Rito de heredon

November 12, 2018 | Author: Lutiane Cunha | Category: Freemasonry, Elijah, Masonic Lodge, Muse, Religious Belief And Doctrine
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Royal Order of Scotland Ritual for the Degree Heredom of Kilwinning 1980

Procedure before Opening

The Procession having been formed, the Grand Marischal enters the Chamber and says: Brethren, says: Brethren, to order. The Brethren Brethren rise, the Grand Guarder draws his Sword Sword,, and the  Procession  Processi on enters the Recetion Chamber, Chamber, while the Grand !rganist lays aroriate music"  #s the Procession Procession enters, the Grand Guarder Guarder stes aside and ta$es u his ost at the door, his sword at the carry" The Procession asses between the Guardians% Chairs and divides into two columns" The Procession halts momentarily to allow the Grand Chalain to lace the cushion with the Bible thereon on the #ltar, moves on toward the &ast and, at a convenient distance front the dais, halts and turns inwards" The Provincial Grand Master, receded by the Grand Sword  Bearer and followed followed by the Grand Banner Bearer Bearer,, asses asses through through the two columns thus formed" The Grand Sword Bearer Bearer and the Grand Banner Bearer halt at the east end of the columns and turn inwards to face each other"  #s soon as the Provincial Provincial Grand Master has ta$en ta$en his seat on the dais, the Grand Sword Bearer Bearer and the Grand Banner Bearer move to their laces' the (euty and Substitute Provincial Provincial Grand   Masters and any Past (euty and Substitute Substitute Provincial Provincial Grand  Masters ta$e their laces on the the dais" The Grand Marischal and the (euty Grand Marischal conduct the Grand Guardians to their laces in the )est and the remaining remai ning !fficers move to their seats" The Guard Guarder er sheaths his  sword" GM: Brethren, GM:  Brethren, be seated.

Opening of a Provincial Grand Chapter

Tirshatha giving one $noc$, at which the Brethren rise: Brethren, rise:  Brethren, I am about to open Provincial Grand Chapter. Right orth! "unior Grand Guardian, #hat is the $irst dut! o$ a Brother o$ the Ro!al %rder&  *GG: Right  *GG:  Right orship$ul 'irshatha, it is to see the Chapter properl! guarded, as #ell against (aster (asons, )ello# Cra$ts and *ntered +pprentices, +pprentices, as against the rest o$ the #orld besides.  +re !ou a brother o$ that %rder & Tirshatha: +re Tirshatha:  *GG: I  *GG:  I am so highl! honoured. Tirshatha: 'hen Tirshatha:  'hen do !our dut!. The *unior Grand Guardian gives the $noc$s of the (egree, ++ +, ++ +, ++ +, which are resonded to by the Grand Guarder at the door and by the (euty Grand Guarder"  *GG: Right  *GG:  Right orship$ul 'irshatha, the Chapter is properl! guarded. Tirshatha: I Tirshatha:  I declare the Provincial Grand Chapter open. The Tirshatha gives the $noc$s of the (egree, which are reeated by the Grand Guardians, the Grand Guarder and the (euty Grand Guarder" The Tirshatha gives the Penal Sign which is reeated by the Brethren" The Grand Chalain goes to the #ltar, oens the Bible at the  Boo$ of *udges, arranges the Suare Suare and Comasses as in the the  Master Mason (egree, (egree, with the oints oints of the Comasses facing  -orth, salutes the Tirshatha Tirshatha and and resumes resumes his seat" Tirshatha: Brethren, be seated.  #ny business before the meeting should now be transacted" transacted"  -otes: Throughout the Ceremonies only the $noc$s of the (egree are reeated by the Guardians and the Guarders" Single $noc$s from the Chair are not reeated by the Guardians"  #ny distinguished Brethre Brethren n resent at at the oening of the Chater Chater  should be resented resented to the Tirshatha Tirshatha by the the Grand Marischal before the business on the agenda is begun"  #ny Brother Brother $nown to the Grand Guarder Guarder who may arrive after after the Chater has been oened should be admitted without

