, France 1574 Gaufridi, Louis: burned at Marseilles, France, at 5:00 pm on 30 April, 1611 Geissler, Clara: strangled at Gelnhausen, Germany circa 1630 Georgel, Anna Marie de: burned at Toulouse, France, in 1335 Geraud, Hughes: burned in France in 1317 Gering, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 16281629 Glaser, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 16281629 Glover, Goody: hanged at Salem, New England, in 1688 Gobel, Barbara: burned at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1639 Goeldi, Anna: hanged at Glaris, Switzerland, on 17 June, 1782 Goldschmidt, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Good, Sarah: executed at Salem, New England, on 19 July, 1692 Grandier, Urbain, burned at Loudon, France, on 18 August, 1634 Goodridge, Alse: executed at Darbie, England, in 1597 Gratiadei, Domenica: beheaded and burned at Castelnovo, Italy, on 14 April, 1647 Green, Ellen: executed in Leicester, England, in 1619 Greensmith, (first name unknown): hanged in Hartford, New England, on 20 January, 1662 Greland, Jean: burned at Chamonix, France, in 1438, with 10 others Grierson, Isobel: burned in Scotland in March, 1607 Gutbrod, (first name unknown:) beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Haan, George: burned at Bamberg, Germany, circa 1626, with his wife, daughter, and son Hacket, Margaret: executed at Tyburn, England, on 19 February, 1585 Hamilton, Margaret: burned in Scotland in 1680 Hafner, (son) (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Hammellmann, Melchoir: beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Hamyltoun, Christiane: tried for witchcraft in Inverkiething, Scotland 1621 Hans, David: beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629

Hans, Kilian: beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Harfner, (first name unknown): hanged herself in the prison of Bamberg, 1628-1629 Harlow, Bessie: tried for witchcraft in Inverkiething, Scotland 1621 Harrisson, Joanna, and her daughter: executed in Hertford, England, in 1606 Harvilliers, Jeanne: executed in France, in 1578 Haus, (wife) (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Hennot, Catherine: burned alive in Germany in 1627 Henry III, King of France: assassinated on 1 August, 1589 Hewitt, Katherine: executed in Lancaster, England, in 1612 Hezensohn, Joachim: beheaded at Waldsee, Germany, in 1557 Hibbins, Anne: hanged in Boston, Massachusetts on 19 June, 1656 Hirsch, Nicodemus: beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Hoecker, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Hofschmidt, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Holtzmann, Stoffel: beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Hofseiler, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Hoppo, (first name unknown): executed in Germany in 1599 How, Elizabeth: executed at Salem, New England, on 19 July, 1692 Hoyd, Anna: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 24 November, 1586 Huebmeyer, Barbara: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 11 September, 1589 Huebmeyer, Appela: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 11 September, 1589 Hunt, Joan: hanged in Middlesex, England in 1615 Hunter, Alexander: burned at Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1629 Huxley, Catherine: hanged at Worcester, England in the summer of 1652 Isel, Ursula: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 7 November, 1586 Isolin, Madlen: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 6 July, 1581 Jacobs, George: executed at Salem, New England, on 19 August, 1692 Jenkenson, Helen: executed in Northhampton, England, on 22 July, 1612 Jennin, (first name unknown): burned at Cambrai, France, in 1460 Jollie, Alison: executed in Scotland, in October, 1596 Jones, Katherine: burned in the north of Scotland in 1622 Jones, Margaret: executed in Charlestown, North America, on 15 June, 1648 Jordemaine, Margery: burned at Smithfield, England, on 27 October, 1441 Junius, Johannes: of Bamberg, executed as a witch, on 6 August, 1628 Jung, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Kent, Margaret: tried for witchcraft in Inverkiething, Scotland 1621 Kerke, Anne: executed at Tyburn, England, in 1599 Kleiss, Anna: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 30 October, 1586 Kless, Catharina: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 12 June, 1587 Knertz, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Knor, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629

Knott, Elizabeth: hanged at St. Albans, England, in 1649 Kramerin, Schelmerey: beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Kuhnlin, Elsa: burned at Waldsee, Germany, in 1518 Kuler, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Lachenmeyer, Waldburg: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 5 July, 1585 deLarue, (first name unknown): burned at Rouen, in 1540 Lauder, Margaret: burned in Scotland in 1643 Leclerc, (no first name given): condemned for witchcraft, in France 1615 Lakeland, (first name unknown): burned at Ipswich, England, in 1645 Lamb, Dr.: stoned to death by a mob at St. Paul's Cross, London, England, in 1640 Lambrecht, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Leger,(no first name given): condemned for witchcraft in France, on 6 May, 1616 Liebler, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Lloyd, Temperance: hanged at Bideford, England in 1682 Louis, (first name unknown): executed at Suffolk, England, in 1646 Lowes, John: hanged at Bury, England, about 1645 Lutz, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Macalzean, Euphemia: burned alive in Scotland for witchcraft, on 25 June, 1591 Marigny, Enguerrand de: hanged in France in 1315 Marguerite, (last name unknown): burned at Paris, France, in 1586 Mark, Bernhard: burned alive at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Martin, Marie: executed in France, in 1586 Martin, Susannah: executed at Salem, New England, on 19 July, 1692 Martyn, Anne: hanged at Maidstone, England, in July, 1652 Mayer, Christina: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 9 October, 1586 Mazelier, Hanchemand de: arrested at Neuchatel, Germany 1439 Meath, Petronilla de: burned as a witch, the first such burning in Ireland, on 3 November, 1324 Meyer, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Mirot, Dominic: burned at Paris, France, in 1586 Morin, (first name unknown): burned at Rouen, in 1540 Mossau, Renata von: beheaded and burned in Bavaria, Germany, on 21 June, 1749 Mullerin, Elsbet: burned at Waldsee, Germany, in 1531 Mundie, Beatrice: tried for witchcraft in Inverkiething, Scotland 1621 Napier, Barbara: hanged in Scotland in 1591 Nathan, Abraham: executed at Haeck, Germany, on 24 September, 1772 Newell, John: executed at Barnett, England, on 1 December, 1595 Newell, Joane: executed at Barnett, England, on 1 December, 1595 Newman, Elizabeth: executed at Whitechapel, England in 1653 Nottingham, John of: died in custody, Coventry, England, 1324 Nurse, Rebecca: executed at Salem, New England, on 19 July, 1692

Nutter, Alice: executed in Lancaster, England, in 1612 Oliver, Mary: burned at Norwich, England, in 1658 Orchard, (first name unknown): executed at Salisbury, England, in 1658 Osborne, (husband) (first name unknown): killed by a mob at Tring, Herefordshire, England, in 1751 Osborne, (wife) Ruth: killed by a mob at Tring, Herefordshire, England, in 1751 Osburne, Sarah: died in prison at Boston, Massachusetts, 10 May, 1692 Oswald, Catherine: burned in Scotland in 1670 Paeffin, Elsa: burned at Waldsee, Germany, in 1518 Pajot, Marguerite: executed at Tonnerre, France, in 1576 Paris, (first name unknown): hanged at St. Andrews, Scotland, in 1569 Parker, Alice: executed at Salem, New England, on 22 September, 1692 Parker, Mary: executed at Salem, New England, on 22 September, 1692 Palmer, John: hanged at St. Albans, England, in 1649 Pannel, Mary: executed in Yorkshire, England, in 1603 Pearson, Alison: burned in Scotland on 28 May, 1588 Peebles, Marion: burned in Scotland in 1643 Peterson, Joan: hanged at Tyburn, England, in April, 1652 Pichler, Emerenziana: burned atDefereggen, Germany, on 25 September, 1680 (her two sons, aged 12 and 14, were also burned two days later) Poiret, (first name unknown): burned at Nancy, France, in 1620 Pomp, Anna: executed at Lindheim, Germany, in 1633 Porte, Vidal de la: condemned at Riom, France, in 1597 Powle, (first name unknown): executed at Durham, England, in 1652 Prentice, Joan: hanged in Chelmsford, England, in 1589 Preston, Jennet: executed in York, England, in 1612 Pringle, Margaret: burned in Scotland in 1680 Procter, John: executed at Salem, New England, on 19 August, 1692 Pudeator, Anne: executed at Salem, New England, on 22 September, 1692 Quattrino, Dominic: burned at Mesolcina, Italy, in 1583 Rattray, George: executed in Spott, Scotland, in 1705 Rattray, Lachlan: executed in Spott, Scotland, in 1705 Rauffains, Catharina: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 7 November, 1586 Reade, Mary: hanged at Maidstone, England, in July, 1652 Redfearne, Anne: executed in Lancaster, England, in 1612 Reed, Wilmot: executed at Salem, New England, on 22 September, 1692 Reich, Maria: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 5 July, 1585 Reid, John: hanged himself in prison, in Scotland, in 1697 Reoch, Elspeth: burned in the north of Scotland in 1622 Robey, Isobel: executed in Lancaster, England, in 1612 Rodier, Catala: burned alive at Carcassone, France, in 1335

Rodier, Paul: burned alive at Carcassone, France, in 1335 Rohrfelder, Margaret: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 24 August, 1585 Rosch, Maria: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 6 July, 1581 Rosseau, (no first name given), and his daughter, (no name given) of France, accused of witchcraft on 2 October 1593 Rue, Abel de la: of Coulommiers, France, accused of witchcraft on 20 July, 1592 Roulet, Jacques: burned alive for being a were-wolf, at Angiers, France, in 1597 Rum, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Russel, Alice: killed by a mob at Great Paxton, England, 20 May, 1808 Rutchser, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Rutter, Elizabeth: hanged in Middlesex, England in 1616 Sailler, Ursula: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 24 August, 1585 Sampsoune, Agnes: tried, strangled, and burnt for a witch in Scotland 1591 Samuels, (family): three members condemned for witchcraft in Warboys, England, on 4 April, 1593 Sawyer, Elizabeth, hanged at Tyburn, England, on 19 April, 1621 Scharber, Elsbeth: burned at Waldsee, Germany, in 1581 Schneider, Felicitas: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 9 March, 1586 Schnelling, Anna: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 11 September, 1589 Schutz, Babel: beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Schwaegel, Anna Maria: beheaded at Kempten, Germany, on 11 April, 1775 Schwartz, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Schenck, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Schellhar, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Schickelte, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Schneider, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Schleipner, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Schuler, (first name not known): burned at Lindheim, Germany on 23 February, 1663 Schultheiss, Ursula: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 9 March, 1586 Schwarz, Eva: burned at Waldsee, Germany, in 1581 Schwerdt, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Scott, Margaret: executed at Salem, New England, on 22 September, 1692 Scottie, Agnes: burned in the north of Scotland in 1622 Sechelle, (first name unknown): burned at Paris, France, in 1586 Smith, Mary: hanged at King's Lynn, England, in 1616 Stadlin, (first name unknown): executed in Germany in 1599 Steicher, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Steinacher, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Steward, William: hanged at St. Andrews, Scotland, in 1569 Stewart, Christian: strangled and burned in Scotland, in November, 1596 Stolzberger, (son) (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-

