Richard Greenberg - Three Days of Rain

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Three   Days   o f   Rain


For Peter Hedges


Threee Da Thre Days ys of Rain Rain was was comm commis issi sion oned ed and and orig origin inal ally ly proproduce du ced d by So Sout uth h Coas Coastt Re Repe pert rtor ory y an and d was was pro produ duce ced d by Manh Ma nhat atta tan n Thea Theatr tree Club Club (L (Lyn ynne ne Mead Meadow ow,, Arti Artist stic ic Di Dire rect ctor or;; Barry Ba rry Grove Grove,, Ex Exec ecut utiv ivee Di Dire rect ctor or)) in Ne New w York York City City,, on October,   1997.   It wa wass dire direct cted ed by E Eva van n Yion Yionou ouli lis; s; the the set set desi de sign gn was by Chri Chriss Ba Barr rrec eca; a; the the cost costum umee desi design gn was was by Cand Ca ndic icee Cain Cain;; the the light lightin ing g de desi sign gn wa wass by Don Donal ald d Hold Holder er;; the the soun so und d de desi sign gn was was by Re Red d Ra Ramo mona na;; th thee origi origina nall mu musi sicc was was by Mike Mi ke Yionou Yionoulis lis;; the specia speciall eff effect ectss wer weree by Gregor Gregory y Meeh; Meeh; and an d th thee pro produ duct ctio ion n st stag agee ma mana nage gerr wa wass Roy Ha Harr rris is.. The The cast cast was as fo follo llows: ws: Walker Walk er/N /Ned ed John John Slat Slatte tery ry  Nan/Lina Patricia Clarkson PiplTh Pip lTheo eo Bradle Bradley y Whitfo Whitford  rd  ore:: Lin ore Linaa rhym rhymes es wit with h Car Caroli olina na

Setting Act   One  An   unocc unoccup upied ied

lof loftt space in do downt wntow own n Manh Manhatt attan an..

Act Two Thee same Th same spa space ce,, on only ly tena tenant nted ed an and d ha happ ppie ier. r.   1960.




Actt One Ac One I 99 5

Settin Sett ing: g: a so somew mewha hatt dila dilapi pida date ted, d, sp spar arta tanl nlyy fu furn rnish ished ed ap apar arttment me nt loca locate ted d on a wi wind ndin ing g str street eet in do down wnto town wn Ma Manh nhat atta tan. n.  Also a portion of that street.  Middle of the night.  Lights are dim.  A low hum of traffic. Walker is lying on the bed, eyes closed, li list sten enin ing. g. A ca carr alar alarm m so soun unds ds,, ab abru rupt ptly ly shut shutss of off. f. Wa Walk lker  er  openss his open his ey eyes es.. Walke alkerr Meanw eanwhi hile le,, back back in th the e cit city. y... .... Two ni nigh ghts ts of of inso insom mnia. ni a. In this this room room,, in tthe he dar dark k ... li list sten enin ing g ... so soak akin ing g up up the the Strav travin inssky of it. it... .... No en end  d   to th the e soun sounds ds in in a city city.... .... So Som mething thi ng ha happ ppen enss som somew ewher here, e, make makess a no noise ise,, the noise tr trave avels, ls, char ch arts ts th the e dist distan ance ce:: The The Stor Story y of a Mom Momen ent. t. God od,, I ne need ed to slee sleep! p!  (He (He lets out a bre breat ath, h, ta take kess in the room.) , (Light ghtss fill fill in. Wal Walker ker add address resses es us. us.)) Yes. Ye s. Al Alll right. right. Be Begin gin..  (Li My na name me is Walk alker er Janew Janeway ay.. I'm the son son of Ed Edm mund und JaneJaneway, wa y, wh whose ose slightly slightly prem prematu ature re de death ath cau caused sed such such a stir last last

year ye ar,, I'm I'm told told.. As you're you're pro probab bably ly aw aware are,, my fathe father, r, alon along g with with tha thatt tribe tribe of ac acol olyt ytes es who co cont ntin inue ue to peopl people e th the e fir firm m of Wex Wexle lerr Jane Jane-way, wa y, desig designed ned allall-ye yes, s,   all-of    the most most fam famous ous build buildings ings of  the last last thirty thirty ye years ars.. You've You've seen the their ir p pict icture ures, s, you may may h hav ave e even ev en visited visited a few few.. Th That at Shi'ite Shi'ite Mosque osque iin n Id Idaho aho.. The The new libra lib rary ry in Bru Bruge ges. s. T The he cra crafts fts mus museu eum m in Austin ustin,, that that hosp hospic ice eI forg fo rget et whe here re,, an and d a verti vertica call mal malll in Rhod Rhode e Islan Island d th that at in squa square re foot fo otag age e ac actu tual ally ly exc excee eeds ds th the e  state  of Rh Rhod ode e Island Island..



Yearss and Year and year yearss and and year yearss ago, wi with th his his la late te pa part rtne ner, r, Theo Th eodor doree Wexl Wexler er,, my fa fath ther er also also de desi sign gned ed thre threee or fou four  r   buildings that truly   are   distin distingui guishe shed, d, chief chief amon among g the them: m: Janewa Jan eway y House. House. I know you know that one. Everyon Eve ryone's e's seen seen that one picture, picture,   LIFE LIFE Magazin Magazine, e,   April April of  '63, '6 3, I thin think, k, wher wheree it look lookss lunar lunar,, I mean mean,, like like ssom omet ethi hing ng ca carve rved  d  fr from om the the moo moon, n, mira mirage ge-y -y-y -you ou reme rememb mber er that that ph phot oto? o? It It's 's  beautiful, isn't it? It won some kind of non-Pulitzer Prize that year. yea r. Peop People le hav havee someti sometimes mes declin declined ed my invitati invitation on to see the the reall place rea place for fear fear of ruining ruining the exp experi erienc encee of the pho photog tograp raph. h. Well We ll.. The The re real al plac place, e, as it hap happe pens ns,, is a priva private te ho home me out out in th thee desira desirabl blee part part of Lon Long g Isl Islan and. d. My gr gran andp dpar aren ents ts co comm mmis is-sion sioned ed it of of my fath father er,, usin using g all the the mo mone ney y they they ha had d in th thee worl wo rld, d, beca becaus use, e, I gue guess ss,, th they ey love loved d him him so much. much. Appa Appare rent ntly ly,, ther theree was was somet somethi hing ng ther theree for for a pa pare rent nt to love love.. Ha Hard rd to imag im agin inee how how th they ey could could te tell ll,, though though,, si sinc ncee he se seld ldom om actu actual ally ly spok sp oke. e. Mayb Maybee he was was lova lovabl blee in a Ch Chap apli line nesq sque ue wa way. y. Wh What at-ever ev er,, thei theirr fa fait ith h paid paid off off.. The The ho hous usee is now now deem deemed ed,, by th thos osee who wh o matt matter er,, to be o one ne of the the great great pr priv ivat atee resi reside denc nces es of the the last half-century. It'ss empr It' empry y now. now. My si sist ster er and and I wil willl inhe inheri ritt it toda today. y. We'l We 'lll be th thee only only famil family y pres presen ent. t. Unle Unless ss you co count unt our  fr frie iend nd,, Pip, Pip, w who ho is my lat latee fath father er's 's late late part partne ner' r'ss torp torpid id so son. n. My moth mother er woul would d be with with us us,, too, too, of cou cours rse, e, but but sh she' e's, s, ur urn, n, like like,, well well,, she' she'ss sort sort of lik likee Zelda Zelda Fi Fitz tzge gera rald ld's 's less less st stab able le si sist ster er,, so sh shee can can't 't be the there re.. She' She'ss els elsew ewhe here re,, she' she'ss .. .... So,, then So then,, this this is the the st stor ory y as I kno know w it so ffar ar:: My fa fath ther er was was more more-or -or-l -les esss si sile lent nt;; my m mot othe herr wa wass more more-o -orrless less mad. mad. They They marr marrie ied d beca becaus usee by r9 r960 60 they they ha had d reac reache hed d a certa ce rtain in ag agee and th they ey were were the last last on ones es left left iin n the ro room om.. And An d then then they they had had my si sist ster er wh who o is som someh ehow ow   entirely   sane. And then they had me. And An d my fa fath ther er beca became me sp spec ecta tacu cula larl rly y su succ cces essf sful ul,, and  and  hi hiss par partn tner er died died shoc shocki king ngly ly yo youn ung, g, and and my moth mother er grew grew 6


increas incre asin ingl gly y mad ad,, and and my sis sister ter and and I wer were e ther there e so we had  had  to grow up. And tod today ay we receiv receive e our our legacy legacy..   (Lig (Light hts. s. Na Nan n ju just st arri arriuuing.)   You're You're here! here! an Yesalker alk er How ar are e you you? ? You look look gr grea eat. t. an Thank ank you. alke al kerr Wha hatt a rel relie ief. f. an   (Tak (Takin ing g th thee pla place ce in.) in.)  Is this where you're   living? alker I ha alk had d this this im imag age e of of-I -I was so so a afr frai aid d you wer were e goin going g to lo look ok like like one one of thos those e women omen,, you you know know,, with a wedge edge cutt who ar cu are e fore foreve verr eatin eating g or orien iental tal chick chicken en salad saladss in mall re taur tauran anrs rs and and go goin ing g to mus music ical als, s, but but yo you u   don't,   thank  God! an You were supp suppos osed ed to meet eet me. me. alk al ker

II-w what at? ?

an You said said you' you'dd-th the e   plan  was you'd meet me at the airportalk al ker Did we we say that that??an I took took a cab, cab, fin final ally ly,, when I rea reali lize zed d waitin aiting g was a lo lost st causeWaJ aJk ker I'm I'm-w -wh hat

an idio idiot! t!

an Yes. Wal alke kerr

I'm sorr sorry. y.

• an Wel ell. l. You lo look ok thin thin.. alke lker Oh, no noan   Ectomorph-plasmic,   almos almost-a t-are re

you you earin earing? g?



Walker Walk er Oh Go God, d, I' I'm m a  maw,   carbo carbo-lo -loadi ading ng lik likee a lo longngdist di stan ance ce-w -well ell,, actu actual ally ly,, no, no, no nott in tthe he la last st thre threee da days ys,,   two days da ys-I -I tr trie ied d to get get a ham hambu burg rger er be befo fore re bu butt it didn didn't 't wo work  rk  out.  Nan I don't know what that means. Walker Walk er I went went in inca ca this this rres esta taur uran ant, t, sat sat myse myself lf do down wn,, and  and  aske asked d for a baco baconn-ch chee eese sebu burg rger er,, plea please se-I -I wa wass ju just st so exac exactly tly li like ke pe peop ople le,, yo you u wo woul uld d ha have ve-b -but ut th then en,, th thee waite waiter? r? He sa said id:: "Tha "T hank nk yo you. u. An And d if yo you u ne need ed any anyth thin ing, g, my nam namee is Crai Craig. g."" So I said said:: "A "And nd if I  don't   need need any anyth thin ing, g, wh what at wi will ll your your na name me  be?" And he gave me this ... really annihilating-I had to leave.   I thoug thought ht I' I'd d sai said d it to my myse self lf!! I   th thin ink k ma mayb ybee I' I'm m no nott a  people person anymore. I've missed you so much.  Nan Aren't we running late? Wal alk ker No Nott at aall ll- Nan Will Pip be meeting us here or atWalker Walk er He He's 's me meet etin ing g us at L Law awye yerr Fi Fish sher er's 's-w -wee ha have ve ple plenr nry y of ti time me,, sit sit do down wn,, ta take ke of offf your your co coat at,, stay stay a  while-(She doesn't.)   Oh Oh,, Nan! Nan! I sa saw w Pip on his his  show!   Have yo you u seen seen his Nan No. Walk Wa lker er It wa wass th thee fi firs rstt day day I wa wass back back- Nan And what day was that? Walker Walk er I pass passed ed this this st stor ore, e, ther theree wa wass this this ba bank nk of te telev levis isio ion n sets sets,, al alll tun tuned ed to   Pip-I   wen wentt inin-I ins insis iste ted d they they tur turn up th thee volu vo lume me-i -itt was was ext extra raor ordi dina nary ry.. He pla plays ys ssom omeo eone ne name named  d   Butte   who who ne neve verr wear wearss a shir shirtt an and d is carn carnal ally ly en entan tangl gled ed wi with th someone some one named   Savannah-they   must must hav havee me mett d dur urin ing g an eart ea rthq hqua uake ke-a -any nywa way, y, he's he's all all so sort rt of ro roug ugh h an and d tend tender er an and  d  mono mo nosy syll llab abic ic and and yo you' u'd d ne neve verr gues guesss his his fath father er wa wass a de dead  ad 




Well, ll, don't tor tortu turre   him about   it.

"Walk lke er

I ...


an . Lis iste ten n. Look. We'd b  ette tter   allow   plenty   of tiirne c r  irn e ror  ro


I  f  l C -

"Walk alker er

The a ap ppoin pointm tmen ent's t's not fo forr-

an   If you get sna snarled rled up inin"Walk lke er

It's th thre ree e m min inu ute tes s by rickshaw,   we won't-

~ an . Y Yo ou come late late fo forr th the ese esta tate te la law wyers rsa and th the ey penali liz ze y o u rn acrea acreage ge-Walke lker

Oh God, I haven't se see en you in a year and  al alll  yo  you u ca can n

bocond utndisd itine itin era rary ry-w odda uldmnyed ousubu ple lea ase ple lea ase sep p le lea aand  se seju just st g calk  se ro rop p thi this s-wo go ddam su burb rban an al alac acrity rityan d  for   a  aseco hug hu (He (H e hug ugss he her. r. She ba bare rely ly su subm bmit its. s. The hen n holds olds him tig tight ht.. Then rnoues out of it.) it.)

m e?

 _ an And just for the record: I do not  live   in th the e su sub bur urb bss-II aye   inth the e ci city ty.. a1ker    (Appalled.)   You live   in Bo  Bosto ston. n.  _ an   Boston   is is a city. atker    Boston   is not a city ity, Bosto ton n is a pa  paris rish h. • an Oh, please. atk tke er What  could   ev ever possib ssiblyha lyhap ppen to you on a st stre ree et in Bost:o st:on n? You migh ight,w t, what, run run in into to a cleric  an  and repent  somerhin rh ing g? Boston ton is only a city ity if  you're a swa swan boat. You're sup su ppose sed d to re rea alizetha lizethat. t.  _ an Yes, I know: Bostoni nis s not a city ity, Detroit is no not  t   a cit ity y, Chic ica ago is merely   the exce excep ptiontha tionthatt pro rove ves s th the e rule   about about the  _ fidwestaIk Ike er AlIth lI tha at is tr tru ue.



 Nan I don't hold by any of it anymore, you know. Walker    (Oddl sincer cerely ely hope that' that'ss not not true true ... ..... (Oddlyy ser seriou ious.) s.)   I sin Your life has made you so Nan You haven't even asked me one thing about my life since 1 -

Walker Walk er Yes. Yes. Yo You' u're re ab abso solu lute tely ly righ right. t. I' I'm m so sorr rry. y. How How are are yo you? u? How' Ho w'ss Harr Harry? y? How How ar aree the the twin twins? s? They They must must be .. .... diff differ eren entt sbapes sba pes,, by no now. w.  Nan ... Nick has started to read. Walk Wa lker er Th That at's 's gr grea eat. t.  Nan And Milly is ice skating like aWalker    (Overlaps.)   Oh, terri terrific fic..  Nan They're really spectacular. They Th ey'r 'ree no nott twin twins, s, of cour course se,, bur bur that that's 's th thee so sort rt of de deta tail il 1 don' do n'tt expe expect ct yo you u to ha have ve memor memorize ized. d. Wal alke kerr 1 kno now w that that,, II-oh oh,, look look all ch chil ild dren ren to m mee are, are, yo you u know kn ow me an andd-th they ey'r 'ree all all mo more re or lles esss o one ne chil child d tak taken en to some so me unfa unfath thom omab able le po powe wer, r, one one   uberkind,   all all nois noisy y an and d ca cand ndid  id  and an d torm tormen entin ting, g, why why don't don't yo you u   sit?  Nan   I don't    want   to si sit! t! (P (Pau ause se.) .) Walk lkeer ... ... Nan?  Nan 1 thought you were dead this time. Walk Wa lker er

I, yes, yes, youyou-

 Nan 1 was cerrain of it, this timeWalk Wa lker er I' I'mm Nan There were things to think of at the funeral other than your yo ur ab abse senc nce, e, Walk Walker er.. Did Did yo you u ev ever er cons consid ider er us ffor or a mo mome ment nt in thi thiss la last st year year?? Do yo you u ha have ve an any y id idea ea wha whatt it wa wass li like ke??

1 0


Harr arry y hi hired red derec derecriv rives. es. It cost cost us a fortun fortune. e. We llea earn rned  ed   noth Forr such such a fu fuck ck-u -up p you'r you're e in incre credib dibly ly gif gifted ted at ge gettin tting g lost. lost. ing.  Fo Where   were   you? Walk lker er Ir Ira aly. ly.  (Beat.) an   Iraly? Walk lke er an


  ju jusst ... ... It Ita aly ly? ?

es,, I k kno now w, an anyt ythi hing ng shor shortt of jupi jupite terr must ust so sou und  alker    Yes  pros  pr osaic aic aft after er all yo you'v u've e been been th thro roug ugh, h, bu but-o t-one ne to town wn in  parti  pa rticu cular lar fo forr mo most st of it. Well, ell, ev even entu tuall ally. y.   In Tuscany. an


alker alk er Urn rn,, I know know,, it's the most ost ob obvi viou ouss po possi ssibl ble e pi pia-t a-tho hose se detectives detectiv es must must have have been quite seco second nd-rate -rate;; anywa anyway, y, we well, ll, I'd   been  be en to told ld nobo nobody dy goes goes th there ere anym anymor ore-a e-an n enor enorm mous ous lie lie,, by the th e way-s ay-so o I decid ecided ed to to tr try y it out. Oh, I had rh rhis is memo emory-I ry-I thin think k it was fr fro om a movie ie-o -off a bachelo elor's r's butto buttons ns and and tal talll tre trees. es. I ren rented ted th this is very field   of bach chea ch eap p bur bur q qui uite te fine fine vi vill lla a fo forr a w whi hile le-to -to st stud udy y it, y you ou kn know ow.. I wan anted ted to learn learn the the bo bone ness of the bu build ildin ing, g, I thou though ghtt maybe aybe I' I'd  d  end en d up writing riting som somethin ething. g. I spent spent month onthss prete pretend ndin ing g Iw was as tharr sort tha sort of perso person n made ade ec ecsta static tic by ol oliv ive e oil, oil, do you know know? I very ve ry ne nearl arly y   was,  for a bit. But nothing came of any of it. an You jjus ustt ... walke alked d out of your our apa apartm rtmen ent; t; you you ab aban an-doneda1ker It had beco a1k ecome-th e-the e filt filth h of it-t it-th he ch chao aoss o off itit-it it just just happ ha ppen ened ed.. So I left. left. And   I did  go to the cemetery. The morning in g after after th the e ... ... ev even ent. t. Three Three o' o'clo clock ck or so som mething ething.. an jesu jesus. s. Walker alker It's nice nice wh where ere Ned Ned is, isn't isn't it? U Und nder er tha thatt tree, tree, right right  by the the wate ater. r. He has a belv belved edere ere.. I just just so sort rt of sh show owed ed up



with my rucksack. this fr fro om me-I'd  private ceremony. would uldn't ligh ight, So

I'd brought-oh God, you're not hearing brought a candle. I'd decided    to   have a Luckily, it was raining, the candle, the wick  I just sa satt on that big bou boulder by hi hiss grav rave,

gettin tting g wet an and d chatt atting ing aw awaay li lik ke a m mo oron ron. sa said id no noth thin ing. g. So llik ikee the the livi living ng.. Then Th en,, aw away ay..  Now here. Home to you.  Nan

The dead ma man n

I could strangle you with my bare hands.

Walker Walk er Ok Okay ay .... .... Were We re they they nice nice?? Th Thee ob obse sequ quie ies, s,  Nan They were ...

I m mea ean? n?


Walker    (La (Laugh ughss a litt little le.) .)   Yes.  Nan

Very big.


A   do do!!   And And I m mis isssed it. it.

 Nan It was filled with personages. The Finnish ambassado ambassador. r. Did Di d he bu buil ild d so some meth thin ing g in Finl Finlan and? d? Th Thee li lieu eute tena nant nt go gove vern rnor or-Kitty Kit ty Ca Carli rlisle sle!! Walk Wa lker er

Ha Hart rt..

