Richard Bandler - Patterns of Persuasion

December 24, 2016 | Author: Faraz Ahmed | Category: N/A
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Patterns of Persuasion Full Transcript


Patterns of Persuasion


Tape 1 - Track 1 Help Wanted Ads

Ah, I was noticing… ah, I was reading the newspaper, and, I was reading, ah, help wanted ads. And in the help wanted ads, ah, they were, there was a column where they were hiring people to do telemarketing. And these were the following things that struck me as interesting: In order to do telemarketing, “There is no experience required. No previous experience,” And, it says, “you can make millions of dollars.” Now, I don’t know what kind of people that’s going to bring out, but my guess is, is, What I’ve found through the years, is that there’s something very twisted, in the communication arts. Now I don’t know, if any of you went to college,… When I went to college, they had something called breath requirements, And it had nothing to do with breathing, by the way… that’s kind of a form of welfare, where they made us take a lot of classes that I don’t think anyone would have taken otherwise… And one of the classes that I took, was a literature class from a guy who had a P.H.D. in poetry. Now, you can get a P.H.D. in poetry… but not negotiating, not selling, and not in managing. You can get a MBA from Harvard, but not to be a salesman. Now, it strikes me, because I’ve studied great hypnotists, I’ve studied great communicators … from all kinds of different realms… and the ones who had the widest range of flexibility, the ones who did the most complex things, most elegantly, were the people who were engaged in sales. I was first hired to model some great salesman, long time ago… and first I, modeled a guy named Ben Feldman who sold six million dollars of life insurance, every year for 20 years. That’s a lot of life insurance. That meant that there weren’t too many people saying, ‘naaah, not interested.’

You sat down in front of this guy, it was only a question of How Much. Now, I know that, in business, and I’ve - for years, I used to – when I’ve taught – I’ve taught everything from china salesman, to car salesman, to furniture salesman… and when I got hired by companies, and I always told them that I wanted to go in, and spend a day or two, just selling things in their business, to find out how it worked… They always looked at me, and said, ‘is this going to cost us anything?’ And I said, ‘Well what do you pay your salesmen to do it? I’ll settle for that, that sounds fine.’

Especially when it’s things like Mercedes… you know,

When you sell 7 of those in a day, boy, the guy squirms. But see, I had this interesting notion that hadn’t occurred to any of them, because, the way it worked, … 3 people in 1 room, and each person who came in – like the first guy got to take the first one, and the second guy got to take the second one; since I was 3rd, I didn’t stay there… Right, … sit in this room, and do this, and I said, “Are we open now?” and he said, ‘Yea’ and I left! They said, ‘Where are you going?’ And I said, “The people are out there.” And they said, ‘Yea, that’s why we advertise.’ And I said ‘Mmhm. And obviously it hasn’t been that effective cause there’s no one here.’ Now it wasn’t like I walked right out… I waited a couple of hours… tried doodling. And then I tried something – I tried opening the phone book and calling people at random. It’s not the best technique at all, I only sold one car that way that morning. Ah, actually, I actually had to drive out and get the guy and bring him over there, cause his car was broken. He had a Volvo. Certain years… there was a while there, where Volvos were the top lemon in the country. And this guy had gone through, he had, he had gone through so much, he ended up sueing Volvo… he had letters stacked up this high, so, for this guy, to be able to be interested in buying a new car… the Volvo people weren’t going to get his business, that was for sure. But they finally had given him the check, and I just happened to call him shortly thereafter… and he told me, the first thing he said on the phone, was, “A car? You have no idea who you’re talking to. I promised myself I would never, ever, buy a new car. The only thing I’m ever going to buy is old, junky cars. Because that whole business is a rip-off… you buy a car, then it’s not worth anything…” and he went on, and on and on,… and when he finished, I said,

“That’s why I’m calling.” He said, “What,” and I said,

“I was sent especially to call you, because I’m the only one, who can sell you a new car.” And he went, ‘How do you qualify for this?’ And I said, “You have to be severely abused, by someone else.”

“Shall I pick you up in half an hour, or do you need a couple of hours to get ready?” Now, inside of this communication, because, I know that if anybody else would have called him – not to mention the fact that these other guys didn’t call people. They thought – You know what they told


me? They said, “That’s tacky.” They said, ‘You sell photographs over the phone.’ But it seems to me, that, if you’re not doing anything else, the one thing to do, is to have the attitude,

that somewhere out there, there’s somebody that’s going to want it, it’s just a question of finding, the person who needs it, can afford it, and it’s the right thing.


Now, when I looked at salespeople, when I looked at negotiators…

And boy were they. These were the ferocious ones.

Negotiators were the worst, and so were – except for some managers… especially the ones who knew they were good managers, even though the turnover of the employees batted 70%-80%.

Now, the thing is, is imagine if when you made a sale, or when you negotiated the solution to a contract… if all the parties got to wait a year to two years to change their mind, you could just negate it. Now, if you can get that to hold, like that, that’s what I call a commitment. The difference between a canned salesman, or what I refer to as – you know, cause, Salespeople,

Think about this. The chard company hired me, because they thought they might need to modify their training program… 200% turnover in less than a year, every year. That’s at the management level. That’s not the guys flipping hamburgers by the way… that’s burger king. We’re talking people at management level… 200% turnover. And the guy that was in charge – of course the other division in the company, they didn’t have that kind of turnover… they had a guy who had been there for years, knew exactly what people should do, and made sure they did it. And the way they made sure they did it was by being very, very, unpleasant. Unpleasant enough that they left and went somewhere else. Now I discovered, whether it was salespeople, whether it was managers, that there was only 2 things.

There was one set that were professionals, and the other set were pre-recorded. They had 1 sales pitch, and every once in a while they went in and modified the tape a little bit, but basically that was it. And they were a manager, and they told everyone the same story… you could go around the company, and start to tell the first story they told you, and everybody there would go ‘Oh, god, I’ve heard that so many times.’ Now, the thing is, is if, you know that what you’re doing is not working, – Some guys like ben feldmann? Ben Feldmann, he had a great way, by the way, of getting attention. He’d sit down, and he’d open a book, and a big pile of money fell out. Cause you know, in all these sales courses, they tell you there’s steps. And you do need some kind of strategy… you need to get people’s attention. And, uh, certainly, throwing a pile of money at them will do it. Um, and then picking it up, and stuffing it back in. And then on the other page, there was a picture of Earnest Hemmingway. And he’d look at them, and he’d turn it around, and he’d point and go, “Earnest Hemmingway’s dead.” Then he’d just stare at them. And wait. Cause whatever they said next, was what he needed to know. He used very very sophisticated techniques. However, the best that I ever saw… the hardest sale of all… and I didn’t really think of him as a salesmen until I started working with the military… and they told me, that, their army recruiters, they had, 10, top 10, batted between 95%-98% close ratio. The rest of them, it was under 12%. That’s kind of a wide range, don’t you think? And I thought, well, gosh!, these guys must be doing something!

The reason they can’t get a degree in sales, by the way, is because, Everybody’s view of a salesman is

a used car salesman Who sells people something for more than they should, that isn’t what they need, that they can’t pay for, that falls apart! And it’s been helped through the years by these guys making commercials on tv to pay for the all-night movies. Just like hypnosis got a bad rep for years as having no value, because stage hypnotists used it to pay games, made people squawk like chickens, and hear radios in their shoes… And so therefore, since it could be used for something stupid and done in an idiotic way, therefore, people who were in the field of selling things, did not feel like professionals. To this day, most of them don’t. And it seems to me, that somebody who is a sophisticated communicator… somebody who can vary their communication, has language patterns… and to me, I mean, from your ability to control your tone, your tempo, to know the direction you’re going in, to know where you are in a sale, cause there are many people who don’t know, when the sale is over, and keep going,… until it never happens. I’ve actually gone into places, and wanted – I went in to places, and said, “I wanna buy that.” And I’ve had people say, “Well, let me tell you about it,” and I go, “I don’t want to hear about it, I just want to buy it.” And they go, “Well, now if I don’t really tell you all about this, I’m afraid,” you know, “it’s just not the thing for you.” And I went “not, the thing, for me.” And they said, “You know, You wouldn’t want to get home, and find out that you were disappointed.” And I went “I’m disappointed.”

See, I’m a really good hypnotic subject, that’s how I practice this stuff. And they said, “If you’re not gonna sit down and really go through this with me, you might as well turn around and walk right out of there.” And I did. Now, I’ve seen some funny stuff in the world, and I’ve seen it in a lot of fields. Un-hypnotizable people. See, at the labs in Stanford, they proved, that hypnotizeability scales. Now and as far as I can know, everyone I’ve ever met is in a trance, language works by the same mechanism as hypnosis, and I very rarely see somebody get in an


elevator who doesn’t drop into a trance. They do it at stop lights, they do it all over the place. It’s a natural phenomenon. It’s getting out that’s hard. Henry Hilgard’s labs at Stanford, they told me that somebody was un-hypnotizable. That they could not do any hypnotic phenomena. And I said, “that’s ridiculous, most of it’s just natural thought process!” And they said, “No, it’s proven Hilgard zero.” And I said, “Well how many people tried to hypnotize this person?” And they said, “No one.” I went, “No one?” And they said, “No, we feel that that would bias our data.” I’m not making this up! I couldn’t, I couldn’t even think that way enough to make this stuff up! I sat there with one eye going like this, and the other going like that. You know, I thought, “Oh, this is Milton’s confusion technique!” Right… “Yea yea, I get it!” Well what they do, see, is they put somebody in the room, and they put a person there, and they put a tape recorder, and the person turns on the tape recorder, and tells the person, to, to, Follow the instructions. Well, you know the thing about tape recorders, they don’t have a lot of variability of behavior. Ah, the other thing about tape recorders, is they don’t have very good eyes. And, they don’t have the choice. Now, also, Since they had found out, in their last study, that voice, tone, and voice, tempo, had absolutely no effect, on human beings and the hypnotic process, to be able, to allow, someone to go down, deeper, deeper, into, another state,… they made the tape so that it had a monotone voice in it. It said, “You are getting, sleepy, sleepy, sleepy, sleepy, sleepy.” Until I felt like going, ‘Sleepy You!’ Now, what amazed me, is that a large number of people could go into trance in spite of this thing! Which is just a tribute to the flexibility of human beings. But it’s no difference than, uh, when I – I was brought in to help, because there was a negotiation going on between some diplomats, and one of our airlines, and as it seems like, the country had run up a huge bill leasing planes, and flying people around, and… we’re talking about way above seven digits… and, weren’t paying it. And, since the airline had roots into that country, they were kind of stuck, because, you know, if they tried to sue then, you know, then the country, and say, ‘You can’t fly here anymore.’ And it was a little messy, and so they brought in one of our government negotiators, who managed, within, actually, a short period of time, actually, 3 months, to arrive at the point of making what they referred to as ‘no headway.’ Um. And See, I’d know that right off… if I’m not going to get anywhere in a day, I’m not going to get any further in two. I figured that out – Unless I do something different. Now they didn’t hire me, because they told me, specifically, the following: I love this, they said, “We don’t want you to influence the process, we only want you to identify, if there’s anything this other negotiator could do, which could get the negotiations rolling again. So I said, “So I’m supposed to go in, and talk to everybody, and find out what this guy

should do.” And they said, “Yea.” Well, I’m not good at following instructions. When I went in, I found out, one of the major reasons they were having problems, was the simplest thing in the world. They weren’t talking about the same thing. Not only that, they were talking to each other in some of the worst tonality I’ve ever heard. Person that was negotiating for the country – the South American country – was hired, – he wasn’t even south American – he was hired, by them, to negotiate them for them – was, Ah,

what I refer to as a bean pusher, who came in and read their position paper, which, when I listened to it, dropped into a deep trance, don’t remember much, except that I felt like I was having needles stuck in my head the hold time, because they kept saying, “Now, the point you have to feel, is…” And the operative word there was feel. The guy kept saying the same thing. Now, the guy who was negotiating on the other side, was really trying to get people a clear view of, you know, how we could broaden our perspectives. I’ve never met a more visual guy in my life… this guy could describe the future, right down to the end of the universe. However, there was no way these two guys could talk to each other. As far as I’m concerned, if you’re going to negotiate, you have to learn, not only to speak foreign languages, – cause somebody’s gotta be speaking the same language, or you have to at least have a translator, – but they were also speaking a different language inside the language they spoke. Now when I discovered this, I tried just like taking the pictures this guy described and describing them as feelings, cause the guy was having a rough time. So I said, – he knew there were difficulties that needed to be smoothed out, And, they needed to be able to get things so they fit together in a way where everybody, Feel good, now. By the way, that’s an embedded command, you’ll learn to appreciate those if you don’t already. Especially the ones that go in the direction you want to. Ah, great commercial, on tv, showing how Ad agencies have learned so much through the years, having read my books never., except for the agency I worked for for a while. Listen to this commercial: “Get high, get stupid, get aids.” They would pay this over and over, on local tv here. Me, I, have more of those clap on, clap off things? Right, and, I’ll tell you, there’s no way in the world I’m gonna take that coming out.

I used to leave the tv on at night, but now I worry, what goes in there.


You know, cause I found myself high up on a building, when I first got here… and thought, “God, it would be stupid to jump off this.” I said, “Well, I’ll go out and get some Ayds diet candy, cause I think that’s as far as I’m willing to go. Imagine the poor guys who run this Ayds, diet candy? … You know what that is? It’s been around forever, it’s Ayds chocolate bars,… they’re in the supermarket… they used to advertise on tv all the time… they’ve given up. Because this is a company that’s been around for 20 years… it’s basically a bunch of fiber, with chocolate poured over it… you eat it, drink a glass of water, and it swells up inside of you… you know, a loaf of bread would do the same thing, except it has more calories! You just put a sponge down you and put water in it. “Nope, don’t feel hungry at all!” Never feel hungry if you don’t get a bio-degradable one! But I know the people that were the head of the marketing department for this Ayds candy bar company, because, the thing that amazed me, is they have not changed the name of this product. Now that tv all day, they’re talking about how horrible aids is; and ‘aids is a virus’ and stuff… and I’m sure that when people go in, and they go, ‘what, diet supplement should I take? … AYDS!’ That’s where they get the high… “Get high, get stupid, get aids.” Except it’s AYDS.


Now, to me, I’ve, when I worked for ad agencies, I got – I started thinking about, what is persuasion about? I mean, think about, you’ve got 30 seconds, or 60 seconds, and you really want to influence someone… When someone walks into –

people into doing things and buying things they don’t really want., and people know when they are being manipulated, and they don’t like the feeling, and they don’t come back, and they tell everybody that.

Cause the furniture store I did training at… ahh, I didn’t realize it, until I got down there, cause they, they said… they were making a lot of money…

The most important thing you can learn, is that what persuasion induces in people, is commitment. There’s 3 parts to it. One, is

When I got down to Houston, was driven out to this place, it has no walls. They have one little house where they can lock up the money of course, and the rest of it’s just poles, and tents, and a lot of furniture out there. But the reason they do that, is because, they turn the future over in that whole place… the size of a normal store… they turn it over… 3 or 4 times in a day. Now, when I went out there, it wasn’t cause they were having troubles, cause they were doing so good, they figured they could do even better.

to know, on your insides, what you need, in terms of

Those are my favorite ones. They said, ‘we’re the best in the business.’ And one of the reasons the guy hired me, is he had figured out… ‘I’ve figured out, 20 years ago, that tv commercials were the same thing as hypnosis.’ It seems to me, that if you look at people, they look like they’re in trance. However, it amazes me, that in all the infinite wisdom of all these years, they’ve been so ineffective at using them. For example, a commercial, uh, they do two kinds of testing. One is to see – Neilson… where they go into one town, and they air the commercial, repeatedly, and they find out if the sales increase at the store… and before they started doing that, they had something called birks scores… and birks scores, where, they would play it in a certain area, one time, and then they’d call up, and they’d ask people, ‘were you watching tv between 9 and 10? And they’d go ‘yea’, and they’d go ‘did you see any commercials? What were they?’ And sometimes they would start giving them hints, and the more hints they had to give you… the lower was your birk score. There used to be, a product called bizz detergent. And bizz detergent used the same pattern that Milton used to induce amnesia in people. And it worked. Now, even when – The thing I like, is, – even when they got the lowest birk score, they decided to air the commercial anyway, cause they liked it. Now, I always having trouble remembering exactly what the commercial was, and you don’t find a lot of bizz detergent around… they managed to lose a large percentage of their market share.

Now, I started to think, if you’re going to persuade somebody, there’s two ways to do it. One is to coerce them. And a lot of times, when people start to use NLP techniques, the one thing that they’re missing are

the beliefs and the attitudes that really make them work over the long run. They learn a little bit of personal power, they learn some embedded commands, and some anchoring, they learn to have forceful eyes, and to be congruent… so they go out and they coerce some

personal power, beliefs, and flexibility,

and the ability to control the order of the words in your sentence, your voice tone, your syntax… and to be able to

view everything as the opportunity to learn, and make money at the same time. Our goal here is twice what it was for those of you who were here for the last 3 days… I want to see you, in whatever you do, to be able to accomplish twice as much as you do now, in half the time, and make 8-10 times as much money, and it’s not that hard, especially for those of you who get paid by the success. In other words, if you’re successful at an activity, or, if you get paid a lump sum, you can get the activity over sooner… both of those produce for you a source of greater income. See, a lot of people are pretty good salesmen, although, they don’t have a lot of flexibly… they have a wide range, they have a… maybe 30% close ratio… they’re really high powered, they work lots of hours… but when they get to the point of making a certain amount of money… the only way for them to make more money, is to work more time, cause they keep having to find people who are like the ones that they can sell to. Now, I’m going to ask you, cause I know that some of you in here are salesmen, and some are managers, and some of you don’t have the faintest idea what you do… I read the things, and I said, “Why would they be here?”... But I know that, in this world, the one thing that’s true… is that we are all salespeople. …We’re either selling ideas, we’re trying to persuade people to believe things, and I know a minister would never look at himself as a salesmen, but ministers are. I mean, you have to be able to, in order to communicate,… even if, you know, I’ve had people who’ve said they’re artist, not salesmen. Well, then they’re starving artists. They go, ‘Well, I have someone who sells for me.’ Well, then you have to negotiate with them! Somewhere along the line, you will find – and if you’re not a salesperson, you’re a buyer. And I know that if you can’t negotiate, odds are, you’re going to have to work a lot harder than you need to. There’s a lot of other places you end up having to persuade people of things… for example, in the US today, one of the things that I think is an absolute


tragedy, is that so many things end of being lawsuits, and there is almost not an opportunity for people to negotiate a solution, especially given the way certain mediators are trained, especially when they have lawyers doing this on a contingency… paid by the duration sometimes… I was involved in a lawsuit, and the judge did something which I thought was unique. He ordered me and the other person, to go sit down in a room by ourselves with our lawyers just outside it, and see if we could work it out. It took us 5 minutes. Well, if you keep the adverse parties apart… of course I do have the advantage in that domain… But, if I had taken advantage of it, then down the road, it wouldn’t still be working. The reason it worked was very simple. Is that I understand that what persuasion is designed for, is to help people to make a decision, and a commitment. Some people get the decision, but remember… any decision that you make –

Well, aren’t they going to be hanging around, and people are going to say, “Well, how do you like your new car, I was thinking about getting one.” And if they’re gonna go “I like it, it’s a great car,” they may send them to somebody else to buy the car. Now, if I’ve gone through all the trouble to put inside of their mind a good decision, one they’re happy with, one that lasts with a commitment, and that commitment is one that is satisfied for them, I think it should also include sending people to me! Cause if they send them somebody else, they may just give them the car they want, and make them unhappy. China salesmen. This was my favorite thing. They hired me to go and do a sales training to teach china salesmen. And boy, we’re talking about a pit of low self-esteem, just to start with. Cause, when I go to meet them in the lobby… they didn’t know who I was… It’s not like they’d be running off to NLP seminars… they were just door to door china salesmen… and it was neat too, cause every meal too, we’d have china… I thought that was cool… I stole most of it… Gee, I broke all four place sets…

A decision is a process. You decide today that You’re the kind of person that likes going to the gym… at 3’oclock that afternoon, you may decide you’re not that kind of person anymore. We call that buyers’ remorse. Some people call that procrastinating, some lazy... but it all falls into the category of

Well, I kinda did, I just did it years later, I had children. Keeping that crystal out of the dishwasher was the hardest thing… teaching them to read, write, walk, spell… all that stuff’s easy, but the china, and the silver out of the dishwasher… you open it up, you see nothing but the stems, of fine crystal. It was…

Decisions can be undone, but when you take a decision, and you add to it commitment, you have something that has duration.

You know when you’ve given in as a parent? Is when Melmac looks good. When you walk into the store one day, and you go, “I gotta get some of that. Just think, how nice that would be.”

Now, one of the reasons that I did well in the demonstrations after I built the model that I built… however, by the way, you guys are getting a slightly different model… I found out a lot of what I had was extraneous… it’s far too much work…

It’s a lot easier to induce a

wantant buying state. Compulsive Shoppers. See, I had clients through the years, who were compulsive shoppers. And we’re talking, compulsive. There was one guy, he went buy a clothing store, and had to buy shirts. And I knew he wasn’t lying, because he had a triple car garage, and it was full of them… from floor to ceiling, and most of them weren’t even in his size. And I thought, as I looked into that garage, and I said, ‘I’m going to go in, but before I fix this guy, I wanna know what state he’s in so I can put others in it.’ But I don’t want him to just buy anything… the fact that it was just shirts…

When somebody comes over to your house… nice dinner… melmac plates, cause everything else is busted. But you got silver! Silver and melmac… I know people who suffer, and just don’t give in. There are some things that are worth giving into. And One of the ways to tell that, is, is, What we’re going to do this morning, is we’re going to run through a few things, because I found out what made those salesmen for the army, the recruiters, so powerful, was primarily, not so much that they had technical skills, but they had a device that made it so that they found… Now, they didn’t have a way of modeling like I do, they didn’t know enough about language, but I’ll tell you – they were doing real good, because they had one thing:

If what they were doing wasn’t working, they’d try something else.

What if it was just from you? Cause you can sort by person, place – hey! I still to this day – I have to – there are people who come in, when they get a new car… the car lot that I used… they will not buy a car from anyone else… even though I don’t work there anymore… and they want to buy the car there, too. Cause I made it by place, and with me me. The guy calls up, and goes, “When can you come down?” And I go, “Just put him on the phone. That’s enough.” Because, one of the things – and not only them!; they bring other people with them, Because I won’t sell anybody anything, unless they’re going to bring me other people. Otherwise, I would have to run around and find them myself, and that seems unfair.

And when something was working so well, they’d get somebody else to do it. Not one of those 10… and all of the rest of them did this – sat in the recruiting office. That’s how I learned the thing about the car, by the way,

That’s why I knew to go outside. 14

[End of patterns of persuasion Tape 1 Track 1.]


Patterns of Persuasion

Now this army recruiter, we’re driving down the freeway, and suddenly his whole body changes and he goes, “Yesss, that’s ittttt!” went, HMMMMM, turn off the freeway, and we drive up in front of, a mall.

The Army Recruiter at the Mall

And the look on the face – he looked the way my dog looks, when he walks into the kitchen and there’s like steak bones on the floor, it was like, “Wooaaahhhhh!” Not a bit of hesitation, you could see him come alive, with color in his face.

Tape 1 - Track 2

Ain’t nothing in this world worse, that when, When you think you’re a hot shot criminal, you picked the wrong person to mess with. That guy in New York, that – you know, I’m walking out of a nightclub, out onto the street, and this guy jumps out and goes, “give me your wallet!” And the next thing he notices, is the gun isn’t in his hand! I went, “gimme that! Does it work?” See, a lot of people think that makes you a vicious person; it doesn’t. It makes you somebody who just doesn’t stand for – Imagine how many times somebody has been beaten up, or raped, and people stand around and watch; they go, “Well I don’t want to get involved.” Bullshit; they want to get involved; they’re just afraid to. And they’re afraid to, because, instead, instead of teaching our kids to play foursquare, let’s teach our children judo and karate, right, and hell, let’s not take the guns away from people; let’s have everybody carrying one so the criminals are afraid. “Well, I better not pull a gun in the –“ If you pull a gun in the supermarket, 50 people in there have one, - that guy in the McDonald’s, with a rifle shots 15 people… right… that’s just cause nobody in McDonalds can shoot back! Not fooling me! And I believe in some Tesla… positive negative ion guns. That’s one of my favorites. During the high-jacking years I tried to talk Boeing –

He drove up, parked his car, and this guy is in full military dress, all the medals… and this guy had a ton of ‘em, he had done everything. I kept asking him what stuff meant, and some of it was to – just cause he went to some school, and some of it was for doing something, and, he had a mess of purple hearts, and, one of ‘em he even got in the latrine – lol – he caught his finger in the latrine, and they gave him a purple heart. Uhm, you know. Cause they didn’t want to say that in his record, so they fudged it a little bit. But I said, “But you still wear them,” and he said, “Yea!,” he said, he said, “it gives people something to gaze at.” And I said, “ooooooo, this is startin to sound familiar!” And I said, “Well, before we go in here,” I said, “what’s the most important thing that you’re gonna do? Do you have any idea?” and he said, “Well,” he said, “one thing I know, is I have to get their attention.” He said, “I have to get their full attention.” And he said, “and then, I’ve heard every single objection, and every single excuse that anybody is gonna give me, for going into the military,” and he said,

“so I have to make it so, they can’t.” And I said, “how do you do that?” and he said, “I don’t know.” lol.

/// “It’s the rest of them I want.” And I said, “So, where are we goin?” … Hoping we weren’t driving to an army base! See, when, Cause the thing that I didn’t like, when they, you know, when you had to register for the draft, I refused to register. I said,

I had no problems going and killing people for them,

Just give me their names! I said, “But I ain’t getting up that early, and that’s all there is to it!” I said, “I’m a musician, I can’t get up that early! Forget it!” And I said, “I just conscientiously object to it,” I said, “because I live in a free country, and I just don’t like the idea, of having somebody making me get up that early every day!” I said, you know, I said, “just give me a list! It’s that simple.” And, ah, I got a letter back from the draft board, and ah, they gave me a draft card, but it had no classification on it. And, the letter that said, “we’re considering your classification, and we’re thinking about it, and we know you don’t want to be in the selected service, so we’re considering giving you a ‘no’.” And I thought, “You really can affect people’s minds!”

Now one of the things I’m going to have to do today, although not this morning, is, in whatever you do, whether you negotiate, – Yes it is still morning. Checking on me, are ya? Not for long, but it’s morning for me. I usually don’t get up until the crack of noon, if I can help it. There’s something about everybody getting up and all driving at the same time, that seems silly to me. You know, sometimes I watch ‘em out the hotel room windows in big cities, they all rush out, and move real slow. And then, when they get off work, they all rush to try to like get to the bank, and get to everything before it closes, and then, suddenly it’s dark, and there’s all these buildings, and I’m sittin there thinking, “We live in a 24 hour planet. We sell things across country lines, I mean, you know, my telemarketers are calling all over the world, what difference does it make what time they go to work? There’s money, somewhere, awake.” Now, it also seems like if we staggered things a little bit, we wouldn’t have to build twice as many roads. ‘Aww, but banks must all open at the same time!’ Otherwise, we must all deal with the lethal ‘ATM’ machine. Because, they really don’t want to have a human there, who could be helpful. And, also,


they’re afraid, if you got, a wrong state, you’d withdraw too much of your money at night. Isn’t that something? They limit the number, the amount of money you can take out of your account? ‘Well in the ATM machine, you’re only allowed $200 dollars a day.’ “Yes Mommy.” And, that’s your allowance. If you’d happen to need $205, forget it! Spend the night in jail if you would want to use it for me. Western Union for your kid who needs to get a plane ticket home? Let him stand up in the airport! After all, we know what’s best for you. Now, we designed – One of the projects we did along the way, is we designed a sales training program for banks, cause in this country, a funny thing happened. Banks found themselves, in a competitive business. And, you know what happened? They lost customers! Cause nobody in a bank had ever had to be nice to anyone. Let alone, had to work at getting accounts. There just weren’t that many banks, but then suddenly there were all these savings and loans, there were all kinds of other bank charters, coming up, so the banks found out, when they were losing all this business… it wasn’t enough to put a commercial on, like the airlines do, that lies to you, and say, “come in, we’re the friendliest bank around,” and you walk in and they go, “can I help you.” And you go, “Yes, I was thinking of opening an account.” “Well you’re in the wrong line!” “Well I just waited in this very long line–“ “Well you’ll have to go to the back of that line.” See, their procedures were designed originally by the department of motor vehicles, who had been the prototype for most training in most corporations and businesses until the advent of serious competition. Because, see, when there’s serious competition, this is when they, they said, First they said, “Well, if you come to our bank and open an account, we’ll give you a toaster, a set of glasses,…?” Yea. Right. Of course, you know, I know that’s coming out of my money. I’d rather decide what I’m gonna buy with it, and get the interest. Their advertising budgets are phenomenal, and they have to be, because the people who work there. So we – the bank that came to us, we said, “Look, we will only do this if we can do it the following way.” We wanna train everybody, that’s from the boardroom, straight down to the tellers, maybe even the Janitor! And we wanna train them, by having them watch ½ hour films. They can do it on, you know, we can show the film to the people, so we’ll bring in a film, or two, and, we’ll show them during lunch, you know, the lunch room, you can show them anytime, you can show them after work, before work, we don’t care, as long as every person sees each one of the films. And then, maybe once a month, we’ll send in somebody who’ll answer a few questions, and ah, then we wanna send a team, that goes around to each bank, from top to bottom, and spends 2 days there, uhm, sort of, tuning things up a little bit. Because we had this notion, that one of the things that might work, is if we taught them, that, they would be happier in their work, and feel good, if they made the people on the other side of the stand feel good,

That if they were cheerful, people would like to go back there. It was just a, wild idea.

Raised their assets by a billion dollars in 1 year. This is a bank in only 1 county. It was a small savings and loans, it’s now a bank. However, in the infinite wisdom of all boards of directors, since it raised their assets so much – We actually even got back the money they paid us from the state of California, because it turned out, we found some grant money that was laying around, that ah, was there for developing new programs, so the money that they had paid for us, we even got them their money back. But, they decided, in their infinite wisdom, that when, things were beginning to get touch economically, cause – savings and loans were getting a bad reputation and stuff – that they didn’t want to be associated with anybody using wild things, so they decided that they would stop using the techniques. Now, this did take some time, because the employees had a tendency to continue to communicate, ah, by being happy, but they did stamp it out by shuffling people around, cutting things down… And also, ah, making sure that they told people that they, you know, Even if they had continued to go out and learn things on their own? That they were not to use them at work, and if they were caught using them – See, really, all that NLP is, is the definition of things that work! Which meant that they had to go back to being the way they were. For example, no more of this ‘cheerful hello stuff.’ Which is, I didn’t figure you needed to be a great modeler to figure out if people walked in and said, “Gee, I’d like to cash this cheque,” that if you looked at them and said, “Do you have an account here?!?!” as opposed to, “Do you have an account here.” Cause then if they say no, you can say, “Well, let’s get one open for you then.” Call them over somebody, and have them open them an account for you. Cause, see, anybody that comes in to cash a cheque, who doesn’t have an account there, is what I would call a potential customer. This was the biggest way we raised their assets by the way. Everybody! – you should have seen the look on their faces! Right, they went, “Well why would you want to cash the cheque?” and I said, “cause, they open up an account and you cashed the cheque, then they’d probably come in and put the rest of their money in later on!” And they go, “Well yea, but what if the cheque bounced?” And I said, “Well probably the person who has the cheque doesn’t know whether, if it’s gonna bounce, they wouldn’t be the bad person, Probably they’d have to come and give you money, or, you’d send the FBI after them like you do all the time! It’s a pretty good hammer to have on your side! I wish I could collect my debts that way! Wouldn’t it be nice if you get the FBI to go out and collect all your bad debts? All the money people have borrowed from you and not paid back?? That’s where we had, decision, with no commitment. Now, that’s one of the reasons I’ve learned a lot about this., cause, “Aww yeah man, I’ll pay you back, two weeeeks at the most! TWO weeks at the most!” ‘Two weak at the most,’ if you really listen to it.” Now, this army recruiter, when he was in front of the shopping center, right,

he gets up,

takes a deep breath, just breathes in, walks up,


throws open both doors to the mall. None of this, ‘open 1’ stuff. And I’m kinda walking behind him and off to the side, and I thought, I thought, “This guy is looney, this is gonna be great.” Walks in, and he looks around, like this, and scans. Suddenly, he looks over, and there are 3 guys, kinda long hair… Something I don’t approve of, of course. lol. I did too, that’s why I had to stand off to the side. They told me, “You can’t work for the military when you have long hair., so we want you to cut your hair while you’re doing this project.” I said, “I’m only doing this for 2 days. So I only have to cut it a little bit?” I said, “Can you see my point?” And they said, “Yes,” and I ran out. Ahm., you’ll learn to like that one, that one has some good closing points to it.

Now, the thing that he did, is he looked over, and he walked up, and he walked right up behind, one of the guys, and they were sitting there, and School is in session!, keep in mind. So these guys had either graduated from high school, or weren’t at high school, or got kicked out of high school! And they looked like it too, they were, smoking cigarettes, and holding them like that, cause it means you’re tougher, … you hold a cigarette like this, you’re not as tough as if you hold one like this, and especially if you can blow the smoke out of your nose; you guys remember being 18, right? Now, they’re sittin and smoking, right, and in those days they didn’t have as many ‘no smoking’ laws as they do, but, you know, … and I could even see, like they were being eyed, there was a security guard, one of these guys who has to act like a cop, but they don’t give him a gun, however they supply more nauseating attitude to make up for it. (lol) And this guy walks right up behind, One of them has the back to him, and the other two are kinda facing them, and as he walks up, the other two are like going like this }{, lookin at him, like, “What’s this guy doing?” The blonde one just keeps talkin like this, and he’s bouncing along, and suddenly, he kinda stops, cause the other guys are like this }{, cause he’s standing right behind him looking at him like this, and the guy turns around, and when he turns around, he goes,

“WANNA JOIN THE ARMY?” And the kid jumps back like 2 feet. And he goes, “Naw man, I don’t wanna join the Army,” and he goes,

“I DIDN’T THINK SO.” He says, “It’s so much fun to live at home with your parents, and have to put up with all their rules, and, By the way, what kind of car do you drive? Probably wouldn’t like having a nice Camaro of your own, and, being able to go to foreign countries and meet beautiful women, I know that guys like you hate that sort of stuff,” and turned and walked. One guy says, “Well… well… well…” And he turns around and goes, “Yea I know, You don’t wanna go to war, no one does. But if there’s a war, they’re gonna draft you, and you’ll get shot anyway. Whereas me? I didn’t have to go to war.” He said, “I was somewhere else. Sittin in Germany, enjoying myself. Supplying people with stuff. You know, because,” “Some people like to choose their destiny, and some like their mother to do it.” And he walks – starts walking off! lol Now, within a matter of moments, I was sitting at the table, they were sitting at another table, and he had all three of them. And, ah, he was telling them stories – just – random stories… just stories about when he was young, and the first time he went to Japan, and the first time he went here, and they were asking questions – they looked like little kids at story hour, right, And then stood up all of a sudden and said, “Well,” he said, “I’m glad you boys listened to me,” and he said, “I know,” he said, “I know it’s not the in thing to do in your generation, and, how you guys like to all, kinda do the same thing, and, I understand fear,” right, And he said, you know, “Probably you guys would be too afraid just to go down to my recruiting office, and just take a look at things. Because, you don’t trust your own ability to make decisions, cause you haven’t been out on your own to make them.” And he goes, “It’s a sad thing.” He said, ah, “You know, what’s probably going to happen is, you’ll end up staying at home, taking so much grief, and then you’ll end up doing something stupid, and your parents will end up being right.” He said, “It’s a funny world.” He said, “Well, see you guys soon.” And, one of the guys goes, “Yea, see you soon.” And he turned around and said, “Tomorrow? Noon?” And he went, “Sure!” And he handed him a thing and said, “it’s on that address,” he said, “But don’t bring any of your friends with you, most of them wouldn’t be able to handle it.”

Now, in terms of prospecting, ah, you know, I thought, ‘Well, you know, maybe 1 of them will go, the rest won’t.” Twelve of them showed up. Twelve! Now, I didn’t expect it, but he knew what he was doing because he knew what would hook people in that area. Now, as opposed to ah, something else he did, because when he walked away, I thought he was gonna, you know, come and talk to me. Nope. They said I was supposed to follow him and model him; he told me afterwards, he said, “I thought I wasn’t


supposed to talk to you; you’re supposed to see me do what I do most naturally.”

the final unit, like, you know, only 1 in like 40 was working.

Now, most of the people I model talked my head off, cause I went, you know, with Milton, Milton spent all this time trying to hypnotize me, and he couldn’t understand, that I was already in a trance, because that’s the only way you can do the things that I did, you know, I have to slow the world down so that the world’s in slow motion, You have to be able to record in your mind syntax, and I even sat there and I wasn’t taking – he thought I was taking notes, and I was writing music notation, so I had the tempo right.

But, you see at each step in the process, because, I was only there 1 hour, and within 1 hour, right, the quality control guy comes by and he tests your stuff. I haven’t even been introduced to the guy at the next table, but, suddenly he turns to me and goes, “The quality control guy is coming down the stairs,” he said, “underneath the counter there is a reach-back,” of my part, cause I just did parts – put all the parts together, and then they would test it, and then they would put all of those parts together into another part. Well, I pulled it out, and he said, “Put it on the table.” And the guy came up, tested it, it looked fine, and he went on. And I started to put it – and he said, “No no, don’t put it in the bin, put it back under the table! Otherwise, he’s gonna keep finding stuff that doesn’t work!” Mmhm. Now, everybody in the place did that! So the only way to find one that didn’t work, was to build the whole thing unnecessarily. Because if they found things that didn’t work repeatedly, rather than being happy that you were honest, right, and examining it, and teaching you what you needed to know, they taught you to avoid, being caught!, not to make the product better. So the improvement in the quality was in your ability to deceive management! The quality control guy worked for you, to improve your skills in deceiving the company, that you worked for, so that it would go bankrupt, and you’d have no job. Therein lies the logic. That’s behind most of the stupidity in most of the businesses. Because they don’t design things in a way that makes it so that people make a decision that carries with it a commitment. In fact, I found myself, you know, because I thought, well, you know, “I wonder what happens if I’d actually have them test my stuff.” And as he started to come down the stairs, right,

Now, this guy on the other hand walks along, and he stops and he looks at a toy store. And I thought, “Toy store, this thing is for kids,” you know, “8 and under!” and I said, “boys goin for him at any age!” But I followed him into the store, he went into the store, and as soon as he walked in, he went in and walked up, and looked up and down the shelves, and then he walked over to the cash register, young kid maybe 21 or 22 years old sittin there, kinda like this} {. And he walked up and he goes, “HEY!” And he goes, “How much of a discount will you give me if I buy 1 of each thing on the top shelf?” And the kid said, “I can’t give you a discount.” Turned and looked at him and said, “How long have you worked here?” And he said, “3 years.” And he said, “You’ve worked here 3 years, and no one will give you any responsibility?”

Now, the importance of identifying, Number 1, all the objections that you would get, no matter what you do, whether it’s negotiation – if you really stop and think about it, because people are always saying, “Are you going to teach how to overcome objections.” And my answer is, “No, cause you ain’t gonna get ‘em!” You’ve already had ‘em, so you know what they’re gonna be. And if anybody brings it up, it should be you who brings it up so far in advance, that you can inoculate people against it. It seems to me that people in a sales – cause they told me the way it went – ‘First, you get attention, you establish rapport, you make your presentation,’ right, ‘and then, you close,’ and if you can’t close, then what you do is you spend your time overcoming objections. In fact, most of the time, they don’t even have it in the books, as closing, it goes straight from presentation, to overcoming objections. If you’ve ever read any of these sales training books, that’s the way they do it. Negotiations, it’s the same thing. The first thing you do, is you ‘look for the points they disagree on,’ right, and then you try to find ways of overcoming getting people to adjust! When you’re trying to motivate people as a manager, you know, the first thing they tell you, is, is, you know, that ‘when you discuss a problem with an employee, and you tell them the importance of doing something in a certain way, that, the major thing you have to do, is to deal with their objections, and then some of them tell you, that you just threaten them. Well, if threatening people worked – But see, I got news for you. When they threatened people at one of the industries; I went and worked on the assembly line to find out why the quality control was, coming out the way it did, and when they got to

everybody pulled out theirs, and they all looked at me, and I kinda felt like, Well, I have a commitment here, right,… put the good one up, and let the lousy ones move on. It’s important not to learn my skills here! Otherwise, you can’t get promoted! In other words, the worse you do, the better off you are!

Now, there’s only 2 choices – somebody who’s a canned, unprofessional salesperson and negotiator, communicator of any kind. When things don’t work, they have a reason for it. However, it still isn’t working. Usually the reason is, “The guy’s a jerk.” That’s enough, that you don’t have to learn anything. But if you stop right now, I want you to pick in your mind, a worst-case scenario. Somebody, or a kind of a person, that when they come through the door, when you, see them coming, or when you walk up, and the first words you utter, you discover they’re a certain personality type, or a certain person, something inside you goes, “Oh Gawd.” Now, it happens to everybody. Some of you have to negotiate with the same ones over and over and over again. And when you’re there and you see ‘em coming in to your office, you turn around and climb inside your head and go, “uughhhh.” Now, psychotherapist at least can refer them away. They have a referral service. And of course, the first salesperson, somebody comes in –


For example, they told me at the furniture store down in Houstin, well, since they were doing, I said, “Since you guys are doing well,” I said, ah, “What would you need to do better?” And I said, “When specifically, can’t you sell a piece of furniture?” I said, “cause, that seems to me like the only reason that people would be coming out here.” And I mean, they came out in droves, cause they advertise, night and day, on every channel, over and over and over again, the same message, over and over and over again. “Come out, because it’s just a tent city, we don’t have the overhead so we can save you money. Drive out on the freeway, drive out on the freeway, drive out on the freeway.” Now, when people came in, the thing they told me was the worst, is if somebody brought someone with them, to help them make the decision. You know, a furniture expert. Somebody who had bought couches before! Now, it struck me, as, a furniture expert, means you gonna sell two couches, not one. By the way, for those of you who don’t know, I looked at all the light sound machine that they were making, and I discovered that yes, they were capable of putting lights and sounds in your ears and your eyes, but they just didn’t know how your ears and your eyes and your brain worked. That, ah, Other than making it so that you kinda blinked in a certain pattern – and these things were developed, they were actually developed by an agency that shall remain unnamed, because they wanted people, to tell them things, and ah, when they did all their R&D and built them, and didn’t get them to tell anything, they were just real relaxed while they did it. Um. So, And, they noticed that people had a tendency to drift off into Alpha states, and, but I don’t think it was so much the technology the way they were using it, but, just, sheer boredom. Because, if you’re being interrogated, and you’re feeling kinda relaxed, and kinda bored with the whole thing, you kinda drift off, and think about this and that, and go into an altered state, it’s kind of a Trance Machine. But we decided to update these things and make it so that the way in which the light hit your eye was related to what hemisphere it would effect, and, specifically, how it would affect – it wouldn’t be because it was in one eye or the another, it’s specific places on the eye, because the eye actually, isn’t like, ‘this guy goes to that hemisphere, and this eye goes to’ – ‘Half of each eye goes to each hemisphere,’ and it isn’t so much that a pitch is of a certain tone, because the first one of these I bought had a little tone that I, ‘eeeeeeeee.’ It’s actually, the waveform shape itself, in conjunction with the light sound machine, ah, we found that for most people, will, will alter their state, and we discovered that then you get to choose, because not everybody wants to be relaxed.


Any of you ever been to a whole life expo?, … this is like a meditation concentration camp or something… kind of a new-age flea market kind of thing, where every booth is in, you know, the mosconi center is something, you know, to massage your feet, or teas, and stuff, and you walk through there, and even if you don’t even look at the products, you just stare at the people that are in there, After about an hour, you’re feeling pretty mellow, in fact, you’re feeling kinda like, you know, ah, maybe you took some sleeping pills, because, people are getting, SO relaxed, they’re trying out – You go around try a light sound machine, a massage, and then drink some herbal tea, and then you get your feet worked on, and if you’re not relaxed, you’re just damn tired, lol, you know, and everybody’s draggin their feet, except for the people at the ah, smartcard booth. They’re all painted day-glow green, and orange costumes, dressed up as elves, and they’re all chanting this thing, going, “”, and, smart drugs, here, have some… and they drink one with everyone who comes by! Um, and boy, they were, by the end of the day, they were so wired, they were lit up, five of them talking, “”, ultra high frequencies. Now. But the interesting thing is, they sold more than stuff than anybody else there! Now, there must be something to this. Now, the things we’re gonna do this morning, is, I wanna go through and dissect decisions, and commitment. Those are nice words, but knowing how they really work, in the brain, and experience, and how to affect them.



Patterns of Persuasion Tape 2 - Track 1 18 mins

Now, stop and think, of, a decision you made, that was a good decision at the time, and it’s a good decision now, and it’s one of the best things you ever decided to do. And Hopefully you have one of those! lol. One guy’s going }{. It’s not that one, it’s 1. Ok, I want you to remember, ok, stop and think of what that is, because when I ask you to think of one of these, you have to either talk to yourself, or make pictures, or do both. Sometimes you throw in a few feelings. And I know some of you may not be ultra cognitive – I always get this in every seminar, I get somebody, they go, “You know, I really don’t see visual images.” And I’ll go, “What color are your mother’s eyes?” and they’ll go, “Brown,” and I’ll go, “Well if you’re answering the question, where are you getting the information?” And they go, “Well I used to live with my mother,” and I go, “Well she’s not here now though. When I ask you now, how do you know?” they go, “I don’t know.” Well, that up there, is a picture. Now, when you think of a good decision – Now I want you to go and stop, and think of a time where you made a decision, to buy something, and ah, or do to do something, and as soon as you started to do it, everything inside of you said, “This is wrong. It’s not the right thing to do.” Maybe you bought it, maybe you didn’t, but the whole way through the process, or afterwards – maybe you even brought it back and returned it, cause something went, “M,m, this is not right.” However, for many of us, it doesn’t stop us from buying it. Because the thing is, is we don’t have, just one decision strategy, we have many. The thing is, is some work for some things, and some work for another. I know a lot of guys who made a picture of the woman, the exact woman that they wanted, and then they went out and they actually found on that looked like it, but, they couldn’t get her to behave like the one in the picture. So they started trying to get her to change her behavior, and then they ended up divorced. And I’ve had many clients, I have one who even had a name for it! Patty Perfect. He had designed the perfect woman… - But you see, finding a relationship is what you do, you don’t build one. You don’t go out and design and build the human you want, and put them in the relationship. See, you can actually do things, like when you’re looking for a bedspread, you can make a picture of a bedspread you like, and if you go out, odds are you might be able to find one, especially if it’s simple. But if you can’t, you can actually have a bedspread made, and it wouldn’t be too expensive. See, there are some things that you go out and you make a decision you want, or you can actually make it –

If you see things, like, for example, if you look at pictures of all the different kinds of cars, and pick one, you can go out and find it. If you want custom clothes, you can imagine what you want, and go, and have somebody build them. But when you’re talking about a human being, see, “I want a woman who’s like this, acts this way, does this, does this, does this,” and you go out and you, cause , as one of my clients did, on 200 or 300 dates until you find the right one. And, at first, he said, for, as long as a week, he actually thought he was going to be happy his whole life, but then she had these, as he put it, other behaviors.’ And all he tried to do was ‘get rid of them’! Now, you’ll find, that many people who, when you go up to negotiate, have a pre-set notion. And, that means to you, that you can pre SET one. Because,

All decisions are constantly being redone. Just like the images on the CTR screen. It’s not that it’s there; it’s constantly being re-made.

And any decision that you made – Now, Let me ask you this. The good decision, think of the good one. Think of the one… that didn’t work out. Is the image in the same place. Ok, by the way, this is yes, this is no, ok? Right. Try it this way. Point to the good image. Go, ‘here’s my good images.’ Ok, now, Where’s your bad images, the one’s you’re not sure of. Are they in a different place? Ok, cause anybody’s who’s doing this, right, you know, then it - you’re gonna have them in the same place, then it’s gonna kinda be hard to look at ‘em at the same time. Even if you rotate , putting them in the same place, you can get confused, about which one was the good one and which one was the bad one. And you’ve probably met him. He’s the one that goes into a restaurant and goes, ‘Oh God, I just don’t know. I really like this, but I really like this; If I had this then I’d want that. Umm, Gosh, I don’t know, what are you gonna have?” And you go, “Roast Beef,” and you go, “Ahh, I don’t know about roast beef.” Everything builds doubt. See, in your mind, the way subjectivity works, is, you have to keep things separate, somehow. Cause the voice inside your head when you, look at the good decision vs. the bad decision, is the sound different? I would hope so! Cause if you went, “YESS!” and then you looked at the other one, you should be going, “eeeeeehawww,” it should have a little of that stuff in there. Cause if you look at the good one and go, “eeeeeehawww,” probably, it would be hard for you to be a decisive human being! Like when you looked at an opportunity, Somebody came up and said, “If you go with me right now, I’ll give you this job, you’ll make a million dollars in 2 days.” Right, and you went, “well, I don’t know… eeeeeehawww” And there are many people that get in that kind of situation on all kinds of levels, it’s just a question of how many zeros more or how many zeros less. Cause I used to try adding numbers, but I like adding the zeros better I found out. “How much


will this cost?” and go, “pff,” add another zero. As long as you have a number out there, it works out.

Remember, all of the things I’m gonna teach you here I noticed because people say it every day.

See, many of you – if, if you have a job right now, for example I know, sometimes people come and they have a job and they’re making $10 an hour selling vacuum cleaners. Well, I want you to think about one thing. Before you ever quit a job like that, you should turn around and figure out something you’d have more fun selling, and find out if you can sell it.

You wanna know if somebody’s visual, “Hmm, Let’s See,” how would you do that? Wanna know when people are talkin in yourself, I go, “Hmm,” I stop and tell myself it’s possible. And you see in this, “it’s down right important. That’s what I feel.” Ever seen somebody’s eyes cast down to the right, straight ahead defocused? They’ll go, “It’s unclear to me.” Well, I say, sometimes I’ll look at them and I’ll go, “Well focus it up!”

Cause, you know, you don’t actually have products to go out and sell things.

See, I go door to door and sell things, that I don’t have, and sell, just to find out if I can get the commitment. And people said, “Well why would you do that?” And I said, “To get good at what I’m doing.” And, of course, when I have 5 or 10 people in a row that want something, then you can call the company. Say, “I just did this survey and I found that everybody wants your product, and I have all these people that want it, how cheap can I get it?”

Every once in a while, if You do well enough, You end up owning the company. I’ve done that a couple of times.

Especially when they owe you a lot of money and can’t pay you, and you get to negotiate. And they haven’t sold a lot of it because they don’t know how people make good decisions. Now, lemme ask you, when you look at the good decision versus the bad decision, is one bigger than the other. Which one, the bad decision? Lol ‘These are my bad decisions, and there’s a good one here, somewhere…’ Some people, it’s like that. Now, the thing is, is Let me ask you a very important question. When I said, “Where is it,” you pointed to the good decision, alright, Point to it, and then, how far away from you is it? Can you touch it? Or is it further away than that? Cause if it’s further away than your hand, imagine that there are people, that are - You’re helping to make a decision, when you negotiate, when you’re selling to them, when you’re teaching them – And if you walk up and stand in those pictures – imagine – let’s start, for example, cause I know somebody over here said, “Well,” you know, “My bad decisions are right here,” right, cause – they’re not just out – they’re not all stacked up and down, some of us tilt them down, everything. Your bad decision are right here, right, you’re gonna have this person sit down and slam your contract in and ask them to sign it? Cause you know what’ll happen if you do? You’ll have them totally convinced, that when you sit ‘em down and put that contract in front of them, they’ll go, “Aww, I just don’t know.” Ever seen that happen? For ‘no, unapparent reason?’ Suddenly when they look at the contract, they have doubt? Next time, put the contract on a clipboard, let them hold it up. I always hand it to them and go,

“Put this with all your other good decisions.” They’ll do it!

One of the things I wanna know, and one of the most important things, is that while you’re getting attention, establishing rapport– At first they said, “Wow, NLP is cool, because, you know, we’ll go out and we’ll find the visual people, and we’ll talk to them in visual things!” So if somebody come in and go, “Well, it looks to me like I need a new car,” and they go, “Well, let me show you something.” Well, that part’s good, because it matches their predicates, but you also need to match their voice, tempo.

Cause people speak at the rate they understand. So if you – if they come in and they go, “Wellllllll, lookin for a newwww, car.” And you go, “Well!, lemme show you a new car!” What happens is it dis-jars them. But if you want a real commitment, where they send you 10 customers per year, or more – which is what I think is reasonable, although I think it should be larger, it’s adequate – as long as I can

get it into something that’s more than a decision; something that becomes a commitment. Cause stop In your life, you’ve made decisions in your life, and now, those decisions don’t count anymore. I think we all did things, we grew up, sometimes stuff happens, Sometimes just time goes by and you don’t feel as strongly about something as you did. So the question is, what’s the difference between a decision? Think in your life right now for example, Is there something that you have, in your life, made a commitment about. This means that

You have strong feelings that lead to behaviors, probably a lot of you have it about your family. But I know, growing up as a teenager, I didn’t have that feeling of commitment, but somewhere, mysteriously in my 20’s, suddenly I, you know, I have enough of a commitment that I’ll actually go over to their house and eat their food! Because I’ve decided also, that, through all the things – If All the great communicators that I studied, learned to have certain beliefs, certain behaviors, and they didn’t learn it cause they went to courses,


They learned it because they had the right beliefs, and the right attitude, and certain experiences installed that in their unconscious. Now we’re gonna try a couple of experiments, because, I want you to get the idea that

it is possible for You to learn very very quickly, from other people., all you need to know about them. To make it so that,

You can JAM a decision down their throat. Now, then I’m gonna teach you that that’s not the best way to do it. But as long as you know you can do it, then, it takes the fun out of doing it. Some of you’ll have to go out and do it for a week or two to discover, that if you don’t get that commitment, then you’ll have to go out and do all the prospecting! See, this army recruiter was still runnin around shopping malls. He shoulda had the other people doin it for him! He should have reached the point of making it so it wasn’t a challenge. And then looked for new areas: Shopping Malls… I mean this guy could go just about anywhere, you know, stores… The other place we went, he took me to lunch, then he took half of the people that were in the restaurant home with him. Cause he went, just at the end of lunch, when they were just about ready to close, and he took with him, waitresses and bus boys. He didn’t get the bartender, lol, the bartender saw him coming. Bartender said, “Don’t you come near me!” says, “I ain’t goin in the army cause I already was there, I just got back.” And he was the one that sent him. That’s why he knew enough to run. However, he did re-enlist. But he got to be an army recruiter. That’s why he re-enlist, cause that was the challenge that was there,

That he could stay home and keep his other job


Proof you can talk ‘em into anything. Now, what we’re gonna do is, is if you look – Ok, now, the decision you made that was ‘awww’ maybe not a good one. Now I want you to stop and think, cause we’re gonna do something artificially. When you stop and look – For example, Hector? Where is your good decision? It’s way up over there? How far. What? Ok, you have a decision to follow your good decisions. Ok, you have a tendency to follow a lot of decisions that aren’t so good. You don’t. So most of yours are really good and clean and, Ok, Now, where’s your future. Where’s something where –

You know You’re gonna have to pay taxes next year, and the year after that. You know that you’re gonna have to breathe for the next 10 years.

When you think about those things, where’s that in your mind. When you have things that you know are inevitable, they’re out there?, and your good decisions are up here. So, is it inevitable that you’ll carry out your good decisions. You make good decisions sometimes and don’t follow ‘em? Most, most of the times. This is not a critical thing, see, this is a thing where I’m gonna teach you how to take control of it. See, I know all of us need to do this better. This is why I started doing – I don’t just do this for you guys, man, I go first, that’s the first rule of NLP. Don’t do anything to anybody that you haven’t done to yourself. Cause if you do it to yourself and it works really good, you won’t have any problems selling it to anybody. However, there are lots of people stuck at lots of levels of my development, that haven’t found that out. lol For example, I knew I had a nelper, I walked into a stereo store, and there was – and as I was looking at stereos, there was one guy looking at it and walked up and he goes, the guy says, ah, “You interested in a stereo?” and the guy goes, “Well, I – I don’t know, it’s, it’s a tough decision.” And he said, “Oh, you’re a feeling person, huh? Cool, huh?” and he went, “I – ah, I guess so,” and he goes, “Well,” he says, “Then, we don’t wanna give you a rough time with this, so,” – See cause He believed that visual people were the smart ones. And I believe Anybody that can’t use all of their brain, and have flexibility, isn’t smart or dumb, they’re just not using all of their brain, and they don’t have much flexibility.

In any system with human beings and machines, the system with the widest range of

flexibility will be the controlling element. I mean, It’s that simple. I’ve had people - Walked in, they said, talked to their husband, something about it, and I walked up and I said to them, “Buy a car!” They turned around and said, “We’re not buying a car, we’re gonna pick out the car we want and then we’ll go and find a salesman and maybe we’ll buy it here, and maybe we’ll buy it somewhere else.” People get hostile when they’re buying cars! And I said, “Damn Right you will!” And I said, “And you can look at all the cars, but I don’t want you looking at that convertible out there.” I said, “Because only a salesman can sell you that car,” “And it wouldn’t be exactly what you desire.”


“It wouldn’t be an opportunity to put the top down, feel the wind blowing in your hair, sun coming down, nice leather seats, hear the roar of the engine,” “…cause I know that You haven’t had good experiences with cars yet Today.” Those time words are real important, weren’t they.

and in those days, you had to find a place that had diesel fuel, you had to go out to truck stops with your Mercedes. Look at guys that’ll put your eye out with their cigarette. “I’d like 2 gallons of diesel.” “As soon as I get my 400 I’ll let you in the line here.” You got a mach truck in front of you and a mach truck behind you, and they’re going ‘mmmmm.’ You be careful! Now, when you stop, is there anything like that, that, you know, you’ve been thinking of buying, but, you’re not sure, you go, “Well,”


“Cause I know you have a lot of worries about buying this, didn’t ya.” “But before we get down to talking the terms, the one thing you have to understand, that’s more important than anything else, is that I’m not gonna force you to do anything.” “The only thing I wanna know from you is if your qualified to make decisions on your own. Some people don’t make good decisions. So I wanna know if you’ve ever walked in and looked at something and knew it was absolutely right for you. It was the perfect thing for you. And, you’ve been right through the years. Ever – Is there anything like that?” And when their eyes move, I’m gonna watch exactly where. In fact, if I’m close enough,

I’ll interrupt the process at the moment they’re fully thinking about it, we call that anchoring by the way, it’s where you touch them in a particular place, and if you touch ‘em exactly that way, that feeling comes back. Name Pavlov ring a bell? lol. Why do people salivate when you do that? You mention Pavlov, and humans salivate. It’s true!, they do! You go, “Pavlov!,” and they go, “}{“. It’s that dog saliva thing. “Dog’s salivate, Human Buy Car.” But when they stop and they do it, if their eyes cast to a certain location, they’re right in front of you… What’s your name, sir? Have you ever bought something, like that, I described? Has there Ever a time in your life when you looked at something and thought, “This is exactly what I need.” Ok, now, when you made the image, Ok, you made an image of it in your mind. ‘Sure did, didn’t ya.’ There it is. Now, if you take that image, and somebody actually does – See, now let me think, is there anything that you’ve been thinking of buying, but, you kinda float back and forth, for yourself, or your wife, or your kids, or maybe even me. lol No Richard don’t do that, don’t do that. This is the hardest seminar to control myself in, I have to warn ya. I actually sold my own car to somebody in one of them. I had this funky old Mercedes that somebody had, dumped on me, they owned me some money, and they stuck me with this horrible car, that’s just – it had a diesel engine, which I don’t even approve of anyway, but you start it up and it has this horrible smell, right,


Patterns of Persuasion Tape 2 - Track 2

And you’ve been thinking of buying but you’re not sure, you go, “Well, you know,” maybe it’s a CDI machine, or, I don’t know, whatever it is. Somethin like that, see, you hide those down there, don’t you. See you have to watch where they put these things! Now, it’s a little difficult for you guys to see, but basically he shifted his eyes down and right over here. So, see this way you got certainty out here, it’s clearly in front of you, you know where to go. And, if you’re unsure, you keep it over here. Now, as he goes through the natural process of deciding, which, you know, maybe, you go back and forth talking to himself, and some people have to sleep on it and let their unconscious decide for them. Cause they really don’t think their conscious mind should be trusted. They wake up in the morning and they go, “Darn, it’s over here right now, go buy it.” Now, it sounds funny, but this is what’s really going on. This is what goes on across every negotiating table, when you negotiate any contract. Does the term marriage ring a bell? Some people, cause, see, all of those things are places where people are making decisions. Now if those decisions are made, and they don’t lead to commitment, you know. Cause if you take – Take this one down here. And all we’re gonna do – watch this – we’re just gonna take it and slide it up here. Right. How do you feel about it now? Not good, huh? But if you move it way back here. Ok, then “well, maybe.” How about if we took this thing, and just for the hell of it, brought it up like this? Yea what? Feels great. So you gonna buy it? Ooooooo. What, you want one too? See, what’d I tell ya, they bring you prospects! “Well, let’s see, what is it anyway!?” Doesn’t matter what it is! If you’re good at selling things, you can sell anything. You still have to know your product, so you know which one to write down. And I think product knowledge is important, because that’s how you deal – because if you work at selling any particular item or line of item – I worked for a company that, they sold cattle vitamins. They hired me to come in, you know, and they, said they wanted me to train them how to do better in their business. And I said, “Well, if you’re gonna do better in business, the most important thing is cash in the door. That’s the way I look at it, right. Money come IN the door, you’re better off than if money doesn’t come in the door. That’s the basic theory I have, although Not everybody thinks about it that way. I like Xerox, they broke their company into 5 companies and competed with themselves, because there was too much competition on the outside? That took the stock from 135 to 32, just like that! It’s

kind of ‘The Ostrich Approach’, only, you take your foot and you take a meat cleaver and you go, “PHMP” like this.

