The complete black repertoire
Nenad Ristic G.M.
VOLGA GAMBIT The complete black repertoire Author GM Nenad Ristic (
[email protected])
Editor in Chief lM Nenad Aleksic Tehnical Editor FM Milan Markovic Design Bratislav Radojevic Printed by MVGrafika February, 2001.
1.d4 lUf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.lUd2 bxc4 5.e4 c3! 6.bxc3 g6 ........................... 11 1.d4 lUf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.a4 ...................................................................... 12 l.d4 lUf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.'iic2 .................................................................. 14 1 .d4 lUf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.lUf3 g6 5.lUbd2 ................................................ 1 5 1.d4 lUf6 2.c4 c 5 3.d5 b5 4.lUf3 g6 5.'iic2 ................................................... 17 l.d4 lUf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.lUf3 g6 5.cxb5 a6 6.'ii'c2 ..... ......... . ......... .... 18 1.d4 lUf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.lUf3 g6 5.cxb5 a6 6.lUc3 axb5 7.d6 .................. 20 1.d4 lUf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.cxb5 a6 5.0 ...................................................... 21 l.d4 lUf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.cxb5 a6 5.e3 ................................ :..................... 25 l.d4 lUf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.cxb5 a6 5.lUc3 .................................................. 27 1.d4 lUf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.cxb5 a6 5.b6 ..................................................... 30 1.d4 lUf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.cxb5 a6 5.b6 'iixb6 6.lUc3 d6 7.e4 g6 8.lUf3 i.g7 9.i.e2 0-0 10.0-0 lUbd7 1 1.lUd2 :bs ...................................... 33 l.d4 lUf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.cxb5 a6 5.bxa6 g6 6.lUc3 ..txa6 7.f4 ................ 34 l.d4 lUf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.cxb5 a6 5.bxa6 g6 6.lUc3 i.xa6 7.e4 i.xf l 8.Φxf l d6 9.lUf3 i.g7 10.g3 0-0 1 1 .Φg2 lUbd7 12.:e1 :a6 ..................... 37 1.d4 lUf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.cxb5 a6 5.bxa6 g6 6.lUc3 i.xa6 7.e4 i.xf l 8.Φxf l d6 9.lUf3 i.g7 10.h3 ........................................................................ 40 1 .d4 lUf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.cxb5 a6 5.bxa6 i.xa6 6.lUc3 d6 7.e4 i.xf l 8.'it>xf l g6 9.g4 i.g7 ..................................................................................... 42 1 .d4 lUf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.cxb5 a6 5.bxa6 g6 6.lUc3 i.xa6 7.lUf3 d6 8.g3 i.g7 9.i.h3 43 1.d4 lUf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.cxb5 a6 5.bxa6 g6 6.lUc3 i.xa6 7.g3 i.g7 8.i.g2 d6 9.%3 ........................................................................................... 44 l.d4 lUf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.cxb5 a6 5.bxa6 g6 6.lUc3 i.xa6 7.g3 d6 8.i.g2 i.g7 9.:bi ........................................................................................ 45 l.d4 lUf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.cxb5 a6 5.bxa6 g6 6.lUc3 i.xa6 7.g3 i.g7 8.i.g2 d6 9.:bilUbd7 1 0.a4 ........................................................................ 47 l.d4 lUf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.cxb5 a6 5.bxa6 g6 6.lUc3 i.xa6 7.g3 d6 8.i.g2 i.g7 9.:bilUbd7 lO.lUf3 .................................................................. 48 .
. .
l.d4 tl:Jf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.cxb5 a6 5.bxa6 g6 6.tl:Jc3 i.xa6 7.g3 d6 8.i.g2 i.g7 9.tl:Jf3 tl:Jbd7 10.0-0 tl:Jb6 ......................................................... 49 l.d4 tl:Jf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.cxb5 a6 5.bxa6 g6 6.b3 ..................................... 53 l.d4 tl:Jf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.cxb5 a6 5.bxa6 g6 6.g3 ..................................... 55 l.d4 tl:Jf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.cxb5 a6 5.bxa6 g6 6.g3 i.g7 7.i.g2 d6 8.tl:Jf3 57 ............................................................................................................
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Author's Note Numerous open tournaments and knockout events, such as the FIDE World Championship cycle, often put Black in a position to play for a win at all costs, as a drawn game would instantly eliminate them from the competition. This is probably one
of the main reasons
Volga Gambit enjoys ever
sacήfices his pawn ση the third move, hoping to immediately seize
the balance
disturbed, White may just find himself left with no safe choices at his disposal - what more can anyone hope to achieve with Black, when draw is not an option?
Therefore, this brochure is mainly intended for toumament players not afraid to undertake the responsibility of sacήficing the pawn at such an early stage of their games. Selected mateήal is tailored to suit Black's point of view: plethora of variations have been narrowed to most promising lines, thus facilitating Black's preparations to a great extent. Author's pήmary intention was to offer easily accessible and time saving selection of the games and analyses that stood the test of practice, and it is his hope that the readers may find his efforts worthy of their attention.