 Nan I forget sometimes ... what he was, the scope of the life he'd e'd mad adee. Th Thee whole city ity turn turned ed outWalker

And "mother"-was


 Nan No. I wa wasn sn't 't pe perm rmit itte ted  d    to   tel tell her for, for, I trunk runk,, two mo mon nth ths. s. She didn idn't know he w waas dead ead for for two mon months hs.. Or tha that you were ere miss issing ing. Or her   name   half alf the ttim ime, e, pr pro obab ab-f -fin inaally ly,, they rh rho ought the they'd fou found the the rig right cock ckttail ail of dr dru ugs, it see seems they'd  y'd   brought her to equilibriu equilibrium, m, I went there. Lina seemed fine. Tru ruly ly.. Sh Shee w waas fun funny about her "r "rec eco overy ery." Sh Shee ssaaid: "L "Lo ook 

I I'



me--all this nonse nonsense nse bec because ause o off jum jumbled bled hormone hormones-an s-and  d  'whe 'w hen n I wa wass youn young g we tho thoug ught ht it was an ex exce cess ss of  soul."    soul."  Really Re ally:: more Ta Tallul llulah ah tha than n ev ever. er. It's ha hard rd to co conn nnec ectt tha thatt wi with th Sanit ity y Regaine ined, but .... .... So I to told ld he her. a t

al alke kerr And di did d sheshean Rel elap apse sed d a coup couple le of da days ys la late ter. r. You ha have ven't n't spo spoke ken n to her in, w wha hat, t, fiv five e ye years ars? ? alker alk er Th Three ree,,   tw o an You o oug ught ht to, to, On a goo good d da day, y, she she's 's ex exac actly tly li like ke y you ou,, only lyo old . . . . You're You're no nott pla plann nning ing on disappe disappeari aring ng again again an any y tim time e soon so on,, are are yo you? al alke kerr Not pla plann nnin ing g it. Thank ank you. you. Nan   Th Butt yo Bu you're u're not not living here.   What   is  this place anyway? How did   you find find it? al alke kerr It was thei theirs rs.. an "T "The heirs irs." ." Whose hose? ? Wal alke kerr

Ned's ed's and and The hea's a's..   (Beat.)

an What hat do you you-w -whe hen? n? Walker    I960.   Right at the beginn beginning. ing. I ca cam me back back to tow town. All I h had ad wer ere e my coat coat and and a ba bag g and  and  abou ab outt a bill billion ion tra trave veler ler's 's che check ckssan When hen did yo you u ha have ve time time to ge gett rrave rrave!er !er's'sWalke alkerr Mos ostt of my mon money ey is   in  travele  traveler's r's checks. checks. An Anyw yway, ay, I wande andere red d ar arou ound nd fo forr a wh while ile.. I st stay ayed ed o one ne ni nigh ghtt at this Cat atho holic lic hote hotell on Twenty enty-T -Thi hird rd St Stre reet et,, th then en-I -I fo forg rget et.. Th Then en I re rem membe embere red d Lawye awyerr Fish Fisher er.. He told me ab abou outt th this. is. He He ga ve me the keys. keys. They They liv lived ed he here re thir thirtyty-fiv five e years ag ago. o. Th They ey



were room roommates, mates,   di did  d    you know know th that at?? Th That at's 's rh rhee only only th thin ing g I co coul uld d fi find nd re rese semb mblin ling g a ma mattr ttres ess. s. Do you suppo suppose se they they were Nan Walker-GodWalk Wa lker er It It's 's poss possib ible le- Nan Not everyone is as sexually fluent as you, Walker-our  lo loss ss,, pe perh rhap aps, s, but but th thee   ca case se-h -hee kept  kept   this? Walker Walk er Al Alll thi thiss ti time me.. In Inta tact ct,, as ffar ar as I ca can n ma make ke out. out. It w was as a rent rental al at the sta start rt.. He pur purch chas ased ed it aatt so some me po poin int, t, th thee wh whol olee  building, I suppose it's  ours   no noww-ve very ry Gran Grand d Du Duca cal, l, don don't 't youyo u-oh oh!! I fo foun und d a pict pictur uree from from earl early y on on-t -tha hatt gall galler ery y acr acros osss the   stre street et-( -(Cr Cros osse sess to wi wind ndow ow.) .)  Nan It's not a galleryWalker Walk er It was was aan n It Ital alia ian n re rest stau aura rant nt th then en-f -for or so some me rrea easo son n th they ey'r 'ree st still ill-I -I got got coff coffee ee the there re,, the the galle gallery ry ser serve vess Nan It's still some kind of restaurant; they've just added art. Walker Walk er I can can't 't te tell ll wh what at it is. is. T The hey y ga gave ve me a ci ciga gar! r! Th Thee  building's the same, though-Ned and Lina must have eaten there, the re, don't don't you thi think? nk? With the red red-ch -check eckere ered d bre breads adstick tickss and  melti me lting ng Ch Chia iant ntii bo bott-oh oh!! And And the the two store storess nex nextt to it were were one  building and maybe empty-there's the most wonderful   bricolage -all thi -all thiss st stuff uff cov coveri ering ng old sstuf tufff and and old stu stuff ff tha that's t's been been scra scraped  ped  away to reveal older stuff-Look!   (Turning (Turning ba back ck inside.) inside.) Thee dr Th draf aftin ting g tab table! le! This Th is must must ha have ve been been Ne Ned' d'ss an and d Th Theo eo's 's stud studio io,, to too. o. They They must mu st have have desi design gned ed th thee ho hous usee here here,, do don' n'tt yo you u thi think nk?? Th This is must mu st have have be been en th thee hove hovell they they wer weree liv livin ing g in whe when n they they lai laid  d  th thee plan planss fo forr th that at para paradi dise se- Nan Walker, we shouldn't be hereWalker Walk er It It's 's   ours!  Nan, it was the weirdest feeling, walking in the first time.



The pla lac ce is so noth nothin ing. g. I c co ouldn uldn't 't im ima agin gine why he he'd 'd ke kept pt it. I  pace  pa ced d the the fl flo oor fo forr tw two o days, ays, sc scre ream amin ing g at th the e wall lls: s: "S "Spe peak ak!! Spea Sp eak! k!" " It w was as in infur furiati iating ng.. an We sho shoul uld dg go os som omew ewhe here re-y -you ou

need need to ea eatt-

aIkerr Th aIke This is place place m mad ade e as little sen sense se as any anythin thing g els else. e. Finally Fin ally,, last last nigh night, t, I cou couldn ldn't 't sleep sleep,, I felt felt so som mething ething again against st my my  b  bac ack, k, under der the the mattre ttress ss,, no, it was   "The "The Princ Princess ess an and d the Pea," Pe a," I rolled rolled of offf the be bed, d, reache reached d un unde derr and and found  found   this: (He extra ext ract ctss a no noteb teboo ook. k.)) It's It' s a kind kind of di diar ary, y, a jo jour urna nal. l. The in inev evita itabl ble e jo jour urna nal! l! I  that's t's why he kept kept th this is plac place, e, it's Th The e Hous House e of th the e chink  tha Jour Jo urna nal. l. I'v I've e been been po porin ring g over over it, my bra brain in's 's all all rag ragge ged, d, I can ca n't make ake head head or tal tale e of it, bu butt it see seem ms to co cove ver  r  every  everything:   when when they built built the hous house, e, eve everyb rybody ody gettin getting g married, arried,  births  birt hs,, in inst stit itut utio ion nal aliz izat atio ion ns, etcet tceter eraa-it it   seems   to-it's  prac  pr acti tic cally ally wri ritte tten n in cip iph her er.. And ther there e are who hole le bunc bunche hes s of years years co cove vere red d by a single single sente sentenc nce. e. Still. Still.  (Nan (Nan is stari staring ng know ow.. It gives gives o off ff an inf infern ernal al glow, at the the jou journ rna al.) l.) I   kn doeso't it it? ? an Put it away away.. alker alk er You ou're 're cr crac acke ked. d. an Put it aw away now now. alk lke er We have   to rea  read d this togeth together, er, Nan; Nan; it insists insists.. an Walker alker-Walker    (Firm.)   We are  reading this today. I've be been en aw away bur now I'm back back.. We're going going to read this and then we're going to  the lawyer's and an d rece receive ivew wha hat's t's be been en left left us. us. What hat we shou should ld hav have e ha had d a year year ago, ago, but for m me. e. Thi his s is the the day day,, N Nao ao.. We're finally finally going going   to fin find d ou outt wha hatt be belon longs gs   to us us.. (Lights.)



 j  Nan   (Solo.)   Plan Planss fo forr the the build buildin ing g th that at wo woul uld d come come to be know kn own n as Ja Jane newa way y Hous Housee were were ccom ompl plet eted ed some someti time me in the the fall of   I960.   Grou Ground nd wa wass bro broke ken n in ea earl rly y sp spri ring ng of tthe he fol follo lowwin ing g ye year ar,, an and d my gr gran andp dpar aren ents ts move moved d in into to th thei eirr new new ho home me that winter that winter.. Thee ho Th hous usee wa wass begu begun n mode modest stly ly,, but but beca became me in inst stan antl tly y fa famou mouss when when it w was as cho chose sen n fo forr the cove coverr of on onee of the the to toni nier  er  ar arch chite itect ctura urall quar quarte terli rlies es of th thee dayWalk Wa lker er It beca became me fa famo mous us when when th thee pi pict ctur uree was was publi publish shed ed in LIF IFE-

 Nan It was published first inWalk Wa lker er Bu Butt it o onl nly y be beca came me   famous   when when it was was pu publ blis ishe hed d in LIF IFE-

 Nan Either way. I neve neverr lear learne ned, d, quite quite,, the the tech techni nica call reas reason onss th that at th thee hous housee is gr grea eatt-my my brot brothe herr is bett better er on tho those se,, Wa Walk lker er ha hass actu actual ally ly studie stu died d tha thatt stu stuffffWalk Wa lker er I' I'm m no nott goi going ng to go into into it it- Nan -but

it has something to do with fenestration-

Wall Wa llke kerr Not Not re real ally ly- Nan -and

the solids and the, the alternation of solids and-

Wallker   (Overlapping.)-voids-the   soli solids ds and and th thee void voidss Nan And there's a kind of miracle about the lightWalker Walk er All All tthe he glas glass, s, the ho hous usee is a pr pris ism, m, but but you you don' don'tt broi broill in it in the summer Nan -and there's a different kind of light in every room, and  at ev ever ery y hou hourr-an and d the the ro room omss th them emse selv lves es ha have ve some someth thin ing g liqui liq uid d ab abou outt them them,, some someth thing ing th that at chan change ges. s. Goet Goethe he-G -Goe oeth thee was it?



alker alk er

So Som me fam famous ous Ger erm manan-

an -d -def efin ined ed al alke kerr

ar arch chit ite ect ctu ure as "f "fro roz zen music. sic." "

Thi hiss is the the qual quality ity the the plans plans don' don'tt ca capt ptur uree-

an Accor ccordi ding ng to the monog onogra raph ph wri rite ters rs,, when when you you lloo ook k at cher ch ern, n, they'r they're e ve very ry fine fine,, but but they they som somehow ehow d don on't 't imply imply the hou ho u e its itsel elf. f. Ap Appa pare rent ntly ly,, that that's 's how how it is som somet etim imes es with gr grea eatt  build  bu ildin ings gs-al alke kerr The here re's 's an in intu tuiti ition on held held in rese reserv rve, e, a sec secre rett the the arch ar chite itect ct ke keep epss un until til th the e build buildin ing g is built built.. It may only only b be e that that the th e pl plan anss ac actu tual ally ly work. ork. an It It's 's also also sa said id that that of the the grea greatt ho hous uses es of th the e last last fort forty y year ye ars, s, th this is is the the best best one one for for livin living g   in.... My pare parents nts marrie arried d beca becaus use e it was was   1960  and one had to and an d th they ey were ere ther there. e. And I d don on't 't thin think k that that's 's a cont contem empt ptib ible le thin th ingg-fo forr pe peop ople le who ha have ve rea reach ched ed a cer certa tain in age age and and never  never  foun fo und d an anyt ythi hing ng bette better. r. I mean, ean, fo forg rget et abou aboutt what what happ happen ened ed later later,, think think of the moment.   My mother other was was lov lovely ely,, but not not as yo youn ung g as she shou sh ould ld ha have ve be been en,, my fathe fatherr was virtua virtually lly silent, silent, an and d the they y each ch oth other er and and I don't don't think think that's that's so cynic cynical. al./H /He ew was as  fou  fo und   ea  pres  pr esen enta tabl ble e and and seri seriou ouss and and he must ust have have se seem emed ed ca calm lmin ing g to her, he r, and and solid solid,, and and easy easy   to  ign  ignor ore, e, but but not not in a ba bad d way ay.. And  And  he was was from from Ne New w Engla ngland nd ana ana la late terr New New Yor ork, k, so he prob prob-ably ab ly th thou ough ghtt sh she e wasn wasn't 't craz crazy, y, just just South outher ern. n. And And if it w was as calcu ca lculat lating ing,, it was was a ca calcu lculat lation ion again against st lonelin lonelines ess, s, again against st ... the th e ossibil ibilir iry y of no no lif life e at all all.. D May r ath th,,   1972,   at aroun around d eight eight P.M.,  I was in the kitch kit chen en of ou ourr eleve elevenn-ro room om apar apartm tmen entt on the Upp Upper er East East Side Side,, finish fin ishing ing up the dis dishe hess and and hum humm ming. ing. We wer ere e living living the then n in a ter terrib rible le skys skyscr crap aper er my fathe fatherr had had de desig signe ned, d, his firs firstt skyscraper~ alke alkerr -his -his

fi firs rstt build buildin ing g aft after er Theo heo die diedd-


 Nan  l brothe her, r, who who was was eigh eight, t, was in hi hiss pa paja jama mas, s, on the the  lM M y brot living livin g room floor, erect erecting ing cities o out ut of this supersuper-sophist sophisticate icated  d  Tink Ti nker er Toy Toy kind kind of thin thing g my fa fath ther er ha had d ma made de for us us.. My fa fath ther er sa satt in a larg large, e, unco uncomf mfor orta tabl blee Mo Mode dern rn ch chai air, r, flip flippi ping ng sile silent ntly ly thro throug ugh h an ar artt book book:= :=JJ Walk Wa lker er We had had dine dined  d   ii trois   tha thatt nigh nightt be beca caus usee at aro aroun und  d  seve se ven, n, my mothe motherr ha had d stat statio ione ned d he hers rsel elff in the the mi midd ddle le of  th thee long long foye foyer, r, and and for for the the hou hourr si sinc ncee ha had d be been en rocki rocking ng on herr haunc he haunche hes, s, mu mutt tter erin ing g in a pri priva vate te lang langua uage ge of h her er ow own n invention.

 Nan \1 had done with the dishes and was moving onto the wate wa terr glas glasse sess when when some someth thin ing g ha happ ppen ened ed.. Th Thee firs firstt ind indic icat atio ion n 1 had ha d was was the the soun sound d of my my brot brothe herr laug laughi hing ng.. He late laterr told told me he had hadn' n'tt reac reacte ted  d   to   anyt anythi hing ng ne new, w, he'd he'd just just loo looke ked d up an and d in an inst instan antt real really ly se seen en what what wa wass happ happen enin ingg-


Walker Walk er And And 1 lost lost it. it. 1 mean mean,, it w was as un unco conr nrro roll llab able le..r    Anyway, th this is trigg trigger ered ed some someth thin ing g in my mot mothe herr so she just just dashe dashed d ou outt of ther there. e. She flew flew out out the the apar apartm tmen entt an and d do down wn the the thou thousa sand ndss of flig flight htss of stair stairss al alll th thee wa way y   to  the lobby.  Nan My brother pursued her but couldn't catch her--:::J Walk Wa lker er Ther Theree was, was, I'm I'm sure sure,, an am amph phet etam amin inee invo involv lved ed-arri rive ve in tim timee how howev ever er to se seee he herr bo body dy pier pierce ce the the  Nan J He   did ar glass facade glass facade of the buildi buildingngWalk Wa lker er It was was inc incre redi dibl ble! e! Stra Straig ight ht thro throug ugh. h. Th Ther eree wa wass this this mome mo ment nt,, befo before re th thee bloo blood d st star arte ted, d, whe when n she lloo ooke ked d like like some so meth thin ing g crys crysta tal. l. Then Then ba bam! m!-e -eol olor oriz ized ed-t -thi hiss su sudd dden en re reddness--everyvvhere Nan My brother was eight years old. Mean Me anwh whil ile, e, up upst stai airs rs,, my fath father er,, ac acti ting ng on a h hun unch ch,, ininstru struct cted ed me to telep telepho hone ne fo forr an ambu ambula lanc ncee wh whil ilee he join joined  ed  in th thee chase chase.. 1 call called ed th thee ambul ambulan ance ce,, drie dried d the the glas glasse sess from from



di dinn nner er,, and and sa sarr on on th thee long long,, stee steep, p, un unco comf mfor orta tabl blee co couc uch. h. Wait Wa itin ing. g. I wa te ten. n. ( omet om etim imes es,, I as ask k pe peop ople le,, "S "So o how how did did all all of th this is happ happen en?" ?" and an d th theey sa say, y, "Oh "Oh we well ll,, your your poor poor mo moth theer, yo you u kn know ow,, an and  d  th then en,, it   was  the sixties." r any rate. '" '"My My mo moth ther er was tak taken en to the the hosp hospit ital al wher wheree they they did did ve very ry good go od work work.. My br brot othe herr ra ran n away away,, but but only only as fa farr as th thee la laun undr dry y room room of our our buil buildi ding ng,, wher wheree he hid hid in a close closett for for ten ten hour ho urss un unti till some someon onee thou though ghtt to che check ck ther there. e. My br brot othe her  r  retu re turn rned ed,, my moth mother er retu return rned ed.. Nobo Nobody dy sa said id anyt anythi hing ng.. An And d it was over. (Lights.)

atker    (Reading (Reading fro from m [ourna [ournal.) l.)   "May "May 12., 12., 1972 1972.: .: A terrib terrible le night. " an Wa Walk lker er,, stop stop.. alker    0-1am   not   maki making ng th this is up up:: "May   12.,   197 1972. 2.:: A rerr rerrib ible le night night." ." That   eveningan Ye YessWalker Walk er Th This is is the the onl only y sent senten ence ce he dev devot otes es to it. it.   In my delirium,   1   th thou ough ghtt ma mayb ybee a page page was was miss missin ing, g, bu butt no no,, the the suew subs bseq eque uent nt Hospi entr entry y tal isl righ risurpr ghtprisi t ising in ngly pl plac ace: e:edib "M ay." 13 13,, 19 1972 72:: Fo Food od at Yo York rk Hos pita sur ly ed"May ible le." an Pl Plea ease se-Walker Walk er I me mean an,, it real really ly is th thee most most ext extra raor ordi dina nary ry do docu cume ment nt.. Thee fi Th firs rstt th thin ing g yo you u no noti tice ce when when yo you u st star artt re read adin ing g is the the st styl yle: e: does esn' n'tt have have one. one. And it man manag ages es to sus susta tain in that that for for hu hunnIt do dred dr edss o off pa page gess-yo you u fli flip thr hrou ough gh-n -naarrat rrativ ives es of the m mos ostt wrench wre nching ing eve events nts,, and the aff affect ect is eenti ntirel rely y fla flat-w t-wait ait-li -liste sten n to th this is-w -win inte terr of 1966 1966-y -you ou know know,, whe when Th Theo eo is go goiing under?


c i1


/ Li ten ten   to  our father father's 's render rendering ing:: "Jan "Janua uary ry 3- Theo Theo is dy dyin ing. g."" "Ja Janu nuar ary y 5-T -Th heo i dyi dying ng.." "Jan "Janua uary ry 18"18"-(1 (1'1 '11 1 sk skip ip a litt little le))-"T "The heo o

de dead ad." ."



I mean! Hi partner. Be r and oldest fri friend: ""T Theo dying, Theo heo dyi dying ng,, The heo o dead. ead."" You You cou oulld ing ing it rro o the the ru rune ne o of  f  b-La La-D -Di. i."" \ " bAnd An d it's it's al alll like like that. that. Ever Every y en entr try. y. Ye Year arss aand nd ye year arss ofofwait-thi is the b bee r of all-the first note-the kickoff, you' ou'll-I ll-Iii ten: ten: "19 "1 960,  April   jrd  jrd    to to Apri Aprill 5th5th-Th Thre reee da days ys of of rain rain." ."   (Beat.) Okay. Look. Let'sReco Re cons nstr truc uctt al alon ong g wi with th me a m mom omen ent. t. Yo You u are are this this yo youn ung g man. ma n. Amb Ambit itio ious us,, of co cour urse se-w -wha hatt ar arch chit itec ectt is isn' n'tt am ambi biti tiou ous? s? And An d it's it's that that mome moment nt when when you' you're re   0  bursting with feeling that   people   aren aren't 't enou enough gh,, your your ar artt isn' isn'tt en enou ough gh,, yo you u ne need  ed  some so meth thin ing g el else se,, some some othe otherr wa way y   to   let let out out ev ever eryt ythi hing ng that that's 's in you. yo u. You buy buy th this is note notebo book ok,, this this volu volume me into into wh whic ich h yo you u ca can n  pour your most secret, your deepest and illicit passions. You  bring it home, commence-the first sacred jottings-the feelin fee lings gs you couldn couldn't 't con contai tain: n: "April   3rd 3rd to A Apr pril il yrh: yrh: Th Thre reee da days ys of rain rain." ." A wea weath ther  er    eporr,   A fuck fuckin ing g we weat athe herr repo report rt!! (Bea (Beat. t. He quie quiets ts do down wn.) .) You Yo u know know,, th thee th thin ing g is with with pe peop ople le wh who o ne neve verr ta talk lk,, the the th thin ing g is yo you u al alwa ways ys su supp ppos osee they they'r 'ree harb harbor orin ing g so some me enor enormo mous us secret sec ret. .gBut, But just jus.t (B pos possib sibly, secret is, they they have  absolutely no noth thin ing to , say say. (Bea eat. t.))ly, the secret Anyway,   Iwa want nt you you to give give me the ho hous use. e.  Nan What? Walker   

I want wa nt

th thee hous house. e.   Iwa want nt to buy yo your ur sh shar aree inin-

 Nan Why? Walker    I  just-need


 Nan You hated him. Why do you want his house?

2 0


Walker Walk er Beca Becaus usee I don' don'tt live live aany nywh wher ere. e. Oh,, lo Oh look ok,, lo look ok,, I can' can'tt be sur suree of thi thiss bu butt I tthi hink nk wh when en I go gott lo lost st th this is la last st ti time me,, when when I d dis isap appe pear ared ed,, it was was so that that yo you u woul wo uld d fi find nd me. me. I know know that that ma make kess me an an impo imposs ssib ible le pe pers rson on,, I am   an im impo possi ssibl blee pers person on,, it's it's fact, fact, but, but, anyw anyway ay,, wh when en al alll th thos osee mo mont nths hs pass passed ed and no one show showed ed up, up, I st star arte ted d to  believe you had forgotten me. I don't mean as   in "ceased    to care ca re," ," I mean mean as in, in, "co "coul uldn dn't 't plac placee the the name name." ." Th That at's 's absu absurd rd,,  but I was living in a country where I didn't speak the language and an d it star starte ted  d    to se seem em trul truly y pos possi sibl ble. e. Cr Craz azyy-bu butt that that's 's no nott exac ex actl tly y fore foreig ign n terr terrai ain n for for us, us, is it? it? I real really ly start started ed to be beli liev evee I was going going-s-cr -s-crazy, azy,   I -

an   (Softly.)   SweetieWalker Walk er Th Thee rea reaso son n   Ido don' n'tt like like be bein ing g aroun around d pe peop ople le wh who o ar aree li like ke me on only ly ol old d is that that they they alwa always ys se seem em   to   be eend ndin ing g so  badly.   I don' do n'tt want want to end end badl badly. y. And  And  I don' do n'tt wa want nt to be this this  burden on people I love so much. And the house is very  beautiful.   I th thin ink k it coul could d on only ly ha have ve been been desig designe ned d by so some meon onee who wh o was was ba bapp ppy. y. And And I'd I'd like ike   to   beli believ evee that that was was part part of it it,, too.   Ilo love ve tthe he ci city ty,, but it's it's da dang nger erou ouss to me. It It's 's Je Jett me ...  become nothing. I want   to  be san sane. e. I wan wantt a plac placee that that be belo long ngss to me me.. Lett me hav Le havee th thee hous house. e. Plea Please se..   (Beat.) an Pu Putt awa way y the boo book. Walker

... But-

an Pu Putt awa way y th thee book book and ne neve verr take ake it out out aga gain in.. The hous ho usee fo forr the bo book ok.. That That's 's my offe offer. r.   (A   hesita hesitatio tion. n. Wal Walker  ker  re repla place cess the jou journa rnall beneat beneath h the matt mattre ress. ss.))   And that that's 's the the end  end  of it. it. Walk Wa lker er

Ye Yes. s. Th Than ank k you. you.

an Now Now le let' t'ss go or we real really ly wi will ll be late late.. Walk lkeer

Ye Yes, s, y yes es .. ....

let me ge gett my my coat coat..


