RIKTA 04-4 Treatment Manual ENG

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Quantum therapy and the prevention of a wide range of diseases. Manual on the quantum therapy device RIKTA ® and its applications. TENTH EDITION Edited by Yuli Fyodorov M.D. Moscow, Quantum Medicine Association, 2007 English edition: Translated by: Svetlana Goriacheva, Moscow, Russia. Edited by: Dr. Bernard Brom MB ChB (UCT), CEDH (France), Dip Acup; South Africa Irina Kanysheva, Quantum Medicine Association, Moscow, Russia Not for Resale This manual is intended for a variety of clinical users including: Medical Doctors, Chiropractors, Athletic Trainers, Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Podiatrists, and other allied health professionals, as well as for home use under practitioner's supervision and according to his prescriptions. Based on the writings of doctors of medicine, Professor Ponomarenko G.N. and Professor Khan, specific and general protocols for the treatment of a wide variety of injuries are discussed and explained. The most successful and tested clinical procedures are presented. General information is included on the multiradiance therapeutic device, RIKTA®, a patented apparatus which uniquely combines the synergetic influence of four electromagnetic radi ances: super pulsed narrowband infrared laser radiation, pulsing broadband infrared radiation, pulsing red light and a fixed magnetic field. Additionally, there is an up to date lists of indications and contraindications to multiradi ance therapy and in depth discussion of the aspects of application, including target selection and treatment technique. These protocols should be treated as starting points and by no means are complete and exhaustive in nature, nor the only procedures that may have clinical success. As clinical confidence in the use of the RIKTA® grows, clinicians will expand their knowledge of techniques and applications and rely more on their own clinical experiences. Text Copyright 2007, Quantum Medicine Association, Moscow Photos, Images and Illustrations Copyright 2007, Quantum Medicine Association, Moscow Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any mean (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the above author. The scanning, uploading and distribution of this book via the Internet or via ay other means without the permission of the author is illegal and punishable by law. Please purchase only au thorized electronic or physical copies of this manual. The MILTAPKP GIT logo, brand and product names referenced herein in this text are registered trademark(s), service mark(s) or trademarks of MILTAPKP GIT. All other brand and product names mentioned herein are trademarks of their respec tive owners. All trademark(s) or service mark(s) used or referred to in this text are the property of their respective owners. Disclaimer: This information is provided as a guide only. The publishers and authors makes no claim that quantum therapy will be effective in treating any conditions listed in this publication. In dividual practitioner discretion is essential in determining an appropriate form of treatment. The information included in this manual is specific to the use of the RIKTA® family devices. The use of this information with other devices is not recommended. Please read all information in cluded with your device carefully.

Table of contents Reference to the reader. .......................................................................................

Index of diseases. ................................................................................................. Foreword. ....................................................................................................................


8 9 11

Quantum therapy. Mechanism of action and clinical effects. ................................................ CHAPTER 1




The Device intended Use. ..................................................................................


Device Models of RIKTA Family. Useful information for the Customer. ..............


Desktop devices of RIKTA Family. ...................................................................


Types and parameters of the emitters which can be connected to the Devices of RIKTA® Family (desktop models). ...........................................


Portable devices of RIKTA . ...............................................................................


Some words on the choice of frequency. ...........................................................





THE ADVANTAGES AND DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE QUANTUM M E D I C I N E D E V I C E S R I K T A ® . .............................................................................


Aspects of quantum medicine application Indications. ......................................

26 27 30

Main principles in developing the treatment program . .............................................


Exacerbations during or accompanying quantum therapy. ................................


The comparison table of treatment using quantum therapy. .............................

The comparison table of treatment using quantum therapy in paediatrics. ........

CHAPTER 2 METHODS OF TREATMENT AND PREVENTIVE HEALTH CARE WITH RIKTA® DEVICES. ...............................................................................


PART I. .............................................................................................................


Methods of preventive heath care and health promotion. ...............................


Prophylaxis of occupational diseases. ............................................................


The prevention of aging. Prolongation of life. ........................................................


Methods of enhancing health and immune stimulation. Noninvasive (transcutaneous) blood irradiation (quantum hemotherapy). ....


General somatic biostimulation by Korepanov. .............................................


General somatic biostimulation with the emitter Douche 1. .........................


The universal rehabilitation program (URP). ...................................................


4 P A R T I I . .............................................................................................................


Treatment of diseases with the quantum therapeutic methods. ........................

56 56 56 57 58 60 60 62 64 65 66 67 68 70 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 80 82

INFECTIOUS AND PARASITIC DISEASES. ............................................................

Herpetic lesions. ............................................................................................... Warts. ............................................................................................................... Onychomycosis (fungal disease of nails). .......................................................... DISEASES OF ENDOCRINE SYSTEM. ................................................................. Diffused thyroid enlargement with moderate thyrotoxicosis. ............................. Diabetes mellitus. ............................................................................................ NEUROPATHIES. ..............................................................................................

Trigeminal neuralgia......................................................................................... Neuropathy (neuritis) of the facial nerve. .......................................................... Radicular neurologic diseases (radiculitis). Intercostal neuralgia. ..................... Sciatica. ........................................................................................................... Epilepsy. ........................................................................................................... EYES AND ITS APPENDAGE DISEASES. ............................................................. Improvement of visual acuity. ........................................................................... Pathology of the cornea. ................................................................................... The quantum therapy of postoperative corneal trauma. ................................... Area quantum therapy of angio- and retinopathy. ............................................. DISEASES OF EAR AND MASTOID. .................................................................... Mеniеre's disease . .......................................................................................... Acute otitis media. Chronic otitis media. .......................................................... Otosclerosis. Tinnitus, hearing impairment. .....................................................

Tympanoplasty. Operation to restore function to the sound transmitting mecha nism of the middle ear. Quantum therapy in postoperative period. ...................


THE DISEASES OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. ...............................................


Arterial hypertension. Essential hypertension. Cervical migraines. ...................


Headaches, eye pain against a background of raised blood pressure. ............. Coronary heart disease. ..................................................................................

87 88 89

Coronary heart disease Stenocardia of the III and IV functional class. The postinfarction state. Myocarditis. Myocardiodystrophy. ............................


Heart rhythm disturbance (arrhythmia). General approach of quantum therapy


Consequences of a stroke. Vertebrobasilar insufficency. Circulatory encephalopathy. ...............................


Coronary disease. Angina of Pectoris Grade I and II. Cardiomyopathy. ...........

Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD). Neurocirculatory dystonia (NCD). ............ Atherosclerosis of lower limbs. Obliterating endarteritis. .................................

95 96

Venous insufficiency. Varicose veins of lower limbs. ......................................

98 5

Haemorrhoids. .............................................................................................


The application of the Douche 1 emitter treating vascular diseases of the lower limbs. .......................................................................................


Raynaud's disease (Raynaud's syndrome). Cold disease. ............................


DISEASES OF RESPIRATORY APPARATUS. ...................................................


Different clinical forms of rhinitis: acute rhinitis, chronic rhinitis, vasomotor rhinitis, atrophic rhinitis, preatrophic rhinitis, allergic rhinitis. ....


Antritis. Frontal sinusitis. ............................................................................


Tonsillitis (quinsy). Exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis. .................................


Pharyngitis. Laryngotracheitis without stenosis and with stenosis not over I degree. ............................................................


Acute and chronic bronchopneumonia. ........................................................


Bronchial asthma. .......................................................................................


Application of the Douche 1 emitter in pulmonology. ....................................




Liver Diseases. Hepatitis. Liver Fatty Degeneration. Liver Cirrhosis. ..............


Gall bladder and biliary tract diseases. Noncalculous (non-stone) chronic cholecystitis. Biliary tract dyskinesia. Postcholecystectomy syndrome. ..............................


Chronic Pancreatitis, exacerbation stage. ....................................................


Stomach diseases. Chronic gastritis. Stomach ulcer. ...................................


Duodenal diseases. Duodenal ulcer, duodenitis. Cicatricial Changes of Duodenal Bulb. .........................................................


Chronic, Nonspecific Colitis. Constipation. ...................................................


Application of the Douche 1 emitter for gastroenterology. ...........................


Gingivostomatitis. .......................................................................................


Parodontitis. ...............................................................................................


Acute Pulpitis. Chronic pulpitis exacerbation. ..............................................


Chronic Granulating Periodontitis . ..............................................................


SKIN AND SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE DISEASES. ..............................................


Inflammatory conditions without signs of suppuration. (Stage of serous infiltration). .......................................................................


Inflammatory conditions with the signs of suppuration. Abscesses, phlegmons, furuncles, hidradenitis, carbuncles etc. ..................



Trophic ulcers of varicose and other origin/incipient. ......................................


Application of the Douche 1 emitter for the treatment of trophic ulcers. ........


Eczema. Neurodermatitis. Toxidermatosis, Psoriasis. .....................................


Anal itching . ..................................................................................................


Anal fissures. .................................................................................................


Alopecia (loss of hair), scalp diseases. ...........................................................


Acne vulgaris. ................................................................................................


Cellulitis. .......................................................................................................


The antiaging methods for skin of face and neck. ........................................


Application of the Douche 1 emitter in dermatology. ......................................




Temporomandibular area. Arthritis and arthrosis of the temporomandibular joint. ....................................................................


Claviculoscapulobranchial region. Sub-acromial bursitis (inflammation of the joint capsule). Scapulohumeral periarthritis. ........................................................................


Shoulder joint. ..............................................................................................


Elbow joint . ..................................................................................................


Epicondyles of elbow joint. Lateral epicondylitis ("Tennis elbow"). Medial epicondylitis ("Golfer’s elbow"). ................................................................. 158 Radiocarpal articulation (wrist joint). ..............................................................


Joints of the fingers. .......................................................................................


Hip joint: arthrosis, arthritis. ...........................................................................


Knee-joint. ......................................................................................................


Ankle-joint: arthritis, arthrosis. ........................................................................


Joints of the toes. ............................................................................................


Calcaneal spur (heel spur). ..............................................................................


Spinal area. Osteochondrosis, spondylosis deformans, spondylarthrosis. .......


Treatment of spinal osteochondrosis with Douche 1 emitter. ..........................


Myositis, myalgia (muscle pains), tendovaginitis (the inflammation of the tendon and its synovial sheath). ................................


DISEASES OF UROGENITAL SYSTEM. ..............................................................


Inflammatory diseases of uterus and uterine appendages. Endomyometritis. Salpingoperitonitis. Cervical erosion. ...................................


Metrofibroma. Functional disorders of the menstrual cycle


at the childbearing age. Hyperplastic endometrial processes. Retention cyst of ovary. Some forms of sterility. ................................................ Oligomenorrhea. Pelvic pains. Endometriosis. .................................................. Fibrocystic disease of the breast. ...................................................................... Pyelonephritis. Glomerulonephritis. .................................................................. Prostatitis. ........................................................................................................ Urethritis. ......................................................................................................... Cystitis. ............................................................................................................

172 174 175 176 178 180 182

Enuresis (urinary incontinence). Dysuria connected with pathology of the bladder and urethra. ...............................................................................


Postpartum period. Pregnancy mastitis prevention. ..........................................

Traumatic fractures. ..........................................................................................

186 186 188 188

The treatment of consequences of fractures and traumas of lower limbs using emitter Douche 1. .................................................................................


Hypogalactia (oligogalactia) Breast milk deficiency. ......................................... TRAUMAS AND SOME OTHER CONSEQUENCES OF EXTERNAL CAUSES. ..........

Surface traumas: contusion, extravasation (bruise). .........................................

190 191 192 193 194 196

PART III. .............................................................................................................



Children's diseases of kidneys and urinary tracts. ............................................

197 198 200 202

PART IV. .............................................................................................................


REHABILITATION. ..............................................................................................


PART V. ..............................................................................................................




Injuries to the ligaments around joints: dislocations, sprains. .......................... Jaw fractures. ................................................................................................... Wounds traumatic, postoperative (within 10 days of injury). ............................. Postoperative scars (incisions) (after removal of stitches). ................................ Burns and frostbites. ........................................................................................

General somatic stimulation for children above 3 years of age. ........................ Gastroenterology of infancy . ............................................................................

PART VI. .............................................................................................................




CONCLUSION. .......................................................................................................


8 Men ask in their prayers for health from the gods, but do not know that the power to attain this lies in themselves. Democritus, 400 B.C.

Dear readers! Since ancient times disease has been a great mystery. Today the achievements of modern medicine and better understanding of hygiene has made it possible to discuss very high standards of health. Science has accumulated enough knowledge to penetrate into the deepest natural mystery  the human being. Quantum therapy is a new branch of medicine which appeared and thrives at the end of the 20th century and made it possible to look at questions of healthcare in a new way. Effective technologies based on new research in quantum physics have increased our understanding of disease and the development of new ways of treating ill health based on the information and wave forms of living matter. It is more than 14 years that the RIKTA® devices developed by the Quantum Medici ne Association have been used in medical practice. During this time the technologies of quan tum therapy are becoming more and more popular in different branches of medicine. As a result of this work Russia has become one of the universally recognized leaders in the new field of nondrug methods of treatment. New ideas, the results of scientific projects, experience exchanged with the partici pation of leading Russian and foreign specialists promoted RIKTA® as one of the most signi ficant devices of modern medical research. Our good and meaningful relationships with scientists and experts from different countries of the world guarantee that our organization will continue to have significant progress in the future. Our many years of experience let us accumulate a meaningful fund of technical and scientific knowhow in all the branches of quantum medicine. Research works are of a great importance to us: RIKTA® devices are scientifically tested. At the same time we keep looking for new opportunities. The company constantly is improving the devices taking into account results of recent investigations. Such thoroughness guarantees that you as the owner of a RIKTA® device receive on purchasing an effective, well functioning and easily applied means of treatment. All the RIKTA® devices are certificated and have recommendations for wide clinical application in Russia and abroad. The production facility where RIKTA® and its components are manufactured has been tested in coordination with the international standard ISO 13485. State Duma of the Russian Federation, the Committee of Healthcare have asses sed the quantum medicine technologies as a very promising way of national healthcare deve lopment. The RIKTA® device has been rewarded with the Gold Medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences for "The important contribution to the Health of the Nation". A.Y. Grabovtchiner President of Quantum Medicine Association


Index of diseases abscesses, phlegmons, furuncles, hidra denitis, carbuncles 142 acne vulgaris 151 anal itching 148 angiopathy and retinopathy, ophthalmic 76 anal fissures 149 arrhythmia 92 arthritis & arthrosis of temporomandibu lar joint 154 arthritis 153 arthrosis 153 atherosclerosis of vessels of lower extre mities 96,102, 144 balding (alopecia) 150 bronchial asthma 106,116 bronchopneumonia 114 bruises 196 burns and frostbites 194 bursitis, subacromial 155 calcaneal spur 165 carbuncle 142 cardiac rhythm disorders 90,92 cardiomyopathy 88 cellulitis 151 cervical erosion 171 cholecystitis 122 cirrhosis 120 colitis 130,132 constipation 130 contusion 196 cornea, pathology and treatment of 74 corneal trauma 75 coronary heart disease, CHD 88,90 cyst, ovarian 172 cystitis 182 degeneration of liver, fatty 120 diabetes mellitus 62,96 dislocation 190 duodenitis 128 duodenum bulb, cicatricial changes of ,128 duodenum ulcer 128 dyskinesia, biliary 122 dystonia, vegetativevascular (VVD), neurocirculatory (NCD) 95

dysuria 184 ear diseases 77 eczema 147 encephalopathy, circulatory 94. endarteritis, obliterating 96 endometrial hyperplasia, active conditions 172 endometriosis 174 endomyometritis 171 enuresis 184 epicondylitis, medial, lateral 158 epilepsy 70 fracture of jaw 191 fracture traumatic 188 sinusitis, frontal 108 furuncle 142 gastritis 126 gastroenterology, infant 200 gingivostomatitis 134 glomerulonephritis 176 haematoma 196 haemorrhoids 100 headache 87 hepatitis 120 herpetic lesions 56 hidradenitis 140 hip pain in gynaecological disorders 174 hypertension arterial 87 hypertension, essential 87 hypogalactia 186 infiltration 140 injuries to ligament around joints (dislocation, sprain) 190 insufficiency, venous 98 insufficiency, vertebrobasilar 94 ischialgia (sciatica) 68 jaw, fractures 191 joints diseases 153 joint, elbow 157 joint, hip 161 joint, knee 162 joint, shoulder 156 joint, wrist 159 joints, finger 160

10 joints, toe 164 kidney and urinary tracts diseases of children's 202 laryngotracheitis 112 liver diseases 120 mastitis 186 mastitis, chronic cystic 175 Meniere’s disease 78 menstrual cycle, functional disorders of, 172 mesotympanitis, chronic 78 metrofibroma 172 metrofibroma 172 migraine, cervical 87 myalgia 169 myocardiodystrophy 90 myocarditis 86,90 myositis 169 neuralgia, facial 65 neuralgia, facial 65 neuralgia, intercostal 67 neurodermatitis 147 neuropathy (neuritis) of facial nerve 66 nose diseases 107 oligomenorrhea, pelvis pains 174 onychomycosis 58 osteoarthritis 153 osteochondrosis of vertebral column 166 otitis 80 otosclerosis, hearing impairment 82 pancreatitis 124 parodontosis 136 paronychia 140 periarthritis, scapulohumeral 155 periodontitis 139 pharyngitis 112 phlegmon 142 postcholecystectomy syndrome 122 postinfarction state 90 prophylaxis of occupational disease 44

prostatitis 178 psoriasis 147 pulpitis, acute, chronic 158 pyelonephritis 176 radiculitis, radicular neurologic diseases 67 Raynaud's disease 104 rhinitis 107 salpingoperitonitis 171 scalp diseases 150 scars, postoperative 193 sinusitis 108 skin of face and neck rejuvenating 152 skin traumas: contusion, extravasation (bruise) 196 spondyloarthrosis 166 spondylosis deformans 166 sprain 190 stenocardia 88,90 sterility, some forms 172 stomach diseases, stomach ulcer 126 stroke, consequences of 94 tendovaginitis 169 thyroid enlargement 60 thyrotoxicosis 60 tinnitus and hearing impairment 82 tonsillitis 110,111 tonsillitis, chronic exacerbation of, 110 toxicodermatosis 147 tympanoplasty 84 ulcer trophic 144 ulcer, varicose 144 urethritis 180 varicose veins of --lower extremities 98,144 vertebral column diseases 166 visual acuity improvement 73 warts 57 whitlow, infiltrate, hydradenitis 140, 141 wounds, traumatic, post operative 192


Foreword Many clinicians consider the advent of light therapy a novel innovation. In reality, light is one of the oldest physical agents known to man. Its origins can be traced to the Greeks whose physicians frequently prescribed a form of light therapy called heliotherapy. The use of light was continued well into the 20th cen tury where the advent of antibiotics slowly erased this form of treatment. Credit for the development of the laser theory is generally given to Albert Einstein. In his theory, "Zur Quantum theories der Strahlung", published in 1916, he first used the name stimulated emission. In the late 1960s, Theodore Maiman, utilizing a technique of concentrating and amplifying monochromatic light originally developed by two teams of researchers, produced a device known as LASER, light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. The develop ment of the first laser spawned a new era in medical science. Laser was first used in the medical field as a focused, high power beam with photo thermal effects in which tissue was vaporized by the intense heat. During the early phase of its use as a surgical tool, it was noted that there appeared to be less pain and inflamma tion following laser surgery than conventional surgery. Hungarian physician named Endre Mester suspected that the laser might destroy malignant tumors. His treatment was ineffective against malignan cies. However, he observed that in many cases the skin incisions he made to im plant malignant cells in test animals appeared to heal faster in treated animals compared to the incisions of control animals that were not treated with light. Eventually, Mester discovered that his laser was underpowered, which was why it did not have a destructive effect on cancerous tissue. This led him to conclude that, just as sunlight is destructive in high amounts but beneficial in small amounts, the laser, at low power, stimulated healing in tissue. Laser devices were manufactured in which power densities and energy densities of laser were lowered to a point where no photo thermal effects occurred but the photobiostimulatory effects were still operative. Thus the use of "cold" laser or "soft" laser, as it was first known, came into medical use. The types of lasers used in phototherapy are called "low level lasers" because they produce a beam that does not cause tissue destruction or heating. But both the remedy and one type of laser radiation are not always ca pable of curing the disease. That is why the prescription of electromagnetic quan tum "approaches" must include several types of electromagnetic radiation(not only laser radiation) which would have an efficacious salutary effect on the organ ism. For this reason multiradiance therapy devices combining different types of radiation are more effective than the devices using only one therapeutic factor.

12 The devices of RIKTA® family produced by MILTAPKP GIT were first developed in the 1980s for the Soviet Space Program. The technology was the first of its kind to encompass the combined influence of superpulsed infrared laser irradiation, pulsating broadband infrared noncoherent light or IREDs, pulsating red light or LEDs and a constant magnetic field. These four radiances, when acting simulta neously (or synergistically), reinforce each others clinical effects. The RIKTA® is a noninvasive, safe and painless alternate method of providing pain relief. It can be used in clinics and hospital as well as in at home, so the patients can take an active role in their own rehabilitation The joint action of the quantum therapy device and drug medicine pro vides drastic increasing effectiveness of the medication and reduces the length of treatment required. In many cases there is a meaningful decrease in the drug dose and may reduce the period requiring treatment by 2/3 on average. The quantum therapy is able not only to remove the causes of pathology but to mobi lize the host defences bringing the organism into a healthy state.


