Ring and Ball Test

March 13, 2019 | Author: Muhd Farhan Bin Ibrahim | Category: Asphalt, Thermometer, Temperature, Road Surface, Liquids
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ring and ball test (softening point on bitumen)...



RING AND BALL TEST (SOFTENING POINT TEST) Muhammad Farhan Bin Ibrahim¹, Muhammad Efendi Bin Asmat², Mohamad Adlan Bin Zamri³, Muhammad Muhammad Afif Afif Rusydi Rusydi Bin Md Khalil Khalil⁴ , Nur Iati Iati Emalia Emalia Bt Ahar Ahar⁵ , Erin Marissa Marissa Bt Ramlan Ramlan⁶ , Maiatul A!mar A!mar Bt "usu# "usu#⁷, Zaila Maiuroh Bt Abd Abd Muin⁸


$he mor#holo%y of this test is that softenin% #oint is the tem#erature at &hi'h the substan'e a'hie(e a s#e'ifi' de%ree of softenin% under s#e'ified 'ondition of the test)$he *oftenin% +oint of bitumen is the tem#erature at &hi'h the substan'e a'hie(e s#e'ifi' of softenin%) hen heated under &ater at s#e'ified 'ondition and s#e'ifi' tem#erature in -. at &hi'h a standard ball #asses throu%h a sam#le of mould and falls thro throu% u%h h a hei% hei%ht ht of /)0 /)0 'm) 'm) $he $he #ur# #ur#os osee of soft softeni enin% n% #oin #ointt hel# hel#ss to 1no& 1no& the the tem#erature u# to &hi'h a bituminous binder should be heated for different road use a##li'ation)$he rin% and ball a##aratus determine the softenin% #oint )  Keywords2softenin%  Keywords2softenin% #oint,tem#erature,bitumen,de%ree of softenin%,rin% and balls INTRODUCTION

$he rin% and ball test is for determinin% the softenin% #oint of bitumen) *oftenin% #oint 'an be defined as the tem#erature at &hi'h a substan'e a'hie(e a s#e'ifi' de%ree of softness under s#e'ified 'ondition test) $he softenin% #oint is useful in the 'lassifi'ation of bitumen) $he rin% and ball softenin% #oint test in(ol(e heatin% t&o small sam#les of the  bitumen in a 'ontainer of &ater)$he &ater)$he rin% is immersed to a de#th su'h that its  bottom is e3a'tly /0mm45in6 abo(e the  bottom of the bath) $he $he tem#erature of the bath is then %radually in'reased,'ausin% the bitumen to soften and #ermittin% the ball to sin1 e(entually to the bottom of the bath) A metal ball is #la'ed on to# of ea'h rin% sam#le)

$he tem#erature at &hi'h ea'h ball tou'hes a bar near the bottom is 'alled the 7softenin% #oint8) A hi%h softenin%  #oint is #referable to a lo& one) In addition, if the t&o balls dro# at tem#eratures more than / de%rees a#art, the test is in(alidated and must be re#eated)$he rin% and ball test is im#ortant for testin% the bitumen material for road9hi%h&ay #ro:e't)Bein% (ery sim#le in 'on'e#t and e!ui#ment the rin% and bell has remained a (aluable 'onsisten'y test for 'ontrol in refinin% o#erations #arti'ularly in the #rodu'tion of air blo&n bitumen) It is also an indire't measure of (is'osity is e(ident) $he softenin% #oint (alue has #arti'ular si%nifi'an'e for materials &hi'h are to  be used as thi'1 films su'h as :oint and 'ra'1 filters and roofin% material) A hi%h softenin% #oint ensures that they &ill not flo& in ser(i'es) For bitumen of a %i(en  #enetration determined at /0-. the hi%her the softenin% #oint the lo&er the tem#erature sensiti(ity) s ensiti(ity)


$o determine determine the *oftenin% +oint of Bitumen by rin% and ball method) $he tem#erature &hi'h the bitumen a'hie(e 'onsistent under the s#e'ified 'ondition of the test is 'alled softenin%  #oint of bitumen)At %i(e the tem#erature at &hi'h the bitumen #lasti' state to li!uid state)



$he $he sam sam#le #le has has to to be be heat heated ed at a tem#erature bet&een @0-. and 5-., until its stir to a 'om#letely fluid and free from air bubbles)


+our +oured ed the the as# as#ha halt lt int into o the the rin% rin% and and 'ooled at room tem#erature for a##ro3imately -. )In this e3#eriment the bitumen sam#les are ready at the tem#erature of -. ) Its mean that , the bitumen &hen #our at site for the road&ay 'onstru'tion &ill beha(e softly at that tem#erature and before desi%n for road  #a(ement, the softenin% #oint must ta1e into a''ount so that &ill redu'e the maintainan'e for the road) e didnt ha(e any #roblem &hile doin% this testG e ha(e ha(e tried our best bes t to a'hie(e the ob:e'ti(e of the test) A(oid A(oid brin%in% in and brin%in% out the standard rin%;and ;ball test holder to bein% used and the  #ro%ress runnin% smoothly) smoothly) e e are su''ess to maintain the tem#erature in the &ater bath at 0  5-. for 0 minutes) $em#eratures $em#eratures is im#ortant &hile #a(in% the road )It 'an 'ause settlement of the (ehi'le &heel) *o this e3#eriment is ne'essary to be done for 1no&in% that

 HIGHWAY  HIGHWAY & TRAFFIC TRAFFIC ENGINEERING LABORAT0R LABORAT0RY Y JOURNAL &hat is the tem#erature a##li'able to determine the softenin% of bitumen)

REFERENCE  B)H) +ear'e, .om#arison of $em#erature ariations For *oftenin% +oint A##aratus ith aryin% Filler2 Binder Ratio, .a#e $e'hni1on, $e'hni1on, Je#artment of .i(il En%ineerin% + Bo3 >0/, .a#e $o&n,C 

A*$M45LLC6)J/>;L0 *tandard test method for softenin% #oint of  bitumen4Rin%;and;Ball A##aratus6 A##aratus6 5LLC Annual Boo1s of A*$M *tandards, olume =)=, Ameri'an *o'iety for $estin% $estin% and Materials, +hiladel#hia, +A 5L5
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