Grandmaster Nenad Ristic
Predgovor Volski gambit j e otvaranj e koj e stice sve vecu populamost u modemom sahu.Na ovo utice ί sve veci broj open tumira kao ί ηονί nacin ciklusa takmicenja koji pήmenj uj e FIDE u borbi za titulu svetskog prvaka gde se pήmenj uj e sistem eliminacija. Sve to utice na to da vode cmih figura vrlo cesto moraj u ρο svaku cenu da igraj u na pobedujer remi moze da znaci zavrsetak daj leg ucesca na takmicenj u. VolSki gambit j e otvaranj e u koj em cmi Zrtνuj e pesaka a za uzvrat dobija inicij ativu tako da predstavlj a odlican metod borbe kada j e cmom neophodna pobeda. ·
Ova knj iga namenj ena je prvenstveno cmim figurama igraj u Volski gambit.
sahistima koji
U svakoj vaήjanti od mnostva mogucnosti izabrao sam samo onu za koj u smatram da daj e cmom naj bolj u igru. Nadam se da ce ovaj metod ,rnaksimalno olaksati pήpreme vodama cmih figura ,j er j e u modemom sahu zbog obilja informacija ta selekcija od izuzetnog znacaj a zbog toga sto pored strucnosti zahteva i izuzetno mnogo vremena kako bi se ogroman mateήjal obradio ί izanalizirao. autor velemajstor Rίstίc Nenad
1.d4li:Jf6 2. c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.li:Jd2 bxc4 5.e4 c3! 6.bxc3 g6
7. c4 [7.li:Jc4 d6 8..i.d3 .i.g7 9.li:Jf3 0-0 10.0-0 li:Jbd7 ll.�d2 li:Jb6 12.li:Ja5? c4! 13. .i.c2 'ii'c7!+ Κramnik-Leko,Dortmund, 1998.; 7..i.d3 .i.g7 8.li:Je2 0-0 9.0-0 e6! 10.li:Jf4 exd5 1l.e5 li:Je8 12.li:Jxd5 li:Jc6! 13.li:Jf3 li:Jxe5 14.li:Jxe5 .i.xe5 15.1;le1 d6 16. .i.h6 .i.e6 17..i.xf8 .i.xd5 18.:xe5! dxe5 19..i.xc5 "i/c7 20. .i.e3 'iνc6 2l. .i.flli:Jd6 22.'ii'e1 1/2 :1/2 Episin-Κhalifinan Ele nite,1994.] 7 d6 8 .i.b2 .i.g7 9 .i.d3 0-0 10.1:tb 1 [10.li:Jgf3 e5 ll.dxe6 .i.xe6 12..i.e2 li:Jc6 13.0-0 :tb8 14 . .i.c3 1:te8 15.1:telli:J d7 16. .i.xg7 Φχg7 17.li:Jb3 'iνf6 18.'iνd2 :b6 19.:lad1 li:Jb4 20. li:Jg5 :eb8 2l.li:Jcl li:Jf8 22.f4 .i.c8 23.�f3 �e60ao Weischede Mainka,Dortmund;l992.] 10 e5 ll.li:Je2li:Jh5 12.0-0 li:Jd7 13 .ic3li:Jf4 14 .i.c2 h5 15 .i.a4 h4 16.:lb3 h3 17.g3li:Jh5 18.f4 exf4 19 .i.xg7 Φχg7 20.gxf4 'ii'h4 2 1. Φh1 :tb8 22.'ii'a1+ Φg8 23.li:Jf3 'fie7 24.Axb8li:Jxb8 25. e5 .i.f5 26.'ii'c3li:J d7 27.li:J g3 li:Jxg3+ 28.hxg3 dxe5 29. fxe5 .i.e4 30 .i.xd7 'ii'xd7 3 1.Φh2 'ii'g4 32.li:Jg1 .i.f5+ Beli-avsky-Fogarasi (ch) team HUN 1999. •..
l.d4 liJf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.a4
4...bxc4 5.liJc3 d6 6.e4 �a6 7.f4 [7.liJf3.liJbd7 8.�e2 g6 9.0-0 �g7 I O.liJd2 (JO.Jif4lDg4 J J.'iid2 '!:.b8 12.'!:.ab l 0-0 13.lD el lDge5 14. �g5 '!:.b3+ Gostisa-Sennek,Portoroz/Rogaska Slatina 1993.) 10 ... lDe5 11.f4 liJd3 12.lDxc4 �xc4 13.j,xd3 �xd3 14. 'ifxd3 0-0 15.Φh1 l:tb8+ Sonntag-Κ.Berg,BRD 1986.] 7... liJbd7 8.liJf3 g6 9.e5 [9.j,e2 �g7 10.0-0 0-0 ll.liJd2 liJe8 12. j,xc4 �xc4 13.liJxc4 f5ao Jussupow-Cehov,SSSR 1978.] 9 dxe510.fxe5ltJg4 ιι.�f4 �g7 .•.
