Riker, Dave - Speed Seduction Technical Manual

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Dave Riker's

Speed Seduction Technical Manual

A structured, linear approach to the full understanding and use of Speed Seduction, and related technologies in influence and persuasion.

Transcript / Workbook Speed Seduction® is a registered trademark of Ross Jeffries, used with permission.

Dave Riker's Speed Seduction® Technical Manual

Table of Contents Page No. Title Page Legal Notices Table of Contents Product Content Formatting and Conventions Acknowledgements Foreword Registration

Disk and Track No.*

i ii iii v vi vii viii x

— — — — — — — —


Introduction and Welcome




This Technical Manual




Why a Model?




The Structure of the Mind



2.1 2.2

The Conscious Mind The Subconscious Mind The Subconscious Mind (continued) Linguistics and Hypnotic Techniques Rapport and Congruency Your Subconscious Her Subconscious The Tools and Resources

13 18 23 28 31 34 37 43

D1-T24 D1-T29 D2-T1 D2-T11 D2-T20 D2-T30 D2-T35 D3-T1

43 43 48 57 64 66 70 72 73

D3-T2 D3-T3 D3-T9 D3-T31 D4-T1 D4-T4 D4-T11 D4-T13 D4-T16



81 83 96 103 112

D5-T2 D5-T8 D5-T26 D6-T1 D6-T18

2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5

Hierarchy Overview Tools Hierarchy Level 1 Tools Hierarchy Level 2 Tools Hierarchy Level 3 Tools Hierarchy Level 3 (continued) Tools Hierarchy Level 4 Tools Hierarchy Level 5 Tools Hierarchy Level 6 Tools Hierarchy Review and Application The Process Process Overview Process Step 0 Process Step 1 Process Step 2 Process Step 3

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Table of Contents (continued) Page No, 4.6 4.7 4.8

Process Step 4 Process Flow and Examples Process Application and Summary

Disk and Track No.*

123 129 139

D7-T1 D7-T12 D7-T29


Technical Manual Summary




Student Questions and Answers



* Disk and Track Numbers In this workbook, references to the CDs and the tracks on them are shown in a format such as "D2-T4", which in this example refers to Disk 2, Track 4.

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Product Content The majority of this product is based upon a series of audio lectures that are on the CDs that are included. The bulk of the written text here is made up of a transcript of those lectures. The text in this book will also include notes, definitions, instructions and graphics which are not on the CDs. Some of these items may be referred to on the CD audio, others may not—this is by design. It's also another reason why each, the audio and the full workbook, have value on their own (and also compliment one another). In order to best present the text in this transcript/workbook, and allow for the student to follow along, certain conventions had to be developed. These will allow you to understand the different types of text, and how the text is best read and interpreted. Be sure to review the "Formatting and Conventions" section for a description. To make a full, direct transcript of audio lectures is a monumental task. There is MUCH room for interpretation in terms of punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure, etc. In spoken lectures, there is a LOT of meaning conveyed by the speaker in terms of emphasizing words, pausing, and vocal inflection. On this product a great deal of effort has been taken to create the transcript and to do a reasonably good job of conveying those qualities and aspects of a "vocal" delivery, in written form. There may be some slight errors or omissions, and some aspects of the grammar and the punctuation may not be formally "correct" in the most strict interpretation of English grammar and punctuation rules, but it is effective in conveying the meaning as intended. If there are any extreme errors or omissions, please to go www.daveriker.com and contact Dave Riker directly. Please provide concise yet full details of what you found and these changes may be incorporated into a revised version of the product at some future date.

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Formatting and Conventions The following formatting styles and conventions have been developed and are used throughout this transcript/workbook. This book combines "transcript" text (which shows, in written form, what is presented in the lectures on the CDs) and "workbook" text and content (which is ONLY here in the workbook). In order to allow the reader to; have a better understanding of the materials, follow along with the recorded lectures, and also gain value from the workbook by itself, the following fonts, styles, formatting, and punctuation is used.

Text in this typeface (Times New Roman, a "serif typeface) indicates text that is a part of the transcript, and represents what is being said on the CD audio.

Text in this typeface (Arial, which is a "sans-serif typeface) is unique to the transcript/workbook, and is not mentioned directly on the CDs.

Italics is used to emphasize certain items. It may be used to place added importance on a word or phrase. It may also be used to covey when an obvious section of "pattern language" is shown ...so that you are now able to recognize the way in which you mysteriously begin to understand this more now (as an example). It is also used (very commonly) to show a degree of vocal emphasis so that the text more closely conveys the intended meaning of what was said in the audio lecture.

Boldface text is used whenever key words or terminology is used. Many times in this text we make reference to specific terms and words like patterns, and we may mention the concept of being able to capture and lead the imagination (those are some examples) and in cases such as that, boldface type may be used to point out that this is a section where those specific terms and concepts are being discussed.

Boldface type is also used for section titles as well.

The long dash "—", is used to indicate breaks or pauses in the text—mostly they are used in the transcript portion in an attempt to somehow better convey the phrasing and pausing of the lecture.

The ellipses "...", is used to indicate breaks or pauses in the text—mostly they are used in the transcript portion in an attempt to somehow better convey the phrasing and pausing of the lecture. The ellipses is used when something on either side of the ellipses ends up being a sentence fragment, or just a part of a sentence (and sometimes just a word or two).

CD Location Reference is shown by terms such as "D3-T5" in the text. This shows (for example) the Disk (3) and the Track number (5) that corresponds to that part of the transcript.

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Acknowledgements The first and foremost acknowledgement goes out to Ross Jeffries himself, the creator of Speed Seduction®. Ross's developments have lead not only to helping many men with this part of their lives, but have also shown men the way to a new way of living, opening the door for many into the world of self improvement. To Dr. Yates Canipe, who has been the business genius that allowed Speed Seduction® to be brought to the masses through seminars and products, and who has also contributed greatly to helping men change their minds about themselves, and what is possible in their lives. To the many many experts out there who have augmented the SS teachings by showing me other aspects of the mind, and have opened the door for me to find many ways of self-improvement and understanding, most notably Hypnotica, EVS, SP, MC, and MD. To those in the local SD Lair group, who helped me by allowing me to help them, and for the assistance they provided with this product. To my coaching clients, who have placed their trust in me and allowed me the experience of showing them new and wonderful possibilities for what their lives may have to offer. Special thanks to my friends, colleagues, confidants, associates, mentors, teachers, and students (we are each all of these and more) in the TAGR Group, EK, JL, DM, SD. ... and to all of the Students out there who I have met at Speed Seduction® seminars, those who have read what I have written, and those who have entrusted me to teach you and to guide you, and to help you in finding the Women or Woman of Your Dreams. To all of you, Thank you, Dave Riker

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Forward Why am in doing such a thing as creating this product? Why am I taking the time and effort to bring this information to you? Because I really feel that I will be able to help many people, both men and women, with a very important part of their lives. One of the most wonderful things about life is the idea of connecting with others, spending time with them, and sharing experiences with them. Whether that be as friends or acquaintances, whether this time has any sort of romantic or seductive component or not, some of the most wonderful moments of life are brought about by people, having and sharing experiences with, other people. One of the biggest tragedies of life is that there are things, teachings, information, (and more importantly a LACK of information in some cases) that can prevent such connections and moments from happening. Sadly this is most apparent when it comes to men. Many men through no fault of their own have grown up to be adults and have had little instruction or assistance in a very important area of their lives; the idea of simply communicating with and sharing experiences with the other half of the human population; women. This is so sad, and in many cases the efforts of men to solve this problem on their own have been met by small-minded criticism and slander. As if the interesting, good-natured and well-intentioned man, who was simply deprived of an means to "learn about" how to meet and talk with women, should somehow not improve himself, and set forth upon a path, to improve this area of his life. I think that is not correct. And I am here to help correct it. I think that many men, the best men, are the ones that really DO look at this area of their lives, and decide to move forward, take action, learn, and grow, so that they really may share wonderful experiences of ALL types with women, or with that special woman of which they have always dreamed. I know of many women who are always distraught that they seem to not be able to meet good men. Good, interesting, intelligent, charming men, for some reason seem to be in short supply. And it's a shame for these women to be wanting for their company. Such men, in fact, are NOT in short supply. There are many such men out there. They are the ones that really don't know how to introduce themselves, or don't know how to present themselves in the best way. They don't know how to keep a woman's interest. They just have not been taught such things. So, there are a lot of great men out there who would like to meet interesting women. And, there are a lot of wonderful women out there who would love to meet interesting men. It's for these men, and for those women, that I create products such as this.

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Whether a man decides to use this information as way to embark upon a period of his life which involves casual romantic interludes, or whether a man uses this information as a means to improve his chances of finding one special woman, is up to him. At least then he will be in a position of choice. He will be able to decide for himself which he feels is the best option for him. The women of the world will be better off in their own way, as well. A woman should never "settle", or "compromise"; she should decide to be with whom she wants to be with by having opportunities, and options, to make an informed choice. Having many interesting men available, and introducing themselves, and showing themselves in the best and most honest light, helps to provide these women with an even better choice. From that position, most women will be far better off and have much better chances with the kind of men, or the kind of man, that they will want to spend time with as well. So, even though this product is intended to be read, understood, and applied by men, the benefits are meant to be for both men and women alike. So in my own way, my goal and my hope is that this product will make men, and women, somewhat happier and able to enjoy their lives even more than before. So guys ... read. Learn. Study. Apply, Have fun. Get out there. And good luck in finding The Women, or Woman, of your dreams. Dave Riker

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Dave Riker's Speed Seduction Technical Manual

1. 0

Introduction and Welcome

Welcome to the Speed Seduction® Technical Manual. This product is very different from most products you have seen before, including those from the Speed Seduction® catalog. The main goal of this product is to provide a good all-around set of teachings about Speed Seduction® and to do this in a way that lays it all out according to a series of models and processes. The method here is to develop and use structured ways of collecting and categorizing the material to help to get this material (and there is a lot of material here to get) into your mind. For a certain number of people, and certain "types" of people, such a structured approach will allow them to more fully grasp the teachings. The nature of the information does not lend itself to such a structure easily, however, this HAS been accomplished. This Technical Manual is the result. This manual is made up of this transcript/workbook and a series of audio lectures (which have been fully transcribed in the transcript/workbook). To follow along, simply grab the first CD in the set that came with the product, and go ahead and listen. The transcript starts below. As you go through the workbook and the lectures, you will see that the method here is to develop a structure for all of this info, not so much on paper, but in the mind of the student. Those who are used to structured explanations and teachings will see that the main structure being built is NOT one on paper, its more being built in their own mind. And that is the key. One set of phenomena that has been observed by myself over the past several years, deals with teaching and learning in a structured manner. Some disciplines and areas of study do not really lend themselves to using them in a structured way. When in use, it's not as if the person can be thinking " I am on level 3 of the tool set and at step 2 option 3... ". That's not very effective, and attempts for people to use information and teachings in that manner tend to not work. However it has been recognized that for many people, the process of learning some large set of material can be a bit overwhelming. If that material is categorized however, and placed into a structure which is geared to learning and assimilation, then it tends to me more completely and deeply assimilated, learned, known, and used. So even if we do not want people to think about using complex materials in a structured way, sometimes there is a benefit to teaching it and understanding it in a structured way. It tends to help the information get into someone's head. Once its there, its almost as if the structure does not matter as much! Think of it this way. Skilled jazz musicians can become so good that they can just "play". They can improvise. They really are able to just "create" spontaneously, in-the-moment. The details of what may be happening; the notes, the phrases, the pauses, this all may be very complex. However to that musician, it is something that he can just,... "do". Now as fluid and as amazing as such things are when you see (and hear) the expert do them, the process of learning how to do that was different. It still required that the bits and pieces of what he is Page 1

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doing, and using, be broken down and taught to him in a very structured manner. Scales, Chords, Keys, Rhythm, Timing. These technical details and aspects were all taught in their own time and in their own ways. They were all taught and delivered into his mind (both parts of it) in a structured way. However once there, it's now something he just does. So even though that Jazz musician spent time studying theory and details, and it was all broken down to him in a structured way, and taught in a structured way, he now knows it so well, so much, so intuitively, that he can just play. He does not think about it, it's just a part of who he is. So what you are about to embark upon is a full and comprehensive set of teachings that will take the main aspects of what makes up this technology, and presents them to you in such a structured way. Step by step. Bit by bit. From what I have seen and from what I have learned, there are many people that, for them, this will allow them to get this material to such a degree, and in such a way, that more and more these technologies will become a part of who you are, and become more and more something that you just, ... do. Now, let's move onto the Lectures.

Dl-Tl Hi, I'm Dave Riker. And, you know I'm really excited about this product and I'm excited for you. My belief is that this product is really going to the help a lot of the guys out there to understand and really use—really know—the materials that are part of Speed Seduction®. You know, D1-T2 I'm excited because I remember what it was like I first started to learn this stuff, sometimes it seems kind of overwhelming. There's a lot of info—it's all over the place. But I'll tell you what, what maybe you're a structured person, a technical professional, or you're just the sort person that... you like to have things put before you in a certain order ... you like to know how one thing fits into the next. You want to learn it so well, so intuitively, that you just get it so that you know what you know what to do automatically and these tools become a part of who you are. Well a big part of that, is the sort of learning and understanding that I'm going to convey to you in this product. This is it, the Technical Manual. I'm going to lay it all out for you, all the bits and pieces, how it works, how the mind works, I'm really excited about this. Let's get started. D1-T3 A lot of you out there already have some Ross Jeffries Speed Seduction® products. Maybe you have your own copy of the basic home study course or some of the advanced courses. Maybe you've seen Ross and/or myself teach live at a Speed Seduction® seminar over one of the weekends. You know there is such a wealth of information and this is really a vast subject. But you know no matter how much information is out there some people still want or need more. Well they want it put together and explained to them in a different way that's maybe going to help them. For guys like that this product's for you. I'm really pleased to be able to put this together because this represents the summation of a lot of work I've been doing over years in this subject and a lot of other subjects about the mind and how to influence people. Speed Seduction® is an incredible set of technologies and my belief, my hope, is that after getting through this product, really learning what's discussed in here, really doing exercises and making this a part of you, that you're going to get so good at this stuff, that's its going to be like a whole new life for you.

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This Technical Manual

D1-T4 I want to step back and take a moment to summarize what we're going to talk about and what this product is made up of. There are several major parts. First, obviously, I what to sit down and actually give you some instructions about how I want you to get through this product and how I what you to best study it and use the information in it. It's pretty important and you'll understand why a little later on. Then we're going to discuss; why we need to do this; why do we need to have a structure; why do we need to have a flowchart or to put things in the hierarchy or anything like that. Why is that needed, and how is that going to help. The next area I want to talk about is the structure of the mind. That's right, the human mind itself, and specifically in this case, the mind of a female of course that you're interested in, in this context. We're going to talk about the structure of the mind and how you could really develop an understanding of it so that you're going to know, much better why a person's doing what they're doing, how they're doing and what you could do affect that. The next area we're going to talk about are the tools and resources that are part of Speed Seduction®. There are so many tools and so many things that make up the subject area its incredible. Once you understand each and every one of them and you see how they fit together, your ability to use this material and put into practice out the field is going to improve a lot. The next area I want to talk about is, the process itself, the Speed Seduction® process. I've sort of set this fourth as a series of steps. That's right. Step one, step two, and so forth, so that you could really get a sense of where person's at, what you have to work on in order to get better, what you need do next to get the kind of results that you're looking for. Then we're going to have some interesting review and question-and-answer sessions—going to try different approach to that—I think you're going to find it really interesting, and a good way to help you understand the material even further. D1-T5 One of the first things I want to do this product is really sit down and talk to you about the product itself and how important I think it is that you listen to it, work with it, and experience it in the correct way. Why? Because my goal is to not just have this be an intellectual understanding. I want you really get this information and have become a part of you. There's a lot of ways we're going to facilitate that and make that happen. And you know what's interesting, is that, I'm going to ask you do certain things in this product. I'm going to ask you to study and listen to it in certain ways. Once you get the understanding about the human mind that's going to be conveyed this product, you're going to understand even more so, why I'm asking you to do those things. Yeah, when I ask you listen to something over and over, you might think "jeez Dave, I've already heard it three or four times I don't need to listen to it again". But you know what?

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Once you understand how the human mind works, and the kind of understanding we're looking for, and the parts of your mind that we really want to affect... Well, you're really going to understand why I would ask you to listen to something several times. So what are we talking about here? What is this product made up of? Well, obviously, the main part of it is a series of audio lectures from myself. I'm sitting down I'm going through a lot of material, and laying it out for you piece by piece. I want you listen to this. OK? Hopefully do some active, and passive listening at different times. And I'll explain that in a minute. Now, the audio lectures are included but you're also going to get a transcript and workbook as well. That's a part of the package that you have, it's essential that you have all of these parts, again the audio, and also the transcript workbook. D1-T6 Now, what I want you to do is either for the first time that you listen to this, or at least one of the first times, I want to make sure that you to sit down and actively listen and follow along in the workbook. That's right, sit down... I'm talking and the words I'm saying right now, are written out in a transcript in your transcript workbook. It's very important because we want to engage different parts of your mind, different parts of your brain in the learning process. So follow along. It's very important. Now, I want you to do that in a so-called "active listening mode". And what I mean by that is... probably the way most people think about listening to a product like this. Sit down, with nothing else going on, with the book in front of you,... like I said at least one of the first few times... and actively listen. Don't have anything else going on. Maybe listen to one CD or tape a day. Pay attention to what's being said, don 7 let anything else distract you. Turn off the phone if you have to. Sit down with the transcript in front of you, and follow along. Why? Because I want you to actively be a part of it, I want your whole mind, your conscious and your subconscious mind, to really sit down and focus on what's going on. That's the active listing part. I would recommend you do that... Well, at least one of the first times, do it with the workbook. But definitely do that a couple of times. Seriously, with the transcript in front of you. Now, what's also important, is during the first time, or at least one of the first several times, when you go through all of the audio, I want you to sit down with that transcript... and sit down with the workbook... and this is very important... you need to do the exercises. That's right, you must do the exercises. I'm going to sit down sometimes in here and tell you "look, you need to stop the tape. You must stop the CD now, and stop it grab the book that you've got in front of you and write down what I told you to write down. Make the notes where I tell you to make the notes. " It's very important that you do that. OK? By the time you're done you're going to be adding stuff all over the pages. OK? But the key part that I am telling you to do is that there are specific areas, where there's sort of a graphical representation of the information, and that's the key. You know, I could have put in fancy graphics and built those for you ... but you know, I want to make sure that you are part of the construction process, that you are actively engaged in the process of learning. So you need to sit down and write in the workbook when I tell you to write down things, it's very important.

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Make sure that you do that at least, you know... one of the first several times that you listen to it. Sit down with the workbook, write the stuff down. Now, again, these first few times is active listening. OK? Sit down, follow along with the transcript listen to it actively at least. D1-T7 Then after that, I want to get into passive listening. That's right. Just play this in the background. Look, the best students I know that listen to new material like this, listened to it over and over and over again. Many times. Look a lot of you have heard stories about the fact that I've taken tape sets that I've wanted to learn, and literally listened to maybe an 18 cassette set of tapes, and listened to the whole series two dozen times, all the way through. That's right, two dozen times all the way through. Why? Because it wasn't just that I was looking for an intellectual understanding. I wanted that information embedded in me. I wanted it to be a part of me. I wanted a situation where I was able to just find myself speaking in the way that the speaker was speaking. So that the words just naturally flowed and became a part of who I am. And the more you find yourself listening to this material, you 're just going to naturally, easily and comfortably be able to speak in this fashion. You see where I'm getting at with this guys? See, I'm not only giving you an intellectual understanding of this. I'm giving you a deep understanding that's going to become a part of who you are. I'm also addressing your subconscious mind. There is a couple of layers were I'm working here guys, there's a lot of stuff going on in this, and I want you to do the passive listening too. You know, it's almost like you're just bathing yourself in this stuff, really, for lack of a better word. I want you to listen to it so much that you can just start to sound this way. You can start to magically and mysteriously come up with words and wonderful ways of describing stuff. Well, the more you listen to me do it, the easier it is for you to do it. OK? Trust me. It does get easier that way. So again, it's very important that you do this, that you follow along in the way that I've asked you to. I want the understanding and the real grasp of this that's going to allow you to use this in the real world. Again, I keep focusing on that, but that's key. So remember to follow along in the book, do the active listening. Do the exercises. Write the stuff down when I ask you to do it, and also, get into that passive listening mode. I would love to hear from some of you guys that have listened to this entire set of CDs or tapes, 10, 12 times. That's what I want to have you do... that's your best chance, of having the success that I know you can have. The Ways To Study And Listen To This Product. Active — Do this at least one time all the way through the product. You have your full attention on what is going on, you have set aside a time and a location that will keep interruptions to a minimum. If you are busy, then "schedule" time for this as you would any important studying or task that matters to you in your life! With the CDs playing, following along in the workbook. Read along as the words are being said. If there is text, exercises, or instructions in the workbook, then stop the CD at the appropriate time, and then DO what the workbook says!

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All of this helps to fully engage your conscious and subconscious in the process of learning. As you learn more in the product, you will understand why and how that works. Passive — Do this as many times as you can! You basically just "play the CDs" as you live, work, clean, exercise, whatever! As much as you can, just play them over and over. Even if you are "occupied" by doing something, (like the laundry, cleaning the house, riding a bike, etc. ) your subconscious will be listening and learning. Your mind will take this all "in" and these words, thoughts, and concepts will become even more of a part of who you are. You can do this wherever, whenever, and however is possible for you and your life. Just make sure the neighbors don't start to "wonder" about you by hearing you listening to these over, and over, and over again!

1. 2

Why a Model?

D1-T8 In this section, I want to address... Why do we need a model? Why do we need a structure like this? Well, let me back up. This series that I'm doing is based upon a presentation that I've given in Speed Seduction® seminars over the past few years. And I'll tell you what guys, I wish somebody had done this for me years ago. I mean,... I remember when I first got into this. I'd been studying the mind, and mind sciences, linguistics and things like that for years, and I remember when I first started to get into this and get into Speed Seduction®. I realized it's a tremendous wealth of material, there's so much stuff, there's so much information, but there seemed to be so many many many bits and pieces of information and data that I couldn't make sense of it. I mean some people are able to, maybe this was something that was unique to me. But I found out more and more, that there were other guys that maybe had the same challenge. See,

When I finally worked with this information enough and figured out a way to really organize it all... like put a structure on the information and get a real understanding of where one thing built upon another and built upon another... and one step led to another step and another step... When I was able to do that then it really started to make sense for me. Then I got it. I really got it. And my ability to use this in the field and in different areas of my life, really went through the roof. Because what happened was with that structure within my brain, whenever I got new information, I sort of knew where it fit. I could assess how important it was. When I learned of the new technique, I could learn that in light of the other techniques, and the other information that I already had. It's almost as if I had built myself a house with a set of rooms in it and now that I had one room for one area and one room for another type of thing to store, I knew where to put the different things. OK? Oh, this goes in the bedroom, this goes in the kitchen, this goes in the garage, that sort of thing. Once I sort of had this categorization down, it was so much easier to learn new techniques, because I saw how it fit into existing techniques, how it might be better than other techniques or not as good as some. I also saw where to use the techniques, because my understanding was there.

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D1-T9 Now in the real world. I don't necessarily want you to think of this as a flowchart or something. I mean, it doesn't work that way. Trust me, we're going to put things together in a fashion... with step 1, 2, 3 and things like that. But it's not like you're going to go out into the field, and be talking to someone and say "well okay, I'm at step number 2, subsection A. and I need to go here... so I... ". No. No one thinks that way in the real world. It doesn't really work that way, because when you're there, and it's intuitively a part of who you are, the process of knowing what to do next is natural, because it's part of your subconscious. But sometimes the process of getting it there, getting it into your mind, getting into your subconscious... sometimes we need a little bit of a structured fashion in order to do that, and that's why we've put this together. D1-T10 One of the reasons I have you write this stuff down and fill in the graphics... again,... that's coming up in the workbook, and in the transcript, is that I've come up with some graphical representations of this. Where you can have one thing is sort of above something else, or one step leads to something else. OK? That's why we've got this now. They're not going to be really complex, and it's not... We purposely didn't make them real fancy, because I want it to be overall frameworks for you, something that you're not sitting there talking to a female going "hmmm... lets see this line went there and this went... ". No. I don't want that, what I want is an overall structure for you so, you know where things go. Dl-Tl 1 Now when I talk about a model, and a model for these processes, and a model of the mind, and things like that,... Well, I know what a lot of guys are thinking... they say, "a model? Where is she? Could she meet me at my apartment... ?" Look, think about a model from a scientific perspective. It's not just something that you look at and observe. The best kind of model is something that explains behavior that's taken place. If you look at a model in science, you're able to use the model to look at behavior and look at actions in the real world and the model explains how and why those actions are taking place. Now, the models that we're going to be working with will allow you to look at behavior that's happened in the past, and have a much better understanding as to why things have taken place. Your going to get the reasoning for why women respond the way they do, and you're also going to find out... You know what guys? A lot of times their responses are not about you. They're their own person. They're having their own responses, you just happened to be in the area at the time. Okay? And a lot of those things that just didn't make sense are going to start to make sense for you. Now the other thing about a model is that... well look at science. The important things about models is that they allow you to predict behavior. So that if you have a certain set of conditions, certain things are going on, you can predict what's going to happen. That's what happens in experiments. Okay? You might have an experiment that you could explain what happened, and if you have a good model, it also allows you to predict what's going to happen in the future. That's been a key of science. It's also one of the things we're going to talk about here. Now... You've got to understand, there are some limits to this stuff. We're talking about the human mind. The human mind is vast, and it has different responses. There are so many things to consider that we can't possibly predict with absolute perfection. There is a random factor here guys that you're never going to

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be able to pin down. But for the most part, in terms of overall percentages... we're going to get pretty good at predicting what could happen, given a certain set of circumstances. Okay? D1-T12 Now the third thing about model, that's really key, is that once you know a model, and you can explain what's happened and predict what happened, that also allows you to then alter or create things are going to happen. Ahhh That's the power. That's the key, and that's what we're really looking for here with this technology, isn't it? I mean, if you understand the mind, and understand the tools that we have our disposal and the series of steps you want to take somebody through, then with that kind of power and that kind of understanding your going to be actually able to alter the behavior that somebody would otherwise have. You're going to be able to create behavior in a good way. That's what this is all about, does that sound good? Yeah. Now - you know what's interesting? See, we're learning about this in the context of Speed Seduction®, because this is the Speed Seduction® Technical Manual. But this is going to be applicable, not just in this context, but in other contexts. Once you really understand how all this works, you're going to be sitting you're thinking, "wow, I can use this in sales, or I can use that in job interviews, or just in general, working with people... ". That's the real power, and that's why the real deep understanding of this stuff is going to help you. Why Develop A Model; Of The Mind, Of The Tools, Of The Process? •

To explain and understand what has happened in the past; To predict what will happen in the future; To alter or create events that will happen in the future.

D1-T13 You know it's funny with all of the discussion of models and things like that that were talking about, I have to take a few moments and address a few things here. It's really funny... I mean it's really interesting to see some of these "systems" that been created out there to help guys meet women. It just ... It really amazes me to see some of these systems that people have put together, and what they're built upon. A lot of it is just wrong, guys. I mean, look, let me give you an example. See, what people observe and what people think works is based a lot of times on who they are and their own reality. D1-T14 There's a lot of guys that view interactions with men and women,... and women have seen this too... and think that they understand how this all works. They try to explain it with these "systems", and some of them are just ridiculous, let me give you an example. Like... D1-T15 What if somebody like Mick Jagger had a system? Yes, "The Mick Jagger System For Meeting Women". And his system would simply be... You walk into a room, you hang out for a while, and some gorgeous women come up, and basically you get to take your pick. That's "The Mick Jagger, System". Thank you very much. Now, you know, based on that reality of Mick Jagger or some movie star, or somebody rich and famous, or whatever, that system would work great, wouldn't it? And he could probably very emphatically and very believably, state for himself that that's a system that works, and it works 100% of the time. Well it works, for him.


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D1-T16 See there's a lot of guys out there that have tried to put these systems together, and some of them... what you don't know is that some of these guys that have put the systems together are maybe... very good-looking. Or they're young. Or they're rich, or some combination of all of these. Or they're six-foot five and great-looking. Or they're... I don't know, an artist or a musician or magician or whatever. Okay? Based on their reality they might have put together a system, and even models, and complex terms that explain what they do. And you know what... with all due respect to these guys? I believe that they are right, for them. What they do works—for them. What Mick Jagger does... just walk into a room and be Mick Jagger, that works for Mick Jagger. But is that going to work for the average guy out there? What about the average guy who's not very great-looking. The average guy who's not rich and famous. Who's not a movie star who's not a rock star. That guy needs an understanding of all of this and a model that's going to allow him to come up with ways where he can be his best, where he can represent himself in the best way, where he has the best chances of success. See, the stuff were going to talk about in this product, in this technical manual, is going to give you that level of understanding... And even, you know... this interesting, these other systems have all kind of special cases that are talked about... we're going to talk about that some extent too. You're going to be able to explain all of the other systems by understanding what's in this technical manual. See, once you learn this, it's going to allow you that understanding and that flexibility so that... You know whether you're a 50-year-old guy who has a lot of money, or 25-year-old guy who lives the middle of the Midwest, or maybe a foreign guy who has a thick accent... your going to have a understanding of the different component parts that you need to really be effective, to really know these skills, and to really get the results that you're looking for. D1-T17 So, that's the overview. That's why were putting a structure to this stuff. That's why were putting these models together Okay? You guys wanted a technical approach? You wanted step-by-step stuff? Well let's continue.

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The Structure of The Mind

D1-T18 The structure of the mind. That's right. We are going to talk about the human mind itself. Now, so much has been written about this guys, and I've spent a lot of my time studying the human mind... different mind sciences and linguistics and all the parts of Speed Seduction that have been discussed over the years. Now, I've put a model together, that's really going to be helpful to you in this context. Okay? This model and this explanation of the model are basically for this discipline, for this subject area. I mean it will work with a lot of other areas in terms of influence and persuasion in general, linguistics and things like that. Now there's a lot of other information that you might have learned too. If you've been studying different areas of the mind and different aspects of working with people. There's probably going to be some things about those studies that are going to make a lot more sense to you after you get this understanding of the mind that you're going to get over the next few moments. Okay? Now... Some of the things I'm going to discuss here are things that you've probably heard before. I mean, I didn't invent the mind, or the brain, or language or linguistics or any thing like that, in fact, I gladly pay homage to those who have put a lot of this information together. I'm building a lot upon some stuff that some other people have done, but I think what I've been able to do as well, is to sort of craft an explanation of this that's truly going to work for you guys in this context, and I think that's important. Let's face it. We could write something that's going to take years to explain or I could do 20 CDs just on the human mind itself—That's not really going to help us here. We want to do the best we can in a reasonable amount of time in this product to give you and understanding of the mind that's going to give you enough information so that you can really be effective with these skills. D1-T19 Before we get started on anything else there's something important, I want you to do. One of the things I've heard from some guys is that guys say... "you know... (god)... you know... the thing about women... I really don't understand why women do this. Or I really don't understand why women do... that. Or how come... you know this and that etc. etc. " . . There's all kind of behavior that guys sit back and they don't understand why women do A, B, and C. Now. A lot of guys just want to say, "well, that's the way women are, whatever". And you know, I understand that, sometimes people get frustrated or exasperated, and they just want to say, "whatever". But you know, one of the things we want to do is to learn enough so that a lot of those responses, a lot of those things that are going on, we can kind of understand why they're going on. That's a key part of this. We want you to get an understanding of the mind that's so good that you can say "okay, I know why women do this; I know why women do that". D1-T20 To that end, there's something I need you to do. That's right we're going to get ready to have you stop the tape or so stop the CD pretty soon. It's your first written exercise. I want you in your workbook to write down specific things that women do, that right now, you really don't have an Page 11

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explanation for. Really. I mean - Why do women go for bad boys? Why do women like nice shoes? I don't know what it is... okay? But, in terms of behavior, right down the things that have confused you in the past that women do. Okay? D1-T21 So here you go, stop the CD, write down the things about women, a couple of examples... that you don't know why they do it. (Note: Refer to Assignment #1 which follows in the workbook. )

Assignment #1 - Female Behavior Every guy knows of behaviors that they have seen, felt, and experienced with women that just do NOT seem to make sense! Take some time and write down some examples of behavior that women do, or show, or demonstrate, that have not really made sense to you. The point here is not to think of things that you are "used" to them doing—you can get "used" to just about anything over time. What we are speaking of here is behavior that you still cannot figure out why they do it! It just does not seem to make sense! That's the kind of things we want you to note here. .. Think of the perplexing, confusing, exasperating things! Write down at least a few words here so that you list each of them! Be sure that you do this - we will refer to this later (a few examples are shown already). a)

Women dig bad boys for some reason...


Why are women into clothes, cars, etc... ?


Why are women into soaps


Why fascination with celebs


Why test guys

f) g).

h) i)


D1-T22 Welcome back. Did you do the exercise? It's very important that you do the exercise. You have to write the stuff down. I'm not kidding. It's a key aspect of this whole system, so you have to write it down. We're going to refer to that later. Okay?

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D1-T23 Have you ever gone to a store, and maybe had a customer service problem? I mean, you know ... you're working and maybe you didn't get the service you wanted. Maybe you're working with somebody behind the counter and you're arguing with them for 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 20 minutes and then it becomes apparent that you're arguing and you 're working with somebody, who really doesn't the power to help you anyway. It's almost like it's a waste of time. I mean, you're doing everything you can, because... I don't know... maybe you need to return something... Or maybe it wasn't the right size, or it wasn't the right part or something like that, and you worked with the person behind the counter. They don't understand. You're trying to get them to understand. You're trying to understand what they need or whatever, and you're just not getting anywhere. Did you ever get that sense that you were dealing with a person that wasn't in charge? That you've got to go to somebody else, that you've gotta go somewhere else to really deal with what's running the show? Did you ever have to say, "I need to speak your supervisor, I need to speak to somebody in charge. I need to speak to somebody that's really making the decision. I need to know what's in control here"? Has that ever happened to you? Well guess what? Chances are you said yes, but even if you didn't, the answer for you still is yes. Because in a lot of respects, that's what a lot of people do. See, were going to talk about the human mind now and were going to get into the fact that... well, for a lot of you, you've been dealing with, communicating with, and addressing a part of the human mind that's really not in control. What we're talking about now is the conscious mind and the subconscious mind.

2. 1 The Conscious Mind D1-T24 Now, if you look in your workbook, there's another area and you're going to see a big triangle on one of the pages (Refer to Assignment #2 on Page 15). See that? And the big triangle has a top part, relatively small compared to the bottom part, which is pretty big. Now what this is, is a very crude representation of the human mind. Yeah, it's a triangle, I know, it's pretty basic, but, again, we don't want the graphics to be complex. We want them to show graphically some phenomena and some things that are taking place. Okay? So, look at the triangle. Now part of the problem... The part on the top (I'm sorry) is much smaller. That represents the conscious mind. The conscious mind is... you know... that person behind the counter who is all chatty and taking up all your time. The conscious mind is what a lot of you guys have been focused on... I mean... The conscious mind response to details, facts, figures, things like that. Okay. The conscious mind, is that chatty part of your brain that you listen to a lot of the times, okay? The conscious mind is the one that tends to focus on the content of things. All right? Now, the conscious mind is actually quite wonderful. It has powerful in its own sense. When you think of things like science, philosophy, mathematics, things such as that—a lot of those are creations of the conscious mind, and the power of the conscious mind. Okay. So there is a power to it and it has its own sense of power. Now it might not be in charge, but it has its own sense of power to it. The conscious mind is what arranged for you to sit down and listen to this tape set today, the conscious mind is what set the time on your schedule or calendar for you to have this hour or so to listen to this CD. The conscious mind is what made arrangements for you to buy it and balance your checkbook and do all those sort of things. Okay? Page 13

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Assignment #2 - The Structure of the Mind - The Symbol As you will see and hear in the transcript text, there are many many references to the graphic shown on this page. Be sure to follow the instructions (throughout the transcript) and write down the various terms when told to do so.

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The Structure of the Mind - Student Notes The graphic on the opposite page represents a symbol that you are to create within your mind, a symbol which will allow you to understand and recall these learnings about how the different parts of the mind operate. Use this page to take additional notes, or copy down specific points, that will help you to remember what you believe are the most important points.

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But look at the triangle, the bigger part of the triangle is the part on the bottom. That's the subconscious mind. Now, what I want you to do on the triangle there is... if you look at the triangle there's a couple places for you to write stuff in and I want you to write it up at top part of the triangle. First off, you see, there's a big thing that points to the top that says conscious mind. Alright. So the top part is the conscious mind. So there's some places in that upper triangle, that are either in there, or pointed to and you'll see, I want you to write these things down. These are part of the conscious mind. "Details ". You have to write it down okay? "Facts", "Figures", "Time sense", "Content". Get all that? "Details", "Facts", "Figures", "Time sense", "Content". Also "Single Tasking" is very important. Now what do we really mean by a "single tasking"? Well, it tends to focus on the one thing at a time. D1-T25 Now think about that. Even if I tell you... Think of an elephant, and a broom. Think of them both at the same time. Well, you tend to one of two things. You either think of an elephant, then a broom, then an elephant, and then a broom or, what a lot of people do is that they make a picture of an elephant with a broom next to it. It happens pretty frequently. Okay? The conscious mind is single tasking — it's focused on one thing at a time. Now, the subconscious mind is different, and were going to get into that difference in a moment. But it's important to you understand this distinction. Now, those are all the things that make up the conscious mind. There's others I know, but for our purposes, those of the things we are focusing on; details, facts, figures, time sense, content, single tasking. Over on the page to the right, you're going to see an area for you to make some notes on the conscious mind. I really strongly suggest that you do this. It is very important for you and your understanding. Okay? Now think about the conscious mind. It's like that store clerk, who won't let you see the supervisor. The loud store clerk. Okay? Who won't let you see the supervisor... And think about it. The conscious mind, for a lot of guys, it's the primary focus of dating. Aahhh... Think of what a lot of guys try to do. I mean, what they end up doing is they try to figure out ways to impress somebody's conscious mind. Think about it... They spend all of this time, dating somebody over a period of weeks. That's the time sense. OK? Content... they sit and have these conversations, where... I love this... They have these conversations where they're finding every route they can to talk about how much money they have, or their cars, and where there been, and what they've done, all that sort of stuff. Now to some extent, they might address the subconscious over time, but it's kinda by accident. OK, what they're really doing by sitting... in their... in their "date mode" if you will, is they are addressing a woman's conscious mind. But the conscious mind is not really in control. Okay? What's really in control is the subconscious mind.

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D1-T26 Now, the primary focus of dating being the conscious mind, you can see why a lot of guys lose the mark. A lot of guys... now sure... you want to bathe... you want to dress nice, you know, hopefully you have a nice car. Hopefully you have some self-respect, but when it comes down to it... Think of a lot of times, women will say, a guy can have all the attributes in the world... but she'll say,... "you know... I didn't really have that sense... about him. Where you just know... that it's right. You just know... that you want to spend time with this person. That sense just wasn't there. Oh... he had the money, or he looked good, or this and that, but on some level I just didn't feel comfortable with him. " Now notice the language I'm using when I talk facts and figures, it's kinda the conscious mind type of stuff. When talking more vague, that's subconscious mind talking, that's subconscious talk. Okay, that's the sort of language of the subconscious mind. What do you think is more powerful? It's been a... How many times did you heard a woman talk about... "Well, you know, this guy wasn't really perfect for me. Or I didn't know him that well, or I didn't date him that long... Or in he didn't really have the kind of job or he's not really the type that normally go for, but with there was just something about him... That was so wonderful, and so fascinating, but I just found myself doing things I normally wouldn't do... " Do you see that? See there, in that case, the conscious mind stuff wasn't there, but the subconscious mind stuff was. What do you think is more powerful? Is this starting to make sense? D1-T27 See, we're going to get into a little more detail now about the subconscious and what makes it up and how it tends to think. But think about it,... The conscious mind has all those facts and figures and details. Now again, there are reasons why dressing well, and bathing, and having a nice car, tends to help you. Okay? They do, and we'll get to that in a while because it does help the subconscious to accept you more. But if you're purely focused on details and facts and figures and time sense and content, that's really not going to get you very far with meeting and having any success with the women or woman that you want. Okay? You've seen guys who fall for some woman and they go... they'll have an argument with her... "Oh, but I've known you for this long,... and I've got this kind of job and you know..., you said..., and I've got this... and I've got that... and we been going out for this long... ". It's a losing battle. It's kinda pathetic. D1-T28 Because once a woman... If her subconscious has not accepted you, if her subconscious does not like you, you could argue with her conscious mind until you 're blue in the face, you could have everything that the conscious mind looks for, but if the subconscious is not happy she's not happy. That's what lot of you guys have to learn.