That’s like, I’ve discovered that there are some people that don’t open their business, especially when humans are around. Ah, it’s one of the things that’s always amazed me, is that, ah, they do this really odd thing which is, is that, Especially in foreign countries; this drives me absolutely nuts, it’s like, As soon as I would get out of what I’m doing and it was lunch, they’d close everything down! Then I’d go back and do my afternoon session and when I got out, all the stores were closed!, except on Thursday night, or the alternate Wednesday, It was almost impossible to buy anything in there! Now, this kind of thing goes on all the time, because, for example, a lot of people don’t think about the location of the business, they go, “Well Gee, I can get cheap rent!” it’s because nobody will ever go buy! Cheap rent, and you’ll need less money to pay for it, and you’ve arranged it! And then there’s the other thing, which is, is that, Some people design ah, you know, Some people have windows with stuff in it, and they get real creative in the windows, but it has nothing to do with what’s in the store. So I always thought it was good to have the store, like, have a name that’s related to what it is. Now, a lot of times when I read ads, I can’t tell if it’s a clothing store or what. And that’s because they’re trying to be so avant-garde, that if you don’t already know the name, and the company, you wouldn’t know what the Ad was. Well, you see, if you already know the name of the company, the Ad is not for you. Ads are supposed to make you feel like you want, to go to the place. Right. And, very often, they don’t! Either that, or some Ads are designed to get you to use up a product so you’ll buy more of it. Which is, like, what was the one company I did something for… they sold stuff that you put in milk, and it made it taste like pink dried powder. As far as I can tell! And for some reason, people would buy one, but they just weren’t using it up and going back and buying another one. I made the recommendation that they make it taste good, but, they looked at me and said, “No, we’ve had the same product for years, we wouldn’t want to change the product.” So, I guess we have to change the public’s taste buds so, they developed a taste for it. So I told them to put it in straws, not milk. And they did. And the made a lot of money for a month. And they didn’t understand why you shouldn’t put it in milk, and I said, “Well if you put it in milk, it doesn’t taste good, but if you just put it in a straw, people are used to things tasting good and call it ‘candy’. By the way. We also put 50% sugar in there, because that should override the taste of almost anything but not this. However, ah, we said, we added, “Tastes Unlike Anything Else!” People went, “Wow, they’re right, it doesn’t taste like anything else!” Really! Not only that, you can use it as a weapon, because if it gets in your eyes it’ll kill you! I know, it happened because it was a dried powder, and somebody turned on the fan on my desk, and I got hit with a pack of this, so I thought, “put it in cans, use it for selfdefense!” You can extend the range of what’s possible with all kinds of things, “Don’t Move or I’m gonna getcha,” But see, the little pink rabbit isn’t


gonna work for that though. You know, you can’t have a pink rabbit on a mace can, I just don’t think people would look at the can with a pink rabbit on it and go, “Oh no, don’t shoot me! No, no, cute little bunny, please!” Although, I’m sure that there are people out there that do things like that. And if you look around, I mean, for example, I don’t know about you guys, but if I’m gonna have tires put on my car, I don’t want a white pilsbury doughboy being the place that I go that looks like it could get punctured in a second! But Michellin thought, “Hey, Hell, it worked for Pilsbury Doughboy, let’s get one for Michellin!” Ah, To me, you know, when I think about tires, I probably want to put an image in my mind of something strong. Now, when you stop and think about thing, you want it now. Yea. Shouldn’t it be harder than that? We don’t even know what it is, and we convinced him to buy it! You do remember what’s been goin on here. Except for the convert hypnosis part. What’re you looking at him for? Not you, I know you’re looking at you, I’m talking to him though. Cause he’s got, he’s like, looking at you, I know you were following what was going on, are you following. Do you know what I’m talking about. Ok, still speaking to him. I know you do, cause you’re watchin. He was looking up here, trying to see the answer, and I just was curious. You’ve got it. Ok, Row 3, Row 4. Ok. Rows 1-3, SILENT. Ok. See it’s hard, cause you can’t see exactly what’s goin on here, so it’s gonna be easier if you do it. So we’re gonna try an experiment. If what goes on when you make a decision. Now of course this is the decision without a commitment. Because, you know how we know that? Because we can go and change it back. Like that. Now of course, it’s never going to occur that you’re going to be in a position where somebody’s become hard-headed about something. I mean, nobody’s gonna walk in and say, “Well, you know, I thought I’d come in and look, but, you know, I’ve really made up my mind that I really should get a SONY. If You notice where those eyes go, put your hand on it. Now I’ll show you a trick, and this is a trick that I learned a long time ago, and, I learned it, ah, first it was kinda hard, because the people that were doing it, I didn’t quite get what they were doing, and neither did they, so they couldn’t tell me about it. But I didn’t understand that some people, when they would sell things to people, cause, I was told, that you had to make eye contact. But I kept bumping my forehead first. See, the first instructions I got, was, ‘You come in, introduce yourself, and say your name clearly.’ Right. Well, I’ve, through the years, found that it has very little to do with anything. But then they told me to comment on the blue marlin on the wall. But, of course, first time I did that, there wasn’t one. But it did work pretty good, because they began to see one.

And then you take their money. And make them send you 20 people. Now I know this isn’t the standard model for selling, but it’s the standard model for everything. For me, until I can come up with something more outrageous, that’s the model I’m going to use, because those are the outcomes I want to go after. Now, I know that if you can change a decision that fast, that I know that if you’ve made a decision to buy something like that, then I can just take that and say, “Well, in order to take a good look at this, you really need to be clear in your mind, and suspend beliefs. So let’s take this – we’ll just kinda move this over here, and throw it out there, and stick it up here for a while so that you don’t have to worry about it. Now, I’m going to show you an alternative. You should see the look on this guy’s face.! He’s going, “AHhhhhhhhhhhhh!” “I wanted it! – No, I guess I don’t, Um…” Now, what does this mean? This means that I’m now cognizant of the fact that people don’t keep their thoughts inside their head, they’re out in front of them. So if I walk up and I stand too close like this, I can stand in the wrong place. For example, if you ask them, - I’ve heard salesman do this, - they go, “I know most of the time you’ve had salesman that you couldn’t trust,” and when they move their eyes some place, they go stand in it. They don’t sell a lot of stuff, by the way. But they do it! I’ve had used car salesman do that to me. I had a doctor do that to me too. And I didn’t get what he wanted me to. He said he wanted to do exploratory surgery, and I told him if he didn’t know where he was going, he wasn’t going inside of me. Just seemed like a bad idea. I don’t like the notion of that, “Well, we don’t know what’s wrong with ya, so we’re gonna slice you in half and see what it is!” Either that or, and then the other one they suggested was even worse, they said that they were gonna take a little camera?, put it on a little thing and shove it up my and look around, and I thought, “Right! Sure you are! You and what army? Cause I have friends in the army, I don’t know about you, but it’d be a long time before I’m ready for that.” I say, “cause, there must be an alternative route, of some kind. I mean, I know X-Rays aren’t all that good for you, but there are new machines. If not I will invent one. And you go, I mean, because what - what scientist sits around and goes, “Well, you know, we really need to get a better look at what’s in here… so we’ll make a long tube, put a camera on the end of it, and go


See, my sales program goes:

You get their attention You INDUCE an altered state, In which you can GATHER the information you need, Package the information you want to give, And INDUCE a WANTANT BUYING STATE,


Patterns of Persuasion Tape 2 - Track 3

It strikes me, that, you know, there’s sometimes I’m sure that it’s really necessary, but, ah, they’d have to do a lot of convincing in my case, hopefully a lot of you feel that way. Don’t you – You have to understand, a lot of people don’t think that second opinion thing with doctors is important… See, I’ll tell ya, If a doctor tells you you need a second opinion, I’d put one of those multipliers of 10 on the top, you know, to the 10th power, because I’ve discovered that they actually make mistakes, cause their humans. Right. And I watch how their decision strategies work. And I’ve seen some that are terrible decision strategies. And, you know, some, like, there’s some who have strategies to diagnose people quickly. And all of these different people are always going to be people you’re negotiating with about anything. Buying a house, buying a car,

You’re either gonna be on one end of it or another. Whether you’re trying getting a date! Ever had problems getting a date? Right? You had somebody who looked like, “well,” they go, “Well I’d like to go out with you, but,” and they go like this and look somewhere else… “phph, shhwm,” “Look at it this way,” that’s what I always like to do,

“Forget this, Look at it this way.” Now it seems like it’s just a hand gesture, but it’s more than that. If I organize, and most of you do, organize your mind, it’s inside your head, yea we know it’s really inside your head, but it looks like it’s on the outside. Because unless you have distance, how are you going to know things about time? If you think about something that bothered you that happened real recently, right, and think about something that used to bother you, don’t bother you so much more, you’ll discover there’s distance between them.

Time does equal distance. That, when things, for example, the decisions, See, there’s a point at which he decides to buy something, but then he has to actually be physically motivated. If you take and go back and look at the image right there, take the image and start to do this with it, make it bigger. Right, how long are you going to wait? Good, I could put just about anything in there I wanted, huh! I could sell him You, and You, and You! Yea yea. Well actually, we’re in San Francisco, they have slave auctions here. It’s not quite the same thing as it used to be! It’s, ah, whip you right into shape though, I’d have to tell ya.

I’ll tell you a trick, that when people come in and complain, for example, sometimes you may make something where you, you make a suggestion, you go, “Now, I think it’s time to sign this contract,” and you look at the person, and their face will start to contort, and you go, “That’s what a normal person would say to you, but you’re not ready to be treated that way.”

And you can associate it with space. Because space becomes very very important. Most communicators do not use their body, don’t use their voice tone. For example, voice tone is so important, because if nothing else in English,: Upward inflection is a question, straight across is a statement, and down is a command. So if you go, “Sign this contact?” “Well, what’ya say we go in the office?” Now you’re nodding, but when your ears hear it, I hear it every day, everywhere I go. “Hey, I think this is the car for you?” “This is perfect.” as opposed to, keeping it simple and go,

“Let’s go, close this deal and close this deal Now.” See, I’ve found that if you’re very direct, the best place to hide – See people think I do covert communication, but I hide everything out in the open. I discovered I walked up to people and I go,

“Now my job is to manipulate you into buying this. And you’re job is to make sure that I do it, in a way where you get exactly what you need.” “The only difference is, is I’m going to let you know what’s going on, so You’re always gonna be able to make good decisions when you leave here.” “You go somewhere else, and you’re gonna have an amateur. And you’ll feel uncertain. Till you get back here, and we do it right. But it’s, up to you. Or not. Nothing like a good sexual threat! “Well, things will work out, things will be great, or… you can go somewhere else, and wimp out for the rest of your life. It’s a burning question, you know, if you’re not in the right place.” Unconscious picks this stuff up and does it. Now, where we’re gonna start this morning, is real simple. The first thing you have to do is get people’s attention, ah, you know, the first thing you have to do is find them. And if you have trouble doin that, you’re in deep trouble. Leave. But I’ll tell you, if you wanna find them, they’re everywhere. It always amazes me, I see people who have these little stores out here? And, they’re mad because


there are people in front of their stores, selling things. And yet, they don’t try it. Even when their store is empty. They don’t walk out and go, “You!, In the store!, buy an antique!” Right. Can’t hurt to try. You go, “Well, it wouldn’t be the right thing to do.” If they bought somethin it would! I tried it last year, we did a little experiment. Actually, we didn’t have anything to sell, we were giving dinners to the homeless, and I walked out, and there were, and we give it to everybody, that’s just the thing we do, we just give food to whoever wants to eat it. Just to find out what happens, cause some people, especially on thanksgiving, don’t want to eat by themselves. Right. So we just do it, but we also don’t make them wait in line, and slap food on them; we wear tuxedos. They’re always suspicious, especially when we bring them the cheque. But we don’t charge them anything. But it’s part of the ambiance. But if we found out if we did that, we don’t get any crazies. Because the one thing that’s embedded in all people, and I don’t care how skitzy or homeless they are, is table manners! Right. You make them wait in line, they’re all beating each other up and everything; you wait on them in a tuxedo, and boy they go back in time. Weeeee. And they behave themselves in a way, because Who knows? Maybe what all people need is to get back to the time in their life they have the most pride, and if they don’t have one, maybe we should start creating it. I’ve heard about change history, but so far, the only people that use it are politicians. And I’ll tell ya, the only way they can sell anything is is that it’s the worst of 3 alternatives. “Well, he makes me feel the least bad out of all of them.” Imagine this! I mean, Here we are faced with choices, like, “Well, you know, I smoked dope, but I didn’t inhale it.” What, didn’t anybody tell you how it worked? You’re gonna run a whole country, you can’t even run a joint? Good Gawd! “Well, it wasn’t illegal cause I was in the wrong country.” Even though it was illegal in that country, What difference does that stuff make?! Why aren’t they – If they’re gonna, really focus on these, intense and important issues, then I’m sure they’re gonna see everything that’s coming. See, I’m just glad, that, you know, they don’t let Presidents do really that much. Personally, they keep that – Why do you think they keep ‘em in that Jailhouse for with the fence? They make them talk to other political leaders. Thereby, rendering them inefficient as possible. You see, if you imagine, you know, if they let Jimmy Carter and his brother, design the future of our nation, period. Like, every day they get to make decisions that lasted for years. And they still got through some, but, you know, there’d be a rule like, Everybody had to walk around like this } { outside. And that’d be formal attire. See, one of the nice things is that, what worries me is that Billy Carter could negotiate a contract to sell jets, and other people couldn’t with the Arabs. You know,

“Eh, come on down here, I’ll introduce you to some sweet babes, we’ll drink a lil of this booze, and, then I’ll sell you a couple of them F-1s!” “Ah, actually I’m not supposed to, but I took a couple when no one was lookin.” That’s ok, they took those 2 F-1’s and tried to shoot down one of our F-16s and they both blew up, as

soon as they pushed their firing button. We had a detector in our plane that said, “Ah, Our F1. Which they’re flying. Our F-16 which we’re flying. They push a button to shoot down our plane, and the planes talk to each other, and say, “Hey, we’re the…” “Oh, we’re being flown by foreigners.” “Well, what should we do with the missile?” “Just blow it up the plane!” Gee, we wouldn’t have the technology to do that, would we? “Eh, that wouldn’t be fair!” Anybody ever say, “Eh, I want a fair fight.” Not me, you could lose then! I don’t know how many of you think, “well, you know,” – the only people that, anytime someone says they want a fair fight, is when they wanna stack the odds in their favor. “Well, No we want this fair, where, ah, we’re not gonna use any weapons, we’re gonna fight hand to hand.” You’re this tall, and they’re like that. And they weigh twice your weight! So I always go, “Ok, that’s great,” but I’ll bring just enough weapon to cut ‘em down to the same size! I prefer a 56 Chevy. That works pretty good. Trucks are good though, but I think that’s overkill. Of course, that’s alright too. The only fight that’s fair is one that doesn’t happen. Now, the way you avoid difficulties, is by

realizing, that their brains are right there out in front of you. If you can begin to tune your eyes… Now, there’s a misnomer, because I read a NLP in Business book. It says you have to establish rapport. That’s not true. You don’t have to. You can if you want to. Sometimes it’s nice. Telemarketing, it’s a good technique, but you don’t have to. There’s lots and lots of other ways, to be able to get people, to provide you with what you wanna know. Sometimes it’s not establishing rapport, sometimes, it’s walking up and going, “What are you doin here? This is a furniture store!” and they go, “Well, I, I wanna buy furniture,” and I go, “Sure,” and they go, “Well, I dooo!” and I go, “And I suppose one time you looked at a piece of furniture and knew it was exactly what you wanted and bought it that day?” And they’ll go, “}{“ and all I gotta do is notice where it is, and I go, “Good. Hold that thought.” Because when I position ‘em to what I wanna sell them, I’m gonna point it at them, and if they behave well, I’ll ask them what room they want it in first. Cause when they go in their living room, and, you know, find a toilet, you know that you’re not gonna have a customer that comes back a lot! Although, you might, depending upon where it was. I did read the pers – Have any of you read the personal ads in this town? Boy, I wanna tell you, this is the stuff that Steven King would be proud of. I picked up this magazine, and ah, it’s free, and I understand why, um – lol – and, they had some ads for some very unusual things in there. You know, can you imagine, that somebody – to begin with, looking for love in the newspaper, right, you should at least stop and think about what your writing down there. I mean, even the most normal ones, they don’t – I’ve never found one that said, “I’m looking for somebody who’ll be nice to me.” They’re looking


for somebody who’s 5ft7, with blue hair, blonde eyes, - I didn’t say the typesetters were good – nonsmoking vegetarian who’s financially secure, over the age of 70, hopefully, some kind of disease… chronic disease not a problem. Now, there are all kinds of other weird things in there, for example, there was a guy who was looking for a woman who liked long walks on the beach, romantic music, or no, it was romantic music and long walks on the beach, with his Irish Setter. I had to read it 3 times, and every time it came out, that he was tryin’ to get a date for his Irish Setter! Right, you know, Unless a woman went, “I’m tired of man, it’s time I dated an Irish Setter. This is the one for me!

Now what we’re gonna do, is I’m going to ask you to take a little inventory. Because, if you can adjust inside your mind, and suspend whatever beliefs, Whatever you do as a communicator that you’ve learned up till now, Ain’t goin nowhere, it ain’t gonna go away. All you wanna be able to do is when you hit the times where there’s the one like you thought about, when you stop right now, you know that whoever this person is, or whatever class of people this is, these are ones that when you see ‘em, you don’t even feel like you have the desire to do it, because you know exactly what’s going to happen. My claim is, Therefore, you should know exactly what to do. You know what they’re gonna say, you know what exactly every move they’re going to make, all that tells you, is you haven’t got enough new choices. So, one of the things we’re gonna do in the next couple of days is I’m going to build you a machine that generates new ones. Right. Because, if nothing else, at least you’ll be able to entertain yourself. Cause if you can learn to close that person, But more importantly, if you can learn, before you leave here, to think about that, particular class of people or person, and instead of going, “ugh,” going, “your ass is mine,” you’re gonna at least be trying new things, which means you’re always and constantly increase the range of your skill. Now what we’re gonna start with this morning, is I wanna teach you, a little technique, and you can practice with one another – it’s just a start, we’re gonna do it exaggerated, and we’ll exaggerate a lot of stuff in here, we’ll get finesse when we leave here. Here, learn the pieces, learn what they do, and learn to see the affect. Then when you get out in the real world, you can start out real covert, and you’ll learn what I’ve learned, that in the end, you can do it as overtly as we’re gonna do it here, and it works even better. People have no idea what you’re doing, nor do they care, but if you act like it’s the most normal thing in the world, it works out fine. I’ve had people come in and they go, “Well,” you know, ah, “I came in, and I wanted to look at this car, because I want to have a clear picture of it, because I’m either going to buy that Volvo, I’m going to buy that jaguar, or I’m going to buy this Mercedes, and I just wanted to make sure before I made the decision it was clear.” And I’ve reached out and gone, “Ok. } { Which one’s clearer… now?” and they go, “Well, you know, that Mercedes really stands out somehow,

you know?” and I go, “Well, let’s wipe away this confusion, you know?” Now, if you stop and think of your own conversations, at times when things were going well, you’ve heard yourself say the same things I’m saying. You said, you were talking to somebody and they were going, “Well, you know, on this vacation, you know, I’d really like to go to Bali and walk across hot coals. In fact I wanna suck on one for an hour. Hell with walking on ‘em, let’s eat ‘em! We’ll make really good decisions!” Poor Tony… says to me on the phone he goes, “Sometimes they just don’t get it.” You know, he says, and I said, “Yea, those are the ones that come up to ya and brag that they did 47 fire-walks. They still missed the point that it was to overcome their fear, not to be a braggart about some other stupid thing. But I guess that’s what happens when you get all amped up, and, see yourself walking across the hot coals, you walk across, and you don’t turn around and say to yourself, “Now what else do I need to get over in my life?” Instead you go, “Hell, I could build one of them in my back yard! In fact I could make a longer one!” See, I’m just waiting, cause they’re gonna do this, and I’m going to sneak in, and I’m gonna dig a hole in one of those, put a little thing in there with a trap door, some fake coals, so when they get there they go walking across, one disappears. Then let’s see the next one go. Cause I’m gonna throw a little water on there so just steam comes up at that moment. And go, “Well, every once in a while that happens, they evaporate, but it don’t happen all that often. Every once in a while, a little hot spot in the coals, you know, it’s – nothing to worry about! You know, one today, probably won’t be another one for, oh, could be hours! I guess. Of course there was that time we had 3 in a row, but boy, that was a freak thing; that would never happen again. You ready???” Now, the thing that I want you to learn, is – there’s two, it’s just a simple thing. When you want to create a flat surface – And remember, if you’re standing on the other side of people’s pictures, - and this is also true of voices. Because like you have a voice, where does it come from. Front back side up down? It’s on the left side. It goes with this picture, and it’s on the left side? Ok. And, probably sounds pretty certain, cause if it’s, you know, “Buy that now,” or as I say, “Buy now you’ve probably made a decision. And so, buy and buy, you’ll find out, that as you come buy my shop tomorrow, you may find some other things you want!” In fact, I’ll get right over here and talk to them. People say, “Well how do you know where the voices are coming from?” Well, to begin with, you can tell, if you want to be real covert, you can tell from head cocking. You go, you go, “Now, are you telling yourself that this is the right thing to do?” people go like this }{, they have to listen, see. Even if they don’t, even if they say no, I’ll walk around and say it to them. I’ll walk around and say, “This is the right thing to do,” and they’ll go, “Yea I know.” Now, the thing is, is The importance of this is, is if you don’t put information in the right place, because there’s no way to not do this. People go, “Isn’t this really manipulative?” And I go, “Yea!” If you’re a professional communicator, you’re supposed to do that. Now if you’re selling a product you don’t believe in, then the thing you should do is take these skills and go get another job. Cause I won’t sell anything I believe in.


Couldn’t get me to sell a Jaguar, I’ll tell you that. I ain’t visiting my car in the shop. And have the mechanic go, “Well, you know, it has this one little noise in there, I’m sure everything will be fine,” and you drive away, and you don’t even get home,” you know, I had a Jaguar, I know. At least I think I did. And it was one of those bad decisions I made. I bought a Jaguar, I always liked the way they looked. And it’s all I got to do at it too. Aww man, I tell ya, And, you get a free ride, too, sort of, except it’s kind of expensive. Boy, I’ll tell you, the AAA people were sending me letters, like, “If you don’t get this taken care of, we’re gonna yank your car away.” “Please, no, then I’ll have to change my name again and get another one.” You don’t know how many, Richard Q Bandler, Richard L Bandler, Richard F Bandler, Richard C Bandler, Richard ZZ Bandler, Richard ZZZ. Well, at 18 bucks for 9 tows, I think it’s a good deal. They ain’t foolin me when they tell – they’re trying to get me – What do they think I’m going to do when I break down? Not use the car? Go, “Oh, if I use it again, I’ll lose it, I better pay $250 to get towed.” I don’t think so! I mean, you know, if you say it in serious tonality – The letter even has a picture of somebody looking at you like this on it. Like, “Now now now now, You know you should have had this car fixed a long time ago, so we don’t have to live up to our promises in a way where we won’t make huge profits.” Of course they’re a non-profit organization, but they don’t end up with a surplus of money because they pay the top people huge salaries. But that’s not like owning your company. Because they’re elected officials, except they have all the proxies. It’s a big deal, it’s kinda like, church, sort of The Church of Towing Cars. Although, you don’t have to go, every Sunday. All I want you to do is to learn, where these are. I want you to find out, where good decisions are, decisions that are, things they would never do – that’s where you put your competitor’s business... And also, - Well, what are you gonna do? Make them still be uncertain afterwards? Then they’ll have buyer’s remorse. “Maybe I should have bought the other one.” You want an absolutely no way, and I also want you to find a third one,

Where is absolute conviction? Where’s something – You’re convinced of things – You would never run your mother down… It looks like some of you might, but, hopefully you’ve matured at least that much. You know, at least hire someone to do it. Um,

But I mean, there are commitments with families, commitments with politics, commitments with your children… things that you know that have been there for a long time, and they aren’t going to change. There are some beliefs, you know, ‘I believe I want a Mercedes,’ and then, maybe they’ll come up with something better, and maybe they’ll this, and maybe they’ll that. Those are beliefs. Beliefs are important,

convictions last.

but And I’ll tell you, you can find ‘em in religions … I’ve had people come in and they go, you know, they wanted something but they thought that, you know, ah, people of their faith, that it would be too

ostentatious. And I’ll go, “Well, which, I mean, you have very strong religious beliefs?,” and when they look down, that’s where I want the commitment. Cause if I sell ‘em something, I’m gonna make sure it’s the right thing to do, and I’m gonna make sure that those people – think of it, they’re qualified to prostletyze. Imagine having a, a hoard, of seventh day Adventists, out there, selling cars for you. There’s a thought. Or worse than that, I got this idea to have Future Farmers of America as a sales force. They, you know, Somebody does, when they come and sell you that, have you ever had those guys come and sell you little candies, what are they, little girl scouts.

“Want these mints Mister? Or are you a stingy old man?” Well the company who makes the mints for the girl scouts does quite well. And ah, look at that’s big advertisement for us. Out there, you know, they provide a service to get money for camp.

“If you don’t buy this, I can’t go to camp.” Now kids already have the flexibility of behavior, so they don’t have to be educated like the rest of us. Some of ‘em are better at it than others. Some of them are exquisite. I’ve seen them do things, I’ve seen kids do things, They know where to hold the box up; they hold it up in different places. They go, “Do you like cookies?” and go like that, “Have these cookies.” Now, take a salesman, Salesman will take his brochure, and put it over here. And go, “Well, take a look at these.” Cause he doesn’t know that they need to be placed in a certain place, but when he picks up one, and he goes, “Boy,” he said, you know, “I bought this Miata last week, what a great car.” Right. If you lower his hand down like this, and you go, “How do you feel about it?” and the go, “Well,” you know, “Sometimes I worry.” It’s THAT Strong. So what I want you to do is the following. Just take, 3 decisions, find out the difference in location, and I want you to practice, have the person tell you, how far away it is. If they say 5 feet, tell ‘em, “Look at it,” and the moment they do, see if you can put your hand where it is. Now, you go, curved to flat. Once you learn to locate it – and go ahead and take the time, and then we’ll make movement with it. Don’t bend your fingers, don’t be poking holes in their pictures, but when you put your hand on it, try moving it a little bit. And find out if it does. If you put it on there perfectly, it moves. Move stuff all over the place. You can actually bend it this way, turn it like that. Bring up something new. Now you know the true meaning of a brain storming session. That’s having me in your dreams all night, shifting things around. That’s later though. Ok, Now what I want you to do is find someone, Number 1, get somebody you do not know, because it will be a lot easier, and, you maybe even get into groups of 3 if you need a little help, we’ve got lots of people here to help ya. All I want you to be able to do is to know this is something I saw, I absolutely had to buy, this is something well… maybe I would like, maybe I wouldn’t like, and this is something that I consider to be a conviction, it’s a commitment forever.


So go ahead and find somebody, all I want you to do is localize ‘em, and when you do, just take, you know, 5 minutes apiece, I don’t want to make this into a big deal, maybe take 10. But see, find out what size it is, cause, you’re gonna wanna know, how big it is, wanna know how far away it is, and there’s some other details that come in useful, but for our purposes, those are the two most important things. Cause some people, they’ll even have it behind them. And you’ll also wanna know the same thing for sound. When they’re really convinced of something, does sound come in from the front, the back, or the side? And then we’re gonna try some little experiments. But first, you gotta know what you’re working with, and then I’ll give you the exercise. We’re gonna put things in your mind that aren’t there yet. Because, I don’t know about you guys, I figure if you’re gonna persuade people, the one thing you have to do is to be highly motivated to do it. You have to have the attitude that goes,

look at the telephone and go, “Oh Gawwd. Another rejection rejection rejection… ugh guh gugh…”

Life is good. I mean, just think, at one time, there was no money, and look at how much there is now, so it must be possible to make a lot more!


See, I mean, just – it takes so long to make the phone call, You could make 5 times as many phone calls if you just picked it up and dialed it. But if you looked at it and you saw money trying to explode out of the receiver, right, and it called out to you and went, “… we love you, we’re waiting…” If you really have the belief that

it’s a rare and unprecedented opportunity, to provide somebody something that they need.

I know everybody says economies can get ill, but, it ain’t true. They can describe it that way. The question is, for whom? You don’t wanna – If you don’t approve of poverty, which I don’t, the first thing to do, is to not participate in it. See I think, if you just don’t believe in it, it won’t be there. And all it requires is that you believe that Wealth is something you don’t have to take from somebody, but

You can create more of. And then you don’t have to negotiate people into that position. Most of the time, you can negotiate it so that both parties can get twice as much as they expected. It is a possibility, it just requires a very devious mind. So go ahead, take a little break, so that you can stretch your legs, get a lil air, sit down and localize some images, and we shall begin again.


Some of you are jumping the gun. Ok. Let me explain this to you. When, the first thing we’re gonna do is understand some things. Knowing where and how people’s internal processes work, then we’re gonna talk about what you do with it. It’s not enough to just slam a few pictures around, although with some people it is enough, but, there’s more to the process. We wanna know how decisions are made, how commitments are made, and then we wanna know, What’s the best state to have do it in, and we also wanna have you in the best state as possible. If you get up in the morning and you go out of your house, I mean, I don’t know about you, I drive down the road and I’m thinking,

“God, all this money out there waiting for me.” And other people are going, “Life’s Terrible,” if they get out of bed! I mean, some people, just getting out of bed, for some people, “Well, I don’t wanna go to work.” I mean, People who do telephone sales, who


Patterns of Persuasion Tape 3 – Track 1 x Was talkin and somebody in here owns a security company, and, I used to own one years ago, ah, cause I, actually, I was in the Disneyland Hotel and they had the national security conference. And I floated in and I fell in love with the equipment so much, it was like Toyland, and I love toys. And also, there were all these things that made it so that Cause I know that one of the things that people in this world do that, that I spent all this time trying to get ‘em to stop doing is to worry! One of the best ways to not worry about something is to do something about it. Although it is a novel idea. Um, I mean I went buy, and they had these great things, like, you put this wire onto you’re safe, and if somebody touched it, it was just like the light on the elevator, right, in fact, you know, I get the idea, I thought, “Shoot, if I can do that, why not put aluminum foil under the carpet, so they don’t even get to touch my safe. They just step onto the carpet, and it sets off the alarm, which, my alarm wasn’t one that that goes ring ring ring, it turns on speakers in the next room, and, ah, a tape goes on, in fact a DAT tape, and you hear the following sound, you hear one voice go, from one stereo speaker, “Do you hear that?” and the other person across the room from the other speaker goes, “Yea, hand me that shotgun.” And then you hear, “chk chk. Let’s kick some butt!” Now, people have broken into my house, but no one’s ever taken anything. Well, see, it struck me, when I went through there, and, cause they had a lot of toys that were very expensive. But those are not necessarily the toys that are gonna get the job done. I mean, you know, it’s like, A lot of people think that, you know, you have to have things like Motion Detectors, and all this stuff. The stuff that people learn to defeat. I wanted to be able to put them together in ways – but still, the calls that we got, everybody who called up who wanted an alarm was somebody who was either burglarized or their neighbor was burglarized, so they were buying out of the state of fear. And, typically, you know, we could go out there and sell them just about anything, but if we sold what would really work, it’s a business which means that they don’t have bad feelings, and they’re not apt to get you new people, unless they get robbed, they might recommend you. And that wasn’t the way I wanted it,

I wanted people, who were proud of their system, and also, I wanted it so that it would make it so that it was something

they felt compelled to talk about.

Not to talk about how to defeat it, but to talk about, you know, with other people. So that when we did put in an elaborate system, like we had these little spikes you could pound into the ground, in the lawn and all around the fence, that would detect 98.6, so you didn’t, like, go off with all the dogs and stuff like that. But if somebody was walking up to where they shouldn’t be, these little things could detect that it was a human, and, chk, video cameras would come on in your house. If you weren’t home it would call the police for you in a synthesized voice, and do things like say, “This house is being robbed, you should get over there.” Although I did find out that that was not the most effective way of preventing robbery. Because sometimes when you dial those emergency numbers, they give you the alarms go off, but, they go, “Well, yeap, give me that address, I’ll drop by there tomorrow.” Well, there’s only so many police, you know, I mean, it’s really, you know, so 10 of them go off at once, it’s better that you have something happen, which is always what I liked. I liked, a little pyrotechnics, always helps. You know. We actually got in trouble for some of the things that we did, but I still thought they were good ideas. You know, there’s nothing like, if it has a motion detector, it sets off a specific thing, how about having flares that go automatically off in that area, you know, or, roman candles. Aimed in that direction. And if they move over, then other ones go off. How about a lazer that tracks in that area, and a voice that comes out of nowhere that goes, “Please remove yourself from the area, or you will be incinerated.” And then, about 5 feet away, you have a big pile of flash paper ignited WOOOSH like that, just so they’ll think about it. I like the idea of chasing them away, I think houses should be able to defend themselves. See, some people – The problem is, is when you put a security system in, you tell people, “Then you’ll be able to live, in security.” That’s a lousy ambiguity. You could use it the other way, you could say, “Well,” you know, “You thought that this will help you live in security, but if you reallly wanna feel secure, you need to provide yourself the sensation, that safety will surround you, that your house could protect you. and your belongings. You know they could kick in your door, you know they could pick a lock, so you need to be able to make it so that the house can chase them away. Otherwise, you know what will happen. And I don’t know if you’ve decided to be one of those people that, after the fact, lives in regret.” We used to have telemarketers call up and go, - and, it wasn’t really that nice, but we’d call up and we’d say, “You live on such and such a street,” and, “you got robbed last week,” and they’d go, “No,” and we’d go, “Oh, it was one of the other houses,” and then we’d bring a list out, that we had of all the robberies on that street, and we’d go, “Let’s see, there was this robbery and this robbery and this robbery and this robbery,” and said “but that was last year, it’s ok, and these 5 were last month, and these 3, Boy, that’s a busy street.”


Um, cause, you know they provide that to you in the newspaper all the time. Um, there was another guy there that called all the people that just got robbed, you know, cause they found out all the other security companies were calling them too. And then they – cause they call ‘em right after being robbed, then they feel like you’re gonna rob them, cause they’re in that unpleasant state. Better that you call them before they’re robbed. Either that, or, do up, just walk up to the door and say something nice to them.

Say, “A lot of people from security companies been calling you? It gives me the willies. That’s why I wanted to drop by and, just give you this stuff and, tell you You could come over to the Safety of our office.” Just a thought. But I wouldn’t want you to use all of these things over and over again. But it’s just a way, I mean, to me, it’s like, you know, some people think window bars are enough, and I’ve got news for you, You can cut window bars off *, like that. It needs to make some noise. I mean, when I moved, this is how I found out – I have window bars on a building? And when I moved, I was bitchin about having paid so much money, and the guys who worked for me went and got a bolt-cutter and chk chk chk chk. Fifteen minutes to take all the window bars off the whole building. It was an office building. A BIG office building. And, ah, so they threw them in the back of the truck, and I thought, “Jesus, I could have put these up, somebody could have stolen my window bars!” What a thought! Now, if you hook those window bars up to something, so that if somebody touches one, you know, ah, something happens, like, you know that stuff when you break those things in half and ah, stuff glows in the dark? You can put a little bed of that above, so when they touch the window, they get drenched in that. Right. And that way, when they’re running away in the dark, people will go, “Ghost! Ghost!” lol Or you could do what I do, I used to raise German shepherds as attack dogs for the military and police, and, ah, So I put 50 of them around the house, and when you’re lit up like that running away, the dogs don’t go, “ghost ghost,” they go, “you’ll be easy to find!” I mean they have coffee tables now they make that will explode, You go in there, you put some jewelry on your coffee table, and they go in and as they reach for it, it goes PFF, covered with that stuff, and a voice comes out and goes, “The police have been called, and they’re gonna know what you look like.” So and then the police say, as they’re driving by the nude guy that’s running this way, they see the pile of lighted clothes over here. Um. It’s just a thought.

The thing that I want you to concentrate on, is What I’m gonna do is give you a bunch of different little pieces. While I’m giving them to you, I’m gonna put some things in your mind, so that later on, it’s gonna suddenly become clear. If you need to understand things in advance, you came to the wrong teacher.

Cause see, without understanding language, you learned to speak it. A pretty neat thing, isn’t it. You’re a kid, you have no degrees, nothing, you know, you had no formal training in it actually, all you had was a mother who wasn’t trained to teach language, she could teach it to you pff like that in a couple of years! You go into a college, how many years does it take to make you fluent in a language? They can’t do it. They don’t make native speakers of language in colleges. But yet you take a 5 year old kid to a foreign country, live there for 6 months, they’ll pick up another language like that. Which means our schools are not doing something right. The natural process of learning is to put pieces into certain orders and certain sizes, stick it in to your mind in a certain way, and then give it a function. Now, when we get to the function, we’re gonna go through some simulation. … make it so that the simulations are good, we won’t just take one technique, we wanna have the simulation and have all the stuff laying there underneath. And the most important thing is gonna be that we’re gonna work this afternoon on getting your ‘non-verbal behavior,’ your analogue, cause some of you were going up and doing things like, you were looking at your partner and go, “I want you to think of a time you found something that you really wanted, something you couldn’t live without?” Those little upward inflections cost you a fortune. And also, when you wanna do it, you don’t want something that they, you know, the thing that they really most wanted in life, you wanted

the thing that they absolutely had to have. I mean, when you looked at it, and it didn’t take an instant you decided. You need to be able to juice up your analogue, which means you need to juice up your insides, too, cause if you’re in there with little tiny pictures, you may have noticed some people’s decisions are this big, and everybody’s frustrated, the guy had great big decisions like this out there, said, how are we gonna get up there? Sit ‘em down. Go, “Sit here a minute.” See, everyone knows that dog thing… salivation… you go, “Sit!” and they go, “But, I,” and you go, “SIT!” and they’ll do it, because people have been trained to do it. And if they stop you go, “Ahh – if you don’t sit down, then you won’t be able to see this. Clearly, so that you make good decisions. You don’t wanna make a bad decision,” who’s gonna say no?

I used to drive the Mercedes up to the country club, open all four doors, walk in the bar, and go, “Who in here wants to feel wonderful for years.” Who’s gonna go, “Naa, not me, I felt wonderful once before, I was only disappointed.”

You can go out and lure them in in all kinds of ways. When I sold bugging equipment, we used to go in and bug their house ahead of time so our bug locators could find ‘em. Well, I’ll tell ya, that takes the edge off their door. Go, “Boy, a transmitter right here!” Then you turn on the radio and it broadcasts out of their radio on FM 109, ah, and everybody who’s been driving by their house has been listening to what they say, and they go, “Oh, God, I could have made a fool out of myself.” And I said, “Don’t. Do


you wanna feel foolish or do you wanna feel good?” Think about all the other companies that you could go and buy this product from. Foolishly. On the other hemisphere, or hand, All I’m trying to get you to notice, that, in the natural process, when you go out of this room, you’re now going to engage in lunch. And boy, you’re gonna be in the land of decisions. Watch ‘em! Watch people pick up the menu. Especially in Chinese restaurants, boy, it’s the ultimate in how the brain works. Because deciding what you’re gonna have for lunch, buying a new car, deciding who you’re gonna live with, they all have the same processes, but amplified in different ways. When you have people, give ‘em something to look at, picture, check the feelings, and some of them have to go through all the choices. Chinese menu, that could be devastating. If they go through – See, if somebody picks the first thing that they want, they’ll order like that. Be many things they don’t look at. Every process has it’s upside and its downside. Our job here is just to notice that they’re going on. So during lunch I want you to do the following things. I want you to go into a restaurant – even if you don’t eat! – sit there, and make sure it’s full – the restaurant that is – ok? So you get a chance to sit around and watch people with the menus, and even when they bring ‘em a plate of food, people have to make a decision about which thing they’re gonna eat first. It’ll either be an automated one, or, even for an instant, they’ll have to stop and think about it. They also have to verify that they got what they asked for, and Chinese restaurants are marvelous places to see when people look at it like this, and they’ll go up to ask a question to the waiter, and these old Chinese guys are good, they do this as soon as they look up – move their hand across their eyes and the pictures fly away and they forget what they were doing. They do, I’ve watched ‘em do it for years, I grew up here. The other thing I’d like you to do, is go in some form of retail outlet, where people are, Supermarkets are fantastic. There isn’t one close, but you really should go out this evening, and go into the land – people stand and, some people have a list and they go to find the things on it, some people just go down the aisles and look. And then they’ll do things and they’ll make decisions. And, if you watch them closely, it’ll have a lot to do with your – some people only buy products off this shelf, some only off this shelf, cause that’s where it is! Now this stuff affects people every day. You may find that it’s a little bit like a Phaleeny movie, but that passes. Somewhat. Especially if you do, when you go in the supermarket at 4 in the morning, you look at all the weird people and realize you’re one of them? Those are the ones, because their minds are tired and you go in and they look at things, and they really have to think it through. And especially if you have people who take things out and they’ll put things back all over the place? You ever been going along and there’s a weird thing somewhere in the supermarket? It’s not like they, they said, “Well, I’m not gonna have these M&M’s, I’m gonna take this, Pampers.” See, this is buyer’s remorse firing off two aisles later. And so the M&M’s got left with the pampers. Some people have the thing where, the last minute, when they get to the checkstand, and they look

down at it on there, and they’ll take it off and put it on the side. Downright there, is the problem. Unless you have a thing on your package that says, “Look up!” Hey, little things can make you a lot of money. 15% increase in the gross of a company, the size of Toyota, by adding kinesthetic predicates to their commercials. “Get your HANDS on a Toyota.” Nobody had ever made a commercial for Kinos before. It’s important. Otherwise, you’ll find yourself in the Airforce, find yourself in the Airforce, but not…

Ok, I’ll tell ya what, let’s ah, take a break, why don’t we come back and, we shall begin our,

ATTITUDE TRAINING. Because without attitude, persuasion is not possible. You must have the attitude that makes it so that when you look at that person, you don’t go, “Oh, shit,” you go, “PFT. Your ass is mine.” Because if nothing else, they’re the one that holds the key, to your being able to close, a whole range of people. Whether it’s negotiations, sales, anything, those are the people you don’t know how to talk to. So if you can find a way of getting to them, you don’t have to increase the number of people you see to, you go from a 30% close ratio, to a 60% close ratio. Then all the people that you missed in the past, you can go back to. When I do telemarketing training, I have them bring a list of people that they could not get to. When we train people that do, uh, head hunting, the employee stealing thing? Have ‘em bring in 5 people they can’t get, and then we hook phones up all around the room… Go after them! Because if you can listen, and really learn to get people IN to the state, where the information I’m telling you now becomes useful. The part we’re going to work on is now that you know it’s there, now I gotta give you the skills to be able to really get it. Have the sensory acuity to be able to see where their eyes go, to be able to ask the question so their eyes really have to move. Cause if you go, “Well, I want you to think about a time you’re really excited about life, something,” people go, “ok.” But if you go, “Think of the thing that you’ve been ABSOLUTELY the MOST excited about buying. Something that when you saw it, you ABSOLUTELY have it, what was that?” Pick the best thing, make ‘em do it over and over again, that makes it easier to see! Not that, something even better! And then you go, “so you see this,” put your hand there, and if they have to pull their head back a little bit, that means you were too close! They’re even helpful, they do that. You put your hand in front of ‘em, they’ll do like this, and they can see it. That’s why when you move your hand flat like that and lock it in, their skin will change color. And this becomes useful down the road. There’s a few other tricks, like anchoring, and embedded commands, and, kind of structuring their timeline to that the only thing that’s in the future is buying your product. That’s the thing about, “Well, we better get this thing out of the way,” and move on. After all, you can’t spend your whole life going round and round and round when you had the chance to make a good decision. So go have lunch, only as you’re out there, open your eyes this time. Open your ears and listen. There’s gonna be stuff all


around. If you had something to sell, you could go out and sell it all over the place there.

was a good idea… cause I was tired of him borrowing mine!

See, I mean, I had security company, one of the reasons I got into it was, when I fly on the plane, I’d sell stuff to the people next to me, I’d go into the bar and sell somethin to ‘em. I even sold ‘em stuff, and the amazing thing is, there’s so many great devices now, and nobody’s really selling. I think everybody should do it as a hobby; it’s a lot better than playing miniature golf! The idea, the obsession in this country about chasing little balls back and forth in various forms. I don’t mind watching other people chase balls, but the idea of doing it yourself. Knocking them over nets, under nets, in the water, all around. To me, it’s like, if you had the decision to meet people and do something exciting, or knock a ball far away and go chase it yourself. That’s why I raised dogs, “Go get the ball!” I know you’re in trouble when my dog sees you hit a ball and he goes, “” and you go get it. Cause I know, I work for my pets, but I ain’t chasing balls. It’s the thing that makes you weird, it’s like Cats allow you to live in your house. Sometimes.

But I’ll tell ya, it was like a battle between this guy’s incompetence, and my skill.

Ok, I’ll see you at 3’oclock, and, don’t worry till I tell ya, I’ll let you know when. The hapkido of the mind. Just, don’t worry about that. Just find ‘em. Make sure you can see it; You can’t affect anything you can’t see. You can’t even open the door if you don’t know where it is. You gotta see it, feel it, hear it first. And then it’s easy. And then it becomes obvious, and then you went, “Gee it’s been there all along, how did I miss it!?”


Now some of these people, you know, they, they don’t take what they do as being a professional communicator. And ah, you know, that it’s like, they’re a car salesman because they can’t do something else, and make as much money. Now I don’t know about you, when I think if I have something where I can make a really good living, right, as opposed to something else, you know, it’s like, “Well I’m really trained as a graphic artist, but I have to sell cars for a living.” Typically they’ll tell everybody that comes in that. Now if they did it in the right way it could work for them, but, I went with a friend of mine who, ah, wanted to buy a van, a minivan, and they asked me to come down and help them negotiate. And, I kept bursting out into laughter, because, listen to this line. Here’s a great line for a salesman, he walks up and goes, “Hi, howya doing,” and …, “Well, today, let me honest with you.” And the person said, “Well, you know, I’d like to get, one of these Plymouth Voyagers out here and I’d like a Grand Voyager SE,” and he looks at him and goes, “Well, you know, those are really expensive.” Right. Now this person I’m talking about is… And ah, some of these people I’ve met, … And ah, this guys, an exceptional case of such things. But he had decided, cause… I had convinced him it

… Because, to me, a lot of people think that, when they’re salesman, If it was just to show people stuff, you’d think they could walk over there themselves. Otherwise people just buy everything through catalogues. See, people don’t know how to engineer their way through their own decisions. And, I mean To me, your ability – if you have product knowledge about what you’re doing, or if you’re in a negotiating, or if you’re a manager, remember, or a teacher, You may not think of yourself as a salesman, but you’re always doing the same thing. You have to convince people of an idea. Of a piece of information. It’s like, ah, Recently, I just had a little run-in with ah, my son’s school. Cause they, ah, they don’t like kids who think independently, ah, they frown on such things. But it amazed me, that with his ability to learn, they had put him in gifted, and ah, then, it just happened to be that they took him out of class part of the way through school, then they put him in gifted, and 2 days later they gave him a test, and he didn’t do well on it. Well, you know, my brain goes, Well, you know, that doesn’t make any sense, you know, because he wasn’t there, they’re testing him on things they didn’t teach him. And the teacher looked me straight in the eye and said, “Well Yes, it’ll push him back, but, it’ll teach him how hard it’s gonna be to be in this class.” And I said, “You wanna teach him how hard it is to be in a math class, isn’t math supposed to be fun?” and he went, “Come on.” Now, that meant that, since, of course, if your name is coach, what do you expect. I don’t trust math teachers with whistles. Ah, I had a few of those, I had a science teacher that had a whistle, and, ah, he kept mixing up the word Astronomy and Astrology. You know, he goes, “Now it’s time for us to pull out our astrology books.” And we’d all go, “Astronomy!” and he’d go, “Yea, ok, just get ‘em out.” “Now, today we want you to name those other planets. So everybody pull out a piece of paper and, Which planet is the closest to the sun, so close that it’s so hot no human could live there.” Let’s connect all the knowledge we get with something that makes us feel unpleasant. But when you’re negotiating, you have to remember, a lot of times, when you’re selling, a lot of times you’re gonna get people coming in who are excited. And then, you know, you’re part of the way there, cause

excitement will lead very quickly to being able to get people in a state of wantant desire. You’re ability to both control your internal states, and the states of other people, is very important. Because, it seems to me, that if you sell something, one of the most important things, and why I think sales and all negotiations is a hypnotic process, is because, if you’re selling somebody, even a chainlink fence, don’t you want ‘em, when they walk out and look at it, to have a certain feeling, that’s powerful enough that it compels them to talk about it to other people. And if nothing else, don’t you want them to be so satisfied with their decision, that if


they ever need anything else, they will come back to you, because it was a pleasant experience.

maybe getting another TV,” it’s not the state you’re gonna sell it to them in.

Now, I know a lot of salesman don’t think about it that way, but if you’re really a professional, you wanna make sure, that the one thing is, is that, if people are, have mixed states – And people have a lot of trouble buying a lot of things. I mean, it amazes me.

You want to get them so excited they feel like they’re gonna explode.

And, ah, one of the things, recently, I went into a store called The Good Guys. And I have a friend that works in the store, He’s really doing something else for work. And, ah, he happens to be so good, he came to ah, a lot of seminars I’ve done, and he was doing so well at selling, that they made him manager. Because, you don’t want your top salesman out there, doing that. But, I walked in the store and I sat there and I looked, and this place had the hugest wall you’ve ever seen of TVs, and there was a commercial on it for Circuit City. I mean, 200 TVs going, “Circuit City, Circuit City.” The sound was on all of ‘em too, just in case, you know, you weren’t looking. Now, they say that perhaps, businesses in this country aren’t being as productive as they could be. And I don’t see how they could, say that. I think that they’re not being nearly as productive as they could even plausibly in their wildest imagine be, unless they were deliberately working against themselves, unless they hired a consultant who was out to hurt them. When I go into businesses, How many of you have called a company where you’re gonna buy something, they put you on hold, and there’s a radio station advertising other things! Or worse than that, they say to you, this really goes, they go, “Can you hold?” And I always say no, but I never get the words out most of the time. They go, “Chk,” like this, and now I’m pissed off. Right. And they make me wait, and wait, and wait, and then they come back on the phone, they go, “Chk,” and put your call through, so by the time I get to the guy on the other end, I’m already mad! So the first thing I get to do is to ASSOCIATE my ANGER, with the sound of his voice. And that’s not a very good thing to start out with, I don’t think. So if you’re going to do that, if you know you have people who are pissed off, don’t use your own voice! Seems to me, you would want your voice to be distinctly different. Now, the ability to vary your voice, and to realize, that inside of everything you do, you package your presentation, even if you’re gonna be clever, and do the things we used to teach in these courses, like, we discovered if you’re gonna talk to somebody, breathing at the same rate, is very effective. Now, me, I like to first, talk at the rate that they breathe. It’s a cross-over mirror.

You say, “Well, doesn’t that take a lot of effort?” And I go, “It takes a lot less effort than not taking the cheque. It takes a lot less effort, and it makes your day more exciting. When they walk in and they go, “Well, (yawn), I think I wanna buy a tv…” and you turn around and you look at ‘em and you go, “Really. Do you remember the first time you saw something on TV that was absolutely SSSTunning?” “I remember when I got my first TV, it was just a little black and white one but I was amazed. And then I got a bigger, color TV, and the first time I saw it, Remember the first time you saw something on a really big screen, really got involved in it, really go excited?, I know you can now. Stop and think, like for example, just turn around, and look at this TV” Only I hook it up to a VCR, otherwise it would be going, “Circuit City, Circuit City.” Because when you induce a state in somebody. See, for me, one of the things that I always try to do, is to be able to get them in the state, and I also knew where it was, because, a lot of people they come in, and they come in, they come in again, they come in again, if you let ‘em go long enough they’ll buy something, but they might buy it when I’m not there, and they might also buy it from someone else! I know that some people came – when I had my security company people would come in and they’d look at all these gadgets, and it was amazing, people would go, “Well, with this lie detector thing, this voice stress analyzer,” and I’d go, “Well, that’s not a voice stress analyzer, that’s a little more than … does stress but it’s also a stabilizer, it doesn’t just analyze what state… it does all kinds of things and measures other states. It’ll even tell when You’re absolutely excited!.” And then I’d say, “Wanna see something?,” and I’d put on the Watergate hearings. Right. At the time, that was a big deal. And I wanna tell you, if you wanna see a lie detector pop, there ain’t nothing like that to do it. “I have absolutely no knowledge of this.” Wooosh.


So that I can begin to induce in them an altered state, in which I not only get their attention, I fixate it. So that I can begin to get the information I want, but inducing the states that I want to know about. Cause if, if you have somebody who comes in, and they go, “Well, you know, I was ah, thinking about


Patterns of Persuasion Tape 3 – Track 2

Watergate lie detect

Now, when they thought it was fun, they weren’t interested in monitoring it, the fact that, you could put it on top of a television, and people though it was trippy, I got the idea, that when I was going to go down, to my friend, and play in the TV store, by taking a lie detector down, they’d get excited about watching the Watergate hearings. Right. Now they got real interested in the device, but when they got real interested, it was sitting on top of the TV. And then I’d go, “Well this is just a toy, You watch TV every night, you want it to feel this good and look this good?, or do you want to go home to your house, and see a television and, have it be the same old one, the sound’s not good enough, or are you thinking about getting something that’s bigger, something – Do you want your life to be good? Do you want to come home and be excited when you get to your house, do you want it to be a thrill?, or do you wanna drag your feet home every day. It’s up to you, what’s it gonna be?” You know, “Because you might look at me,” and this is where inoculation, come in and go, “But it’s so expensive,” you know, and I hear that all day long; they’ll laugh when I say it, cause I imitate all those things, and exaggerate them. It’s possible to inoculate people in advance. Now I want you to make sure that you take seriously the task of writing down, in whatever you do, all of the objections that you can possibly think, can ever get in your way. It’s too expensive. You know, I don’t know if I have room for it. My WIFE won’t let me buy it. Right. I don’t know, and in negotiations sometimes, “Well, you know, I have to go and talk to so and so.” There’s all kinds of things that you’re gonna have to deal with. Now, since they thought china salesman – even the state, thought, “Well, you know, if you’re a china salesman, you go over somebody’s house, you must be ripping them off.” So they passed a law that said that they have 72 hours to change their mind. And all of the people there since the law had passed said, “Well you know, it happens, the friends come over and go, “You bought china! From a salesman! You probably go ripped off!” Right. And they said there’s no way to deal with that kind of thing. And I said, “Now, now, now, You know it’s coming, so HOW can it work FOR you?” See, if you’re a professional, you’re gonna protect your own people. Cause they weren’t – Actually, it was a great deal. I mean, cause they didn’t have the overhead of having a building the size of Macy’s, right, and ah, they bought the china very inexpensively in China, shipped it over, they had guys went around and found somebody who wanted it, but since the days of salesman conning women on TV, you know, this myth has perpetuated itself. So you could predict that somebody somewhere along the line was gonna say, “Hey, you were happy when you bought this, but you really should switch it to remorse.” So they – If you know somebody’s going to induce an unpleasant feeling, then, the thing is, is You’re in the position to

program somebody, so they don’t have to feel that way. Cause when you have them feeling good, even when I get down to the close and they sign the contract, as they go to reach for it, I go, “I’m not gonna sell you this. You can’t handle it.” And I’ll start to rip the top of it. Somehow or other they respond as if you’re destroying the product, as if I don’t have any more contracts with me.

It’s like I’m actually taking it away. I want them to feel that. Right, and they go, “Well what are you doing?” and I go, “Look, somebody’s gonna walk in to your house, look at your china and say, “Where did you get it,” and if you say You bought it from somebody who came to your house to the door, you know what? They’re gonna tell you that you didn’t get the best deal you could have. Now, you can go out and look around if you want, but if you do so, I want you to do it before I sell it to you, or I want you to realize, that everybody that comes in, and doesn’t look at that, and isn’t happy for you isn’t trying to put a smile on your face. They’re trying to make you feel stupid and bad. And I’m not gonna let anyone do that to you, so I’m just gonna finish tearing this up.” And they go, “Wait a minute. I can handle that!” And I go, “What are you gonna do if somebody says, “You bought this from a door to door salesman?? Are you crazy??” And they’ll start supplying the answers. Now, in everything, this is the one thing that the army recruiters were great at. And there was one guy that was the guy I told you about who was Mr. Ferocious. Now the guy in Montana of course, he took that thing out of the end of a broom, that piece of straw, he could keep one of those in his mouth and chew it all day and only bite on it twice. This boy moved slow, but when it came to getting things done, well he had to, in order to pace people in Montana… move… real different. Cause I’ll tell ya, you know, I went in, and after having been with the other guy, this guy was like, “Yeaup. Gonna go out and see what we can find.” Now this guy of course went down to the local tavern. Sat there. Opened the door so he could see, and I said, “What are you lookin for?,” and he said, “Minors. Trying to con other adults into buying ‘em drinks.” And I said, “What?” And he said, “Well, some 18 year old kid gonna come along here and ask an adult to buy him a beer. And I’ll tell him I’ll buy him one in Singapore. In fact he can buy his own. There are many places in the world where you’re allowed to drink, and I’ll take ‘em out and show him all this land and space out here, and how much the same it is, day in and day out. Every day. A lifetime of days that were the same. Till you’re just old, wishing you were gone somewhere, wishing you’d had a way out. Can you feel that pain of regret?” “Now, it’d be one thing to feel that regret when you’re old, it’s another thing to notice that when you’re young, opportunity is out there.” “Well, I know if you go and you tell your friends you’re gonna join the army, well, they’ll say, “Oh god, how’d you let somebody talk you into that?” But I wouldn’t want to talk you into being able to see the world, learn skills, new professions, probably have a job, have money for college, that’d be a mean thing to do to you. And the opportunity to see foreign countries, meet beautiful women from every, and to be able to be responsible enough to drink whenever


you want, cause you couldn’t even handle your friends criticizing you about it, so why should I buy you a beer? We have nothing to celebrate, or do we.” Now, that’s a good induction for Montana, but structurally, they have things the same. But the kind of information they’re trying to gather, above and beyond what, cause, I have a friend that’s real estate broker. Somebody came in and said, “I need to have a house that has a great big back yard, it’s gotta be really big,” and the other salesman that was sitting there said, “uh, we don’t have any listings like that.” The person said, “OK,” and started out the door. That’s like taking $300 out of your pocket, and burning it. Or $3000. Or $10,000. In this case, it wasn’t that expensive of a neighborhood. But I said, “Wait a minute!” And the other salesman looks at me, picked up the phone, and called my friend in the back and said, “He’s doing it again.” Cause, see, when I sell the house, then he’s gonna say I ripped off his sale. And it’d be right. It’s just that he ripped it off first. He took a perfectly good client and through him away, because he never found out that if you want a big back yard, you must wanna do something with it. Right. Cause they might wanna put a pool in it. In which case you can sell ‘em a house with a pool. Or, in this case, they said they had 7 children and they needed a place for them to play. And I said, “Oh, I get it, you like paying taxes!” They said, “What?” And I said, “You really like paying taxes! So you wanna have all the land so you can pay the taxes!” And I popped open the book and I said, “This house backs up to a school, where your kids can hop over the fence and play till they’re blue in the grass, and you don’t even have to cut the grass! But, you don’t get to pay the taxes.” Now, inside of everything, in every stage, from the point where, when you first make contact with somebody, the point where you gather information about how they’re making decisions, you have to keep in mind that there’s always a multilevel going on. That you can either take any belief and make it bigger, or you can chunk it smaller. This is where the flexibility comes. People can only object to things at 1 logical level. If you know the objections you’re gonna get, then one of the things you wanna do while you’re gathering the information you need to know what you can sell them, how quickly, - cause you don’t wanna sell them things they can’t afford, then they come back! Makes more sense to do things, cause, The other thing is, is it was during the gas crisis in ’72, and instead of selling just the Mercedes, we had all these old used cadillac’s. Used Lincoln Continentals. What they used to call ‘Gas Guzzlers.’ And they even put signs on the back lot that said, “Gas Guzzler.” Now, it struck me, I said, “Gas Guzzler, Cheap.” Those are the kinds of things that really draw somebody to something, doesn’t it? Well I took the sign off, and instead, I made a deal with them, I said, “I’m gonna take 2 weeks, and I’m going to sell these 30 cars.” And they said, “How are you gonna do that?” and I said, “EASY, there’s a Toyota lot across the street.” Their minds went, “Look, they get great gas mileage.” And I said, “Yup. They sure do.” And I’d stand up, cross the street on the sidewalk, - couldn’t walk on their property, because they would have shot me. And just watching – people would walk in and they looked at a car and I’d go, “No children,

huh?” And they’d go, “Yea, I have 2 kids,” I go, “Hate them.” And they’d go, “What???” and I’d go, “Well, why else would you buy something they could get killed in?” “I mean if I saw, - I looked at a car, saw it was small and tinny and realized that just at the slightest accident, my kids arm would be hanging out the window, and the face and blood everywhere and their skulls crushed... that would WORRY me.” I said, you know, “Across the street over there I could sell you an old Lincoln, $2000 dollars. This is $12,000. You could buy a lot of gas for that, no matter how much it costs. Plus, it’s got a 40 gallon tank, you don’t have to go in so often. Plus you’re safe, you’ve got leather seats. But I know how you like spending money. For danger.” See, there’s always a different view when you look at things. And as a matter of fact, I believe that. I don’t believe – See, I learned the hard way. I used to have a sports car when I was young I had a sunbeam tiger, which I tried to drive through a tree. Um. It’s funny thing about being young, when you’re 16 you think you’re invincible. One tree can change that. It’s when, we hit it, and I came right out of the car, through the windshield, and slid down the road, that’s when you learn about humans, because somebody runs up and says, “are you hurt.” And I grabbed the guy and started punching him as hard as I could. And I said, “Are you hurt?” He said, “I was just trying to help,” I said, “That didn’t help at all, that’s like a dentist, grabbing a hold of your mouth, taking a needle and saying, “Now this may hurt a little, may hurt a lot! But once it’s over, well then things will get numb, but this is gonna be really painful for a minute.” Uh, doesn’t strike me as a good suggestion. And since they said that, a dentist said that to me once, I kicked him in the, he said, “Why’d you do that?” “You said it was gonna be painful, so I had to make sure you were right.” Now, it seems to me, if you’re gonna do anything, what you want as a result is for people to soften their tissues, so if you just go, “Soften, pft,” it’ll slide right in.