1629 Stolzberger, (wife) (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 16281629 Stolzberger, (granddaughter) (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Stubb, Peter: executed as a werewolf near Cologne, Germany, in 1589 Stuber, Laurence: beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Sturmer, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Style, Elizabeth: died in prison, at Taunton, England, in 1664 Seiler, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 16281629 Silberhans, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Steinbach, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Stier, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Stadelmann, Ursula: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 7 November, 1586 Sutton (mother) (first name unknown): executedin Bedford, England in 1613 Sutton, Mary: executed in Bedford, England in 1613 Thausser, Simon, and his wife (no name given): burned at Waldsee, Germany, in 1518 Thompson, Annaple: burned in Scotland in 1680 Tod, Beigis: burned at Lang Nydrie, Scotland, on 27 May, 1608 Treher, Anna: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 5 July, 1585 Trembles, Mary: hanged at Bideford, England in 1682 Trois-Echelles (pseud.): executed at Paris, France, in 1571 (or 1574) Tungerslieber, (first name unknown) beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Turner, Ann: murdered in England, in 1875 Uhlmer, Barbara: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 24 August, 1585 Upney, Joan: hanged in Chelsford, England, in 1589 Utley, (first name unknown): hanged at Lancaster, England, in 1630 Valee, Melchoir de la: burned at Nancy, France, in 1631 Vallin, Pierre: executed in France, in 1438 Valkenburger, (daughter) (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Vaecker, Paul: beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Vickar, Bessie: burned in Scotland in 1680 Wachin, Ursula: burned at Waldsee, Germany, in 1528 Wagner, Michael: beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Wagner, (first name unknown): burnt alive at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Wallace, Margaret: executed in Glascow, Scotland, in 1622 Wardwell, Samuel: executed at Salem, New England, on 22 September, 1692 Waterhouse, (first name unknown): hanged in Dorset, England in 1565 Wanderson, (wife 1) (first name unknown): executed in England, in January, 1644. Wanderson, (wife 2) (first name unknown): executed in England, in January, 1644.

Weir, Thomas: burned between Edinburgh and Leith, Scotland, on 11 April, 1670 Weiss, Agatha: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 9 October, 1586 Weydenbusch, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Whittle, Anne: executed in Lancaster, England, in 1612 Wildes, Sarah: executed at Salem, New England, on 19 July, 1692 Willard, John: executed at Salem, New England, on 19 August, 1692 Willimot, Joan: executed in Leicester, England, in 1619 Wilson, Anne: hanged at Maidstone, England, in July, 1652 Wirth, Klingen: beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Wirth, Trauben: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 5 July, 1585 Wright, Mildred: hanged at Maidstone, England, in July, 1652 Wuncil, Brigida: burned at Waldsee, Germany, on 6 July, 1581 Wunth, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629 Younge, Alse: hanged in Connecticut, North America, on 26 May, 1647 Yullock, Agnes: burned in the north of Scotland in 1622 The Unknowns 8000 "Stedingers" killed on 27 May, 1234 180 burned for witchcraft at Montwimer, France, on 29 May, 1239 36 Knights Templar died under torture in France, in October, 1307 54 Knights Templar burned in France, on 12 May, 1310 39 Knights Templar burned in France, on 18 March 1314 "Some" burned at Kilkenny, Ireland, 1323 200 + burned at Carcassonne, France, between 1320-1350 63 burned at Toulouse, France, in 1335 8 burned at Carcassonne, France, in 1352 31 burned at Carcassonne, France, in 1357 67 burned at Carcassonne, France, between 1387-1400 1 burned at Berlin, Germany, in 1399 "Several" witches burned alive at Simmenthal, Switzerland, circa 1400 "Several" burned at Carcassonne, France, in 1423 200 + executed in the Valais, France between 1428-1434 167 executed in l'Isere, France, between 1428-1447 16 executed in Toulouse, France, in 1432 8 executed in Toulouse, France, in 1433 150 executed in Briancon, France, in 1437 3 burnt in Savoy between 1446 and 1447 7 killed at Marmande, France, in 1453 1 burned at Locarno, Italy, in 1455 "Many" burned in Arras, France in 1459 2 burned in Burgundy, France, in 1470

3 burned at Forno-Rivara, Italy, in 1472 2 burned at Levone, in Italy, in 1474 5 burned at Forno, Italy, in 1475 12 women and "several" men burned at Edinburgh, in 1479 4 burned at Metz, Germany, in 1482 48 burned at Constance, between 1482-1486 2 burned at Toulouse, France, in 1484 2 burned in Chaucy, France in 1485 1 died in prison, at Metz, Germany 1488 3 executed at Mairange, Germany, on 17 June, 1488 2 executed at Mairange, Germany, on 25 June, 1488 3 executed at Chastel, Germany, on 26 June, 1488 3 executed at Metz, Germany, on 1 July, 1488 1 executed at Salney, Germany, on 3 July, 1488 2 executed at Salney, Germany, on 12 July, 1488 3 executed at Salney, Germany, on 19 July, 1488 1 executed at Brieg, Germany, on 19 July, 1488 2 executed at Juxney, Germany, on 19 August, 1488 5 executed at Thionville, Germany, on 23 August, 1488 1 executed at Metz, Germany, on 2 September, 1488 1 executed at Vigey, Germany, on 15 September, 1488 1 executed at Juxney, Germany, on 22 September, 1488 1 executed in France circa 1500 30 burned in Calahorra, Spain, in 1507 1 burned in Saxony, Germany, in 1510 60 burned in Northern Italy, in 1510 500 + burned in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1515 2 burned in Besancon, France, in 1521 64 burned in Val Camonica, Italy between 1518-1521 100 burned in Como, Italy, in 1523 1000 + in Como, Italy, in 1524 900 executed by Nicholas Remy (years unknown, about 15 years total) "A large number" executed at Saragossa, Spain, in 1536 7 burned at Nantes, France, in 1549 1 burned at Lyons, France, in 1549 3 burned alive at Derneburg, Germany, on 4 October, 1555 1 burned alive at Bievires, France, in 1556 5 burned at Verneuil, France, in 1561 17,000 + in Scotland from 1563 to 1603 4 burned at Potiers, France, in 1564 1 burned at St. Andrews, Scotland, in 1569

"Many" burned in France in 1571 1 burned at St. Andrews, Scotland, in 1572 70,000 killed in England after 1573 "Several" executed in Paris, France, in 1574 80 executed in one fire at Valery-en-Savoie, France, in 1574 3 executed in Dorset, England, in 1578 36 persons executed at Kilkenny, Ireland, in 1578 18 killed at St. Oses, England, in 1582 "Several" burned in Mesolcina, Italy, in 1583 368 persons killed for witchcraft between 18 January, 1587, and 18 November, 1593, in the diocese of Treves. 1 burned at Riom, France, in 1588 133 persons burned in one day at Quedlinburg, in Germany, in 1589 48 burned in Wurttemberg, Germany, in 1589 2 burned at Cologne, Germany in 1589 54 burned in Franconia in 1590 300 burned in Bern, Switzerland, between 1591-1600 1 burned in Ghent, Holland, in 1591 9 executed in Toulouse, France, in 1595 1 burned in Ghent, Holland, in 1598 24 burned in Aberdeen, Scotland, circa 1598 77 burned in Vaud, Switzerland, in 1599 10 -daily- were burned (average) in the Duchy of Brunswick between 1590-1600 20 executed (other than those listed by name above) in the reign of King James VI and I of England. 40,000 executed between 1600-1680 in Great Britain 205 burned at the Abbey of Fulda, Germany, between 1603-1605 "Several" witches executed in Derbyshire, England, in 1607 24 burned + 3 suicides in Hagenau, Alsace, in 1607 "A number of women" burned at Breehin, Scotland, in 1608 1 burned alive by a mob at St. Jean de Liuz, France, circa 1608 18 killed at Orleans, France, in 1616 9 hanged at Leicester, England, in 1616 8 hanged at Londinieres, France, in 1618 "Several" witches condemned at Nerac, France, on 26 June, 1619 200 + executed at Labourt, France, in 1619 2 executed at Bedford, England, in 1624 56 executions at Mainz, Germany, between 1626-1629 77 executions at Burgstadt, Germany, between 1626-1629 40 executions at Berndit, Buttan, Ebenheit, Wenchdorf and Heinbach, Germany, between 1626-1629

8 executions in Prozelten and Amorbach, Germany between 1626-1629 168 executions in the district of Miltenberg, Germany, between 1626-1629 85 burned in Dieburg, Germany, in 1627 79 burned at Offenburg, Austria, from 1627-1629 274 executed in Eichstatt, Germany in 1629 124 executed by the Teutonic Order at Mergentheim, Germany in 1630 900 executions at Bamberg, Germany, between 1627 and 1631 22,000 (approx) executed in Bamberg, Germany between 1610 and 1840 1 hanged at Sandwich, in Kent, England, in 1630 3 executed at Lindheim, Germany in 1631 20 executed in Norfolk, England, on evidence of Matthew Hopkins, before 26 July, 1645 29 condemned, on the evidence of Matthew Hopkins, at Chelmsford, England, on 29 July, 1645 150 killed in England in the last six months of 1645 2 executed at Norwich, England, in 1648 14 hanged at Newcastle, England, in 1649 220 + in England and Scotland, on evidence of a Scottish Witchfinder, circa 16481650 2 killed by a mob at Auxonne, France, in 1650 30 burned in Lindheim, Germany, between 1640-1651 900 killed in Lorraine, France (years unknown) 30,000 (approx) burned by the Inquisition (not all may have been witches) 3-4000 killed during Cromwell's tenure in England 102 burned in Zuckmantel, Germany, in 1654 18 burned at Castle Hill, Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1658 85 executed at Mohra, Sweden, on 25 August, 1670 71 beheaded or burned in Sweden between 1674-1677 90 burned at Salzburg, Austria, in 1678 11 burned at Prestonpans, Scotland, in 1678 36 executed in Paris, France, in 1680 "Several" burned at Rouen, France, in 1684-1685 3 executed (Suzanna, Isle and Catherine (last names unknown) at Arendsee, Germany, in 1687 36 burned at Nordlingen, Germany between 1690-1694 5 burned at Paisley, Scotland, on 10 June, 1697 9 persons burned at Burghausen, Germany, all under 16 years of age, on 26 March, 1698 1 burned at Antrim, Ireland, in 1699 "Many" burned at Spott Loan, Scotland, in 1705 2 persons killed in the Trentino, Austria, between 1716 and 1717

1 executed in France, in 1718 2 persons, a mother and daughter, burned in Scotland, in 1722 13 burned at Szegedin, Hungary, in 1728 1 burned at Szegedin, Hungary, in 1730 13 burned alive at Szegedin, Hungary on 23 July, 1738 3 burned at Karpfen, Germany, in 1744 3 burned at Muhlbach, Germany, in 1746 1 executed at Szegedin, Hungary, in 1746 1 executed at Maros Vasarheli, (nation unknown), 1752 100 + executed at Haeck, Germany between 1772 and 1779 2 burned in Poland in 1793 "Several" burned in South America during the 1800's 1 shot by a policeman at Uttenheim, Germany, on suspicion of being a were-wolf, in November, 1925 1 murdered in Pennsylvania in 1929 for a total of 236,870 known but to the Goddess. High Priestess: “Let them have peace.” All: “Blessed be!” Here ends the Samhain Mystery. A normal cone-of-power may be raised, for growth and healing: High Priestess: “In a ring we all shall stand

Pass the Power, hand to hand.” High Priest: “As the season turns again

Power flows from friend to friend” High Priestess: “Pass the Power, hand to hand

Bless the Lady, bless the Land” High Priest: “Bless the Lord, and bless the Skies

Bless the Power that never dies!” The above four verses should be repeated three times, or as many times as needed, and the High Priestess shall then say: High Priestess: “By Fin and Feather, Leaf and Tree:

Let the Power flow out and free!”