12.'ii'e2 [12.e6 tΔde5 13.lΔg5 f5 14. .ie2 tΔd3+ 15..ixd3 cxd3 16.d6 0-0 17.d7 .id4 18.lΔd5 1:tb8 19.b4 l:txb4 20.lΔxb4 cxb4 21.�c1 'ilib6 22.'ii'f3 .ic3+ 23..id2 'ii'd4 24.�fl .ib7 25.'ii'f4 .ixd2+ 26.'ii'xd2 !Δe3 27.!Δf7 lΔxg2+ Ο: 1 V� den Broeck Goldenberg BEL 1975.] 12 'ii'b8 13.d6 exd6 14.exd6+ Φd8 15.lΔb5 [15.'ife7+ Φc8 16.'iVe4 .ixc3+ 17.bxc3 'ilb7 18.'ii'xb7 + Φχb7 19..ie2 J:tae8 20.h3 lΔgf6 21.1:tc1 1:te4 22.g3 :the8 23. :th2 tΔd5 24.lΔg5 tΔxf4 25.tΔxe4 tΔd3+ 26.Φd1 tΔxc1 27. Φχc1 f5 28.lΔd2 tΔe5 29. .if3+ Φc8 30.g4 Φd7 31. gxf5 gxf5 32.A:tg2 Φχd6-+ Colombo - Van Riemsdijk Buenos Aires 1989] 15 J:te8 16.'ii'e7+ 1:txe7+ 17.dxe7+ Φχ e7 18 .ixb8 11xb8 19 .ixc4 tΔe3 20 .id3 c4 21.Φf2 lΔg4+ 22.Φg3 lΔge5 23 . .ie4 tΔxf3 24 .ixf3 .ixb2 25.:tadl .ie5+ 26.Φh3 .ixb5 27. axb5 1:txb5 28 . .ic6 Ab3+ 29.g 3 lΔb6 30.1:thel f6 3 1.1:td2 a5-+ Wards - Kinsman Owens Koming Wrexham 1998. •.•
l. d4 l2Jf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 b5 4. 'iic2
4 ... bxc4 5. e4 e6 6.ii.xc4 [6.dxe6 fxe6 7.e5 l2Jd5 8. .txc4 j,b? 9. l2Jf3l2Jb4 10.'ilb3 ii.xf311.gxf3l2J8c6+] 6 exd5 7.exd5 d6 8. l2Jc3 [8.l2Jf3ii.e7 9.0-0 0-0 10.l2Jc3 l2Jbd7 11.ii.f4 (1 1. a4l2Jb6 12.ii.a2 ii.b713. ': d1 (Κaunas-Perun,SSSR,1987.) 1 3 . . . α5! 14. ii.g5 1:c8+) 11... l2Jb6 12.b3 l:tb8 13.1:tad1 l2Jxc4 14.bxc4 ii.g4 15.!'!b1 'iid7 16.l2Jd2 ii.f5 17. l2Jde4 ii.g6 18.f3l2Jh5 19.'ifd2 1:xb1 20.1:lxb1 A:.e8 21.I:tb3 ii.xe4 22.l2Jxe4 f5 23.l2Jg5 l2Jxf4 24 .'iixf4 ii.xg5 25.'iixg511i'a4� Brestak-Suήadnji,Zlin (op)1996.] 8 ii.e7 9. h3 [9.l2Jge2 0-0 10.0-0 l2Jbd7 11.a4 (1 1 . a3 l2Jb6 12. ii.a2 !'!e8 13.l2Jg3 ii.b7 14.: d1 c4 15.lΔ.f5l2Jfxd5 1 6.l2Jxd5 ii.x d5 1 7.li.f4 'illd'l7 14.'Μ>5+ ffd7 1 5 . a4
1 5 ...�a6 1 6.{j;_d2 fJc4 1 7.:1Thc 1 �d2 1 8.�d2 'llc 8 19.\We2 ι0-0 20.fJc4 'Μ>7 2 1 . fJb5 f5 22.f!:d1 f4 23.];[d3 fxg3 24.fxg3 �5 25.fJxe5 �e5 26.i;[b3 \Wa6 27.i;[aa3 \Wa5 28.];'tf3 c4 29.h4 ];tac8 30.];'txf8+ ];[xf8 3 1Μ Ilx.f3 32.Φxf3 \Wxa4 33 .fJc3 1Wa1 34.�1 1Wc 1 35 .Φg2 �d4 36.Φh3 t;ixb2 37.4)xb2 c3 38.00 \Whl + 39.Φg4 c2 40.Φf4 Υ:ι-Υ2
( 1 6) Levin,F (2475) - Smirin,l (2600) [Α57]
Berlin , 1997 1 .d4 ff6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.cxb5 a6 5.b6 i5 6.4Χ:3 {j;_a6 7.00 d6 8.e4 §ixfl 9. Φxfl fJbd7 1 0.\Wa4 1Wxb6 1 1 .e5 dxeS 1 2.fJxe5 \Wa6+ 1 3 .Φg 1 ];'tb8 14.a3 'Μ>7 1 5 . h4