The same is true of any concept. And any understanding you wanna get in. Because, when you’re trying to get people to make a decision, when you know where to stand, when you know how to control the tone of your voice, and most people don’t realize that if you make things that people buy, and the activity of buying it FUN, people will do it more often. And I constantly hear the same thing. “Well there’s some things that are serious issues.” I used to get this from the salesmen at my own security company. You know what they do? Is they go out and show people pictures of the device that could make them safe, and tell them why they needed it by telling them all the things to be afraid of. And every time they’d look at that brochure, they wouldn’t even wanna see the page. They’d go, “Oh, that’s the one where I get kidnapped and raped! No no, we don’t want that one. Oh yea, the one where people come over the back fence? Well, maybe, maybe later on.” Now, on the other hand, if instead you re-focus it towards where you wanna go, without creating the fear, but saying, “Hey, you’ll be sitting in your house,


some guy’s gonna hop over the back fence, and when he gets half-way over and discovers you nailed carpet tack down on the top so the nails were pointing up, - ” I don’t know if you guys have ever worked with carpet tack stuff that holds wall to wall carpet on? The best defense in the world, for anything, even cats… cause they put a little strip on there, that stuff’s vicious, cut through anything. And if you have some burglar who goes up, and jumps on the fence like that, is gonna get it right through the palms of both hands. Makes it hard to open safes and stuff. Cause when they hit that fence, even if they have gloves on, it’s ripped their gloves to shreds, right, They’re gonna think, “Maybe the house next door, what’dya think, huh? Cause if this guy’s this vicious, Lord knows what’s gonna happen next. When they hit the ground, and a little thing goes off, 98.6, and a light slowly comes up in the back yard and your stereo starts to play, “Life is good, wasn’t it. You used to have fun, didn’t you. Come on in, there’s nothing to FEAR, here.” And the door suddenly opens up, and they walk in, and steel bars come across, because it’s not really the door to the house, it’s the door to my safe, my old gun safe. Now, I tried to come up with ways of using things – well, the thing is, is then you charge it up to 5000 volts, they’ll wait till you get home. Of course, I was gone for 3 weeks once. There was one very depressed, very angry… he was a little weak, but they revived him, and then put him in jail. Now, these kinds of things, just telling people about it, they laugh, because they’re not afraid of it. If you can make it so that the criminal can’t beat the game. Now there’s all kinds of things, like, because I remember watching people – There’s a thing called a Medco Lock, where the key’s have different slants and all kinds of stuff on ‘em. And, ah, I used to hire guys who claimed they could pick anything and have them sit down and try to pick the Medco Lock, right, and that’s the best way to sell ‘em. You know. Cause you bring one of these guys out that claim they can do it, and you offer them $200 if they can do it, and they’ll sit there and try and try and try, and while they do, people are sittin there coming in and out, going, “How come he can’t pick that lock?” And you put the other stuff, and have them go back and forth. “I’ll give you $10 to pick this one.” Client comes in and they pick it, and they go, “Ok, now you can go back and work on that one some more.” They keep working on it, working on it, and even people would go, “Well how come this one’s so much better?” And you go, “Because, Number One, you can’t buy blank keys for it everywhere,” you know, “the thing is, You know how common keys are? Think about this one:” “I walked in, visited somebody in an apartment, walked out, got in the car, drove away, and I noticed my dog wasn’t in the back seat. I got upset, and drove back, when I drove in, my car was sitting in the parking lot. And I found out, for cars, they only made 100 keys. 1/100 chance you could drive away with your key with a car that looks like yours. And odds are, if they bought ‘em in a certain area, they even get closer. Now they make things like electronic pic guns, where they can get in there, I mean, there are people who steal cars so easily that I don’t know why they got into this car-jacking thing, if cars are that easy to get in They want a person now with it, cash and jewelry, and the chance to humiliate someone, and then they throw the car away and burn it. I don’t know,

teenagers were smarter when I was young. We used to take the car and put it back where it was so no one would know. Get out and go, “Darn, no gas in this car. A lot of cigarettes in the ash tray. Hmmm. Ah, it’s probably nothing.” Now, to me, the thing we wanna focus on here, is, there’s a couple things. Every single salesman I knew that was in the top of his field, and I modeled lots and lots them, all had the same beliefs. One is, they believed they could sell to anyone. And if for some reason it wasn’t working, it was a comment that they were doing something wrong. So it was just a matter of finding out what it was! Now, even if that’s not true, it’s a great belief to have. Now last week when we were here, I know some of you weren’t here, but we spent a lot of time working out what does it take to change a belief? Well, beliefs are a lot like decisions. In the sense that when you really believe something strongly, ok, it’s in one place, vs. ah, could be, could not be. And if you think, “Well,” you know, “if somebody walks in my place, Well, maybe I can negotiate this with them, maybe I can motivate some employees but not others,” Well, if you believe it, it will be true. If you believe there’s gonna be problems, you will find them. But if you believe that there’s always gonna be a solution, and that every time you don’t know how to do it, that’s not the time to be depressed, that’s when you learn to close a whole new crosssection of the population! So it’s the people who you can’t sell to that are gonna teach you. The ones you can’t negotiate and the ones that you can’t motivate, Especially if it happens to be yourself. Because I know last week I noticed some of you had motivation strategies that were not all that productive. I’d say, “I want you to go do that,” and you’d go inside and go, “Well, I don’t know, I’m confused, it’s hard, I don’t know if I can, what were those instructions anyway?” I have a lot of people go, “I don’t remember the instructions,” and I know if I tell them again, they’ll still talk that much in their head. In order to hear, you must listen. You gotta input before you can remember. And especially, if while I’m talking you have all kinds of things going on in your head that aren’t pleasant. Imagine if inside your head when I said something like, “Now, what I’m gonna have you do, is sit down, have somebody say a sentence, and all you’re gonna have to do is imitate them perfectly and translate everything they said into another set of predicates.” So somebody goes, “Well, you know, I just feel my car is getting too old.” So you’re supposed to respond, “Well, the way it looks to you, is as if your car is becoming older and older.” Now that’s a simple example. However, it’s very powerful if you don’t do it that way. But that’s the way most people do it. They’ll come in and go, “I’m having a rough time with, ah, with people trying to break into my house.” And you go, “Well, let’s look at what you can do.” When you mis-match predicates, it induces in people intuitive distrust. Because they know they’re not gonna understand what you say, so they’re not really sure whether or not they’re gonna want things. Because if somebody’s organizing their world in feelings, and they may be making pictures without knowing about it. You’ll know they’re consciousness pays attention to something by the kind of words they use. Now, the real trick is not to leave them in one place, but to be able to match them, and to lead. Too many people – I’ve read, now, many ‘experts’ in NLP, in business, most of them are out of business, uh, kept saying you were supposed to switch and match them. But the rule is to be able to hold what you want to do


constant, and to vary the world. At large. Because, if you can get somebody to come in who normally only makes decisions on how they feel, to use their entire brain to do it, they’ll have more certainty than they’ve ever had. And the belief that people can understand, and make good decisions, especially if you’re helping them, and that you can sell to anybody, and especially that challenge is where the fun is. Now this belief I found in everybody, I found it in all the best communicators, and not just in sales and negotiation, but the therapists, the hypnotists, it’s like watching somebody like Joe Montana. When does he get relaxed? When they’re behind, and there’s only 2 minutes left in the game. Then suddenly he goes, “Ahh, I feel better now.” Because as soon as it’s a challenge, that’s when his resources come out. Now, to organize yourself to do that, there’s a couple of things you need to be able to do. One is, You need to be able to make sounds inside your head that sound good, and pictures yourself that are useful. Cause many of you have decided that you’re not dynamic. Or you’re as dynamic as you could be. You’ve bought that. So to speak. I know that you’ve probably bought into the idea that some people can never be motivated. And there’s a difference between motivated and coerced. Coerced only lasts for a short time. Truly, is when you make a decision, so that they have a commitment that goes with it, such that if they ceased to do whatever it is that you’re trying to persuade them to do, that, the feeling that they get as they pull off, propels them forward. So that when you sell something and people look out and see that fence, they go, “Yeeah.” And it propels them into action to talk. Now if you stop right now, think of something you believe that forces you into action. All you have to do is think of something you believe, and propels you to act. Or not act. As the case may be. Stop lights is a good one. We’ve been trained in those even before we could drive. Do you believe you should stop at a red light? Even late at night when there’s nobody around, it’s hard to drive through them, isn’t it. And when it turns green, even if nobody’s behind you and nobody for miles, to sit there and stare at that green light and then make some notes… very tough! Your neurology says, “wrong, don’t do this.” Because it’s been engrained in you, it’s an automatic pilot program. Now stop. In your mind, and just ask yourself the question, you go, “Do I believe I have to stop at red lights.?.” And where does the picture come up in your mind? Vs. the one that says, “When I see a green light, It’s time to go.” Are they in a different location? For some of you they will be, and for some of you they won’t. It doesn’t matter whether it is or not, it’s how you organize the difference between what it is that –

Cause see Your neurology does – There are some things that when you think about, you can’t do. Some guys can’t walk across a room and ask a woman to dance! Because when they think about it, they begin to generate pictures in their head, Some people can’t cold call! Phobias of public speaking is the largest phobia in the country, there are more people with a fear of public speaking than anything else! And there’s only 2 natural fears! Fear of falling, and fear of loud noises. You had to learn all the rest of them. I did one of these things one time and the person who hired me did it in the back of a catholic church. Right, big conference room behind the catholic church? And the minister kept peeking in, and ah, Finally I stopped him and I said, “So what are you doing?” I said, “why don’t you just come in?” and he said, “Well, I kept listening, and it sounded like you were talking about selling things.” And I said, “Hey, isn’t that what you’re doing!” And he said, “Oh, no, I would never do that.” Right. You’re in the religion business, you’re selling ideas. Trying to convince people of things, and trying to get them to have experiences, more, of a more ‘spiritual nature’, hopefully. More spiritual than Jimmy Baker’s little, thing down there. I can’t believe that, a religious recreation park like that. What a mind. Jesus water skiing across the lake at 4 o’clock. That’s like walking on water. And then you got to go on the Jonah ride, you know, get swallowed by a whale and shook around and stuff. And then you got to buy time shares. Too many time shares. But, ah, it is kinda the notion that our schools might take into account. What if we made, instead of having schools, we had learning parks. Right. And they made it as exciting to go in and do math as they do to go in and do a video game. Those videogames! I don‘t know about some of you, I find them incredibly hard. And there’s as much to learn on that as there is on anything I’ve ever seen. Yet these kids are methodically going through, they’re helping each other to learn, they’re not even really that competitive with each other, it’s not like us when we were young, boy I’ll tell you that – we had pinball machines, we took everything each other owned, and, you know, we would never give up tricks of what we knew, but these kids nowadays are into teaching each other. But yet they go to school and they all sit in rows silently, because, we have teachers. Now, what we’re gonna start with, is I want to get across the notion of What magnifies a state. And I think maybe you’ve noticed distance magnifies a state, brightness magnifies a state, and size magnifies a state. So if you’re gonna actually induce a state in somebody, you have to find ways to get the representations inside their head to be bigger and brighter. More colorful. And the sound and the volume to go up. And believe me, there are lots of ways to do that, but one of the ways that I’ve found that’s very powerful, is whenever I do something where I negotiate or sell, I tell them that, “Before we’re gonna get into this,” I said, “I wanna make sure that” they’re in the state where they can tell the difference between their good decisions and their bad ones,


cause that’s what my job is, I’m a professional. And I’ll literally tell them to go and think of something where the decision they made was one that was important. I said, “Have you ever pulled up to a stop light, you looked up and, as you were pulling across then you noticed it was red? Your whole body put on the brakes? Well you bought into the concept that it was a good idea, and a lot of times it’ll save your life. But when it turns green, it tells you it’s time to go. This is something you believe. See where the image is in your mind, see how big it is, how bright it is, how far away it is. Now there are things that you believe that just turned out to be wrong. Can you think of stuff like that? Cause, you know, adults like Santa Claus. Had me fooled, I was Jewish. I heard about him, so I had to wait outside of other people’s houses by the chimney, I was gonna club him with a baseball bat and mug him. Just that, we all did that stuff where I grew up. Turned out it wasn’t really Santa Claus, it was his dad. I was young, what did I know. But I learned that, you know, that there is a Santa Claus, cause he didn’t have me arrested. But I really thought this guy was gonna cruise out of the sky. I thought that when I crossed state lines there was gonna be a different color, or at least a line! You know, I mean, even a dotted line would have been nice. And that the states were different colors cause all the maps I’ve seen were like that, but it turned out there are a lot of things I found out that I used to believe and I didn’t believe them anymore. I used to believe there was something evil in my closet. And there was up until I took gym in high school. But it used to scare the crap out of me. And I remembered it, because when my son was young, cause there’s an age right around, after they’re 2, they have these dreams, cause they’re building they’re reality strategy, they’re learning, you know, what’s real and what’s not real. For a while there it’s real tough,

more apt to go along with what you’re saying, to accept an idea or to buy a product if when you say to them they go, “Ah ha,” or, “Ooooooo!” Which one do you want to put in their internal dialogue? “Ooooo.” Oh no, not another one. Ok, here we go. You see, these are the things by which we actually control where we’re gonna go in our mind. See, in your mind, as you’re going through the process of motivating yourself, cause you have to when you make a decision, then you have to decide, you have to have a process by which you decide what you’re gonna decide between, and you have to have something which propels this system as well as most of the other thoughts in your mind. Things like, “Mmmm.” “Oh.” “Ahh.” //

and especially us adults don’t make it any easier. We lie to them, we make up things, right, and then we tell them they’re not those things. For example, the tooth fairy? Who’s idea was that? Right. And then, of course I didn’t know about it being Jewish, but I heard about this Easter bunny, and I was literally in college when I found out about it, cause nobody ever mentioned it to me, but there was this six foot rabbit dressed in clothes that came by, and the way they knew it was real is their parents would leave out carrots, and they’d wake up in the morning and they’d have bites out of ‘em! Now, talk about a hypnotic induction, man. Right. And I’ll tell ya, when they started talking about 6 foot rabbits, I don’t know, if I was a kid about this tall, and a 6 foot rabbit was gonna come by and lay eggs. All over, and hide them, cause they don’t want you to have them, you know, I wasn’t real sure whether I’d go out and look for any. “Yea, I believe you, there’s eggs out there! I looked all over the house,” that’s why when it’s 3 months later, you find rotten eggs in the couch, by the way. Cause the parents, when they were putting them out, never encoded where they put them. That short term memory is not operational later on. Now what we’re gonna do is I wanna begin to work with your analog, we have to start with our vowels. We did a little work with some of the people last week on their vowels, cause I’ve discovered that the sounds that people make. Are what, See, when people understand, they go, “Ah ha.” What does that mean? I’m no longer listening. When people are intrigued, they go, “Aaah.” When you begin to get the kinds of things – Do you think somebody’s


Patterns of Persuasion Tape 4 – Track 1

Now, to the degree that you can make this sound resonate, You can control almost anything. Whether it’s accessed, or whether it’s not, and typically before they would access the things that would get in your way, you can take them down a different chain, because you can install it in people, because when you speak in them, you are not taking something and jamming it in their ears, you’re bathing their entire body and their full neurology. I mean, any of you who haven’t learned this, believe me, it’s worth knowing. I mean, especially if you’re still single. In this day and age, that could be dangerous. Plus, it could dangerous to be dangerous to be married, too! If you don’t have a good decision strategy. I know guys that, you know, don’t want to walk up to somebody because she might reject him in a restaurant. Me, I’d wanna know right now, I wouldn’t wanna end up married to ‘em and find out later on! I’d rather if you walk up and go, “Hi, it’s really nice to meet you, ah My name’s So and So,” and they go, “Get away from me PIG!” Right, I don’t know about you, I don’t wanna end up taking ‘em out, spending a whole night with them through that! I’d rather they said I go, “Thank you for letting me know what a bitch you are, I’m outta here!” and walk and find somebody else! Transferring emotion, metaphor LEAD suggestions: You may discover that all the ones you’re looking at that look interesting, treat you that way, You know what it is? You’re looking at the wrong thing. Right. All the ones that you look at that everything says YES, take it as a NO from then on. And all the ones that you’re not looking at may be the very ones that walk up, treat you nice. Cause I’ll discover something. I’m don’t wanna spend a whole night with somebody, whether it’s a business partner, whether it’s – anything – I want somebody who’s gonna be nice and productive, not somebody that calls me names and spits in my face. Although, I have discovered there’s some people that’ll actually pay for that in this town. I could open up one hell of a business there! “Hey, you wanna be whipped? Come on in! As a matter of fact, we’re outta whips, we’re using baseball bats tonight!” It’s a very strange thing to me, but I guess some people have to go way out of their way. I guess they get tired, they’ve probably been dating their hand too long and it rejected them and left. “I won’t forget it! I have a palm ache!” Now, you’re ability to create the kinds of sensations. When you show somebody an automobile, you don’t take them over while they’re in the state of being suspicious, put them in the state where they have desire. Cause that’s where everything begins. Now, think of your vowels just in terms of your desire. So let’s take ‘A’. What’s the sound that you can get from A that has desire?

It’s not that Canadian – I was just up in Canada, what a nightmare! What they do with their vowels… “A!” “You know what I mean, A!” I said, “Yea, I do, B! That’s the way it is, C! I can do that!” I don’t know where these colloquialisms come from, but boy, that one comes with bad tonality. They can’t just say, they said, “Ah, you know how it is, AEA,” it would be different. So let’s try it. Try this, ok, go “1, 2, 3, 4,” and then we’re gonna go, “A,” ready, “A”. Did that make you feel good? YES. Ugh! Now strike yourself like that 3 or 4 times. Right. Loosen up, man. Remember, if you want it to sound good, don’t talk through your nose. You talk through your nose when you want to be able to imitate a dental drill. That’s when the people sitting at the table next to you are really getting on your nerves, you turn around and go, “I’d like to introduce myself to you, you seem like a wreeeeeaaaalllly nice guy. I could see you’re just gonna be – You wanna sit around and talk for hours and hours and hours and hours?” Save it for that. See, both of ‘em have their uses. You couldn’t drive them away when you want to, the trick is to do it when you want to! To be able to create that kind of disparity, so you can do it that well, I could ah, I sit, when I’m in the dental chair, I memorized the waveform patterns, go home and practice with an oscilloscope. Cause I want mine to be exactly like that. I wanna be able to – I did the thing with the fingernails on the blackboard too, you know, that sound that makes? But, “No, No I don’t!” Oh well, properly, this’ll mean very little to you. And that’s what I had, you know, I had all learning connected to that, cause I had teachers who wrote in chalk and speak like that? So every time I looked at a blackboard – that’s why I don’t use them, I put ‘em out of the way. Cause I discovered if I write stuff on them, people look at them and, do this }{. Right, and I go, “Now, remember what was on the blackboard,” and they go, “I can’t quite remember what you wrote, for some reason.” Now, if you can laugh at all the things you’ve done in the past that get in your way, then you don’t have to continue to do them! You get to find, only the times, everything that you do now that works, and the people you got it down with, fine, pft, do it that way, unless you’d like to be able to do it faster so you could make more money of course, but You know that works, the trick is is to take all the rest of them and make them the learning lab and go, “Ok, let the games begin.” Cause if you’re looking and saying, “Challenge is gonna be fun,” then you go, ok, “how can I vary my behavior?” Ahh. There’s the sound, try it. We’re doing the pleasant one, right? You guys did get that part of this. Ýeeaah, we got it!” You really gotta get it from, when you talk, you feel the vibration, you go, “Ahh,” put your finger up – Now, put it around your throat and squeeze! Oh, no, excuse me, not yet. Then lower it down to your chest so you can make the sound go down, then take a deep breath and go, “Ahh.” Feels better. Now lower your fingers down to the bottom of your sternum, take a deep breath – it’s in through the nose by the way, and out through the mouth, that’s the way God designed it, I know some of you do it the other way, but, “Snails tonight my dear?”


It’s people who yell at people in restaurants are foolish. I used to work in a restaurant when I was a teenager, you know, I know what’s in that secret sauce. Ooo. That guy yelled at me and told me I was taking too long. Well, I’ll get it done quicker. Pft. There you go! “What is that? That’s awfully good! Ah, can I have some more of this?” “No problem! Plenty more where that came from!” You gonna act like a snot, you gonna eat snot.

some of that stuff – I don’t eat things that I don’t know what it is. And when the stewardess says, “it looks like some kinda chicken!” “Whatd’ya mean it looks like some kind of chicken? Probably will taste like some kinda chicken. Somebody was afraid to get on the plane maybe?” Who knows.

Now, the thing is, is, you wanna be able to make it so that you actually can feel, that when you wanna create resonance –

If you can create for yourself the ability – Cause you know how children learn? They play. Now, adults, not them, they think they learn by take notes! Wrong! Take notes, don’t work. Just have a lot of notes of things you can’t DO. Not only that, you can explain things! Well, the difference between explaining things and inducing them is that, when somebody goes, “Eee, Eee,” and asks you to do the same, You guys gotta breathe in before you can breathe out! What, you guys forget, Step 1, breathe in. Breathe in through the nose, hold it for a minute, then think the letter in the head, ok, and then, think of where that sound occurs in your life. I mean, where in your life, I mean, where in your life, because, some of you may be missing out on a lot of ecstasy. Like when you closed a sale, you go, “Woah!,” don’t you want the client to feel that way too? YESSS, you want that feeling, don’t you. And you want it so that when you’re headed out to go do something you go, “Yeeah.” You want it to cut right through. “Ooo, Ahh.” You wanna be able to make those sounds, because if you do it half ass, you go, “Hmm, let’s see,” when you look up, there ain’t nothing there, and when you go, “Hmm,” and that voice starts in and goes, “Nenenenenenenenene.” Where did it come from? It came from the way in which you accessed it in your mind. Even try it in your head, try it like this, go, “Oooo!”

Now when you wanna create desire, Desire, you actually wanna move it up, you wanna move it up, you wanna learn that, not only syntax, cause when I say, “Don’t think of blue, Nah, don’t think of red!,” it pops into your mind. So if I tell you, “Now with this car, you don’t have to worry about it breaking down. You goin, “Water pump, tires, tailpipe,… every bad experience from every car I’ve ever had.” And then you say, “Now, let me show you this beauty,” so you get it all connected together. See, we’ve been doing that stuff for years, but the ones that are elegant, they keep that stuff where it should be. Always have the open space to be able to point to. You need blank space to attach garbage too, you know on the Macintosh the garbage can on the bottom? Well you need one of that because people will go into things. So you go, “Well, you know, the last time I bought a car, that salesman made all kinds of promises.” And I’ll point across the room and go, “Salesmen like him are scum.” And they’ll go over at the point and go, “Yeeeeaah.” Sometimes I even keep an extra chair around for it. I go, you know, “People who that do that stuff are kinda stupid,” because you don’t want it attached to you. And I go, “Now, that means it must be time for you to get what you deserve. Which is, that if you’re honest, you’re determined that somebody’s gonna help you to make the right decision. Now, You ever bought anything and felt really, really, really (low tones) really, (comes from the eee), try it. Now, let me explain this good feeling thing to you. If I walk up and kick you in the _ hard, that feels bad. Ok? If you slide into a warm bath after you’ve had a long hard day, as you seep down in the water, that should feel good. Ok. Just a warm bath, not scalding boiling water. Who are these people in these god damn airlines that make the coffee so hot everybody burns the taste buds off their tongue? They’re the one that’ve eaten the food before. It’s true! I can’t, I can’t, I have to put 5 ice-cubes in there to get it lukewarm enough that I can even sip it. And I watch everybody around me that’s, “Agh, Egh, Agh,” like this, and they go, “Now, are you ready for your dinner sir?” They actually put a chef’s picture on the menu and is proud of that? Ha. There’s a piece of advertisement! “I’ll never forget that face!” Never never never! If that guy comes in and walks in at my restaurant, “I used to work for United Airlines!” I would think, can’t they just pack some sandwiches or something?, like

Now, I want you to get yourself in the state where you’re ready to look at this as a form of play.

And I say, “Now, I’m gonna give you a chance to, take a look at something really special out here. When I take you out and I open these doors, Oooo, it’s gonna be good.” Now, do you think somebody’s gonna go, “Well, I don’t know, Well, I don’t know,” they’re not. That’s gonna put them in the state to do it. It’s not a long induction, it’s the sound and watching. Cause sometimes you’ll get, they’ll respond differently. But it may be cause you’re just not standing in the right place when you do it. Some people you have to do it when you’re, walk this way and you do it behind them. But you can do it all in natural conversation. By the way, I took videotapes, of therapists, for hours and hours and hours, better known as slaves, - when I was at the university, I loved that, “You will do this forever Ha ha, let me know when you’re done, and I will take credit for it!” It’s a great deal – go through video tapes of people in natural sales situations. Sit around town, videotapes, and video through windows and all kinds of stuff… do you know in the course of a day, a salesman touches people almost 500 times more than a clinician? The touchy feely people? They only touch ‘em when they first come in, or when they leave, or when they look exceptionally unhappy. Thereby being able to re-induce that unhappiness. Now, what I want you to do, is to, we’re gonna do a practice thing. I want you to have something. Get a partner… I want you to have them think, of the most wonderful time in their life, when there was


something and they had absolute and utter desire. There must be something in their life that you can really desire. I mean, just think, I mean, there’s a lot of possibilities – ever thought about a vacation, someone of the opposite sex, or same sex, hey – equal tide, you know, hey, sometimes it’s the best choice you got! You know, I mean, sometimes, I mean, I looked at, seen gay guys, and they look better off than with who they were with than some of the guys I know who are with a woman who’s going, “NN.” Some of the women – I know women, who go really good looking guy who really mistreats them all the time, get rid of him and get another one just like him! Right. Because if you want somebody, you know, who’s well tanned – If you’re only interested in how they look, get a picture, don’t have to get up and make them sandwiches and clean the tub, you won’t walk in and see the clothes on the floor and, look down at them and go, for the first two months, “Ahh,” and then after that, “Ugh,” and after that, “Ughhhhhh.” Those sound determine the quality of your life. And you see, if you intend to stay exhilarated through your day, so that you’re gonna just do everything and look at every opportunity, the most important thing is, is you can’t let anybody hypnotize you into depression. I know I heard one salesman, walked over to the other one and he goes, “God I hate this job. Isn’t it a drag. I come in here sometimes I feel like the days gonna take forever. Not me, I don’t go for that. But I can watch the other one doin this }{ and then he’ll put his hand on his back, thereby anchoring it. And anchoring is a very powerful tool, and you all do it all the time. You do it with sounds, you do it with touches. If you precisely touch people, and then touch them in exactly the same place, the same way, whatever they’re doing at that time, especially if it’s dramatic, will come back. And then, you can touch them and point to something else, and it’ll transfer. That’s called, ‘LEARNING.’ We all do it, all the time. We hear the sound of a telephone, right, after a while we learn it’s not just that phone, it means, “Go pick it up,” and it’ll work anywhere with any telephone. So they of course change the sound of the telephones. Right. It’s like I had it down cold with the rotary dial thing, I had it all worked out with all the numbers I needed and they changed it to digital. But see I memorized phone numbers with sounds. They were little melodies. But they didn’t use the same notes. So I had to go through and recode the whole system. It’s like the hard disk crashed. Inside my mind. Ahh! And I still – But now, when I go to the rotary phone, I can’t access it, can’t do that anymore, because I gave – It’s not that if I age-regressed myself hypnotically I could, but you see, we’re always building learning outside of learning. Now what you do is you sit down with your partner, your task is you induce in them the state of desire. Remember, you try to make it bigger, try to make it brighter, try to make it dramatic, and at the moment you do that, I want you either, to touch them in a specific way, and, you know, I’m not talking about intimate touches, or I don’t want you to squeeze their knee off either, you know, you can just tap ‘em on the shoulder, when they’re going to go – Eh, that’s enough of that now, ok. Now, I want you to try to put it in a more natural context in the sense that I want you to think that, if somebody comes in to buy something, pretend, pretend like you’re a salesman. Right. You can sell anything you want. It’s a nice thing. You can sell Learjet’s, you can sell politicians, used politicians. I know they don’t look like they have a use, but, you know, if you have, you know, it’s like, Here are all these lawmakers, and we keep finding out they’re all taking drugs! Right, and

passing laws saying no one else can. What’s the story here? If you want people to stop doing something, make it expensive. You know, you go, “Sure, you can have a gram. $10,000. How many you want? 30? 40? 50?” I think it’s the largest untaxed industry… we’re funneling money out of the country? Sorta reminds me of prohibition, and, in fact, I think we should come along and design something even better. See I have the concept, that since all these drugs do, is when you put ‘em in your body, they make the chemicals in your mind, do things, why don’t we just do it in the mind? I mean, it would be great. Every one of you now, here, is an illegal chemical plant. You’re manufacturing LSD for example, right in your body. STOP IT. Alright, we’re up against the wall, it’s the mind police. I mean, you know, that, the alkalines that are in the drugs get your body to respond, and of course once you done it, you shoulda had it memorized anyway. Now, that means, if your body can memorize this – and I’ll prove it to you. You guys remember going to the dentist? Before the unpleasant part. Ok, remember what they did, they took their hands, grab cheek… pull it up like this, straight out and up and down. Try it. Sink it in there, it has to go straight out, right, and then straight up and down. Now notice what happens. Can you feel it? “Naw, I aint feelin nothing.” Begin to get numb. That’s cause your body learned it. Now, if you actually let yourself go with it, it’ll get so numb you won’t believe it, especially when it starts to get to that tingly part. Now, this means, you can do that, you can do the nitrous oxide if you like it. All you have to do is go back and remember what the thing felt like when they put it on you, and lean back, and begin to remember the smell, take a deep breath, take another deep breath, feel your toes tingle a little bit, and you will go into the same state. You put mind mirrors on people, the one doing it hypnotically and the one doing it with the drug will do the same thing. Which means that now we have the ability to induce drug states in people. Without the drugs. Save a lot of money that way. I did this once in an intro, and this Mexican jumped up and said, “God, thank you man, this is gonna save me so much money you won’t believe it!” And I said, “I beg your pardon?” and he goes, “It’s my girlfriend, man, it’s not me, and all my friends.” I said, “Right! I would never think of that!” You sit around and hypnotize all of them, and keep the drugs for yourself, or better yet, you do the same thing and buy a new short. Now, to me that, the fact is, is that, people have to go out and search for these things when they’re selling, and there are people that can’t sell computers, they can’t sell the marvelous toys that exist, we live in a wonderful age. SEVEN more years we’ll be in the year 2000. You can make colored animation and video equipment like they used to use to make movies, you can buy for pennies on a dollar, I mean there’s amazing stuff out there. 3d video cameras. I bought, bankruptcy remaindered sale, cause nobody was interested in them, I got them, mounted ‘em on the front of my Harley, drove through the city. Talk about an amusement ride, sit down, put on a liquid crystal helmet, go off. I took the footage from Voyager 1, went for a ride. Time for liftoff. Now your ability to realize, here we live in the most exciting time, the most exciting age, and all I hear is people going, “ugh.” If you can begin to change


inside of you your attitude, really make the shift in your attitude, so that when you look at somebody and go, “Ooo,” another opportunity, make money, do something nice for somebody, have fun doing it, Let the games begin, you’ll never have to drag your ass to do anything. Between now and the next century, there’s 7 years, and I figure for each of us, twenty thousand idiots. That you’re gonna have to deal with. They work for phone companies…, I know they work for MCI. If one more person is – I always called that person up and called ‘em back, “You gave my number to friends and family, and I ain’t your family, and I ain't your friend, anymore. Now, as you sit there listening to me, if you wanna add me onto a list and give my phone number out, I want burning sensation...” And if you reach for the phone, full body catalepsy. Because, giving out my phone number so that the people from MCI can convince me if I give out phone numbers – they wanted me to give all your phone numbers to them. They were gonna give me a discount on my phone. I give the phone numbers of anyone everyone who’s in the seminar, wasn’t that nice, so they could call up and try to get you to buy it. But the only thing I know is, if they could sell it to me, I woulda done it. But they called up on the phone and they went, “Is this Dr. Bandler? [bad tonality]” Now, can you imagine putting this person on the phone and having them call? 30 thousand certified people let alone the other 2 million that have been in courses that I’ve tried to teach about good tonality, and you would think that whatever rocket scientist was gonna try and get me involved in this, would instead of coming up and going, “You can save some money on your phone bill [bad tonality],” and I go, “That’s not hard, I just don’t dial. Works real good.” Now, this is where you call x-friends, x-family. Just give up friends! Give up this many friends, and your phone bill will go down! Call up and go, “I’m sorry, we used to be good friends but I’m afraid your name starts with a Q. You’re no longer my friend because I’m not having any friends who’s names are after O. Last name has got to start with O or less. Otherwise, I’m afraid, that’s it. Well, unless you change your last name, this is good-bye for good. Pft. That’s a 50% discount! Plus, you get all the spare time you have! Now they wanted to be able to call up and they said it would be real good because they were gonna call up and give a discount, of course you have to dial 30 numbers to call anywhere. Here’s the information, and there’s all the stuff, you have to remember more numbers and, they made it sound like a lot of fun. And, then they have these commercials where they war back and forth – all I want is to pick up the machine and dial. It’s all I want. Anybody who’s gonna bean-pick their way through a phone bill outta get a life. Now, if they wanna compete, they’re gonna have to offer me something I really want! Like NOT having to talk on the telephone. If they make the calls for me, I might be interested. If they gave me a phone, for example, How many of you, when the phone rings, it, it makes you an unpleasant sound, cause I noticed, that now that you can buy different phones, I went out in search of a phone that when it rang, didn’t make me angry. Cause I’m constantly going to do something and phone goes, “Ring Ring, Ring Ring.” It’s like I bought one of them damn home computers, and every time you don’t do something right it goes, “EEEE,” right, “Shut up!” It goes, “EEEE, you have to do it differently,” well I’m not doing it differently, forget it! See, I want – the help button when you do something wrong, it goes, “Ooo, it’s not so bad. It’ll be ok, just sit back, ahhh, take a deep breath, and just relax.” And when you start to feel good, then

adjust and give me the instructions. Seems to me that would be a helpful button. But when I press the help button, it goes, “What is it you don’t know?” “Well I don’t know, so I can’t ask!” and then it goes, and every one of them goes, “You must have done this wrong, or this wrong,” it’s like calling me stupid!, you know, so I said, “yea, so watch this,” I’ll throw it over the counter at the store, so I’ll never do any wrong things again. See, then I found out with a Macintosh, you can make any sounds come out that you want. How many of you have Macintoshes, it’s the greatest thing, you can take lines out of movies, off of video tape, out of the records, anything you want, so if I make a mistake, you know, first it bursts into, “Born… to be wild…” right, people go, “Well how do you get a computer with that in there?” and I go, “Hmm, maybe I should sell these.” I could buy the computers, load in the sounds, double the price. Yea yea, that would work.” Paint it over, put another name on it. “NICE COMPUTER.” See, if they put flashing lights on ‘em , they’d sell a lot more too, cause we all grew up knowing computers had flashing lights. That one on the disk drive, that’s not enough. We need rows of flashing lights. Satisfaction. They put some rows of flashing lights man, they’d sell a lot more than. And then if it would just talk to you a little better, see, mine when you turn it on, it goes, it goes, “Today, all systems are operational." You guys remember that? 2001? And then if I stick in the wrong disk cause I have disks that go a lot of things, it goes, “*throws up**.” “I’m allergic to that.” Yea, well, see I try to make my own life fun, and I start with by building not just the software there, but you have to do the same thing inside your head. Now when you go and do this, all I want you to do is make 2 anchors. I want you to induce 1 state where people feel really good about something, where they really desire it, and then I want you to ask them if there’s ever a time where they looked at something and just everything inside of them went, “Mrrrrgh,” Not the right thing. Now when they start to think about it, REMEMBER, it’s your job to AMPLIFY it. You have to be able to do things like, go, you know, “Well, really take a look at it.” Like, you know, “Double the size of the image in your mind. Remember what you were saying to yourself, and turn up the volume. I mean, really turn up the, turn up the brightness inside your mind, so you never have to have that feeling again, because sometimes maybe you don’t have it strong enough and you might miss it.” Right. “You wouldn’t want to have to make that mistake and have regrets. Really take a look at it.” Right. “Cause you know you like to feel good, and when you remember the thing you desire vs. the thing you shouldn’t have done, it’s real different. Watch their eyes move, learn the locations. And then say, “Let’s try an experiment. The experiment is, let’s just take the thing that, ahh, you’re really not sure of, just take it and you put your hand behind it and push it closer, “and if you take a really close look at this,” People say this all the time! I’m saying it in an exaggerated fashion here, but I got news for you. If I hadn’t of pointed it out to you, it isn’t exaggerated anymore. When you leave here, you’re gonna hear this all the time. “Let’s take a closer look.” Therapists, I like this, I love to pick on theRapists. You know, as much as, you know, they have the right direction, they wanna help people, but sometimes when they set off to do it, boy, I wanna tell you, Never have I seen people that could get in their own way so easily. Except for salesman. Salesman really can do it. Politicians are even more exquisite, except they just get in everybody’s way. I, this time I didn’t vote, I thought it might encourage them. I’m waiting. I’m – people said to me when I asked ‘em, I go, “Who’d you vote for?” and they’d go like, “The guy


with the big ears,” or else they’d go, “Well, I kinda thought we needed some change and, he wasn’t that bad.” We’re talking about the president of the United States, and by the time they go through all the process, they get down to like the bottom of the barrel is all that’s left! Right, and they go, “Well, this one’s only got a few worm holes in it and, this one has worm holes in it but there really wasn’t a worm.” That is too, “That’s ok, but he’s promises us all so many things and I know that I could never be disappointed, never be disappointed. Besides, you know the thing is he kept talking about the economy, The president doesn’t have anything to do with that! That’s congress’s job. President, Commander-inChief. I remember, I read that Constisupplement or other? The constitution. Oh, right, the thing that says you have a right to bear arms but not if they don’t want you to. I mean, I, you know, the Supreme Court is supposed to make decisions about the intent of our forefathers? They’re intent to have arms was if they didn’t like who was in power so they could shoot ‘em! And that was very clear. In fact, you know, you can’t carry your own concealed weapons and have your own nuclear weapons and stuff, that wasn’t what they had in mind at all. They thought, ‘If somebody’s in power and we don’t like ‘em, we wanna be able to kill him, especially if they tax us too much.’ But, see, they watered it down by doing things, for example, the notion, all you gotta do it is do it with tonality and words. Think of this term: Friendly Fire. Sounds sweet, doesn’t it? Well, you know, some of our troops were just killed by friendly fire, I guess it was just too pleasant for ‘em. They looked up and said, “Give me mo bullets!” //


Patterns of Persuasion Tape 4 – Track 2

It’s time to be able to realize, that if you turned around and talked about the chance to have the excitement of something, the sense of security that you can get from things, even when people buy new carpet, you know, they have the chance to

make everything seem new and wonderful

and every time they look at it to know they’ve made a good decision. See I bought that carpet that won’t stain anything, they have no idea- they weren’t ready for people like me when they built that stuff – that commercial where they dump that stuff on there? I did it right in the store to make sure it would work. I said, “Well, show me, will it clean that up!” And ah, came back a week later, the guy’s still working on it. I brought in a steam cleaner and cleaned it up, worked good. Brought the carpet home, messed it all up, and when it got dirty, brought it back! The guy goes, “You can’t return the carpet after it’s been cut for your house,” and I said, “Yes I can,” I said, I said, “It’s here, can’t you see it?’ and the guy goes, “Well I see it,” and I go, “then it must be real!” “You wouldn’t wanna lose your sense of reality all of a sudden. Who knows, God might come and speak to you personally about this. It’s been known to happen. Actually, I’ve arranged it several times. I had ah, a very crazy woman one time, and this isn’t even from working in mental hospitals, this lady lived next door. To a business I had, and complained about noise, even on days when no one was there. I mean, she was looney, she just was out – she just wanted to – cause she knew we were doing the devils work. Well, as soon as she said that, Pff, an idea popped right into my mind. And I thought, “I bet, I can, persuade this woman never to call. Because that’s what this is about. How do you persuade this woman that she don’t ever want to come over and say nothing, and she don’t wanna call on the phone? Well what you do is you start with an argon laser. And what you do is you wait till late at night, crank up that argon laser, you don’t wanna use the red laser cause it’s too funny, you want the deep purple color that’s down below blue. Crank it up to about 5 watts, and what you do is you go out and get yourself a nice picture, transparency, of a really demonic-looking thing. Right. And if you wanna get fancy, you can get moving ones, but it really doesn’t have to be a problem, because the clouds fog will take care of that. You wait till the fog is coming in, and you look see right where their window is, put the thing up and hit it with a collated beam. That’s a beam that expands as it goes out. Beam goes through picture this big, hit cloud fifty feet high. So there’s up there in the clouds a demon outside the window who’s going like this. Then what you do is you take an amplifier system something like this and you put a lot of echo on it. And you say to them you go, “Mrs. Jameson,” and you turn it up louder and you go, “Mrs. Jameson, Mrs. Jameson… I hear you want to make contact with one of mine. The next time you speak to him or about him, you will join us for eternity.” Now you think this is not persuasive to a highly religious person? Looking at a forty foot thing out the window goin like

this. Very ta ta ta - I’ve used it with schizophrenics, schizophrenics although I usually don’t use the devil, they usually have him already. I do the other thing, I make someone come out and chase him away. Usually I use Bugs Bunny. He looks good, with his racer? Chk chk chk when they race, Bugs Bunny’s tail, I have the big racer comes on, races the devil. Hey, it’s there hallucinations, you can do it. Now if you can sell the idea – Actually, I’ve learned to sell schizophrenia. There’s a lot of schizophrenia that’s worth selling. I was telling some of you about that guy Andy, my schizophrenic, sees people come off the TV and they chase him around? I got him the playboy channel! Now the shrinks are comin over his house goin, “Andy, can you, can you show me how you do that thing where people come off the TV?” Changes everything. You’d be surprised at how an idea and different view will make everything. You have the most honorary people in the world – People come in and say, “Well, nobody’s ever gonna force me to buy anything.” You don’t wanna, you say, “Well I’m not gonna force you to, BUY something like THAT COUCH. Cause I wouldn’t want you to think about it. In fact, I wouldn’t want you to think that, you know, if you offered me $500 I’d be forced to take it!” You know, “and I don’t know if you could see that in your house, but probably not because if you did, you saw it in your house and went, “Whoa man, that’d be just want I wanted, exactly the right thing, if you feel that now,” right, “it would be too soon, you have to go through a long process and differ, we can’t just do this quickly.”

Pour it on,

one line, you’ll know everything you

need to know, and they’ll know you’re teasing them, and it doesn’t matter. Don’t ever try to get around ‘em, let ‘em know you’re foolin with ‘em. Cause otherwise, they’ll think you’re manipulating them.

LOL They’ll go, “You’re joshing me,” and I go, “That’s right! Down right. Important. Do you get the point to that contract right over there. As you read it I want you to make sure you hold it up just like this so that you can see clearly. just exactly what it is. Now, before you sign it, and feel good, I want you to take a deep breath and hold this pen.” Sometimes you might wanna make some notes on the contract. If not, it’ll be there at the time it’s necessary. Unless you’re busy. Now, to me, the thing is, is what you’re about to do is just an experiment. The rest of it’s going in anyway. Oh, no, I wouldn’t do that. You might end up making money and being happy at the wrong times. You walk in the house and look at the person you love that lives there with you and just for no reason induce desire in them. The next thing you know, what could happen is, you’d end up enjoying your evenings! Most people when you get to their house, they think of every bad thing that happened to them during the day and then they, open the door. look at the person they love and start telling them about it. Thereby allowing you to relive it and them, together. Start the evening with a nice, big, unpleasant experience, that’s what I always say, huh? I mean, it’s so much harder to walk in and go, “God, what great legs you have. Oh, never mind, what was it


that you wanted to talk about?” Guys up here, at least I know you guys are going, ‘let me write that down, comment on the legs, don’t have to hear about the Plummer…” See, what do you think, she wants to talk about her great legs? Or the garbage disposal. And who brought up problems first, probably you! “Oh, how was work?” “Well, I don’t know a lot of stuff happened,” “Well you shoulda seen what happened here!” But you say, “Well, when I was at work, boy, you know all I could think about was, a great pair of legs.” “Who’s legs?!” “Your legs!” There are ways in and about, and probably, it’s what you’d rather talk about. It seems that it’s easier to tell the truth, and get where you wanna go than anything in the world. And I can’t understand why people don’t try it. Especially in sales, I mean, I found out, if you walked in and they went, “These Mercedes are real expensive,” and I go, “They’re incredibly expensive, especially when you’re selling ‘em, after you’ve had one 3 or 4 years. There aren’t a lot of people – Cause they don’t go down in price, and then you have to find somebody with that kinda money! And then at that point they start goin up in price! You know, and cars are supposed to go down, everybody knows that.” You know. And then, but then, what are you gonna get. “How do ya depreciate something that’s going up in value?” But, never mind, but yea they’re real expensive. It makes a lot more sense to buy a car for 15, 20 thousand dollars, have it be worth 5 in 2 years than it does to spend – and buy 6 or 7 of those over a period of 10 years than it does to buy 1, and then when you sell it you have more money, and buy a real expensive, and when you sell it have even more money, over the long run, don’t ya think? That makes more sense to drive a little piece of junk when you’re unhappy and somebody passes you in a Mercedes and you go, “I’d never own one of those.” Sure you wouldn’t. If somebody gave you a million dollars, you’d get out in a Honda GEO and, pull down the freeway, I know you would. All those lottery winners do that, they sell so many GEOs you wouldn’t believe it. Of course they use ‘em as moccasins. I mean, I’ll tell ya, the Japanese have done a lot better in advertising than we have, because, you know, I think they should really use animation, make Japanese cars, you know, cause the Japanese now aren’t making as many. We tried to imitate their lousiest cars. For example, the Pacer. Did any of you own one of those? The care that would only function upside down. It’s the weirdest car I’ve – I went out and I looked at one when I rented one one time and I went, after I figured how to get in it, right, I drove down the freeway at a whopping 15 miles and hour, turned the corner, it rolled up on it’s side. The problem was is as I tried to push it this way it’s tendency was to go towards the roof. Now I thought, this is great. But. How about them Pinto’s huh? The only self-exploding car I know. That’s when we added Japanese technology to American cars. Now, I admit it did get less gas mileage. Especially from the moment it was rear-ended. That’s what I always think, if you’re gonna put a gas tank somewhere, why not put it exactly under where the human is, and make 2 pins that’ll go into the gas tank if it gets hit from behind. Sounds a little bit like a detonator to me, doesn’t it? And I like the engineer who discovered the problem he said, “Well, we’ve discovered that one of the reasons upon impact that it explodes is that there’s something protruding that creates a spark. But when we were designing this car, we really didn’t design it to be hit from the rear.” Well they should have written that on the back then! That way the person who nodded out behind him

could have stopped and read the sign and hit someone else! But, that’s the difference between the fudge factor, the finagle phenomenon and really inducing the state. Consumer Advocates consumer groups. Who are these groups? I don’t know about you, when I go out to consume, I don’t think about giving money to ralf. I think about buying things! But I always see him, he’s always down there in Washington D.C., doing something. And whatever it is, I’ve never been able to figure – sometimes for long periods, but when it comes along and there’s some unsafe thing they always ask, “Is this unsafe,” so he’ll go back, “Well remember the days of the corveyer, well, I’m one of those guys who can get parts for the corveyer, I remember it well.” So I walked up and said, “You owe me $278.” And he said, “What?” And I said, “$278, it’s what I had to pay for a $10 part.” Cause there aren’t corveyers around anymore. And it was the first mid engine sports car ever built in this country. And we still haven’t gotten back to building ‘em. Think about it. 4 weels… where’s the best place to put engine? Back, front, or middle? Nah, if you put it in the middle it wouldn’t be a good idea. Cause, the car might be balanced! Yea, and then when you turn corners it wouldn’t roll over as easy! I think we should say that what’s safe at any speed is a Volkswagen bus. He didn’t go after that! What’s the deal? Corveyer, wheels fall off a few times, Volkswagen buses roll if you blow one when they’re standing still! Pft. Now, we were down at the van place, ah, the guy – this is what put me over the edge, the guy there said, “Well,” you know, he said, “These are good vans, I have a volkswagon bus myself,” and I thought, “and you’re working at the Chrysler place, that makes a lot of sense.” Believe in your product. And I said, “Are they like the old Volkswagen busses?” and he goes, “Oh, I loved my Volkswagen bus,” and I said, “What happened, you roll it?” and he says, “Yea, but I had repaired. A couple times.” And I said, “So, what you’re telling me is that, ah, the one that you have now probably doesn’t roll as easily. Cause they got a fair number of lawsuits, cause they also rolled, they flattened out, plus, I think the best place to put the driver [wow, driver = authority – this makes it so that people wanna get ‘out’ of the ‘driver’s seat.’] is, you put glass right in front of him

like this, and a steering wheel to go through his chest, and a little piece of tin in the front and call it a driving place. Cause I don’t know about you, Why would I want a whole lot of steel between me and something I’m hitting. Um. That way you might die slowly, but it’d be painful. Well, these are the kinds – See, when you take logic that seems like it makes sense, and describe it in different tonality, suddenly you’d be surprised at the amount of power you can knock out of things that were insurmountable. I mean, if I can sell Lincolns in the gas crises, you can increase your rate of close times 10, with just an attitude adjustment. That the purpose of doing this is not just to make money, you have to make money and have fun doing it, and then in the process, then they’ll have fun, they’ll send you more clients, and it could get outta hand! Way out of hand. You could begin to make more than you ever thought you could, and when you get up in the morning you’d be like me, Sometimes I just have to stop at a house and knock on the door. Sell ‘em something. Even if I don’t own one. Just to see – I wonder, could you sell somebody a camper, who lived in a trailer. Well, they must like the idea of it or they wouldn’t be there! So I went up and I knocked


on the door and I go, “When you leave here,” you know, “You got a double-wide trailer,” I said, “it must be a drag you can’t take it with you.” And they go, “Well, yea,” and I go, “Wouldn’t you like to take your house with you on vacation?” Right, to me, it’s the world’s most expensive way to travel third class. The reason I go on vacation is to get away from the house. The idea of taking all my dirty laundry does not excite me at all. I like to take an empty suitcase, so I can bring things back. Right. That way I go to the airport, I just pick one that’s like it. It’s the best luggage store around! I go, “Well that must have been what happened to mine!” I like it, when the airline informed me, I left Dallas, flew to Hawaii. Got off the plane, no luggage come. Right. Now I’m in Hawaii, I got a 3 piece suit on and, I have had it on for, I don’t know, maybe 2 dayze now it feels like, I’m all crinkled and rumpled up, and they tell me, cause I have business meetings, I’m gonna do a sales training for a large insurance company, and they tell me they go, “if it doesn’t show up in 24 hours, ah, then we’ll give you some money to buy some shorts and some t-shirts.” And I said, “Well, let’s put it this way. If I don’t get up, I’m gonna lose a $20,000 lecture fee.” Cause we’re in the middle of KialuaKona which is not like being in Honolulu, I’m in the middle of nowhere. Right. I mean, they close the stores any time they feel like it. Right. And I’m going to go to a fancy Hotel and get in front of these people and, you know, shorts and a t-shirt that goes, you know, ‘Hey hang hang ten.’ ‘Eh, all you _ out there, come to Hawaii, you know, and we teach you all about selling things, what you do is take a gun, you stick it in their head, and you go, Buy This!” Um. So anyway, I decided, I said, “Well, you better find my luggage,” and I raised a little bit of a stink, and so they called me back and said, “We’ve found your luggage, it’s in Japan.” And I said, “Well, the plane was going to Japan, maybe they just didn’t take it off,” and they said, “Well, no, it switched planes.” “Well that was pretty clever of it! If it was so smart, why didn’t it get on one and come back!?” “Well, let’s see here,” I said, “Well, just stick it on a plane and send it back.” And they said, “We can’t, cause it has to clear customs.” I said, “U.S. Customs or Japan Customs?” and they said, “Both.” And I said, “So, my suitcase went over there, it has to go through customs in Japan and U.S. Customs before it can come back, and it can’t because they’re not there and it’s gonna take a long time?” And they said, “Yea.” And I said, “Can you explain this to me.” And they said, “Well, any luggage that flies over there,” – but she says, “but normally it goes with a person,” but my luggage is feisty that way, you know? Well, I got news for ya. I just kept at up for a while, and I had ‘em laughing hard enough that they went out and got me a custom suit, a tailor, and they made me a suit to wear. Of course I lost it on the way back to San Francisco! But my other luggage did show up, it just didn’t have most of what was in it in it anymore, And, ah, one of the suitcases had a whole that went through it, all the way through it, right about the size of a forklift thing. That was the one with the suits in it. They gave me $750 to replace my 4, $4000 suits. So, shit, hey, you know, don’t make that sound, just think who they did it to. They, you know, I said, “If you only get $750 per suitcase, pft, then I just took a bunch of suitcases, took ‘em with me, and when I got there they were all empty! “Where’s my clothes?!” and I said, “This is really - You know, this just happened to me before, this is happening over and over and over again. You guys are out to get me! And I don’t think this is funny at all, in fact, I’m calling the press! De Press! De Press! De Press! I’m calling de Press! You ever been to De Press?

Hmmm. Gonna act impotent, gonna be impotent, that’s what I always say. Now, what I want you to do, is to take the best, When you go, “Ahh,” I want you to do it with every fiber of your soul. Cause if you don’t use them all, I’m gonna rip the rest off. Boy did you straighten out quick! “} {“. When you’re gonna go up – Cause you see you need to be able to do it in a way that resonates in the other person’s body so that it accesses in their brain. When you turn around and show them something you need to go, “Oooh!” It needs to vibrate all the way through, so go, “Ahh.” Get it down here, remember, breathe in through the mouth, and… choke to death. Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth and you get to make pleasant sounds. Now remember you want a nice downward inflection, because if you want it to access something in your mind it needs to be a command. [out of the class of all things that accessed things in their mind, ALL of every single one HAD a downward inflection.]

You can’t go, “aahaa,” you need to go, “ahhh.” Now doesn’t that feel better? “Eee. Eeeee.” A little horse in there. “Eeeheehe. Oooo. Ahh. Ahah.” You know what that does? It goes up. When people say, “Ahha?” it’s a question. See, it’s a way that goes up. They go, “Awww yea.” that means They ain’t thinking no more… Now you can even take letters inside of words and go, “Mmmm, let me show you something special. You do like special things… Oooo, I know you would… something just perfect… something that made you feel wonderful… no no no… But as you do, I want you just… if you were to… let’s spread it out a little bit… take a close look at this the idea that you can slide on the leather seats, hear the roar of the engines… grab on to the pair of handlebars, feel more power between your legs than you could possibly imagine rumbling along. Now I know they say motorcycles are unsafe, but that depends upon where and how you drive it. You can make everything safe. If you have the sensory acuity to use it and if you’re so relaxed that you take that power and direct it… do you want things to be that way? Do ya? Take a closer look… bigger, brighter, turn it up, just to make sure. Now, if it doesn’t change the way you feel, but when you see it change, I want you to reach down and just touch ‘em gently, go, “Excuse me,” cause you don’t want to walk over and go, “Kchkh!,” you just go, “Hey, hold on a second here.” Now, just so, cause I know some of you have done this before, I wanna teach you the chalk trick. Because some of you forget where you touched them. You know, touch them and I go, “Now, go back and touch them again,” “Uh, you didn’t say we had to remember it! Gawd!” You know, “I don’t mind like, you know, asking questions, but having to think at the same time and watch what I’m doing!” Boy, you’d think there was conscious life on this planet! You know why the aliens don’t land and talk to us? I do. Having done this for a number of years, it’s immensely clear. They’re waiting for intelligent life. And the end to cannibalism. And all those hot tubs out there? What would they look like from the sky. Look like you were takin your neighbors and boiling them! “Yea, boy, maybe someday when they stop eatin’ each other in the back yard.” Not only that,


imagine what Tony’s seminars look like! “Yea, and they cook each one and they got some kind of grill that makes ‘em go across one at a time! Then when they’re all done, then they take ‘em and they put ‘em out in the sand in a big pile thing and they all flop around on it. Up and down.” Boy I’ll tell ya that, if you can get people to do that, if that doesn’t make you stop and go, “You know, there must be more to life than that.” That’s what’s inside of their head. You’ll learn what this is for. That’s to make polyphonic sounds. It makes the same kinda voices you have in your head, except nicer. Except sometimes. Now, if you can go back and touch somebody in exactly the same way, you’re gonna notice the same changes that you got, and you’re gonna get one thing that’s real desire and one time where they knew, they better hold back. Cause somebody said, “You wanna lose your body parts?” That’s when you wanna hesitate, cause I don‘t know about you guys, homosexuality’s one thing, but this thing, transsexual thing, I don’t even wanna hear about that. I don’t know about that. That’s one of those things where you go, “Well, maybe I wasn’t right about this.” I mean, you better think that through really clearly, I would think. Now I’m sure for some people that’s the best choice they could make, but I don’t ever wanna be one of them. You know, it’s like ah, I saw one of those – that oprah winfrey show scares the shit outta me. Boy. I wake up in the morning and that’s on tv sometimes like, you know, they always have these terrible… ‘Sex with farm animals, Oprah Winfrey, 3 O’clock.’ And I go, “What farm animals?” Right, you know. So of course I have to watch it, to see what it is. Sure enough, you know, there’s always, you know, there’s 1 of 3 things on there. There’s either somebody new who discovered NLP, you know, there’s always somebody who on there and they discovered accessing cues, that gets discovered every 5 weeks now, you know, They just don’t like the idea that it was me. Right. Cause a rock and roll musician comes along and is more observant than the objective field of psychology. But of course they had objection, they were looking at their pictures. So when people went, “Hmm, let’s see,” they didn’t notice. See with me I went, “Wow, why did they do that?” And I said, “What are you looking at when you look up there?” and they go, “My ideas!” I go, “What do they look like?” they’re just images. And they go, “Now, let’s get back to what’s important.” And I go, “was there anything anywhere else?” Now that’s simple curiosity, and I ask people that all the time. People tell me, “it’s impossible for me to buy what I really like,” and I go, “really, how do you do that?” and they’ll say, “well,” you know, “I just tell myself if I do then people will think I’m selfish.” And I go, “Well, tell yourself you deserve it this one time.” You know. I really do, you know. Sometimes it’s that easy. They just have a voice in their head and they don’t know how to shut it up. Cause nobody ever said you could turn it off. Or just turn it into another voice. Is there anybody you know that you would never believe a word they say? Have that person say it inside your head, “You don’t deserve it, it’s selfish.” You know how many people I’ve met that told me, they thought they weren’t supposed to have voices in their head cause all those shrinks told them that. “If you hear voices in your head, your crazy. At least that’s what I say to myself.” Boy, they got us, they had us out there hugging trees for a while. Think about that, talking to empty chairs. “Waa, I feel so bad.” “What does he say?”