 Nan I'll wait outside.   (She (She go goes es out. out. Walk Walker er puts puts on his coat coat,, retr retriev ieves es th thee bo book ok,, bu buri ries es it in a p poc ocke ket, t, jo join inss her her outsi outside de.) .) You'r Yo u'ree ready? ready? Walker Ab Walker Abso solut lutely ely..  Nan. You'll come all the time, won't you? It'll be everyonee .. on ....  Nan Of course. Let' go. We don't want to leave Pip alone with wit h the law lawyer yer.. Wal alk ker God, no-he leave.. Lights.) leave Lights.)

might ight tr try y ro w wo ork ou ourr a sid side d dea eal! l!   (They

(The soun (The sound d of ca carr brak brakes es sq sque ueal alin ing. g. Pi Pip p ru rush shes es on on,, as thou though gh late late,, slam slamss do door or be behi hind nd hi him, m, catc catche hess his breat breath, h, smiless at audienc smile audience.i e.i

Pip   (Solo.)   Hi. Hi. He Hell llo. o. Ok Okay ay:: no now w me. me. My nam namee i Phil Philli lip p O' O'Ma Mall lley ey We Wexl xler er-w -wel ell, l, Pip Pip ro th thos osee who' wh o've ve know known n me a li litr trle le roo roo lo long ng.. My fathe father, r, th thee arch archite itect ct Theo Th eodo dore re Wexl Wexler er,, died died of lung lung ca canc ncer er at the the age age of thir thirty ty-ei eigh ght, t, ev even en thoug though h he w was as the the on only ly one one of hi hiss g gen ener erat atio ion n wh who o neve ne verr smoke smoked. d. I was was thre threee wh when en it ha happ ppen ened ed,, so so,, of cou cours rse, e, I forg forgot ot him him in inst stan antly tly.. My mot mothe herr tr trie ied d ro m mak akee up for for th this is by obses ob sessiv sively ely telli telling ng me sto storie riess about about him, him, this this kind of ro rollin lling g epic ep ic tha thatt tr trai ailed led me thr throu ough gh li life fe,, bu butt they they,, or   it,   ende ended d up  being mosrly about her. Which was probably for the best. Anyway Anyw ay,, it we wenr nr lik likee this this:: My moth mother er,, Maur Mauree een n O' O'Ma Malle lley y ba back ck then then,, came came ro Ne New w York Yo rk in tthe he spr sprin ing g of '59 '59.. Sh Shee wa wass tw twen enty ty,, he herr par paren enrs rs st stak aked  ed  her ro a year, year, and she arrived arrived wit with h a care careful fullyly-rh rhou oughr ghr-o -our  ur   plan to be amazing at something. Well, the year wenr by with wi thou outt mu much ch ha happ ppen enin ing g an and d sh shee wa wass mi mise sera rabl blee be beca caus usee sh shee wass af wa afra raid id she she was go goin ing g ro h hav avee ro leav leavee Ne New w York York an and  d  return ret urn,, in dis disgra grace, ce, ro Bro Brook oklyn lyn.. Earl Ea rly y on onee mo morn rnin ing, g, af afte terr a nigh nightt wh when en sh shee ccou ould ldn' n'tt slee sleep p at al all, l, she she ssta tart rted ed wand wander erin ing g ar arou ound nd th thee city city.. It w was as raini raining ng,, she she



had he had herr um umbr brel ella la,, sh she e sat sat in the the rain rain unde underr her umbr umbrel ella la on a  benc  be nch h   inWashi ashingt ngton on Squ Square are Park, Park, and felt sorr sorry y for herself. herself. Then Th en sh she e saw my fath father er for for the the firs firstt tim time. e. "The "T here re he was," was," she told told me, "this "this de deva vasta statin tingly gly han hands dsom ome e man ""-th that atusly, was an exag exlously agge gera rati on,,n  more he look looked ed appy lik like em ee-an and wa was s ob obvio vious ly, mi mira racu culou sly, , tion even eve   unhap unh py tha than n dshe he was as.. He was just just thra thrash shin ing g thro throug ugh h the the rain rain,, pa paci cing ng and  thra th rash shin ing, g, unti until, l, al alll at o onc nce, e, he st stop oppe ped d and and sank sank onto onto the the  bench  be nch bes besid ide e her. her. But But not not be becau cause se of her. her. He didn't didn't re reali alize ze she wa th ther ere. e. He di didn dn't 't have have an umbr umbrel ella la so my mot othe herr shif shifte ted  d  hers over to h hiim. "Des "D espa pair ir," ," my mot othe herr to told ld me, "can "can be attr attrac acti tive ve in a youn yo ung g perso person. n. De Desp spair air in a youn young g person person can be ssedu educti ctive. ve."" Well ell,, eventu eventuall ally y she got got tire tired d of him not not no notic ticing ing the won onde derf rful ul thin thing g she she was do doin ing g fo forr hi him m so she she said said,, a lit littl tle e too loudly: "Can "C an 1 he help lp y you ou? ? May I be of of he help lp to you? you?"" Beca Be caus use e he'd he'd be been en cryi crying ng.. And he ju jum mped! ped! M Man an,, he shrieked! Butt he staye Bu stayed d any anyw way, ay, and and they they talk talked ed,, and and 1 was born born,, th the e end. Oka kay. y. So, So, my mot mothe herr ha had d be been en tel telli ling ng me me tha thatt stor story y fo for  r  abou ab outt ten ten ye year arss be befo fore re iitt occ occur urre red d to me to to ask: ask: "W "Why hy was he cr cryi ying ng? ? Wha hatt was my fath father er so upset upset ab abou outt th the e firs firstt tim time he met yo you? u?"" "I ne neve verr kne knew, w,"" she she sai said. d. He jus justt told told he herr he was was fine, fin e, she she too took k hi him m to break breakfas fast, t, the they y talked talked about about no nothi thing ng,, and 1 gu and gues esss sh she e kin kind d of gaw gawke ked d at hi him m. And And the mo more re sh she e gaw ga wked, ked, 1 gues guesss tthe he happi happier er he felt, felt, be beca caus use e by the end of   break  bre akfas fastt it wa wass as if no nothi thing ng had had happ happen ened ed and and they they were were laug laughi hing ng an and d my m mot othe herr was in lo love ve and and the the worst orst da day y of her  her  life life had had be beco com me tthe he best best da day y of her her li life fe.. Whe hen n she fir first st c cam ame e to New New Yo York rk,, my mother other would would stay stay up til tilll daw dawn n deba debatin ting g Abstra Abstract ct Expr Express ession ionism ism and   Krapp's  La  Last    Tape,  and then she'd sneak out to a matinee of one of  those those pl plays ays you co could uld ne neve verr rem remem embe berr the plot plot of w wher here e the the girl girl got got ca caug ught ht in the the rain rain and and had had to put put on the the man' man'ss ba bath th--



ro robe be an and d they they sort sort of d did id a li litt ttle le danc dancee arou around nd each each ot othe herr an and  d  fe fell ll in love. love. And And ther theree wa wasn sn't 't ev even en a singl singlee good good jo joke ke,, but but my mothe mo therr woul would d walk walk out out af afte terr an and d th thee city seem seemed ed dizzy dizzy with with th this is aabs bsol olut utel ely y ra rand ndom om ha happ ppin ines ess, s, and and th that at's 's how how sh shee me mett my my father. She's She 's hardl hardly y ev ever er home home an anymo ymore re.. Sh Shee tra trave vels ls fro from m ci city ty   to city. I thin think k sh she' e'ss look looking ing fo forr anothe anotherr pa park rk be benc nch, h, and anot anothe her  r  wett gu we guy. y. Th That at's 's okay okay.. I hope hope she she fi find ndss hi him. m.   (Li (Lights ghts.. Walk Walker  er  si sits ts out outsi side de the the ap apar artm tmen entt buil buildi ding ng.. Na Nan n an and d Pip are insi inside de..  Nan is seated in the window, quite still. Pip paces.)  Nan I know, Pip. Pip Pip I m mea ean, n, it's it's incr incred edib ible le,, I m mea ean, n, I can can't 't beli believ evee it! it!  Nan I know that, yesPip Pip It's It's the the ssam amee thin thing g all all ov over er ag agai ainn-it it's 's  Nan-

th thee same same thi thing ng,,

 Nan I knowPip Pip I me mean an,, when when Wa Walk lker er wa wass go gone ne,, al alll I coul could d reme rememb mber  er  wass all the wa the gre great at thin things gs ab abou outt hi him. m. Whic Which h when when you you th thin ink  k  abou ab outt it iiss a pretty pretty me meag ager er am amou ount nt of m mat ater eria iall   to  spre spread ad out out over a year Nan I-yesPip Pip Well Well,, I mean mean,, no no,, not not re real ally ly,, but but th this is stuf stuff, f, th this is stu stuff ff!! I mean me an,, you' you'd d thin think k re retu turn rning ing fro from m th thee dead dead would would be char charac acte terrimpr im prov ovin ing, g, but but I mea mean: n: Lo Look ok at him him.. He   chooses   to   sit   there in the the pret pretty ty cold  cold   evening,   and, som someho ehow, w,   I  feel   feel guilty guilty about about it it!! As if I w wer eree the the weat weathe her! r! Or so some meth thin ing. g. I mea meann Nan YesPip Pip Wh What at he sa said id to me, Je Jesu sus, s, at the   lawyer's!   He's   my la lawy wyer er,, too, too, yo you u kn know ow.. Can Can yo you u imag imagin inee how how   chagrined   I'll  be next time I have to-okay, not that I ever really need to use


it's not not th that at bad, ad, I g gu ues esss-bu butt him,   so it's

st stil illl to to be th the e vi vict ctim im of  this th is-S -Sh hak akes espe peare arean an tir tirad ade-o e-orr at least least Max axw well And nders erson on-as if II'd  'd   done   so som met eth hinging-w which ich I hav aven en't't-bu butt stil stilll I fe feel el guilty  abou  aboutt it be beca caus use e he he's 's in so in  so much  You know? much pa pain. in. You an Yes, I-

really lly hungr ungry-v y-v-I -I hav aven en't 't ea eaten ten anyth anythin ing g bu butt sta star  r  Pip   And I'm rea fr frui uitt all all d day ay-b -but ut we h hav ave e tto o wait wait w wh hile ile he sits-in   th the e cold  forr which fo ich I am re resp spon onsi sibl blee-fo forr him to g ga ath ther er h his is wits its a and nd tell tell us it it's 's all all rrig igh ht   to eat  eat.. And I feel feel ba becaus use e he's in in so bad  d   beca  so much  pain pa inan Yesmea ean, n, it was a te terri rribl ble e thin thingg-II Pip   I m there--

gu gues esss-w what

hap appe pene ned  d 

an It w wa aswas a b bru ruta tall thin thing g-in -in a way ay-a -and nd I fe fee el awfu full a abo bout ut Pi p   It was Pip it-b it-but ut it's it's so som met eth hing ing that that a de dead ad m man an-m -may ay he rest rest in pe pea ace ce,, God re res st his soul-d l-did id-a -an nd I'm I'm sorry rry   to refer   to  your your fathe father  r  that th at way bu buttan "D "Dea ead d man" an" is all all rrig igh ht-bu ut I didn' idn'tt do it it.. A An nd W Wal alke kerr is gr grea eat, t, I me mean an,, don on't 't Pip   -b Pip gett me wron ge wrong, g, W Walk alker er is gre great. at. He's great. great. Som Someti etim mes I question   Walke alker's r's gre great atne ness ss,, bu butt he's gr grea eatt ... and and he' e's s in so  thin ings gs li like ke th that at in fr fron ontt of al alll th the e much pa much painin-bu but  t    to  call me  th woo ood d an and d tth he le leath ather er and and th the e law lawye yer-i r-it's t's really really in inex excu cusa sable ble,, it's inc incorrig orrigible ible.. An And d you can can't 't say a anyth nything ing   to  him. You can't screa sc ream m at him him,, you ca can't n't disap disappro prove ve of him him,, you can can't 't ev even en,, you kno know w, mi mildly ldly remonstrate   with ith him him bec eca ause use he's e's in so much mu ch pa pain in.. an Yes. es. ean, has has th there ere ev ever er be been en a time time wh when en h he e wa wasn sn't 't in so Pi p   I mean, Pip much mu ch pa pain? in?



 Nan No. Pip No Pip No,, I me mean an,, I reme rememb mber er wh when en we were were   ten,   not doing doing th thin ings gs beca becaus usee he wa wass in   so connected ected every everything thing so muc much h pain pain..   Iconn to it: "I bett better er no nott ea eatt that that ba balo lone ney y sand sandwi wich ch,, Walk Walker er is in so much muc h pain."  pain."    Ime mean an,, a te tenn-ye year ar-o -old ld boy boy shou should ldn' n'tt be so emotional emotio nally, ly, wha whatev tever, er,   fastidious   about anothe anotherr ten-ye ten-year-o ar-old  ld   boy's feeling, but, with   him ...


know.   I

Pip Th Pip Ther eree co come mess a ti time me,, Nan, Nan, ther theree just just come comess a poin pointt when when  you   have to say: Enough,   1 do don' n'tt care care that that you' you're re in so much much  pain,   you   canno cannott be beha have ve li like ke this this any long longer. er.   (Beat.)   But   you can' ca n'tt beca becaus usee he he's 's in  so much pa pain in..  Nan

  I know.

Pip   Ididn didn't 't do anyth anythin ing g li like ke wh what at he accu accuse sed d me of, of, Nan, Nan,   I didn't did n't man manipu ipulat latee any anythi thing; ng;   you   believ believee that, don't don't   you?  Nan Can we talk about something else? Pip Pi p Shit Shit..  Nan How are   you,   or some someth thin ing? g? We haven haven't 't had had a chan chance ce toPip Pi p Nan. Nan.  Nan Oh look, we're   stuck    here,   you   know, we' we're-and I have ha ven' n'tt spok spoken en to yo you u in ttoo oo lo long ng and   I've I've missed missed you you,,   so can' ca n'tt we jus just ... how   are  you?   (Beat.)   Please.   (Beat. Pip takes a breath breath,, rel relaxe axes, s, smi smiles les.) .) Pip WeJ Pip eJJJ ... ... great.

you k kno now w ... ... I' I'm m great reat,, mos ostl tly. y. Mo Most stly ly I' I'm m

 Nan I'm glad ....

And Maureen?

Pip Mo Pip Mom' m'ss do doin ing g go good od,, than thank k yo you. u. Sh Shee sen sends ds a big big hel hello lo from from Prag Pr ague ue,, by the the wa way. y. An And d yo your ur moth mother? er?   (Nan raises an eye-



What ... brow.)   Sorry.   (Na (Nan n lo look okss at hi him, m, star starts ts to smil smile. e.))   What what? an   I wa watc tch h you you on that that sh show ow..


 T That hat's 's mo mortify rtifying ing.. an   When   Ido don't n't have have anyth anything ing in the the afterno afternoon on.. There There you you are .. .... shir shirtl tle essly ssly .. .... doing ing thin thing gs. Pip   Are you you asha asham med of me? me? an   Ashamed?

Pip   When hen you you watch watch,, does does it make make yo youuan   It makes akes me sm smile ile,, to se see e you. you.

Pip   That' That'ss what what I'll th thin ink k of tom tomorr orrow ow,, wh when en I'm taping taping.. an   Yo You u en enjo joy y it, do don't n't you? you?

Pip I   do do,, I really do. I mean, Irea really lly do. People People recogn recognize ize me. me. Well,   "Butte,"   any anywa way. y. And And they treat me well, well, they give   me thin th ings gs-b -bec ecau ause se of this this ri ridi dicu culo lous us part part,, it's it's wi wild ld!! an

  Ica can't n't

im imag agine ine it's muc uch h of a  challenge   though.

Pip   Well, you know, Ithink for a really great  actor it wouldn't  be?  be ? But for for me it sort sort of is? is? an   You' You're re a very very go good od acto actor. r.

Pip   No, I' I'm m not ot.. an   You are-that    thing thing you did did we we saw that that time, time, that was was

veryPip   No, no it it's 's okay okay.. I do don' n'tt need need to be so som me gre great at acto actor. r. That Th at just just mak akes es it eve even n more mag agica icall som someh ehow ow,, you you kno know w that th at I'm do doing ing so w well ell wh when en I'm real really ly so eh. I   don don't 't need  need   buck  bu ckin ing g up up.. I se see e thes these e othe otherr peop people le on the show show in th thei eir  r  dressi dre ssing ng ro room omss wi with th their little little Sign Signet et ed editio itions ns of  Pericles,   Pericles, And it's so pa pathe thetic. tic. Prin Pr ince ce of Ty Tyre re,,   or whatever,  studying.   And



Thesee peop Thes people le sh shoul ouldn' dn'tt be stud studyi ying, ng, they they sho shoul uld d be  investing. Butt you Bu you can can't 't say say anyt anythi hing ng to the them m bec becau ause se they' they're re Pe Pers rsons ons of  the the Th Thea eatr tre, e, th they ey go to   class.   I' I'm m so lucky! lucky! I can' can'tt belie believe ve it! I gett to go to great ge great rest restau aura rant nts, s, I pick pick up the chec check, k, pretty pretty girl girlss will wi ll da date te me me,, I eat eat choco chocola late te and and never never gain gain weig weight ht,, life life is good ... ...

 Nan Good. Pi Pip p And And you? you? I m mea ean, n, ot othe herr than than the the obvi obviou ous? s?  Nan ... Yes, fine. No, lovely, truly. Pip Pip Mill Milly y mu must st,, be be,, like, like, fou fourr-an andd-aa-hal halff no now? w?  Nan Yes. Exactly. Pip Pip An And d Nic Nick, k, I know, know, la last st-w -wee eekk-II-se sent nt-t -the he-t -toy oy,,

he's he's just just

three.  Nan Yes. They're fantastic. (

 ~ 1   lit,..( 

Pip Pip That That's 's gr grea eat. t.   '1\ad   Harry? if ifo o",'s  Nan He's~ Pip Pip He He's 's th thee be best st pers person. on.  Nan Well, he'sPi Pip p I'm I'm sorr sorry, y, unle unless ss you can't can't stan stand d him him anym anymor oree or somesometh thin ing, g, in whic which h ca case se::   [eb.  Nan No. He   is   the the best person. person. Pi Pip p I aalw lway ayss th thou ough ghtt th that at.. Does Does he stil stilll have have his hai hair? r?  Nan ... Yes. Pi Pip p That That,, to too! o!  Nan Uh-huh, He's quite amazing. He alwa always ys says says the rig right ht th thin ing. g. Pip ... ...




an No, I d do on't mean ean it lik like th that at,, I d do on't mean ean th the soc socia iall lly y graceful   th thin ingg-so som met etim imes es he will say say th the e very very oppo opposi site te of  me-that can be  harrowing   when hen th that at happ happen ens s but but ... he's he's  just  ju st so   kind,   do you k know now? ? So   unb unbeli eliev evab ably ly ...   (She (She lo look okss at Pi Pip. p.)) He's what   you   wou would be ififPip   If  Ihad sub substan stance? ce? an

  If I



hadn hadn't 't met you you till I w was as tw twen enty ty-fiv -five. e.

Pip   Th Then en whe hen n yo you u th thin ink k of m me, e, it's no nott with unb unbrid ridle led  d  scorn? an

  ot unbrid unbridled. led.

Pip   Mingle Mingled d with aff affect ectio ion? n? an  

Phillip, illip, are my tole tole model. odel. You,   Ph

Pip   (Smi (Smile les, s, a bit bit sh shy. y.))   Thank Thank you you.. Liste Li sten, n, I'm jus justt go going ing,, I'm sta starv rving ing,, I'm gonn gonna a get get somesomethin th ing g at that that new ci cig gar b bar ar ac acro ross ss th the e str stree eett-II thin think k I re read  ad  they th ey se serv rve e fo food od;; so wha hatt   if  I have have to wal alk k past past hi him m? Can I get get you yo u so som methin ething? g? Or will y you ou co com me oran   I'll I'll

wait. ait.

Pip   I' I'll ll be b bac ack  k   in a-   (H (Hea eadi ding ng ou out, t, Pi Pip p bu bump mpss in into to Wa Walk lker er,, who' wh o'ss hea ead ding ing in.) in.)   Oh. Hey Hey..

Walke alkerr

Hello ello..   (Sile (Silence nce.. The Theyy all arr arran ange ge the themse mselve lvess in the

room.) Pip I   was ju just st-d -do o

Walke alkerr

yo you u wan antt   to  go ge gett food? food?

I'm no norr a act ctua ually lly hungry,  hungry,   If  you are, you can-

that at's 's fin fine, e, I'm fin fine. e.   (B Pip   No, th (Bea eat. t. Sile Silenc nce. e. Walk Walker er lo look okss to an.)

Wal alk ker I' I'm m ve very ry sorr sorry, y, P Pip ip.. What I said  said to  you at the lawyers was rea really lly,, rea really lly aw awfu ful. l.



Pip Pi p Wow. Wow. Walker Walk er It It'' jus just, you you see see,, wh when en the the th thin ing g hap happe pene ned d ... ... it was was unbearable. Pip Oh

ure, re, I mean, yeah ah..

Walker    (Overlapping.)   It was was really really eexc xcru rucia ciati ting ng andandPip Pi p We Well ll,, it m mus ustt ha have ve bee beennWalker Walk er And And I, typ typic ical ally ly made made it int into o this this vas vast, t,   SOrt   of Oedipal saga sa ga,, to tota tall lly y over over the the toptopPip   (Ov (Over erla lapp ppin ing g fr from om "o "over ver the top. top.") ")   Whic Which h is a stor story y that that does do esn' n'tt even even make make se sens nsee when when you you thin think k abou aboutt it, it, but but no, no, Walk Wa lker, er, th this is is rreal eally ly terri terrific fic-Walker    (Overlapping.)   an and d I re real alize ize that that I was was wrong wrong-wh -what? at? Pip Pi p What What?? Walker    What   does doesn' n'tt ma make ke sense? sense? Pip Pi p Wh What at?? Oh Oh,, no noth thin ing. g. Walk Wa lker er You You said said so some meth thin ing g do does esn' n'ttPip No Pip No,, I, no. no. I jjus ustt wan want to th than ank k you you for for apo apolo logi gizi zing ng.. I know kn ow that that's 's not not   easy   for yo you u and Nan "Oedipus"

doesn't make sense?