1 5 ... Wb3 16.\Wc6 Wb6 1 7.mι3 \Wxc6 1 8.4Dtc6 j;ic8 19.�7 III>8 20.�b5 e5 2 1 . ιjxe6 fxe6 22.�4 e5 23 .j;ie1 Φfl 24.ω c4 25.Φfl �g4 26.j;ie4 4Dthl+ 27.Jhh2 I:!:c8 28.mι3 j;icS 29.a4 t;Je7 30.00+ � 3 1 .j;ie2 !i:d8 32.J;ffe3 Φe6 33.� 4Dte4 34.�e4 J;[dl+ 35.J;[e1 J;[d2 36.�4+ Φf6 37.�f3 j;idd5 3 8.j;ic 1 Φf5 39.I:!:cxc4 I:!:xc4 40.I:!:xc4 j;idl + 4 1 .Φe2 I:!:b 1 42.j;ic2 �b4 43 .� I:!:a1 44.�4 Φe4 Yz-!h
(1 7) Lukacs,P (2480) - Leko,P (2555) [Α57]
Budapest, 1 993 l .d4 � 2.c4 c5 3 .d5 b5 4.cxb5 a6 5.e3 g6 6.�3 �g7 7.�f3 0-0 8.a4 �b7 9. I:!:bl e6 I O.dxe6 fxe6 1 1 .�e2 d5 1 2.0-0 �8 1 3 .\Wc2 �6
1 4.c4 d4 1 5 .e5 �f3 16.�f3 Jhf3 1 7.exd6 lli'S 18.'iile4 �7 19.'iilxe6+ Φh8 20. &4 %Σe5 2l .'lilg4 axb5 22.axb5 'lile8 23 .�g5 ff6 24.'iilh3 c4 25.�d2 m 26.m'e1
�xb5 27.�6 'lilb6 28.�g7 Φχg7 29.:i::Ie7+ Φh8 30.'iilh6 :I::Ig8 3 l .�g5 fug5 32. 'lilxg5 'lilxd6 33.:ι::Ibe 1 �5 34.:1::Ia7 �g7 35.:i::Iee7 c3 36.'iilc 1 'lilf6 37.bxc3 :i::If8 38. 'lile 1 1-0
( 1 8) Maksimenko, Α (2503) - Markovic, Μ (2558) [Α57] Novi Sad, 2000 1 .d4 �6 2.c4 c5 3 .d5 b5 4.�f3 g6 5.cxb5 a6 6.b6 'lilxb6 7.�3 �g7 8.e4 d6 9. � 0--0 10.a4 a5 l l .�b5 �a6 12.0--0 �b4 1 3 .�4 'lilc7 14.�f4 �5 1 5.�e3
1 5 ... f5 16.exf5 �f5 1 7.g4 �c2 1 8 .'iild2 �6 1 9.f3 :i::If7 20.:i::Ifc 1 �b3 2 1 .�a3 �c4 22.�c4 �af8 23 .�2 �7 24.�f4 �5 25.�e2 'lild7 26.�fl :i::If6 27.Φg2 'lilb7 28.h3 %6 29.�5 gxh5 30.�6 :i::I8f7 3 1 .:i::Id 1 hxg4 32.hxg4 �d5 33 .Φg3 �4 34.�f4 fuf4 35.:i::Ifl 'lilb4 36.'iilc2 :I::I4f6 37.:ι::Ιb3 'lilf4+ 3 8.Φg2 �6 39.�1 :I::Ixh 1 40.Φχh1 Φg7 0-1
( 1 9) Manninen,M (2426) - Belotti,B (2423) [Α57] Batumi, 1 999 1 .d4 �f6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.cxb5 a6 5 .b6 'lilxb6 6.�3 d6 7.a4 g6 8.�f3 �g7 9. � 0--0 10.e4 �bd7 1 1 .� 'lilc7 1 2.a5 :I::Ie8 1 3 .�e2 e6 14.dxe6 fue6 15.f3 �b7 16.0--0 :ι::Iae8 1 7 .�f4 �5 1 8.�d6 'iilc6 1 9.e5
19 ...fue5 2ω�χe5 �e5 2 1 .fue5 :!he5 22.�c4 ff4 23 .I.!Nd2 I.!Nf6 24.JΞJ:a4 Φg7 25.�d3 JΞJ:e3 26.fxll :!hd3 27.I.!Nxf4 I.!Nxf4 28.:!hf4 JΞJ:e2 29.JΞJ:c4 JΞJ:dd2 3Ο.αι �c6 3 1 .:!hc5 �b5 32.JΞJ:cc l :!hb2 33 .JΞJ:bl fuf2 0-1