And the whole group will turn and look at the empty chair. It’s the damndest thing I ever saw! And when I looked I started doing this stuff, and then pretty soon this chair started answering! That’s when I became a Gestalt therapist. Right. But then I discovered that if I fool around with chairs, why not couches, why not whole rooms of furniture. I don’t know because it’s as stupid as what we were doing, it didn’t help. What a thing for mental health. Hallucinate dead relatives in furniture, yell at them and feel better. That’s what I wanna do anytime things aren’t going well is start hallucinating dead relatives. I think I’d rather keep my eyes open, otherwise you’re gonna end up like that deer in the highway going, “Look at those headlights, and how fast he’s going. Hey you, don’t you be driving so fast! And the –“ Pft. It always amazed me, the animal, cause when I lived out in the country, I was not a country kid. But I got the silly idea that, you know, everybody said, “Oh the Country’s so beautiful.” It is if you drive through it. But, you know, there’s that chopping the woods stuff, and the weeds, and the raccoons, right, and who’s – what college did they go to anyway? The raccoons can come in, open the refrigerator, open the jars, do all this stuff, and they can’t even clean up after themselves! They make noise under your house, and they told me it was quiet in the country? Ah ah ah ah. They have these things out there that go, “Ribbit. Ribbit.” You go out and go, “Shut up!,” and they all get quiet and you go in and they go, “Ribbit. Ribbit.” It was so noisy I just had more trouble. I couldn’t live in this – PLUS, everything is far away. I was used to like – I bought food for dinner. You know, that’s what you do when you live in the city. Right. And then I realized I had to drive 25 miles back to do it each day. Right. So they said, “Buy a lot of it.” Right. Ok, so I bought a lot of it but, then it was all there, and you have to put it away, and carry it, and stock up, and then they told me, “You better stock up on things for when they power goes away.” Now I’m a toy freak, I don’t hold with that concept. When they had the big snowstorm on the mountain that I lived in, everybody had to come to my house, cause I was the only one that had turned it into the city. I had my own generator, satellite TV, I should have charged admission. I was the only one whose refrigerator worked, I had gas stoves, I had a heated swimming pool when nobody else had heats or light. But they said, you know, “This isn’t really country living,” and I said, “Nope!” Hell I had a 50 watt argon laser just in case they got too nosy about what was goin on at my house. They start to peek over the fence, and the next thing you know they’d see God up in the clouds looking down. Buy that one from Edmond Scientific. It’s a hologram. Looking down from the sky, with my marshal amps on top of the roofs, a lot of echo, and you look down and go, “Hey you, don’t look over that fence. You do, you’re gonna turn to salt, or worse than that, I’m selling you to Morton! Now, when you get in, I want you to take time. You’re just gonna take a few minutes apiece. I want you to induce 2 states that are intense. 1 total hesitation, 1 total desire. When you get desire, remember make it bigger, brighter, anything. Say, “take a closer look at that! Really remember it! Hear what you heard at the time, make it louder. Are you sure that you really felt desire.” When you do, say, “excuse me,” and just touch ‘em. A lil chalk if you need it. Don’t hit ‘em with the whole hand, or they’ll look like an idiot. Just a little bit of chalk is fine, right, and then do the hesitation. Do the same


thing. Go, “Well, you know, cause you don’t wanna make mistakes.” And then, touch it. And then what you do, is I want you, whatever you do, to name your competitor. They may have never heard of it, but it won’t matter, because even though they’ve never heard of it, you say, “Well, you know, my biggest competitor, uh, at Arthur Little Company and ah,” say, “excuse me, have you ever heard of Arthur Little?” and press right on that point. And they’ll go, “No,” but you’ll watch their whole voice tone and body change. They’ll start to hesitate. We use the hesitation one by the way. Get that straight. Your company, good anchor. Their company, bad anchor. Somebody goes, “When do you fire both anchors at once?” When you want to retire. Ok, this is just something. Now, you don’t actually have to touch people to make anchors, you can make ‘em in the air. The one with your hand is one too. But I want you to begin to learn to do it. And touch them naturally. When you say, “excuse me,” and touch somebody on the knee, touch ‘em on the shoulder, get out of the way of their images. But this time when you push them up close, watch their face. So you’re gonna wanna start away from them and push it up close enough that you can get an intense response, and you’re close enough to touch them. You may want to walk a little bit on the side, spread the chairs out a little bit. I find standing next to people and talking to them about the pictures from this side. I’ll even do this, I go, “Let’s take a little closer look at this. Make it bigger. Just take this down here let me stretch this out, put it back over here, turn it around this way,” and go, “Now. You remember that? The desire, you wanted it.” Tch. Right on the shoulder. Say, “Ok now. Lemme show you something. I don’t know if you’ve ever desired an opportunity to do an exercise or not, one in which you could learn, but you only have 5 minutes to do it in. 5 minutes for 1, 5 minutes for the other, and you better get started now.”


Patterns of Persuasion Tape 5 – Track 1

Vest anything they want. Right. And I have a – it took me a long time to figure out how to get a frozen lump of cheese and bread into my stomach because there was no room left for digestive tract. I found out, you can get it out the other end. And then they don’t want you to stay anymore. So my wife likes to have them come and visit us now, because, she’s discovered anybody you can vomit as easily as I can, I can vomit before I eat, I found out that makes a lot more sense some times. And uh, it’s nice if they come by and we can stay and eat in the hotel and stuff, but it’s interesting, when they come by, they – relatives are people you don’t even know want to know about your life, feel quite competent about making comments about it. Like one of the ones I like is they go, “How long is your hair been like that?” and I go, “ever since I discovered all the guys on money had long hair I wanted to be just like ‘em.” Look at them! All of our founding fathers did. George Washington. Do you know what President is on the 50 dollar bill? 100 dollar bill? 5 dollar bill? The 100 bill ain’t got a president, isn’t that weird? You can make a lot of money if you say, “What president is on the 100 dollar bill?” No matter who they name, you win the bet. Ben Franklin wasn’t president. Ok, I want you to come back here at about 10 after 6 and hopefully Mr Maraz – and some of you don’t know, somebody said, curious why. Patrick is an interesting combination. He was the top seller of encyclopedia Britannica for 7 years straight. He was also the lead keyboard player of the super group PS and the Movie Blues, and has composed over 3000 pieces of music and probably is ranked #6 in classical piano in the world. Ah, so, I wanna get involved now but – Musicians can’t really play till the sun goes down. I don’t know why that is, it must be an anchor, huh? I always remember in the 60’s they’d say to us, “Come on out in the afternoon in the park in the sun it’s beautiful and play.” And all the time you’d go out there all the musicians were like this ][. They looked happy but boy when they were done they all went, “Phew, boy, quick, let’s get inside.” And they always said, “You guys don’t get outside enough.” Guess what? We’re the only ones that aren’t burnt by the ozone. I think if you go outside too much nowadays… careful, they keep telling us there’s a hole in the ozone, and people keep going to Hawaii and laying on the beach. Seems to me, if you lay on the beach and you get burnt on the lobster the first day, you would not keep doing it going back year in and year out. That means you don’t learn from your experience. Learn from your experience. When you walk around realize, “Hmm, what could you try during dinner?” Ahhh, what would you might like to anchor? Right. If you left here



Patterns of Persuasion Tape 5 – Track 2

Me and go, “I’ll never be able to do it.” The Alien would have to stop and go, “Hmm. So I gotta put a voice inside my head that goes, “I’ll never be able to do it.” Then, the next thing you gotta do is make pictures of all the ways you can fail, and all the catastrophic things happening, and people laughing at you, till you felt humiliated and stifled. That’s only so you could fit in. You might stop writing your notes. Why are you doing this? When instead you could turn all those – As soon as you start to feel bad you go, “If I step on the other side of this, I’ll have more time to make money and my whole life is gonna feel better. Oooo.” So you go, “come closer my boy.” Close your eyes and look at that client. Right. and as you look at them, look at them as the opportunity, to become wealthy… And if you can do this, it would be the basis of being the conviction that you could do anything. Better orgasms, more money, how about if your orgasms – the same thing happens when you go into the bank and you’re in a hurry and there’s a long line and you look at your watch and you wait there for what seems like 20 minutes and you look back and only 30 seconds has gone by. How about if you did that during orgasms and the long line in the bank went by just like that. Wouldn’t that be nice. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could drop inside your mind when you’re stuck when you’re in the middle of a sales and negotiation and run 30 scenarios in your mind and come out and try the best one. If when that person came in, You don’t do the same thing and don’t sound the same way. And especially inside your own head to yourself, what if it was just sumptuous. What if you heard a chorus of voices like when I asked you all to go, “Ahhh.” Now make a picture of that client walking in and go, “Ahhh. Oooo. Mmmm. Oooh. Woah Ho Ho Ho!” Now, do you feel the same way? Well that’s how you stop it. Now, if Aliens knew this, because they were more evolved, they’d listen inside their mind, how would they tell a human this? They’d say, “Well, you don’t have to feel bad,” they’d go, “Well, all you have to do is make a sound that feels good.” Sound is something that we haven’t explored at all. Can’t see it! Can’t see it, it’s not there, right? So therefore we can’t see air, why do we breathe? Cause it feels good. Now if you can make it inside your mind so that not only does it feel good, but you begin to light the candle inside you that builds for you ferocious resolve and wantant motivation. Utter lust. See, some people don’t lust for success. It’s not so much that you win, because it’s not the winning – once you win and if you win too easy, it doesn’t give you the thrill. The thrill is where the challenge is in front of you, you feel your own natural hesitation, your own natural inclinations, and you just pause and go, “Ahhh, a chance to have a better life.” It’s a fringe benefit! The wider range of people you can communicate with, you get – not only can you communicate with them, you sell them things or persuade them of that, but everything! You can sit down on an airplane and the person next to you is kinda cranky and you can persuade them they actually feel good. And they will. You can put a smile on their face for no reason.

See, when people look out, San Francisco, and they look in the streets and they go, “Terrible, all those prostitutes out there on the street,” and the prostitutes are dancing and having a good time, the people in the car are so in stress they make themselves sick, something is seriously twisted. Now when I look at how sick those people can make themselves, cause I’ll tell ya, those are diseases that can kill ya out here, and I know there’s gotta be better jobs than standing out on the street, but they don’t know it because our educational system hasn’t given them the most important thing of all. And it’s not blind hope, it’s blind other overwhelming tenacious resolve. Cause there’s always people that make their way out of everything. And it’s not as if only one can do it, the whole planet can do it. We could all go, cause otherwise if you try to go to the stars, somebody’s gonna go, “Pft” and knock us back down. It’ll either be because we’re boiling our neighbors in our back yards, cause you know that’s gotta look weird from there. They’re probably looking across the universe, cause probably what they do is take the black hole and put it right where they want it, and then the light goes and gets bent around it, and if they’re right in just the right spot, they’d have the best telescope of all by the way. If you put a little black hole anywhere you want it, there’d be no better telescope, you wouldn’t even need anything. You just have to stand in the right place, and light would come and bend around it, it’d be great. Suck it across the universe. Great idea, huh? Take light that’s on this _, pft, suck it down to a black hole but just when it gets there, it comes together and, goes to the interior drawer. Which looks a lot like open space. Now, this idea was proposed to a group of scientists and when they found out it would work, they said, “but you can’t move a black hole.” Oh yea? They told me you couldn’t cure schizophrenics, the keep telling me ‘You can’t do things.’ You can do anything with imagination. If you close your eyes and move sumptuously towards that client, I want you to know you know Everything you’ve done before is not the thing that’s gonna work, so inside your mind you have to have a way of having the attitude that says, “I’m gonna do something new.” You don’t necessarily have to assert yourself, but the one thing you have to do is decide, “What feeling could you have so strong, inside you, that it would produce for you new results.” Well the first one is the sense of thrill. As you set out on the adventure that’s gonna open up all the possibilities for you to start closing a whole range of deals, negotiating, persuading, and I don’t care what it is about, even if you’re somebody who works with depressives, you’ll have them convinced they’re done being depressed. After all, their payments ran out, they should sell it and buy a new one. I’ve done things as simple as stamp a file CURED, and people totally changed their behaviors, because they believed in their file, they carried it everywhere. When they came in I opened it up and read through it, did an hour of trance where I put ‘em in trance, lifted their arm up, said nothing, and when they came out I gave them a written test and stamped ‘cured’ on their file, and from then on they were! Because they believed. If you can make yourself believe, that the more you look at that client, the more you go, “Oooo,” the more you’re about to find the thrill of a lifetime, cause there’s always gonna be plenty of assholes. No shortage. They’re everywhere. You doubt it?, go down to the phone company, the power company, and try to be reasonable. Walk up to the meter maid that cuts you, because the meter ran out 2 seconds early. Tell them, “Please, please, write me the ticket,


but do it slowly, and with feeling. Because when you write slowly with feeling, unconsciously, it’s just before amnesia does not stop you from setting in. Now I know that inside you right now is the possibility as an Alien, to look at the sense of adventure that you’ve been missing, and sumptuously realize that every single piece of this that you begin to see opens up possibilities. The ways that you can get people’s attention so that you can sell them things. It’s gotta be better than the signs that I see on the side of the freeway. Workshop down in southern California there’s a big place called, “The Stress Center.” So I stopped in and went into stress for an hour. “The Center for Mental Retardation.” Well, I don’t remember going there. Seems to me that our whole orientation is not towards possibility, but towards limitation. “The Center for Impotency” in Latoya. How’d you like to live across the street from that? And every day drive home and go, “Where do you live?” “Right next to the center for impotency.” Now, when I had a client that in fact, was impotent, in fact I had a whole bunch of ‘em down there. And they all lived in the same area! Imagine if every day you saw that big sign that said, “Latoya, Center of Impotency.” Well if you lived in Latoya, you were in the center of it. It’s kinda being at ground point zero, only, limper. Now, if you wanna get things straightened out, the first thing is is you gotta be able to look at that and laugh, cause if it goes into your unconscious, your unconscious will respond literally. And the trick is, is to start noticing, because when you get something that really gets to ya and makes you feel ways you don’t want to, the first thing to do is to laugh for no reason, especially if you can laugh – Give me a Patrick. Now that’s a laugh! Now if you have, “*squeaky laugh*,” that’s no good, you need to have a laugh that affects your nervous system. Remember all this old stuff that you’re still doing, it’s a decision you made in the past that’s still running and running through the neuro synapses of your mind. At the unconscious level, the unconscious level doesn’t change, till you become active. So you need to deliberately make the image that makes the feelings, and the moment it’s there, laugh deliberately. Try it, make the picture and go, “Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!” Now, you feel so bad? Try it once more, only make it a good laugh. If it doesn’t affect even your feet – it has to get every part of your body. Take a deeper breath, right, and as it comes up just think of Patrick’s laugh. I’d hire him just for that, wouldn’t you? The first time I heard that I went, “That’s so great, man.”

are the guys that hang around bands that didn’t want to read music. Then they end up playing piano, and then they have to carry a B3 around. That’s what happened to us when we were young. See, we used to envy the flute player but now they made things we can carry around. You know who’s got the bad deal? The guy’s with the amplifiers. Because those aren’t getting lighter. Now all 3 of us long time ago had to carry B3’s, and these are big heavy Hammond Organs. They were the smallest portable thing we could find, and we used to go, “Woah, they’re so small and compact.” But then, think about it. If you can get impatient with a micro oven, at 3 ½ minutes it’s too long to cook something. Well it’s time to microwave any old problem you have and, Put up one of those images and laugh! 1, 2, 3, put it up. Now laugh at it. Now try this go, “Oooo. Mmmm.” Now let your imagination run away with you for a minute. Remember the guy that dedicated my first book to Mazda, the car that went, “Hmm.” When I got short of ideas, I used to drive around in it. Used to have a rotary engine that went, “Hmm. Hmm.” I kept getting all these ideas! And I got credit for them and the car thought them up. Of course I also dedicated it to Folgers Coffee so I can drive that long. The Folgers people never understood, they thought, they said, “Isn’t this a metaphor?” I said, “Nope. If you drink coffee and drive in your car with an engine that goes, “Hmmm.” Is this impossible? “Hmmm.” You want something better in your life? “Hmmm.” Ahh, what could it be? If you begin to run things in your mind, that whenever somebody looks at you and you go, “Well I, I’d really like to sign this contract, but I think this is impossible.” Just stop for a minute and, “Hmmm. You mean there’s no solution, huh?” Now I’ll tell you something. One of the biggest ones I know is, is that, if when people tell you stuff like that, you just look at ‘em and lift your eyes and stop


That’s what I want my alarm clock to do. I don’t want it to go, “eh, eh, eh,” I want one that does that! And then it goes, “Come on, let’s go make some money, let’s have some fun.” Now what I want you do is go inside your mind, and what we’re gonna do is Get all this junk out of your way. I want you to just put up a picture of someone you’ve had trouble dealing with, and laugh at it and tell yourself, “Ooo, there’s a possibility there,” get back to that one later, make another one… We want to begin to change your attitude and your beliefs. It’s the best trance of all, the exhilarating trance but you gotta laugh out loud, or you have to have it for the rest of your life. It’s a piano, play piano man, play something on the piano. Now, - get the world’s best piano player and he wants to be a drummer, isn’t that always the way? Get the drummer and, I don’t know what, drummers


Patterns of Persuasion Tape 6 – Track 1

I did a thing, there were about 300 dentists in the audience? And I don’t know what it is but down front there was, there was like, 5 that had the name Dr. Pain. Every time I kept looking at it it was “Dr Pain, Dr Pain.” Some of ‘em were Payne but, see, your unconscious doesn’t understand that. Right. Just, you can imagine you walk in and you sit down in the chair and people walk in and go, “Hi, I’m Payne.” There was one called Dr. Slaughter, I didn’t like that a lot either. Surgeon, no. A dentist being doing that is just enough for me. It, ah, I had, ah, some wisdom teeth pulled and ah, it ah, I discovered that ah, if God wanted less teeth in your mouth, he shoulda just done it. I was actually – I did fine until the next day, because when I did it I did so much pain control, I sat down in the thing, I don’t even remember much of what occurred. But I remember waking up the next morning. That’s where I knew I forgot something, it was that posthypnotic suggestion that it wouldn’t hurt. You know, just a little bit late at that time. I remember the light was creeping through my eyes… cracks… open like this and suddenly I went, “Oh.” A little voice inside my head said, “I told you you shoulda done this. Heheh.” So I just dropped into a deep trance and. Dentists are very stingy, you ever noticed that? They’re real stingy, you come in and they rip a couple teeth out of your mouth and they give you 2 Aspirin. You couldn’t buy a whole bottle. On the other hand I found that Chinese – You know the difference between the Chinese doctors? Cause I know some of you live in this town. I found the Chinese doctors, they’ll give you pain control just for sitting in the waiting room. One guy downtown has Nitrix Oxide tanks in the waiting room. And of course he’s got all these guys with long hair in there. They you go ah, you go, “You need an appointment?” you go, “No, I’m just waiting for someone.” *sucks air in.* Actually though, once you’ve done it, you really don’t need to do it again, you can re-induce any state. Why fool around with caffeine? Every once in a while if I oversleep – I don’t sleep too much but sometimes when I do my wife just dumps a bowl of ice on me, it definitely wakes me right up. Anything is better than the way that – Who designs the sound in Alarm Clocks? No wonder people dread morning. “EAH.” What a way to start your day off. When my kids were young, I got a sesame street alarm clock, what an ingenious thing. One of the little characters of the sesame street, the one in the garbage can, the garbage pops open and this thing jumps up and goes, “Get up, sleepyhead, you’re gonna miss the day!” Unfortunately my kids can sleep through almost anything cause they grew up to rock and roll, you know, in the basement for years and, even now with my daughter’s starting college it, still has trouble

waking up. Come up with ingenious mechanisms, because there’s no sound in the world that will wake them up. So I finally discovered the thing that will do it is to make it so it’s a whisper. Kicks on a tape recorder and you hear, “Psst. Quick, before Darcy notices.” Her brother’s always trying to sneak in her room and steal things. I don’t know what it is. She steals my clothes, he steals her records, it’s the family method.

I was hired by a company to design for them, ah, they said, “We want you to design a unique sales training program.” Well guess what, that was easy. Cause I went around and went to all these sales training programs and they’re supposed to be so different, and most of them were the same. The thing they shared in common the most is they didn’t tell you much you could do. There was one, Xerox had one called Selling The Psychological Approach. And ah, all of ‘em pretty much started out, but they all got you to organize your thoughts as if it was a linear process. One of the reasons I try to use circles when dealing with this is, is it seems to me, once you get somebody’s attention, you need to keep it. It’s not something you ever stop doing. And that you never, and as you move into establish some kind of rapport – and there’s different kinds by the way. Ah, some people think that when you establish rapport, the only way to do it is pacing. Ah, pacing works very well for some things but when you have ah people who come in who are very very hostile, sometimes if you pace them, they’ll leave, whereas on the other hand, there are more covert mechanisms, for example one of the things to do is, if people have a, sort of a, come from the point of view that they think you’re gonna cheat them. And, you can hardly blame people, given some of the experiences I’ve had trying to purchase things in spite of the salesman, um. Actually, I had one guy, he came up and made a joke, insulted me, and anchored it, and kept repeatedly touching me in that place. Till I hit him. Several times. And ah, I actually had gone down and I wanted to get a used car. And I just needed a big giant car, and I needed it to – I wasn’t even gonna keep it, I just wanted to – it seemed stupid to me to rent something, and drive it somewhere, and I needed to tow a trailer. The trailer had some stuff in there and I thought, “Well, I should be able to go out, a couple thousand dollars to buy a car, and then I can give it to this person, and I went down, found the perfect car, and I used an old Lincoln Continental, lots of power. And it said right on it, it had a price, it said, “$1300.” Right. And then it had a big sign, “All Prices Final and Posted.” So I walked up and I said, “I want this Lincoln.” Now I – you know, I would take that right out of the gate as, “I have his attention. Ok. That’s enough rapport for me. Right. That’s all I need to know, in terms of gathering information and, I would say I wouldn’t even need to bother to test for the close. And this guy said, “No you don’t.” and I went, “I don’t?” and he went, “No, no, you don’t.” I said, “Is something wrong with it?” and he goes, “It guzzles gas.” And went, “Ooo, I would have never thought it guzzled gas!” See I don’t care about that because you see I figure if you’re only gonna have a car for 2 weeks, how much gas can it guzzle? Unless of if I’m using it to tow something, plus those American cars, you tune them up, they actually get pretty good gas mileage. Plus if anybody hits you they bounce off. That’s the part I like. I was down at Safeway and I had ah an old Lincoln that I used to drive around sometimes when I’m in a mean mood – I actually ended up giving it to somebody but – when


I had it parked in front of ah, Safeway, somebody came along and hit it in a Toyota Corolla and they were careening down the street, I guess they’d had a few cocktails, hit it doing 40 miles an hour, and the thing rolled up on the top of my car. It was upside down on the trunk when I came out. and I walked out and there was glass everywhere and they were taking this guy away in an ambulance, and the Toyota – what was left of it anyway – so I went off and just went and pushed it and it slid off of my car onto the ground and, I went in and got a Brillo pad and, bumper a little bit, and the insurance guy showed up from his insurance company and he came out and he said, “What’s the damage?” and I gave him, you know, I said, “$2.79, for the Brillo pad.” See they used to make cars out of steel. And ah, nowadays, I don’t know, they make ‘em out of old bottle caps or something. It’s like you can go up and push the side of a car and it has give, which I guess is good cause it absorbs some of the shock, but I think if – there’s a point of diminishing returns. See, Newton had this law, it’s called Rock breaks Scissors. And that’s my basic theory of driving. Is, if you have the biggest car, you win. And I’ll also, by the way, for those of you – I’ve gone through this thing of teaching teenagers to drive, rent the cars. Pay the 6 bucks. Get the biggest car you can get and tell them, “The way you do it is you step on the gas and go very very fast.” Let ‘em drive all over the place and then you bring in this smashed up rental car. I used a Cadillac. If you’re gonna learn to drive, do it in style. Now when I pulled it in it looked like it had been through a demolition derby and you go walk up to the counter and they go, “What happened to the car?” and you go, “What do ya mean?” you know, “Hey I paid my $10, I get to do anything I want to it. Says, it says right on the thing! If you pay the $10 you’re not responsible for anything.” In fact, on the way back to the, cause I rented it on the airport, on the way back to the airport, I just hit people who were rude on the road. Now, talk about a way to release your aggressions, if I owned a, I mean if this is the sales pitch that they have behind this at these car companies, I’d have the commercial come on, I’d go, start a car company and it comes on and it goes, “Are you tired of people pushing you all around on the road? Rent from Demolition Derby Cars.” Cause you can just – I mean, I’ve wrecked so many of those things, they never actually say a word, in fact they sent me an Avis credit card. So you wreck 3 cars, you get an Avis credit card. Pretty good deal! It’s kinda like a mileage plus thing I guess.

Ok, this morning what we’re gonna do is I wanna take a look at the thing, because to me there’s 3 things that you need to have other than product knowledge. You gotta have knowledge of what you’re selling in the end, because otherwise when you to go make your presentation, you’d be lying. And I don’t really approve of that, I think that the most powerful thing that exists in the world is to tell people the truth. Whether I – Through all the therapies that I’ve looked at and all the different hypnotic change processes, all the things in negotiations, I’ve discovered, to tell the truth – but it depends upon which tonality you use. Now, the thing is is if you start to look at, You have to get people’s attention and sometimes some people’s attention is harder to get than others. For example, most people feel a lot of times that they’re being

stalked in their environments. They have these, like, salesmen, have you ever had them trail you around? Right. This is very bad news. As far as I’m gonna tell you, that if you’re gonna get somebody’s attention, GET IT, or don’t. Cause, you don’t wanna induce – especially with all these now they have all these tv shows on? These cop shows? About ah, I hate these things. You know, “Watch all Americans having their rights violated up one side and down the other. Starring, Our Police Departments!” Last night they had one on TV and I was walking through the room and I was so struck by what they did to this guy, you know, I mean they – they kick in the door to his house, they go in, they arrest him, right, No, they just handcuff him and then put their knee on their back, and start telling him if he doesn’t tell them all kinds of different kinds of different things about all these other people his life is gonna be ruined. People should learn to say, “I want a lawyer. Get out of my house,” and they should all have their own TV crew too. Well, as you go through, if you think of anything, whether it’s a negotiation course, sales training course – I actually went through over a 100 different courses over a period of two years, not the most exciting modeling experience I’ve ever had. And one of the things is that I found that they all had a linear progression. Now, the linear progression was something that would tell you that there was steps. And to me, no matter what you’re doing, if you think, “There’s something I need to do,” and some way to know when you’re done. And I kept asking these guys like, “Well, How do you know when you have rapport?” And they’d always look at me and they go, “We’re gonna get to that later,” excellent at getting rapport. See, none of them practiced what they preached. And then I do things like take the book and go, “WACK!” on the counter cause it said STEP # 1: Get Attention. And the guy would turn around and he’d go, “What!,” and I’d go, “I want you to tell me how you know when you have rapport!” Well ah, can’t we get to that later? And I go, “It IS later! Than you think! Know more! Now! As you, sit and listen to me I want you to answer my question.” Now one of the things that I’ve noticed, especially if you do work over the telephone, matching tempo is SO important, because people do not process information at a faster or much slower rate than they speak. When ah, I did a course where we were training telemarketers and, what we did is we sat down and we sat in a room and we put telephones all the way around the walls in little booths, and these guys were all, you know, calling up people and stuff, and when we found somebody that they couldn’t do anything with, we played a tape of it and went through to find out exactly – cause sometimes when you’re doing telemarketing you call up, somebody’s just busy, in which case I always found it was good to put their phone number and then call them back. Repeatedly. Because eventually if they’re somebody who’s on the run, and if they’re, you know, cause some people use it as an excuse, and you usually can tell the difference, but even if you can’t, you can create interest. Because the purpose of getting attention, is to have somebody’s interest. And I found that many people – cause if you have somebody and you find there’s a lot of negatives in the sentence: they go, “Well, I don’t really have time right now,” and you go, “ok well you really, probably wouldn’t be that interested,” ah, you know, “if you’re somebody who’s so involved in things because you’re behind.” And if they go,


“well I’m not behind,” you go, “Well good I’ll call you at 12.” Now when we trained head hunters – these are the people that steal other people’s employees – I had the most profound example, of, tempo and tonality training you can imagine. This guy – this one headhunter had been trying to hire a guy and he makes, he’s a design engineer for a certain kind of hard disk which goes very, very slow, it’s not one that processes data quickly, but it has an advantage in that it’s one of the few that has a very low error rate. Now when he gave me the job description he said, “This guy is the top guy in the world, and he works at this one company, and I’ve never been able to get an appointment with him.” Now he was also the top headhunter of this company, this is a guy who’s pulling down 700 G’s a year, stealing employees for a living. Only we don’t call it that. ‘Offering people a more unique opportunity.’ See, I trained my employees when somebody tries to steal them they go into an altered state. See what I do is I induce in them a multiple personality, and suddenly they step aside and I come out, armed. “Darn, I just don’t know what came over me, I wasn’t myself. I was him! Get him!” Now, as we were going through this, this guy plays this tape, and he plays this tape and he had called this person up and ah, when he called up he said ah, he was very dynamic, charismatic – he was Mr. Charisma. Looked like he was off the front of GQ, which doesn’t help over the phone. He called up and he goes ah, “Hello ah, Mr. Smith, I know you’re very really really very busy,” he said, “I just need a minute of your time,” right, and I went like this and looked at my watch, cause some people are very accurate. Right. And there was a long silence about 20 seconds went by and a voice came over the other side and goes, “Ah… Well… Right… Now… I’m… quite… busy… perhaps… if…,” and I went, “Oh my gawd!” Well this guy, I had to train him – it took a long time, I mean, it took sedatives. Hypnotic sedatives, a little pressure to the corroded artery, to train this guy that the only way you could talk to this guy was the same way. Cause when I said it to him he went, “No!” I said, “Yes.” He goes, “You’re gonna – No.” “Yes.” Now I wanna tell you, to begin with, 27 of us sat there with towels over our face so, cause we had tears comin out of our eyes cause we were laughing so hard. This guy called up and he literally had veins popping out of his head, he called up and he went, “Mr. … Smith… I… would… like… to offer you… … a chance… to… get… together and… discuss something.” Anyway, he got the appointment, he met with the guy, and he said it was a long lunch. But, if that’s the way in which, when people are talking to you you may notice that most of the people you know have a rate of speech. Now, as a professional communicator, your job is to learn to vary yours. I mean if you think about it if you were a negotiator that negotiated between a company in a foreign country and a company in the US, it would be real helpful if you spoke both languages. But it’s not just the languages, even when you’re in the same country, it’s whether or not somebody’s thinking in pictures – cause when they’re thinking in pictures and you describe to them pictures, it’s easier for them to understand. But as they assemble pictures in their minds, some people can do it very quickly, and some are not all that good at it. So part of the thing is is when they talk to somebody else, they believe that everybody constructs images at that rate. Now, if you’re somebody who’s mind is, you know, flying along and you go, ‘’, whip up all these pictures, so as they’re goin by in your mind

you’re describing them at lightning speed, and somebody else has still only got the first one partially constructed, they’re not gonna have very good rapport with you. They’re gonna be confused and, they always have this look, they go }{, because they can’t get the images up. Same thing is true when it has to do with those people that organize themselves with feelings, or if they have to discuss things, if some people are talking to themselves, you have to give them the time to do it, otherwise they’re not gonna feel at ease with you. You have to leave a space between everything so that when you go inside and say something, there’s some people that literally repeat each sentence you say. So when you go inside and you go, “Good Morning,” they go, “Good Morning,” and they go, “Good Morning.” Now, whatever it is, you can notice by just giving yourself enough of a chance – should take you 1, 2 sentences, you can notice their eye movements for example, when you see somebody, even if you’re in a store!, when you walk up to people – what I do – I like to sneak up on them myself. I always found that it was much more effective. I always like to start my sales programs with a little fear. And then laughter immediately. What I do is I wait and as they’re walking along I wait until there’s something I can take off the counter and I pull it off and I go, “HI!” put it back up. Right. and then run around behind them and I go, “Just kidding.” And I go, “Seems all the time that salesmen are jumping on me when I go in stores, it just aggravates me. You know how (then I point to where I was) people like that are!” See, you always want to disassociate and have a way of taking the responses that you get that you want and keeping them, and something, a place to put the responses you don’t want. Now for years when I used to teach I used to put 2 bar stools, I know a lot of you up there, and people were always coming up and going, “What’s the other bar stool for?” And I go, “all the responses I get from an audience that I don’t like!” You know, if I suggest something, you know, cause sometimes, you know, I have some fairly stuffy audiences, I’ve had the mothball fleets. For a long time, I was like 20 years younger than anyone in the audience. And I’d be teaching people things. And sometimes I would make a recommendation, and people would go, “Errrr,” and I’d go, “Well, that’s useful for some people and some people would tell you to do that!” And as they look over they begin to associate the internal states with the empty space. Now if you can build that up. See, for example, anytime you say something, for example, even when you’re testing for a close, you’re not sure whether you’re ready to close, and I think the idea of testing as you go along is you don’t want to sell more than you need to. If you’re not sure, I’ll look at ‘em and go, “Hey You know what? Some people would look at you and say, “right now, you outta go right in this office and sit down and sign the papers.” And if you get }{ like this, you go, “But I’m not like that, I think we should go through things much more carefully.” Now the technique I just described is called QUOTES. This is where if you wanna say something to find out if you’re gonna get a positive response, you put it inside of quotation marks. You go, “A lot of salesmen. / Many Salesmen.” You can use any non-referring noun phrases.


You can say, “A lot of the time.” You can say, “A lot of the time, I’ll look at somebody and I’ll say, “Let’s just go in there, sign this thing, and be done with it.” Right. And when you do if you get a negative response you go, “But I know with you, that’s not the right thing to do.” See it allows you, if you get a real negative visual response, right, and you can tell cause people are either stepping ahead or they ain’t moving. If their feet ain't walking, then you ain't done. Now, If you go down that one list, one of the things that I wanna get across to you is that, of all the things that you already know how to do, the things that you’ve learned in quote on quote NLP courses, and DHE courses, the thing I’d like you to begin to do is to organize them into, ‘What did they do.’ Which techniques are for getting attention, for example, out of the things you know. Think about it! Good. Glad you’re paying attention. You’re a good girl. What’s the matter with them? No. See, getting attention. Loud Noises will always get attention. Cause Volume has a threshold. But I wouldn’t be doing that in Union negotiation course, because everyone goes like this [responds because you’ve gotten their attention.] Now, what other things can you do to get attention. What? Yea. Movement. Well, you can dial the phone, that helps. See, I mean, see a lot of times, like, phobia cures are for people that – a lot of people have a fear of picking up the telephone, see, the installation of your internal state is the most powerful thing. See if you Think about in your life. If you can go back to the time, where you felt the most ferocious, the most flirtatious, where you felt the most dynamic, the most motivated, if you can take those 5 best experiences in your life, stack ‘em on top of each other and create a set of internal feelings that you could turn on like this, So, you know, even if you were walking in to a situation where, it’s time, you know, to get up, and as soon as you get to the place where the showroom floor is, or you’re there to negotiate, as you sit down at the negotiation table you can go, ‘PFT,’ and change your internal state so that you’re IN the state to use the skills. Because you see it’s not just the techniques that work. And one of the reasons why I have trouble with some people that teach NLP is they don’t realize that what makes it work is your attitude. See you can’t have sensory acuity by squinting. It’s not – You have to be in the state where you can where you go, “Life is Wonderful,” and then you look at things, and you use every single resource. If you’re gonna negotiate, and I’ve done some tough ones – I’ve negotiated with the Argentineans with an airline when they owed them money and didn’t have it. Of course, we took things, they never expected that. I came around and I said, “Well, you guys have big warehouses full of leather you can’t sell? Good, we’ll take them.” Right. I said, “Thanks for offering.” And they went, “Ahhh!” I said, “What else you got? Nice watch!” With them you had to negotiate that way. Now with others, you have to be more gentle. I mean, you don’t be doing that when you’re negotiate with Israelis or your hand will go out and your arm will be gone. Now, the thing is is to decide when you’re doing – See if you’re selling used cars, it’s a real different

activity than if you’re selling encyclopedias over the phone, or you’re negotiating a price, but even when you’re – or trying to get a date! They’re not the same thing! You don’t go up and go, “You! Close off!” You know, you know, What are these guys by the side of the road, “Yo baby!” You know, that doesn’t work! At least that I know of, you know. Now how many girls slam on the brake and go, “Woah that was good, let’s back up over him a few times, take him home!” Or worse the guys are in the car yelling out the window, and they don’t even stop! You know, what do they think, the girls got a grappling hook? “Pftsh, get that bumper!” Now to me, and also when I see guys do this kind of thing, it’s no different than the guy who gets all dressed up, you know, 2 thousand dollars worth of clothes, hair all done, spends 3 hours in front of the mirror, goes down to the Nightclub, looks across the room, sees a beautiful woman and goes, “She’ll never like me.” and make pictures of walking up and saying hello to her and her spitting in his face and everybody in the room, “Ha ha ha,” laughing at him. It doesn’t induce the state that you want. What you need to do to decide

what state would be Primary. Now what we’re gonna do is a little experiment this morning. And then we’re gonna move on, because I’d like to get to the point where, see things like learning to translate from one representational system to another is something, that’s a technique that falls when it’s time for you to be able to package information. You should be able to describe your product or service in every representational system. And, hopefully, to be able to do it so if you have a real visual person, you can start visually and then overlap into the kinesthetic. Because I got news for you, the secret to all this negotiating stuff is, people do not make decisions consciously. So if you only – if you have a real visual person and you only give ‘em visual information, they’ll understand but they’ll buy it from someone else. If you present things to them, that’s to create understanding. But if you can start with their understanding and Lead them into their kinesthetics, Especially if you know, Where in their mind. Cause you remember yesterday I said, “Well, you know, think of a good decision you made,” and you guys went, “OK,” and here’s where the image is in your mind. Right. And I go, “and think of some times where you’ve been uncertain.” And you went, “Ok.” Now the thing is is what makes this image end up being over here. Well, that’s why I demonstrated yesterday, you could just rip – put it over there, however, you end up with buyer’s remorse. What makes the image move from something where you have uncertainty and commitment, is the difference between a real professional, is they get a commitment with every single thing that they do, instead of coercing. Cause when you coerce people in negotiation, they will change their mind. Now if you’re selling something and you can get the hell off


this planet and you don’t need any more customers that’s fine, but even if you negotiate and your negotiation, you’re trying to persuade them for somebody else, you remember, Life isn’t over yet. So if afterwards they have remorse, you know, I mean especially, imagine these guys who negotiate truces in the wars. Imagine if, you know, 2 days later somebody changes their mind and they’re back there shooting each other again. This is where you want some really serious commitment. Or some serious coercion, that works too. But, it won’t last. I mean I watch on TV, I mean we went and kicked the shit out of Iraq, right, and then when you watch CNN, you know which is the one now that’s from ‘Every Country,’ so they get to go in all these foreign countries, these guys in Iraq are laughing at us, right, we blew up their country and they’re laughing at us? The fact that they could have an attitude like that shows that, “Yea, we negotiated a solution, but it wasn’t a solution. Solution should have commitment with it. And, we found a quick end to a quick problem. Fortunately it wasn’t really our problem at that point, it’s just that whenever Countries hate us until they’re under attack. Did you ever notice that? The Saudi’s didn’t like us and then, they went and stole Kuwait, and we’re after the Saudi’s. Now the Saudi’s are a little more friendly with us. Kuwait people were friendly and then they got back to the country and then, of course, they didn’t like the idea of having to do things like letting women vote. Actually they don’t even register that they exist! If you give them a birth certificate and the next thing you’ll know they want their rights. You know, it happened in this country, actually, I kinda like it now, women have enough thing that pretty soon congress is gonna be full of women, right, and women don’t like to hurt each other except emotionally. So pretty soon it’s just gonna be countries calling up and going, “Oh Yea!?” And I kinda like that cause it’s always us that has to go – you ever notice they always send young guys? See if they’re gonna have a battle I figure politicians should have to go first, and then if it’s that important, we will go. Either that or let’s use, you know, to me, I like the idea of a Satellite finds out where it is and it becomes a Nintendo game. I loved that. War. It’s like, to me it was a great idea. They put the bomb IN _’s windows. You don’t go bomb a whole country, they dropped it in his bedroom window. And I think they should stick to that model. If somebody – a head of a country does something we don’t like, let’s take a pinpoint bomber and shoot his bed. Cause I’ll tell you, you know, first he had ‘the line of death,’ did you notice how quiet it got? That’s what I call a commitment. Except underneath, he was doing things, you know, so he’s gonna blow up one of our airliners, see, if these guys could actually sit down and persuade each other into something that made sense, if they went, “Well look. 7 more years we’re in the next century, we’re all stuck on the same rock here. Some of us are gonna leave and get more rocks, but in the meanwhile, how can we live here without feeling like we have to kill each other. I mean, what would make it possible?”


Patterns of Persuasion Tape 6 – Track 2

Hand over foot, and they spend 2 months deciding whether it’s gonna be a rectangle table or a round table. Right. And I don’t know about you guys, but in terms of the morale of the people who are out there with the guns reading the newspaper, “Well, not gonna be around table. Na ah ah, I ain't gonna put my gun down if it’s a round table. If they get a round table, I’m staying here by myself and shooting people.” I’m sure that was not the primary thing on their mind. Now I know that when they play games and politicians on that level, but to Me, whenever there’s more stress in a situation – Did you ever notice the more expensive something you buy is the more unpleasant it is to buy somehow? I’ve noticed this with other people. I figure if I’m gonna spend $20,000 for a car, I’m gonna feel the whole time I buy it. You know, cause I know that when people come in, people go out buy a dress? And feel great! Then they go out and buy a car they feel worse, they buy a house, they almost die! I mean I’ve watched them on Sunday, they don’t look like they’re walking around having fun, I think it’s kinda neat you get to go around in everybody’s house and look at things and stuff, even when I’m not in a house I go, you know, I just think it’s fun to see what’s in there. But, you know, cause it’s usually me, 5 burglars, and 1 person interested in the house! The burglars are going, “How does this security system work?” and they go, “Yea, yea that’s nice, and exactly how do you shut it off from the outside?” Right. The person who wants to buy the house isn’t even listening to that. lol. They’ll learn. And Me, I just wanna see what is it that people do, because I’m amazed at the stuff that people collect. It reminds me that you can sell anything to anybody because they bought one already. Go into your garage, I’m serious, if you have a garage, go in, and look around. If you’ve gotten to the point where you have a storage place, go through it, I dare ya. Go inside some of those big old closets for some of you that have – I have an older house and I haven’t been in it for a long time. There was a closet that’s downstairs, it’s that closet. I went and cleaned it out about 3 weeks ago because I needed the space for something? I didn’t even know where some of this stuff came from or what it is! But it must have been on sale. Now, as we go through and we take a look about which things you can do to get attention, which things establish rapport, simple things like breathing at the same rate that somebody is. When you sit down and negotiate, you should want to go in the same state that they’re in. And then lead them to the same state that you want to be in. In other words if you have somebody who comes in, because I get people who have been to 20 different car lots, right, and I mean, they come in, they look exhausted, they come in like this and go, “Ahh.” Now I don’t want that associated with my products, I’m sorry. I’ll jump in front of them and go, “WAIT!” That has their attention. And they go, “What?” and I go, “close your eyes for a minute,” and I said, “Let

me just take you in there,” and sit ‘em down and I go, “You look so tired I thought you were gonna pass out,” and they go, “Oh no I just I’ve been all over town I’ve…” Take ‘em through all the different things and then finally as I breathe at the same rate I go, “Well there, Now, it looks like you’re feeling better. Better.” See hypnosis is allowed in sales by the way in case you guys didn’t know that. Somebody said, “Isn’t this immoral?” And I said, “Yea, that’s what makes it fun.” Cause after all if you induce pleasure in someone and associate it to your product, then every time they look at that product they’re gonna feel good. That’s a cruel thing to do, isn’t it. See it seems to me, cause I had – when I was in the Midwest one time this guy said, “Well, what if you sell something that you can’t make people feel good about?” and I said, “like what?” and he said, “like fences.” And I said, “You don’t want to look outside of your house and see a fence around you and feel good?” Cause see, depending upon what the fence is for! If the fence is to keep out the bad guys or to make it so people can’t see what you’re doing, whatever it is I see no reason why you can’t look at the fence and go, “Ahh, my fence!” Why shouldn’t you? Everything in life should make you feel good. Why should you walk out and go, “Blah it’s just a fence,” or not even notice that it’s there. Why buy something and negatively hallucinate it? To me I want everything single smidgen of everything I do to have MAXIMUM impact. So many people water down so much of life that if you can get into the state of making each moment dramatic, one of the things that’ll happen, and it’ll happen mysteriously, is you will find that people want to come back to where you do business, cause it’s more fun than anything they do! I had people come around just hang around the car lot, after they bought a car, bring a few friends! Then they have cars too! You see when they walk in and they’re tired and you go, “Ok, I’ll show you we got a station wagon over here… .” Some of these guys, they’d go, like some of the people came in and we had, on one side we had the new cars and for some reason, ‘inside’ we had some cars, which never made sense to me. It made it hard to have a place where there were no cars. But they figured somehow or another if we have a car inside a building it would stay cleaner and that’s – I guess that’s why they call them showrooms in the old days. To me, if I owned it I wouldn’t have it I’d have furniture in there. I’d have things that I could use to talk to them before I took them outside and showed them a car, or else I’d drive it in. Make every single person who came in have an event. But then the owner told me he said, “Well most people who come in here aren’t gonna buy a car. So it seems like a lot of effort.” And I said, “Well there’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.” You know, “Aww, if we advertise people just gonna come in here and waste our time. If they were serious they would have found us anyway.” You know how many times I heard that when I worked at an ad agency? “If they really really want our product, they would have found us.” Advertising can’t possibly help. After all, look what it’s done for Burger King.


You know, I was – you’ll like this – I’m in the Dallas Airport. Listening to some people – talk about somebody that ended up eating their words – In the Dallas Airport. I had just left a meeting with the Chard company which is Burger King, as a representative from an ad agency. I am in that airport, and I’m – suddenly I go in and I go, “Ah, I could get a cocktail and that will help me to be unconscious on the plane.” As I sit down, I hear all these people talking and laughing behind me, and they’re all guys from the AD agency from McDonalds. And they’re going, “Burger King gave up The Magic King. Boy have they blown it man, they’re in the tubes now!” And he goes, “They got some new campaign about You Can Have It Your Way, Ha!, that’s not gonna work!” Well, it put the biggest dent in McDonalds they ever had. The notion that, see, they thought, for some reason they got associated since they had ‘The Hamburger’, they thought it was so effective, they don’t even use it anymore by the way, they had to switch to, “You deserve a Break Today,” which meant many people had break downs. “You deserve a break today.” A campaign that didn’t work. They even tried – they did one thing in that though, when they filmed the commercial? They filmed it from the inside of the cars, where they saw it turning into McDonalds? Right, except they didn’t have the person get out of the car and stay. It makes all the difference in the world. People were turning in, they just weren’t staying there. And they also didn’t associate it with hunger. Which seems to me would make sense if you’re doing something like a fast food restaurant. I wouldn’t be having people sit around and go, “Hey, let’s take the kids for that rare party they need, let’s wait till the kids are crying and buy ‘em a hamburger.” I should get ‘em a Kleenex, I find it’s a lot cleaner that way. And you get ketchup on your face otherwise. The logic of the commercials is not designed to create the state. If people are out and you go, “Feeling hungry?” This is a great one on the radio, I like this one, you hear this logo, “Feeling hungry? Ah I know you already ate. But you could be feeling how you want something that tastes wonderful? What street are you on? Oh, you’re probably only a few blocks from something that’s gonna make your mouth water. Now in most commercials we tell you what it is, but we’re just gonna tell you the address.” Oooo, good huh? Cause I know I was driving down and I go, “Well that’s not gonna affect me. What’s on that street? Well Gee, it’s only a few blocks away, and I am a little hungry…!” Worked really good. Double rainbow ice cream. Gee, you went there and you don’t even have to eat a meal, you just get desert. Neat, huh? It just really got me big time cause I went, “Well, boy, I know what they’re trying to do. I know what they’re trying to do. But I don’t know who’s trying to do it!” Create curiosity, but on the left side. It was very very effective. And actually, every time they do it I’d hear it on there, it would make me laugh because it was so obviously conning you, but they left out that once piece of information. Now no Ad Agency – cause these guys made their own commercial, I asked them, I had to know. They

went to ‘professionals.’ You know what can happen there. Listen to the commercial, they wanted to design for double rainbow. They wanted to show a picture of 31 flavors of ice-creams and go, “Are you tired of this?” “No.” “Try something new,” and show ‘em Double Rainbow. See I found if you’re gonna buy airtime, I mean Airtime is expensive. It’s one of the most expensive ways to persuade. But you can persuade a lot of people. I mean, for most of us, I got news for you, they actually induce in most people the opposite effect of what they want. How many times have you seen the following? Now if you look at your mind, look at something that you desire. When you pushed the image closer does it get stronger? Try it in your own head. Right. When you push it away, does it get weaker? Alright. What do they do? They show you the product on TV, then they push it away so they can put the name under. You’ll see that all day long. My favorite one is, sometimes, they’ll push it all the way away. They’ll have the product up and at the end of the commercial they’ll go, “woosh,” suck it away, graphically and you go, “What was that? Oh, probably doesn’t matter anyway.” I mean, especially during football games where they go graphic mad. They go, “You want a bud light? Forget it!” Huh? What? Now, remember, this means that, when you’re breathing at the same rate and you’re talking to them, all the other things about the information, about Where do they organize in their mind, where do the voices come from in their head.

That all of the courses I took, every single one of them said to make eye contact! Well if you’re making eye contact, they’re not inside. To me the major thing to do is to get it so that you can get the person INSIDE their head and accessing the states that you want. Is to Make them feel good and Associate good feelings with your product, and to get them to access when they wanted things, desired things. To me, the rule of thumb is, “Induce wantant buying state, Associate with product.” Now, if you’re not inducing a state of desire, And I know a lot of salesmen think that their job is ‘just to provide information’. Hey, books do that. They should at least. Owner’s manuals for most products don’t.

Now, I was down at a place that sells only very very expensive video equipment. I thought, “Well, maybe I’ll go down and I’ll get a better video camera instead of just, you know, one of these ones you get at the Good Guys and stuff, you know, I’ll go out and get a regular one to use for seminars cause, when you


videotape ‘em with these little tiny things, the first generation is fine, but after that, you know, people are doing this, I go, “Watch this color change in their face,” and they turn blue. Um. So I went in and we’re talking about a $20,000 product. So I walked in and I said, “I’d like somebody here who can explain to me about these cameras on the wall.” And the guy looks at me and he goes, “If you don’t understand those cameras you don’t want one.” And I said, “Now that you mention it, that’s true!” See I was gonna hire someone to run the camera but, now I’m not that interested in him either. Could have been you. I was gonna pay him $200,000 a day. But now I’m not interested, excuse me.” “Oh I’m not –“ “No, don’t say anything, you’re right, I don’t understand the camera, so I want you to just take this opportunity you missed to feel bad and have it stay with you for the rest of you for the rest of your life. By the way there’s a shopping cart outside with your name on it.” How these guys can even survive is beyond me. “Yea, you’re not good enough to buy my product. Out, street scum!” See, to me, I wanna be able to be in such a state that when you first notice somebody, I like when they, one of the ways I gear things for myself is when they’re walking in, I walk at the same rate towards them, step for step. And when I walk up, I found out it just isn’t important if I say my name clearly. In fact, if you want to get attention, sometimes I’ll do this. ][. Hey, if you’re not doing this to have fun, then when you go home and go, “God, work’s so boring,” you deserve it! You know, people come home and go, “I hate my job it’s so boring,” and I’ll go, “What do you do?” and they go, “I sell stereos,” and I go, “God, how could you be bored doing that man? You got fodder all day long coming in to play with.” I mean, especially in a stereo store with all the noise going on and stuff? And if you have a button that you could step on and everything goes dead quiet. People go, “Woaaaaaaah!” Go, “Just kidding.” And if you can get laughter out of people, you usually can get anything. Now I’ve worked with everything from catatonics, I mean, real catatonics in mental hospitals, and I do the same stuff! To me, persuasion is persuasion. I mean here I got a catatonic and he’s got tubes comin out of him and stuff, and we walk through the room and they psychiatrist whispers? That means the catatonic’s got more flexibility than the shrink! I mean, you know, and I – and this happened to me, this literally happened the first time I was, they took me in and we were walking along and the shrink was whispering and I said, “Why are we whispering,” and he goes, “the Catatonic,” and then he giggled, he went, “Ah ha, just habit I guess.” Yea, pick the stupidest behavior and engage in it. Too much education can be really bad for you. This is the major thing I’ve learned in my career. Every time I find an over-educated idiot, it’s amazing, you know, “Yeap, nope, I got all this knowledge in my head that says this, and if I violate any of it my brain will explode.” lol. That’s right. Just re-anchor it, that’s no problem. Does anchoring work? “Noo (tonal anchor).” Nah nah it doesn’t re-induce that state, after all you wouldn’t want to feel wantant pleasure, that’s left over from the last workshop, so it doesn’t really count in this one. Of course, you know the nice thing, when you have repetitive business? If you have an anchor for the wantant desire to buy things and for when you close and they’ve made their

decision, you know where the image is, when they come in, you’re done. You’d be surprised at how quickly you can sell things. But, then money would come through the door and you’d just have to do all that extra accounting. That’s the model that’s been used in this country for the past – cause people are actually describing things in the economy in terms of medical terminology. The economy is ‘sluggish’. “Aww, give it some Geritol. Now, if we can begin to make distinctions about what gets attention, what information gathering tools do we have, which things are to establish rapport, matching predicates, ok, and then which things are for packaging, cause packaging is where the real art form comes down. Cause if you can package information so that it’s in the right place, visually, so that you’re standing so the voice goes in in the same place the voice in their head tells them things that they believe, Cause, sometimes I’ll say, “You know, sometimes you say something to yourself and you just don’t believe it?” Find out, do you have a voice that you just don’t trust inside your own head? Ok, where does it come from. The one that goes, “Yea, ask her out, she’ll go out with ya! Try it!” Some of you in here are going, “Sure,” and then you have the other voice that goes, “Give yourself a break man, forget it! She’s not going out with you,” and you go, “Ok, yea yea yea.” Trust that one. You gotta try switching the content of those! Leave the voice tone the same, and have them switch content! Huh? That’s where you take the words in one, put it in the voice tone and the location of the other, put the words in the other one and switch them back and forth. That way you get the girl. Cause she’s standing over there going, “How come nobody will ever ask me out? Maybe he will. Nah, he’ll never ask you out, he’s too good looking.” It happens all the time! I

found out that it was easier to get a date when I was single with stunningly beautiful women, cause no one ever asked them out! They were always home filing their nails on Saturday night cause everybody was afraid to ask them out, so they had to find some real dud who was abusive, you know, he didn’t care, he didn’t notice anything, he abused everyone equally. You know. “Hey you, Bitch, get over here!” “Oh, yea, somebody asks!” “Yea, come here, BSHT, wanna go out tonight?” Ever notice how many abusive people people end up living with? I mean, it amazes me that, you know, because it’s either that or they end up with sensitive men which can be, *yawn*, real exciting. Women love guys that are real sensitive. I’ll tell ya

that’s one thing The Women’s Liberation Movement that backfired on them. Too many men believed them. Right.

You know how much impotency I’ve worked with in the past year? “Yea I’m sensitive.” “Oooooo.” You go, “Now you have all the rights you want and you’re sexually frustrated.”  I noticed, I liked this, there’s a store in this town that sells vibrators and, they sell t-shirts that say, “If you want something done right, do it yourself.” I don’t know, that was great! It’s ah, part of, see we have


The Sisters Perpetual Indulgence, it’s a ‘dike bike club’ here? I don’t make this stuff up man I just All you gotta do is observe the world, it’s all out there. And I don’t care where you go on this planet, it is filled with high comedy if you really stop and look at it. Now this morning what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna do a little something. What I want you to do, is I want you to stop and think of something that’s absolutely true about you now. Something you know you absolutely believe in, it’s just absolutely the case. Ok, then what we’re gonna do is I want you to go and collect 5 of the best experiences. Remember yesterday when we amplified things? Do you remember yesterday, this is yes, right, this is no, and this is “God I wish I didn’t drink so much last night.” I tell ya, you don’t need to drink real alcohol, you have one drink just for the taste, but the rest of it you can do hypnotically, it’s so much cheaper. And what I like is when you’re really bombed outta your head hypnotically on booze, the cop pulls you over and you take the breath test and it comes out zero? “What’s the matter, Foccifer?” and they go, “You’re drunk,” and you go, “I haven’t had a single drop to drink!” and they go, “Well, how do you account for your behavior?” and you go, “Well, let me show you. I want you to just close your eyes for a minute, and go back and remember the last time you were loaded outta your head. That’s right, now make the picture twice as big, make it twice as bright? But, do you remember the first place you began to feel this? That’s right, pay attention to that location, now the second part of the feeling, and the 3rd feeling, and if you keep cycling through those in that order, pretty soon you’re gonna go right into that state!” And they’ll look back and you and go, “I do kinda feel something.” And when he goes in to… house and he walks in and they go, “You’re drunk!” and he goes, “I haven’t had-“ Cause I don’t like the idea that every time I go by a donut shop, right, they’re policemen in there, drinking coffee and eating donuts. Caffeine, sugar, caffeine, sugar. And then they go, “I don’t understand why I’m so tense.” Well cause I think ‘caffeine sugar caffeine sugar GUN’ is not the greatest combination in the world! Right. See I think Secanol, gun, secanol, gun, secanol, gun, secanol nitris oxide. You know, what’s that other stuff, Sodium penathal, gun. That sodium penathal stuff, talk about a great one, We did a thing with the Military ah, and, as it turns out when you’re tortured, for those of you hopefully you won’t go through this experience, but if you are captured, the state department had a program that they had designed for people who were potential hostages. When he said that to me, “Potential Hostages? Like where do you sign up for this? Oh! The Potential Hostage course, yes.” And at the end they send you all to Iraq or something, which in fact is the case, but this is for businessmen that go to Lebanon and state department officials. They go to these places where you might get kidnapped, they put together a course to survive. And as it turns out, all good terrorists and commandos now, that if you’re tortured to the point where you pass out, right, then it’s almost worthless to try and torture you, they have to let you sit around for a couple of weeks, because you’re, because there’s so much, ah, endomorphine released in your body that you basically can’t feel any pain at all. I mean, there’s a threshold, and that threshold is where you pass out. So they brought these people in, – only our government would pay for this – this is our tax

dollars at work by the way – right, we are in the suite in the top floor in the Hyatt Regency, right, just in Bethesda Meriland, right, just outside of Greenbelt, right, which is, “There’s nothing in Greenbelt,” right, that big complex, there’s nothing there,” ah, it’s our CIA training is down there. And I like this, there’s a Sheraton across the street, and at about 5 o’clock, everybody comes in and sits at a separate table, and they’re all dressed alike, they have on a yellow shirt, a blue and red tie, a blue blazer, and the same crape shold shoes. They all walk in and they all sit down and act like they don’t know each other. So I like walking around and going, “Don’t you work across the street? Yea, you one of them spy guys, huh!” See they wonder why I protect myself from having a high clearance, see, they’re afraid to tell me anything. They go, “Well, we want you to do this training, but could you kinda keep your behavior under control?” and I go, “Absolutely.” So anyway, we go down there, Listen to this, this – I think this is a great thing, they go, “well you can re-induce any state, right?” and I said, “Yea,” I said, “well,” I said, “If you want people to pass out,” so I picked somebody in the group and I said, “Has anybody here ever had sodium penathal.” You know, in an operation or something. That’s the one where you get the shot and they tell you to count backwards from 100 and usually you get from “100 to 9-“ That was my memory anyways. Actually for some reason I have this iron-clad metabolism. You shoulda seen the look as I went, “3, 2, 1, now what.” And the guy was sitting there and he goes, “Gas ‘Em.” Right. And then underneath the mask you can hear, “-45, -44,” I don’t know why, I just – my body is like, everything, it goes so fast that everything is spit out of it, I. But, they did discover, I discovered 1 thing. When they double the dose on that stuff, cause he finally went, “I don’t know how to handle this, *opens up full blast*. And I remember they told you there’s a gap in your experience? When you take this stuff, because really, they’ll take ya, give you an operation, put you back in, and when you open your eyes you’re expecting the anesthesiologist still on the top of you. And it really creates a massive gap. It’s an interesting drug. But anyway, the one person came up cause I was gonna show him and I took him through and did the thing where you re-live the locations of the feeling. Any drug you’ve taken you pay attention to the first feeling that you have, where it was on your body, and the reason you use the locations kinesthetically, is, Your consciousness is only moved in that order when you went into the state. Whether it was being drunk, or whatever. So when you re-do those, and then re-do them again and re-do them again, your neurology knows that this is where it’s going. And it actually manufactures the chemical reaction that you have to what the drug is. For times around with sodium penathal, pow, the guy fell right out of his chair. Now, so our government said, - here we have 80 people in the room, and the guy from the government went, “Wow, that works really good,” picks up the phone, and he has them come over, roll up their sleeves, all 80 of them, shoot ‘em up, knock ‘em all out. Well the reason this was at the Hyatt Regency is I didn’t wanna go to the Fort cause I don’t like going on what they refer to as ‘on site.’ Because it smells bad. It’s like they, you know, the one thing that our government hasn’t learned to do is to clean it’s buildings well. And when you teach for 8 hours about sensory acuity and heighten it in a place where the floor hasn’t really been cleaned in 100 years, it’s bad. And I hate it when you walk through the


restroom and your shoes go, “Shk schk schk schk.” Ugh. So I went ahead and with my own money I rented the suite and, just to be nice I had them send up coffee and croissants at 10:30. And at 10 I hear this ‘knock knock knock’ at the door and I look, and these people are all out cold all over the place. I open the door and this little bellman comes in with the stuff and looks around and goes, “What’s goin on?” and I said, “We’re on a break.” People are like, “Woahh.” Waking up. Then they had oxygen tanks and they oxygenated them and we had them go back through it in their minds so that they could pass out at will. But we also taught them to control pain, but what I liked was the bellman walked over and he looks at the box and we had thumbscrews, big long pins – these guys don’t fool around, by the way, they test their work – which ah I do appreciate – If you’re gonna – especially – hey, you wanna try it the first time after you’ve been kidnapped? Think about it. You know, I mean they do, pins through the hands, and stuff like that. Of course half those guys could do that anyway, I mean, one guy took his shirt off and, actually I elicited his strategy, he sorted by elimination. What do you think he did? I often wondered that. You know, strategy elicitation. This guy only went and figured out what you could get rid of and then kept what was left over? Now what job could he have? Sort by elimination. Sounds more like a job for the mafia, doesn’t it? Actually, his job was to go around and fire people. He was ‘the efficiency expert’. He took all the people who were really doing their job and got rid of them. It really did seem that way. Cause, this program no longer exists – they took the 3 people who were really doing useful things and got them out of the program. And left all the people who didn’t understand what was going on were confused.