All should release, at this point. Any needed coven business may be transacted here. The Circle is opened. High Priestess: “Thus I release the East and West

Thanks to them from Host to Guest Thus I release the South and North With "Blessed Be' I send them forth! The Circle's open, dance we so Out and homeward we shall go. Earth and Water, Air and Fire Celebrated our desire. We think of those in Summerland Who dance together, hand in hand. By Fin and Feather, Leaf and Tree, Our circle's done; and Blessed Be!” Coven: “Blessed Be!” All spiral dance out from the Circle, led by High Priest and High Priestess. This is a long ritual, but very effective. A good way to do the reading of the names is to pass the list around the Circle, with each person reading a few names, and then passing it to the next. Really brings the Burning Times home. home Samhain Ritual for a Small Circle Needed:  Sword Older Woman to Older Man:

“One-eye, Wanderer, God of wisdom, Hunt-lord, hail, who leads the hosting! Nine nights hanging, knowledge gaining, Cloaked at crossroads, council hidden. Now the night, your time, is near us -Right roads send us on, Rune-winner.” Older Man to Older Woman:

“Every age your eye has witnessed;

Cauldron-Keeper, hail wise Crone! Rede in riddles is your ration -Wyrd-weaving at the World-tree's root. Eldest ancient, All-knowing one, Speak secrets to us, send us vision.” Young Woman to Younger Man:

“Lord of Life, hail Land-Master! God of grain that grows and dies And rises reborn, full of richness; Fallow fields shall yet be fertile -Spring sap runs as stirs your phallus Bless barren earth, let it bear again!” Younger Man to Younger Woman:

“Snow-shoes striding, hail swift Huntress! Wild one, free and willful Goddess Bow and blade you bear beside you, Finding food to fend off hunger -Winter will not leave us wanting; Give good hunting, grant us skill.” Ushering in the New Year

“Welcome winter, waning season, Now with night the new year comes; Hail the horse's head with blessings -Blessings be on those who bide here And indeed on all the world!” Scrying

“Wide are the world gates, Sights to be sent us; Ready for rede-gifts, We wait for your wisdom.” Offerings/Thanksgiving

“Grateful, we give now, gifts of our own Heart-work and hand-work the hearth shall grace; Happiness, harmony, health in the new year, Send to the world and we in it, we wish you.”


“To watching winds we wish fair traveling; To sleepless dead sweet rest we send; Gods and Goddesses, go with praises -See: the circle is severed thus.” Cut in the east with the sword. Secret Name Ritual for Protection Do this ritual in private, making sure no one can hear you. Begin by stating your secret name, and then say that all the previous names you have been known by are not your true names. Only one name represents the true you, and that is your secret name. Then say three times:

"My secret and true name is (insert name)." Once you have done this, then say:

"No one can harm me with any negative work of magick Unless they know my secret and true name." Again say three times:

"My secret and true name is (insert name)." Next, create an eternity clause in your ritual. Do this by setting up impossible tasks that anyone finding out your secret name and wanting to do you harm, would have to do before being able to harm you with their dark magick. For example say:

"Before anyone can use my secret name against me, They must count all the atoms, one by one, Of all of the celestial bodies of the cosmos Over and over again, backwards and forwards Forever and a day. So be it!" When you are done, repeat the whole process a minimum of three times. Every time you do your secret name ritual, you reinforce a pattern or shield of strength, protecting you from negativity. Remember: Never write down your secret name or tell anyone what it is. Simple Passing Ceremony for a Pet Needed:  Purple candle

 Holy water  Oreo cookie  A favorite pet toy  Stalks of fresh mint  String or rubber band Band the stalks of the mint together with string or a rubber band. Lightly crush the mint, once, in your hand. Dip the mint leaves in the holy water and sprinkle over the altar, then sprinkle around the area in a clockwise direction. Return to the altar. Sprinkle the candle (avoiding the wick). Hold the candle in your hands and close your eyes. Think of your pet being happy in an environment that he or she loved. In your mind, surround your pet with favorite toys and food. Know that your pet is safe in the arms of the Goddess and God. Focus loving energy into the candle. Take a deep breath, relax, and open your eyes. Place the candle back on the altar and light it, saying:

“I love you and I release you to the happy, loving place where your spirit belongs.” Allow the candle to burn completely. Bury the mint, candle end, food, and toy on your property, or place on the grave. Solitaire Imbolc Ritual Needed:  13 stones  20 candles  Incense  Maize  Waxen female candle  Sheaf of grain  Waxen male candle  Sea salt  Holy oil  Cakes and ale On your altar should be placed a circle of 13 stones and, within the circle of stones, a circle of 13 candles. Within the circle of candles should be spread some maize - i.e. corn meal - and in that a waxen female candle to symbolize the Goddess on your altar. On the eastern side of the altar should be placed a small sheaf of grain with a candle inserted inside it. You should dress in your usual ceremonial garb for Magickal rites or skyclad, as you prefer. Retire to bathe in salt-water (use sea salt) before the ritual. As you do so picture the

water cleansing the soul and spirit, just as it cleanses the body. When you have dressed, anoint yourself with a holy oil. When you have prepared yourself, sit in a dim quiet place and light a candle - one that that is not being used in the rites - and meditate on how at this time of year the Goddess in her fiery aspect as light was welcomed back into the Temples and the Homes of the land. Take this candle and walk slowly to your altar. Place it in the circle of the 13 candles. Then light the two altar candles, which are separate from the circle of lights also, and the incense. (Incense should be stick or powdered incense on charcoal in a swinging burner.) Then light all the quarter candles in the 4 directions, starting in the east and going clockwise. Cast your circle in the usual manner, but Invoke the Goddess with the following:

"Sacred womb, giver of the secrets of Life, Mother of all that exists in the Universe, I ask your guardianship of this gathering and your assistance in my work. I am gathered in celebration of your gifts and my work is most holy. So mote it be be." And Invoke the God in the following manner:

"Fire of the sky, guardian of all that exists in the Universe, I ask your guardianship of this gathering and your assistance in my work. I am gathered in celebration of your gifts and my work is most holy. So mote it be be." Continue with the circle casting if it is not already finished. Light the 13 candles and then the Goddess candle in the center and say:

"Warm and quickening Light awaken and bring forth beauty for thou art my pleasure and my bounty Lord and Lady (God) and (Goddess)." Reflect a moment on the coming of the light and offer up the incense. Say:

"O ancient Ones Timeless Goddess and Sacred King who art the heralds of springtime and it's bounties be with me now in celebration Hail to (God) and (Goddess) Harvest giver and blessed Lady Let this be a time and a place sacred to your power and your beauty be." So mote it be

Light the candle in the sheaf of grain and hold it up with the loaf of Bread (or the cakes - whatever you or your tradition uses for the cakes and wine/juice ceremony) in the other hand and say:

"My Lord and Lady, as the seed becomes the grain, so the grain becomes the bread, Mark the everlasting value of our seasons and their changes." Break a piece of the bread or cakes off and burn it as an offering in the central candle. Then say:

"In the deepest Icy Winter the seed of the Earth lies deep within the womb of the Great Mother. The Spring brings the heat of the Father and with their joining comes new life. The completion of the cycle brings food to the children of the world. As I taste the food I shall know the wisdom of the cycles and be blessed with the food of wisdom throughout my life." Consecrate cakes and wine/juice in the usual manner and partake of them, but first raise your chalice or drinking horn and say:

"Hail to thee (Goddess) Hail to thee (God) For thou art blessed." After this commune in meditation with the Lord and lady for a while, then close the circle in your usual manner. Solitary Moon Rite Needed:  Rose or incense  Red votive candle  Cup of water  Bowl of salt  4 elemental candles  1 white or lavender candle This rite may be used for either New or Full Moon. The difference is in your meditation and mental attitude in preparation. Remember that the New Moon is a time of outward work and thought, building to the peak which is the Full Moon. At the Full Moon, you should be preparing to lessen the outward flow of energy, bit by bit, until the period before New Moon, during which you are passive, building a pool of energy within you, in preparation for the New Moon. The altar should be placed in the center of the ritual area. On it should be placed a rose or stick of incense on the eastern side, a red votive candle to the South; a cup of

water on the West, and a bowl of salt or living plant on the North. Around your ritual area, you should place an unlighted candle at the cardinal point of each direction. To begin your rite, enter your darkened temple, carrying one burning candle, white or lavender, with you. Place it on the center of your altar, sit, and meditate on the meaning of the rite. When you feel the time is right, stand, and go to the eastern point, carrying with you, the burning taper. Light the votive at the eastern point and go to the southern, picturing, as you do, an arc of pure strong light curving from one candle to the next. Continue to the West, and then to the North, lighting the candles as you go, and then walk to your eastern candle again, having formed a circle of protective light surrounding the area in which you worship. Return to the center of the circle, replace the candle on the altar, and say:

“My Lady of the Moon, who is called Diana, Artemis, Levanah, Isis and by any other names, I come to you to bring you my love and my devotion. May you grant me the joy of your presence.” Mentally divide the room into four quadrants by visualizing a line of silvery moonlight from the southeast to the northwest, and from the northeast to the southwest. Go the East, taking with you the rose or incense. Say:

“Sweet Goddess, the gentle breeze is the touch of your loving hand, the wind of storm a reminder of your strength. The sound of the trees in the wind is your voice, and the fragrance of flowers borne on the wind is your gift of beauty.” Place the rose next to the votive candle, then stand there as you picture the quadrant filling with moonlight. See the moonlight streaming quietly and gently into the room, filling the quadrant from center point to the edge of your circle. When this is complete, take the red candle to the South. Place the gift and see the quadrant fill with moonlight. Say:

“Most loved Lady, the light of the candle is a guide along our path leading to you; its warmth the reassurance of your presence and your love. The light of the Sun is the knowledge you impart to us, driving out ignorance and those things which can survive only in darkness.” At the West:

“Lovely One, the quiet pool is the serenity of your being. The vast sea where life began on this planet is the vast sea of your being whence all life came; its waves are the ebb and flow of the universe you rule.”