Opening of a Provincial Grand Chapter

Tirshatha giving one $noc$, at which the Brethren rise: Brethren, rise:  Brethren, I am about to open Provincial Grand Chapter. Right orth! "unior Grand Guardian, #hat is the $irst dut! o$ a Brother o$ the Ro!al %rder&  *GG: Right  *GG:  Right orship$ul 'irshatha, it is to see the Chapter properl! guarded, as #ell against (aster (asons, )ello# Cra$ts and *ntered +pprentices, +pprentices, as against the rest o$ the #orld besides.  +re !ou a brother o$ that %rder & Tirshatha: +re Tirshatha:  *GG: I  *GG:  I am so highl! honoured. Tirshatha: 'hen Tirshatha:  'hen do !our dut!. The *unior Grand Guardian gives the $noc$s of the (egree, ++ +, ++ +, ++ +, which are resonded to by the Grand Guarder at the door and by the (euty Grand Guarder"  *GG: Right  *GG:  Right orship$ul 'irshatha, the Chapter is properl! guarded. Tirshatha: I Tirshatha:  I declare the Provincial Grand Chapter open. The Tirshatha gives the $noc$s of the (egree, which are reeated by the Grand Guardians, the Grand Guarder and the (euty Grand Guarder" The Tirshatha gives the Penal Sign which is reeated by the Brethren" The Grand Chalain goes to the #ltar, oens the Bible at the  Boo$ of *udges, arranges the Suare Suare and Comasses as in the the  Master Mason (egree, (egree, with the oints oints of the Comasses facing  -orth, salutes the Tirshatha Tirshatha and and resumes resumes his seat" Tirshatha: Brethren, be seated.  #ny business before the meeting should now be transacted" transacted"  -otes: Throughout the Ceremonies only the $noc$s of the (egree are reeated by the Guardians and the Guarders" Single $noc$s from the Chair are not reeated by the Guardians"  #ny distinguished Brethre Brethren n resent at at the oening of the Chater Chater  should be resented resented to the Tirshatha Tirshatha by the the Grand Marischal before the business on the agenda is begun"  #ny Brother Brother $nown to the Grand Guarder Guarder who may arrive after after the Chater has been oened should be admitted without

announcement" .e gives the Penal Sign of the (egree and, with a bow, ta$es his lace"  /t is desirable that the Prooser Prooser and the Seconder Seconder of the Candidate should introduce him to the Grand Marischal before the meeting begins" The Grand Marischal will conduct him to the  Prearation  Prearat ion Room and there there clothe him with a Master Master Mason%s Mason%s aron"" -o other masonic regalia aron regalia may be worn by the Candidate" Reception of the Candidate

Tirshatha: Brother Grand Introductor and *aminer Tirshatha: Brother * aminer the Grand  /ntroductor  /ntro ductor and &0aminer leaves his his seat, comes to the centre of the Chamber and salutes with the Penal Sign !ou Sign !ou #ill retire to the Preparation Room and eamine the Candidate in all the -igns, 'oens and ords o$ the three /egrees o$ -t. "ohns (asonr! and report the result o$ !our eamination to me. The Grand /ntroductor and &0aminer salutes and ret retires, ires, the door being oened for him by the Grand Guarder" #s the Royal !rder e0ists, inter alia, for the reservation in its urity of St"  *ohn%ss Masonry, the Candidate must be thorough  *ohn% thoroughly ly e0amined in his $nowledge of all three (egrees"  #fter comleting his e0amination, e0amination, the Grand /ntroductor /ntroductor and  &0aminer returns returns to the door of the Chamber and and he gives the $noc$s of the (egree" The Grand Guarder oens the door  sufficiently to see who is there, there, closes it, ta$es a ste forward forward and with his drawn sword resents resents arms" .e returns his sword to the carry and reorts: GG: Right GG:  Right orship$ul 'irshatha, the Grand Introductor and *aminer sees admission. Tirshatha: +dmit Tirshatha:  +dmit him. The Grand Guarder raises the hilt of his sword to his lis in ac$nowledgement of the order, returns the sword to the carry and, oening the door, admits the Grand /ntroductor and &0aminer" The Grand /ntroductor and &0aminer comes forward to a oint between the Guardians% chairs, salutes with the Penal Sign and  says: Right  says:  Right orship$ul 'irshatha, I have eamined the Candidate and $ind him #ell versed in the three /egrees o$ -t. "ohns