Yes, it was a hand drill, I just don’t that thing that come across. I’m used to that. I liked it. And besides, if they don’t have the chair, that’s what my trance is anchored to, it’s gotta have – cause as the chair goes up, my consciousness goes through the floor.


It’s kinda like in the state of California. At one time marriage and family child counselors could not do hypnosis. They actually had to sign the thing. It was illegal for them and no one else. At one point our brilliant legislature changed it so that they were the only ones who could do it. In 1 year. Pft. Just like that. So that meant all the people who were doing hypnosis were the ones that didn’t know how. However, you had to go to the ones that weren’t allowed to do it anymore to get hours signed off so you could be legalized to do it. lol. That’s our government at work. See I really think when it comes to behavioral things when it comes to medicine, doctors should make the decision. Right. Not politicians. And the doctors that should do it are the ones that do it the best. Not the ones that don’t wanna do it. In other words, when we set standards for things, it should be the person who saves the most lives doing it. The best heart surgeon should decide who gets to get a heart surgeon. Not some politicians. And who should decide if you could be a dentist? The best dentist in the country should set the standards. Because that way, we would have very high standards. Now, sure we wouldn’t have as many dentists, but we wouldn’t have the ones that ruined my teeth when I was a kid. Right. You should have seen the drill bit this guy had. This guy had a drill – I have drills like that in my garage, but I use them for different purposes, like drilling through concrete. This thing was about 30 years old, I had a little thing, my cap fell off when I was young, I tried to bite through some food that wasn’t edible. … bones inside of certain things… so I thought, “Well, just pop over to a dentist, have em fix it. and this guy actually had a drill that looked like the kind that you have in your garage, like a black & decker.


Patterns of Persuasion Tape 7 – Track 1

Like, keyboards, we bought these keyboards, now the companies have an 800 number you can call when you’re having a problem, because they know nobody in the store knows how to run it. Now, to me, this is somebody who has no pride. Anybody who will sell something that they can’t use themselves, right, I mean, they have no pride whatsoever. To me, if I’m gonna do, I don’t care if I’m gonna work day and night, if I’m gonna sell something I’m gonna be able to turn it on and run it. And not just run the demo sequence, “Well, let me turn on this demo sequence for ya, I’ll be back in 5 minutes!” Well that’s the point at which they’re putting themselves out of a job. Because to me the purpose is to be able to align people to make the right decision. Because, if you actually, and I did it many times, people would come in and I would go through it with them and I’d tell ‘em, “Wait a minute, I don’t care what you think, this is the wrong car for you.” I said, “it’s just, where you are economically and where you are in your family,” I said, “this is the wrong thing to do.” And I’ve got news for you, when you’re sitting in the Mercedes lot, you know, and even in the used car lot, and you turn around and you say that, people look at you and go, “Well what do you mean?” And you go, “Look. I’ll make a deal with you.” I said, “What you’re trying to purchase here is something that won’t serve your needs. Now if I had something that would I’d sell it to ya, but instead let me take you somewhere else.” And I’d take ‘em in the car, in fact what I’d do is I’d take ‘em in the Mercedes and Vroom drive over to one of the other car lots, park in the front, just in case I might pick up a few leads on the way, Hey, utilization! Man don’t waste your time, you can do 20 things at once. Never forget it. I mean, you know, when we first put together the Neuro Synchronizer I said, you know, “The only

place I’m not wearing this is while I’m not driving.” That’s cause you can’t see through the glasses. You know, ha, “Well why not, I wear mine while I’m driving! Seem to drive as well as most everybody else in this San Francisco!” See, cause when you’re trying to look at the world through dental floss it’s kinda hard. Which is about what you need. Bright lights, ding ding ding ding and then you wear your neurosonics tapes, just so you can cut out all the peripheral noise. Like the sirens. Now, when I take them over to the other car lot, what I’ll do is I’ll walk in. Now this of course gives me a perfect excuse, right, to talk very loud so that I can prospect while I’m there. Which is something you should never be afraid to do. I call it sales wars. Right. Because I’m in to – If you’ll steal other people’s employees, why wouldn’t you steal their customers? Especially if they’re there buying the wrong car. Cause I know when they go into a certain car lot and they walk over and they’re looking at a decked-out station wagon with wood paneling that’s gonna look like shit in three years, right, you know, I’ll walk over when I bring in somebody else to buy another car I’ll walk over and go, “Got a big family? How old are they?” and I’ll go, “Wrong

car.” Give ‘em a card and go, “Call me and I’ll tell you the truth.” They go, “You don’t work here?” and I go, “No. I had a customer that came in to buy a car but our cars aren’t right for him, so I brought him down here so I’m gonna negotiate for him.” Now I’ll tell ya, One thing to learn in this country, if you really want to be a top negotiator, spend a little time learning to read lips. Now it’s really easy. You get 1 movie, home video movie and a script. And all you do is get a movie where you have headshots. A lot of headshots. And then what you do is you breathe at the same rate as the person in the movie, and first what you do is you learn to move your lips at the same rate, so that as you watch lips move your lips will move automatically, and then slowly start to turn the volume down on the movie as you run through it. You only need to do a few lines really, till you can make the voices inside your head, by mirroring the lip movement, and then you make the lip movement more and more diminished, and after a while you can do it. Cause it’s great what they say in those windows. And when you can repeat it to them, you can get anything. See, and also the other thing, when you play poker, a lot of people look at their cards and they go ][, and when you get that it’s, “Oh, 2 Jacks and a nine!” Now the other thing is if you do learn deep trance, when people wear glasses you can magnify the reflection off the glasses and un-distort it. Of course you guys wouldn’t be interested in that. There’s no need to win at cards a lot. The last 23 times I’ve been to Southlake Tahoe I’ve come home a winner. In fact, I won all the hands except for the ones… looked at cards… nope. And people always look at their hands and go, }{. “Your hand is too much better than mine.” And they go, “How do you know that?” and I go, “It’s just a feeling.” Just an intuition I have.

Now. What I’m gonna do is a little demonstration here because what I wanna do is to show you something that you guys can do to each other to crank up your motivation and to have the, what I think is really important, is the sense of adventure. Most people look at things that aren’t even really a challenge as if they’re overwhelmingly difficult. When the world is playland. Now what you need to have is a certain kind of attitude, and I know if you put together the raw experiences of the things that have happened to you in your life in just the right way, you can begin to do something which will crank yourself up, to the point where you become as impatient as a racehorse. See, we did that yesterday and you guys came in here and sat down and went. You gotta use this stuff. You gotta remember that if you’re not in the state of heightened awareness, where you hear more, see more, and are more alert, you need to be able to go back and remember the feeling you had just before you opened a present you’ve been dying to open. I mean, go back and remember when you were a kid or a birthday or something, there was a package and you had to look at it for a long time and then suddenly you got to open it, remember that feeling? Right. And where you go, that’s what the world is like, every day! It’s just sittin around out there, if everybody looked at you go, “I wonder what I can sell them.” Right. “I wonder what strategy.” Even the


crankiest of people you go, “If I could put a smile on his face, I could put a smile on any customer’s face. Got a spare minute? I’m sitting here at the bus stop, he’s standing in front of me…” People tell me, “We don’t have any business. Not only that I had to stand in line at the bank for 2 hours.” Hey! So did the other people in line, guys. Right. To me, I bring a sales kit with me. Tch. Pop open the briefcase. “Now, as long as you people have a minute.” Why not, I go, “Let me show you this.” You stop, you know, “have You ever decided that you really want something?” their eyes shift and I go, “Pft,” and put the brochure right there. Go, “Here, take a look at this,” and move it closer. “And, when you look at this business card, don’t feel like you have to call me immediately.” Now the other thing is is, I found out, cause I’ve been using these business cards that are the same as everybody elses? I discovered I put sticky stuff on the back of them. They put it in the wallet and it gets glued there. Put it in their briefcase they can’t get it off the bottom. That superglue stuff is great, whoever invented that stuff, you know, they had no idea how much fun they created for a guy like me. Put a little superglue you know on stuff like you have your brochure, put a little bit on it and hand it on them then they have to look at it. Now I would never do anything like that. Cause I’ve been down at the emergency ward with people that have their fingers stuck like this. That stuff really works when you wanna glue humans together. Coffee cup stuff doesn’t work that well for it, but boy I’ll tell ya if you ever want to glue humans together this stuff is fabulous. People are constantly getting their fingers glued to things. Have you ever tried it and have your fingers glued to something? Well the stuff you can get off, but if you glue it to another finger you have to go to the emergency ward, or rip your skin off. Or do what we do, take an exacto knife, cause someone I know does it a lot. Now, what we’re gonna do is I want you to start by making a picture of the thing, the present? Now, but not yet, cause I’m gonna tell you what I want you to do, you’re gonna do it to each other. What you’re gonna do is to induce, and that is, both analogically, Now, some of you people haven’t got this thing, I keep looking over at you like standing in each other’s pictures. This is somebody’s brain. If you stand too close to them, they can’t make big pictures. Start moving around to the side and saying, “Now, I don’t know how big and bright of an image you can make,” you can embed this stuff covertly. Cause everybody is doing it all the time. “I don’t know how big and bright an image you can make where you see yourself driving down the road in a brand new car, but I know if you see that image it’s gonna feel so good when you slip inside and imagine, the smell of the leather seats, the feel of the gearshift, hear the rumble of the engine and when you’re driving down the road and you look out the window and everyone’s admiring you. Women are yelling from the side of the road, throwing their grappling hook at your bumper. Skiing on the concrete behind you. Now, I want you to be able to do this, but I want you to pick first with each other, pick somebody in here, and I want you to establish a state of wantant motivation. First pick the 5 things you’re most motivated to do, make 1 image as big as you can, right, and then right behind it another, and another, and with each of those I want you to use a special kind of anchor. Because I want you to learn to anchor visually. When I put my hand behind a picture, the reason I get a kinesthetic response and other people don’t seem to is To me, I make it real.

It’s as precise as the touch, it’s like you had chalk on your fingers and I mark the air. It goes right back to where it is, and not just with my hand, it’s not your hand it’s your whole body AND your voice tone. So it’s right there. Now, precision in movement, precision in everything. Now what I’m gonna do is I want you to sit the person down in front of you, have them eyes open, right, and tell them, “Remember the last time that you were absolutely and overwhelmingly motivated.” No remember, when you say a word like overwhelming, make it sound like it. Every word should have power. A lot of people say too many words, and don’t make enough punch with each one. When you look at a car and go, “Ahh, Ooo, look at the lines,” instead of you going, “These lines were created in 1984 by a scientist…,” Is that the feeling you want connected with things? You don’t want that kinda stuff, I see it every day. Guys walk up – or this, if they just – My favorite one is if they’re not in a real motivated mood they’ll walk up and they’ll go, “Yeah, it’s a great car. What do you wanna know about it?” and they’ll go, “Well, I don’t know.” Cause people are gonna go into the state that you induce in them. And that state comes from your analog. Just like I induce motivation to anchor it in somebody, that’s what you’re gonna be doing when you go out to do to them.

The induction of state is the most important part. Once you have the state, then you put in the information. You don’t go, “It’s a real exciting car, get excited.” You want them to be excited while the information goes in so every time they think about the car. [state conditioned learning.] Now I’ll tell ya a trick, people show them products, and then they take ‘em and sit ‘em in a room in a whole different environment and hand them a contract. And every time they’ve done that it’s been unpleasant. Take the contracts out to the car, sit in the car and do it, why fool around. Right. Get a clipboard. Right. Because it’s a bad anchor. It’s happened everywhere, you know. I do things like, the first thing I do is open my drawer and I have it full of money. 5 dollar bills, 10 dollar bills, 20 dollar bills, lots of 2 dollar bills, just stuffed with cash. I open the drawer like that people come and look in and they go like that and I go, “Nice, huh?” They go, “Yea,” and then I pull the contract out from the middle of it and go, “Here.” And then I give them a 2 dollar bill. They love that. Cause even though they’re still around, and they’re around, you go the bank and you go, “I want two hundred 2 dollar bills,” and they give ‘em to you! Right, they have tons of them. When they announce that they were going out of circulation and that they weren’t gonna make them anymore, everybody stopped using it, and they’re brand new. I mean, the last time they made them was 1976. They stopped making them because they made too many. By the way in our country they’re great, because everything is over a dollar. $1.05, $1.75. They make a good tip, they’re great. People remember, “2 dollar bill! Is that more valuable?” you go, “Yea.” The 2 dollar bill trick is a


great one. Because now you have a contract with a 2 dollar bill and they’re fascinated with the 2 dollar bill and you go, “Now, here’s your chance to feel good.” And I go, Now most of the time when you fill out a contract, they hand it to you they go, “Here, fill this out!” and people go, “Ugh I’m gonna get rejected.” Don’t let them go through that, read them the questions, and read it to them in great tonality. Make ‘em feel good. Especially if anything you do, and when you demonstrate software, for example, these guys they go, “Well this is just an accounting program. Blah.” You know, and he goes like, you know, “Well here you put in your bank numbers and stuff.” That’s not the way to do it, you go, “Hey!, here it comes, watch this. Oooo,” the window comes up, fill in a little sound effects! And then what you do is you look at it and you go, “See, now, it says it wants to know your name.”



Patterns of Persuasion Tape 7 – Track 2

Because people are always feeling dumber than computers, the software, because most software composers are such snots, always design everything to make you feel foolish! Instead of to make you feel like, it’s like, if something doesn’t work right, the computers will go, “Excuse me man, I must have mis-informed you,” instead of, “You have informed us wrong,” hey, take credit for it, it doesn’t have feelings. Now, I wrote a piece of software called, “Is that You, Judith.” Um. Well I noticed that I wrote an equation that is capable of detecting who’s typing on there. So when you turn on the computer it says, “Please type,” you know, “a sentence, any sentence.” And when you type it, it knows who you are. And what I did is I actually had a computer and when I had, I had a big computer installed where I was at one time, and I had, I attached the personal computer that the person who does transcribing for me was using. And I ran a RS232 cord so it was actually using a PDP11 and not the little personal computer. And ah, I later found out I could put the program on the personal computer, but it was when I first wrote it it was very big. And what it did is it monitored, because your typing style is more individual than your fingerprints. By the way. In fact, a computer can tell the difference between whether you’re composing, whether your typing what’s written on a piece of paper, or whether someone’s dictating to you. It’s that precise. Now, but anyway, what was happening was the secretary Judith was typing along like this, and what I did is is I had it so that it monitored her for a week and went out and found out the difference between her highest speed, her lowest error rate, and I put it so that if something happened, because some days she does better than others, and I had noticed that some days there were like no errors, and some days, you know there were mistakes all over the place. And one of the things that happened is is one day when I went in and the stuff she was giving me was garbage I said, “What’s goin on,” and she goes, “Oh I had a fight with my boyfriend,” and I thought, “Well, maybe if I started making categories and monitoring this.” So what happened is is Judith came in and she was typing along and all of a sudden the screen went blank. And she went over to tap it and the thing opened up and it went, “Is that you Judith?” Now this by the way was like 15 years ago. This is not when computers had no voices or anything. And Judith went sat back like this, now the two of us were up in the loft with binoculars watching, right, towels in our mouth of course, right, and, she just typed, “Yes,” and goes, “How are you doing today? I missed you.” And Judith sat back like that and she sat like that and said, “Let’s continue.” She started to go on and at one point it said, it came on and said, “Judith, I think you should get some coffee, you’re starting to make mistakes. Just sit back and take a deep breath and relax.” Right. Well, inside of one week, heh heh heh, it was capable of monitoring when she was getting amped out, when she wasn’t concentrating, have her take a short break, it figured out how long the break

should be, and would pop back on, start flashing, “Judith! Judith! Judith!” and she’d come over and go, “What!” And it goes, “It’s time for us to start again now.” And it kept her at peak performance. So now the machine _s the thing. Well I had this great idea. What if we, if I had the software company, since the salesman are so bad, what if we made the software sell itself? All it would have to do is be able to identify who you were, and go through the right processes. Now, we wanna be able to do things like, you wanna come here? Just give me a hand with, I just wanna show you one of the things I want you to do. Now, what we want to do is to realize – sit. Sit. Cause first let’s go, “Get attention.” Ok. Now that you have attention, see I, the other thing, the best way I know to get attention is you throw money in front of people, it works really good. You go, “Do you like money?” and you hold it up and you go, “Good,” and you have the product right there. Now, the thing is to keep in mind If you can keep to the side of somebody, that means you have your attention fixated, either when you’re showing them a real product, or you’re showing them things in their mind. Never show them the real thing until you show them what’s in their mind. Because it’s better to have the mind accepting it and then stick the product in than the inverse, cause people are always jumping the gun. Now when you’re in the situation where people are like going in and there’s 20 different video cameras, and the person looks at 20 different video cameras, ok, what’s that gonna do if you put 20 video cameras together. It’s gonna confuse them, right, so, How do you establish rapport? You look at it and you go, “Boy, isn’t that confusing? It’s hard to know, they’ve got so many things, it’s just enough to make you confused. Take a deep breath for a minute and just, relax, and look at me., and tell me, do you wanna get something that’s right for you? Ok, you don’t want to get something that’s too complicated you can’t use it or something that when you start to use it then you have to go back and buy another one, do ya? We wanna get something which is absolutely perfect.” By the way, this is the magic hand. Because this one does this, this one does this. And I just use the thumb, cause I go, “Ok Now.” Right. “Let me ask you this. When you really desire – think of something that you bought that was absolutely right. Ok. Was it the salesman that told you it was right or was it the feeling you have.? Ok, now when you have that feeling,” is that exaggerated enough for you guys? When you HAVE that feeling, not when you had, HAVE. Time is the operator in language. Because, it’s a colloquialism in our language to say, “Well you know, when you have some real excitement,” but when you analogue mark it, it becomes a command to the unconscious. “HAVE,” a little louder, “excitement,” inflection down, so you end the sentence before it really begins. “So when you have that excitement, I want you to take a look at it. Now, wouldn’t it be nice if when you picked out the thing you’re gonna buy in here,” presupposition,” and language patterns. You guys gotta read Patterns I, that book is, You guys gotta Read that book, read that book, read that book. And learn, because language is what you’re using all the time. And being able to control your syntax is important. Because otherwise, you’re gonna get in your own way. You’re gonna be doing things like, “Now, I don’t


think it’s necessary for you to go to my competitor.” You know, “I’ll offer you the best price,” you know, “if you buy it here today rather than look around at each and every other place. Excuse me, I’ll be back.” People say that stuff to me! Don’t even mention it if it’s not there don’t put it in their mind! If they mention it, one thing I always start to do is start to look nautious. If they go, “Well, I really wanted to check at this other place,” I go, “that’d be ok, I’ve been, down there, exuse me, I don’t know, something upset me. But let’s go back to this.” That would be quick. Quickness is everything. Remember, if you’re moving slower than their mind, you will be left out of it. And therefore their wallet. And it’s not that hard, but you gotta get into the state. So what I want you to do is to stop and think of the last time you were overwhelmingly excited. Close your eyes, that’s right. Double the size of the image. Now I want you to think back. Sit, sit back here, cause I’ve been watching you, and I know that you need something. Which most of you in here need too. Don’t follow along inside your mind intensely. I want you to remember one time in your life where you felt something come up from inside you and you were solid as a rock. And nothing could get in your way. And I want you to double that, double it, turn up the volume and listen to the tone of that voice and amplify it and have it resonate. Really resonate. Because somewhere inside you and each time you see a new opportunity to make money I want you to hear that voice say to you, “Get it.” This is the chance to become more of a person and it will make you happier all the time. And double it, quadruple the quality of your sex life. Double it again. And when you look at the opportunity I want you to see people not as, the more they’re frowning the more the money is pent up inside them. The more uptight they look the more cash is jammed into their pockets. Don’t you guys know that? When I see them I say, “Oh boy this guy’s a tough sale. There must be a lot of money pent up just waiting to come out.” And say to yourself, “Hmmm,” and then walk up to them and go, “Hi, how are ya doing. Feel relaxed?” and if they say no you go, “You know why?” and they go, “No,” and you go, “That’s because the way people treat you.” And they go, “Yeah!” and you go, “Really aggravates me. People like us shouldn’t be treated that way.” Join them. Hell, I’ll walk around with the Jehovah’s witnesses if I can get ‘em to walk! Now I just got a guard dog, I just open the fence and sit outside with binoculars, see, I have a sign and when it opens up there’s a big sound that goes, “Hounds from Hell,” and out they come! It’s a persuasion technique that lasts! My dogs always come back with a shoe and a stack of comic books, they throw ‘em down and they say, “Rich, we got ‘em three blocks away, is that far enough?” and I say, “Yeaup.” Did you put the sound in the right location in their head? So when they think about my house they hear, “Rarrr.” See you want your customer, if you can move behind them and feel that solidness and double it and double it, Now what I want you to do is put in exhilaration because that’s the thing that starts the motor. You can have determination but you need the thing that jumpstarts it. So you never, and every time you start to be sedentary, in fact, if you look out and there’s no customers buying something from you, I

want that exhilaration to fire off, right there, double it, and say, “Should I get on the phone? Where should I go? Where are my customers, they must be lost! They can’t find their way here!” Step out on the street and get the first person you see and go, “You! In!” They’ll go in. I swear to god they’ll go in! It’s so weird! And I’ll go, “I’ll bet you don’t have a fax machine.” And they’ll go, “well no,” and I’ll go, “Aww man, I knew it. Come here!, quick…” Hey, the world’s too timid, if you make it fun, they’ll love it. If you don’t make it fun if you go, “Ehhhh,” they’ll go, “I’m sorry, I’m very busy, I gotta get out of here.” Now, on the other hand, if you can make it so that it’s more entertaining than the movies, they’ll come back and do it over and over and over again. People come down to the car lot, they’d walk in and I’d say, “Come to buy another car?” and they’d go, “Well, I already got 2.” And I’d go, “Well, what are you doing here?” and they said, “Well, I thought I’d just say hello,” and I’d go, “Nah, that’s not what you wanted to do,” and they go, “What is it?” and I go, “You wanted to hang around and have a good time!,” and they go, “Well, it is kinda fun, you’re a fun kinda guy,” and I go, “Good. Then I got a task for you. I’ll tell you what I want you to do. I want you to go down, See that fancy restaurant over there? I want you to go down and go round to each table and I want you to give ‘em one of these cards, and tell them that you want them to come down afterwards, cause they have a very special opportunity.” And I said, “If the woman looks bitchy, give it to her. You start to hand it to the guy and then hand it to her and go, “He’s got a good opportunity and he missed it.” Then they’ll go through the whole dinner and go, “What did you miss?” “I don’t know, I never heard of the guy,” “”, “Alright I’ll go down there, I’ll go down there, I’ll go down there, What is it you want me to get?” “Nah nah nah nah.” Utililize everything. Everything that’s there, remember, is just energy. It’s a question of which way You choose to direct it. So if you take zzzz exhilaration, guzzle it, crank it up, hear the rumbling inside of you in the solidness begin to combine those things together and let your unconscious mind do it, your conscious mind isn’t amplifying it nearly enough. You need to learn to tremble. When there’s nothing available for you to do it’s the opportunity to invent something new. Let your unconscious now begin to build it up, and up, and up. I want you to become ferocious, I want you to salivate at opportunity, I want you to look at it and realize that if you don’t take that money the Chinese will build a bomb and blow you up with it. And it’ll be the ones here in Chinatown too! That’s right, crank it way up, I want your unconscious to let that hand come down only at the rate at which it… only opportunity is when you’re gonna spend time working to maximize profit, to maximize excitement, is to go out and prospect, ferociously. When clients walk in you go, “How am I gonna make this fun and exciting? And I’m gonna learn things.” Let the rockets fly. Hear F-16 Jets launch I behind you, shooting you towards them. So that when you walk up you begin to exuberate it. Ok?


Now, zzzz, let’s try it. There we go. Now, pick the worst client you had yesterday, the one you thought was a problem? Zzzzzz and take that with you. You guys keep taking your resources where you already have them. “Well I’ll take excitement, and I’ll go over here and be bored.” Any part of your job bore you? Now, think about the opportunity that you have. Now, all we have to do is switch this, an idea, into a product or a service. Imagine if you – Did you hear the Prostitutes have a union in this town? I read that, they have their own Newspaper too, it’s called ‘On Our Backs.’ I’m not even making this up, man, you don’t have to, I tell you the world – Went into a little book store and there’s a thing called ‘On our Backs’ put out by the Union that the prostitutes have. Imagine if they got this technology! You’d walk into the lobby and they’d go, “Hi, How ya doing?” zzzt! Ahh. But, in this day and age, you know what? It may be the gift that really keeps on giving. See, one thing about making choices is it’s always better to make good ones I’ve found. You make a good choice, it’ll last you your whole life. To me, One of the things about buying things, I can’t buy typewriters 5 times. I want 1 that I have forever. You know, and then they came out with word processors, I still have my typewriter, and you know it still works. The lawyers at IBM Selectrics were so popular, Now they’re really cheap, you can get ‘em for like 50 bucks. And you know, they type just like they used to! Right. People go to type a letter now they have to type it in their word processor, none of the other choices don’t make mistakes. And if you make a mistake with one letter, pft, a little white, it pops the letter out, I always loved that, and you get to watch that ball go around. These word processors don’t have anything to entertain you at all. I love that little ball! Sometimes I just type things to watch it go around. And I’ll tell ya, as the thing to sell when you have people staring at that ball and typing on it, what an easy sell, I go, “Watch the ball go round, isn’t it fascinating? Makes your mind feel so good. Something you can’t live without, now you want, and can. Buy now you’ve probably, by now you see what you mean. Because, by and by, as time goes by You’ll find all kinds of things, so come on by the store. One of my favorite phrases. Ahh. “Buy for now!” Anybody heard that one before? See, it’s funny, it’s Christmas, people keep buying Neurosonics as Christmas presents? They always seem to order them in 4’s. And I thought, why are they doing that? and I listened to the end and it goes, “By 4 now.” Probably just a coincidence, huh? Cause I thought they’d buy them in fives, after all that’s where we give the discount! I don’t know, there’s just no accounting for taste. Now, You can come back, zzt, and open your eyes, look at them. Feel good! Now, one of the things that, I, I like people to concentrate on is is, quick embedded commands are very powerful. When you do show somebody things, like if he was gonna buy a microphone I’d go, “Feel good when you look at this.” Now, the midline is the very important part but you don’t do this on women right there anyway, you do high up, low down, not there. Depending upon which

woman it is of course and what you’re selling. But, by the way girls, you can control guys because everything comes from the midline. That’s how we know what feelings we’re having, if you ask guys a question and they’re kinesthetic, they’ll always touch themselves right there. That’s why I started doing it, I figured, “Would you like to go and do things?” and they go, “Yea, I would,” so it’s better to just go, “We’re going down to the movies, feel good,” and you’re out the door! And if they go, “Wait a minute,” you go, “Do you wanna feel good? Or do you wanna wait to feel good.” Do you wanna come with me or not? Sexual innuendo is half the fun and half the battle I always figure. See, they always try to make cars sexy instead of making the person feel sexy. And it makes more sense to me to make people feel powerful, make them enjoy themselves, and make them feel dynamic. Instead of, constantly going, “You must emulate.” See, Madison Avenue believes the way to sell things is by getting people to emulate someone. “Fred Tarkington uses this, you should use it too!” And they’re convinced, but on the TV medium with their skill, that is the largest percentage of what they can sell, but it’s not the best that you can do. With human beings, if you can get them excited, and they all do it! Even the crankiest human being can be excited. They gave me 300 nuns. Don’t ask me why. They hired me to go in and do a thing to teach them how to be better counselors. And I wanna tell you the look on their face was frightening. If you were gonna install speaking phobia in someone, this would be the thing to use. I walked up on the stage and I looked like this, of course he had to play that shit just to make it worse, and I looked out and they were all like this }{. And I walked out and I went ][. “I know! A costume party!” I got ‘em. Just like that. They started to giggle, and I go, I go, “Now. You guys are nuns. In case you didn’t know,” and I said, “During the course of the day I’m going to use certain words which are words I shouldn’t be using, and I don’t want any of you, I want you if a word starts to come along and it’s a bad word, go, “eup,” in your mind, so if I say, “It’s a eup’en bad time, you’ll hear it.” Right, I said, “cause I can’t help it, God made me swear.” And they’ll go like this and I’ll go, “not really. But it wasn’t the devil either. It’s the fact that I was born and I grew up and when I speak I do it unconsciously. So you can feel good when you hear it but I don’t want you to enjoy my sense of humor, because normally, they hired me to teach you how to be better counselors and I like people to learn and have fun and I know that nuns don’t approve of that, cause I saw people at a catholic school.” Boy did they laugh! And I said, “Now,” cause I remember they call came out, their knuckles were all banged up and stuff, cause they took those nuns go around with those rulers and go, “Wack!” all the time. And I said, “And that’s why I brought this.” And I brought out a big giant yard stick and I said, “Cause now it’s my turn.” “WHACK!” on the table and I go, “Anyone here frowning? Or resisting in any way will be taught. I was brought by the bishop to teach you certain things about counseling and you learn them and you will enjoy them at the same time. One frown… Any questions? And besides, you guys have to know I’m your friend, cause any friend of Zorro’s is a friend of mine.” Boy you know, there’s something about sacred cows and hamburgers that works together in my mind. You have to have that attitude, you have to be willing to go over the line to find out where it is. People get uptight and you step away from it and attach it and say it wasn’t you, quotes.


… Now what I want you to do is to get into pairs and crank it up…. “The Roman candle up the ass” approach… “Are you manipulating me?” “Yea, but doesn’t it feel good?” “I’m only doing it for your own benefit. After all, if you were go out there in the world and try to buy things from strangers, why they’d sell you things and they’d break and you’d feel bad and you’d be a lost soul. However, we won’t want your soul lost, do we? We want you to keep your soul. In fact we want you to HAVE some soul. A lot more soul. A lot more. Ok thank you.

Alright, Now, the first thing is is the induction of a state. I want you to get a partner, in fact get into groups of 3, and 2 of you I want you to crank the other one up. I want ferocious overwhelming – 5 different things. •


sense of adventure,

utter confidence,

patience just before you open the package, and some

true spirit.

amount of confidence, resources you need to do this exquisitely are right there. Now, take it and build some dynamics. Cause when you do the next exercise, it’s gonna be out this door. They love it when I do workshops here. Hyatt Regency! Hyatt Regency finally said, “Don’t come back.” And I said, “Come back? When?” And I said, “Ok, I’ll tell ya what, I won’t come back, I’ll do the workshop somewhere else and just send my people over. So I – 300 hypnotists and I had them do all the exercises over in the lobby in the Hyatt Regency on the guests. I had ‘em go up and go, “Hi, how are you doin, nice to meet you, Look at that hand, isn’t it…? Close your eyes, take a deep breath and remember how nice other hotels are.” Follow your hand to the Sheraton. Poor Hyatt Regency. Well, as I say, you only get what you deserve plus or minus 2. Ok, get yourself a partner, take this music and we’re gonna crank it up more, and don’t say it’s too loud for you to hear, raise your voice! Remember, this is where you want big giant 40 x 40 foot screens! Dramatic sounds, voices, whistles, make the inside of your head a party.


Cause you want it so that when you look to just be foaming. We want it twice as much as a racehorse. If you do this every day for the next 6 months you will become. People sit down and go, “Ugh.” When you got a spare moment, go inside and adjust your internal state! Cause if you’re sittin down and you’re not picking up the phone and you’re not doing things, you will always have to work 8 hours or 10 or 12 or 15 hours a day. Instead of giving to the place where you can work 2 hours a day and it would be enough. 3 hours might be better but, you don’t have to work because you can just move through the world and do it. I mean, as far as I’m concerned, the world is nothing but a great big bank from which you only need to make withdrawals. Because there’s opportunity and it’s everywhere. There’s all kinds – I mean, I’m always finding gadgets I like and then I sell ‘em to a whole bunch of other people. Cause I always like to go in and I go, “Well, what kind of a discount will I get if I sell 2000 of these in the next month? What will you give me?” and people go, “You can’t sell 2000,” and I go, “If I do, what will you give me. The company?” Now, that’s the other one who goes, “If you agree with this let’s shake on it. Thank you, very much.” Built in response. Hardwired. Right. You go, “Now, if you think this is gonna make you feel good let’s shake on it. Feel good.” When it’s time to sign the contract however, the other thing is is you can use the handshake also as a way to pause, cause when you go like this, “Hi,” Now hold on one second, I want you to feel good when you look over at this, and I understand that the


Patterns of Persuasion Tape 8 – Track 1

Ok, it’s time to pick on the world now. It’s time now to make sure, because I want you to run a test on yourself, this is like a systems analysis. I want you to leave the hotel, ok? we’re gonna go out in the real world. Now you can have lunch while you do this, not yet, not yet, not yet, and not you. you stay and they go. Ok, you go back to your keyboard. And they said hypnosis doesn’t work. Yes ma’am. That’s in the contortion workshop. You wanna know how to do that huh? Yea you can do that with your legs boy it’s really neat. Um. Yes when Patrick was young, his father taught him many things, got him lessons in Piano and, contortion. I don’t know what his dad was thinking he could do but I guess he figured if you’re gonna be a world-class musician, you should learn to use your body as all contortionists do, because you’re gonna have lots of opportunity. “Now what does he mean by that? I just can’t see what it would be.” It’s that unconscious communication again if you get my thrust. Now, the trick is here, is Now what we wanna do is we wanna run an inventory. because I want you to go out and get 3 addresses and phone numbers from people you don’t know. Now, for those of you who are single, I have a certain recommendation of who you look for, and where you look. I would recommend, since I noticed there’s a lot of you men in this workshop, but apparently you guys have a lot of spare time. Right. If you happen to be single and you’re gonna look for women look in lingerie stores. Right. Just walk in and when they look at something go, “I’ll bet that’ll look beautiful.” That’s a thought, you know, Cologne Departments are nice, but don’t put musk on. Remember, Cologne – Here’s an interesting thing. When I had my R&D company, right, we developed a cologne that was killer. I mean, it was, it did, what we did is we found out specifically what shapes inside of things in pheromones would affect women in a certain way. That would make them drool. Right. We sold the cologne to a company, and when they factory tested it, the interesting thing is, is that they could put the cologne on, you could just open the bottle and spray it in the air. Women would come over to the counter and they’d go, “God, that’s great.” And then they’d buy musk for their husbands. See, 80% of men’s cologne is purchased by women. And if it’s too good, they don’t want it. That’s the truth. It was just a mistake we made. Of course we’d already sold it, so we just felt guilty. However I kept barrels of the stuff for myself.

Now, they’re just actually beginning, that’s beginning to change a little bit now because now, there’s a built-in safeguard out there. When a husband walks out, if he’s gonna go away for the weekend, the wife hands him a wetsuit. Inside it it says, “Wear this or die.” Now, when you go out, either that, It doesn’t matter where it is, whether you get business cards, I want you to prospect in the world at large. Now if you’re somebody who’s in the business and you have a business and you sell things, just go out and find out randomly who wants it. Cause I want you to be able to have the attitude that says, “Look, if I don’t know exactly where to look, I’m gonna be hunted.” You can always hone it down better, but I don’t want an ounce of hesitation in you, when you look through a room, see I’ll scan through the room and I’ll go, “$200 suit, $300 suit, $1000 suit, $5000 suit.” Now, where are you gonna go? It depends upon what you sell. If you sell $200 suits, you’re not goin to the one in the $5000 suit are ya? That’s not gonna – “Hey! That’s a nice suit! Bring that out in the world, you can get it dirty, here buy one of these cheap ones!” Otherwise, if you sell security systems, boy I’d be looking around, because there’s, you know, there’s tremendous amount of crime in areas but, you know, you don’t need to go there, you need to go to where the crime hasn’t gotten yet. Right to the edge of it. Or, you can just walk up to people in restaurants. Walk up to them and go, “Do you have a security system in your house?” And they go, “No,” and you go, “You could be robbed right now.” “Wouldn’t you rather feel secure and feel good?” Now, I’m not so much interested in your making a success but finding some way of grabbing someone’s attention, and mostly, I want no hesitation when you’re walking up to them. See I go into other people’s businesses and sell things. Cause see, there’s no law against it! I stand in there and I go, “You really gonna buy that computer? Yea, well, I come in here and I watch people do it all day and I just can’t understand why they wanna pay too much for something and, it’s something that won’t fill their needs. It really confuses me I, I just don’t understand, I mean we have such a better product and ah, yet these guys do such a big business, I guess it’s just because they have salesman that take advantage of people. Ever felt like you were being ripped off? Look around ya!” I’ve had the salesmen come up and go, “What are you doing?” and I go, “Telling the truth. Some law against it?” they go, “You can’t come in here and give my customers your business card!” and I go, “God, I thought I just did. Oh I’m sorry, here, why don’t you take one, I’ll give ‘em to you instead. Cause after all, you wouldn’t buy one of these, would you?” “Well of course I would!” “Do you own one?” “Yea.” “Did they give you a better discount?” Talk to them about it. It doesn’t matter, it’s just that you can have fun doing it. It doesn’t matter – even if you just go in – see I go in places when I wanna sell things. Go in places where there are people who work there who would buy them. You go in and walk in and go, “How do you like your car?” They go, “fine,” you go, “really. So you’re totally happy with it???” And you go, “When you get in it does it make you feel wonderful? Do you look forward, cause it’s so


great, that if you’re stuck in traffic you feel great cause you get to be in the neatest place in the world? Greatest stereo, leather seats – nah you probably wouldn’t, you’d probably rather be in stress, pop a vein huh. You know, cause if you don’t come see me, you’re bound to have an…” Ok, this is all about attitude. Remember, fire up what you’ve got, now connect it, cause I want you to have the attitude that you are invincible. Nothing bad can happen, if they yell at you and tell you to go away then you don’t want to talk to them anyway! Just look down at their crotch and go, and they go, “What is it –“ and you go, “Nothing, ever.” They’ll go, “well it was probably just another homeless people.” Sure. Remember. Be choosy. If you have class services, you know, go to a fancy place. Get a coke. Right. A $2.50 coca-cola. “Only that?” “Well, you have to pay for the hotel too you know.” But yea, with 3 glasses of coke? The Hyatt Regency – the top of the Hyatt Regency they have $7 Coca-Colas! And I said, “Well I don’t want a coke then, I’ll have ah water. Hold the ice, I’m afraid.” Said, “We have a two drink minimum.” “I’ll have 2 waters then.” “I’m afraid you can’t just have water.” And I said, “Ok,” reach over the other table, took a potato and went, “Chk,” and went, “now I’ve had water and a potato.” Make ‘em a little nuts. Have some fun and violate your own rules. Find out where your own limits are. Because without flexibility in behavior, you ain’t gonna do nothing when it comes to persuading people. Remember, you can’t beat people at their own game, so you have to learn to play otherwise. You know, if they can be more authoritarian than you then you don’t wanna try to out-be more authoritarian than them! You wanna beat them at another game. It’s like when they try to be authoritarian, because I’ve gone to some pretty stuffy places. I went and did Grand Rounds at Menninger's Clinic at the age of 23. Of course when they read my book they thought I was like 60. When I got off the plane you should have seen the look on their face. Here I was gonna be the distinguished visitor for, with hair like this, right, and of course instead of wearing my 3 piece suit so I was gonna pretend to be a doctor, I wore my old stage clothes from when I played rock and roll. Baggy sleeves and the whole nine yards. Jumped off the plane and went, “Heh heh Yeah, Grand Rounds!” And I went running down and I went, “Bring on the schizo’s!” They looked at each other and they said, “It’s gonna be a long day, I can feel that.” But their biggest mistake, they should have never asked me how I deal with the mind body split. And I said, “Swiftly and permanently.” And I said, “Now what was your name?” “Hmm? Ah, Um.” Future, Past and Present predicates are real important. Make sure that, you know, Cause people say, “Well, I’m not ready to buy a car yet.” You go, “You’re not ready to buy a car, weren’t you.” Well how do you feel as you think about it now good.? Can you see this point? It’s important to be able to get YES answers. Put people in the YES mode.

Don’t ask them things they can answer no to, cause you don’t want them to feel any of that. Even watch them. I even do this I breathe at the same rate. Even if you don’t speak to someone, sit with somebody and just slightly look off to the side, begin to breathe at the same rate that they’re breathing, and then very slowly I want you to start to nod your head yes. Till you can get their head nodding, “Yes. Yes.” Now, you ready to, think about this? “Yeah, as a matter of fact you are, aren’t you.” You go inside and your body’s saying, “Yes.” Remember, Mirroring is very powerful if you use it to get what you’re after. And what we’re after, is YES. And then you go, “Can you feel excited about a new product.” Having trouble seeing breathing?, you look up here. Higher up here. Watch the nostrils and the upper chest. If they’re not breathing much, then you don’t have to pace much, do you. But if you go, “Ahhh,” they’ll do the same thing. Till you can get involuntary responses from people, this is what we’re after. If you wanna be able to do things, I’ll check it just by pacing their breathing a little bit, some… times… I do it with my… tempo… take a breath… and if they take a breath, you’re right with them. When you do audiences, you know, when you’re teaching an audience you can’t pace them all individual so you have to have some way of getting ‘em all to breathe together, if you no what I mean. Or not. Now. So I want to send you out into the human laboratory. Ok, here are the things I want you to do, I want a list of all the objections that you get, cause we’re gonna play the objection inoculation game this afternoon. Wanna know how do you inoculate people? Well if you know the people are gonna say, “It’s too expensive,” then you wanna bring it up before they do, and you wanna bring it up when they’re in a state where it’s not gonna be a problem. You go, “Most people, when they listen to this marvelous sound and they think, ‘This is gonna make my whole life wonderful,’ go, ‘It’s too expensive’, and…it means that they’re not worth anything. And if you’re not worth anything at all and scum,” I said, “for you to come into a stereo store like this would be ridiculous, this is a pro audio shop. Isn’t that foolish.” Bring it up before it ever occurs, cause then they ain’t gonna bring it up later. “The question is are you gonna get value for your money. Are you gonna buy 10 stereos that are cheap over the years and listen to crap and put crap in your head, or are you gonna get one that will last you your whole life and fills you with wonderful sound. The question is, are you entitled to have high quality of life?” “Naw, I’m afraid I’m only qualified for a low quality life.” People go, “and then we can get to the one, ‘It’s too expensive.” You know, And you can get to the thing, “Can you afford. To think of your life only now for this year or can you – Isn’t it too expensive to take each year one at a time instead of putting quality all over your life? See I’d


rather one piece of furniture in my living room and get it one year and have it last my whole life than have it last my whole life, than add another one and another one and go out and buy constantly over and over again. That always struck me as a waste. If you’re gonna buy an instrument get a good one. I know some people they get a cheap guitar and then a little bit more expensive one and then a little bit more expensive one… By the time they go to buy an expensive one, if they had just paid on time the whole thing, they could have had the best one there is and learned to play on one that’s easy to learn to play on, instead of one where the strings are this far off the frets. And it’s so hard to play, the strings are a mile and a half from the fret board. Or like me, the first piano that I started playing wasn’t even a piano, really, it had little funky reeds in it and they were all out of tune so my ear god screwed up for years. People go, “Give me an aaaaaa.” And then I heard a tuning fork and I went, “It doesn’t go up and down at all! It just has one note!” My ear would go, neuw. Concert pitch. Concert bitch, ah. Yes, concerts, I love listening to orchestras tune up. How they ever get near the same note is beyond me. They go, “Alright, everybody hit an A.” Searching for just the right note. List of objections. Now the other thing I want you to do is I want you to make decisions about every technique whether you learned it here or not is important, this is for you, not for me. I want all the things that you know how to do, how many ways do you have to get attention? Because you should start digitalizing your own skills! I mean, how many ways do you have to get people so that you can talk to them about whatever you’re doing. We call them “New Clients,” “New Girlfriends,” whatever it is, how many pitches do you have? Ok, when it comes to establishing rapport, how many ways do you have to build rapport? You can match predicates, you can match breathing, what else? You know, what has anybody else taught you? When it comes to packaging information, right, well, you can talk about it visually, talk about it auditorily, what other techniques do you have to package your information? Right. How many voice tones do you have that you can use? Cause you should have a serious tone of voice for serious people, you should even be able to do accents, I think. I think it’s very very important to learn to do – Somebody comes in and goes, “I want one of them there stereos,” I go, “Oh one of them new ones?” I ain’t gonna go, “Oh one of those new deluxe models?” The more you can match. When I teach in New York I use a different type of tone of voice than I do here. If I go to New Jersey I use an entirely different one, and if I go down to Dallas, well, ya’all gotta understand I teach at a different pace down there, life’s just a little different. And, your ability. Remember, your voice can do all of these things. All you gotta do is start stretching it and using it. You should see me in Germany. I’m constantly spitting out. They have some funny constants in that country, but there are others – actually in Swahili

they actually have a consonant that’s, “.” When they’re talking along that comes out once in a while, it’s a nice rhythm. We should throw something like that in English, don’t you think? The Canadians put in one, EH. However, EH, it gets kinda boring, EH. And then there’s that Australian accent and I’ll tell you, Australia, New York. Right. You can whine anywhere. I do not teach in France. Have never, will never. Right. Went to Paris one time, never even made it out of the airport. They were speaking to me I felt like, “if there’s a hell, this is it.” Cause they have – and they’re natural vowels in their language, but they make my body hurt. And I just – there’s no way in the world that I’m gonna pace anything that sounds like that. It’d be like sitting next to the blackboard going, “Yesss I love you I love you.” Now, it’s nothing personal against the French but, until they change their language I’m not going. And besides, they call it PLN. And who are they to change the name I made it up, I want it my way. They are, they’re honoree as hell. They’re, “We must do everything backwards.” “I’ve noticed.” Ok, when you get out there, remember to USE THE STATE you created. Now I also want you to notate if you find anything difficult. Scan and go, ask yourself a question, “Who’s the last one I would go and talk to?” Stay away from the big guys with the guns down on the mission ok? Go, “Can I see your gun please?” “Yea, give me your wallet.” Ok, go to nice places. Wealthy you could go to the Warf, go to the Hyatt Regency, go to the top of the b.. oh you can’t go there, it’s a week day, I’m sorry. It’s the banker’s club is the top of the b of a building. And it’s a restaurant at night, a marvelous restaurant, so tonight you can go there, but if you get there just as the banker club ends, you get to meet all the bankers in town, they all have lunch with each other every day. Wonder why everything seems so fixed. Ahh, it’s probably nothing to that. Best view in the whole city, and it’s 2 blocks down this way, on the top it’s the big black building, the tallest one, right, you can look down at the top of the pyramid building, and it’s floor to ceiling glass, in case any of you have a height phobia. You could have lunch and be sitting there looking down 54 stories, and make it so you don’t. You should look down and be exhilarated. Realize, as You can look across this whole city. Some of you staying in this hotel? Got a room on that side where you get to look at the Whole City out there? Buildings full of people that want to give you money. Some of you guys can’t find a date? There’s millions of women out there going ‘I’m so lonely’, and they’re thinking of you. You Have that attitude, all you gotta do is go meet them. Well, and don’t try anything fancy, just walk and say “hi……, can I sit and talk to you?” And if they go, “why,” you go, “I don’t know, just thought it would be wonderful,” and they go well (baad tonality), you go “never mind, I was wrong.” I’ve been wrong before. See, you can do 20 or 30 in an hour. And if you do 1000, maybe you’ll find the woman you want to stay with. Right. Cause, do you want to stay with the one that goes, “(baad tonality), Well why do you want to talk to me?” You outta do something about that attitude, you know, that can be fixed! “Well what’s wrong with my attitude? (baad tonality)” “You don’t have a good one. You know, you can trade in your car, you can trade in that attitude, and if you did that, life would be wonderful. Remember, you use your resonant tonality… You walk up and you go, “Hiiiiiii,” it’s real different than if you go, “Hello.” “Hello.” And remember,


everyone is fair game. All’s fair in love and sales. We don’t need no more more, except the guys that are selling arms. They need more war. But, maybe we could use those for something else. We could make amusement rides out of the casings,. They used to do that, they used to actually take old war material and make parks out of it. In San Francisco you go into parks there’s old jets hollowed out that the kids play in. But now that’s serious, now we pile them places. They sell the surplus off, I wonder if you can buy surplus things like, cause I kinda want my own F-16. But I want one armed. I want to go after all the hotels that have given me trouble. I’d like to strafe the parking lot. Right. When you go in and you walk up to the desk and you go, “My reservation,” if they say, “no,” pull out and go, “Alright, bring ‘em all down.” Go, “Now, let me ask you again.” Ok, up. I just decided how weird I could make the hours. You really should get outside, it’s gorgeous out there. We’ll just run later, into the dark time. The guy’s going, “Agh, but, I have to live by the clock.” Well, turn the clock around. Turn it upside down for a while. This weekend, break some of your own rules, but none that will affect your health. Ok? Just the ones that will make you wealthy, alright? Happier, and more st– satisfied, so to speak. //


Patterns of Persuasion Tape 8 - Track 1 TRANSCRIPTION 2

Finding some way of grabbing someone’s attention, and mostly I want no hesitation. It’s time pick on the world now. I want you to go out and get 3 addresses and phone numbers of people you don’t know. For men, you can find women in lingerie stores. My R&D company, we found out specifically what shapes of pheromones would make women go ‘ooooo.’ Women would come over to the counter and go ‘wow, that’s great.’ “You really gonna buy that computer? You know, well… I come in here, and I watch people do it all day, and I just can’t understand why people want to pay too much for something, and… for something that won’t fill their need. It really confuses me, I… just don’t understand, I mean, we have such a better product… and uh, yet these guys do such a big business, I guess it’s because they have salesmen who take advantage of people. Ever felt like you were being ripped off? Look around ya. “What are you doing?” Telling the truth? Is there a law against it? “You can’t come in here and give our customers your business card!” “God, I thought I just did! I’m sorry, why don’t you take one, I’ll give you one instead, cause after all, you wouldn’t buy one of these, would ya? ‘of course I would!’ “Do you own one?” Yeah. “Did they give you a better discount?” It doesn’t matter, just that you can have fun doing it! “How do you like your car?” Fine… “Really.. So you’re totally happy with it?” When you get in it, does it make you feel wonderful? Do you look forward to it cause it’s so great, that when you’re stuck in traffic, you feel great, you get to be in the neatest place in the world? Greatest stereo, leather seats… Nah, you wouldn’t You would probably rather being stressed… This is all about attitude. The attitude that YOU ARE INVINCEABLE. Nothing bad can go happen. Most people, when they listen to this marvelous sound, and they think, “This is going to make my whole life wonderful go, it’s too expensive (irritating voice)… worth anything… and if you’re not worth anything… coming into a stereo store like this would be ridiculous, this is a pro-audio shop. Isn’t that foolish! The question is, are you going to get value for your money. Are you going to buy 10 stereos that are cheap over the years and listen to crap and put crap in your head or are you going to get one that will last you a whole life and fills you with wonderful sound.

The question is, are You entitled to have high quality of life. Can you afford to think of your life only now for this year; or isn’t it too expensive to think of one year at a time instead of spreading quality all throughout your life. See, I’d rather have one piece of furniture in my living room and get it one year and have it last my whole life then add another one and another one instead of having to go out and buy it over, and over, and over again – that always struck me as a waste, and as lots of hard work and moving etc. If you’re going to buy an instrument, get a good one. I know some people who buy a cheap guitar, then a little bit more expensive one, and a little bit more expensive one… By the time they go to buy an expensive one, they could have had the best one there is all along, and learned to play on one that’s easy to learn to play on, instead of one where the strings are this far off the frets.. and it’s so hard to play, the strings are a mile and a half off the fret board. Or like me, the piano I started to play wasn’t even a piano, really, it had funky reeds in it, and they were all out of tune, so my ear got screwed up for years, people were like ‘give me an aaeaeeeaaeaeaa’. Then I heard a tuning fork and was like ‘it doesn’t go up and down at all, it just has one note.’ Concert piieeeieeetch. Concert, bitch, uh. I love listening to orchestra’s tune up. How they all get to the same note is beyond me. … searching for just the right note… Start digitalizing your own skills How many ways do you have to get attention? How many ways do you have to get people so that you can talk to them about whatever you’re doing We call them new clients, new girlfriends, whatever it is How many pitches do you have? When it comes to establishing rapport, how many ways do you have to build rapport? Match predicates, match breathing. When it comes to packaging information, right, well you could talk about it visually, talk about it auditorally, How many voice tones do you have that you can use? A serious tone of voice for serious people, accents Your voice can do ALL of these things You should see me in Germany… It’s like sitting next to the blackboard and saying I love you, I love you. It’s nothing personal against the French; it’s just until they change their language, I’m not going. When you get out there, remember to use the states you created. Now I also want you to notate that if you find anything difficult, scan and ask yourself the question “Who’s the last one I would go and talk to?” Stay away from the big guys with the guns down at the mission. ‘Can I see your gun please?’ “Yea, give me your wallet.” Go to nice places. To the Warf, to the Hyatt regency, go to the top of the.. uh, you can’t go there, it’s a week day. It’s the banker’s club is the top of the b of a building. And it’s a restaurant at night, a marvelous restaurant, so tonight you can go there, and if you get there just as the banker club ends, you get to meet all the bankers in town, they all have lunch with each other every day. Wonder why everything seems so fixed. Ahh, it’s probably nothing. Best view in the whole city, and it’s 2 blocks down this way, on the top it’s the big black building, the tallest one, right, you can look down at the top of


the pyramid building, and it’s floor to ceiling glass, in case any of you have a height phobia. You could have lunch and be sitting there looking down 54 stories, and make it so you don’t. You should look down and be exhilarated. Realize, You can look across this whole city. Buildings full of people that want to give you money. Some of you guys can’t find a date. There’s millions of women out there going ‘I’m so lonely’, and they’re thinking of you. Have that attitude all you gotta do is go meet them. Well, and don’t try anything fancy, just walk and say hi……, can I sit and talk to you? And if they go why, go, I don’t know, just thought it would be wonderful, and they go well (baad tonality), you go ‘never mind, I was wrong’. See, you can do 20 or 30 in an hour. And if you do 1000, maybe you’ll find the one you want to stay with.

everyone is fair game. I kinda want my own f16… and go after hotels…


Patterns of Persuasion Tape 8 - Track 2

Finding some way of grabbing someone’s attention, and mostly I want no hesitation. If you can’t collect rejection, then you can’t prospect. Because if you get rejected, you see, then you start running in your mind scenarios of what you could have done to change your behavior, or whether it’s worth talking to that person. See It’s all in the people you have trouble making contact, it’s Your behavior you need to change. So then you run through and you figure what you could have done differently. And you start running hundreds (100’s) of these. Every great communicator and I don’t care who it is, or what they do, but especially all the great salespeople, they sit there and run actually – worst case scenarios. The army recruiter, the one that I thought was really actually the most effective, especially at training other people, what he’d do is he’d go out and find anywhere he could get rejected, then he’d go back to his office and he’s play that person, and have all the people that worked in the office try to deal with him. And, the others were all good themselves, but this guy had a ferocious team. And you need to be able to run in your mind and keep running scenarios, try varying your voice tone, your tempo, your approach, try playing polarity. Your unconscious is a sophisticated mechanism. I mean, think about it this way. You know without speaking language whether or not a sentence is a sentence of your native tongue. If I go, “Colorless green ideas sleep furiously,” as opposed to, “Ideas furiously sleep green,” you know that even though neither one of those is a meaningful sentence, one is more well-formed than the other. Something inside of you goes, “YES.” That same mechanism is gonna know ahead of time what’s gonna work with things. If you can begin to identify types. Now think about it. The way in which people organize all these pictures, whether they have the future in front of them and the past behind them, or the future over here and the past over there, all of these combinations produce body types. And you’ll see ‘em, you’ll notice, you know, people who access auditorily, their head’s gonna be cocked like this. So you’re gonna learn after a while, you’re gonna notice that the accessing cues. Some people are so visual their face is stuck up like this. They’ll come in and they’ll go, “Hi.” Right. And the minute you ask a question the eyes will go there. They always have to sit in the same place in audiences, they can’t switch chairs, because they have a grid where it’s the only place where information will go in. Now, I know, it sound funny but it’s true, I know you teach enough groups to know it. You get the same questions from the same chairs. And especially when you do large groups I’ll look and I’ll look around and I’ll go, “Oh God, there they are, over there,” right, and “Oh yea, that one’s gonna do this,” I can even turn just before they ask the question and answer it. Right. Scares them sometimes. I go, “You’re whole life.” And they’ll go ][. They go, “Well how did you know what I was gonna say?, you don’t know what I was gonna say,” and I go, “I know

exactly what you’re gonna say cause you’re sitting in that chair!” Right. And they’ll go, “Well, I wanted to know how long an anchor is gonna last, and I go, “Your whole life.” And they’ll go, “Oh, well, you’re just saying that.” And I’ll go, “Well how long has this one lasted?” That always works, they go, “hmm.” That’s established by the way in childhood. In Germany, you know, it’s a different one, it’s like this. So German’s have a tendency, ah, when they reach towards their head, even if they have something and they’re high, they do this, and when they come to this country they get all kinds of negative responses from people and they don’t know why. I was hired by the head of a Cymbal company, people that make those pshhh cymbals. They had ah started their company out and they had taken over 80% of the market in the whole world, and they could not affect the U.S. Market. And he looked at me and he said, “And I’ve done it all myself.” And I thought, “Hmmm.” And he looked at me and said, “I’ve gone to the head of every large manufacturer,” right, “and, I just can’t seem to get them to deal with things.” Right. Now, it doesn’t matter whether it’s conscious or not, it still affects people, that’s what makes anchoring so powerful. If you push your glasses up like this all the time people go, “Well I’m real interested in what you’re saying,” say, “Well good, let’s take a look at it,” you’re gonna get a negative response. Now for those of you who are Americans when you go to Germany man I got news for you. Train yourself to just use all your hand, right, because I’ll tell ya You can get a $500 fine on the Autobahn for doing this. Right. it means you have a bird in your head. And if you want to get a German nervous you just tell him he’s disorganized. In America if you want to criticize someone you tell ‘em to have sex. I’ve often wondered, see, it’s all in the tonality. You know, it’s, The thing is, tonality is very important. See you tell me it’s hard to meet women? How could it be? How many did you approach? 50? 3!? What do ya mean three??? Gee, that’s 11. How did you pick which ones you went to talk to? Maybe we should look at your decision strategy. Oops. I mean, did you walk up and say, “You look like a nice girl let’s take a shower! Heh heh heh!” That never works. You gotta be a little subtler than that, you know. You gotta watch where you put your eyes too. There’s a lot of naturally existing anchors there. You need to be able to change your voice tone so it’s irresistible. You need to make it so that when they hear your voice it’s not like anything they’ve ever heard before. You want it to resonate. softly. There’s just something irresistible about a tone of voice that bathes your entire body in good sound waves. See you gotta remember, your tone of voice isn’t just hitting their ears, it’s touching every part of their body. So you wanna be able to make it so that it’s so sumptuous that they can’t resist it. You know, I mean and you have to understand that it’s not so much when I give you this, this was to take inventory of yourself. In other words, ‘At what point did you not – You got their attention – the way in which you got attention probably should be re-done. See for example grabbing a hold of their dress and yanking them over, grabbing them by the throat and going, “Hi,” probably isn’t the best way to do it. Right. Although it does work in sales very often. I’ve done things that are close to that. But as long as you can shift between a sharp getting attention and some kind of humour.


