Categorization of the hazard scenario by operational phase.
I t em
te! nu!ber for hazards.
dentification of "hether the hazard applies to #$D% &'D or $oth ($)
Hazard !enario "hat I#
-ingle 6eopardy state!ent used to identify potential proble!s due to failure in pre76ob planning% training% procedures% or euip!ent failure.
Choose *+* if *,azard -cenario hat f* applies to operation and */* if it does not.
A list of the potential conseuences (,-1 and /'T) of the *"hat if* occurring.
The ris of a situation3e4ent "ith the potential to cause har! (to people% assets% or the en4iron!ent).
The ris of /on 'roducti4e Ti!e (/'T)% including lost ti!e and costs% for!ation da!age and3o r any de4iation fro! the plan.
Re'uired H H% Cr Criti!al Co Controls / a#eguards
Controls3safeguards% and detailed reco!!ended practices for high ris ,-1 ite!s and ref erenced to specific prescripti4e R' 22 enforced reuire!ents.
Reco!!endations% considerations% and infor!ational state!ents on ho" to reduce% eli!inate% or !anage &ediu!38o" Ris ,-1 ite!s and all /'T ite!s.
A!tions to $e &aken / B, "ho and "hen
8ist of actions reuired to reduce3eli!inate the potential occurrence and3or se4erity if the hazard cannot be eli!inated entirely. ho 'arty3parties responsible for each action assigned. hen Date by "hich the action is to be co!pleted.
Primar, Responsi$le Part,
Categorization of the hazard scenario by p ri!ary responsible party.
Primar, Categor,
Categorization of the hazard scenario by pri!ary category (euip!ent% "ell progra!% etc.)
High Risk 7 1ngineering% 'rocedures% and Training reuired to control3!itigate ris.
Medium Risk 7 'rocedures and Training reuired to control3!i tigate ris. -hould consider 1ngineering.
.o5 Risk 7 Training reuired to control3!itigate ris. -hould consider 1ngineering and 'rocedures.
)eneral *otes a$out Register Register is di4ided into 5 sections% coinciding "ith the operational phases of #$D3&'D3AD operations. Additional Additional ite!s !ay be added added to each each section by the R' R' co!!ittee co!!ittee or the end end user. user. The list of ite!s in the register is not not e:hausti4e e:hausti4e and "ill change change "ith ti!e ti!e as additional hazards are identified. 8ast ite! nu!ber used (as of 20; 225 $egin any additional nu!bering "ith 229. /ote that ?;
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