(20) Mikanovic,G (2308) - Kogan,A (2504) [Α57] Toronto, 2000 l .d4 ff6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.cxb5 a6 5.b6 d6 6.�3 fJbd7 7.a4 I.!Nxb6 8.a5 IJNb4 9. JΞJ:a4 I.!Nb8 ιο.rο g6 ι ι .e4 �g7 12.�e2 0-0 1 3 .0-0 f1e8 14.JΞJ:a2 �7 1 5.�g5 JΞJ:e& 1 6.I.!Nc2 JΞJ:a7 17.JΞJ:dl fJb5 1 8.�e3 ff6 1 9.h3 e6 20.�4 exd5 2 l .exd5 �5 22.I.!Nc l �e4 23 .fJb6 �7 24.�c4 �f3 25.gxf3 fJb5 26.�b5 axb5 27.b4 c4 28.�d4 � 29.I.!Nc3 I.!Nd8 30.�g7 fug7 3 1 .I.!Nd4 ff5 32.I.!Nf4 I.!Nf6 33 .JΞJ:c2 JΞJ:ae7 34.Φfl
34 ... ];[e3 35.fxl7 Yl/e7 36.fxe3 �e3+ 37.Yl/xe3 Yl/xe3 3 8.�6+ Φf8 39.�e8 Yl/xf3+ 40.Φe1 Φχe8 4 1 .:ι::J:cd2 Yl/xh3 42.Φf2 Yllh2+ 43 .Φe 1 Yl/g3+ 0-1
(2 1 ) Novikov,I (261 1) - Vuckovic,B (2444) [Α57] Koήnthos, 2000 1 .d4 �6 2.c4 c5 3 .d5 b5 4.cxb5 a6 5 .e3 g6 6.�3 �g7 7.a4 0--0 8.�c4 axb5 9. �b5 e6 10.fle2 exd5 1 1 .�d5 �6 12.0--0 �a6 13.:ι::J:b 1 �d5 14.Yl/xd5 Yllb6 15. flec3 �b5 1 6.axb5 4)a7 17.:ι::Ιa 1 :ι::J:ab8 1 8 .:ι::Ιa6 Yl/c7 19.:ι::Ιd6 :ι::Ifd8 20.e4
20...hc3 2 1 .b6 :ι::J:xb6 22.:ι::Ιχb6 Yl/xb6 23.bxc3 Yl/c6 24.Yl/e5 �8 25.�g5 :rJ:f8 26. �f6 Yl/e6 27.Yl/f4 fx16 28.f3 fle8 29.�g5 f6 30.%.6 :ι::J:f7 3 1 .Yllb 8 :ι::Ιe7 32.�f4 Φg7 3 3 .:ι::Ιd 1 Φf7 34.�d6 �d6 3 5.Yl/xd6 f5 36.Yl/xc5 fxe4 37.fxe4 Yl/xe4 3 8.h3 Φg7 39.Ylld6 :ι::J:f7 40.Φh2 Yl/e6 4 l .Yl/d4+ Yl/f6 Y:z-Y2
(22) Ricardi,P (2495) - Georgiev,K (26 1 5) [Α57] Moscow, 1994 1 .d4 � 2.c4 c5 3 .d5 b5 4.cxb5 a6 5 .b6 d6 6.�3 fJbd7 7.e4 g6 8.Μ �g7 9. a4 Yl/xb6 10.a5 Yllb4 1 1 .:ι::Ιa4 Yllb7 12.h3 0-0 1 3.�c4 fle8 14.0-0 �7 1 5.Yl/e2 :ι::J:b8 16.:ι::J:a2 fJb5 1 7 .�g5 fle5 1 8 .�e5
1 8 ...�4 19.Wd3 �e5 20.� Ue8 2H}a4 f\b3 22.�e3 Wb4 23 .f\b6 f\xa5 24. �d2 Wxb6 25.�a5 Wb7 26.Θc3 ixc3 27.bxc3 �d7 28.�a6 �b5 29.�b5 Wxb5 30.We3 Wc4 3 υ:;ra7 :!Ib2 32lrel Dc2 33.:!Ia3 Φg7 34.e5 Wxd5 35.exd6 Wxd6 36.:!Ia5 c4 37.:!Ic5 Wd3 38.!Wd4+ \hd4 39.cxd4 :!Ib8 40.:!Ixe7 :!Ibl+ 41 .Φh2 :!Ixf2 42.Ire3 :!Ibb2 43 .Irg3 :!Ibc2 44.Dc7 b5 45 .Φg 1 Irfd2 46.Φh1 :ι;td1 + 47.Φh2 Irfl 48.Ire3 h4 49.Ire4 g5 0-1
(23) Sokolov,l (2637) - Baιeev,E (2709) [Α57]
Sarajevo, 2000 1 .d4 f\f6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.Μ �7 5.a4 Wa5+ 6.�d2 b4 7.Wc2 g6 8.e4 d6 9. �d3 �g7 10.0-0 0-0 1 1 .�f4 1c7 12.f\bd2 f\bd7 1 3 .h3 e5 14.�e3 I:Iae8 1 5 .f1b2 �c8 16.];ίfe1 f\h5 17.1JYd1 ·
1 7 . . flf4 1 8.�c2 flf6 19.fldfl h6 20.flg3 f)h7 2 1 .\Wd2 h5 22.f[ab 1 h4 23 .flgfl �h6 24.f)f3 \Wd8 25.fllh2 flg5 26.b3 Φg7 27.Φh1 �f3 28.�f3 �8 29.f[g 1 flbS 30.f!g5 f6 Υ2-Υ2 .