Quantum therapy. Mechanism of action and clinical effects The use of elements found in the natural environment for the purpose of stimulating healing and treating disease is a physiological approach which is also practically harmless. Their accurate application will improve the functional integrity of the body and help prevent recurrent ill health so that the individual capacity for work may continue into old age. The evolving human being has been surrounded by the natural system of electromagnetic fields and at the same time is a part of the system. Electromagnet ic oscillations exist everywhere either in the environment or inside the living orga nism. All the living had adapted to these fields during evolution, and in the absence of the natural terrestrial electromagnetic fields life would be impossible. Electrical and magnetic phenomena are connected with a particular form of matter: electrical and magnetic fields and their interactions. These fields are so interconnected and interdependent, that they are referred together as the unified electromagnetic field (EMF). The electromagnetic field influences biological systems in a special way. Any metabolic process within the organism, such as molecular combinations, transport of oxygen, cell division, muscle contraction, result in displa cement, appearance and disappearance of charges. Emerging electric currents change the structure of electromagnetic fields. Any bio current (within the body) in bio structures (nerve fibre, muscle, conjunctive tissue) initiates changes in the sur rounding electromagnetic field. These changes in the field reflect information also on the processes occurring in the bio structures. The information carried by the electromagnetic field has an influence on the surrounding bio structures which use this information as a universal langua ge of intercommunication. Alterations in the physiological and psychological state of a person chan ge his/her electromagnetic field. Currently the electromagnetic field is considered to be a carrier of informational functions, which consists of the exchange of infor mation among bio structures and their intercommunication with the inorganic world. Our research suggests that EMF characteristics are informational eviden ce of the functional state of the organism and its various internal systems. The biological effect of any physical factor within the organism takes place via the information to the physicalenergy body exchange systems. The biological effect of any physical factor is accompanied by a continual exchange of information, energy and matter. These three interdependent com

14 ponents of the material world (information, energy and matter) are integrated as a whole dynamic system in a very complex way. Matter and energy can be mea sured but the information carried by these modalities in biological systems still remains a mystery. The notion "information" is of utmost importance as any process of control is closely connected to data accessing, accumulation and transfer of information. To comprehend the importance of light, close your eyes for a short period of time cutting the flow of visual information…. A study of the mechanism of EMF influence on the organism gave us an opportunity to highlight a very important peculiarity: the informational effects appear when low intensity doses are used. These low intensity informational dos es/signals are not exciting or inhibiting with regard to the organism but "weak sig nals" are carriers of some particular data, intending to make the organism return to the point of equilibrium, or stable condition. The determining factor of such sig nals is a photobiological reaction of the organism to the absorbed energy quan ta. As a result of this reaction, there is an adjustment of the interrelations between the cells, tissues and organs. This new branch of medicine called Quantum therapy began its rapid deve lopment in the 90s. At present it can be defined as the body of knowledge, means and methods based on the use of electromagnetic radiations, quantum proces  ses and wave informational properties of the living organism. The impact of quan tum therapy occurs on the cellular and molecular level and then is transferred to the whole organism through a chain reaction. The broad therapeutic action of quantum medicine devices is explained by a particular compatibility and the abi lity of electromagnetic information to interact with proteometabolic processes. The term "quantum therapy" emphasizes the priority of the quantum influ ence, that is, of inconceivably small and safe doses of the electromagnetic radi ation, in providing a stable health condition for a living organism. The further stage of this research included developments in healing diffe rent types of illnesses and possibilities of applying several different types of radi ation simultaneously. The research showed that a simultaneous application of laser pulsing radiation, pulsing infrared LED radiation, pulsating red light of the visible band and permanent magnetic field amplified the curing effect in compa rison to their separate use. It seems that the quantum influence stimulates latent adaptive faculties of the organism both on the cellular and whole bio system level. It also stimula tes the immune system and sets in motion the necessary protective forces within the organism so that it becomes more capable of counteracting any deviation or change caused by different diseases. Based on many years of research, the following effective types of electro

15 magnetic radiation were chosen for treatment with our medical devices: low intensive superpulsed coherent laser radiation with the wavelength o 905 nanometres; the pulsing broadband infrared radiation in the range of 890960 nano metres; the pulsing red light of the visible range 640  740 nanometers; the fixed magnetic field with the intensity 35 millitesla. The superpulsed coherent laser radiation penetrates deep (12  13 cm) into the tissue and has a powerful stimulating impact on the blood circulation, membrane and intracellular metabolism, activates neurohumoral factors, immu nocompetent systems and regulates the endocrine system. In the applicable range (mentioned above) biological tissues are the most transparent optically. Under the influence of the low intensive radiation, cellular membrane and intra cellular formation changes occur, resulting in an increase in the activation of sub stance transfer through the membrane and a amplification of the basic bioenergetic conditions. The radiation also initiates a cascade of nonspecific regulatory responses which have apparent regenerative, trophic, anaesthetic and antiphlogistic effects. The pulsing incoherent infrared radiation having a smaller penetrating abi lity and wider spectral band in comparison with the laser one influences different reflexogenic zones and has a powerful harmonizing influence upon the tone of the central and vegetative nervous systems. The pulsing red light penetrating into a rather more shallow depth than the infrared radiation provides the beneficial effect of decreasing the intensity of inflammatory processes especially for porous tissues, for example in joint regions. The fixed magnetic field is designed to create an energetic barrier to the harmful influence of the environment including the weather factors. The magnet ic field also keeps ionized tissue molecules in a dissociated state which raises energy on the molecular and cellular level. Acting as one of the healing factors of the quantum emission, the magnetic field contributes to the increase of the pen etrability of the laser radiation. This allows a decrease of the radiation dose which would be required if the laser monotherapy was used on its own to achieve the same effect. All the factors mentioned above applied simultaneously (synergistically) and mutually amplifying each other cause the unique effect of the quantum medicine. The result of this synergistic effect as outlined and used by quantum the rapy means that one can treat a wide range of different problems by stimulating the regulatory units of the organism.

16 The energy of quanta in the operating range of the devices is of excellent quality and of the highest standards and does not disturb the natural intermole cular bonds. In this way complications and side effects are avoided. A number of experiments firmly prove that for lasers with the same wave length the biological effect becomes apparent when the power of pulsed radia tion is meaningfully less than that of the continuous radiation i.e. its biological activity is higher. It is important to understand that quantum medicine as implemented in our devices is characterized by a meaningful wider range of the so called "thera peutic window" as compared with laser monotherapy. There is no doubt that to achieve the expected healing benefits the repe ated course of low energy treatments will produce better results than prolonged treatments or use of higher radiation flow density. Advantages of the quantum therapy:  increasing efficacy of medicines;  reduction in the dose of medicine required or even a refusal to take the medication;  shortening of the rehabilitation period by 2/3;  cutting down of the treatment periods of a wide range of diseases;  powerful prophylactic treatment;  absence of the side effects, noninvasiveness and ecological safe;  device that is very easy to use;  versatile device which can be used in many different situations and is extremely safe for domestic use.


Biological effects and clinical signs of quantum medicine clinical signs Biological effects Immune development

Activation of protein synthesis (RNA, DNA)

Improvement of the blood composition

Increase of enzymatic formation and activation

Analgesic effect

Development of nerve fiber con ductivity Normalization of specific and non specific immune factors

Antiinflammatory action

Increase of the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) formation Local anesthesia

Increasing Collagen synthesis

Antiedematous action

Cholesterol decrease Normalization and synthesis of prostaglandin Regeneration of the damaged tissues

Decrease in the peroxidation of lipids

Improvement in tissue nutrition

Strong antioxidant effect Heating of surface tissue structures Synthesis of epithelium and skin regeneration

Increase of the threshold for pain Influence on cutaneous receptors

Amplification of the laser penetra tion into tissues Improvement of the blood circulation

Improvement of the cellular potential

Improvement of the microcircula tion


PART 1 GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT QUANTUM THERAPY DEVICE RIKTA® The Device intended Use MagneticInfrared laser therapeutic device RIKTA® (hereinafter referred to as the Device) is designed for painless, noninvasive nonpharmacological treatment of diverse diseases of a human being. The Device combines the most efficient types of electromagnetic radiation. It provides simultaneous penetrative impact of cohe rent and incoherent light fluxes of infrared and red spectrum on the organism in combination with the impact provided by a static magnetic field. The Device is des igned for operation both in stationary conditions of clinic, hospitals, consulting rooms and for the home use. It is important to emphasize that therapy with the Devi ce does not exclude other conventional medical treatment. On the contrary, combi ning the two approaches may result in rapid recovery and may enable the reduction in doses of conventional drug consumption. RIKTA® device is reliable, simple in operation and safe. Parameters and laser radiation dose setting is performed by means of choosing the laser pulse frequency, output power of the device and session time using sensor buttons on the device front panel.

Device Models of RIKTA® Family. Useful information for the Customer RIKTA® family of quantum therapy devices includes the following models: RIKTA® 02/1; RIKTA® 03/2; RIKTA® 04/4; RIKTA® 05; RIKTA® -ESMIL® (1,1A, 2, 2A). The present Manual covers the devices of RIKTA® family mentioned above, except for RIKTA® 02/1, RIKTA® 05 and RIKTA®ESMIL® (2, 2A) for which separate Manuals have been elaborated. RIKTA®-02/1; RIKTA®-03/2; RIKTA®---04/4; RIKTA®-05 are the desktop devices intended for home and professional use. The devices of RIKTA® ESMIL® group are portable analogues of the basic device RIKTA® powered through an adapter or autonomous batteries. Each model has its particular features descri bed in detail in their corresponding operation manuals, but all of them implement the same fundamental principles of quantum therapy.


Desktop devices of RIKTA® Family

1. RIKTA® 02/1

RIKTA® 03/2

LCD, user's dialo gue mode. 5 preset therapeu tic programs. Two emitter jacks

LCD, user's dialo gue mode. Program ming/direct entry of treating parame ters. Two emitter jacks

RIKTA® 04/4

LEDindicators Direct entry of trea ting parameters. Two emitter jacks


LCD, user’s dialogue mode. Biological feed back, breath and pulse sensors. Two modes: standard and bio. Two emitter jacks.

These models can be equipped with emitters T1, T2, T2E, Douche Special emitters: type 1, Douche 1(50), Douche 2 and IVP1 in any combination. “5”, “Douche 1(5)” (rec tangular-shaped aper ture of 20 cm2) and IVP-1 (5)


Types and parameters of the emitters which can be connected to the Devices of RIKTA® Family (desktop models)

All types of the emitters (except for IVP1 and T2E) create 4 types of biolo gically active impacts on a patient. They are provided with an automatic test of radiation availability. 1

Emitter T1

4 treating factors. Active aperture 4 cm2. Laser radiation pulse power 12 W


Emitter T2

4 treating factors. Active aperture 4 cm2. Laser radiation pulse power 20 W (on the customer's order, up to 50 W)


Emitter T2E

5 treating factors (transcutaneous electroneurostimulation (TENS) added). Two electrodes for TENS. Separate manual on the combination of TENS and quantum therapy. Active aper ture 4 cm2. Laser radiation pulse power 20 W (on the customer’s order, up to 50 W)


Emitter Douche 1


Emitter Douche 1 (50)

4 treating factors. Active roundshaped aperture 20 cm2. Laser radiation pulse power 30 W.

4 treating factors. Active rectangularshaped aperture 20 cm2. Laser radiation pulse power 50 W.


4 treating factors. Special design in form of a "comb", to treat hair pathologies. Laser radiation pulse power 10 W.


Emitter Douche 2


Intracavitary emitter IVP1


Emitter 5

4 treating factors. Special design for the device RIKTA-05. Laser radiation pulse power 8 W.


Emitter Douche 1 (5)

4 treating factors. Special design for the device RIKTA05. Laser radiation pulse power 30 W.


Intracavitary emitter IVP1 (5)

One treating factor (laser emission). Special design for the device RIKTA-05. Laser radiation pulse power 8 W.

One treating factor (laser emission). Irradiated surface 2 cm2. Special design for internal cavities irradiation. Laser radiation pulse power 8 W.

To extend the capabilities of the RIKTA® devices, any emitter of T1, T2, T2E and 5 can be equipped with a lightguide nozzle from the following sets: KON1 (4 nozzles for gyneco logy, proctology, acupuncture, cosmetology), KON2 (2 nozzles for otorhinolaryngology), KON3 (3 nozzles for dentistry), KONG (5 nozzles for gynecology/mammology).

Emitters Douche 1 and Douche 2 provide the following treating impacts: pulsing infrared laser radiation, static magnetic field and, additionally, TENS - in the emitter T2E. Emitters of the type Douche 1 have the aperture about 20 cm2 to treat wide injury surfaces: wounds, burns, frost bites, diseases of liver and vertebral column, varicose lesion, bronchopulmonary diseases, and also in dermatology, surgery, during preoperative preparation and postoperative rehabilitation. Emitter Douche 2 is designed for treatment of different types of alope cia (baldness) and in cases of hair shedding, production of dandruff, fragile and splitting hairs. It has teeth like a comb. Intracavitary emitter (IVP1) of laser pulse power 10 W provides the same types of treatment impact as emitters of DOUCHE type. It is used in medical insti tutions only when treating urologic, gynecologic and proctologic diseases by irra diating internal cavities.



Portable devices of RIKTA® Family





Monobloc with LED indicators and buttons to set treatment para meters. AC/DC adapter.

Monobloc with LED indicators and but tons to set treat ment parameters. AC/DC adapter Chargeable battery.

Monobloc with LED indicators and but tons to set treatment parameters. AC/DC adapter. Electrodes for TENS.

Monobloc with LED in dicators and buttons to set treatment pa rameters. AC/DC adapter Chargeable battery. Electrodes for TENS.

To extend the capabilities of the RIKTAESMIL devices, they can be equipped with a light guide nozzle from the following sets: KON1 (4 nozzles for gynecology, proctology, acupun cture, cosmetology), KON2 (2 nozzles for otorhinolaryngology), KON3 (3 nozzles for dentistry), KONG (5 nozzles for gynecology/mammology).


Some words on the choice of frequency

On the front panel of some quantum therapy devices of RIKTA® family there is a button for choosing the pulse frequency (FREQUENCY button). The cho ice of the frequency (5, 50, 1000 Hz or variable from 250 to 1 Hz) defines the quantity of energy delivered into the tissue. Namely: ·· at frequency of 5 and 50 Hz the energy dispersed in surface layers is minimum and it provides the maximum radiation penetration into tissues without change in its characteristics; ·· at frequency of 1000 Hz a superficial impact of the radiation is carried out on the skin, on nearsurface organs, sense receptors and signal systems of the organism ·· Variable frequency ("VAR") provides a deep enough penetration into tissues and prevents or minimizes biological adaptation. This treatment mode is a peculiar " wave swing". When using this mode a pulse repetition frequency is changing in time from maximum to minimum with a period of about 1 minute in a range of 250 Hz - 1 Hz. It has been found during scientific, experimental and clinic investigations that pul sing quantum radiation is much more efficient than continuous radiation because it provides socalled "trigger" impact on the organism, starting up local and gen eral reactions and processes aimed at the rehabilitation of lost functions of organs and tissues and faster healing of local tissue injuries.

22 Pulsing impact also differs from continuous impact because it essen tially reduces the organism adaptation to the impact of quantum radiation and, as a result, increases the treatment efficiency. The longlasting use of pulsing mode of the same repetitive frequency can lead ultimately to the beginning of adapta tion processes and thereby can diminish the whole effect; on the contrary, when using variable frequency, one could avoid this disadvantage. As a result of the above factors one can conclude that "variable" frequ ency mode can be more efficiently used in case of immune deficient states, tre atment and prevention of infection diseases, both bacterial and viral, and also in case of treatment of pain syndrome connected with presence of chronic inflam matory process that significantly reduces immune reactivity of the organism over a prolonged period of time. Examples: intensive pain syndrome in cases of verteb ral column osteochondrosis, arthrosis, arthritis, after effects of trauma and frac tures, etc.



THE ADVANTAGES AND DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE QUANTUM MEDICINE DEVICES RIKTA® As the result of the manyyear of experience with the quantum medical devices application the following advantages are revealed: The possibility of reducing the dose of prescribed drugs and increase their therapeutic effect at the same time; a high immunoprophylactic potential; consi derable shortening of inpatient treatment, medical drug expenses and running patient costs; widening opportunities For outpatient treatment; absence of side effects, noninvasiveness and ecological safety; an increase in the organism ability to resist stress and deal with the environment; the possibility of mastering the technology within the shortest period of time (for medical staff 7  10 days). There are also available safe medical prophylactic strategies which can be recommended for independent domestic usage. One of the Rikta's main peculiarities is the ability to influence the nerve, blood, endocrine, immune and respiratory system at the same time with several types of electromagnetic radiation: the pulsing infrared laser radiation; The pulsing broad band infrared radiation; the pulsing red radiation of the visible band; the fixed magnetic field. The effect of the synergistic combination of the above brought about an increasing therapeutic effects as compared to monotherapy (laser, magnetic, infrared, colour, electropulse therapy). Its application also improves the efficacy of any medicines taken and will allow very often a decrease in the dose of drugs. These results have been confirmed in a multitude of reviews, patents, sci entific and clinical studies: 1. The quantum medical devices RIKTA® earlier produced with the trade mark MILTA, VITYAZ are the unique Russian medical devices which received the international certificate of conformance to the quality standards of the European Union. They are approved and are commonly used either by the population for domestic usage or by medical staff in such countries as Germany, France, Switzer land, Spain, Israel and many others.

25 2. For efficiency and high therapeutic qualities the RIKTA® device was awarded with the Gold medal of the V international forum "High tech of XXI century"; the Gold Medal of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences" for the Practi cal benefits to the Consolidation of the Nation's Health"; the Gold Medal for "The Pioneer Achievements" at the XXIII International salon in Geneva, 1995; The Cer tificate of the 3rd degree of the Academy of medical and technical sciences" for the Pioneer development"; the enterprise producing RIKTA® devices was the win ner of AllRussian Competition: "1000 best Russian enterprises"; Prizewinner of following competitions: "Best Moscow enterprise"; the winner of "The best enterprise of the District". 3. According to the special decision of the Committee of Sport and Health protection of the State Duma of the Russian Federation (Protocol № 63 dated 24.01.02) the new technologies developed by the Quantum Medicine Association (including RIKTA® devices) was accepted as one of the best ways to improve domestic public health. 4.The RIKTA® device has major therapeutic benefits and has been used to treat thousands of people with a range of different diseases:  cardiovascular;  musculoskeletal system;  urological;  gynaecological;  bronchopulmonary;  gastrointestinal;  otorhinolaryngology;  stomatological;  ophthalmologic;  skin;  children;  surgical;  oncological.

The following comparison table of treatment using quantum therapy shows the high efficacy of the quantum medical device therapeutic effects on the curing of different diseases.


The comparison table of treatment using quantum therapy (official data of leading special referral centres) The results of treatment, %

Branch of medicine

Number of patients



No effect

General % im provement









Cardiology Coronary heart disease (CHD), Angina Pectoris

Myocardial infarction Pulmonology


Pulmonary tuberculosis

624 71 1000

68 70 85

21 26 10

11 4 5

89 96 95

28 130

39 81

43 19

18 0

82 100


























3042 938

71 60

21 28

8 12

92 88

69 83 1000

80 64 84

18 27 16

2 9 0

98 91 100






30 1815

50 75

39 15

11 10

89 90











Bronchial asthma

Stomatology Gynaecology Hypogalactia Mastopathy Chromosome(clarify) salpin goperitonitis Chromosome metritis and oophoritis Dysmenorrhea

Urinology Prostatitis Chronic

pyelonephritis Gastroenterology Surgery Endocrinology Pancreatic diabetes Neurology Ophthalmology Diseases of musculoskele tal system Dermatology Cosmetology

Oncology (period of rehabilitation after chemo/radiotherapy) Nerve diseases

Syndrome of chronic fatigue


The comparison table of treatment using quantum therapy in paediatrics The results of treatment, %

Number of patients



No effect

General % im provement





















Disorders of urination




































196 80

77 85

19 10

4 5

96 95

Branch of medicine Dermatology Alopecia Cardiology Cardialgia


Refractive amblyopia Gastroenterology Diseases of oesophagus


Diseases of the central nerv ous system (CNS) Mental deficiency of the ge netic origin


Prophylaxis Disadaptation syndrome

Preventive health care of upper airways Psychoemotional


Otorhinolaryngology Adenoiditis Pulmonology

The information was granted by leading medical research groups. Among them are Moscow Scientific Research Institute of Paediatrics and children surgery of Russian Ministry of Health, Children Clinical Hospital № 9; Moscow Regional Scientific Research Institute of Midwifery and gynaecology; Moscow Medical Sechenov's Academy; SaintPetersburg Mili tary Medical Academy ; Russian Medical Academy of the Postgraduate Education; Botkin's Central Clinical Hospital, Moscow; Russian Oncological Research Centre of Blohin's of Rus sian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow; Russian Peoples' Friendship University; Muni cipal Clinical Hospital № 29, Moscow; the State Scientific Centre of Laser Medicine of Russian Ministry of Health, Moscow; The Central Military Burdenko's Hospital; the Scienti fic Research Institute of the Children Haematology of Russian Ministry of Health, Moscow.

28 5. The many years of experience has shown that RIKTA® devices are very popular among a wide range of consumers which include private persons and institutes, clinics and medical centres. It is also validated by the number of RIKTA® devices sold to:  private persons  more then 120 thousand;  treatmentandhealing institutes  32 thousand;  army medical institutions about 1000;  special medical institutions with congenital and hereditary diseases about 800. RIKTA® devices are also used in hundreds of kindergartens, schools and sports clubs. 6. The high efficacy of RIKTA® devices meets the approval of avowed scientists and doctors/practitioners: An extract from the letter of the member of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, doctor of medicine, professor V.N. Serov to Russian viceMinister of Health O.V. Sharapova: "Based on the clinical and practical researches which took place in leading cen tral and regional centres of midwifery and gynaecology and Russian medical insti tutions we gathered information proving that the application of RIKTA® devices is very effective on curing a range of gynaecological diseases. At the same time the dose and duration of taking the prescribed medicines (antibiotics, hormonal agents) was meaningfully decreased". An extract from the letter of the director of Moscow Research Institute of paediat rics and children surgery doctor of medicine, Professor A.D. Tcharegorodtsev to Russian Ministry of Health: "The many years of application of the quantum medical technologies (RIKTA®) pro ves that it is possible to improve considerably the medical health of the popula tion, drop medical drug expenses and diminish the time of inpatient treatment. The most proficient fields are children and mother health care, preventive health care, rehabilitation of disabled and middle age people". An extract from the letter of doctor of medicine Daniel Karlin (Switzerland): "Based on my own experience I made RIKTA® one of those therapeutic agents which I recommend to use daily treating acute and chronic musculoskeletal dis eases. Thank you for this device." An extract from the letter of the President of Russian handball Union A.B. Kozhukhov to JSC MILTAPKP GIT": "When training for the Sidney Olympic Games in 2000 we used the RIKTA® devi ce often. It provided a high level of sportsmen's physical and psychoemotional stability, valuable rehabilitation and no doubt it helped to win. Your unique techno logies helped our team to achieve outstanding results and get the Gold Medal". There are a lot of favourable reviews like this on RIKTA® device as its high effici ency is not a myth but had been shown to be true and proven in our 13 years expe rience in medical and domestic practice.

29 The operation life of the device is the same as an ordinary TVset at least 510 years. It can be used by the members of the family, friends and acquaintances. Every one can immediately make use of the device without leaving home, nor having to stand in long queues in hospitals or clinics. RIKTA® is often helpful when other methods are ineffective. And if one considers the time and money saved from a decrease in drug use and doctors visits then one can understand that having such a device at home is as natural as having a TVset. The TVset may even take your time and health but RIKTA® device improves your health and will prolong the active and health period of your life. Russian quantum therapy device RIKTA® has no comparison in its usefulness, in its bio stimulating parameters, improving health and in the treatment and pre vention of ill health. It is a new step toward human health!


ASPECTS OF QUANTUM MEDICINE. APPLICATION INDICATIONS At present the RIKTA® is one of the very few medical devices having such a wide spectrum of indications and applications. Indications 1. Some infectious and parasitic diseases. 2. Diseases of endocrine system. 3. Diseases of nervous system. 4. Diseases of eye and surrounding tissue including sinuses. 5. Diseases of ears and mastoid bones. 6. Diseases of circulatory system. 7. Diseases of respiratory organs. 8. Diseases of digestive organs. 9. Diseases of skin and cellular tissue. 10. Diseases of musculoskeletal system and connective tissue. 11. Diseases of urogenital system. 12. Postpartum period problems. 13. Traumas and some other consequences of injury. Recently the device has found application in cosmetology and sports medicine. To identify the disease you wish to treat, see the index at the pages 9, 10. The list of conditions suitable for quantum therapy with the RIKTA® is exceptionally wide which means that this instrument is useful for a wide range of specialists and therapist of all kinds including veterinarian. Yet the device is very simple to use and can at the same time treat both organs and tissues. Contraindications It is important to recognize the areas where this treatment should either not be used or used with caution. These contraindications will also be influen ced by the condition of the person, compatibility with the treatment and other peculiarities which may arise. While the quantum therapy using the RIKTA® has a very low profile of side effects nevertheless the experience of the practitioners is important to prevent any complications and to obtain maximum effectiveness of the treatment. Contraindications to RIKTA® device therapy for home use include acute diseases which may cause irreversible structural changes in the body and requi re urgent medical or surgical management. The list includes some diseases which have not yet been researched for RIKTA® treatment. If other concomitant diseas es are present (endocrine, tumours) then one should consult with the doctor on whether quantum medical treatment is appropriate.

31 The basic contraindications to quantum medical treatment are the following: Chronic disease with acute exacerbations: · · · · · · · · ·

marked thyrotoxicosis; thirddegree essential hypertension; strokes; acute form of hypotonia(low blood pressure); malignant neoplasm’s; blood diseases; insufficiency of the circulation of the blood, II and III stages; mental diseases requiring specialist treatment; cardiovascular diseases at the decompensatory stage.

Acute disease and some other conditions: · · · · · · · · · · · ·

active tuberculosis; during pregnancy; fever (body temperature higher than 38°С); hemorrhages and bleeding tendency; grave condition of the patient; inflammatory process in abdominal cavity and female pelvic area; acute surgical pathology requiring operative intervention; early post infarction period; artificial pacemakers; disorders of cerebral circulation (acute condition); acute debility of the body ; renal/hepatic failure.