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2. 2 The Subconscious Mind D1-T29 The part that you've been focusing on is the wrong part. You've been talking to that counter clerk, who really can't get you the customer service that you want. Eventually, you've got to learn to say, "you know what, I need to talk to the supervisor. I need to talk to someone in charge". And in this context, what tends to be in charge is the subconscious mind. D1-T30 Now, when we're talking about the subconscious mind, we're looking... If you look at your materials you see that big triangle once again. And at the bottom of it, you see a big open section. That's the subconscious mind. It's bigger, because in a lot of ways, it's far more powerful than the conscious mind. OK? It's ultimately what's in control. If your conscious mind is saying one thing and your subconscious is saying something else—guess what's going to win? It's the subconscious mind. You could sit there... I'll give you a great example. There's a lot of guys who understand that there's no reason that they should fear a pretty woman. Think about it, a woman in a bikini or an attractive woman, that the really like? I mean when you look at the details and facts and the figures of it... okay... there's no reason to fear her. There's no reason why they should physically think they're going to be harmed. There's no sense at all why they should not be able to go up and say what they want. Consciously this totally make sense, right? But of course, you've seen it, where a guy sees that pretty girl and wants to walk up to her and... all of a sudden... he starts to feel nervous, and his palms are sweaty, and he can't put two words together and he can't even think. Well, the subconscious is reacting in a certain way. OK? What's more powerful in that situation? D1-T31 I mean, you've heard of things like phobias. I mean, there's no reason why anybody should fear maybe a needle, maybe fear going on an aircraft, maybe fear spiders, I mean think of common phobias that people have. I mean, you know, you either have one or you know someone that's got one. Right? And you could talk to them all day long, about the fact that well they shouldn't fear this or this is really not a problem, and even consciously they might agree with you. But stick them in that situation, where their phobia button is going to be pressed and BOOM—their subconscious just goes haywire, and they can't do whatever, or say whatever, or their pulse goes up or their temperature goes up or what ever reaction they're going to have. What's more powerful in that instance? Obviously, it's their subconscious mind. D1-T32 Now, what we want to look at is to really understand people, to really understand the mind, we need to look at the subconscious and get a deep understanding of how it thinks, and how it works. So we're going to look at the triangle and look at the bottom of it because your going to fill some things and now. Now. First off, you have to understand, it is "Multitasking". Write that down, "Multitasking". Now, in terms of multitasking, what do I mean? It's able to look at many things at once and process them, all at the same time. Think about it. I mean, when you're driving a car... Once you've learned how to drive a car, your subconscious is really doing most of the driving, isn't it? I mean, you're manipulating one pedal, and another pedal, and your right Page 18

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hand is doing one thing, and the left hand's doing something else, and you're looking at this mirror... I mean, you're doing 8, 10, whatever things at once. The subconscious is running the show. Your conscious mind might be navigating, but your subconscious is doing all the things at once. It's also keeping your heart going. You're breathing going. You could be talking and it's helping to put the language together for you. It can do a lot of things at once. So the subconscious mind is extremely able to multitask and do many things at once. D1-T33 The subconscious mind tends to focus on process, how things get done, not necessarily content. Okay? Now that's different from the conscious mind isn't it? Think about it. Up there at the top, we wrote down "Content". Down at the bottom, in the bottom triangle, you want to write "Process" and, in fact, let's make sure you do that now. Remember in the bottom triangle, there are some places to make notes and write stuff down. So I want you to write down, and we are probably going to write down 10-12 things the bottom... And then again on the right hand page, you can make notes... at more length, but on the left hand, where you see the triangle and you see the big base of the triangle in that area, I want you to write a couple of specific notes like we just talked about, "Multitasking", write that down in the lower part of the triangle, and also in a lower part, write down "Process". You could put in parentheses, "not content" after it, if you want. So it's focused on the process of getting things done. That's very important. Now, again because of that process, it tends to respond to vagueness, process language, and things like that. OK if you describe something with exact detail, exact words, facts and figures, what part of your mind is probably going to respond to that? The conscious mind. But if you describe things in a vague fashion, so that you don't really give them that exact idea of what is... you use words just like "tremendously" and a "lot" of something... If I say, "there's 12 of them", well, that's a conscious mind thing. If I say they're so much, so many, so vast, that your really able to understand... See? it just sounds more like something your subconscious is going to work with. Doesn't it? Well, because it's responding to that type of vagueness, and it makes its own interpretation of it. And again, it's going to use its own imagination to come up with interpretations of it as well. D1-T34 The other thing about your subconscious, because it's extremely able to do multitasking is, it's very perceptive. It can handle multiple senses at once on the left-hand side write-down "very perceptive", maybe on the right hand side write-down "multiple senses, analyzed at once". Just an example. So it's extremely perceptive. It's able to multitasking and take in all this information. When you have a situation going on... let's with say... A good time, something wonderful has happened in the life. Your subconscious, well... it's perceiving everything at once, all of your senses, it makes a record of what you see, what you hear, what you smell, these things all become interrelated, they all become associated with the event. OK? I mean, think about it. It's able to recall stuff based on all of that too. Think about that. How many times have you been at some situation where you've heard music? Maybe it was a wonderful event like a wedding reception, or at a concert, or someplace very special with that special girl from your past, and you heard a certain song? And now when you hear that song, can't you recall what was going on? When you hear that song—and it's not just "recall" what was going on in terms of what you saw, but you might be able to recall how it felt, the emotions that were a part of it. Maybe what you

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smelled, maybe what you felt at the time, emotionally and physically? This is all interrelated, because it's extremely perceptive, and it perceives on all of these senses at once and they're all tied together. (It's also one of the reasons why anchoring works, but we'll get to that in a little while. ) D1-T35 Another way that your subconscious works the way it tends to think—write this down on the left-hand side—"Symbols". Symbols. The subconscious uses symbols. Now you may want to make some notes in the right hand side about this but remember, symbols is where one thing represents another. Now think about that. We just talked about the fact that the subconscious is perceiving many things at once. It's multitasking, it can do a lot of things at once, and it tends to be a little bit vague, so one thing... can easily be associated to another. So when you have a symbol, one thing becomes associated with something else. You might become a symbol of a certain way of thinking to your friends. OK, you might have a certain type of person become a symbol to you. You think of a symbol like... the cross means a certain thing to certain people, a menorah means a certain thing to certain people. Certain initials, become symbols that mean a certain thing to certain people. There are symbols that you can do with your hand that tend to mean a certain thing to certain people. So people also create symbols in their lives so that one thing symbolizes another. Like I can make a symbol, like a graphical symbol, that's going to,... maybe indicate to you, a structure or a series of things I want you to think about in your mind. Like for example, the triangle that you 're working with there. OK? It's not that there's anything magical about a triangle guys. OK? It's a triangle... and the top of it's small, the bottom of it's large, the subconscious is less powerful (I'm sorry) the conscious mind is less powerful... and subconscious is more powerful, one part's smaller one part's bigger,... It's a symbol. It's a symbol that you're using to understand a concept. OK? Once we fill that in by having you write down the different words that I'm having you write down... OK... What are you doing? You are writing stuff down. You're engaging different things. You're going through the process of writing, your perceiving it on multiple levels. Your multitasking, because you're listening, you are reading along in the transcript, you're flipping through the pages and writing things down. That triangle will become a symbol for you of the relative power of the conscious and subconscious minds. Does this make sense? You see why I have you doing this? D1-T36 OK, so the thing about symbols is, you can associate one thing with another. We're obviously associating a triangle with the conscious and subconscious. You'll find that some people have symbols that they have associated with things... like a wedding ring. Or sometimes, let's say somebody has a symbol like a stuffed animal in their home. That's a symbol of—you know a little teddy bear or something—that symbolizes an aspect of their childhood. What you can also do is maybe create a symbol that represents something in someone's mind. Think of that. What if you are able to talk to somebody about a certain feeling or whatever, and were able to associate that with a symbol. Interesting, huh? See, the interesting thing is when you associate a feeling, or an idea, with a symbol, what you can do is if you have the symbol in front of you if you manipulate the symbol, then you manipulate the feeling. Does that sound like that might make sense to you? Did you ever these demonstrations where somebody talks about... maybe a ball of light and., imagine the ball of light represents warmth, and as the ball of light gets larger and larger... Well, you just took the feeling of warmth and symbolized that with a ball of light! And you tell the person to imagine the ball of light, getting bigger and stronger and brighter and they feel warmer! Because again, you equate a symbol to

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feeling, you manipulate the symbol, then you manipulate the feeling. Does that sound like something you might be able to use? Does that sound like something that you've heard about in other materials? Yeah, I'll bet it does. So, that's where that comes from. D1-T37 Now, the interesting thing i s . . . see how this all interrelates? When I talked about symbols, I described to you how vagueness works into that. How, you're talking about the process of how you move that symbol. How multitasking,... again, I just described to you how I want you write in the book, and look at the transcript, and look at the symbol... See how this all interrelates? It's there for reason, and that's the way the subconscious tends to work. That's why we have you doing all this stuff. That's why I had an instruction part of this product for you. But I digress. D1-T38 Let's move on to the next thing, and the next aspect of our subconscious that we want to do with is Roles. I mean R-O-L-E-S. Roles, very important. So again, in that box in the lower part of the triangle, write down "Roles". You may want to make some notes on the right hand page about this. But Roles., the subconscious understands Roles because roles are part of who we are even in an animalistic sense. Think about it. Roles, like the pursue-ee and the pursuer, the hunted and the hunter. The teacher and student. These are Role structures that the subconscious is very well aware of. We've heard discussions of these in Speed Seduction® materials all throughout the years. These Role structures are there and they are very much understood by the subconscious, so that when you walk up to an attractive woman, and you're playing the role of the pursuee (I'm sorry) the pursuer, she understands that she is the pursuee, and she falls right into the role. Her subconscious understands that. If you go up there and you're like—I love the guys that—the smart guys who might know something technical —it always amazes me how older guys think they're going to impress younger women by teaching them stuff. Now, you can, but you've got to understand that when you walk up and you start becoming "the teacher", then they start becoming "the student". OK, that's a role structure guys. It's in their subconscious. People fall right into that and they understand how that works. Now if that's going to work in your favor fine. If that's not going to work in your favor then, don't go up to somebody and start being a teacher! Alright? D1-T39 Now, these structures are there in the subconscious, and there are things that sometimes will work against us. If you make it too obvious that you're pursuing someone—they know that you're coming after them. They see it a mile away. They can feel it. They can sense it. All right? That's why some of you guys that make it really obvious that you're trying to pick up somebody... hello???... she knows what you're doing. She knows that she is the thing of value, she knows that she is being pursued. She knows that she's in control. A lot of you guys need to watch that. Now there's other Role structures that... There are things you might want to be aware of. What about the role of the shy person? You think she's familiar with that? Did you ever walk up to someone and walk into that role of maybe being the shy person? Yeah now, if she recognizes that role, and you fall into that role, that might not work to your favor. What about the role of somebody who is intimidated? Yeah, a woman that is extremely attractive, and you walk up and like... oh god you're just so overwhelmed by the way she looks... well, that's a role too and it's not going to work in your favor.

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Or the role of somebody that's desperate. Like you know a guy who hasn't met a woman in ages, and he's desperate and this has got to work, or he's been studying stuff, and now he hasn't talked to woman in six months and... god this really has to work for him! Yeah. That's a role too. D1-T40 Now the subconscious recognizes these roles and senses them, very quickly. Because again, the subconscious is extremely perceptive. It's able to multitask and view things in the a lot of different ways. It's looking for symbols that tend to associate you with the role of the shy or intimidated or desperate person. What about other Roles that might work in your favor? What about the role of being the interesting guy? The role of being the adventurous guy, or the charming guy, or the suave guy? Or the James Bond guy? OK? Those are Roles too. You can take on those Roles as well. Those are also Roles, that her and her subconscious are going to recognize, and she will respond appropriately. There might be some symbols that are acquainted with those Roles. D1-T41 Now this is where we get into, just to touch this a little bit... guys worry about clothes and things like that. Well, it's not necessarily the clothes, I mean, the clothes might have an effect. But you know, if you're going to walk up and be in a certain role, there are clothes that tend to symbolize that. A lot of these guys want to dress up in certain types of outfits. Well, what role does that convey to a woman. If you walk up and you're dress like a geek, you're playing the role the geek, you're clothes symbolize a geek, well, she's going to respond to you in that role! OK. That's how this works. Now she's also perceiving things on multiple levels. So, if you're trying to take on a role that really is not you, she's going to perceive that too. That's what a lot of guys are not aware of, because remember she is extremely perceptive. She's perceiving things on multiple levels, a lot of senses are taking in information at once. OK. So if you walk up, and you're not able to really act in that role, she is going to know. So a lot of these guys that just try to take on a persona like a "I'm just going to be the Seducer Man". Well, if you're not, yet, she is going to know it. OK? If you try to walk up and be Mr. Joe Pimp, and that's not really who you are, she's going to perceive that to. So watch out for that. But the Roles can work in your favor, and were going to talk about that more in the future. D1-T42 I also want to talk about something else in the subconscious, is that in the subconscious, there is no time sense. Write that down. Write that down in that big triangle on the left, "no time sense". Again, let me stop for second, again, that triangle... That lower triangle, that's where what you put in short descriptors that describe the subconscious. Things like multitasking, process (not content), symbols, roles, no time sense, very perceptive. OK? Very important. Now, "no time sense". Now, the subconscious is aware of time, but it tends to be aware of time as a series of events. Meaning, the subconscious of a woman might not care if you've gone out with a woman for three months. The subconscious isn't looking at the calendar, it isn't looking at her watch. It's not looking at a... you know, a date book. But the subconscious does get a sense of how comfortable she is with you, or how many experiences she has had with you. Or how much or how many perceptions, she's had. OK... with you or shared with you. What symbol, you now represent, what Roles you've taken on. But it's not looking at the clock. It's looking for safety, security comfort (we'll get to those in a moment), but it doesn't have a time since in terms of one-week, two weeks. Things like that.

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D1-T43 That's w h y . . . have you ever heard language that says things l i k e . . .

You know, There's a part of you, that doesn't respond to time,... that just knows... and it's not about the weeks or months on the calendar. But it's about knowing for yourself now... that there's a part that's just... is able to make a decision because you just know that something... or someone is right? Well... what part of you just knows? What part of you doesn't have a sense of time? What part are we talking about? What part do we really want to work with here guys? The part that's in charge, the subconscious mind! OK? No time sense. Make some notes, do whatever you have to do to remember that. D2-T1 The subconscious tends to also work in a relative fashion. What do I mean by that? Well "relative" in terms of similarities and differences, comparing and contrasting, looking at one thing, versus another. So, the conscious mind tends to look at the facts or figures... "is something 18, 19 or 20". The subconscious minds tends to 1 him look at... is it less or more. See? Similarities and differences. It's a relative way of judging things. So you may want to write that down in the triangle on the left-hand side, write-down "Similarities and Differences. " Similarities and differences. Now again this contrasts with the conscious mind, because the conscious mind is looking for details, facts and figures. The subconscious is just concerned about similarities and differences in things, and it makes a relative assessment of one thing versus another. That's important because that works with the vague languaging that we are talking about. There's more of something. Or you can just imagine it getting better and better. You don't say "well, you like this person almost as if you have known him for 7 1/2 weeks". I can imagine guys trying to talk like that... No instead, you use language like. "You know there is a part of you, that just sees how much more comfortable and how much better, you are able to relate this person than anyone else... " Again talking about similarities and differences, the relative fashion, how much more less something is how similar or different it is. OK? Hopefully that makes sense. D2-T2 I wanted to spend time on a couple of extremely important aspects of the subconscious mind. These are kind of more basic, and more important than anything else, so somewhere in that triangle, where they're going to represent something important to you, I want you to place these following three concepts. One is "Social Instinct". Another is "Energy, Effort, Engagement". That's one thing, and another is "Safety, Security, Survival". So there are three aspects and they're extremely important. Now let's start off with the most important. This is probably the most important job of the subconscious mind. And that is, it's looking out for the "Safety, Security, Survival" of the individual. The subconscious is ultimately looking to protect the person to assure and enhance the person's safe and secure. Now, this can manifest itself in a lot of different ways, but the bottom line is that it's there to make the person safe and secure. D2-T3 Now, the thing is the subconscious has its own way of looking at safety and security. To the subconscious, the safest thing for you to do today is exactly what you did yesterday, as long as it was safe. You know, safety and security might for some people mean sitting on the couch or, if you really

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have not been very social—as long if you've been able to eat and sleep and be comfortable—if your past has not been very sociable than your subconscious says the safest thing for you to do today is to just a home and play PlayStation. OK? It's looking for safety and security. For a lot of people the way this manifests itself is that it doesn't want to take risks. It wants you to be comfortable. It wants you to be able to survive to not have any risks or any problems. This is ultimately what a woman is looking for as well in terms of their safety and security. Now sometimes this can manifest itself and interesting ways too. Again, the subconscious is vast and depending upon a persons life experiences, and all of these other aspects of their life in terms of what has happened to them and how they have associated it to other things, these aspects of the subconscious can manifest itself in interesting ways. Like for some people the way to prove that there are safe and secure is to take risks—measured, controlled risks, but to take risks, because, after all, for some people, their subconscious has formed an equation that the way to the safe and secure is to prove to themselves that they can go out and do something risky and then survive it. Now it's not really, I mean nobody just—unless they are suicidal—Nobody just jumps off of a bridge with a bungee cord and doesn't really checks to make sure it is tied! I mean, they have a bungee cord. They tie it and make sure it is safe and relatively secure and all of that, and then they jump off of the bridge. It's a rush. Why? Because in some respects, the subconscious is screaming that this is risky. But they took a risk, and then they end up OK, after they jump off the bridge with a bungee cord. This is thrilling, ultimately, because their subconscious is saying, "wow I did something with some risk, but I still was safe. I'm going to feel even more safe and secure down the road, because I have shown myself that I can employ a risk in my life". That is the way for some people, the equation of safety, security and survival has manifested itself. D2-T4 Now in other people that are shy... ? If they have spent their whole life sitting on the couch, if they have spent their whole life not talking to attractive women... And if they have spent their whole life, not taking risks in terms of their career or doing anything physical... well... the easiest thing for them to do today is what they did yesterday, and the day before. And what they did yesterday, and the day before might be nothing! It may be they spent all of their time playing PlayStation or sitting on the couch or seeing people that they'd like to meet, but not walking up to them. See? Safety, security and survival is the overriding instinct and purpose of the subconscious mind. That is extremely important, and you have to understand that. That's constantly what it is doing. So again, I hope you have that note on the left side "safety, security survival" On the right side of the page make some notes, what ever you need to help you remember that concept, but on the left side, "safety, security, survival" is the most important thing. D2-T5 What else are we looking at here? What'd we just mention? Social instinct. Social instinct. Now you may want to make some notes about this, because social instinct in part, is made of social proof. The herd mentality. We are a social animal. We tend to work... or at least even in caveman times ... there is something to be said for having a "group". We have found that collectively, we tend to have more of a power, when we are able to work and operate and function as a group.

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Yes, you will have individuals that strike out and do things from an individual standpoint, but what we have found that as a group, we can have power that is greater than the some of its parts. So because of that, there is a very strong sense of a social instinct in people. How does this help in terms of what we're talking about? Because, look, people are looking at social proof as a way to assess other people. Do you think women do that? Of course they do. OK, they are looking for your "measure" as a man. This is where you get the stuff like,... What are your friends like? What kind of job do you have? Because if you have got good friends that shows, that... her social instinct and social proof is looking at you and saying... "Wow,... / can be safe and secure around this guy... He symbolizes something that is successful. He has the role of being a successful person (similarities and differences) he is more able to provide safety and security. " Does that make sense? See, the social instinct and a social proof also gets into some of the symbols as well. (This is how all of this stuff interrelates guys. ) I mean, let's say you look at somebody's clothes or car. It's not necessarily that their clothes are in and of themselves a big deal. It's the fact that the clothes indicate a certain amount of success, they indicate a certain ability to create, and survive. Let's face it, if you are comfortable enough to buy $1000 suit, then you're comfortable enough to maybe provide, and to be safe and secure on some level. That's where the social instinct and social proof comes from. That's why the symbol of clothes tends to mean something. Make sense? That herd mentality, that social proof, social instinct, also works when it comes to person's friends. You ... did you ever wonder why sometimes you need to "win over" not only a woman, but all of her friends as well? Well, she depends upon her friends. They are part of what makes her life safe and secure, they are part of what her existence is. This is important to her. So if you are going to try to meet her and her six friends all at once, you have better be able to match the social proof requirements of the whole group. Because she is looking for that whole group to approve of you. So this is where social instinct and social proof comes in. It's very important for you to consider that. When you look at it in that fashion, it makes a lot more sense, why some of the things go on that you have seen in the past. D2-T6 Now there is an important aspect of the subconscious mind that I want to address, and this is what I said was the third major thing, and it is what I call "Effort, Energy and Engagement". See, let's put it this way. The subconscious really pays attention to things that involve effort, energy and engagement. And imagine this... your conscious mind is thinking of a lot of stuff all the time. Very quickly, you know, if you're one of these people with an overactive mind, your conscious mind is going bang-zoom... you will think of this... you will have that idea. Did you ever have these people that are like "oh, I would like to try this, or I would like to do that, or I have this idea, or I have that idea... "—They are just constantly running from one thing to the next. OK? The conscious mind has a lot of chatter. (The conscious mind tends to think in terms of verbalized chatter by the way. ) Now, while all of that is going on, what do you think your subconscious is really going to respond to?

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Again, if you have thousands of thoughts every day, even thousands of conscious mind thoughts every day... you can sit there and g o . . . "That would be an interesting job,... I should do that, I should go here,... I should travel there,... I should pick this up,... I should do that,... ". Is your subconscious actively engaged in all of those? Is it driving you forth to do all of those things? Of course not. Your subconscious recognizes that there is a lot of chatter in your conscious mind. Again, it is like that talkative salesperson. There is a lot of chatter going on, and the subconscious says, "you know, I'm just not going to pay attention to the chatter. " D2-T7 The subconscious is impressed by seeing effort, energy, and engagement. Your subconscious wants to see that if there is something that is going to matter; if your subconscious really needs to pay attention, if your subconscious is really going to change... and see that your environment is changing, it wants to see that there is energy put into something. You know, the people that buy a product and listen to it one time—your subconscious is going "well, that was fun. I listened it to it once. Big deal". But if your subconscious hears that you have listened to it over and over and over again, then your subconscious goes, "wow, I guess I had better change, this is apart of my environment now. This person is really putting energy into this, isn't he". Or, "this person is writing in the book, he is listening to the transcript, and he is working with these graphics, this triangle and all of this stuff. He is really engaged in the process". Does this make sense? Does it make more sense now, why I'm having you do all of the stuff? See the subconscious looks at all of the experiences of life, all of the things are going on. Again look at the other stuff that we wrote down. It is perceiving on multiple levels, it's very perceptive. It is multitasking, so it sees all of these things going on at once. It has all these symbols and recognizes all of these roles of all of these people walking by even on the street, when you walk down the street. All of this stuff is going on. What is your subconscious going to respond to? What is your subconscious going to pay attention to? What is your subconscious going to really look at and go... "You know, I need to change my way of operating. Maybe he's been shy in the past, and that's what serves my safety and security and survival in the past. But he is really putting effort into changing. He is really putting energy into changing. He is engaged in the process,... I guess this is that this is really the way it is going. I need to change to go along with it. " See that is the way the subconscious works. The subconscious pays attention when it sees that you are putting effort, energy and engagement into something. The subconscious of a woman pays attention when it sees energy, effort and engagement in a process. OK? It's very important that you understand that. D2-T8 I just want to review for a moment, that triangle. Again what have you got up there on the conscious mind? It responds to details, facts, figures, time sense, content, single tasking,... Those should all be written down. In the subconscious, what are the three biggest things that we mentioned? The first concept is the concept of" Safety, Security, and Survival".

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The other super important concept is "Social Instinct", "Social Proof and "Herd Mentality" are similar. The third really important concept in the subconscious is what I call "Effort, Energy, and Engagement". And then we have a bunch of various attributes about how the subconscious functions. Like it's very perceptive. It's multitasking. It deals with vagueness and process language. It tends to think in terms of symbols. It tends to be familiar with and think in terms of roles. There is no time sense, in the subconscious. And it thinks in terms of similarities and differences. Now all of those things I've just set forth in that summary, I want you to make sure that they are all a part of that triangle. The more you look at that, and the more you think about it, the more I want that to become a part of who you are. It's very important. Because, what is going to happen more and more, is it that you are going to look at people, and look at their actions, and be able to explain it in the context of their conscious and subconscious mind. D2-T9 You know, one of the things that I think is interesting to do now is to review the concept of dating. Because again, remember when I talked about that sometimes you might be dealing with that counter person at the store, and you're arguing with them about something and you finally go "God, I really need to talk to supervisor". Well, that's what dating is. Dating is focused on the wrong part. In a lot of respects, dating is focused on the conscious mind. It's not the part that's making the decision. OK? And it's funny to me that guys will spend so much time and effort on that. But it's interesting, because women a lot of times, fall into the same trap. Did you ever notice the difference between what they say they want and what they actually go for? See, when you ask a woman "What are the things you are looking for in a man", a lot of times, they will say they want somebody that is like this, or like that. If they tend to list his "attributes", well, those are conscious mind things, those are the details and facts and figures. But if you look at who they actually go for, who do they go for? The guy that just made them feel so wonderful. The guy who was so charming, who was so fascinating, so interesting, that their normal facts and figures and details did not matter anymore, because a part of them... just knew,... just knew, that there was something wonderful about this person. The time did not matter. It just felt right, and she imagined herself in the role of the woman who would... D 2 - T 1 0 . . . I have to stop myself, because,... You know, look at the diagram about the conscious and subconscious, do you see the terms I am using? Do understand how this works? How the facts and figures and the details are conscious mind stuff? Think of those words that I was using, when I talked about that guy who made her feel a certain way, that time, just did not matter, she felt that she was in the role of somebody who was being seduced and it was just something about him... she could just not quite put a finger on it... again, vagueness... Do you see how it all works? You see where the languaging and comes from? We are describing things in the subconscious, what part of her mind you think is responding what I'm talking that way? Or I am

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describing things in that way? What part of her mind do you think that you're going to have her respond with when you talk in that fashion? Is this starting to make sense now? Does the genesis or reasoning behind the languaging make more sense to you? I hope it does.

2. 3

Linguistics and Hypnotic Techniques

D2-T11 One of the things that comes up, is that as part of Speed Seduction® and influence and persuasion and all of these processes, we've talked about things that deal with linguistic studies, hypnosis and things like that. Now look, I'm sure a lot of you guys that have gotten into this discipline, were not really getting into it to learn about linguistics. Or maybe you really did not want to become hypnotist. Maybe you do. But why do we deal with linguistics, or neurolinguistics, or hypnosis, or hypnotherapy, or hypnotic principles? Why are these used? Well, if you look at that map of the mind. Look at what is in charge. It is the subconscious mind. When you realize that then you have to say, how do you deal with the subconscious? How do you address the subconscious? Well, these linguistic studies and hypnosis and hypnotherapy and hypnotic languaging, by design, are communications that deal with the subconscious. That's the whole point. D2-T12 Hypnosis... the whole point of hypnosis is to deal with the subconscious mind. It's to find a way to address the subconscious mind directly. That's what hypnosis is. So when we talk about hypnosis in these contexts, it's not that you are going to go out on a date and sit there and go "you are getting very sleepy" or you're going to count someone down... 3... 2... 1... you know, and hypnotize them. No, not at all. It's the fact that, when you study hypnosis and you study hypnotic languaging, you're dealing with the subconscious. So how did hypnosis get into this? Because we realized that the part that we really have to learn about, and know about, and study, and address, and speak to, is the subconscious. And the reason that linguistics and hypnosis became a part of this is that we recognize that those parts by design deal with the subconscious. That's how that all came to be. That's why we deal with it. That's why we have learned some aspects of how hypnosis works. D2-T13 There is an important aspect of hypnosis that we're going to talk about now, because it really has brought to bear many of the techniques and brought up many of the ways we do things. And it is a concept called fractionation. What is fractionation? Well let's back up for second. Now, hypnosis is the study and means by which you can communicate with the subconscious mind. Hypnosis is a way to directly address the subconscious mind, so that maybe suggestions can go into the subconscious, or you can influence a person's subconscious. There normally are filtering mechanisms within a person, between the conscious and subconscious mind, that determine what the subconscious is going to "take in". Now normally, you know, you are out there living your life and the subconscious is perceiving everything in its own way. When it comes to the subconscious deciding whether to really take something on as a fact or as a basis for operation, the subconscious is using its own method of evaluating things and it has its own methodology for doing that. Now I'm not going to get into a complex discussion of hypnosis and how it works. But when you work with somebody and impose a Page 28

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hypnotic state, what happens is,... let's say you put them into a hypnotic trance. OK? And then you take them out of the hypnotic trance, and you put them back in to the hypnotic trance. And then you bring them back out on the hypnotic trance. When you do that over and over, the degree to which they go into a trance gets better and better, the more you do it. Meaning, let's say you just dropped somebody into trance once and bring them back out—they only go so deeply. If you do it 10 times, they tend to go deeper the 10th time. Okay? The more you do it the better they are at it, because in some respects their subconscious gets used to it, it's more able to handle the state. It's less worried about it... I mean, again, I'm not going to get real technical about hypnosis here guys. Fractionation deals with the fact that the more you take somebody into a trance state, the deeper, they tend to go into a trance state. The more effective, that's state tends to be OK? D2-T14 Now, what has been found in studies is that, that degree of increase in effectiveness does not necessarily depend upon how long the trance state lasts. Now let me give you an example, and bear with me, this is important. Let's say you have somebody go into a state of hypnosis for an hour and then they come out. You do that today. Then say tomorrow you do the same thing for another hour. And the same thing a day after that. You do that same thing 10 days in a row. Now at Day 10, they are going to be able to go into a deeper and more profound state of hypnosis, then they did on the first day. That makes sense. Now, what has been found in studies is that... let's say you sit somebody down on day one. You drop them into trance, and then after a minute, you bring them up for a moment and then you drop them back down. Then you bring them up, then drop them back down. You could do that 10 times, and increase their depth of trance as well. What's been found is this requirement, or this phenomenon, whereby you put somebody into a hypnotic state repeatedly, and it increases the effectiveness of the state, does not necessarily require that you put them into the state for a long time. In fact, you can sit there and drop them into trance and bring them out, drop them and bring them out, drop them and bring them out and do it over and over and over again, 10 times within two minutes, and it is a way of employing this fractionation phenomenon. Does this make sense? If you have ever listened to a hypnotist, who says something about... "open your eyes, and close your eyes, and open your eyes and close your eyes"... Well, they are fractionating you! They are dropping you down and bringing you up, dropping you down and bring you up, and with each successive time, the effect is stronger. D2-T15 OK. Now, what does this has to do with Speed Seduction®? Because every time you do that, their subconscious is getting used to the fact that you are dropping them into trance. It trusts you a little more each time. It makes a little more sense to it. It feels a little more comfortable. Let's say the first time you do it, it might be a little bit on guard. The next time, it's a little more comfortable. The next time, it's even more comfortable. OK? It is getting used to being with somebody. It is getting used to the trance effect. So how can this work? Well, let's say you are talking to a woman and you are talking to her about something lighthearted,... and that you are talking about this and that and then... for just a moment... You talk about something

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that's really profound. That's really interesting, that really engages her subconscious mind. And then... Maybe you talk about something else for a while, and it's more lighthearted and you know, it is maybe something about some facts and figures maybe something that brings in her conscious mind, and then... you know, you get into another subject, and... there's just something about that subject that so fascinating, and so wonderful that the sense of time just drifts away, and she can imagine certain things and then... a minute later, you are talking about something else, you know, and it's more lighthearted... D2-T16 Do you see example? Do see how that works guys? See, fractionation... you're dropping someone into a state, and bringing them back out. So sometimes when you are talking to somebody, and you talk about one of these subjects that we deal with in Speed Seduction®, then you talk about something lighthearted, then you talk about something in Speed Seduction®, and then you talk about something lighthearted.... You are employing fractionation. That's the way it works. So a lot of guys worry... "God, I've got to talk to a woman for an hour straight and use process language"... NO you don't. NO you don't. Nobody ever said you did. In fact, you're much better off if you can... talk about something really fascinating for a few minutes... and then be lighthearted maybe you're at a party and you're talking about something about the music and then you know, you are talking about this band and there's something about this type of music, and then... you talk about another type of music for a while, and how that makes you feel and how it's so great, when you go to a concert and its just something about the performer that's just wonderful.... And then somebody walks up and you're talking about something lighthearted for a few minutes and everything and then they leave, and then you turn to that woman you have been talking to for a while and say,... you know what you know what was interesting about what we were talking about before,... was that certain types of music. Make you feel a certain way... D2-T17 See you don't have to sit there for an hour and talk to somebody in terms of all these patterns. You don't have to talk to someone using the trance words and trance language for all of this time. Fractionation is a phenomena from hypnosis that says that if you drop somebody into a state repeatedly, you get more and more profound depths of that state over time. In our use, what we are doing is saying... Look, if you are using targeted communication to deal with somebody's subconscious mind, and you do it over and over again, it is okay to bounce between talking to her subconscious and talking to her conscious, and her subconscious and then their conscious. You do it over and over and over, because every time you do it, the degree to which you are able to address their subconscious mind increases. That's how we use fractionation. Does that make sense? I really hope it does, because I know a lot of you guys are thinking. You got to be some kind of.... I don't know... some pattern generating machine for four solid hours. No you don't. No you don't, and in fact.. You hear the way I'm talking on this product? I'm not just doing this for the sake of the product. This is the way I talk to people. I will be talking and be pretty lighthearted... now let's be honest,... maybe I am over emphasizing some things for the sake of the product to demonstrate it. But you know what? Not all that much guys. I will sit and talk to people and I am animated. I will talk like this, I will be saying "god, this is so wonderful. And so great, so exciting, and we have this and then I then... I'll talk about a different subject, and I will sound just a lot more focused, and change my voice like this... "

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D2-T18 Does that sound like fractionation to you? Conscious mind, and subconscious mind. You know, lighthearted talking, and then a different tonality. Tonality, we're going to get to that later too. But we are employing fractionation and every time I do that, every time I drop into... that special kind oee

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and these other concepts of somebody perceiving on a lot of levels and taking in things in terms of symbology and roles? Well, if you are in rapport with somebody, their subconscious is listening to you. If you are in rapport with somebody and then when you talk, a certain way, their subconscious is going to taking in and believe it. If you walk up and you are obviously lying, and you obviously don't have the interests of that person at heart, and you obviously don't really care and you're not in rapport then their subconscious might hear certain words, they might hear certain concepts and things like that, but their subconscious is going to say, "yeah, it's all a bunch of bull". Because you don't have rapport with this person. D2-T22 There is another concept that is related to rapport, at least for me, which is congruency. To me congruency is about one thing being in line with the next thing. Meaning, if you are congruent then you are being who you are, you 're acting in a way that is in alignment with who you are. Your words and your actions match. Your thoughts match. Your motions match. That's what congruency is. It's probably almost easier to describe incongruency. I mean, have you ever seen someone that's tried to be someone or something that they're not? They are being incongruent. When somebody is really being who they are, and they are comfortable with it, they are very congruent. Okay? Now, the thing is when you are being incongruent, it is extremely difficult to get rapport, and

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opens their mouth. Why? How? Let me give you the example I was talking about. D2-T24 Have you ever been out on the street, and somebody walks up to you, and you know, they're going to ask you for money. Right? Did you ever see that? I mean, it might not necessarily be that they're dressed like a homeless person... you know, they might be clean, but they just walk up and they go "excuse me... "... You know if somebody walks up and says "excuse me"... And you can tell, they want the time, or directions. But there are people that will walk up and go "excuse me" and you'll just know, you'll just know, that when they are walking near you... There's something about the look or whatever... you just know that they're going to ask for a handout.... "Do you have any spare change?" D2-T25 Now you can analyze that all day long. You can analyze the minutia of their every movement or their words or whatever. But it's very hard, again... with your conscious mind, to try to analyze those things and to know that "oh they're homeless and they're going to ask for money". But again, the subconscious is perceiving every subtlety of the person's movement, the voice inflection, the eye contact, the way they are moving the words they use, the timing, the way they approach,... the subconscious is analyzing all of that... So that—again, listen to his description—"I just knew he was going to ask me for money". What do you mean "you just knew"! When you say something like "you just know, you mysteriously know, you magically know"... What do those words describe? They describe processes that tend to go on in the subconscious... okay? Does this all sound familiar now? That's the way it works. So congruency (getting back to that) is being who you are. Not putting on an act. D2-T26 There are ways to meet women and use Speed Seduction®, so that you are being who you are. If you are not a jerk, don't be a jerk. If you are not a bad boy, don't be a bad boy. There are ways to be charming and have all of this stuff work, seriously. And if you really are a charming guy, you're going to have much better success being a charming guy, than you are, as a charming guy trying to "act" like a bad boy, because when you try to "act" like a bad boy, you're not going to be congruent. When you 're not congruent, you 're not going to get rapport, and when you don't get rapport their subconscious is not going to be listening to you, and evaluating what you are saying in a correct way, in a way that's going to serve you. D2-T27 So again, the subconscious mind is responsible for recognizing that rapport is there. And the subconscious mind is also responsible for seeing that congruency is there. I hope those things make sense, because it is a big part of what makes a lot of Speed Seduction work. It's also, what makes things work for a lot of you guys that., well... I think are good guys. You know, there are a lot of guys out there that... the term "nice guy" has gotten kind of a bad connotation. But there are a lot of guys out there that are pretty nice—they are good people. You don't have to turn into a jerk to have women like you, and sometimes when you are just trying to act like a jerk, not only are you not being effective, you're not being congruent either, and it's not going to work. Sorry, sometimes you're stuck with being a good person. But there are ways to be a good person, and still have things work for you.

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So, hopefully, that explanation of congruency and rapport is something a you're going to be able to work with. D2-T28 In this discussion of the mind and the mind map, there's one thing I want you to consider... There is a randomness to all of this guys. This is not about perfection. Look, I am giving you a technical explanation of all this stuff and why it works and how it works. OK? But there is a random aspect here. The subconscious mind of each individual person is made up of the summation of every experience, and every word, and every sensory perception they have ever had. It's drawn its own conclusions about how best to assess it's safety and survival... how specifically its own social instincts and social proof are recognized and addressed how to look for effort and energy and engagement and have an awareness of these things, every person is unique. Now we've talked in general, about the subconscious mind of people in general, and specifically of women. However each individual, is an individual. They are going to have individual responses. There is a variability from person to person. And even within one person... I mean, take one person... over time, depending on their moods, depending on their environment and where they are they're going to react differently and women do too. Women do especially. OK? Because again, the subconscious mind has its own logic, and it has so much information its making its own equations, that sometimes it's difficult to predict exactly what it's going to do. D2-T29 With the understanding of the subconscious and of the conscious mind that we are developing here, I think your ability to predict behavior is going to go up tremendously. Because, look, we can explain a lot of behavior already, and we will have some more examples as we go throughout this product. But I think your ability to predict behavior is going to go up, and your ability to affect and alter behavior is also going to increase as well. Okay? The thing is, like I said, there is no exact science to this, but the beauty of this is also that there is no exact science to this. That's where you get the surprises. That's where you get those wonderful magical moments. That's where you get the wonderful reactions that you do, and wonderful emotions. That's what makes us all actually a lot of fun, once you've come to appreciate it and really enjoy it. So... It's random guys, we are making it a lot better and increasing our chances, and our ability to know what's going to go on. But in the end, nobody can predict with 100% certainty. But we are going to make your predictions and your ability to make things happen, the way you want them to happen, go up a lot. .,.

2. 5

Your Subconscious

D2-T30 One thing about all this study is, and I know that you have been listening to this and thinking about "How is this going to help you to understand women and apply Speed Seduction® to a woman or with a woman". But the other aspect of this that is very important is that you need to consider; how this understanding of the subconscious is going to affect you, and how it's going to help you to improve how you are, and who you are. Think about that.