At the North:

“Goddess of all, the fertility of the earth is a sign of your fertility, whence all life rose. The solidity and permanence are still of it are still less than yours. The Earth's fertility feeds our bodies, and your fertility feeds our souls.” Go to the center of your temple, which is now filled with moonlight. Everything in the circle is touched by it, blessed by it, including you. Sit down and feel this moonlight around you. Know that it is the Goddess. Realize that you are in the center of a sphere of light that is half above and half above and half below where you sit. Begin to breathe slowly and evenly, deep breaths that penetrate your whole body. When this rhythmic breathing becomes natural, imagine that the moonlight by which you are surrounded enters you, fills you entirely. With each exhalation of your breath, some of the essence of yourself leaves your body, and with each inhalation, the light enters you. You are being filled ever so gently with this beautiful light. This light, which is the presence, the being of the Goddess, is within you as well as without. With each breath, you are less yourself and more the Goddess. When you are filled with light, filled with the Goddess, the shell of your body fades away. You have no body; there is nothing to separate you from the entire being of the Goddess. Nothing exists but the being of which you are apart. You have ceased to be a separate entity. You are nothing and everything. All that was, that is, and all that will be, you are. Enjoy this feeling as long as you like. When you feel it is time, picture the outer shell of your physical body reforming, becoming solid again. It is being built out of the Universe of which you are a part. Now, as you continue your slow deep breathing, see the moonlight flowing out of your body, as gently and slowly as it entered. As it flows out, realize there is a difference. Because you have become one with the Goddess, with the Universe, your being has changed. As the moonlight flows out of your body, it takes with it a part of that which was yourself, now part of the Goddess, and leaves behind a part of the Goddess, forever now part of you. You become yourself again, solid as you were, but changed. You are surrounded by the presence of the Goddess, which now contains a part of yourself . Move again to the East. As you speak, and after, picture the moon-light in that quadrant flowing back to its source, leaving that quadrant as it was. Do this at each quadrant, until all the moonlight has returned to the Moon.

At the East:

“My Lady, guide my thoughts. Let them lead always closer to you.” At the South:

“Gracious Goddess, guide my actions. Let them always help and never harm others or myself.” At the West:

“Lovely One, guide my emotions: Let them be healing and touched always by you.” At the North:

“Sweet Goddess, let my mind always be fertile and strong, that I may grow always toward you.” Return to the East to complete the circle and say:

“Queen of Heaven, I thank you for your presence, both now and always. My love and devotion are yours. Blessed be!" Walk again around your circle, but this time counterclockwise, extinguishing the quadrant guards as you go, and at the same time, mentally erasing the white line which surrounded your circle. When the candles are out and the circle gone, rap on your altar and say:

"All spirits who have joined me tonight may depart, with my love. Return to your proper places.” The rite is ended. Spellcasting Ritual Needed:  Dowel ¾ to 1 inch thick and 3 feet long  Black, red, white and gold paint  Soft red leather or cloth  Glue  3 bells  Black ribbon  Spell supplies Making a Spell Rod: Paint half the rod black and allow to dry. Paint the next four inches red and allow to dry. Paint the next four inches white and allow to dry. Paint the remaining end of the rod gold. Cover a small portion of the black end with soft red leather or red cloth for

a hand grip and glue in place. Tie three bells with black ribbon at the bottom of the hand grip. Step One: Gather all the supplies necessary for the spell, as well as any written information needed to cast the spell, and place everything on your altar or working surface. Light any illuminator candles that you feel you may need. Ground and center. Step Two: Cast the magick circle in the following manner: beginning at the north, walk clockwise once around the room, with the gold end of the stick pointing out and down to start and slowly raising the rod as you intone the circle casting. When you reach the north quarter the third time, the spell rod should be raised directly vertical toward the sky.

“Black and red, white and gold Rising circle taking hold. New moon’s blessing bright and clean Full moon’s magick sight unseen.” You should have made one pass around the circle. Now walk the circle again, reciting the next four lines and stopping briefly at the quarters.

“North is earth and east is air Mighty ones, attend here. South is fire, and west is the sea Ancient ones, please be with me.” You should have made the second pass around the circle. Now walk the circle one last time, reciting the final lines:

“Rise, O circle, Queen’s great cloak Hunter’s night and Witch’s oath Planets spin and kiss the stars Harken to the Witch’s charge! Make the magick make the change Nothing is beyond my range. Between the worlds this circle sealed--” Tap the rod on the ground once, continuing:

“And naught within shall be revealed. As above and so below As I say, it shall be so!”

Step Three: Stand in the center of the circle and face north. As you intone the quarter call, point the rod in the air toward the intended quarter with arm extended at forehead level. As you say each element, try to visualize it.

“Ye elemental gates open here Bring your special powers near. Earth! Air! Fire! Water!” Step Four: Identify yourself, invoke deity, and indicate your intent (using the words below). As you state the words of intent, hold your dominant hand above your head, or with your dominant hand, point the gold end of the rod to the heavens and say:

“Hail, Mistress of the Universe! I, (say your name), your son/daughter of the Craft of the Wise, do call thee forth and beseech you in the name of your earthly child, (name of person or animal you’re working for), who is in need of your assistance. Great Mother, lend me your ear in this situation.” Now describe the situation in specific terms and indicate what you are requesting. For example:

That Jane Doe finds solace and comfort in her hour of need. Continue by saying:

“I know that you will do this. So mote it be!” Step Five: Cleanse, consecrate, and empower all supplies. Step Six: Perform all aspects of spell work now, including raising energy. Afterwards remember to seal the spell by blowing on the materials three times or drawing an equal-armed cross in the air over the project. Step Seven: Thank the deity. Step Eight:

Close the quarters by facing west, and saying:

“Ye elemental gates begin to close Your gifts were welcome, your energy goes.” Point the rod to the west, and say:

“Hail and farewell.” Turn to the south, then east, repeating the last line at each quarter. Finally turn to the north, saying:

“Hail and farewell. Everything comes from the north!” Step Nine: Beginning at the north quarter, point the rod away from your body and toward the ground. Slowly move in a counterclockwise direction, envisioning the circle lifting and pouring into the rod. Continue moving counterclockwise until you reach the north quarter again. Tap the rod once on the ground, and say:

“This circle is open but never broken. So mote it be.” Step Ten: Ground and center, then clean up the area and put all supplies away. Spirit Guide Ritual Ritual Needed:  Sandalwood incense  Lavender oil  Wand Use this spell whenever you need a little divine guidance. Draw a magick circle and call in the elemental powers. Then light the incense, dedicating it to your favorite divine energies. Use the base of you wand to knock nine times in the middle of the altar. Put your wand back upon the altar. Anoint yourself with the oil, applying three drops to your third eye, three drops to your throat, and three drops to the inside of both your wrists and ankles. Hold your wand in your hands and say:

"Spirit guide, guiding light Visit with me on this starry night. Magick friend, so true and bright Show yourself to me tonight." Continue holding your wand and begin to imagine a glowing silver-white light flowing and swirling around you, wrapping you in its beauty. Feel the energy of the silver-white light filling you with its power. Now imagine yourself standing in a sunny green meadow. You notice a stone pathway on the far end of the meadow. The

path is practically hidden by flowers spilling over it, and there are large apple trees, heavy with ripe golden fruit, shading the pathway. You follow the path under an archway made of yellow climbing roses, and enter a magickal garden filled with roses of every color and fragrant clumps of thick lavender. A wisteria vine with smooth skin is covered with dense fragrant purple flowers. The scents from the flowers completely fill your senses, and you breathe in the beauty of the garden. As you enjoy the wonders of the magickal garden, you begin to notice you are not alone. You look around and see an image of your spirit guide nearby. You invite him/her to come closer. Greet your spirit guide, and ask his/her name. Address your spirit guide by name, and then ask them a pressing question that has been on your mind. You can do this aloud or silently. Spend some time communicating with him/her, and then thank your spirit guide. Use your wand to knock three times when you are done, and then comeback to the present time and place. Thank your spirit guide, the Divine energies that helped you with your spell, and then bid farewell to the elemental powers. Pull up your circle. Whenever you want to communicate with your spirit guide, just sit quietly, hold your wand in your hands, and imagine yourself being in the magickal garden with your spirit guide. Spring Spring Equinox Ceremony Needed:  Wand  Spring flowers  Cauldron  Candle  Disk  Mirror  Brass tray  Cords  Chaplet of flowers  Painted hard boiled eggs Preparations: A wheel symbol stands on the altar; it may be anything that feels suitable a cut out disc painted yellow or gold and decorated with spring flowers, a circular mirror, around brass tray. The High Priest's robe, if any, and accessories should be symbolic of the Sun; any metal he wears should be gold, gilt, brass or bronze. The altar, if indoors, should be decorated with spring flowers particularly the yellow ones such as daffodils, primroses, gorse, or forsythia. One banquet should be ready for handing to the Spring Queen, and a chaplet of flowers for her crowning. The Spring Queen is

one of the younger women in the Coven. The cauldron is placed in the center of the circle, with an unlit candle in it. If outside, and conditions permit, a bonfire is made ready to light. A taper is placed ready on the altar for the Maiden to carry fire to the High Priest. A phallic wand is on the altar. Half as many cords as there are people present are ready on the altar, tied together at their center point in a single knot. If there is an odd number of people, add one before dividing by two. As part of the feasting and offering to the Gods, you can use hard boiled eggs with painted shells. These symbolize the World Egg, laid by the Goddess and hatched by the heat of the Sun of the God. The High Priest moves to stands in the East, and the High Priestess in the West, facing each other over the unlit bonfire. The High Priestess carries the phallic wand in her right hand. The rest of the Coven distribute themselves around the rest of the perimeter of the Circle. The High Priestess says:

"We kindle this fire today In presence of the Holy Ones, Without malice, without jealousy, without envy, Without fear of aught beneath the Sun But the High Gods. Thee we invoke, O Light of Life, Be Thou a bright flame before us, Be Thou a guiding star above us, Be Thou a smooth path beneath us; Kindle Thou within our hearts A flame of love for our neighbors, To our foes, to our friends, to our kindred all, To all men on the broad earth. O merciful Son of Cerridwen, From the lowliest thing that liveth To the Name which is highest of all." The High Priestess holds the phallic wand on high and walks slowly deosil around the bonfire or cauldron to stand in front of the High Priest. She says:

"O Sun, be Thou ready to conquer the Dark!" The High Priestess presents the phallic wand the High Priest and then steps to one side. The High Priest holds up the wand in salute and replaces it on the altar. The Maiden lights the taper from one of the altar candles and presents it to the High Priest. The Maiden then steps to one side. The High Priest carries the taper to the bonfire and lights it. He gives the taper back to the Maiden, who blows it out and replaces it on the altar. She then picks up the cords and gives them to the High Priest. The High Priestess arranges everyone around the fire, man facing woman as far as possible. The High Priest hands out the ends of the cords in accordance with her instructions, retaining on end of the final cord himself and handing the other end of it to the High Priestess. If there is an odd number of people, with more men then women, he holds on to two cord ends himself, or if more women then men, the High Priestess does the same. Either way, both of them must be linked with two members of the opposite sex. When everyone is holding a cord, they all pull the cords taut, with the central knot above the fire. They then start circling deosil in the Wheel dance, building up speed, always keeping the cords taut and the knot over the fire. Any chant can be used that sounds good. Then the Coven all sit in a circle round the fire. The High Priest gathers up the cords, being careful not to let them get burned and replaces them on the altar. The High Priest names one of the women to be the Spring Queen and stands her in front of the altar. He crowns her with the chaplet of flowers and gives her the Five Fold Kiss. The High Priest steps back and calls forward each man in turn to give the Spring Queen the Five Fold Kiss. When the last man has done so, the High Priest presents the Spring Queen with her bouquet. Then, starting with the Spring Queen, everyone jumps over the fire, singly or in couples, not forgetting to wish.