Some advice to a patient undergoing the course of treatment It is important to follow the advice in the manual in order to obtain opti mum effects. 1. When treating sit comfortably in an armchair or lie on a flat surface and put a pillow under the lower part of the body. It is best to apply the treatment directly on the skin surface therefore remove the necessary clothing in the area of treatment. It is highly desirable to avoid direct sunlight or bright artificial light in the treatment room. 2. The optimum time for treating chronic disease is in the morning befo re midday while acute inflammatory disease should be treated after midday. One should try to repeat the treatment at about the same time. After the treatment it is necessary to have 15 – 20 minute rest.

32 3. During the treatment the patient must keep to a diet which excludes spicy dishes and dishes with a sharp taste and eat more fresh fruit and vegetables. It is very important to drink adequate water which can include mineral water, fruit jui ces and herb teas. A minimum of 1.5 litres per day is adequate for most people. 4. The quantum therapy program has a number of different stages: a. Introductory stage: This is the early phase of treatment when no chan ge is apparent and yet the body has accepted the quantum treatment and has already begun a healing process. The healing is occurring at a deep level and there is no change in the symptoms yet. Don’t be surprised however if already after the first treatment there is a shift in the symptoms. This may however last only hours or a day or two after the first few treatments. Deep seated chronic organ diseas es however will require much more treatment. The introductory phase of treat ment may consist of 2 to 10 treatment sessions. The number of sessions will depend on the patients health and response to treatment. Some conditions as indicated may respond dramatically even after only 2 or 3 treatments especially problems of muscles and connective tissues. Internal organ treatment will requi re longer and more treatments. b. Therapeutic stage: This follows the introductory stage and may begin after 3 or 4 treatment in the case of muscular and connective tissue problems or take much longer with internal organ diseases. This stage may consist of 5 to 15 sessions and will follow after the introductory stage. c. Conclusive stage: It is useful to follow the therapeutic stage with further treatments 3 to 4 weeks later in order to consolidate the treatment. d.Prophylactic course: Some people do really well if they have a repeated course of treatment 3 to 4 times per year. This can be regarded as ‘booster’ tre atments and may prevent further deterioration of the condition. 5. If there is an exacerbation of symptoms after 3 to 4 treatments then it is essential to shorten the time of treatment as recommended in the manual for that condition or to leave a day free between treatments. As a rule exacerbations are regarded as a positive sign and don’t last for longer than 48 hours. To prevent exacerbations it is recommended that the following supple ments should be taken: Vitamin A, E (tocopherol) and C (ascorbic acid) – 300 mg, ginseng tinctu re and a good quality antioxidant. These should also be taken before each thera peutic session. 6. The therapeutic sessions should always follow the recommendations outlined in the manual.

33 The treatment sessions should not stop immediately after the symptoms and pain disappear. There is still healing work that must be complete even when the symptoms have disappeared. 7. The treatment program should not be longer than that recommended in the manual. The duration of a session must not exceed 3540 minutes. 8. Two diseases may not be treated simultaneously even if there are improvements. 9. If there is insufficient or no response to treatment then the course of treatment can be repeated after a break of a month or two. 10.The recommended power of application depends on the patient’s age: for newborn children the power is set on the level 25%, for children under 14 and the elderly it should be set at 50%. Treating children 14 or older and adults 100% power is used 11.Caution! Do not allow direct radiation into the eyes! Different methods and principles of area choice. In treating with the RIKTA® medical device different methods are used depending on the disease, body area and patients age. The method used can be divided into following groups: 1. contact; 2. distant; 3. stable; 4. scanning; 5. combined. 1. The contact method: the hand held applicator is placed in full contact with the area to be treated. 2. The distant (noncontact) method: the hand applicator is held some distance away from the area to be treated. This can vary between 0.53cm. 3. The stable method: the applicator is in a fixed position over the area to be treated. 4. The scanning method: this method is used when a wide area must be trea ted. In this case the applicator is moved in the appropriate direction at a speed of 0.5 to 1.5 cm per second (forward  backwards, to the left – to the right, upward  downward). 5. The combined method: the various methods described above are used together depending on the requirements.

34 Main principles in developing the treatment program In choosing the area to treat one should always be aware of the body’s constitution, the homeostatic regulatory mechanisms within the body and the res ponse of the body to the ill health and disease. 1. Direct application over the lesion on the skin (trophic ulcer, hydradeni tis etc) , mucous membrane (tonsillitis, cervical erosion etc), frontal projection over organs where there is pathology (lungs, stomach etc). Direct application over the pathology may be combined with points along the spinal column (paraveteb ral points) which connect and influence the organs and tissues being treated in a segmental way. (Fig. 1). Other points on the body may also be treated which con nect the diseased area in reflex ways through the various multilevel nervous con nections of nervous regulation.

Fig. 1 Eye Lachrymal gland Schneiderian membrane (nasal mucosa) Submandibular gland Sublingual gland Mucous membrane of mouth Parotid gland Heart Larynx Trachea Bronchi Oesophagus Stomach Blood vessel Liver Pancreas Adrenal Small intestine Large intestine

Kidney Urinary bladder Genitals

Cerebrum, spinal cord and vegetative nervous system, segmental nervous areas.

35 2. Areas of general regulatory effects:  Hormone status (areas of adrenal glands, ovaries), Fig. 2, and the areas of the prostate gland (the perineum between the anus and root of penis closer to the anus);

Fig. 2

Area of adrenal glands

Area of ovaries



36  Antiallergenic areas (areas of adrenal glands, frontal projection of liver, pancreas and intestines), Fig. 2; Fig. 3;

Fig. 3 (а)

Area of frontal hepatic projection

Area of frontal projection of pancreas


Area of frontal hepatic projection






Areas of intestines: 1. Right iliac region. 2. Projections of hepatic angle of large intestine. 3. Projection of splenic angle of large intestine. 4. Left iliac region.

37  Area of the cervical vertebra prominence  Areas of great vessels (fig. 4) and projection of heart area (the fourth intercostal space on the left side of the sternum)

Fig. 4

Carotid artery

Clavicular arteries

Axillary artery The fourth intercostal space on the left side of the sternum Ulna artery

Femoral artery

38 3. Specific areas (Fig. 5; Fig. 6) There are specific areas and influences which may be of special interest to doctors and other therapist who may wish to go deeper into the quantum methodology. The specific areas are ZaharjinHead’s zones and socalled trigger zones, as shown at the Fig.5 and 6. ZaharjinHead’s zones are areas of skin surface which are hypersensiti ve and even supersensitive to pain ( hyperesthesia) and are often associated with organ diseases (liver, kidney etc). These zones are a special case of the trigger zones described below. Trigger zones are areas of hyperactivity which appear usually on the skin, in muscles but also joint capsules, ligaments, periosteum , skin and scars. They can show up as skin (in medicine it is “extraceptive”) trigger zones, muscular fasciocutaneous tendinous (a medical term “proprioceptive”) trigger zones and trigger zones of viscera (intraceptive).] The skin (extraceptive) trigger zones may appear as focal thickening (indu rations ), gooseflesh, reddening, blanching or desquamation of the skin. Muscular fasciocutaneous tendinous (proprioceptive) trigger zones are detected (palpated) or tapped (percussed) as parts of maximum pain sensitivity (such as ZaharjinHead’s zones) or local muscular fasciocutaneous indurations (thickenings). The diagnosis of intraceptive trigger zones can cause difficulties; they often are presented as skin or muscular fasciocutaneous tendinous zones (or Zaharjin Head’s zones). The trigger zones may become more activated (or active) in the presence of some inner diseases. In other words they may represent important signs of organ disease. They can also be used as communication channels, through which the therapist can influence the diseased organ. The triggers zones can be found in the direct projection of an organ or far away from it, along referred channels which may follow spinal segmental patterns. These trigger zones therefore have important therapeutic possibilities and also are of diagnostic value. When we influence these manifested trigger zones with all the possible components of the device, we realize and experience the principle of feedback because a physical organ is connected with a physical trigger zone and vice versa, and the diseased organ is connected with a manifested trigger zone. So the trig ger zones provide indirectly more accurate orientation and individualization of the medical treatment through these bioenergicinformational zones.

39 If the trigger zones are not manifested, one should not treat these zones. The frequency range of quantum therapy upon trigger zones:  extraceptive trigger zones: 1000 Hz (with the exception of the frontal heart projection);  proprioceptive, introceptive trigger zones: 50 Hz, 5 Hz or “Variable”. The criteria for the duration of a quantum medical treatment on trigger zones is the decrease or abolition of the symptoms corresponding to the area being trea ted (on average 25 minutes). The method used (stable or scanning) to influence the trigger zones will depend on the extent to which the symptoms have spread. As a general rule it is better not to move the emitter too fast over the surface.

Fig. 5

Liver, gallbladder

Lung, bronchus

Heart Stomach Spleen

Intestine Lungs, bronchus, pleura, diaphragm

Kidney Ureter Urinary bladder

Pancreas (Obraztsov’s area) Kidneys, ureter


Trigger zones of the front sur face of the body (the areas of pain sensation and skin hype resthesia of ZaharjinHead) for cardiovascular and bronchopulmonary systems.


Fig. 6

Lung, bronchus Coronary vessels, heart, aorta

Liver, gallbladder

Pancreas, sto mach Spleen Pancreas (Calk’s area)


Urogenital organs

Urinary bladder

Trigger zones of the back surface of the body (the areas of pain sensation and skin hyperesthesia of ZaharjinHead) for cardiovascular and bronchopulmonary systems.


Exacerbations during or accompanying quantum therapy While using quantum medical device RIKTA® (as a rule after 2  5 sessions) a patient can undergo a condition characterized by exacerbations of symptoms (e.g. temporary reinforcement of the pain). This can happen because of a strong increase in the blood supply to the organ or organ system in addition to an impro vement in the blood flow characteristics (decrease in viscosity, improvement in the flow characteristics of the blood) and especially as a consequence of the dila tation of the capillaries, precapillaries and arterioles. The venous system on the other hand cannot improve its flow characteristics as fast as the arterial system because they do not have muscular fibres. As a result of this there is haemosta sis or congestion of the tissues causing the pain sensation and other negative effects. If there is an exacerbation then stop all treatments for 1 to 3 days. This will allow the venous system to adapt with an improvement in the overall blood flow. When the symptoms of exacerbation have diminished or disappeared then the treatment sessions can begin again. Generally any exacerbation with the quantum treatment method is regar ded as a good sign and indicates that the healing process has begun.


Chapter 2 Methods of treatment and preventive health care with RIKTA® devices Part I METHODS OF PREVENTIVE HEALTH CARE AND HEALTH PROMOTION Prophylaxis (the word derives from a Greek word prophylasso which means “to guard”, or “prоphylaktikos” which means “preventive”) is a measure taken to maintain health, prevent the spread of disease and the prolongation of life. The preventive heath care through the methods of the quantum therapy can be applied in several directions as monotherapy or a part of a more complex method. The prophylaxis of exacerbations of chronic diseases should follow the basic treatment protocol as outlined in the manual or as decided by the doctor in charge of the case. The prophylactic course and the therapeutic one differ in the number of sessions. The therapeutic course may require 10  15 sessions while for the prophylactic course 5 7 sessions, one every second day, is sufficient. If the chro nic disease has a seasonal nature then start the preventive program 23 weeks before the expected time of the usual exacerbation. This may completely prevent exacerbations or reduce symptoms to a minimum. Chronic disease may require repeated prophylactic course 34 times per year. Preventive measures during epidemic attacks of Influenza and o t h e r a c u t e r e s p i r a t o r y v i r a l i n f e c t i o n s : see quantum therapeutic pro gram “The Universal Rehabilitation Program” (page 54). The number of sessions can vary from 3 to 7. They are held daily or alternative days. The aim of the treatment is to stimulate the bodies host defenses in order to resist respiratory diseases. A noninvasive irradiation influence on the blood can be applied as an independent prophylaxis of viral diseases (page 48). The emitter is placed on the areas of pulsation of carotid and femoral arteries. The tre atment time is 10 minutes for each side; the frequency is 50 Hz. The num

43 ber of sessions is 8 – 10. If there has been contact with the disease then it is possible also to have two sessions per day (in the morning and in the evening) of 5minute duration on both sides. Preventive measures intended for non specific adaptive process regulation, that is, host defense improvement could be taken before a period of overwork or unusually heavy work load (physical, psychoemo tional, temperature etc.). The improvement of host defenses will improve the body’s resi stance to external agressive impact. These preventive measures can be used by alpinists before clim bing, sportsmen before competitions and by anyone planning to move across time zones or into a different climatic zone. The method used for these conditions to improve the resistance of the body and prevent overload is described in the table and fig. 7 and coincides with the preventive measures for occupational diseases. If there is an opportunity, one should hold 1 to 5 therapeutic sessions daily or 1,5 – 2 hours prior to the upcoming stress.


Prophylaxis of occupational diseases (Fig. 7) №

Treatment area


Exposure time, minutes


The fourth intercostals space to the left of the sternum

5 Hz

2 minutes


The area of carotid artery Noninvasive method of blood influence

50 Hz

2 minutes each


Femoral artery. Noninvasive method of blood influence

50 Hz

2 minutes each


Paravertebrally at the level of the vetebra prominens

50 Hz

1 minute each


Liver projection (scanning with the velocity 1 cm/sec.)

5 Hz

2 minutes


Pancreas projection. Scanning

5 Hz

2 minutes


Splenic projection. Scanning

5 Hz

2 minutes


Renal projection


2 minutes each


The area between the coccyx and anus


2 minutes

Unhealthy occupational conditions and habits require prophylactic treatment with the quantum therapy device. These conditions include the pollution of the inspi red air containing harmful impurities, toxic compounds absorbed through gastroin testinal tract and skin, SHFfields, excessive noise levels and other factors. All the abovelisted factors can affect functioning of the very sensitive organs and systems of the body. In particular the organs of the excretory systems and organs involved in neutralizing harmful substances such as the kidney, liver, pancreas, lungs and cen tral and vegetative nervous system are particularly affected. When these organs are poisoned and their function disturbed then chronic disease may begin to appear. Chronic disease in these cases is the result of malfunction of the organs of detoxifi cation due to toxic substances taken into the body. The various chronic conditions which develop may include chronic toxic hepatitis, nephritis, pancreatitis, neuritis, polyneuropathy, destructive changes of the bronchopulmonary tissue etc.

45 In case of occupational insalubrities it is necessary to start prophylaxis with quantum medical methods as soon as possible before signs of chronic disease begin to appear. The methodological basis of prophylaxis for such diseases must include a direct influence on all the susceptible organs and systems as well as the circulatory system, hemopoiesis, segmentometameric(the spinal cordnerve connections) areas. When examining people occupied in a hazardous industry it is essential to know if they have signs of disease or complain of trigger zones or points ( pages 38, 39) as they can be indicators of the systems individual reaction to a occupational hazard (trigger zones, their characteristics and recommendations, pages 38, 39).The extraceptive( skin trigger zones, page 40,) zones are treated at frequency 1000 Hz for 2  5 minutes each, proprioceptive (Muscular fasciocutaneous tendinous trigger zones pages 38, 39) and intraceptive (skin muscular fasciocutaneous tendinous zones and ZaharjinHead’s zones, pages 38, 39)  50/5 Hz or VARIABLE 2  5 minu tes each. The number of sessions depends on the response to treatment. The treatment areas and the order of the treatment are shown in the table and fig. 7. The areas 2 and 3 shown on the Fig.7 of noninvasive influence on blood are not treated simultaneously within one session but irradiated in alternative days. The number of procedures is 10 – 12 per course. Treatment should be on alternative days and repeated every 2 to 3 months. 4

2 8

1 9 5





Fig. 7



The prevention of aging. Prolongation of life. It is natural that everyone wants to have a long and healthy life. For thou sands of years people have dreamt of a long life. Until several centuries ago the age of 30  40 was considered to be a respectable age and many did not even reach this age. In the 20th century there has been a significant lengthening of life of many people owing to meaningful progress in medicine, biology, pharmacolo gy, sanitation and hygiene. Today in advanced countries the average life span is 75  80 years. The new branch of medicine called quantum therapy appeared at the last quarter of the 20th century and presents new opportunities for health improve ment, preventing the aging process and prolonging life. As a doctor of medical sci ences, professor Korepanov says that prophylactic quantum medical procedures 2  4 times a year will prolong the active life span of 5  12 years. The prevention of aging is the maintenance of normal functions of all the essential organs and systems of the body as well as skin and subcutaneous fat. The rejuvenating methods for skin health are on page 152 of the manual. At the same time one should understand that the skin condition depends as much on the condition of viscera as they do on any external factors. That is why the pro cedures on prophylaxis and prolongation of life first of all include the maintenan ce and regulation of the internal medium of the body. The prevention of aging at a young age requires careful observation of life style management which includes adequate exercise, good food choices, stress management, personal hygiene and a balanced workrest schedule. As one get older (after 40years) life style management becomes more important as the pre disposition to ill health becomes manifest and chronic diseases begin to appear. In this case the standard for health is considered to be the ability of vis cera and health maintenance processes to regulate functions in a normal healthy way maintaining a balance of all functions and able to respond adequately to the constant changes of the external environment. People who have had a serious acute disease even in infancy or young age (infectious hepatitis, acute poisoning, acute pyelonephritis, nephropathy of pregnancy, concussion of the brain, acute pneumonia etc.) can develop illness in a chronic form in middle age or older. The target affected organ may remain in a condition of unstable equilibrium which can become further compromised by an insignificant factor which initiates the chronic disease pattern. The procedures required for the prevention of the aging process and life prolongation using the quantum medical method are as follows. 1. Quantum medical prophylactic procedures “General somatic biostimu

47 lation” 2 – 4 times a year (pages 50,52). 2. Courses of treatment for the existing chronic diseases. 3. Prophylactic courses before or during the periods of the attacks of infec tious diseases, severe physical and psychoemotional stress and in the presen ce of unfavourable conditions of the environment. 4. During any quantum medical procedure the following nutrients should be taken: vitamins A, E and C Vitamin A (retinol)  one capsule (3.300 IU) after every meal (it is contrain dicated in case of gall bladder stones and chronic pancreatitis). Vitamin E (tocopherol)  one capsule (100 mg) after breakfast (contraindi cations: for one month after the acute myocardial infarction). Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)  300mg a day.


Methods of enhancing health and immune stimulation. Noninvasive (transcutaneous) blood irradiation (quantum hemotherapy) (Fig. 8) Many different authors have proven the highly effective treatment using low intensity laser therapy on the blood: hemopoiesis is stimulated, general circu lation of blood and microcirculation is activated, flow properties of the blood are improved (fluidity), assimilation of oxygen by cells and tissues is increased, the system of cell and humeral immunity is refined, antiinflammatory, decongestant and analgesic action is observed. Transcutaneous influence on the blood (quantum hemotherapy) is widely applied either as an independent method or in a complex treatment of different diseases. It can be used when local therapy is not indicated, for example, wea kened patients or patients with intoxication signs. In everyday practice it is effecti ve to add quantum hemotherapy ( to one of the indicated areas) to the main treatment program recommended for the particular pathology. It is important that this blood influence is carried out in areas of great vessels nearest to the skin sur face: the area of Malgaigne’s triangle ( in front of sternomastoid muscle), suprac lavicular fossa, [posterior triangle of neck], axillar (armpit), in bend of elbow (cubital fossa), in area of femoral triangles. The quantum therapy has a number of meaningful advantages in com parison with the intravenous laser influence:  noninvasiveness of the method;  the absence of ache and discomfort;  no need to use disposable systems in order to guarantee sterility;  no blood cells are damaged because of the low intensity of the radiation. The emitter is held at a frequency 5 Hz or 50 Hz for no more than 5 minutes a zone, if other organs are included in the process of treatment. When using hemotherapy as the only procedure, the time of influence on the large blood ves

49 sels may be extended to 10 minutes per side (i.e. the total time is no longer than 20 minutes). It is essential that the practitioners use the blood vessels closest to the area requiring treatment in order to obtain the greatest effect. Ten procedures are recommended per course of treatment. These can be taken daily or alternative days. When necessary the course can be repeated after 3 – 4 weeks. The duration of intervals between courses and the number of repeated procedures are decided by taking into account the dynamics and stability of the results obtained.

Fig. 8

Carotid artery

Clavicular artery

Axillary artery*

Ulnar artery

Femoral arteries

* The white area means that the zone of influence is out of sight


General somatic bio stimulation by Korepanov (Fig. 9) 1 – carotid sinus – the area of carotid pulsation; 2 - axilla; 3 – the hepatic area projec tion; 4 – the splenic projection; 5 – the projection of femoral vessels; 6 – cervical spine; 7 – thoracic spine; 8 – the renal area projection; 9 – lumbosacral spine. The day of treatment



Frequency, Hz

Exposure time, minutes

5. Femoral vessel, one side (arterial pulsation on the right or left)

5 Hz

5 minutes

6. Cervical spine, both sides (paravertebral)

50 Hz

1 minute each

5. Femoral vessel, the other side (ar terial pulsation on the right or left)

5 Hz

5 minutes

7. Thoracic spine, both sides (paravertebral)

50 Hz

1 minute each

2. Armpit( Axilla), one side

5 Hz

5 minutes

8. The renal projection, 2 sides

50 Hz

1 minute each

2. Armpit (Axilla), the other side

5 Hz

5 minutes

3. The hepatic projection

50 Hz

1 minute each

1. The carotid sinus from one side (the carotid pulsation on the right or left)

50 Hz

2 minutes

9. The lumbosacral spine, paraverte bral, from both sides

50 Hz

1 minute each

1. The carotid sinus from the side (the carotid pulsation on the right or left)

50 Hz

2 minutes

4. The splenic projection

50 Hz

1 minute each

Treatment area





The present program is used as a monotherapy for example by sports men under extreme muscle strain and can be added to any other procedures if planned appropriately. The program promotes general stimulation and strength ening and has a modulating effect on the immune system. Repeated courses are taken as required.


Fig. 9

1 6


7 3

8 4 5




*The white area means that the zone of influence is out of sight


General somatic biostimulation with the emitter Douche 1 (Fig. 10) The indications for using the Douche 1 emitter for general somatic biosti mulation are the same as for the standard emitter. The difference between them is in the area being influenced: all the necessary areas can be radiated by the Douche 1 emitter in one procedure not exceeding permissible doses. The treatment is performed with scanning movements close to the skin surface with the velocity 1 cm per second. The stages of the quantum therapy appli cation

Treatment area

Frequency, Hz

Exposure time, minutes

5 minutes


Scanning along the spinal column from the skull base to the coccyx

50 Hz


Scanning in the renal projection

50 Hz


Area of the femoral triangle (no scanning). The treated side is changed after every procedure.

50 Hz

1 minute


Area of the hepatic projection. Scanning.

5 Hz

2 minutes


Area projection of the gallbladder, stomach, duodenum, pancreas, spleen. Scanning.

5 Hz

4 minutes

1 minute each side

A course includes 5  7 procedures performed daily or alternative days.


Fig. 10










The universal rehabilitation program (URP) (Fig. 11) The following suggested scheme of general stimulation is efficacious for any disease, intensifying the effect of other quantum medical therapeutic methods and any other treatment.

№ 1

Treatment area The fourth intercostal space to the left of the sternum

2 Body of the sternum

3 The epigastric area 4


Exposure time

5 Hz

5 minutes

50 Hz

1 minute

50 Hz at first, One minute at each frequency 5 Hz afterwards 50 Hz

One minute, each area

5 Mohrenheim’s fossa (to the left and right)*

50 Hz

One minute, each zone

Carotid sinus triangles (pulsation zones on carotid arteries)

50 Hz

One minute, each zone

7 Suboccipital fossa (to the left and right)

50 Hz

One minute, each zone

The nuchal bone (the “lump” on the back of the neck )

50 Hz

1 minute

50 Hz at first, 5 Hz afterwards

One minute at each frequency, each zone



Subcostal areas (to the left and right)

9 Renal and adrenal areas (to the left and right)

*Space between the pectoralis major and deltoid muscles just beneath the clavicle.