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You need to look at those aspects of the subconscious mind and realize that's how you function as well. Think about it. Like for example. Look at energy, effort and... I'm sorry... Energy, effort and engagement. That's very important. You know, a lot of guys think they are going to listen to a product one time and be dramatically changed. I mean, does it happen? Yeah. Does it happen often? No. OK? Because you need... look like we said before,... You've probably thought of a lot of stuff you would like to do. You have heard a lot of people talk. You have heard people talk on the radio, on TV, read magazine articles,... your subconscious is watching all of this stuff... taking it all in... sounds pretty interesting... sounds pretty fascinating, but when your subconscious, sits at the end of the day... It says, "well, I don't need to change for any of that stuff. But when your subconscious sees that; you're putting energy into this product, because you're scheduling time to listen to the CDs, that you're putting effort into it because you're reading the things, and thinking about it in your own mind and acting out. You are really listening to the words that I'm using and the way that I'm speaking, and it's seeing the effort that you're putting into it. The engagement that you are really an active part of this process, when your subconscious sees all of these things... hey... It's going to start working for you. OK? You are going to start to train yourself. That's how you change yourself guys. If you're sitting you're thinking that you listen to something one time, and it's going to change you... that's pretty rare indeed, OK? It doesn't happen that often. D2-T31 The thing is in terms of training you and your subconscious, look, think about what I said about safety, security and survival. There is a lot of you that that's the way your life has been. Think about it. If you haven't been meeting women, if you have not been going out and being social in your life, well, if you try to change that... well... sometimes your subconscious goes... "No no no no! I want you to go back to the way it was, I mean... yesterday... We sat on the couch. Let's do it again today! Oh my God, I don't want to go to a mall! I don't want to go meet people! That's different. No! no! We want to be the same as it was! Go back! Go back!" No. If you go out and put energy into changing, and really put energy into changing... At first, you're subconscious is not going to want to change. It's going to go "no no no, go back". But after awhile—put the energy and put the effort into it—you're subconscious is going to say "hey, the world around me is changing, my world is changing, part of my safety and survival and security is at stake now... I need to step up to the plate and help him ". See all the power of your subconscious that sometimes you think gets in your way, it's really trying to protect you. It's really trying to protect you in terms of your safety and security and survival. But if you start to really change your life, at first it will try to protect you by holding you back, but if you really keep changing your life, if you really keep taking steps forward to make your life different... eventually, you're subconscious says "you know what life is going to be different... it's moving in this direction... I need to get on board, because that's how I 'm going to address his safety, security and survival". Yeah.

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D2-T32 So if you are used to sitting on the couch and then you try to go to mall and meet some people for a while... You're subconscious is going to go "oh my God, I don't want to do this, go back home... go back home and get the PlayStation". But if you go to a mall enough, and you do it enough, then eventually you're subconscious goes "All right, I guess he is doing this, he is spending time at the mall, this is the new way of thinking. This is the new way of being. I guess for me to help him out, I guess I have got to make this easy and start to be a part of the process now". That's the way it works. That's the way it works. See, the subconscious tends to work on something I call "the momentum principal". You're probably heard that in a scientific context. Right? OK? Anything at rest tends to stay at rest, but a body in motion tends to stay in motion. OK? If you tend to lead a safe, secure life of solitude and boredom, well, your mind is going to want to keep you in that safe and secure life. But if you go out and live a life that is exciting and has a lots of things going on, then you're subconscious is going to keep you in that life. Now getting from one to the other is difficult. If you have lived a safe and secure life of quiet solitude, and you try to change it, at first, you're mind, your subconscious mind, is going to want to hold you back. That's the way it works for a lot of guys, but you need to take the steps, consistently over time, and that's what will make the difference for you. So employ that momentum principal. D2-T33 So I hope that helps to give you a little bit of understanding about how that works. You need to be aware of this stuff when you are trying to train yourself as to how to do things as well. Also you know, look at what we are talking about in terms of the effort, energy, engagement and things like that in training you're subconscious. It's very important. I have also told you, Ross has told, to get a Journal. Get a Journal. What's happening with the Journal? You're writing stuff down. Your making a point to review. If you're learning a new subject, put time into that subject. Practice. Do the exercises in all of the products you have. Listen to them over and over and over again. This is all going to train you, and your subconscious. And you thought we were only learning this stuff about how it was going to apply to women. It's going to apply to you too. D2-T34 Now, I want to talk about something, just an example or two for you, so that you sort of begin to grasp this. Remember when you are doing something like driving... we talked about this before. OK? Think of what's happening when you are driving. You are operating you're right foot, your left foot, your right hand, your left hand, you are looking around, you're looking at the mirrors, you are looking at all of these mirrors and doing all of these things simultaneously; they are all part of your subconscious. Because you trained yourself to do that over time. What is your conscious mind doing? A lot of times it's handling navigation, facts, figures. One thing at a time. Okay? Your conscious mind, is handling navigation and typically when you are navigating; what are you worried about? The destination; one thing. If you are actively involved in navigation, you're most

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pressing thing is "what is the next maneuver you must make, what is the next turn, what's the next site you need to see for navigation purposes. purposes. " OK? This analogy works because it's showing you how things operate. Your subconscious is doing 12 things at once, but your conscious mind can only handle one. That's also why you're probably heard the example of... you can be driving down the road, and you are doing all of these things at once, but if your conscious mind happens to be occupied at that one moment when you need to make that turn, you will go right past the exit. If your conscious mind is engaged in some active activity at that one moment ... when you need to turn into that shopping center or something like that... You will go right past it. Make sense? Does it make sense too, about that parallel processing thing. Because, think about... you are doing a lot of stuff when you're driving, and depending upon what you do for a living or your other activities... you probably have a lot of other things too where you don't realize you have really trained you're subconscious. OK? It takes time. It takes effort. But once you've got it, you've got it. OK? Now, that's an example of how you're subconscious handles parallel processing.

2. 6

Her Subconscious

D2-T35 Now, the one thing too is that women are extremely good at that. Women do multiple things all of the time. Okay? Women tend to be a little more actively engaged with their subconscious, and I think they tend to listen to it more. I think they tend to be more actively aware of what their subconscious is doing at any point in time. There tends to be a better communication channel there. Just my thought on it. A lot of guys tend to think "oh god, women make no sense to me and they change their mind... and they do this... "... I think they do this only because a lot of men do not have an appreciation of how a lot of women's' subconscious mind works. See, once you do understand the subconscious mind, then a lot of these things just make more sense to you. So, women are able to do more things at one time. Okay? So that's why... it interests me... guys think a lot of times that one magical technique is going to make it all work. Again, this is such a conscious mind thing. "If I just know, the one pattern, if I just knew the one trick, if I just knew the one outfit, or the one place to take her on the date, or the one thing to say, or the one thing to do when,... the one piece of jewelry... " That's the way guys think. Women are like "oh. it's all about the whole thing, and the whole environment, and the way he... " Because they are analyzing stuff on multiple levels. Does that make sense? I hope it does. OK. Because again, understanding this, and the subconscious mind, is really going to help you, because that's the terrain we are dealing with. That's the road map, this is the way it works. D2-T36 Now before I move on, what I want to do is... One thing that might not make sense to you. Really. And I want to bring up some examples that are pretty common. Like remember before I said to write down some examples of things that women do that don't make sense to you? Now looking at that example, or the structures of the subconscious mind, and the conscious mind that we've been talking about... Let's think of a couple of these. And there's a couple off top of my head.

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One is... Why do women go for exciting guys? Why do they go for bad boys? OK? Think about it. Who is the safest woman in the room? The safest woman in the room is the one who's next to the bad boy. Because she is safe and secure. Knowing that your guy can handle any situation is an incredibly safe and secure place to be in. OK? Even better yet, is the James Bond fantasy, where the guy can handle himself and then still treats her nicely. OK? Because even when a woman is going out with one of these guys, that's kind of like a bad boy, her fantasy and what she's hoping for is... that when they're alone, he'll be really sweet... to her. That's what she's looking for, OK? That's the lure of the exciting guy. James Bond, we know, of course, he's good-looking, and he's got a British accent and women love him and he's very well schooled... and he knows his weapons and all that other stuff. But the bottom line is, she's very excited because she is very safe. At a very deep level, that's what it's about. Does that make sense? D2-T37 Let me give you something else, and I talked about this before, but I want to make sure we go over it really well. What about these women that are fascinated with clothes and shoes. I mean, they love shoes, they go crazy over their big shoe collection. I mean, have you ever... maybe you should go to a shoe store to meet some of these women and look at the state that they are in. Now why do they respond in that way? Why do they do such a thing? Think about it. Now remember what we talked about... the herd mentality? We talked about social proof? Social proof is a way for you to determine whether or not other people tend to have a life, tend to have an existence, that's one of safety and security and survival. Now, if you're somebody that is really concerned with the basic human needs, then you are basically got all your time and energy wrapped up in things like shelter and food. You're not going to take anything like money or anything like your resources and put it towards frilly things like pretty clothes or something like that. And in fact, if you can demonstrate that you've so much of an abundance of money, or of resources that you can afford to purchase pretty clothes or good shoes, that shows that... oh you are so safe... You are so secure... You have such a life of abundance, and choices, and opportunities that you can spend money on clothes. You can spend time and effort and resources on shoes, because you are so well taken care of. It's the ultimate demonstration of excess, in terms of... you are so well able to take care of yourself that you can throw money away on shoes... this is really getting down to the basics guys of human behavior ... but that's... in the hierarchy of needs, you don't need $1, 000 dresses. But you only would get $1, 000 dress (if you are a woman) if you're basic basic basic needs have been met. And part of the herd mentality is, if you are well off, you want to be around other people that are well off. Because they are going to help you, you're going to have commonality. So if you can demonstrate to other people that you are very well off, and very well taken care of then you can sort of spend time with them and success breeds success. It's more of the herd mentality. So (if you) buy expensive shoes, by expensive clothes, show and demonstrate that you have an abundance and excess of resources at your disposal to enhance your safety, security and survival. Does that sound like something that your subconscious would like? Does that sound like something a woman's subconscious would like? See, it's not necessarily the car that a guy drives—its what the car represents that the woman likes. It's not necessarily the guy's suit that she likes, its what the guy's suit represents. Does that make sense? I certainly hope it does. Page 38

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A Note On Clothes, Shoes, etc. So, do you dress yourself up like a fashion expert? A fashion victim? Or maybe get so "flashy" that you look like a walking cartoon character? Guys I am not sitting here saying that you need to go buy expensive clothes and shoes! The point here is that 1 am describing why and how these things seem to have the effects that they do. With an understanding of those "effects", you can create such effects in other.... ways. (With your skills and the tools we will discuss later!) But by all means guys, if your clothes tend to reflect a fashion sense from 30 years ago, or appear beaten up as if they fell off a truck onto the freeway... maybe it is time for you to update your wardrobe! Many of the guys I have met at seminars over the years could use maybe a bit of an "upgrade" to the way they look. Let's face it, you wouldn't take a carburetor from a 1972 car and put it on a brand new car would you? You wouldn't take a computer that was the state-of-the-art in 1988 and use it today, right? So why would you not at least make some effort to present yourself in a way that's at least somewhat up-to-date!?!?!? There is no shame at all in taking the time to look your best and present yourself in the best fashion. Many guys (to be frank) go out of their way to NOT do this so that they can avoid taking any risks socially at all. It's more of a sign of lack of self respect that makes many guys not want to show their "best face". If you really respect yourself, why not look your best? You wash your car don't you? If you want someone to like you, why not show that you like yourself enough to present yourself in the best manner? Now can we use all of these skills to overcome the fact maybe some guy is not the most stylish, or the best looking? Of course we can! But if you can score points by simply taking a shower, getting a good haircut, or buying some new clothes, then why not do that? No you don't need to look like a fashion icon, just don't look like a fashion victim (or like a cartoon character)! D2-T38 Now I want to get back to... an assignment I gave you guys before, remember? I had you guys right down some behavior of females that did not make sense you. Did you write it down? It was very important, because now that we've talked about the conscious mind and the subconscious mind,... we have talked about what are the motivations of the subconscious mind... What kind of data does it operate with? How does it function? OK? Now that we have spent that time, and we know what's really in charge... Now I want you to go back... Go back to that stuff you wrote out. What are the behaviors of women that did not make sense before? And I want you to look at your diagram of the conscious mind and the subconscious mind, and look at how the subconscious mind functions, look at how it operates, look at what it focuses on, look at its power. And with the knowledge and understanding that you have now, I want you to look at those behaviors that did not make sense before, and now get a better understanding for yourself. (Refer to Assignment #3 on Page 40).

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Assignment #3 - Female Behavior Explained Remember the behaviors that you listed in the first assignment? The ones that were confusing to you? With your new understanding and new knowledge, go back and re-visit what you wrote earlier. Look at each of the points you listed in Assignment #1, and think of each in terms of the Structure of the Mind that you have learned about, and the Symbol the you built in Assignment #2. See if you are able to now understand more about how and why females may act in certain ways. If you cannot explain everything, yet, don't worry. This product is best played, read, and reviewed many many times to get the best and deepest understanding of all of the information contained within. So if you can't explain all of the points yet, you will be able to in the future! Try making a note or two below for each item you had listed earlier, maybe referring to the items shown in the diagram, or what was learned in the text. Just write down enough to show yourself that you got it, and you now know "why", in these cases, females do what they do. a) Bad boys can take care themselves, they are not looking for "approval" so they show that they have value. Plus the safest woman is the one WITH the bad boy! He may be a bad boy, but she HOPES he will be nice to her. b) They demonstrate power, security, abundance, that the guy can handle himself and provide for himself, and therefore her, if she can some how "get him".

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D2-T39 After you have done that, I want you to carry this forward with you. Really. You're going to think of stuff... I know you wrote a few things down... But you're going to think of stuff over the next day weeks, months, years... You will think of a behavior and go "you know that didn't make sense before... " . . . Really, stop for a minute, and consider your new understanding of it, how it makes sense now. See what I mean? I want you to really do that, because life is a lot easier when you do. And also when you do that... remember there were a lot of times when women have reacted in certain ways, and you realize now that it's not about you—it's just the way they are\ She had something in her subconscious, and that's the way she was going to react, and it wasn't about what you said! It was not about what you did! It was who she was! She was going to react that way no matter what you said or did. D2-T40 Remember, her subconscious mind is formulating its own conclusions. It's making its own evaluation and its own judgments. But with an understanding of it like you have now, you're in a much better position to be able to be effective with the skills. You have a much better chance of explaining things that happened, predicting what's going to happen, and to determine what's going to happen, based upon the tools and resources that we are going to discuss in the next section. Sound good? Well then let's continue. Ok, so you may be thinking—How do you remember all of these details? And what is with the "symbol" and all? As you have probably started to figure out, we have discussed some of the very same concepts about the mind that are being used to teach you about the mind. Instead of having you "remember" a bunch of details about how the mind works, what is being strived for is for you to have a true, deep, and intuitive understanding where this is all just something you "know", and using the knowledge is something that you just "do". One way to assist in this is through the use of symbols and symbology. That triangle is a way to represent these concepts about the mind inside of your OWN mind. Since you took the time, since YOU placed energy and effort into reading this and listening to this section, and building the triangle, etc. then it's far more likely that these concepts will become a part of YOUR subconscious (and they will become more so when you listen to these sections over and over again). One way to assist in this, is for you to think about the symbol that was shown, the triangle. (Remember, you DID fill in that large one several pages back, right?) Use that as a way to represent to yourself the different parts of a person's mind, the different ways that these parts interact, and the relative power that they each have. When learning new concepts regarding these subjects, think of this symbol as a way for you to classify and categorize the new information. When listening to your materials (even ones that you have had for a while), recalling that symbol will allow you to make even MORE sense of things you have learned in the past. See how that all works? We are taking a lot of diverse, "non-structured" information, and presenting it to you in structured manner. Then we are using a symbol to help you to learn it and categorize it, store it, and recall that information for future use. And if you think THIS section is helpful, just wait until we use the same techniques to help you understand the tools and resources that you have at your disposal! That's what you get next! Page 41

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3. 0

The Tools and Resources


The tools and resources of Speed Seduction®.

You know, if you're like me. when you first started to get into this, it's almost overwhelming, isn't it? I mean, you hear somebody terms that are thrown around, and they are wonderful, they seem to be very effective, but boy, it can get confusing, I mean, rapport, jokes, poems, patterns, demonstrations, theme, cognitions, beliefs, tonality, commands, it's almost overwhelming. I understand this. I mean, I have been there too, and all of these things are great as tools and things that we can use to actually affect and to make things happen, to make things happen in someone's mind. But at some point, it's probably healthful to sit down to discuss each one of them individually: describe them for you and show you sort of how they all fit together. So let's do that now. That's what this part of the product is about where we are going to go through all the tools of Speed Seduction®.

3. 1

Hierarchy Overview

D3-T2 If you look at your workbook and transcript, you'll see that there is a place where this is laid out. Yes, I know it's pretty blank right now, but there is a structure there to it. What you see is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 levels, and that's where we are going to put the different aspects of what we are talking about here. And it's built in kind of a hierarchy, meaning at the top level is going to be big stuff like, "who you are", you know, "the life you lead" — don't write it down yet, but those are the sort of things that are going to go there. And at the very bottom or going to have little details like "command words". Okay? This is important, because we're going to put this into a structure... like a hierarchy... so you have a sense of like what are the little details and what are the big chunk stuff, so that you have a sense in your mind of how to categorize all of this stuff. OK? That's what we're going to get into now. What I want you to do is, again, you are following along hopefully in the transcript... you've got the workbook page there, OK? What we can do is this... as I say each one of these terms I want you to go ahead and fill it in in the structure, and I'll tell you where it goes. Then in the page or two to the right of there, you may want to take some time to actually write a very quick definition for yourself. OK? Hopefully that make sense, it will be doable for you.

3. 2

Tools Hierarchy Level 1


The Tools Hierarchy.

Lets start at the bottom here, because we're really going to get into some details. These are the small bits and pieces, the small chunk details. They are important, but they are small chunk details. Now, have you ever heard anyone... all of a sudden start to speak in a way that their voice just sounds really wonderful, really mellow, really calm, that need you just feel so comfortable,... Well then you are noticing that aspect of someone's voice that we refer to as tonality.

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Assignment #4 - The Tools Hierarchy - The Symbol As you will see and hear in the transcript text, there are many many references to the graphic shown on this page. Be sure to follow the instructions (throughout the transcript) and write down the various terms when told to do so.

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The Tools Hierarchy - Student Notes The graphic on the opposite page represents a symbol that you are to create within your mind, a symbol which will allow you to understand and recall these learnings about the different tools and resources that you have at your disposal. Use this page to take additional notes, or copy down specific points, that will help you to remember what you believe are the most important points. Level 6

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Tonality. You've heard about that. You want to write that down. Now look at the hierarchy. Look at the chart and those tools. Now at the very bottom... OK, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 . . . there are six rows, and we are talking the very bottom row, and there is locations for four different things that you can write. In one of those spaces right down "tonality ". That's the tone of voice that you are using. OK? Now, why is it important, that we have a sense of tonality? And what it is and what it does in how it works? Well, think about it. You want to communicate in a way that's going to engage somebody's subconscious mind. Now, if you are sitting here and you are talking like this and talking really fast and talking about something and has a lot of energy and a lot of tension to it, their subconscious is going to feel energy and feel tension, and it's going to be tense, and it's not going... it's going to be more on guard, and it's not going to be relaxed, and it's not going to be in a mode, where it just is able to listen to what's going on, take it all in, and have it be a part of what its thoughts are as well. D3-T4 That kind of tonality is conveying a sense of warmth, it's conveying a sense of comfort, it's conveying a sense of self-assurance, lack of tension, lack of nervousness, I feel pretty safe, pretty secure, if I'm able to talk in that sort of fashion. That type of speech delivered with that type of tonality much more easily is listened to, and believed and interpreted by your subconscious, or by a subconscious mind, in a positive way. So "tonality", tone of voice that tends to be pleasing to the subconscious. D3-T5 The next thing I want to talk about are command words. As you find yourself writing this down and you have placed the pencil... I am being a little mechanical to illustrate a point... but I am sure you have had times when you have listened to the words that somebody is speaking, and you were able to find out for yourself what the command words are. "Commands". As in "command words" or command phrases, but the word for our definition is "commands". So in the structure that you have in front of you, again in the lowest row, in one of those four boxes, the want you to write down the word "commands". As in "embedded commands" where you find yourself doing something... well, that's a little different, but command is the lowest smallest chunk thing, where you just feel comfortable with something, you just find yourself doing that you are able to move now, you're able to take action, move forward, see this occurring,... Those are examples. As you hear my words and understand what I'm saying you will find yourself understanding, what embedded commands are. And again, your subconscious is hearing all of this stuff. The subconscious mind of the person you are talking to is hearing all of these things. The more that you layer in all of this stuff... remember it's listening on multiple levels... it's perceiving in multiple ways with multiple senses... it's not enough to just talk to somebody for five minutes and then all of a sudden you say that you will feel connected to this person. It doesn't work that way. See, over the course of time, you want to embed multiple commands. You want to embed different things in... with the proper tonality of course, so that the commands are heard over and over again, or similar commands; Feel connected, feel comfortable, feel warm, trust this person, see that this is someone that you would like,... you bring up things around the subject and you use them multiple times. That's the way you use embedded commands. OK?

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D3-T6 Now I have to say this with all due respect, when you hear me say a command, sometimes you'll hear me stop for a moment and... mark off the command... in a way that lets you know that I said it separately. Now I'm doing it in that example, just there, I did it really in an accentuated fashion to make a point, but you hear me on the tape sometimes say things in certain ways, where I do tend to mark them off in a manner that might be more than other people would tend to do. I tend to think that's OK. Look, I have heard a lot of different opinions on this, and there has been some controversy on this by some people, but the bottom line is this... If you are congruent with it you can do a lot of different things, and I mark off the embedded commands quite a lot, when I'm speaking and the only people than those that are people that are well-trained in linguistics. I don't consciously do it anymore. I just find myself doing it because it's more and more a part of the way I speak, but I do it a lot. I think part of the reason I am able to do that, and I am able to mark off embedded commands, is that my voice normally does have quite a range to it. I will talk fast, I'll talk slow. I'll have a higher pitch, I'll have a lower pitch, I will vary myself to the degree where, if I do something like an embedded command, it doesn't stand out as much. If I spoke in a monotone all the time, you know, so that all of my words tended to sound very similar, and I always had the same cadence and the same rhythm and then all of a sudden I... marked off an embedded command... then it would sound more obvious that I had done so. See what I mean? But if I talk in the way that I have been talking on these tape sets, then it doesn't stand out as much. It still has that effectiveness. So that's something about commands for you. "Embedded commands", make sure you wrote it down in the diagram. If you want to write down a definition down on the right hand side or on any of the other pages, go ahead and do so. D3-T7 Had you ever somehow mysteriously found yourself just able to wonder about what it might be like if you could all of a sudden, magically really grasp the concept of trance words? Or you just wondrously were able to perceive and really know, and feel what it was like to get what a trance word is? Well, those were some examples! The next thing that we are going to talk about is "trance words". So again, the lowest row of the hierarchy that you've got there, you've already got "tonality", "commands", write down "trance words". That's the third one, "trance words". These are things that, in the literal sense for the subconscious mind to interpret the word, it has to go into a trance state. When you do use a word like mysteriously, wondrously, magically, suddenly, when these words are perceived, in order to really perceive them and understand them to some degree, the subconscious mind needs to go into that state and experience that state. So if you are just explaining things factually, it doesn't have as much power, because again, what part of the mind deals with facts and figures? That's right, the conscious mind. But if you speak and use a lot of trance words, where all of a sudden you magically find yourself able to do that in a way, that you are using these wondrous, descriptive, great terms, that just engage someone's subconscious mind in a way that just allows them to

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really experience things in a different way. Well,... Then it really brings the subconscious mind into it that much more, because the subconscious mind is interpreting those. Again, trance words, are the type that need to be interpreted by the subconscious almost... or their interpretation is a subconscious mind process. So why not use them. It engages the subconscious mind. Sounds pretty good, and a pretty effective way to make stuff happened and those are some examples for you just there, so, trance words. Make sure it's written down again on the right hand side or on some of the other pages, you could write down a definition for yourself. OK? And if you need to stop the tape, or the CD during this to maybe write those definitions down because you find yourself magically wanting to do that... now... then go ahead. D3-T8 The next thing I want to talk about is touching. Yup, touching. Now again, this is in the lowest row of the hierarchy. Touching, the fourth item that you are putting down as we complete the first row. Now some people call this "kino", which is a sort of a slang, hipster slang for kinesthetic. But touching. Touching someone. Make sense? It's something that we do, it's something that we do naturally, when you're in rapport with somebody, sometimes you'll just touch them lightly on the arm, touch them on the hand, you know pat them on the back. If you are more intimate, you may touch their face, but it's a very... I'm putting down touching just in and of itself. Now, it can be used as an anchor—it can be used as part of a gesture—those are higher level things in the hierarchy—but a touch in the most very basic, very specific thing that can be used in different ways, and we'll talk about that in a while. But down there in the lowest level is touching. That makes sense what it is I hope, right? You take your hand or a part of your body, and you place it on their body someplace. That is a touch... And congratulations, you have succeeded in completing the bottom row of the tools hierarchy for Speed Seduction®.

3. 3

Tools Hierarchy Level 2

D3-T9 Now let's go up to the next level in the SS tools hierarchy and we're going to talk some more about the different things that we have to use as part of our suite of tools and resources to really employ the Speed Seduction® techniques. Now in the next row, which is the second row up, we have three distinct areas. This is a rough categorization again, guys, this tools hierarchy is just something as a means to discuss these tools, to give you definitions for them and how they work, and to sort of to show how one thing matches another thing, and how one thing might contain another thing. OK? D3-T10 So, on that second row, we have three columns. Now, what I want you to do on the far right column on the second row, the first thing I want you to write down the words "Physical Tools", and below that what you to write down "Anchors". "Anchors" And below that, I want you to write down "Gestures". "Gestures". So that column in the second row should have "physical tools ", followed by "anchors ", followed by "gestures".

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D3-T11 Now what is this, what are we talking about here? This is using your body and the motions of your body to create movement. OK, it's a general way of describing what we are talking about. A gesture is where you take maybe some part of your body and move it and a certain way. What we can do with gestures, is that we can use it to demonstrate a concept. Like we might be doing a demo, and we are demonstrating something moving from one place to another. We can demonstrate that by the use of a gesture, where we're moving our hand from one place to another. OK? Some gestures we tend to do to, you know, talk about moving a color or something around, or moving energy around or something like that. That gets into some demonstrations, which we will talk about a minute which is that a higher level. But gestures, are... we are just using our hands and using our bodies to move things around and to show the person we are talking to how things could move around. That's all gestures are. It's pretty generic, but it something that we use. D3-T12 Now, anchors. What are anchors? It's one of these things that there's been a lot written about it. Remember when we talked about the subconscious mind, how we talked about the fact that the subconscious tends to think in terms of similarities and differences? It's perceiving on multiple levels. It's very perceptive, and it's parallel processing. OK? So, let's look at anchors and what that is. Well have you ever heard of the Pavlov's dog experiment? Where Pavlov took a dog and whenever the dog encountered some food, of course, the dog would salivate because that's a natural reaction that dogs have when they smell food. So repeatedly, the dog, you know, saw and smelled food, and would salivate and Pavlov would ring a

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A Few Notes About Anchoring This is such an important point that we need to make sure that you fully appreciate this definition: Anchoring is the association of a sensory (or physical) perception with a feeling, emotion, or a state of mind. Got that? It can be any sensory perception associated to any feeling, emotion, or state of mind. Some "associations" may be easier to create or use than others, but in a general sense, this definition works for us. The effectives and the power of an anchor is determined by: — the rapport that is present. You need enough rapport for someone to be comfortable and their mind to be open to the experience. If you meet a stranger who happens to laugh and just touch their arm—Big deal! With no real rapport, it won't really have an effect (and may get you into trouble). If you do the same thing when someone has a lot of rapport with you, and it will have much more of an effect. — the repetition of the anchor (how many time it is done). If you just do an anchor one time it's hardly effective, but if you do it several times, it becomes more powerful. If you touch someone's arm one time while laughing, it has no great effect. But if you do it several times, it is more powerful as an anchor. — the time period over which the repetitions are done. Too much time between anchors and it loses effect, too many times too soon and it seems odd or out of place. Touch someone's arm once today, and again in several weeks, and again a month after, and you won't have much of an anchor set. Touch their arm 12 times in 2 minutes, and it will seem odd (very!). — the uniqueness of it. It needs to be unique enough so that you are the only one (or one of very few) creating it, but not so unique and weird that it seems odd. So maybe a touch on the upper arm is unique enough to be special and create an affective anchor, but if you touch someone on their forehead, that may be unique, but it will seem quite strange!

D3-T15 Anchors in terms of what we are talking about is; you can associate a feeling or a state of mind to any sensory perception. Okay? And let's just consider that... you know, the easiest ones like sight, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching. Well, if a person experiences an emotional state or feeling, and then has a sensory perception that correlates to it and they have... or once again.... go through this process of experiencing the emotional state or feeling, and then have a sensory perception that correlates to it... eventually, you do that enough so that if they just get the sensory perception, they will experience the emotional state. Now let me give you an example just to give you something to think about. If a person feels bad, and hears a certain song, fine. If they feel bad and hear the song again, OK. If they keep feeling bad, and hearing a certain song when they feel bad... all right. Like, let's say they lost a Page 50

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loved one, and you know, there has been a death in the family and there is a certain song that is famous on the radio. You know how Pop radio plays songs like crazy. So, there is a death in the family, and everybody is very upset, and you hear the same pop song six times in one day. OK... that song, that sound, can become an anchor to that feeling of loss. So that a year later, when you are doing fine a year later, when you're comfortable, and not even thinking about the loss... that song comes on the radio... once that song is on the radio, you start to think about that person. It's become an anchor. That's the way it works. OK? D3-T16 So, anchors work like that. You are correlating a sensory perception to a feeling. Now what you can do—these work in different ways. You could, for example, find an anchor that already exists. If a woman would happen to say that "every time I turn on... or every time I get turned on, I tend to feel really warm". OK, that's great, and then she says later that "every time I get turned on, I feel warm. " All right, that must be an anchor. So what do you do? Go turn the thermostat up! Because maybe if she felt warm, she would associate that with being turned on! Does that make sense? That's a pretty simple example, but I'm trying to illustrate a point; That it's a correlation. Again, a sensory perception and feeling. D3-T17 Now, you can find an association that's already there, and use it. Like in the example I just gave you. Another option would be that you create the association. This is what a lot of people tend to think about. Think of this, let's say you get somebody to discuss a subject. You know, she talks about what it's like to be really excited, and then you touch her arm. Later on, she talks about what it's like to feel very excited, you touch her arm again. Later on, she is talking about some other concept or some other story, where she is being very excited, and you touch her arm again. You do that enough that eventually even if she is not excited, you touch her arm, that will make her excited. Because in her subconscious, the sensory perception of having her arm touched becomes correlated to the feeling of being excited. Does that make sense? That's why and how anchors work. D3-T18 Now, they tend to be very subtle. Look you can use anchors to whatever degree you want. There, again, are excellent tools out there for anchoring. There's excellent training programs that will teach you different ways to anchor, how to increase or decrease the state of anchor. How to make it stick more than other ways. That's fine. They're fantastic. OK. But in a general sense, what you need to do is associate... again... a feeling or state with a sensory perception on their part. And when I say on their part... again... you might be using a gesture, but what's that in terms of what they see as an anchor? It's a visual anchor for them. Right? If you create, let's say, every time a woman talks about a subject, you... and I'm being very simple here to illustrate a point... that every time she talks about a subject you tug your ear. And she talks about the

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subject, and you tug your ear, and she talks about a subject, you tug your ear. Well, sometime later, you tug your ear, she's going to think about the subject. D3-T19 Now, that's the way it works. How does it work in terms of its effectiveness? It can be tremendously effective, but it tends to work best in the presence of repetition, and in the presence of rapport. Meaning you need to have really good rapport with the person, so that their subconscious is perceiving things in the correct way, perceiving you in the correct way, and when that's the case then they are more open to the perception and the subconscious tends to take in the anchor all the more. OK? It tends to be more effective. Also, again, repetition, effort, being engaged in the process, the energy... repetition is a key. If you do the same anchor over and over and over, it helps to make its stick. Another aspect of this is time. How frequently did you... I mean, if you sit there and you tug your ear five times in one minute, she is going to know something is up. OK? But then again, if you... tug on your year once and then do it again three weeks later, and then do it again a month later, you're probably not really going to create an anchor. The degree to which an anchor is effective, and the degree to which an anchor lasts is dependent upon the rapport that you have, the repetition you have, and the time span over which the anchors are done, or the anchors are set. OK? Does that make sense? So those are just a couple of the physical tools that we have available for us. D3-T20 Now we're going to look at the next set of tools in the Speed Seduction® tools hierarchy. Now we are still in the second row in the diagram, and I want you to go to the other column, let's say the first column in the second row. In the top of that first column on the second row, I want you to write "rapport tools". That's "rapport tools". That makes sense. These are the tools that we used to help us generate rapport. Now, in some respects, you know, there's going to be tools all over the place in this diagram that help with rapport, but there is a couple of key ones that I tend to think of when I think of rapport tools and those are the ones were going to be showing in this column. So we have rapport tools. Beneath it, I want you to write "pace and lead" and beneath t h a t . • "fractionation". So rapport tools, tools and things we can use to help us to get a state of rapport, increase the state of rapport. OK? Make sure it's there make sure it's kept there OK, remember what we said about rapport. It's having the person's subconscious feel that you and your subconscious are an ally, and there to help it out. D3-T21 One of the things we can do in that is "pacing and leading". Now, let's think about this, what is pacing and leading? Think about it, if you want to change the direction of something, and you just walk up next to it and push it in a new direction... Well, you might change its direction, but it's going to be rather abrupt isn't it?

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Wouldn't you think it would have been harmed, or kind of thrust in a new way, in sort of a quick and abrupt manner? OK? Now, it's one thing, if you consider that when you are talking about pushing a bicycle into a new direction. Or maybe there is an office chair on wheels, and you want to push in a new direction and you just walk up and... boom... push it. However, when you are talking about people, you can't just push people around like that. First off, we're not talking about going up and giving somebody a body block, like you're playing football with them or something. We are talking about getting them to change their mind, and maybe have their mind set go in the direction that you would like it to go. So... D3-T22 With pacing and leading what we are doing is this... If you want to change someone's mind, sometimes it's best to not immediately begin to change their mind in a very abrupt fashion, because when you do that, you tend to throw off alarms in their subconscious. If you go up, and immediately try to change somebody's mind, or to push them in a different direction—mentally of course—then their subconscious may send up red flags, or send up alerts and go "wait a minute, something's wrong here, this feels uncomfortable... I don't feel very safe and secure in this process. I don't have enough proof to indicate that this person should be able to do that". Now, yeah, if you've got a tremendous amount of social proof, or you're in the proper role, you might be able to meet somebody and instead of having to pace and lead them you can be quite abrupt in taking their mind set and a different direction. But for most people, pacing and leading is a good way to go about doing this. D3-T23 By pacing and leading, we mean to talk to a new person, spend time with a new person—it can very into any length of time, of course—but to spend time with the person so that you are seen as an ally. So that you are moving "alongside" them for a while, so that you are doing things with them, working with them, discussing with them, doing things so that the interactions with you does not seem abrupt or out of character. Then, after you are there for a while, of course, as you are pacing you are getting rapport. You are seen as an ally of the person and their subconscious is comfortable around you, secure around you, you're not a threat. You're safe. That's fine. Then, as you start to move into a different area, in a different direction, or different thought process, then you start to lead, and now since you have paced for a while, since you build up rapport over time, since the person and their subconscious sees you as an ally, somebody to be trusted, then you go into a different direction and start to lead off in a different direction, that person, or subject, or target, or whatever is more apt to move in a direction with you. So that's what pacing and leading is. It's a way to get somebody to move with you, and then go off in a direction with you in a way that does it naturally, and lessens the risk of you "generating an interrupt" or creating a problem. And by generating an interrupt, I mean, doing something so abrupt or so out of character for them and their situation, that they all of a sudden get nervous, they all of a sudden throw up the red flag in their mind and want to leave, because they feel unsafe. That makes sense right? D3-T24 The next thing we want to talk about is fractionation, and we talked about that before, didn't we?

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Fractionation is the process where we're exploiting this ability of a person to go in and out of trance multiple times, and the more they do it, they get a deeper trance state, they go into the trance state more easily, and their subconscious is engaged more and more in the process. Now, when you use fractionation—again, if you're able to get somebody in a trance state, get them to really relax in a trance state—then to some extent, that's a process of fractionating them. OK? You get rapport with them, you talk to them. You get tonality in the proper way, they feel comfortable. Then maybe you bounce out of it for second. OK, and their subconscious is not as engaged, and then once again, you relax. Maybe give them the correct gesture or something that could be relaxing. You're moving your hands in relaxing manner, you're pacing them by talking about something they are familiar with. Then you back off a bit. Again, what we talking about here? Fractionation. By doing that over and over, each successive time that you go into a trance or into a trance state, it's a deeper state. And again, if you've done that eight times, let's say, then the ninth time their subconscious is a little more relaxed. That ninth time it's easier for their subconscious to have an increased state of rapport with you because it knows that your safe and that you're an ally. That's a good way to increase rapport as well. So when we talk about rapport tools, there's a lot of them. There's tons of them out there, you could take some specific classes on rapport tools. But in this context, the ones I wanted to bring up specifically are "pacing and leading" and "fractionation", because I think they're so powerful, and they're such a key aspect of what we are discussing here. D3-T25 The next section I want to talk about, the next part of the SS tools hierarchy that we want to deal with is, again,... we are at the second row on that graphic that you see in your workbook. OK? We're at the second row, we are in the middle column. We've got five different things we're going to write in a column, so let's get started. What you want to put at the top of that center column, "conversational tools". Write that down. Conversational tools, what do we mean by that? Well, think about it guys. Basically, we are having a conversation with a woman. Part of this whole ability to use Speed Seduction® or any of these persuasive or influential techniques, is that you have to be able to have a conversation with somebody and maintain the conversation with somebody. So we have certain tools and certain things that we use to help facilitate us doing that. Also we want to be able to bring up certain things, direct the conversation to some extent. Now I'm not going to get into all the details as to how to do that here, because it's beyond the scope of this product, but what I want to do is set forth for you some

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Now you've heard mention of that in a lot of Ross Jeffries products and, the home study course and things like that. What that is is a way to say something without really saying something. It's a way like, you can quote a friend or saying "it's almost like this... ". You are saying it, but you are not saying it. It's a way to weasel around the fact that you 're saying something. Now again, it's been discussed in so many other products, and in so many other places that I don't want to get into a big definitions of it here. But, this is where weasel phrases fit into the overall structure of the tools that we are dealing with. D3-T27 The next thing below weasel phrases, i s . . . well, It's just like when you are doing this. Or, it's almost like when you are doing that. What are those? It's just like when, it's almost like when, they are "linkage phrases". "Linkage phrases", write that down. And the thing below that while you are writing on the paper is "transitional phrases". So "linkage phrases", "transitional phrases". You know, it's just like when this used to happen or that reminds me of the following or, my friend used to say this or / read a magazine that or / also heard this,... They're phrases that allow you to talk about one thing, and then to link it to something else. Or to transition to something else. Or in the case of weasel phrases, to say something in a way that you're not really saying it. So, my friend said this, but I also... / thought I heard such and such or what if somebody was to say to you this or what if I were to say to you that? Those are some weasel phrases. See how they work? We're finding a way to talk about stuff and put it together in a structure. And again... look at the hierarchy that you are building... weasel phrases, linkage phrases, transitional phrases,... well in their best application,... What are you using as part of weasel phrases and linkage phrases? You might have some trance words in there... Look beneath them in the hierarchy guys. Your weasel phrases might have some trance words. Your linkage phrases might have some commands in them, or they might be leading you to place where you could use some commands. If you are doing transitional phrases in the best way, you might be doing them in a way that has some trance words some commands, and all delivered with the proper tonality. Does that make sense? See those little bits and pieces in that first row are the bits and pieces of the stuff in the second row. Ok? D3-T28 What you're seeing is how we are building a structure here and how we are going up, in terms of the hierarchy. Now, the last thing in that center column is "ambiguities". So I want you to write that down in the center column, the last item is ambiguities. What do we mean by that? Remember when we talked about the conscious mind and unconscious mind. Remember that we said, the conscious mind deals with facts, figures data, it tends to be more quantifiable. The subconscious mind tends to deal with more generalities. There's a vagueness as to it. It's using relative things, similarities and differences. Well, if I say things like "boy that was so much better, it was 3. 247 times as good as it was" that tends to engage the conscious mind. But if I say, "god it was so much better, it was

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just amazing the degree to which we saw an amazing improvement. " Well, that's kind of ambiguous isn't it? But doesn't that tend to pull in feelings, pull in emotions? Doesn't that tend to require like a subconscious response to sort of to understand that kind of thing? That's what we are using by ambiguities. See, if we talk about something, and we specifically give facts and data, that tends to be analyzed specifically by the conscious mind. If we are able to sort of be ambiguous, to talk about something, but to really talk about it... so that we are not really being specific, we are being kind of general, because it's so much better, it's so much more improved, you can imagine it being, you know, so much... of a greater experience than that which you have before, that apart of you... there I go again with an example. But you see how it works? If you are ambiguous, it tends to take an emotional response or a subconscious response, in order to process the information. Plus being ambiguous is less risky—think about it. If you tell somebody if you are talking to somebody and say "you know, you hear this person speak, and they speak in just that way that you really enjoy it, and you know what it's like to listen to a compelling speaker, where they just draw you and other something about that voice, that's just amazing to you and really makes you think of wonderful things. " D3-T29 Now, that's ambiguous isn't it? And when I talk about, you know, positive things in that ambiguous fashion, the person listening is able to draw their own conclusions based on what they like. Like if I say, "the person has an amazing kind of voice that you really appreciate, the type you really like. " Well, then they are thinking of a voice that they really appreciate and they really like! Now I don't know exactly what that voice is, I don't know exactly what kind of voice they like. They do! Now, if I try to make a guess if I say "there is something about this person's voice, you know, this person's voice that sounds exactly like Paul Harvey, or the person's voice that sounds exactly like John Madden or a person's voice... " I mean if I start to get very specific, if I'm not ambiguous, if I'm specific, then, well, I am basically telling them what their favorite stuff is. And there is a risk, because if I don't exactly know what they like, there is a good chance that I'm going to be wrong! D3-T3O Let me give you another example. Let's say you are talking to a woman about what she prefers in a male body type. Let me give you a quick example. So, if you are talking to her and say, "you know it's like when you meet somebody who has that perfect physique? They have a body fat percentage of below 11%. Their chest to waste ratio is greater than 1. 4. And they have a certain amount of definition, so that you are able to see at least four if not six abdominal muscles, and then when they flex their bicep the circumference of that is on the order of 18 to 19 inches... wow... can you imagine that... ?" I am being specific, and I'm describing it specifically. But you are making some assumptions about exactly what she likes. First off, there is a good chance that you are wrong, if you give them that sort of information. Second off, you're giving them all of the details. That's no fun. They are processing that with their conscious mind. Sure, you can assist the process by using proper tonality, by embedding some commands in there, by speaking in an engaging and charming and fascinating way, but you are still saying "there's something about the fact that his chest to waste ratio is 1. 4 or above... " that... it takes the magic out of it.

