Rito de Mizraim

May 9, 2017 | Author: JuLio Lussari | Category: N/A
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Rito de Mizraim...


p. S t&2j~ EDICT. To the Glory of the Sublime Architect of the Univeres. In the name of the Sovereign Sanctuary ofAntient and Primitive Masonry, in and forGreat Britain and Iceland. Salutation on allpointe of the Triangle. Reopect to the Order.

Whereas the Antient and Primitive Rite of Masonry of 330 repreeents the Antient and Primitive Rite of Memphis embracing 96 degrees; and whereas the Grand Master and Officers of the Sovereign Sanctuary in and for Great Britain and Ireland, duly constituted, are also certified memhers of the Antient end Primitive Rite of Miaraim, emhracing 90 degrees, of which there is no governing hody within the limits of the jurisdiction of the said Sovereign Sanctuary, and whereas a large number of holders of the degrees of the said Rite of Miaraim have elected to work under the said Sovereign Sanctuary; Be it known, therefore, that at the request of the ejid members, We, the Grand Master, have decreed: That it is lawful for the Sovereign Sanctuary in and for Groat Britain and Ireland, and its dependencies, or any suhoodinate hody thereof, to grant hy communication any or eli corresponding degrees of the Oriental Rites of Miaraim and Memphis of 90 and 95 degrees respectively, or hy request to work any of the discarded degrees of the A.ntient Rite of Memphis, and that upon payment of the fees the same may be proclaimed upon the Certificates of the Sovereign Sanctuary of the said Antient and Primitive Rite, in and for Great Britain and Ireland. (Signed) April 28th, 1876. Joan YAsucan, 33~9fi0 G.M.

REGULATIONS. The Sovereign Sanctuary of tbe Antient end Poinuitive Rite of Masonry in and for Great Britain and Ireland, heing constituted the Lawful Custodians of the Antient and Primitiveor Oriental Rites of Memphis and Mizrann, for their careful arrangement, ordain as follows — The Degrees of the Rite of Misraim shall be conferred only upon such lawful Master Masons as are regular members of the Antient and Primitive Rite of Masonry and of Memphis. The organization and corresponding grades of the Rites of Memphis and Minraim shall be as follows


firE OF i,i5ZiiAIOi.

A. and P. RITE. MEMPHIS. MIZRAIM. Rose Croix, 4.110 ranks with 4.180 ranks with 4.460 Held within the bosom of a CHAPrER of the A. end P. Rite. Grand Inspectors, 12.200 ranks with 9.330 ranks with 47.6&o Held within the bosom of a SEicArE of the A. and P. Rite. S.M. of the Great Work, 21-SO ranks with 34.90 ranks with 67.860 Held within the hosom ofaSunnosox Couiocn,of the A. & P. Rite. P.P. Grand Conservators, 31.33 ranks with 91.95 ranks with 87-90~ Held within the hosom of a Sovzsizreso SAncru.tsrr of the A. and P. Rite. 0 of Memphis (ranking with 900 ef Misraim) Is Grand N.E —The se Master of a Sovereign Sanctuary The 070 Grand flisrophant Is Supreme Sovereign Grand Meeter ofthe Uciveisal Order, and hag been vacant sines the death of the Ill. Bro Jacques Ettonne Marconis, de Negre.

The foregoing grades of the Rite of Misraim shall he conferred only upon members of the A. and P. Rite of Masonry end of Memphis, and in no other manner than with the cprrespcnding rank ahove given. Fees and dues to the Sovereign Secretary for Registration, Certificate, and Manual —Rose Croix, 460,~l0/6 ; Grand Commender, 66~,—15/6; Absolute Sovereign Grand Master, 90~’,— 21/- On advancement from one section to a higher rank 5/6 for Registration, Certificate, and Manual. O.B. I, A. B., heing a duly raised Master Mason, elevated to the dignity of [rank] in the A.ntient and Primitive Rite of Niasonry or order of Memphis, do herehy solemnly undertake to keep secret the signs, tokens, and words of the corresponding degrees of the Rite of Mezraim which I am now about to receive, and to obey the regulations thereof. I undertake to keep inviolate all the rituals and secrets of the Rite, and to reveal them only to such hrethren as are lawfully entitled thereto hy the rego. lations of the Sovereign Sanctuary, 33.96 degree. I further undertake to pay all due respent to my superior officers in the Ritee of Memphis and Mezraim. To all of which I promise fidelity on my sacred honour as a true Freemason. RECEPTION. Brother A.B. (rank) having undertaken this solemn OH. to the Rite of Mizraim, I now by virtue of the power vested in me by the Sovereign Sanctuary 33.960, receive and constitute you in the grades corresponding to your previous Masonic rank. Ill, brother, rise constituted [Mosraim rank], and receive the instructions and secrets of the high rank which you have attained.

:~ 5235

REFORMED ANTIENT EGYPTIAN RITE. This Rite, which is a reduction of the 90 grades of the Sovereign Council o~the Rite of Mizraim, in Italy, is as follows: As we are in fraternal Pommunion with this Rite in Italy, Africa, &c., we ~i11explain the points of reduction. Cr.&sa SiMnonnA. (Under Serentssima, Gran Logy. Simboltca Naztonate.)

1~ Aiiprcnd~sta (Loggia). Conesponding grade of Mizraim, 10 2~ Cpmpagno 8~ Maestro. So CLASS DE PERFEZIONAMENTO. (Un derSovrano Capitato del Oavctliere dcl Pelliamo 180)

CavaI[ere dcl Segreto. (Consiglio). Corresponding grade of Mizraim 40 50 Cay. Perfebto. 50 G~ Cay. ]Intimo. 70 Cay. Egiziano. 40

Cam ci’ Israello.

(Tribunale.) 90

110 Cay. Incognito. 120 Cax Axchitetb& 120 to 800 100 130 Cay. della Volta Sacra 81? to 820 14~ Cay. dcli’ Alleanza. 330 to 390 160 Cay. della Spada. (Consiglic.) ,, 4O~ to 420 16~ Cay. di Gerusalemme. ,, 430 to 440 17~ Cay. delle Crociate. 46~ Gnxro CAPITOLARE SUPREMO DEL PERFEZIONAMENTO. 180 Gas. del Pellicano. CorrespQnding grade of Mizraim, 460 CLASS FILOSOFIGA.

(Sovrano Gonstglio del Cavalieri del Aqutla

BOO) 190 Cay. de Pcrnte. Corresponding grade of Mizraim, 470 to 5Q0 2O~ Cay. Persiano. 210 Cay. Noachite to 530 220 Cay. dcl Libano. 550 to 570 23~ Cay. d~e1 Tempin. 68~ 240 Cal’. della Luce. 25~ Cay. del Serpenbe del Sinay. 6O~ 26~ Cay. del Delta Sacro. 6F 270 Ca-v. del Fuoco Sacro. 62~ 28~ Cay. del Sole. 29~ Cay. della Propaganda. 64~ 800 Cay. deli’ Aquila. 65~ GRADo SUPREMO in Gwsnzn. (Supremo Tribunate del 810) sa’ Grand Inquisitore. Corresponding grade of Mizraim, 660 Gn,.bo SUPREMO or SORVEGLIANZA. (Subinne Coneistoro Camera dcl 320) 820 Grand Inspettore Generale. Corresponding grade of Mizraim, 670 to 770 Giuno SI~PREMO DI ]}tREZIONE. (Supremo Oonsigtw dcl 530) 350 Gran Patriarca deli’ Online. Corresponding grade of Mizraim, 7~O to 9O~



The Rite conaiste of ninety degrees, dhided into four series, and again subdivided into aeventeen ciasses let Series Symbolic 1—33g. 6 Glasses. 2nd Philosophic 34~66o 4 3rd Myatic 66~ 77O 4 4th Cabalislie. 78~9OO. 3 The Sovereign Grand Master Absolute governs all the subordluata bod1eu~ and is himself irresponsible.

FIRST 0—APPRENTICE. SERIES—CLASS I. 1 that of the other Rites The iyorking is aimilar to The Sign is divided into two parts, the first, of Order, and the second, of Recognition, given from the former Token, as in the English degree. BAT.-1-22. ACCLAMATION. AITJLELLA, repeated three tunes. MARCH. Three ordinary steps, Betting out with the left foot, and resting at each step.

20—COMPANION. The tracing board is delineated on the floor Five hghts The Apprentice becomes a Companion ‘by passtng horn the levd to the perpeudi~ti1ar and is rewarded beside the column S The pe; tad of ~aboai is ‘from noon to midnight The age is five years.

S. and T. These are similar to the English degree. WI’. HmfonnIHos. [Numerous as the ena s of corn.] W.S.—[FIRMUS. Name of oneoE the columns, and the third son of Suneon.] BAT.-333 MARCH. As last, but starting with right foot.

30—MASTER. Thetoworking carries the ee back man his wounding, and deg; a young mantotothe hisLime hurt of Lamech, who Blew a The decorations are black-, spiinkled with white tears, skull rind crossbones in saltire in groups of 3; 5,7, and 9 ltghts in three groups, east, weAL south. The lodge is named Ivtiddle Chamber,’ the President, ‘Very Respectable Master, the Wfrdens, ‘Very Venerable MnsterM the period of labour is from “noon to midnight The nge i~ 7 years and more In addition to the apron with ed boidet, the Master wears a blue ribbon from right to left Jewel is a squaw and compass at 45 degrees suspende4 from a red rosette





W.P. HAZER. (vengeance,) or NEEAROJ, or NncLore. W.S. LIEMuORO, (deficiens,) NAMEEN, LoRc.LAoGEE. BAT..88888888~l. HIVORES, Main,

NucLors, STosornecak,


BAT.’444 4—I.



The President is termed “Five times Valiant Master ,“ the Wardens,

“Five times Worshepfnl; “ the Members, “Thrice Valiant Masters” The age is three times 5 or 27 yease aeecmplisbed. The ribbon is white broidered black, with a silver five-pointed star with gold rays, or a red ribbon with a triangle The apion is white, lined with ied. S. ORDER. Placo tho edgo of the right hand on the hoart. Or, place the right on the guard of tho sword and look haughtily in the face of the brother. RECOGNITION. Carry the right hand to the forehead, the fingers turned towards the eyes, m a pensive air. ADMIRATION. Lift up the eyes, cross the hands, the fingers ahove, and let them fall in front. GrIEF. Cany the right band a little crooked upon the right hip, and move a little hackward. T. Place right hand on sleeve of the brother’s right arm, feel the right side and press it gently, then join the inside of the right knee and foot, and give the W S W.P. Noiiunez. In some ratomale, Nozis. In others let, Icmncist, and 2nd 0 the first is a corruption, and the second $lludea to the W.S. W.S. JAcOSINAT (for Jaircix). HAVOREJ. Macn. Five grave stops

CLASS III. 90—ELECT OF NINE. Ths decorations ace hlsek spnnkled with red flames At eqEal distanees ace piseed eslemne alternately of cod and white The place of as~emhly is one of the apartments of the Pilsee ol Solomon Nine lights, arcanged 5 and i The meeting is called “Chnpter” The Fiesident represents Solomon, aed takes the title of” Very sovereign Master,’ sad

thece is one Wirden lermeit “Insiecbor,” who represents Stalkic. Tbs Aspirant represents Johaben. The period of labour at opening ic “The



end of day,” at closing, “The eutrosee of night” Age, 5 and 1 years secemplished. The ribbon is blsek, passing from left to iight, at the bottom ares red rosettes, 4 in front, 4 behind, and the 9th oerving to attseh Ohs jewel, wheeli is a poniard with a gold handle and a silver blade. The apron is white-speckled red, doubled and bordercA black, with a bleeding arm, balding a dagger in the hand, on the bib

S. Raise the poniard and pretend to strike the other’s fore. head, who places has hand there as if to feel a wound. Raise the arm and strike the other’s breast as if snbh a poniard, and say MAKEN ; the other replies by placing his right hand on the heart saying HAZER. T. The first clinches the finger of the nght hand, at the same time elevating the thnmh and presenting at to the other; the second seizes that thumh with the right hand, at the same time extending his own.