Experience has shown that this procedure applied as the main treatment increases the quantum therapeutic effect by 1.5  2 times. It leads to the harmo nization of the persons organism. Together with the program of the general soma tic biostimulation (pages 50, 52) there is a very significant improvement in immune biostimulation and modulation. If the first method is used before or during epidemics as a measure to prevent conditions such as Influenza and ARD, this treatment (URP) is used for specific diseases already developed or for vario us post stress conditions. It can also be used as an independent medical proce dure or in combination with other programs designed to treat disease (bronchitis, gastritis, arthritis, prostatitis etc.). The total duration for each procedure must not exceed 35  40 minutes.

55 If the combined methods of treatment includes the same areas, one should not repeat the treatment on these areas. Generally 1015 treatments con stitute one course. The procedures can be repeated daily or alternative days. When necessary the course can be repeated after 3 – 4 weeks. The intervals between courses and the number of courses are chosen taking into account the dynamics and stability of the results obtained with each course of treatment. Treatment may be repeated 46 times per year.

Fig. 11


7 8

5 2 1 3 4





Part II TREATMENT OF DISEASES WITH THE QUANTUM THERAPEUTIC METHODS. Infectious and parasitic diseases. Skin diseases of infectious (herpes, warts) and fungus origin are very pre valent. Disorders of the immune system will reduce the ability of the system to deal with viruses which then become activated. For this reason when treating such conditions besides treating the local problem one should also consider approaches of general restitution and immune stimulation of the organism. (pages 50, 52, 54).

(Fig. 12)

Herpetic lesions

The treatment of herpetic lesions of the skin starts with noninvasive blood irradiation in the immediate vicinity of the local lesion. If there are affected areas of facial skin and mucous membrane then it is essential to irradiate the blood at the carotid arterial pulsation for 2 minutes on each side at a frequency of 50 Hz on the zone No.1. If the lesion is localized on the surface of genital organs the same procedure is performed on the femoral arteries. The local treatment is carried out at a frequency of 1000 Hz over the les ions. If localized in the facial area the treatment should be applied for 5 minutes on the zone No.2 and similarly, if the genital organs are affected the treatment should be for 10 minutes. 2 – 5 procedures applied twice a day are usually enough for treating fa cial herpetic lesions. If the lesion is on the genital organs, the course of treatment, as a rule, includes 7 – 10 procedures 1 – 2 times a day.



Fig. 12


(Fig. 13)


Both warts and herpes have a viral aetiology, and that is why the method of treatment is almost the same. They differ in the number of procedures: for warts it may require up to 2 courses of 10 procedures with an interruption of 3 weeks between courses.

Fig. 13


Vessels of antecubical fossa


Onychomycosis (fungal disease of nails) (Fig. 14)

The quantum therapy of onychomycosis is taken simultaneously with anti fungal agents. Every treatment procedure begins with the noninvasive blood irradiation on the affected area. If the toe nails are affected, then irradiate the blood in the area of the femoral triangle (zone 1 (b)) while do the same in the area of the elbow, when the finger nails are affected (zone 1 (a)). The treatment time is 5 minutes, the frequency is 50 Hz. The local treatment of the nails is at a frequency of 1000 Hz. The duration of the procedure is 2 minutes per each nail bed. It is possible to use the scanning method for 10 minutes if all the fingers or toes are infected (zones 2). To achieve the desired result it is necessary to have 1 – 3 courses of 10 – 12 treatments per course. 2

Fig. 14




Fig. 14b


DISEASES OF ENDOCRINE SYSTEM There is a great deal of clinical studies supporting the efficacious applica tion of quantum therapy in endocrinology where it is mainly used as an adjunct to the basic pharmacological therapy. It makes possible a better overall improve ment in the patients condition decreasing dose and frequency of the medication.

Diffused thyroid enlargement with moderate thyrotoxicosis (Fig. 15) In a large number of cases treating the thyroid gland with a moderately enlarged goiter using the quantum therapy method will usually result in an impro vement of the condition and disappearance of the symptoms such as hyperhidro sis, arrhythmia and tracheal compression. These patients should also be on iodine compounds or iodized salt.

The decision to use quantum therapy for such patients is appropriate only when there is a reliable diagnosis and under the control of a highly qualified endocrinologist. The scheme of treatment is as follows: 1. The fourth intercostal space to the left of the sternum at frequency 5 Hz during 5 minutes. 2. Directly over the thyroid gland projection with the scanning method at frequency 50 Hz during 1 minute then 5 Hz for a minute. The course consists of 8  10 procedures using 1 procedure a day. The pati ents medication should not be stopped immediately but taking into account the symptoms and signs together with the appropriate blood tests it may be possible to reduce the medication over time. Booster courses of treatment should be taken only under the recommen dations of the endocrinologist.




Fig. 15


Diabetes mellitus* (Fig. 16)


Exposure time

1 Epigastrium

5 Hz

2 minutes

2 The left and right hypochondrium

5 Hz

2 minutes each zone

50 Hz

2 minutes

50 Hz

2 minutes

1000 Hz

3 minutes from each side


Treatment area

Midway between the sternal notch and xiphisternum

4 The centre between 1 and 3


Scanning along the right and left side of the spine at the level of Th7  Th8

* The insulin dependant diabetes mellitus (type 1) as distinct from the non insulin dependant diabetes mellitus (type 2 ) should preferably be treated in the in patient department where doctors can monitor fasting blood glucose and other cha racteristics of carbohydrate metabolism and adjust the insulin dose as necessary. Due to the improvement of the parenchymal blood circulation and diminution of the oedema , the quantum therapeutic treatment for diabetes mellitus stimulates the functioning of the pancreas. The program of treatment using quantum therapy for diabetes mellitus should possibly include the universal rehabilitation course as the basic scheme (page 54). When treating any form of the diabetes mellitus, it is important to carry out quantum therapy procedures under supervision of the endocrinologist and perform constant blood and urine glucose monitoring.




3 2 1



Fig. 16



Recently the list of quantum medical indications in neurology has been extended, namely in the field of vertebral neurology and psychoneurology. The basis for the effectiveness of quantum therapy in these sciences is the improve ment of microcirculation, strong antioedema action providing the improvement for example in carpal tunnel syndrome, normalization of the cerebrospinal fluid circulation and improvement in nerve conduction. But the exact evaluation of the patient’s condition, diagnostic accuracy and right understanding of the aetiology and pathogenesis will be important for the success of the quantum therapeutic methods. For example, in curing nerve root syndromes quantum therapy is quite effective but if the pain syndrome is caused by herniation of a disc then the treatment of the basic disease is essen tial. The key to success is the rational complex combination of treatments inc luding quantum therapy, phytotherapy, manual therapy and other methods. The absence of improvement when appropriate quantum therapy procedures are applied to treat a neurological disease suggests that the diagnosis is incorrect and the results will not be as expected. There are some publications suggesting that the condition of patients suf fering from the disseminated sclerosis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Char cot’s disease) could be improved by the quantum therapy application.

The quantum therapy methods indicated in this chapter are characterized by a good response and positive results can be expected in clinical practice.


Trigeminal neuralgia (Fig. 17) This condition should be diagnosed by a specialist only. It is important to exclude conditions such as acute disseminating encephalomyelitis and cerebral tumours as an underlying cause of this condition. Quantum medicine is contrain dicated in these conditions. The neuralgia may also be due to problems related to the teeth or sinus. Without treating the causative factors in these cases a good response to the quan tum therapy is not possible. If the decision is made to treat the condition, then it is important to know which of the branches should be treated (check the diagram showing the inner vation): 1) the ophthalmic nerve from the supraorbital fossa to the middle of the vertex; 2) the maxillary nerve including the gums of upper jaw, upper lip, cheek bone (zygoma) area and suborbital zone; 3) the mandibular nerve including the mental foramen, angle of mouth, tongue, gums and teeth of lower jaw, skin of cheeks, lower jaw and lip and mus cles of mastication. The scanning method should be used at a variable frequency of 1 – 2 minutes per zone not exceeding a tenminute duration in total. The course consists of 10 – 15 procedures, 1 procedure a day. Repeat the course in 3 – 4 weeks if necessary.

The innervation of the trigeminal nerve




Fig. 17


Neuropathy (neuritis) of the facial nerve (Fig. 18) This condition responds well to quantum therapy and does not depend on the underlying reason for the neuropathy ( cold, ischemia). One should remember however that other conditions may mimic a clas sic neuropathy of the facial nerve causing muscle paralysis, such as a cerebral tumour. This needs to be excluded. If there is a history of convulsions then this would clearly suggest another cause and contraindicate quantum therapy. The diagnostics, prescription and therapeutic quantum treatment should be performed only by a medical specialist. The emitter is placed on the painful and flaccid areas. If there is pain sen sation or compression then it is essential to apply the frequency of 1000, 2 minu tes on each area. If there is muscle weaknesses then one should use the variable frequency, 2 minutes on each area. The treatment time should be no longer than 10 minutes. The procedure is implemented with the scanning method. The dura tion of the course is up to 15 procedures and performed daily or alternative days. This can be repeated after one month. The facial nerve has a very poor blood supply and therefore quantum the rapy treatment should always be combined with other treatment prescribed. A vasodilator such as nicotinic acid would be a useful addition to the quantum the rapy.

The diagram of innervation of the facial nerve

Fig. 18


Radicular neurologic diseases (radiculitis). Intercostal neuralgia The emitter is placed in the areas of the nerve root outlet associated with the acute pain at a frequency of 1000 Hz ; with moderate pain, at a variable frequ ency. The exposure time is up to 5 minutes on each area. If there is pain along the nerve (for example, in case of intercostal neural gia, herpes zoster/shingles etc.) then the emitter is placed on several zones along the nerve with intervals of 510cm between zones. The duration is 1  2 minutes. If the affected area is over the heart on the front and sides of the chest then only the 5 Hz frequency should be used ! The duration of the procedure is no longer than 40 minutes. The course of treatment is 10 procedures, 1 procedure a day. The course may be repeated after 4 weeks. Quantum therapy may be combined with other treatment methods inclu ding traditional local anaesthetic block, vitamin therapy etc. when necessary. The efficacy of the therapy may be increased in this way.


Sciatica (Fig. 19) It is important to identify the underlying cause of the sciatica. If there is a mechanical compression by tumour or hernia of the intervertebral disk , then local quantum therapy on the pathological area should be avoided.

Treatment area


Exposure time


Paravertebrally the lumbosacral part of the body, scanning

1000 Hz

3 minutes on each side


Bulbshaped piriform indentation in the buttocks


Buttock fold


2 minutes on each area


The middle of the posterior side of thigh


Popliteal fossa

However in case of hernia of an intervertebral disk, it is recommended to perform a General Somatic Stimulation (pages 50, 52), as improvement in the metabolic, immune and other host defence mechanisms will also help to prevent degeneration in the appropriate organ. In such cases quantum therapy is a very useful adjunct. After that, mobilization of lumbosacral section using appropriate manual therapy methods is recommended, followed by local quantum therapy, including the pathology area. When the nerve root pain radiates to the feet, then the treatment can be extended downwards. The course of treatment consists of 10 procedures, one a day. If the pain is severe then the treatment can be performed twice per day. The quantum therapy combines well with vitamins A, E, B and nicotinic acid. Preventive courses are suggested in springandautumn. It is possible to inject local anaesthesia if necessary.



2 3



Fig. 19


Epilepsy (Fig. 20) The quantum therapy methods could be used in the combined treatment of epilepsy. The following program is recommended:


Treatment area

The forth intercostal space on the left side of the sternum

2 Antecubital fossa


Exposure time

5 Hz

5 minutes

50 Hz

5 minutes on each zone

50 Hz

1 minute on each zone

3 Carotid artery 4 Suboccipital fossa

The number of procedures per course is 7  10, one treatment daily. The medical specialist should be involved in deciding on the treatment and follow up courses.



3 2


Fig. 20


EYES AND ITS APPENDAGE DISEASES Experiments on animals and further clinical trials on ophthalmologic pati ents (the data from the department of ophthalmology of the Russian State Medi cal University, Moscow, 2003) proved that RIKTA® quantum medical devices have a healing influence on the aqueous chambers of the eye by the improvement of microcirculation, metabolism, hydro and hemodynamics, visual acuity and acce leration of reparative processes in eye tissue. In patients with erosion of cornea and also in the postoperative period there is a strong antiinflammatory effect. In contrast to the methods used befo re, the present quantum polyfactorial therapy is appropriate and has a wide spec trum of effects both in acute and chronic ophthalmologic pathologies and should be applied mainly by professional ophthalmologists.


Improvement of visual acuity (Fig. 21) In this method there is an improvement in visual acuity due to the quan tum stimulation of electrogenesis (the ability of the ophthalmic nerve to genera te electric potential,) metabolism and hemodynamics of the retina and intracranial region of the visual cortex. If one recognizes the eye as a periphery part of a brain then the quantum therapy may be considered as a non pharmacological therapeu tic agent having a influence on the neuromodular and neurometabolic pathways. This can be shown by examining both the function and structure of the neurons when influenced by the quantum energy devices. Under this influence there is an increase in the action potential of the neurons and an acceleration of the nerve impulse, growth of axons and stimulation of myelinated processes. The treatment is performed in a sitting or lying position. The technique is to keep the emitter stable in contact with the skin, trea ting the temple area first and then the superciliary(eyebrow) side of both eyes. The mode of exposure is as follows: the pulse power of the infrared laser (IRL) and the power of the infrared light diode is 0,25, at a frequency of 50 Hz, the exposition time is 5 minutes. Under the higher IRL power, when the device is not provided with a power control button, it is recommended to reduce the exposition time to 1  2 minutes. The course of treatment includes 6 sessions, performed every other day

Fig. 21


Pathology of the cornea (Fig. 22) The healing benefits of treatment of corneal diseases and trauma with RIKTA® devices are very useful in these eye conditions because of their high inci dence (from 38 to 68  70% of all eye injuries and damages). The emitter is placed on the area of the jugular vein of the cervical surfa ce on both sides for one minute successively at an impulse frequency of 50 Hz and 1000 Hz, the IRL and IRD power is 1,0. Using the same regime also treat the upper third of sternum which corresponds to the thymic projection. According to acu teness and seriousness of a disease these quantum medical procedures are taken daily or alternative days in combination with a stabilizing quantum influen ce in the temporal region(temple) for 5 minutes. The mode of exposure is the same as for the treatment of visual acuity (the impulse power of the IRL and IRD is 0,25, frequency 50 Hz, time of exposure 5 minutes). The application of quantum medical devices RIKTA® in combination with drug medication can reduce the time of treatment by half and diminish the num ber of relapses 56 times.

Fig. 22


The quantum therapy of postoperative corneal trauma (Fig. 23) The question of the nutritional health of the cornea and its regenerative power in the postoperative period has become very important with the advent of newer operative procedures and laser surgery. The use of the RIKTA® devices in the postoperative period following intra stromal anisometropic correction with intracorneal rings can make a meaningful difference to the clinical course. Pains, irritations such as photophobia, blepharospasm are treated much more quickly decreasing the patient's sufferings and improving the subjective condition (4  5 days earlier). Visual functions are stabilized 3 days earlier due to disappearance of oedema and an improvement in the nutritional flow to the cor nea. On average the patient recovery is 5 7 days faster. When the RIKTA® devi ce is used as a rule the intraocular pressure does not increase, and it may not be necessary to use corticosteroids as the device has a marked antiinflammatory action. One can begin treating with RIKTA® the day after the operation. The moda lity is contact scanning around the eyesocket. The mode of exposure is at a frequ ency of 50 Hz, impulse power of the IRL and IRD is 0,25, the exposure time is 2 minutes. The procedures are taken daily. The method of treatment is easy, convenient, effective and gave good res ults in the clinic.

Fig. 23


The area quantum therapy of angio and retinopathy (Fig. 24) RIKTA® devices and the quantum therapy are very effective, painless and economically expedient when treating diseases of the fundus of eye, diabetic reti nopathy and some types of glaucoma. At the heart of the quantum therapeutic methods is the influence on the retrobulbar cellular tissue and orbicular muscles of eye. It is recommended to irradiate the frontotemporal areas at a frequency of 50 Hz and twominute scanning on every eye, the impulse IRL and IRD power is 0,25. The procedure should be monitored by an ophthalmologist. Treating the temporal and frontal areas in an atherosclerotic encephalopathy condition quite often result in fall of the intraocular pressure and visual improvement which is explained by an improvement in the cerebrospinal fluid circulation and arterial and venous circulation of the eye under the influence of the quantum therapy.

Fig. 24


DISEASES OF EAR AND MASTOID In these conditions the application of the quantum therapy is very suc cessful. Treated conservatively with quantum therapy such diseases as chronic otitis media, otosclerosis and other chronic conditions will often improve over time and even recover completely. With all these conditions adding the General Soma tic Stimulation program will add to the overall efficacy (pages 50, 52).


Mеniеre's disease (Fig. 25)

This disease is characterized by repeated attacks of intractable dizziness, tinnitus or a persistent ringing in the ears. Its origin is unknown. This condition should be handled by a specialist who can make a clear diagnosis and adequate management and control. This may include surgery in which case quantum tre atment will complement this approach. It may however be used as an indepen dent treatment. Aggravations to the quantum therapy may occur after the first procedures but this disappear within about 12 hours without further assistance.

Treatment area


The exposition time


Mastoid bone (behind the auricle on the level of the lobe)

5 Hz

2 minutes to the left and right

1000 Hz

2 minutes to the left and right

50 Hz

1 minute on each area

5 Hz

2 minutes

Lightguide nozzle №2 from the set KON1 2 directly into the ear but not touching the eardrum 3

The frontotemporal areas, scanning, to the right and left

4 Suboccipital fossa to the right and left 5 The zone of tragus(front of ear)

One course of treatment is 7  10 procedures , once per day. The course can be repeated up to 3 times with a month interval.


Fig. 25

5 4*



*The white area means that the zone of treatment is out of sight


2 1*


Acute otitis media. Chronic otitis media (Fig. 26) If there is pus in the middle ear then this should be drained first before applying the quantum therapeutic procedures. The meatus acusticus externus (external auditory canal) should be drained, cleaned and dried. Between the pro cedures traditional methods of treatment can be applied.

Treatment area

1 The zone of the tragus


Еxposure time

50 Hz

2 minutes

Mastoid bone (behind the auricle on the level of the lobe)

50 Hz

Lightguide nozzle №2 from the set KON1 3 directly into the ear not touching the ear drum

1000 Hz


3 minutes

2 minutes

Each course of treatment consists of 7  10 procedures with one proce dure a day. A repeated course is possible within 1  3 months in order to cure chronic otitis media.


1 2*


Fig. 26 3

*The white area means that the zone of treatment is out of sight



Otosclerosis. Tinnitus, hearing impairment (Fig. 27)

When treating otosclerosis the quantum therapeutic application is very successful. It is possible to take the course consisting of 10  14 procedures while the condition is improving. The repeated courses are up to 6 times a year. The audiogram should be repeated after every course.

Treatment area


Exposure time


Mohrenheim's fossa from both sides (just beneath clavicle)

50 Hz

1 minute on each zone

50 Hz

2 minutes

5 Hz

3 minutes

Lightguide nozzle №2 from the set KON 4 1 directly into the ear not touching the eardrum


2 minutes

5 The zone before the tragus


2 minutes

2 The top of the nuchal bone


Mastoid (behind the auricle on the level of the lobe)

Irradiate only the target ear.



Fig. 27



4 3* 2 1

*The white area means that the zone of treatment is out of sight



Tympanoplasty Operation to restore function to the sound transmitting mechanism of the middle ear Quantum therapy in postoperative period (Fig. 28) The decision on quantum procedures should be taken by a doctor. Usually it is enough to do 7 procedures, one a day. If necessary, the cour se can be repeated after one month.

Treatment area

1 The tragus zone(front of ear ) 2

Mastoid bone (behind the auricle on the level of the lobe)


Exposure time

5 Hz

2 minutes on each area


2 minutes

50 Hz

1 minute on each area

Lightguide nozzle №2 from the set KON 3 1 directly into the ear not touching the eardrum 4 Suboccipital fossa

Paravertabrally, area to the right and left 5 of the spinal column on the level of the 4th cervical vertebra Paravertabrally, the areas to the right and 6 left of the spinal column on the level of the 7th cervical vertebra


1 2* 3 4 5 6 (а)



Fig. 28 *The white area means that the zone of treatment is out of sight


THE DISEASES OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM Treating diseases of the circulatory system is a very important and useful procedure using quantum therapy as this condition causes the highest mortality rates amongst most developed countries. Cardiovascular diseases, stroke, atherosclerosis of lower extremities, venous insufficiency are especially important in this group of diseases. Atheroscle rosis is the key factor in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease and causes problems of the blood circulation and oxygen supply to the tissue. Russian research has shown that the quantum therapeutic treatment reduces the lipid peroxidation and lowers cholesterol levels improving the microcirculation and oxygen blood trans port. It is through these mechanism that quantum medicine is able to improve fun ction and health and reduce the disease producing factors. During the last ten years there has been an increasing experience gained in the treatment of cardiovascular disease. Different forms of coronary heart disease, myocarditis, myocardiopathy etc. respond well to quantum therapy. It is also effecti ve for some cardiovascular insufficiency conditions diminishing the side effects of antiarrhythmic drugs. One should keep in mind that heart has a natural autonomic pacemaker with a frequency of 1  1.5 Hz. This is why the heart area is radiated at a frequency of 5 Hz. It is absolutely forbidden to apply other frequencies in the immediate region of heart area. The presence of artificial implanted cardiostimulators and pacemakers is a contraindication for the use of quantum medical treatment. To treat the cardiovascular system it is necessary to apply the segmental prin ciples using nerve outlets and also the trigger zones if present. (pages 38, 39).

Fig. 29



4 5



2 7 1



Arterial hypertension. Cervical migraines. Essential hypertension. Headaches, eye pain against a background of raised blood pressure (Fig. 29) Each course consists of 10  15 procedures. The procedures are taken daily or alternative days. The course can be repeated after one month, up to 2 3 times a year. The quantum therapy may be combined with herbal diuretic remedies. One should restrict the consumption of salt, fat and rich food , eggs, butter, cof fee, and soda drinks. Alcohol and smoking are inadmissible. The combination of quantum and manual (chiropractor, osteopathy and other manipulative or massa ge techniques) therapy especially in the cervical and thoracic parts of the spinal column is very effective.

Treatment area

1 The 4th intercostal space on the left side of the sternum


Exposure time

5 Hz

5 minutes

50 Hz

1 minute on each area

5 Hz

5 minutes on each area

2 The frontotemporal areas to the right and left, scanning

3 Carotid pulse to the right and left 4 Suboccipital fossa to the right and left

5 The level of the 4th cervical vertebra 3 cm on each side th 6 The level of the 7 cervical vertebra near the spinal col umn 3 cm on each side

7 The middle of the top side of the trapezius muscle 8 The kidney projection from both sides


Coronary disease. Angina of Pectoris. Grade I and II Cardiomyopathy (Fig. 30) №

Treatment area


Exposure time


The 4th intercostal space on the left side of the sternum

5 Hz

5 minutes

2 The zone of the gallbladder

5 Hz

2 minutes

3 Zone of the carotid pulse on the left

50 Hz

2 minutes

5 Hz

2 minutes


To the left of the spinal column on the level of the left scapula

The trigger zones in the ante brachial and humeral areas:

2  5 minutes 1000 Hz, (until clinical effect  extraceptive (skin trigger zones, is obtained) see pages 3839) 5  proprioceptive (muscular fasciocu taneous tendinous trigger zones, 50 Hz or alternating see pages 3839) 2 minutes 5 Hz  Over the heart projection

The average course includes 10 procedures, maximum is 15. The proce dures are taken daily or alternative days. If necessary the course can be repea ted after one month. Treatment can be repeated according to prescriptions 2  4 times a year. ECG control is obligatory. Quantum medicine treatment makes it possible to reduce drug treatment such as nitroglycerine medicines, calcium channel inhibitor and other heart medi cation gradually beginning from the 6  8th procedure but strictly under the doc tor's control. The decrease of beta blockers must be started no earlier than at the 7th procedure. During the 1st course of treatment it is not recommended to stop taking all the medicines.