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But if you say, "you know what it's like... when you 're with someone and there is something about that person's physique? I mean, you have a picture in your own mind of like the ideal physique, and I don't know what that is but everybody has that... you know,... that body type that's their personal favorite, the type they really like. You begin to realize that... wow... when you see somebody like that,... you could appreciate them on that level. But there is so much more to this person,... " And then frankly, if I was going to talk to woman about that... I don't really talk about physiques and body types, because I like it when they appreciate you for lot more than that. And you can quickly dispel it but I am getting off-track. But you see how I talked about the fact, in general, about the specific physique that, you really like. The type that makes you think of certain... things? Okay, I am being ambiguous because I don't know what she likes. I don't know what her type is. I want her to figure that out. I want her subconscious to create those pictures or to create that idea for itself, for herself. Who am I to tell her what she likes? Okay? So ambiguities really work in your favor. Ambiguities. Being vague. It's all one in the same. Don't make a guess of exactly what she likes, let her know that. Be ambiguous. Be vague. Allow her subconscious to fill in the blanks. Stated in a positive way, in the proper tonality, in the proper frame, the proper want t

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Like you may be talking about sports. Then you are talking about football. And then you are talking about television for a while, because you're watching television, you know, watching some sports, and then you talk about the new TV that you bought... and then the guy is talking about his DVD player, and then a moment or two later, you start to talk about sports again. So you talk about sports for a while, and what it's like and one of you went to the stadium last week, and saw a football game, and you talk about what it was like to go parking there. And what it was like to drive there etc., and what the game was like it, and you talk some more about hockey, so now you're talking about hockey for a while.... See? Conversations ebb and flow in that fashion. But a theme is like the central part of the conversation that goes on for.. you know, half-hour, an our, two hours. It's a natural thing that takes place. Now, what we want to do in this context is, you want to be able to talk about things, or talk about topics, where the theme is going to serve you. Now let's think about it. Can you talk about sports with somebody for two hours, and lead to seduction or lead to romance or dating or what ever you want to do? Yeah, it's possible, but it's a little bit of a leap. Now you can go from sports to something that has to do with seduction or persuasion, but it's a lot better off, or you are a lot better off, if you can talk about things or have a conversation with a theme that's going to serve you. Now we have talked about this, and there is various products that have been out in the Speed Seduction® catalog for a while, that talk about themes. Think about it. D3-T34 What are themes that can work for you? Well, did you talk about what it's like to connect the things. Really. What can you connect with? See, guys all of a sudden go "I could use a connection pattern and that's it". Wait a minute. Don't you connect to your family, don't you connect to friends, people you knew from school? What's it like to connect with guys; even guys on your sports team they're buddies of yours, there's a connection there. You have a connection with the people you went to school with, some people that you've worked with. You could... with a pet for god's sakes. Okay? You can talk about what it's like to connect to these things and how important that is or how that's a part of your life. And look guys, I've got to say this. There's a lot of you that get really hung up on —"well, I'm a guy and I really don't talk about the sort of thing". You know what? Look, you could be a man, you can be a guy, you can be masculine, and still talk about that. Because women love the idea of a strong guy, masculine guy, who is able to at least have a conversation about this stuff. Now I don't mean, you sit there and go, "I really like to connect, and it's so important to me that I can connect with things... ". I don't necessarily mean that. What I mean is that you are a man, and that you appreciate things. Yeah you do things, you watch sports, you like your car, and like your job, but you know what... hey, you're the kind of man that appreciates the fact that he can connect with people. You love your family, you like your friends, they mean the world to you okay, maybe your parents are very important to you, your Brother, Sister. OK? It's OK to talk about that sort of stuff. You can be a man, and talk about that sort of thing. So lets... you know... let all this stuff go were all of you guys are all hungup on "I need to sound like a man so I can't talk about some of this stuff. Well, okay... if that's where you're at. I really think you can have more of an open mind about it for some of you. D3-T35 What are some other themes that we can work with?

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Well, we talked about connection, what about excitement? What's it like to do something thrilling and exciting. What about adventure, who doesn't like the idea of adventure? Doing something adventurous. What about the theme of; how do you make decisions in your life and you know what's important to you? What about the theme of, how do we select were doing what their lives. How do we plan what we're doing from week to week and day-to-day? Okay? What about the theme of... even career. You can talk about... the nice thing about themes is you can start off with something pretty innocuous as a theme and go to something more seductive. You can have the theme about work and career, and that theme could lead to a theme of, well, how do you know what it is you appreciate doing and like doing. Don't you what to do something more fulfilling as a career? Why is it important to do something fulfilling? See? That can lead to something more useful in terms of seduction or for our purposes. Okay? So a theme is that common thread. Now, what I think is good to learn i s . . . think of some themes that would be useful to you and find a way to talk about it. I tell you what are some good themes—based on this product! How do people's minds work? What's it like, this subconscious & unconscious? How do people connect with what they really want to do and their dreams. What are the different ways that men and women... or how are the different ways that men and women connect... or look at things... or analyze things or communicate. There's tons of material in this product alone, that will provide you excellent things to have conversations about—Excellent themes for you. This whole product can be a theme. "I was listening to this guy talk about, you know, how the structure of the mind works, and it was so interesting. " We talked about that didn't we? "I was listening to this guy talk about all the different bits and pieces of conversation that people use and how you can persuade other people... " Isn't that what were talking about in this section of the product? What about "there's a guy, where he actually broke down the process of like... selling something, or seducing something, or convincing someone of something, and he broke it down into a series of steps. It was really fascinating... " Guess what? That's a great theme, and that's what were going to talk about in the next section anyway. So guys, you're getting great themes in this product. That's a very important thing I wanted to talk about for a while is themes. It's very useful, and very much, going to help you going to get more success. D3-T36 Now, we are still on the third row of our SS tools hierarchy, and I want to work on some more things here. Again these are things that you've heard a lot about. This going to sound very familiar for you and I want to take the time to define them, spend a little time here showing you how they work. We talked about themes—in another of the columns, we're on the third row, and in one of the other columns on the third row, there are three things I want you to write down. So in one of those columns, I want you to write down first "poems", then beneath it, "patterns" and beneath it "demonstrations". This is all starting to sound a little more familiar to you, isn't it? Okay.

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D3-T37 Poems. What's a poem? Well, we all know what a poem is. I'm sure there is people in literature that are far more educated than myself, or far more familiar with literature than I am that can define what a poem is, but obviously think about it. A poem is something that's going to hopefully evoke a state of mind. OK, it's going to create a state of mind for her. Now a poem is not a magic bullet. A lot of guys, they will hear a story about somebody talking to a woman, and in the process, they use a poem, and then she is so moved that something ends up happening between the two of them. So all of the people hearing the story think... "The poem is what did it. Tell me what the poem is!" You have to understand that poems can be wonderful, but they are not magic in and of themselves. Think about it. A poem in its best context for the uses here that we're talking about, a poem has wonderful languaging. The languaging tends to be vague and tends to be emotional in its character. The languaging tends to flow and have a rhythm to it. If you think... that language... that has a rhythm to it ... tends to evoke... a response... on the part of the subconscious... you would be correct. That rhythm, that cadence to it, okay, tends to have a response in the subconscious. It's something that people key into. All right? So poems have all of the bits and pieces that provide languaging or a good language structure to put a lot of information in. Now, you could just say a regular poem, and have it have some effect. There are some specific poems that some very good people that have worked in the Speed Seduction® community have written in the past, and those poems are specifically designed to create a state, or evoke a state, and then to place embedded commands and trance words and things in there. Now let's look at your hierarchy for a second. D3-T38 What are poems made of? Well, poems for our purposes, look down beneath... the poems might have a lot of conversational tools within don't they? They're going to have we some weasel phrases and some linkage phrases, to go from one line or one stanza or one verse to the next. They're going to have a lot of ambiguities in them, aren't they? Now poems don't go "and the magic of the fact that the rose was the exact shade of Red... " no, they... I'm not very good at riffing poetry guys, but I think you get the picture. Poems have a lot of ambiguities in them. And looking beneath it, what are also poems made up of? Poems for our purposes will have trance words in them, embedded commands, and of course, delivered with the proper tonality. And if poems have specific moments or times when you can send an anchor or do some touching, go ahead and do that as well. That's how it fits into the hierarchy. So poems can get a magical response but it tends to be within the context of having created a good environment already. You've have talked to the person for a while, and you have the chance to deliver a good poem. Makes sense? I hope it does. D3-T39 Now the next thing I want to talk about is patterns. Probably the most discussed, most overdiscussed aspect of Speed Seduction® that there is. What is a pattern? Well you know, so many people have tried to define it and everything and it's sort of ambiguous in its definition. I tend to think of it in terms of this.

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A pattern, as we tend to see it, is a written example of the type of languaging. one could use to create or evoke an emotional state or response. That's basically what it is. Now you can write this down to a degree that you want, on the right of the page you could write down your own definition. I tend to think of a pattern as something that lasts between 15 seconds, and like three to five minutes, that creates or evokes and emotional state or response, creates or evokes and emotional state or response. Now you've heard tons of examples of patterns and everything from the "connection pattern" to the "fascination pattern" to the "Discovery Channel pattern", etc. etc. etc. pattern. Everything pattern. A lot of guys think that if I just have the magical pattern to create a state, that's going to make everything happen. Look, patterns are examples. They are examples of what you could say, how you could sound, but it's not necessary that you use them exactly. Okay? I know a lot of very experienced guys that have used this technology, that have never used the connection pattern word for word. Now they talk about connections, they talk about what it's like to feel a connection or to have a connection so and in a way they are using a connection pattern, but they have not used in "the connection pattern" exactly out of the workbook. The Super "Get-Every-Woman Now" Pattern .. does not exist. If it did this Manual would be a LOT shorter than it is! The patterns that you have seen and heard in many products and at seminars, for the most part, are examples of what could be said and done. There are some circumstances where you may be able to use them word-for-word. But for the most part, they are shown as examples of what could be said and what could be done, at the right time, and in the right context. Use patterns as they are described here in the lectures; as ways to learn, as a fallback position to discuss certain subjects and themes, and as way to introduce the languaging to yourself, so that you start to become more and more familiar with it. However don't waste all of your time memorizing patterns! I have met many guys who have spent way way way too long doing that. One guy from a few years back, had spent an entire year learning like 30+ patterns. He had them memorized exactly, the wording, what to say, the voice inflection, pauses, gestures, etc. and he had very FEW encounters with women! He could say the patterns at home in front of a mirror, but put him in front of a woman and/or have him create a situation where he could actually USE those patterns, and it would not happen! So, take the examples for what they are, Examples. Use them at times, but more importantly, learn from them. Become familiar with the structure, the language, the topics and subjects, and just start to talk to women like that.

D3-T40 Now, it's good to see pre- written patterns, because it gives you examples of how the patterns could be created. But in real time, when you are talking to a person, the point isn't to rattle the pattern off work for word! In fact, I know guys, who... you know, they might have known two dozen or three

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dozen patterns word for word. And they knew every word, and they knew every little inflection that they should do, and they had it down pat, but it was memorized. It wasn't really something they were feeling. Look, if you understand the aspects of Speed Seduction®, if you understand how the mind works,... when you understand the things in this hierarchy that we are talking about now, patterns become a lot easier. We are going to have a lot of examples of that in this product and others because what you basically need to do is think... "you know, I want to talk, I want somebody to feel fascinated. " So you talk about what it's like to feel fascinated] And... look at your hierarchy guys. While I am talking about what it is like to feel fascinated... I'm going to throw in... maybe some anchors... while I am talking about feeling fascinated... I'm going to do some fractionation... and in the process of having a discussion about it, there is going to be some linkage phrases and weasel phrases. Of course sprinkled throughout is going to be trance words, commands, and proper tonality with touching when appropriate. See how that works? So, patterns are a great example of a structure we can use to create or evoke an emotional response. Nothing magical, and it's not that the patterns... the patterns can get some amazing responses by themselves, but its best when you have a bunch of patterns strung together. D3-T41 Now, again, this hierarchy that I am doing is the best shot to give you a good bang for the buck. I mean, I could get into a hierarchy here that has 12 levels and all sorts of stuff. So, you know, I have done the best thing I can in creating this hierarchy, that's going give you that is going to make it as effective as possible without having it be really complicated. So, somebody could say that "well, a theme or an overall conversation is made up of a bunch of patterns. So in some respects, you know, an entire conversation is senior to patterns in the hierarchy... " Okay, whatever, if you want to get that technical. But, patterns are just what they are. They are not magic, and I think you are getting an understanding based on what we've talked about so far, of the bits and pieces that make up patterns. Hopefully, that makes sense in light of the hierarchy and how far we have come. Okay? Please don 7 spend tons of time memorizing every pattern! Instead understand the structure of the mind that we talked about, understand the tools that we have here in the hierarchy, and then pick an emotion or state that you want to create or evoke and talk about it, and use the tools that are shown in the hierarchy here that make a pattern, use that to create a pattern for yourself. D3-T42 The next area, I want to get into our demonstrations. Now we have heard some fantastic demonstrations, or demonstrative things that people can do, and some of these... I tend to put things like "The Cube" and writing analysis, palmistry,... there are some wonderful demos in terms of having people visualize pictures, move energy around, visualize a ball of this, or a frame of that... but they are all demonstrations. They can be very interesting because—first off—it's a great thing to have a conversation about! How cool, you've got something to show someone. You don't have to be arrogant about it or what ever, you've just got an interesting thing to show somebody, you are talking and say "hey, do want to see something really cool about how the mind works". Or "have you ever had your hand writing analyzed?" Or "hey, you know what I was reading a book about like reading palms do want to check this out?" It's very easy to bring that sort of thing up. it tends to be very conversational. The demonstrations can work and a lot of different ways.

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First off, it's an excuse or reason for her to want to talk to you! Let's face it, were going to get into this later, what we talk about the Speed Seduction® steps, OK, the process itself, but you need a reason for her to talk to you guys! I mean she's got a life, she's busy, why should she talk to you? Well, if you've got something cool to show her or demonstrate to her, that's a good reason to talk to you I guess. So why not use that? This whole thing about—"well, that's a crutch"—wait a minute! Hey, you've got to have a reason for her to want to sit down and speak with you! Or if you meet her someplace—why should she talk to you? Well, if you're just an interesting guy, great! If you happen to be her type, great. Maybe you,... it's good to have a skill or a subject that she finds fascinating or something that's going to keep her attention for a while. And then, if it's a demonstration, that's fine. Why not? Different people use different things, people talk about their job or how great their life is, that keeps people around and makes them interested enough to want to sit down. Why not do their hand writing? Why not do palmistry? Why not show them some demonstration, even if it's a trick or whatever, magic tricks are similar to this. So it's a reason for them to talk to you, why not use it? D3-T43 Another great thing about demonstrations is, if you are talking to someone for a while, why not do the demo and (look at the hierarchy) it's a great opportunity to sprinkle in some of the other stuff. What if you are doing hand writing and not just giving them a trait on the hand writing cards, but you're using it as an opportunity to put in some anchors, to do some gestures, to work in some weasel phrases, and ambiguities so that you can ultimately get in some trance words and commands? What if you are doing that demonstration and the whole time, you are doing it and being very aware of your tonality, and touching them at just the specific times. See how that works? Demonstrations provide you with a great opportunity to use all of the tools below it on the hierarchy. It's fantastic for that. Now the other aspect of demonstrations that make them incredibly powerful, is that some of these demonstrations in and of themselves can be very persuasive. Think about it. Ross has given you guys some unbelievable demos about moving someone's energy around, or imagine this in a picture, or a picture frame with your face it, or moving... putting all of their excitement into a ball of energy and moving that around. There are tons of things in different products. OK? Some of these are quite overt in that you are taking something that symbolizes—remember, our diagram of the conscious and subconscious mind, ok—you are taking something that might symbolize excitement, it symbolizes feeling attracted, or a symbol that you create that represents her feeling of being adventurous, and you're manipulating that symbol. Remember what happens when you take a symbol and equate it to something? Have a symbol that represents a feeling, and manipulate the symbol, and you manipulate the feeling. A lot of the demonstrations go that extra step and actually have you manipulating feelings, working with feelings that can work very much in your favor. It's very exciting, and it's very powerful. D3-T44 Now, they can be quite magical in their power. Demonstrations are very powerful and Ross does this exceptionally well. I have seen him, and it's really powerful and very dramatic. You've got to be careful though, because some of these demonstrations can get very direct that you're manipulating their feelings and you're moving feelings around.

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Manipulation is a strong word. It's just that you are working with their feelings, and you have to have a really good sense of rapport. You have to be very careful that you are being congruent about what you're doing. Because you are moving things around and helping them to affect things in their subconscious. If their subconscious gets a sense that you are not genuine, you're not congruent, or that you are just doing this to get over on them or something like that—boom—they are out of there. You've got to be very careful about the sort of stuff. So a lot of these guys think "oh yeah, I found this demo to do such and such an ongoing to use it on this chick" Hey, if it's a very invasive demo, or has the potential to be very invasive or very powerful, you've got to be very careful about the fact that that you are being congruent, you've got good rapport, that you know what you're doing, because it probably won't work. D3-T45 Because her subconscious, remember... it all rolls back guys, her subconscious is analyzing what's going on, on multiple levels. It's extremely perceptive. It's watching, listening, feeling about what you're doing. You start doing something extremely powerful, and her subconscious is going "great, this is wonderful, but we're also watching, listening, and learning, and feeling, and making sure that this is ultimately going to be safe and secure for me". Remember all of that in our discussion of the subconscious? So demonstrations can be incredibly powerful and incredibly useful to you. So I suggest, you know, you've probably got some materials out there that talk about demos,... some of you guys have some real problems I've seen about using demonstrations like it's a crutch. Well, if you think it's a crutch, it is a crutch. It's the way with a lot of things in life, if you think it is so, it probably is. And I'm telling you, it's not a crutch. It's a great way to show something to someone that's really cool and for our purposes here, if you've got good intentions and good rapport, it can be an incredibly powerful way to make this process happen. D4-T1 The next area I want to talk about is another column in that third row, and this is some other stuff you have heard about too... This is more of the conversational stuff that you can bring up with people but in that column in the third row, you got one column left there, I want you to write in the following stuff, "jokes" and then beneath that write "stories", then beneath that write "metaphors"... jokes, stories, metaphors. D4-T2 I don't need to sit here and define what a joke is. I hope I don't, because I don't think anybody has been able to really effectively define what a joke is, or how to specifically create a joke. You are either funny or you're not. You can learn to be funny by the way but... Jokes help. Think about it... If you're going to laugh, don't you have to be comfortable? If you're going to laugh at something... I mean... if you're tense and upset or really worried about something do you think you're going to be able to laugh? Probably not. (There's such a thing as nervous laughter, but that's a different category. ) But if you are really able to appreciate humor and laugh at something, you're probably pretty relaxed. You're probably pretty comfortable. If somebody is sitting there talking to you and they're comfortable enough to tell you a joke, you have probably got pretty good rapport with them, don't you? And if somebody is telling you a joke, that person's probably pretty relaxed. They are not intimidated. See, being able to tell a joke to somebody works so well, in so many ways, because it's showing that you are relaxed, and you are comfortable. They have nothing to fear. They're probably are in pretty good

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rapport with you. If they're able to laugh, it's a demonstration that they are relaxed and comfortable and have good rapport. Ok? A lot of jokes to have as part of their mechanism, a tension and release... meaning they're thinking of one thing and then you misdirect them in another way, so that they are thinking of another thing, or, it ends up that they were thinking about the wrong thing. And there are other aspects of jokes and humor that tend to work in our favor. But if you can tell a joke and get somebody to laugh, they're going to relax a little bit. Ok? It shows that you are not all upset, you are not tense. So, jokes work in conveying that you are comfortable, and you are relaxed in a situation. If they get the joke and they laugh, it also works in that they are comfortable, and that they are going to be relaxed in that situation. Ok? Plus again, there are specific jokes... If you are telling a joke (look at the hierarchy guys) if you are telling a joke and it might be an excellent example for you to find a way to fractionate,... because sometimes with jokes, there are parts of them that you really need to talk like this,... and then there's others were you are really excited and really animated... and then there's other parts that are soft again. That's part of telling a joke in a dramatic way, but that's a bit of fractionation, right? My voice went up and down, and up and down, its kind of a fractionating thing. Another thing about jokes is they provide you a great opportunity to find a way to use trance words and put in embedded commands. Ok? Jokes are an excellent way to maybe put in some anchors in there, or do some gestures. If somebody is laughing and having a good time, it's a great time to do an anchor, isn't it? So maybe you put a joke, and right at the punch line when their laughing, you touch them. You create an anchor. All right? So again (look at that hierarchy) jokes are a great framework in which to put a lot of the stuff beneath it. They are a great framework for pacing and leading, doing some weasel phrases, linkage phrases, and things like that. They really work in our favor. There are some specific jokes that are in some of Ross's products that are written specifically to provide a framework for the Speed Seduction® materials. I suggest you look through your materials and find those jokes and use them if you're comfortable doing so. If not, learn some jokes. There's tons of joke web sites. There's excellent standup... I mean... Go rent some comedy videos. If you need to use jokes and humor more as part of your routines, do it! It's really going to work. in your favor, and it's really going to work in terms of being able to communicate well with someone. D4-T3 The next areas we're talking about are "stories" and "metaphors". Now, I think this is probably pretty self-explanatory, hopefully, I don't need to explain what a story is, or a metaphor is. But think about it, tell stories. You have stories about yourself, about your life (hopefully you do) things you have learned, things you have been through, things that a friend has learned. Things that a friend has been through. A woman that you know who went through something and then had a wonderful time. A woman that maybe had a fantastic experience with this guy that she had met. Or a story that you read a magazine, or it's just like when you read something in the newspaper or, it's almost like that time that you saw a movie, where they were talking about... this. (Those are some transitional phrases and linkage phrases for you there. )

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If you are telling a story, even if the story is not directly Speed Seduction® related—I mean, let's face it guys—I mean you are going to talk to a woman for an hour or a couple of hours. Ok? That's a part of this. You're not always going to be throwing in patterns and all of this elaborate stuff. You might just be telling a story about work or a story about your life, or something you did. Great. So the story isn't about a Speed Seduction® thing. It doesn't mean you can't tell the story in a way that it's going to have some fractionation in it. Maybe you can tell the story in a way that's going to involve some anchoring... talking about exciting things, wonderful things. Anchor those states. Maybe you are telling a story, and it's an incredible opportunity for you to place some embedded commands in there. It's an opportunity for you to do proper tonality, use some trance words. See? So, the story itself and the metaphors as well,... stories and metaphors you can be talking about these things. And they don't has to be "Speed Seduction® stories". They don't have to be "Speed Seduction® metaphors". But you can be talking about things and again (looking at the hierarchy) it gives you a framework to put in the stuff that we have talked about already. Ok? I will tell stories, and I know people who will tell stories about work, or a vacation or, you know, anything, stories about a holiday or something happening to them today, or a story about what happened at the bank. But it's still an opportunity for you to talk. That's good, because this does involve talking, to talk for awhile, that's good, because you need to be able to have a conversation for you know, an hour or two. And also, a good way to embed a lot of these other aspects of Speed Seduction®, a lot of these tools. So, tell stories. Tell jokes. Have metaphors. It's all a part of it. You can have some stuff that you have worked out beforehand. You could just talk about your life, you could have concepts that you're familiar with, that routinely lead themselves to stories and metaphors. But it's a part of what we have in our resource toolkit if you will. And they are part of the SS tools hierarchy. And with that we are done with the third level, and we're ready to move on.

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Tools Hierarchy Level 4

D4-T4 Now, what I want to talk about next is the fourth level up in the SS tools hierarchy. Now, we are getting into the big chunk items here. These are larger items in terms of the tools that we are using, the phenomenon that we are observing, the resources that we have at our disposal. And this is very important to us, because now we are starting to see how things fit into an overall structure. So on that fourth level, there are two things here that I want you to write down. Two things go on the fourth level. The first one is "your state of consciousness", and the second one is "your frame of mind". Your state of consciousness, your frame of mind. D4-T5 Now, what does that mean? Let's look at the frame. When you are in a situation, there is a certain way that you are looking at the situation, isn't it? Like imagine... some people get confused about state and frame. So let me give you a way to think about frames for second—meaning, let's say you are talking to someone. So if you form a picture in your mind of you talking to someone. Ok? There

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is you and the person in the picture. The frame is around that picture, so it is "How does one see that interaction". Is the frame of it that you're "hitting on her"? Is the frame of it that "she is absolutely gorgeous and you are intimidated"? That's a frame. Is the frame that you are some arrogant guy, and you are just sitting there, busting her chops? That's a frame. Is the frame that... you know, you are some lecherous person who doesn't care what she thinks or feels? That's a frame. Is the frame that all you need is to ask for directions so you're asking for her help? That's a frame. See, a frame is how you look at the situation from afar. It's the frame that you have put around it. And your frame of mind i s . . . the frame in your mind that you are putting on it. So if you are sitting there in the frame that you have is "Oh, she's really gorgeous and very beautiful, and god, I would be so lucky to spend two minutes talking to her" that's your frame. That's not a good frame is it? Ok. But if your frame is "god, she is stunning, but you know, let's see if there's more to her than that. Let's see what she is like as a person. " That's a frame isn't it? That's a pretty good frame to operate from. If your frame is "boy, I wonder if she'll make me feel better about myself by approving of me or being nice?" Wow. Well, that's a frame... you could... picture that for second, I mean imagine you talking to a woman and looking at it from outside, and looking at it where you are sitting there thinking "boy, if she would only approve of me. I'd feel good about myself, that's a frame. That's not a good frame is it? But the frame of "Hey, I feel good about myself. I want to see if she's woman enough to recognize what a great guy. I am. " That's a frame. I mean picture that. Picture you talking to a woman and the frame around that picture. Ok? And that picture that you are looking at is one of "I am a great guy. Lets see if she can recognize that. " That's a frame. D4-T6 Now, I want to get a point understood by you guys listening to this product is that guys ask the question a lot of times "What do I have to do to make her think that this is the frame?" Wait a minute. Let's try that again. Guys will also ask questions like "What do I have to do to convince her that the frame is that I'm seeing if she... '. No, no, no. The frame isn't about you doing something to convince her of what the frame is. You set the frame. You have to have the frame of mind. When I hear guys say stuff like "What do I have to do to get her to see that I have the frame of such and such. " No, no, no, no. It does not work that way. You have to have the frame of mind. See, when guys say, "how to I frame the situation, so that... you know... I am really seeing if she is woman enough to appreciate what a great guy I am?" Well, what they're really asking is "Dave, I don't really believe that. I don't really think that I'm screening her. But I want to fool her into thinking I am. So what do I have to do to trick her into thinking that I am really thinking that she's... " It gets convoluted to even think about it in that way. The point of a frame is not to trick her into thinking there is a different frame. The point of a frame isn't to do something to convince her that the frame is something different than it is. The point of a frame is to have the frame.

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If you have the frame, you have set the frame. If your frame of mind is "I am a great guy. I've got a lot going for me that's good, let's see if she is woman enough to recognize it' then you have set the frame. All of... If that's what your belief is, you don't need to do any work. You don't need to convince her, that is your frame, and all of the subtleties of how you present yourself, how you move, how you act, what you say, all of the aspects of what your subconscious is going to be doing, all of those things that her subconscious is going to be perceiving (remember it's very perceptive) that's all going to come across. You have set the frame. You cannot trick somebody into thinking you have a frame that you don't. Well maybe you can, but it's extremely difficult to do it. You have to have the frame. Look, if you are good guy, you don't need to create a frame or trick her into thinking there is a frame that says you are a good guy, and she needs to recognize... no... have the frame! Know that you have a lot to offer. That's the frame. That's all the work you got to do guys. Really. It's that simple. Ok, there's not a trick to setting the frame. The key to setting a frame is to have the frame have it as a belief, know it for yourself, and then the frame is set. D4-T7 next.

I hope that make sense about frames, because I want to talk about your state of consciousness

Your state of consciousness is how you feel at the time. Okay? And you've got to understand some guys say, "I want to have a state, that's always on 100% of the time". Well, you know, guess what? No one does. It's good to have a positive state of mind as much as you can, but everybody has normal ebbs and flows to their state. Everybody has times when there in a good mood, and sometimes they are in less than a good mood. Your state of consciousness is your state. It's how you are feeling at the time. How do you feel? Do you feel good, do you feel less than good? What is your state, and where your mind at... where's your mind at the time. It's how you feel within yourself. Ok? Now if your state of consciousness, is that you're a positive person, you are looking for positive things, you are focused on a positive outcome, that's a good state to have. A lot of the guys that are focused negatively about what's going wrong, or what could go wrong, what went wrong in the past, that's a bad state to be in. See, the key about being in a good state is to look at the positive things and to focus on the positive things for yourself. Ok? So, your state of consciousness within yourself is your responsibility. You really have to get to a point for yourself and realize that it's ultimately up to you, and it's—really a big part of it—is that it's your own choice. You choose to have a good state of consciousness. That may sound overly simplistic, but it's actually true. Ok? You have to choose to have a good state of consciousness. D4-T8 Now here is the key. If you have a great state of consciousness and you have a good frame of mind about the situation, you are so powerful in terms of meeting women, in terms of using these techniques. And those things supersede—or they are senior to—everything beneath them on the hierarchy.

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Look at the hierarchy for a moment. See, if you are in a great state of consciousness, you feel great, you're having a positive time, you got that state that says "hey, let's just see what happens". Well, how easy do think it is to do all of the other stuff beneath you on the hierarchy? Pretty easy isn't it? If you have this frame of mind of talking to woman of like "oh my god. Hey, she looks great, but let's see what she's about as a person". Well, that's a great frame of mind to be in. That's a great frame of mind to visualize your interaction with her from, and it's very easy to use to stuff beneath it. See, this is all about being in that proper state, and having a proper frame about the situation. The Frame and The State Remember, you set the frame when you walk into the room. The degree to which you are secure, comfortable, and congruent within that frame (and the amount of rapport that you have) will determine the degree to which another person "adopts" your frame as well. You can't "fool" someone into having them think you have a frame that you don't have. (Ok, maybe you can to a slight extent, and for some period, but for the most part, it does not work that way. ) The frame is that "picture frame" around the situation—how it is seen from outside. Are you the man who is begging her for attention? Or are you the man who knows that he is a great guy and is offering her an opportunity to have some fun? Your state is how YOU feel. YOU decide that. NO one else. Things can happen to you all day long, and all through your life, but those are just "things that happen". You determine your state by how YOU DECIDE to respond to those things. It IS a choice. Any choice made long enough, or often enough, almost seems like it's not a choice anymore, but it IS. You want to change your state? You already chose to feel the way you are feeling, so just choose otherwise. That is as complicated, or as simple, a process as you want it to be. There are great tools to help with that as well, if you need them. The key is that YOU need to decide to use them, apply them, and change.

D4-T9 Now what I want to do here is to stop for a moment and look at the hierarchy and where we are at. Because it's important that you guys be able to put a lot of the stuff together. Again, although this is getting technical, it's getting a bit abstract, the key to all of this is application, I want you to be able to apply the stuff. Now, if you are in the correct state of mind, or correct state of consciousness (I'm sorry), and have the right frame of mind about a situation, well, then look at all of the bits and pieces beneath that in the hierarchy. It's much easier to use them. They are much more effective. If you are in that proper state, (ok) imagine the kind of jokes that you'll be able to tell, the theme that can be very interesting throughout a two-hour interaction with a woman. Being able to do demos and everything else—you are in a great state! It's very easy to use the proper demonstrations, to think of patterns, because you are relaxed and comfortable. If your frame of mind is correct then a lot of the stuff beneath it is very easy to do. Ok? So it is "senior" to it. Now, one of the reasons its higher on the hierarchy as we see here is that there's an a lot of guys out there who are able to do a lot of the stuff beneath that. They can do patterns. They can do poems. They are good, maybe, at doing themes as well. They are good at all of the stuff beneath it. But sometimes they get nervous. Sometimes, they talk to a really beautiful woman and their frame of mind is all wrong. Page 69

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It's like "Oh god, if she'd only approve of me, things would be great". Well, where do you think those guys need to work? What do think they need to work on in this hierarchy? Yeah, they probably don't need to work on more commands. Do they? Or more trance words. They need to work on their state of consciousness, and their frame of mind. D4-T10 A lot of that gets to some of the stuff we will talk about in the future, but I want to take this moment to direct that to you. Your state of consciousness and your frame of mind to determine how effective everything beneath them are. And if you have a good state of consciousness and you are in the proper frame about the interaction it becomes so easy to do the stuff beneath it. It becomes easier,... again,... If you have the proper state and the proper frame, how easy to think it is to do jokes? To tell great stories that really key people captivated? To do demos in a way that people enjoy them and they're having fun? If you are in the wrong state, or have a wrong frame of mind, how do you think those jokes are going to sound? What you think those demos are going to be like? I mean, some guys out there—you probably know of some friends—and I don't like to focus on negative stuff, but I want a point out some of these things just as an opportunity to learn, I know some guys that have learned some of the Speed Seduction® materials, and some of the demos or patterns, you know they have done the demo and maybe they did the demo the right way, and they said the pattern correctly, but they were in a bad state. They had a bad frame about the situation. Well, even though they said the pattern and the demo correctly, do think they were effective? No. Because they have to have the proper state and frame in order for it all to work. Ok? Now, it does get easier with time. The more you focus forward and focus positively on the outcomes that you want and move towards then the easier it is to have the correct state and the correct frame. Learn from your mistakes, learn from what went wrong, but focus on the positive and what you want. Ok? Now, I can do six CDs worth of material just on state and frame itself. But I wanted to show you here where they fit into the hierarchy, and how they affect everything beneath it. I hope that makes sense, and with that, let's move on to the next level.

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Tools Hierarchy Level 5

D4-T11 Now we are at the fifth level of the Speed Seduction® tools hierarchy. If you look at the next row up, on the graphic that we have there, there are places for just two things to be written, just like it was on the fourth row. But there are two things I want you to right here on the fifth level and they are the following, "beliefs" and "cognitions". Now, we are getting into really big chunk territory here guys in terms of how your mind works and how things are. But think about it—your beliefs. If you the proper beliefs, if you believe that you are good person, or that you are a great guy with a lot to offer, if you believe that women actually like you to present yourself in a good fashion if you believe that women actually like the idea of seduction or romance or meeting interesting men, if you for cognition and you realize and visualize this for yourself if you a cognition that women do really appreciate this sort of stuff—if you the proper beliefs, and the proper cognitions then the rest of the stuff is easy. And it's really senior to it isn't it? Think about it. And this is why it's at this level the hierarchy.

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If you the proper cognitions and beliefs about stuff is easy to have a proper frame of mind and state of consciousness, isn't it? If you have the proper cognitions and beliefs, then telling jokes and stories and demonstrations in a way that's going to be interesting and seductive or romantic or however you want to put it, is going to be so much easier for you, because those beliefs and cognitions are there. Now look, within the scope of this product and the scope of this hierarchy, I can't take three CDs to tell you how to do each one of these things. I'm trying to put them all into perspective for you. But I think that in reality, a lot of the beliefs and cognitions that a lot of guys have, actually are ones that can serve you. That's right, now, you do have some believe it that you have learned. But what about the beliefs that women really are able to see a guy who's genuine, that are able to see through some of the jerks out there and appreciate a man who really has a lot going for him. What about the belief that women do enjoy the process, that they enjoy... whether it be seduction or romance or they enjoy meeting interesting men. What about the cognition that they are able to really see if you have good intentions (and good intentions can mean that some sort of "interlude" is going to happen). Because that's good, right? Because if you believe, and cognite that romance, sex, seduction, however you want to frame it for yourself, but if you cognite that those things are good, that women are actually powerful, that women actually appreciate those things, that a strong interesting woman is going to appreciate you,... well, that's senior to a lot of the other stuff we have talked about so far. And if you have those sort of beliefs and cognitions, then it's easy to do the rest. Now, I think that a lot of you guys need to get back in touch with the beliefs and cognitions that you have had and realize that women feel the same way. Women want to meet interesting men. They want to have men do interesting things they want you to be interesting. They want you to present yourself in an interesting way, and isn't that what all of this is anyway? Really. I mean, can these tools and techniques be used to trick somebody? Yeah, maybe. D4-T12 But when you look at the diagram that we did of the conscious and subconscious mind, remember how we showed how powerful the subconscious is? Remember how we said how perceptive it is? See, it's really able to perceive what you're true intentions are. If you are just... If you're a great guy with a lot going for you, and it's a matter of, hey... You believe that women like this stuff. They like being romanced, or seduced. They appreciate the sort of things and this type of languaging. If that's what you... if you cognite that, if you believe that, then a lot of it's easy. I think a lot of the bad beliefs that people have are things that they have been taught or trained. "Oh, you shouldn't do that that, that's bad, women don't want that sort of stuff". Well, I think a lot of that is wrong. I think a lot of that's just wrong. If you just get back in touch with the cognitions and beliefs that do serve you, you're going to be in a lot better place. Because look at it in the hierarchy again. If you've got those, if you're operating at that level, the stuff beneath it becomes so much easier. Having the proper frame of mind, having the proper state of consciousness, is a lot easier. And then again, if you've got those, the jokes, stories, metaphors, poems, all of that comes easier, and so does everything below it.