Mxacae. Three steps of Apprentice, three of Companion, and three of Master. LOe~~ELECT OF TRE UNKNOWN, OR OF PERIGNAN. The ribbon is bloek, worn seorfwise, with o death’s head sod poniard embroidosed The jewel is a poniard attached to a eabbon. The apron hears all the atirebotes of the Fleet of Nine,

S. Illake a movement as if tearing out the tongue. Answer. Raise eyes to heaven and say, “God he praised, crime is punished.” OF Oansta. Raise arms heavenwarda. T. Present the hack of the hands; the other hends the knee. W F, HANAR-IDA. Answer. NANGIREP (name of the Un. known).


NosAoisc EAT .999999999

(repeated thrice)

11~—ELECT or FIFTEEN. The decorations are black sprinkled with red and white tears There ass 15 lights, of 5 eneh, before the three chief officers The assembly is termed

a “Chapter” ThepresidmgolflcerasnamedVerylllustrioosMasteri the Senior Warden” Inspeetoc,” the Senior Warden” Introdocer.” Fifteen elect Members at ecepticise constitute a chapter Period eflaboer, “From I in the iheining until 5 in the evening” The ribbon is black, passing from left to right, with those heads esabroideced an tha froni. The jewel is a golden dagger with a silver blade The apron is whetetnad and bordered with black,’ in the eentre is a eqoare eity representing Jerusalem, of which there are three gates in porspechve, on each of which is a head, epon a pole.

S. Right hand on the chin, thumb elevated. ORDER. Cony the poniard under the chin and draw it down the lenglh of the hody, as if to open the ahdomen. Answer. Make the sign of Apprentice with closed fist and thumb rklsed T. Reciprocally place the thumh upon the abdomen. W.S. LADREZ. Answer ARCADN5IE, or RAJNEE. (Son of God). EAT.-55555• MAlIGN. Five steps in telangle

l2o~~PERPECT ELECT. The ribbon is black, with three flaming Isearts and the deslee “Vincere set Mon

S. Give each other the right hand.

T. Reciprocally reverse the right hand twice saying RawaNED.




MIsTRESS. She is lost.

W.S. Nsicnore.





Rcrttt lit’ MftRAl6f~ 5—ILLUSTRI OUS. 15 In the east is a sun, enclosing a flaming starof 5 points In the middle is a cubic stone, the tombof Hiram, Jerusalem. dome enbic stones sod some stones in tIle north, The president is termed “ Solomon,” the aspirant “Stolbin “ The ribbon so poppy red, worn from left to right, from which is suspended the jewel, which is a sun of gold, enclosing the flaming star of 5 points The apron is white, hoed and bee dered with poppy-red. White gloves.

S. Place right hand on the head, as if giving a blow. Answer, Carry the head hackward and place right hand on the heart. T. Present the closed hand, thumh raised. Answer. Seize the thumb with the right hand and hold up yours, or cross mutually the right hand and interlace the fingers. W.P. Hula-IDA, or MARIDA. Some give Nistoors. W.S. The first says, H.sicxae, the second answers, HcsoR. MAroaae , and then both repeat the entire word. In some rituals the first says, HAROM, the second answers CAN, and hoth repeat the entire word (Rehellum percuseit).

16c~SCOTCH MASTER The age is 51 years. The ribben is red, aid has suep ended to it a delta, on Which are the letters 0 5. V between ties limbs of a cimpass open at 45 degekeb Tunic red

S. Carry the right hand to the forehead, the thumh held up. Answer. Form upon the abdomen a triangle with the thumbs and forefingers united.

T. Each place left hand on left ehoulder, then take each other by the nght hand, then the right side touching each other with the right knee outwardly. W.P. SAsceinEe (Heb. Toedekion, justatia domino). Some give HAIDAJSES. W.S. Lsmioosn, NInsloso, NoAeAO. Some give IANIEAJ, AscAcA, NoasoLos. GEN. ScoTcoe W. ILLOIOO, or Itnoo. (ancipiene), father of Jahad (1 CItron., c. 11, v. 41) EAT. .22-22.221.



CLASS IV. 140—SCOTCH TRINITARIAN. The President is called “Very Excellent” The age en 7 times 5, cr5 times 9 The ribbon is white, red and green Tunic, red Jewel, an eqinlateral triangle in gold. Apron, hued and bordered red, with a white and green tiiaugle in the middle S. Of ERTEAreGE. Carry right hand in form of a triangle

above the eyes, as if to protect them from a great light.


Form a triangle with the two thumhs and the two index fingere, united by the extremities, and place them upon the ahdomen. Of HELP. Cross the arms above the head, hands open, palms outwards, saying, “To me the children of truth.” ~ T. Place hoth hands on the brother’s shoulder and press lightly saysng, LEaroien (beneficus) , seize the right side and

The tunic, ribbon, jewel and apron are those of 140 Scotch Trinitirsan S. With the right thumh stroke down the body as if opening the abdomen with a ponsard 2 Carry the right hand to the forehead, palm below, protected by the thumh T. Grasp reciprocally the right side with the right hand and

make three shakes.

W.P. NOADAG and MInDIoso. SW. HAvODOIJ. Leosoosr&j


gave three slight shakes. WP. Lsmao~o. In America, NIIDIoso and W.S. NIEcAJ, NsocaAnur, AIcACA.



Ii I!

spread out.

T. Each place the left hand on the raght shoulder, take right hand, thumb extended, and slide left hand to the side W.S.G. NODAOM. EAT.-lO equal blows.

150—SCOTCH COMPANION. The ribbon is Scotch red, worn from left to right. The age is 17 yeore

l9i~SCOTCH Apprentice’s apron.

S. Carry the hand to the right shoulder and renlaim at diagonally to the right hip. Answer. Pass edge of rsght hand on ahdomen. T. That of Companion, W.P.




S. Carry the right thumb to the forehead with the hand

W.P. Ininoso

EAT.-777777’l. MARIR. Three equal steps, starting with left foot.


18i~SCOTCH MASTER. The age is 17 years The tunic, ribbon, apron and lining are red jewel is a triangle in a circle, attached to the cibbon


J.J P.

The three 3’s which give thc name te this degree, ace Niadruij, Ohaj, Mshcaj 5. 1, Carry the right hand to the forehead. 2, Traverse hcrizontally the hody with the right hand. 5, Cross the two hands and present them. T. Take hold of each other’s right side. ~y,p,




W.S. NncAJ, ORAl 93g122 1-888. 0—SCOTCH OF TRE SACRED VAULT IF JAMES VI. 20 apartment represents a subterranean vault The decasatious are The purple flashed with fire ceilour These are 14 lights, of which 5 are before the throne, 7 Sooth, 5 West before the Senior Warden, and 3 before the Junior Waiden Before the throne so the Sooth, is the altar of perfumes, on which is a lighted chafing dish burning the purest incense. In the North is asquare table en which ar~ the twelve loaves of show-hisses, forming two piles of six loaves each On this table, in front, is a gold tray with a golden trowel . the tray contains a mixture need so the receptions At the AJast, before the throne, is a saci,tcsal altar In the West sea large beasso case filled with water At the foot of the dais which ornaments ties throne, is a transparent delta rentasniug the name of God so Hebrew Characters. The period of labour is from “ noon to midnight.” The age is? times? years. The meeting takes the title of College, and there are ten Officers. The President represents Solomon, and is called “Thrice Powerful “ 2, The seesad is sested at his right, to represent His am I The Despertable Senior Warden, who repiesente Adonhiram 4 The Respeetable Junior Warden, who represents liloabon 5 The Guardian of Sealo is placed at the left of the Master, sud epresents Gaload 5. The Grand Treasurer, in the North, represents Jabulom. 7 The Grand Secretary, so the South, sepreseuts Johaben 5 The Grand Orator, in the South, represents Abdamon. 5 The Grand Maslcr of Ceremonies, in the ‘Perth, represents 5101km 10. The Captain of the Guards so placed near the Junior Warden, and represents Zerbal The ribbon is crimson. The jewel is a gold compass, crowned, opened at g5o on the quad~ant, between the limbs isa medal, on one aide of which so a oem, and on the othes the doming star, in the middle of which is the letter Gnu the quadrant are the figures 8,6,7,9 The apron is white, lined and bordered with crimson in the centre of the apion iso fiat square stone, in the middle of which is inserted an iron ring Each Scotch Mason wears acing of Alliance, in the inside of which is the owner’s name and the date of’ his reception, and on the onteide, “Vines unites what death esunot separate 5. 1. Os TRE OATH Carry right hand to loft side, bring it



hack quickly and horizontally to the right. 2. Or FIRE. Carry open right hand on the left oheek, palm outwards and hold the elbow with the left hand 8. OF ADMiRATION ANn SIIDENSDE. Basso both hands open towards heaven, head inclined, eyes raised, then place the two first fingers of the raght hand on the hips. T. Mutually take the mght hand and retuon at alternately three times. One says “HTrISED,” the other “REnOIR,” and the first replies “Htom’lehcs.” Take each other’s nght hand with the grip of the 3rd degree. One says “Are you going further 2” Answer Advance the hand to the olbow, then each placo left hand on ught shoulder with the right leg of one advanced hetween that of the other 8. Grasp each other’s right hand, then pass hand over the back, as if to draw each other closer together.

W.P. 1.

HTELODDIDIO 2. Naaosq~ COVERED Woan. 1. No.&nAn, m place of MuWDAJ.

2. NODAOH, Some give for this last KADaARA5sE~p,~,s which is a cerruption of Eva Mscheh bamearah, belonging to the 18th “. in place of MIDOROAI,O






8. bacon,..


Eight quack steps and one slow. 210—SCOTCH og ST. ANDREW.

The decorations are red supported by white columns The seats ef the Master and two Wardens are red with gild fringe; those of the Scotch are blue At each angle is a St Andrew’s Cioss, and before these are 4 lights, 2lIghts are on the altar, and neven groups of 5, making in all, 51 The Meeting is termed a Grauf Lodge The President takes the title of “Patriarch,” the Brethren, “ Xvorehipful or Respectable Masters ‘ The period of labour at opening is “full midday,’’ and at closing, “the entrence of night.” The age is the square of nine, or 51 years The robs is red. The ribbon, poppy colour, worn as a scarf, at the bottom is the jewel, attached by a rosette of green ribbon Girdle, of white silk, with Eold fringe The jewel is a compass on three triangles endued in one of them is a reversed equsie with a dagger in its angle The jewel, when woinfrom the neck, is suspended by a green ribbon bordered with red, sad hoe a St Andiew’s Cross surmounted by a crown, so the centee is a pins-apple or a enclosed in a triangle placed in the middle of a ring, to clhich is attached a key hanging between the two inferior branches of the Crone, on the ci’ tremity of the arnie of the Cross are the initials of the feur sacred words, B. 3.61. N S. Or EARTH. Rub the forehead with the back of the right hand, head slightly inolined forward. OF WATER. Carry the right hand to the heast, and stretnh it hosazontally to the height of the breast, then let at fall on the right side. OF AsrOoclssoagoneT an HORROR Turn the head on the left side looking at the earth, raise the joined hands to heaven a little to the right. Or FIRE. Join the hands with the fingers interlaced, and cover the right with them, palms outwards. Answer. Or AIR. Extend the right hand and arm to the height of the shoulder. OF hOOIIRATIoN. Raise the oyes and hands to heaven, the left arm a little less elevated to the right, left foot a little raised, so that the knee may form a square with the right leg. Or Sure. Place the thumb of tho right hand on the right eye, raise the first finger to form a square and place in line as if to take a point of sight, saying, “I moasure even the sun.” GENERAL. Form with the two arms, hands upwards, a St. Andrew’s Cross on the hreaet T. 1. Take each successevelyhy the let, 2nd, and 3rd joints of the first finger of the right hand, spellang alternately the apprentice’s word (B ) 2. Do the same with the middle finger, spelling the companion word (J). 8. Take the last joint of the first finger syllabling the word Non-A-Oat GENERAL Take the last joint of the first fingec of the right hand, saying Ere, to which the other replies Ast. Then pass to the last joint of the hittlo finger saying HAM, to which the other replies HAbOOXEN. W.P. LERAnRA or LEIRORA, angel of fire. NARAI,IeAc, air. Doricir, water. CALEuF, earth. W.S.1{AI5IA5cEN~sIltio). MARcH. On the plan of the Jerusalem Cross, hy three steps

of Apprentice, three of Companion, three of Master.