Teen Rite of Passage Needed:  Full-length mirror  Incense  Water  Salt  White candle  Soft music  Gift to yourself  Pen and paper Preparation: Clean the room where the ritual will take place. Sit down and think about the gifts that you feel you need to manifest a positive future for yourself. Write these things on a piece of paper. You will ask for them in the ritual. A note on the blessings: Asking to win the lottery is not an option. This ritual is designed for requests such as raising your self-esteem, finding courage, learning to like yourself, helping your talents to grow, walking in wisdom, ect. Set the mirror and all the elements in either the center or north corner of the room. Take a bath or shower that cleanses the mind and spirit as well as the body, then practice a grounding and centering exercise before you begin. Timing: New moon Part One: One by one, carry the four elements around the room in a clockwise direction beginning with salt, followed by the lit incense, then the lit candle, and finally the bowl of water. As you walk, say the following:

“The Witch, the magick, the (element you’re carrying), the power -- be one, be one, become.” From the north quarter at the outside edge of the room, walk clockwise in a spiral until you reach the center of the circle (using at least three pass or up to seven to reach the center). As you are walking, hold your index finger out and down as if you are drawing a circle in the air as you move. As you move, say:

“The Witch, the Spirit, the circle of power -- transform, transmute, become!” As you reach the center of the circle say the chant one more time in a loud and powerful voice as you raise your arms to the ceiling. Stamp your foot on the ground and say:

“This circle is sealed!”

Take nice, deep, even breaths before you move to part two. Part Two: Set the candle in front of the mirror so that you can see your reflection and that of the candle clearly. Look in the mirror and say:

“Lord and Lady, one comes seeking a rite of passage (name what sort of passage you desire, for example: into the world of puberty, middle school, high school, adulthood, ect.)” Look at yourself in the mirror and say:

“That seeker is myself. I bring my hands (hold them out), my heart (cover it with both hands), and my own true self (open your arms out and hold palms face up as if you are carrying something). I ask your blessings upon this journey of change (lift you arms, still palms up, toward the sky).” Close your eyes and allow yourself to feel the love of the universe around you. When you feel you are finished, open your eyes. Now look at the reflection of the candle in the mirror, and ask Spirit for the blessings you listed earlier. Take your time. Say them one by one. Will them to happen as you stare into the flame. When you are finished, take a deep breath and relax. Hold your hand over the gift you’ve prepared for yourself. Ask for the blessings of Spirit upon the gift, that it may be imbued with the special power of universal love. Part Three: Thank the Lord and Lady for their presence and their gifts. Starting at the center of the circle, walk in a counter-clockwise direction, spiraling out of the center and say:

“Return from the center, return to beyond, return to the elements, return to the dawn. With blessings of peace, with joy, and with love, return to our Lady, who smiles from above.” Teen Seeker Ceremony Needed:  Cakes and ale  Compass  Element representations  Tea candle  Cauldron  Token for yourself  Bag or basket (if traveling)

 Quarter markers Gather your things together and place everything on your altar and ask for the blessings of the elements, saying:

“I cleanse and consecrate these items in preparation for my seeker ceremony. May no evil or negativity abide in thee. May the blessings of the Lord and Lady descend upon this altar and these things. So mote it be.” If you plan to transport your items to another site, pack them carefully in your bag or basket. Set up the ritual site and your altar. Don’t forget to check the quarter alignments with a compass, and place markers at the quarters so you know exactly where they are. If you’ve chosen to do your ritual outside, be sure to walk the area and ask the faeries and devas of the land to accept and protect you while you perform the ritual. When you feel ready, devote the altar by passing the four elements, one by one, over the altar surface, cleansing and consecrating the area as you have been taught. Take your time and enjoy this sacred moment. Don’t forget to ground and center before you begin. When you are ready, cast your circle, saying:

“I conjure thee, O circle of power, so that you will be for me a boundary between the world of humans and the world of the mighty ones -- a meeting place of perfect love, trust, peace and joy, containing the power I will raise herein. I call upon the elements of the east, the south, the west, and the north to aid me in this consecration. In the name of the Lord and the Lady thus do I conjure thee, O great circle of power!” When finished, tap the ground and say:

“This circle is sealed!” Move to the north quarter, and say:

“Guardians of the north, element of earth, welcome to my seeker ceremony. Powers of earth, lend your strength and stability to this ritual, gift me with your special abilities. Enter here and welcome on this momentous occasion.” Move to the east quarter, and say:

“Guardians of the east, element of air, welcome to my seeker ceremony. Powers of air, lend your strength and stability to this ritual, gift me with your special abilities. Enter here and welcome on this momentous occasion.” Move to the south quarter, and say:

“Guardians of the south, element of fire, welcome to my seeker ceremony. Powers of

fire, lend me your strength and stability to this ritual, gift me with your special abilities. Enter here and welcome on this momentous occasion.” Move to the west quarter, and say:

“Guardians of the west, element of water, welcome to my seeker ceremony. Powers of water, lend your strength and ability to this ritual, gift me with your special abilities. Enter here and welcome on this momentous occasion.” Move to the center of the circle, and stand in the God position. Closer your eyes and feel the power of the God enter your body. Now take the Goddess position, and say:

“Holy Mother, Divine Lord, I welcome you into this circle cast for my seeker ritual. Come to me and bless me with thy divine presence. Gift me, please, with your special powers. I have come this day/eve to proclaim my interest in spirituality and the Craft of the Wise.” Kneel, place your hands on the altar, and say:

“I, (mundane name), do solemnly swear by my Mother’s lineage and by all that I hold sacred and holy that I will honor and respect Spirit and the brothers and sisters of the Craft of the Wise. I will work hard to serve Spirit in every way, and I will try to learn all aspects of the Craft. I will not use my knowledge of the Craft to purposefully cause harm, nor will I require the payment of money, goods, or services when I pray for people or work magick for them beyond a fair exchange of energy. When I have learned sufficiently, I may choose to dedicate myself to the Lord and Lady, or I may walk away and follow another spiritual path. I will do my best to work in harmony for myself and for others, always. I will respect other religions as I respect my own. Spirit has now witnessed my oath. On this day, (name the day), I claim my power! So mote it be.” Stand up and light the tea candle in the cauldron. Take the token you have purchased or found for yourself and hold the item over the altar, saying:

“Lord and Lady, please bless this token of my faith. May it provide protection as I walk the path of the Wise.” Take the token to each quarter and ask for the energies of that quarter to bless and energize the object. Return to the altar, hold out the token again, and say:

“This object represents my testament to this day and to my vow. I will wear it in honor of the Lord and Lady. So mote it be.” As you put the token on your person, say:

“At this moment I am reborn in body, mind, and spirit. So mote it be!”

Seal the ceremony with your personal communion. Hold your hands over the drink, and say:

“From the moon to the land, from the land to the vine, from the vine to the berry, from the berry to the juice, I consecrate this drink in the name of the Lord and the Lady. May their blessings shower upon me through eternity. So mote it be.” Drink some of the juice, then pour the rest on the ground (or into a bowl if you’re inside) as a libation to Spirit, saying:

“To the gods!” Hold your hands over the cake, cookies, or bread, and say:

“From the sun to the land, from the land to the stalk, from the stalk to the grain, from the grain to this bread, I consecrate this food in the name of the Lord and Lady. May their blessings shower upon me through eternity. So mote it be.” Eat some of the cake and drop the rest to the ground (or into the bowl) as libation to Spirit, saying:

“To the gods!” When you are finished, spend some time in meditation. To close, move to the center of the circle, and say:

“Great Mother, Divine Father, I thank you for attending my seeker ceremony. Guard and guide me until I decide to become a part of the community of the Craft of the Wise, or choose to seek another path. Help me to do the divine work given to me, and help me in all my choices. So mote it be.” Move to the western quarter, and say:

“Guardians of the west, element of water, thank you for your participation in my seeker ritual. Peace be with you and harm none on your way. Power of water, thank you for your special gifts. Go if you must, stay if you like. Hail and farewell!” Move to the southern quarter, and say:

“Guardians of the south, element of fire, thank you for your participation in my seeker ritual. Peace be with you and harm none on your way. Power of fire, thank you for your special gifts. Go if you must, stay if you like. Hail and farewell!” Move to the eastern quarter, and say:

“Guardians of the east, element of air, thank you for your participation in my seeker ritual. Peace be with you and harm none on your way. Power of air, thank you for your special gifts. Go if you must, stay if you like. Hail and farewell!”

Move to the northern quarter, and say:

“Guardians of the north, element of earth, thank you for your participation in my seeker ritual. Peace be with you and harm none on your way. Power of earth, thank you for your special gifts. Go if you must, stay if you like. Hail and farewell! Everything comes from the north!” Begin at the west, releasing your circle as you walk widdershins around the circle area. When you finish, pound the ground with your hand, and say:

“This circle is open, but never broken. Merry meet and merry part until we merry meet again. For we are the people, the power, and the change. So mote it be!” The Circle of Stones Needed:  Ritual broom  4 large flat stones or 4 candles  A Goddess symbol (candle, holed stone, statue)  A God symbol (candle, horn, acorn, statue)  Athame  Wand  Censer  Pentacle  A bowl of Water (spring, rain or tap)  A bowl of Sea Salt (it can also be placed on the pentacle)  Incense  Flowers and greens  1 red candle in holder (if not using point candles)  Long purple or white cord The Circle of stones is used during indoor rituals, for energy raising, meditation and so on. First cleanse the area with the ritual broom. For this circle you will need four large, flat stones. If you have none, candles can be used to mark the four cardinal points of the circle. White or purple candles can be used, as can colors related to each direction - green for the North, yellow for East, red for South and blue for West. Place the first stone(or candle) to the North, to represent the Spirit of the North Stone. In ritual when you invoke the Spirits of the Stones you're actually invoking all that resides in that particular direction, including the elemental energies.