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3. 7

Tools Hierarchy Level 6

D4-T13 Now, we are up to the top level of the tools hierarchy that we have put together. This is it. This is the top-level stuff guys, the biggest of the big chunk. Okay? Now I know some guys don't like big chunk stuff, they want the details. They want to hear "What do I do? Is it and "and" or an "or", do I pause here or there.., ". Well, I've given you a lot of information so far about the hierarchy so hopefully, you guys that are dying for details have gotten that. But I wanted to back up and take this time to get at the biggest of the big chunk stuff. And in perspective, I think you're going to see how it's really going to make sense now. And here it is, the top row. The sixth row of the hierarchy, I want you to write down the following things. First is "who you are" and the second is "the life you lead". D4-T14 Let's face it guys, if you are rich and famous —I mean, if you are Mick Jagger or some famous actor, or some male model, or something like that—then the rest is easy, isn't it? It's easy to have the proper beliefs if you look gorgeous, if you are rich, or if you're a movie star or a rock star, isn't it? It's easy to do that sort of stuff. It's easy to cognite on the proper things and your state and frame is easy. If "who you are" is something that's going to work in this context really well, then the rest of it is very easy and the degree to which you are the kind of person that works well in this context, that's going to make this process easier for you. Now the "life you lead" well, maybe you're not a rock star or whatever, but you lead and exciting interesting dynamic life. If you lead a life where you are doing fun things, you are going for new opportunities, you are taking risks, you are doing exciting and adventurous things with your time, you are doing charity work, are creating things, or creating a business, or maybe you're an artist or whatever ... If the life you lead is an exciting and interesting life, then don't you think the rest of the stuff is going to be a lot easier to do as well? And you probably are not going to have to do as much work. Because hey, if you are in interesting guy, and you lead a great life, that in and of itself is very seductive. It's very interesting. It makes you fascinating to women. Now, it's not going to make every woman fall at your feet of course. But it's going to make it a lot easier to find the kind of quality women or woman that you really want to find. D4-T15 So who you are and the life you lead are sort of senior to everything, okay? Now it might not be something you can fix tomorrow. It might not be something... I'm sure not everybody can run out and be Mick Jagger tomorrow or be a rock star or a movie star. But you know what? You can become what ever you want to become. You have a lot more flexibility to lead the life that you want to lead. It's a lot easier to apply these things in the context of being an interesting person and leading an interesting life. Can you not be an interesting person and not have an interesting life and have success? Yeah, it just takes a little more work, you have to spend a lot more time focusing on the details. But, if you're operating at the top-level, so at that top-level those things about you and your life are things that are going to work for this context, then the rest is easy. If you are an interesting person, if you lead an

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interesting life and your beliefs and cognitions are there, your state and your frame, is there, everything else is taken care of for you, and it's all easy. It's all good.

3. 8

Tools Hierarchy Review and Application

D4-T16 Now, we've gone through all of the levels of the hierarchy and I really want to take a moment and talk about this because you know, there's a lot of things in life—even though we have laid this out in the context of Speed Seduction®—there's a lot of things in life that you do already that sort of have this kind of hierarchy to it. They have this kind of structure. I'm sure that each of us in our own lives, have things that we do what or we're good at that, we are skilled at, or that we have learned, or have natural skills at, that we can look at our lives in this sort of context. Let me give you an example of something that is pretty common to most people, and it's probably going to indicate to you. And again I use a lot of the same analogies, because they tend to help. It's a context that goes across it. In fact, I like to use the same analogies through a lot of this product and other products, because I come back to it as a common reference point. Sounds like a theme doesn't it? D4-T17 What about driving? Think of driving in terms of this hierarchy. You are doing a lot of things while you are driving. Think of it. Now at the bottom, the lowest level of the hierarchy, you are doing all of these little bits and pieces, like putting a hand on the wheel, moving it in a certain way. Moving your hand onto a gear shift lever. Moving this foot and that foot in a certain ways to manipulate a brake or a pedal. Now we are not talking about accelerating the car, we are talking about putting a foot on a little piece of plastic or rubber that's on the floor. You can't even see it, right? Most of the time when you are driving, you don't even see the pedal. It's there, but it's a little detailed thing that you have learned. Now going up in terms of the hierarchy, what's the next level? Your doing things like steering the car. You are doing things like, you know, accelerating and decelerating the car, operating the brake. Those are functions that you are doing that would be like on the second or third level. What are you doing up a level from that? Okay, there's steering the car in terms of the wheel, but there is also pointing the car, driving it down the road, isn't there? Making sure that it's between one curb and the other and you're not up on the sidewalk. That's the next level of driving a car. So you're manipulating the pedals, you're manipulating the knobs that you need to, and the shifter. You're moving the steering wheel in the manner that you need to. Okay, great. Then, your doing all that in a coordinated fashion so that you can actually stay on the road. That's the next level up. So you're watching the road, and you're watching the car in relation to the road. So now, you are driving down the road, and your having to keep track of where you are, that's the sort of the next level up. What are you also doing in the next level up? Well, you are actually minding the road itself. Meaning, you are looking in front of you. You're looking in the rearview mirror, you're looking at the sides, you are looking around. There might be some passengers or people you have to deal with. A lot of times your doing things like operating a temperature and climate control in the car, being mindful of things like having on the turn signal, and things like that. That's another level in the hierarchy that you're operating at. What's a level above that? Page 73

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Well, we get up to the fifth and six level, there's stuff like "navigating the car". Navigating the car. You know, you are doing the pedals and doing all the stuff, you're driving the car down the road, but then navigating is like knowing "I'm going to have to take a turn three blocks up from here. " Or "oh, there's going to be a ramp coming up. I need to keep my eyes open for it. " Okay? There's a lot of levels that you're operating in just in operating a car. D4-T18 Now for a lot of people I know what they did when they learned how to drive a car—you didn't get put onto a freeway going 60 miles an hour with no experience, and they threw you out there and said, Go! No. For a lot of people, you started in a parking lot. You started with the bits and pieces. I know a lot of drivers-ed teachers that what they do is that they put you in a car, and had you just put your foot on the gas and roll had a little bit and stop. Put your foot on the gas and roll for little bit then stop by putting your foot on the brake. You do that off and on until you just get used to the basics of manipulating the gas and the brake. Then you do stuff like give it some gas, move ahead a little bit, and you make some turns. Then you build up in terms of the hierarchy, then you drive around the parking lot, where you are just driving the car and pointing it. Then you drive on some surface streets, so that you are driving the car and pointing it, but you are also keeping it between two curbs. Okay? You see what I'm getting at? Even something like driving that we do pretty naturally, you're operating on a lot of levels. And what you probably did as part of learning was to break it down into a series of steps so that you would learn it. Well, you can use that sort of approach when it comes to Speed Seduction®. D4-T19 See, this can be a diagnostic tool to help you figure out where you are operating. Let me give you an example. See, I know a lot of guys who sit there and say, well they've done a lot of studying (look at the hierarchy again) and they understand and can do the proper tonality, and they know how to use embedded commands in a magical way that the trance words just flow from themselves wondrously, and they have worked a lot on weasel phrases and linkage phrases, so it's just like when you are having a conversation where you are able to also recall a different time, when you're able to use this stuff... Again, throwing in examples as were talking about it. These guys are able to operate maybe on the lowest two or three levels, and they even know some poems and everything else, and patterns, and demos. But when they talk to a woman they get tongue tied. When they talk to a woman and she is gorgeous they are thinking "oh, she think I'm a loser", or "god, I'm still trying to impress her and I'm really caught up in that" Well, do you think those guys need to work on more embedded commands? I mean, looking at the hierarchy, if they can do the embedded commands and the touching and all that, if they can do weasel only could phrases and all of those things, If they can do the things on let's say the bottom three levels... If they can practice them into them comfortably then, what you think you need to work on? Sure, they should practice them until they have got them down, but, you need to focus on the level of this chart, where you get hung up. If you can do the bottom three levels really easily, then you need to focus on your state of consciousness and your frame of mind. There's a lot of great tools and resources for those things. I think there's a lot of guys that understand the bottom three levels (or hopefully you will after reviewing this product, and listening to it over and over again). But I think there's guys that could be a little smoother at those bottom three levels. That comes with repetition. The comes from having a very good understanding of how they all work based upon products like this and some others and products and there already out

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there and some that are being worked on, but it also comes from doing it over and over and over again. But you can use this chart, you can use this hierarchy to figure out what to focus on. If you can do the trance words and commands and stuff at the lowest level, and then do the stuff at the next level, like you understand the weasel and linkage phrases, you can do some anchors and gesturing and stuff like that, maybe what you need to do is work on themes. How can you talk about something for an hour with a common theme? Can you riff on patterns like that? Can you do demos in a way, that put all of the pieces in that are beneath it? See if you have trouble driving, and you're having trouble learning how to shift the car, they don't throw you out in the highway and say, "go work on your shifting. " They back you up to a parking lot or something—I shouldn't say back you up with driving—they had you takes steps backwards in terms of the types of skills you need, to simplify it so that you are working just on shifting. They take you in a parking lot and say "let's work on your shifting". So some of you guys need to look at this hierarchy, and use it as a diagnostic tool to figure out where you need help. D4-T20 Another great use of this hierarchy is, like I said before, as a learning tool. Look at the steps and how they build upon one another. You're going from small chunk to big chunk, to big chunk to bigger chunk... Who you are and the life you lead, that's a pretty big chunk. Right? So look at it as a learning tool. Start at the lowest level. What's a great way to learn the lowest level stuff? There's different resources out there, but I'll give you one, listen to your products over and over. Have we said this enough? Listen to this product a lot. I'm giving you types of examples, remember I said this product has stuff on multiple levels. I'm constantly using the skills throughout the entire product. Also listen to your other Ross Jeffries Speed Seduction products a lot, over and over again. You can do passive listening. It's great because your subconscious is going to be doing it. It's going to be doing the listening. Its going to be really getting that information. Remember when I talked about driving, and we talked about, think of those little details, your foot, on the gas pedal, your hands on the wheel—those little details that you don't even think about any more, right? You have done them so much they are part of who you are. You've done them so much that they're just embedded in your subconscious as stuff that you just know how to do. Well, when I'm sitting here talking, and you hear that I put an embedded command in... now sometimes I use an embedded command, and I really hit the command hard. Meaning, I stop for moment, and really accentuate the fact that I'm doing a command. Sometimes I do that to really point it out so that you guys hear it and are aware of it. But you know what? A lot of times guys, I am not marking it out like that. I'm using embedded commands 10 times more than the ones I'm marking out specifically for you. Now do you think I am sitting here in my mind, and going "ok, well in just a moment I'm getting ready to use and embedded command, so I'm going to be talking and then I'm just going to pause, for a brief moment, and then I'm going to, mark off the embedded command ". Do you think I do that every time? No. D4-T21 See, it gets to the point where you know these skills so well that they truly become just apart of your subconscious. It's something that you just do. After all, would you're talking and you are forming sentences do you think about the "I need an adverb here and an adjective there, and I need to put it this

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way,... ", No. You just talk. Because you have done it so much, it is natural for you. Well, similarly, when you're in a car, do you think "well, I need to make that turn up there, I'm going to move my foot several centimeters in this direction, and then I must remove that foot there and put it here and put it here and I must be aware of my knee positioning, because the pedals are here, and my hands need to overlap, so that I can execute the turn... ", No you don't. That stuff is in your subconscious. You have been trained to do it. Ok? D4-T22 The same way with the Speed Seduction® skills. Look at that hierarchy. You truly can get to the point where doing embedded commands, trance words, and weasel phrases, the gestures, that's all part of who you are. It's trained in your subconscious. That's why this is a great learning tool for you. You want to get to the point where, as high as possible on the chart, you are operating in terms of it just being subconscious for you. For example, you want it to be so that you can naturally use trance words, commands—just naturally, it's in your subconscious, you don't have to think about it. Same way, rapport tools, conversational tools, physical tools, you want it to be just a part of who and what you are, you don't want to necessarily have to think about it. The same thing with the next level up. Remember when you're in a car, and you are driving, what do you think about? Navigation. Navigation, where you're going. So in this hierarchy, when you are using the Speed Seduction® materials you know what you want to be "thinking" about? (Meaning, consciously thinking about?) You want to be thinking about where you're going—where you want her to go. If you're sitting there thinking, "I need to use an embedded command here, and I need to do this anchor, I'm going to touch her arm in this fashion, and then I need a weasel phrase in a moment... "—I mean, nobody even thinks that way! God, it so much work! And, it doesn't really work when you do it that way. I know, I have tried it and I know guys that have. But what you really want to do is to be operating at that higher-level. You can use this as a learning tool. Start at the bottom, make sure you've got it. Especially in light of having heard this product. I want you to have this product down. Listen to it. Go back over your other materials with the new understanding and a new set of learnings. Go back over your other materials and look at the skills that are being discussed. Listen to the skills and the talents that are being discussed and figure out where they are in that hierarchy. Figure out where you are operating, where are you functioning, what do you have to "think about"? You want to get to the point where the stuff that you just "do" becomes more and more a part of who you are. The stuff that you just "do" becomes—the first row, that stuff—you just do. The second row—that's stuff now that I just "do". That's the progression you want to work on. That's the kind of training, that you want to provide for yourself, and you can do that. Follow your way through the hierarchy and use it as a learning tool and you are really going to improve in terms of these skills. D4-T23 Now, another thing I want you to be aware of when you look at that hierarchy is to use it as a modeling tool. Think of other people that you know of, or guys that are good at some of this or Speed Seduction® or any area of life. Look at how they are operating in terms of influence and persuasion —maybe they are good at sales, maybe they're just good at being a compelling speaker. But look at a good speed seducer or somebody you have just talked to, or the stories you have seen in the field reports. Look at where those guys are operating. Are they sitting there going "well I,... then I use this trance word... ". No. They might, but that's not what they are thinking about actively while they

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there. In fact, what is really interesting is that once the guys become pretty good, it's very difficult to get them to convey the details. What do I mean by that? Well, think about this. If you are able to drive a car, and I say "okay, you drove across town. Tell me about the drive" you'll say, "well, I went this way, and that way, it took this route, and took that route. They're telling you about the navigation. They're telling you about what they had to think of consciously during the drive. However do you really expect them to go "well, I pulled out of the driveway, I put the car in reverse, and then I applied my foot from the one pedal to the next. I put this many grams of force upon it and then I turned my head so to look in the mirror. Then I . . . ". Do you really expect that somebody that's good at driving across town is going to be thinking about that level of detail? God, that's just so much work, and it would be a long story, wouldn't it? See, when you hear the guys talk, and a lot of times what they are conveying about what they did is an indicator of what they were actively thinking about, where they are consciously,., where they were consciously focused at the time. So you get these experts, and I have seen this happen to a lot of guys, it's happened to me, where guys go "what did you do, what did you say?" And, to a degree it can become challenging to think of the exact details. Because the exact details are parts that you just did because they are in your subconscious, and you have trained your subconscious to do the lower levels. See you are thinking more about—it's very common really—looking at the hierarchy, looking at the tool's hierarchy—to have guys actively think about what themes they're on and what conversational framework they are at. That tends to be the thing where your best bet in terms of having a really good (you know) speed seducer or somebody who is familiar with the tools, your best bet of having them telling you what they did, is that they will say "well, I use this joke, and this story, the theme was this, I used this pattern and demo" but, try to get them to tell you specifically, the stuff below that, it's very difficult to do. But you can use this as a modeling tool because you can see how they are operating. You can see where their thought processes are look at how they are focused. Once the guys get really really good at stuff, or if you talk to somebody who is a "natural", that's just naturally good at meeting women, you'll hear them say stuff like "you know what, I went in... my state was like bam, I knew I was in a great mood, I wanted to meet people and I had the frame of, / am there to have fun, we will see what happens". There's a lot of naturals out there—guys naturally good with women—that's the way they talk. And that's the way they think, and that's the way they are effective. Okay? Now, I'm sure as a modeling tool that if we went to—and I will keep using this as an example because it works—if we went to Mick Jagger, and said. "Mick, you meet a lot of women. How does it work for you? What is the process that you do?" and he is like, "I don't know, I just walk in, I mean, I lead my life. I am who I am and I walk in a room and I meet them. " He is operating at that "who you are, and the life you lead" level up at the top. Nice place to be, if that's who you are and you can support that. But again, it's part of using this as a modeling tool, and that might be helpful to you in looking at some other people and see how they are working. And also making sense of when they tell you what works for them, again for that guy who has the correct state or the correct beliefs, if they are operating at that level, they are going to give you the view from that level. That might not be where you are, you might be able to get there but it might not be where you are. But

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be aware of the fact that they are probably not going to be able to divulge a lot of details, like three or four levels down in the hierarchy, because it's something that they just do subconsciously. Again, if you are really good at driving, and you have been driving for five or 10 years, try to convey to somebody in detail, the exact sequence of hand motions and foot motions you use to drive across town. It's ridiculous, isn't it? You just did it. Well for the guys who you might be modeling that are way up there on that chart, they're functioning at that level. To them, the lowest level details are stuff, they just do. Okay? You can get there. It takes time, it takes some effort, and in training your subconscious it looks at that energy an effort and engagement, remember that? Okay. D4-T24 We are getting ready to wrap up this part about the hierarchy, but I hope that this has been helpful to you. I have heard so many people, again, talk about all of the stools all of these techniques, all of these different aspects and component parts of Speed Seduction®. It's amazing the power that these things have. It's truly amazing and used in the correct way you can have incredible results, not just in this part of your life, but in many others as well. However, I know, like I said, some of you guys have been confused because this is a lot of stuff to think about, a lot of stuff to integrate. But I hope, that putting it into this hierarchy has been helpful to you as well. D4-T25 Now, I know that it has helped me. And what we've had you do is write it down in your workbook—hopefully you built that hierarchy for yourself. Ok? Look at that. Study that. Think about that. Use it (like I said) as a way to organize the skills. When you are reading about them, or when you are reading stories about guys that have been successful. Use it as a learning too—"where are you functioning". Use it as a diagnostic tool—"where you functioning, where do you need to focus"? Use it as a modeling tool, when you talk to other guys or hear stories—"Where is that guy functioning and where is that guy operating? What's his thought process like? Where are his thought processes in terms of that hierarchy? Use this in those ways. D4-T26 Now, do you need to go out in the field and think "I am at level, you know... this and I'm using.. ". No. Nobody does. This is a way for you to organize the stuff in your head So that ultimately, you're not really thinking about the details. It's stuff that you just know, and that's the whole point isn't it? Again, we want to get this to the point where it's just... it's not a bunch of different skills. It's not a bag of tricks or whatever, it never was, but it's stuff that you do, and you use, and it becomes a part of who you are to get you the kind of success that you want. You know when you know all of this stuff, suddenly, the idea of finding the women or woman of your dreams, becomes something that's a lot more real to you and you have a lot better chance of making that happen. I hope that this section has helped. We are going to be moving on it a bit and we're going to be talking about the process of Speed Seduction® itself. But remember, keep this hierarchy in mind. Use it to improve your skills and to make this area of your life, and others, a lot better.

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This hierarchy provides a lot of information and also provides a great framework for you to learn, use, and store such information in your mind. The point is not to "memorize" all of this, it's for you to have this all be "a part of you" so that these tools are things you just "know". When recalling the hierarchy, think of the symbol shown here. Use that to allow yourself to recall all of the information and how it fits together. As you listen to this product over and over, and study the workbook more and more, then that symbol will become a way for you to conveniently recall the information. Remember the main uses of the hierarchy: Learning Tool: To categorize and assemble the information within your mind, know how pieces fit together, and know which items are contained within other items. Diagnostic Tool: Where are you operating? What do you need to "think about"? Where do you need to focus? Use the hierarchy as a way to assist you with these questions and to focus your studies, training, and efforts. Modeling Tool: Watching and learning from others can be very helpful. Think of where they operate on the hierarchy, what they "think" about, what can they do? Use that as a way to put their actions into perspective and allow you to model them and to learn from them even more. And yes, the next section walks you through the actual Process itself, so get ready, you are really going to see how it all starts to "fit together" now!

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4. 0

The Process

D5-T1 In this section, what we're going to be talking about is the process of seduction—that's right, the overall process of the application of Speed Seduction. I want you to understand something though. The process and the model for it the going to give you is applicable to Speed Seduction®, but it's applicable in a more general fashion. You're going to see the various steps that you need to go through with anybody using any technology. Or even (you know) before you heard about Speed Seduction®, the general dating way of meeting someone. We're going to get into a model that explains all those steps and more. Plus we're going to show you how Speed Seduction® and its related technologies, are very well-qualified to arm you with the tools that you need to handle each and every one of these steps. Now this is exciting, because now we're going to start to pull together the different aspects of what we have already learned in the product. Of course, we have talked about the mind, the different parts of the mind. The part of the mind that's really the one that's making the decisions in a woman's mind, or that's really affecting you, and how you look at the world as well. We discuss the subconscious—what it's looking for, how it looks at things, the criteria that it uses, and the way it processes information. Again, we want to be dealing with the part of someone's mind that's really making the decisions, the part that's the most powerful, and we talked about that already in the model of the mind. We also discussed, the tools, the toolset that we have at our disposal. That was in the last section. So now you have an understanding of the different tools and how they fit together and the way they work. In this section here, we're going to be taking you through the various steps from beginning to end, to show you how to apply this technology, wow the process of seduction works, and to give you some insight—Maybe about some things you have been doing in the past, what you need to focus on in the future, and allow you to be even more effective with the use of the skills.

4. 1

Process Overview

D5-T2 Now, what I want to discuss briefly, is to go over first a summary of all these steps. If you look in the workbook, you're going to see a section that has a certain number of columns in it. You'll see on the left-hand side of the page there should be broken down into a certain series of steps. Again, this is one of these sections guys, where I want you to take the time to write stuff down in the workbook. Whether it's the first listen through, or maybe the second or third, it's important that you sit with the workbook, write this stuff down, fill in the areas of the graphic with stuff I tell, notes that you want to make that pertain to the way you process the information. It's important that you be engaged in the product in this manner. It's very important to your learning. You're going to see there are certain number of columns. Those represent the various steps of the seduction process. I'm going to be giving you details, I want you to write down in each of those. Sometimes I will explicitly say, you know, "write this down". Other times, it's going to be up to you to Page 81

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decide (you know) what you want to write down, and what you don't want to write down. All of the words will be in the transcript, but I want you to have that sort of graphical representation of the process for yourself And it's pretty basic. It shows you a certain number steps going across the page. It's pretty basic, there. I did that for you, so it will be easy for you to recall in your mind. Okay? So again, follow along and write along in your book, at least one of the first time, you listen to the product. Okay? Let's review. If you look at the process and the number of steps there, we're going to start off by giving you a brief summary of all the steps involved. D5-T3 The first step is what I call step zero, and its called "living the life. " Step zero, living the life. Yes. This is you, designing a life that allows you to meet more women, that allows you to be sociable, to have women coming into your life. That's an important part of this, and it's important for you to consider that in terms of the development of your skills and the application of your skills. So, in terms of it's time frame and a time element, it's the way you live all the time. We'll get back to that in a second, but first step is living the life. D5-T4 Step 1 is "the opener". This is what people typically refer to as a "walk up" or an introduction, a "gold walk up" or a "platinum walk up", "cold walk up", whatever you want it to be. It's just a way to open a conversation with someone. Okay? It can last anywhere from 15 seconds, to 30 seconds, to 60 seconds. It's just a way to get somebody's attention initially and engage them in some sort of discourse or conversation. That's all, pretty basic, and a lot easier to do the most guys think. Yes, I know a lot of you have some fear and everything attached to that, but this step (step one) is just the opener, and we will get into that in just a few minutes. When we get into more details in various sections. D5-T5 Now, Step 2 I call "get and keep attention". Step 2, get and keep attention. This is something where you are giving her a reason to talk to you and can last anywhere from one minute to, you know about, let's say 15 minutes long, and it's basically... You are just giving her reasons to want to talk to you for a while. Okay? You can do this in various ways, we'll get to that at a minute. But step 2 we're going to call "get and keep attention". D5-T6 Step 3, the next one, we're going to call "direct conversation and ramp interest. Now, direct conversation means you're going to be directing the conversation in a certain way, having it go in a way that you want to go, and be able to create, and ramp up to the interest in a way that she is going to find you so interesting, that she may want to spend more time, or a special kind of time with you. And that's what we do at step three, "direct conversation and ramp interest". I mean that can take anywhere from, you know, 15 minutes, to two hours, or six hours or whatever. This might take place over multiple dates. It might be over the course of one evening. I am just giving you general time frames here, A way to think about it, but that's it, step three, direct conversation and ramp interest. D5-T7 Step 4 is what I call "close", and I don't mean "clothes" in terms of something you wear. I mean, clothes C-L-O-S-E. This is typically, where, you actually engage in some sort of physical activity. Now I'm not going to make this some kind of seedy product. I'm not going to talk about where to put this hand, and how to kiss somebody, or whatever. There are tons of resources out there for that.

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By close, I mean, for the most part, you end up kissing her. From that point, you are on your own. It's a little bit beyond the scope of this product that I'm doing today, but by step four I mean physical close, kissing her, or something like that. For title purposes, we will call it ^physical close.

4. 2

Process Step 0

D5-T8 Let's start my discussion of step zero, which is "living the life". Now step zero is something I haven't discussed too much. And for some people it may be new to them if you have heard me speak before on these sort of topics. I typically used to talk about steps one through four, and the there being four steps to the process. But I figured out, there is a fifth step, and this additional step is something that occurs even before the opener, even before you've introduced yourself, or say the first words to a woman. Step zero is "living the life". Living the life, where you get to meet different people. You know, whether you eventually want to meet a bunch of women, or one special woman, the fact is, you've got to be able to meet women to do it. Let's consider something guys. Let's say, maybe, even if you want to meet, just one special woman—I know, there's some guys out there that want to meet a bunch, but let's just say for the sake of discussion, let's say that you just want to meet one woman, one special woman. Okay? What do you want? One out of a million? One out of 10, 000? One out of a 1, 000? Let's set the sights really low—and just to give you an example here guys—let's set the sights really low and say that one out of a 100 women is going to be good enough for you. You just want to find one, a special relationship with one woman and the quality level that you are shooting for—we're shooting pretty low here, but I'm trying to make a point—is one out of 100. Okay... Now, statistics would show or tends to indicate that, on average, to meet someone that's one out of 100, you've got to actually meet 50 people to have a chance of meeting someone that's one out of a 100. So you've got to meet 50 women. So again, you have set your sights low. One out of 100 is going to be good enough for you quality-wise. You've got to meet 50 women to just have a chance of meeting that one out of a hundred quality-wise. Now, how long is going to take you to meet 50 women? What is your life like? Where are you meeting them? I mean, look, a lot of guys... You can meet someone once every 3, 4 months. I mean, there are guys that live a certain life and lifestyle, where they do not have a chance... You know what,. that's fine. If that is the way your lifestyle is structured, I respect that. There are other things to life than simply going out and meeting women. However, if you really want to find that one special person, or meet a lot of different women, or really want to get a handle on this part of your life, you have to be honest with yourself. Are you prepared to really put the time and effort into it and to really learn and really go out there and find the sort of women or woman that you want? Look at it. One out of 100 is a pretty low standard. That means you've got to meet 50 women. At the rate you are going, how long is that going to take you? Be honest. Again, I want to get real results for you guys. You need to look at your life and lifestyle and figure out how long it's going to take you to it meet 50 women? Page 83

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Assignment #5 - The Process - The Symbol As you will see and hear in the transcript text, there are many many references to the graphic shown on this page. Be sure to follow the instructions (throughout the transcript) and write down the various terms when told to do so.

Step 0


Step 1


Step 2


Step 3



Step 4


Dave Riker's Speed Seduction® Technical Manual

The Process - Student Notes The graphic on the opposite page represents a symbol that you are to create within your mind, a symbol which will allow you to understand and recall these learnings about the different tools and resources that you have at your disposal. Use this page to take additional notes, or copy down specific points, that will help you to remember what you believe are the most important points.

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D5-T9 Now some guys are sitting back, and sitting on the couch and listening to products and not being very sociable and... I don't know what they expect. Maybe they expect that they can order a pizza and have that one out of 50 woman show up as the pizza delivery person. Well, that's a lot of pizzas that you are going to have to go through, even to find one out of 50! But if you are looking to find somebody of quality, and I'm not just saying looks, you know a quality level, and whatever that means to you, but if you are looking to find somebody of quality, you're going to have to create a lifestyle for yourself were meeting women and meeting new people, is a part of who you are and what you do. Now one of the things I have considered too is that (you know)... What do you have to do to create the life that's going to provide this to you, that's going to provide you with different opportunities to meet different women? Well let's be honest about it here. I've really looked at... You know, looked at the modern world and looked at how you meet people as an adult in our society. I have broken this down into five major ways that you can meet people. Now, each has their strengths, each has their weaknesses. We are going to go over that, but again,... This is step zero, and we've got five basic options for you here, we are going to talk about them. We are going to go over them very briefly. But I want you to consider this. You know, each of these has their own strength has their own weaknesses. You really have to look at what you -want your life to be, if you really want to change your life and to get a handle on this part of your life, what changes are you going to have to make, maybe to your lifestyle, to do it? Okay? And if you're training yourself to get better at something, you want to put some time and effort into it and part of this, remember... We talked about your subconscious mind, and how it sort of works on momentum. If it's not moving it sort of wants to stay not moving. If it's moving forward, then it kind of wants to keep moving forward. One of the things that may actually help you is to make some changes in your lifestyle, in your activities, in your... you know the amount of times that you socialize and to do that in a way that's going to move you forward and a positive fashion. When you do that your subconscious wakes up and says "things must be different. Life is different. I'm doing different things, different activities. " Now, at first, it might sort of object and make you feel a little bit of uncomfortable. But what will begin to happen is that as you put effort into this, change your life, move in a positive direction, eventually your subconscious will say "okay, this is the way it's going. This is the new life and the new lifestyle and the new me, with new skills. " And you are going to get new and better results, because of that. It can be actually a pretty wonderful thing, and a pretty positive experience for many of you. D5-T11 So when we look at step zero. What does this really break down to? What are the five major ways that you can meet people in today's society? Now I'm going to summarize them very briefly and then we will go over them in more detail. The first is "bars and nightclubs". The second is "single's social groups". The next is "general social groups". The fourth one is what I call "random", and the fifth one is "the internet". Now, go ahead and write those down. That's pretty important, I urge you to write them down as you may want to make some notes, and again we are going to talk about each in detail.

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Think about what your life is like, and your lifestyle is like. Think about what you can accommodate or what you would like to accommodate. If you really want to move forward in your life and make things more positive, maybe now is the time. You know, you have to take the steps necessary, and this is a big part of it. D5-T12 Let's be really honest about this guys, let's step back for a second here and consider this. What are we talking about with any of these technologies? For a typical—let's take a guy as an example—who is of a certain age, who has a certain kind of look or level of attractiveness, a certain amount of social skill, height, body type, stature, whatever... you sort of "size him up". Now, if we take that guy, and we take an average woman or a woman of some type, and "assess her in some manner, we could pretty much step back and say that "that guy has a certain chance of success (however you define success) with that woman". Okay? Makes sense. You get a certain guy, a certain woman, you can step back and maybe assess what his chances of being successful with her are. If that guy goes out and wants to have more success with women, he has one of two options. One, he can go out and meet more women. That's an option. The other option is he can work on skills like Speed Seduction® and make himself better able to create things in her mind, to be what she's looking for, to provide her a wonderful experience, and increase his chances of success. Now there's two parts to that equation, if he is looking for successful outcomes or better quality overall with the sort of woman he wants to end up with, or women, then he has two main parts of that equation. One, he can work on Speed Seduction® and these technologies, and really increase his success, dramatically. You can get results that are outstanding so that really—when looked at from the outside—they almost seem miraculous. Where the average Joe (or somebody who is below average Joe) is going out with somebody that almost looks like a supermodel. It's happened. I have seen it happen, and that can occur if you really decide to master the skills. Now the other thing that one can do to get more success—and it's actually an essential part of training yourself—is simply go out and meet more people and meet more women. Now, I'm not necessarily saying that you know, date them all, or have relations with them all. I'm just saying as an option, just simply increasing the number of people that you are meeting is going to help. It's going to help the development of your skills. It's going to help in the number of possible positive outcomes that you are going to have to the interactions. So work with your skills is one way, and another way is, meet more women. And frankly one way to work on your skills is meet more women anyway, so it works. So at step zero, what are you we talking about here? We're really talking about helping increase your chances of success and increase your ability to learn this stuff. Creating a lifestyle in and a life, where you are able to meet people. And meeting more people is going to help you in so many ways. D5-T13 So, when we look at these five different options we have here for step zero, let's look at the first one, Bars and Nightclubs. That's kind of obvious. That's what a lot of people think about what may think of meeting people, and we're talking here (you know) it's kind of the single's bars, the nightclubs, the dance scene. Ok? That's great. I mean, there's a lot of guys that are very effective at

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that. They might not be effective at other locations, but they are very effective at that. Now, what are the positive aspects of that sort of approach? The positive ones are (hey)... There are a lot of people there. Okay? That's fantastic. The women that are there tend to be very dressed up and really presenting themselves in the best way. It tends to be a lively, energetic, atmosphere. That's fantastic. And if you are her type or what ever, it's sort of a heightened reality. Meaning it's a very energetic situation, the music, the sounds, the people, dancing, the energy, it all adds to a situation so that if you are her type and things are really going in your favor, you can make some things happen very quickly. Now that's an important qualifier, if you are her type. Let's look at some of the downsides of this though. First off, It's loud! I mean, let us face it. If you walk in there and you look good, and you can dance well, or you have an incredible amount of personal energy and magnetism, you can make clubs work for you. And I have seen guys—even guys of average looks—really work so hard at that and work so much at that, that they do make clubs work. But it is a big effort. Ok? Like it or not, your looks are going to be a part of your success in clubs. You can work around that with a lot of energy and a lot of personality or a lot of gimmicks, but the bottom line is looks are going to be a factor in clubs. There's another downside in there is a certain age range in clubs. Let's face it, you know some dance clubs tend to have people maybe in their earlier twenties. And if you are in that age range, that is great. That works well for you. But if you are in your mid to upper thirties or older, sorry, going into a dance club that is primarily attended with people that are 21, 22, 2 3 . . . You are really going to stand out and its going to be a little bit difficult. Plus in bars and nightclubs too, women tend to be there with their friends and what happens then is—this can be a downside for some of you guys—is that you sort of have to be prepared to be accepted by the group in order to be accepted by one. Meaning, if you are a 40-year-old guy—give you an example—and you are looking to meet some woman that is 23, 24, if that is your thing... Now, if you meet her by herself in another venue, you might have a certain amount of chance. But if you meet her at a club, and she is there with her five friends, not only do have to be approved of by her, but her five friends are going to have to approve of you too. You sort of have to have enough going on that you are going to meet the approval of the woman you are interested in, and the social group that she is with. Now if that works in your favor, and you are that kind of guy, great. But if it doesn't really work in your favor, you may want to look at some of the other options. D5-T14 Ok? Now bars and nightclubs too one of the challenges there is that... if... skills that deal with your words, your way of speaking, your conversation... If that's a big part of you being attractive, and you showing someone how interesting you are, if that's a big aspect of your overall approach, it's a little bit difficult to do that in a bar or nightclub—Because its loud, it's distracting. I mean, you end up yelling to someone. Ok? So it might not be the best option for you. Now some guys go, "yeah, but all of the super-hot girls are in the bars and nightclubs. " They may go there, but I mean, they do have other parts of their lives. I mean, some guys need to look at reality. They tend to have this view of reality that super-hot women stay home all day long. They never go out, they never go shopping. They never walk down the street. They never go to coffee shops. They never go to get groceries. They stay in their house all day long, and they immediately leave the house and go straight

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to club. I am sorry but that's not reality, that is not the way it works. There are a lot of attractive women in clubs, but I will tell you this... In bars and nightclubs, and a lot of times, the women know what you are doing. They know that if your walking up to them, chances are, it's because you are attracted and you are trying to make a move on them. Now, that's fine, if you can support that. But you know, a lot of women get so jaded in that atmosphere, and they are making such a snap judgment. Very quick snap judgment. Not if that snap judgment works in your favor, great. If it does not, it's hard to work around. But you know what? I know women—wonderful, interesting, attractive, women—that if you meet them in a club, you have got "the shield". It's called by some guys "the bitch shield", where she is really putting her defenses up, she is really putting a wall up, she might be cold. She might not be very pleasant person to talk to, but you are dealing with a shield like that. It is not something I like dealing with for very long. But you take that same woman, and you meet her in a different venue—She's a wonderful person. I mean there are women that I have met in other venues, and I know that if I met them at a club, I would not want to deal with them, because I know what they are like. And they have told me about it. They say "oh in clubs, yeah, I do this and this and guys bug me and I have to be a bitch to keep them away from me. " But meet them in another venue and all of a sudden you get to see what she is really like. So yeah, you can work around that in a club and everything else. Again it is an option for you, but it is not the only option. There are others. It has it's good and bad points, and again, here is an important distinction that a lot of guys need to realize. D5-T15 If you do not like going there just for the sake of going there, then going there to meet women is probably not going to work for you. Meaning... Can you go to a bar or nightclub and not meet any women but still have a good time? Do you enjoy it? You like dancing? Do you like the atmosphere? If you can go there and not meet any women and still have fun, good. Then, your chances of going there, and meeting a woman are increased. But if you don't like it, if you are not enjoying yourself, if it is not a positive atmosphere for you, and you do not like being there, and the only reason you are there is to meet women—what do you think that does to your frame of mind? Would you think that does to your state of consciousness? Remember our hierarchy of tools? How important are those things? Extremely important. So if you like bars and nightclubs—that's great. If you do not like them, I suggest you look to some other places to go meet women. And there are other places, and a lot of you guys that think there are no other places—I am sorry, that's your limiting belief—you need to change that and look into maybe some other ways, because they are out there. Women do other things than just go to bars and nightclubs. Okay? Let's talk some more about some of those options as well. D5-T16 Now the next option here at step zero that I want to talk about is something called "single social groups". What is that? To me, it is a social get together that is predicated upon everybody there being single. Now, this could be one of these,... there are these different rapid dating and meeting services, were sit down with somebody for five or 10 minutes—that falls into this category. I know there is different associations of single people that... like the athletic singles association, and things like that,

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where you go and you play volleyball, or you run, and have fun, and everybody there is single. There is singles travel groups where they get together as a group of single people and they go traveling. There is singles church groups—again, I am giving you an overall set of options guys—maybe that is your bag, maybe that is not your bag. But there is an option for going and meeting single people in a social setting, and it is not that bad of a situation, it can actually be quite fun. Now one of the advantages of this is that for the most part, everybody that is going to be there is going to be single. You know if they are going to be single and (because that is why they are there) and it tends to be a pretty sociable atmosphere. If people are there and they're single, and they know everybody else is single, they pretty much understand that they are there to meet people. So it's fun. It's positive. Okay? Now, some guys say that "well, the real super-hot women aren't there". Well, ok, maybe it is a little bit difficult to meet the super-hot women. But you know what guys? Let us get real here, the super-hot women are hard to find anyway] I mean, if you are looking for somebody that looks like they do on magazine covers—first off, most women don't look like that in real-life guys! Even the women on the magazine covers do not look like that in real life, okay? But, if you are looking for the super-hot ones, guess what? Go to a mall. Kind of hard to find them—huh? Only a couple of them there that are that hot - huh? That's reality, the super-hot ones are rare. So in any venue they are going to be relatively hard to find. Now if you happen to know the super-hot club in a major metropolis, and you can get in—okay, there are going to be more hotties there. But I mean, living your life, there is a general cross-section of people and a general cross-section of women and a general cross-section of different (you know) levels of attractiveness. So in a singles social group, you are going to find that kind of general demographic. Some are going to be more attractive than others, some are going to be more intelligent than others, etc. That's reality, that is the way it is. D5-T17 Now, if you want to find out about these things look in the newspaper. Look on the internet. Look for general social things that are geared around single people. Now, they are a great way to meet people, because—I will tell you what, think about this—you have got a captive audience. I mean—not that you strap them to a chair to talk to you—but, most of these singles social groups or events, you are there with a group of people for an hour or two or three hours. Ok? It's pretty easy to engage in somebody in conversation, and if it is going well, to keep them there for 15 minutes. I mean, let us face it, if somebody is walking down the street, to stop them and talk to them for 15 minutes, you have got to have a good reason for them to want to stop and talk to you. But if they are there and it is a party or some social event or some get-together, and everybody is single and they are all there for a couple of hours, then it is not that difficult to talk to someone for 15 minutes. Okay? This is really a viable option. I have worked with a lot of people that this is the way they had met... okay... a lot of the women that they are interested in. Social groups. It can be wine tasting, a lot of those are based upon singles. There is a lot of charity events or charitable organizations that do things that are based upon singles getting together. Look in your local newspaper. Look in your... Most towns have a paper that may be released like once a week that tends to be more of an "artsy" thing, or like an entertainment paper or a paper that talks about events or current events in town. Look in that paper and look for events that are based upon everybody there

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being single, and go to the events. It is an option, there is people there, is an option for you. D5-T18 Now, another of our major ways that we can meet people here at step zero, "living the life", is what I call "general social groups". Now this can be anything guys. It can be and... We are coming up with a general model so this can be anything. I mean, it can be anything from a bowling league, to an art gallery opening, to a museum event, to a chamber of commerce meeting, to a charity event, to a volleyball tournament—I mean anything—an activity were people are getting together, and hopefully one where they're are socializing. You know again, if you are sitting at home, hoping that that wonderful woman is going to show up delivering pizza, hey if it happens, that is great. But, if you want to get better at these skills, or even if you are pretty good and you just want to meet some different people, you have got to get out there. You have got to have a process or find a way in your life to have more people come into your life, and general social groups are a great way to go. A good part of it is people tend to be relaxed. You are not going to get a lot of the "shield" factor. They are going to be comfortable. Okay some, if it is like a tournament, or a volleyball tournament, or a sporting event, there's people there, but it's maybe not a "sociable" event. People are not meeting and talking. But if you go to like an art gallery opening, chamber of commerce event... I mean different things like that where people are getting together, and people are standing around talking and socializing—what a great opportunity. Ok? That is the good side of it. D5-T19 The bad side might be some of the women are not going to be single. Oh well. Hey, that is a good way to meet them too. Think about it. If you are talking to two or three women, maybe they are not single, but you are talking to them. You are having fun. You are having an interesting conversation, maybe finding their opinion on something. Maybe there is somebody single there, and they are like "look at that guy. He is talking to those women, the women are having a great time I'll join in". Okay? It is a great way to meet people. And it is an option for you, so "general social groups", it might be a way to go. D5-T20 Now, this fourth option here in step zero is what I call "random". This is like, you know, coffee shops, and checkout lines, and walking down the street, or being in a mall, it's just the random meeting of people. So that you are out living your life, and if you happen to see somebody, you start talking to them. Now this is great because the shields are down... Now there might be some general shields in terms of ... I mean she's walking down the street, she is not used to some stranger just talking to her, but it is not like having a shield in a nightclub, where they are sitting there and they are all dressed up and all of the guys are on the make. So she might be bitchy. When you meet somebody in a random fashion, you just got to come across as (you know) you are not a degenerate, you are not homeless, you are not going to ask her for a quarter, you know. You want to be kind of low-key and have a good positive energy about it. But you can meet people in coffee shops, malls, on the street, checkout lines are a fantastic place, while shopping, while just out living your life. I mean, you know, you could be pumping gas and a car pulls up, and there is a woman there, that you

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think might be interesting. Say something, start talking. D5-T21 Now, this is the thing that a lot of guys aspire to; to be anywhere, at any time, and to seize any opportunity. And that's great. That's fantastic as a goal. One of the downsides of working on a random approach like this, is that, well... It's kind of hard to use it as a learning tool. Like let us say next week you want to go out and really—in a targeted fashion—I mean, you are go to learn this stuff and practice and talk to 20 women next week, even if it is for 30 seconds. You are going to talk to 20 new women. Great. To depend upon a random approach to make that happen might not be the best way to go. Because it's random! It's hard to predict! Ok? It's difficult to know how many times you are going to b e . . . I mean, how many times can you pump gas in a week? Ok? You can spend time in coffee shops, that's fine, but there is a logistical thing that, you know... Are women coming in? Do you have a moment or two to say something? Is there an ability to make eye contact? Etc. So it does have its challenges as a training tool, Ok? But in terms of, once you are skilled, and just being able to go out and meet people... It's fantastic. It's low-key, it's wonderful. One of the challenges—and as we get through the major steps to seduction and the process itself that we are in in this section—one of the challenges of meeting people in a random fashion is—they are doing something! Ok? You have got to give a reason to talk to you! If you have an opener, that's fine. But if she is walking down the street, you have to give her a reason to want to keep talking to you. If she is pumping her gas, you have to give her a reason to want to talk to you. Ok? That is a little bit of a challenge here with the random approach. So it is a great way to meet people once you are pretty good, but to depend upon it in this context, and especially as a means by which to get better with the skills, it leaves a little bit to be desired. D5-T22 Now, the fifth option we want to talk about it step zero—the fifth major way to meet people, is, on the internet. It is an option. Now, one thing that needs to be considered is this... I have heard a lot of people say, "well, you can't meat really good looking women on the internet, or you cannot,... etc. etc. " If you have a belief about something that you can or cannot do it, you are right. If you think you will not find interesting women or attractive women on the internet, you're right. Ok? If you think that you can, you probably well. I know guys that have met fabulously attractive women on the internet. Now, looks are a factor and—guess what guys—in any venue looks are a factor. Meaning, how good looking you are or are not, is a factor in how effective you may be at meeting women. Whether you meet them in bars and nightclubs, where looks are big factor that venue, you can work around it, but they are factor. Whether you meet them in single social groups or random or whatever, your looks are a factor in your success, you can make up for it by being very good at the skills, but they are a factor. Now on the internet, they are a factor as well. It tends to be a little more cut and dried, because she might see your picture and not approve, and it's hard to really recover from that when she's at the other end of a phone line or an Ethernet connection. But it is an issue as it is with any of them.