Ii ‘4 RITE Os’ IrfIsasH.

RITE 05’ r,flzssArao.




Tue age to 27 years. The ribbon is poppy red, and at the bottom is a blue rosette The jewel is a golden triangle attached lo the ribbon. ‘Pbs apron so white, hued aod bordered in the colour of the ubbon

S. P.ess. Pose the right hand on the hip, regard the sky, and move the left foot backward. Say, “Are you an Architect 1” Answer. Make the same sign on the Opposite side. Say, “I am.” CRARAcTER Form a triangle thus: Make the sign of the Craft Master Mason, raise the hands Cc the height of the eyes, withdraw the hands horizontany and place them on the heart. Answer. Place right hand on the hip, make a retiringmovement and pass sight foot behind the left. T Same as Craft Master Mason, then mutually take hold of the right side, and alternately make three shakes pronouncing one of the syllables of the W.P. WI?. NOADAO. W.S. LEMOn 0.

0—GRAND ARCHITECT The age so 50 years.28 The ribbon is white, with the following broadesed in front C, lIt. IL. R p 113 There as neither S P. or W.P. W.S. HusrAR (projecit), and not ROAMeR. EAT..1.l.I.1.1.l.a hiM

240—ARCHITECTUBE The age is 150 years The ribtos is blue sinhrcsdcredwstls black lace worn soltirewise. The Jewel a golden globe suspended by two knots of ribbon. The apron sehite doobldil and bordered with blue, black and red S. Any desired geometrical figure, prowaded at be angular and distinct in design, is used. P Take each other’s right hand with the fingers interlaced in sign of union. W P. U. and tiEr, firot syllables of the W.S H’ 5’. Miau and Mn,IaouRT Pllunnnationec, perfectiones) these words are ony pronounced at receptions and even then the last Syllables HeR and aesar are only pronouoced.

Ii I,






letters em-


The womcbsaewel ige is 5 timeswhich 5 years sea triangle The rebban scathm so aared cords. and bloc Thebraid, apsonand sofrom white, it lined with ted and bordered blue. S. Pass the thumb over the forehead, the fingers separated and forming a square, the left hand upon the hips. T. Seize the left wrist with the left hand, with the grip of a Master. HP. NIROCc. W.S. Lzseoocn, CAzEO, for REzERO, KI.evcoae, for I-ITEHPAN.

The Age isI times 3,5 nod 7 years (Ill. Thejewel is a circle ins double triangle’ in gold, warn at the button hole with a red and blue braid The apron is echoic, lined and bordered with red nod finished with a blue favour

S Pose the thumb of the right hand upon the nose, the hand formsiag a square, the left hand upon the hip. T. Seize each other’s rsght wrist, with the double claw of a Master, afterwards the side. W.P~ IIOIROAJ, for LANIEOAI W.S. Kaisosc.s.s or Kiasioaca.s. BAT. 883-888-388-883-888. 275—MASTER, PERFECT ARCHITECT The oge

is I tomes 17 years—Si. The ribbon is blue with a red rosette. The jewel sea triple triangle in gold, containing a circle and a fiamiug star in the centre. The apron is white, lined with red, having a double border in blue’

S. Place back of right hand on the forehead, draw down in square to the abdomen as if cutting, and Join the hands on the head to form the compass T. Seize the right hand with the Master’s grip, and then the side; left hand upon the shoulder, and advance the right leg e~gainst the brother’s. H.P. NIRIJAY. H’S. A.nCJ, lANODA, HAvOREJ. INOoRIAONScADLsd W. Hose oa, RAvORRJ.

BAT.-22-l-22-1-22 1-22-1-22-i. 285—PERFECT ARCHITECT. The age is Si years The ribbon is red lcd worn feom left los ight, and from it the jewel, which so a circle in a triangle, of gold, an the centre, the letters 3 sod A interlaced The spun is white lined with red.

S. Carry rIght hand to forehead, ao af light. Answer Malce the same sign with T. Take hold of each other’s right cide the left on the left shoulder, and say in a (dexter). B,tr..88888888—1.

to shield it from the the two hands. with the right hand, low voice ‘

290—SUBLIME SCOTCH. This degree is identical with the Il~, except so what tellowe —The President wears acrown and holds ablue sceptre with gilt fillets The age is 51 years—” I count not more” The apron is white, deublod aqd bordered with crimson White gloves The head is bound with a enmeon wreath. whereon is embroidered twelve golden stare, with the Hebrew Pod, or name of (lad in the middle S. Rasso~the right arm and point towards heaven with the

firsi, finger. BAT. -22-22-22-22-22~22.



I —







S. Or ORDER, Place leet an form of a square, left arm along the body, right arm held out horizontally to the height of the shoulder, Or RecooNsrloN Join hands with the fingers crossing, and the thumbs in croas. H’ P. IAHscAI(AIA, for lAnsaicrie (humslsatao fills). Answer,

The age so 7 years The ribbon so sed, embroidered on green, attached to so the jewel, aflaming star with the letter G Tunic red. The apron is white, lined and bordered red.


5 1 Carry the right hand to the shoulder and remove it quickly to the right hip, bending the knee. Answer. Place sight hand upon the left hap, and draw it horizontally to the right 2 Carry the right hand in square upon the forehead, the thumb extended. Answer. Carry the joined hands on the abdomen with the onds of the fingers inward. T. 1 Place hands under the arm pit as if to lift 2. Take the right hand in good faith, turn at three times, and pronounce at each turn one of the words, “EONAILr.A, Esiaioap, S5ENIe.Oas. W P. NeRcAJ, KINiRcAJ, IaINcAJ. BAT,-224 22-1-22-1-22-1.224

I 5EAReI. RErLY, “Is that all,” Answer, BocAJ. (Rob. Jagakob, supplantor). llor,-999999999—l. 0—SUELIME KNIGHT or CHOICE—CHIEF or TEE FIRST SERIES. 88 The roam so decosated with garlands ant emblesna representing the mysteries at the people of Israel In the North so the Ark of Alliance, raised on steps nuder a pavilion of cloth of gold, enriched with brilliant ornausento. Below the Ack is the luminous star, bearing ca the five points seflee hieroglyphical characters Before the Ark so a gilt chandelier of sores brauchee. At the foci ef the steps is the seat of the President, at whose right isa table upon which reposes the tables of the law, scessers, aponiard and a ribbon of the Order In the middle of the loom is the altar of earn fin, on which is ties everburosrog sacred fire. A cutlass At the bottom of (he mom so the altar of perfumes, upon which is a chafing dish, two vanes contain sespectively ties ordinary water and the bitter water The tune of opening the Aik so—” It en neither day nos night It is neither rain nor fiats weather” To closest,—” The tube of Israelis satisfied” The age is 25 years, or as well, between 55 ant 55 yeass The Meeting so named “Ark,” a’ “Tabernacle.” The Psesiteat, ‘‘Very Sublime Mactee , the Wastean, “Sacoofeers, “ the Members, “Genies The Master is cletbeel in the High Priest’s costume, having a white rote, of which the narrow eleeven descend to the sorest , over this is a green robs mingled with geld, and ecacheug to the bnee, the large sleeves reaching to the aides The girdle is ect fringed soeth goldfringe, esbbon half ret and green So which en appended the sables of the law The Sublime Master has henhead and face covered with along veil The two Sacreficeso have a long red rube, held by a black silk girdle with gold feonge, through which so passed a poosard Ties Leviten have a white robe ant white girdle, and the jses’eI upon the heart. The jeseel is a star in geld of five points , en the centre so an emerald, and at each point a ruby , upon the points of the star are fl-se hieroglyphic letters expressing the Grand Secret of the degice S. Or ORDER Talee hold of the code, with the left arm




Tue meeting, sohech takes the title of ‘‘College,” so held, if possible, en a suhterraaean place or vault, without doors so windows, and entered by a trap dons Nine aeches suppost the vault On each so weitten the name of the first nine architects—I, Jod, 5, Jhao I, Jsh, 4, llhesab, 5, SHah, Jabeb, 7, Atones, 5, EI-h’hanan 5, Johel, all names ef God The President, en the Bast, so termed “Thrice Poeverfeol Grant Master,” representing Solomon. On his left aide en the second officer, representing Hiram. 3. The Grind Treasurer, on the Noeth, ispreseatisig Jabulom, 4 The Grand Secretary, so the South, sepresenting Johaben, I The Grand Inspector, iii the W 50t, representing Stolken it is necessary to have I Aspirants The time of labour is “from evening motel miming “ The Grand Mastee wears a yellow robe, and has over ito Royal mantle of blue satin. Hiram has asi ancient travelling costume, head covered, and owood en leant The Grand Treasurer wears from the nick a white sebbon, to which so hung a gold key, and on the ribbon arethelettees, 1. V.1 0 1. llnvens verbumon ore leonisi. The ribbon so poppy sed The lewel so a golden toangle es delta, but othess give a medal of gold, on which is eugraven on one side the stone of the tropIc triangle, 0 H ii. anne 1995 ~ which so engraven the lettera, “Sr 3. S. Or AnagsjaArIoN, Raise the hands towards heaven, the head inclined to the left and one knee on the ground. Or ADORATION. Fall on both knees,



elongated, expressing grief S. Pass the right hand into the left sleeve, withdraw ‘it and examine both aides of at F. Hook secaprocally the little fingers of the right hand, H’S. MIRADA (Heb Gaharim transitus, which is the name ol the last camp of the Israelites before entering Canaanj, W.S.G. IARR-I,E (Deus vivena). BAr.-l-LaaRss-l-Lmesisc.

T. Place the hands under the brother’s armpit as if to help him up, saying “Toub bangana ngamal abal .(Be of good heart, courage) Answer. The same token, saying MIII,uDAJ, -On

H’ P. Tbe names of the nine arches,above given. H’ S. HAvODEJ.



0—GRAND AXE (GRAND ARCH, oa INTERIOR 82 TEMPLE), oa GRAND ARK, The ectdnacy dress, Ribbon blue. Apson white bordered yellow. jewel is the figure of the Ark of Alliance, worn to the robbon.