Walker Walk er Th That at   is   what what he sai said. d. In wha whatt   w ay   doesn doesn't 't "Oedipu "Oedipus" s" makee sen mak sense? se? Pip Oh, Pip Oh, no, I, that that was, was, I d don on't 't wa want nt to ge gett int into o it. it.   (But  mean an,, just just from from a pra pract ctic ical al poin pointt they'r the y'ree sta starin ring g at him. him.))   No, I me of vi view ew,, not not in any any deepdeep-st stru ruct ctur ural al way way or ... anyt anythi hing ng.. iBeat.i   No, No, I me mean an,, it it's 's just just,, li like ke .. .... if some ome orad oradee told told you you yo u were were go goin ing g to kill kill you yourr fath father er and and marr marry y your your moth mother er,, woul wo uldn dn't 't you you just just nev never er kill kill anyb anybod ody y and and st stay ay sing single le?? ... ... And  And  then, the n, if you   did   inad inadve vert rten ently tly kill kill som someb ebod ody, y, in the the heat heat of the


mom omen entt or som someth ething ing,, and later star started ted datin dating? g?W Wou ouldn ldn't 't you you  be  be   smar smartt enou enough gh to, to, like like,, avo avoid id alder alder women? women?   I mea mean n, to me me the th e moral ral of tha that sto story is is not yo you ur de dest stin iny y await its s you. To me it's it's ... ... you know .... .. Do the the Fuckin ing g Math. th.   (Beat.) Walk alker er

You must pu publis blish. h.

Pip   Walker.

Walker    It would ould be a crim crime e if th thes ese e insig insight hts s were ere limite limited d to this th is roo room. Pip   Okay, kay, Walk alker, er, I wasn wasn't 't pre preten tendin dingg-

Wal alk ker No: Rea eally lly,, w we e mus ustt notif notify y the the univ niversi ersity typ press ressesat esat once   t o an Wal alke ker. r. Wal alk ker

Yes, es, I mea mean nt no nott to do th that at..

Pip I walked alked right right intointo-

Wal alk ker

You did. id.

an  You

always do.

Pip   Ido do.. I alw alway ays s do do.. Walk alker, er, let m me e ju just st sa say y it Nan

  Can Can we go somew somewhere here,, can we eat somethin something? g?

Pip   Wha hatt ha happ ppen ened ed at the the la law wyer's, yer's, do does esn't n't mea mean n your  your 

fathe fat herr hated hated y you ou.. Wal alk ker Uumm .. .... was th that at pr prop opos osed ed? ? don't n't kn know ow why I got got th the e hous house. e. Pip I do Wal alk ker

I do don't n't th thin ink k I ev ever er sa said id-G -God od!!

"Hat "Hate" e"-I -I

m ean-!

know th that at's 's what has   to  be  be goin ing g thro throu ugh your  Pip I   know head. Wal alke kerr Wel elll now now it is. is.



Pip Pip Bu Butt I' I'm m ure ure it wa n't th thar ar-i -irr in en   irive,   yo you kn w.

wa n'r n'r ev even en ne nece cess ssar aril ily y

an   (lItVO/IlIltOry.)   Ir wa wi wick cked ed..   (A hesitation.i   I aid  norhing. Pip You k kn n w it' nor    a   if he di inher inherite ited d yo you. u. You You   go go r f rrun rrunee lite litera rall lly y   a   fortune. Walk Wa lker er That That''


be ide ide the the poin point. t.

Pip No No,, wait, no, that an'r be, I me meaan, th theere i no p po oin intt so hatt that that mu mucch mone money y can be beside   it. hllge   ttha Walk Wa lker er I wo woul uld d have have tra trade ded d it fo forr th thee ho hou u e. Pip   Thar    would would have have been been   dumb. Walker Oh,

hri   r.

Pi Pip p Lo Look ok I' I'm m   just   ca caug ught ht up in th thii , I'm I'm not not th thee ma mast ster ermi mind  nd   behind it, I don't even know how it's possible, really, I mean, why wh y didn didn't 't it rev rever ertt to your your mo mom? m?  Nan He got it in the divorce. Pip Pip In the divo divorc rce? e?  Nan Yes. Pip Pip They They were were div divor orce ced? d?  Nan Oh God. Pi Pip p How How did did I m mis isss that that??


lker J J   Walke


your wa ways.

Nan n We w wer eree in col colle lege ge.. Th They ey'd 'd be been en sep separ arat ated ed so  long   by ~/l,l   Na

rd'\+   the then, n, it was was pra pract ctic ical ally ly jus justt pa pape perw rwor ork. k. An Anyw yway ay,, it did didn' n'r  r  changee anything. chang anything. Pip Pip I ccan an't 't beli believ evee 1 Nan   It doe doesn' sn'tt matter. matter.



Pip   Anyw nyway, ay, th the e po poin intt is, Walk alker er,, youw ou were ere wrong rong..

Wal alk ker

I'v I've e alrea already apolo log gized ized..

Pip   Not ju jus st wron rong to s sa ay it: it: in inc corr rre ect. t.Y Your dad and I-it I-it v v ~ s


quasi-pater aternal nal some sort o of  f   quasi-p

"su "substi bstituti tution" on"  

or "alien-

a rr rrcc-n n of af affe fect ctio ion n" or whate tev ver you ca calle lledit. dit. You knoww wwh hat your dad was to me: th this is nic ice e kin ind d of uncle, le, I wasn't working o n him orWalk lke er

I re rea aliz lize th tha at.

Pip   I'd jus just drop rop by occasio sionally lly,, in th the e aft fte ern rno oons,if I had  an auditi itio on in th the e neig igh hborh rho ood or so som meth thin ing g.Itwasn asn't 't any any  big deal.

Walk lke er

Yes, I know.

Pip I was ju just st so som mebody he fou found it easyto talk  to.   (Sudden   fr   frigid




pre rett tty y lo lon nely lym man in the the la las st fewye fewyea ars. rs. I don't Pip   He was a p thin th ink k he was doin ing g th tha at m mu uch work on his iso own, all the the part rt-ner ers s were ere alw alway ays s bu buzz zzin ing g ar aro ound und, he'd he'd be tw twid iddl dlin inghis ghis chu ch urnb rnbs- I'd ju just st p po op in. in. I th tho ought it it wasm as my re resp spo onsi sib bility ility. You were in Bosto ton n.   You were ere alway always sflitterin flitteringo goff ffto to Per eruor  uor  Rhode Is Isla lan nd or where rev ver. We'd sit and gab. Walk lke er And what would you "g "ga ab" about? Pip   We'd e'd-w -wha hatev tever er was go goin ing g on on-sp -spor orts! ts! Walker

.. , Sports ts? ?

Pip   Or Or anyth thin ing g. Don't ask ask me for for details tails,, the they weren ren't collo lloq quies ies, it was just just chat-e t-easy sy,, you know?

Walker .. , I see. Pi   And I ne nev ver m mad ade e a si sin ngleover leovertu ture reab abo out th the e house se.I, .I, th the e . p. part is I can't e ev ven use th the e house,re ,rea all lly y; fran rankly ly,,I IroniC



even lik like iitt much. 33


Walk Wa lker er You You do don' n'tt  

like   it


Pip Pi p No. No. Walk Wa lker er Th That at's 's not not accep accepta tabl ble. e. Pip Pi p It It's 's ju just st my opin opinio ion. n. Walk Wa lker er You You do don' n'tt get get to have have an op opin inio ion. n. Pip I got Pip got the   house.   I th thin ink k I sho shoul uld d be al allo lowe wed d to expr expres esss a  point of viewWalk Wa lker er That That does doesn' n'tt foll follow ow.. ba d    work Pip Lo Pip Look ok,, it it's 's not not th that at I th thin ink k it it's 's   bad  work,, I ju just st fi find nd it a little stark.

Walker Walk er St Star ark. k. Pip Pi p Yes. Yes. Walk Wa lker er Star Stark! k! Pip Pi p Yes! Yes! Walker Walk er Well Well,, what what do you you know know?? Be Befo fore re you fav favor ored ed us wi with th your yo ur vi view ewss on Gr Gree eek k Tr Trag aged edy, y, and and now now we get get to hear hear you you hold ho ld fort forth h on Ar Arch chit itec ectu ture re as well well.. I neve neverr befo before re real realiz ized ed you you were we re a cult cultur ural al cr crit itic ic of such such extr extrem emee   scopePip Don' Pip Don'tt st star art. t. Walk Wa lker er No, No, no no,, I want want   more,   I wa want nt to hear hear you you on on,, you you know kn ow,, He Hege gell aand nd Umb Umber erto to Ec Ecoo-Bo Bool olea ean n Al Alge gebr braaPip Pi p Wa Walk lker er,, st stop op.. Walker Walk er No No,, it it's 's such such a pri privi vile lege ge to le lear arn n wh whar ar a TV TV actor  actor  who wh o play playss a cha chara ract cter er na name med d af afte terr a geo geolo logi gica call form formar ario ion n has has to   say   abou aboutt th thee real really ly impor importa tant nt ev even ents ts in worl world d cult cultur uree Nan WalkerWalk Wa lker er I' I'm m espe especi cial ally ly in inte tere rest sted ed in yo your ur vi visu sual al aest aesthe heti ticc-



 Nan Please be quiet. Walker Walk er Be Beca caus usee I th thin ink k th thee real real in inno nova vati tion onss ar aree go goin ing g to come co me from from peop people le who who buy buy anti antiqu qued ed It Ital alia iana nate te chif chiffa faro robe bess from catal catalogue ogues. s. Pip Yo Pip You' u're re no nott exac exactl tly y one one to co comm mmen entt on anyo anyone ne's 's envi enviro ronnment, men t, Walker Walker.. Walk Wa lker er Oh Oh,, real really ly?? Pip Pi p Afte Afterr wher wheree you you were li livi ving ng,, th that at apar apartm tmen ent. t. Walk Wa lker er Th That at-? -? Pip Pi p [ mean mean,, real really ly:: inte interi rior or deco decora rati tion on by Je Jeff ffre rey y Da Dahm hmer er.. Walk Wa lker er You You saw saw wh wher eree I waswasPip I w Pip was as yo your ur "in "in case case of em emer erge genc ncy" y" cont contac act. t. So do don' n'tt get get hoir ho iryy-to toir iry y abou aboutt it it.. I swea swear, r, it was was ho horr rrib ible le,, it was was crazy crazy,, I thou though ghtt it was was your your mom mom al alll over over agai again. n. Walk Wa lker er We wou would ld lo love ve yo you u   to   be silent, silent, now. now. Pip I mea Pip mean, why do you you get to be the the one who who judg dges es th thin ing gs when wh en you' you're re havi having ng the stupi stupide dest st li life fe of anyb anybod ody? y? I' I'm m si sick  ck  of it, Walker.   You're   the the one one who's o's don done th thee bad thing hing her ere, e, you'r ou'ree the one one who who ra ran n off off li lik ke a m man ania iacc an and d lef eftt us to go  bonkers worrying about you. I've been good, Nan's been good ood, you' u'v ve be been en b baad. Okay ay,, th that at's 's the mor moraali lity ty of the the situa ituati tion on.. So you d do on't get to mak make th thee law aws; s; th that at's 's the upshot. Walke alkerr

I wish wish--

Pip   0,  I'm   ta talk lkin ing g now, now, and and it it's 's a v ver ery y weird weird se sens nsat atio ion. n. Look Lo ok,, Walk Walker er,, lo look ok-i -it' t'ss ju just st yo you u can' can'tt be th thee on only ly p per erso sona nallity ity iin n th thee room room an anym ymor ore. e. You You cann cannot ot ju just st cha chang ngee th thee te temp mper eraature ture of ev ever ery y ci circ rcum umst stan ance ce by th this is kind kind of tyr tyran anni nica call psyc psycho ho-fiat-oh h, loo look,   I know soci so cial al,, you you know know,,   fiat-o know you you th thin ink k I' I'm m an idior-e-



Walk Wa lker er I ne neve verr aid aid you w wer eree an idio idiot. t. Pip Ye you Pip you did, did, you you aid it all the ttim imee, you jus ustt pr preete tend ndeed  orne or neti tirn rnee not not   to  mea mean n it; it; but I kn know ow you you me mean antt it. it. Walk Wa lker er I didn didn't 't.. Pip ven though   I  was the one who was off the charts in any tandar tan dardiz dized ed exam exam we eever ver took, took, whi while le you were alwa always ys g gett etting ing lost   on the way to the  testing   cente center. r. But tha thatt doe n'r matt matter, er, [ know kn ow-w -wit ith h yo your ur exq exqui ui ite ite pe perv rver ersi sity ty tha thatt just just   proves   it, but lo look ok,, th thee fa fact ct is is,, it it is isn' n'tt truc truc-b -bei eing ng in a go good od mo mood od is no nott tthe he same same th thin ing g as be bein ing g a moron. moron. It just just i   n'r,   And, you know, for  years yea rs I wonde wondered red.. I tro trove ve to sust sustain ain som somee leve levell of unha unhappi ppines nesss  because I felt a left out but I couldn't manage itWalk Wa lker er I neve neverr in inte tend nded ed yo you u   ta Pip I don't know-I feel bad-I go   to  the the g gym ym-l -l feel feel bett better er.. Mayb Ma ybee that that mean meanss I  lack gravitas   or so some meth thin ing, g, bu butt the the he hell ll with wi th it, it, I'm I'm havi having ng a goo good d time time.. Walk Wa lker er I'm I'm glad glad forforPip Excep Pip xceptt I aam m no   longer   will willin ing g to bear bear the brun bruntt of y you our  r  meanness. Walk Wa lker er I'm I'm sorr sorry, y, 1Pip Yo Pip You u know know,, it's it's not not as if I do don' n'tt kn know ow wh wher eree it's it's co comi ming ng fr from om,, it's it's not not as   if I don' don'tt know know you' you've ve al alwa ways ys be been en ba basi sica call lly y in lo love ve wit with h me-t me-tha hat' t'ss be been en so so obvi obviou ouss fo forr so man many y ye year arss thatWalke Wa lkerr Oh JJesu esus-J s-Jesu esussPip I do Pip don n't kn kno ow wh whaat-b t-but wh why y doe does it hav avee to to be su such ch a  problem? Why couldn't we have just worked it through when we were were eigh eighte teen en?? It woul would d have have be been en so easy easy.. I w wou ould ld ha have ve  been sensitive, you would have suffered for a while, it would 

have ha ve be been en over, over, and and we cou could ld have have spen spentt the the next fift fiftee een n ye year arss



going goin g to the the movie oviess or somet somethi hing ng lik like e  people.  Instead of it fuckin fuc king g up everyth everything ing.. Walke alkerr

Th This is is a llit ittl tle e to tooo-

Pip Beca Pip eca use use it's it's just just fuc fucke ked d up every everyth thin ing g for such such a  long time-tim e---ev -every erythi thing ng we had to keep keep fr from om youan Pip ip.. Pip Pi p ...

the the st stup upid id,, goth gothic ic secr secret etss-th the e

ti tipt ptoe oein ing g aro aroun undd-

an Pip ip.. Pip I mean, Pip ean,   like   all that that time time when when Nan Nan and I were were slee sleepin ping g toge to geth ther er an and d in  love  and everything and we couldn't   tell   yo you u  becaus  beca use e we wer ere e so afra afraid id of how how jeal jealou ouss you'd you'd be, be, an and d we coul co uldn dn't 't tell tell  each other why we  couldn't    tell you because because nobod no body y was was ack ackno nowl wledg edging ing any aspect aspect of the the situatio situation-i n-itt was cr craz azy, y, th that at felt felt awfu awfull-II hate hated  d   lying  to you. Like it or not, you'r yo u're e my olde oldest st frie friend nd.. I lov love e you, you, you know know,, an and d wha hatt was the th e point point? ? Ever Everyt ythi hing ng is tolerable  if you just  talk   ab abou outt it, y you ou know?   (Beat (Beat.. Si Sile lenc ncee between between Wa Walk lker er an and d Nan.) Nan.)   You know? (Beat.)   Was Was th that at   all  new information? Wal alke kerr I'm goin going g to g get et som somethi ething ng to eat at at the the place place.. Don on't 't come com e there, there, okay? okay?   (He exits.) Pip Oh. Oh dam Pip damn. I had had no idea. idea. That That was suc such h a long long tim time ago, ag o, I assu assum med-d ed-do o thin things gs re real ally ly stay stay sec secre rett that that long long? ?  (Beat.) an? an ? an Wel ell, l, it's it's a stu stupi pid d th thin ing. g. It's just just a st stup upid id thin thing. g. Pip It's Pip It's noth nothin ing g at this poin point, t, is isn't n't it? We We wer ere, e, like, like, eig eight htee een n years ye ars old, old, eve even n   his   statut statute e of limi limitat tation ionss must must hav have e run ou outt by now. This won't be a b big ig deal. eal. an It wil willl go on for forev ever er..   (B (Bea eat. t. Look Lookss at her her wa watc tch. h.))   I'm not

goin go ing g to make ake it hom home to to put put my kid kidss to bed. bed. Pip   U y you ou catc catch h th the e next next shut shuttl tlee-



 Nan I won't catch the next shuttle.   (Pause.)   What What was was hard  hard  when wh en he fina finall lly y call called ed,, what what was was hard hard was was to reali realize ze he was was stil stilll al aliv ive. e. Fo Forr rhe rhe firs firstt .. .... nine nine mont months hs,, I tru trunk nk,, every every day day I wok wokee up in in a pani panicc-ii ii I'd I'd sle slept pt-w -wit ith h thes thesee unb unbea eara rabl bly y vivi vivid d pict pictur ures es of wha whatt had had befa befall llen en   him .   And I'd I'd go thro throug ugh h most most of the the day day mour mo urni ning ng.. Then Then it woul would d occu occur  r   to  me that what I was so certa ce rtain in had happen happened  ed   to   him him almost almost certa certainl inly y had not happen happened  ed  to   him him-t -the he me mere re fact fact of of my inve invent ntin ing g it had had made made it unl unlik ikel elyyand an d ther theree woul would d be a momen momenta tary ry,, I don' don'tt know know,,   rest,  I suppose. And An d I'd go on to imag imagin inee ome ome other other horr horrib ible le thing thing.. Then Then ... it stop stoppe ped. d. I don' don'tt know know how. how. I real realiz ized ed it afte afterw rwar ardd-so some me weeks   afterward-I was on   to   oth other er thin things gs.. I was was back back .. .... with wi th my child childre ren. n. I was was back back in the the day. day. At home home.. In Bos Bosto ton. n. And An d it was was sad, sad, but but bett better er.. It was was much much bett better er.. What Wh at 1 mean mean is, is, whe when n I hea heard rd his his voic voicee the the main main feel feelin ing g wass not wa not reli relief ef..   (Pause.) Toda To day, y, when when he aske asked d for for the the hous house, e, I thou though ght, t, oh God, God, yes, ye s, take take the the hous house, e, le lett him him have have it, it, the hous housee will will take take care care of  him. hi m. And And I'll I'll be   free,   (Beat.)   Do you you want want   to  get something   to eat? ea t? I've I've got a lot lot of time time to kill kill.. Pip I'll Pip I'll give give him the the hous house. e.  Nan You can't do that. Pip Pi p Why Why not? ot? It's It's   mine,   I can can do what whatev ever er I wan wantt with with it it..  Nan You can't do that for him. Pip Pi p Well Well,, in the the first first place place I'm I'm doin doing g it for for youyou-

 Nan God, that s Pip ... Pip ... and, and, sec second ond, I don't on't even ven real reallly want want it and and he nee needs it, it, and and I, well well,, real really ly can can't 't stan stand d to thin think k of you you unhap unhappy py,, and  and  I've I've got got the sol solut utio ion n so-h so-hey ey:: Chri Christ stma mas! s!  Nan You cannot   give   it awa away. y. Do you you have have any any idea idea how how much mu ch that that hous housee is wort worth? h?


Pip Pi p Okay Okay,, then then I'll I'll sell sell it ro him; him; that that's 's even even bett better er..  Nan BurPip He can   afford   it afte afterr all the the mone money y he gotgot-yo you, u, roo! roo! Good God, am Ith thee only only one one who who real realiz izes es thi thiss was was a  good  day?

 Nan Do you  mean   this? Pip Pi p Yes! Yes!  Nan Can [ go tell him now? Pip Pi p Yes. Yes.  Nan   Iwill. Pip Pi p And And then then   I'll ta take ke you you to the ai airp rpor ort. t.  Nan I-what? Pip   If   we leav leavee in te ten n minu minute tes, s, you you can can make make the the plan plane. e.  Nan  N an



Pip Pi p That That's 's my stip stipul ulat atio ion. n.  Nan  

1 -

Pip Pi p Or the the deal deal is off. off.  Nan ButPip Pi p I will will sell sell hi him m the the hous house, e, but but you you have have to go home home..  Nan You are ...   (S (She he can' can'tt find find the the word word fo forr his his wo wond nderf erful ul-ness.) (Accepting ing the compli complimen ment.) t.)   Yes, (Nan he head adss Pip   (Accept Yes, I am. am. Go! Go!   (Nan out ut.. Pip Pip stay stayss behin ehind d a mom momen ent. t. Look Lookss at th thee roo room. He touc to uche hess the the surfa surface ce of the the draf drafti ting ng tabl table. e. Somet Somethi hing ng like like a shud sh udde derr goes goes thro throug ugh h him. him. Nan Nan reent reenters ers.) .)

 Nan He's gone.



Pip ...

Are y you ou--?

Did yo you loo look k ev ever ery y-?

 Nan It's a tiny place-he's

gone off.

Pi Pip p We can can ge gett a ca cab b at the corne corner. r.  Nan I can't get on that plane without even-he's where-


Pip   It doe doe n' n'tt make make a di diff ffer eren ence ce..  Nan PipPi Pip p You You ca can n pr pret eten end d he's he's dead. dead.   (Beat.)   He's He's dead, dead, Nan. Nan. (Long pause pause.) .)  Nan Let me have a minute. Pi Pip p I' I'll ll get th thee cab cab..   (Pip head headss out outsid side. e. Sh Shee loo looks ks aro around und,, indeci ind ecisiv sive. e. Sh Shee lifts lifts up the matt mattress ress.. The There' re'ss noth nothing ing underunderneath nea th it.) it.)  Nan   Goddamn   him!   (Blackout.) (Lat (L atee that that nigh night. t. Th Thee apart apartme ment nt is dark dark.. Wa Walk lker er en ente ters rs..

 Nan is in darkness, curled up on the mattress.)

 Nan Hello ... Walk Wa lker er Oh Oh,, Jesus Jesus!!   (He flips flips on the lights.) lights.)   You' You're re still still here.  Nan I fell asleep. Walk Wa lker er I fi figu gure red d you' you'd d gone gone..  Nan Oh. I almost did. I  should    have. have. I didn' didn't. t. Walk Wa lker er I'm I'm gl glad ad..  Nan I turned around at the last minute. I almost made it to the bridge. bridge. Walker Walk er Pi Pipp-??  Nan ... went home.


Walk alker  Na  N an

Ah.   (Beat.)

Where did you go?