After setting the North Stone(or candle), place the East, South and West Stones. They should mark out a rough square, nearly encompassing the working area. This square represents the physical plane on which we exist - the Earth. Now take a long purple or white cord and lay it out in a circle, using the four stones or candles to guide you. It takes a bit of practice to smoothly do this. The cord should be placed so that the stones remain inside the circle. Now you have a square and a circle, the circle representing the spiritual reality. As such, this is a squared circle; the place of interpenetration of the physical and spiritual realms. The size of the circle can be anything from 5 to 20 feet depending on the room and your desires. Set up the altar according to your own design. Also be sure to have plenty of matches, as well as a small heat-proof container in which to place them when used. A charcoal block is also necessary to burn the incense. Light the candles. Set the incense smoking. Lift the athame and touch its blade to the water, saying:

“I consecrate and cleanse this water that it may be purified and fit to dwell within the sacred Circle of Stones. In the name of the Mother Goddess and Father God, I consecrate this water.” As you do this, visualize your athame blasting away all negativity from the water. The salt is next touched with the point of the athame while saying:

“I bless this salt that it may be fit to dwell within the sacred Circle of Stones. In the name of the Mother Goddess and Father God, I bless this salt.” Now stand facing North, at the edge of the cord-marked circle. Hold your athame point outward at waist level. Walk slowly around the circle's perimeter clockwise, your feet just inside the cord, charging it with your words and energy. Create the circle - through your visualization - with the power flowing out from your athame's blade. As you walk, stretch the energy out until it forms a complete sphere around the working area, half above the ground, half below. As you do this say:

“Here is the boundary of the Circle of Stones. Naught but love shall enter in,

Naught but love shall emerge from within. Charge this by Your powers, Old Ones!” When you have arrived back at the North, place the athame on the altar. Take up the salt and sprinkle it around the circle, beginning and ending in the North, and moving clockwise. Next, carry the smoking censer from the altar, and finally sprinkle water around the circle. Do more than carrying and walking; sense the substances purifying the circle. The Circle of Stones is now sealed. Hold aloft the wand at the North, at the edge of the circle, and say:

“O Spirit of the North Stone, Ancient One of the Earth, I call You to attend this circle. Charge this by Your powers, Old Ones!” As you say this, visualize a greenish mist rising and writhing in the Northern quarter, over the stone. This is the elemental energy of the Earth. When the Spirit is present, lower the wand, move to the East, raise it again and say:

“O Spirit of the East Stone, Ancient One of Air, I call You to attend this circle. Charge this by Your powers, Old Ones!” Visualize the yellowish mist of Air energy. Lower the wand, move to the South and repeat the following with your upraised wand, visualizing a crimson Fire mist:

“O Spirit of the South Stone, Ancient One of Fire, I call You to attend this circle. Charge this by Your powers, Old Ones!” Finally, to the West, say with the wand held aloft:

“O Spirit of the West Stone, Ancient One of Water, I call You to attend this circle. Charge this by Your powers, Old Ones!” Visualize the bluish mist, the essence of Water. The circle breaths and lives around you. The Spirits of the Stones are present. Feel the energies. Visualize the circle glowing and growing in power. Stand still, sensing for a moment.

The Circle of Stones is complete. The Goddess and God may be called, and magick wrought. The Crystal Door Ritual Needed:  Quartz crystal  White candle  Frankincense and myrrh incense and censor  Bowl of salt  Chalice of water  Soft music Put on some soft music, draw a magick circle, and call in the elemental powers. Next, light the candle and incense. To cleanse the crystal of unwanted energies, put it in a bowl of salt and roll it around, saying:

"Be gone all evil and foulness Be gone from this stone now and forevermore!" Next, hold the crystal in your power hand. Merge with the crystal -- the Earth element -- and say:

"I empower this crystal with the powers of Earth. So be it! As I will, so shall it be!" Still holding the crystal in your power hand, bathe it in the incense smoke for a few minutes. Merge with the Air element, and say:

"I empower this crystal with the powers of Air. So be it! As I will, so shall it be!" Now move the crystal carefully around the flame of the candle in a clockwise circle, at a safe distance. Merge with the Fire element, and say:

"I empower this crystal with the powers of Fire. So be it! As I will, so shall it be!" Next, sprinkle nine drops of water on the crystal. Merge with the powers of water, and say:

"I empower this crystal with the powers of Water. So be it! As I will, so shall it be!" Then hold the stone in both of your hands, and say:

"I empower this crystal with helpful powers Of Earth, Air, Fire and Water

So be it! As I will, so shall it be!" Next, sit or recline comfortably, holding your crystal in your hands, and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths, and let go of any tensions or worries for a little while. Begin imagining yourself walking down a path through a wooded forest in the afternoon. There are oak, pine, madrone, and fir trees all around you, and you can smell the scent of the trees in the air. Deer appear now and again, and you can hear the birds singing. As you walk down the path, you come to a magnificent tree made of brilliant crystal. You move closer to the stone tree, feeling the smooth trunk beneath your hands. The stone feels amazingly warm to your touch. You gently pat the stone tree trunk nine times with your right hand; one -- two -- three, one -- two -- three, one -- two -- three. As you do this, the tree trunk opens to reveal a hidden doorway. The hush of the forest around you becomes pronounced, and you feel a blast of hot air, and suddenly find yourself in a dim underground chamber with black and gray walls. You notice that the darkened chamber opens up into a large, brighter chamber. You enter the second chamber and see that you have entered a cave. The walls around you are covered with dark red garnets and purple-red rubies. You can feel the power from the red stone walls flowing into you, and you take a deep breath and fill your being with the refreshing red glowing energy. As you move even further into the cave, the orange glowing walls become golden, made of citrine and golden topaz. You take a deep breath, filling your being with the golden light around you. As you take a few more steps, you notice the walls are now covered with green malachite, and then the malachite changes into walls made of bright green emeralds. You can feel the balancing energy radiating from the emerald walls, and you take a deep breath, absorbing all of the emerald energy. The green walls become turquoise blue, and then deep blue sapphire. You breathe in their energy, and then take a few more steps into the cave. Suddenly you find yourself completely surrounded by purple amethyst. You slowly absorb the power of the amethyst. Now allow the power and knowledge of the crystal cave to fill you to the brim. Drink in the Divine energy of the magickal cave. When you are finished, thank the crystal spirits, and then move your awareness back to the present time and place. Allow the candle to safely burn down on its own. Release the elements, thank the deity, and pull up the circle. Keep the crystal on your altar to use whenever you want to return to the crystal cave.

The Great Rite Needed:  Chalice of wine  Blue, green, silver or white veil (at least 1 yard by 1 yard)  Athame The Coven, except for the High Priestess and High Priest, arrange themselves around the perimeter of the circle, man and woman alternately as far as possible, facing the center. The High Priestess and High Priest stand facing each other in the center of the circle, she with her back to the altar, he with his back to the South. The High Priest kneels before the High Priestess and gives her the Five Fold Kiss; that is, he kisses her on both feet, both knees, womb, both breasts, and the lips, starting with the right of each pair. he says, as he does this:

"Blessed be thy feet, that have brought thee in these ways. Blessed be thy knees, that shall kneel at the sacred altar. Blessed be thy womb, without which we would not be. Blessed be thy breasts, formed in beauty. Blessed be thy lips, that shall utter the Sacred Names." For the kiss on the lips, they embrace, length to length, with their feet touching each others. When he reaches the womb, she spreads her arms wide, and the same after the kiss on the lips. The High Priestess then lays herself down, face upwards, with her arms and legs outstretched to form the Pentagram. The High Priest fetches the veil and spreads it over the High Priestess's body, covering her from breasts to knees. He then kneels facing her, with his knees between her feet. The High Priest calls a woman witch byname, to bring his athame from the altar. The woman does so and stands with the athame in her hands, about a yard to the West of the High Priestess's hips and facing her. The High Priest calls a male witch by name, to bring the chalice of wine from the altar. He does so and stands with the chalice in his hands, about a yard to the East of the High Priestess's hips and facing her. The High Priest delivers the invocation:

"Assist me to erect the ancient altar, at which in days past all worshipped; The altar of all things. For in old time, Woman was the altar. Thus was the altar made and placed, And the sacred place was the point within the center of the Circle. As we have of old been taught that the point within the center is the origin of all things, Therefore should we adore it; Therefore whom we adore we also invoke. O Circle of Stars, Whereof our father is but the younger brother, Marvel beyond imagination, soul of infinite space, Before whom time is ashamed, the mind bewildered, and the understanding dark, Not unto thee may we attain unless thine image be love. Therefore by seed and stem, root and bud, And leaf and flower and fruit do we invoke thee, O Queen of Space, O Jewel of Light, Continuous on of the heavens; Let it be ever thus That men speak not of thee as One, but as None; And let them not speak of thee at all, since thou art continuous. For thou art the point within the Circle, which we adore; The point of life, without which we would not be. And in this way truly are erected the holy twin pillars; In beauty and strength were they erected To the wonder and glory of all men." The High Priest removes the veil from the High Priestess's body, and hands it to the woman witch, from whom he takes his athame. The High Priestess rises and kneels facing the High Priest, and takes the chalice from the man witch. (Note: that both of these handings-over are done without the customary ritual kiss.) The High Priest continues the invocation:

"Altar of mysteries manifold, The sacred Circle's secret point Thus do I sign thee as of old, With kisses of my lips anoint." The High Priest kisses the High Priestess on the lips, and continues:

"Open for me the secret way, The pathway of intelligence,

Beyond the gates of night and day, Beyond the bounds of time and sense. Behold the mystery aright The five true points of fellowship." The Ritual of Beltane Needed:  2 white candles  Wreath of flowers  Cakes and wine  4 green candles Go about your area, riding poles if possible, with a quick, trotting step, singing:

"O do not tell the priests of our Art, For they would call it sin; But we will be in the woods all night, A-conjuring summer in. And we bring you good news by word of mouth, For woman, cattle and corn, For the sun is coming up from the south With oak and ash and thorn." A ring dance follows after which you cast the Circle. Draw down the moon. Partake of Cakes and Wine followed by feasting and dancing and singing and the Great Rite, if at all possible, in token or truly. ThirteenThirteen-Step Solitary Esbat Needed:  Altar  4 quarter candles  Illuminator candles  Athame or wand  Representations of the four elements  Cakes and ale (optional)  Libation bowl (optional) Cleanse the ritual space by carrying a representation of the four elements around the area in a clockwise motion, working with one element at a time. Open altar energies by blessings with the four elements.

Light the illuminator candles. Cast the magick circle. Invoke the deities. State intent of the ritual aloud. Draw down the moon (if this is a full moon esbat). Perform the magickal work, which may include drawing and raising energy, then sealing the spellwork. Take communion (optional). Thank the deity, the quarters, release, and extinguish the quarter candles. Release the magick circle. Seal the altar energies, and extinguish the illuminator candles. Clean up and offer the libation bowl outside. Tool Blessing Ritual Needed:  Elemental representations (incense, water, fire, pentacle)  Empty cauldron  4 candles  Salt  Water  Tool The area is prepared by placing a quantity of each element in the proper quarter, as well as preparing the altar in the usual way. If available, a cauldron (empty) is placed in the center of the circle. Candles are placed at each of the four corners and lit, progressing deosil from the east. Salt and water are blessed, and the celebrants are purified with them. A magic circle is cast, and watchtowers summoned. The god is then drawn down as follows: The priest stands before the alter in the Osiris position, arms crossed across chest and feet together. The Priestess kneels before him with face and arms upraised.