The decorations, titles ant cootumes are same asia the pesestiog degree, The age is—” Three years nose thac my he other,” forAcron was older than Moses 5 On OROER. Grap the chan ac if at was beasfied and let the wrist deecend to the chest 2. Carry the left hand before the


eyes, falling hack a step,

I. C,







T. Touch mutually the toes of the right foot. H’. Same as those of the preceding degree. BAT.- 353 0—PEUSSIAN KNIGHT. 35




The dress is black. Sword black Shoe ties of fcc esloured ribbon. Flat with white feather. Gloves set, bordered black. Ribbon fed, from eight to left. Jewel, a black eagle with wenge spread, attached te the button hole with so red ribbon

S. Place the hand upon the throat. T. Squeeze the brother’s right hand three times, then carry right hand to sword and place at on his breast, then give the Apprentice grip, saying, “ Our brothec is found “ The grip of Companion, saying, “The Eagle as guarded.” The grip of Master and reversing the right hand, saying, ‘ Esavic.” H’P. 1, heinz or ICROnE. 2, LEan (tabernacle). Name of the son of Zerubbahel, son of Phadaea (1 Chron , c 3, v. 20) H’.S. 1, HAMADDAR, for KARABAJ. 2, SAsasEssa or SAINEM, from Menni or Mennith (preparation) Name of a city of the land of Gad (Jug. c 2, v. 33). Name of a country (lerem. c. 51,

The apartment so a retired place, so disposed as to receive the light of the moon only by a single window, ant the assemblies are held enly at fall moos The meeting on called a Chapter, and the President is called “Lieutenant Knight Commander,” representing Frederick II. of Prussia, founder ofthe Order. There era e Knights of Office’ inspector, Introducer, Orator, Guard, Chancellor,Treasurer. For Arms—lot. Asure, a aelver moon surrounded with gold eta’s. Sat. Sable, an equilateral oreangle and an arrow of geld Banquets are forbidden The ribbon is black, worn from left to right, to which is attached the jewel, an equilateral triangle en golt~ traversed by an arrow with the point on base~ one may also wear a solver moon at the button hole. Apron ant gloves, yellow. 5’ Of ORDER. Raise the arms towards heaven, the face

turned to the East or to the moon, Of INTRODUCTION Sb esv the fingers of the right hand elevated.

v. 27). Bav.-999999959-333 or 22.22-22.

The brother takes the fingers with his right hand and says, “Fredenok II ;“ he presents in turn his three fingers, which the other seizes and says, HAON (Heb Noahh, coquina). T. Tale the first finger of the right band, press at with the


S Advance the two arms as if to seize the brother by the shoulder. Answer. Place the right knee on the ground, aims crossed on the breast. H’.P. ETIDAOOI. H’ S. Inoonoas or Insxoas (Heb Nogemi pulchra). (spelled.) BAT.-5555S-4444- 1.

thumb and first finger, and say, MEDs, the brother makes the same grip and says, MAN, repeat the gmp, saying, HTEOSPAJ. H’ P. (fEr.Aiov, repeated three times en a sad tone,

H’S. MERe, .1-1-1




MARIJR. The three steps of Master


The apron eared, lined end beetered schete, with a golden


The President so named, “Very Respectable Grand Master, “ the Wardens, “Venerablee,” and the Members, “Chevaleers” They all scear achain of gold react the neck The sword is of the ancient pattern, with gold guard and hilt. White gloves The jewel ea the Jerusalem Cress. The apron as white, sooth lore and fringe of gold.


S. Form the cross with the armi, raising the eyes and pronouncing three times the name, “fAiconA.” Answer. Join the bands and let them fall again, with the eyes lowered. H’S. JANODA. BAT -333-55556-and 13 contanuous,—21. 370


4Ie~KNIGHT OF THE EAST. The deceratioso of the first room is water green, the second red. Both rooms are lighted by 70 lights on II? gi cups oh seven The age is 70 years The President repeesents Cyrus, Ring oh Persia, and takes abc title of “Sovereign.” The Waitens arc ‘‘Generals,” The Secretary, “Chancellor’’ A Grant Master of Ceremonocs The Candidate is named Ecrobbabel, Hoog of the israelites The sebben is wacer green. from right to left~ on ii are bones ant osattered hembe, beads, riosens, swords, some whole ant others broken, on the centre is abridge, on I tie arch of which are the I’ ttero “U O P “ The jewel is a sword Tho apron is sehete, hosed ant booderet green; upon the bib is a bleeding head ant two crooned escorts Inthe middle of the apron is a chain, of which the links ace triangular S Carry the right hand to the left shoulder and bring it en


The ribbon is of water green, spnnkled with death’s heats ant pierced with a cross , between the heads is a sword, eceth the letters li 0 p. I Lebertd te passed The apron so sobete, lined anil teemed with set

S. Pass reght hand to left shoulder, withdraw to right hip and place at on the guard of the swold. T. Mutually touch the toes, left hand on sword guard. H’.P SaracEesa.

serpentine fashion to the right hip, imitating the waves of a river; then drasv the sword from the scabbard and point it as of for combat

H’ S. Anu.s, NsmaJNze. BAT-A blow with the feet at entry, answered from the inside.



star is the

S. Place the right hand on the forehead. T. Take the fingers of each other’s reght hand. ‘W.P. Sicra H’ S. Sznsr, Sur.as. BAT .1-1-1-1-1.






RITE 05’ itlEDAilt.

T. Seize each other’s left hand, the arm raised and extended as if to repulse an attack, whilst seeming to desire to cut a passage to the right; then carry reciprocally the point of the sword to the heart, The first says Juda, the second answers Benjamin. H’.P. Moaoztts, UlassneAni. H’.Gd. Laacs MooAnus IDA. W.S. Nonousava. ORe OF AccLAmATION. Glory to God and to the SoVereign. BAT -55555-22. MAnOR. Advance boldly by 5 long steps, sword raised.

four crosses of Cemmendero The Commanders wear a red scarf borterod with black, to which is suep cadet the Cross of Commandesi, inamelled ho gold The Jewel is a go t triangle, on which so engraven in Hebrew characters the oscret word The apeen oared deubled and bordered black, and has en the bob the Teutonic cross of thee Order surmounted with a crown of laurels, ant under the bob isa key 5’ Clv REcnnsorrsOi’e halake the sign of the cross on the forehead with the thumb of the right hand, the other fingers closed. Answer- ho Couar Kiss the forehead where the sign has been

made. OuT or Couar. Instead of kissing the foashead, the answer is, Place the two first fingers of the right hand on the mouth, olosing the other fingors and holding the palms outwards- Or ORDER. Ins Con er. The right hand extended on the round table, forming with the extandod thumb a square. Our or Cocar. Being standang, the right hand is placed on -the breast as before given. T- Strike three light blows with the right hand on the left shoulder of the brother, who, taPing the nig~ht hand, answers wath three gentle shakes. W.V. Noosotos. H’,i~ IRNI BAs’.-999999999-999999999-~99999999’ Some say, 27 by 1212-3, with flat of sword. MAnOR. Three journies, but no particular step.



The rlbbonie yellow. Goethe embroidered 5 skulls antI arrows, ant a

rule with the letters B A.A Z.J. I



S. Feign to losver the lance and make the sign of command with the index finger of the right hand. Answer. Lower the lanee, incline the forehead and carry the thumb and right index finger there. T. ‘With right hand upon the breast, receive on the left shoulder the nght band of the brother, and repeat, 1, HanE, 2, HARLA. 1, JIANOOA, 2, HatE. Both, HAvOREJ-




The ribbon is yellow, ant ansi is embreedeceit the letters A H N. also a gold lance with a palm interlaced The spoon on blue, doubled and bordered yehhesv

Ii’:’ ii




45~—PRINCE OF JERUSALEM. The todge is divided into two parts The Scat roemrepresents the Caurt of Zesubbabel, Hong of Jerusalem, the hangings are yellow; at is lighted by 25 lights, inS groups of 5 each The second mom represents the Co~ of Dents, successor of Cymie, reogniag at Babylon. The hangings arc ret ant tho theone ant dais are yellow ‘the passage by which the coodotats is conducted from one aparimest to the other represents the read heading from Babylon to Jerusalem The pci end of labour commences “so sunrise,” ant clones et midday~” ‘the Feesiteat an the twa rooms is termed ‘ Very Equitable Thence,” the Wardens, “Very Enlightened Princes,” the Members, “Valosots Princes” Ihe meeting sa termed a council, and is the goardoan ol the pravaleges which the “Princes of Jerusalem “ eajey an the anfeoser bodies. The ribbon is yellow, beostered en geld, with a balance ant hand efjustice, a taggir, 5 stars and I crowns The iewet as a gold medal, engraven on one face is a hand heloecg a balance SO the other sods a twe’ edged swoet and 5 stars. The apeon so ret doublet and berderet yellow. lied sIeves

S. Hold the lance in the mght hand, the sword in the left along the body, the feet in square Or ENTRY. Bold on both hands the lance an rest; place right hand upon the back of that of the introducer, who puts his left above, saying, “You jest.” Pose the left hand on that of the brother, replying, ‘ You are mistaken.” Finally, place reciprocally the left hand on the right shoulder, and right hand on the head. H’. MucersmcRA (spelled). BAT.-22-l-22 440—ARCHITECTURE OF SOVEREIGN COMMANDERS OF THE TEMPLE.

5’ Raise boldly the sword on hagh, ready to fight, the left band on the bap Answer. Extend the arm to the height of the shoulder, as of to fight, with the right foot an form of a square, the great toe at the end of left 1 00t. T, Strike mutually, with the sight thumb on the joint of the little finger, 5 blows by 1-2-2, join at the same time the right feet to form a straight line, then touch the knees together, then place the open left hand on each other’s shoulder; the first says, twenty; the second responds, twenty-three. W.P HTRDET. Answer. PhasE. H’.S. RARA. Answer, HeARAmos Msaez.

The decorations are red wiih black columns, on each of which so on arm belting a torch, The teen and the throne c’s oct with black tears. In the centre is a lustre of three sews with 17 lights, or II on the lower, S on the second, 5 on the third Other 27 lights arc placed on around table, reond which the Commanders sit. The hours of service at opening are “Ten hours,” at closing, “ Four bourn “ The meeting is called “ Coon,” the President, “ All Powerfel,” but In some Courts, “Very Illusto seas” ant “Very Valorous” The Wardens are named “Very Sovereign Commanders “ The Members are “Soveecego Comneantere “ The “ All Pewerfiol” wears a whoec rebe, ant ever it a red mantle bordered with esmine, he has en his head a crown with points Gloves whiete, lined ant bordered ret, Ribbon whetsbroeteret ret, worn at the seek at the p5mb of it so the Jewel on the two sides are, in red, the

IiC, is 5’ I








Maons. Gravely on tiptoe. Advance (at the sign) the left foot glidingly; bnng back the right foot to the end of the loft, marking the step, and then the remainder up to five.