Walke lker I wass----e everyc rycorn rne er of th this is ci city ty-i -itt wass-II ... ... couldn ldn't sto st op movin ing g. I tr trie ied d to calmm lm myse self lf.I .I ... ... got coffe ffeeat a couple of-th f-that at was a bad id idea ea-I -I en ende ded d up co cou untin tingt gth he Wexle exler  r  Jan Ja new eway ay build ildin ing gs I p pas asse sed d;tha ;thatt was no hel elp p at al all. l.II st sto oppedat edat fourteen.  Na  N an

Fourt rte een! You must have been to Bro roo okly lyn n.

Walk alker

I was to to-S -Sta tate ten n Is Isla lan nd!

 Nan Jesus  Na sus. Walke lker Not very young, not v ve erym ry merry rry, but I ro rod de back and  fort fo rth h fo forr hou hours on on th the e Na  N an

What ti tim me is it it,, anyway?

Walk alker  Na  N an

Ih ha ave n no o id ide ea; did you ever eat?


Walker    (B (Bu urr rro owi win ng in his his rruc ucks ksa ack, ck, pulli ullin ng out a pa pap per bag ag.) .) I've I'v e gott-II pick icked up th this is st stu uff fro from a delitray litray. It It's 's pro rob bably

still still al alll rig righ ht.   (O (Ope pens ns the the ba bag. g.))  Na  N an

What is it it? ?

Walke lker  Na  N an

I th thin ink k eit eith her ti tira ram mis isu u ... ... or sq squ uid. id.

I pass ss..   (Beat.)

Walk alker

Thank ank you fo forr st stay ayin ing g. (She nods.)   So So ... ... we don't

have   to tal talk k ab abou outt it.  Na  N an

Thank   you.


... So how long did it go on?

 Nan Walke  Na lkerWalk lke er Was it  fun,   wa was he good,   what-


Whe hen n Pip, Pip, when when he sai said d ou ourr fa fath ther er ha hate ted d us us-Walk er 

Nan I do don't n't want   to   discuss   it .


 Na n pe

Walker Walk er Okay. Okay.

  said the oppo oppositesite-

Walker  _ I co coul uldn dn't 't ge gett it out of my hea headd-

 Nan I'm sorr sorry y that   I keptt it from kep from yo you u all this this time time..  Nan _besides _besides he was talking talking about about you, not us-

Wa Walke lkerr No, No, that's that's all righ right. t. Actua Actually lly,, it fee feels ls quite quite invigo invigo-rating   to  be apologized    to   for for a chan change, ge, that that doe doe n't happ happen en oft-te tell ll me me,,   at least, very   oftleast, did it mak make e you hap happy? py?  Nan  


Walker  I thoug thought: ht: Pe Penet netrat rating ing

was was a long tim time e ago. ago.



 Nan Don Don't 't read it to me-


 Nan It was just

Walker  I wa wass at th this is win wine e an and d ch chee eese se ba barr-do do yo you u be beli liev eve e it? it? I foun found d th the e last last extan extantt wine wine an andd-un unle less ss,, it's it's th the e fi firs rstt   retra wineand wineand-an -anyw yway, ay, they they had candle candlelig light, ht, and this this one secti section on that Iha had d thou though ghtt wa wass ju just st a stai stain n su sudd dden enly ly tu turn rned ed ou outt to be

so easy.

Walker    (Wistfully.)   Oh.  Nan Pip is ... well-adju well-adjusted  sted    ~al ~alker ker rtsNan  


 the wor world. ld.


Ob God, God, well-a well-adju djuste sted? d? He' He'ss   preci precisi si

n-rnanufac n-rnanufacrured rured::

in love with him?

Walkder Wal kderhOh hOh,, who who know knows? s? You know, he's such a dunce   I envte



 Nan Yes.  (Smiles.)   Yes.

Ikno know w

Wa Walke lkerr I'm a co comp mplet letely ely un untru trustw stwort orthy hy

per on on..

 Nan Yes.

 Nan Don Don't 't tell me-

 Nan Your Your epip epiphani hanies es never never mean anything-

 Nan   (Quie (Quietly. tly.)) ...   All righ right. t.

that that..

Walke Walkerr So Iwas-any wa  y-

Wa Walke lkerr Comple Complete te ser serend endipi ipity! ty! So Some methi thing ng ab about out the angl angle e of  the the pa page ge an and d th the e flam flamee-li like ke a p pal alim imps pses estt or pen penti time ment nto o or  whate whatever ver yo you u call-I call-I ha had d the most most ast aston onish ishing ing epi epipha phany. ny.

Walker Wal ker This is important-p important-please lease!!

Walker Walk er Nan, Nan,   Itook the book. book.  Nan  

 Nan Can't Can't this wait till'

Were  you

Simpli Simplicit city y str strike ikess aga again! in! Th Then en I

sawthis sawth is bit I hadn't hadn't see seen n be befor foree-

I . was   reading

  in  i t?

~alker    It co come mess me of th the e "T "The hea a  page-wel  page -well, l, you 7emo 7emori rize zed d it-i it-itt ro m h i m

af afte terr "The "Thea a de dead ad." ." You You kn know ow th the e pu punc nchhdy dyin ing" g" se seri ries es? ? Yo You u have have to sort sort of tilt tilt th the e still can't really-th really-that's at's all righ right, t, I've sa says ys:: "Thea "Thea de dead ad.. Ever Everyt ythi hing ng I've I've tak taken en


Isn't h '" t at extraor extraordina dinary? ry?

Walker Wal ker It was incredible! incredible!

 Nan Huh. Huh.

 Nan It's alwa always ys incr incredib ediblele-

Walk Walker er It ' s abou aboutt th the e ho hous use, e, yo you u kn know ow? ?  Nan I dOn't_  dOn't_ 





Walker No! Lis Walker Listen ten!! Thin Think k abo about ut it! Two people people work work togethe togetherr and in the end end,, there's there's no way way of tellin telling g who's who's respons responsibl iblee for what. what. But after after Theo died, died, not nothin hing g Ned did wa any goo good, d, you see? see? H Hee just just coasted coasted for  thirty thirty yea years. rs. But tthe he early early st stuff uff ... the house house ... do you see? see? He didn didn't 't-y -you ou see, see, th this is is, is, tthi hiss is  it-he   cou couldn' ldn'tt give give it it   to us  because it was never really   his.   It was was aall ll Theo Theo's's-so so he left left it to PipPip-it it's 's hi co conf nfes essi sion, on, do youyou-"T "The heo o de dead ad.. Everyt Everythi hing ng I'v I'vee taken from from him." him." I m mean ean it's so so obvious, obvious, now. now. That That we never figured figured this out before! before! I like like to think thar thar was kind of us. When Whe n I rreal ealize ized, d, Nan, Nan, I tarred tarred to see eve everyt rythin hing g bac backwa kwards rds through through it, eve everyt rythin hing g cha change nged. d. It began to see seem m almost as if  he weren weren't 't eve even n really really ile ilenr, nr, just just ralki ralking ng in that that langua language ge I rhink rhink they they mus mustt use in hell, hell, wir wirh h eve everyb rybody ody sig signal naling ing wil wildly dly all the rime, and no one ever picking picking up on any of it--do it--do you Nan It' not necessarily conclusive, you know.

an   I

Wa Walk lker er

I pe pers rsua uade ded d him him toto-

It's It's like like he come comess from this wei weird rd other  other   nice  species per persua suaded ded him   to  take take moneyTh Than ank k God. God.

  So. You will call call him tom tomorr orrowow-no: no: I will will ca call ll him ffor  or  you, and you, and I will will ccal alll   Mr.   Fi Fishe sher, r, and we will will set up a meeting meeting to which whi ch you will show show up pr prompt omptly, ly, and wearin wearing g a ni nice ce sui suit, t, and and you will will .... .. ha have ve tthe he h hou ouse se..


Wa Walke lkerr I do don' n'tt want want it anym anymor ore. e. weree   dead. an   I wish I wer Wa Walk lker er  Nan

No. No.

I wish I were deadYou You do don' n'tt-

an I wis wish h ... ...   you   were.

 Nan But it's-

Wa Walk lker er Th That at make makess se sens nse.... e.... more, do you k more, know now??

Wa Walk lker er I  want    it to be.  (Beat.)

It's It's no nott the the sam samee ho hous usee anyany-

an ... ... Wh Wher eree will will yo you u live? live? Wh Wher eree are are you you ... go goin ing g to g go o to tomo morr rrow ow morn mornin ing? g? Wh Wher eree-

 Nan All right. Then it can be. Walker Wal ker Tha Thank nk you. you.   (Beat.)

Wa Walk lker er

 Nan Pip wants   to give  give you the house. house.

an ... ...

Walker Wal ker He wa wants nts to-?   Sell   you,

Wa Walk lker er or-

Wa Walk lker er

Wa Walk lker er I thin think k ir is. is.


an I kn know ow-a -any nywa way y

Wa Walk lker er

rather rather;; he wants wants to sell you the house. house.

I thou thought ght he here re.. Th This is plac place? e? Fo Forr a whil while. e.

an   Look    at this place. place. Wa Walk lker er Unti Untill I ffin ind d some someth thin ing g ou outt of the the ccit ity. y.

Walker Wal ker Why Why??  Nan He thinks it would be good for you to have it. He you, but 1wanted    to give it to you,

an It's It's no plac place. e. Wa Walk lker er

Walker Wal ker Chr Christ ist,, he' he'ss unreal! unreal!

It's It's so sort rt of ran random dom;; I lik likee th that at..




an   (Loo (Looki king ng ar Il IlJI JId. d.))   h

od ...

alker , har? an I'm   ju   r rryi rryin n ro pi ru rure re how how you ca can n po sibly sibly ma make ke rhi ro m I k any w r e. alker (   nthnsiastically.)   I  can. an, we ne need r have a ervi el an Whar kind

f a-

Walker 1 mi ed my farher" fun uneeral-Je We need   c o   d omerhing.

us! Thar'


 Nan Thar

all ri hr.

Walker We do-whar, rh ugh? Ir' omeerhin om rhing g an ienr enr and ac acre red. d. an Ir's im impo


Walker No-ye  prop -

-w e

can do ir i r-a l l


hard co impro improvise vise

we need iiss a couple 01

 Nan Like whar? Walk Wa lker er Fi Fire re..  Nan Oh

od, Walker, plea e don'r burn down rhis building.

Walk Wa lker er I hav havee the the cigar cigar!!   (He find findss mat matche ches.) s.)  Nan Don't lighr that-I

haven'r eaten-the


Walk Wa lker er Th That at's 's ok okay ay,, if you you thro throw w up, up, it wi will ll b bee ce cere remo moni nial al.. (Hee g (H goe oess to li ligh ghtt th thee ci ciga gar, r, in inte terr rrup upts ts hi hims msel elf) f)   Wait-nofirst   (He (He llay ayss tthe he book book op open en on th thee ta tabl ble. e.))   Say good bye .

 Nan That's ... corny. Walk Wa lker er Come Come on, on, Nan. Nan. Say Say good good-b -bye ye co the the dea dead. d.  Nan   (A mo mome ment nt.. Then Then sof softl tly. y.)) ... ...   Good-bye.


Walker Good-by Good-bye. e. (A mom momen ent. t. Walk Walker er puts puts th thee ci ciga garr in h his is mout mo uth, h, ta take kess out out matc matche hes, s, st stri rike kess a mat match ch,, br brin ings gs iitt tto o the ciga cigar; r; wavers wavers fo forr a ssec econ ond, d, th then en sudde suddenl nly, y, sh shar arpl ply, y, puts puts th thee matc ma tch h to th thee bo book ok.) .) an Je Jesu sus! s! Walk alke~ e~_B _Bet etter ter ge gett som some water ater in case case this this thin thing g grow growss Nan Jesus  Na sus, Wal alk ker-p r-put gone-

th tha at our-b r-befo fore re the the whole book is

Walk alker er Too late now now Na  N an Oh God-t -th his

is cra razy zy--

Wal alke kerr I feel feel like like Hedda edda Ga Gabl bler er!!  Nan Goddarn  Na rnn n you, Walk lke er-n r-now we'l 'lll never know anything!   (The (Theyy wa watc tch h th thee book book bu burn rn.) .)

Fade Fa de out. out. En End d Act Act One. One.



A tT tTw wo 1960

The sel The sel/in /ing g is the same same,, onl onlyy enh enhanc anced, ed, ffill illed ed with color  color  now, no w, and and the the apar apartm tmen entt has has [um [umit itur ure. e.

 In the apartment: ed is quietly sketching. When he fin. is ishe hess a sketc sketch, h, he looks looks at it, tear tearss it it up calm calmly ly,, and and throw throwss it away;   then   he does it all again. .  A(ter a moment, Tbeo and Lina round the street comer, argu ar guin ing. g. They They st stop op outs outsid idee th thee build buildin ing. g.

Theo Th eo Don' Don't, t, Lina Lina!! Do not hang hangee the su subj bjec ecr. r. Do Do n nor or av avoi oid  d  th thee poin pointt like like tthi hi _  Lina Li na I am avoi av ding norhin ing; g; ther theree i no po poin int, t, ther theree nev never er is wit with h you, you , T hoidi ee -ng norh Theo Th eo Whar Whar in incr cred edib ibly ly nois noisy y cr crap ap that that-Lin inaa It   is   a choi e. Eithe Eitherr you consecra consecrare re you yourse rself  lf   to this  vie de boheme   exis existe tenc ncee of your yourss or yo youuTheo   Jargon   IRheroricl Lina -or Lina -or si simp mply ly ac ackn know owle ledg dgee rhar rhar you' you're re a youn young g   man   on th thee make make as sur surel ely y as if you you were were wo work rkin ing g fo forr the the Hous Housee of  Morg Mo rgan an and and your  your   architecture   is just a vehicle for your riseTheo   (Overla (Overlappi pping ng from from "ve "vehic hicle. le.") ")   Whar this has   to do with wi th rh rhar ar tras trashy hy lirt lirtle le disp displa lay y you you put o onn-ar ar the the  Plaza   for  Christ'sLin a I cou Lin could ldn' n'rr st stan and d her, her, okay okayll I ccou ould ldn' n'tt sr sran and d rh rhar ar lit littl tlee Farm Fa rmin ingr gron on wi witc tch h with with her-P her-Pet eter er Pan Pan col colla lars rs and h her er-l -lit ittl tlee string str ing of pearl pearlss-


Theo Witch? Theo itch? She's She's a girl girl report reporter! er! Ten Ten minu inutes tes o out ut of Mt. Holy olyok oke e or so som meplac eplace! e! She was was  interviewing   me. She's She's just just this th is nic ice e gir irllLina   (Morally concl conclusiv usive.) e.)   She She was was we wearing aring gloves! gloves! Theo   (S (Sty tymi mied ed a se seco cond nd,, th then en.) .) .. ....   At Con Conde de Nast they make ake

themLin ina a Oh, I  bet   they make make them at Co Conde nde Na Nast. st. Theo Th eo -w -wear  ear    gloves. Lina Li na She She was gazin gazing g the en entir tire e time time at your your-Theo Th eo Do you you have have o only nly  one   subject? Lina Lin a CR CROT OTCH CH!! Theo   Oh,]esus! Lina Li na And sh she e hat hated ed me. She She ha hated ted me. Theo Sh Theo She e was k kin ind d enou enough gh,, Li Lina na-g -gen ener erou ouss en enou ough gh tto o set set up this th is in inte terv rview iew-p -pos ossib sibly ly to  place  us among the really importantLina Impor Importantly tantly we well-con ll-connec nectedtedThe heo o -you -young ng cr crea eativ tive e forc forces es of our our tim timeeLilla Yo You're u're talkin talking g like the Bo Book-o ok-of-the-M f-the-Month onth Clu Club, b, The Theo. o. Som So me drivel drivel in a magazi agazine ne will no nott make ake yo you u Ch Christo ristoph pher  er  Wren!   (Ned (Ned,, who has been listen listening ing,, very very still still an and d attent attentive ive,,  puts his hands to his ears. Then he takes a jazz record out of  its rack and puts   it   on th thee hi hi-f -fii to drow drown n th them em out. out.))

Theo I mean, it was   tea   at at a nic nice e hot otel el-w -why hy does that that hav have to

 be hard?

Lina   (Overlapping.)   Oh and wasn wasn't 't   that   an elevatin elevating g loc locale ale? ? How in inter teres estin ting g to di disc scov over er tha thatt yo you u can get get a cu cup p of tea at the Plaza for actually  less  than it co costs sts to sen send d twins twins thr throu ough gh Princeton-



Thea We wer Thea weren en't 't payi paying ng,, Li Lina na;; an and d it wa wass g goi oing ng al alon ong g be beau au-tifu tifull lly y un unti till yo you u deci decide ded d you you ha had d to di dila late te on the won wonde ders rs of  the the oral oral cont contra race cept ptiv ive. e. Unti Untill yo you u de deci cide ded d the the tim timee was was ripe for  for  a litt little le jjoy oyce cean an riff riff righ rightt ther theree in tthe he Pal Palm m Co Cour urtt wi with th the the stain sta ined ed gl glas asss flowe flowers rs.. (N (Ned ed turns turns up the mus music ic som somee more more.. Thea Th ea and and Lina Lina hold hold their their own.) own.)

Lina Li na She She ha had d hear heard d it al alll be befo fore re,, that that one. one. Thea Oh plea please se-s -she he''s gated gat ed Jane Jane Austen Austen..

fro rom m thi thi   family-she   reads reads expu expurr-

(They're getting getting louder louder.) .) Lina Li na You You know know noth nothin ing. g.   (They're

Thea God! Thea God! Yo You u have have me in thi thiss co cont ntin inuo uous us ca caro rom m be berw rwee eenn-> > (Ned (N ed tur turns ns mu music sic up eve even n mo more. re.)) absolutely tely not nothin hinggLina Li na You You know know   absolu

Thea Th ea .. .... geni genita tall ob obse sess ssio ion n and and ethic ethics. s. iBetioee ioeen n the eeyes. yes.))   You are a naive boy from the Lina   iBet suburb! (Thi hiss sto stops ps hi him. m. He calls calls into into th thee apar apartme tment nt.) .) Thea   r . . .   (T  Ned!   (Ned (Ned po poke kess hi hiss hea head d ou outt th thee wind window ow.) .)   r   mean, mean, wou would  ld  you yo u tu turn rn do down wn th thee mus music ic?? je jeez ez,, we ha have ve  neighbors.

 Ned ... Sorry.   (H (Hee g goe oess back back in in,, tu turn rnss down down musi music. c. Theo Theo retu re turn rnss to Lina. Lina. Li Lina na lo look okss to hi him m need needil ily. y. He sigh sighs, s, tu turn rnss away aw ay a seco second nd,, then then goes goes back back to her, her, chan changin ging g th thee mood mood,, cajoling.) sings. Vag sings. Vaguel uelyy Thea Hey HeyHendricks ... did you you hear heRossish ar thi this on one e?   (He  Lambert, and jazz satire.) Joan Jo an of Al'Cwa Al'Cwass a woman woman of con convi vict ctio ions ns She neve neverr shi shirke rked d a diffic difficult ult sit situat uation ion She though thoughtt she sho should uld save save France France So she saved Fra France nce Why Wh y ca can' n'tt yo you u be mor moree like like th that at??


(Thea' (The a'ss us used ed th thee song song to mo move ve in o on n her. her. By the the ti time me he's e's thro throug ugh, h, he's he's hold holdin ing g he her, r, kissi kissing ng he herr neck neck.. When When th thee song song is is over ov er,, sh shee lau laugh ghs, s, rea reach ches es to pu pull ll hi hiss hea head d to hers. hers. They kiss. kiss.  Ned looks up from drawing, looks out, watches, returns to

drawin draw ing. g. Wh When en Th Thea ea and and Li Lina na st star artt bi bick cker erin ing g agai again, n, it's it's more more reine rei ned d in at fir first; st; the they' y're re tr tryin ying g to su sust stain ain th thee mood. mood.)) (Com omin ing g ou outt of th thee kiss. kiss.))   Why do Lina   (C doesn esn't 't an anyo yone ne kn know ow abou ab outt me?

Theo Oh,  man!   What are youyouLina Lin a Nobod obody y kn know ows s abou aboutt meTheo Th eo Every Everyon oneeLina Lin a Your pare parem ms-w s-whyhyThe heo o Is th that at w wha hatt all this this h has as been been abou about? t? Lin ina a No! I don on't 't kno know-I don on't'tThe heo o You kn know ow the min inut ute e pare parent nts s com come into into it, eve every ryth thin ing g changesLin ina a And d do o we we want ant thin things gs  to  st  sta ay li lik ke this this? ? The hea a Cha hang nges es fo forr the wor worse se.. Heid Heideg egge gerr wro rote: te: "The "The light light of  the pu public blic alw alway ays s ob obscu scures res." ." Lin ina a Heideg eidegge gerr is a fam famou ous s Nazi. azi. Thea   In th the e fir first st plac place, e, you you don't don't know know.. In the the se seco cond nd plac place, e, you yo u have have   to  sep  separa arate te the wo work rk from from thetheLin ina a Oh, what are are w we e  talking   abou about? t? How w wretc retche hed d you you arear e-u usin sing word ords llik ike e Heid eidegg egger! er! Are you ash ashamed amed of me? Thea Th ea

Chr hrist ist,, can any anyth thin ing g hap happe pen n withou ithoutt me bein being g guilty guilty

of   it? it?



0 ,I

didn idn't .. .... you don't .. .... let let me-

The heo o You-


( Lina I mean:   Am   I someth somethin ing g to be asha ashame med d of? of? Theo Th eo Noo-!! Lina ina No-no-don't

be-easy-I   wonder   thi thiss .. .... I some some--

timess thi time thinknkTheo   (M (Mov ovin ing g in in,, tryi trying ng to make make it in intim timat atee agai again. n.))   You think  too muc muchhLina Li na I wo woul uld d ju just st li like ke so some meth thin ing g to be be-Theo Th eo You You th thin ink k al alll the the timetime,.