Patterns of Persuasion Tape 8 - Track 3 Boys trip to the club … to just have them come to you. I mean, if you sit down in a restaurant and you look at somebody and they look at you go, put them on. That way when they walk over you can go, “What do you want?” Me? and you go, “Cause you, like me, want to buy the best stereo for yourself.” Great embedded command, huh? But if you go, “(bad tonality) You, like me,” it doesn’t work. You really need to concentrate, because I’ve - I’ll tell ya, I’ve listened to you guys, as soon as we take the breaks and walked around? You guys are going tone deaf on me. I want you to start expanding your ears. This is one of the most single most important things in every single thing you do. Every transaction has some form of persuasion in it, and your voice tone is the most powerful simple tool. Now, how did you do, sir? You thanked me, but I don’t know if that was for putting you through the most horrible experience of your life or what! “Prostitute…” Well it’s not really hard to establish rapport in front of them, you put a dollar bill and go like this. lol. Yea ain't that the truth. Um, it, you know, Yea, you can also say, “Well, it was an accident in the war.” And they always go, “Really?” and you go, “Yea, it was very very large explosion.” They always want to see for some reason. God I loved being a teenager. You know, if you’re crazy as I am, and part of the reason I’ve been able to do a lot of things is that I don’t believe most people. I believe schizophrenics when they tell me how they do their schizophrenia, but when I get told, reasons why things are impossible, reasons why things don’t work. And I mean they told me, For example, there was 1 building up at ah State Hospital when I was going through and I had, you know, modeled Fritz and that was not really extensive. The thing that Fritz had was flexibility in behavior. He may not have really fixed anybody but boy they sure liked him. You know, they were terrified of him but they were attracted to him What Fritz was good at was really getting people into the state where you could get ‘em to do just about anything. And ah, he really only used 4 language patterns, he used them over and over again. But he was very good about asking for deletion. Now I find deletion to be cluttered with details, but he never used the deletion. People would go, “I’m scared,” and Fritz would go, “What are you scared of?” right, and they’d go, “I don’t know,” and he’d go, “Well close your eyes, tell me, how do you feel now,” and they’d go, “People are watching me,” and he’d go, “Now open your eyes, what are you aware of,” and

they’d go, “I feel my heart beating.” Now, Fritz would go back and forth with that, I usually stop and explain to them and go, “Look, when you close your eyes, the people are gone.” Right. Cause when they close their eyes and they’re aware of people are watching them, this is a picture in their head. And a lot of people have the inside and the outside very confused. Now if you’re doing persuasion things, it’s powerful, when you’re trying to function as a human being, that kinda stuff can get in your way. That’s how stage fright is made in the first place. When I do my public speaking workshop, it’s amazing to listen to how people scare themselves. It requires extensive work. To have that kind of anxiety. Now, you gotta understand that, it’s like, they told me, here this building’s over there, and we’re walking over and I said, “Well what’s in that building?” and they said, “Well you don’t wanna go over there?” and I said, “Why not?” cause suddenly I wanted to go there. I said, “What’s over there?” and they said, “Those people are chronic.” And I said, “Chronic what?” and they said, “Well, there’s chronic schizophrenics, you know,” they said, “no one can help anybody in there. Those people are there for life.” And I thought, “Wow, boy that’s terrible,” you know that they just wrote these people off. And I said, “Since they’re there for life,” I said, “it wouldn’t hurt if I went and did things, cause after all, no one can help them.” And they said, “What do ya mean? What do you wanna do over there?” and I said, “Well,” I said, “I have a theory. And I need test it on people that can’t be affected.” Be affected. Be affected. Be affected. Anyway, we went over and we went in and there was this long quarter we went down so that they could get that horrible smell in there and you could hear strange noises going on, it was right out of One flew over the Coo-Coo’s nest or worse. I mean those environments are not ones that are gonna make people wanna be sane, if I was catatonic in there and I came out for a moment I’d go, “God, get back inside!” And they had in there they had schizophrenic and they told me this guy was that it was genetic, to start, which always to me never meant you could never do anything about it, the fact that it was genetic doesn’t mean you can’t influence it, like to them it means you can’t, it means it’s inevitable. That this guy, and they told me he was so crazy because entities came and flew around him and scared him and he went into hebephrenic fits that lasted months, and they had to tie this guy down and we went in and he was strapped down on this table and he was writing around, you know, and ah, they had to strap his hands down cause otherwise he was trying to bat things off, and of course if you got too close to him he would whack you and therefore the tubes would come out of his arm and the other places they had been jammed so that he didn’t make messes they had to clean up. Now I don’t know if I felt like I was being attacked by creatures from the outside and I had tubes all in me, especially the places they put them, ah, you know, it might add to the reality of that. But this guy was walking around and I said ah, “Can you do me a favor,” I said, “would you get me a pitcher of ice water?” and I said, “Yea yea I’m thirsty.” And they got me a big pitcher of ice water and they brought it in and I went pshhh like this on the guy. The guy went like this and I went, “Watch, they’re all gonna go away!” and I covered over him like that and I said, “Are you ok?” and he looked at


me and he went, “Yea, yea,” and I said, “get these tubes out of your arm so we can lock all these things in here, quick!” and we took all the tubes and we ran outside and we slammed the door and locked it! Right. And I said, “Now, get the gas, we’re gonna kill them all.” Right. Now this guy has, you know, and the shrink was of course freaking out because the guy’s out there like this, “Yea, get the gas!” and he’s going, “What gas!?” and he went, “Any gas, I don’t care! Stupid Shrink!” You know, you know. Or too much time at Harvard, heh heh! Haven’t you noticed? The guy’s out of the bed and in the room! Now By the way, why is his butt hanging out of the back of that thing, is that supposed to make him feel more confidence? See in mental hospitals they use these big industrial washing machines and all the zippers and buttons come off of everything. He was walking around with their dick hanging out, you know, and they wonder why they’re acting weird! You know, they’re going, “Well, ah, I’ve been in here for about 2 months.” See one of the ways to get people to have dignity is to treat them with it. It’s a novel approach. Now even this guy, you know, I told him, you know, and I looked through the window and we put in some compressed air, dangerous to demons by the way, they can’t handle it, but we leaked compressed air, it was all he could find, but, you know, he came and I looked at him and I said, “What toxic substance is this?” and he went, “Well this is just-“ and I said, “Toxic Substance!” right, and of course he had to go back in his brain and go, “Gee, which substances are toxic?” you know, can’t just say one you know? Make up a name! Pheljadfjdsaf. You know, anything. The guy doesn’t know! What’s he thinking, the guy’s a damn chemist or something? If he is he’ll correct you and then we’ll use that one! You know, Now, when it comes down to dealing with the world, I mean, you know, cause You can go anywhere, you get in the elevator here, every time there are people in there and you look at ‘em and you go, “Hello!” Right. and I know… last night… we got into the elevator and Patrick looked around and he goes, “Hi, I’m Patrick Moraz,” he goes ah, “You guys look like you were having fun!” They were like, [], like this, and they went, “Well ah,…” and he goes, “Oh, have a wonderful evening tonight, it’s such a lovely night.” By the time we got to the 20th floor they were smiling. Right. It’s no wonder he was Mr. Britannica for 7 years. He said, “Oh, by the way before you leave I have a set of books you’re buying.” Right. Cause if you buy heavy books, then you only have room in your luggage for lightweight problems! Now, this chronic schizophrenic, by the way, who now runs a company, um, but, However, he does go back to check to make sure they’re dead from time to time. If they ever tear down that building they might escape. Well Milton did it, he took somebody’s psychotic episodes once and put ‘em in an envelope and filed them away each time they had them. He hypnotically put the guy in the trance, and this is another one by the way, Talk about posthypnotic suggestions! When I started out doing stuff with shrinks, right, the thing that amazed me is it

says in all the textbooks you read that schizophrenics cannot be hypnotized. These are people that are hallucinating shit that’s not there, man, hearing voices that aren’t around, Yea, you don’t need to hypnotize them! However, it’s not as stupid a trance as one as being over-educated, right, you know, “Well I got my pen set and my briefcase, and we’ll go down,” and the Schizophrenics scare the crap out of the people!, right cause they’re diving around and stuff and having hebephrenic’s rolling around on the floor, you know and they do things like they walk up and they go, “Did you just see me eat a dead baby?” and people go, “Well maybe you better go in the hospital for a while so you don’t scare me anymore.” But the thing is is most of them needed to learn who to talk to. That was one of my primary things, that’s how I got them out of the mental hospitals, I go, “Let me put it this way. If they are a professional, even if you see this stuff, don’t say anything about it. Don’t say anything about it unless the people, you know, can enjoy it. Because the trick is is like I taught 1, you know I gave him a hallucinated rifle and had him turn it into a target practice, it was like going to the carnival. Pshhh. I had one of them make friends, because there’s no reasons why, the only reason, I had one guy who was always tearing his skin off, right, like that, and I told him, “Look, it’s not really a problem that you’re covered with quote on quote ‘imaginary microbes,’ the problem is you’re allergic to them.” So I gave him empty horse capsules. Right. And I told him, “In here is the cure, because this is an imaginary solution.” He took it and went, “Really,” and I said, “Yes, and it’s magic. You take two of these a day, it cures the allergies and then those bugs you’ve been feeling crawl all over you can all settle down and relax, and suddenly they’ll collect together and they’ll turn into one voice that tells you all the good things in life.” Right. And so he kept hearing this little chorus, high pitched, he told me. Well they were bugs, spiders and stuff crawling all over him they would say things like, “Wow, she’s cute.” LOL! What the hell’s the difference between that and what most people do? Nothing! There’s no reason why they can’t function in the real world and putting them in the room and telling them they never get to have life again, that’s a pretty lousy post-hypnotic suggestion, you know, I mean they had, you know, I mean they had one guy who kept banging his head against things, right, and I said, “What things?” and he said, “Well he always bangs his head against the table.” Great, so we put cream pies all over it. So he’d take the cream pie off and bang it on the table, superglue. He didn’t want pie on there. Catatonic, here’s a perfect one, this guy is catatonic and, they have degrees of catatonic and this particular catatonic was one that, you know, they like could dress and roam around in the wheelchair, And, they had this reward system, see what they do is they take a quasi-schizo, and he pushes him around and takes care of him and gets him in the bathroom and stuff, but this guy could actually eat, like if you put food in front of him, he would eat slowly, right, and I said, “Well that doesn’t seem like terribly catatonic to me,” and he goes, “Well he won’t respond to other human beings. You can push him in, you know, and put him on a toilet and he’ll go to the bathroom, but he won’t even put his own clothes on.” And I said, “Well that depends upon where he is, I would think.” I said, “Maybe in the mental hospital it don’t make much difference to ya,” I said, “but, I’ll tell ya what. Let’s leave him in that hospital gown, give him a set of clothes and take him out to a nightclub! In fact I know just the place!


Put him in the car, and I like that, the schizophrenic got to go with us too. Like they had to sign him out, and the schizophrenic was real into him and he, he wasn’t terrible schizo, as far as I could tell he was just somebody that ah was uncontrollable and his parents kept saying it was cause he had emotional problems and then he, then they of course they gave him all these drugs to help maintain things and, after, you know, 3 or 4 years of taking thorazine, you don’t think real clearly, right, but anyway he was kinda goofy, but he was at least excited, he hadn’t been outside in like 3 years and we were driving along and he was looking at everything, and, in the back seat, and we had the guy in the hospital gown, and I said, “Give me the hospital gown.” And they all went, “What?” and I said, “Give me the hospital gown!” And he gave it to me and I threw it out the window. And they all went, “What are you doing!” cause he’s sitting in the back in the seat buck naked. And I said, “I’m going to pick up our dates.” And the shrink said, you know, “You’re trying to make a mockery of this!” and I said, “I’m not trying, son, I’m making a mockery of it.” I said, “cause I got 4 really good looking women. 2 for me and 1 for the schizophrenic and one 1 for the catatonic.” And he looked at me and he said, “What about me?” and I said, “Get your own date!” I said, “Cause I know when you pick one out she’s gonna be a world of fun. After all, if you’ve been working in a mental hospital as long as this guy was so you’re the Head of the department um, you can’t really be looking for excitement in life. But anyway he was afraid of me so he did what I said, which was good enough because I had already spiked the punch once there with halaphine. I wanted them all to know what it was like. Well I figured if you’re gonna give a drug and it’s supposed to be helpful, right and, you know, they had a coffee and a thing of water in it and, as we were talking along I said, “By the way are any of you feeling strangely?” and after all I’ve been doing hypnosis for 45 minutes, I would imagine they had been. And as I did that I said, “because I found out you gave all these maintenance drugs here so I thought we’d all try them and I put them in the water and the coffee,” and within 20 minutes they were high as kites. I did not put anything in the coffee or the water by the way. But they were like, “ahh,” you know, they were getting nauseous and everything and freaking out, running to get hypo’s with stimulants and stuff. Speaking of which, they were awfully good at shooting themselves up. Seemed like they had a little practice if you ask me. But ah, As we approach we’re going along we’re driving along and I said, “Now,” I said ah, I said, “I’m gonna drop, I wanna drop the schizophrenic and you the psychiatrist off,” and he goes, “I can’t leave you alone with him,” and I said, “What are I gonna do, make him crazy?” LOL And you know, I heard a chuckle from the back seat… I was watching him in the rear view mirror, cause he was sittin there naked and we’re driving down the freeway and I leave my window rolled down so get good and cold, right, and that set of clothes is laying on the floor down there, right, and I’m describing the women we’re gonna pick up, right, and I said, cause this one lady, she’s beeeaaauuutifffuuuuuulllll.” I said you know, “She was a model for years,” you know, and I said, “I met her while I was in high school and she the head cheerleader and I wanna tell you this girl is something else, she has big beautiful lips, and I, and she has the most beautiful face you’ve ever seen and eyes you could sink into and get

lost for the rest of your life.” And, you shoulda seen the drool coming out of the shrink’s mouth, I thought I was gonna have to shoot him up and put him in a straight jacket. So I go and I say, “Now I’m gonna drop you off,” and we’re outside of the raunchiest rock and roll club you have ever seen, motorcycles lined up in a row. Right. and the schizophrenics going, “we won’t get hurt it there,” and I said, “It’s been known to happen,” and he says, “Well I I I I don’t know if I can go in there,” and I said, “I didn’t ask you if you could, if not some of my friends will help you,” and they said, “What?” and with that, all the motorcycle guys started walking towards my car, right. All the way around it, rolled down the window and said, “Whatchya doing, Rich?” and I said, “I want you to take this psychiatrist, and I want you to take this other guy, inside.” And one guy leans in and he goes, “What’s with the naked guy? What do you want us to do to him?” Now, with that, he reached down and he picked up the clothes and he set them on his lap. And I said, “We’ll get to that when I get back.” I said, “I’m just gonna get some girls,” and one guy went, “Great, girls.” So they got out of the car, one more willingly than the other. These guys are all friends of mine by the way, I set these things up, I just like to create realities. But they are Hells Angels anyway, but, they’re just people I grew up with. And, but they’re nice guys. Sometimes. If I tell them to be. They are very obedient and great hypnotic subjects by the way. There’s nothing like being able to hypnotize 80 or 90 hells angels, and then have them carry out your post hypnotic suggestions! When you want to set up little experiences too. In fact when I owned a store for a while I’d have them come by and go in and go, “Aren’t you gonna buy something?” “Yea, I was gonna buy ah, this! This is fine, I’ll take this!” “What else you gonna buy?” You get a little buyer’s remorse that way, but then you send ‘em over to their house and you say, “You didn’t come in yesterday! Don’t you like our store?” Ah, yeah, I was thinking of moving in as a matter of fact! Anyways, we’re driving down the road, I’m whistling and I turn and I pull up this long driveway and out the front of the car you see 4 beautiful women decked to the hilt and they’re all giggling. And I pulled halfway up the driveway and I stopped and I said, “Now, you get to put on your clothes and have a good time for the rest of your life,” I said, “or when they pile in this car, I bet I can get you out of catatonia anyway, one way or the another.” I said, “You can do it with dignity,” I said, “or this is gonna be the worst night of your life.” And he said, “Just a minute.” Now, I wanna tell you, it was a great night for him, he had a great time. The shrink did not do well. lol. Sittin in that booth between those 4 bikers. Drinking straight shots of tequila one right after another like that. “I just don’t know.” And when we put him back in the hospital, we dropped him off at the hospital, and I took the schizophrenic and the catatonic with me, well he wasn’t catatonic, and I had to check someone in the room. Now, being willing to do those kind of things when they asked me they said, well see, if you’re crazy enough, to understand, and the basic thing that I have is belief in people that people can be nice and people can make decisions.


See I believe basically most women, you know, are pretty nice. Unless you cross ‘em. And they have //


Patterns of Persuasion Tape 8 - Track 4 x they have built in bullshit detectors, so the trick is, is just to be honest. And you have to be in a state where you’re likeable. If you’re nervous and you’re uptight, they don’t wanna talk to you. But if you turn around, and also when you scan, look for people who are smiling. If they’re not smiling don’t go up to meet them, go up to make them smile. If you can’t get to the smile, sure don’t ask ‘em out for god’s sake, that’s not the technique, you wanna pick somebody, but the trick is is you have to go into the state where you are maximally someone that people are drawn towards. You see, if you’re sitting there in a showroom, right, somebody walks in, especially I know there’s a guy in here who sells security equipment, people come in and they look at their safes, all the things, it induces insecurity. Because they don’t look at the safe and feel safe, they go, “Ah, I don’t know if I need something like this,” and of course, when I – I owned a security company for a while, and we sold that stuff like rolls of barbwire that popped out of the trunk and explode and shoot across the road, these are for real paranoids. Government people. They did! They actually, there’s great stuff they sell, they sell all kinds of wild stuff, that national security conference they have ever year? I mean, they sell stuff you look at and you go, “Now that’ll get me out of a ticket!” You know, “Pchkew,” trunk opens up, a roll of barbwire hits the thing and pffew across the road! Really take the breath away, especially when they’re a motorcycle cop. And then you go, you go, “Oh I looked back there, sorry I didn’t mean to knock it out, it was just an accident. That you had.” Well when people look at those things and they look at it, we had all kinds of strange security devices and stuff, and they look around, there isn’t anything there that’s gonna make them feel good. Right. I mean, even when they look at the inside of a lock, it’s not that they understand one lock vs. another, so it seemed to me that what made sense is to put things in there that they were more intrigued with. Cause what did women understand? Jewelry. Right. So I’d have the safe open and have it full of great Jewelry. Well, you might as well sell Jewelry at the same time! Well what are you gonna have a store and have empty cabinets in it? That takes up a lot of room! I mean, wouldn’t you wanna put things that that would make it so that they’d look and see all that Jewelry in there? And as they walk up you close the safe. And they’d go, “Well, I, I want to look inside, I was really looking at something,” and you go, “Well good, then open it.” And they go, “well what’s the combination?” I go, “I’m not tellin you,” and they go, “well then I can’t get in,” and I go, “neither could other people if that was your jewelry.” Where do you leave yours, in the top of the closet? Hide it in a drawer? Or worse than that get one of these pretty little cabinets that you put out and they

open up nice. That way the thief doesn’t have to look. That’s like hiding the key under the doormat. “Ooo, I’d never think to look there.” How about above the door jam? Right, You know, when criminals go to school, they have all that stuff listed out, you know, tells you all that stuff, you know, and you gotta understand, these guys, most of these burglars, some of ‘em can get in and out of a house so fast it’s amazing. You know, and I mean, the good ones they go broad daylight, they wait till you to work, they drive right up, and they’re in and out in 5 minutes! Because they know exactly where to go to find everything. You know, I – if you’re gonna put a safe somewhere, I always say put it in the bathroom, cause it is the only place you can go and close the door. Otherwise you end up with somebody sitting in the room and you wanna get in it and they’re there, and it’s like hiding it behind a picture. Hide it in the ceiling! That way when you open it everything comes out automatically too. There’s all kinds of great places, but, it’s like, you know, the people, you know, They see all this stuff on TV, and they don’t understand, criminals watch tv too, they know where all this stuff is. You know, most security systems can be defeated with aluminum off a stick of gum! You know, or a couple of mirrors here and there. But, you see, if you trick them, see I always think that when you’re really want to feel safe, you shouldn’t buy just one safe, you should buy 2. You buy a nice cheap safe and you put it in the living room, stick papers in there and a few bucks. And then put your real valuables in another safe. In a very weird place. Because without that, what happens is, is that, you know, they’ll have to look hard, and when they look hard they’re gonna tear your house to shreds, right, you should always leave things too around for them to find, little things like a little stack of money that when they lift it up, suddenly it goes, “click,” and steel bars come across all the windows and the doors, because I believe in keeping them in, not out. It’s kinda like the roach motel. Concept appeals to me. Actually when I had a compound, I had a compound, I actually had 4 and 5 houses inside of this one big piece of land. I had a closet and I had a safe in there and I used to leave it slightly open, but not enough that you could see whether something was in it or not. You like that one! And I made it out of an old closet, what I did was line the inside of the closet with titanium. It’s a kind of a difficult thing. And, then, what I did is underneath the carpet in the closet I put aluminum foil and the same kind of thing that’s the touch button on the elevators cause I really love those, they’re $175 and you can turn the whole floor of your house into a pressure-sensitive plate. So when you put your carpet down, you just put aluminum foil underneath it somebody goes, “Pft,” it turns on. The one in the closet was separate from the rest of it and there was no door on the closet, it had been taken off. So when the person walked in as soon as they stepped in from inside the door jam, titanium bars this big went Pft across. Now, the thing is is then you get to look in the safe, but you were also in it. Cause then when they opened it in there I put some bottled water cause I used to be gone for days at a time, I put some bottled water and a note that said, “Your ass is mine, get used to it.” And ah, I usually left a loaf of bread but it would get stale after a while, but if they soaked it in the water, they could still eat it. Cause I mean, I leave for a week or two at a time. And then what I


do is I let the dogs in the house and press a button and open it. That’s my way of saying hello.

here and watching TV. Gimme that channel changer.”

Now, when I showed people this, cause I used this house as a prototype to sell systems, was to make it so that, because when they’d walk in… and I’d go, “If you were a thief in this room, what would you do? And they’d look over and they’d go, “Well, would you leave your safe open like that?” and I’d go, “Is the safe open?” and I’d go, “Would you close it?” and when they’d step in and push that door closed and those bars came across, I’d go, “Now, I have your contract here for your system.”

Now, the thing is is that if you begin to organize yourself so that the state that you’re in

Because that’s all it took was something that convinced them.

Now I wanna do a little tonality training again tonight because my guess is is if you stop right now, go back and remember. Now, he had successes, you didn’t. But then you were more concerned about it. He didn’t go out to be successful. He wasn’t worried about whether people rejected him, he just wanted to find something that would work! He listened to the instructions.


the most important part. Because You’re the one using all these techniques, there is no technique I’ve developed or anybody else that is gonna really work for you till you go into a state that pleasant. You know, and I mean People don’t wanna meet somebody, you can’t be too amped out, you gotta have some comfort with it. You gotta feel relaxed, you gotta have the voices inside your head going, “Oooooooooooooooooooooooooo, this is gonna be fun.”

If you’re in the state where you’re enjoying yourself and you look like you’re enjoying yourself you become a MAGNET for THESE THINGS.


The point is, is if you don’t practice making contact and prospecting, - I just open the phone book at random sometimes and dial it. And sell ‘em something even if I don’t have it to sell. It’s good practice. Try selling things you don’t even sell. That way there’s no fear of failure. Put yourself in the state and see if you can get somebodyGo, you call up on the phone and go, “Are you Mary Smith?” and they go, “No,” and I go, “Awww. Well Gee, I had a really, really, I had such a great opportunity for her and I must have the number wrong.” You go, “Do you own your own home?” and they go, “Yea,” and you go, “Where is it?” They’ll tell ya! I don’t know why they do, and sometimes they’ll go, “Who is this?” and you go, “Well, I’m calling from a company and we had an especially good opportunity.” And the ones that I don’t like are when they call me and they go, “Can I interrupt you?” “No!” Chkkk. And I wasn’t even doing anything! Now what state do you wanna induce in people, you need to think How you wanna make them feel in every stage in the road. Now when you went down your list, ok, you have to understand, you get attention, then you wanna establish rapport. Did you breathe at the same rate that these women were breathing? Oh good, great, we’re learning everything. No, what you did was hyperventilated on the way over right! So you walked up and you walked up and you go, “Hah, hah, hah, Helloooo, hah hah hah.” You know, beads of sweat pouring off of you, right, you go over and you go, “hughghghghhgg!” See I figure you gotta do like 200 an hour for like a week to get it out of your system! You gotta put all those nice voices inside your head, Do you remember the workshop you’ve been attending here? “Oh, oh yea.” Otherwise, you know, you’re gonna spend a lot of time going, “Hey sweetheart, you ready for bed?” I know a lot of guys that live that way. Some of ‘em now are getting rejected by their hand. That’s when you’re really in trouble. The hand goes, “You go to bed, I’m staying


Patterns of Persuasion

Let’s stop for a drink on the way!” Get the idea here?


Well, go inside and build the strongest belief you can, that when you’re about to meet somebody you will put in good voices, and then make sure they are. Test it, keep doing it everyday a little bit. Practice your tonality so that you can learn to make your voice resonate. Cause if somebody called –

Tape 9 - Track 1

Personally, I’m amazed, because that, you know, People tell me that they have trouble meeting each other! Well, if you’re inside your head going, “!!!,” by the time somebody walks up to you, “Why is your face so contorted?” I see it all the time see people’s face goin, KCH!, like this, This is your brain! You need to go into a pleasant state, and you need to be able to even say the word, “Hello.” Say it like that. “Hello.”

You don’t walk up and go, “Hi, asdfasdfasfasf!” You know, it’s your state, it’s what you exude, and you have the choice to control that. Remember the first day we took the pictures and switched them around?

Especially those of you who do telephone work, I’ve had people on the phone and I’ve pulled it away and I’d go, “Gee, I’d really like to buy it but I can’t listen to this person.” You know and I’d go, “Is there someone there with better tonality?” and they’ll go, “Whaaaaat???” You don’t want that inside your head, Your tone of voice is everything.

I don’t know about you guys. There must be hope though. Go inside and remember the time you felt wonderful. See you start with your internal state. You guys, you guys just, Program yourselves!, you skipped right over it. Remember a time when you just felt absolutely wonderful,

Just like your movements.

Maybe floating on a lake, laying, staring up at the stars,

Now, I want you to be able to when you go – We’re gonna simulate some situations, so, I’m gonna simulate a simulation.

Really mellow, and then go, “Hello.” Now doesn’t that feel better? Now, the trick is to… practice it… when you go back to your rooms, whatever you do… go into the state and go, “Hello.” … I just tell them I go, “Hold on a second, feel relaxed, maybe you’d like to sit down and look at something before you buy,… I’ll be with you in a minute… and when I am… full attention… just sit there in pleasure… You go inside and a voice inside their head goes, “Why don’t you do that to us?” Cause if your own voice is finding ways to make it so that you feel the right kind of exhilaration, the right – Confidence! When you guys go to be confident did you put confident voices in your head? Or did you forget! You went, “Ah Yea I confidently told me ‘this isn’t gonna work out’! If you walk over she gonna spit in your eye!’” No, you get to choose what you say and how you say it, and if you put voices inside your mind that sound like this, ones that go, “Oooo, this is gonna be nice,” and then just look on the outside and notice what you like about somebody. Everybody, you know, because if you lie to them, they will know. Everybody has a built-in bullshit detector. You look at somebody who’s hair looks like a rat’s nest and go, “You have such beautiful hair,” you know, they’re gonna know, they know what their best part is, and there’s gotta be something good about everybody. There is, sometimes it’s a little hard to find but it’s there. Everybody, if nothing else you can go, “Nice shoes.” Right. It’s ok, I do it all the time. I look at people and I go, “God, I like your shoes. Cool. Where did you get them? Where is that? I don’t know where that – can you show me where it is?

Here’s what we’re gonna work on tonight, is your movement. A lot of you guys are having trouble figuring out what to do with your body. I noticed that as you were going through things.

Let’s say I’m gonna go and I’m gonna try and sell this guy a membership to a health spa. I mean these are some of the hardest things in the world to sell. Right. But yet, they sell twice as many as get used. The thing is to me, it’s gonna be a commitment. Right. Cause if you have people that bought it and never go down there, then you know what they’re doing? They’re telling all kinds of people what a rip-off it is, making my job harder. Now of course, if I’m gonna have a health spa, I’m not gonna put all that heavy stuff in there because, quite frankly when I go in and these guys are all beefed up like that, does the term, ‘You’re finished’ mean anything to ya. That was ‘health’, not ‘bizareness’. That, you know, I mean it’s great, I guess these guys do these competitions now where the question is, “How distorted can you make your body?” and it doesn’t – I don’t know it may look good to somebody but it don’t look good to me at all cause it don’t comfortable to be in that body. If I’m gonna be in my body, I want it to feel good. Masters and Johnson said that when you have sex you’re supposed to not be in your body? You guys read that book? No wonder why they got divorced! They went and got in somebody else’s body! I mean you know, “Watch yourself from across the room,” that was the, “Not me, I’m gonna be in my body!” But when you’re in your body if it doesn’t feel good, of course you’re not gonna enjoy sex. You need to start with your own internal state, and then function on getting to your old brain functions. Now, if I’m gonna try and sell him something like that, you know, these people walk right up to these places and they stare at the window. And where’s the salesman? Inside! Not me, I’d be out on that street.


I’d be going, “Stop!” You go, “I noticed you looked in there. Do you feel as good as you’d like to? Go, “Well, you know I, I’ve tried to work out and I can’t.” And I go, “Well you’re trying to lift heavy stuff. You have to start by making your body feel good. Do you enjoy saunas, do you enjoy steaming the poisons out of your body? Now let me ask you a question. Have you ever, any time in your life, just done something different for yourself and felt wonderful? Was that a good decision? Good. Now. Cause I wanna show you (lol) an opportunity.” Now, the thing is is as soon as I go, “If you could see yourself going in and maybe taking some Jacuzzi’s and stuff, I wanna give you a chance to try this out. And I’m gonna introduce you to some women that you’ll remember for the rest of your life.” You know, Even if it’s just a way, I say, “A lot of these guys go in there they lift too many weights, look what happens to them. You don’t wanna look like that do ya? But what you wanna do is feel good. Now, if you accept this, we’ll discuss the terms and, if it’s right for you you’ll be able to, feel this.” Now, I’ll show you another one that I want, “So, can you, feel this, would be worth trying?” Great movement. Ambiguity between 2 sensory systems. “Can you see this point… will be useful to understand?” It’s called linkage. Ok, “Do you see this point,” body goes ‘YES’ but before while the YES is on the way up you go, “would be important to,” and fill in the other part. I teach a lot of lawyers this, they like it cause it’s devious. You know, feel this? Can you feel this would be useful? Can you feel this would be the time to walk in? Their whole body says yes. It’s the same as the nodding one, but the kinesthetic version. It’s the same as, for those of you who did a little NLP, it’s the same as Punctuation Ambiguity. “Do you get the point? to the wall.” Do you have a watch? carefully everything you’re about to see here.” Now, it induces in the mind when it starts in one direction, because a lot of people, and I go, “Now I know thousands of people have told you, ‘I joined a health spa and it was such a rip-off’ and I know you hear this all the time. And I get it from thousands of people, but you know? it doesn’t matter. when it’s about you. Much better than overcoming objections isn’t it. Cause they’re gone. Where did they go? They go into a state of amnesia. Because they don’t need objections – Especially when they’re not their own! What they need is to be able to realize that every time you lay there and you say to yourself, “Well I should go down, maybe get some exercise, maybe take a swim, but it seems so difficult. You can feel this is gonna be the change in your life that will make everything different.” “Have you ever looked at something so that you wanted to eat just to, What’s your favorite food. Is there anything that when you see it, you just have to eat one?” Steak. Especially when you’re hungry. Right. Well when you’re tired you know what you need? Is exercise.”

“Now I don’t know if you can see in your future how often you’ll be able to surprise yourself by being better at this thing you thought you could, but you know, if you feel good you’re gonna live longer, it’s gonna make you happier, and sex will be better! And plus you’ll have some.” Just teasing ya! You look at your hand and say, “We’re breaking up now.” Schizophrenics are great, I had a schizophrenic that made puppets out of socks and terrorized the staff of the mental hospital. They hated this guy cause this guy would - he had a sock like this that he had made into a thing and he walked up and he went, “I hate you!” He goes, “You’re a f…” It was the greatest quotes I had ever seen cause, it was like, “You’re a jerk!,” and he’d go, “Shut up!” And I thought, “What a great thing. I agree with the hand.” I walked up, “You shut up, let the hand talk.” I said, “In fact, let me put him in a trance and you and I will speak.” And he said, “Do it!” Now, the thing is, is what I want you to begin to do now is to realize, When You are in the, when you’re communicating full tilt boogie, Always make your movements slightly slower than humans normally do. Not too exaggerated, you don’t wanna be doing this kinda stuff, you wanna move just a little bit slower, and you wanna move, stop, and move. Because what happens is Remember, you’re walking around, you’re interested in what goes on in their mind. When you make a movement, make a movement and position yourself and stop. When you make movements make single movements, stop, position yourself and turn and stop, cause while they’re making all these pictures and talking to yourself, if you’re like flailing around and stuff, what happens is, Make each movement discreet. Now, I’ll show you a trick. The thing that really creates space, because as soon as you get the space created on the outside, you can influence it, cause if you leave your hand still and lean into it as if it’s real. When you start thinking about the inside of somebody’s head as if these are real objects, then what happens is you become respectful of them. Right. When I notice there’s a picture there I touch it gently. When I move in relationship when I talk to it, that space becomes more defined on the outside. Therefore I can affect it more. I can actually attach a rubber band to each of my fingers, right, one to his head and throw it in. You can feel it, can’t you. And all – “I’m not gonna respond, boom, no I didn’t respond, I didn’t, I didn’t.” It just means you’re alive, it’s furniture that doesn’t respond. See that whole thing in the human potential movement, people can’t make each other feel things? Every time somebody said that you go, “Human beings can’t feel things!” and I look at ‘em and I go, “Whack!” and they go, “Well, you took me off guard.” You can do that as many times as you want. And you can make ‘em feel things. You just stare at ‘em in a weird place and they’ll respond. But you know, just stare at this thing, it responds but you don’t detect it. Things that are alive, things that are conscious respond more. Your ability to respond to more. If you can become sensitized because, all the time when you’re talking to people, it’s not just the movement, it’s yourself. Noticing that when they talk where their eyes are going don’t walk through it, I look at it and make it so


that it’s a real thing and respond to it as if it’s real. I wanna know, so you have your image right here, make it bigger. I go, You gotta have big bold ideas, if you’re gonna have desires, you want them to be real big, don’t ya? Can’t have, “Well, I can see what I can find.” You wanna be able to enlarge people’s ideas. Increase their grasp. To me, A lot of people think of this in terms of your ‘Making people do things.’ I’m not making anybody do anything, I’m respecting their internal processes, and if I’m trying to communicate to them, it wouldn’t be respectful to do anything other than put things in their proper place. If I – in other words, if somebody, if all their doubt things are over here and I talk to them about something I believe from the point of view of doubt, right, then I’m not putting the information in the machine in the way it belongs. You know, that’s like, you know, taking notes instead of digitizing them with a digitor thing in your computer, you crunch them up and just shove them in the floppy disk. It won’t come out that way, will it! I know, I tried. But see, if you put information in in the way that’s maximally efficient for it to be understood, responded to the way you want, so you have to induce the state in which it goes in. The object is not to get to persuade them to do anything until they’re in the state where persuasion is possible. You see, Rule #1 is get their attention. Then you want to Gather information & Establish Rapport as a cyclical process. So you can start by breathing at the same rate, mirror their movements slightly, right, do things like find out if you move like this do they move?, and if they do then start smiling. Induce in yourself the deepest most pleasant state you can. Think of pleasant things… you don’t even have to talk about it, right. As you do that they’re gonna mirror you and respond.

Now we’re gonna try a little experiment, what I want you to do is to turn your chair so you are facing someone. Not, face each other you can, pairs my friends, pairs. Don’t make it into complications, ok, FACE the person. Follow ALL the instructions, ok, that is SIT ACROSS from them. EYE TO EYE. Because if you’re gonna be in front of somebody, don’t bother having them think about anything… Now, all I want you to do is sit across from each other, ok, now, choose which one of you is gonna be A and which one is gonna be B. You guys got that done now? I shouldn’t have let you do it by yourself. “No I’ll be A.” “You be A!” “No no no I’ll be A, you be A, No I don’t wanna be A!,” “You don’t even know what A is!” Just one of you be A and one be B! God! Make it simple. Ok, cause B’s the one that gets to have fun. A is the one that, you know, has to wack themselves really hard on the head several times, no no. Alright, what I want you to do is I want A to just sit there and look at B. Now I want B, what I want you to do is, in a moment I’m gonna ask you to speak to the other person, and I want you to do this before you speak, all I want you to do is to Stop, take a deep

breath, go Ahhhhh, then wait until the moment you notice they start to breathe, and then slowly start to breathe at the same rate. Now at the rate that you’re breathing of theirs, between each and every breath I want you to speak while the breath is moving I want you to wait. So that you begin to build up a syncopated rhythm. Now I want you as you’re watching them, ok, breathing at the same rate, to begin to remember inside your mind the most exquisite experience you’ve ever had. Don’t talk about it. Just remember it. I want you to talk about anything else. Talk about something, say “Well, this workshop’s had some interesting things that have happened.” On the inside, think of some time that you were excited, some time you were having fun, whichever it is. What will happen is is they will mirror you. I said we needed pacing, I never said we were supposed to do it. if you start to pace them they should start to pace you immediately. And it should also affect your voice tone, so LISTEN. Just keep talking and listen on the outside, don’t try to filter it, because you’re only saying a few words at a time. And if on the inside you have some wonderful you’re thinking about, you just put it up there for a moment and watch yourself in it, then you can think of something twice as good, take the same image and make it twice as large. Don’t leave it there all the time, cause you want to watch their face. If you take somebody, and breathe at the same rate, begin to change your state of consciousness, no matter what you change it to, humans will go with each other. You can even begin to put yourself in a deep, deep trance, and they’ll go right with you. It’s the only hypnotic induction I know that makes any sense at all. The deeper I go the deeper you go. See how quick I can pull your ass down? Now. There’s nothing wrong going into a trance that way, when people wanna go into a trance, it seems to me I should be willing to go with ‘em. When I learned hypnosis they said you had to stay out of trance. And I thought “Why, if it’s good for you I wanna go first!” This is the thing where you go into the state, and instead of trying to get the world to change for you to feel good, just change your feelings. Getting hungry? The next time you look at your watch, your sex life will improve. But not right at that moment. Ok, Now, Remember, I’m gonna be listening in this room. And there are others around you. I wanna hear mellow tonality. This is your chance to be able to remember. Think that when you’re talking to them you’re bathing their body in sound. You want to be sumptuous. I don’t want anything nasal here all coming from the resonant parts of you. And just talk about what you found very interesting in the workshop, keep putting up that image, and going into the state. Whether it’s pleasure, deep relaxation, comfort, or even wantant desire. You’d be surprised how quickly they will match you. Ok, but you must breathe at the same rate. Try it. Go ahead. You have to take the deep breath at the beginning, guys, keep all your memories intact. Remember to focus, keep watching their eyes, it’s alright if they look away but you just focus your attention on them. And begin to go into that state. And speak, between, each, and every breath. And if you’re losing their breathing, take another deep sign, Ahh, and start over. And remember, make every word congruent. When you talk about excitement, make it sound that way. When you talk about comfort. And slow down between each breath. A bunch of coffee junkies in this room. Take a deep breath and just insert it between the breaths. People can’t respond if you don’t leave them the space to do


it. Just two words at a time. Only 2 words, then a space, then 2 words. You especially. Too many words. So many words so little time! It’s not like that. Just put the space in… Now, you, can remember, just, how, and you won’t know when they’re breathing if you don’t watch them. If you can’t see their breath, use a sentence fragment, go, “It’s so important that,” take a deep breath and they’ll breathe. As soon as you notice that they’re beginning to match you, blink your eyes suddenly, and notice if they blink. And if they do, then begin to

talk about the time


you most wanted to buy something.



Patterns of Persuasion Tape 9 - Track 2 x Then begin to talk about the time when you most wanted to buy something.

Voice tempo stays the same, it’s buy something. “There was something I wanted to buy, and when I looked at it it was wonderful and I knew with every fiber of my soul that it was the right thing for me.” And then say, “Can you feel this,” and touch them at the same moment, “is important.”

Enough intellectualizing, this is raw experience, do it! So just switch over to the other side now, try it the other way. Remember, first you do it by taking a deep breath. You can always get it on a sentence fragment, and then what you do is you breathe at the same rate, begin to think of pleasant experience, and just discuss anything. Ahhh. Begin. Downward inflections. Enjoy. Get outta the monotone thing, put some tone in. If you’re gonna say wonderful, you gotta move your own shoulders so it feels wonderful. You can’t say wonderful till you feel that way. You can’t go wonderful. It’s gotta be congruent. Wonderful. Excitement. And then as soon as you can nod your head a little bit and they nod? If they move one shoulder and they move? Then begin to discuss immediately a time you made a decision to buy something you really wanted. Just tell ‘em about it! Not ‘onnnnne.’ Take a deep breath, let it resonate from down in the bottom of your back. Learn… to… breathe… four… five… six… that’s right… get the breathing first and then tell ‘em about how exciting it was for you. Now if you notice while you talk to them that their eyes gaze to one place, then you can begin to go into what I refer to, “Capturing the sale.” That’s the moment to lift your hand up and go, “I know there’s things you want to buy for yourself today.” “Let’s take a look at the reason you’re here.” “Buy now.” “Start over here.” Listen with your ear. Really turn your ear open. Hey Psst. You. Take your finger and put it in one ear and push that little lobe thing over your ear. Then you’ll hear what you sound like. Then you’ll hear what the exact tone of your voice sounds like. So that when you go, “Relax,” you want it to sound reeeeaallly resonant. Comfort. Enjoyment. Wonderful. Tell me you forgot you can vary your tone! That’s right. Keep breathing at the same rate, that’s it. You don’t have to press so hard either lol.

Now, when you notice you’re getting responses, just give it a quick blink and if they blink, or start nodding your head up and down. Slowly. Little tiny nods at first then bigger ones, and you’ll notice they’ll start nodding too. You’re in rapport if you’re breathing at the same rate, if you’re speaking in rhythm with their breathing. When you move, they’ll move. As soon as you have your voice tone you can put your hand down too, if you stand like that all the time people will think you wanna commit suicide. That’s just a check. Move your hand back. And always use your ring finger when you do that, it doesn’t look as geeky when you do it. It’s just a technique. Singers do it all the time, you’ll see them when they’re on stage, they’ll go like this, that’s the sound check so you can hear the exact tone of their voice. Alright, now, begin to describe something exciting, something you wanted, so your voice tone should sound excited. You go, “Oh!, one time I saw this coat that I knew it was for me,” and you’ll notice as you become more animated they’ll become more animated. And embed commands like, “desire to buy.” I really, “desire to buy this. Oh I knew I can’t wait to have it. That’s right. Now you getting some response there! That’s the ticket! “I looked at it and felt like I was gonna have a purchase-gasm!” Hmm. What do you sell, sheets? Yea? They are, talking about Mercedes. It was you I was curious about. Soft. Soft seats. Sumptuous seats. Soft, elegant leather. You keep the up until you say the noun. The description. Adjectives go up, Nouns go down. You go, “Lovely? Wonderful? Sumptuous seats.” This stuff makes so much impact if you use it sparingly. You know, you don’t want to overexaggerate it. Ok, turn around here, I have a plan. I have a plan, ok. For maximum utilization, because ah Patrick was only supposed to come here for one day but for some reason he couldn’t leave. So we can utilize him maximally, he’s coming here when we’re supposed to finish, so let’s take an hour off and do another hour while he’s back here. I do so love having it because I’d like to do a nice piece of installation on you this evening. So take an hour, you can use it to grab a quick bite to eat or something, but when you do Try just sitting, because you don’t have to sit across from somebody, you can sit next to them. Each time they reach for a drink, you reach for a drink. Breathe at the same rate, watch them, remember Movement is not detected with the fovic part of your eye, only with the peripheral vision, that’s the part that detects vision. So if you’re staring like this, the reason you can’t see it is that part of your eye doesn’t detect motion. Look a little bit off to the side. Breathe at the same rate. Now I want to show you how powerful this is. This is, you can literally alter your state into any state and take people there.


Deep trance, wantant excitement. Slowly, and then slowly start moving. The minute you get movement start going faster. Now, I know that cause see I have this thing, I like to walk around. You know a lot of therapists and business people like to be nailed down. But even in business meetings when they get the oval table, I don’t sit. till I’m ready. I like to walk around and stand behind them. And then when they turn around like this, I go, turn around for a minute, and I’ll walk right up to them and I’ll say, “Now, I know this is difficult to discuss, but we should do it in a relaxing fashion. And I know you’ve done things that, you felt relaxed,” But you can feel your consciousness change. All I’m doing is changing my insides, so I’m going into another state. When I put inside something, cause I have a thing that goes, I have an adrenaline pump that goes, “WOOSH.” And when I fire it off it’ll go in you too. Isn’t that great? Watch, I’ll do it again. Being able to control your metabolism is where it’s at. Cause if you can control it, you can go into the state, and then I can think, “I want something.” “You have a need.” Now, this means that if you can do it that nonverbally, Shut Up! You don’t go, “Yack yack yack yack,” and talk ‘em to death, the trick is, let them respond so you go, “in a minute I’m gonna show you something.” You go, “I don’t know if you’re gonna want it or not, that’ll be for you when you can feel it… such a wonderful… I love… now when I show you this, I want you to use your best judgment and decide if it’s right for you.” Ready? Yes you are, aren’t you. Subtlety is where it’s at, not covertness, subtlety. I looked at it and I said, “I know this is the right thing.” And if you look at it? and say to yourself, “I want this, then you’ll know,” and then I’ll take them, “Come here,” like this, I’ll show ‘em something and I’ll go, “Now can you say? I want this? Do you deserve it.” Look it! “I’m ready to buy this now!” lol See? PurchasES. Huh? Don’t care either do ya! “But I’ll take a dozen! Because you don’t wanna run out, you know?” “If it makes me feel”… It’s how people feel that determines what they do, no matter what rep system you’re using, in the end it’s gonna get down to that. Cause when it’s gonna get down to signing on the bottom line, whether it’s negotiating a contract, settling – I settled union strikes! I went in, you know, I got hired, but I got hired by the weakest side too, they said, because the company that, one of the guys at the company knew who I was and he said, “Gosh it was a shame you only got hired by the employees,” he said, “because you know we’re really in the strongest position.” And I said, “Good. That’ll allow you guys to really, look at what I’m gonna say in a way that you can be fair and feel good about yourselves.” You know, “Because we all want to avoid a strike here because a strike could be devastated if you don’t really allow yourself the

flexibility to understand the needs of other people. Because after all, you want to have your needs met, and I know that there’s a way that this is gonna work. For all of us. So when you look at the proposal, I want you to feel possibility, to feel flexibility, and to look to see if you can change things in a way which could expand the horizons of this company into new directions.” And I told ‘em I said, “Look,” you know, “and actually I know nothing about the airline industry, and I know that you guys know what your business is about but I know when you look at this proposal you’ll be able to feel this is an opportunity for you.” Does, doesn’t it? You wanna know where I got that one from? The first time I saw that, I went out of my mind. Virginia Satir. She was a family therapist. And this guy was the biggest asshole I’ve ever seen in years. He came in and, Listen to this, His daughter’s 22 years old, and he found out that she had sex. And he wanted to kick her out on the streets and cut off her college fund and the mother and him got into it, right, and they ended up then going to therapy. And he was like, you know, he was going, “You live in my house you live by my rules,” you know, and so I used 2 techniques that I, and Virginia taught me both of them that day. One, she turned around and she said, “Well, I know that for years in this family,” you know, “you’ve had to be the strong one,” listen to this voice tone, it’s so great, “and I know when I look at a man like you that inside you You must really love your daughter, and I know there’s a lot of tears you haven’t cried yet, can you feel this?” and the guy burst into tears it was great. And everybody in the room was crying and I was going }{, you know, I was going, “Oh god that’s good, that’s so slick!” and I said, and when Virginia came out I said, “Where did you learn to do that Virginia that was so great!” and she said, “What?” and I said, “When you turned to the guy and you said, “Can you feel this,” and you touched him at the same moment?” And she went, “I wouldn’t do that! I didn’t do that!” and I turned on the video and I showed it to her and she looked at it and she went, “You shouldn’t notice stuff like that!” She said, “I do that because it comes out of my emotions,” and I said, “Well it comes out of mine, too.” It fills me up, if you know what I mean. Listen to this one. Billy Graham. Right. 10,000 people in the auditorium. We have the hall next door. Right. And I had, I was, they hired me to keynote a TA conference, Transactional Analysis, after all I had been doing was making jokes about it for years. Right. And, right, so I have them doing an exercise and I’m in there watching Billy Graham and he goes, he’s got ‘em like riled up and he said, “Now,” he said, “I know there’s something that each and every one of you is gonna want to do today while you’re here.” I was so quick, too. I thought, Woah!!! I gotta try that one!!! Pfsh into the next room. And I said, “Now I know many of you don’t know about the foundation that I built for the Society of NLP but I know all of you are gonna wanna help somehow.” It was just a hotel room key. There was a cute girl in the front row. It worked like a charm. No one says you have to stick with the pattern. You just have to be a good magician. She goes, that’s what she did, she picked it up and I said, “No,” I said, “Give me that later.” That hotel, room number’s on key, think about it. “Here, take your key back!” Some people worry about the wrong things, at the wrong time. As soon as they get in bed they go, “What if I’m a


sexual failure, sexual failure, sexual failure.” Great programming. That’s not the time to worry about it. All you have to do is take your conscious mind and leave it outside the door. Pay attention to your nose, your tongue, and it’ll go straight to your old brain. Everything will follow automatically. Dogs can’t screw up sex but human beings can. My german shepherd said to me the other day he said, “I was watching these people in the next yard,” he said, “Can you believe it?” he said, “the woman got naked, the guy came out and you know what he did? He asked her if she wanted Lemonade.” He said, “Hell I was ready to hop over the fence and do myself!” You know, you gotta know when the sale’s closed, you know? Ok, I’ll tell ya what we’re gonna do, I’m gonna give you an hour, but I want you to remember, this time, as your walking up as you approaching somebody, walk a little bit slower. Remember to move, make the first movement when you sit down, the second, the third. Make them discreet. So that you have behaviors. If you order a drink and somebody’s sitting there and they’re tapping their foot don’t tap your foot, cause you don’t wanna be as anxious as they are, just start breathing at the same rate and relax yourself. Go into a pleasant state where you feel trusting and you feel comfort and you feel wonderful, and then turn around and say, “Hi.” “Can you, hand me that over there?” And as they turn around you look at it and you go, “Thank you.” and they go, “Something wrong?” and they go, “Well, It’s not important, I don’t want to hurt you, I really just wanna, feel good. And I don’t want you to be overly curious either, cause it’s not important.” Remember, as soon as you’re pacing them you can change your internal state to anything.

Don’t go, “I want you,” go, “You want me.” Remember, as you walk in, if you just feel desire, you don’t want to have the desire you don’t want to go, “I’m desperate,” you wanna go in and go, “Hmmm.” Go into the state of curiosity, because that’s where flirting begins. And never face anybody directly when you’re flirting, 45 degree angles are the Q. And in sales that’s always a situation where you’re flirting. You’re taking their money instead of having sex with them, it’s a slightly different kind of flirting. But in order to convince something in somebody you have to constantly say, “Come away closer.” You say, “I don’t know if we’re ready to discuss this yet,”

So we’ll do it when we meet, ah, let’s meet here at 7:10, we’ll have our evening trance, get a little food in you, a little exercise, and don’t go out and meet people in a pleasant way. I’ll see you at 7:10. Bring back your unconscious mind.


Patterns of Persuasion Tape 10 - Track 1 x I know I keep changing everything, but it’s in my nature. For example, I recommend all of you change what you have amnesia for, and one of the good things to have amnesia for is anything that bothers you. See, think about it. It really isn’t that hard to create amnesia. Just think of the place you keep setting things down in your house and forgetting they’re there and visualize your problems going there and take whatever it is and throw it out. It’s really that simple, I mean, you forget all kinds of things, you probably forgot some of the best things that ever happened to you in your life. When you were a teenager you probably had days that were wonderful. Dozens of them that you can’t remember. So would it be more sense for you to forget unpleasantness? Forget to feel bad! Right. Forget your limitations. In fact, you can leave them here in this room, because the people who run hotels are collecting them. They vacuum them up and then they go Rrrr. Somebody, one of the bartender told me downstairs he goes, “As much money as you guys spend in this hotel you should own it.” and I said, “Hey look. I don’t need any more personal problems, thank you very much.” Gee I’d have a guy who answered room service speak English! Even in good American hotels it’s like they interview somebody and then they get somebody who has the memory, of, uh, Because, you know, you go, “Well you know, I’d like scrambled eggs, sausage, and toast.” And they go, “Well let me read that back to you.” What do you mean ‘read back to you?’ and they go and they’ll always read it back wrong! Plus, when it gets there, do you ever notice that you never get what you ordered, they always miss something? Right? It’s like they’ll bring it up, you know, but they don’t bring you silverware or something. They need a completeness program! I wanna hire somebody who’s gonna like put together what goes all the way up cause if you have to send that guy up 5 and 10 times like I do, the first day, I train him. When they get up there I go, “Well you have to go get it now,” and when they get back up I go, “You forgot the salt too, hurry.” See I figure One long run and I run ‘em way up and down, and then I go, “Gee whiz I was gonna tip you 10 bucks, but since you run up and down so many times now my eggs are cold, now if you get me new eggs, then you get the tip.” Cause I like my food hot.

Now, if we could get the companies that make microwave food to stop taking their training at the airlines, we’d have it made. They’re getting closer… pretty good… I think when my kids hit the age of 18, pretty soon the label will appear on their foreheads. But it’s better than me, I grew up with frozen pot pies, and you put ‘em in the oven and you went away for a month and you came back and they were still frozen. I always liked when you put ‘em on the counter and you cook ‘em in there and it took 45-50 minutes, and baked potato took an hour and a half! And six minutes later when you impatiently wait, suddenly it can be cooked. Pretty soon we’re gonna have something where it comes out cooked. There won’t be anything in the microwave, you press a button for the food you want there and it will appear. And then we’ll have the extra expensive ones, it will actually taste like food. Cause unfortunately engineers have every little sensory acuity. Otherwise they would not do the things that they do. They design all kinds of machines and then they do things like they put the buttons where they’re least useful at all! I know that some of the cars I’ve driven, they put the speedometer where you have to see through the steering wheel to know how fast you’re going. The fuel gauge, in order to look at it, you would have to stick your head through the steering wheel. Mine, however, has a bell that goes on and it doesn’t – instead of going eerr when it’s running out of things, a nice bell that goes, “bing.” And then it flashes a little thing on the dashboard that looks like a fuel pump. Right. And then it has a nice thing written up there that says, “You still have 15 miles to go, so relax.” Now, they really should put all that stuff in there, they have everything but the relax. Ours says, “Worry.” Like it says, “You’re almost out of gas.” You look up and it’s 50 miles. This town’s only 9 square miles, you can get anywhere in town, I should be able to relax. Now all I have to do is find a gas station that’s open at night, cause they hate taking in cash after dark. Unless you get serve the gas yourself and I don’t do that. I don’t wanna have gas fumes all over me. Get all dressed up and pour gasoline on yourself, I thought, “That’s for monks, man, not me.” I like to take the hose out and spray the guy next to you and you pull out your lighter and you go, “Pour this gas for me. Need a light? Dtch.”

Now, tonight what I’d like you to do is just sit back, because I wanna teach you something about time. A lot of people tell me they don’t have enough of it, and talking to themselves as badly as they do all day long I can see where they run out of it.

After all, I have a microwave, I like to cook everything. Sometimes I just throw an orange in there to see what will happen.

But when you sleep and you dream, one of the things that you can do is to learn to run scenarios. Of the times you went out today, right, you wanna take all the things that didn’t work, and go back and re-run them. In time distortion.

My microwave goes, “Richard, you can change the temperature of anything in moments.” Isn’t that a great thing? you know You take something that’s totally frozen? You go beep. 3 minutes later it comes out and it’s hot?