This degree is elsewhere called Knight of the Black Eagle, Knight of the

Pelican, hoversoge Prince oh Heredom, or Knight of St Andeew of Scotland. Seven Chambers ass required forreceptoos, asiollows, lot An antechamber for the Chevaloere 2nd A chamber representing the esplanade of a castle, act a small retreat for the Aspeesut Sri A chamber for the palisadong

coed en defence of the tower, and whiotto allowpassage, mastalso belarge

esoush to contain a table aid two chairs, on this chamber there as an outlet on which as antique lamp is kept burning Inostethe tower, to the hoff, so represented a gatewhich is supposed to conduct t

0 the tungeens nerving

as a poison, at the site is a broken column on which is engraved the three names, Cain, Achan, Unne 4th A chomber which repeesents the moats of o castle~ en front of the gale as an issue which leads to the castle by moose of a deawbeodge 5th A chambee larger than the ethee represents the Portico of the castle There is a g’een lawn, within which are placed long seats to the right and left fec the Knights, and near Ihe dccci are seats for the guards 6th A rhamber still larger than the preceding should have a door of communication for estrotucteon without traveeseag the other chambers ; it so hueg with black To the left on entering so a seat ant table, with the square and level foe the Senior Warden In front is a tan-


dehoer with a transparency,on which so painted the Seves Precepts of Noah. 51i


Ii I,


liii It

Ii Ill


To the right so the seat end table, wseh the plumb and compass fos the Jusess Wastes, before him is sloe a chandelier with a transparency, on which is woottes the flecalogne Is the proacepal part of the ecom is the throne of the Pressotent, to the left ant a little on advance is a third chandieter with a transparency, on which appears Faith, Mope, Charity, Before thos end a little to the nght, aeon altar upon which as the Bible open at the Evia~ehist St John a hollow sphere, a square ast plumb rule, a level sutmoosteed by apair of open compasses andacandleeteob of threebranches At foot is a cuehin covered woob black In the middle at the chamber is a pedestal rspreseniing the bass of a column, and beeween it ant thee altar is tesegoed the foot of the column, of which the altar repsesents the capital Above lbs throne is a large transparescy concealed by a curtasa It isp’sscste ajagged tuft, a lamb lying upon a book with seven seals; to the right an eagle hoversen the air, to the Is ft apeiscan with its young,abs cubical steps, on which as a woeheost rose and the flaming star, oath the leeter “Jot “ To the right is an ass, to left an ox, both secumbent, with the head turned towai do the star which is placed between the letters H and J, and below s pointed hammer 7th A chamber of the same demessoocs is hung with set ant brilhoanily lighted Above the shear so a ironapareacy whereas is painted a mountain, town whoch runs a sever, on the banks of which a a tree bearing 12 bends af fonito Upon the top of the mountein ao a stand erecoed, the II stone cannes of which consist of 11 p receoss stones, Above these is a stone of which each facerepreocuts three angles. over which are the names at the twelve tribes of Israel This stone supports a cross on ishich is peonted a lamb The throne of the Presetear and the seats oh the Officess and Knights are areanged as on the eches chambers the tailes and costianase are ennelar to those of the other Kites. In some foreign cheptens the jewel is compo et of Soquares, 5niches, and 5 trienglee, surmounted with the letter S ‘the Hose Co nix of Kelwanniag wear on the left knee a green garter, on whicO is embroidered the molte “Voetnte et Selenlie.” They adopt at their reception a eharactessotec tails b~ which they are always designated, such as prudence, valour, firmness, Ac. The Presedenl, Wardens, and Bin. Terrible give np during their inActions their

RITE 05’ ssclzRAiseI


persanal characlersetic and take that of thear duties, as Wisdom, Strength. Beauty, Alarm, and before this title they place the consonants of the covI nasce All documents soc dated feom the Orient of Irieredom, and give the degrees of latitude sot longitude oh the place, or of the point core espoodeng to the Esneth ‘the seal is a castle of stone embattled aud hasted by four towers environed by ditches, the deawbeedge lowered, the porteoll’s raised. To the right is the sun, on the strong tower is the device with ‘‘Vertute et Silentee 5- O~ TOtE LAw. Handajoined, fingers closely extended, open

as if to place upon a book (representing the tables of the law)~ O~ TOtE

Tuwza. Right hand upon the left shoulder, the loft

fiat by the side OF TEE Pznzsrao Open the right band, look at the palm, and carry ii. to the forehead. Ov TEn CEASTER The two bands extended on the forehead, palms outwards OF Haaanons. The right band raised to the level of the forehead, the thumb elevated, the other fingers shut,let the hand descend upon the stomach, carry at towards the left and return to the ngbt, making a cross GENERAL Raise the hands to heaven, cross the aems, the bands to height of the forehead, point to

heaven with the index finger, the others clenched. T. Place youeoehf an front of the brother and mutually place the hands on the hips


The hands crossed, palms

outward, resting on each otbera breaat. H’ P, 1. TJEOiNARE 2 TeEoKooREz. Parscutaa H’ I R N I, or J.M.J GENERAL H’. Nononsi’a Other H’. LEansTAcAs (Heh2 Schaithiel, Deo postulatus). NonAoaer, Maaans, Havonsou

BA’r.-3 33.

N.B —These grades are given on a “ Synod” attached to the Ruse Crooo Chapter of the A. & P Rote, and which may be simply declared open fur the purpose with the Battery 333.


I’1 I II’


II; Ii


The moral instruction relative to this grade presents a recapitulation of all Masonry and is divided into 15 sections, of which the following is an analysis.


‘ill’ FIRST SECTION. In what place was the order established? A. First at Icobnkill, then at Eliwiuning (Fihlinen), where the King of Scotland presided in person as Grand Master. Q. ‘Why was it established A. To reform the errors and correct the abuses which were introduced among the brothers of the first three grades. Q. ‘What are the qualities requisite for admission into the Order? A Patience, Prudence, Firmness Justice - (The sign and woid of Master Mason as then given) Q. Give me your name and title. A. Ghiblim as my title, Acacia is my name. At the end of this section the obligation as given; then they begin to travel in search of the lost word.






SECOND SECTION. It contains an exercise on the numbers 9, 7, 5, 3, after the manner of the treatise of Bongo and of Oncien There are 9 unities, 9 muses, 9 orders of angels, 7 days of creation, 7 liberal eniences, 7 angelsbefore the throne of the lamb, S measures of time, borders of architecture, 6 points of companionship, Storms of a syllogism, a angles on a triangle, 3 persons in God, &c.

hi hi



THIRD SECTION The Son of Man is on this symbohised by the corner stone (Perpend-aeter), which, rejected by the builders, has been placed at the angle of the edifice, and is the most perfect model of the Workmen to test their moral jewels upon. Three great points distinguish it—Fraternal Love, Succour, Truth Ito name is Heleanain, or sometimes El Chanan These two words signify Grace of God, and not, as we are told in the manuals, God is wilts us; Emanuel has the letter signification

RITE or MIERAISI. 25 FOURTH SECTION. Treats of the Ark of Noah, of the eight persons saved by that Patriarch, of the seven wonders of the ‘*orld and of the three elect of God. These three elect are: 1. Cyrus, King of Persia, for having liberated the Jews 2. Bezelool (Reb. Betealel, in umbra Dei), son of liri and Mary, sister of Moses; he was one of the builders of the Tabernacle and full of the spirit of God (Exod. xxxi. 2—10) 3. Mahareul, eon of a prophet and mentioned by Isaiah. Maher Schalal Chaseb Baa, (Praedam accelerans spohium feetinans), the name of a son, real or supposed, of Isaiah. (See Isaiah vita. 3.) The two hiving elect are Enoch and Eli 1ah. Enoch (Bob. Chanok), to preserve the principles of the sciences, engraved them, bloc Hermes, on two columns, one of atone, the other of brick. Elijah (Heb. 1-lelfab,) was borne to heaven in a chariot of fire. Three maior events ought to fix the attention of the Rose Croix, the creataon of the world (generation), the deluge of Noah (destruction), and the redemption of the human race (regeneration). This tasple consideration ought to be present to the mind of every Freemason, as the Royal Art has only, like the ancient mysteries, one acm—the knowledge of nature, bow all is born, is destroyed, as regenerated.

FIFTH SECTION. In this are commemorated the two mountains of salvation, Moriab and Calvary; on the first were made three celebrated sacrifices, that of Abi sham, that of David for the plague, and that of Solomon at the dedication of the Temple ‘We all know the giest merit the second mountain possesses in the eyes of Christians The greatest honour the Jewish Mosons could have received was the presence of the Schelonab (Malestas eon pranotantia Dci, that is to say, the Holy Spirit) which descended twice from heaven, once during the anointment of the Tabernacle, the other time at the dedication of the Temple. It then fixed itself upon the ark of propitiation, between the wings of the cherubim, whore it delivered oracles for 14 years, when it disappeared through the infidelity of the Jews. SIXTH SECTION. This contains a moral allegory on Masonic tools. Three Virtues were required of the Mason for admission into the Middle Chamber—Fidelity, Silence end Hospitality They foond in this chamber the Mosaic pavement, image of the Law given to Moses on Mount Sinai, the flaming Star, emblem of the niajesty of God on this mountain, and the indented tassels expressing the ornaments of a virtuous life.


V 26



ELEVENTH SECTION been A. In the Pedestal Q. ‘What did you find there? A. Three young men. 9 Q. they ask of To youwhich I answered, Wine first, A. ‘What ‘What did is strongest? woman next, and an the third place, the King Q. ‘What did you find besides at the Pedestal9 A- Zorobabel (Hdb Zerubbabel) Q. ‘What has Zorababel done for you 9 A. Caused me to ascealdfrom the Pedestal to the summit, by the base of the column. Q.’How dad you mount this base9 A By a spiral staircase, ascended by 9 times 9’ Q. ‘What as the name of the column? A. Wisdom. Q. Arid the capital? A. Beauty Q. ‘What dad you find on the capital? A- A Lodge displayed entablature. Q. ‘Whai m this Lodge? A. A Sphere representing the Ilnaverse. Q, ‘What was on the Sphere? A. An open Boot Q. What was an this Book? A. A word made by the Squase, Perpendicular and Chisel. Above it was the Compass, opened on the Square Q. What as the strongest thing? A. Truth

There is another Middle Chamber in which Masons ought to deeire.a seat: it is the Angelic body of the Temple of Jesus Christ, into troiich it as oyily possible to be admitted by Faith, Hope and Charity We there find the TracingThoard on the Mosain pavement (the Path of Safety written in the Law), the Corner Stone and the Flaming star, that as to say Jesus Christ, the King of Jericho, the Lily of the Valley, the GrandArchitect of the Church in all has majesty; then the Broached Thurnal or pointed Chisel as on the laced Houppe. This olnoel is the emblem of divine grace which is insinuated into our hearts lobe the chisel into the stone.

Q. ‘Where have you

SEVENTH SECTION. lit speaks of the civil virtues that are exacted of the Rose Croix. He ought to live with humility, content with his lot, walking an the path of the Lord and conforming with this sublime precept: Alteri us feceras quod tabt fiero non via He ought, besides, to be armed with ahe Sword of Justice, with the Buckler of Equity and with the Helmet of Safety, to engage with the enemies of God, his country and has king. EIGHTH SECTION. Ari-ived at the foot of the Tower where be has has name placed, the candidate asks the guards for news of Sion. Answer The Beauty is about penshing, assaaaonated by three scoundrels, Cain, Hakim, Hunni. Q. Would you nof he one of the three 9 A Prove me, and dispaeve me of you can, Simon, loveqt thou me? NINTH SECTION. It contains proof questiona Q. ‘What does the sun ~ignify, throwing its rays from afar? A. The celestial light of Revelation, which dissipates the

TWELFTH SECTION. Where have you been? A Travelling in the world 9. ‘What were you seeking? A. The Holy Rock and the Loving Mount. 9. What have you seen there A. k running Fountain 9. What did you hear there 9 A. The voice of the Lamb. 9 ‘What did at say? A Come and drink. 9 What dad you see besides on the Rock 9 A A large church in a large town. 9. Where was this Church? A. In the centre. 9. What was ate shape9 A. That of a regular Cross. 9 What length


darimess of ignorance.


‘What does the moon sognify~ whoselight as only reflected 9 A. The law of Nature, infinitely less perfect than that of God. The other questions are of the same kind. to

TENTH SECTION. ‘Where have you been? In the Tower of Refreshment. How dad you mount at? A By a spiral staircase, which is enclosed by Seven, Five, Three. Here the signs, grips and words of Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master are given


Q. A Q.




II 115







A. From East to West. 9 ‘What breadth? A. Immense. 9. ‘What’deptb? A. Without end. 9. ‘What was the name of the town? A. God be praised, it is celestial Jerusalem. 9. What was at the base of it? A. IN either blood nor iniquity, but justice and truth. Several other questions of the same kind follow.