Li Lin na I woul would d li lik ke so some meth thin ing g ro b bee .. .... auth authen enti tic, c, I can can ne nev ver  findTheo Th eo It It's 's such such a bea beaut utif iful ul nigh nightt-wh why y

ca can' n'tt it ju just st bebe-

Lina Li na Th That at does doesn' n'tt ma matt tter er-Theo Th eo Wh Why y ca can' n'tt it ju just st be a be beau auti tifu full nigh night? t? Linaa You Lin You ha have ve to dese deserv rvee nigh nights ts like like tthi hissTheo Th eo I don' don'ttLill Li llaa I dodoTheo Th eo What What is thi this? s? Racia Raciall guilt guilt?? Th Thee leg legac acy yo off sla slave veow owne ners rs?? Lina Wh Lina What at a blit blithe heri ring ng id idio iott yo you u are! are! Wh What at a fo fool ol,, wh what at a dunc du nce! e! What What a nigh nightm tmar are, e, wh what at a mo moro ron! n! Si Siav aveo eown wner erss-we we-· we practic practical ally ly begg begged ed ttab able le scra scraps ps from from sh shar arecr ecrop oppe pers rs,, weweyouTheo Th eo Lina Lina,, ple pleas aseeLinaa Wh Lin What at a mes messe sedd-up up,, de delu lusi sion onal, al, roma romant ntic ic yo you u are! Theo Th eo I' I'm m .. .... I'm goin going g to get a pizza izza.. Lilla The Lilla Theo? o?   (He stops.)   I som someti etime mess do don' n'tt kn know ow if I'll I'll get   1 thro th roug ugh h th thee ni nigh ght. t.   (Theo (Theo just spre spread adss hi hiss arms arms:: "I don' don'tt know know how ho w to answ answer er th that at." ." He sta start rtss to walk walk away away.) .)   Theo?   (He


 pauses.)   Pepperoni.   (H (Hee wal walks ks off off Un Una a is le left ft alo alone ne.. Afte After. r. a moment.)   NED!   (Ne (Ned d bo boun unds ds to the window window.) .)




  Ar Aree you busy busy?? Ar Aree you you in the middl middlee of so some meth thin ing? g?

ed   Nvn-o. Lina

  Do you want   to   come come ou outt an and d ha have ve a cigar cigaret ette te with with me me??

ed   Yy-yes. Lina Ned Lina

  Come Come ou our! ... ... Ned Ned?   Yy-yes?   Bring cigarettes.

  Okay.   (He grabs grabs cigare cigarettes ttes,, vau vaults lts out of the apartm apartment ent.. When Wh en th they ey'r 'ree toge togeth ther er.) .)   H-hi.   (He takes out cig cigare arettes ttes,, hands hands herr on he one.) e.) Ned

  Light, please.   (He ligh Thank k yo you. u.   (She lights ts her ciga cigarett rette.) e.)   Than smil sm iles es.. Th They ey smok smoke. e. Ne Ned d is ex exci cite ted d to be wit with h her, her, excru excruci ciat at-in ingl glyy shy, shy, aw awkw kwar ard d stand standin ing, g, aw awkw kwar ard d leani leaning ng.. She She sm smok okes es wonderfully.)   Yo You u mu must st h hav avee hea earrd uss-d did you you he hear ar us ca te terw rwau aulin ling g befo before re?? Lina

ed   Ye-ye-ye-no,

  Th The who whole neig neighb hbor orh hoodood-wh what at fool foolss we are, are, w wh hat fool fo olss .. .... .. I'm I'm sorr sorry y for for th thee distu disturb rban ance ce..   (Ned (Ned waves aves it  Also o-b -bec ecau ause se of meme-it loo looks as as tho thoug ugh h you ou'r 'ree   not  away.)   Als goin go ing g to be in inst stan antl tly y tr tran ansl slate ated  d    to   fa fame me an and d gr grea eatn tnes esss in th thee  pages of a glossy magazine without ever having done anythin thing g to deser deserve ve it it.. I dee deeply ply apo apolog logize. ize.   (Ned shrug shrugs.) s.) You Yo u don' don'tt ever ever say say muc much, h, do you? you? Lina

Ned   Nvno. Lina Li na .. ....

  You You-kn -know, ow, Moses Moses stutter stutter--


____ ____ ___ __ . r  

 Ned    M-Mo   es tutt tutter ered ed,, I kn know ow..

He ha had d ... ... ma many ny othe otherr fine fine qual qualit itie ies, s, thou though gh..   (Beat.   They smok sm oke. e. Mayb Maybee be sbou sbould ld go.) go.) ... ...   W-we W-well ll ... Lina No Lina No-d -don on't 't leav leavee m me. e. I don' don'tt want want ro just just be st stan andi ding ng here he re al alon one. e. Th Theo eo'' go gone ne to thar thar new new Ira Irali lian an di dive ve ro get get a p piz izza za,, JUSt JU St tay tay a whil while. e. smoke.)  Ned ... All right.   (They smoke.)

Lina Li na We We'r 'ree go goin ing g thro throug ugh h a rough rough patc patch, h, you you see see..  Ned Ev-everybody_  Ev-everybody_  Lina Li na -k -kno now w



 Ned -docs. Lina Ye Yess-that roo. It' It'ss my fau faulr. lr. I'm a tro troub ublem lemak aker. er.  Ned NoLin Li na I am am. I .... .. wea earr at hi him m. Too Too emori oriona onal, roo roo Ned He ... doesn't ... mind, he finds it ... in-interesting. Lina ... Oh .....   (Quietly.)   It isn't isn't so inter interesr esring ing from from inside inside.. . . . Of cours course, e, he he's 's no fiel field d of flow flower ers, s, eirh eirher er.. He ma make kess as much mu ch trou troubl blee as I do do,, he he- Ned He's a

h-he's a genius.

Lina Yes Naturally, I know tth hat. I  know   he's a genius. . . . Eve Every rybo body dy I' I've ve me mett in thi thiss city city is a gen geniu ius. s. And And the the ones ones th that at aren aren't 't are are co conn nnoi oiss sseu eurs rs.. Ho How w do you you two two mana manage ge ro ger  ger  along, alon g, anyw anyway? ay?  Ned W-w-w-w-w-w-e_e_  Lina Li na You You kn know ow,, De Demo mosr srhe hene ness Ned Y-y-yes, I know. I know aU me grear ... stu-stutterers hi hi-h -his isto tory ry,, I hav havee ... ... thei theirr cale calend ndar ar..




Lin ina a I am am sorr sorry. y. ed No. Lina Lin a I'm insupp insupporta ortable ble..  Ned ... No ...  Ned Lina Li na Is it tru true e you'r you're e ge getti tting ng ther therap apy y for for it? Theo Theo says says you'r you're e getting therapy for it. ed He told yo you u that that? ? Lina Was he Lina he not not to? to? Is iitt a se secr cret? et? Are Are you you honi honing ng your  your  legend, too, the way Theo does? All charismatic poses and  strategic suppressions? ed ... ... I am .. .... gettin tting g th ther erap apy y. Lina What Lina hat does does the ther therap apy y cons consist ist of? of?  Ned  N ed ... Bre reat athi hing ng.. Lina Lin a Bre Breath athing ing? ? ed Sh She's e's te teac achi hing ng me me to ... bb-br brea eath the. e. Lin ina a Me, n nex extt .. ....  Ned  N ed ... as thou though gh it were ere my ... b-bi b-birt rthr hrig ight ht ... sh she e say says. s.  Does   he h h-h -hon one e his lege legend nd? ? Lin ina a Doe oesn sn't 't he? he? ed The ... ... th thin ing g ab about Theo is is-Lin ina a Th The e thing thing abou aboutt Th Theo eo is he's he's had had a ve very ry po poor or educ educat atio ion. n. ed Has, as, has has he? he? Lin ina a Yes es.. ed But h he's e's go gone ne to-to-Lina Yes, Lina es, yes yes,, I know know th the e lis listt of schools schools.. It's an em emba barra rrassssing in g list list of schoo schools ls.. But th the e fa fact ct is, is, he he's 's go gott  nothing   out out of 



them them.. He He's 's pr prob obab ably ly th thee be best st-s -sch choo oole led d wo wors rsrr-ed educ ucar ared ed yo youn ung g man ma n on the eas easte tern rn se seab aboa oard rd.. So he's he's maki making ng up up.. In bed bed, he   reads.   He rea ead ds li lik ke a ma man n ab abo out to di diee wh who o  believes St. Peter gives a general information pop quiz. Last ni nigh ght, t, he re read ad al alll the maxi maxims ms of Ro Roch chef efou ouca caul uld d in fort fortyy-fi five ve minu mi nute tes. s. You You ca cann nnot ot do th that at,, th they ey'r 'ree no nons nsen ense se,, th they ey be beco come me .. ....

Yo You u star starrr thin think king ing you ca can n do bette etterr yo you ursel rselff .. .... He's ve He's very ry sweet sweet that that wa way, y, bu butt it bo bogs gs yo you u dow down. n. To Topi pics cs ge gett too too te tend nder er.. Ev Ever eryt ythi hing ng thre threat aten enss to re reve veal al the the im impo post stur uree .. .... What Wh at did did yo you u th thin ink k th thee sec secre rett ab abou ourr Th Thea ea is is??  Ned ... I ... don't recall ...   (Pause.) Lina Li na But But I tthi hink nk wi with thou outt him, him, I' I'll ll die. die.   (Pause.)  Ned He-he ...

wants things.

Lin Li na Th That at's 's tr tru ue.  Ned I ... I ... n-never ...   rn-m rn-muc uch h ... ... Thea   wants. Lina Li na It It's 's li like ke datin dating g Ni Nietz etzsc sche he..  Ned Wi-without him, I would ... probably ... Lina I know  Ned In-never

. .

I went   to ... arch chite itect ctur uree sc-s sc-sch choo ooll to .. .... kill kill ti time me.. ...   ar I .. .... li lik ked to draw draw.. Th-T Th -The heo o to took ok me u up. p. Th-thi Th-t hiss ho hous usee .. .... we wou would ld neve neverr ha have ve-Lina Li na I know know..  Ned He was the b-besr thing for me. It was was the b-b b-besr esr thing thing tha thatt hap hap-ha -happe ppened ned.. Lina Li na I know know..


 Ned I ... would die, too.   (Lina (Lina lo look okss at him him,, ki kiss sses es hi him m on the che cheek, ek, rus rushes hes of(.) of(.) Lina Li na T The heo! o! Th Theo eo!! WHAT WHAT'S 'S TA TAKI KING NG SO L LON ONG? G?   (Lights.) (Eveni (Eve ning ng,, a few few days days late later. r. Ne Ned d calm calmly ly in insp spec ects ts a ser serie iess of  drawin dra wings. gs. The Thea a hov hovers ers.) .)

Theo heo It came came to me  whole.   Do you you kn know ow th thos osee mo mome ment nts? s? No la labo bor, r, pure pure visi vision on:: Emer Emerso son n on the   I. I.RT. I star starte ted d sk sket etch chin ing g ri righ ghtt th then en-t -tha hat' t'ss th thee wa wave very ry li line nessanyw an yway ay,, yo you u kn know ow how how badl badly y I dr draw aw,, did did yo you u ev ever er hear hear Co Cole le Port Po rter er play pian piano? o? It It's 's th thee same same th thin ing. g. Aree you Ar you looki looking ng,, ar aree you you th thin inki king ng,, wh what at?? Do Don' n'tt talk talk.. I'm m ja jabb bber erin ing, g, I' I'll ll sh shut ut up up.. I te tell ll you, you, it was was su such ch a Think.   I' star st ardi ding ng th thin ing g when when it ca came me to me, me, I alm almos ostt resi resist sted ed it it.. I'd   become comfortable with failing. I know I wasn't failing yet,  butDo I'dn'ttstarted fear's Delusion. Don' lo look ok atto ttha hat, t, th that 'ssterility. co corr rrec ecte ted d on tthe he Emptiness. ne next xt page, page, see? see? Don' Do n'tt lo look ok at that that,, it it's 's poor poorly ly dr draf afte ted, d, it it's 's a te terr rrib ible le id idea ea,, anyw an yway ay,, it st stin inks ks,, I' I'm m ge getti tting ng ri rid d of it. it. List Li sten en,, I' I'll ll le leav avee you alone, alone, I' I'll ll be silen silent, t, you' you'll ll be sil silen ent, t, we'lll both we'l both sh shut ut up up..   (Beat.) Why Wh y ar aree you you so qui quiet et?? Do you ha hate te it it??   If  yo you u ha hate te it it,, ju just st say   it it,, I'l I'lll stop stop al alre read ady y an and d le lett yo you u .. .... Of cou cours rse, e, it it's 's in incr cred ed-ibly ibly roug rough h and, and, who who kn know ows, s, it it's 's in prog progre ress ss,, it it's 's,, we ca can n thro throw w it away away.. Bur Bur aatt least least we   have   somet somethin hing g to throw throwawa away, y, that that's 's th thee cr cruc ucia iall step step,, it it's 's when when yo you u ha have ve some someth thin ing g yo you u ca can n reje reject ct com compl plet etel ely y th that at yo you u kn know ow you' you're re almo almost st ther there. e. An And d it it's 's nott as if any no anybo body dy el else se was was co comi ming ng up w wit ith, h, it it's 's not not as if  if  you'r ou'ree-an and d of co cou urs rsee even even if it it's 's   genius   it may may not not be suit suit-able ab le,, it may may not not be ssui uita tabl blee to yo your ur pa pare rent nts. s. Af Afte terr all all it it's 's you your  r   parents' dime we're spending (more or less literally, but) anyw an yway ay,, who who know knowss wh what at th thei eirr ta tast stee is is,, who who kn know owss if th they ey even   have   taste taste;; re real ally ly,, ther there' e'ss no re reas ason on to beli believ evee they they hav havee tast tastee at al alll .. ....



Why are you looking there again? You already looked  the there re.. Is so some meth thin ing g wr wron ong? g? Lo Look ok,, ob obvi viou ousl sly y all all th thee ske ketc tche hess are clu clumsy, the arithmetic is wrong, the p prroportions are out of   proportion, you know the minion skills I'm lousy at. Can you se seee tthe he inten intenti tion on thou though gh?? Tell me Tell me..   Tell   me me th thee truth. Tell me the ab abssolute truth. Tell me what I want   to   hear. The absolute truth that I want   to hear he ar.. Sa Say y no noth thin ing. g.   Talk.  Ned


The a  Ned


 Ned Theo

But yo you u hate it? IItt's ugly? beautiful.

You think that? I do. Ned. I've thought ...

I don't  Ned

it's not rough.

No, it's ...


The a

I know it's rough. It's ...



It's ...

it for y-years,

. .

What does th thaat-? know what that means.

S-since I first saw it in a magazine.

Theo ... In a ... Is that   wit?


 Ned Theo, I'm sorry, but it's the Farnsworth Thea  Ned The o

What are yo you u talking about? It's the F-FarnsNo, it iissn't .

. . . It has   elements   in common



House.   (Beat.)

with the Far Farnsworth


 Ned  Ne d Many any el el-el -elem emen ents. ts. All All of them them.. Theo You Theo You don don't't No,  N o, you you don' don'tt unde underst rst-I will ill gra ran nt you you-an -and this this was on on p pu urpo rpose-t se-th hat

it uses th the e

same vocabularyed Thea, if I wrote rote,, "To "To be or or not .. ....   to  be,  be, th that at is the the ques qu estio tion, n," " wo woul uld d you you tell tell me it used used the the sam same vo voca cabu bular lary y as as,, "To "T o be or or not   to   be, be, tha thatt ... is the the qu ques esti tion on?" ?" Theo Look Theo LookllYou don't-Idon't-II wou would ld even even grant rant yo you u that that it it's 's som somethi ething ng of an ... homage Ned  Ne d Theo Theo,, it's it's not not an hom homag age, e, it' it'ss a  copy.   Th The e fu funn nny y part is, we're e're .. .... al alll so van-va -vanguard and and when we .. .... co cop py, it it's 's al al-al alwa ways ys the ... mos ostt obvio obvious us p-po p-poss ssib ible le th thin ing. g.   (Pause.) Theo Th eo Not "we. "we." "  Ned  Ne d Wha hat? t? Theo Th eo If it's it's a c cop opy, y, "we" "we" didn' idn'tt do it, it, I did. id.  Ned  N ed ... Umm Umm ... [ will will Ha Hake ke resp respon onsib sibility ility forTheo Th eo Or take what whatev ever er..  Ned  Ne d What? hat? Theo Th eo No, noth nothin ing g ...  Ned  N ed Ok Okay ay.. You .. .... don't hav ave ea an n id ide ea, v-y v-yet et,, th that's t's .. .... all all rig righ ht .. .... .. My p-pare p-parent ntss are p-p p-pati atien entt and and the the mm-m mon oney ey's 's ... od odd d jo jobs bs.. Theo Th eo Mm-hro -hrom. m.   ((Pa Paus use. e. Thea Thea pi pick ckss up one one of his his draw drawin ings gs,, tears   it  in two.)



 Ned Well, it's not as if there aren't ... c-copies in every arch archit itec ectu ture re te text xtbo book ok in th thee land. land.   (He picks picks up piece pieces.) s.)   You shou sh ould ldn' n'tt have have d-do d-done ne th that at,, th thou ough gh .. .... I' I'll ll tt-ta tape pe it ba back  ck  to toge geth ther er.. God, God, yo you u ha have ve a j-j j-juv uven enil ilee st stre reak ak a m-r m-rni nile le wi wide de.. Theo Th eo Do Don' n'tt bo both ther er..  Ned It's not aTheo Th eo What What's 's the poi point nt?? I mean mean,, if it' t'ss Ned It's ... what you said ... The ... thing it will be useful tt-to to comp comple lete tely ly .. .... disc discar ard. d. That That's 's prog progre ress ss.. It It's 's ... ... ff-fi fine ne to be be .. .... fr frus usttrate rated d .. .... but but the there re's 's tt-ttime. ime. Theo Th eo Not Not so much much time time..  Ned Time enough. D-do Ddon' n'tt go tear tearin ing g th thin ings gs up up..   (Paus (Pause. e. Theo Theo watche watchess Ned, Ned, who wh o do does esn' n'tt se seee h him im.) .) Theo Th eo Why Why do yo you u alway alwayss do tthi his? s?  Ned ... Do ...   what? Theo Th eo Th Thee th thin ing g you you alwa always ys do do..


 Ned ... Uumm ... Theo Wh Theo What at yo you u have have d don onee th thee las last, t, what what is it now, now, seve seven n ti times mes I'v I'vee at atte temp mpte ted d to to-- Ned It's ...



my function.


Theo Th eo That' hat'ss not it it.  Ned But it is. That Th at essa essay y yo you' u're re .. .... fore foreve verr qu quot otin ing. g. Reyn Reynol olds ds.. Tale Talent nt is divided in into gen genius an and d taste. We d deecided yo you would be genius an and I would be the ot other. Wh-what we mus must hav have  been drinking, it's, com-completely embarrassing, but it's how th thin ings gs have have wor worke ked d out. out.  If   I f    they they hav havee .. .... work worked ed out out. 60








All righ t.

cd Wh Whar ar?? Theo Th eo What What?? cd    What? Plea Pl ease se don don't deli delibe bera rate telly n-n n-not .. .... say say sso ome   one   thin thing, g, 1Theo I'm no nott. It It'' an incr incred edib ible le ev evas asiion, on, thoug hough h, isn't sn't it? cd What i ? How? Thea Th ea Geni Genius us and ta tast stee and and Re Reyn ynol olds ds-cd We we were re drun drunk, bur bur it' t'ss whathatThea   When   was this this decide decided? d? ed I don' don'tt-iit Thea Thi

hap happene pened d.

... division of labor?

ed Ye Yes. s. Theo Th eo That That I woul ould have ave ide deas as an and d you you woul would d dest destro roy y them? hem? ed That That-Shu Sh ut up up.. Ju Just ... ... shut hut up. You You'r 'ree maki making ng a f-f f-fo ool ofThea Th ea Th That at is what what happ happen ens, s, th thou ough gh..  Ned ...   If   it seem seemss th that at way, way, th then en-Thea Th ea Do you you unde unders rsttand and ho how w   protected    th that at is is?? Do yo you u unde un ders rsta tand nd how how safe safe y you ou ar are? e?  Ned 1Thea Th ea Is it cl clea earr to you you-d -do o

you you re reco cogn gniize th that at for for me ever everyy-

thin thing g is at ri risk sk and for for you you no noth thin ing? g?  Ned No. 0 , I ... do no not und understand

that ...



ed We're e're ... ... p-p p-parr arrner ners. We'r We'ree ... ... in busi busine ness ss to toge ge--to to-gerh ge rher er.. Thi Thiss hous housee-my my pp-pa pare rent ntss co-c co-com ommi miss ssio ione ned d th this is houseTheo Th eo Al Also so host hostil ile; e; also also a man manip ipul ulat atio ion. n. ed I'm-I'm-I'm-I'm s-sure yo you could ww-w walk up and  down West En End Avenue aan nd a th-thousand psy-psyc sychiatris trists ts wo woul uld d agre agreee wit with h ev ever eryt ythi hing ng you you say, say, but but it it's 's g-ga g-garb rbag agee and   1d-don'tTheeo I ju Th just st wa want nt   to   know know wh why y it is is I' I'm m rhe on onee who who has has to pay   in this siruar siruarionion-

ed Te Tell llin ing g ss-so som meone eone he he's 's ... ... mor more gi gift fted ed th than an you you ... ... cosrs somethingsomethingTheo   (Overlapping.)   Is iitt just just en envy vy?? And And of wha what? t? Is it sex sex?? Is Is ir Lina Lina?? Is it me? me? ed    (Overlapping.)   II-l II-lef eftt ho home me   to   get get away away from from peop people le who wh o ha have ve no no--Theo   (Overlapping.)

  1 mean, an, was the the who whole le poin pointt of th this is

some so me ki kind nd of rev reven enge ge-? -? ed    (Overlapping.)-p-people   wh who o h hav avee no g-gr g-grac ace, e, peop people le who wh o ar aree r-ra r-rand ndom omly ly crue cruell and and y-yo y-you u areareTheo   (Overlapping.)   I was was your your frie friend nd.. 1 am your your fri rien end d. You had ha d no ot othe herr frien riends ds,, I too took k you you inined    1 Theo Th eo Wh Who o else else did did you you have have?? What What else else d did id you you ha have ve?? Wher Wheree woul wo uld d you you be? be? ed 1-11-1-

Theo Th eo Tell Tell meed 11-11-11Theo   S a y   it it!! Ju Just st say say it, it, Ned. Ned.   S a y   it-


Listen List en,, it' it'ss earl early y enou enough gh-d -don on't 't st star art. t. Mayb Ma ybee this this kind kind of w wei eird rd,, sa-s sa-sad adis istic tic ri rite te has has so some me ki kind nd of  ... ... sexu sexual al di divi vide dend nd ... ... when hen it's it's w wit ith h Lina Lina,, but but I don' don'tt ... ... like itThea Th ea This This is anot anothe herr evas evasio ion. n.  Ned If you w-want me   to   tell tell yo you u ... ... bad bad work work is go good od,, I ... ... I won't do it .. ... I'd ... ... rather ... look, why do don't you just shut sh ut up, up, no now? w? Thea I don't want to Ned Then ... I'm going to go for a walk.

fV "  

Thea Th ea All All you you eve everr do is esca esca pe pe- Ned ... All right ... Thea Th ea Even Even the the stut stutte terr is just just anot anothe herr Ned    (Overlapping.)   Are youThea -jusr

. r~l '

another form o off-

 Ned You're out of your mindThea hea Why am I the the o one ne who who doe does th thee wor work? Why was was this this decided?  Ned ... TheoTheea Tell Th Tell me.  Ned YouThea Th ea Sa Say y it. it.   ~-1 "  Ned. . . You Yo u ha have ve mo morre tale talent nt.. Tha That's t's ... ... a gi give ven. n. We'v We 'vee know known n that that since since ... ... sc-s sc-sch choo ool. l. We'v We'vee know known, n, evevever ev eryb ybod ody' y'ss know known n that that sin since ce ...