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Now the internet is unique in that—you know, let's be real. Some guys... If you have got all the time in the world to go hang out and do random stuff, to go out to bars and nightclubs multiple nights a week, or go to social events all the time, that's great! That's great. But I do realize that there are a lot of guys who ... You are at a desk! You work a lot! You do not have the time to go out three or four nights a week. You do not have the time to do some of these other social things. There are guys out there that, I know you are working, 50, 60, 70 hours a week! There might be a computer on your deskUsing the internet is a viable option. It tends to have its own unique set of advantages and challenges and I'm not going to get into it... That is a little bit beyond the scope of this product, so I'm not going to go into an entire set of discussions and points about the internet and specific techniques, but it is an option for meeting people, and more and more it is an acceptable option. It is becoming more and more mainstream. It was sort of relegated to like the "want ads" or the "classifieds" where as you know, 10 years ago people put ads in newspapers, and it was almost a sort of clandestine thing that you did not talk about. Now it's becoming more and more acceptable. I do not know about you, but on the radio and things like that, I hear ads all the time of matchmaking and dating services that are on the internet. It is an option, and it might be an option for you. D5-T23 Now when we look at step zero, and look at all of these different options, you really have to look at your life. What is it that you like to do? What is it -where you can see yourself spending time doing one of these things? Whether it's bars and nightclubs, single social events, general social groups, random, or meeting people on the internet, what is going to work with you and your life? Now, again, you could meet somebody every three months and get some success, and get better with the skills. But it is going to take a while, and your chances maybe of finding a quality woman, or women, is going to be less. But if you want to get better at the skills and increase your chances of success and increase your skill level, then you really want to look at where you are spending your time. Look at these options. Each of them has pluses and minuses. D5-T24 You know, I'll tell you what... roughly looking at it as an overview, if you are a pretty good looking guy and you're very sociable, and you like going to bars and nightclubs—I mean you like going there—then that is a good option. If you are not the best looking guy in the world, if you do not like loud places or if you are an older guy trying to get women that are a little bit younger, or younger (period) than you, then bars and nightclubs might not be the best for you. Ok? Let's get real, but let's be honest about this. Now, single social groups and general social groups. They are great options, and they are actually fantastic options if you want to learn these skills and get better at them. Because there are people there that had to be positive, you tend to have a captive audience. It's easy to go from talking to somebody from one minute, to five, to 10 to 15, as long as you're interesting. Ok? Everybody is there for a reason.

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Step 0 Reality: It All Starts From Here: Many guys need to really face the fact that you MUST get started and meet women for ANY of these things to work! Look at the graph below:

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Step Number The Dream World Scenario, One Woman, One Shot, all the way through. Too many guys try this approach. They wait around, spending too much time at home, too much time "thinking". They think they will study study study and practice practice practice. Then after all that work, they think they will find one woman, and do Step 1, and have it go well, and then move that 1 woman to Step 2, and have that go well, and then move that one woman to Step 3, etc. etc. etc. It does not work that way! Here is the way it really works:

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Look at how the second graph is laid out, pay special attention to the numbers on the "Y" axis (which means the number of women in this case, these are not factual numbers, they are just there to illustrate a point, ok?). See how for all the women at Step 0, only a certain number of them make it to Step 1? And then for the ones that make it to Step 1, then just a certain number of THOSE make it to Step 2? THAT IS THE WAY IT WORKS IN THE REAL WORLD! So what can and does learning these technologies do for you? Look at the arrows! What will happen is that the more you learn and use and really apply these teachings, the more women you will able to take to each successive step (if that is your goal, of course). The "percentage" that you are then able to move to successive steps of The Process will get better and better! If your goal is to get as many women as you can to Step 4, then the more you start off with at Step 0 the better. And the better you are with these skills, the more women will make it through the steps! If your goal is not to get a lot of women to step 4, but instead to find one special woman for yourself, this applies as well. The more women that you can move to each step will allow YOU to have more of a selection, more options, more chances of finding that one woman that you may be looking for. It ALL starts with Step 0. Any and all women that end up at Steps 1, 2, 3, 4, are ALL women that were a part of your life in some way, and all are woman that were at Step 0 at some point. It all starts from there. And so should you. So, you have 5 different options for Step 0, which will YOU start to make more a part of YOUR life?

If it is a singles group, great. They are there to meet people, I mean yeah, they might be there to taste wine, or take part in athletic events, or a charity, or whatever, but if it is a singles group, they are there to meet people! That's part of the reason they are there. Ok? The shields are down, it is so much better. I can't stress enough too guys that this is a viable way to do that. A lot of guys do not think along these terms. But, get the paper. Get the newspaper, get that little "artsy" paper, that maybe is released once a week in your area—look for things that are going on. Look for events. Ok? This might be a chance for you to open up a whole new life for yourself. I know a lot of guys that go "boy, I always wish I was able to do this... I wish I had the time to do that ... Or spend time at this kind of activity... ". Hey, maybe now is the chance. Maybe now is a great time and a great opportunity, or a great excuse, for you to do those sort of things. Ok? The other thing—random. If you are a busy guy, and you are living your life, great. Now it might be difficult to develop your skills in a random fashion, or using the random approach to meeting people, but it is an option and you know, you can always have your eyes and ears open for opportunities and to meet somebody, if you happen to be out there. It tends to be a great option for you if you are already skilled. It tends to not be a great option if you want to develop skills, because it's random.

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And again the fifth option is the internet, more and more a viable option for many guys. Maybe for you, maybe not. Looks are a factor, but you know what? I know guys that (hey) they are no Mel Gibson, they are no Brad Pitt, but they definitely had success in that venue. But, it is based upon your own beliefs. If you think you are not going to be successful, you won't, and if you are impatient or anything like that, the internet can be challenging well. But it is an option for you. So... D5-T25 Step zero, live the life. Get out there. Meet some people. Have fun. Whether you've already got the skills and you just need more people to work with; whether you're learning the skills, listening to this product and others, and you need people to practice on and to be more comfortable with—to be more comfortable around... In any of these examples, look at these options. I urge you, create the life that you want to have. Have the people in it that you want to be in it. Spend time with the people that you want to spend time with. This is all going to help you to become the person that you want to be. And if that is different than the kind of person that you are, that's great. Remember, a big part of this, a big part of this product, and the things we are talking about, is that we are not just learning about a woman's mind, we are learning about you and yourself and how to make this work. We want to change your life and help you make things better—this is all about application—getting you out there, getting you moving. Ok? It might seem a little weird at first. It is like getting that car rolling, and putting it into first-gear. Ok? Getting it rolling is the hardest thing to do. Getting yourself moving to start is the most difficult thing to do. But this can be your chance. Those are some options for you. Step zero, get out there, make it happen. Start to meet more people, and you are going to find your skills going up, and your success happening more and more. Good luck.

4. 3

Process Step 1

D5-T26 Step one in the process. Step one in the process of Speed Seduction®, the process of seducing someone, or application of any of these skills. The opener. We talked about this a moment or two ago when I gave you a summary in that all I am talking about here is just maybe, the first 15, 30, 60 seconds. You just are finding a way to start a conversation with somebody and have a conversation—if only for a few minutes, or only for a few seconds really—just to get started. Now I can't stress enough to how so much of step one is really about the frame and really about your state of mind. Now I know if you look back on that diagram that we created about your conscious and subconscious mind, Ok, sort of the mind map if you will... Remember, you see how important is things are your frame of mind your state of mind in that look, if you are having trouble with that in on this then just meet people and do not worry about the outcome. Meaning try to get through step one with a bunch of people, and do not worry about steps 2, 3, 4. Look, there is so much going on when you walk up to somebody, because again, think about it. Their conscious mind is only thinking about one thing, Ok. It's "single tasking". But their subconscious is picking up so many things on so many levels. You know the example I keep coming back to—some Page 96

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guys are like well... "how can she determine your state of mind or what your intent... and all that sort of stuff, I mean, I am just walking up, I have not said anything yet, how is she going to know ? " Well, again, the example I keep coming up with is, you know what it is like when somebody walks up to you on the street, you know the difference in the way you feel when the person walks up and you just get that sense that that person wants something, maybe they are homeless, they're asking for handout. And it's not that they are dressed in certain way or whatever. Its just, you just kind of know, you kinda know "hey, do have some spare change, " Before they open their mouth, you just get that feeling, and you know they want something. As opposed to somebody who might walk up and they might look the same way in a lot of respects, and they walk up and, you know, they are probably going to ask for directions. Or they are probably going to ask you about, where did you get that item that's in your shopping cart or something like that. You are able to perceive on a lot of levels, her subconscious is able to perceive on a lot of levels. So if you just walk up comfortably and calmly and use something as an opener, you have a pretty good shot. Now, with step one, all I am talking about is 15 seconds to maybe a minute. That's all. See a lot of you guys—it is not step one you are worried about, it's really step two, and we will get to that in a moment. But step one is just engage her in conversation for that brief period of time. Now look, step one can be walking up and asking somebody for the time. Now wait a minute, I know that once you do that there might not be very many places to go. There might not be a lot you can do with that, after-the-fact, but it is an effective way to start a conversation. Again, I am giving you an overall structure guys, then we will look at what works and kinda what doesn't within it So, step one, is basically an opener. A way to start a conversation. D5-T27 When it comes to meeting somebody or meeting a woman in this context, I have pretty much taken step one and given you four different ways that you can do it. I am going to go through them briefly and then give you a little more detail. Ok? The first is what I call "the interested opener". You know where you walk up and you say, "you are absently stunning", or "I really wanted to meet you", or something like that. You're pretty much laying it right on the line that you are interested. The second is "the opinion opener". The basis for talking to her is that you are going to ask her opinion or ask for a question. The third is "the social opener", where you just go up and in a social context—this tends to be best to parties or get togethers. (It -) But you go up, and in the pretext of the just being a social context, you are going up to meet and introduce yourself. And the fourth is what I call an "innocuous opener". That is where your opening, and you're kind of opening indirectly, and it works really well, because it is a very low key approach, your kind of slipping in under the radar. I will get to that and a minute. But those are the four major ways, the interested opener, opinion, social, innocuous.

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Now let us talk about each. D5-T28 The interested opener is what a lot of guys think of when they really think of what they would like to be able to do in the application of these skills. To have that power to see somebody and you just found her so interesting, so fascinating, and you walk up and you go, "you know, I saw you from over there, and I told myself. I really wanted to meet you, and just to find out what kind of person you are on the inside. ". Or you walk up and you say "you know what, pardon me for interrupting but you are so absolutely stunning. That I really wanted to take the chance to meet you". That sort of a low key thing, where you are showing interest. You are setting it fourth right from the start that you are interested in the person, that you have interest in them and you know, you are not meeting them to ask about their car. You are not talking about something in the checkout line. You are not just saying the "hi, welcome to this meeting or welcome to this charity... ". No. You are walking up, and right from the start, you are putting it on the table that you are interested. D5-T29 Now, a lot of the guys who are "naturals", this is what they do. Whether it be due to their words or their actions or a combination of both—I know some guys that are really slick and really smooth with women, and they will walk up and they may just say the words "hi, how are you doing". But the way they do it and the way they look at the woman, they putting across the thing right off that "hey, I am interested". And that is fine, but you know what, you have to have the energy and belief in yourself—and the frame of mind—that you can walk up and do that sort of thing and be comfortable, and be able to follow it up with a good step two. It's OK to state your interest, but be aware of the fact that, what's happening? When you walk up instep one—and this is a general comment about any aspect of step one application— D5-T30 Step one, a woman is quickly trying to make an assessment of you and figure out who you are. Meaning, are you somebody she wants to talk to? Doesn't want to talk to? Someone she should fear? Or feel safe around? Someone she should have some sort of... interest in? And, sometimes a snap judgment will work in your favor. Like if you are a pretty good-looking guy, or you're close to her "type", she... it may be easy to route yourself into a categorization that is going to be favorable. . •. • Meaning, again, remember how we talked about—see you're going to see how this all starts to integrate guys—remember how we talked about... The subconscious thinks in terms of roles, and how it tends to have certain role structures? You know, putting people into categories or roles, putting situations into categories, ok? It tends to work in that fashion. When you walk up and start talking to a woman, her subconscious is trying to analyze what's going on, and to feed her signals, should it be one of fear, runaway, should it be one of interest, should it be one of curiosity? Is this guy a potential friend? Lover? Psychopath? You know, she is trying to assess who and what you are. Now if this snap judgment works in your favor, great. If the snap judgment's not going to work in your favor, you may want to avoid the snap judgment.

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D5-T31 The thing about using some of these opener approaches is that you have to be aware of where the snap judgment is going to take you. If you are reasonably good-looking guy who, and her situation in terms of her attractiveness, her age, her social status etc., is such that you have a pretty good chance of a snap judgment by her working in your favor in... than the snap judgment is fine. And you can go up and present yourself as somebody who is interested in her and a romantic or seductive way, and get away with it. Ok, but... You know, if you are a 40-year-old guy and trying to walk up to a 25-year-old woman, walking up and going "hi, I really wanted to be you... ", is going to set off too many bells and whistles. Now, the reason I point out this example of a 40-year-old guy and a 25-year-old woman is that the snap judgments tend to be something that's not going to work in your favor. Ok? And I am using the example of the ages—not is not because it is all that bad or what ever—it's just an example. Because it is a very distinct way to quantify a phenomenon. And the phenomenon being that it's an age. It's a number. And if she is looking at your age being 40 and her being 25, their tends to be snap judgments that would be associated with that and one of them is "I do not want to... I am not interested in this guy", or, "if he is trying to hit on me, then he like a letch or a perv or whatever". Now this is a snap judgment that happens guys. D5-T32 So, if the snap judgment is not going to work in your favor then don 7 go for the snap judgment. And the thing with some of these openers is that some of them are going to lend themselves more to snap judgments than others. So it's important for you to be aware of that in your selection of what kind of opener you may want to use. I know some guys that are in their forties, and they have to be very careful. If they walk up to a woman and go "you, are absolutely stunning... ", well obviously, you are setting forth—right from the start—that you're interested. That is fine. But, if she is way different from you in age, or social status, or whatever, you are going to snap the line. Ok? Now, that same guy if he takes a more low-key approach, maybe he asks her opinion on something, maybe he is just social and saying high and talking, or maybe he is innocuous, and just starts making general comments in her vicinity, and then goes into a conversation with her based on that, that guy can kind of "get in under the radar", spend some time with her, get her to be more comfortable, get her to see him in different ways, and then he will have a chance. This is very important. D5-T33 So getting back to the aspect of this "interested" opener—it can work. You have to be very calm with your intent, very comfortable with your intent, if you try to do an interested opener—conveying interest right at the start—and your energy is wrong, or you feel nervous about it, it's very difficult to pull it off. It's extremely difficult to pull it off. That's reality. Because, you are really stating it—your putting it right out in front of you—right out there guys in front of you, and saying "I am interested in you. ". Now, are their cases, where you can do it with some nervousness and have it work? Yeah. You know, if she is a right kind of woman, she will think that is cute or whatever, or be flattered by the fact that you are putting that much energy into it and pushing through the nervousness. Maybe, but as a general case to pull off an interested opener, you need to be pretty calm. And you need to be... have a very good energy and be very relaxed. But it can work and it tends to work better, if you are pretty close to, at least roughly close to being her type where the snap judgment isn't going to hurt you all that much. D5-T34 Another opener at that works tremendously well for a lot of guys is the opinion opener. Now

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there are some guys that say "do not ask a woman a question. " Look, you can ask somebody's opinion, and do in a good way. Look, so many guys are so caught up in not wanting to appear like a wimp or not wanting to supplicate or whatever, that they go way too far to the other extreme. Look, if I walk up to a woman and go "excuse me. Can I had your opinion on this", yeah, not good. But if I walk up to a woman in a mall and say "you know what,... can you help me with something, I need to buy a gift for friend of mine, and I'm really looking for somebody's opinion that has a good eye for fashion. Do you have a minute?" Hey, you're being honest, conveying it very low key, you know, you give them and a little bit of credit. Maybe she is dressed nicely or something like that and in some way, you are giving her a complement on her... You know... her style, in terms of clothes, and things like that. Ok? That's fine. Ask their opinion. It is a great way to do it. "Excuse me, can I get your opinion with something? Can I get your opinion on something?" You can walk up to a group of women and say "you know what, pardon me ladies, I was talking to some guys over there I really want to get the opinion of some females on something, so can I ask your opinion?" I mean, everybody wants to feel important and feel like their opinion matters! And, again, this is one of those ones that, depending upon how you deliver it can have an effect. If you are like "I need your opinion... " you know, not good. But, again, very low key, you can ask somebody's opinion without conveying that you are bowing down to them or worshiping them, and it is not necessarily that you are going to take their opinion as gospel or fact. You are just trying to find out their opinion. There is nothing wrong with that. It's an opener. It is so easy to do that, really. 15, 30 seconds. Walk up to somebody, you know and go "excuse me, which of these two colors do you think is better?" Or if you are in a checkout line at Starbucks for anything go "hey, have you had any of these pastries, which one of these muffins is better, do like this one or that one?" Anything. It is an opener. Even if they say "yes", and shut up, you still did it! Ok? And for some of you guys that haven't talked to somebody new in a while, or even some of the ones that have, hey—why not ask their opinion? It is a way to get things started. It is a way to at least get you through step one. You know, you can do it and still maintain your power as a man—for you guys are all worried about that sort of stuff. Ok? Just ask her opinion. And you get them talking. D5-T35 Now, another option that I like in terms of step one is a "social opener", and this tends to work better... Remember, they are different ways to meet people in different situations where you can meet them, but the social opener tends to work better with a captive audience. Like if you are at a party or social gathering or something. I mean if you are on the street, and you walk up to somebody and say "hi my name is so-and-so... ", Well... Okay... but I am walking down the street, I am kind of busy right now. But if you are at a party, if you are at an event, if you are at an art gallery opening or the bowling alley or a sporting event or a chamber of commerce meeting or anything that is just social, where there's people there, you walk up and say hi, and introduce yourself. Or "excuse me. I haven't seen you here before, what's your name?" It is an opener. That's all. Step one is just have a minimal dialogue with her, 15 seconds, 45 seconds, maybe a minute. Just hello and some pleasantries to get things moving. It's really not that hard, ok? And again, a lot of you guys that are worried about this step—it's really step two you are worried about—we're getting there, we're

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getting there we're building through all the steps, so bear with me. So, go up, be social, say hello, or ask them their name or introduce yourself. That is fine. There is 15 seconds of dialogue right there as you say "hey, my name is Dave, what's your name? Ah, Sandy? Nice to meet you Sandy. " Hey, guess what I just spent 12 seconds. Ok, it's an option. D5-T36 Another option here is what I called the "innocuous opener", and you know what, I love this. It is an effective way to just get something going. I love this in situations where... where it's random. Like let us say you are like in a checkout line, and you just start talking, and you are not really opening per se. You are not necessarily introducing yourself or asking their opinion. You just make a comment like you know you will point at those tabloids and say "oh god, the aliens have landed again... " or "it's so unfair that they have to stick these candy bars right here". Or you are in a line at a coffee shop and you make a comment about the muffins or pastries that are there. Or the—I love checkout lines, can you tell—or, You know you are someplace in a social setting. And you are talking to one woman, and another woman is next to you. Well, if you are talking to woman "A" and woman "B" happens to be standing there, your discussion with woman "A" is sort of an innocuous opener to woman "B", because you are not directly addressing her, directly asking her opinion or introducing yourself or showing interest in woman "B". But woman "B" is hearing you talk, and the fact that there is a close conversation in her proximity, is somewhat of an invitation for her to join the conversation. You know like when somebody is standing a foot or two away from you and they just kind of overhear, and they join in? It is an innocuous opener. I use that all the time, you may be (you know) at a coffee shop, let's say, and you are talking to a friend of yours, and there is a woman three feet away. Now, the woman's doing her thing, reading her book, writing, whatever, typing on her laptop, but you are talking to your friend. Well, the woman is overhearing what you're saying. Sometimes,... You ever see where somebody three feet away, they kind of hear you are saying and they're kind of reacting? They laugh, they may even make eye contact or somehow acknowledge what you said? That is an opener in a sense. You can comment on that. Say "what you think about that"? Or "wait a minute, you are not supposed to be eavesdropping over there, ok if you are going to listen to my conversation that I get to read what's on your laptop. " That sort of thing. It's innocuous. You are not necessarily saying "Hi my name is Dave". You not necessarily saying "pardon me, what is your opinion on this. ". Or you are not saying "you know what, you look s o . . . stunning... with your laptop". No. You are just there an innocuously hanging out and she becomes a part of your conversation. Ok? D5-T37 Now, when you step back. Look at all those different openers, interested, opinion, social, innocuous. That's just a summary guys. There's so much work that has been developed and techniques that have been developed by Ross, he has had so many good openers, it's a piece of cake, ok? Go out and train yourself, do it a lot, and it gets easier. Really, the opener that a lot of you guys are worried about—15 to 30 seconds is not a problem. You want to find out? Go do it. And don't worry about anything beyond. Just do that step, and you will, see how easy it is, really.

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Step two is where some guys have a little bit more of a challenge, we will get to that in a minute. But, with step one, I urge you—look at those four option. If you want to practice, practice. Come up with some things that are going to work for you. Like, you know, interested openers. Ok, you know what, if you can pull it off, fine. If not, don't worry about it. I know that it is a little bit challenging, it is a little bit of a challenge for some of you guys, so do it if you can. If not, focus on something else for awhile. Maybe ask opinions. Go shopping. Go shopping in places were you know there is women there and ask their opinion. Social opener, ok, that is a little direct, you are walking up and introducing yourself, but again, if you are going out and doing things and meeting people, which is part of this, it becomes easier to do. The innocuous opener, hey, I love that. If you are out talking to people, people are overhearing you, or you are making comments about things in your environment—you can comment on the weather for god sakes—it is an opener. At least get things moving. Ok? Step 1 Reality: Opener Methods As detailed in the transcript, the main types of openers that we are dealing with fall into 4 categories. An important thing for you to do in working with this workbook, is to go to that diagram which represents "The Process", and be sure to list each of these four major options to Step 1. Then, on the right side (facing) page, maybe make some various notes about what YOU see as key points. Do you need to focus or fixate on just one of these four? No. In fact you are better off to be aware of them all, and to use them all fluently. A lot of the selection process as to which option you choose, will depend upon the situation. For example if you are at a social gathering then a social opener is more acceptable, but if you are on the street, it, might not work as well. So it's a good idea for you to be familiar with them all. You may even want to think of an overall "algorithm" of sorts, as to when to use which, and under what circumstances. See someone around who you can just make a comment to because they just happen to be there? Maybe an innocuous opener will work. See something in the area that maybe you can comment on or ask about? Maybe an opinion opener will work there. Do you have the right frame and are secure enough to express interest? Then go for an interested opener. If it's a social setting, then just use a social opener. Maybe you can come up with a better set of if/then statements for yourself. Or,... just say Hello!

So that's a summary. Step one, just an opener, just make things happen and get them rolling. And get ready for the next step. D5-T38 Before we go on to the next step, there is one more thing I want to address. You thought we were moving onto step two, I know. But there's one thing I want to bring up in this context at this time.

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I know a lot of guys have gotten very concerned about the exact wording of an opener, the exact wording of the step one opener. Look, remember, she is processing things on so many levels, ok? Her subconscious is doing parallel processing, it's looking at what all of her senses are telling her about the way you come off, and how comfortable you seem in the way you moving, call that your energy or whatever, but is processing on all of these levels. Now, does it help if you have got the exact languaging down for an opener? Yeah, it can. But look, a lot of guys spend so much time, and so much effort to write and craft an opener, to make sure that the embedded command is exactly well written, and they work on all this, look, remember... Embedded commands, the tonality and all that stuff, are the sort of things that work on the subconscious, and they have sort of say "additive. " effect. Saying one embedded command, one time, in the span of 10 or 15 seconds in an opener,... well,... is it going to have some effect? Maybe. But really, where embedded commands, where all of these things have an effect upon a subconscious, is by a sort of repeated use and use over some period of time. Now that period of time can be five minutes, or you know, 15 minutes or an hour, but worrying so much about the exact wording of something that is going to last 15 to 20 seconds—it's probably not the best place to place your energy. Ok? It can help, but don't get caught up in it. I have seen so many guys worry so much about you know, walking up and saying "pardon me, but d o . . . you have a moment". And they are all worried about saying, "... you have a moment" as being part of the embedded command. Again, it might help, but you need repetition, you need time, you need rapport, in order for embedded commands and things such as that to work at their best. They'll still work, but to work at their best, you need all of those factors and those factors will help you. Your much better off with step one focusing on making sure you are relaxed, making sure it's comfortable, making sure your approach is something that is comfortable and not threatening to her. That is a much better place to put your energy and attention in step one. I hope that make sense. Ok, and now as I promised, let us move on to the next step.

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Process Step 2

D6-T1 Step two, Get and Keep Attention. Now this is something that we are talking about lasting from one minute to 15 minutes, Ok? And this is where, again, we are getting down to reality. here, we are getting down to the basics and this is a general structure that is going to explain everything... So let's look at this. She's doing something. In a lot of cases, when you meet somebody and you go through step one, she is going somewhere. She is buying something. She is with her friends, or doing something, and she is living her life. Why should she talk to you? Think about it. A lot of guys go up and talk to someone for 15 seconds or 30 seconds or whatever and they are like "Oh, she left or she did whatever you know... " and they blame the woman. Wait a minute—why should she talk to you guys? Give her a reason! I mean, when it comes down to it, she's living her life. She is doing something, she is busy, ok? She's Page 103

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going about her day. She may be in a checkout line, buying a muffin or a cup of coffee someplace, maybe she is walking down the street. Even if she is in a club and walking around—she is doing something! Give her a reason to want to talk to you. You have to be interesting or make her feel good, or do something that is going to give her a reason to want to spend 5 to 10 minutes of your time, of her time. Does that make sense, I hope it does. D6-T2 Now, the thing is, step two can be sometimes more of a challenge than some other times. Let us think about this in the context overall. Let's say you are at a social event were somebody is there, and they are going to be there for two hours, at some sort of opening or party or whatever. So they are going to be around. They're going to be in the room, or it might be a large room or whatever, for some period of time. Then, it'll probably be a little bit easier to come up with a situation that would cause her to want to spend five to 10 minutes with you. As opposed to maybe another example—let us say you are on the street. You're walking down the street of a major city and a woman is walking, doing her thing, doing, living her own life, especially if she is walking in the other direction. Now, step one is, you get her to stop. You do something interesting enough, you say something, ask a question, ask for an opinion, we went over the step one options. Now step two, why should she talk to you? She is probably not walking down the street going "you know, I'm walking, and I'm moving someplace, but really what I want is for somebody to give me a reason to stop for 10 minutes". No, she is going somewhere. She is doing something, she is living her life, why should she talk to you! Ok? Now, this is what really hangs guys up. Again in step one—just say something, give an opinion, ask an opinion, make a statement or a comment, say something innocuous—that's pretty easy. Step two is why is she going to want to talk to you. The pressure of step two is what is holding up a lot of guys from step one. Anybody can walk up and go "hey, how are you doing". "Nice day today, isn't it?" "Excuse me, do you have the time?" "Oh which is these... " That is step one. You are done. Step two is why should she stand there. Why should she stand therefor a couple of minutes. Ok? This is reality, and this is something that a lot of guys need to focus on. D6-T3 Now, when we look at step two, basically what I've done is I've broken step two into four major categories. There's four major approaches that you can use for step two, and I'm going to summarize them real quickly, and then we are going to go into each in detail. Remember some of these are better for some guys and some of them are better for other situations, we will get into that. Ok? So, step two, what are some options. The first option we have, step two, "get and keep her attention" the first option is "be her type". You are her type, it is an option, right? Think about it. You know, it's easy to get and keep her attention if you just happened to be her type. Now I know, chances are that if you look like a male model or you are rich are famous, you probably aren't listening to this product. But again, I'm trying to give you a model that explains everything, all of the ways that somebody can... seduce someone, or use

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Dave Riker's Speed Seduction® Technical Manual ® any of the technologies like this, and then I'm going to show you the Speed Seduction® context of it. Ok? So step two option one, be her type.

D6-T4 Option two is "be very interesting". Ok? Be very interesting. For some reason you are so interesting, you are so fascinating, that she wants to spend time with you. It is an option. Ok? Now, option three is "be very funny". You are very funny. She wants t o . . . You are sitting or you are making her laugh, she is having such a good time that she is going to want to sit there and to be an audience, ok? Now it's an option for some guys if you can, and some people (if you want to split hairs) being funny is a way to be interesting, so this is actually similar to option two, but again, I'm separating it out as a separate one, because I want to discuss it separately. So, option three is be funny. Option four is "make her feel interesting", do something that makes her feel interesting, ok? Everybody wants to feel interesting, everybody wants to feel important. If you grant that to her then, it's somewhere... It's a reason, that she may want to sit around and talk to you for a few minutes, Ok? Those are the major options. Now let us go over each in detail and talk about what works, what does not, and what may work for you. D6-T5 Now, so let's look at this, step two the first option is... hey, be what she wants. That's great. I mean, if you are great-looking, if you are a male model, if you are rich or famous or whatever, then it's easy, you know? All you have got to do is go up and start talking to someone—I mean god, if you are really good-looking, or you are really famous or a rock star, you do not even have to do step one, they walk up and do it for you! But if you are her type. It is very easy. Again, if you walk up and say hello, and if you are her type, if you are rich and famous or good-looking, or she perceives that you are in the right age bracket or social bracket or whatever, then getting her to stay for two minutes or 10 minutes and just talk to you is pretty easy to do. That's all the excuse you need too because you are her type. Ok? Now there are a lot of guys out there that talk about "Oh, this is my technique to meet women, and this is what I do to meet women. " There is a lot of guys that have different approaches and what they are not telling you is, these guys are pretty fortunate. There is a big section of women out there that for those women, that guy is her type. So it's easy for them. All they have got to do is walk up, all they have got to do is open their mouth, and it's not hard, all they have to do is not screw up and she will sit there and talk. For the average guy for the average Joe, or you know,... If you are maybe the average guy, and she is really good-looking, or maybe she is really well-off or has a lot of social proof, for a lot of guys we have to give her a reason. But hey, this is an option. If you 're her type, basically, you can just roll through this step, is very easy to do. It's basically a matter of don't screw up. Do not put off a weird energy. Don't be intimidated. Just be comfortable and be relaxed, and it's fine. Just by virtue of who you are, you will be able to get and keep her attention very easily. Ok?

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D6-T6 Now the other option here in step two and... I'm going to skip ahead here, because I want to make a point. One option is to "be funny". Be funny. If you are humorous, if you make somebody laugh, it's good for so many reasons. It really is. Think about it. If you are able to make someone laugh, typically that is an indicator that you are not nervous, that you are relaxed. Let's face it, if you are nervous or fearful, if your subconscious is giving you a fear response, it is not very easy for you to be funny, isn't it? Especially spontaneous humor? So, you being humorous, you being funny, you making her laugh, is a way to demonstrate that you 're relaxed and that you are comfortable. Her subconscious perceives that as something that is safe, it's a good rapport building thing. If you are sitting there and fearful of somebody, it's hard to laugh around them, isn't it? But if you are relaxed and you are comfortable, it's easier to laugh. If you are laughing, it tends to be indicative that you are relaxed and comfortable. So it works both ways. Ok? D6-T7 Being funny has its advantages in terms of rapport building, in terms of somebody being relaxed. However, let's look at the context. Obviously, Step three, (looking ahead) is "direct the conversation and ramp interest" you want her to start (later on in this process) thinking of you in a sexual fashion, or being attracted to you want something physical to happen. Now, if you are being funny, and you are being the clown (you know) you can get and keep her attention, you have got her there, you have an audience. But now, there is kind of a shift now. See to go from being the clown, or being humorous, to being somebody that she is attracted to, can take quite a shift. So, being funny works. It's a great way of building rapport. It's a great way of her being relaxed around you. You can get a lot of embedded commands and you can do a lot of great things, you can anchor the state like crazy—it's wonderful in terms of rapport building, comfort, familiarity, fantastic! However, down the road, you're going to have to make a major shift, because most women are not laughing when they are kissing you! Hopefully they're not, ok? It's hard for a lot of women to go directly from thinking of you as the clown or humorous to being attracted to you in a romantic fashion. So, being funny is great initially, it does have a little bit of a challenge in terms of shifting the energy over of the interaction to something more of a romantic or sexual nature. But it is a great option and you know, if you can be funny for the first 10 minutes, they are so opened up, they're so relaxed, they're so comfortable, that it is easy to keep somebody around for a while. D6-T8 Plus, think of this. If you are funny, you don 7 have to be funny all the time. There is an amazing power in being able to be funny, make somebody laugh, make them feel comfortable. You know, you are sitting there and they're laughing, and then you go "... it's really funny that you laughed about that because some friends and I were talking about this... and we were saying that etc. etc. etc.... " See, making humor a part of your approach, making humor a part of your technique, is a great way to incorporate fractionation. Imagine the power of being able to talk to somebody and have them laughing and having a good time and they're joking and having that energy of humor, and then you shift from that and g o . . . "You know, that's really great that you are laughing at that because you know, I've know some friends of mine that they're so busy in their lives, they just can't stop... and really appreciate when they're having a good time,... and really relax. I mean, I've got stress going on... people have stuff going on in their lives but if you can't stop and laugh or allow yourself to meet new

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people and enjoy this, then, what's the point? What's the point of going through all of the stress, and trying to achieve anything? And that reminds me of a joke,... " and then you tell her a joke but... You see what I'm saying? Remember we talked about fractionation? That push and pull? That tension and release, that trance state, and out of a trance state? That access of the subconscious and then pulling out as it were? Humor, and being funny, provides you with a fantastic tool, because the power of going from something really compelling and really fascinating and really interesting, and then something humorous for a while and funny and joking, and then back to being fascinating and interesting... The power of that scenario is amazing. It is incredible, and some of the best guys that I've seen use this technology are able to do that, bounce back and forth. It's really fantastic, if you can be funny, it is a great option for you. D6-T9 Now, for just a moment or two more, I want talk about being humorous and being funny. Some guys say "you are either funny or you are not" Well, you are either funny or you are not funny. Can you become funny? Yeah I mean, I told a lot of people that I've consulted with, or that I've coached, look, hey, there's joke web sites, you know... We talked about this before on the product. The power of jokes. There's joke web sites. Go watch standup comedy routines. Rent videos with standup comedy routines. Watch them like crazy, ok? Some of the sitcoms today are rather boring, and not very original, but watch your favorites. Again, put your mind into an atmosphere and into an environment where humor is something that is prevalent, where humor is a part of what you experience. The more you do that, the more your mind will start to think in that fashion. The more your mind starts to naturally think in that fashion, the more you are able to naturally communicate in that fashion and be funny. Does that make sense? Does that sound familiar to the way that I've talked to you about training yourself with these materials, with Speed Seduction®. Yeah, it's the same thing. Okay? So get those comedy videos. You know, this is a tough assignment here guys, because I know this sounds really arduous and difficult. I know it is going to be really difficult for you, but let us see if you can do this. Go rent some standup comedy videos. There's great DVDs and videotapes of great performers, watch them. You know, I'm not saying necessarily that each of you should try to copy their acts or say their jokes verbatim, but it will give you material, ok? You can even say "hey, I was watching this great comedy video the other night and the guy said this... " Ok? It's more material. It is another approach, and again, if you are being funny it's a reason for her to want to talk to you. It is an easy way to get and keep her attention. D6-T10 Now, another option we have here in step two of getting and keeping her attention is "make her feel interesting. " Look, it's a common phenomenon of everybody... Everybody likes the idea of feeling important. If you feel that other people hold you at some level of the esteem, or hold you at some level of appreciation, then you feel better about yourself. They tend to be—look at the diagram of the conscious and subconscious—remember about safety and security? Ok? You feel better if you believe that other people hold you at some high level of regard, they will tend to be allies of yours. Remember the herd mentality? You see how this all works?