THIRTEENTH SECTION. 9. ‘Where have you been? A.. In the Middle Chamber. 9. What did you see there? A. Three large lights, the Law of Nature, the Mosaic Law, and the Christian Law. New moral allegories on the tools and Masonic jewels follow. 9. What did you meet in the Middle Chamber? A. Three signs 9. Where did they conduct you? A. To the Cabinet of Wisdom. 9. What do you call this Cabinet? A. A Manger. 9. What dad you find there? A A Loyal Knight with the Holy Wife, and the SacredWord. 9. Name them. A. Mary, Joseph, Jesus.



The decorations are red, eprinkled with geld stars The meeting Is named a Grant causcil, act at has 24 members The Presadeat takes the title ef “Very Pewerful “ The 24 members are named “Heapectable Ancients, all the rest ore honorary membere, and termed ‘‘ Respectable Knights” The period of labon, at openiag is “The time as near”, at close,

“Tame as as longer” There are two rabboce, the one white paising resin

left to right, the other black,


l~i II II

I’ ~

I It,


To the black ribbon as

On the other face as two crossed seals, the poicte tuaced to the top placed

en a baleace in equilabuom

The apaco is yellow, lined aedhordered

5. GENERAL. Look at the right shoulder. The answer is, to loot at the left shoulder, pronouncing alternately these words, t’IoDDADA, MotunAJ. Or Ensmnsacz Place the aight band on each other’s forehead T. 1. Place the right hand so that of the questioner, whilst each looks at the other’s right shoulder 2. Touch with the left haaad the left shoulder of the questioner, whilst be touches with the right band the right shoulder of the other. W.P. MutonA~z. W.S. NODDADA. BAr. 666666-1. MARcH. Seven steps forming a heptagon.

FOIJRTEENTH SECTION. What have they done since the opening of the Chapter? A. They have sought for the Sacred Word, and we have found it by your assistance. 9. When dad they lose it? A. The children of men lost it when their spirits descended into the Infernal Cavern. 9 When dad they find it? A. When their spirits aces triumphing oversin and the death of eternal enemies. 9. What has the Word done for us? A It has lived thirty-three years on the earth, giving us a grand example to follow. It died for our safety a shameful death on the Cross, and then mounting to the celestial Light, at has interceded for us with the Father and conjointly with the Holy Ghost, die. FIFTEENTH AND LAST SECTION. What were the last words of the charge? A. Consununatum est.

and warn is

suspended thejewel, which as a boptagocal metal part gold and part slIver, or mother of pearl Os OOS side at the angles as engraved the letters B B W. P.M G P., sagaifying beauty, divinity, wisdom, power, hoaour, glory, force; aver each letter isa star, and as the cell tre ii a lamb is silver, eat on a Iieven’eealod book, each of the asale haviag one of the abavelettere




4So~SUBLIME PHILOSOPHER. 5. Raise the aIms and eyes to heaven. Answer. Make three precipitate steps and recoil astonished Draw from the pocket a paper and read at with a restless air then advance three steps with a serene air to give the grip. T. Tate with the grip of a Master, the left hand raised to heaven; give the kiss of peace, at the same time pronouncing the pass. W.P. Hope, watch and speak not. H’.S. HAIMTEAErN. BAT.-t-l.


15I a


BITE or MSERAn!. 31 T. Take between the bands those of the questioner and press them lightly. H’ P. MurorTs. WS. InqonA. Answer. Aanx or GnenA. BAT.-666666.




The President as called “Very Wies” The ribbon is green and yellow, pendant to the betton hole as a square, at which three sites are of dafferest metals—gold, cap per and ama The age is 4 years and more. 5. 1. Touch some object and regard ii fixedly. Answer.

Fax the same object, look four times at the brother’s face and then the object. 2. Place right index finger on the mouth. Answer. Bite the laps. T. Take the brother’s fingers and press the little ring finger. Doe all fingers which have reference to the square or the number four W.P. None. W.S. SnoanavA.



This degree is said to have been established at Geneva In 1775. the member. as iS years.

The age

S. Hold the nose between the first and middle finger. Cross the arms with an air of compassion. T. That of a Master, repeating the SW., NOEAOR. W.P. Idaam. W.S. l-IAvomEJ. BAT.-838. Answer.-833-1-l. Beply.-888-883-1.


600—CBAOS—SECOND, ‘WISE. The President is named “Very Wise , “ the Orator, “salamander (Crel , the Masteis of Ceremonies, “ Sylph “ lairI the Treasurer, ‘‘Gnome” (earth) Thea ron of silk is green and yellow

S Carry the right Lnd to the forchead. Answer~ Extend the right hands, fingers closed, the thumb on the first finger. 2 Cross the legs, the nght over the left. Answer. Do the same with the left leg. T 1 As in the last Degree 2. Place the right thumb between the thumb and first finger of the brother. Answer. Make the same grip. H’S. IRAFORAT. BAT-l-1.


The age as, “Idle at birth ‘ The giant mantle as white, lined with red, with a star of gait on the front The ribbon as green, the jewel, suspended from the ribbon, isa St Andrew’s Cross, sustaining a square, sormoanted by a silver crown. On one side of the cross sas the lsttei a n J A 0 , upon the reverse of the square are J B M B , and in the middle J Z , each letter is enclosedan a eta, The apron is long act of red, lined with white.

5’ 1. Present the right hand with the fingers spread, then the index and middle finger of the left band 2. Extend the right arm and carry the first and middle finger of the left to the shoulder. Pousre or Sona’onr. 1 Nutually touch the toes and the knees. 2. Reciprocally grip the bands, with the arms crossed. T. 1. Mutually strike the forehead with the fingers united, then with the first and middle fingers. 2. Draw a square as the Apprentice sign. W.P. Sonsa’nnast.A, tbnoe repeated. H’ 5’ NocLEJ, NooaE.o, SaFOEPES. BAT.-13 5556.

510—KNIGHT OF THE SIJN The place of meeting has no hangings, but there may be painted on the walls and panels of the room, fields, monutasne, foisets, and all that natsars presenlo, whether wilt or cultivated A tranepsarat sun as the solo light, appearing ever the head of the Presided, and orcapyang the centre of a hainagle inscribed within a circle In each angle ofthis triangle as the stirr 5—Stolta, Sedet, Sola The President is named act represents Adam One Waiden acts at the same time as Preparer and Intradoser at receptions, he is teamed ‘‘Brother Truth” nod acts as Orator The aaparaat wheaa introdeced is veiled The membean ais named Chesubam of which y compose the council, but these maybe ancasasod by 5 incas, who are called Solphe The period of time at opening as, ‘‘It as night on the earth, but the slid is at ate mesadian so the Council ~ at closing, “Men often follow error, few combat at, few arrive at the holy pines” The President has a red aebe ants yellow mantle; he holds a blue sceptreinhie hand, at the foot ofwhich isa golden globe Truth has a white wasd ever which is an eye of gold The Cherubim wear no apson, but in, saltire a white moire ribbon with an eye at bottam The Jewel is a rayed triangle an gold, with an eye an the centre The Syiphe wear a short tunic, brown apron, and a yellow ribbon

S Place right hand on heart, thumb separated to form a square. Answer. Raise the ri~it band and point to heaven with the first finger.




The letter B in the tableau ii the inItial af Onniel. The age as eight years. Tlaejowslas akey of gold suspended by a black favour, it makes one rircamference round the ring, and bears the letter L, the initial of Leo. The apron and gloves are light grey, lined with black.

• I’

S. T. There are none. BAT.-l-1-22.



Rita 590

56?—~KEY OF~ MASONBcYe—SECOND LGRADE~ WASHER. The letter 3. in the tableau is the initial of Jonas IColumba) The age is 9 years. The key of geld as sg~pended from a water green favour, and makes two turco round ths’riiig,’whl6h bears thelietters I I. ,mataals of the words, Invesat Leonem. The apron is same as list, tnt doubled in water green upon the right.

S. T. W. There are none. Bit. 1-1. F I

0—KEY OF MASONRY—THIRD GRADE, BLOWER. 56 The letter H upon the tableau is the initial of Henoaih (dedicates). The age is 12 years The key of gold as esepended by a celestial bloc favour, affd makes thise turns of the riog, on which ass bbs letters U [ I’ ,initials sf the words, llta in’s’enit Leonem. The apron as last, hat bordered open the left with celestial blue ubben. S. T. H’. There are none. Rar.-l-l4. 570—EEY OF MASONRY—FOURTH GRADE, CASTER.




The letters S. M. A. upon the tableau are the initials of Shadrack, Mesoher, and Abetnege (fish Shadrerir, mammela’ tenera, Mesohech, sapiens; Gabdenagon, fsrs’ue~ asians) The age as 15 years The meeting as named Cavern. The President, ‘Intelligent Disposer” The Piret Warden “Prince and Very Diligent Inspector” The Second Wardes, “Very Vigilant Inspector’ The Tressurer, “Elegant Designer” The key of gold is soipsiads’d by a firs-coloured favour, and makes four turns of the ring upon at is the words “Ustrinsin ins leo. ihere are rings bearing the lettsrs,J 11.1 L, G (J Ustrijiam anveust leonem G)~ The apron as last, hot bordered an red at the top with a red 5ap.

S. T. H’. There are none. Brr..l.1. 580—TRUE MASON ADEPT. The plassof meeting as namedArselemy The ageassaid tobs, “It lelong gince we aerkoned more” The ribbon asred blue end black worn an saltare, The jewel, suspended from the ribbon, as a triangle of gold crossed by three horarontal bands, and having a cresrent and sun an the rentre The apron as red doubled and bordered the same; upon the bib as across, with the letters V. itt, satan the middle a golden sun with the letters “D.C N P. AM.” In the hand an iron rod.

5- Place right hand in square on the mouth, cross the arms cm the abdomen, and look first to heaven and then to earth. OF ORDER. Cross the bands on the abdomen and hold the baton in the tight band. T. Take each other’s hands and kiss the cheek and forehead. W.P. NOTAXEM (Intelligence presiding over metals). W-S. Havomoss (pronounced Jovab). Rar.-22-4444-22.l. MAnOR. One Apprentice step, one Cempanion’s, and one ef Master. The feet in square to order.



The rube as white with the sleeves broatered need The ribbon is black. woman ealtirs, with the cross of the Order enamelled The epron is red, bordersat white.

S. Carry the right band to the heart and let it fall by the side. OF ORDER. Kiss the right band and say, SEDORNAnewet. Make same sign and say, Evussiv. T. Make three blows upon the brother’s ring finger, place left band on his shoulder and say, SiasiA. Answer. SiataA~Ee. W.P. SAFRA, SAarAnARe. W.S. ERcorrasA. Answer. SaRA. BAr. 3B3-L. 6Oe~SOVEREIGN OF SOVEREIGNSThe dress isa red robe, white loves, black scarf. The ribbon I. elotkof gold In council the apron of last degree is wom

S. Place right band on the forehead, thumb elevated. 5. Give the grip and sign of Apprentice. W.P. ONaRme.



Bit.-22-l 22-1-22. 6L0—GRAND MASTER OF SYMBOLIC LODGES. The decorations are blue and yellow The throne as approached by 5 steps. Behast the sitar is a chandelier with 5 branches, and before at Is a lighted rhatag dish, with aersuse at the side at receptions The Pa esident is named Grand Master, and represents ‘‘Cyros Artaxeries” and Ihe two Wardens has “Highest Officers “ The candidate represents “Zerubbabel,” and motes 5 voyages an the coorts rd reception, and as then purified by firs and iron Not less than 5 Greed Masters must compose thelode~ Thore are two ribbons, one yellow, act the other sky blue, crossed on the breast. The jewel as agolden triaogle with the letter H.