Coronary heart disease Quantum therapy is good in combination with the vitamins C, A, tocophe rol (vitamin E) and polyvitamins, which are taken during the whole course 3 times a week before meals. It is expedient to take coronary antiatherosclerotic remedi es. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), cocarboxylase (thiamine) have a positive effect although it is necessary to consult a medical practitioner.

1 2 3 4 5


(а) The trigger zones in the direct heart pro jection (allover box)

Fig. 30 The trigger zones in the humeral and an tebrachial areas (hatched box)


Coronary heart disease Stenocardia of the III and IV functional class. The postinfarction state. Myocarditis. Myocardiodystrophy (Fig. 31) In a person who has had an exacerbations of acute myocardial infarction, acute attack of angina or gross impairment of the cardiac rhythm quantum the rapy is strongly contraindicated. The most effective treatment for diseases of the cardiovascular system is achieved during the remission and period of relative sta bility. This may even prevent a possible exacerbations or recurrence.

Treatment area

1 Manubrium of sternum 2 Body of sternum The 2nd intercostal space on the 3 left side of the sternum


Exposure time

5 Hz

th 4 The 4 intercostal space to the left along the midclavicular line th 5 The 4 intercostal space to the left along the middle axillary line 6 Projection of the gallbladder

1 minute on each

5 Hz

2 minutes

7 The carotid pulsation on the left

50 Hz

2 minutes

To the left of the spinal column 8 at the top level of the scapula To the left of the spinal column 9 at the middle level of the scapula To the left of the spinal column 10 at the lower angle of the scapula

5 Hz

2 minutes on each

The course consists of 7  10 procedures. The procedures are taken daily or alternative days. Repeat the course after 34 weeks. Electrocardiographic moni toring and cardiologist's consultations are necessary. It is a good to combine the treatment with retinol (vitamin A), tocopherol (vitamin E) ( one capsule 3 times a day after meal), raisins, dried apricots, baked

91 potato. The effect of quantum treatment is intensified with the administration of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), cocarboxylase and other appropriate therapies (these medicines should be prescribed by the physician). It is a good idea to alter nate the treatment with the respiratory exercise, naturopathy and other treatments as needed.

Fig. 31






3 4 5 6 7




Heart rhythm disturbance (arrhythmia). General approach of quantum therapy (Fig. 32 ) When including quantum therapy in the complex treatment of arrhythmia, one should take into account the cardiologist's recommendations and the following: · irradiation directly over the heart (1) stimulates the microcirculation and inhibits the development of myocardial fibrosis , for example, caused by a longterm taking of beta blockers; · in case of bradyarrhythmia one can preferably place the emitter on the spi nal sympathetic ganglia located paravertebrally in the lower cervicothoracic part of the spine (2); · to treat a tachyarrythmia, the doctor can use a general somatic biostimu lation (page 50, 52). However before prescribing quantum therapy, pathologies such as thyrotoxicosis, valvular disease of the heart , diaphragmatic hernia etc. should be excluded, because in these cases it is necessary to treat the principal disease first in order to eliminate the arrhythmia; · to influence the parasympathetic nervous system, the carotid sinus (3) and epigastrium (4) should be treated; · it may also be necessary to consult with a neurologist to exclude an arrhythmia of a central nervous system origin which may be functional or arising from an organic lesion of the central nervous system or from mental disorders; to exclude an arrhythmia of thyroid origin, an endocrinologist's consultation may be necessary; · the heart area should only be irradiated at a frequency of 5 Hz, the exposu re time should be no more than 5 minutes. If the chosen method of treatment requi res irradiation of different heart areas, then every area is radiated for 1 minute; · in every case the quantum therapy should be prescribed individually and done under the control of a medical specialist.


Fig. 32

1 2 3 4




Consequences of a stroke. Vertebrobasilar insufficency. Circulatory encephalopathy (Fig. 33) The average duration of the of treatment is 10  15 procedures , one proce dure a day or alternative days. As indicated, there are 2  3 possible courses a year. As necessary the paravertebral areas at the level of the symptomatic mani festations of the vertebral deficiency can be scanned.

Treatment area


Exposure time

5 Hz

5 minutes

50 Hz

1 minute on each area

4 Carotid sinus

50 Hz

2 minutes each

5 The frontotemporal areas, scanning

50 Hz

2 minutes from each side

6 The suboccipital fossa

50 Hz

1 minute on each area

50 Hz

2 minute on each area of the cervical vertebra


The 4th intercostal space to the left side of the sternum


The infraclavicular fossa or Mohrenheim's fossa

3 The supraclavicular fossa



The spinous process of the 7th cervical ver tebra

Paravertebrally on both sides of the 7th cervi cal vertebra

A medical specialist should be involved in the quantum therapy treatment program. Quantum therapy should not be performed in the case of an acute stroke but may begin 34 weeks after the beginning of the acute phase when the condit ion is relatively stable.


Fig. 33 5 4



3 2

6 7 8


Vegetativevascular dystonia (VVD). Neurocirculatory dystonia (NCD) This is a syndrome diagnosis which is often stated in health examina tions records , associated with borderline arterial hypertension or cerebral circu latory insufficiency. The VVD (or NCD) can be accompanied by hypertensive or hypotonic manifestations. It is not possible to estimate the intracranial pressure and cerebral blood flow from measurement of the peripheral arterial pressure. In the presence of symptoms pertaining to VVD (NCD) it is necessary to have a com plete check of all the body organs and systems which may influence or cause the VVD (NCD). Especially important is a thorough check of the condition of the cervical and thoracic spine area (cervical migraine, fibromyalgia, syndrome of vertebral artery etc.) In each case an individual prescription for quantum therapy should be based on the information of the causation of the VVD (NCD). This prescription depends on the clinical course of the VVD (NCD) and can include the treatment of different bodily organs projections using the schemes recommended for treat ment of this particular organ conditions. The quantum therapy combines well with manual therapy of the spinal column.


Atherosclerosis of lower limbs. Obliterating endarteritis (Fig. 34)

If both limbs are treated, the heart area (zone 1) should be included in the treatment. The procedures should be performed daily or alternative days , the course includes up to 15 procedures. If necessary the course can be repeated after a month. It is possible to have 6 courses of treatment a year. The treatment shows very little promise if the patient smokes, abuses alcohol, strong tea, sweet and fat food and conducts a sedentary way of living. Diabetes mellitus complicates seriously the clinical course. The treatment is more effective if taken with antisclerotic medicines and using the quantum medicine device.

Treatment area


Exposure time


The 4th intercostal space at the left side of the sternum

5 Hz

5 minutes


The area of the femoral arterial pulsation


The areas at the front and inside surface of the hip and shin with the distance between irradiation about 10 cm

50 Hz

2 minutes on each area


2 minutes from each side


The areas on both side of the Achilles's tendon


The centre of the gastrocnemius muscle


The popliteal space


The paravertebral lumbar area











Fig. 34


Venous insufficiency. Varicose veins of lower limbs (Fig. 35) At present phlebectomy (the operative intervention to ablate the varicose veins) is the radical surgical means of treating the varicose veins of the lower limbs. The main reason for the disease is incompetence of the saphenous valve caus ing difficulties in the outflow of the venous blood.

Treatment area

4th intercostal space at the left 1 The side of the sternum


Exposure time

5 Hz

5 minutes

50 Hz

2 minutes on each area

2 The area of the femoral arterial pulsation 3 The middle of the hip from the frontal side 4 The patellar area from the front 5 The popliteal area from the front

6 The middle of the shin from the front 7 The anklejoint


The back surface of the gastrocnemius muscle. 2 areas with an interval of 10 cm

9 The popliteal space 10 The centre of the hip from behind

11 The gluteal fold The success of the quantum therapy is due to an improvement in the out flow of blood along the deep veins which results in a relief of pressure in the varicose surface veins and a better cosmetic effect. The arterial circulation and microcircu lation are improved. As a result pain sensation lessens or disappears completely and the chances for the development of trophic ulcers is decreased. Quantum therapy may be applied both in the compensating and decompen sating stages. The number of procedures per course is 15. The first ten procedures are taken daily, the remaining 5 procedures  every other day. It is possible to take up to

99 6 courses a year. The minimal interval between them is 1 month. The treatment is successful in combination with the specific therapeutic agents (troxevasin, ginko etc.). Quantum therapy is also very useful and improves the outcome in the postoperative period after the phlebectomy.


2 11 3


4 9


8 6


Fig. 35 (а)



Haemorrhoids (Fig. 36) Quantum therapy is contraindicated when the haemorrhoids are bleeding. It is recommended to test blood for coagulability, human immunodeficienct virus (HIV) and Wassermann reaction (Wassermann test). If there is chronic bleeding then one should exclude intestinal polyposis.

Treatment area


Exposure time

5 Hz

2 minutes on each zone


1 minute


The epigastrium


The right hypochondrium


The left hypochondrium


The left iliac region


The areas round the anus


The perineum

5 Hz

1 minute


The projections of the femoral vessels

5 Hz

5 minutes on each zone

In addition the operator can irradiate the haemorrhoidal swelling directly by the contact method through a thin polyethylene film at the Variable frequency for 2 minutes. The course includes 10  15 procedures taken every day or every other day. The course can be repeated every two months. If operative intervention is required then quantum therapy is possible and performed daily over 10 12 days after surgery according to the scheme in order to prevent post operative complications (thrombus formation).. In addition the proctologist can apply the nozzle №1 from the lightguide nozzle set KON1* rec tally at a frequency 1000 Hz during 5 minutes. In case of haemorrhoids caused by any other disease (for example, por tal hypertension) it is essential to treat the basic underlying disease simultan eously. * KON1 is a trade name of a Lightguide nozzle set


Fig. 36

1 2 3 5 4 6





The application of the Douche 1 emitter treating vascular diseases of the lower limbs (Fig. 37)

The emitter Douche1 is applied treating the varicosities, atheros clerosis of lower limbs and obliterating endarteritis accordingly to the fol lowing scheme:  scanning in area №1 during 5 minutes at a frequency of 50 Hz;  scanning in area №2 during 2 minutes at a frequency of 50 Hz;  1 minute in areas №3 and №4 at a frequency of 50 Hz. The course of treatment is 10  15 procedures taken daily. Repea ted courses are taken according to the indications with the interval of 1 month but not less.


Fig. 37

General femoral vein General femoral artery Superficial femoral artery

1 Deep femoral artery







Raynaud's disease (Raynaud's syndrome). Cold disease (Fig. 38) №

Treatment area


Exposure time

5 Hz

5 minutes

50 Hz

1 minute on each area

The fingers of the arm from the palmar and back sides, scanning

1000 Hz

2 minutes on each side of the hand

Along the spinal column of the target af 9 fected side from the 3rd cervical spine up to 10 th vertebra of the thorax

1000 Hz

2 minutes

The 4th intercostal space to the left the sternum 2 The supraclavicular fossa 1


3 Subclavian fossa, 4 Axilla


The middle of the upper arm in the sulcus between the humerus and biceps muscle

6 The antecubital fossa 7 The pulsating area of the radial artery


These diseases are characterized by recurrent and prolonged spasms of the peripheric vessels induced by the cold and resulting in disorders of the capil lary circulation. It is explained by the functional abnormality of the medullar vaso motor center. The quantum therapy can be used both as the monotherapy and a com ponent part of a more complex treatment. As an additional therapy it is successful ly applied after the surgical treatment (sympathectomy). The duration of the course is 10  15 procedures taken daily or alternative days. The course can be repeated 35 times per year.


Fig. 38

2 4 3 9

1 5 6






DISEASES OF RESPIRATORY APPARATUS Quantum therapy has a wealth of experience in treating diseases of the upper airways and bronchopulmonary pathology. The research of leading Russi an scientists has proven the very good efficacy of quantum therapy for both grown ups and children. This efficiency is explained on the morphological and biochemical levels. In most cases the subjective and objective improvement, the meaningful reduction of the drug doses and length of convalescence can be achi eved very quickly. If however there is a purulent destructive process then it is essential to create drainage of the pus or exudated fluid and only afterwards to decide on treatment with quantum therapy. Bronchial asthma is a special case. It is a difficult disease to manage with many different underlying causes , variations in its development and clinical cour se, different sensitivities to external environmental factors and different respon ses to medicines etc. A medical specialist should always be consulted when treating bronchial asthma with the quantum therapy. It is necessary to make a complex assessment of the health condition and try to define the reasons of the condition of each patient. The therapist should pay attention to the area of treatment and not exceed the recommended exposu re time, analyzing the changing symptom picture from day to day. It is not unusual to find that bronchial asthma is combined with patholo gy of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, liver. When there is complex patholo gy then one should include the corresponding schemes using quantum therapy. Recently the quantum therapeutic methods has become widely used in treating tubercular patients. They have been found to be highly effective in tre ating tuberculosis of the respiratory tract , tuberculosis of the osteoarticular sys tem and sarcoidosis. Treating the local area together with general somatic stimulation (pages 50, 52) using quantum therapy will improve the results.


Different clinical forms of rhinitis: acute rhinitis, chronic rhinitis, vasomotor rhinitis, atrophic rhinitis, preatrophic rhinitis, allergic rhinitis №

Treatment area


1 Wings of nose

5 Hz

2 The projection of tonsils

50 Hz

The nozzle №2 from the set KON-1 into both nostrils

1000 Hz

4 The projection of the frontal sinus

5 Hz


Exposure time

2 minutes on each area

1 minute

In case of rhinitis the noninvasive blood irradiation in the area of carotid arte ries at a frequency of 50 Hz for 2 minutes and paravertebral area scanning along the spinal column from the cervical to thoracic regions at a frequency of 1000 Hz for 2 minutes are advisable. The addition of homoeopathic medicines is supportive and complimentary to quantum therapy. One should not take halazolin, sanorin or other vasoconstrictive drops. The course of treatment consists of 10 15 procedures on a daily basis. Cour ses can be repeated up to 6 times a year with interval of 3  4 weeks. The use of the lightguide nozzles should be based on a medical specialist's decision.






Fig. 39



Antritis. Frontal sinusitis (Fig. 40)

Catarrhal sinusitis can be treated successfully with quantum therapy. If there is suspicion of suppuration then quantum therapy is not indicated until the infection has disappeared or after surgical drainage or other appropriate treatment.

Treatment area


Exposure time


The projection of the maxillary sinus on both sides

5 Hz

2 minutes on each area


The projection of the frontal sinus

5 Hz

2 minutes


Set №2 from the KON1 into each nostril

1000 Hz

2 minutes on the left and right

The course of treatment consists of 7  10 procedures, one procedure a day. The course can be repeated after one month according to the indications. The noninvasive blood irradiation in the area of the carotid pulsation is advised at a frequency of 50 Hz, 2 minutes on each side.




Fig. 40



Tonsillitis (quinsy). Exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis (Fig. 41) Before the application of quantum therapy, an ENT specialist's consulta tion is obligatory. The catarrhal and lacunar (with nonsuppurative superficial patches) tonsillitis respond well to quantum therapy. In the case of a paratonsillar abscess or follicular tonsillitis, quantum the rapy should be delayed until after the abscess has been lanced and drainage esta blished. These cases should be treated only by an ENT specialist.

Treatment area


Exposure time


The 4th intercostal space from the left of the sternum

5 Hz

5 minutes


The projection of tonsils on the right and left

5 Hz

5 minutes on each area


Cervical spine on the right and left, scanning

50 Hz

2 minutes on each area


Nozzle №1 or №2 from the sets KON1 in the immediate region of tonsils in the mouth

1000 Hz

2 minutes on each tonsil

The course consists of 7  10 procedures once per day. In case of the chro nic tonsillitis it is recommended to repeat the course 2  4 times a year, spring and autumn are preferable.


Fig. 41

2 3







Pharyngitis. Laryngotracheitis without stenosis and with stenosis not over I degree (Fig. 42)

Treatment area



The trachea on the level of the thyroid cartilage

50 Hz


The upper third part of the sternum

5 Hz


Supraclavicular fossa


Subclavicular fossa



Exposure time

2 minute on each area

5 Hz

1 minute on each area

Nozzle №1 from the sets KON1 through the mouth to the throat

1000 Hz

2 minutes

Paravertebrally to the right and left from the 3rd cervical to the 1st thoracic spine, scanning

1000 Hz

2 minutes from each side

The duration of the course is 7  10 procedures, 1 procedure a day. In case of increasing stenosis one should stop the quantum therapy and continue the tra ditional treatment. During the interval period the program can be applied as a prophylaxis of laryngotracheitis. Toward this end 2  3 courses may be given a year.


1 3 4 2






Fig. 42


Acute and chronic bronchopneumonia (Fig. 43) №

Treatment area


Exposure time


The 4th intercostal space to the left of the sternum

5 Hz

5 minutes


The supraclavicular fossa on the right and left side

50 Hz

2 minutes on each area


Mohrenheim's fossa (subclavian fossa) on the right and left side

50 Hz

1 minute on each area


The spinal areas on the level of the upper side of the shoulder blades (scapulas) on the right and left side


The spinal areas on the level of the central side of the shoulder blades (scapulas) on the right and left side

5 Hz

2 minutes at each frequency on each area


The spinal areas on the level of the angle of the shoulder blades (scapulas) on the right and left side


The subscapular region on the right and left side

5 Hz

2 minutes on each area

As indicated one should also treat the trigger zones, (for a description of the zones consult pages 38, 39) in the following way: 1000 Hz on the extracepti ve zones; 50 Hz or Variable frequency on the proprioceptive zones, the exposure time is 2  5 minutes untill one achieves the appropriate clinical effect (the dimi nution or eradication of the corresponding symptoms ). The course of treatment consists of 12  15 procedures, 1 procedure a day. Combining this method with medication (antibiotics, sulfonilamides etc.) is necessary. The course can be repe ated after one month. If there is radiological evidence showing the presence of a centre of inflammation, then the projection of this area should be additionally radi ated at a frequency of 5 Hz with an exposure time of 2 minutes. If there are signs of deterioration, such as pulmonary destruction, then quantum therapy must be temporally aborted until the disappearance of the symptoms.

115 Trigger zones

2 3

4 5


6 7



Fig. 43


Bronchial asthma (Fig. 44) There are two basic types of asthma: the atopic asthma when there is a permanent allergen provoking the exacerbation of a disease and the intrinsic one developing against a background of catarrhal diseases. Taking into account a difficult etiopathogenetic mechanism of the disease, the treatment must be controlled by a specialist in pulmonology. As the allergic com ponent is quite a considerable part in the pathogenesis of the bronchial asthma it is essential to radiate the antiallergenic zones, for example, the area of the adrenal gland (page 38) at a frequency of 5 Hz for 2 minutes. The course consists of 10 15 procedures. If necessary the course can be repeated after 4 weeks. Prophylactic courses can be repeated up to 4 times a year.

Treatment area

1 Manubrium of sternum 2 Body of sternum Trachea in the area of the thyroid 3 cartilage in the middle or to the right and left

4 The supraclavicular fossa Mohrenheim's fossa (subclavian fossa) 6 The right hypochondrium 7 The left hypochondrium 8 Epigastrium


Exposure time

5 Hz 5 Hz

2 minutes 1 minute

50 Hz, then 5 Hz

1 minute at each frequency

50 Hz

1 minute on each area 1 minute on each area


5 Hz

The spinal areas on the level of 9 the upper side of the shoulder blades (scapulas) The spinal areas on the level of 10 the central side of the shoulder blades (scapulas)

50 Hz

The spinal areas on the level of 11 the angle side of the shoulder blades (scapulas)

1 minute on each area




1 3




4 5 6 7 8



Fig. 44


Application of Douche 1 emitter in pulmonology (Рис. 45) Douche 1 emitter is applied in pulmonology to treat such diseases as acute and chronic pneumonia and bronchitis of any aetiology, pleurisy, pulmona ry tuberculosis, consequences of pulmonary barotraumas and decompression disease, traumas and wounds of the thorax. The method of treatment given in the figure is quite averaged and univer sal for treatment of the twosided, symmetrical pathological processes in lungs. The aim of the medical specialist is to work up the method of treatment for the onesided processes depending on localization, aetiology, acuity and severity of a disease. The area of the projection of lungs and bronchial tree is scanned with a speed of 1 cm per second. The exposition time is divided in the following way: 5 minutes are for the front of the pectoral surface and 5 minutes for the back. Eve rything is radiated at a frequency of 5 Hz. The exception is the spinal projection from behind where the frequency of 50 Hz is applied. If there are other associ ated diseases or any complications of other organs then these additional areas should be irradiated. The course of treatment consists of 10  15 procedures taken every day in case of an acute disease or alternative days in the case of chronic or subacute conditions. In conclusion it is necessary to add that RIKTA® device cannot be applied as a monotherapy for such diseases as acute pneumonia, acute bronchitis etc. where there is an infectious aetiology and where antibacterial medicines or other drug medication may be necessary for symptomatic improvement in the patients condition especially when the condition could be life threatening.

Fig. 45




GASTROENTEROLOGICAL AND STOMATOLOGICAL DISEASES A great deal of research performed by Russian researchers and scientists from other countries have shown the high efficacy of quantum therapy as a therapeu tic application for treatment of different ill conditions of the abdominal organs. Over the last few years there has appeared numerous publications in the medical periodical press concerning the works of O.V. Skobelkin, V.A. Builin , V.I. Kore panov, Yu.N. Korolev, N.Z. Zagorskaya and many others, which have helped to com prehend and clarify the bioactivation processes involved in quantum therapy on morphological and biochemical levels. The research findings allow practitioners to draw up a treatment program that is most beneficial for treating problems of the gastrointestinal tract using quantum therapy.

The present knowledge of etiology and pathogenesis of many abdominal cavity diseases confirms the conclusion that their development and chronicity are based on a complex of compensatory and adaptive disturbances. The microcirculation disturbance, the immunodeficiency occurring as a res ult of persistent helicobacters presence, peristalsis disturbance, formation of distur bing scars or adhesions etс. are the elements of digestive disease development. The disturbance of metabolic processes often results in the development of patho logy in other organs and systems : cardiovascular, locomotor, genitourinary systems and others. Quantum therapy reverses the disease process and allows healing to occur when gastroenteric pathology is present. The recovery of microcirculation, the acti vation of proliferative cell pools, the antiedema effect, the recovery of normal fun ction of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems resulting in a peristalsis restoration is a result of the high efficacy of quantum therapy. Quantum therapy is widely used in stomatology as monotherapy, as well as during a complex treatment after surgical operations. Good results are achieved when treating paradontosis. It should be remembered that if there are signs of sup puration then this requires proper drainage prior to the prescribing of quantum the rapy. The presence of pus always means that a dentist should be consulted and self treatment is contraindicated. The use of quantum therapy will improve the effectiveness of any other tre atment given at the same time because of the improved blood supply and better access to tissues that occurs with this treatment.


Liver Diseases. Hepatitis. Liver Fatty Degeneration. Liver Cirrhosis (Fig. 46) №

Treatment area


Exposure time


4th intercostal region to the left near the edge of sternum

5 Hz

5 min

5 Hz

2 min per each zone

50 Hz

1 min

Scanning irradiation along vertebral column 5 from scapulae angle level to middle of loin, on both sides


2 min per each side

The point between sternomastoid muscle at 6 tachment, from the right, above the clavicle

50 Hz

1 min

Trigger zones and ZaharjinHead's zones as 7* found on examination: extraceptives

1000 Hz

25 min per each

Scanning irradiation along right hypochon 2 drium from midaxillary line to epigastrium Line parallel to the above, located 5 cm 3 higher Middistance between xiphoid process and 4 umbilicus


550 Hz or Variable

* see p. 38, 39

Infectious hepatitis may develop into acute hepatic failure(hepatic coma). If any signs of failure develop then zonal therapy over the liver should be discon tinued or not prescribed. In these serious conditions it is still helpful to include noninvasive blood irradiation into the complex treatment. As experience has shown, in this case there is noted a positive dynamic intensification of the hea ling process and faster normalization of biochemical indices. The therapist can return to zonal treatment of the liver area after the convalescence period. If there is a smooth course of the infectious hepatitis, zonal therapy can be started as early as possible for 1015 days (depending on the progress).