(24) Sokolov,I (2625) - Bareev,E (2685) [Α57] Pardubice, 1994 1 .d4 f)f6 2.c4 c5 3 .d5 b5 4.cxb5 a6 5.f3 axb5 6.e4 \Wa5+ 7.�d2 b4 8.ω d6 9. � \Wd8 10.a3 e6 l l .dxe6 �e6 12.f)e3 bxa3 1 3 .�a3 f!bd7 14.f)e2 �a3 1 5 . bxa3 d 5 1 6.exd5 �d5 17.�d5 �d5 1 8.�c3 �c6 19.flg3
1 9 . . .\Wg5 20.\Wd2 \Wxd2+ 21 .Φχd2 f6 22.�c4 f!b6 23 .f[e l + Φd7 24.�e6+ Φc7 25.Μ c4 26.� 1 �c5 27.�g7 f[d8+ 28.Φe2 ];[d3 29.�b4 ];[e3+ 30.Φfl �b4 3 1 .axb4 c3 32.Φf2 ];[d3 3 3 .];[c 1 �d7 34.�b3 Φc6 35 .f)h5 Φb5 36.�f6 ltif5 37. Φg3 ];[d6 38.f)e8 ];[g6+ 39.Φf4 �d7 40.�f7 ];[c6 4 1 .Φe5 Φχb4 42.f!f6 c2 43 .�5 + �d5 44.�d5 ];[c5 45.Φd6 �f5 46.�e4 �e4 Υ2-Υ2
(25) Spassky,B (2630) - Tseshkovsky,V (2550) [Α57]
' Manila, 1976 1 .d4 f)f6 2.c4 c5 3 .d5 b5 4.cxb5 a6 5 .e3 g6 6.�3 �g7 7.a4 0-0 8.�c4 d6 9. flge2 flbd7 1 0.bxa6 �a6 1 1 .�a6 �a6 12.0-0 \Wa8 1 3 .e4 �8 14.f[a3 � 1 5 .f3 f)e8 1 6.\Wc2 flb6 1 7.b3
1 7 ... c4 1 8.�e3 cxb3 1 9.:!hb3 :!hb3 20.1/Yxb3 �a4 2 Η:Κl4 Yz-�
(26) 'fkachiev,V (2670) - Piket,J (2633) [Α57]
Cannes, 2000 1 .d4 � 2.c4 c5 3 .d5 b5 4.ffi g6 5.cxb5 a6 6.b6 d6 7.4k:3 liig7 8.e4 �bd7 9. a4 1/Yxb6 1 0.a5 1/Ya7 1 U1e2 0-0 12.0-0 JTh8 1 3.1/Yc2 �8 14.liig 5 �5 1 5 .�e5 �e5 1 6.�4 4){6 17.�b6 liid4 1 8.l:rab1 liid7 1 9.l:rfd1
1 9 ...:!hb6 20.axb6 1/Yxb6 2 1 .h3 a5 22.b3 liib 5 23 .Πe 1 JTh8 24.liixb 5 1/Yxb5 25. �d2 1/Ya6 26.�e3 �e3 27.:!he3 JTh4 28.l:rd1 �7 29.Πa1 f6 30.l:ra4 JTh5 3 1 .l:rel I/Yb6 32.l:ra3 Φg7 33 .l:rea1 c4 34.1/Yxc4 4k:5 35 .l:re1 JTh4 36.1/Yc2 �b3 37.1/Yc8 77
f)c� 3 8.1ic6 'ia7 39,:g;[aal Φf7 40.:1ieb l �e4 4 1 .'Wc2 'Wd4 42.];;[e l f5 43 .:1ia2 �xd� 44.1Ml \We5 45.];;[dal \Wd4 46.:1ia4 �5 47.:1idl \Wxdl+ 48.\Wxdl :lixa4 49. �d2 h5 50.\Wc3 :lib4 5 l .Φh2 �6 52.\Wa3 ];;[b5 53 .\Wa4 I;[c5 54.\Wb3 d5 55 .Φgl
];;[c l + 56.Φh2 d4 57.\Wa3 ];;[c 5 58.\Wb3 h4 59.Φg l :lic3 60.\Wd5 a4 6 l .f4 a3 62.g4 hxg3 63 .h4 :lic5 64.'Wa2 d3 0-1
(27) Tregubov,P (2620) - Greenfeld,A (2574) [Α57] Neum, rapίd, 2000 l .d4 4Jf6 2.c4 c5 3 .d5 b5 4.00 g6 5 .'Wc2 {j}_g7 6.e4 0-0 7.cxb5 a6 8.�3 e6 9. dxe6 fxe6 1 0.e5 �5 l l .'We4 ];;[a7 1 2.(j),e2 (j),b7 1 3 .'Wc4 axb5 14.�b5 :lia5 1 5 . a4 !ia.f3 16 .(j},xf3
16 ...:1ixf3 17.gxf3 �6 1 8.f4 'Wh4 1 9.:1ia3 �eS 20.'Wxc5 �f4 2 1 .!ia.f4 'Wxf4 22.0-0 00+ 23.:1ixf3 'Wxf3 24.'Wc8+ �f8 25.'Wxd7 'Wg4+ 26.Φh1 'Wf3+ 27.Φg1 'Wg4+ 28.Φhl :lixa4 29.f3 'Wh3 30.'Wd3 :lib4 3 1 .'We2 :lixb2 0-1