S. I. Form four squares. The First. Place the right hand on the heart, thumb separate and fingers drawn together, thos forming two squares. Second. Place the left band on the lips, thumb separate. Third Joan the two heels with open feet an form of a square. 2 Fall on the knees, the elbows on the earth, bead a little to the left. 3. Cross arms on the breast, the right over the left, fingers extended close, thumb in square, and feet am square, thus forming 5 squares. Or Irsraonuotaoai. Sworal raised, with right arm elevated an front of the head as if to parry a blow, cross swords with the brothea and form arch of steel. T. Take mutually the elbow of the nght arm with right hand and glide the length of the fore~arm to the wrist, then support the wrist with the first finger. Ow IoeyRonuotrcN. Take each other’s right hand, the thumb on the wrist, then let it glide down the length of the hand to the finger ends. W.P. MA5REJ. Answer, Nrienote.




H’ S HnasrsrnRAza Ber.-1-22. MARtin Nine


steps in square. 0—VERY HIGH AND VERY POWERFTJL 62 5- 1 Right knee on the ground, the left side supported with the left knee, hands joined, fingers interlaced, an4 thumb spread. 2. Heels joined, left arm on the hip, thumb spread, right band an square upon the heart. Answer. Heels joined, arms crossed on the breast, bands forming a squaae with the thumb spread. T. Take each other’s right band and say, STERn. Revert to the five points of Maiter, support the 4st finger on the wrist with the others shut, and say, HAvOREJ. ‘W.P. MaNNAJ. W.S. BTERtO, HAvOREJ. Bxr.-22-1-22. ~



This as a Swedish degree, and formed the Tb


of earns Techeudy in UPS.

5 place ofmeeting represents the apartment of Gotfasy de Bonallos The hangings are green with white columns There are Slights, inmemory of the Ofonuders ofrho temple The Chief represents Godfrey, and has the title of “General” The officers nas “ Princes”; and the bretaren “Knights” The period of labour at opening is, “The temple of Zerubbahel as destroyed,’’ at closing, iF The troops are dasbeadet “ The age ass times 5 in auranionto the 51 Knights who, under the conduct of Guaramont Patriarch of Jerusalem, shoot aiD list, settled an Sweden, near the archbishop of lJpsol, the, introducing masonry into Europe The festival of the Order as the day of St. John the Almoner~ ‘1 here were Natbaneens (donata) solos were priests vowed to the service of the temple, of which Eadras makes msutroo, called Paul—Kel—phar0~qj0~05 separated by the holiness of their manners It may he written, Photo; (opus; it’horet loeparaval) Hadoech (sooctrem) The standard of the Gader as white, with a gasen cr005 surrounded with palace and laurels, on the other side io represented a Bishop’s Mitre, that of Upsal The seal as formed of the cross and mitre of the etiudaid The Knights ought to he armed cap-t-paed The ribbon as green, crossed and lined red ‘the jeirsi ran cross of gold’ eorroosdsd with palms and laurels The scaif as white, with a green crosa broadered upon it.

S. Right hand on the heart, carry at with tbe eyes to heaven, then to the sword. T. Seize each other’s left hand, fingers interlaced. WE. Daeu le vent (God wills at). W.S. Noas (tumulus) BAT.-999999999,


The ribbon 64as greco, worn in soltars with the jewel, which is a medal representing the temple with the device “Eats muod laber

5’ T. BAT. There are none. H’S. HAIROM. (Ainarotudo vol rnyrrba Domini). Mountain named “land ot the tision” (Gen. xxii. 2), where Abraham was to have sacrificed Isaac, the same upon which Solomon’s temple was built. (II. Chron. ala 1.)


• • •



Four apIartinests are need the Scat as hong with black, and lighted by a triangular lamp foam the ceiling the room communacaise with a closet, reached by otepo, must the Chamber of Helectana tho’ e as only a lighted tapecshooing a coffin with a blacla veil nod other sanarlac emblems of deaih The second room as huog with white, md an the centre of it ace two altars, on tlas mar an nan with laghied spareto ofwane to ailumionte the apartment, cc the other altar ao a chatsg dish with tie act anceose ‘Pbs third as hung with blue, a etaicy vault lighted by yellow tapers, and called Aisepagus The fourth as hung wtth red, anabs cant as a thence, over which an a crowned double heated enole with expoodet wings, and holding a penaned an ate lobes , over the eagle’s neck appears a black ribbon to which hooge the cacao of lbs OadsrF en its basoet aeon equilateral tainugle as the middle of which so the name of God, sad around at this legend “rico protater nec predator onooceno fei at” The drapery of the dais as black and white velvet, sprinkled with ret Frontonic crosses Behind the throne are the standards ol the Ocilor, one white with two green bonds across at, the other green with soot Teotonac cross on ens sade,;ond on the other a two-headed black eagle, holding a dagger an its talons with the device,” Vanceas nut Mon” an silver the beak nod clown are gold Is the middle of this roam c,’ilsd Senate, ,a a ladder of y steps, ant at as lighted by 5 yellow tapers ‘I he meeting is held as the Areopague, where presides tire lea Warden, sainted by two judges He hoses has breast an allegoaacal mango of I ruth, an gold embroidery In cbs Scoots, ci next chaurber, the Erseadent as somed ‘‘ Grand Master,” or “ Giant Commander “ or “Greed Sovereago “ sis as qualified, thrice Poweaful,” and aspiesents Frederrela 11, King of Prussia The brothers a’s trained “ Knaglato “ The period of labena as ‘‘ We unite at ohs entrance of night aol close at daybacak” The Knights tenet count ago, they are “a ceotucy or niece,” The tunic is white, broaderet block; oboes at as a black ecoef with nalasa fringe ‘lbs girdle of act heldo a dagger as sheath ofivory and ebocy The hat brian moot of the hood heewesia the letters N A a orlvsa sun with geld’ a rays, and liacrog an its centre an eye The ribbon as black, worn from left to right, and has a dagger aitached an front of the ribbon is embroadeceil two red Teutonic croesse, alas a twoheaded ‘agle with the letteas C K H iii saber The jewel as a ‘teutonic croso, enamelled red, atiached to the left hand button hole No apron In inferior bodies the H H may wear only a chats apron with o black border, having ii red Teutonic canes under the flap, oat an the middle of the apron a crowned two-headed eagle, with a dagger an its talons

S. OF KAnosca. Carry the right band to the heart, fingers separated, then let the hand tall on to the right knee, as if grasping it Then seize the dagger which as suspended to the aibbon, raise at to the height of the shoulder as if to strike, saying, MAREC lANODA (‘Vengeance, Lord) Or Oanra, Talte the sword in the left hand and place the right band extended on the heart, T, ‘[ouch each other’s tpaea and right knees conjoined, present the closed right band fist with thumb raised, which seize alternately, let it glide an falling hack a step, then raise the arms as if striking with a poniard; the first says, HAMAitEN MarAan, Answer. HoOARARP Losec, W-P. Entrance: MAKER Answer. kIROinANEns. Departute: LAGNAMP LcBc Answer. HOSARAMP Losic. W’S. HAMaEN, Manas, (Sometinoos Maken, lanoda). Answer, HcsnoAsir LORO. Bn.•388-22-l.l,



0.—GBANII INQIJ]SITOR COM~MANBER.CHJ~F OF 66 THE SECONB SER1~S. The deroratiase ofthe apartment ore white; above the dais of white are the letters J H There are four gait columns to the south and four to the north Elevated upon three steps, an advance of the altar, is a tomb supporting the Archive chest, and covered with a white cloth having upon at a large ret cross To right of the altar as the table of the Chancellor, and to left that of the Treasurer The meeting as termed a Grand Council, or a Sovereign Tribunal at recoinp need of a President called “Very Perfect, Chancellor, a Treasurer, and six Grand Isopeetoa Inqinsatore The other members are termed “Very linlightenet” The ribbon is white, worn in saltire The jewel, which as attached to the ribbon by a gilatohian, as a silver cross of sight points, antis the centre aa s engraved threehIeroglyphical fi~,nree, olludiag to the sacred word, at is also worn at the button hole by a w a e rosette. The apron is white, with a red patriarchal cross on the bib,

bat an council a scarf, while, with geld fringe takes its place. S. Make a cross upon the abdomen with the bands. Answer. Cross the hands on the bead. T. Gave a light blow of the band on the right shoulder and them take each other’s loft band ; with the toes and knees touch each other and in that position give the H’S. W.S. Ectrsu.o. Answer. YTIOQE. Both. So be it. BAT.. 4444-22-838

Ii ill

N.B.—Tbe foregoing degrees are conferred in a “Gaan attached to a SENATE of the Antient and Primitive


Rite, which may he declared open with the Battery of the highest




THIRD SERIES.—CLASS XI. 670—BENEFICENT KNIGHT. The decoratIons of the aparimest are white The chamber firms a triangle, Ihe apex of which as the throne, andahove it the gmat name “Jehovah.” Tothsilgbtofthe gate is a casket with three keys, upon which are the lettera P L.A The room as lighted by 67 lights, the numhsa of members Isa the council. The meeting is called a “Sovereign Council; the President, “Governor General ;“ the Officers, “Governors;” and the Members, “Chevaliers “ ‘lbs obligation as benevolence Three times a month the Governor General charges one of the older Knights to distribute among Indigent families the money voted, and when the foods ore exhausted, the GovernorGeneral may ertea a call upon the Knights The period oflabour is, “ Prom the break of day to ten an the evening.” The age as 07 years The ribbon as white, brordered red, lettered on the front,— S. C. D C, H. B. 57 D A scarf or haltrack for the oword The spies as white, doubled and bordered red, n~on which as a casket with the lettero

P L A.

S. Or ORDER. Carry the right hand to the pocket. 2. With draw the band from the pocket, and strike out the loft band as if to give something T. Tate each other’s right band and kiss. H’ P. YTI’NAMOR.



One blow with the pommell of the sword. CRaAcTEaasrac SIGN. A triangle with a point in the middle.



6S0—HNIGHT OF THE RAINBOW. This philosophical grate bears the name of Perfect Alchemacal 1,1 aster. The decorations of tire room arc white, fringed with geld The room as onsi The altar as formed of the colours of the rainbow Above the throne as a transparent silver glory, arid an the centre, ‘‘Jehovah “ The President as named, “Sovereign Dictator, “ the Wardens, “ Grant Dictators , “ the Members, “ Dictators “ The Sovereign Dactalca as niFarged with the distribution of alms for the indigent The period of labour is,” Prom 3 o’clock an the afternoon to 3 o’clock an the meming,” the former being theprecase limo when the sign of alliance was given an the firmament. The age as 65 years. The tonar’ as a short see of blue satan The ribbon as worn an saltare of the colours of the rainbow with the letteas L. C. D. L. E. C. 55 D. The apron as white with a aaanbow S. Os’ ORDER. Draw the sword and plant itin the earth. 2. Recover the sword and place in guard, as of for combat.

Answer. Salute to right, to left, and in front.