Thea Th ea And And beca becaus usee of that that yo you u feel feel comp compel elle led  d   to   puni punish sh me. me.



 Ned    (He (He ca can' n'tt get get hi hiss breat breath, h, he can can't 't stop stop stut stutte teri ring ng.) .) 11-11-11-111 -1 -1 ...   (T (The hea a se sees es wh what at's 's happ happen enin ing, g,   is   instan instantly tly remorseful, remorseful, sickened.) Thea Oh God ..... no, don't no ... Don't tty ... it's all right .. ... I'm so sorry ... I'm   (The (Thea a a app ppro roac ache hess Ne Ned, d, not  not  know kn owin ing g wh what at to do do.. Thea Thea circ circle less his his arms arms ar arou ound nd Ned Ned as if  to ho hold ld hi him, m, but but does doesn' n'tt co comp mple lete te the the ge gest stur ure. e.))   I'm sorry . Forget iitt Please ... forget this .... Plea e ... please .  Ned It's all   rig right ht!! (Pau (Pause se.. They They move move aw away ay (rom (rom ea each ch other. oth er. Bea Beat.) t.) Theo Yo Theo You u sh shou ould ldn' n'tt let let m mee d do o that that   to   y you ou,, Ned. Ned. Yo You u can' can'tt let let me do do that that to you. you.  Ned I'm sorry.   (Pause.)   We d-d -do on't ... have   to   k-keep k-keep this this up. Theo Th eo We do Ned N-not ifTheo Th eo Wh What at wo woul uld d hap appe pen n to you you?  Ned '"

It's not O(   Mic Micee and Men Men .. ....

Theo I know that, at, but ... ...  Ned Yes. We say tth hat ...

you're better of offf w wiith me.

don't we?   (Pause.)

Theo I'm Theo I'm go goin ing g   to   go go aw away ay fo forr a wh whil ile. e. I need  need   to I'll go   to   my p pare arent nts' s' shac shack  k   in -

.. ... .

 Ned Okay. Thea Some Thea Somepl plac acee I ca can n wo work rk..   (Beat.)   You You'r 'ree righ rightt .... ... That That wass ssh wa hit it.. Th That at was was ... ... sh shit it..   (Beat.)   Meanwhile, n no one of this ever ev er ha happ ppen ened ed.. Ok Okay ay??


 Ned Yes.... Yes .... Fine.   (They (They lo look ok at each each othe other, r, smil smilee tent tentat ativ ivel ely. y. Thea Th ea turn turnss aw away ay.. Ned Ned st star ares es at his back back.. Fade Fade out out.) .)


(J n black black:: the the sou sound nd of a heav heavyy rain rain.. The The rain rain co cont ntin inue ues. s.

The ligh The lightt in the the apar apartm tmen entt is th that at coco cocoon onis ish h ligh lightt th that  at  come co mess some someti time mess on rai rainy ny af afte tern rnoo oons ns,, a mu mute ted d arra arrayy of the the colors colo rs at th thee end of th thee spec spectr trum um.. Ther There' e'ss a fu fuss ss at the the door do or.. Ne Ned d of offs fsta tage ge.) .)

ed I'I I'IllLin ina a Ooh-I -I'm 'm

shak shakin ing g it's it's--

ed H-he H-here re's 's th the e keykeyLina Wonde Wonderful! rful!   (Key (Key in th thee lo lock ck;; th they ey ente enterr, Ned Ned has a grocery gro cery bag bag.) .)   I'm goin going g to drip drip al alll over over your your nice nice,, dilap dilapid idat ated  ed  floor! ed Th-t -th hat' t'ss-m me, too too. Lina Li na Th That at wa wass go gorg rgeo eous us,, wasn't asn't it?  Ned Yes....  Ned es.... G-g -giv ive e me yo your ur sli slick cker er..   (Li (Lina na ta take kess her her slic slicker  ker  of offf an and d hand handss it to Ned Ned.) .)   You're You're soaked soaked through through.. Lina Li na [don [don't 't min ind. d. Oh, ther there e aren aren't 't an any y bl blaz azin ing g fire firess her here, e, are are there? I forget Ned  Ne d No. Lina Li na ] ust ust ba bank nked ed on ones es   (Th (This is is a pl play ayfu full refe refere renc ncee to Ned: Ned: he doesn' does n'tt qu quit itee ca catc tch h it it.) .)-n -no, o,   nothing.  Ned   N ed   Yvyou're  going to catch cold or-

Lina No, Lina No, [ don't don't.. Isn't Isn't th that at momen omentt thril thrillin ling, g, right right befo before re it it starts, star ts, an and d everyth everything ing turns turns pu purple rple and the awnin awnings gs shake shake and  and  the th e build buildin ings gs ign ignite ite from from th the e in insid side? e? I love tha thatt part. part.  Ned   Ne d   If   yo you u ... n-ne n-need ed to chan change ge-Lina Li na I don don't 't mind ind just just so sopp ppin ing g fo forr a wh while ile.. But But is ther there e


 bour  bo urbo bon? n?  Ned  N ed I ... No, I do don't n't--


Lina Li na Ther Theree must must be be..  Ned S-sorry,   1 Lin Li na I ha happ ppen en to kno know w ther theree is is..  Ned ... There is?   (Li (Lina na go goes es to a bo boxx on top of a stac stackk of  book bo okss next next to the drafti drafting ng ta tabl blee and and extra extracts cts a bot bottl tle. e.)) Lina Theo is not a bi big  sharer.  Ned N-no. Lina Do you Lina you wa want nt so some me??   (Ned (Ned waves waves a han hand, d, "I p pas ass. s.") ")   You ough ou ghtt to to.. It mak makes es ev every eryth thin ing g   so   much better. better.  Ned Everything's ...


Lin inaa Is it it?  Ned '"

Today, yes.   (Sh (Shee sips the drink drink she's she's poured poured.) .)

Lina Li na Yes. Yes. For For me me,, roo roo.. It was was fu funn nny y ru runn nnin ing g into into yo you. u.  Ned Yes! Lina I didn Lina didn't 't even even real realiz izee I w was as he here re!! I didn didn't 't even even re real aliz izee I' I'd  d  come co me to this this neig neighb hbor orho hood od.. It w was as not not my inte intent ntio ion. n.  Ned What was? Lin Li na I did didn n't hav have one ne..  Ned M-me, neither. Lina Li na I was off fro from m the the bo book okst stor ore. e. I just just wander wandered ed away away the the day. day.  Ned Th- Thea left his robe. Lin Li na ... Uuuhhh ... well ell. Se Segue?

 Ned I'm worried about you ... in those things. Lina Li na You u are are just just de desp sper erat atee to get me o out ut of my my clot clothe hes, s, aren't are n't Yo you?



 Ned I Lina

don't want you   to  get sick. Whete's tth he robe?

 Ned In the bathroom. On the hook. Lina Li na I' I'll ll change change..   (Crosses   to   bathroom.)   You You can can chan change ge in here when   1 do.   1 promise I won't look. ed I' I'm m fi fin ne. Lina   I promi promise se I won won't 't..

 Ned I'm not as wet as you. Lina   0, th that' at'ss rig right ht,, I' I'm m   all   wet. wet. Le Lett me brin bring g my drin drink. k. (Passing (Passi ng him.)   I've I've ssee een n th thii scen scenee be befo fore re,, yo you u know know..   (She goes into th into thee bath bathro room om,, ke keep epin ing g th thee door door op open en a cra crack ck.. Ned Ned star starts ts unpa un pack ckin ing g ba bags gs onto onto coun counte ter, r, an a arr rray ay of vegeta vegetabl bles es,, pi picke cked  d   for color. Lina calls from bathroom.)   Hey!

ed What What?? Lina Li na Say Say some someth thin ing g sm small all   to   me me wh whil ilee I' I'm m ch chan angi ging ng!! ed W-wha W-what? t? Lina Li na Ju Just st chat chatte terr at me me!! I get get rest restle less ss!! ed 1 ... d-do d-don n'r know know what what   to  say. Lina Li na Just Just no nons nsen ense se ... pa pala lave ver. r.  Ned    Oh,   (Pause.)   D-d D-do o you you be beli liev evee in Orig Origin inal al Sin? Sin?   (Halfbeat be at.. She She po poke kess her her hea head d ar arou ound nd th thee door door.) .) Lina   (A (Ass thou though gh answ answer erin ing g hi hiss ques questi tion on.) .)   No, in fac fact, I don' do n'tt beli believ evee I  have   see seen n any go good od mo movi vies es late lately ly.. Wh Whyy-ha have ve  you?

 Ned Oh ... no.   (Litla emerges emerges in ro robe. be.)) Lina Li na Orig Origin inal al Sin! Sin!  Ned 1-


Lina Li na It's It's like like tea tea ch chat at with with Re Rein inho hold ld Nieb Niebuh uhr. r. Why. Wh y. Do yo you? u?  Ned Urn, yes, let's change the subjectLina Li na No, No, it' it' inte interresti esting ng   to   me Ned It's not. Lina Li na It's It's jus justt   I've   grow grown n unac unaccu cu ta tame med  d   to  the idea Ned It's peculiar. Lina With Lina With Th Thea ea,, ther theree are are ne neve verr any any gho rs of any any ki kind nd..  Never    any clou clouds ds or imped impedim imen ents ts.. He's He's al alll sort sort of shar sharp p and  sl slen ende derr and and glea gleami ming ng .. ....  Ned

He's ...


Rather a   metallic   youn young g man man ... ...

 Ned He's ...   (Pause.) (Mos ostly tly to her herse self lf))   But Lina   (M But I swor sworee I woul wouldn dn't 't do th that at today today .. .... (B (Bri righ ghte teni ning ng de delib liber erat atel ely.) y.)   What What a beau beautif tiful ul harv harves estt on that count counterrop errop!!

 Ned I ... liked the colors.   to  just   leave   them Lina Li nay'lllAre Arrot. e   you them there there   to   lloo ook k at at?? The They'l rot .   going

 Ned No,ILin inaa Or ma make ke di dinn nneer? I' I'm m no nott   angling. (Awkwa kward rd moment. moment.))  Ned ... I thought I'd m-make dinner.   (Aw

Lina Li na I ll   leave   when when the the rain rain lets lets up a li litt ttle le..  Ned N-no. Lina Li na Ye Yes, s, I will will..  Ned Your clothes have to dry.



Lina Li na I ccaan wear th them em dam amp p.  Ned ...

(He get getss a kn knif ife, e, star starts ts ch chop oppi ping ng vege vege-All right.   (He

tabl tables. es. Wit With h sudd sudden en galla gallant ntry. ry.))   Won' Won'tt you you pleas pleasee st stay ay to dinner? (Hee yie yield ldss it it.. She She star starts ts chop choppi ping ng Lina Gi Lina Give ve me th that at kn knif ife. e.   (H what wh at he was ch chop oppi ping ng.. Afte Afterr a mo mome ment nt,, she she sta start rtss sn snif iffi fing ng the the air.)   I've I've alwa always ys rath rather  er   enjoyed    the the sm smel elll of drenc drenche hed d wool wool on (Hee whip whipss of offf hi hiss swe sweat ater er.. Li Ligh ghts ts.) .) a person.   (H (Rai (R ain n loud louder. er. HalfHalf-ho hour ur la late ter. r. They' They're re fin finis ishi hing ng dinn dinner. er.))

Lina Li na Th That at was was sp spec ecta tacu cula lar! r! ed It wa was ... just a salad. Lina Li na No No.. It was was li like ke som somee fall fall-o -off-Ro Rome me vari variat atio ion n on a sal salad ad.. Ever Ev ery y le leaf af,, ev ever ery y he herb rb,, ever every y pepp pepper er stic stick, k, it was was Trim Trimak akhi hian an..  Ned Th-thank


Lina Li na No, No, th thaank   you ....   What What time time is it, it, do do you you know know??  Ned The c-clock is broken. Early, though. M-maybe seven?   If  th thee rain le lets ts up up,, we ca can ... ... ss-se seee a m mov ovie ie la late terr, if you you li like ke.. Lina Li na Ye Yes, s, we co coul uld d go out. out. What What's 's pl play ayin ing? g? The Worl World d of Su Suzi ziee  Ned Mrn ... D-down the block, there's   The Wong.

Lina Or we co could stay in. in. (Hee pour pourss he herr the last last of the wi wine ne,,  Ned Either way. Here.   (H hand ha ndss it to her, her, sm smil iles es.. He's He's abou aboutt to say say some someth thin ing. g.))

Lina Li na Wh What at??  Ned Nothing ... I'm ... so happy; it's weird. (Puzzl zled ed by it. it.))   Yes! Lina   (Puz Yes! I know know,, me too! too!

 Ned All day-


Lin inaa Yes, Yes, me to too! o! .. .... I usu usual allly wake wake in what what th they ey cal call a "bro "b rown wn st stu udy." dy." I have ave no id idea ea what what th that at mean meanss but but I lov lovee to say it-"brown study"-bur today .. .... I got up and it it wasn't rain rainin ing g yet yet but but th ther eree was was al alre read ady y th thee scen scentt of iit, t, and and I h had  ad  noth no thin ing g at al alll to do do.. I made made some some co coff ffee ee and and li litt a ciga cigare rett ttee and  and  read read th thee di dire re news newspa pape perr an and d th thou ough ght, t, well well,, all all rig right ht,, yes, yes, gi give ve me anot anothe herr si sixt xty y year yearss of this. this.  Ned I-yesLina The tw Lin two o of us waki waking ng in a mood mood li like ke tha thatt on the the sa same me morn mo rnin ingg-it it's 's a st stat atis isti tica call exor exorbi bita tanc nce! e! Give Given n our our natu nature res. s.  Ned YesLina We have Lina have to fi figu gure re it out out:: What What diff differ eren entt th thin ing g did did our  our  dayss hav day havee in common common??   (P (Pau ause se.. They They look look at each each other other;; a sad  sad  reco re cogn gnit itio ion n neit neithe herr want wantss to say aloud aloud.) .)  Ned I'll clear the plates.   (He start startss to.) to.) Lina Li na Le Lett me help help youyou Ned No ... I can. Lina ... Okay.   (She (She sits sits,, ligh lights ts a cigar cigaret ette te,, whil whilee Ned Ned cl clea eans ns off the dishes dishes.) .)   Has he call called ed you you to toda day? y?  Ned Y-yes. Lin Li na Oh ... ...

and and ho how w is ever everyt ythi hing ng??

 Ned He-he's ... working v-very hard. Apparently, he's had,

urn, ur n, a bra brain inst stor orm m andandLina Oh

good ...

 Ned Yes he ... s-says, he's f-finally onto ... the real thing ... he n-needed to g geet away an and it it''s c-come at at la last .... W hm en "Sci hecipi coo" mesorb-sbsorn ack, ck , ethi w eng 'll h... ave ave tto o from fro "S pio" s-so rnet hing Hasn Ha sn't 't he ca call lled ed yo you? u?

p-play the M Maarc rch h



  Yes. Yes. Well Well,, I thi think so. so. I' I'm m no nott sure sure..

ed Wh What at??

Well,, Lina   Well

th this is morni morning ng,, when when I wa wass read readin ing g th thee pa pape per, r, th thee  phone rang and rang for ... ten minutes, I think. That was  probably him. ed Oh .... .... Lina   I

Would you like cco offee? ee?

would woul d dear dearly ly lo love ve som somee coff coffee ee..   (Ned (Ned st star arts ts to prep prepar aree

some.)   Anyw Anyway ay,, what what did did yo you u do ttod oday ay??

 Ned Ir was ...

nothing ...

the same as   y-you,

Lina   Tell

me anyw anyway ay.. ed I don' don'tt-

I'm m Lina   I'

ge gettti ting ng th that at feel feelin ingg-ju just st

 Ned .,. What? Um ...

ta talk lk,, tal alk k .. .... ta talk lk it aw away ay..

okay ...   (T (The heyy lo look ok at each each oth other er.) .)   It

was ... same as you. I sl slept ept ... ... la late te this this mor morni ning ng and and when when I woke woke up up,, it was was .. .... alrea already dy raini raining ng a li litt ttle le.. And An d I felt felt so so ... ... li lig ght. ht. Free Free,, th thee way way I n-n n-nev ever er do. do. I went went t othe c-corn c-corner  er    to buy cof ee an a ro I ... an t e pavement wass sli wa lick ck and and ... ... je jett in pl plac aces es and and th thee sid sidewal ewalk k wa wass th thiis oily oily  brown in places and ... there were two women in identical tren trench ch coat coats. s. On Onee of the them m h-ha h-had d ju just st boug bought ht an Afric African an viol violet et  plant and she kept tilting it so dirt kept falling on her ... feet

and .. and .... it ss-su surp rpri rise sed d her her each each ti time me so each each tt-ti time me sh shee woul would  d  apologize to her shoes, which I liked. I bought the coffee and sipped it and I d-didn't come h ho ome ri rig ght away. I walk wa lked ed out out of my way way be beca caus usee it was was al alll so so .. .... plea pleasa sant nt,, the day. I felt felt lik likee a ... ... Lina   What What's 's

fl flan aneu eur. r.

a flane flaneur ur??

 Ned Don't you know that word?



Lin Li na No. No. I don on''t kno know that that word word,,  Ned A f1aneur is a wanderer through the city. Someone who .. .... idle idless thro throug ugh h the the st stre reet etss wi with thou outt a purp purpos osee ... ... exce except pt to id idle le thro throug ugh h the the st stre reet ets. s. And And ling linger er when when it, it, when when it ... ...  pleases him. Lina Li na That That's 's wh what at he do does es??  Ned Yes. Lin Li na Wh What at ab abo out work work?? Do Does es he ever ever get get to wo work rk??  Ned He has no work ...

if he's the real thing.

Lina He just Lina just st stro roll lls? s?  Ned Yes. It's his career. He has has a ... ... pri riva vate te inco income me.. Lina Li na So Some me va vast st sum sum..  Ned P-pennies but they ... suffice. He d-doesn'r Deed ... much mu ch.. Not Not what what pe peop ople le ne need ed wh who o have have .. .... intr intric icat atee live lives. s. He  just .. walks, you sec. His life has no pattern ... just traffic ... and no ho hopeLina Li na That That's 's sa sad d Ned Because he has no n-need of hope! The only thing he

wantss from want from li life fe iiss .... .. the the day at hand. and. And And when when he s old .... .. hi hiss memo memori ries es aren aren't 't of Tri Trium umph phss and and Trag Traged edie ies. s. He reme rememm bers certa in defunct cafes where he shared cups of coffee with odd, scar scary y strangers. And p peeople he' he'ss known for  for  years yea rs and years. years. Slight Slightly. ly. Linaa Becau Lin Because se it's a so solit litar ary y thin thing g   to   be a  [laneur.  Ned Yes ...

but never lonely ... I think.

Lin Li na Is that that what what you you wa wan nt   to   be?  Ned I haven't g-got the strength of character. But it's what I woul wo uld d w-wi w-wish sh ... fo forr so some meon onee be bett tter er th than an I aam. m. I thin think k it


woul wo uld d be tthe he be best st thing! thing! To be th this is ... va vaga gabo bond nd prin prince ce.. Do you kno you know? w? A wand wander erer er th thro roug ugh h the the city. city. A walker.   (Beat.)


Lina Li na Te Tell ll me abo about ut this this house house yo you u   twO  are making.  Ned  Ne d No. No. Lina Li na Th Theo eo neve neverr does. does.  Ned  Ne d It's. It's. , . idi idioti oticcLina Li na It isn isn't, 't, it' it'ss excit excitin ing, g, it mak makes es me wan wantt toto Ned,.  Ne d,.,,

What? hat?

Lina -w -want

to   be   som somet eth hing. ing. I w wan antt to be ... ... a 'p 'pai ain nte ter! r!

 Ned  Ne d You You do? do? Lina Or ... a writer, a   bel/etrist!  Ned  Ne d Oh Oh.. Lina Li na Or a Neg Negro ro bl blue uess singe singerr or ju just st a ver very y intrig intrigui uing ng alcoalcoholic olic,, ... ... I am sso o terr terrib ibly ly ol old. d.  Ned  Ne d You'r You're e yo youn ung! g! Lina I'm a Sout Lina Southe hern rn wom woman who adm admits to thirt thirtyy-Go God  d  alon alone e kn know owss what hat the the truth truth of thin things gs must must be! be!

 Ned  Ne d Yo You'r u're e an in-inf in-infan ant. t. Lin ina a I' I'm m   nothing.  Ned  Ne d You'r You're e lovely lovely-Lina   (On (On "lovely "lovely.") .")   Theo Theo look lookss at me me and and sees sees .. .... some someth thin ing g from fro m Anais Anais Nin. Just Just bec becaus ause e I'm gloom gloomy, y, sometim sometimes, es, and  opaq op aque, ue, som sometim etimes. es. An And d becau because se wh when en he picked picked me up, up, we were sketch were sketching ing naked naked me men n at the Art Stu Stude dents nts Leag League ue.. The These se sorts of things impress him. He is so naive; he is so easily astonis asto nished hed.. He see seess m me e as on one e of those those girls girls from from fift fifteen een years years



ago: ag o: all Quat Quattro troce cent ntoo-pa pale le

an and d dulldull-ey eyed ed and gl glaze azed d and  and 

smugly smug ly si silen lentt beca becaus usee they they poss posses esss the the secret secret of the univ univer erse se and an d you you do don' n't. t.   I   do don n't 't.. That That's 's what what''s fun funny ny-I -I am  never  si sile lent nt-h -hee mu must st noti notice ce that that.. [ smot smothe herr the the day day in spee speech ch  because I know nothing and I want someone to speak back to me and   tell   me-what? What Wh at is it that that so some me peop people le in cit citie iess see seem m to know? know? What What is is th this is secret secret that that is co cons nsta tant ntly ly eludi eluding ng me? me?  Ned    (Suddenly.)   There There isn' isn'tt any. any. Lina ...


 Ned There isn't any s-secrer, I used to think that, too .  but, no no secret to be found ... just g-gestures . whims energy .. ... personality, do you know? Lina   (Mord (Mordant ant,, but seri serious ous.i .i   Thar' Thar'ss trag tragic. ic.  Ned Is it? I thought ... it was nice ... when I realized.   A relief. Lina Li na And And wh when en was was that that??  Ned So recently. Lin Li na St Stil illl .. ... I wa want nt so some meth thin ing g .... ....