Priestess: “Hephaestus, forger of magic,

descend upon this the body of thy priest and servant, lend us the strength of your arms. Prometheus, shape of man, descend upon this the body of thy priest and servant, lend us your fire and foresight Morpheus, weaver of dreams, descend upon this the body of thy priest and servant, lend us your subtlety and vision.” Priest: “I am he, the shape-god,

forger, builder, artisan, smith. With strength and craft I form the world.” The Priest helps the Priestess to rise, and she stands in the center of the circle in the god position, extending her arms outward and down, palms facing forward. The Priest kneels before her with head bowed.

“Clotho, spinner of the strand of life Descend upon this the body of thy priestess and servant. Lend us your wheel of making. Hecate, caster of spells, Descend upon this the body of thy priestess and servant. Lend us the power of your magic. Aphrodite, goddess of love, Descend upon this the body of thy priestess and servant. Grant us eros, philos, aristos, agape.” Priestess: “I am she, the weaver-goddess,

Painter, poet, sculptor, witch. With art and love I form the world.” The priestess extends her hands to the priest, and helps him rise. The priest cups both hands and scoops from the cauldron, then offers to the priestess. Priest: “Drink now from the cauldron of Cerridwen, whose draughts bring

knowledge, peace, and life.” The priestess sips from the cupped hands, after which the priest drinks. The objects to be blessed are taken from the altar by the priest and moved widdershins to the west quarter, and immersed in the water there.

Priest: “Spirits of the west, in water born

In cool waters cleanse these tools And wash from them all hurt and harm This I ask, this charge I lay, By oak and ash and bitter thorn.” The objects are moved by the priestess to the south quarter and moved above the flames there. Priestess: “Spirits of the south, in fire born

In shining flames purify these tools And burn from them all impurities This I ask, this charge I lay, By oak and ash and bitter thorn.” The objects are moved to the east quarter by the priest and moved through the incense smoke. Priest: “Spirits of the east, in sweet air born

In swirling winds polish these tools And sweep from them all phantasm and illusion This I ask, this charge I lay, By oak and ash and bitter thorn.” The objects are moved to the altar by the priestess, and placed upon the pentacle. Priestess: “Spirits of the north, in cool earth born

In mother earth ground these tools And take from them all spirits dark This I ask, this charge I lay, By oak and ash and bitter thorn.” The person consecrating the tools now offers an impromptu or prepared charge to the items, stating their purpose and mode of use. They are then taken up by the priestess and moved to the east quarter. Priestess: “Spirits of the east, from the bright air come,

Fill these tools with the swirling energies of the whirlwind Make them float like the breeze Spirits of air, hearken unto me,

As I do will, so more it be.” The tools are now taken up by the priest and moved to the south quarter. Priest: “Spirits of the south, from wild fire come,

Fill these tools with the burning energies of the flames Make them glow with bright fire Spirits of fire, hearken unto me, As I do will, so more it be.” The tools are now taken up by the priestess and moved to the west quarter. Priest: “Spirits of the west, from soothing water come,

Fill these tools with the calming energies of the warm rain Make them flow like the tide Spirits of water, hearken unto me, As I do will, so more it be.” The tools are now taken up by the priestess and moved to the altar. Priestess: “Spirits of the north, from firm earth come,

Fill these tools with the ordering energies of the growing crops Make them flourish like grapes on the vine Spirits of earth, hearken unto me, As I do will, so more it be.” The priest takes the tools from the altar and steps backwards. The priestess stands at the altar facing south towards the priest. The priest extends his right arm in parallel to the ground, between he and the priestess, with the tools in his hand. Priest: “I am the god, ever desiring. I am the stag in the woods, I am the sun in the noonday sky, I am the lover in the dark. I offer passion, strength, devotion, and the swiftness of the hunt.” The priestess extends her right arm in like fashion, and places her hand over that of the priest. Priestess: “I am the goddess, ever nurturing.

I am the tempting beauty of the maid, I am the quiet strength of the mother, I am the infinite wisdom of the crone.”

I offer life, love, warmth, and the fruitfulness of the fields. Both step towards each other, and turn their hands and arms so the fingers point upwards, and the palms facing their own chest, cupping the other's palm between and holding the tools. They clasp each other with their left arms. Priest & Priestess: “Male and female, yin and yang, light and dark, action and

stillness. Apart we are forever incomplete, but together we form one. In our joining we are blessed. In our union, the limitless energy of universe is released and captured here.” Priest: “As I do will” Priestess: “As I do will” Priest & Priestess: “As we do will, so mote it be.” The priest and priestess kiss, then release grasps. If the number and size of the tools precludes them being held in one hand simultaneously, the latter charging section should be repeated for each. The tools are replaced on the altar. Cakes and wine are blessed and consumed, and a period of relaxation and rest follows. The watchtowers are then dismissed, and the circle opened. Wiccan Pentagram Ritual Wiccan Cross Face East. Touch forehead. Say:

"Io evoe Hertha” ('Blessed be Hertha,' or other Name by which you worship the Goddess as Creatrix). Touch solar plexus or genitals. Say: “Io evoe Cernunnos” ('Blessed be Cernunnos,' or other name by which you worship the Horned God as the Earth) Touch right shoulder. Say: “Eko eko azarak” ('Hail, hail force of fire') Touch left shoulder. Say: “Eko eko amelak” ('Hail, hail to the glory') Extend arms in form of a cross. Say: “Io evoe” ('Blessed be.') Clasp hands upon breast and say: “So mote it be.” Circle of Protection Trace pentagram in East. Say: “Herne”. Trace circle of protection until facing South. Trace pentagram in South. Say: “Cernunnos”. Trace circle of protection until facing West. Trace pentagram in West. Say: “Aradia”. Trace circle of protection until facing North. Trace pentagram in North. Say: “Habondia”. Finish tracing circle, closing it in

the East. Invocation of the Great Gods Return to center of circle and face East. Extend arms in form of a cross. Chant:

“Before me Hern Hernee The Huntsman Behind me Aradia The Maiden On my right hand Cernuous Cernuous, the Horned God On my left hand Habondia Habondia, the Great Mother About me flame the pentagrams And above me shines the light of the Goddess. ” Repeat the Wiccan Cross. Rather than performing this in the rather measured cadences of Qabalistic Ritual, a form of dancing and chanting more pleasing to the God-forms of Wicca might profitably be devised. Wiccaning Ceremony Needed:  Four elements  Holy water  New baby blanket  Illuminator candles  8 13-inch ribbons  Needle and thread  Presents for the baby (optional) Carefully sew the ribbons onto the blanket, thinking of what they stand for as you sew. Each ribbon’s color stands for a special gift: White: The gift of spiritual success and free will, and the purification of Spirit. Silver: The gift of psychism and the love of the Goddess. Blue: The gift of communication and intelligence. Green: The gift of healing and attunement with nature. Yellow: The gift that all needs will be met in a positive way and that joy be a constant companion. Gold: The gift of wisdom and discernment. Red: The gift of courage, laughter, and right action. Purple: The gift of communication with your guardian. Cleanse the area with the four elements. Stack any physical gifts for the baby by the altar. At the core of the ritual, bless the baby with holy water (just a touch), saying:

“May you be cleansed, consecrated, and generated in the name of our Lord and Lady. May your feet always walk the path of love and enlightenment. So mote it be.”

Then pass the four elements over the baby, asking each for love and empowerment in his or her forthcoming life. Place the blanket around the baby, saying:

“Welcome back, little one! May the Mother’s blessings shower thee with the love of family and friends by my hand on your head I empower thee in this Circle that never ends. I give you these gifts of life and enchantment --” Touch each ribbon as you repeat the gift, then hold your hands over the baby and envision all the gifts coalescing into a ball of light that surrounds the baby. Draw an equal-armed cross over the baby, saying:

“These gifts are yours to keep or to discard when you come of age to understand them. May you use them wisely. So mote it be.” If there are other gifts to be given to the baby, do so now, then close the ritual in the normal way. Winter Solstice Needed:  Quarter candles  Salt  Honey The High Priestess says:

"This is the night of the solstice, the longest night of the year. Now darkness triumphs; and yet, gives way and changes into light. The breath of nature is suspended: all waits while within the Cauldron, the Dark King is transformed into the Infant Light. We watch for the coming of dawn, when the Great Mother again gives birth to the Divine Child Sun, who is bringer of hope and the promise of summer. This is the stillness behind motion, when time itself stops; the center is also the circumference of all. We are awake in the night. We turn the Wheel to bring the light. We call the sun from the womb of night. Blessed Be!" Purify, cast the circle, but do not light the candles. Invoke the Goddess and God. All sit down, and begin an antiphonal chant. All:

"To die and be reborn, The Wheel is turning, What must you lose to the night?” (repeat)

Covener: "Fear." All:

"Fear is lost to the night. Fear is lost to the night. To die and be reborn, The Wheel is turning, What must you lose to the night?" Continue interjecting lines and echoing each other, until the energy dies away. Stand up and link hands. The High Priest stands before the altar, holding and animal skull filled with salt. The High Priestess leads a slow, spiral procession, that first snakes outward so that each member is brought to face the High Priest. They are chanting:

"The light was born, And the light has died." (repeat) Another Priestess whispers,

"Everything passes, All fades away.” (repeat) The High Priest places a pinch of salt on each member's tongue, and says:

"My body is salt, Taste the breath of death." The High Priestess leads the spiral inward, until the members are huddled together. She leads an improvised trance induction, slowly suggesting that they crumble to the Earth and sleep. As all lie down, they are sent into a deeper trance with a multivoiced induction. As it fades out, they are told:

"You are entering a space of perfect freedom." Time is allowed for trance in the state of suspension before birth. The High Priestess approaches one of the coveners, stands by her head with her legs apart, and pulls her through, symbolically giving her birth. She becomes part of the birth canal; they continue the process with the other coveners, the birth canal growing longer. The men of the coven take the newborns one by one and lay them back down to sleep, telling them:

"Sleep the sleep of the newborn." As all sink back into trance, they are guided into a visualization of their hopes for their new life to come. Priestess smear honey on their tongues, one by one, saying:

"Taste the sweetness of life." A new chant begins softly, builds in power as it gradually wakes the sleepers, who join in on repeating lines:

"Set sail, set sail, Follow the twilight to the West, Where you may rest. Set sail, set sail, Turn your face where the sun grows dim, Beyond the rim, beyond the rim. Set sail, set sail, One thing becomes another, In the Mother, in the Mother. Set sail, set sail, Make of your heart a burning fire, Build it higher, Build it higher. Set sail, set sail, Pass in an instant through the open gate, It will not wait, it will not wait.// Set sail, set sail, Over the dark of the sunless sea, You are free, you are free. Set sail, set sail, Guiding the ship of the rising sun, You are the one, you are the one. Set sail, set sail, Into the raging wind and storm, To be reborn, to be reborn. Set sail, set sail, Over the waves where the spray blows white, To bring the light, to bring the light.” All:

“We are awake in the night! We turn the Wheel, to bring the light! We call the sun from the womb of night!" The High Priestess says:

"He sets his face to the West, but in the East arises!" All: "Who is that?" Priest: "Who goes down in darkness?" All: "Who is that?" Priest: "Who sails?" All: "Who is that?" Priest: "The Renewer." All: "Who is that?" Priest: "Who brings the golden fruit." All: "Who is that?" Priest: "Unstained." All: "Who is that?" Priest: "Whose hands are open?" All: "Who is that?" Priest: "Whose eyes are bright?" All: "Who is that?" Priest: "Whose face is shining?" All: "Who is that?"