P. Place the hand upon the guard of the sword, and whisper the ear, HAIrADEST. ‘W.P. MELAIIJREJ. (Joyous chalaim, hereditas pacis). W S. Rcrrzoe-Onon#s. (Melech-scb’lomah, rex pacificus). MARcH. Nine steps, 3 to North, 3 to West, 8 to South. CHARAiJTERI5TIiJ SIGN. A rainbow, having in the centre, A. K. C. (Arc en ciel). in

69e~KNEGHT OF BANIJKA, OR OF RANTIKA, CALLED JIINAROTH. The Jews, in celetration of Esther, have a festival, feast of lights or carnival of this same The decorations are ofa red tint In the east is the great name of God, to left on entering is the llinsroth—a Chalelsan word sneonieg lire, to right is the Pole-star. The room is lighted by es lightt, 13 east, i3 south, 13 north, aist S before each Dignatery Officer ‘l’he President is named “Graud President , the Wardeos, ‘‘ First and Second President” The presence of nine Knights is necessary at opening The aspirant does not rocoive thc light till the sereath holding At the first he lights the Salinas of the Ilinaroth and a candle at the soeond holdieg be lights the Salinas and the socond candle, Ac., and the oldest meinter has charge of the instruction sf the new Knight The pcricd of labour is From the rising of the moon to the s slog of the sun ‘ The age is go years. The ribbon sets as sosponder for the sword, and is white, npon which is embroidorod so white on the front, t.. let. A Q dt The Apion is whito painted with the Hinarotla and A Q. lii S. Or ORDER. Sword m right hand, placed the length of the body, point upwards. 2. Lay hold of the sword as if to

draw at. P. Talse hold of each other by the left hand and give the W’P. W.P. Moines, or MEnAs, (Rob. Schalan, peace.) BA’r-1-22-22-1-22 1-4444-1-883-1-838. HsacRoonvrmc Sines. A parallelogram with 7 points. 0—YERY WISE ISRAELITE PRINCE. 70 The decorations of the apartments are red, spisokled with golden stars. Above the throne ie the name “Jehovah” An incense lam p Is always horning The room in lighted by 70 yollow wax caadlcs, placed on chandeliers of three branches, nine in the esol, throe before each Warden, and tho root spread The President is named “Very Wise israelite Prints;” the Wardons, “Pirsidont Princes,” the Mombors, “Princes ‘ The meeting most not exceed i6 members. The candidate most he 26 years of age, at loast. The poriod of labonr is, “ From the close of day to the beginning of night. The age is 70 years The ribbon is red moire op on which ais the lottera L T S LP 7eD,that is Los tree sage Is Pr. The apron is white, doubled and bordered red, and in the centre, in gold, is represented a well, with the lottero It V S on the book 5. Coo ORDER. Place the right hand on the eyes with the


thumb in square. 2. Being to order, lower the hand and feplece it three times. P. Take each other’s right hand and squeeze it lightly ten times.

W.P. HTANAHAIOAR. (Rharomnaph, destruction, anathema one.) Name of the son of Jedais. (II. Esdras iii. 10). W.S. LzAsoes. (praevslens cum Boo).

RITE OF niIzRArio.


BAT.-999999999-l. RAiseR. Take three

steps backward, turn forward, head to right, left in advance, and incline as a sign of respect. Hrsnossnvrssoc Sines. A point within 5 square.



The asssmhly is called a Supreme Tribunal. The decorations are of the tint ofcorn poppy spuobled with stare Above the throne is a triple triangle with the letter 0 Below is a raised son. A Hebrew legend, Here are practiced all the cirtnes, and the most profound seisnees are colliveted “ The hall so lighted by 71 tights, 27 to the east, 27 between south and north, 16 before the officers, and a chandelier with 7 in tho eontre The Psesident so named “Grand liaram (consecrelsisl , the Wardens, Zeditim” (Heb teodikim, jnsti), the Officers,” Boechorim” (l’lobiles) l the litembore, “Taimndim “ (Thalmond, eroditie doctrina) The period of leboor is “From one hoor after midnight till the risinglof the sun” The age is 71 years The Grand Haram wears an open white tome with 71 buttons, a ribbon of corn-poppt. on which are figured the son, moon, and a triple triangle, and the letters C 0 A if? It. A Iii. At tho bottom is suspended agold key by a green favoos. The Zadikiin have the same costume end the letters S F 5, and a wand is eubstitoted for rho key The Benetiorins, sod Talniodim wear a ribbon with the letters It. 17. 5. end an open hook. Or Onura. Carry the three first fingers of the right hand


to the orifice of the nose, with the thumb in square to the corner of the eye. CHARAcTERISTIO. After the former sign let the hand fall upon the thigh. P. Take the right hand in a friendly way and say, AIesasHINAlsi (or Mahscbnn chal quad tibi nomen). Answer. REvAH (Rob. Uhaver, Colleague, Friend.) W. P. BEvam. (Amacus) Answer. EtRAD-Anaf?. Rater candiduis), for Baharaba. W. S. I4AISAH or AasAssAH. BAT. 1. Mesicar. Seven ordinary stepsHImoooITPH[o SIGN. A crescent having an the centre a square and a point. I2e~SOVEREIGN PRINCE ZATIKIM. The aseembly is called a Soposme Consistory The decorations are hyacinth. In the east are the son, inson, and faming star, so the west the pole star. The hall is lighted hy 72 lights 3 chandeliers of seven hrsochesin the east, one io the south, coo in the north, and the remainder before the officers The President, Wardens, and Members ais named roepectivety “ Grand Haram, Haram, Zadhicim “ A Consistory ts complete with 72 members, end must have 10 los receptions, and 0 for other tahoors. The period of labour is” From 7 ofthe moming ontillO. The age Is 27 veers. The ribbon is of white moire emhtoidetedhyaeinth on the front are thosan, moors, and flaming star with the letters S G.D.P. 0. 72 V. The Grand Harem, Harem, and Zadikim hare respectively the letters 0 N., H 2, open the daming star The jewel, suepondod from the nhhon, Is, for the’ p~ssadont,s key ends wend, and for the other members, a wand in gold.


RITE OF uiy,itatas

S. Or ORDRR. Right hand upon the heart. 2. Right band and eyes towards heaven. T- Talie each other’s right hand and give a gentle pressure. W~ P. IPoLELLAoIEJ. (Allelula) H’. S. IJE-NODA (Liomanus fortis.) BAT. 1. MAEcR. One step.

HaEaacenvrmc SEeN. A circle enclosiaig a square. 5—GRAND HARAM. 78 The assembly as called a Supreme Council General of Sovereign The decorationo are as an the last degass triangle ant the letter J

Princes. Above the door is the triple

0t an the south the pole slar, an the north the F flaming star The Hall as sqoars and lighted h5 73 lights, 35 to thocast, 15 north, Is sooth, dir ldsf”rs the Jod is athamedi (thamad, ssmpsr(, perpetual lamp The President, Wordeni, end Officersore named respectaveip, “Grand Ploerd (Heb Rhasid, virtuous), Giant Iclaram, Prince Idarain “ A council as remp lets with 73 members, 13 to recerse, antI far otherlohour The period of labour as “from Set the afternoon until 5 o’clock” The age as 55 years. ¶1 he rabbos is that of tIre loot degree, with the letters S C 0 D S P D 73 D, and the initials of their respective titles an the flaming star The jewel as In the last degree Tire op con an white, with the attributes of the grads S. Or ORDRR. Right band upon the heart. 2. Look to right, to left, aod raise right band and eyes to heaven. Amswer.

Admire the heavens. T. Tako each other’s right band, and press it t tames alternately. H’ P HTEicE ArsooaaEEv (truth, firmness W.S. Hraaae (compact) Dxasamcs (destruction). BAT A. blow of the hammer. MARcH Pave ordinary steps. Haaaorsnvrocac Sceas. A circle’ comtaining a square with a point in the middle.



The assembly is called a Supreme Council The decorations are sky blue Is the east arc the sun, moos, .lslrecah,nntthaameda Ahovethedoor is the flaming star, sormonutet by a squnas lettered EI-Asser (Den’s Vartor(. The hail as square, andlaghted by 7tlighti, 33 east, 17 sOoth, lynerth, dir The President, Wardens, and Members are named respectively, Illustrious boat, Ifasad, and Grand Haram” The period ci labour as, “From 7 of the mornrag until 5 ha the afternoon” The age as 74 years The ribbon as sky blue, emhaoadsrod with gold, with the ordinary attributes and nj,he letters S C 0. S P D 74 D ,to it u nuspended, Isp a favour of rem peppy, the jewel, which as a golden key and wand The apron is iclute, bordered shy blue, with the attributes of the grate S. Or ORDER. Right hand upon the wand 2. Shew the

wand. Answer. Incline it an sign of approhation. T. Take each] other’s right band and press it 7 times alternately. W.P. Frarosa, or MrnAan (mensurm).

RITE OF atiSRAlat.


H’ S. TJosncsEnAar (Sanctitatas nostras). BAT. 7777777. MARcE. Seven ordinary steps.

HaRRounTratac SIGN. A portion of a cylinder with a square sn the cemtre and a point in the middle. 5—SOVEREION PRINCE HASID. The assembly75 is called a Sovereign Tribunal. The tenaratione are red.

The some symbols asia last degree. Above the door as a triple triangle, containing the hotter 0. There are 75 lights, 35 east, 15 south, 19 north, Ac The Presarlent, Wardens, and Members are named respectively “ Very Illustrious Hasad, Grand Ilosads, Prances Hoard, or Hasadim” (Vietnoell. The period of labour as, “Prom I of the evening until tI “ The age as 75 yearn. The ribbon as red, breiderod white, having the previous attributes and the lettero S I D S P D 75 D ‘Pbs jewel as a golden key ant waod. The apron as white, doublet and bordered red, with the attributes in the centre.

S. Or Oiaiinsa. Take the wand and extend the right arm. 2 Raise thir wand to the height of the bead, and let it fall bank. T Tales bIas right hand and press 11 times alternately. WY. Ucirca, or HAOTER (occadan) H’S. TJOLUORiJEYAV (Feb. Yajecbuiu, perfecli aunt. lIen. xi. 1.) BAT. 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 MAuicH. Eleven ordinary steps HaRanenyrRac Star. A circle on which are two crossed bands amd in the centre a smaller circle.

CLkSS XIV. 760—-SOYEREEGN GRAND PRINCE lIASIlI. The assembly is edict a Supreme Council. The decorations are violet. The symbols are as an the precedaug dcgrce Above the doer as a sphere with the devacs—Terbam Kabbentc (cohlectro vareroos) Phers are 76 lights, of winch 29 are east, 21 south, It sorthF and the surplus hehors the officers. The President, Wardens, and Membcrs are named roopoctarely, “ Very illustrious Grand bead, illustrious Hasads, Princes Grand Hasads “ The period of lahoua as, “From 5 o’clock on the morning until chess of neon.” The age as 76 years The aibbeuroviolet, broadeard an gold. enthe front areths one, moon, sphere, and letters S hi D 5 0 P D 711 il, and attached to at by a red favour as ihejewel, which isa key and a wand Theapron as white, bordered with violet, and having the same attributes as the ribbon S. Or ORDER. Raise the wand to the height of the bead- 2. Salute with the wand, to the right, left and on front. Answer.

Return the salute. T. Take each other’s right hand, and press 13 times alternately. W.P. Msx,oeaar.. H’S. NODA. BAT. 333-S88-388-333-I. MIRcE. Tlnrteen ordinary steps HIRROGLTi’RIiJ Sanas. Two concentric circles an a square




‘ilimos’s p~iq~~p ‘etialas 55 words saiL ‘pesos sapysi 35 a; pepuodens ‘pyoS napop sq; Saliaisi;uoo sikuara; elaP~u a ifqrM ‘Orioles na urosa ‘iflemsdq J0 er ueqqi.a silL ‘eased ~ o~ eSa ss~~ d5~ Jo 555i~ 110 Sirlusee ~M3na Ot inOJ,5 ~ inoqa~ ~opurred ~qi ‘innacob a in 0; 5 nioqos ;a ‘sasqoasna ~ pse~xs qan ;enm arouses silL ,aeruaa~ uSieaota~,, Fasiuhid puslfi,, ‘,sauuj bean sn0aI45n~5 ~ ‘dIsaiboodasa psmrsj san easqiusin pun euepra~ ‘ 1uep -iseag oq~ seqiiin’iq t Jo Voiyoelpnno a dq peynuiaimnlli si linar sqj, ‘305j safl on since era suoa;iscdeip sipj epqas psIarsoop or pun ‘rInse 5 ~luse lionnoil swearing a o~ii~~ ci diqatoess silL

.s.sdsr Snilesro ;o oriald silL

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(aoksoat Snaniem a paspies)


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