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See, people want to be interesting. They want to feel that others find that their opinion matters. Now, you can ask for the opinion of someone else, you can make someone else feel interesting, without giving up your own power. Again, this is getting back to some other stuff like... Remember the opinion opener in step one? So many guys are so worried about asking a woman's opinion, because they do not want to come off as needy or supplicating or whatever. When I talk about making her feel interesting, I'm not saying sit there and go "oh you are so wonderful and you are so interesting... ". No! It's ok to sit there and powerfully, comfortably, be a man and talk to her and say "you know, that is really fascinating, what you do for a living, what is it about that you really enjoy (or)... I've always been interested in that line of work, why did you get into that?" She is going to talk about herself. D6-T11 You guys that are a little bit nervous about what to say and what to do, you know the easiest way to get through step two? Let her do all the work! Yeah, ask her questions. Make her feel interesting. Again, don't do it as a wimp. You are not sitting there saying, "oh, I worship you and I want you to feel interesting and amazing, and I just put you up on the highest pedestal... ". No! You are just sitting there asking, "Wow, well what is it that you do? Why do you like that? Is that a fun job to do, why you get into that? What part of you is that sort of serving or, do you feel that allows you to grow or to be a better person. " There are so many ways to work around this that I could just go off on it for an hour on this topic alone. But you know, you can make her feel interesting, again, by asking her opinion. Asking what she thinks about something, ask her about men and women, ask her about... Look at this product we are talking about here, you guys want material to talk to women about—ask women about—maybe not this product specifically—but the things we are talking about, How men and women may think differently about stuff, about the process of getting to know somebody, of getting to know them even better,... In fact, you can even say "say, you know you were reading something about the way that men and women get to know each other, and it was saying that, you know, women are really able to analyze guys on a lot of different levels, does she think that's true? That men tend to be a little bit more superficial and that women are able to see a lot more depth?" That is one of the things we are talking about here isn't it? You can ask her opinion on that. You are talking to her. If you have got a good energy about it, she will think, wow... she's going to feel interesting, like her opinion matters, she is going to want to talk to you, your going to be successfully into step two, which is to get and keep her attention. D6-T12 Probably the most common approach to step two that a lot of you guys think of, and it's probably one of the more effective ones is to "be very interesting. " Just be very interesting. Now what do I mean by that? Meaning, look, maybe you are not her type, maybe you can't sit there and joke around or whatever, and maybe making her feel interesting isn't your bag. But let's say you have got some interesting skill, interesting knowledge, interesting thing to demonstrate to her or to tell her. Ok? If you are interesting, and she finds that interesting enough for her, it's going to be pretty easy to get and keep her attention isn't it? I mean that just makes sense. I mean, when you've heard of guys talk about sitting there and doing demonstrations (remember when we talked about that before) see all you

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are doing with the demo... Now, the demos can have a secondary thing, or you might be manipulating their energy or moving their pictures around or something like that... But if you are doing a demonstration, it is something interesting. It's a reason she should talk to you. Ok? It's fun to hang around and somebody's showing you something cool, you will give them a few minutes of your time. It is a way to get and keep someone's attention. So the things that you have heard mentioned about like doing handwriting analysis, or doing palmistry or things like the Cube or guys doing these different demonstrations with somebody's energy or showing someone how anchors work or moving their pictures around, what are these? They're demos. They are a reason for somebody to want to talk you. You know I've heard somebody guys say "well, that's a crutch". Well, you know, some guys get and keep attention by talking about their job, or being an interesting guy, or finding a way to talk about what it is they do, or whatever. Some guys can get and keep their attention by just being in interesting guy or being their type. Remember that was one of the options, wasn't it? You know, some guys keep their attention by being funny, etc. But if you have got something interesting to show her, if you're interesting because of your stories, if you are interesting because of things that you can convey, then they'll want to talk to you. Ok? D6-T13 Now, how can you be very interesting? There are different ways to do it. You can have stories that you tell. You know, interesting anecdotes. You can share some piece of information. Ok? You can give a demonstration, show them something, again, being very interesting. Think about it,... This is where some of these guys that are musicians and artists or things like that—they're very interesting aren't they—if a woman is into that kind of guy. A guy that knows how to do palmistry or handwriting analysis, that's a reason they might want to talk to you isn't it? Some guys learn stuff like magic tricks, I know some of you have heard of that. Ok? It is the same thing, it's a reason that they will want to sit and talk to you. Ok? Now sometimes being interesting might be the clothes that you wear. It may be that you are sitting there and you have got some outrageous outfit on, and that gets her interest. Now again, if it's just an interesting piece of clothing, or an interesting outfit, you know—where do you go from there? If you have got nothing to do other than that, then you are kind of stuck, but it is an option. It'll get their attention, you know, a piece of clothing might not keep their attention—you've got to have something else beyond that—but it is a way to get their attention. Ok? So just be very interesting is a way to go. D6-T14 If you're naturally able to talk to people, ask them questions or do any of these options, that is fantastic. Go for it. But if you are trying to learn, if you are trying to really get better at these skills, you'll want to look at this option of being very interesting, and all of these options frankly, and really map out which one that you are going to work on. Think about it. Like for the most part, if you are listening to this product, chances are that the option of "be what she wants" or where, I mean, you just are the type of guy that she wants, it's probably not your situation, or you probably would not have this product. So then you really have to look at this and say look, you might get through step one by just saying something to a woman and engaging in a conversation. Fine. But now, the reality of it is "why should she talk to you". Ok?

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Now if you guys want to work on your skills, what you have to do realistically is say, What are you going to do? Are you in going to come up with a way to be very funny? Are you going to work on that? Are you going to have some sort of a series of questions, or ways to make her feel interesting by asking her opinion or discussing something with her that can make her feel interesting or important? Or are you going to develop some way for yourself to be very interesting to her? Those are your options. This is a way for you to really look at the situation and really break it down. This is where we are getting into the application guys! This is the real world! You have to look at your life and what you have to offer and give her a reason to talk to you. How are you going to get and keep her attention? Step 2 Reality: Get and Keep Her Attention So if you have been studying these technologies for a while, you have undoubtedly heard of SO many references to these sort of "demos" and various ways to "show her something about herself or to "show her something really cool". Does this make more sense now as to why that may be important? This is one of these areas where you REALLY need to sit and face reality and figure out—what will YOU do to get and keep attention?!?! Don't ignore this, don't brush this off as academic. It's Reality. Face it. Really consider this and find a solution, or better yet a set of solutions that work for YOU. And again, did you write those various options down on the diagram? You need to do that before moving on.

D6-T15 Now, if you think that naturally or magically, you are just going to say whatever, and she's going to want to spend 10 minutes with you... Remember, chances are she's got somewhere to go or something to do. So the way to apply this is to, coldly, look at this step, look at those options, and figure out what are. you going to do and what do you have to offer. Are you interesting enough, do you have—I hate saying the word "gimmick", because there are negative connotations but,... Do you have something to show her? Do you have something to ask her? Do you have something to demonstrate?

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Or are you naturally able to just chat somebody up and be an interesting person for 10 minutes? If the answer to all those is no, then you have got some work to do. You need to sit down and figure out why should she talk to you. Why should she spend (you know) five to 15 minutes with you, or one to 15 minutes with you. How are you going to get and keep her attention? D6-T16 I hope that taking the time to break this step out is really help you in terms of the reality of this, because a lot of guys have gotten hung up on step two. I know some of these guys that are fearful of step one and really when I look at it, the issue is not step one, the issue i s . . . They are worried what is going to happen right after step one is done, and it stares them right in the face. Now that's kind of cold, but the reality is, you have got to have a reason for her to want to stick around. Or else,... It is that awkward situation... Do you ever do that? You say hi or whatever, "hey hi, how are you doing (yeah ) what's your name? Oh, Sandy? Yeah, my name is Dave, " - you've got nowhere to go! You have got nothing to do! . I mean, I just did step one. Now what you do? Where do you go from there? Ok, this is something that's really hanging a lot of guys up. This is something you need to work on. D6-T17 Now look back at what we've dealt with. Look back at the tools hierarchy. You can have patterns, demos jokes, those are some things that you can work on to incorporate into step two. Look at the conscious and subconscious mind, remember, you want to have that trained. If you are going to be funny, if you are going to be very interesting, you want to put effort into it, you will want to be engaged in the process. You know this is why I said, if you want to be funny, listen to a lot of funny stuff put energy into that, change your life to be funny 000 T

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Process Step 3

D6-T18 Step three in the Speed Seduction® process "direct the conversation and ramp interest. " Well, this is where a lot of the work is going to be done—if you want to consider it work, you can—but I think this is where a lot of the wonderful things of Speed Seduction® can really happen. This is the part where you are really using the languaging and where you are really appealing to the parts of her that are really monitoring what kind of person you are, what she wants, what's going to interest her and what is going to excite her. This is a part where a lot of the magical stuff happens. So we are going to spend a little bit more time on this and we are going to get into some detail. I'll talk later about this in the overall context, but let us look at step three "direct conversation and ramp interest. Now, after getting through the earlier steps that we had talked about, you have got her attention. She is talking to you. But you want to find a way to get across to her subconscious that you are the kind of guy that she would like to be with. Now, you may, or you have presumably have passed some initial screening, maybe she has thought of you in a certain way, just due to the way that you look, or whatever, but what you want to do here is you want to find a way to appeal to the part of her that is really making the decision, so that she decides that you are the kind of guy that she wants to be with. Now, what part of her is really making the decision guys? It is her subconscious. And it's those other magical parts of her, not necessarily the parts that are looking at you in terms of facts and figures and data and numbers and things like that. Ok? Now, let us be realistic here. Yes, even at this stage, the facts and figures and the conscious mind is definitely an aspect of the interaction, because we have to have a social component to what we are doing. We are talking, we are having a conversation. You have to be able to continue a conversation and have a conversation with a woman for some period of time for all these steps to work. And even at this step, you know what? The numbers, the data, the information, the process by which the conscious mind is screening for potential guys, those things are a factor here, even at step three, and something that you must address. I mean, yeah, it's going to be a little easier for you if you are better looking or its going to be a little easier for you if you are more close to her typical "type". However, even if those things are not in your favor, with the correct application of the skills, you can overcome those things. Ok? You can really be the kind of guy that she is really looking for—that her subconscious is really looking for. D6-T19 Now, remember what we talked about in the early steps, when we talked about the structure of a woman's mind—or of anybody's mind for that matter—what were we speaking of? We were speaking of what the subconscious is looking for. What it the subconscious looking for is looking for safety and security. It has a herd mentality it's evaluating things on multiple levels—remember we talked about that, ok? It is doing parallel processing. It is looking at various means of assessing who you are, like all of her senses are tuned in she is watching, listening, learning. Ok? All of the senses are tuned in, OK? So that is what you want to be aware of in step three. Now we have to find a way to get her subconscious to like you. Now that sounds familiar, doesn't it? That is why a rapport is such a big issue at this point, because her subconscious is going to be more open. She is going to be more receptive to what you have to say, and how you are saying it, and to where you want to lead her if you have good rapport. Because remember, rapport in my definition, is Page 112

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that ability of her subconscious to know that you are kind of an "ally" that you're subconscious and her subconscious have sort of an "agreement" if you will, and she recognizes that you are to some extent, similar to her. Ok? There is nothing to fear. It is the opposite of fear, you are an ally, she is comfortable. There's rapport. So that is very important that you have that at this stage. Ok again, there are a lot of great rapport tools out there, and I'm not going to get into detail about all of them here. But we want to find a way to get her subconscious to look at you in a certain way. Now... D6-T20 There is kind of four main ways to do that. And what I mean is, we are basically trying to find a way to reach into her subconscious (for lack of a better word) and to find ways to have her subconscious look at you in a positive fashion, and it basically comes down to four different main areas that we can use. Ok? Four different main approaches here in step three, and when I say this, what I mean by approaches is this,... Her subconscious has certain things that it's looking for, certain structures that it's looking for, things that will appeal to it. They could be certain roles that are appealing, it could be certain things about her environment that make her feel safe, that make her feel excited. It could be certain things in terms of what she is looking for... You being similar to other people she knows, the differences between you and other people she knows, maybe certain languaging she is looking for... All these things I am listing right now they are all aspects of her subconscious. Remember, we did the mind map before? If you look at that mind map now, you will see the what we're doing is trying to look at the way the subconscious views things, and with the knowledge of that, we have to direct those means of assessment in your favor. Meaning, knowing that she looks at things in terms of symbols, you're going to find a way for you to symbolize something good. Knowing that roles are important to the subconscious, you want to find a way for you to be in a good role. Make sense? That's really what we are doing a lot here with step three, and with step three basically, there are several distinct ways to approach it. D6-T21 Now what I've done with step three here is... I've broken it down into four main ways, and again as typical, I'm going to just go through them quickly and just summarize them, and that we are going to go into each in detail. So let's go, and again, this is a time for you to look at your workbook and to write these things down and take notes for yourself because I want you to be involved in this process. Ok? So in step three, what are these different options that we have? The first is "create". You are creating things that her subconscious. The second is "assume", what is in her subconscious, assume something is already there and you are just going to use it. Make sense? The third option is to "utilize" what is that her subconscious. To find something that's there and you are going to use in your favor. The fourth option is to "remap" things that are in her subconscious already. Find something that's there

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that might work in your favor and remap it, reroute it, in a way that's going to work for you. Now those of the four main options we have here in step three. Let us talk about each one in particular. D6-T22 Now, the first option we have like I said was to create things in her subconscious. Now, this is what a lot of guys think they are going to do. They think that from scratch their going to go and, you know, talk to a woman and create all of the structures that the woman needs, or create all of the means by which the woman is going to like you from scratch. Sounds interesting, doesn't it? It's a lot of work, ok, and this tends to be what happens if you find somebody (you know)... Sometimes you will find someone and you may be using really persuasive languaging and using a lot of even prewritten patterns, and they're just like a sponge, they're soaking it all up. It may seem appealing in one way, but the bottom line i s . . . There's nothing there. Let us put it this way. They have very little in their subconscious that you can work with, again,... Think about it in terms of... Remember the mind map, and what the subconscious has in it? Think about creating this stuff. Meaning, there is no roles in there that she could really use, Ok? There is none of the structures that we talked about before that you are going to be able to use in your favor. Okay? There's no symbols in there that you can use and work with. In terms of comparing you, the similarities and differences between you and other people,... There is nothing there to really work with. All right? So, because of that, it's a lot of work. You have to create things absolutely from scratch and then direct them in the way that you wish. Now you could do that by appealing to her most basic, basic, basic instincts. Now I do not want to get into a big discussion of this here, because it's almost unreasonable to try this approach. This is what happens when you have got somebody that is really not too smart (to put it as positively as I can), Ok? In this case, you have to go in there and do so much work, and put in so much effort that it's really not worth it. Leave that person for someone else. Ok? And, one of the dangers is, if you create the very things in their subconscious—if you have to create roles, create symbols, create these means of comparison, create processes in their mind, create all of the languaging and everything in her mind —if you have to create all that stuff, then you become the embodiment of all that stuff. You are those things. You become the role, the symbol, the thing to which all other things are compared in these subjects. That's kind of scary, because now you are the way that she becomes fulfilled in this area of her life, and that's a scary thing. That is a lot of responsibility, and I'm pretty sure that a lot of you are just not ready to accept it. Ok? So that first option, "create things in her subconscious to work with"... god, that's a lot of work guys, and I really do not recommend that and if you find somebody who... were you think it is the only real approach, there is really nothing there to work with, I suggest you move on. D6-T23 See... What we are talking about here in this step three, really, is finding a way to talk to them conversationally, and what you are doing is you you've got to find something there that you can work with. You've got to find something in her subconscious—really that is what we are talking about—that you are going to appeal to. You can either be who you are and what you are, and it just turns out that there are just things in her that respond to you, that is great. You know if that works in your favor, go for it, because there are things at her subconscious that you will be able to use and utilize. If you find a way to do that, that is a great approach to work with.

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The challenge here is finding a way to conversationally to do this and this is where, you talk about subjects with some depth. You talk about subjects that deal with (you know)... What are people like? What do you like to do? What do you find interesting? What you think is the difference between men and women? How you look at the way that men and women communicate? What do you like about your past relationships? What do you find really interesting? What you find really exciting? See? When you ask questions like these... When you talk about subjects like these in step three, or in any step of this process,... What you are listening for is information. What does she like, what's her subconscious telling you, what's her mind telling you about what appeals to her, what really fascinates her? And again, she might be telling you about what she enjoys doing, what is exciting, and you are sitting you are thinking, "What roles is she talking about here, what are the processes in her subconscious that I can work with ". That is the way you are listening. Now, it is not as clinical as, well, "she is talking about skydiving and I'm listing for the internal processes... ", no it is not that clinical. She is talking about skydiving for example, and saying it is "so exciting, the way it makes you feel, and it's so energetic and I feel like I'm doing something wild that I've always wanted to do"... Well, those descriptions are things in her subconscious. She is talking to

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So you are assuming something's there, you can talk about it, hopefully you get a "hit"— meaning, you assume it's there and hopefully it is—and then, if it is there, you can evoke it by using all of the SS tools that we have talked about. Then you map it back to you, and link it to you by pointing to yourself and using some of the linkage phrases—you know, "now with me", things like that—and then basically what you are doing in step three is that you are directing the conversation in that way, and you are ramping interest. She starts to associate you with connections, she starts to associate you with being excited, or anticipation,... see how that works? That's how this works. D6-T26 All right? Now, "assuming" is a good way to go, and it is a good way to learn about women, and good way to learn the tools and to learn the processes that we are talking about. It can work in the field. It has it's limits because every person, every woman, is unique. Every woman has unique structures in her mind, and so it's good to have a little bit more flexibility, but you know, assuming things is good because it gives you material to work with. Hey, if you find what are the eight or ten most common themes or what are the most common things that women tend to want to talk about, and connect to, if you have a way to talk about those subjects, if you learn about those subjects, if you find yourself being interested in those subjects, and you can converse on them, great. Because, look... If you pick six or eight subjects that women are familiar with and interested in... Learn about them, find ways to talk about them, riff on them, be able to come up with SS languaging about them, well you know it won't be a bad approach to assume that (you know) with some reasonable women that they are going to have at least some of those things appeal to them. Then you can talk to them about them. Then you've got material to work with ok? So that is what I'm talking about with assume. You are assuming that the things are there. It's great for practicing it's great for learning, and it is going to actually get you set up for a lot more effectiveness in the field and a lot more success in applying this material. D6-T27 Now the third option here, we're on step three, again, directing the conversation and ramping interest. Now the third option is to "utilize" what is in her subconscious. Now this is similar to assume in what we are doing i s . . . You are talking to somebody—this does involve talking to them, remember. You're going to talk to a woman. You are going to spend time with her. You are going to have discussions about, what does she like, what does she not like. What is she interested in? How does it make her feel? Why does that matter to her? Ok? What are you doing? You are asking her questions. You are finding out about who she is. You are listening to how she responds. You are listening to the words she uses. Why? Because we want to find out what matters to her. What are the roles that mean something to her how the she compare and contrast things in her mind. Ok. What are the structures that are in her mind that mean something to her. Ok? Again, does that sound familiar? Remember, you know... back... I'm flipping through my pages here too to follow along with you because I want you to do that, ok? You need to go back and look at those tools that are in the hierarchy. Ok? And you need to look at the map of the mind... What we are talking about here, because you want to have that discussion with her where you find out is what is in her subconscious and then you utilize it.

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See back with assuming, we sort of had some blind assumptions about what is in there. What is she like, what roles appeal to her, what she has to have to feel safe and excited, or anticipate things. Fine. In utilizing what you are doing here in this option is your going to talk to her, ask her questions, find out what's there and utilize it. So if you find out for her that what makes her feel really excited is taking chances. Well then, don't talk to her about chocolate making her feel excited—talk to her about what it is like to take chances! Ok? If you find to her that she... For her what really matters is trusting her instincts. Ok. She says, I just know when something is right. I just know when someone is right for me. Ok, she is telling you that that's her process. Okay? You want to utilize that. What do you do? You talk about it. Ok. You are evoking that. She is giving you some sort of hint as to what is in her subconscious. Ok? And then you want to direct that towards you, so you talk to her about what it is like when... You just know when someone is right for her. How does that feel? How does she know that that's happening? Can that happened instantaneously like when she is talking to somebody? Can she come up with examples? When she is talking about that, you are linking it to yourself. You are using linkage phrases. You are pointing to yourself. When she enters that state, maybe you touch her and you anchor her. See how it works? Remember, go back to the mind map, go back to the tools hierarchy. That's how it works. Ok, you're going to find that... you are going to find out what is in her subconscious and then utilize it in your favor, and you know, this works tremendously well.

This works tremendously well, because... It works well with assuming too because you are integrating them. You might start talking about somebody assuming things are there, have some discussions, find out some of them are right, some of them are wrong, but then afc( touc) Tj0.00r a while, you find out that she's g other things that you did not even know about; more ideas. Things that she uses in her subconscious to decide when something, or someone, is right for her. Ok then utilize that. Talk to her about that. Get her to experience it. Get her to talk about what it's like, what are the signs to herself, how does she know when that happens. When you talk about those things and ask her about those things you utilize it by linking it back to you. Does that make sense? I certainly hope it does, because this is the meat—this is where it all happens. Ok? Now again, I can't give you every technique. I can't give you every tactic here, but I'm trying to show you how it all fits into the greater parts, so that when you are learning this and when you are doing this in the real world you'll have an idea of what you are doing and how it is working for you. Ok? D6-T28 Now the fourth option that we have, here we are at step three, and we are at the fourth option, what we call "remap" things that are in her subconscious. Now what does that mean? Well, if you consider the aspects of somebody's conscious and subconscious mind, it's almost like there is a hierarchy to that (once again). Meaning, some things are more basic, and by basic, I mean at the base. They're very important, and there at the lowest, most significant levels of who we are, so that their almost instinctual. Ok? And then some things are more fleeting or lighthearted, so let me give you an example.

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"Oh yeah, I had a friend too and she was really into extreme sports and everything and she was really into that, and then she got even more depth and then she said, you know, what really got fascinating for her was learning how to be into new and exciting people, I mean she used to really be concerned about this type of person, and this type a friend or even this type of guy, that those were the only ones she would hang out with. But then she got to the point where she learned that really deciding that she wanted to spend time with somebody new, and somebody different, was tremendously exciting... Because she learned for herself that ultimately, she can judge what kind of person this was. She could take the risk of being with somebody like that, and it was so thrilling, because now here's somebody new and different and totally different walk of life. Maybe this person comes from a different part of town. Maybe this person looks differently from what you are used to. Maybe this person is a different age or a different background, but that... She found that that was so exciting, and that really started to turn her on. I mean, she still does... She still jumps out of airplanes. She still does skydiving and still does snowboarding and things like that, but she really get into the... You know, she get so bored with these guys that were like her age and into all the same stuff. She started to go out with different people. You know, hang outl l

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attention so that they think you are an interesting person and they want to talk to you, then step three is a lot easier, because you have a captive audience. You're talking about interesting and fascinating stuff, and you are using all of those Speed Seduction® tools in the process. Ok? Step three is very powerful because you are finding... You are actually showing her a better way to experience life. You are showing her that you can be the way she experiences wonderful things. You know, maybe not. Maybe she is just not there. Maybe you find out that you have to create too much stuff. Maybe you assume some things are in her subconscious and they just aren't there or there is nothing really worthwhile to utilize. Part of step three that's very important, that I want you to consider is you, and you looking at her. You may find that... You know what? That girl, that woman, that babe or whatever that was really hot at step one, and (ok) alright to talk to at step two, sometimes by step three... They are just not all that interesting. Yes, there is more to a woman than simply how they look, and a lot of times you may get to the point with step three with somebody were you go, you know, this person doesn't have the level of depth and they really don't have something I can work with, or something that I'm interested in working with. One of the most powerful things of get into any these steps is to have your own criteria for yourself as to what you like, what you enjoy, what you don't like, what you will not tolerate and what you will. It's very important and a lot of times, what you are going to see is you might have a lot of women get through the step one, and less trough step two, less through step three etc., But also the more you become familiar with these tools and the better you get, and the more you understand them you are going to have more criteria for yourself. And you know, the more that you have a life full options and you know you can meet different people and different women, step three is going to be a big qualifier for you, because most of the guys I know that are experienced with this material they have their own set of criteria that they look for. Step three is not just about finding stuff to use, or assuming that this is there, or utilizing it or remapping it. Step three becomes... "Let's see what kind of woman she is. Let's see if she has the sort of things that I find appealing. Let's see if this is the kind of person that I can give this wonderful gift to of using these materials, using these techniques and tools to show her wonderful things about herself and about experiencing the world. " You may find that you are going to develop your own set of criteria in step three and a lot of women aren't going to pass it. You know what? That's fine. Part of this is about developing self-respect and your own set of standards that go beyond just how she looks. And the irony is the more you have those standards, the better off you are in terms of your success, because that rolls back into the earlier steps. D6-T32 Remember, if you walk up to somebody at step one and you're desperate and really dying for their attention or approval, they are going to sense it. But if you are the sort of guy that... well, step

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three is one where you are not just trying to convince her of something, you are also screening to she is the sort of person that you like, if that is the kind of man that you become, then at step one you are going to have that comfortable, casual, confident air about you that says "Well, ok, it's great, and I'll talk to her for a moment or two, but I'm still not convinced, I mean, she looks great, but you know later on, a couple steps down the line we'll see what she's really about as a person. " And ironically, having that frame of mind makes you so much more powerful, at every step of the way. And so much more powerful at... you know those early steps were there's a lot of nonverbal communication going on, and her subconscious just perceives the kind of person that you are. So all of these steps help all the other steps, and the better you get at step three for example, the better you will be in step one, because your energy is going to be better, and step two. It works all around. I hope that helps, and I hope spending this additional time on step three has helped you to better understand it and better able to go and do it in utilize it in the real world. Again, application is what it all is about. Step 3 Reality: Direct The Conversation and Ramp Interest Here at Step 3 is where we are really seeing it all start to "come together". For many guys a lot of what they have learned and studied in this technology really comes out and provides a lot of power and effectiveness at this step. This is where the "magic" happens in many ways. How can you get better at Step 3? Look, we could theorize all day long about various scenarios, and various things you can say and do, but nothing will ever match the ability of a guy to be able to decide, in real-time, in-the-moment, thenand-there, what is best to do. We could predict various scenarios forever, and you could walk out tomorrow and find something that had not been planned for! The best way to prepare is to be very very familiar with how people's minds work, and what tools that you have at your disposal—does that sound familiar?!? See, the reason we went into all of that discussion about the Mind, and the mind map, was so that you will really be ready for "anything". So that you really "know" what to do. Now such understanding does not happen overnight, but the more you listen learn, and study, and use these tools in the real world, the better you get. Knowing how the mind works will help a great deal, so be sure to study and pay attention to that mind map that we went over earlier in the product. And also, the best tool that you can have for yourself is this; A genuine curiosity about people, how they think, and what motivates them. That will carry you farther than any other tool or technique ever will. And with that (oh, and you did write down those options onto that diagram—right?) let's move on. _____

So, go through those methods of step three. Go through those different options,... Create - Not much work you can do there.

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Assume - Think of what we talked about. I rattled off a bunch of common things that are in a lot of people's subconscious, a lot of women's subconscious. So think about that in terms of having some material to talk about, not necessarily pre-scripted patterns. But just be able to talk about the subjects and look for what's appealing to her. Utilize - Ok, now look at the nature of the questions we asked. How does it feel to you? What is that manner? What is the process?... What are those questions about? Those questions are a way to find out what's in her subconscious that you can utilize. That's the whole point of those. Does that make sense now? You have heard those questions talked about for years. And then the fourth thing... Remapping - again, you are finding out who she is, you are showing her different, wonderful, new ways to experience those things. And, if it's experienced with you, that all much the better. So I hope this section has helped you. This section, step three of the overall process. With that done, let's move on.

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Process Step 4

D7-T1 Step four in the Speed Seduction® process, what I call "the close", or closing, or closing a woman. You have probably heard this discussed and talked about in many different products in many different form and venues. Now when I say closing a woman what I typically mean in this context is, you're initiating some sort of physical contact, romantic physical contact, like a kiss or something like that. OK? I know there are guys that get into discussions of things like, you know, a phone number close an e-mail close etc. etc. We can get into a discussion of those things later, I'll mention them briefly, but for our purposes here we are talking about actually leaning over and kissing woman. OK? That's basically it. Now... look... Let us put this in the context of steps one, two, three, and four, OK? Now, I am not going to get into details here about anything sexual, or touch this and stroke that or anything like that, But if you have done steps one, two, and three really well, step four is pretty easy. See a lot of guys get very upset about having step four go well and how you are going to do step four and how step four is going to come across. Let's get real. Most first kisses that most guys have with most women are not like they are in the movies. Okay? First off, you do not have an orchestra behind you, playing love songs behind you. It tends to be what it is—It's a first kiss. There is ways to make it easier, but it is not like it is in the movies. Okay? If you have done good work at steps one, two, and three then, step four becomes a lot easier. Let may give you an example. Most of the time when you are ready (at step four) to kiss somebody, or to close, or whatever term you want to use... Let me ask you this, how many times before that have you touched her? I don't mean in a sexual way, I mean just touched her like a hand on a hand or touching her arm or shoulder or putting and arm around her? See if you have spent all this time with somebody, all these earlier steps, and you have never touched her, in any capacity, then leaning in and going across that... Boy can seem like the longest two feet in the world can't it—Leaning in to kiss somebody? If you have never touched her, if Page 123

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you have never put arm around her, you have never touched her hand or her arm, or her shoulder, or anything like that, then that two feet is one of the longest two feet you are ever going to encounter in your life. OK? Why? D7-T2 Think about it, again, look back on the diagram of how the mind works. Her subconscious is looking for safety and security. She is monitoring the situation on some level of her mind to see she has good report with you, is she comfortable with what is going on, is what is happening, what she wants to have happen. Now if you have spent some time with her and then at some point, playfully, you touched her hand, and then maybe touched her arm, maybe put a hand around her. If you have done that repeatedly, then her, and her mind, and her subconscious, and all the parts of herself are getting used to the fact that you've touched her. OK? There is a sort of an "alarm bell "that can go off the first time somebody physically touches you. If you have got great rapport or if you're laughing when it happens... remember what I said, get some humor and at a good time leaned forward and maybe you know, touch are on the shoulder or something like that—do you understand why now? See, if you have never touched her, if you have never anchored her at all, or never got a touch or anything like that, when you do lean across to kiss her... It's not just a matter that your kissing her, it is the first time you touched her! OK, and that can raise a lot of arm belts. That is a lot to have happen at once. But if throughout the course of the evening you leaned in, touched her, touched her back maybe, maybe put arm around her, maybe not—again, none of that has to be sexual. I am just saying if you have initiated some sort of physical contact, even if it's innocuous and has no sexual or romantic component at all, if you have initiated some form of repeated physical contact, then all of a sudden, the kiss isn't anywhere near as alarming. It's actually a lot easier to have happen. It easier for you, because you have already touched her a few times. It's easier for her because she has already been touched a few times. Her subconscious does not send up a bunch of alarm bells going "oh my god the guy's going touch me, and he is getting ready to kiss me". OK? If that is all happening at once it can be pretty risky. See? This is what some guys refer to what they are talking about touching or "kino" or whatever. It helps indirectly, because what you are doing is your getting her used to the idea of touching you or getting touched by you OK? D7-T3 Now, I want to look back again to another concept we talked about earlier, see that... See this is all going to start to fit together in your mind now. You are going to start to see how the different components work together—remember we talked about the concept of fractionation, how doing something repeatedly helps, it has an additive effect to it? OK? Maybe the first time you touched somebody:.; You know, let us face it, if you walk up and you don't have rapport, and you touched somebody with than 20 seconds, it can be a little bit of an alarming thing. But if you get some rapport and you touched, and then withdraw and then some time later, you touched them and withdraw, and sometime later touched them and withdraw... this repeated action... There might on some level of her subconscious on some level of her mind there maybe a bit of a concern or an alarm early on, that "oh boy, he is touching me". But after several instances, after spending time, after having good rapport, after seeing that your energy and everything is in the right way, maybe you're are laughing having a good time, the energy is good, you touch you pull back, you touch you pull back. You might... Again, I do not mean touching by groping, guys I am just saying touching someone! OK? You do that enough times, It's like fractionation she gets used to it. She becomes comfortable with the idea of it, see?

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When you have done that, when you spend time with somebody at those earlier stays steps, when you feel comfortable leaning and touching them to some degree—all of a sudden, the idea of kissing them is a lot easier, isn't it? Because now it's just a matter of kissing them. It's not a matter of it being the first time you have gotten near them, the first time you have touched them, the first time you have leaned in towards them, you have done that already. Those things are something she is used to after you have spent some time with her. Now it's just a matter of kissing her. Does that make sense? I certainly hope it does. D7-T4 One thing to help you guys out in terms of lessening the burden that you are putting yourself is that... Look, if you're at step three with a woman and things are going really really well and you want to kiss her, and things are going well, chances are that she is going to what the kiss you too! OK? A lot of the techniques I have heard that help guys to trick a woman into kissing you? OK, if you trick a woman into kissing you, you might get her to kiss you, but you are probably not going to get her to do much more than kiss you, because you tricked her into kissing you! I mean if all you want to do is kiss her and be done, then you can do a trick, she kisses you and you're done. But if you have to trick her into a kiss, then what do you do about the steps after a kiss—and again I'm not going to get into all those in this product. But I think you understand what I'm talking about. See all of these techniques about "Oh, you do this and you do... " I made I have heard... some of these are incredible. I have seen guys do it, OK. There might be original ways to get somebody to kiss you. But even if it is an original way, you don't want to think about as a trick, because if you trick her into kissing you, that's pretty much all she's going to do. You there are some exceptions, I understand that. But for the most part, that is a pretty true statement to make. So if you're going to kiss someone, and it is going to be successful—meaning, she might want to do a little bit more than just kissing—then chances are, she is going to kiss you, because she wants you to kiss her. And if she want you to kiss her, she wants it to happen, so she wants it to work as well. She is on your side, you do not have to trick her. This is not something where you have got to be perfect. She probably wants it to happen, I mean if steps one, two, three have all gone well and you are ready to kiss her, and she is ready to kiss you, she wants it to happen, she wants it to go well, she's on your side. She realizes it is a little bit awkward and everything else OK. So she is on your side. It's a lot easier. Let's face it, if she wants to kiss you—if you're at that step-it's really hard to screw it up so bad so that not only is she not going to kiss you, but she's not going top kiss you again, and want to leave. I mean, the worst that can happen is you have a clumsy moment and you laugh and, you know, that's it. That's about the worst that can take place. Seriously. OK, if she really wants to kiss you, if you have gotten that far, it's really hard to screw things up. Because she wants to kiss you. She wants it to happen. D7-T5 So really this is a lot easier than a lot of guys give themselves credit for. And again, a lot of guys look at step four, you know, while sitting at their house, not meeting a lot of women in step one... Not getting a lot of women to spend time with them at step two and not really ramping up and getting the interest and everything in step three, and they are worried about step four. Look, the more that you do step one, the easier step two becomes, the easier step two becomes the easier step three becomes, etc. Step four, once you've been successful at steps one, two, and three it really does become easier. It does get a lot simpler and more natural for you to just you know when to kiss her.

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Those things do happen. They come with time and with training, and with being in that situation, a few times. OK? And again, even if you are not that smooth at it, she wants it to happen. If you are that step and it's going well, she wants it to happen. D7-T6 I do what to give you a couple more specific strategies about this and things that can really help you to think about this and make it easier for yourself. One way to think about it that is going to help you is to think about the kiss as just a kiss. Again, the effectiveness of a kiss can be had with a 510 second kiss. A lot of guys worry that they've got to lean in and enclose a woman and kiss her, and it's got the last for 10 minutes and they have to have this whole game plan.. Look, all you have got to worry about—and I don't really want to say worry, that's is a bad way to put it—all you need to think about is simply leaning and in kissing somebody for 5-10 seconds. That's all. Then you are pretty much on your way. Then you are on your own. That is another product, don't think about the steps past that, that'll happen. Those things are actually more natural than anything. OK? Think about just kissing somebody for 5-10 seconds, that's the kind of close, that's step four that I'm talking about. A 5-10 second kiss and you are done. You must remember this: "A Kiss Is JUST a Kiss" ... write that down on the diagram! The first line under the "name" area for Step 4. This is not really an "option" in Step 4 as much as it is an overall point that needs to be remembered. It's just a kiss guys. That's all.

D7-T7 Now I want to give you three specific tactics that you can use that are going to help you. OK? Guys want specifics here... I've broken it down, this isn't the entire array of options, but you know, in light of this being the technical manual, I do what to give you some specifics here, I want to give you a framework for it OK? And give you some help in this area. Let's get down to a few specifics. One thing that's going to help you very specifically, is the test kiss. I mean, imagine being there. Imagine you have gone through steps one, two, and three. Things are going well, you are talking. You are comfortable. At different times you have leaned in, you've touched her and everything else. You'll be talking to her and then you do that bit where you stop... and you look at them from moment... and then you keep going. Again, fractionation, building up a response potential. OK? Again, its engaging those parts of her mind. OK? Step 4 Tactic: The Test Kiss Write that down on the diagram!

So this first tactic is what I call a test or test kiss, where you don't really kiss them, but you act as if you are going to and you see what happens. Again don't worry about kissing someone. Don't worry about closing. Just be talking and talking about something really interesting, and then at some moment just stop... and lean forward... as if you are going to kiss her... than backup, just do that. That is all you need to do. Watch her reaction. OK?

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This is a way, again... It's fractionation, it's response potential, you are building that up. You are building up the anticipation. This is a way for you to try to do something. It is like the weasel phrase of kissing! OK? To try to do something without really doing it. You act as if you are going to, you lean in a little bit, and then you don't kiss them. Watch their reaction. If they reject by backing up when you lean in—not a good sign. You need to work more on step three. OK? If you lean and like that and she sort of stops and leans in a little bit... Ahhh... that's a good sign. But you can back off... back... Again, plan on going in and backing off without kissing her. Because you are testing. You're also building response potential. You are also fractionating. You getting her used to the idea. You are using repetition. OK? Remember all of these things we have talked about before? It all works in your favor. So do that, do a test kiss. That's a specific tactic that can help. D7-T8 Another tactic that may help you is a similar thing where, you know, it's one thing to lean in to somebody or lean in to a woman as if you are going to kiss them or something like that. But one way to make the distinction of kissing somebody is to lean in towards them—this is similar to the test—but lean in and as you are leaning in, tilt your head, just slowly to one side, just slowly to one side as you lean more and more in and then... again... It's a tactic. So you can kiss them then, or back off. OK? So do a test is one option, and then this thing with, you know, lean in and do a head tilt. You can use it as a test, or you can use it as a means to try to kiss somebody. If you lean in and you get closer, don't say anything for a moment and do a head tilt. If you see their head tilt, that's pretty much a good sign. OK? Getting down to specifics here guys, but that's pretty much a good sign. And again, if you are worried about an outcome if you are nervous about this then tell yourself "I'm just going to lean in, I am just going to do ahead tilt, and I am not going to kiss her. I'm just going to go in and see what's happening and back out. " It is a way to have it work. Step 4 Tactic: The Head Tilt Write that down on the diagram!

D7-T9 I'm so passionate about this guys because, hey, I know a lot of women who've said "God, I've gone out with this guy, and I really liked him, and it was great and I wanted him to kiss me and I had the sense that this guy wanted to kiss me, and he never kissed me!" OK, so. Trust me, there's a lot of instances out there where women are sitting their going "why isn't this guy kissing me"? So when you do these tests, your going to get feedback. When you lean in and do the head tilt (OK) you may see, she may lean in more. She, you know, if you lean in and a do ahead tilt she may lean forward and tilt her head too. That's a really good sign guys. OK? Don't end the evening at that point and run home and listen to your tapes, I mean—Kiss Her! Come on... OK. D7-T10 The next specific tactic I want to give you has to do with... well... It's more about using the kinesthetics, more about using your hands and everything else. I'm not going to get sleazy with this, I'm just giving you a technique. Page 127

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Step 4 Tactic: The Hand Behind the Head Write that down on the diagram!

If you lean in, act like you are going to kiss someone, one way to do this i s . . . You bring your hand up, and you put your hand like behind her head. Don't grab their hair don't push their head around guys, be respectful about this, but if you just reach up and lightly touch someone in the back of the head, you know, that's a good technique, because you sort of draw them into you. OK? You can use that with the other ones, you can move in, you do a head tilt. If they do a head tilt then you put your hand up, and the hand behind her head and pull them towards you. OK? That works. That helps a lot, you have to be gentle, and again, if you lean in and you haven't touched her for you know, for steps one, two, and three if there has been no physical contact of any type and your reach up with your hand, part of her mind is going to go "hey, what's this guy doing". But if you have been spending time, doing anchoring, you know, touching her, laughing, having a good time, then she is used to the idea. See how this all kind of fits in with, with itself? D7-T11 So those are some specific techniques. I mean, do a test kiss is one way, do a head tilt as kind of a way to test or as a prelude to a kiss. The other thing is, a good prelude to a kiss may be a little bit of a hand just gently behind someone's head. You know I don't even like talking about these specifics, because I want this product, and I want your learning to be about you, about you doing things naturally. I am only doing is because I know there is a lot of guys that get hung up at this step. And most of the time that their hung up at step four, because they're step at stuck at step one, and they are still worried about step four! Step four is a lot easier to deal with when you are at step three. OK? Step 4 Reality: The Final Step of the Journey The biggest problems that most men have when considering Step 4, is to consider it when they are hardly even doing Steps 1 and 2! Step 4 is much much much easier to do with any woman, when you are there with her at Step 3, and she is responding well, enjoying herself, and she wants things to move forward. From that perspective, Step 4 is very very easy. So if you are not yet getting women through Steps 1, 2, 3, etc, then don't even worry about Step 4 yet. OK? If and when you DO happen to get a women at Step 3 and she is powerfully responding, then just use those tactics, very comfortably, and see what happens. The results will surprise you.