(28) Bareev, Ε - Κasparov, G [Α58] Lίnares, 1994 1 .d4 4Jf6 2.c4 cS 3.d5 bS 4.cxb5 a6 5.bxa6 g6 6.00 (j),xa6 7.�3 d6 8.00 �g7 9.e4 (j},xfl 10.� 'WaS 1 1 .�d2 0-0 12.�3 �d7 1 3.0-0 'Wa6 14.'Wc2 �5 1 5 .b3 4Jfd7 1 6.f4 00 17.a3 �d4 1 8.Φh1 :lifc8 19.:1iabl
1 7 ... c4 1 8.�e3 cxb3 1 9.1hb3 !hb3 20.'Mixb3 �a4 2 1 .�4 Y:z---Y2
(26) 'fkachiev,V (2670) - Piket,J (2633) [Α57] Cannes, 2000 l .d4 � 2.c4 c5 3 .d5 b5 4.fJf3 g6 5.cxb5 a6 6.b6 d6 7.fJc3 (}).g7 8.e4 fJbd7 9. a4 'Mixb6 10.a5 'Mia7 l l .(}).e2 0-0 12.0-0 :!Th8 1 3.'Mic2 fJe8 14.(}).g5 fJe5 1 5.�e5 �e5 1 6.fJa4 fJf6 1 7.fJb6 (}).d4 1 8.:!::tabl (}).d7 1 9.:ι::tfdl
1 9 ...1hb6 20.axb6 'Mixb6 2 l .h3 a5 22.b3 (}).b5 23 .:f:tel :!Th8 24.�b5 'Mixb5 25. �d2 'Mia6 26.(}).e3 �e3 27.1he3 :!Th4 28.:!::td l fxl7 29.:f:tal f6 30.:!::ta4 :!Th5 3 l .:!::te l 'Mib6 32.:!::ta3 Φg7 33.:!::te al c4 34.'Mixc4 fJc5 35 .:!::te l :!Th4 36.'Mic2 �b3 37.'Mic8 77
fJc5 3 8.�c6 �a7 39.1:Σaa l ΦfΊ 40.J;I:eb l �e4 4 1.' /Yc2 \Wd4 42.J;I:e 1 f5 43 .J;I:a2 �xd5 44.:d ι ιmes 45 .J;I:da l \Wd4 46.J;I:a4 �5 47.J;I:d1 1Wxd1+ 48.\Wxdl Jha4 49. 'id2 hS so.ιmc3 ];[Μ 5 1 .Φh2 �6 52.\Wa3 J;ιb5 53 .\Wa4 J;l:c5 54.\Wb3 d5 55.Φg1
J;l:c l+ 56.Φh2 d4 57.\Wa3 J;l:c5 58.1Wb3 h4 59.Φg 1 ];[c3 60.\Wd5 a4 6 1 .f4 a3 62.g4 hxg3 63.h4 J;l:c5 64.\Wa2 d3 0-1
(27) Tregubov,P (2620) - Greenfeld,A (2574) [Α57] Neum, rapid, 2000 1 .d4 �6 2.c4 c5 3 .d5 b5 4.ffi g6 5 .\Wc2 rJi.g7 6.e4 Ο-Ο 7.cxb5 a6 8.�3 e6 9. dxe6 fxe6 1 0.e5 �5 1 1 .\We4 J;l:a7 1 2.�e2 �b7 1 3 .\Wc4 axb5 14.�b5 J;l:a5 1 5 . a4 �f3 16.�f3
1 6 ...J;ιxf3 1 7.gxf3 �6 1 8.f4 1Wh4 1 9.J;I:a3 �e5 20.\Wxc5 �f4 2 1 .�f4 1Wxf4 22.0-0 ffi+ 23 .J;ιxf3 \Wxf3 24.\Wc8+ �f8 25 .\Wxd7 \Wg4+ 26.Φh1 1Wf3+ 27.Φg 1 \Wg4+ 28.Φhl J;ιxa4 29.f3 \Wh3 30.\Wd3 ];[Μ 3 1 .\We2 ];[xb2 0-1
(28) Bareev, Ε - Κasparov, G [Α58] Linares, 1994 1 .d4 ff6 2.c4 c5 3 .d5 b5 4.cxb5 a6 5.bxa6 g6 6.Μ �a6 7.�3 d6 8.fld2 rJi.g7 9.e4 �fl 10.� \Wa5 1 ι�d2 Ο-Ο 12.�3 �bd7 13.0-0 \Wa6 14.\Wc2 �5 15.b3 �d7 1 6.f4 00 1 7.a3 rJi.d4 1 8.Φh1 ];[fc8 1 9.J;I:ab 1
19 ...c4 20.b4 Μ> 2 l .f!edl Ircb8 22.4)e3 Irc8 23.b5 Wlb6 24.f!xc4 ffi+ 25.Ibtt2 Ibtc4 26.Irf3 Ibta3 27.Wb2 f!xe4 28.'Mixa3 f!xd2 29.Wa2 �e3 30.Irc l 'Mid4 3 l .b6 Ibtc3 0-1
(29) Drasko,M (2545) - Ristic,N (2380) [Α58]