See, when you dream, even when you imagine in your mind, there is not the constraint that there is in reality, you don’t have to run things in real-time, you can just relax, close your eyes, and go back and go right back to the beginning of the experience that


you did. See what you saw, hear what you heard, only make everything at the side of your vision, run quickly. And suddenly, if you run the sides of your image so they’re moving very fast, and the center so it moves slow, move it out into 3 dimensions, only this time I want you to hear and see yourself do things differently. Because I want you to start with one difference. Don’t change everything, change first the tone of your voice and run through the experience. And each time you run through it, I want you to make it so that it’s different than clock time. As you run another one the next time change just your tempo. The next one start out use different words, begin to hear yourself speak differently. Because in the matter of a moment you can, in the state of trance, drop deep enough, before you drop off to sleep every night you go into a hynpogogic state, a state of deep relaxation. And as you begin to relax now, deeper and deeper still, ready to learn, and begin to run those scenarios in your mind, you can begin to see new choices. Relaxing choices. Let your imagination begin to run away with you fully. Because what you have the opportunity to do each night while you’re dreaming begins, is to run not one or two scenarios, but 100. One right after the other. It’s a natural process, it’s what you do when you learn any new physical task, and let your unconscious begin to run them quicker and quicker and quicker. Let the side of your vision be filled with full panoramic, and surround you with new possibilities. Now if you begin to take a deep breath inside your mind, start out by going, “Ahhh.” Close your eyes all the way so it cuts out the light and very very slowly feel yourself drift into that very hypnogogic state that you would go into. Imagine the sheets of the bed. Imagine a pillow on the side of your cheek, imagine yourself sigh and relax. Breathe, deeper and deeper into a restful state. And take one sound like, “Oooo,” remember what you forgot to try today. And begin to run a scenario of how you could have done things differently. And run 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. And inside your mind speed up your brain and relax your body more and more. That’s right. Feeeeeeel yourself drift down. Allow yourself to float, float down, while your unconscious begins to run 100’s of thousands of sequences of neuro synapses that your conscious mind is unaware of. And when you’re unconscious begins to find a new choice, begins to find a way that would work even better, and better, and let your conscious mind see it. in a state of time distortion. Hear yourself move, and sound differently. Feel your body, watch it move differently. Begin to see new possibilities. Take the learnings and the understandings of your whole lifetime and pull from it only new things to try that would work. Of all the people you’ve watched, all the things you’ve seen, TV, real life, everything, it’s all there. A massive database from which to draw new possibilities. And as you float down, really float down, into a state of great comfort, let your imagination now double the speed on the inside, run quicker and quicker while it seems normal you feel more relaxed. And feel more comfort. Because if you can begin now to dream the dreams of learning. Find new cortical connections and try new things that only go, “Hmmm, Oooo, Wow.” Ahhh. And as you see and feel new possibilities, at the same time I want your unconscious to begin to build for you at the unconscious level new beliefs and new

understandings that will stay with you for the rest of your life about how you can become more powerful, how you can become more comfortable inside yourself, how you can become the massive learning machine which is your birthright, how you can begin to look with hope and expectation and desire and at the same time unconsciously you’re building a dream which will change you based on only your own experience but building new learnings from it. Learnings and understandings that will align your conscious desires and your unconscious automated behavior, because your unconscious now knows how to learn only to do things that will stay with you… you may find that inside your youth that when you were young, if you fly on the wings of time and change, to the times when you were successful and only those times, times when you were happy, times when you were playful, times when you were learning many things without knowing about it. Now I know your conscious and your unconscious mind have both been here, learning, you’re unconscious is learning so much now that your conscious mind won’t know until in the days and weeks ahead, you begin to find yourself doing more new things in easier ways, because inside your mind has been planted the seed, the seeds of possibility. And from them it will begin to grow together a whole new learning and an understanding that will allow you to move with grace and subtlety in such a way that the things that you do will allow you to find out how to pace and move and package you communicate to people in ways that will allow you to feel comfort, relaxation, and from your own sense of success. This foundation will become something that grows a root structure new understandings, new learnings, that will build and grow into something monolithic. You can feel that somewhere, somewhere inside you You’ve always known there could be more, you’ve always known you had more strength, more confidence, you just needed a foundation on which to build and begin to explode out. Because what you’re doing now is the foundation of learnings that will stay with you always, and I want them to begin to bubble inside you, to begin to feel the possible ecstasy and to build the belief that success will be yours. Begin to feel a little tingling somewhere inside yourself, a little extra warmth somewhere, because it’s beginning to evolve now and once it’s set in motion, there is no stopping it. It’s going to become the very thing that takes you through ecstasy and success, and takes us all to the stars. To the possibilities that things can be wonderful. That you can find excitement, that you can quadruple your wealth, all you need is the belief and the tenacity and the exhilaration and that self-motivation that comes from that tingling multiplying now, because what you’re doing is teaching your neurology so much more. That when you feel yourself this time go from the depths and the depths of trance to the waking state, it will enhance everything you do in such a way that I’ll begin to rumble and rock and roll at all the possibilities of the new things that you know. Both consciously and unconsciously now, you begin to unify them and feel them come together, somehow, that you will in time, take time in your mind, so let the learnings evolve come out in your behavior to find new strength in every day and to look at what used to be hard and realize it’s only a possibility. Take a look at that client that was so tough yesterday and notice your attitude has changed already! It don’t look so hard anymore does it. You already begun to change and open up the range of what it is that you believe you can do will do that’s going to lead you to a wonderful time. To new hope, new excitement, greater wealth, greater lust, and greater passion in all things. As you turn and


begin to scan inside your mind, all the people that you had persuading as a difficult time, look at them now, 1 by 1, I think it’s time perhaps your attitude changed and you put them on the run. Run a scenario here with this one and one with that. listen to your voice change and your confidence build and let it come up. And see how many new thrills you can find. Because as you drift up still more and more, I want you to fill yourself with exhilaration. Let the tingling spread more and more. As you say to yourself, “Ah ha! Ha ha ha ha ha,” and put it deep inside your mind when you look at those that used to be, somewhat hard for you, in a distant time, that was long ago yesterday. And move in further away. And as you and only when you can let your mind make the decision that life is only going to be a good time, that you’re gonna learn from everything you do and each night you’re gonna run more scenarios to more and more in the state of trance, till you feel better and better and better and better and better. Now, as you come all the way back to earth coincidence control center, and let yourself return, take the good feelings with you, and remember, that those good feelings are your birthright. And stop and go, “Hmmm. What can I do tonight to make it so that I, instead of stepping through my problems, step around them and move to more success. Because tomorrow we’re gonna go through the rest of this process, and I want you to disappear the rest. So that you can learn more and more and faster and faster every day for the rest of your life so that nothing can ever get in your way. Ahhh. Mmmm. And I want you to reverberate and say, “Ahhh.” Say it. Ahhh. I wanna hear it resonate. Ahhh. Ooooo. Ohhhh. Mmmmmmm. Yummm. Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm m… Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmm mmm… Boy they’re getting pitch now and everything! Yum. Oooo. Ahhh.

but if you in the back of your mind connect to your confidence and have it come straight out your eyes, when you look at people they’ll know there’s not a shred of doubt in you and they’ll go inside and go, “Uh oh,” and they’ll talk to themselves and if you notice where, you can stand around there and say anything you dare. And they may reject you but who wants them anyway. You can always change your behavior and come back another day. It ain’t over till it’s over. So I’d like to thank Patrick, Patrick has a plane to catch, thank you very much Patrick. And of course the master of cross-*-acceleration, Denver Clay, thank you. And you guys, give yourself a big hand, you’ve done a lot in two days! And remember, it’s time to get up and leave now. Ah haha. Good night.

30th of November, last chance to get tapes are next door, we’re packing up tonight, taking them home. //

Now you begin to find the parts of things inside your mind that run all of those things they call enzymes. You can feel it physically when you go, “Woah.” Oooooooooooooooooooooeeeeeee. They only have that in Texas but boy does it work! Yeee Haaa… Oh Yesss. …

Now tonight go out and explode this room, don’t go back to being sedentary, sit, stare at yourself in your room, make yourself become vibrant, every moment and every day, because when you come back here at 11, I wanna rock and roll through the day. We’re gonna go through more processes and learn to be more ferocious. We’ve got deals to close. We’ve got places to go, people to do. So in one more day I wanna see nothing but VIBRANCE out of you. Go out and look in the world, it’s a smorgasbord of possibility. And if you’re ferocious enough, you’re the one that gets to be going by the table rather than on it. “Pick me please pick me please,” and they’ll go,


Patterns of Persuasion Tape 10 - Track 2 x See what bothered me about employees was is that, and I actually developed a program for a company was that, is that the employees actually would get hostile at the company that they worked at cause they had to go there every day. And they spend most of their time either steeling from the company or badmouthing it. and ah when I had the security company, I spent a tremendous amount of time with people they said, “We wanna catch the people that are stealing at work,” and I said, “Well, wouldn’t it be better if we just made it so that they didn’t steal?” And they went, “That’s impossible,” And I said, “Don’t count on it.” So we put ah we put around the place, it was a big warehouse, they sold ah stuff that that I guess you sell in health food stores, like big juicers and stuff like that, and so they had like 100’s of these things and, I wanted to find out how bad it was so the first thing I did is I put up abscan machines which are, Abscan machines are kinda neat, they a little whole in the wall just the size of a head of a pin and it’s got a fisheye lens on it and on the backside it’s got like a 12 hour videotape machine. And you just turn this puppy on and go away and when you come back you look at the tapes and you get to find out what happened. And the other thing you can do is you can attach to it this little they had a little wafer that you stick on it and they make these little things and they’re about 2 inches square and they’re paper thin and they look like a piece of aluminum foil. And you take these things and stick ‘em on the back and go Pft stick ‘em on the wall, and it broadcasts both visual and auditory on a TV channel. So you have to pick a channel that’s not going in your area. Cause it doesn’t broadcast very far but, ah, if you interfere with a broadcasting tv station the FCC sorta frowns on that. but ah we put it on a station and then what I did is I went and I sat back in my office and I just turn on the tv to watch cause I’m up most of the night anyway working, working to see what would go on. And they had the shift the evening shift came in and the day shift walked out and, as soon as the doors and I mean as soon as the doors closed and the day people left, right, everybody like stopped like this and went over to the windows and looked, and they went over and called on the telephone and they started calling people on the phone, and get this, this is how bad it was, they were taking orders. “You want 7 juicers? Ok yea ok and what else what can we do for you, Ok 50 lbs of this and How about vitamins, you need some vitamins?” And they were supplying half the stores in the area! And these people were driving up in vans unloading things! Now I can understand why these guys’ profits weren’t real good, so What I did the next day is put 2 tv screens up on the wall inside of this place and played this tape. Over and over and over and over again. And never said a word about it.

Of course the guys that were taking orders, ah, the owner gave them the choice of paying him a lot of money or goin’ to jail. Um. People like that never have the money, you know, cause if they have to go to that length to steal they’re also not good at saving or investing it. It’s not like they were out there, you know, we know exactly where they were putting it. Pffft. Right. say, “Well,” you know, “I got some extra heroin, you want that?” they go, “Oh yea!, we’ll sell that in health food stores.” You know, “It’s organic heroin.” But ah when they got a new shift in, we just left the tape rolling. And every once in a while it would kick in and show that tape. Especially the one where they cuffed ‘em and took ‘em away, that’s always nice. Didn’t say a word. And the other thing I decided to do is to take the voice stress analyzer we had, and instead of giving people a lie detector, and just setting it out there. With a manual. Right. and then when they’d come in, they’d have the guy that would come in they had somebody that sat there, you know, they had the guy who was, he was an old guy who was the gate guard. One of those guys who was honest, liked his job, and just sat there all night and read books and when you came through the gate, he looked to make sure he recognized you. And ah what we did is we had him sit like that and we had him put the thing right on the thing and when people would come in he’d go, “Gonna steal anything tonight?” Right. and they’d see that little device there with the blinking lights on it and stuff like that and they’d go, “Nope.” And he goes, “Good.” And you’d go and when you go and drive out he’d go, “Did you steal anything tonight.” “No.” Now, he didn’t even know how to read the thing, but it didn’t matter. Their profit margin, because – The thing is is this guy had one of these things running in a, in another place in southern California and one up here in northern California, The one in southern California was selling less stuff and making more profit. The one up here was selling twice as much stuff, and they were losing money. That’s how bad it was. Yea, well, think about it! 7 big juicers, you know and then another truck… 24, you know, and then Not only that, they’re servicing all the guy’s clients! You know, going to the clients saying, “Man, you don’t need to be paying those prices for this stuff, I’ll get it all for you for half price if you pay cash.” You know, so not only that, he’s stealing his customers as well! It’s not only stealing stuff he’s stealing the customers! Now, in, so then I got the idea, What would it take to induce loyalty. Cause when you talk about persuasion, I mean, persuading somebody that, see, the way it works is if you bitch and moan about your company and working there and it’s products and services enough and every employee does it? No one will come there, it goes out of business and you have no paycheck. Now this is what people at the big car companies forgot, you know, the unions were fighting with management, and they forgot the competition’s coming from the outside. Their job, they should work these things out in a way and then figure out how to go after the others. But they’re driving in, and I mean,


and this is what gave it away for me, this was years ago, I did a 1-day sales presentation for General Motors. And ah, I like this they said, “We’re gonna have a few of our salesman here,” so I walked in and I walked into the room there was 10,000 people. Right. You know, auditorium out there, I expected like we were in one of the conference rooms on the side? The main big deal there. And I walked out and I did the one day thing and, and then they were nice enough to take me into their offices the next day and they gave me the favorite part the cheque. Although I do prefer cash. But I was sitting up in their offices and I was looking out into the parking lot and these guys were talking about how great everything was going and how much they liked everything, and I’m looking out at the parking lot at GM and it was over 50% Japanese cars. And this was before anybody thought Toyotas were a big deal. And I turned around and I looked at this guy and I said, “Come here.” And I said, “What do you see out there.” and the guy said, “A parking lot.” and I said, “Look closer. There’s cars in it.” and he said, “Yea,” and I said, “Well when I look out there,” I said, “Number 1, over half of the cars are foreign, but number 2, the rest of ‘em aren’t chevys.” You know. “General Motors? Can I explain this to you?” There were Ford trucks out there! Worse than that they had Ford Trucks delivering things! Right. and the guy said, “Well what difference does it make?” and I went, “Nevermind!” Picked up the phone, called and I said to my broker I said, “I wanna buy trade get rid of some of this GM stock here I got.” Now, there was no – I had a friend, by the way, the guy that got me this gig had 2 dealerships. And, when I said that when he looked out the window he was out there doing this }{. And he went back and sold ‘em both. And he bought dealerships in Toyota. Cause at that time a Toyota dealership was like 8 cars in a corner lot, right, Now it looks like Mile of Cars. Because the thing that they didn’t pay attention to is just RAW SENSORY EXPERIENCE, The answers are always there. And when it comes to anything like the sales, did you guys write down the objections I asked you to? Ok. Right, Now as you started to write them down did your mind begin to look at ‘em in a new way? That’s why I didn’t have you write ‘em down the first day. By the way, this is yes, this is no. If you looked at one and went, “can’t overcome this objection,” then I wanna hear about it! Cause we wanna start – Pull ‘em out, you know, These are things that when you heard them, you didn’t think there was anything you could do about it. Cause I want you to start to think about, “Well, what if I prWhat? What did you say? “The second place we went into, the objection we got was a guy coming over the meat counter with a cleaver after us! Wow” What the hell are you selling? “This was years ago, …” Yea but what were you selling to him. “We walked in and announce the name of who we worked for and he came over the counter with the meat cleaver, ‘Get outta my store!’” Well the guy that you worked for really knew a lot about rapport, didn’t he!

Well, we don’t consider that an objection, by the way. Um. Although there is a technique I can teach you that works really good. Next time before you go in the store you get a can of eether, right like this, and you attach a hose and you just slide it under the door jam, and open it up first, right, and then when he’s sort of half asleep in a hypnogogig state? You put on angel wings, right and a white sheet, “You must forgive so and so or we’ll never let you go to heaven.” Then come in the next day. And when he sees that face it’ll be an anchor for the dream. See? Anything can be dealt with. “You’re from so and so,” and you go, “Oh man I really need to talk to him,” and you go, “Well, first we need to talk about what we can offer you.”

A little religious music never hurts. What you do is you walk in and set a ghetto blaster with soft religious music down and sneak around to where they are. A little remote control, they have these new portable remote CDs, pft, and then you start out with a little Amazing Grace… nice. I found that, I like that kinda gently playing in the background when you do things in the Midwest in the Bible belt. You know, it ah, it helps somewhat. Even if you are only selling insurance. I did a thing for an insurance company and they ah they took a video crew with telephoto lenses out, and a spy van, right, I sold ‘em that too, um. If you’re gonna get the contract you might as well get everything! And they made things about how – cause they had trouble getting in people’s doors! Which amazed me, they said, “Well we go around,” and I said, “Well have you tried calling them first?” and they went, “Huh?” I said, “You just literally go on the street and walk up to everybody’s door? And go, “You wanna buy insurance!?” I said ah, you know, “Get a reverse directory,” and they went, “What’s that?” and I said, “Well you go to the library,” but they have to have it for the police so they can call by address, not by person, and you call every single one on there, and you tell them you’re sending someone out that has a message for them. Right. And to expect someone at 2 O’clock. And then when you walk out, you know, what you do is you take religious music with you, it’s easy, drive a convertible, leave the radio on. But it’s not really a radio, it’s a ghetto blaster in the back seat. They hear that religious music, boy I wanna tell ya! You go, “Now I don’t know what you think will happen after your death, but wouldn’t it be nice if you could feel certain ahead of time.” “Now wouldn’t it be a sin. if your children were left with nothing?” Cause, you know, cause I like Father tries to teach us these things about how they count the sins up? You know, the way it is is that you start life with $200, right, and then when you get to purgatory, see, it costs a certain amount to get in, cause they charge you for your sins, like Masturbation’s 25 cents, Murder’s like $50, you know, infedality, $10, right, “and then you know next time you go into heaven, wouldn’t it be a bummer if when you got to the front of the line you were a quarter short?” and you look at the guy behind you and he’s going ][, he ain’t gonna loan you no quarter!


Now, what are some of the objections, the objections that you know you’re gonna get. Yes that’s true, they go, “I can’t make a decision that fast.” And then, I mean, that seems to me like, I have to ask people to ask me something like that I go, “In most cases that’s true,” I go, “but let me sit down, Forget about security systems, forget about this, forget about that, let’s sit down for a minute and let me show you something that I learned, cause I used to be like you and I had trouble making decisions quickly, and I found when I made them slowly I not only didn’t make…, they seemed to get worse the longer I took. Let me just show you a trick.” And then you can say, “Now, what I want you to do is to stop and think of a good decision you made.” Right. You can go straight for it then! And then you go, “Now, see where the picture is in your mind. Now think of a decision you made that you just never ever have gotten around to making, it just seemed like it went on forever and even after you bought it you went on deciding, ‘well gee should I have bought it or not?’ right, like you never, you never had that sense of certainty that could make you feel good about a process. like this one.” And they tell you where that image is and you go, “Ok now. If you had known that this is what indecision is, but if something fits right in this place, then it would be a good decision. Now try, for example, I want you to stop and think about the security system we’re talking about. Put it right up here. See if it feels like the right thing to do, because if it doesn’t it’ll fall right out. Just take it – actually, put it a little closer and make it a little bigger so you can see it clearer. And you know the bigger and clearer things are, the more you know what you’ll be deciding between. Can you, see this would be helpful?”



Patterns of Persuasion Tape 11 - Track 1 x Ah, when went, when we took some of the equipment we had, like we had like the best thing, I mean you would, You’d be able to store data so cheaply now If I could have convinced – if I’d have known what I do now, it would have been a lot easier to convince them. unFortunately I was, just a scientist. Right. Part of the reason I decided we need to work with brains is cause I mean I would develop a system where you could store 1012, you could duplicate the data and send it out weekly, you could put all the medical knowledge on and be able to have somebody pick a grid of sentence, and it would sort through and provide all the appropriate data to someone. This is a machine we developed some 20 years ago. And, nobody wanted to build this thing and make it available, guess why. Because there was optics in it. Right. And they all said to me they said, “Well this has optics in it.” They said, “We do magnetic storage systems. Optics, bad.” They said, “Xerox is the only company that does optics.” When we went to Xerox and Xerox looked at us and said with a straight face they said, “We only make copiers.” And I said, “Someday you’re gonna make more. There might be other people who make copiers,” and they looked at each other and they went, “When.” And I went, and I said, “Sooner than you think!” and they went, “No, no one will ever be able to make copiers like us.” You know what the sales department had to do at Xerox in those days? Their idea of sales was they pick up the phone and you write down how many they want. Cause it was the only copier company! And then this judge said, “Sorry, you have a monopoly, no longer.” And suddenly Xerox got depressed. That’s such a great reaction. So they went, “maybe we’ll go into the computer industry too. We don’t know anything about it, but,” and their first Xerox computer, I wanna tell ya was the ultimate dog. Ooow. And then they came to us and they gave us all this millions of dollars worth of research telling us all the software that they needed to put them ahead of other people in the market? And I told ‘em how much it would cost to get in top people and have this done? And they took it back to their superiors and ah their superiors went out and paid 100 times that much to have people who had more prestige do it. and by the time they got it done, they were so far behind in the computer industry, plus they didn’t develop the hardware that would go with the software. Because “that’s a different division.” Now this strikes me as one of the prototypes of how American business has jammed itself, and what we need is some good unbenevolent dictators who will go / everything to do the same thing and make sure that they do. Now, Lei Coke(sp?) was a master at that. He took one of the most disorganized company and got them all on the same track, and realized that you can’t just do things like you have to do it through the whole company. You have to start with the things the companies need. Pride. Is one of them. And for me, in anything to do, in order to create commitment, you have to induce in people pride in the activity that they’ve done. I don’t care if they

buy a fence from you or if they sign a contract to do business with you for a few years… If they don’t feel so good that they have pride in what they’ve done, number 1, they will not go out and generate business for you by talking about it, which to me is one of the things that I’m always gonna induce in it. I don’t close the sale till I have the post-hypnotic suggestions in that they’re gonna bring people back to me. I know I want their mouth moving because otherwise it doesn’t make any sense. People go, “The best advertisement is word of mouth, don’t tell anybody.” (audience laughs.) Look at this line, it’s GOOD. Now, give me some of the other objections you have. See that wasn’t an objection, that was an opportunity. People go, “I can’t decide,” and you go, “Well good, then I’ll teach you how to. Decide what I want and feel good about it.”

What do they say to you? Costs too much, ok. Now. That’s fine. The explanation – that’s the junko logic. The fudge factor & the finagle phenomenon, ears go off. Ok, all you need is, “It costs too much.” Then the question is, “For what?” Right, ok, cause Now, cause you can be at any part of that spectrum. Think about it, if it costs too much, the only way it could cost too much is if they don’t have the money to pay for it. In which case you will not sell it to them anyway. Now there are some people who have beliefs, ok, and this is true, sometimes the low-end vendors got the better product. I mean, that’s true in some cases, it’s not true in security systems by the way. Except for some I built. But then I cranked the cost up and charged for thinking about it. It just there wasn’t a lot of materials involved, it was just that they were clever. Cause I figured every environment provided a unique opportunity to just take – I had all the catalogs you know of everything you can get in the security industry, you know, I went to the national security conference and went to every booth, whether it seemed like it had any relevance or not, and then I would stroll threw it to see if I can put together ways of solving problems. Because some people have different accesses some times, like at a remote cabin, where, you know, if the alarm goes off, no one will hear it. if it even dials the police it takes them too hours to get there, that house has to be able to defend itself. Has to be able to do things like put one of them C02 lasers on the top of it with a motion locator and some dishes around there. You can come up with some interesting things. Sometimes it was enough, that’s why I did the one with the shotgun in the next room with the speakers? Boy I’ll tell ya that one was effective. Houses would get broken into but boy they wouldn’t stay to find out if that was real or not. You know. But again we had to get high-end speakers. And, the thing is is that, ah, you know, when people believe, “Well, the lowend one doesn’t work and the high-end one’s just pricey,” right, then if you know that’s gonna come,


That the one thing you gotta know is You’re takin to them. Right. And, you can always start out with something like, you can go, “Well most people believe,” like one of the things that I love to do is I also went out and bought some of my competitors, cause we had a guy in town that would put together these cheap systems with motion detectors and, you know, little infrared things and stuff, so I put it in there, cause I actually rented an old B of A building, right, cause I liked it, cause they left me keep the safe. I didn’t get the keep the safe door, just the safe. But ah I’d take them in this secret room in there, cause you have to create AMBIANCE I figure. And I didn’t wanna be in a shopping center, that wasn’t the thing, I wanted to take them in the one place that they had that impregnantable(?) feeling. So by renting an old bank thing, they’d go in there and it had that bank feeling to it. Taking them in the back in the vault and sitting them down and saying, “I wanna show you some things most people don’t know about.” And then what I’d do is I’d take them from the vault into another room, cause I kept our stuff in the vault, had another room set up with all the other devices. And then I’d show them how to beat ‘em. Cause most of them were very, very easy to beat. Especially the things that are readily marketable. It may require some esoteric knowledge, but it’s still stuff you can do. I mean you can talk about it, you can show them how to do it, if you show them a tape it’s not the same as if you take them through it. And show them, when they see a little piece of aluminum foil off of gum, they’ll jump a circuit. Right. Well they don’t stop necessarily and think that the circuits are inside the house, cause a lot of ‘em aren’t. a lot of them if you turn the electricity off, there’s a little box next to it with your backup thing and you go in and you go, “chk,” stick the aluminum foil on there, right, you can walk in and out and do anything you want! Now, somebody who really knows how to install this will not put it where you can find it. But most of the installers don’t know what the hell they’re doing, “Yea we’ll wire this puppy up,” right, they put a sign out, ‘Security Box,’ sticker, anything, ‘Repairs needed? Call this.’ Now most of the good thieves, and I’m not talking about your average burglar, also go to the national security conference, ask a lot of questions. Well that’s why you gotta get a little tricky with them. Put the wrong sticker on, you know, cause they go, “Jump number 2 & 5, chk,” EEER. The other thing is is they’re, you know, there are other different sounds, cause they make these, see, they make great speakers, but not in security companies. I always bought my speakers somewhere else, there’s nothing like putting a speaker in a tree, you know, way in the back yard, right, and then what you do is you take a flashlight, put it on the motorized thing, right, so that if anybody touches the side of your house, you start hearing, and then you play a little tape of a recorded thing that goes, “Chk, alright, I think ‘em down here,” and then you have the flashlight go like this. This is like, you know, we’re talking about an investment of about 200 bucks here man, and I’ll tell ya, there is nothing that will take somebody’s breath away at night when they’re breaking into the house than those small anchors. Right. Anchoring of a very powerful tool.

Now, once you, if you have somebody who goes, “Look, you know, I have a belief,” right, “in these things that,” Cause I don’t know if you’ve been down to union square but they have the Bang & Olufson store there. And I mean this is where the cassette player is $2,500 dollars. Have you guys seen this kind of equipment? Their tv on the remote, you can make the tv moves around, it’s kind of like, extending submodalities in your mind to the outside world. These things are absolutely incredible stereos, I mean, you buy one of these you never buy another stereo again as long as you live. I mean, this is But, the reason they have selling these things is exactly what you’re talking about. People go, “Well, I can get by with this.” The major thing to do is as soon as they tell you, I always look at ‘em and go, “You believe this, don’t you.” and they go, “Yea.” And I go, “Well, lemme ask you to do this, because I’ve gone in so many times in my life, after someone’s been robbed, and they believed that pft (and put your hand right on that belief) that, you know, that these middle-end products would do. Now, I don’t know about you, if I’m gonna have a brain surgeon, I don’t go, “Err, is there anybody cheaper?” See there are situations which are different. And I think if you’re buying an automobile you know you don’t maybe necessarily have to buy the best one. If you’re buying a pen, you don’t need a mont blanc. In fact a Waterman will write just as well, in fact it uses the same internal cartridge. But when you’re talking about somebody cutting your brain apart, or somebody going in and digging in through all your drawers, you have no idea. And when this belief that this will do, I don’t know if you’ve ever been robbed. But it feels like being raped. That’s what this leads to. “Now, I don’t want you to have to have that feeling, unless you can’t change this belief to something else. But if you can take this belief and for just a moment, just for a moment, make it go back in your mind, way off here,” not towards them, away from them, about like that, and then you take ‘em and you put your brochure up here you go, “Because before you think about that I want you to think about, in fact you’re gonna spend more money But when you’re gone you don’t have to worry about your children being hurt, - it’s not so much that your insurance won’t pay for your furniture and your tv and stuff like that – this has to do with what you’ll feel like. Cause I don’t care if you don’t have any valuable belongings and you live in some, when you come in and find out that your house has been ripped through, that’s something you can’t put a price on. And when you know you can leave your house every day, and that what you’ve got is powerful,” “And I don’t know about you, but if you really, do you wanna go back to that belief?” - Presupposition that you’ve already given it up, Stack Presuppostions, Stack Presuppositions, people cannot go back.

Presuppositions are very powerful. As soon as you stack 3, they can’t go backwards. “The brain won’t do it.” It goes, “Wouldn’t be prudent, too confusing, let’s move on. Shouldn’t we.”


Temporal predicates, You go, “Now, when you came in here you had doubt, the belief that, you know, the middle-pricey thing was probably where it is.” And then you say, you know, “And as far as people who sell the kind of equipment I do, I’m probably the low end, you know, but, you know, I’m not gonna sell somebody something just to make money off of them. I have to have you feel secure for the rest of your life. That I’m what’s gonna protect you.” “Because you, like me, want the best for your family.” Great embedded command. ‘You, like me!, want the best for your family, not somebody that’s not gonna be in business next year.” “Hey you can get a deal on certain things, how would you like to get a deal. I can get you a discount, there’s a guy who’s down the street who does vasectomies. Yea, he’s not a doctor and he does use a hunting knife, but he cuts in the same place!” And when they laugh you go, “Ok, now, forget about that. We’re not talking about How much you can get something as a deal for, you can get the same equipment somewhere else, cheaper. That’d be one thing. But you gotta remember, we’re not just talking about equipment, we’re talking about whether the people that put it in care about what happens to you afterwards. Because you’re not just buying a machine, this isn’t like going out and buying a mix master, when you turn it on and it runs, this is an installed and kept working perfectly, what’s at risk here is everything and everyone you love. Now, I don’t know about you, What price do you put, do you want a discount on the safety of your family?” “Yea,” the guy says, “I used to keep doors on the car and stuff, seatbelts but, now I just have roller skates and I tow the kids behind a motorcycle. Yea it’s not safe, but if they balance just right everything will be fine! That’s not the way people deal with their families. The people that come in here are people that wanna feel secure because you like me wanna feel secure when things work. And anything else, you know, isn’t gonna give you that sense of security. It may in some situations protect you, but there’s no way in the world you’ll feel secure without this.” “Now I don’t know if you believed everything I’m saying to you, because I know, I’m the one that understands this, I’ve seen what happens to families and what doesn’t happen to them. And I’d rather you feel that you were one of the families that nothing bad is gonna happen to you. It’s beliefs like the one you used to have” (that’s 3 by the way, in case you guys were counting.) Now, remember, by going back and forth, You don’t have to pitch hard, Your tonality is soft, smooth. This high powered stuff, you’re trying to make ‘em feel secure, don’t scare them! It’s incongruent!

You turn around and you go, “We’re gonna install things in your house that you won’t even see there, that are gonna be protecting you.” Now I’ll tell you the kinds of gadgets I’m talking about adding, is the stuff that no one will bring up. The reason I added those on to the systems, cause we had probably the most expensive systems you can get. I love those things, you knock ‘em in the ground and they can tell dogs apart from everything and, height beams and stuff, And the people I had as customers man, these people had more valuable stuff than at the banks. You know, these are people that, you know, have hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of Jewelry and didn’t wanna leave it in the bank safety deposit box cause then they couldn’t wear it! You know, and then I’d go, “Why don’t you get a paste made of it and sell it!” you know, but they told me that the paste is worth more than the real jewelry now, isn’t that funny? That’s why I went into the jewelry business when I found that out. By the way you didn’t know that I had a jewelry company too. I like Jewelry, not to wear but, I like it to sell and buy. Because it’s interesting, it has different values depending upon where you are on the globe. You can go across the street into Chinatown and if you’re a good negotiator, and if you wanna study a good negotiator take my wife with you over there. She can make a Chinaman cry. 2 $2500 set of pearls, $220. But then, when we go to Europe, over there pearls are incredibly expensive. But other things aren’t. Diamonds are cheaper in certain places, so as long as I’m going she likes to shop, I let her shop and when we get back I sell it. That way she still gets the sensation of buying things, and it doesn’t cost nearly as much! It’s kind of a reframe. I let her keep some of it. In fact, um, Now I’ve got it so that she likes to buy things for me, and I keep some of it. She actually had this made for me, now she’s gotten so serious about it that ah, she found out that it’s nice, you get beautiful pieces of jewelry that were handcrafted in Europe and you come back and have a guy make 30 of them and sell ‘em. And then you sell one of those to a company that does reproductions. So that you can actually let people steal what you have for a price and take a percentage of it. See there isn’t anything that anybody can present you that you can’t turn into an opportunity if you believe that what you’re – the reason you’re selling good systems is cause they work, right? Right, those other things can be beat. And I’ll tell ya, we had fun, we went down in a group to, and I love that they have the National Security Conference every other year at Disney Land. Isn’t that perfect? Isn’t that the coolest thing? You know, you go over to Disneyland, you’re right on star tours, and you do this and that and then you go over to the Anaheim Convention Center and you go and, and it’s like, James Bond, right, So we’d go in and what we did is I took the two physicists that I had working at my R&D Company, 2 guys from the security company and we’d go down there and try to beat everything. Right. And to us it was like, “Beat the clock.” Like they had these safes that they said you couldn’t open, right, they said, “No, because the tumblers spin,” and they had all these reasons, well, I knew a trick that they didn’t


know cause I talked to a factory rep, I called up and talked to a guy who works in the manufacturing engineering and So That these guys, they were just like computer programs so that these guys don’t have to go through a lot of trouble if you forget your combination, they built one backwards combination for themselves. And it’s always the same. Now they don’t want that to get out, do they. Especially which one it is. Right. I mean they don’t tell the guys who own the stores this, this is so that when the big guy from the factory comes out, you know, when you leave the room, he can magically have opened your safe. We’re not talking about a $200 safe here, we’re talking about very expensive equipment. And the guy was demonstrating, you know, talking about the reason, cause he even like, when you leave you even take the cap with you with the numbers and everything with you, and when you put it on if you’re even 1 iota off, all 4 tumblers spin automatically, You have to like, you must have a certain touch, if you were drunk you’d never get into your safe, I know that. But I walked up and I said, “So this can’t be opened!” and the guy said, “no this can’t be opened,” I went in front of like this and went, “Really.” You shoulda seen this guy. (lol) The guy went, “How did you do that!” and I went, “It’s all in the ears, man.” I didn’t tell him that’s cause I called on the phone, but – one of the guys that used to work for them used to work for me, and has a big mouth and a post-hypnotic suggestion. Goes, “Richard, what can I do for you.” Being a hypnotist always helps, especially in that business. But I’ll tell ya, some of the stuff is such junk, but then Some of the stuff that’s really cheap can really be used, as a for a convincer. Because one of the things is, is that, that, you know, To me, it’s not just the system itself, it’s how it’s applied. Because, you know, there’s all that stuff, even if they do break in and the alarm calls the police and that stuff, it’s such a pain. Right. Better to chase them away. You should always have 1st 2nd 3rd lines of defense. And, to me, especially if the people have children. Because to me, I’d go, “If you’ve got children, you know, you don’t want ‘em to break in and have the cops come, cause there’s a lot that could happen in the meanwhile!” And you don’t want, you know,” cause they know that thing that you buy down in K-mart, you know with the two lights and you walk by and the picture there and the two lights come on, Wooo, that’s gonna scare them. Typically, it tells them you’re not home. You know, and if you are home then it’s even more dangerous. What you need to have is something that fires off in their mind exactly what would worry them. And the answer for that is not at the security conference, it’s in the prison. Go and interview people, go, “How did you get caught?” And I’ll tell ya, they’ll tell ya the signs to look for. They’re not worried about a squad car driving down the street, they’re worried about a cop who’s not in their car. Cause that means there was probably a silent alarm that went off. If you have a ‘silent alarm’ in the house sticker? Yea, you can go down to radio shack and buy those. Now if it was a real amateur it might deter them, but if you really have valuable property, you need to have something that turns lights off and on. And I’ll tell ya since you know the back of the button, those elevator things? These are the things – you gotta get into these, these are fun. Cause they’ll turn off anything you want depending upon what they touch. And I mean, that means you can take a safe, and the minute

somebody touches the safe it’s just like the elevator button, but instead of the light goes on it’ll turn on any device you want it to. These things are only $150, but boy they really… Right, you go, “Go ahead, open the drawer,” and they open the drawer and suddenly something happens behind them? Right. And boy there’s all kinds of stuff they got at that security conference, they squirt you spray you can do everything. And ah, for example, one of my favorites is is you can get little motors that open and close doors. Cause I’ll tell you, it’s one thing to create a sound and it’s another to create reality. You know, I mean, you know, video projectors? If you have anybody who has a video projector in their house, you know, then if somebody walks up and approaches the property, then put somebody in the room! Why not? Big screen TV, and have ‘em say just the right things, there’s somebody in the front, if they’re in the side they should say, “There’s somebody out the side.” All of these things are possible now with the advent, you know, of random access machines. I mean, all you gotta have is 4 cuts on a record player, “Go to cut 1, go to cut 2.” But now that we have things like DAT machines, DAT machines are programmable. People have computers you can actually get the sounds outta the computers. But you have to put better speakers on them than they give you with these computers. They’re so cheesy with those things. You turn it on you go, “Where’s the speaker?” “Right here!” And then if you get one, I like the one they put out, I saw the catalogue the other day. “The most awesome sound you’ve ever heard!” and I looked and the speakers they’re like this. little plastic things that you put on there. We know those aren’t gonna sound like reality. If you want speakers by the way it’s not the size of the cabinet it’s the quality of the speaker. Like stereo sound. A friend of mine used to sell stereos a company and, when people come in, they’re interested in how ‘big’ it is. “How big is this?” Big wooden cabinet, little IC chips. Big meant we had tubes. We don’t use tubes anymore. Now, but see, if you actually used, see cause I figure, in most things, that one of the best things that you can do is keep some of your competitors’ equipment around, and demonstrate what it doesn’t do. Now maybe it does some good stuff but you don’t demonstrate that, you demonstrate its weaknesses. For example, when you show people how easy it is to pick a lock. And then show them a Medco lock, it’s world of difference. Medco locks are more expensive, they’re a high-end product. But boy I’ll tell ya, you don’t just show ‘em a lock and tell them about the lock – Medco shows you how to sell their locks and it don’t work. I’ll tell ya the fastest thing is to have one of the guys who works there, and anybody who works in the security business should know how to pick locks, right, cause, the one thing I like to do is when you go out to people’s houses you can just go chk chck and open their door, right, show ‘em how you open a deadbolt, you know, and then go in their house and before they even say anything show them where their valuables are. Cause they all put ‘em in the same place, you know, it’s not like you have to be anything you go, “Aww,” cause you can, if they have a key that they hide and you find it like that, all you have to know it’s either under the fake rock or the door jam, under this,… And then some of these rocket scientists


figure, “Well, I won’t leave it at the house, I’ll put it in the hide-a-key in the car,” right so you go and take the hide-a-key and when they drive away you just walk in the front door! Something fire off in this room? “Oh oh!” Yea! What’dya think, do you look in that little hide-a-key every time to make sure the key’s still there? No! You go well, “Honey I thought I saw someone under the car,” you walk out he goes, “there’s nobody there,” Now they’re waiting for you to leave to go into your house. That kinda cheesy stuff. PLUS, they sell it, everybody gets those catalogs, and you think a burglar doesn’t look at that stuff? Right, the thing is is Sure something costs more, but very few people know how it works.

that was it. Now, but see if you don’t take a lot of trouble you can’t over charge people… that’s the whole thing where they come out you know and you lock yourself out of your car and charge you like 60 or 70 bucks? You can go find some kid on the corner and they’ll get it open for you like that. It just has to be the right corner.

“Now, I don’t know if you want just the best burglars to come to your house, but ah”

Gee, they must have a lot of spare time on their hands. I mean, if they’re incapable of knowing what’s good and they’re that ignorant, then I guess they’re just lucky to have come here first. But of course, if you like wasting time…”

I’ll tell ya, there are things which can’t be defeated and then, for me, and I think you guys should have this cause I told you about it, The things I’m telling you about are things that are so easy to do but then you can say, “No one has this.” There are other people that even sell the same equipment, but we find one or two things we can stick in and make your first line of defense, because better they get scared and go to somebody else’s. And I’ll tell ya that carpet tack along the back fence? Boy that one is the convincer they go like this, “Ahh!”. Nails up through every finger, they’ll go to somebody else’s house. Barbed wire thing’s like that? They know to climb up and cut that. That carpet tack, they can’t see that. You can’t do it in neighborhoods with small kids, but I’ll tell ya, if you’re in a neighborhood without ‘em, you can do it. Los Altos Hills, that was a good one. Los Altos down there, I used to sell a lot of systems up there, people would have a house and they have 3 acres and then they have like the backyard fence anyway? Put that carpet tack when they go across the fields and they’d run up and they’d jump up on that fence and the more force goes down the more nails go through your hands. And if you ever – you ever seen that stuff on the edge of the carpets there? This stuff is the sharpest stuff you’ve ever seen in your life, you can’t even get your hands off and try to move them one way or another, it just cuts! This is stuff designed to stick in and hold carpet there, right, not cut the carpet, to hold it there. lol. And then of course, you know, when your next door neighbor comes over after you come back and has a bandage on either hand? Then you know it was an inside job. Now we got any more objections here? See, I want your brain, instead of going, “This is impossible, this is insurmountable,” to realize, - and this is only 1 way of looking at it differently. Anything, anything at all has got to be an opportunity. The only thing that would make it otherwise is if you know that your product is not what you should be selling. And there’s just some real junk out there in the world. Some people sell it and they feel bad. And they don’t realize that they don’t believe in the product, and you can change your beliefs but your body would still know. I mean, cause I know that there was a guy down the street who had, what was it called, the same as every other company, AAA security? Right, well that guy spent a lot of time making keys. Right. You go in and opening car doors when they were locked. Right. of course they made it look real hard, right. “Well, we’re gonna have to charge you…” you know instead of like this I mean, I used to boost cars when I was a kid, and we could get ‘em in faster than you can with these devices they sell you to do it, Pft,

Ma’am what was it. Hi! You’re being very cheerful this morning, very purple. Yea. They won’t look at other companies? They do want to look at other companies?

I love that because, that’s great, especially if you sell debugging equipment, when you go in, you know, stick a few bugs around and then open your case, right, and then show ‘em how the machine works and they go like this and like that and then they discover one under the table? I’ll tell ya it’s highly effective. Especially in businesses where they got, you know, I’ll tell ya A lot of these people in these corporations really have no idea of why they keep losing out and losing business. And, you know, their competitor will be sitting across the street man, getting every lead they get. By putting something like these little $500 things, the 3 prong things? Have you ever seen those things? You know when you stick ‘em in an outlet and you stick 3 plugs in? Well, for $400 you can get one of those and you stick it in somebody else’s office in the lamp, broadcasts on FM 109, most radios only go up to 108 but you just kinda push it over and go over to that other frequency, you can sit there and listen to everything that goes on! I mean that’s a very inexpensive device. Very hard to locate, and you don’t even need the battery to run it, cause it has its own electricity. And this stuff is readily available. And people don’t understand that if they’re in businesses where information is sensitive, they need to treat it that way. The amount of espionage that goes on, when you have somebody who’s a good hard nice person and a decent business person, cause they wouldn’t think of doing these things, it doesn’t occur to them that others will. And boy the lengths that they’ll go to, because they don’t know how to use all that energy to go out and prospect on their own. They think there’s a pie, and it’s a question of who gets which piece, so they wanna know how much of yours they can get. Not how to make a bigger pie. Now, explain to me, oh they wanna go and shop around, ok, and so how many nights are they gonna leave their house unprotected while they have trouble making this decision? And then you take a deep sigh and go, “I’ve seen this happen a lot.” You go, “What are you gonna find out? You’re not an expert of security systems, you’re gonna go to places, if you went into a cheap place they’ll tell you, “Well, you don’t need expensive stuff like that, buy something from meeee!” Right. Imitate your competitors, even if they do, “We’ll be back.” Because that’s your opportunity Yea, maybe you close the sale today, but if it’s a real heavy thing, In fact, I take – I pick out 2 or 3 of the sleaziest and most unpleasant ones and take ‘em out there, drive them over and go, “Ok,” don’t pick one


where they really know you, or else let ‘em go in on their own and go, “Go in,” and predict everything he’s gonna say and everything he’s gonna tell ya. Right. Send ‘em in and when they come out go, “Now do you wanna go talk to 100 people like this? or do you wanna make your house safe. It’s up to you. You want me to take you to another one? They’re all like this, these are not professionals. I’m a professional that’s gonna make it so that you’re safe for life. Not that you have a system that’s up and it works for a week and 2 weeks later it won’t do snot, you know how many systems are out there all over the place that people spend money on, $450 dollars, ‘Ooo gonna protect your house,’ not likely, most people know how to defeat it but as soon as the batteries run out – “Do you know how many smoke detectors are sittin on the ceiling of somebody’s house and the people haven’t even changed the battery?” Right? “Well, I know I should… but then it makes so much noise when there’s smoke! You know, every time I’m cooking in the kitchen, ‘Waa,’ it makes this noise,” “That’s what happens when you buy cheap things like that. There’s a real difference between when you’re talking about things, “Would you buy a glass car seat for your baby cause they’re cheaper? Think about it, would you? You go, your brain tells you, “No, that’s stupid!,” right? Well you walk in there and you walk out and tell me, cause I’ll tell you there’ll be 100 people that go in there and buy some cheap security system, rather than realize if you want the feeling of security, you have to find it. Now, the thing is is You can talk to, get a list of my clients and they’ll tell you whether or not they’ve been robbed and whether they feel safe. Instead of, you ask him for a list of clients. Right. Pick ‘em at random? Boy, he’ll have to struggle with that one. Especially some of these guys, as soon as they put in a security system, a week later they’re robbed! Right. Yes of course we’re more expensive but of course we’re gonna be in business in two years, and we’re not gonna be taking your Jewelry down and fencing it next week either. Cause when you have somebody come in and install a security system you damn well better know they’re a professional and a respected human being and that they care about your family. Cause if you have any sense (and point to the store) of distrust, - look at that place! Are you gonna trust that person with being the person who knows how to break into your house? And the guys that work there? And the people that walk – and take ‘em and show them how their file drawers and hanging open and stuff, have them go in there and find out exactly… “Well they just bought a security system, they must have something valuable.” Although most of ‘em only buy it after they’ve been robbed. Which is so true, it’s so ridiculous because they don’t realize, you know, that – they watch this on tv every day going on! You know, how many robberies there are, but they don’t make it so that their house protects themselves. I mean, and it doesn’t have to be expensive depending upon where your located, but some environments it is, but if you wanna feel secure for life –

I mean, one of the reasons why I got into the business was that, you know, if I was gonna own nice things I wanted to keep them. And some things cannot be replaced. And ah, there’s just no two ways about it. Like ART, you know I mean Yea they’ll you the money but where are you gonna go get another one? You go, “Raise Picasso from the dead, raise picasso from the dead.” We’ll have to channel some of the things, you know, I mean Me, I have, I have, I have, even if they got in, What if they got in and a bunch of kids got in, drank beer and started a fire? Right, You need to have a system that will protect you from these things. Sure, maybe the cops get there by the time the cops get there, what if it’s burned up? I have archival tapes of Virginia and Fritz and Milton and Physicists, thing that’ll never be replaced, right, See, I mean, I’m big on guard dogs cause I think they’re a good idea anyway, just something when they go by the streets and they’re casing out what they’re doing there, I like I taught mine to sit in the front window and watch everything that goes on. Right. And, especially in the afternoon when the light hits that window the big brown eyes and they look like they’re red. And I gotta him get red contacts, I have to. I wanna attach something to him where flames come out where his nostrils are. Little tubes that come up and if he goes, “Grr,” like this, flames come up. The hell hounds! Although, boy I’ll tell ya they’re lovely wonderful animals and then just suddenly it’s like the exorcist, you know, you say one word or something happens? And it’s so great when those Jehovah’s Witnesses come too, that fringe benefit I do love that. And I have on my door one of those little things that opens? Now most of the time those are really not good to have cause people can break ‘em off, reach in and unlock your door, but in my case, I get a lot of rings that way. My dog sits below that and watches the hand come down and go, I taught him, “Always the ring finger. Go for the ring finger, bite the throat, take the chains off, get the wallet and throw him out. Pay for yourself! Yea yea, that’s it. But I’ll tell you, the only problem is they get a little tough with the pizza guy and he doesn’t wanna stick around and get paid, but other than that I don’t have too much trouble. But I’ll tell ya my dog has really got a fetish for pizza now though. Every once in a while I hear this, “Arr arr,” and I’ll go out there and the dog’s sitting on the couch with the pizza like this. “Oh, is this your pizza? Sorry, there was some guy that just gave it to me.” Um. The dog I have now, when I – I used to train them I had a dog that did most of the training, an old male and the male trains the puppies to do everything, you just have the verbal commands running, and ah, visual stuff. They claim animals can’t see TVs but I train them I just have a videotape of me doing hand commands and puppies watch it and do everything. That was a behavioral scientist that discovered dogs can’t watch TV. Right. Kujo came on the tv and my dog just went through it. Ran right past the tv and went, “whoops, where did he go?” Doesn’t like people movies, not terribly interested but he loves dog movies and horse movies.


Patterns of Persuasion Tape 11 - Track 2

Now any other objections. What wait wait wait, slow here, you’re not even making any sense here, ok, are you selling something? Is this the context? What context are we talking – What? A what? A What? Oh a project. Ok I’m sorry, it’s still not dark yet. Ok so you’re selling a project. Like services? You’re selling Applied NLP Incapacitation? Tell ya what. Don’t use the word ‘incapacitation’ and you’ll be a lot more successful just to start with. So you’re selling in-service training to teachers? Ugh. Ok, to begin with, always sell things to people with money. Teachers don’t have any Well maybe in Mexico they do, in this country we don’t allow teachers to have money. Um, it’s like Our educational system is like bankrupt as far as I can tell. Plus, teachers are usually not very good at learning. But what’s the objection like when you’re selling… “But it’s too hard!” “It’s only for intelligent people.” And they don’t count themselves in that group? That should be an objection? Oh “It’s not for everybody,” you mean everybody’s brain doesn’t make pictures? They go, “Oh yes, that’s right,” and people don’t spell by making pictures and checking them with feelings? And, people don’t talk to themselves? I go, now you say, “It’s only,” it depends upon how it’s taught. That’s like saying spelling is not for everyone. I mean, if they say to you they go, “Well, this stuff’s very sophisticated, it’s not for everybody,” and you look at them and you go, “Normally that’s true. Yet, what we really want is to make more people intelligent, so if we only pull out the pieces – YES there is some parts that are too esoteric, but if we only pull out the parts that will make it so that you can make your kids do so much better than the other kids, right, just the parts that allow them to do things. We actually take the programs from intelligent people and stick them in everybody. Who knows what could happen, you could actually become a wizard in your own rite. Now, let me just give you a small example.” When you sell NLP you got in made, by the way, cause you get to demonstrate it. And I mean there’s no better way to demonstrate it than the handshake interrupt. Right. You can say, “Look,” with kids, with everything. I mean I can take kids who can’t spell and teach them to spell a word in a cold second. So if I’m doing in-service training for teachers, it should be that quick. See, in terms of training, cause I’ve taught training in NLP to just about every profession there is, even PIs. I had 90 PI’s that worked for me. Right. And ah cause I started doing NLP training with the PIs and then I thought, “I could use these guys!” cause you know what they couldn’t do? They couldn’t get jobs! Right, they had great skills but, you know, they had to wait for a lawyer to call them, go out and do insurance work. That’s no good. There’s more fun

things to do - but they didn’t know what services they could offer. I mean they had great skills because what they really were good at is interviewing. I mean a good PI is one of the best interviewers you’ll ever find. When you want somebody to gather data, because they can establish rapport with almost anybody, a good one. They can go out and meet people in parking lots in the middle of the night and find out stuff, and their ability to learn to use those skills, and like the PIs that I had working for me, well, guess what! I made them into sales force! They got to go out and prospect and make money at the same time! And then when one of their big lawyers called in, after a while they started looking at what they were getting paid by the lawyer and what they could make selling equipment and going into big companies…, You go into a big company, you sell ‘em all kinds of surveillance equipment, anti-theft equipment, lie detectors, voice stress analyzers, commission on this stuff is good, too, I wanna tell you the markup on this industry, and this industry is multiplying at a fabulous rate. I mean, you know, when I bought into it the first three years it went up 500%. And it’s gonna be climbing higher. Um. To me, the thing to concentrate on is with anything, the reframe is the same. Is that you always gotta start by agreeing with people, except for one thing. In the case where they really care about what they do. The technique’s called honesty. Instead of arguing with whether they’re saying, “It is for smart people.” But how do they get that way? They don’t get that way with being deprived with the process of learning, And I tell them I go, “Look. There’s 2 kinds of teachers in this world. There’s teachers that teach one year for 50 years, and there’s people who teach for 50 years and live in excitement and always love what they do. And those are the kind of people who wanna make every kid as smart as possible.” See, kids don’t need to understand NLP, the teacher needs to understand how to install learning strategies in them. Things that make learning exciting. Because I’ve always focused on reading, writing and arithmetic, those are the basics. They were right about that. But they need to be right about it and have kids enjoy it. They make learning so unpleasant it is unbelievable! Absolutely unbelievable. You can show somebody an equation and they’ll get nauseous even when it isn’t related to anything. I mean that’s true. In this room alone, How many of you in here are very bad spellers? How many of you. How many of those of you who are bad spellers make over $100,000 a year. Think about that guys. Right. All of you who are good spellers, but if you’re not making over $100,000 a year I’d be really thinking this one through. Spelling shouldn’t have anything to do with your self esteem! Right, you can get a button to do that. Do what I did, they took, cause I remembered, they said, “Look. If you don’t learn to spell properly, no one will respect you.” And I thought, “Really.” And then, one day I was listening and I heard somebody say to this other guy he goes, “Just write this stuff out,” he says, “Don’t worry about the spelling, I can hire an idiot to do that for 3 dollars an hour.” Hmmm. We call them copy editors by the way. Right. And now, you get a button on a machine to do it. It’s not something where you go through and make big red checks. Have them focus on the ones that do well and enlarge them. Not go back and look at only the wrong words. Only the math you missed. If you grew up in this country, you spent 90% of your time looking at your mistakes. Not fixing them, looking at them. Amplifying them. And having amnesia for all


the good stuff you did. And you still were able to get wealthy! Cause you – but it wasn’t based on spelling. It’s based on thinking. Cause those of us that thought we were stupid had to think ways around these things, like, “You, come here, spell this for me.” So we became good entrepreneurs, even if we couldn’t spell it. Entrepreneur. O, N, P, U R E. OntraPure. OnTRA, TRA, TRA. There’s no way in the world that’s gonna work. So if you humour ‘em and you say, “Look, what NLP can teach you is to make it so that this isn’t an issue.” And teach ‘em to make a word, and spell each and you make each letter a different color, right, and then you have em go up and you ask ‘em what color the 3rd letter is, that way they’ll always make pictures. Maybe they weren’t smart enough to do that in the first place, but you see NLP was developed by somebody who was very stupid, and that’s the truth. I didn’t do well in any of this stuff so I came up with ways of succeeding. In spite of the fact that I wasn’t genetically able to spell pahonically, so I had to find out how the smart guys did it, and copy it. I had to find out how the great writers wrote so I could write stories. So since a dumb guy made this, it’s on the people that teach it that fill it full of jargon and big words, the people that mystify NLP and keep it unavailable. I’m the guy that does taxi-cab drivers. I’m the one that works with people on the ground level. I’m the one that gets out there and sells furniture. Right. So if you’re talking about the real NLP, they just took my words as another piece of bullshit to mystify people. And you tell ‘em you go, “Look, there’s a lot of people who are always willing to mystify you. But there’s a real difference between somebody who’ll go in the classroom with you and show you how to do it with kids so that you can feel more successful. I don’t know, do you wanna feel more successful?” Who’s gonna say, “Nah not me, I tried that before. My self-esteem went up, you know and then I missed my shrink, you know?” Ok, we got anymore in here? See there’s nothing that’s impossible, you just have to learn how to go after it, you have to believe 100%. To believe in what you do, and make the picture so big and so bright, and really have that incredulous tonality that goes, when somebody says to you, “Well it’s too expensive,” don’t say it aloud but inside your head go, “Too expensive?!” What price do you put on being robbed? Right? Well good, then start thinking, ‘Where else would it be,’ to getting a discount. See cause what we’re getting in our educational system in this country, we’re getting discount teachers. Starting salary is $8,000 a year. I couldn’t even live on $8,000 a month let alone a year! Right, not with me, cause I’m ambitious. I always wanna learn new things. I have a project I’m working on right now the hardware for which is gonna be incredible. To develop systems like meta-programs and some of the things that I teach you guys quickly? Like to notice if people move away from things or go to match things? Well this is one of the pieces of information by the way you always wanna find out about. Is that when people come in and, not only are they gonna make pictures of what they want but, some people are trying to match things, right, and see, some people are sorting in this world for difference, they’ll come in and they’ll go, “Well, I’ve looked at security systems. And I haven’t found something really unique that gives me a certain feeling.” Some people are looking for something that’s different. And some people come in and go, “Well I saw that Fred Schwartz had such a such a brand. Do you have that brand.?”

Even if you don’t have it, don’t say no! Cause they’ll walk away! You go, “Yes we carry-ed that brand.” And they’ll stop, cause that’s the point at which Anybody who’s looking cause, if somebody’s happy with something, they want one just like it. I mean it’s you know, I buy a certain kind of car, there are certain other people that buy that car. Right, cause they, you know, wanna match something that works. And it’s a good strategy for certain things like, you know, see what I did when I wanted to buy a van, I went out and rented all of them for a week and tried them. I realize it’s primitive to use raw experience to test what works for ya, but other people come around and they go, “How do you like your van?” Right. And I go, “Well, she’s a little fickle.” And I’ll go, “What are you asking me.” and they’ll go, “Well, I see this van but it doesn’t work…” What they’re trying to do is to match, to see somebody who’s happy with something. That’s why in commercials people go, “I love my so and so,” cause there are people that go, “That person’s happy with it, I’m gonna match it.” Now Matchers, when you go in and you don’t have the right brand or it doesn’t look the right color, the thing is you have to spoil the picture in their mind in order for them to even be able to listen to you. This is before, cause see, before you can get an objection you have to make a presentation, so my thing is, Don’t make the presentation till you know everything you need to know and have inoculated them against these objections. Cause you should know where they’re gonna come from. Now one of the things is is, and this has to do with how you close, but it’s also how you test to find out if you’re ready to go into the step, do you know enough to make a presentation. You need to know where to make the presentation, what predicates to use, and what is it that this person is sorting for. Cause if you go, Now, 13 mins and then the other thing is is this is where tonality is so important. I wanna hear some doubt I want you to go, “Oh ah a such and such.” Try it. “Yea, ah, we used to carry uh, those. Nice… they’re a very good product, mind you, it’s a really good unit.” And they’ll stop cause matchers are going like this and you go, “Did somebody you know have one?” Cause it’ll always be that. “Did you see one somewhere?” and they’ll go, “Well, yeah.” And you go, “Well, that person probably used to look happy, with it.” And they’ll go, “Well, I think they still are happy.” And you go, “Are you sure?” and they go, “Yeah,” and you go, “Are you sure enough to be unsure for a minute?” This is one of the most powerful lines I’m gonna give you guys by the way. Whenever you have somebody who says they’re certain, ask them to be certain enough to be uncertain just for a minute so that they don’t have regrets later on. Because if they don’t really take a look at it, “because you’re not somebody who’s closed-minded and stupid, are you?” and who’s gonna, “Yea, I’m a real idiot!” See you wanna be able to realize, by the way, this is a hypnotic pattern, in case you didn’t realize it, not that they all aren’t.


But see when somebody says, “Well, you know, Fred Schwartz is happy with his security system!” “Well Fred maybe has been lucky and hasn’t been robbed yet because he went down to the place and saw a sale for $8.99. Right, he got motion detectors, glued them on the walls, right, as if thiefs don’t know what those look like. You know, Hell you can take a bb gun and shoot those puppies in the right place and it won’t work. You can do it from outside, too, unless they have the glass vibrator things but most people don’t have those. You know there’s stuff you can put on glass windows you can’t get through with a 5 lb maul? It’s neat stuff. It has other applications. (audience laugh.) It really has other applications. We’ll get to that later. When I found that stuff I fell in love with that, I think that stuff is so wonderful. I very rarely put it on glass however, but I’ll tell you, you know, if it’s that hard just to even beat with a pallet which means it don’t come off of things very easy. It makes a net of its own kind except they have it so that it’s strung out properly. It’s Richard’s Concept. I always thought a security system should have two elements. 1 they should discourage, 2 they should protect and 3 the roach motel concept. And that stuff is roach motel material. When it slides the carpet back and the guy steps on that and gets caught in it and a whole sheet drops down from the ceiling, right, and then what you do is you have a hose spindle, the thing that retracts hoses, right, pull one of those things, tie ‘em up like that,… It’s also a good thing to do too, we had a big roll of this stuff and we were trying to figure out how to get that paper that’s on the backside of it off, so we could get big sheets? And there were 4 of us and we had it stretched out and we were looking at it we had big windows in the front of this place and we noticed across the street, there’s this old lawyer, he’s about 80 years old, and here’s this one guy gets out of a car and goes around and he’s trying to Jimmy the door open and there’s another guy in the car with the motor running. So we went running across the street and wrapped the car in this stuff. Doors, right, and you can’t get this stuff I don’t care how hard you try. This guy would have ever gotten outta that car. Because once the doors are sealed, we didn’t do the windows, we did everything the whole car wrapped it up. And the other guy was sitting there jimmying the thing and saw us do it and ran out with a tire arm and said, “What are you doing?” we turned around with pain field generators and said, “Not making your day.” I like this you can put those in a package of cigarettes now by the way they have made them so small. But you wouldn’t be interested in where you could get these would you? There’s nothing like demonstrating in a seminar. They all go, “Yes, where do we get the pain field generators!” There is no such thing, I’m demonstrating stuff that doesn’t exist! So that you’ll learn! No actually they do exist. In, out, in out. Information Unlimited. On the back of every popular science magazine there’s a catalogue you write at. Amhurst Avenger. Great toys in there. And it says in the catalogue, “Do not use this on human beings, will burn flesh!” Analogue marked in big letters. So keep, you know, so when you want it to do you read all the big bold type and it tells you the things you’re not supposed to use it for. Like, “The pain field generator will create intense pain.” They actually now by the way sell you a kit to put in a room so you can have pain field generators on a little remote so it

turns off when you come home. Um. Actually, theirs they leave on all the time, I think that’s kind of a waste, I think it should just go on when you get there. I think houses should have senses. It should know when you arrive. And we have a lot of sensory apparatus now that’s available. By the way for those of you who own other kinds of stores, these same apparatuses do not always have to be used to induce unpleasant states in people. Right. You can also make it so that, you know, when you have an environment, even if you have just a beauty salon when you walked in the door, you know, it should say something different than when you walk out, it shouldn’t just be a bell that goes, “WEEEEER.” You don’t wanna induce that in people, it should go, “Ooooo.” And as you walk out you open the door to walk out you go, “Wow!” That’ll increase your business just like that! You know you go, “Which beauty salon do you wanna go to?” and you go, “Hmmm. Oh! Relax.” Or if you walk in look in the mirror and you go, “OGH! God I need to go to the beauty salon,” right, when you walk in the door it should go, “OGH, Oooo, Mmmm.” (lol a chain). Take ‘em straight to it. So when they access it, where do they think of? And you know, I’ll tell you those little touch buttons, if you talk to this guy back here he can get you a whole bunch of ‘em. Cause I’ll tell you, that means that you can turn on things, and with the advent of how cheap tape recorders are now and CDs, you can actually have everything talk! And, of course now that you have digital things like you know DAT machines. Somebody in here by the way asked about these microphones and wanted to buy them? Is that just your response to the seminar or were you really interested. ‘That was me.’ Oh, surprise, surprise. Um. I love this guy. I love it when they sit in the front row in a sales training seminar. “Well, buy now, maybe something comes into your mind, what’dya think, bob? Get ‘em!” Well actually you need to talk to Denver cause we have to order those, we get them for ourselves. It’s your attitude about things. That when an objection comes up, it should fill you with the opportunity to start to use your creativity to scan for ‘how can this work for me.’ That should be the first question in your mind. You know, you actually have to say it in your head in order for your brain to – People say, “Well, you know, your brain seems to do all these things.” Well, I, I ask it to. Right, you know, if instead of when somebody goes, “Well, you know,” and you’ve heard it before and it makes you feel bad, as soon as you hear it you have your brain go, “Oooo, how are we gonna utilize it this time?” Go inside your head – don’t do it outside – go inside your head, listen to the biggest objection you have on your list – look at one of those objections, As soon as you’re done reading it, as soon as you get to the end of the sentence go, “Oooo, an opportunity to think of something new.” And notice if your mind doesn’t begin to come up with new things! See if you don’t start the motor, the car don’t run. You know, I mean I write, when I wrote the thing like, “Driving Your Own Bus,” and “Using Your Brain For A


Change,” well this is “Start Your Own Bus.” Right, cause some people they go, “Eeeewww, Nooo.” I mean, people told me, And when I was selling old Cadillacs, and I mean I did this because and I did it primarily as a challenge, Here this car dealer, people were coming in, buying new cars and pff, Lincoln Continentals, Cadillacs, and they’re stacking up in the back. And this guy that owned the place says he’s gonna get a big trailer and have them towed down and auctioned off and he said, “It’s such a waste I’ll probably get nothing for them I’ll probably barely pay for the trailer,” and I kept looking out in the back, Beautiful Cars, right, but the TV’s going, “Gas Prices, the gas is going away… Big long lines… green red flags…,” you know, “Run out of gas, gas guzzler, gas guzzler, someday you’re gonna have to get small, no, big car bad.” Well this induction’s great for people who want to buy new cars and spend a lot more money than they should, right, This is great for people, who are stupid! See, if you can only go to the gas station once in a while, I wanted a big tank! As a matter of fact, you know what I had in the trunk of my Lincoln? A 55 gallon can. Right, a whole can of gas! And I mean not the kind you buy in a 2 gallon can, the kind where gas comes in a 55 gallon drum. Plus a 40 gallon tank. Right. So when you went in and you started that thing, boy that sucker go around for a long time. The guy kept going, “This guy’s got a pretty good tank on it.” I’d go, “Yup.” He’s go, “Well isn’t it dangerous to have something like that in your trunk?” “Yea if you’re driving a Toyota it is! If somebody hits the bumper on my Lincoln all I gotta do is wipe the paint off. And I only paid $1100 for the car, you can buy a lot of gas and repairs with that. In fact you could buy 3 of them, you can have a spare car instead of a spare tire.” You know, It’s the first thing when Denver and I met, and he had a Toyota truck which burst into flames. With all of my equipment in the back of it. I said, “Let me explain this to ya Denver. I know it looks like you’re getting a good deal, but when you get a good deal is when you win.” Now, think about it, rock breaks scissors. Scissors cut paper. Paper cover rock ain’t that painful. Right. And so when the paper comes along and covers your rock it’s gonna go, “Pffff,” that’s the breakdown in that system.