Priest: "Mornings hope." All: "Who is that?" Priest: "Who passes the gate?" All: "Who is that?" Priest: "Who returns in light?" All: "Who is that?" Priest: "A glow between twin pillars." All: "Who is that?" Priest: "A cry between thighs." All: "Io! Evohe! Io! Evohe!" High Priestess: (leading, repeated by all)

"Queen of the sun! Queen of the Moon! Queen of the horns! Queen of the fires! Bring to us the Child of Promise! It is the Great Mother Who gives birth to Him, It is the Lord of Life, Who is born again! Darkness and tears Are set aside, When the sun comes up again! Golden sun, Of hill and field, Light the earth! Light the skies! Light the waters! Light the fires!”

All: “Io! Evohe! Io! Evohe!" The High Priest lights the fire and point candles, and all begin chanting:

"I who have died am alive again today, And this is the sun's birthday!” (repeat) “This is the birthday of life and love and wings, And the gay great happening illimitably earth. We are born again, we shall live again! (repeat). The Sun Child, the Winter born King!" Build a Power Chant, focused on reawakening life. Share feasting and friendship, ideally until dawn. Before ending, the High Priestess says:

"The Dark God has passed the Gate, He has been reborn through the Mother, With Him we are each reborn!" All:

"The tide has turned! The light will come again! In a new dawn, in a new day, The sun is rising! Io! Evohe! Blessed Be!" Open the Circle. Yule Needed:  Evergreens  Dried leaves  Cauldron  Ignitable spirit or red candle  Candles  Incense  Matches or a taper The altar is adorned with evergreens such as pine, rosemary, bay, juniper and cedar, and the same can be laid to mark the Circle of Stones. Dried leaves can also be placed on the altar.

The cauldron, resting on the altar on a heat-proof surface (or placed before it if too large), should be filled with ignitable spirit (alcohol), or a red candle can be placed within it. At outdoor rites, lay a fire within the cauldron to be lit during ritual. Arrange the altar, light the candles and incense, and cast the Circle of Stones. Recite the Blessing Chant. Invoke the Goddess and God. Stand before the cauldron and gaze within it. Say these or similar words:

“I sorrow not, though the world is wrapped in sleep. I sorrow not, though the icy winds blast. I sorrow not, though the snow falls hard and deep. I sorrow not, this too shall soon be past." Ignite the cauldron (or candle), using long matches or a taper. As the flame(s) leap up say:

“I light this fire in Your honor, Mother Goddess You have created life from death; warmth from cold; The Sun lives once again; the time of light is waxing. Welcome, ever-returning God of the Sun! Hail Mother of All!” Circle the altar and cauldron slowly, clockwise, watching the flames. Say the following chant for some time:

“The wheel turns; the power burns." Meditate upon the Sun, on the hidden energies lying dormant in winter, not only in the Earth but within ourselves. Think of birth not as the start of life but as its continuance. Welcome the return of the God. After a time cease and stand once again before the altar and flaming caldron. Say:

“Great God of the Sun, I welcome Your return. May You shine brightly upon the Goddess; may You shine brightly upon the Earth, scattering seeds and fertilizing the land.

All blessings upon You, reborn One of the Sun!" Works of magick, if necessary, may follow. Celebrate the Simple Feast. The circle is released. Yule Yule Ritual Needed:  Bowl of salt water  Holly  Mistletoe  Yule log (optional)  God & Goddess candles  Red candle  White candle  Black candle Place the holly on the altar and have the mistletoe ready but not on the altar. When you are ready, invite the Goddess into your circle and cast your circle. After this say:

“Blessed Be the season of Yule. Blessed be the young Virgin Goddess who gives to Her people tonight a newborn God. Blessed be the newborn God.” Remove the holly from your altar and replace it with the mistletoe (the symbol of the Oak King). Say:

"Blessed be the King of the Waxing Year. I pray you will guide your children safely through the season of warmth and light." Take you Goddess and God candle into your hands. Say:

"Tonight Goddess and God are reunited. Tonight life begins anew and light begins to anew. Blessed be the one light. Blessed be the divine force of creation."

Touch the candle flames to each other. Replace them closer together on the altar. If you have a Yule log, now is the time to light it. You will need a white, red, and black candle. Place the candles in the log. Light the white and say:

"Blessed be the Virgin, innocent and fresh." Light the red candle and say:

"Blessed be the Mother, fertile and loving." Light the black candle and say:

"Blessed be the Crone, powerful and wise." Go to the bowl of water and say:,

"Blessed be the Triple Goddess." Place your fingers into the bowl and anoint your feet, belly and head. This is a blessing of the triple Goddess. If you wish, you may add words as you anoint yourself. Then spend time meditating or whatever you like. Open the circle when you are finished. Yule Ritual Needed:  Candles  Salt  Water  Incense  Candle crown  Staff with a pine cone tip  Wand The celebrants gather in a room apart from the ritual area. It is best if the ritual can be held in a room without lights and with no heat. Priest and Priestess may choose to cast the circle before hand and allow all to enter through a portal, or cast after the candle lighting. At the time for the ritual to begin, the warden and maiden lead all into the ritual area with only one dim candle to light the way which circles to the Southern tower and stays there. As all shiver in the darkness, the priest and priestess, at the Southern tower begin, alternating:

“It is winter. It is night. We await the Sun. We await the light.

In this darkness In this night, We await the warmth. We await the light.” Together: “And slowly it comes.” As they have moved around the circle saying these things, the Priestess Widdershins and the Priest Deosil, they light candles which completely surround the circle. By the time they have finished, the room should be very bright. Circle is cast if not already. Using salt, water, fire and air. The Quarters are summoned in manner appropriate to the season. God Invocation Priestess:

“Horned God, Winter God, Father of the Sun, with frost upon your beard and the blazing of Yule fires in your eyes, you bless us with your presence. We greet you.” Goddess Invocation Light the appropriate candles, which are held by women appropriately dressed. The Winter God:

“White is for the Maiden, divine and joyous child. Fresh as the snow is her taper. I give greetings, Blessed One. Red is for the Mother, warm embracing creation queen. Scarlet as the winter sunset is her taper. I give greetings, Regal One. Black is for the Crone, keeper of magical mysteries. Ebon as the stormy night is her taper. I give greetings, Wise One. Queens of winter, Sister, Mother, Grandmother, I greet you and ask your blessings upon your people gathered here.” The three Goddesses, dividing the parts appropriately, invoke the Sun (the Maiden then crowns the God with a crown of candles or other appropriate crown, the Mother gives him a staff with a pine cone tip and the Crone gives him a kiss):

“Return, oh, return! God of the sun, god of the light, return! Darkness has fled -Thou hast no enemies. O lovely helper, return, return!

Return to thy sister, thy spouse, thy mother who loveth thee! We shall not be put asunder. O my brother, my consort, my son, return, return! When I see thee not my heart grieveth for thee, mine eyes seek for thee, my feet roam the earth in search of thee! Gods and men weep for thee together. God of the sun, god of the light, return! Return to thy sister, thy spouse, thy mother, who loveth thee! Return! Return! Return!” The God raps three times on the altar with his wand Sun King:

“Newly born, am I. What wisdom says the watcher of the east to aid me and those gathered here with me?” East:

“This is a time for entering wilderness and seeking its magical strengths. A time for standing alone and godlike, and seeing all things clearly. It is a season of joy!" Sun King:

“What wisdom says the watcher of the south?” South:

“This is a time of active seeking, both without in nature and within oneself. Eagerness and resolution shall concern mysteries and create results. It is a season of courage!” Sun King:

“What wisdom says the watcher of the west?” West:

“This is a time for devotion to the way of the wild places and seeking the calmness of solitary locales. A time for finding understanding, and confiding only in trusted friends. It is a season of meditation!” Sun King:

“What wisdom says the watcher of the north?” North:

“This is a time to know the endurance of the hills, and to so grow in one's own inner firmness. A time for scrupulousness and thoroughness and considering all things. It is a season of confidence!”

The Winter God:

“Rich are these gifts of knowledge. Soon I will give way to my Son, but until that time mine is the feast and the season of joy.” The God blesses the feast as is customary for the group. Each Deity and Watchers is thanked and bid farewell as they were invoked. The circle is released as is appropriate to the group. Note: If anyone is crowned with a crown of candles, a veil helps with the dripping wax. Holly can be pretty uncomfortable, too, so ditto. Yule (Winter Solstice) Needed:  Incense and burner  Chalice of water  Salt  Pentacle  Dagger  4 element candles  Cauldron  Chalice of wine  Bell  Green candle in cauldron with a red, white, and black candle arranged around it Special notes: Time of the Goddess of the Cold Darkness and the birth of the Divine Child, the reborn Sun God. Time of rebirth and turning of the earth force tides. Cast the circle Ring bell three times:

“This is Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year. Darkness reigns triumphant, yet gives way and changes into light. The Sun King has gone into Emania. Yet, within the sacred cauldron of rebirth he is once more transformed into the newborn Divine Child of Light.” Put a little more incense on the coals:

“All is cold, and I await the coming of the dawn. As the Sun rises, the Triple Goddess once more

gives birth to the Divine Child. In silence and wonder I stand before the sacred cauldron of rebirth, knowing that one day I too must pass through the cauldron and be reborn. For this I now give honor to the Triple Goddess.” Light the white candle near the cauldron:

“White is for the Maiden. May you plant your seeds of joy and new beginnings within my life.” Light the red candle near the cauldron:

“Red is for the Mother. May you grant me gifts of creative ideas and the strength to bring them to completion.” Light the black candle near the cauldron:

“Black is for the Crone, the Wise One. May you give me wisdom to understand the magical mysteries.” Light the green candle in the cauldron:

“Green is for the newborn Lord of the Forests, the Divine Sun Child who comes once more into the world. I welcome you, child and consort of the Goddess.” Take the bell and go to the east. Ring bell once:

“Rejoice, O Powers of Air! Welcome the Divine Child.” Go to south, ring bell once:

“Rejoice, O Powers of Fire! Welcome the Divine Child.” Go to west, ring bell once:

“Rejoice, O Powers of Water! Welcome the Divine Child.” Go to north, ring bell once:

“Rejoice, O Powers of Earth! Welcome the Divine Child.” Go back to altar, face east, ring bell three times:

“Hail, O God of the woodlands and new life! I give you honor and ask your blessing.”

Stand in silence to receive the blessing, ring bell three times:

“Hail, Triple Goddess, bringer of light out of darkness and new life out of the cauldron of rebirth. I give you honor and ask your blessing.” Again stand in silence to receive the blessing. Place the wine chalice on the chalice for a few seconds, lift it high and say:

“To the Old Gods! Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again.” Drink the wine, saving some to be put outside for the little people or to be given to the earth. Continue on with The Simple Feast and Circle Closing.

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