121 When performing quantum therapy during the convalescence in cases without icteric forms or HBsA (Australian antigen) carriers, it is possible to per form 10 or 15 procedures per course, procedures are carried out daily or every second day. The usual liver function tests should be performed to assess pro gress. It is possible to repeat up to 23 courses within half a year.

6 7

1 3 2




Trigger zone


Fig. 46


Gall bladder and biliary tract diseases. Noncalculous chronic cholecystitis. Biliary tract dyskinesia. Postcholecystectomy syndrome. (Fig.47) Quantum therapy should not be performed as part of self treatment without adequate diagnosis and should always be under the supervision and con trol of a physician. Treatment is possible if there is only 'sand' in the gall bladder. It is also important to keep in mind the connection between the gall bladder and heart (cholecystocoronary syndrome) so that when ischemic heart disease is present the practitioners should be careful when applying any stimulation method to the gall bladder. Quantum therapy combines well with homeopathy, vegetable choloretics and cholekinetics, electrostimulation of gall bladder. The method of treatment of noncalculous cholecystitis, gall bladder dyski nesia and postcholecystectomy state is shown below.

Treatment area


Exposure time

5 Hz

2 min

5 Hz

2 min per each

5 Hz

2 min

5 Hz

2 min

The point between sternocleidomastoid muscle crura to the right, above clavicle

50 Hz

1 min

Paravertebrally, at the level from 6 scapula angle from the right to the edge of costal arch (scanning)

5 Hz

2 min

Gallbladder projection zone in right hy 1 pohondrium 2 points 5 cm higher and 5 cm lower 2 than point 1 along costal arch


Middle of distance between umbilicus and sternum xiphoid process

4 Umbilicus region


123 Please check the preceding method for treatment of the trigger zones. It is recommended that the course should include 10 daily procedures. The course can be repeated after one month. Preventive courses two or three times per year are also possible.


6 1

2 3 4



Fig. 47


Chronic Pancreatitis, exacerbation stage (Fig. 48) №

Treatment area


4 intercostal region to the left, near sternum edge

Frequency Exposure time


5 Hz

5 min

2 Epigastrium

5 Hz

2 min

3 Right and left hypochondrium

5 Hz

2 min per each zone

50 Hz

2 min

50 Hz

1 min

1000 Hz

2 min per each side

5 Hz

2 min

Middle of the line between umbilicus and ster num xiphoid process The point between sternocleidomastoid muscle 5 crura above clavicle, to the left


Scanning irradiation on the right and left side 6 along vertebral column from the middle of scapu lae to beginning of lumbar section 7

Middle distance between 2 and 4 (corps of pan creas)

One should always check for Calk's and Obraztsov's painful and hyperestesia trigger zones and treat them for 25 min at 1000Hz. Up to 1012 procedures are required per one course. The proce dures are performed daily or every second day. A second course is recommended after one month. If necessary, 34 courses can be given per year.


Trigger zone Calk's zone


1 2



7 4

Obraztsov's zone


Trigger zone


Fig. 48


Stomach diseases. Chronic gastritis. Stomach ulcer (Fig. 49) Prior to prescribing quantum therapy treatments for a peptic ulcer, a test for malignancy should be performed. The laser therapy physician should be acquainted with the results of the fibrogastroscopy and a biopsy no older than two months. If there is an ulcer hemorrhage, particularly if recurrent, then quantum the rapy treatment is not advised.

Treatment area


4th intercostal region to the left, near the sternum edge


Exposure time

5 Hz

5 min

5 Hz

2 min per each


2 min per each

5 Hz

2 min

2 Epigastrium

3 Middle of the left hypohondrium

Left hypohondrium along the front axillary line Middle of the line between umbilicus and 5 sternum xiphoid process


Scanning irradiation on the right and left side along the vertebral column from the 6 line of scapulae angles to the upper lumbar section 7

Middle area between zones 2 and 5 (stomach little curvature)

A decision to treat the stomach trigger zones( see pages 38, 39) if present should be taken by the doctor. Treatment frequency is 1000Hz on extraceptives trigger zones and 5, 50Hz or variable on proprioceptive zones, for duration of 25 min. The location of stomach trigger zones is shown on the Fig.49. The duration of the quantum therapy course is 1012 procedures, one course per day. The procedure should take place before or two hours after meals.

127 While undergoing quantum therapy treatments, no alcohol or smoking is allowed. It is necessary to follow a strict diet as prescribed by a physician or dietitian.

5 1 2 7 5

3 4


Stomach trigger zones


Fig. 49 (b)


Duodenal diseases. Duodenal ulcer, duodenitis. Cicatricial changes of duodenal bulb (Fig. 50) № 1 2 3

4 5

Treatment area 4th intercostal region to the left, near sternum edge Epigastrium Umbilicus Middle of the line between umbilicus and sternum xiphoid process Right Hypohondrium

6 Left Hypohondrium Along vertebral column on the right and left, from 7 the middle of scapulae to upper lumbar section (scanning method)

8 Between zones 4 and 5 (duodenal projection)


Exposure time

5 Hz

5 min

5 Hz

2 min per each

1000 Hz

2 min per each

5 Hz

2 min

The duration of the quantum therapy treatment course is 1012 procedu res, 1 per day. The therapy course should be repeated at least twice a year. While undergoing therapy treatments, no alcohol or smoking is allowed. It is necessary to follow a strict diet as prescribed by a physician or dietitian. During the process of using the quantum therapy treatment to promote healing of the duodenal ulcer, the taking of the traditional prescribed treatments may be continued. This quantum therapy treatment will make the preparations more effective, so that dosages of medications can be safely reduced. Stomach and duodenal ulcers are characterized by recurrent acute condit ions often seasonally in the spring and autumn. Therefore a prophylactic course up to 23 weeks before the expected acute condition is advisable. This may pre vent a recurrence of the condition or will modify its manifestation so that it is not severe.


Fig. 50

1 2 6 7

3 4 5

8 (а)



Chronic, Nonspecific Colitis. Constipation (Fig. 51) Before starting the treatment the practitioners should assess the patient's nutritional status in order to gain an understanding of the pathogenesis of the colitis and to assess progress. One should take into account that there are a number of diseases which can mimic a colitis , such as Hirschsprung's disease, diverticulosis and polyposis of large intestine, megacolon , dolichosigmoid(abnormally long sigmoid flexure of colon), large intestine's tumors, etc., and the decision to do quantum therapy should be made by a specialist only. The diagnosis of "Chronic nonspecific coli tis" should be confirmed through a full investigation including colonoscopy and radiological examinations.

Treatment area


Exposure time


4 intercostal region to the left, near ster num edge

5 Hz

5 min


2 Right iliac region Projection of the liver angle of large in 3 testine The middle area between umbilicus and 4 xiphoid process 5 Umbilicus

2 min per Variable

each zone


2 min from each side

Projection of the spleen angle of large in testine 7 Left iliac region



Paravertebrally from scapula angle level to the fifth sacral vertebra, scanning

If indicated also treat the trigger zones of the intestine (see pages 38, 39). 15 procedures are recommended per one course. The procedures are per

131 formed daily or on alternative days. A second course may be repeated after one month. A total of 46 courses per year are recommended.

1 Trigger zone of the in testines

4 3 5

6 7

2 (а)



Fig. 51


Application of Douche1 emitter for gastroenterology (Fig. 52) (Fig. 53) Douche 1 emitter is used in gastroenterology for treatment of such dis eases as acute and chronic hepatitis (infectious and toxic), liver cirrhosis, chro nic noncalculous cholecystitis, biliary tract dyskinesia, chronic pancreatitis, chronic gastroduodenitis of different etiology's, stomach and duodenal ulcers, chronic colitis, constipation. 5 scanning zones are shown in Fig.53, which are used for digestive system tre atment. Quantum therapy is performed according to the following methods: 1. Acute infectious and toxic hepatitis: scan the following areas:  zone No.1 during 5 min at 5 Hz,  zone No.2, 2 min at 5 Hz,  zone No.4, 2 minutes at 50 Hz. Treatment course is 10 procedures, daily. 2. The sequelae of infectious hepatitis , chronic toxic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis: scan the following areas:  zone No. 1 during 3 min at 5 Hz. Treatment course is 15 procedures daily or alternative days. 3. Chronic noncalculous cholecystitis, biliary tract dyskinesia, chronic pancreatitis: scan the following areas:  zone No.1 during 2 min at 5 Hz,  zone No.2 during 5 min at 5 Hz,  zone No.4 during 2 min at 50 Hz. Treatment course is 10 procedures daily or alternative days. 4. Chronic colitis, constipations: scan the following areas:  zone No.1 during 2 min at 5 Hz,  zone No.2 during 2 min at 5 Hz,  zone No.3 5 min at the variable frequency,  zone No.4  2 min at 50 Hz. Treatment course is 15 procedures on alternative days. 5. Chronic gastroduodenitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers: scan the following areas:  zone No.5 during 5 min at variable frequency  zone No.4 during 2 min at 50 Hz. Treatment course is 15 procedures, performing daily or alternative days.

133 If there are some attendant diseases, zones for symptomatic therapy could be added.

Fig. 52

Liver Gall bladder

Stomach Spleen


Pancreas Large intestine (descending)

Large intestine (ascending) Small intestine loops

Fig. 53 Schematic anatomy of

1 4

5 2 3




Gingivostomatitis (Fig. 54)

Treatment area


Exposure time

1 Carotid sinuses on both sides

50 Hz

5 min per each zone

Disturbed zone projection treated 2 from the outside in contact with skin of face

50 Hz

5 min

Nozzle No.2 from the KON1 set or nozzle No.1 from KON3 set, 3 through the mouth directed to the focus, at a distance of 0,5 cm


5 min

The course includes 510 procedures, one per day. In order to reinforce the effect, the treatment may contain elements of gen eral somatic stimulation (see p. 50, 52). These courses may be repeated on indications with an interval of 34 weeks.


Fig. 54


3 (b)




Parodontitis (Fig. 55)

Treatment area


Exposure time

5 Hz

1 min per each zone


5 min

1 Manubrium sterni

2 Sternum body, in the middle

intercostal region to the left of ster 3 2nd num

4 4th intercostal region to the left of sternum

Nozzle No.2 from the KON1 set or No.2 5 from the KON3 set through the mouth, di rectly to the focus

The first treatment course may include 1215 procedures, 1 procedure daily. In case of attended pathology of stomach, liver and/or pancreas, a more complex treatment is necessary. If healing of the disease is slow then it may be necessary to repeat the courses of 7 to 10 procedures, with an interval of 1.5 or 2 months. It is possible to strengthen the treatment effect by using one of the general somatic stimulation patterns (see page 50, 52). If the appropriate nozzle is not available then the oral cavity lesion can be treated by holding the emitter on the outside at tooth projection (zone 6). Upper jaw teeth are treated at 50 Hz5 min and lower jaw teeth at 50 Hz5 min. The method of procedure is scanning.


Fig. 55







5 6


Acute Pulpitis. Chronic pulpitis exacerbation. (Fig. 56)

Treatment area


Exposure time

1 Sore teeth projection from outside


5 min

Nozzle No.2 from the KON1 set or noz zle No.1 from the KON3 set through 2 the mouth to gingiva in the sore teeth projection zone

1000 Hz

2 min

The procedure may be repeated 3 or 4 times a day especially if the impro vement is slow. If there is no effect, after the first sleepless night then a doctor should be consulted. The procedure is contraindicated in cases where there is a suspicion of suppuration. The course duration traditionally should not exceed three to five days. Repeating courses may be performed as indications.

Fig. 56

1 2


Chronic Granulating Periodontitis (Fig. 57) This condition can be treated with quantum therapy provided there are no signs of suppuration. In doubtful cases, one should consult with a dentist who can make a decision regarding the possibility of preserving the teeth. When suppuration is present then a drainage point should be opened by a cut on a gingival fold. Once drainage is established then quantum therapy can be initiated.


Sore tooth projection on the outside of cheek


Exposure time 2 min


Nozzle No. 2 from the KON1 set or No.1 from the KON3 set to the gingiva

1000 Hz

2 min

Treatment area


The treatment course is 23 days if the response is good. Under the dentist's supervision the treatment course can be extended to 10 procedures if necessary. Repe ating courses may be performed if indicated.

Fig. 57

1 2


SKIN AND SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE DISEASES In this section surgical and dermatological pathologies are presented. Inflammatory skin and subcutaneous tissue diseases in the stage of sup puration (whitlow/felon), are clear indications for surgical intervention and eva cuation of pus and only after that quantum therapy is applied. Skin diseases are the mirror reflection of internal lesions of the organism i.e.  immune and neurohumoral systems disorders. This especially concerns such diseases as psoriasis, neurodermatitis , eczema and others where conventional treatment is mainly symptomatic, so that the method of general somatic biostimu lation (pages 50, 52) is quite important in the treatment of these diseases. The tre atment provides immunoglobulin stimulation, reducing of circulating immune complexes , reducing of leukocyte inclination to the roulette clumping. At the local level the quantum therapy assists in recovery of microcircula tion, strengthening regenerative processes, elimination of inflammatory changes and edema.

Inflammatory conditions without signs of suppuration. (Stage of serous infiltration) (Fig.58) At the early stages of the inflammatory process and before suppuration, the zone of infiltrate is irradiated. In these cases the process may develop in two ways depending on the stage: either a full dispersion of the infiltrate and clea ring of the inflammation or the development of suppuration and opening of an abscess. The number of procedures is 37 per course. In the serous infiltrate stage, it is recommended to do 2 procedures daily. When the signs of suppuration appear or there is any suspicion of it, the process must be treated by the surgeon and the quantum therapy should be immediately stopped or interrupted until the opening of the abscess when treat ment can be continued. With postoperative surgical wound healing  the quantum therapy course may be continued according to the scheme of wound treatment.


The affected area


Exposure time

Inflammatory infiltrate of a large size located at a significant depth


5 minutes per 10 cm2

Inflammatory infiltrate of a small size located superficially.


Infiltrate with significant pain, tender ness and edema

1000 Hz

25 minutes per 10 cm2

Infiltrate located on the face, head

1000 Hz

25 minutes per 10 cm2

25 minutes per 10 cm2

Fig. 58




whitlow or felon


Inflammatory conditions with the signs of suppuration. Abscesses, phlegmons, furuncles, hidradenitis, carbuncles etc. (Fig.59) Quantum therapy is applied only after surgical treatment and opening of an abscess or other pustules if drainage of pus is performed. Before quantum therapy procedure, the abscess cavity must be irrigated. The postoperative wound (zone of incision) as well as surrounding tissues up to 5 cm are treated by scan ning irradiation, 0.51 cm over the surface of lesion.

Treatment area


Exposure time


Area of opened abscess or other pustular lesions


5 minutes per 10 cm2

The treatment course is 1015 procedures, 1 procedure daily. It's recommended additionally to apply noninvasive irradiation on blood using the blood vessels located nearest to the zone of the lesion. When pus is present then the principal method of conservative treatment is antibiotic therapy. Quantum therapy significantly promotes the transport of medication to the area of pathology.


Fig. 59

Neck car buncle




Abscess of forearm Furuncle on the buttocks Anterior abdominal wall phlegmon/suppu ration


Trophic ulcers of varicose and other origin/incipient (Fig. 60) The early onset of a trophic ulcer is always the result of a systemic disease. The most frequent reasons are: diabetes mellitus with diabetic angiopathy in the past his tory, acute thrombophlebitis and postthrombophlebitic syndrome, varicose veins of lower extremities, obliterating atherosclerosis of lower extremity vessels and posttrau matic disturbances of blood and microcirculation. When applying quantum therapy, it is necessary, apart from other considera tions, to take into account the primary reason for the trophic ulcer and, therefore, the treatment should be started from this viewpoint; the average number of procedures should be 5 treatments for the primary condition, and only after that should one begin the treatment for the trophic ulcer itself. If any ulcer is due to varicosities, quantum therapy starts from the methods of varicose treatment for the diseased extremity, 5 sessions. This treatment should be followed by treating the lumbosacral area of the vertebral column and then treating the ulcer area itself. If the trophic ulcer has developed in a patient with obliterating atherosclerosis of lower extremities, the treatment should be started with the methods corresponding to the main disease on the side of the diseased extremity. The number of procedures is 5. After that, the treatment is applied to the appropriate area of the vertebral column and the local area of the ulcer. If the trophic ulcer is of a posttraumatic origin then first treat the residu al problem from the trauma and next choose one of the methods presented on the Fig. 60. Quantum therapy can be used in combination with other appropriate methods for optimum effectiveness. These include : angioprotective agents, antisclerotic prepa rations, vitamins, local medicinal therapy and the surgical treatment of the diseased focus. The treatment course is 1015 procedures (including 5 preliminary treatments) daily or alternative days. Repeated courses may be started in 34 weeks after complet ion of the preceding one.


Treatment area

lumbosacral area, both sides (para 1 The vertebrally), scanning

2 The area of trophic ulcer


Exposure time


2 minutes each side

Alternating: variable and over the dis 1000 Hz every second 5 minutes eased area day

Fig. 60






Application of the Douche1 emitter for the treatment of trophic ulcers (Fig. 61) №

Treatment area

1 Scanning in the zone No. 1 2 Scanning in the zone No. 2 3 Scanning in the zone No. 3 4 Trophic ulcer


Exposure time

50 Hz 50 Hz

5 minutes 2 minutes 2 minutes each zone


The treatment course is one treatment per day for 12 days. During the first five sessions (procedures 1 to 5) the irradiation is applied to the zones No.1 and 2, during further seven sessions (procedures 6 to 12) to the zones No.3 and 4.


Fig. 61 (b)

Femoral vein Femoral artery


Superficial femoral artery Deep artery of the thigh


3 4 Trophic ulcer


Eczema. Neurodermatitis (lichen simplex). Toxidermatosis, Psoriasis (Fig. 62) The following scheme of irradiation is possible:

Treatment area


Exposure time


The fourth intercostals space to the left of the sternum

5 Hz

5 minutes

2 Noninvasive irradiation of blood*

50 Hz

5 minutes each

3 The renal projection

5 Hz

23 minutes each

4 The adrenal gland projection


5 minutes each

Treatment of the skin in the inflamed 5 area, scanning, 1 cm over the skin sur face

1000 Hz

2 minutes at the area of 10 cm2

*You can choose any zone of the large vessels: more frequently the cubital fossa (2a) and femoral arteries (2b) are used.

The treatment course is 10 procedures, 1 procedure daily. If necessary repeat the course in a month. It is possible to repeat up to 4 courses a year. To strengthen immunity it is recommended to use The Universal Rehabili tation program (page 54) as well as taking natural stimulating preparations.

Fig. 62 1


2(b) 3 4 5




Anal itching (Fig. 63) There are a number of reasons for anal itching (Pruritus Ani)  from hel minthiasis to syndromes of obsessivecompulsive disorders. It is recommended that the cause for this condition should be fully inves tigated. The experience of quantum therapists has shown that this method of tre atment is highly effective. At the same time the therapist should identify the cause and take steps to eliminate it.

Treatment area


Exposure time


Anal area, scanning at the distan ce 1 cm over the anus

1000 Hz

5 minutes


Paravertebrally in the sacral area, both sides, scanning


5 minutes each

It is recommended to perform 710 procedures, 1 procedure daily. If necessary, repeat the course after one month. It is possible to irradiate the area using the contact method through a poly ethylene/plastic film placed on the area, or use the emitter 1 cm above the body surface. The above method is well combined with the General somatic biostimula tion (pages 52, 54) Fig. 63

2 1


Anal fissures (Fig. 64) Acute anal fissures respond very well to quantum therapy. The irradiation is at a distance or in close contact through a sterile plastic/polyethylene film. Chronic anal fissures and those which are not responding to the treatment are subject to surgical intervention. During the postoperation period the quantum therapy is prescribed according to the scheme of wound treatment (page 194).

Treatment area


Exposure time

1 Anus (close contact or distantly)


5 minutes

4(four) points: above, below and 2 23 cm to the left and to the right of the anus

1000 Hz

1 minute, each zone

The treatment course is 710 procedures, 1 procedure daily. The method is well combined with the General somatic biostimulation (page 54). Before the surgery operation it is advisable to take 23 procedures of quan tum therapy, 1 procedure (see above) daily, and to continue after the operation with 710 procedures, 1 procedure daily, according to the scheme above.

Fig. 64

1 2


Alopecia (loss of hair), scalp diseases (Fig. 65) Treatment is carried out by scanning movements, 1 cm per sec as close to the scalp surface as possible. (1). The use of the emitter Douche 2 (Laser comb) will allow optimum contact possible. The directions of movements are shown in the Fig.65. The exposure time in this area must not exceed 10 minutes. The frequen cy is 1000 Hz. As an additional therapy you should perform noninvasive irradiation on the blood in the area of pulsation of the carotid artery (2)  2 minutes on each side at the frequency 50 Hz. In the presence of chronic diseases, it is suggested that these conditions be treated at the same time as they may be the original cause of the scalp dis eases. To reach the desired effect it will take 36 courses of therapy, each course consists of 15 procedures followed by a break of 3 months and then repeated. Treatment may be continued over one or two years but improvement could be noted after one or two or three courses.

Fig. 65






Acne Vulgaris The treatment must be taken in combination with the Universal rehabilita tion program (page 54) since generally this disease is the consequence of hor monal changes. After completing the Universal rehabilitation program the local treatment above the lesion area is carried out by scanning method, frequency 50Hz. Exposure time: face  10 minutes, breast  10 minutes, back  10 minutes. It may take 13 courses, each consisting of 1012 procedures.

Cellulite (Fig. 66) The procedure is carried out by scanning along the lines shown in the Fig.66. Exposure time for each zone marked by the arrows is 5 minutes. One course consists of 15 procedures, taken daily or every second day To see positive effects may require 34 courses with monthly intervals. To increase the effectiveness of the local treatment it is recommended to take vacuum massage and the Universal rehabilitation program (page 54) befo re the main procedure.


Treatment area

See the Figures (scanning 1 cm per sec)

Fig. 66 (а)



Exposure time

50 Hz

total exposure 1040 minutes


The antiaging methods for skin of face and neck (Fig. 67) №


Treatment area

See the Figures Scanning, 1 cm per sec


Exposure time

50 Hz

510 minutes

Cosmetic procedures in the area of face and neck are performed by the scanning method along the lines shown in the Figures 67 (a) and 67 (b) at the frequency of 50 Hz. The irradiation on the area of face is carried out for up to 10 minutes, in the area of neck  5 minutes If there is any disease of the thyroid gland then any quantum therapy in the neck area is contraindicated. It must be noted also that all cosmetic procedures must be taken on a clean, dry skin before applying creams, lotions, topical medications or ointments. It is contraindicated to treat simultaneously conditions of the scalp and skin of face and neck area as the total exposure time in the head area must not exceed 10 minutes.

Fig. 67

Without cosmetological nozzle (a)

with cosmetological nozzle (b)


Application of Douche 1 in dermatology The treatment of skin diseases consists of local and general treatments. The local treatment is carried out by scanning method over the lesion/diseased area with the maximum exposure time of 5 minutes, frequency  VARIABLE. The general treatment is applied on liver, kidney, spleen according to the methods shown in the appropriate sections. The treatment course consists of 1015 procedures to be taken daily or alternative days.

DISEASES OF MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM AND CONNECTIVE TISSUE Quantum therapy for the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue is especially effective. The key to success is the right diagnostics and understan ding of pathogenesis of the pathological process. Treating the consequences without knowing their origin is useless and can give only a temporary improve ment. The infectionallergic factor is very important in the process of developing inflammatory diseases of joints (arthritis). In particular it is essential for rheuma toid arthritis which primarily strikes joints of hands, feet, knees, shoulders. Rheu matoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease where joints are deformed and destroyed under the influence of autoimmune antibodies which affect different types of collagen.The basic treatment for such an arthritis is the application of antiinflammatories , corticosteroid medicines, immunosuppressive agents and salizopyrines. Quantum therapy will often allow a decrease in the dose of medica tion and may help to avoid undesirable pharmacological side effects. Among diseases of the musculoskeletal system arthrosis (osteoarthritis) is a major problem with its high incidence. This is a metabolic articular disease which includes both superficial and structural changes of cartilage. The condition may be caused by metabolic disorders, injuries to the joint, heavy and nonuniform articular loads. The quantum therapy for osteoarthritis even when applied locally is accompanied by a general positive reaction by the body and a normalization of immu nity. In the area of treatment the microcirculation is improved, there is also an anti inflammatory response which accounts for the removal of puffiness in the area of the target affected joint, reducing meaningfully the pain and rehabilitating articular functions. Quantum therapy is very effective when applied in combination with manu al therapy.


