Rigging Lifting

May 18, 2019 | Author: guru4lifegmailcom | Category: Occupational Safety And Health, Business, Nature
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Short Description

Rigging and Lifting Rigging Lifting...



PRESENTED BY Mohamed Yehia


Legislation Regulations H S E Guidance Inspection of lifting equipment Pre- use examination of lifting equipment Safe operating procedures Rigging of various loads Weight estimation Load stailit! Wire rope safet!" inspection and care Safe rigging principles

L O L E R  Loler reglation! "# #ame into effect $th %ec &''() *rom this date holders must compl! +ith all the all dut! requirements) $# %efining the terms etc) I E) &', act means the Health and safet! at +or. act &',) %# /o +hom and +here) 0 Ships 1erchant Shipping) 0 Slips /rips 2nd *alls) 0 Ris. 2ssessment) &# #alls upon the emplo!er to ensure that the strength and stailit! are adequate) '# Lifting equipment for lifting persons)

L O L E R  Reg(! Cont(d )# Ever! emplo!er shall reduce to as lo+ as possile" 0 /he load from stri.ing people) 0 Load drifting) 0  *alling) 0 3eing released unintentionall!) *# Ever! emplo!er shall ensure that" I)e) equipment for lifting people is clearl! mar.ed) +) Properl! planned" Properl! supervised and #arried out in a safe manner 

L O L E R  Reg(! Cont(d ,# 0 0 0

/horough examination and inspection) Lifting persons ever! 4 months) 2ccessories lifting gear slings hoo.s shac.les 4 months) Lifting equipment" mechanical device capale of raising or lo+ering a load &5 months)

"# Report and defects)

""# 6eeping of information)

LI.TING OPERATIONS APPLICABLE LEGISLATION 0 HE2L/H 7 S2*E/8 2/ W9R6 etc &',) 0 12:2GE1E:/ 9* HE2L/H7S2*E/8 2/ W9R6 REG;L2/I9:S &''5) 0 LI*/I:G 9PER2/I9:S 2:% LI*/I:G E
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