I supp suppos osee I' I'll ll mar marry ry Th Thea ea

and an d that that wi will ll be som someth ethin ingg Ned    (Abrupt.)   Is that that happen happening ing?? Lina Li na No Nob bod ody y ev ever er sa says ys any anythin thing g, but ... ... what what else else?? I'm I'm so ha happ ppy y fo forr yo you, u, that that you you have have th this is house house,, that that you' you're re  beginning something Ned I'm not ... happy aboutLina Li na ButBut Ned It's going to ... explode in our faces. Lina Li na No No..



 Ned We're ... we   are   too too youn young, g, mm-mu much ch too too youn young, g, no one one has .. has .... ever ever d d-d -don onee this this so y you oun ng. We shou should ld still till b bee .. .... hi hire reli lin ngs .. .... doin doing g ... ... res rest ro room omss and and el-e el-ele leva vato torr shaf shafts ts,, but but TheoLina Li na Theo Theo- Ned He ...   wants.   No on onee wi will ll ever ever com commi miss ssio ion n us. us. Lina Li na But But this this   house Ned My p-parents. My parents. No indication at all. Lina Li na But But th then en yo you' u'll ll have have this this ho hous usee an and d pe peop ople le wi will ll see see it and  and  come to you.  Ned    I-if    we hav have it; we're ... wai waiting on Th Thea who who's ... wait wa itin ing g on Go God d who' who'ss ... ... block locked ed.. Thea Th ea's 's be been en a li litt ttle le st st-s -sta tall lled ed si sinc ncee sch schoo ooll and and unti untill he g get etss an idea idea th that at's 's re real al-Lina Li na But But you you said said he cl clai aims ms to ha have ve one one..  Ned ... Y-yes. He does. Lina Li na That That ma make kess you you sa sad. d.

 Ned No. Lina   It do does es,, th thou ough gh.. Wh Why y does does   he   have to have the idea?  Ned    (Slig (Slightly htly strict strict.) .)   Becau Because se that that's 's ho how w it is is.. Who Wh o kn know owss wh what at wi will ll come come of this this anyw anyway ay??   If  I minde minded d the the  prospect of catastrophic failure, I never would have started  th thee whol wholee th thin ing g .... .... Th This is is what what I im imag agin inee wi will ll hap happe pen: n: ... My pare parent ntss .. .... will will inve invest st most most of the the mo mone ney y they they have have in th this is h-ho -house ... as a way of m-m m-mak akiing up ... and the house wil will never be built ... or if it is b-bu -built it will co colla llapse due to some myste some ysteri rio ous and and in in-i -inc ncal alcu cula labl blee des esig ign n fla flaw. w. An And d we will wi ll al alll end end up .... .. de dead ad.. An And d ba bank nkru rupt pt ... ... st stre rewn wn alon along g ... ... v-various v-vari ous gutters gutters.. I se seee tthi hiss with with ... ... as asto toni nish shin ing g clar clarit ity. y.



Bru-bruta Bru-br utall clarit clarity. y. Povert Poverty. y. Hun Hunger ger.. Aban-b Aban-band andonm onment ent.. Incorporated.   (Beat.)   In   my my ... ...   dar darkes kestt midnig midnight ht hou hours, rs, I ... have ha ve th this is th theo eory ry th that at   (Wit (With h one one hand hand,, he desc descri ribe bess a column.)   He Here are our in intentions ... and here ...   (With the other other han hand, d, a par parall allel el column column.i .i   is wha whatt actual actually ly happen happenss connects the two two .. .... an and d th thee only only tthi hing ng sp span anni ning ng th them em   (He connects colu co lumn mnss on top with with an arc arc.) .)  is Guilt. Lina Li na Gu Guil ilt? t?  Ned The ... preposterous instinct that we are ... wholly re-r re-res espo pons nsii ble ble for eve event ntss ... comp comple lete tely ly ou outt of our our cont contro rol. l. (Hee ma (H make kess th thee sh shap apes es agai again. n.)) What Wh at we want want .. .... what what we ge gett .. .... guil guiltt: It' It'ss an ar arch ch.. (Shee does a line line at at a fairly fairly low leve level.) l.) Lina What Lin What you you want want .. ....   (Sh (Shee makes makes a para paralle llell line at her full full What Wh at you you will will get get ...   (Sh reach.)   Gen soaring ng lin linee connec connectin ting g the two.) two.)   It's a Geniu iuss ...   (A soari .. .... Fl Flig ight ht Path Path.. An Asce Ascent nt!!

 Ned    (Blushes, smiles.) smiles.)   Th That at's 's sent sentim imen enta tal. l. ... Than Th ank k you. you.   (Beat.)

Lina Li na Yohas u sar are e en such such ah nice ni man m an. . full day! This Th isYou ha been be ssuc uch a ce wo wond nder erfu day! We have   to ...   I want   to ...   If   only   we really really kn knew ew   how to ...

 Ned What? Lina Che Cherish ... this eas easy mo moment .. .... when we me mean so little lit tle to each each oth other. er.   (Pause.)  Ned I think the coffee's ready. Lina Oh ... oh o h,   yes! yes! (Ned (Ned cro crosse ssess to the kitche kitchenet nette. te.))   I think the rain The rain seems   to   have let up a little. Maybe I should skip tth he co cofffee an and ttaake ad adv vantage ofThey may may   not  Ned Your clothes, though ...   They not be .. ....


Lina Li na Yes, Yes, but but th they ey ma may y begoes into bath bathro room om,, emer emerge gess a  Ned I'll check for you.   (He goes mome mo ment nt la late ter. r.   A   little little sadly sadly.) .)   Oh. They are.

Lina Oh [ supp suppos osee I re real ally ly ough oughtt to .. ....  Ned    All   right.   (They (They sm smil ile, e, aw awkw kwar ardl dly; y; sh shee crosse crossess to the the bath ba thro room om,, take takess he herr clot clothe hess of offf the the cu curt rtai ain n rod, rod, and, and, le leav avin ing g th thee door door sl slig ight htly ly op open en,, star starts ts to chan change ge.) .)   Lina. (Pokes es head head out. out.))   Yes? Lina   (Pok

 Ned Oh. I just wanted    to see .. ... if I could ... say you your name ... ... with witho out fumb fumbllin ing g it it.. And An d I did did:: L-L L-L-L -L ... Lina Lina.. Lina Yes. Lina Yes. Yo You u di did. d.   (Hesi (Hesita tati tion on.. She She goes goes back back into into bath bathro room om..  Ned just stands there. Lina can be glimpsed, shaking dry her  clot clothe hes. s. Ned Ned star starts ts to ssay ay some someth thin ing. g. Ch Chan ange gess his his mind mind..   A

mome mo ment nt..

He spea speaks ks.) .)

 Ned I'm always w-watching you. When Wh enev ever er yo you u'r 'ree here here .. .... I can can't hel elp p it. I try no nott   to. Ev-e Ev -eve verr si sinc ncee I me mett you. you. lt's aw awfful. I don't want it. t..... I d-don't expect ... ... to have th things like other people, bu butt I'm .. ... always rh-rhinking of you. It It's hh-horrible . I kn-know nothing can cco ome of it I know I can't have .... the .. the th thin ings gs I w-wa w-want nt.. I shou should ldn' n'tt te tell ll yo you u th this is.. le leaa-ca can' n'tt stop st op,, th thou ough gh.. I' I'm m sorr sorry. y. I' I'm m so ssor orry ry.. You Yo u're 're s-s -so o ... ... fant fantas asti tic, c, you ou'r 'ree .. .... D-do D-don' n'tt le lett him him t-t -tak akee   him him ... ...

y ouu ddon' ow nt .de-d .. -des teser heerve way wa d do ouesde . serv Dorve ne't only lely t good   hurt hu rt . you. yo u.nott You Yo do n't de ve y it it.h. eYou Yo dese on good th thin ings gs. N-no Nnot-( -(By By no now, w, she has has ret return urned  him. Not me. Or .. .... I mean an,,   not to the room. room. She She lo look okss at hi him. m.)) Lina You're just .. .... talking on an and on-



 Ned No. Lina Li na You You ar are. e.  Ned I don't waste words. I can't ... afford to.   (A moment.)   I didn't did n't say anyrhin anyrhinggLina Li na But you you didid Ned F-forget it(The rain rain is lo loud uder er now. now.))   Look-it's Lina I don't Lina on't want ant   to.   (The starre sta rred d again! again! A downpour.   (Lights.) (Two days (Two days late later. r. The The rain rain conti continu nues es.. Morn Mornin ing. g. Firs Firstt li ligh ght. t. Thea Th ea ap appe pear arss in a neu neutr tral al sp spac acee-so some mewh wher eree in the the   cityth thra rash shin ing g thro throug ugh h the the rain rain.. He stop stopss as thou though gh para paraly lyze zed, d, then th en move movess on on.. Once Once he he's 's exit exited ed,, li ligh ghts ts com comee up in the the apar ap artm tmen ent, t, reve reveal alin ing g Ned Ned and and Lina Lina in bed bed.) .)

Lina Li na Was Was ther theree a mome moment nt when when you you kne knew w ho how w you you wan wante ted  d  to   spen spend d the the rest rest of you yourr li life fe?? Was Was ther theree a day? day?  Ned Urn, yes, actually. Why? Lina Li na Tell Tell me. me.  Ned I was about ... fifteen. And I wanted   to  spe  spend nd the the day day in the parkark-Ce Cent ntra rall-th thee park. ark. I brou brough ghtt a ske sketc tch h pad  pad   because I was afraid somebody might want   to  talk   to   me. AndAn d-II drew drew the the buil buildi ding ngss I was was looki looking ng up at. at. Then Then for for no reas re ason on I sta starr rred ed m-ma m-maki king ng up my o own wn.. And And th thee day day was was so  beautiful, I thought I must be talented. So I kept it up. Lina Li na What What do 1 want want?? You Yo u righ rightt now now in this this bed bed fore foreve ver. r. I want want that that.. And children.  Ned Children?


Lina Well Lina Well ... ... on onee ch chil ild, d, at leas least. t. One One beau beauti tifu full li litt ttle le girl girl.. Some So meon onee prec precio ious us I can can drin drink k with with..  Ned I don't like them, much. Ch-children. Lin Li na .. ....

No one ni nice ev ever sa say ys tha that. t.

 Ned I-I don't feel so bad about it. Plenty of other people I-like them th em.. And And mo most st chil childr dren en gr grow ow up, up, so it it's 's not not as thou though gh I've I've deci de cide ded d agai agains nstt anyo anyone ne ff-fo forr all all tim time. e. Lina How can you Lina you not like ike them them,, thoug hough? h?  Ned I just n-never know what to say to them. I ... never  was a child much my ..... self and they sc-scare me. Lina Li na Beca Becaus usee they they alwa always ys tell tell the the truth truth?? Peop People le say say chil childr dren en

alwa always ys tell tell- Ned No ... I don'r think they tell the truth. P-people say they tell ell th thee trut truth h but but ... ... th thos osee peop eople ar aree stu stupid. pid. I don't on't thin hink  chil ch ildr dren en are are tru truth thfu ful, l, just just ... te terr rrib ibly ly cand candid id.. When Whenev ever er I'm I'm with wi th one one I' I'm m afra afraid id it it's 's gg-go goin ing g to poi point nt at m mee and and say say som someething humiliati humiliating. ng. Plus Pl us,, they they'r 'ree bori boring ng.. Intens Int ensely ely boring boring.. And An d you' you're re cons consta tant ntly ly be bein ing g fo forc rced ed to marve marvell at the the tedi tediou ouss th thin ings gs they they do. "Joh "Johnn nny y coun counte ted d to five five toda today! y! F-fi F-five ve!" !" I do don' n'tt know kn ow what what to say say to that. that. I st stan and d ther there. e. P-pe P-peop ople le hate hate me for  for  that th at.. By the the time time Jo John hnny ny gets gets to t-te t-ten, n, I'm I'm out out of the their ir li live ves. s. Butt if yo Bu you u wa want nt a ch chil ild, d, we can can have have one. one.   (Beat.)   But you were we re ta tallking king ... ... in the abst abstracr racr,, we werren't en't you? you? Lina Theo Lina Theori ries es thethe-th theo eore reti tica call lly y are are turn turnin ing g into into facts facts very very (They look look at each each othe other. r. Ned Ned wa wand nder erss quickl qui ckly y these these days.   (They over ov er to the the dr draf afti ting ng tabl table. e. Lina Lina gets gets up, up, pu puts ts on ro robe be,, tidi tidies es th thee bed  bed   a   bit bit or just just idle idless in it. it. Ned Ned rips rips a ske sketc tch h in ttwo wo.. She She goes go es to him, him, take takess the the piece piecess of the the sk sket etch ch fr from om him. him.))   What aree you ar you doin doing? g? What What is th that at??





  norhi orhin ng-ju g-jussr

Lina Li na Bu Burr it it''  Ned I like   to

ometh methin ing g I did did.

beau beauri rifu ful. l. ... ...

  re rear ar rhem rhem up.

Lina Li na It It's 's re rema mark rkab able le!!  Ned    J u   t . ..

omerhing 1 did ... ...

(While she studie studiess the ripp ripped  ed  Lina How a mazing y u are.   (While sket sk etch ch,, Ned Ned ta take kess ou outt a fres fresh h note notebo book ok,, writ writes es som somet ethi hing ng in it, it, then then cl clos oses es th thee book book.) .)   Wha Whar i   that?

 Ned Norhing. Lina Li na Wh Whar  ar   is  rhar? hakes his he head. ad.))   Norhing.  Ned (   hakes

Lina   (Playfu (Playful.) l.) Tell Tell   me!  Ned It's a journal. Lina A diar Lina diary? y?  Ned No. A journal? Lina Li na Whar Whar's 's rhe rhe d dif iffe fere renc nce? e?  Ned I'm a boy. Lina Li na You You keep keep a jou journ rnal al??  Ned    Only   when I'm I'm ha happ ppy. y. (Holds ds ou outt hand hand.) .)   Let me. Lina   (Hol

 Ned But(Ned hand handss it over. over.))   It's brand-new. Lina   Let   me.   (Ned brand-new.

 Ned First time I'm happy. (Reads.)) "April "April   jrd to   April   yt Lina   (Reads. yth: h: Thre Threee days days of rain rain." ." (She (S he lloo ooks ks up at him.) him.)   Thar Thar's 's all? all?



 Ned  N ed Su Suff ffic icie ient nt.. Lina But-

He pull pullss her her to towa ward rd hi him. m.))  Ned  N ed I'll I'll know know what hat it mea eans ns..   ((He

Lina Li na Let Let me go go!! I'm goin going g to mak ake e brea breakf kfas ast! t! I'm goin going g to cook!

 Ned  N ed You have have that that skill skill? ?

Lina Li na I ve ve been been k kno now wn to softsoft-bo boil il an egg in my my day. day. That That is, if  you have any eggs.  Ned  N ed I thin think k ther there's e's a coup couple le le left ft over over from from ... Christ hristm mas or  s-something. Lina Li na Then Then I'll I'll  hard-boil   them.   (Key (Key in the door. door. Thea Thea en ente ters. rs.)) (Thea ea look lookss at her. her.)) Theo.   (Th  Ned  N ed Theo Theo.. Hi. You were weren' n'tt supp suppos osed ed to get back back till till-Lina's Lin a's here. here. We ran into into each each ot othe her, r, we s-sa s-saw w a mov ovie ie-th -the e

rain rain-s -she he

stayed. You Yo u said said yo you u we were re c-com c-coming ing back back tonigh tonight. t.   (Pause.) Theo I'm just dr Theo drop oppi ping ng off off my my stu stuff ff..   (The (Thea a puts puts down down th thee bag bag he's he 's carr carryi ying ng,, then then wa walk lkss ou out. t. Hesi Hesita tati tion on.. Ned Ned st star arts ts out out aft after  er  him.)

Lina Lin a Ned? Ned?   (Outside.)  Ned  N ed Thea Thea-Theo heo I d don on't 't want ant to ta talk lk,, Ned. ed.  Ned  N ed Theo Theo,, lis liste tennTheo heo I can' can'tt talk talk yetyet Ned  N ed But we-e we-e-Thea Th ea Just Just le leav ave e me al alon onee-



 Ned LookTheo I can't-see


 Ned Theo please ... Theo   1 di didn dn't 't br brin ing g anyth anythin ing g back, back, okay okay? ? (Bea (Beat. t.))

 Ned ...

Wh what?

Theo I do Theo don' n'tt have have aany nyth thin ing. g. I di didn dn't 't do th thee jjob ob..  Ned Oh ...   (A mo mome ment nt.. Al Almo most st la laug ughi hing ng.) .)   Oh! Theo I  can't   do thi thiss jo job, b, Ned Ned..   (Beat.)  Ned Of course you can. Theo Do Theo Don' n'tt te tell ll me th that at anym anymor ore! e! Don' Do n'tt te tell ll me I can, can, th then en expl explai ain n why why I ha have ven' n't. t. Don'tI keepYou Yo u w wer eree rig right ht-I -I'v 'vee  body.

le lett ev ever eryb ybod ody y down down-I -I'v 'vee

hurt hurt ever everyy-

 Ned I never saidTheo I tthi Theo hink nk I m mad adee th thee wrong wrong choi choice ce.. I'm so sorry rry..  Ned Don't apolo- God-don't-Iook--come ... ... ha have ve br brea eakf kfas asrr Or somet omethi hing ng-w -we' e'll ll ta talk lk--

inside. We'll

Theo I can' Theo can'tt go in th ther ere. e.  Ned Well what are you going   to   do? Theo I don' Theo don'tt know know.. I'll go someplace. Wash Wa shin ingt gton on Squa Square re Park or Ned In   this?


Thea ... som Thea somep epla lace ce.. Oh, look look,, I'll I'll be fi fine ne,, oka okay? y? Just Just don' don'tt telll Lina about tel about any of this. this. Prom Promise ise you won'twon't Ned  Ne d ButBut-

Theo Th eo Oh, shit shit.. I m no nott here here,, okay okay? ? None None of this this happe happene ned, d, we didn't didn't tal talkk Ned Theo  Ned Theo-Theo   (Desperate.)   How How was was the movie movie? ?  Ned  Ne d ... What? What? Thea Th ea Pl Plea ease se? ?  Ned  Ne d ... Svso Sv so-s -so. o. (A   moment.t 

Theo Goo Theo ood. d.   (N (Ned lo loo oks at The Thea. a. Ned tu turn rnss back back to   go  into th thee apar apartm tmen ent, t, then then tu turn rnss back back to T The hea. a.))  Ned  Ne d Thea? Thea? Thea NoThea This will be fine. (Ned re retu turn rnss in insi side de.. Thea Thea puts puts hi hiss head head up to the the Truly.   (Ned rain ra in,, soak soakss in it. The Then n he stan stands ds fo forr a whi while le,, unce uncert rtai ain n wher wheree to go.   A   moment.i

 Ned  Ne d Oh, Oh, Jes Jesus. us. Lina Li na Did you you tell him him? ? (Amaze zed; d; work workin ing g th thro roug ugh h th thee scene scene that' that'ss ju just st haphap Ned    (Ama  Ned   pened.)   It did idn n't ... ... come u up p.

Lina   Oh! Oh!  Ned  Ne d That That wa wasn' sn'tt ... the t-top t-topic. ic. Lina How funn Lina funny. y.  No..  No He seem seemed ed too too inte intens nse e to be thi think nkin ing g abou aboutt me. me.


ed He di didn dn'r 'r br brin ing g an anyr yrhi hing ng back back.. Lina Li na I di didn dn'r 'r im imag agin inee he had had..

 Ned He said he can'r ... do rhi job. Lina Li na Well Well.. Ther Th eree will will be or orhe herr job. job.  Ned

d! He' ju r ...

Lina ina Thar'

walking around-

all ri righr.

 Ned BurLina Thar can be u eful.  Ned Oh, man-whar

I've done!

Lina Li na You You ha have ve done done norh norhin ingg Ned Whar I've done ro him ...

it's like a s-sin-

Lina Li na Thes Thesee puri purita tan n care carego gori ries es-r -rhe hey y

domi domina nare re youyou-

 Ned 1Lina It's fine ine ... ...

ir's for rhe rhe be rr..

 Ned Whar will he dodo? Lina Li na He's He's a hand handso some me youn young g man man in Manh Manhat atta tan, n,   something will   happe happen n to h him im..  Ned B-butLina Oh, this is  Theo-he   will will be sad sad fo forr a min minut utee and and then then not   sad sad.. Noth Nothin ing g stop stopss Thea Thea..   (Thea (Thea dis disapp appear earss around around the corner.)  Ned I've ruined your life.   (Lin (Lina a hold holdss hi him, m, bu buri ries es her her head head in his neck.) Linaa You 've-sa Lin 've-saved ved-me -me-yo -you u 've-sa 've-saved ved-me -me-yo -you u 've-sa 've-sa ved-me ved-me..  Ned    (Softly.)   Oh Oh,, 1 hop hope so.


Lina I   kn know ow.. (T (The he ra rain in ligh lighte tens ns.. Una Una lo look okss righ rightt at Ned Ned.) .) Begin.  Ned  Ne d What? hat? Lina The ho Lina hous use. e. Beg Begin in the the hous house. e.   (Be (Beat at.. Ned Ned le lets ts out out a nerv ne rvou ouss laug laugh. h.))  Ned  Ne d No. No. Lina   Ikn know ow you you se see e it. it. Don't on't yo you? u?

I know kn ow

you you see see the the whol whole e thing thing..

ed Yes. es. I know every every mome moment. nt. Lin ina a Then Then what what ar are e yo you u wai aiti ting ng fo for? r?  Ned  Ne d I don't don't want want toLina   Somebody   has has to. to.  Ned  Ne d I'l I'lll ...   hire   som somebo ebody dy ... Lina Li na Nedd Neddieieed Thing hingss ... ... are are so m muc uch h bett better er ... ... befo before re they they ac actu tua ally lly start. Lina Lin a Ed Edmu mund. nd.  Ned Oh .... Let's  Ned Let's ... have have brea breakfa kfast st ...   d-didn'r    you say you were we re goin going g to fix u uss som somee-le let's t's go b bac ack k to bedbedLina Li na Later ater.. That hat wil illl be your your rew reward. ard. I'll I'll be your your mus use! e!  Ned  Ne d Oh, Oh, Lina Lina.. Lin ina a Oh, loo look-a k-an hou hour fr from om now now I'll I'll coo cook k us a sim simpl ply y wretc wr etche hed d br brea eakfa kfast, st, and and we'll we'll sit togeth together er and and plan plan what what   to tell tell Thea Thea wh when en he ge gets ts back back,, and and wallow wallow in remors remorse, e, and and plot plot every ev ery secon second d of the the next next two two hund hundred red years years bu butt   this minute: turn tu rn aroun around. d. Just Just draw draw someth something ing.. Make ake a hom home.   (He turns


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