(asonr!. Tirshatha: Brother Grand Introductor and *aminer, !ou #ill retire and introduce the Candidate. The Grand /ntroductor and &0aminer salutes and retires, the door being oened for him by the Grand Guarder" 1rom the  Prearation Room he conducts the Candidate to the door of the  Recetion Chamber and gives the $noc$s of the (egree" The Grand Guarder resents arms, returns to the carry and  says: Right orship$ul 'irshatha, there is a report. Tirshatha: ou #ill en2uire #ho sees admission. Grand Guarder ac$nowledges the order by raising the hilt of his  sword to his lis, and at the carry, oens the door, goes outside and, closing the door behind him, addresses the Grand  /ntroductor and &0aminer: ho comes here& G/2&: Brother 3, a (aster (ason $rom a 4odge dedicated to -t. "ohn, humbl! craving to be admitted a (ember o$ the %rder o$ 5eredom o$ 6il#inning. GG: ait #hile I report to the Right orship$ul 'irshatha. The Grand Guarder oens the door, re3enters the Chamber,  resents arms, returns to the carry and says: Right orship$ul 'irshatha, at the door o$ the Chapter stands Brother 3, a (aster (ason $rom a 4odge dedicated to -t. "ohn, humbl! craving to be admitted a member o$ the %rder o$ 5eredom o$ 6il#inning. Tirshatha: 4et him be admitted. The Grand Guarder ac$nowledges the order as before, oens the door and admits the Grand /ntroductor and &0amine, and the Candidate" The Candidate is received by the Grand Marischal" The Grand /ntroductor and &0aminer ta$es his seat" The Grand Guarder closes the door, sheathes his sword and resumes his  seat" The Grand Marischal conducts the Candidate to a osition in  front of the Tirshatha in the &ast" The Tirshatha welcomes the Candidate and e0lains that the /nstruction in this (egree ta$es the form of a series of 4ectures to which he must listen with great attention" The Tirshatha directs the Grand Marischal to conduct the Candidate to the )est and lace him in a seat between the

two Guardians" Lectures Section I

Tirshatha: Right orth! -enior Grand Guardian rises and  salutes, #hat are !ou& SGG: + (aster (ason. Tirshatha: hat is the highest and most sublime /egree o$ (asonr!& SGG: 'he Ro!al %rder o$ 5eredom o$ 6il#inning is so named. Tirshatha: here #as that %rder $irst established & SGG: %n the hol! top o$ (ount (oriah in the 6ingdom o$ "udea. Tirshatha: here #as it a$ter#ards re7established & SGG: +t Icolmill, and a$ter#ards at 6il#inning, #here the 6ing o$ -cotland $irst sat as Grand (aster. Tirshatha: 'o #hat intent #as it re7established and amendments made thereon& SGG: 'o correct the errors and re$orm the abuses #hich had crept in among the three /egrees o$ -t. "ohns (asonr!. Tirshatha: hat are the 2uali$ications re2uisite to gain admittance into the %rder& SGG: 'emperance, )ortitude and "ustice. Tirshatha: 5o# do !ou discover a Brother o$ the %rder& SGG: B! )ive points, a ord and Badge. Tirshatha: B! #hat points & *plain. SGG: B! the points o$ )ello#ship 5iram #as raised, and a ord then spoen 6ing -olomon gave to me a 'itle, and con$erred on me this Badge he laces the alm of his hand on his aron. Tirshatha: 'he Badge I see !ou have and #ear give me the ord also. SGG: (achaben. Tirshatha: hat does that import to the Brother & SGG: 'he Builder is slain. Tirshatha: our ame and 'itle I also demand. SGG: Giblim is m! 'itle, and +doniram is m! ame,