Κladovo, 1 994 l .d4 Μ> 2.c4 c5 3 .d5 b5 4.cxb5 a6 5 .bxa6 g6 6.4Jc3 �a6 7.g3 d6 8.�g2 �g7 9.Μ 4:\bd7 1 0.Ιιb1 'Mia5 l l .�d2 Ο-Ο 1 2.0-0 4)e8 1 3.'Mic2 4Jc7 14.a4 Wb6 1 5 . !:Ifcl Irfb8 1 6.�g5 Μ> 1 7.e4 h6 1 8.�f6 � f6 19.b3 �c8 20.4:\d2 4:\a6 2 1 .4:\c4 I/Yd8 22.1/Yd2 �g7 23 .Ire1 4:\b4 24.h4 h5 25.Φh2 Ira7 26,f4 e6 27.Iιbd1 exd5 28. exd5 �g4 29.Irc 1 'M!f6 30.4:\b5
30 UxbS 3 1 .axbS l%a2 32.ιe/e3 �d5 33 .ιe/e4 �3 34.Ihc3 ιe/xc3 35.b6 �f3 36.�c8+ Φh7 3 7 .%tg 1 %te2 38.ιe/c8 � 6 1 8.b3 JTh4 19.frc2 �b6 20.1!1/d3
20... 5 2 l .e5 g5 22.exd6 exd6 23 .Ile7 �8 24.Ile l �b6 25.Ile7 �8 26.Ilel �b6 27.We2 Φh7 48.We6 Ιιf6 29.We8 Wxe8 30.Ιιχe8 Ιιf7 3 1 .Ile6 Ild7 32.�1 f4 33 .g4 fla8 34.Ilee2 �7 35.�3 �c3 36.Ilxc3 �dS 37.Ild3 m 3 8.Ile6 Φg7 39.Ilexd6 Ilxd6 40.Ilxd6 �g4 4 1 .h4 gxh4 42.�4 Φf7 43 .Μ h5 44.Ilc6 f3+ 45 .Φg3 �5 46.Ilxc5 Ilg4+ 47.Φh3 � 48.�6+ Φe6 49.�g4 hxg4+ 50.Φχg4 �c5 5 l .Φxf3 00 52.a3 ΦdS 53.Φe3 � ι 54.a4 �2+ 55 .Φd3 �b4+ 56.Φc3 Φc5 57.f3 fla2+ 58.Φd3 � 1 + Υ�Υ2
(39) Κarpov, Α - Gelfand, Β [AS9]
Sanghi Nagar, 1995
l .d4 m 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.cxb5 a6 5.bxa6 g6 6.�3 �a6 7.e4 �fl 8.Φxfl d6 9.g3 �g7 10.Φg2 �bd7 ι ι .Μ 0-0 1 2.h3 Ila6 1 3 .�g5 h6 1 4.�d2 Wa8 1 5 . Ile 1 Ilb 8 16.b3 � 8 1 7.Ile2 � 7 1 8 .Ilc l Ιιa7 1 9.Wc2 fla6 20.fla4 �b4 2 1 .�b4 Ιιχb4 22.Wd3 IlaS 23 .Irec2 h5 24.Ilc4 Ilb8 25.Wd2 Ilab5 26.Il1 c2 Il5b7 27.We2 Ιιa7 28.Ild2 IlaS 29.Ild1 Wa6 30.Ild2 �6 3 1 .Ildc2 �g7 32.We3 Wa8 33 .Ild2 Ιιa7 34.Ild1 Ιιb5 35.We2 Ιιb8 36.00 �b6 37.�b6 Ιιχb6 38.a4 �6
39.f4 h4 40.Wg4 hxg3 4 1 .h4 Φh7 42.h5 Wg8 43 .Ilc3 fS 44.hxg6+ Wxg6 45.Wh4 Wto 46.Ilhl fxe4 47.Ιιχg3 Ιιb4 48.Wg4 Ιιa8 49.Ilgh3 ι�
(40) Κarpov, Α - Georgiev, Κir [AS9]
Niksic, 1996
l .d4 m 2.c4 c5 3 .d5 b5 4.cxb5 a6 5 .bxa6 �a6 6.�3 d6 7.e4 �fl 8.Φxfl g6 9.g3 �g7 1 0.Φg2 0-0 l l .M �7 12.Ilel Wb6 1 3 .h3 �8 14.Wc2 �7 1 5 . Iιb l Ilfb8 1 6.�g5 Φf8 17.b3 WaS 1 8.� � 5 1 9.Wc l
1 9 ...f\c3 20.fuc3 !Wxc3 2 U :le2 Ι;ιa6 22.1Wd1 1Wb4 23 .Ι;ιc 1 ftba8 24.I;ιcc2 Ι;ι8a7 25.1Wc 1 �5 26.fue5 lfae5 27.�6+ Φe8 28.�d2 Wb5 29.�f4 �d4 30:Wd2 f6 3 1 .�3 \fae3 32.1Wxe3 Φf7 33.h4 Φg7 34.!Wf3 � 35.h5 !Wd7 36.I;ιed2 :ι::r7a6 37. !We2 :ι::ra8 38.1Th2 Φh6 39.I!b 1 g5 40.b4 cxb4 4 1 .ilxb4 :ι::r 8 a7 42.I;ιdb2 !We8 43 . g4 !Wd7 44.:ι::r4b3 Ι;ι3a4 45.:ι::rc2 Ι;ι4a5 46.Φg3 Ι;ιa4 47.f3 Ι;ιc7 48.a3 ftb7 49.:ι::rbc3 �8 50.1Wc4 I!ba7 5 1 .1Wd3 I!b7 52.:ι::rc6 !Wd8 53 .1Wc3 In>a7 54.:ι::rc 8 Wb6 55.ilx.a8 I!Ngl + 56.:ι::rg2 !Wh1 Yz-Y2
(4 1) Κarpov, Α .,... Salov, V [Α59]
Beograd, 1996 1 .d4 fJf6 2.c4 c5 3 .d5 b5 4.cxb5 a6 5.bxa6 �a6 6.4)