But there is a lot of guys, I know they are out there, that are stuck at step one and two of this process, and they are saying "But at step four, what am I going to do?!?!" Well, worry about that when you get there. But just as a way to help you. I want to give you those specifics. And again... I am giving you those specifics in a respectful way. I know somebody women that have told me that they've been on so many encounters where they knew the guy wanted to kiss them and he didn't. OK? So there's some specific things, hopefully that will help you with step four.

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4. 7

Process Flow and Examples

D7-T12 So now, we've discussed all the steps of the process. We're not done, we're going to talk about it some more. But I want to go through it and sort of lay it out for you, step by step. So that you could see sort of how they will fit together, OK? Hopefully, you've been taking notes along in your workbook. I put that one page in there were you see spaces for all those steps. You see the places where you can fill in notes and fill in the titles of those steps. I really urge you to do that. Please do that. I want you engaged in this process. OK? I hope I've got that point across. But, write the stuff in the workbook. I want you to remember that graphic. Part of this process of doing this whole product is—that mind map, that triangle, is something what you have inside yourself, inside your mind, and it's a way that you think. The hierarchy of the tools, the same thing, and now the process. OK, the steps are going across that one page, I want you to think in terms of that. Now it's not necessarily that you are going to be out there with a woman going "Well, I am at step two and I'm doing option three and now I need t o . . . " You don't think in that way. But it's a general roadmap for you to show you where you're going to go. OK? It can help you with preparation, but it is going to give you a general guideline along the way. D7-T13 One way I like to think about is you know, you have to learn to enjoy the journey, that's a rough thing. Guys, you know, using the driving analogy again, a lot of guys when we go a trip if you're going to drive from Chicago to Los Angeles, guys tend to want to go and get an exact destination. Like you go on these Internet sites (OK) they give you map. That say "go 27. 2 miles on this road, and then make a right and then go 4. 6 miles on that road, and then you head west and then go... " You know that's what a lot of guys want, all those specifics. And that's what guys want in a product like this or want a roadmap of this process, but it does not work that way. The problem is that people are dynamic. Every woman is different, every man is different, and every situation is unique. I can give you a general set of steps, which is what we have done in the process here. But you need to have a general set so that you can have an understanding and have real-time flexibility, which is one of the goals we want to get to with you and you're learning and your development with these skills. All right? Getting back to the driving analogy... You know, if you get that map that says "go, (you know) this far and make a right, and then go this many miles exactly and make a left" etc. It will get you from Chicago to LA. Well that's fine, because the roads don't change. Pretty much—they do construction and everything—but pretty much they don't change. OK, people change all the time and every individual is unique. But even if I gave you that map to go from Chicago LA, that was that detailed, what happens if you're halfway there, and all of a sudden you are going down the road, and there is a detour? Or the road is out and you have got to find some other way to go? Oh my God, where do you go from there. You are kind of stuck, right? Most of the guys say "get on the Internet and get another map", but you know what I am getting at, you are kind of stuck in the process. But... If you get general directions that, like, you are in Chicago and you kind of kind of fine your way to—I don't know how far route 80 is from there—you kind of find your way to interstate and you just sort of Page 129

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head west, head west until you get to the water than find out whether you need to go north or south and the just go in that direction. Then you're going to get to Los Angeles eventually. OK? General directions like that, I mean... You can have detours, you can have problems, all you have to do is just head west. I mean look at what direction the sun is setting and just drive that way. It's a lot easier. It is a general guideline, and actually when you navigate that way, you tend to have a lot more fun because you can enjoy the journey. You have more flexibility, there can be detours along the way, because, hey all you need to do is just keep driving west. All right, this road's out? I'll just go on another road, as long as I point in the right direction. D7-T14 See the thing with this process like I've shown you is, I've given you, several distinct steps, and in each one of those steps I've given you some options. So that's going to help you in determining what skills you need. What you need to focus on, the real-world stuff that you are going to have to have when you go out there. But in a general sense it is an overall process that you are going to need to go on. OK? And the thing is to just get started. OK. • If you are in Chicago do you really need to know that every road is open between there and LA? Do you have to stand in Chicago and see that every street light between there and LA is green before you leave? No! Get in the car and start driving] Same thing here. Guys, you know, if you need to focus on step one and step two—maybe you need to focus on step two just to find some reason for her to talk to you, you've got to be more interesting or come up with some skit our gimmick or stories or be funny or whatever, or questions for her. Then go do that, work on that for a while. Don't worry about step four yet, OK? A lot of guys are so hung up on like step three and four that they aren't going to try step one. That's not the way to go. Don't worry about the fact that a light may be red in LA before you are ready to take off from Chicago and start driving. All right? D7-T15 So that is the overall process, that's the overall map. Now I want to give you some specific examples of the kind of guys that maybe, well, maybe you've seen or maybe you are one of these people. To show you how that overall process works in a general fashion, and then we are going to talk about how it works in terms of Speed Seduction®. D7-T16 Now, what I want to talk about with you is some integration of these things and some examples to show you how this all works. Now I know we just had got done talking about the process, but this is the time to really talk about integration of all the information that we've had here. And giving you examples of specific guys, how they operate in situations and how they go, so you can see how all this works together. Okay? This is where we're going to have the different parts of this start to together and you're going to see how one part starts to fit into another even more. All right? So let's look back now. When you look at the process and you look at those steps in that process. (OK. ) Let's consider your average kinda, shy, insecure guy. You know where... We've used the term AFC for "average frustrated chump". So your typical AFC is sitting out there and he maybe has a chance to meet some women, great. He spends time and he walks up to somebody in step one. Now let's think

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about step one, remember, step one doesn't last too long. It's just an introduction. OK? It's just an introduction, just a way to say something or say one or two things. So this guy, this AFC, does his opener, or he is trying to do his opener. Now, again, if this opener, this whole step is lasting maybe 15 seconds to 60 seconds... How much information is she perceiving at that time? I mean how much can a guy reasonably say in 15 to 30 seconds. (You would be amazed at how fast some guys can talk when they are nervous. ) But she is looking at how the guy appears. She is getting a sense as to how comfortable he is. He is giving off information in terms of whether he is relaxed or he's nervous. His nonverbal information that he is containing... He is actually conveying a lot of stuff about two and what he is. So her, and her subconscious, is doing it's best to sort of evaluate who the guy is. Now, remember how the subconscious looks at the situation. It's processing on multiple levels, using a lot of sensory input all at once, looking at how the guy moves, how he acts, what his voice tone is, what's his hands doing? She's going to perceive "does this guy feel relaxed, does this guy feel as if he's threatened or nervous. Or does he come across as threatening, or something that would make me nervous?" See if he is an AFC and he is insecure and he is kind of intimidated by her, her subconscious is going to pick up on that. So step one, he might walk up and say something. He might get something across, and she might enter into some dialogue, lasting 15-30 seconds. But is he going to be interesting enough for her to want to sit there and talk? Is he going to be able to get a keep her attention for any period of time? Probably not, because first off—he's an AFC'—he probably doesn't really have anything that's all that interesting that would want to keep her there. Plus her subconscious is saying you know "hey, I am not interested in this guy, this is not somebody for me, this is somebody that maybe I should be a little scared of... ", so it is going to be difficult to have enough rapport to be able to get and keep attention. So the AFC is normally going to be kinda sunk at steps one or step two. Hope that makes sense. D7-T17 Now let us give another example and I call this the "Performer Man". OK, let's say I guy has a skill, let's say, the guy... like a street magician. OK, so he is a street magician and he is out there, and he is able to do his act, alright. Now, OK... So he encounters a woman that finds attractive. Saying hello, and doing step one is not really a much of a problem. He just says hello, he has probably done it a lot of times, he's said hello to a lot of people. He has introduced himself or opened up a topic of conversation, so doing step one is actually pretty easy for him. And he can also do step one like an innocuous opener, just by being there. If he is there doing stuff, showing some other people, and the woman happens to be next to him, or happens to be around, and then sort of comes over and sort of rolls into a discussion or something, it's kind of an innocuous opener. He's not showing that he's interested, he didn't ask her opinion, he's not just being social saying hello, he is just there and she sort of innocuously engages him in some conversation. Ok? So step one tends to be pretty easy for the performer type. Now step two is easy as well because he has to get and keep attention. Well if he is interesting if he has something interesting to show her, she's going to want to stick around and watch. I mean, you know, whether he is a magician on the street or a juggler or whatever, hey, he's at step two. She's there, she is watching, she might be listening, they might be having a conversation. That's fine, that's great. He is able to get and keep her attention. But... Where do you go from there?

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See, he can be an interesting way to spent her time, he can be, like a show, but does that mean she is going to want to have anything happen in terms of romantic or sexual context? Probably not, or not necessarily. Because again, if that's all he does, and he does not know how to direct the conversation and ramp interest... I mean... He is doing a magic trick. He is juggling or doing whatever does he know how to direct that into an area of conversation that going to make her... Think about certain things? He needs to know how to do that. Does he know how to maybe create some interest, or ramp it up for her, or to help her to ramp it up for herself? If he doesn't know how to do that then this performer guy is to be able to get to step two and that's it. It doesn't really go anywhere. He meets a lot of people, he meets a lot of women, and he is able to get and keep their attention (step two) but it doesn't really go anywhere. D7-T18 Now let's get another example, let's say, a guy is pretty good looking. OK, he's a good looking guy. Again... I am giving you a general structure here as to how everything works. I can explain... you know there are so these other guys that have some other "systems" out there that they say are going to teach guys how to and meet women. I think a lot of them are nowhere near as good as the stuff that Speed Seduction® teaches you, but they are out there. And I can explain what works and what does not work in these systems in the context of this overall structure. And the reason that is good is because it gives you an understanding of why everything works and how everything works so that you are much more flexible in the field. I know you sit back and say oh, "good-looking guys have it easy. " But let's look at the good-looking guy and what that is like, in terms of the structure so you can understand it. OK? Or in terms of this process. Now a good-looking guy walks up, starts talking to someone, he can use any of the openers or whatever. Let us just say he gets through step one. In he's done step one a lot, it tends to be a lot easier for him. OK. She may have opened him. Again... When I say step one and opener, this doesn't necessarily mean that the guy has to be the one doing it OK? All right, and when I say step two, get and keep attention, the guy doesn't necessarily have to do anything for that. She can be the one that's working to get and keep attention as well? See, this works for all of the cases. So say he is a good looking guy and he is at step two. Well look, if he is that good-looking, all he has to do is find a way to comfortably get through step one, walkup, talk, maybe she walks up and talks. If he gets through step one comfortably, then at step two there is a good chance that he is just what she wants. He's her type. Maybe she likes that type of guy, as long as he is moderately interesting.... and again... These categories are not distinct. When you are at step two you don't have to either be what she wants or be very interesting. It helps if you are some combination of both, it helps if you are able to do all of those things! So if he is pretty good looking and he is able to be interesting, maybe a little bit of humor in their too hey, that is great. He is able to get and keep her attention. Not a problem. Now, step three,... And this is the world of the good-looking guy. A lot of these guys that are pretty good looking, if they just get through step two its pretty easy for them. You know why? Because at step three, she's helping to direct the conversation and ramp the interest. If you are good-looking guy, and you are kind of her type, once you get through step two, a lot of guys don't make it through step two but, as long as you get through step two, step three... She'll do a lot of that. She is going to talk about certain... things. She is going to

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direct the conversation in a good way. She is going to ramp her own interest up. If she is really motivated and sees the guy's not interested she is going to do it she can to ramp up his interest. OK? That's the way it works for good-looking guys. You know if step three is really really powerful, then step four is a lot easier. That's the world of the good-looking guy. That's why it works. Now, it is also why... There is a lot of good-looking guys out there, Ok.... Give you another example. There's lot of really good-looking guys out there, that have various means of telling you how to go meet women. D7-T19 OK, I know couple of them, one guy he... I have a lot of respect... Some of these guys have really done well to refine their technique, and they are very good at what they do, I don't mean any disrespect to them at all. They are very talented, but you have to understand that their reality is probably different from most people's. Let me give you an example while we are at this point. Let us say you have got a guy who is pretty good-looking guy OK? He is tall. He's in a good age range. He is got like, you know, good-looking hair. He can dress real provocatively. And he is a skill, let's say, he can do magic or something like that and get attention. Good. That's great. That's great for him. Now for that guy, all he has to do i s . . . He has got techniques for opening, got techniques for getting and keeping attention it's very easy... A guy like that sails through step three. It's very easy for him. If he is good-looking, and he has... I don't want to say the word gimmick, because it has a negative connotation, and I don't mean it to be negative. The guy might know how to do magic and do really well at captivating a group of people. So for that guy, if you are really tall and pretty good-looking, and a good age range, and you are able to go in and work a room, and you are able to get all that social proof from having 12 people watch you do magic tricks, and you are able to have all that work in your favor, that is a pretty nice reality to be in, huh? Looking at the model, you can see how step one and two are taken care of itself very easily. Step three, the woman is going to do most of the work—for that guy. See there's guys in that mindset, that try to tell the average guy—who is not six-foot whatever, who doesn't look that good, who is not in that age range, who can't do magic tricks. Those types of guys say "well, all you got to do is go there and be funny to get a group of people. And they're going to take... " . . . What they are saying in effect is that a woman will take care of step three on her own. Sorry, but for a lot of regular guys out there, it doesn't work that way. You have got to do a lot of the lifting in step two and step three. The world is a different place when you are good-looking and tall, and you can do magic and everything else. We can learn from people like that. We can look at this model, and see how and why what they're doing works, for them. But for the average guy (well), learn from what they do—but to try to emulate it—You are going to be up a blind alley you're going to hit a dead at, because you will find you have a lot of people interested in watching you at step two, but then you become the performer. Because you are not six-foot whatever and you aren't all that great-looking, and maybe you aren't the best magician in the world, and she's not going to sail through step three for you guys. But that is where Speed Seduction® comes in. Speed Seduction® can be used at all thee steps. Really. However, you know, step three is where you get a lot of the power of Speed Seduction® coming to bear to really help you the kind of success that you want. D7-T20 In the context of the process that we've laid out with these steps I want to look and give you guys some information about the world of the really good-looking women and what happens in this process with her. And I think this will just make sense to you. I mean after learning about the

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subconscious and things like that, learning about her mind, and looking at these steps let's look at what's happening. A really good-looking woman is having a bunch of guys sort of bombard her with their attempts to get to step one. They're being hit on all the time—all the time—and they're used to doing (the woman) is used to doing a lot of screening at step one. Let's face it, if you are out there and dozens of guys are hitting on you all day long, a big part of what you have to do to deal with it is screen them out, get rid of them, get rid of them, get rid of them. Really, you are looking for reasons to screen them. It's kind of like if you ever worked at a company, when they get resumes in for a new position. They might get a stack of like 200 resumes for one opening. And the first screening that has to be done on those resumes is, somebody looks at them, and they look at them very quickly for like 15 to 30 seconds. They look at each and they scan them very quickly. And the one pile is the "let's look at this later" pile—it might be good—and the other pile is the "no way" pile, just get rid of them. It's a very quick screen. And you got to get down to like 10 percent very fast, because nobody can deal with 200 resumes. And that is what a lot of women have to do. They're being constantly bombarded. They're going about their day trying to get stuff done or to live and guys are coming up to them constantly. So, so many men are eliminated at step one. That's why it's very important to just be very relaxed and comfortable at that step. There are techniques to develop that—little bit beyond the scope of this product—but I have given you some insight into how that works. Now for those women too, the bar is raised quite a bit at step two. Because there is a lot of different guys that are trying to get and keep their attention. Ok? Guys are trying different tips and techniques and tricks and all of this stuff to do things to have her find them interesting enough to spend some time. But again she is doing a lot of screening. She has to, she is getting bombarded with offers. So for a really good-looking woman, there is an incredible amount of screening going on at step one, and an incredible amount of screening going on at step two. For anybody really, for any guy doing this you might have a lot of women that you meet that get to step one, and then some number fewer at step two, and then some number fewer make it to step three etc. That's just the way it works. But for really a intelligent—I'm sorry—for a really attractive woman, they are doing a lot of screening during these early steps. D7-T21 Now, when it comes them, look at it this way. The number of guys that have reached step three is actually quite low compared to the ones that she meets. I mean, the elimination process to get to step one to two to three might easily be a hundred to one, that for every hundred guys that try step one, only one makes the step three. OK? And to get to step three you to have a combination of either being, a) good-looking or her type, or b) maybe you're not the best looking but you are so interesting, you're so smooth at step one that you're able to get step two and then you were interesting enough or made her feel interesting enough, or funny enough, to get and keep her attention. Again look at the process, see how that works? So you got to step two and maybe you are reasonably good-looking guy, or say you are a not goodlooking guy at all, but if you are incredibly fascinating or are incredibly interesting you can get through

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step two because it's probably pretty rare that she finds somebody that interesting, who has really interesting things to show her, really interesting things to talk about. Maybe he is really funny or he is asking her really insightful questions that she finds fascinating. It is all good stuff guys, that's why I broke those down in step two. OK? So the number of guys that have made it to step three is relatively rare. So to a really beautiful woman, sometimes once you get them to step three, it's actually new territory for you. Because they've screened out so many guys, they've eliminated so many men from the competition, that once you are at step three, there's nowhere near as many men that made it to that step. You have a chance. The average guy has a chance, OK? The key is to make it through the screens, and again, we talked about the criteria that she uses to do that. But that is the world of the beautiful woman, screening screening screening screening screening. OK, and at the earliest steps, a lot of it's your energy and how you come across to her. I don't mean energy in any sort of strange way or whatever, I just mean she is perceiving whether or not you are comfortable, whether or not she can get good rapport with you on some level. Rapport doesn't necessarily mean being nice. It just means rapport. We talked about that before, OK? That is the way it works for a good-looking woman. There's so much screening done, very few guys make it to step three. But if you get there, you've got a good chance, especially when you've mastered these skills. D7-T22 Now there's is one thing I do want to talk about, and I call it a trap. It is a trap, because a lot of the guys what they do is that, they use methods to get through step one and step two that really leave them nowhere to go. Let me give you an example. To use sort of a metaphorical example here,... A lot of you guys have watched auto racing on TV. And you see NASCAR or something like that, where they might have 30 or 40 cars starting at the beginning of the race. At the very beginning of the race there's an incredible amount of traffic—there's a lot of cars. They are all jockeying for position. And you've probably seen a lot of races, where in the first two to three laps there is a lot of accidents. Everybody's so packed in, there's so much moving around and maneuvering, and the speeds are so high that it is not uncommon for there to be a lot of accidents in the first two or three laps. It happens. Now let's say you are a driver in NASCAR, and you are on this year's NASCAR circuit, and in the first six major NASCAR events of this year, you participated in them, and in each one of those six, you have crashed in the first three laps. That kinda stinks doesn't it? If you have crashed in those first three laps, you aren't going to finish. You're done. Now, if I come to you and I show you a way to consistently get through those first three laps, so you can get to that fourth and fifth lap every time (or almost every time), that's pretty good isn't it. That's fantastic. That is so much better than you were doing, you are still in the running, but... Does that mean you are going to win the race? No it doesn't. Just because you haven't been eliminated doesn't mean you are going to win the race. Now there's a blind alley... There's sort of trap here that some guys fall into. In that, there's some techniques that you can use out there to meet women and some people talk about them. And if you. are

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not careful about how you apply them, it can be a trap. Let me give you an example or a description of this. D7-T23 There's a lot of guys that advocate when you meet a woman—joke with her—joke around with her. That's great, that's fine, jokes, humor, that all works, that all fits within our model. But a lot of guys advocate doing a lot of humor that's sort of deprecating to her, putting her down, making fun of her being almost mean to her. Now here is the thing, you can do that in a playful way, and if you do that in a playful way you are showing that you're comfortable, you're showing that you are interesting (again look at steps one and two guys) you're comfortable, your energy's come across fine, you have a good way to open, in step two she might find you entertaining and everything. That's fine, as long as you do it in a playful way. But there's a lot of guys that talk about, you know, put her down, joke with her, make fun of her. What they advocate, sometimes, can be a bit mean, and they advocate being kind of mean to women. Alright? Now, that might get you to step one, that might get you well into step two. But the problem is, it's a blind alley. Because all that happens is, you get to step one and two, but there's nowhere to go. Where do you go from there? I mean you've demonstrated that you 're not intimidated. You have demonstrated that you're not somebody who is going to shy away and leave. You've demonstrated that you not boring because you have stuff to talk about. OK? You are not getting eliminated at steps one and two. That is great, but does that mean you are going to get to step three? Not necessarily. It's just like that analogy, just because you get through the first couple laps doesn't mean you are going to win the race. See... D7-T24 A lot of guys that advocate being mean to women and putting them down—here is what they are not telling you—they 're really good-looking. They've got a lot going on for themselves, OK? If you are really good-looking guy and you drive the great car, and you live in the cool part of town, etc. etc. You, in a lot of instances, you can talk to women that way at step one and step two, you can joke with them. That's fine. But you can put them down and do that stuff and get away with it because as long as you get to step three, hey, you know, very few guys get to step three with her... And if you are goodlooking guy there's very few guys that are good-looking that get to step three with her. Because again a beautiful woman is doing a lot of screening. So if you are good-looking guy, you can talk with them, and joke with them, and you can put them down to some extent, but if you do it too much it's a blind alley and there's no where to go after step two. Now you can get, again.. If you're used to being an AFC, if I teach you how to joke with women and put them down you're going to have a lot more success at steps one and two. But there's no where to go. And if you are at the end of step two and you have been kind of mean, you can't back up. She is like "well, you know, he is cool and all this, but he is being mean to me". She's not going to go into the state of mind that you want her to do at step three. I'm, sorry, there's guys that simply think " well, if you can get and keep her attention, then all you have to do is stand in the room and keep talking, and she's going to want to have something happen with you physically. " I'm sorry, it doesn't work that way in the real world, with real guys. If you're goodlooking guy, maybe it does. If you're rich and live in the great part of town, and/or drive the great car, if

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you've got all these things going for you, then maybe your reality is that you can get to step two by being a little bit mean to her and not get eliminated. And then step three, she likes your car and your money enough that she is going to direct the conversation and ramp interest on her own. But for the normal guy, it's is not going to work. It's a blind alley. D7-T25 Now, those techniques do help, again, at getting you to that point. Can you play around with them? Sure. You can play around, you can joke—jokes a lot of time are at someone's expense, so they can be a combination of jokes at your expense, and hers, and other peoples. That's fine, it happens. It's part of humor. OK. You can do things and joke with her, joke about her to an extent. But be careful about how mean it is. And frankly a lot of these guys that talk about doing that sort of stuff with women... And again, a lot of these guys. I have a lot of respect for them they come up with great stuff, and reality is that really in person (I've spent a lot of time with these guys)... In person, these guys are actually more playful and more friendlier to the women that they think. They might tell the guys "Oh yeah I'm putting her down and joking with her and making fun of her... rah rah rah... " that's what they say. In reality what's happening is they're not quite as mean as they say they are. They are being a little more playful, having a little more playful energy, than a lot of other guys would realize. OK, So,... I hope that makes sense, because I don't want you to fall into the trap. It is a good place to be, and you know, it's great if you haven't had a lot of success at steps one and two. But I don't want you to spend all that time and all that effort to find a way to get trough those first few laps of the race only to find that not only does it not guarantee a win, but it might actually cause a problem that makes it so that you can 'twin. OK? So give that some thought to yourself and hopefully that makes sense in the context of the overall model. D7-T26 Now one of the things I wanted to talk about too in this overall process, and again the process in light of the map of the mind, and Speed Seduction® tools that we have talked about is a lot of guys talk about a phone number close or an e-mail close and things like that. I want to spend a few moments talking about that and putting in context. Look at the steps that we have set forth in our process structure. When guys do this, and it's very common... You meet somebody, you talk to them, you spend some time with them. You get and keep some attention, but then, just physically where you're at, you can't spend a half-hour with them. Maybe you meet them on the street, maybe you meet them in a club or at a coffee shop or checkout line or whatever, you can spend maybe five minutes with them. Maybe you can transition to coffee or whatever, but sometimes you can't. So it's not all that uncommon that you'll talk to somebody for a while and then you have to switch. Meaning you meet them face-to-face, you've got to then get their e-mail address or their phone number. That is a very common thing to do. In light of our process, that switchover tends to happen at step two or step three. Depending on how much time you have before you get the e-mail address or before you get the phone number or plan another meeting, you're probably somewhere in step two or step three. Now, the farther down that process you can go before you get the e-mail or the phone number and try to switch venues the better off the chances of success. Now let me explain. There's a lot of guys that have run into problems, because they have got a really good at just getting phone numbers, very quickly. They do, they go out... I've seen it happen... Guys walk up and bang-

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bang-bang zoom! It's amazing. It's almost like a trick... And within 30 seconds they've got a woman's phone number. That's great. Then a couple days later, they are going "Well how come she won't call me back"? OK? Or these guys that, within a minute, they're able to get a woman's phone number. That is fantastic. I mean hey, again I am not putting these guys down. Some of these guys are quite skilled at what they are doing. But then they get the e-mail address and the woman doesn't return their e-mails. And they are wondering what's going on. Well... Why should she? What have you shown her in terms of why she should spend time with you? Again, some guys go "oh, she was a bitch and all of this stuff ... " Well wait a minute. You know, especially if she is attractive, she has probably given a bunch of guys her phone number, a bunch of guys her e-mail address, she's got a life, (hopefully) she's got things to do. Why should she e-mail you back? Just because you got her e-mail address. OK? Yeah, I think it is rude when a woman says she'll call you and she doesn't. That is a whole other story. But again... If you talk to her for minute or two, if you've barely spent any time to get and keep her attention, or to really be that interesting or fascinating, or make her feel that way, or be funny or etc., then why should she call you back, why should she e-mail you back. What reason have you given her? Other than the fact that you just called her up, or said two minutes worth of dialogue to her on the street. See... D7-T27 Here is what you want to have happen. Could you imagine, you get somebody's phone number, and then two days later you call her and she's at work. So she's sitting at work and her phone rings, and it's you. She is like "oh, uh... Dave oh Dave... (?), yeah, ahhh, you know what... uhhhh... I'm busy right now... let me call you back... ok? Great". She hangs up the phone. Then she... then her coworker says "Who was that?". Now, what reaction would you like her to have? A lot of times, women will go... "Oh, urn... it's some guy... I met him... you know... I can't even remember where I met him... I gave him my number... I don't know... " or it'd be like "Oh... it's some guy I met him in a parking lot ... and we talked, and it was like, I was busy and it was like... you know... here... have my number ... I was just, you know... he might have been cute or interesting, but... " Do you want her to have that sort of reaction? Or would you rather have her go... Her co-worker asks, "Who was that on the phone?" And the woman you called goes... "Oh my God, it was that guy. It was that guy I met the other day. Oh God, He was so interesting... He did,... He was asking me about (this and this or)... He was the funniest guy I've have met in so long. (Or, you know... ) He was so fascinating he was showing me this thing, this demonstration that he does. (Or... ) He was doing my handwriting analysis. (Or.. ) He was doing... " Isn't that the kind of reaction you want! Don't you want her to be really interested? Well, you have to give her a reason to the interested like that. That's the kind of reaction that you want guys. OK? There is

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all of this stuff... Guys talk about, all of these tricks and stuff to get her to call back and all that. Sure, there's something to be said for leaving a good and compelling message on an answering machine, or talking to her in a good way on the phone. That's great. But what did you do before you got her phone number that's going to make her want to talk to you again? A lot of guys are missing out on that. OK. D7-T28 Now, this venue change, or this situation change of getting an e-mail or a phone number is happening at step two or step three. So the more that you can invest, the more time that you have... or let us put it this way... The more the you can really get and keep or attention, the better off your going to be. Look at the examples, the options you have in step two. If you are her type, well OK its pretty easy. But if you can show her that you are really interesting, or you're really funny, or make her feel great and interesting before you get that phone number or as a part of getting her phone number, don't you think she is going to want to call you back? OK If you could do those things before you get her e-mail, then don't you think she is going to want to e-mail you right back quickly? Don't you think that arranging a time to meet her some place for a drink or something to eat or coffee or whatever,... Don't you think that is going to be a piece of cake? Yeah. So look at it in this context. This is the real world, like steps two and step three... Look at those. If you can get well into directing conversation and ramping interest... If you get into there so that you're... ... really talking to her about fascinating... subjects. And your directing the conversation to something really... interesting. Or if she just really enjoys it, I mean, god, how many guys talk about that sort of stuff? And she's enjoying it, and wants it to happen even more... oh, but you know what? You've got to go. Why don't you give me your phone number,... I mean, if that's the case, she is going to want to call you back. OK? So a lot of you guys that have had trouble getting those phone calls, and getting the e-mail returned you need to look at the process. Maybe there's a little bit more work you have to do. But if you do the right work in the right way. your success is going to increase dramatically.

4. 8

Process Application and Summary

D7-T29 Now, we want to look at the application and use of Speed Seduction® in the context of that overall process. But really when you think about it now, we've already talked about that in a lot of ways haven't we. We have talked about that in detail in a lot of those steps. I do want to step back and give you an overview. But can you see how these different aspects of the whole picture fit in together? How having a knowledge of the mind and how it works, coupled then with an idea of all the tools and resources at your disposal, and then some insight into the process that you need to walk through with someone—having a command and understanding of all that now is something you can integrate? You can see how it all makes sense? See, the more you understand it on this level, the more you actually able to apply it, because you can look at it in a different way. Now, let's look at this process that we talked about and these different steps, and let's roll back briefly and look the other aspects of the overall structure of what we talked about, of the overall, you know, manual here. The technical manual of Speed Seduction. Ok? Page 139

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D7-T30 So again, let's look at it. Step one of the process, OK, the opener. Where's Speed Seduction® help in that? OK. The opener is not going to last that long. Maybe 15 seconds up to a minute. Languaging can be a part of it. But let's look at the structure of the mind. What's the subconscious doing, the subconscious is processing on multiple levels, multiple input it's using a lot of different senses. It's looking for similarities and differences. So, the subconscious is trying to put you into a certain role at that point. Now, looking at the hierarchy of Speed Seduction® tools... What's important for you at that point? Look, you don't have a lot of time, it's hard to put in (looking at the graphic)... It's hard to put in a lot of embedded commands or weasel phrases or things like that in 15-30 seconds. Can you do it? Yeah. Will have an effect, yeah, but how much effect can it have? Well, again it's about repetition, the more you can do stuff, the more senses are picking up positive things in her mind, the more chances you've of success. So as you go up the hierarchy of tools you start to see some of the more important things. Like, if you've got a good story, a good overall pattern, If your frame of mind is correct, your state of consciousness is correct, then step one goes a lot better. Ok? How does that happen? How do you get that right state of mind and frame? Ok, look back at the structure of the mind. It's impressed by effort. Things get easier for you, the more effort you put into it. Doing things like listening to this product—how many times? Over and over again—Is going to help you. Getting out into the field and working with stuff is going to help you. Coming up with processes and themes and stories that have to do with your life are going to all help you and assist in that process and help you to get that right frame of mind and state of consciousness, that are going to help you with step one. OK? Now... D7-T31 Moving to step two, in the application of using Speed Seduction® with it, getting and keeping attention, well sure, if you're her type, that's great. But if your are her type chances are you probably would not be listening to this product. Again, but look at all the other options. Do you see now, how the different things that have been discussed in Speed Seduction® over the years, and the other products, and the seminars, you've been to, or the home study courses that you already have, how that fits in? Again at step two, OK, if you can be funny, that's great. There's some grew great jokes and everything that we've talked about. But, have you heard a lot of techniques in these materials about asking a woman proper questions, asking her interesting questions to get her to access other levels of her mind? Well that's some stuff in step two. OK? Make her feel interesting. You're asking her questions. You're getting her to think. In fact, that's a good way to lead into step three because if your asking her the right questions, in the right way, then not only are you able to get and keep her attention (step two) but it's easy to start then direct the conversation and ramp interest. OK? And look at the other options of step two, being very interesting. Hey, when you understand this stuff, when you understand how the mind works, and all that, you have good languaging skills, based on the tools hierarchy that we discussed, maybe some cool demos that you can show her. Some great stories OK? Maybe you know palmistry or handwriting analysis or any of the other things that we have talked about.

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These are great ways to make yourself very interesting. Ok? It helps to do those things to get and keep her attention. They've been discussed so many times, in and among Speed Seduction® materials, and I know most of you guys have heard about it like crazy. This is why. It fits into that context. Its very easy for her to sit there and spent time with you. And again, if you can do it in a way, that is going to affect multiple aspects of her and her mind and make her feel great in many way that's all the better. Again, remember—see how it all fits together guys remember—the structure of the mind? The subconscious is analyzing things on multiple levels. So if your being very interesting (here at step two) and you are doing that in a way (looking at the structure of the mind) that's making her laugh that she is putting you in a good role of being an interesting person... She's comparing you to other people and you are coming up favorably. If while you're being interesting, you are telling stories, and you have great tonality and you are doing all of this stuff so that she feels comfortable around you and she is getting a good energy from you and have good rapport, that all works. My description there, I was talking about different things that are in the tools hierarchy. See? That's how it all fits together. Once you understand this, hopefully, this is all... This is all stuff you've already been realizing throughout the development of this product. And you are understanding it more and more. D7-T32 Now, step three, with Speed Seduction®, I mean, we've talked about this. Look how step three, "direct the conversation ramp interest". Look at the tools hierarchy. Look at the things that you have at your disposal. The patterns that have been talked about, you've seen examples of them. The patterns that we have mentioned here on this product and ideas for patterns. Again, what are some ways to ramp interest, talking about exciting things, interesting things, fascinating things. Ok? While you are doing that, what are you doing? You're using the languaging. the linkage phrases, the weasel phrases, the embedded commands are being put in there. You are setting anchors at just the proper time. You're using just the perfect tonality. You are linking things together in a really interesting way. You're using all the conversational tools and rapport building tools, while you are conveying stories. Talking about things that have happened in your life. It's very easy in that context to use all those tools and to ramp interest. And the more tools you are using—remember going back to the structure of the mind —your really getting more and more parts of her mind interested in you. OK? And again, you get the part of her that is really interested in you to make the decision. That's the part that's in control. That's how it works. D7-T33 Now going on to step four in the context of Speed Seduction®, you know, OK, now we are talking about closing. So we have given you some specific techniques, but you know, we're not going to get into the details of what you say while you are engaged in some sort of physical interlude with a woman. But I will tell you this... If you have gone trough step one, two, and three using Speed Seduction® techniques, all of the things we've discussed, all the way through this product, once you're at step four, she is going to want step four to happen. She's going to be so interested that you do, at times, get these situations where they close you. They're sitting there... It does happen where they're so interested and so fascinated that they 're the ones that lean in and try to kiss you! OK? That does take place.

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Now don't sit around and wait for that to take place. I know a lot of guys have heard stories about the times with the woman just gets so excited that she jumps up and kisses the guy. Well... Don't sit around waiting for that to happen guys. Ok? It does happen. It's not the most frequent occurrence, but it does happen. But don't sit around there waiting for that, when there's a good chance she's sitting there just dying for you to do something. To make a move, to close her, to kiss her, or to do something like that. OK? Use the techniques that we talked about.

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5. 0

Technical Manual Summary

D7-T34 Now, can you see how it all works together? Can you see how the different parts fit in with each other? Can you look at that structure of the mind, the tools, and these steps, and integrate those together for yourself? This is what I have been talking about, about putting together for you, this manual, the technical manual of Speed Seduction. I'm really happy to have brought this to you. Again, I don't have the time or the resources in this product to give you every aspect of Speed Seduction®. I mean, that is it is your home study course is for, that's what going to seminars is for and some of the other fine products that are available, are for. What I've tried to do in this product is to find a way for you to understand it all... Get a structure for you to really get all of it, so that it can be put into your mind in a way that allows you to recall it, understand it, and use it in the real world. D7-T35 What I want you to consider is,... You've listened to this at least, hopefully, this one time all the way through. I have said before, I want you listen to it again, because, you see how everything fits in with everything else? The second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth time you listen to this, it's going to make more and more sense. You're going to hear how the different things integrate. You're going to be drawing conclusions for yourself about what happens and what doesn't happen... Things that didn't make sense before are—BAM—going to make sense to you now. Also what's going to be really interesting is that, stuff you have learned in the past, is all going to start make a lot more sense to you. The other products,... You might want to listen to this product a couple of times and then pull some of your other products out that you haven't heard in a while. Listen to those now. Watch those videos. Go over those class notes again that you took, and see how much more understanding you have of how people work... How women's minds work. See how much more insight you have into all the tools that are being discussed, and how they fit together. See how much more of an understanding and a grasp you have of the different steps that you must take someone through as part of this process. D7-T36 The other exciting thing about this i s . . . Look at your life and your experiences that you've had. Look at what's worked for you and what hasn't worked for you. Look at it in light of the new knowledge that you now have, after having listened to this product. That's key. I know there is a lot of times, when we look into our past and we go, "you know, why did this happen, why did that happen, this doesn't make sense, this didn't go right, etc. etc. " Now I think when you look back your going to see that there is some logic to it. Yes, there is this wonderful aspect of it, there is a random quality. You can't totally predict what people are going to do. Ok? However, you can make sense of it. You can have a better understanding. You can find out that a lot of times, when the situation doesn't come out quite the way you wanted, it wasn't really about you. You didn't do anything wrong. You did everything right. It was something in there, something in her, that was just going make a go the other way, but you still did what you need to do to get the kind of success that you want to have happen. If she didn't happen to see that, or come to that conclusion, oh well, you know, maybe she lost out on a great opportunity with somebody like you.

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D7-T37 Before I go as we start to wrap up, I want to leave you with one good formula for the way to look at your past and to look at these things. Remember, this is Riker's formula for achieving positive things. When you go and have an encounter with somebody and when you look at the encounters that you have had in your past there's a tendency for some guys to go "Oh, this didn't work and that didn't work. Oh this went wrong... " Stop that. That is not the way to focus your mind. If you focus on what went wrong, if you focus on what could go wrong, then that's where you're going to be focused and that is what's going to happen for you. Ok? You what stop that. And give your mind a new way to think about things that happened in your past, and that are going to happen in your future. And here's the formula. When looking at something that took place and looking at something that's happening, you want to run this formula on that occurrence. First, you want to say yourself "well, ok, I talked to this person, I had this interaction,... What Went Wrong?

Be honest with yourself and learn from it. The next i s . . .

What Went Right. And the last thing to remember, the last thing you think about is, What Can I Do Better. That's the place to focus your energy. That's the thing you should carry with you forward and focus on. That's the way to get better. What can you do better. How can you increase your skills and make your life better. And that will increase your effectiveness and success with this material and many other things. D7-T38 I hope you've enjoyed this product. I hope, you have gotten a lot out of it. I know I have gotten a lot out of it by putting it together for you. I wish I had this years ago to help me and I hope it is going to help you as well. Now remember, you can always find me as part of the Speed Seduction® training team or find this product on the Speed Seduction® web site affiliated with Ross Jeffries. If you want to see me, you know where to find me. Go to www.daveriker.com, and you can get the latest news and information about what I'm doing, and what products I have available. I wish you success with this part of your life, and every part of your life.

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Dave Riker's Speed Seduction® Technical Manual

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Student Questions and Answers

D8-T1 With all of the lectures completed, and after you have listened to them and followed along here in the transcript/workbook, then what next? Well, there is a special bonus for you as part of this product. There is an 8th CD included which is just a question and answer session between me and a group of students like yourself! These students were able to listen to and review the full set of lecture CDs (they did not have this transcript/workbook available at the time) that you have just listed to. Now even though there has been a LOT of time and effort placed into the CDs, there are still questions and issues that some students may have, and on this bonus CD, you get to hear many of these addressed! This is almost like YOU having a chance to ask what YOU would like to ask! This bonus CD is not transcribed (that's not appropriate in this case), but I am Confident that you will find it a valuable addition to this product I am trust it will increase your understanding of the material even more. Have fun!

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