+nd $rom a :ust and per$ect 4odge I came. Tirshatha: elcome, thrice heartil! #elcome, Right orth! and 5ighl! 5onoured Brother, #hat do !ou see& SGG: + ord #hich #as lost, and #hich b! !our assistance I hope to $ind. Tirshatha: ill !ou travel & SGG: I #ill travel.  #ll, rise: e #ill travel $rom *ast to est, $rom orth to -outh, until #e $ind that ord. This resonse should be so$en or chanted by the Brethren, who at the same time give the first art of the Penal Sign" The sign should be reeated at the close of each section' e0cet section 5" The Brethren comlete the sign at the end of the resonse" The Brethren remain standing while a Procession is formed thus: The Grand Guarder leaves his ost and goes to the #ltar" .e lifts the cushion with the oen Bible, Suare and Comasses uon it"  .e ositions himself between the #ltar and the Brethren in the  -orth and waits until the Sword Bearer, the Tirshatha and the  Banner Bearer, have ta$en their laces behind him" )hen they are ready he moves off slowly, leading the Procession round the  Recetion Chamber in an anti3cloc$wise direction" The Grand !rganist lays aroriate soft music" #s the Procession asses them the Guardians leave their chairs and ta$e their laces immediately behind the Banner Bearer, the Senior Guardian behind the Banner Bearer, the *unior Guardian behind the Senior  Guardian" !ther Brethren may 6oin the Procession behind the Guardians, the number so doing being deendent uon the number resent and the si7e of the Chamber" )hen the Procession is comlete the Marischal and the Candidate 6oin it at the rear" The Procession ma$es three comlete circuits of the Chamber, moving anti3cloc$wise -orth, )est, South and &ast"  #t the end of the third erambulation the Grand Guarder  roceeds to the north side of the #ltar, deosits the cushion with the Bible, Suare and Comasses, the oints facing   -orth, on the #ltar" .e returns to his lace at the door and draws his sword" The Tirshatha stos at the south side of the #ltar, with the Grand

Sword Bearer on his right and the Grand Banner Bearer on his left" The Grand Chalain stands beside the Grand Banner Bearer" The remaining Brethren ass round behind these !fficers and  form a circle in the centre of the Chamber" The two Grand Guardians ta$e their laces on the north side of the #ltar and leave sace for the Grand Marischal to conduct the Candidate between them to the north side of the #ltar, close to the $neeling  stool" The Candidate is as$ed to $neel on the stool" Tirshatha: 4et us pra!. +lmight! and *verlasting )ather, #e than 'hee that 'hou didst send into the #orld 'h! dear -on, ho, a$ter having set a bright and glorious eample $or us to )ollo# and su$$ered $or our transgressions on the Cross, rose on the third da! triumphantl! $rom the grave $or our :usti$ication, and ascended into 5eaven, thus destro!ing death and restoring us to everlasting li$e. Be merci$ul to this Candidate, and grant that he ma! so serve 'hee here as to receive herea$ter a cro#n o$ :o!. 'o )ather, -on and 5ol! Ghost, %ne God, be all glor!, honor and po#er, no#, hence$orth and evermore.  #ll: +men. Tirshatha: Place both hands on the Bible. I shall repeat the %bligation and at the end I shall as !ou i$ !ou accept it as !our o#n. The Candidate laces both hands on the Bible" Tirshatha: B! ever! %bligation and each vo# hich surel! #as administered to !ou, In :ust and per$ect 4odge, #ith solemn tone, hen passing through the (asonr! o$ -t. "ohn ou promise no# in manner most sincere, In presence o$ that God #e all revere, +nd o$ these 6nights and Brethren o$ the +rt ho unto !ou their -ecrets ma! impart, 'hat !ou #ill al#a!s eep, guard and conceal, In time to come !ou never #ill reveal *ither to (aster (ason, )ello# Cra$t or +pprentice %$ -t. "ohns %rder, #hat our grand intent is 'hat !ou #ill not #rite, print, mar, stain, cut, carve or engrave

%n an! thing b! #hich the! can perceive + 'oen, -!mbol, ord or -ign hich to this %rder Ro!al doth appertain +nd that !ou never #ill reveal the same 'o mortal , da! or night, *cept to a Ro!al Brother or a 6night, %r in a Chapter, per$ect and complete, In due and proper $orm as the! do meet +nd that under a penalt! no less severe 'han that !our head $rom bod! #e ma! tear, +nd on that 'o#er grand a$$i the same  /f the Tower is screened, the curtain should be withdrawn for a moment, and the Tirshatha oints to the Tower  -uch actions most unla#$ul to proclaim. our bod! also triangularl! cut do#n, +nd it into a darsome dungeon thro#n, 'here to remain a terror to all those ho dare attempt our secrets to disclose. ou $urther promise to honour and obe! +ll our Grand %$$icers, and submissive be 'o all our -tatutes, Rules and Regulations Prescribed to us in our varied stations +nd that !ou #ill not $rom this Chapter roam 'o $orm unla#$ul Chapters o$ !our o#n. 'o all this, #ith !our hands on the Bible, !ou solemnl! promise to observe, do !ou not & The Candidate assents" Tirshatha: ou #ill no# repeat a$ter me; +nd no# I sa!, God grant me, aid 'o eep this solemn vo# I
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