Rig Risk Assessment

June 26, 2019 | Author: Emmaprince | Category: Drilling Rig, Combustion, Risk Assessment, Risk, Chemical Process Engineering
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Short Description

this is a specific rig risk assessment for all operational personnel...


IRP 22 Hazard and Risk Assessment Register  Column Headings Column .etter  Operational Phase


Categorization of the hazard scenario by operational phase.

I t em


te! nu!ber for hazards.



dentification of "hether the hazard applies to #$D% &'D or $oth ($)

Hazard !enario "hat I#


-ingle 6eopardy state!ent used to identify potential proble!s due to failure in pre76ob planning% training% procedures% or euip!ent failure.



Choose *+* if *,azard -cenario hat f* applies to operation and */* if it does not.



 A list of the potential conseuences (,-1 and /'T) of the *"hat if* occurring.



The ris of a situation3e4ent "ith the potential to cause har! (to people% assets% or the en4iron!ent).



The ris of /on 'roducti4e Ti!e (/'T)% including lost ti!e and costs% for!ation da!age and3o r any de4iation fro! the plan.

Re'uired H H% Cr Criti!al Co Controls / a#eguards


Controls3safeguards% and detailed reco!!ended practices for high ris ,-1 ite!s and ref erenced to specific prescripti4e R' 22 enforced reuire!ents.



Reco!!endations% considerations% and infor!ational state!ents on ho" to reduce% eli!inate% or !anage &ediu!38o" Ris ,-1 ite!s and all /'T ite!s.

A!tions to $e &aken / B, "ho and "hen


8ist of actions reuired to reduce3eli!inate the potential occurrence and3or se4erity if the hazard cannot be eli!inated entirely. ho  'arty3parties responsible for each action assigned. hen  Date by "hich the action is to be co!pleted.

Primar, Responsi$le Part,


Categorization of the hazard scenario by p ri!ary responsible party.

Primar, Categor,


Categorization of the hazard scenario by pri!ary category (euip!ent% "ell progra!% etc.)

Risk Ranking  se0erit, o# the e0ent 1!onse'uen!e multiplied $, likelihood o# o!!urren!e 3

High Risk 7 1ngineering% 'rocedures% and Training reuired to control3!itigate ris.


Medium Risk 7 'rocedures and Training reuired to control3!i tigate ris. -hould consider 1ngineering.


.o5 Risk 7 Training reuired to control3!itigate ris. -hould consider 1ngineering and 'rocedures.

)eneral *otes a$out Register  Register is di4ided into 5 sections% coinciding "ith the operational phases of #$D3&'D3AD operations.  Additional  Additional ite!s !ay be added added to each each section by the R' R' co!!ittee co!!ittee or the end end user. user. The list of ite!s in the register is not not e:hausti4e e:hausti4e and "ill change change "ith ti!e ti!e as additional hazards are identified. 8ast ite! nu!ber used (as of 20; 225 $egin any additional nu!bering "ith 229. /ote that ?;
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