Temporomandibular area. Arthritis and arthrosis of the temporomandibular joint (Fig. 68)


Exposure time

The articular projection of both sides even if only one side is involved.


5 minutes on each area

masseter muscle of the lower jaw, on 2 The affected side only

50 Hz

5 minutes


Treatment area

The average duration of the course is 7  10 procedures. One procedure a day. The course can be repeated if indicated with an interval of 3  4 weeks.

Fig. 68

1 2


Claviculoscapulobranchial region. Subacromial bursitis (inflammation of the joint capsule). Scapulohumeral periarthritis (Fig. 69) Before treatment the selected areas may be smeared with 75  100% solu tion of dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO). The concentration is selected individually according to sensitivity. In 5 10 minutes a light hyperemia and burning pain deve lop in the smeared place.

Treatment area

1 Area of the acromial process


Exposure time


5 minutes


2 minutes each

Scanning around the acromial process for a distance of 5 cm 2

 on the front side 2 min along the circular arc with 5 cm radius as shown on the left picture, and on the back side, 2 min, as shown on the right picture of Fig.69.

After the procedure the skin is smeared with a soothing cream. The cour se of treatment includes 10 procedures. The procedures are one daily. The cour ses may be repeated up to 3 times with an interval of 1 month between courses It is expedient to use other methods of treatment, for example, compres ses between the quantum therapeutic courses as these conditions (subacromi al bursitis, scapulohumeral periarthritis) are known for their slow response and persistent pain. When this condition is combined with chronic diseases of the gastrointes tinal tract, pancreas, gallbladder or kidneys, the treatment of the concomitant disease should be included in the complex therapy. Nevertheless the total time of treatment should not exceed the recommended limit for one procedure (40 minu tes). 1

Fig. 69

2 (а)



Shoulder joint (Fig. 70) The indications for RIKTA® device application in the area of the shoulder joint are arthrosis, arthritis and periarthritis. Each course is 10  12 procedures. The procedures are applied daily or alternative days. If necessary the course can be repeated after one month. A total of 6 courses per year is accep table. Vitamins A, E (tocopherol) and C (ascorbic acid) are expedient to take when applying the quantum therapy.

Treatment area


Exposure time


2 minutes on each area

50 Hz

2 minutes

1 The front articular projection

2 The articular projection from behind 3 The articular projection from above

4 The middle of the deltoid 5 Axilla

Fig. 70

3 4 5 2 1

(а) * The white zone means that the treated area is out of sight



Elbow joint (Fig. 71) The indications for RIKTA® device application in the area of the elbow joint are degenerative joint disease (arthrosis), arthritis, traumas and their consequen ces, bursitis, periarthritis.

Treatment area

Side of articular surfaces (supra condylar areas) 2 The middle of the bend of elbow 3 The top of the elbow joint


Exposure time


2 minutes on each area


The course consists of 10 15 procedures daily or alternative days It is permissible to take up to 3 courses with an interval of 1 month. If repeated treatment is essential, then there should be a break of 6 months. Vitamins A, E (tocopherol) and C (ascorbic acid) are expedient to take when applying the quantum therapy. Fig. 71



1 2 3


Epicondyles of elbow joint. Lateral epicondylitis ("Tennis elbow"). Medial epicondylitis ("Golfer’s elbow") (Fig. 72) Epicondylitis is a periostitis and inflammation of the ligamentoarticular apparatus of the humeral epicondyles. Epicondylitis originates from articular dislo cations and subluxations as well as heavy and nonuniform loads on them.

Treatment area

1 Supracondylar area Scanning round the epicondyle 2 over a distance of 5 cm


Exposure time


2 minutes


5 minutes

Variant I: the supracondylar area can be smeared with 75  100% solution of dimethylsulphoxide/DMSO (the percentage is chosen according to individual sensitivity). In 5 10 minutes a light hyperemia and burning pain develop in the smeared place. The smeared place is radiated. Variant II: skin of the the supracondylar area must be massaged until the steady hyperemia (reddening) appears. The emitter is placed in the centre of the epicondyle (the area of the maximum pain sensitivity). The 2 exposition time is 10 minutes, the frequency is 1000Hz. To Medial epicondylitis intensify the effect after the pro cedure one should apply a non steroidal antiphlogistic oitment medications and bandage for several hours. The course con sists of 7  10 procedures with 1 procedure a day. If there is no meaningful improvement, the treatment should be repeated in 4 weeks. If necessary, the 1 course can be repeated within 6 months. Lateral epicondylitis

Fig. 72


Radiocarpal articulation (wrist joint) (Fig. 73) The indications for application are degenerative joint disease (arthrosis), arthritis, traumas and their consequences.

№ 1 2 3 4

Treatment area Side surfaces of the joint The joint from the palmar side The joint from the dorsal side Antecubital fossa


Exposure time


2 minutes on each area

50 Hz

2 minutes

On average 10 15 procedures, once per day is sufficient. A further 3 courses with a monthinterval is possible. If the pain has an acute onset then 2 procedures per day can be performed. If necessary the treatment can be repeated after 6 months.

Fig. 73 (а)

4 (b)






Joints of the fingers (Fig. 74) Quantum therapy provides successful treatment for arthritis of the fingers provided they are free of deformities and sequelae of post traumatic injuries etc. The treatment of deforming rheumatic arthritis should combine quantum thera py with naturopathy, phytotherapy, homoeopathy.

Treatment area

1 Antecubital fossa 2 From the palmar side 3 From the dorsal side



50 Hz

2 minutes


2 minutes on each area

If there are lesions of all the small joints of the fingers, one should apply the scanning methods increasing the exposure time up to 5 minutes on the palmar and dorsal sides. During the scan, the emitter can be retained on the most painful joints for longer periods of time. The course includes 10 15 procedures one procedure per day. Repeated courses are possible up to 6 times per year with a month interval between courses.

Fig. 74





Hip joint: arthrosis, arthritis (Fig. 75) №

Treatment area

1 The area of the trochanter major Four areas round the trochanter major (higher, lower, to the right, to 2 the left) 5 cm distance between each area treated.


Exposure time


5 minutes


2 minutes on each area

The course includes no less than 15 procedures which are better perfor med daily. Every joint must be treated with 3 4 courses during a period of half a year with an interval between courses of 3  4 weeks. Vitamins A, E (tocopherol) and C (ascorbic acid) are expedient to take when applying the quantum therapy.



Fig. 75


Kneejoint (Fig. 76) The quantum therapy is applied in case of arthritis, arthrosis, traumatic injuries of a joint and periarticular bursa, bursitis, meniscal injuries, conditions after meniscectomy.

Treatment area


Exposure time


2 minutes on each area

50 Hz

5 minutes

1 Left and right side of articular surface 2

Area on the sides of the patella at the projection of the joint space

3 Joint space in the popliteal area

The noninvasive blood influence in the 4 femoral triangle on the side of diseased joint

The number of procedures per course is 15 once per day.This course can be repeated after one month. It is recommended that Quantum therapy be combined with manual the rapy Vitamins A, E (tocopherol) and C (ascorbic acid) are expedient to take when applying the quantum therapy.


2 3




Fig. 76


Anklejoint: arthritis, arthrosis (Fig. 77) №

Treatment area


Articular projections on each side of ankle under malleoli

2 The front articular projection The back articular projections, the 3 areas on both side of the Achilles' tendon


The noninvasive blood influence in the femoral triangle


Exposure time


2 minutes on each area

50 Hz

5 minutes

The course consists of 15 procedures, 1 procedure per day. The course can be repeated in 1 month. In serious conditions it is possible to take up to 6 courses a year. Vitamins A, E (tocopherol) and C (ascorbic acid) are expedient to take when applying the quantum therapy.

Fig. 77


1 2





Joints of the toes (Fig. 78) One should remember that polyarticular rheumatoid arthritis which often strikes small joints is a general disease and not just a local one. This also appli es to conditions such as Gout. Treating only the local condition with quantum the rapy alone therefore may not produce satisfactory results. It is essential to locate the origin of the disease and to give the complex treatment providing general sti mulation, immune level support, correction of possible disorders of the hepatic, pancreatic, renal system and the system of the gastrointestinal tract etc.

Treatment area

The noninvasive blood influence in the 1 femoral triangle on the side of the diseased foot 2 Scanning on the dorsal side of the foot 3 Scanning on the plantar side of the foot


Exposure time

50 Hz

5 minutes


5 minutes on each area

The course consists of 10 15 procedures, one a day. It can be repeated in 4 weeks. Vitamins A (antixerophthalmic factor), E (tocopherol) and C (ascorbic acid) are expedient to take when applying the quantum therapy.

Fig. 78 1



* The white zone means that the treated area is out of sight


Calcaneal spur (heel spur) (Fig. 79) Calcaneal spur is a redundant growth of the calcaneal bone caused by the displacement of the tendon along the bone due to pulling of the fascia joined to the bone. Flat feet increase the risk of the disease. The pain sensation is typical especially at the time of walking. Sometimes a cavity filled with liquid (a bursa) may develop, the walls of which become inflamed causing pain. The treatment of the Calcaneal spur is quite conservative and is designed to eliminate pain and inflammatory processes in the surrounding tissues. The use of inner soles (correc tive insoles, arch support) is often prescribed together with a warm salt bath, cura tive gymnastics, massage of feet and shins, and other appropriate therapies. A successful combination of antiinflammatory and anaesthetic appro aches when applying the quantum therapy will allow for meaningful reduction in the period of treatment. Before the procedure (5  10 minutes) it is recommended to process the area of the maximum pain sensitivity with 100% solution of dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO). №

1 2 3

Treatment area

The sole side of the calcaneal bone in the area of the calcaneal spur The side surfaces of the Achilles' tendon on the right and left The Achilles' tendon along the back sur face


Exposure time

1000 Hz

10 minutes

1000 Hz

2 minutes

50 Hz

1 minutes

The course includes 15 procedures, one a day. This can be repeated every 34 weeks until the symptoms are eliminated. If there is skin hyperkeratosis or a callus on the heel then prior to the use of quantum therapy a cosmetic treatment is needed, to eliminate skin thickness and facilitate penetration.



Fig. 79 1


Spinal area. Osteochondrosis, spondylosis deformans, spondylarthrosis (Fig. 80) Osteochondrosis of the spinal column is a lesion of the intervertebral joints due to a disturbed metabolism. The disease develops gradually with the appea ring of tophi in articular tissues changing the articular surface and cartilaginous structure. It is a common condition and by the age of 30  40 about a third of the population suffers from it. Osteochondrosis can strike any part of the vertebral column (cervical spine, thorax, loin). The disease is often characterized by pain in the corresponding part of the spinal column which is worsened by walking. Spondylosis is a chronic disease characterised by degenerative changes of the fibrous ring and ligament of the intervertebral disc with the formations of excrescences on the vertebral sides. In contrast to spinal osteochondrosis,pal pation(touching and pressing with fingers) of the spondylosis of the spinous pro cesses is painless. Traditionally osteochondrosis are treated with antiinflammatory medici nes. They all can reduce pain, diminish the intensity of the inflammatory process. But they all have one major disadvantage. They irritate the gastric mucosa caus ing gastritis, ulcers and even haemorrhages. The quantum therapy will make possible a reduction in the dose of the medication, improve the microcirculation, take away the pain syndrome, lower the muscle tension of the spinal column and improve the general condition. The quan tum therapy is good in combination with vitamins A (antixerophthalmic factor), E (tocopherol) and C (ascorbic acid) and detoxification procedures. In the absence of traumatic injuries one should follow the instructions in the manual. It is essential to have a medical checkup with spinal diseases (radio graphy, ComputerAided Tomography (CAT)) to make an accurate diagnosis and exclude expansive processes and other diseases requiring special treatment. The course consists of 10  15 procedures daily or alternative days. If necessary the course is repeated after 1 month.


Treatment area*


From the coccyx up to the occiput, along the from the bottom end upwards, accord 1 spine ing to a person's height there can be found about 8 areas with interval of 10 cm between

1000 Hz

50 Hz or 5 Hz (the frequency Along the spinal column from the right and left can be from the top down along the muscles changed every 2 side, (long spinal extensor muscle) with interval of alternate day ) 10 cm between zones or Variable

3 Femoral arteries

50 Hz

Exposure time 1 minute on each area

1 minute on each area

2 minutes each

* In case of the severe pain syndrome in any part of spinal cord, one can treat only this area taking also two more spinal segments up and down of the painful zone.

Fig. 80

1 2






Treatment of spinal osteochondrosis with Douche 1 emitter (Fig. 81)

Area № 1

Area № 2

Area № 3

Area № 4

Area № 5

The treatment of spinal osteo chondrosis is performed along the spinal column with scanning move ments. If there is referred pain with ra diation down the lower limb, then quantum therapy along the sciatic nerve should be included in the pro gram. The area to treat is chosen ac cording to the area of the affected spinal segments. In case of local osteochondro sis( in the acute period) which includes one or two segments with severe pain, then the treatment should consist of scanning over the area of maximum pain sensation and including two or more segments above and below the pain condition. Scan for 5 minutes at the Variable frequency. Scanning rate is 1 cm per second. In case of pain radiating into the hip and leg area the treatment should include the areas №4 along the sciatic nerve for 3 minutes at vari able frequency, areas №5  during 2 minutes at variable frequency. The treatment of chronic os teochondrosis without acute pain ex acerbation should include areas №1, №2 or №3 according to its localization for 3 minutes at a frequency of 50 Hz. One course includes 8 12 pro cedures.

Fig. 81


Myositis, myalgia (muscle pains), tendovaginitis (the inflammation of the tendon and its synovial sheath) (Fig. 82) №

Treatment area


Exposure time

A diseased muscle or tendon, scanning or 1 stable method according to the size of the area


2  5 minutes on each area

The area along the side of the spinal col 2 umn corresponding to the level of myosi tis, myalgia, tendovaginitis, scanning


2 minutes

When localizing pain which has radiated 1) in the upper limbs, the inferior cervical and suprathorax part of the spinal column are treated 2) in the lower limbs, the lumbosacral part of the spinal column is treated. 3) on the chest and back, the corresponding segment of the thorax from the affected side is radiated. If the lesion focus (myalgia, tendovaginitis,) has not radiated from the cor responding spinal level (hands below elbows, legs below knees) then the lesion focus itself is treated. The course consists of 7  8 procedures, once per day. If necessary the course may be repeated in 3  4 weeks.

Fig. 82 (а)



Myositis (myalgia)


1 Tendova --ginitis


DISEASES OF UROGENITAL SYSTEM In developing methods of quantum therapy, we have gathered a great deal of experience in the field of gynaecological and urological disorders that have helped to create numerous effective methods of treatment. Applying these meth ods in gynaecology one can notice an improvement in the microcirculation, stim ulation of the immune system and other effects in the pelvic organs. Quantum therapy has a beneficial effect on the metabolism of phosphorous compounds re sponsible for hyperplastic processes in the uterus. (Damidov, Slyusar and coau thors). Following the classical principle of "do no harm", in case of gynaecological disorders it is a doctor who should be prescribing and controlling the quantum therapeutic treatment. This is especially true in the case of complex treatment with hormonal and antiparasitic medicines and medicines which have an influ ence on the metabolism. The recommended methods of quantum therapy must be combined with traditional methods of treatment for chlamydiosis, trichomoniasis, genital her pes, mycotic lesion of the vagina etc. Quantum therapy has been practiced very successfully for many years in the field of medicine specializing in diseases of kidneys and urinary tracts. In case of the complex treatment of the urological patients the contraindi cations are as follows: diseases of a single kidney, Polycystic kidney disease, hy dronephrosis, urolithiasis and some others. Only the specialist should be making such a diagnosis and therefore the treatment should also be carried out under the control of the specialist in the de partment treating these conditions. One should take into account that some urological diseases can be caused by specific pathogens. In these cases the application of the quantum therapy alone is ineffective. For this reason it is necessary, before prescribing quantum treatment, to have a urological examination and testing for HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea etc. A number of diseases, especially in the case of chronic disease with exacerbations, such as cystitis, pyelonephritis and others, are treated suc cessfully when applying the quantum therapy as a monotherapy. When treating uro gynaecological disorders, besides the direct applica tion of quantum therapy over the projection of the diseased organ, it is also es sential to observe the principle of the segmentometameric influence and treat the trigger zones if present (page 38, 39).


Inflammatory diseases of uterus and uterine appendages.* Endomyometritis. Salpingoperitonitis. Cervical erosion (Fig. 83) №

Treatment area


1. Projection of uterus 2. Projection of uterine appendages

5 Hz

days 2, 4, 1. Projection of uterus 2. Projection of uterine appendages 6, 10

50 Hz

2. Projection of uterine appendages 3. Centre of perineum

5 Hz

days 1, 3

days 5, 9 day 7 day 8

3. Centre of perineum 4. Projection of femoral vessels 1. Projection of uterus 4. Projection of femoral vessels

Exposure time

5 minutes on each area

5 Hz 50 Hz

* The quantum therapy is contraindicated if there is any suspicion of purulent in fection in the uterus and uterine appendages

The course of treatment consists of 10 procedures. The procedures are taken daily. The trigger extra and proprioceptive zones are radiated at a frequency of 1000 Hz, 5 and 50 Hz or Variable accordingly, the duration is 2  5 minutes (the description of the zone, page 40).

2 1


Trigger zone

4 5 6



Fig. 83

Uterus (а)


172 From the 3rd to the 10th days the gynecologist can use additional vaginal noz zle №1 from the Lightguide Nozzle Set KONG at a frequency of 1000 Hz for 5 minutes. In case of cervical erosion a sevenday course of treatment is enough but the vaginal set № 1 from the Lightguide Nozzle SetKONG is necessary. The effect is inten sified if the areas 5 and 6 (the projection of the lumbosacral plexus on level L4S5) are added. The frequency of radiation is variable on each area from the first day and daily. The course can be repeated after 3  4 weeks depending on the indications.

Metrofibroma. Functional disorders of the menstrual cycle at the childbearing age. Hyperplastic endometrial processes. Retention cyst of ovary. Some forms of sterility (Fig. 84) №

Treatment area


1. Projection of uterus 2. Projection of uterine appendages

5 Hz

days 2, 4, 8

1. Projection of uterus 3. Projection of femoral vessels

5 Hz

days 3, 10

1. Projection of uterus 2. Projection of uterine appendages

50 Hz

days 5, 9

2. Projection of uterine appendages 4. Centre of perineum

50 Hz

day 6

1. Projection of uterus 5. Projection of external inguinal rings

50 Hz

day 7

1. Projection of uterus 5. Projection of external inguinal rings

50 Hz

day 1

Exposure time

5 minutes on each area

If there are any trigger extra and proprioceptive zones then these should be irradiated at a frequency of 1000 Hz, 5 and 50 Hz or Variable accordingly, the duration is 2  5 minutes (the description of the zone, page 38, 39). The course of treatment consists of 10 procedures. The procedures are taken daily. From the

173 5th till the 10th days the gynaecologist can use additional vaginal nozzle №1 from the Lightguide Nozzle Set KONG using a frequency of 1000 Hz for 5 minutes. The course can be repeated depending on the indications but not earlier than one month. The effect is intensified if the areas 6 and 7 are included (on the projection of the lumbosacral plexus at the level of the 4th lumbar vertebra to the 5th sacral vertebra of the spinal column) Use a Variable frequency, for 2 minutes on each area from the first day of treatment.

Fig. 84

Trigger zone

6 2 1


7 Uterus



(b) 4




Oligomenorrhea. Pelvic pains. Endometriosis (Fig. 85) №

Treatment area


days 1, 9

1. Projection of uterus 2. Projection of uterine ppendages

5 Hz

days 2, 6, 10

1. Projection of uterus 2. Projection of uterine ppendages

50 Hz

3. Centre of perineum

5 Hz

days 3, 7 days 4, 8 day 5

Exposure time

5 minutes on each area

1. Projection of uterus 4. Projection of femoral vessels 2. Projection of uterine appendages 3. Centre of perineum

50 Hz 5 Hz

Course of treatment consists of 10 procedures. The procedures are taken daily. From the 5th till the 10 th days the gynaecologist can use additional vaginal nozzle №1 from the Lightguide nozzle set KONG at a frequency of 1000 Hz for 5 minutes. The course can be repeated depending on the indication but not earlier than one month.. If necessary the quantum therapy is used in combination with other medicines and other methods of treatment as prescribed by the specialist.

2 1 4 5 6

(c) 3

Fig. 85 (а)


175 The effect is intensified if the treatment includes radiating the lumbosacral plexus on the level of the 4th lumbar vertebra to the 5th sacral vertebra of the spinal column at a Variable frequency, for 2 minutes on each area from the first day of treatment and daily.

Fibrocystic disease of the breast (Fig. 86) It is recommended to have 1 procedure a week. In general the course con sists of 4  7 procedures. The treatment must be performed only by the specialist doctor and under medical observation. Selftreatment is strongly contraindicated.

Fig. 86

2 4 1





Pyelonephritis. Glomerulonephritis (Fig. 87) №

Treatment area

The 4th intercostal space to the left of the sternum The area of the projection of the 2 solar plexus 1

3 The renal projection* 4 Paravertebrally in the loin, scanning


Exposure time

5 Hz

5 minutes

50 Hz

2 minutes

5 Hz

5 minutes on each area


2 minutes

* In the figure there is shown one of the possible renal projections at the lumber area. Another renal projections along the back or front axillary lines can also be used. The extra and proprioceptive trigger zones are radiated at a frequency of 100Hz, 5 and 50Hz or Variable accordingly for 2  5 minutes (the description of zones, page 38, 39). The course of treatment is 10  15 procedures, 1 a day. The course can be repeated if necessary after four weeks. A prescription for uroceptics and antibiotic therapy is recommended. It is essential that there is an increase in water consumption using an alkaline mineral water. The use of herbal and plant based diuretics is also possible. It is important that patients with glomerulonephritis should only be treated with quantum therapy if the initial glomerular filtration is normal and in the ab sence of clinical data proving the presence of fibroplastic kidney disease. It is important to note that quantum therapy is contraindicated for self treatment when only one kidney is present. The decision about usage of the quan tum therapy in combination with other medical procedures can only be taken by a medical specialist. Experimental and clinical observations show the good efficacy of quantum therapy in cases of acute pyelonephritis, if the frequency of treatment of the renal area projection changes gradually:  the 1st procedure: 50 Hz;

177  the 2nd and 3rd procedures: 1000 Hz;  from the 4th procedures the Variable frequency is applied;  The course consists of 10 procedures.

Fig. 87

1 2 3 4

Kidney Genitourinary organs

Trigger zones



(Fig. 88) Adenoma of the prostate gland, or benign prostatic hyperplasia of the III degree, is not a contraindication for quantum therapy, moreover, it responds well to this treatment. The improvement of inflammatory condition of the prostate which often accompanies the adenoma (benign prostatic hyperplasia) can be sub stantially lessened with a decrease of the oedema of the prostate gland and delay the necessity for an urgent surgical intervention when there is acute reten tion of urine.

Treatment area

1 The area projection of the bladder 2 The root of penis from the front

3 The body of penis from the front 4 The body of penis from behind


Exposure time

5 Hz

2 minutes

50 Hz

1 minute on each area

5 The root of penis from behind

7 The middle of the perineum

5 Hz

2 minutes on each area 5 minutes

8 Femoral vessels

50 Hz

5 minutes on each area

6 Testicles


Nozzle №1 from the Lightguide Nozzle Set 9 KON1 through rectum Variable 5 minutes The course consists of 10 procedures, 1 a day. The usage of the nozzle is desirable but not necessary. The course can be repeated after an interval of 3  4 weeks depending on the indications. Vitamins A (antixerophthalmic factor), E (tocopherol) are recommended in combination with the quantum therapy. If an infection is present then an antibi otic should be prescribed. In case of a specific infection the medical treatment should be prescribed by the urologist and it must precede the quantum therapy. Another method of treatment of the acute prostatitis can also be used: 1. the projection of the bladder: 5 Hz, 5 minutes; 2. the middle of the perineum: Variable, 5 minutes.


Fig. 88

1 8 2





5 6 7



Urethritis (Fig. 89) №

Treatment area


Exposure time


The noninvasive blood influence in the area of femoral triangles

50 Hz

5 minutes on each area

50 Hz

1 minute on each area


2 minutes

2 The root of the penis from the front

3 The body of penis from the front The balanus (glans penis or glans clitoris) from the front The middle of the body of penis from 5 behind 6 The root of the penis from behind


7 Perineum

The course consists of 7  10 procedures one a day. The course can be re peated within 3 weeks depending on indications. It is necessary to prescribe antibiotics and uroceptics taking into account the character of the pathogen. In case of cicatricial changes of the urethra the quantum therapy works well in combination with other methods of treatment. When prescribing quantum therapy the practitioner should also perform various tests such as the HIV, Wassermann test, cervical smear etc. before the be ginning of treatment. It is an interesting fact for urologists that when treating according to the scheme recommended there is data proving the efficacy of this method in the complex curing of Peyronie's disease, chlamidiosis, trichomoniasis and other con ditions.


Fig. 89 1 2









Cystitis (Fig. 90) Frequency

Exposure time

The suprapublic area (the projection of the bladder)

5 Hz

5 minutes

To the right and left of the first area over a distance of 5 cm

5 Hz

2 minutes on each area

50 Hz

5 minutes on each area


2 minutes on each side

Treatment area



3 The femoral triangles 4 Paravertebrally over the sacrum, scanning

The radiations of the trigger zones: extra and proprioceptive are radiated at a frequency of 1000Hz, 5 and 50Hz or Variable for 2  5 minutes (for zone char acteristics consult page 38, 39). The course consists of 10  15 procedures, 1 procedure a day. In the case of an acute on chronic cystitis the procedures should be performed on alternative days. In case of the chronic cystitis it is recommended to combine this method with the general somatic stimulation (page 50, 52) and perform 2  4 courses a year. The quantum therapy is good in combination with uroseptics. It is essential to perform an HIVtest and testing for other specific sexually transmissible infections.


Fig. 90



3 1

Genitourinary organs Bladder



Trigger zones


Enuresis (urinary incontinence). Dysuria connected with pathology of the bladder and urethra (Fig. 91)

Treatment area


Exposure time

5 Hz

1 minute on each area

1 Manubrium of sternum The 4th intercostal space to the left of 2 the sternum 3 The solar plexus

50 Hz

4 The suprapubic area

5 Hz

5 Perineum



Boys' root of penis or girls' urethral projection

5 Hz


The paravertebral scanning in the sacral area to the left and right


2 minutes on each area

Quantum therapy of enuresis (urinary incontinence) is highly effective in most cases when this has to do with the neurogenic dysfunction of the bladder. In the case of some organic diseases, for example, spina bifida, myelodysplasia and so on, the problem is not responsive to the quantum therapy. Quantum therapy has an influence into this process on the informational and energetic level promoting a successful treatment in most cases even if differ ent authors' approaches are used. In this manual we present a method which is the synthesis of different authors' experience including Austrian doctor Germina Tenk. The course of treatment is up to 10 procedures, 1 procedure a day. The course can be repeated with 34 weeks intervals according to indications.


Fig. 91

1 2 3

4 6





Postpartum period.



Pregnancy mastitis prevention (Fig. 92) The course is for 7  10 days before the supposed childbirth once per day.

Frequency Exposure time

Treatment area

The nipple area, scanning with circular move 1 ments, at a height of 0,5  1 cm above the nipple surface


2 minutes on each area

Directly after the childbirth  once per day for three days. Further 5  7 pro cedures  on alternative days. Mastitis treatment


Exposure time

The nipple area, scanning with circular 1 movements, at a height of 0,5  1 cm above the breast surface


2 minutes on each area

2 The area of the infiltrate


From 2 up to 5 min utes per 10 square centimetres of the surface

Treatment area

When signs of suppuration are present then the quantum therapy must be stopped until the abscess is lanced and the suppuration can be drained. Further treatment depends on the course required for an opened abscess. It is possible to perform the noninvasive blood influence for the purpose of general stimulation of the host defences. The procedures are taken daily. The course of treatment should be 10  15 procedures. The course can be repeated in 3 4 weeks according to the indications.


Hypogalactia (oligogalactia). Breast milk deficiency (Fig. 92) When treating hypogalactia (oligogalactia) it is important to remember that the results will be more successful if the treatment is begun early and the milk deficiency is not severe. On average 7  8 procedures are given though the treatment may be prolonged to get the effect required, treating on alternative days or even less often. As prophylaxis the quantum therapy can be applied once a week during the whole lacta tion period.


Exposure time

The nipple area, scanning with a cir 1 cular movements at a height of 0,5  1 cm above the nipple surface


2 minutes on each area

The paravertebral areas from the 3 7th cervical vertebra to the 7th tho racic vertebra, scanning

50 Hz

2 minutes on each area

The noninvasive blood influence through the supraclavicular fossa

50 Hz

5 minutes on each side


Treatment area

Fig. 92 4

1 3





TRAUMAS AND SOME OTHER CONSEQUENCES OF EXTERNAL CAUSES In the pathogenesis of traumatic injuries there are three main compo nents: the injury itself, inflammation and repair. Quantum therapy has a positive influence on all these parts: the improvement of microcirculation provides the drainage (diminishing of oedema) of the target affected area; the analgesic effect is achieved with an increase of pain tolerance; the stimulation of the reparative processes accelerates the maturing of the granulation tissue and epithelization of defects; the intensification of the immunocompetent systems activates cell and humoral immunity. So as a whole repair system the local and general action promotes the re covery of the disturbed homeostasis when a patient has traumatic injuries.

Traumatic fractures (Fig. 93 (а)) The application of the quantum therapy in case of fractures in traumatology provides excellent results. Even in case of bad knitting of bone fragments, the callus is formed very quickly, the process of consolidation is accelerated and not only are the problems of recovery reduced but the deformation is diminished. Quantum therapy reduces the need for repeated surgical intervention to remove the consequences of bad knitting of the bone fragments. To perform quantum therapy one should provide an access through a window in the plaster cast in the area of the fracture.

Treatment area


Exposure time

The heart area in the 4 intercostal space 1 to the left of the sternum

5 Hz

5 minutes


The noninvasive blood influencing in the area nearest to the place of fracture

50 Hz

5 minutes on each area


The area of the fracture through the win dow in the plaster


5 minutes


On average a full course of treatment is about 1015 procedures ; one per day. Please note that in case of fractures of the ribs over the heart projection that this area

189 should be irradiated only at a frequency of 5 Hz. In cases where there is a costal fracture associated with a hemothorax and pneu mothorax then quantum therapy should only be started carefully after the drainage of the blood and when the bleeding has stopped etc.

The treatment of consequences of fractures and traumas of lower limbs using emitter Douche 1* (Fig. 93 (b))

Fig. 93 1




1. Zone №1, the non-invasive blood in fluence at a frequency of 50 Hz during 2 min utes




2. Zone №2, scan ning in the injured area at Variable fre quency during 5 min utes.


Injuries to the ligaments around joints: dislocations, sprains (Fig. 94) Quantum therapy is contraindicated when intra articular bleeding is pres ent. Conventional medical treatment is recommended: puncture, cold, rest etc. One can begin to treat the injured joint with the quantum therapy from approxi mately the 2nd day after the bleeding has stopped.

Treatment area

The area of injury, sprain etc. (the 1 area of the maximum pain sensi tivity) Four areas round the first one 2 (above, below, to the left, to the right) over a distance of 5 cm


Exposure time


2 minutes on each area

On average one needs 7  10 procedures, one a day. The area to treat is based on the location of oedema and pain sensitivity. Courses can be repeated de pending on the indication with intervals of 34 weeks. The above method is effective in treating any injured joint area.

Fig. 94 1



Jaw fractures (Fig. 95) The quantum therapy is applied simultaneously with both conservative and surgical treatment. When immobilizing or putting on fixed bandages it is desirable to leave a window to treat with the device the area of the fracture. The course consists of 10 procedures, one a day. After the quantum therapy course one should do an Xray. If there is good progress then one can prolong the treatment for up to 15 procedures. In case of simple fractures there is no need for more procedures. The decision to repeat the course should be taken by the attending physi cian.

Treatment area

1 The projection of the fracture

Fig. 95

Fracture of lower jaw


Exposure time


5 minutes


Wounds traumatic, postoperative (within 10 days of injury) (Fig. 96) Examples for this treatment procedure includes the postoperative sat ures, cuts and lacerations. It is possible to irradiate the area even when covered over by 13 layers of gauze bandage. The efficiency of the treatment will clearly be diminished by the presence of the gauze, medication, ointments and discharge from the wound nev ertheless quantum therapy is still effective. However one should not irradiate a wound where pus is present. Generally the best procedure is to take off the band ages, clean the wound and at the same time to repeat quantum therapy before re applying the dressings.

Treatment area


Exposure time


Scanning along the wound or postoper ative scar treating 2  3 cm on the sides


2 minutes over 10 cm2 of the surface

The emitter is held at a distance of 0,5  1 cm. the scanning rate is 1 cm per second. One should begin with treating the healthy skin areas surrounding the wound, moving slowly to the centre of the wound. To intensify the effect it is better to use the blood influence through the skin in the area nearest to the place of lesion. In case of patients with intoxication of the system or impaired immune deficiency it is recommended to add the treatment according to the method of General Somatic Stimulation (page 50, 52) or Universal Rehabilitation program (page 54). 7  10 procedures are required per course, 1 procedure a day. After every procedure traditional bandages can be applied. In case of an incomplete healing the course can be repeated within one month.


Fig. 96




Postoperative scars (incisions) (after removal of stitches) The treatment of postoperative scars is very effective but should be per formed not earlier than 10 days after removing the stitches so as not to provoke haemorrhage. The procedure is to scan along the scar with a velocity of 1 cm per second at a frequency of 50 Hz. In cases where the length of the scar is 15  20 cm then the exposure time should be 5 minutes, 5  7 cm scar is treated 2 minutes. To intensify the effects use the usual noninvasive blood influence in the area of the great vessels nearest to the injury using a frequency of 50 Hz for 5 minutes. To achieve the best effect 2 5 courses of 10  12 procedures daily with intervals of 1 month are necessary. The duration of the course of therapy is pro portional to the age of the postoperative scar. The quantum therapy application to treat postoperative scars could be considered as prophylaxis of kelloid tissue formation.


Burns and frostbites (Fig. 97) In case of quantum treatment of burns and frostbites it is necessary to keep to the following rule: to radiate the surface of the burn (frostbite) and along the more health area for up to 2 cm in case of lesions of the first, sec ond and thirddegrees (group A); beginning from the third B degree it is expe dient to treat up to 5 cm of the healthy skin. Below there is a scheme for the quantum therapy of burns and frost bites with large affected areas (III A, B degrees and higher) which are to be treated in hospital. The course of treatment consists of 10 15 procedures. The treatment of burns and frostbites of the first and seconddegrees spread over small skin areas can be taken as an outpatient or independently under the doctor's control.

Treatment area


Exposure time


The 4th intercostal space to the left side of the sternum

5 Hz

5 minutes

50 Hz

5 minutes on each area

1000 Hz

1 minute on 10 cm of the area length

The noninvasive blood influence in the area projection of great vessels in one of the indicated areas nearest to the centre of the burn or frostbite: 2 supraclavicular fossa or 3 bend of elbow 4 or femoral triangles 5

The paravertebral scanning on the level corresponding to the nidus of the lesion

6 Area of the burn or frostbite

The frequency is changed at every pro 2 minutes cedure from Variable to over 1000 10 cm2 of the Hz and back. surface (For example, it is Vari able on even days and 1000 Hz on odd ones)

195 In cases of firstdegree burns of limited skin one can use quantum ther apy at a frequency of 1000 Hz during 2 5 minutes and bandage the wound with an appropriate ointment. Further procedures are taken daily combining them with the rebandaging. The common duration of treatment is usually 4 5 days. In case of the firstdegree frostbites as a first aid the area should be warmed in water massaging it at the same time in the direction from periph ery to the centre. Then (in 30  40 minutes) the affected area must be dried, rubbed with 70% solution of spirits, one can take a local treatment with the quantum therapy (1000 Hz, 2  5 minutes), dress the wound with the an asep tic bandage and warm. The treatment of deep and wide burns and frostbites includes a local and general treatment. The local treatment consists of scanning over the affected area with the maximum exposition time of 5 minutes at variable frequency. The general treatment is designed to normalize the homeostasis and is to influence liver, kid neys, spleen according to procedures described in corresponding sections. The course includes 10 15 procedures taken daily or alternative days.

Fig. 97




5 3





Surface traumas: contusion, (ecchymosis) The treatment of a contusion and ecchymosis should be started after the 3rd day post injury. Treating too soon after the injury may initiate a relapse of the haemorrhage and thus initiate the formation of the haematoma. It is recommended to apply local cold procedures. The treatment is held placing the emitter to the lesion surface. The exposition time is 2  5 minutes at a frequency of 1000 Hz. It is advisable to also perform a noninvasive blood influence on the area nearest to the haematoma at a frequency of 50 Hz for 2 min utes. On average 7  10 procedures are required daily.



Emission power

Newborn children, younger than 1 year

Distant method 25 % (0,25) 2 cm from the surface

Children from 2 to 8 years old

Contact method 25 % (0,25)

Children from 9 to 14 years old

Contact method 50 % (0,5)

Older 14 years old

100 % (1,0)

The use of quantum therapy is wide spread in paediatrics as a treatment and for prophylactic use. The methods recommended for adults can be successfully used for chil dren also. Though one should take into account that in childhood higher resources of compensatory mechanisms provide an appropriate adaptative reaction to the radiation dose smaller than for adults. At present there are no strict agespecific or weight criteria, but in treating children we recommend that the power of the laser and IR is decreased as indi cated in the table below An experienced doctor can control the exposure time and frequency of treatment, but as a rule, the time of treatment is diminished. In this section there is a variation of the method of general somatic stim ulation elaborated for children over 3 years old and a revision of those parts where children are treated at other frequencies and exposure times than adults. The procedures for the treatment of adults where no changes of the fre quency or exposure time are required for children will not be repeated. The decision to use quantum therapy for newborn children and infants must be taken by a medical specialist, and the scheme of treatment is composed individually taking into consideration the condition of the child. Short courses and prophylactic treatment are more preferable.


General somatic stimulation for children above 3 years of age (Fig. 98) №

Treatment area


Exposure time

5 Hz

1 minute on each area

50 Hz

2 minutes on each side


1 minute on each area

1 Manubrium of sternum

2 3 4 5 6

The 4th intercostal space on the left sternal side Projections of tonsils Antecubital fossa Right hypochondrium Epigastrium (pit of the stomach)

7 Left hypochondrium

Paravertebral areas along the 8 whole spinal column, scanning from the right and left 9 Renal projection

The duration of the course is 7 procedures one a day. The courses can be repeated but no more than 2  3 times a year. A medical specialist can add any areas or exclude any elements. One should remember about the necessity of taking vitamins and mi croelements which are prescribed by the doctor taking into consideration the age and nutritional condition of the child. Caution! Control the power level of the device (see page 197).


General somatic stimulation for infants above 3 year of age and upward

Fig. 98

3 1 2 8 4

9 7 6 5




Gastroenterology of infancy (Fig. 99) In treating children with different pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract one should always have a preliminary medical examination to exclude a helminthic invasion, enteric infection, congenital malformation of the evolution of the gastroin testinal tract etc. In many of the above gastrointestinal conditions, the local quan tum therapy is not indicated. Gastritis, duodenitis, nonspecific enteritis, colitis, dyskinesia of bile pas sages, diseases of liver, pancreas, dysbacteriosis etc. are treated successfully with quantum therapy.

Treated area

1 The right iliac region 2 The right hypochondrium

3 Epigastrium (pit of the stomach) 4 The left hypochondrium

Children from 7 to Children above 10 years of age 10 years of age

5 Hz, 1 minute on each area

50 Hz, 1 minute on each area

5 The left iliac region 6 The umbilical region Variable,


Paravertebral areas: lower tho racic spine and loin, scanning

1  2 minutes from the right and left

Variable, 1  2 minutes from the right and left

Children above 14 years of age are treated according to the same schemes as adults. The course of treatment is one procedure per day for 10 days. The course can be repeated if necessary but not earlier than within 1.52 months. Two to 3 courses can be repeated per year. On making a prescription the doctor can add general stimulation methods.

201 Caution! Control the power level of the device depending on the age (see the table on page 197).

Fig. 99


4 7 3 6 5





Children's diseases of kidneys and urinary tracts (Fig. 100)

The area of therapy can be treated as follows:

Treatment area


The projection of the bladder in the suprapubic region


The projection of sphincter muscle of the bladder

Children from 7 Children above to 10 years of 10 years of age age

5 Hz, 2 minutes on each area

5 Hz, 2 minutes on each area



1  2 minutes from the right and left

1  2 minutes from the right and left

3 The renal projection in the lumbar region 4 Perineum

Paravertebral areas from the lower tho 5 racic spine to the lumbosacral spine, scanning

Children above 14 can be treated as adults. The course of treatment consists of one procedure per day for 7 10 days. The course can be repeated if necessary but not within 1.5 to 2 months Three courses of treatment may be performed over the year. In prescribing a program of treatment the doctor can add elements of the general somatic stimulation (page 198). Caution! Control the power level of the device depending on the age (see the table on page 197).


Fig. 100

5 3 1 2






Part IV REHABILITATION Rehabilitation (from the Latin rehabilitatio  recovery) is a complex of med ical measures intended to restore (or to compensate) distressed functions of the organism of the diseased and disabled persons. Rehabilitation measures after severe injuries and operations must pro vide a complete and fast recovery of the lost functions of the organs and systems, maximum physiological wound repair and consolidation of fractures. As a common treatment Korepanov's general somatic stimulation is suc cessfully applied. The local treatment is performed according to the recommen dations of treatment for wounds and fractures as outlined in this manual. Rehabilitation measures after psycho emotional stresses and shocks are performed together with the method called "The Universal rehabilitation program". The course consists of one procedure daily for ten days Rehabilitation measures after severe poisoning with toxic chemical com  pounds are carried out following the method used for treatment of occupational diseases. The course consists of one procedure per day for 10 12 days. If necessary the course can be repeated in three weeks.


Part V EFFICACY OF THE APPLICATION OF QUANTUM MEDICAL DEVICES IN MEDICAL PRACTICE Analysis of the results obtained over the years 1991  2003 showed a high efficacy of quantum medical methods treating a great va riety of human diseases. In table 1 there are comparative analytical results of the reduction in medicines and terms of treatment of some human pathologies. In table 2 there is an assessment of clinical efficacy of quantum therapeutic application in different medical fields according to the data provided by Moscow and SaintPetersburg clinical centres. Table 1

Medical condition

Reduction in amount of medi cines

Reduction in length of treat ment

The source of in formation


1,9 times less

5  8 days less

Journal "Clinical med icine" 1991, authors Ko ryutchina and Grig oriev

Wounds, burns

2,4 times less

2  3 times less

The surgical chair of the Military Medical Academy

Stomach and duodenal ulcer

Essential hyper tension (crisis)

2,7 times less. In 60% of cases medicines where stopped com pletely

3 to 4 times less

6  9 days less

3  5 days less

II International Con ference "Actual ques tions of laser medicine" 1994, author Amirov

"The application of lasers in surgery" 1988, author Bugaev


Medical condition

Reduction of the amount of medi cines

Prophylaxis of bronchitis

Without medicines

Prophylaxis of ENTdiseases

Without medicines

Coronary heart disease (phase of exacerbation)

2  3 times less

Reduction in length of treat ment

Informational source

"Actual problems Drop in sickness of laser medi cine" 1994, rate of 76% author Barkt " Actual problems Drop in sickness of laser medi cine" 1994, rate of 89% author Likhaeva "Lasers in med practice" 8  12 days less ical 1992, author Babushkina


Without medicines

2,5 times less

Radiculitis, osteochondrosis

Without medicines

1,7 to 2,2 times less

Chair of the urology of the Russian Peo ples' Friendship Uni versity

Gaidamakina Table 2

Results of treatment

Field of medicine

Number of patients


Cardiology Gastroenterology

386 290

Absolute number 363 278

Pulmonology Surgery Rheumatology Neurology Gynaecology Otorhinolaryngology Stomatology Urology

364 116 82 214 90 264 180 442

353 108 72 180 84 248 173 415

No effect %

94 96

Absolute number 23 12

97 93 88 84 93 94 96 94

11 8 10 34 6 16 7 27

3 7 12 16 7 6 4 6


6 4


Results of treatment

Field of medicine

Number of patients





Improvement Absolute number 68 93

% 89


No effect Absolute number 8 9

% 11


Part VI PROSPECTS OF QUANTUM METHODS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE The world medical statistics shows that the annual rates of growth of quantum medical manufactured equipment exceed the rates of growth of other prospective technologies. This technology has the possibility of not only treating many conditions seen today in our contemporary society but is also extremely valuable in the prevention of ill health. Today quantum therapy is used in treating different diseases of people and animals and in plant cultivation. The results of world wide research leads us to believe that quantum therapy will promote prophylaxis and treat effectively onco logical diseases, AIDS, senile dementia, chronic fatigue syndrome, disseminated sclerosis, diabetes mellitus, schizophrenia and other intractable diseases. Analysis of a number of publications in the field of geriatrics indicates that the prophylactic general stimulating course of the quantum therapy is able to pro long the persons active life by 7  12 years. The application of general stimulating methods in sports medicine in creases the general resistance of the physical and psychoemotional being in the period of trainings and competitions. Scientific publications devoted to the influ ence of Efield radiation of the visible band on genetic cellular structures lets us hope on possible application of the quantum medical methods in genetic engi neering, experiments on cloning and transplantology. The quantum medical achievements of the last 20 years of its history allow us to consider the possibility that this treatment may become the decisive factor defining people's health in the future.


CONCLUSION Quantum therapy potential greatly exceed the described in this Manual. The methods listed above have been published in the medical literature and have a long history of use in clinical practice with an excellent rate of suc cessful results. Nevertheless the doctor understanding the physical and biolog ical essence of photobioactivation could work out individual rational methods of treatment based on his knowledge of the principles stated in the manual. To prescribe quantum therapy a doctor should be guided by the knowl edge of contraindications and observance of the rule "do not harm", understand ing of the core of pathological processes, assessment of individual peculiarities of the patient's organism and knowledge of his psychoemotional sphere. The most important condition of a successful application of the quantum therapy is the objective assessment of compensatory mechanisms and adaptive resources of the patient's organism. With a clear understanding of what can be done with quantum therapy and the goals that can be reached the results will al ways be satisfying to both the therapist and the ill person. The application of quantum medicine using RIKTA® devices will shift the dynamics of the abnormal processes within the system i.e. the disease into a health promoting process. It can be understood in the following way. Quantum therapy stimulates hidden reserves and adaptive resources within the system, develops a healthy immunity and mobilizes the natural resistance against any ex isting deviation of health. We are looking forward to receiving any comments from colleagues and everyone interested in furthering quantum therapy applications. Team of Joint Stock Company "Milta PKP GIT".




Edited by Ju.G.Fedorov, M.D Technical edition by T.V.Christoforova Book design and computer make-up by G.V.Jashina Illustrations by A.Mesherjakov

* Copyright Quantum Medicine Association, 2007 www.quantmed.ru

Printed in the Russian Federation



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