Now, what I wanna do is I wanna give you a little chance here to catch your breath, and then what we’re gonna do is, I want you to do something I want you to get into group of 3’s, and I want one of you to give one of your objections, right, and I want the other person, even though it’s not your business. Now when you make the objections, set a frame, in other words, because not everybody here owns a, you know is selling cars or doing this. But say, “Well I work at ah, I’m a therapist!” you know, and you go, “Where do you get objections?” Well where you get objections is everybody who’s not taking therapy from you. is objection. Right, you go, “Well I tell people, ‘Come on down I can help you,’ and they go, ‘Well,’ you know, ‘I’ll just suffer on on my own.’”

Well, how do you deal with that? “I can’t afford therapy,” how can anybody say they couldn’t – I can understand it with the quality of the work of therapists, but when you’re talking about They don’t have to pay unless they change? People say How can I charge 5 to 10 and sometimes 20 thousand dollars for a single visit. Sometimes they only last 10, 20 minutes. And they go, cause they go, “if you had said that to most people they’d think you’re crazy.” You know what I have them do? I have them take out their checkbook and add up how much money this problem has cost them. How many times have they paid a therapist, how much lost work time have they had, how many business deals haven’t they been able to go to, especially like elevator phobias, you get a lot of those, they couldn’t go cause it was on the top floor. How much fun have they missed out on – You can just add that in another column, but it raw cash, it is phenomenal. The lady that was here the other day dropped by, you know, the depressive? $68000 dollars she had spent on therapy. That’s just giving it to someone else without any effect. Oh, and on vitamins, cause she went through mega-vitamin, that’s where they intravenously give you vitamin treatments, sounds spooky to me, I don’t know which hole they use and I don’t wanna know either. That’s like the first time somebody told me about a high-colonic. Ha I don’t think so. Now at one time I’m sure this was the best choice, but to Me, If people really started looking for ways, We do not need to put radioactive material in people to know what’s going on! “Here’s a radioactive milkshake, drink it!” Any of you ever had a barium test? Those of you who have know what I’m talking about. Fun. Six hours of drinking radioactive stuff, and then guess what? Some of these people end up with strange things, like – people who have a lot of barium tests, have a tendency then to, after their stomach problems are gone, but then they have to go get treated for cancer! Cause you can’t really put a lead lining inside of your intestines. But, they say this only happens in a few situations. Not me, I ain’t going for it. I’ll take a placebo. And I’ll go, placebo’s work as good as anything else. Especially when they start talking about exploratory surgery. Ewww. “We will cut you up, and see what’s on this inside. Maybe we’ll find something, eh?” That’s when I go, “Ksht, Me too, I’ll cut you up first, and see if there’s something on the inside, like a brain.” Now, when you come back in, I want you not to explain it, but to play it out. We’re gonna do some role-playing here; this is called scenarios. Now, first we’re gonna run – last night I told you you could run scenarios in your brain… well… behaviorally, you need to set up scenarios, and we’re going to start with – my way of doing it, is, you tell the other person what you sell, what you do, what you negotiate, right, tell them what the objection is, and then demonstrate, so they have to of course start, they have to say, “Can I interest you in some fuller brush products?” And the person goes, “All door to door salesmen are thieves and cheat you!” And you go, “I know! That’s


why I’m not a door-to-door salesman.” “Well you’re at my door!” and you go, “Well that’s an accident.” And you go, “Now. Are you sure about this to be unsure just for a moment? To take a look at the possibility? You don’t want to have to pay for a building when you buy a hairbrush?” Ah, write that one down. I mean, you know, To Me, you know, because, you know, “people who have to have a building and somebody… go through, show them everything… are people who need to be conned into things. You can sit here in your home – You know what the overhead is? This briefcase. Now, my overhead is this briefcase… Macy’s is a large building and a lot of TV commercials. Which one do you want to add on to your products? Who’s con – or Is it perhaps, that you think salesman con you, you think commercials are honest? You think that people who own these big department stores want Little people like us Slides right through you guys… missed it, I saw your brains… “Oh, yes, Rich, we like you! I mean, Oh yea!, we’re learning, I remember!” Like us to get buy… lol. I’ll get through that consciousness yet here! If you open up your ears, this is going on all the time. You’ll begin to hear it. You say, “Look, I’m just a small businessman, I’m not a door to door salesman, I’m a small businessman. I’m somebody trying to get by, and I’m trying to compete with somebody that is a great big building with stores and loans and advertising campaigns that you paid for. And I’m trying to save you some money, because like me, and everything I do, we’re just trying to do the best we can with what we have.” And then you touch them and go, “Can you feel this,” and touch them at the same moment and go, “be a good opportunity to just give me a chance for you to feel good.” Great turnaround. “A chance for me to make you feel good. Otherwise,” – what does that imply, what’s the presupposition there. It’s an invited inference. Otherwise, they aren’t going to get to feel good. That’s where the buried presupposition is. “Give me a chance to make you feel good.” Presupposition: ‘You don’t. Until I get in that door.’ And that’s how you get in! See, I went out and sold that door to door china, cause that’s the only way to build a model of doing it! If you own a business, every couple of months, get down in the trenches and try it. Get on the phone lines and telemarket, find out what’s going on there. I like to tape those things and go through them. Now, what I want you to do is to exaggerate it; make it worse than it normally is! The other person’s not me, but your job is, is to make sure, that every time they do it, so, These two guys here together… this guy here will get an explanation from him… You play him, he plays his worst client. Now there’s a reason for this being that way. If you always think of yourself as yourself, you won’t know what it is that you’re missing. You need to become all the people you can’t deal with, so that you’ll know how to deal with them. And then when

you run the scenarios in your mind, don’t be you! Be the person. Figure out ways of defeating yourself. Because you’ll begin to get the other person’s perspective, and therefore you’ll know how to vary your behavior. To find solutions. This gives you multiple opportunities. Now I want the 3rd person to referee this. Cause you don’t want to go into a big deal about it, you want to go 2 - 3 lines, and if you can’t find your reframe, then I want the person who’s been watching from the outside to take his place, right, in other words, it becomes a contest. When I listen to you try to sell to him and you’re not making, then I can stop and step in, and be you, and try it for a little bit, because I have a different perspective. This guy’s caught in the middle of it, and I get to watch it from the outside. Now, when I step in, then he gets to watch it from the outside. Now you have 3 points of view of watching every conversation. There’s a thing called – see, to me, referential index is where I go, “I want something.” Ok, some people have lack of referential index, they go, “It is important to do things.”

I’ve learned to function from

simultaneous index.

To me, when I communicate, I wanna look at it from their point of view, mine, and from somebody from the outside, all at the same time. Gotta start by rotating through those, it helps, but after a while, you get to the point where

it allows you to begin to find those little cracks where things are. Most important thing in this exercise is, for you, Every time you hear the objection, or bad tonality from the person, or their face appears to be resisting, I want you inside of your head to go, “oooooooooo, yeeeaaah, mmmmmm.” Make sure you keep those sounds going in your mind, and, breathe at the same rate like you did yesterday… remember that exercise at the end?... yes you do… remember, if you change your state, they will too. It’s not just tone, that’s how you make your skin and your pores and all that unconscious communication come into being. You must believe that they really want it. So as you do, remember to go into your state, don’t just do it with words, go into state, and turn and go, “Now, what was your objection to this.” “What WAS your objection to taking a look at this line of products. Could it have been that important? , if you can’t remember exactly what it’s not now?” “Now I know people have told you crystal is so expensive… well… the thing is, is, Can you put a price on your own good feelings. Yea, you don’t use good china every night, yea you don’t eat with crystal every night, However, you now at least once a week – I do – even if I don’t eat, I put it on the table and just feel good. I’ll sit down, put the napkin on my lap, let myself know my life is worthwhile. It inspires me to greater things.” “You know what? People don’t dress for dinner anymore, isn’t that a shame? … come home and put on even a nicer suit, to be with those they love. … They wonder why the fall out of love. And who really needs a new tuxedo, when you can just rent out. Anybody who wants romance in their life, every single night, and wants their sexual passion with


their lovers to increase 10 fold, every week! Otherwise it’s not necessary at all. They told me you couldn’t sell tuxedos to people anymore cause they couldn’t wear them – I don’t think so! Not only that, I can get people to wear ‘em! And like it! After all, don’t you want to look in the mirror and go, “The Name is Bond, James Bond,” and march into the living room. If you don’t have that attitude, then you’re gonna end up going, “Weeeelll, but, things, but, it just doesn’t seem to be what there was with my wife.” “Really. Say, do you treat her like you used to treat her?” “Well, we’ve been together for quite a while.” “Really. So you treat her better then.” “Huh?” “Well, I mean, you used to flirt with her, but you were kind of afraid cause you didn’t know her that well, so now you flirt with her more.” “No, she’s my wife. I don’t flirt with her. We’re married.” “Oh, you mean you don’t want intense fiery passion inside your marriage? You just want it so that you both have that with other people. Cause if you don’t have it there, son, someone will provide.” “You think so?” “I know so, cause it’ll be me.” haha. “Really.” See, this is where the brain gets stupid, and I’ll tell ya, there’s nothing in this world – because remember, it’s not just the product and the service, it’s how it’s going to make them feel, and what it can do for their life.

Ello. You guys want to float back up here? Remember that ‘go into state’ thing guys… I don’t care – no, not that state! The state of too much alcohol the night before. Forget that, you know, The best way to deal with hangovers is to not have them. Have amnesia. Remember, you guys got a little sedentary in this. Stay mobile when it’s your turn. Remember, pacing doesn’t mean you don’t pace to a halt, pacing means that you start to get them enthusiastic! Ok? Regardless of what you did that you forget about last night, there’s no need to do anything but go inside yourself and light your own candle. Remember, you’re insides are what determine how things go. If you’re walking and you go, ‘ugh,’ you’re going to induce it. So you always have to turn your internal state around. Ok?


The thing is, is, whenever you have an objection, it’s only about the content they’re talking about. Make it so much more grandiose than whatever it is. Don’t respond to it in kind. Always go to a greater level of generalization. “Why do you want to buy a security system for your house? So you can feel better, so you won’t get robbed, so your family will be protected?, and so you don’t have to worry!”

You know more about that, than they do. Cause in your business, you know all the objections, and they only know a few. So it’s all the things on that list of objections, that they haven’t thought about yet! And when you start bringing up the things they haven’t thought about, and showing how those aren’t going to work either, when you get to the end of your sale, they’re not going to surprise you with any objections! Cause I don’t even let them get there, I bring it up ahead of time. I always inoculate. But, we’ll struggle through a little of this. Take a little break. Take 10 minutes. And I’ll tell you what – and then I want you to come in here and remember, everything we’ve done for the past 3 days, is supposed to be getting integrated now. We’re going to match predicates, breathe at the same rate, use everything you can to start putting it together into a package, and especially since it’s not even your business, you have nothing to worry about. Right? So, the other guy’s going to be you, and let him try and learn to be more flexible. Just keep pleasantness inside your mind. Get on it! Get fire in this room! Yea. Start with the motivation thing, you know?


Patterns of Persuasion Tape 12 - Track 1

Ain’t nothing in this world worse, that when, When you think you’re a hot shot criminal, you picked the wrong person to mess with. That guy in New York, that – you know, I’m walking out of a nightclub, out onto the street, and this guy jumps out and goes, “give me your wallet!” And the next thing he notices, is the gun isn’t in his hand! I went, “gimme that! Does it work?” See, a lot of people think that makes you a vicious person; it doesn’t. It makes you somebody who just doesn’t stand for – Imagine how many times somebody has been beaten up, or raped, and people stand around and watch; they go, “Well I don’t want to get involved.” Bullshit; they want to get involved; they’re just afraid to. And they’re afraid to, because, instead, instead of teaching our kids to play foursquare, let’s teach our children judo and karate, right, and hell, let’s not take the guns away from people; let’s have everybody carrying one so the criminals are afraid. “Well, I better not pull a gun in the –“ If you pull a gun in the supermarket, 50 people in there have one, - that guy in the McDonald’s, with a rifle shots 15 people… right… that’s just cause nobody in McDonalds can shoot back! Not fooling me! And I believe in some Tesla… positive negative ion guns. That’s one of my favorites. During he high-jacking years I tried to talk Boeing into putting positive negative ion guns inside planes. Right. That’ll charge everything up to 5000 volts that’s metal. Feel a little discomfort for the passengers, but it’s damn hard to hold on to a gun! Let me tell you! You know. Not to mention, what an… That, ah, it’s a really marvelous device, it’s quite ingenious. You can really do things. If your neighbor has an electric lawnmower, you point this thing at the lawnmower, you pull the trigger, and in a few minutes the electric motor will start running… That’s how I got my next door neighbor to stop mowing the lawn at 6 in the morning. I provided him with a little ‘religious experience.’ He wasn’t religious then. He’s real religious now. You know. Especially cause, see, you can’t see these things, because they don’t look like anything… you turn the thing on… like a pain field generator… put it in a pack of cigarettes in your shirt pocket, when you hit the thing, and the pain hits them they drop to their knees, you go, ‘Obi Wan.’ See, you don’t just get ‘em to stop doing it, you induce in them something... ‘I’ve been sent… you will go back and learn a profession…’ My favorite in is they have a little pin-held two-shot booby-pulse laser… I’m afraid they had to take this off the market but they’re easy to build. And they only have a nine-volt battery, but it charges it up and, it can’t burn all the way through a car door but it’s very impressive. And ah, it ah, A friend of mine owned a nightclub in Santa Cruz and these ah 2 guys kept coming in and then they passing somebody… beat somebody up… tough, right, So I decided, “I’d be a good choice.” Right.

And these guys came in and they walked in and they’d look around, big tough guys, and they were real big, right, and I noticed that they had a lot of chains and stuff, and I thought, “Ooo, positive negative ion gun.” Right, so I had given one to the bartender cause you have to click it on to something that’s… and underneath as they walked up he pulled it, all the chains, zippers, and other metal objects charged up to 5000 volts and when they did that I went, “You think you understand humans, but your day has come.” Right. And they got up and ran for the door. So I walked to the front where you have to drive out cause the parking lot is in the back, and I stood in the thing in the front there, and as they drove up and I got in the headlights and I took the ruby pulse laser,… in your palm pretty well there… a little red beam came out and burned the front of their car and he went (screeched to a halt) and I walked around and said, “… cause I will always be following you for the rest of your life. Next time, something like this will happen,” and I went pft, with the second shots – it holds 2 shots – and lit the back seat of the car on fire. A little red beam goes ‘sht’. Every once in a while, it’s just a little lesson. NLP with a little technology. Taps into that convincer strategy you know, where they go, “You wanna go to night school and learn to be a counselor. Please.” Next time a wimpy guy that they beat up – he says, “Please don’t hurt me,” and they go, “Oh dang, we would never do that.” See, in this world too many people have learned that they can too far by being assholes. I’ll tell ya, attitude is a very important thing. What you focus on, cause it doesn’t really make ‘em feel good, they make they feel good because they have to make somebody else feel bad, it never really works, because it doesn’t last. What lasts is when you learn to go inside your head. Cause guys that have to go to that much trouble to feel good even for a moment, I go, “You always talk to yourself that way?” I go, “Look, will you turn the voices down in your head? I can’t hear what you’re saying.” And they go, “What do you mean?” and you go, “Don’t you know if you talk to yourself that loud others can hear?” And pictures. I said that to a waitress one time and she went like that. That must meant he pictures come out of your eyes! 6:35 Ok, this afternoon I wanted to go through a couple of things. I wanted to run through, that the object is, when you have to overcome an objection, you may notice that it’s a lot harder, but you see Now that you have the experience of like what you do to reframe it, the trick is, get there before they get there. If you know it’s going to be coming, you can inoculate it. When you get to the phase when your job is to package information. You know that if you have a visual person, right, who is matching, then give ‘em the image when you talk to them. You go, “Ok, Now, Here’s the package we want to present to you.” You know, “we’ll take your house, and we’ll install this stuff, and if people trip it off, we have guys that drive by…” I found out that with Westek, and they have their own police department, the Westek police. They drive by in little Westek squad cars. They bring real police in case there’s criminals too sometimes. But, you know, cause those criminals, they carry guns, I’ve heard about this! That’s when a Kevlar tuxedo comes in handy. Kevlar is the bullet-proof stuff. I’ll tell ya, that stuff is wonderful. Not comfortable, but wonderful. Cause you always see, like – you ever notice that, when you look at diplomats?, how stiff their tuxedos are?


They’re filled with Kevlar. Just in case somebody, cause, they went, “How could Ronald Regan not feel that bullet when they shot him?” Well because when the bullet hit the Kevlar, it slowed down so much, that it barely went into his skin. It was probably right on the edge of his skin. Kevlar, 2 sheets of Kevlar will stop a 357! But not if it’s got a Teflon tip. We try to discourage our criminals from that, but then the television stations advertise it, and the cop shows show them all the right things to do. This pisses me off. I think that’s very irresponsible. Ooo, they go out and research everything and put it in a script, how you commit this crime, and that crime. And the news media, you know, ‘only just reporting’, only half of the stuff that’s on there they’re creating! You know, it’s like, if they focused on the guys that got caught – I mean, we caught 7 of those, you know, car jackers, Why is it car-jacking? That really angers me. If they take a person, that’s kidnapping. 24-life. And I, by the way, don’t think they should have those cool prison outfits, I think they should all have to wear tights and tutus. And eye makeup. And me, press-on me. I’ll tell ya, it’ll do lots to discourage crime. If you got arrested, right, they took a picture of this, and said, “If you start messing around, we’re going to pin this up all over town.” See, they’re not really thinking, about, what, you know, discouraging crime?... you want to discourage crime, make… horrible, but not horrible the way it is so it makes them tough, make it so that it changes everything. Changes their life once and for all. Let’s give them a whole new way of viewing the world. What? Oh yea, well that’s – I’m saving that for one person in particular… it’s just – somebody did something that I really didn’t like, so I, before they go into jail, I’ve arranged for somebody to tattoo tits on their back. People say, “You seem a little revenge-full,” and I said, “no, this is my idea of fun! They interrupted my fun, so they owe me some fun.” haha See, when your mind can be as nice as mine, it can be as cruel as you can even imagine times 10. Now what I want to do, is go back to, When you’re packing information, the thing is, is, part of the package, is that you not only want to sell the device, it’s not just getting the information of the device or the service, but you want to get it there in a way that carries 2 elements. One is, that it inoculates anything in their decision strategy that would get in your way, or their way. Cause the reason they need a salesman is they don’t make good decisions to start with. The reason that they’re buying a security system after their house has been robbed, is because their timeline is late. Right. So now what are they going to do, they’re going to go out and buy a cheap security system. You’ll like this, I’ve had, I’ve had, multiple examples of people coming in and they’ve been robbed, got a security system, people came in and they didn’t have anything good to steal, so they took the security system. Isn’t that sad? And then they had to come back and go, “Well, I guess you were right, the more expensive one is, ah,” and I said, “Don’t you feel foolish about buying the one that doesn’t work.” You know, I mean, it, to me, there are so many times that, you know, I’ve found in my life, you know, I tried to save money, and it cost me a fortune.

Because, if you don’t get the right tool for the right job. Now, when it comes to all the things, Cause I know some of you in here have NLP books, and some of you have been in other training courses, and some of you have been in training courses with other people… You owe yourself the following. And I really want you to make a commitment to do this, because if you really wanna get the best you can get from this course, go through, and say to yourself, “Where does every technique fit into,” Because See, now that we’re going to make your presentation, we know switching predicates, overlapping predicates so you can hit all sensory systems, Now when it comes to packaging, My guess is a lot of those hypnotic tools are going to come in real handy. Embedded commands, all that stuff. But when it comes to inoculation, the term that pops into my mind, is post-hypnotic suggestion. Most of the objections you’re getting from people are posthypnotic suggestions, and beliefs that are inappropriate. Now, we know how to change beliefs, don’t we.

aren’t you going to start sticking in more powerful beliefs, about Because, After you leave here, every day,

how easy things are… and how much you can learn?

Don’t you think you’re entitled to do that with everybody you work with? That they – cause you see, you wouldn’t want to believe something and be disappointed. Disappointment requires adequate planning. And if you believe, that a middle-of-theroad security system, or if you believe, you know, cheaper training… I’ve had people say, “Your books are too expensive,” and I say, “well good, buy a paper-back novel! They’re cheaper.” And they go, “but that’s not going to change anything,” and I go, “That’s right.” It sure isn’t. It’s not how many pages are in the book, it’s how much information is there. And it’s not how much it costs to print the book, How much did it cost for me, in terms of time, energy and in my case, hardware, to be able to get the information in there. You know, it’s like, you know, it’s not like I just sat in the closet and said, “I’ll write a book,” and the information is there, if I’m going to write a book that has things that work, I have to go out into the world, find them, model them, try them, and make sure that they work. Now you’ll discover, that things like patterns I. This is a model of how to use language. All those language patterns become the very way to do it. For those of you who have taken hypnosis courses, all the things about tone, tempo, about being able to switch so that you can describe things so that it’s a full hypnotic induction. Now we’re going to do 1 quick little thing here, and, one of the things that I want you to do is to get an object. Now, it doesn’t so much matter what it is; it can be a pen, a blackboard, this is where, you know, … … so pick your partner well, make sure you like… ... What I want you to do, is to start out, just take any object, and, your task is going to be, get that object to be something that they absolutely and overwhelmingly desire. This means that you have to go back to the beginning of the process we started


on the first day. You have to be able to get their full attention before you show them the object. You have to be able to go into establishing rapport and inducing in them the wantant state of belief. In other words, you need to have the anchors, of ‘God, I have to have this!’ You need to know where the beliefs are, and you need to get off your but, and get mobile. I saw you guys, “well, ugh,” don’t do that to yourself! You’re entitled to more than that. Remember, you have to start by being IN the state… that you want to take them to. You know what I mean?

So when you show them something like a bag like that, see that, OOO,

it’s time to make a commitment, see, because, I want you to sign this contract because I know you’re gonna feel good and be secure, but I can’t let you do it. Because I have to know, that if everything I tell you is true, that if you believe that the fact that I’m honest with you and I’m telling you the truth, then down the road when you’re happy, that you’re gonna see other people that need the same product and service, that you’re gonna bring them to me, rather than let them get ripped off. Otherwise, I’m going to think, maybe I should be like them, take my skills and take advantage of you. You want me to take advantage of you? Or are you willing to make a commitment that if you’re content and happy with this and feel good, that you’re going to make sure that I don’t have to spend my time running around fining other customers.

You know, so that when you focus on it, you know,

“Absolutely!’ Right?

“I know you believe that, what would you do with something like that. But some beliefs are worth having, and shhhh some aren’t.” So you can put up ones that are important to you, so that when you get down to the point where you’re moving in, on them, and see, the thing is, you don’t want to walk through their pictures, you want to remember, body movements, and to do it in steps. You want to take all this stuff and put it together. So that when you have the big grandiose picture that comes at the end, when you’re ready to test for the close, that’s the point where you take out the object.

Oh, excuse me. Just sign this. (demonstrates pen interrupt.) Look at it, he did it! I like, “I couldn’t help it, I had to do it.” And feel good, while you do!

And then anchor it.

Right, you go, “Now, this pen here?” you go, “I don’t know if you believe, (only one movement), that this is going to be really important in your life. Cause as long as pens exist, and as long as you believe in quality, you’re going to have a quality life. Now here’s your chance –” Now, normally with most people, I might stop and say to them, “Are you ready to sign a contract?” and you watch their face. If they go, like this, then you go, “and I know with you we need to do much more detail.” Step out of the way. This is called ‘testing’ for close. That way you’ll have no resistance; you won’t get objections, it means you missed one of the things you know about. You need to go back to the list in your mind and go, “Which objection did I overlook?” Cause otherwise, you have to overcome it. So, if you’re not sure, then take them all and start going down a listing program. You go, “Well, you might think, you might think that it was too expensive. You might think, ‘well, you know, do I really need this.’ You might think, ‘well I’ll look around at other places.’ You might think, ‘comparative shopping would help.’ … btw… if I go, “You think this would help you,” doesn’t it mean it won’t??? That’s all with intonation. Right. Cause as I go down that list, ‘Well, to think that you might want to look around, and that would help,’ you’ll see it in their face! As long as you keep them in a heightened state. When you go, “Well, we know better. Cause you know, when you look around, you’re not going to know who to trust. Believe me.” See I’m right in the belief form here… “Cause, you know, other people are going to say things to you like, ‘Well, I’m going to… cheaper,’ right. And, would you want to be disappointed later on in life? Because, believe me, it’s not the thing you really want. What you really want, is–” Oh, I gotta show you, in hypnosis we use the handshake interrupt. With contracts, we use the pen interrupt. We go, we do this one, we go, “Now, now

The pen interrupt, when you got a table, you can angle it so that they catch that pen, and go, “Sign this, date it. Feel good.” Right, “and keep your word, and believe me, as long as you believe this is good for,” “Now, when we take a look at your future, I want you to know, if you have any difficulties in any way shape or form, you can believe that I’m going to be here, and if anybody at my company doesn’t back you up, you let me know. Don’t even feel bad for a minute, because it’s going to be your opportunity to make sure they get their ass kicked! So if you call up and they go, “well we can’t come out today,” don’t feel bad, go, “Ooo, Richard’s gonna kick somebody’s butt, and I get to watch.” Inoculate against all buyers remorse. You just call me on the phone, and I’ll go, take the name down, and believe me, they’ll get their ass kicked. When they come whining back to you, the only thing you’ll see is their tail between their legs is wrapped around so hard… shoved up their nose This is the point to exaggerate against anything you know where people come back where they have trouble, especially, if you’re having… service… vendors… And that is the time for bad tonality does come in handy. You go, “Let me put this on a conference call.” Because that’s where I’ll go, and if somebody doesn’t service somebody after I sell them something and make a promise with my word, I’ll tell ya, they better run fast. Because I’ll go straight for their sexual future! Because if you’re going to act like an impotent asshole, I’m gonna make sure you are one. Because you do not treat anybody who’s one of my customers – One of the service guys at the Mercedes lot had the audacity to screw with somebody who was supposed to have a warranty, and charged him, and the guy called up and went, “this guy wants to charge me for this!” Wow!… and I went in and I said, to this guy I said, “Do you like breathing?” “Well, you have to breathe-” and I said, “You know when you get all choked up and make a mistake. You know… feel tension, pain shooting down…” and he said, “You’re hypnotizing me!” and I said, … Words are not considered weapons.


Because when I sell somebody, when they sign something, I want them to know that they have the backup. And I also want them to know that every time, every single time you look at that, every single time you see it, look at it, it automatically… you feel that? Yea Example given. I want it so that when they walk up to their house and they look and they see their security system, I want it so they beam. And if somebody’s going to go, ‘this thing’s so great.’ When they pull up in their car and they go, ‘I love this car.’ And I don’t care what kind of car it is! A fence in the backyard – this guy from the Midwest was telling me that, you know, selling fences was boring. Hey, every time they walk out, they look at the fence they should go, “What a great fence. You know where I got this fence?!” Otherwise, there is no word of mouth, and it’s not going to be there, unless you put it there with posthypnotic-suggestion. And I trade them, I go, “I’ll back you up, you gotta back me up.” And I’m very literal about it, I go, “Look, otherwise I might as well take advantage of you, and ripped you off, but I dealt with you straight, and I gave you something really good, and I’m going to back it up, but you gotta make sure that I don’t have to waste my time. Cause if I have to go out and be sneaky, I might as well start with you now.” Typically they’ll go, “I don’t think that’ll be necessary.” And I’ll go, “Good.” And then I open my drawer, and I write their name… check whether or not their honesty pays off. And when you get a look like he did, “Yes, I understand!” And anytime you get two business people together, who understand mutual greed, and you both win, you have long-term business relationships that last – I’ve done business with some people for 25 years, and we’ve never had a problem. Then there are the ones that come along who make all the promises and steal, because they can’t even wait until the money’s there to steal it! Ever done business with people like this? You know, it’s like, they can’t even make it to the point where the cheque comes, they’re already dividing it up before it gets there! Cause they want more of this one, they don’t want a little bit of something for a long, long time. And as a boy who believes in royalties, I’ve written 24 books, I have x number of records, I have close to 100 tapes, and I’m… I’ll put some of it in my company, some in somebody else’s company. People go, “Why don’t you do it all yourself?” Cause I believe in spreading it around! I haven’t got the advertising budget to do it all! See, some people sort by ‘themselves’. I went to a seminar, recently, as a guest speaker, and everything that went on, they associated to the person’s name. It’s like, you know, “Well, you know, how long have you gone to So&So’s Seminar?”… but it was as if, what I did, they said, “Well, yes, it’s all about…” cause I knew what he did, and he actually stole it from me, but it doesn’t matter, because what he’s doing I don’t wanna do. What matters to me is if he gets sick for 2 months, his company’s going to go bankrupt. He can’t have other people do it! That’s kind of like building a heart attack somewhere down the road don’t you think? See, if you can build in something inside of you that makes it so you can understand what, who you hear, then you’re really going to start learning about sales. It’s not what I teach you… this is only 3 days… try… this is where you learn that, yea, You just have to step into the belief with the object and talk about it.

And then when you say, “well, other people, yea, yea, sure,” and then say everything your competition will say about you and change the tonality. And if they do go there they’re going to hear that. Remember, this is, if you believe in what you’re doing, the right way to do it, otherwise, if you reverse it – you’re going to do it one way or another!, but if you, you know, if you stand where their doubt is, and tell them… give an honest picture, then you don’t give them a fighting chance to understand you! If you don’t use tonality that’s convincing in your voice, and if you’re not in the state of utter belief yourself, you don’t even give them the chance to even make the good decision! It’s no wonder people make such lousy decisions. Good god, there’s people out there driving jaguars, and everybody’s been making jokes about them for years! And they’re expensive! And they do break down just like that! You know, but, now they told me they’ve gotten better, Yea, but you never see them on the road! Well, I got news for ya. If I want prestige, then I’ll just pretend to be someone else for the afternoon. Why not? Oh, you mean you have to climb yourself, too. Just build a belief you are that person, they’ll put you in a mental hospital, and you’ll have all the prestige you need. But just don’t make yourself jesus, remember what I did to him. I’m the Jew that came in on good Friday, good for me, very bad for him. You guys ever hear that story? You ever found out how far I took it? All the way outside… I had him strapped up there, with the nail right next to the skin. … drive nails in… and I lit a fire underneath. So to speak. Now, I’ll tell ya, people in the hospital were terrified because I was pouring cans of gas. They didn’t have gas in it – they were filled with water!, with nail polish remover… but I’ll tell you, I scared him into reality, he did not want have any more to do with his delusions. Anytime you find yourself ‘defending’, and not closing the sale, cause I guarantee you, it’s a tendency,… gang-slap yourself, man! Go, “Ooo, I was about to miss this?” These are the people you learn from, these are the people from which you can learn. Now we’re going to run through the exercise, because I want you to pick an object, but HEAR is the important part. The important part of it is Now, once you have their FULL ATTENTION, right, lol, Once you can get them to laugh, cause if you can’t get them to laugh, you’re going to be in trouble. Now, this is serious. this isn’t just anything. this is a magic pen, it’s the pen you believe in. But as you look at it, you’ll notice – cause if you have somebody who’s kinda kinesthetic, he likes to feel it. And when they like to feel it, you go, “This is one thing I like, is that, some pens when you buy you write with they scratch it, and… you want… smooooothe… rolling sensation… and I always, as I, feel that smoothness, I begin to really notice the black, how, it doesn’t shine like other blacks… you can actually, slip right into that black…. So as you feel the sensation of the pen, and you notice how it shines… it can give you a better feeling, and when you have a better feeling, you’re going to write… and I stop and I say to yourself, “Hmmm, maybe some of the reasons that, you know, your handwriting isn’t as good as you want it to be or, sometimes when you sit down to write down ideas, … using those ideas… don’t flow around… because it isn’t as sensual of an experience. Just feel this. Now, as you look at it,


look at the black, shininess, … this means that you’re gonna… …resonate with new ideas…

money, and the only way to do something about how


Now as I slip from one representational system to another… I could sell, you know, hundreds… … sometimes… just to sell MontBlancs… just to amuse myself Cause people will walk up and go, “gawd, look at the price of that pen!” And I’ll go, “cause you don’t know about that pen,” and they’ll go, “do you work here?” and I go, “no,”… … how to use this pen… new ideas… how would you feel… that when you sat down to write, … smoooothe sensation… look how it shines… ink just flows out… oooo, cause if me, like you… have your future look better… you won’t want it to… you want it to be something special… BUT, probably it’s to expensive for you, (taking it away), …” “Oooooo, my pen. :(“

Now, remember, too many people use too many words. All I want you to do is pick an object – it doesn’t matter what the object is – to look for the qualities that allow you, to Start with their primary system. How do you know this? You go, “Hey, what do you think today!” and they’ll go, “}{ or {}”. This way feelings, this way words, this way pictures. Whatever they start with, start there. If they start visually, you start with a visual image, and then start to talk about the kinesthetic things that perhaps, they haven’t thought of.

Because where the close comes from, is when you take the parts that are in consciousness, and add the others to it. Now as you go through it when you find the good qualities, that’s the point where you start going, “Well, you know, most people say, ‘These are really too expensive, you know, after all, our economy is quite ill these days, at least that’s what the media tells us, so much so that, you know, it would be really a waste of money.” “Think of how many pens you could buy for 19 cents, or 2 dollars… except they always disappear, you lose them, it’s like those big lighters, I could have bought a $400 dunningho for the amount of those I’ve lost in the past year… sometimes I regret that, but pens aren’t the same as that. This wouldn’t be a pen where you could have your whole life, one that you could be proud of, and… good feeling… one that perhaps would allow you to write down ideas where you could make more money, wouldn’t be too expensive. It’s something that you should be left out of.” Try it… You wanna give it up? You want to give up that the future is going to be hopeful? You want to give up that our economy is gonna get better and just go into depression and go into the hills and live in a root cell… the only way to beat inflation is… make more


Patterns of Persuasion

I’m doing is watching you, while I talk. He fills in what’s in there cause it’s his brain. Since I know all the objections I’m going to get, I just kinda go through it… “it could be this, it could be that…” But you want to save all of that till later, when it’s enough for me to find out – just never let them respond! Say, cause they’re embedded questions.

Now we’re going to do something to improve… We’re going to do another little 5 minutes a piece…

“I don’t know whether or not…”

Tape 12 - Track 2

I’m going to make you each into a Crystal ball gazer. You know what crystal ball gazers do? No, they get others to. It’s tricky! You take your crystal ball like this, and the first thing you want to make flat space? Curved… to flat. If you want to make round space, you go round to curved. And when you take your crystal ball and you say, “even though it’s, only something that exists in the 4th dimension… you look at it, and you start to move slowly, till you make it so that it’s real, it’s your future! “Now I know that something happened to you, and it was very important”… non referring noun phrases, ok? You’ll hear a whole bunch of ‘em. Then you start a listing program. Was it a man? No no, it was a man. An important man. Was he older than you? Yes he was older than you! haha they get scared. That’s ok, I’m just watching, through my hands, and while I do this I move because if their eyes don’t move with my hands, they’re not fixated into the unconscious state I want them in. Now, when I’m searching for which objections to use, this is exactly what I’m doing. I’m going down a list of possibilities, weeding it down, finding out what it is that would bother them. When I look at somebody and go, “Before I go any further, I know, that after I tell you about this, some people can’t listen to each and every single word, and hear it, and appreciate it, and understand it, because they’re thinking ahead. Well, till I explain to you everything… you won’t be ready to think ahead. Now you may be worried that things are going to be too expensive, you may be worried that if you don’t look everywhere you won’t get the best price… You’re not shopping for a cheap furniture, you’re shopping for something that’s going to be important your whole life. Now some people, you know, they have to check with somebody else first, they have to this,…” and all of those things, when I ask the question, I’m watching for the unconscious response. Now it may be minimal, but you’ll get skin color changes, you’ll get head nodding, you’ll get changes in breathing, and if you allow yourself to look – remember all of this is noticed from your peripheral vision – and what happens is, is even if you’re not holding the crystal ball like you’re going to do in this exercise, you’re just going to go, and start now – cause I know that the event… it has to be inside or outside, now doesn’t it. Inside, huh? Mmmmmm. Now, it could have been some place that you were very familiar with, or it could be some place that was new to you. Now in each one of those situations, all

“you’re going to worry about whether it’s too expensive…” I’m not saying, ‘is it too expensive?’ Cause I haven’t even told them the price yet! I’m just going through the list so that I know what to inoculate them against so I don’t have to inoculate them against everything! As I run through that list, it only sounds like I’m preparing for something –, but once I know what inoculation I need, I can inoculate them so that when I make that presentation, I can say, and explain in a way, so that when I’m in the presentation where I’m describing the sense of security that when they drive away, the fact that they’re not thinking about anything the moment they () flick that security system on… the fact that their mind can be free to do good work… Now, is that something you want to save money on and only have half of your mind feel clear… Would you rather feel certain except for one nagging doubt? or do you want to have a sense of certainty that allows you to leave, and to know when you come home, it’ll be there, in tact, and so will your loved ones. Now, if that’s the objection, I can inoculate against inside the presentation, then when it’s time to close, I’ll say, “Now, Normally, (again, with the embedded question) I would ask you (I’m not asking you… I get to do it inside of quotations) “Normally I would ask you, this is it, we should sit down and just sign this.” And they get like this and you go, “But, I think there’s some things that even you haven’t considered yet. So, for you to make a good decision,… “Ahh, we have to remember that one…” They’re all embedded questions… they give you the opportunity to present it, watch for the signals. Now all we have to do is get your eyes to reeaallllyy see. So what we’re going to do, is we’re gonna give you the job of being a psychic. In order to be a good psychic, you need to find one past event.

Now, all you have to do, is


think in

It either happened a really long time ago, or a while ago. Break it into two things. Now, once you have their attention, remember you’re breathing at the same rate… moving at the same rate, in and out, slowly start to alter your state of consciousness, and when you look down, you notice that they do too. And if they do, you go,


“Now there may be people, who would tell you, ‘Well, you know, $600/month payments, $1000/month payments…”

Mercedes, leads to a Ferrari… which may lead to another Mercedes, which may lead to a Maserati, who knows? But you’ll never just have to take it down and sell it for nothing. Junk… pay someone to tow it away. And then and turn around and go down, into buying a Toyota corolla. So it’s your opinion, and those who would advise you otherwise. And if in the future, people tell you you wasted your money, every mile on the road… say ‘yea, I wasted my money…’ and watch their car get worth nothing, and yours go off into the future… cause even when you look at it… you’ll always know that you can trade it for any car you want… it’s an investment in the quality of your life. And maybe this person is not concerned about the quality in your life. I am. You like me, want the future to be bigger and brighter. You want to be able to see them in the profession you do… when you drive up to it, and open the door, and step into where you were… you are stepping into the land of opportunity. Here’s a chance to Make More, always. Even when you work for somebody else! You could take 1 hour… at lunch… and go out and make more money doing something else… might happen you do that so much you don’t need to work there anymore… you can do what I did – buy that company. People say, ‘How could you, in an hour a day, do something that would allow you to buy that company?’ Well I worked at the publishing company… I spent an hour a day writing that book… published it myself… sold enough copies… bought that company. And I sold a lot more – cause I always knew what they should have done… they just would never do it! After all, they had years of experience doing it this way, and they said ‘you think we will change now for a 22 year old kid?’ I said, ‘No, but give me a year!’ And I said, ‘You know what? Someday, I’m going to come in here and fire you. And when I went in and fired my boss… He said, ‘How can you fire me?’ And I said, ‘I own all the stock. And you don’t.’ And I don’t want anybody working here… who doesn’t want to go into the future and make lots of money, and change things in a way that works. Not randomly, always test! If you’re going to send out a mailing on something, use different mailing lists, put a different code on each one, and find out which one works the best. Don’t buy the whole list, buy a little bit of it, test it, and find out which one works better. That’s a form of sensory acurity.

Whatever the payments a month, when this car is paid off, they’re going to buy a new one and pay for it again. Their advice maybe this time, would be a chance for you to show somebody a whole, new way.

And when you cold call, if you just cold call alphabetically, then you have no way of knowing who in the phone book to call. … better way of approaching it than that!

“Now you could, inform them, but maybe it’s time you learn to make a decision to do the right thing, so you didn’t have to do it over again, and do it in a way that will delight you, in a way that will stay with you for the rest of your life. In a way that when you use your eyes, and when you read… every nuance… makes you have it.

You want to be able to get them buy… that’s what… it’s all about! You want to know if you’re going to prospect randomly like I do… where are you going to find people that can afford your service, or need your service… maybe…where do they want Mercedes? Go to the country club… go to expensive places… place people are squandering money and not feeling good afterwards… the racetrack.

“Somewhere in your past, is an event that was very, very important. Very special. Now I know that either be long… oh no, wait! Is there someone else there? That’s when you go, ‘Yes, Yes, there was! Kreskin is great. Kreskin is a master of this! So are many people. In your profession... The reason we’re gonna do it as a game, is because I want you to learn you can play your way into better skill! Every day. You can sit around and realize, you don’t actually do this with your clients, you do this with your friends. So that when your clients come in and go, ‘Well, there are many things that many things people give into, and if those thoughts clutter your mind while you’re deciding if this is the right car for you… so before we even look at a car… you know, if you’re going to think about, ‘is it too expensive… could I get it cheaper… shop around… should I ask…’ All of those things… I need to know exactly which ones I’m going to inoculate. So as I present them in different places, notice which one they keep looking back to. And when they do, take this and say, “Ok, Now before we start, I want you to realize something. Be handled in a whole new way. You’re an adult. You know how to make decisions yourself. And this time, you’re going to make one that will last your whole life… and you will be satisfied. “Now have you ever looked at something and felt so satisfied… that you knew that it was the right thing for you? And the only thing you had to do is figure out how to get the salesman out of the way? As you look at this car, my guess is that you’re going to feel that way now.” “It’s nice to know that you’re not going to feel that way nearly as much, as if when you sliiide into the seat, feel the steering wheel, sound of the engine… you know, that every mile you drive, your car is going to be worth what it is now, … increase in value… and everybody next to you… while they drive, their car is worth less and less.

“Now I don’t know, are you ready to step into something like this?” “Or do you think maybe you should get your parents’ permission? It’s up to you… or not! ;)” Now, on one hand, you’ve done things in a certain way. Here’s a chance to, do it – You realize you buy a really good car… you don’t buy one car, you buy a lifetime. And maybe you’ve never thought about it that way, cause this car… you can always sell it for what it’s worth… and you can buy…

Now, I went to great lengths… to find ways… to try to get the people around me to realize, if you don’t put that fire inside of you and look out… It’s time you know… people do a lot of exercise… they go to these exercise places… somebody suggested in this group, they said, ‘mental fitness clinics’… place you go to get your confidence pumped up… 2 to 3 times a week… Not a bad idea. Put in a little sense of humor…, without having to smoke it…


Uh, oh, what do you mean I have to fly the plane? This happens… sometimes, emergency, and just after the pilot took lsd… they come in, and they say, ‘Hey, nobody else can do it… I’m afraid you’re going to have to take over… take off in the 747. The problem is, the lsd won’t go away, unless you made it with your own mind. You can make yourself feel good for no reason. Then, you can make yourself feel even better if there is a good reason. When you hear the tone of your voice changing, and you begin to maneuver and watch these things… then, when your ears open up, you’re going to discover people say the weirdest things. People say things like, “ “Well, I’m considering all 5 possibilities, and… I’m just not certain, so, I came in and talked to you because not one of them is really standing out more than the rest.” “He’d reach up and go, ‘let me get this out of the way. Pull this over… and make it so it stands out for itself for a moment… just so you’ll understand. And he’d go, ‘No, I knew this was the right place to go to…’ sometimes it’s that easy. Sometimes it’s not the product, it’s the fact that no one will help them with organizing the decision. Now whether it’s a purchasing behavior, whether it’s negotiating behavior, and especially management – boy I’ve seen managers that could grind a whole place to a halt. They’d walk up and they’d go, ‘is there anything slowing this process down? Are there any problems with this?” Let’s stop and think. Are there any problems? Yea, I can make problems. Or do you come in and you go, ‘You know what? You haven’t discovered the good part of this frame… I gave this to you… something special…’ It’s a whole different way of approaching the world… cause if they’re looking for what’s special there, they’re going to invent it…, “You’re right, the special thing’s there! I knew that all a long! And I knew you were the person to do it.’ And here’s another special thing. You can make it so life is exciting, you can excite people and motivate them… rather than go through and, ‘well, you know, it’s taking an awful long time… well… take a look at the work I asked you to do… even though it’s hard…’ On the other hand, you… Hey, you know what? Walk outside the store, and you’re walking along, and there’s two people walking the other way, and one of them says to the other, “God, what a great sale they’re having at Macy’s!” Your wife have any problem getting motivated? But if they were like, ‘Oh, it’s a good sale.’ The power of the sound… drives you… get over there… But you see, she’ll come home, and she’ll do it to me, she’ll go, “God, there’s something wonderful I have to show you at Normstrums…” “Is it in the men’s department?” “It’s in the lingerie department.” Hey, there’s no reason why you can’t motivate people to prospect… remember, we do it with our children… you go ‘oooo, open your mouth, open wide, we got a big surprise!’ Now, if I’m not honest, and it tastes bad, **spit**… but that’s what you get for not telling the truth! You go, ‘tastes terrible, probably won’t like it, because you’re not honorary like your old man…

you’re not the kind of one that just... eat things… make it so that you’re big, strong, and powerful… Powerful… so you can knock the shit out of your older brother. You know, every one of those bites… it’s more powerful, more vibrant, more of what it takes to make one of those people who looks out on the world and goes, “Ha ha ha ha haaaa.” Now, we’re going to real quick do this. All I want you to do… I don’t want you to move the chairs… just turn around to the person next to you… if you end up alone, then move. A little crystal ball gazing… all you’re going to do is… go down some categories… hold your crystal ball gaze… speak at the rate they speak, and keep it in tempo with the music. Hold your crystal ball… make sure you make a good one… one that they can see… and remember to breathe at the same rate as they’re breathing… don’t talk randomly… focus on the crystal ball… And as I look at this, somewhere, only words between their breathing. Slow down. Real pacing. Don’t say ‘move’, say ‘spread.’ Now lower your tone of voice… tone lower… tempo slower. Listen. Slower. Lower. Go Yes, there’s something somewhere… of importance. And then begin to move between things. Like ‘there’s water, not water. Building, not building. Male, female.’ Any major category… and as you notice it, as soon as you breathe at the same rate… slow your breathing way down. Slow down. If you didn’t hear me say that, then you’re not listening. Because if you’re chattering along, you’re not pacing them. Slow down. One person speaks at a time, or loses his teeth. Shh. Just do what I say, and nothing else. It will help you. You just do it, and that’s it, and then he does it. None of this chattering. Means if you’re going to wreck their sex life, I’ll wreck yours. Just do what I ask you to… keep it mellow and smooth… we want to integrate the sensory accurity… breathe at the same rate. Slow down the breathing, and make sure you can move your hand. No chattering. You’re going to affect other people one at a time. That’s right. Run through two until you begin to notice the nodding… if you don’t, you’re not breathing at the same rate, you’re not listing categories. Say one thing, wait. Then say the other. Wait. Notice where the response is, and move on and find another thing. You’re gathering information, with your eyes, about yes and no. Let your vision become closer, look at the pores in their skin. Look at the pores in their skin. The more minute that you can look at it, the slower your speech, the more you listen with your ears, you’ll hear the tempo, which works. Tone down, intonation down, down, till you begin to find, that you actually do get yes no answers. That’s right. And switch over to the other side, you’ll discover that this deprograms are powerful. Because as you add sensory acuity,

don’t ask questions, just say embedded questions, and notice involuntary responses. That’s all. Let their unconscious tell you what you need to know. And don’t keep your elbows on your lap, lift of your hands so they’re in front of their eyes. You look at it, you lazy bums. That’s right. Breeeaath at the same rate, slow down your speech. Leave space between your utterances. That’s right. Now start to list things so that you can find out information. That certain event… did it occur near water… forget it! No response, you’ll know no. Familiar… unfamiliar…


someone you knew… someone you didn’t know… yet… Ok, shhh. Slowly now, just turn back… just turn around and shut up, don’t say a word. I’m trying to install something in you, and if you speak, you’ll miss it. The trick is, realize, that if you can get information… The state that you’re trying to get people in when you persuade them, is the one where you can see the most. That’s how you know what to inoculate, that’s how you know if you’re in rapport. Cause if you’re not in rapport and you ask for things, you won’t get them! And then you’ll say, ‘I have low self esteem, I’m no good, I lack confidence…’ It starts on the inside… you can’t get anything from anybody except with coercion… unless you’re in a state where you make it so they want to give it to you… You want to get them to buy something? You have to make it so they want it! You go, “If you don’t buy one of these, you’ll feel bad.” (end of 12 – 2.) Continue at 12-3.


Patterns of Persuasion Tape 12 - Track 3 Get a date, huh? People end up lonely because they want somebody to be with you who will make them feel good. Well guess what, so does the rest of the world, so GO FIRST. The secret is to go inside and feel sublime. Then, open your eyes with full acuity so that you make sure that the way you approach them, the angle that you walk up to people. Every nuance. The more you do this the more you discover, Every nuance counts. Till you get to the point where it seems like there’s a million variables and then you discover, it’s easy. And obviously, as you go through all of these things and start tuning, your unconscious just starts to adjust towards it automatically. You see your unconscious hasn’t learned to motivate you to adjust automatically towards getting the person into the state, towards keeping you in the right state. As you do this deliberately when you leave here, you’ll begin to hear all the things you’ll need to know. You’ll begin to hear and see the things, you’ll begin to notice, even when you’re in a store and somebody else is doing something and the salesman comes up and says something stupid, like, “Well, lemme be honest with you today.” What a great comment. “Well, Gee whiz, does that mean that you ripped me off last week?” That’s an actual comment I heard at the good guys. Richard Fox my friend burst out laughing. He was supposed to be in charge of the place and he turned around and said, “Let me explain something to you son. If you’re not being honest every day don’t stay here. That’s why we have prices that are fixed so guys like you can’t negotiate.” And he looked at him and he went, “Honestly Richard, you’re so picky!” And Richard said, “Well, you said you were gonna be honest today and I am very picky.” Pft. Ripped out one of his hairs. And started out with his head and when he was done he goes, “Nevermind.” Richard said, “Ok. Next time,” cause he didn’t know who I was, he said this to me. But you’re gonna begin to listen cause I send spies everywhere. You gotta listen first to your own voice, then you listen to other people. Sh. Ask the people in world. You ask ‘em what the opposite of talking is? They’ll say listening. But communication is not just one or the other. Listen & talk at the same time, always watch. Cause your eyes, so much information can come in, and as you begin to move to the nuance… Some people are going, “Yea, and then you, put your hand up here somewhere,” it’s not that. Remember, you’re touching people’s insides, you’re walking in their minds in front of them. When you walk up to people and you go, “Well, have I got a deal for you.” Yea, nightmares for life! That’s not it. You only approach people as close as you can walk to the position you know where you wanna be. So that it - Pretty soon you’re gonna end up beside them pointing to things. And if you don’t do this every day all day long with everybody, especially

with people in their personal life. You see, if you can’t approach people in a way that is respectful of their mind and their body and every nuance of information that comes in, then you’re gonna generate things that are gonna get you what you don’t want. If you go inside and generate shitty tonality and unpleasant things and walk up and go, “,” it makes them feel shitty before you even speak! Remember, that if you’re feeling wonderful – Remember you breathed at the same rate, and all you had to do was change your state and theirs changed? This is going on everywhere all the time! So you have the responsibility to stay in a pleasant state. Before you communicate and while you’re doing it. Cause if those pictures and the voices in your head are so important, then become a catatonic and go hang out with them! Otherwise, you gotta take a soft, wonderful voice, put it inside your head, before you’re allowed to talk to anyone. You gotta take a feeling and an image of yourself being somebody who’s worth… Somebody who’s got a lot to offer because as soon as you feel pleasant inside you will be! Take that image and swallow it. And go inside, don’t chew it first though, swallow it whole for Christ’s sake. Make it something that’s inside you and then go inside and resonate. Go, “Hmmm.” Keep the pleasant tones going on the inside and as soon as you do, then when you feel good, then when you move towards someone and speak it’s gonna be nice. And then turn around and go, “Ahhh.” See, you guys knew that was coming, didn’t you. Hmmm. Don’t tell me you haven’t learned anything, listen to that. Oooo. Mmmm. Ahhh. Now don’t you feel better? It’s good for me, it makes me want to smoke a cigarette as a matter of fact. This is where you wanna be when you start, so your skin is tingling. Before you get up and go talk to them and they walk into your place of business, do that on the inside, go – do this on the inside. Do it. Inside! Inside! Boy you got those two confused. See if I have to do it with duct tape it’s a lot more painful that way. This is the inside, and this is the outside. When I say, “Do it on the inside,” you go INSIDE and make, “Ahhh.” When I say, “Do it on the outside you open your mouth and go, “Oooo.” Now do it on the inside, light it up. All ya need to do is feel good inside and really when you are laughing, keep your eyes open and your ears open. People say the wildest stuff. Ask ‘em questions like, “What would it take for you to just, absolutely know this was the best deal, and be irresistible. I mean there’s no way you couldn’t resist it. What will it be?” They go, “Well if the price is lower,” you go, “Ok.” How’s this? You sometimes, you think it’s the amount, don’t you. Listen to ‘em . Downright important. Ok. How’s this? Some people have ‘em in weird places, I know one guy that had his confidence straight up here. Shouldn’t be a prize fighter… “Total confidence… Pff.” Sometimes you wanna move those things around. 6:40 Now you’ve been here for at least 3 days, and I know that some of you think that some of this stuff has been irrelevant tangents… believe me, I’m a very


methodical man in everything I do. But I wasn’t interested in your being here being able to do this… what I care about is when you get home. When you get home, and if you live with someone, before you step in that door, I want you, to hesitate, do anything but to make sure that you go into the state of ecstasy before you go into that door. Don’t go in and go, “gawwd, what a lousy day”… You will not get what you don’t deserve. On the other hand, if when you get to that door knob, … “all that I desire…” and when you open it up and step through, feel the whole atmosphere change around you. Make sure you hear just the right, just the right, just the right sounds. Ahhhhh. You know what I mean? You look at her and go, “What’s wrong?!” lol. Cause you’ll find out. Do you really wanna know? Less words, more sex. Richard’s law #1. Fewer words used in sale, more permanent it is. More tonality… Show them the car and go, ‘oooooooeewww.’ Touch it. Touch it. Feeeeeel, so good. Sliiide into perfection. Yea, I don’t need that. Gimme one of those Toyotas, let’s roll it a few times, and find out if I can get out! Hell, the last time I was in an accident, I only lost a couple body parts! To me, my body’s important. And what I’m willing to listen to, and what I’m willing to put out-. Remember you’re going to bathe that person. Boy, when it’s time, for you to start making money, I want you to hear f-16 engines coming out from behind you. Look at that phone, that contract, that client – Stop right now. I want you to try something. Remember at the beginning I said… put the worst case client that you have? The one that you just can’t get anywhere with? Think about him now. Go back, look at the same picture you were looking at then. Is it the same? No it’s not, is it! You’re still afraid of him? Still… make… feel draggy? Or does your mind begin to race, and you go, ‘ooooo.’ Besides, they owe you the money, because they put you through so much grief! That’s the way I look at it. I do! And remember, if nothing else, you always have the handshake induction. You come up and go, “Hi. Look at your hand, close your eyes, and take a deep breath, and realize, you can feel good.” It’s simple. Now, when you leave here, All of the good learnings that you have will go out the door, and all of your bullshit, I want you to leave here. The hotel has been storing it up and saving it for years, in case you haven’t noticed. And then, we take a little bit of what’s left over and give it to the airlines, to serve, for dinner. I like the comment – somebody said, “Let’s stop and get something to eat on the way to the airport.” Said, “It’s a 5 hour flight, man, we’ll eat on the plane.” And I said, “You’ll eat on the plane!” Cause if I eat that food, when they come up and they give it to me they go, “Tastes just like chicken.” You go, “What is it,” they go, “Don’t really know. Let me go back and see what it says.” Now if have to read what you’re gonna put in your body, I don’t think it belongs there. To me,

Hey – cause they said, “You don’t want to waste it, you paid for that.” It’s alright, I’ll throw it at someone. “Well Gee I thought that’s what it’s for in the first few times I flew, I knew you didn’t have to eat it!” They said, “Look at this, a cheese enchilada,” I said, “And who ate it first?” She goes, “Now that’s no attitude.” And I said, “Well here, you wear it. I’m already dressed.”

Ok, Now, stop and think about where you work. Some of you I know go out into the field. Imagine different houses, imagine walking up to the front of ‘em. Instead of anything that goes, “Oh I don’t know…” just exude everything inside you that says, “This is where the challenge begins. It’s the challenge that’s gonna be fun.” If you don’t make challenge fun then life won’t be cause it’s filled with ‘em. If you don’t plan for ecstasy and intimacy you won’t get it and if you don’t plan for success you’re not gonna get it. You have to look and drool ath the opportunity. You have to remember, if you close your sales so much faster you’re gonna be able to make a lot more of ‘em in half the time, quadruple your income in half the time. And feel 10 times as good about it. It is your responsibility. 11:45 Now there’s a couple of other things I wanted to mention. Ah, if any of you have, ah, some computers laying around, that aren’t doing anything, want to trade them for future training, ah, I have a big project in which I need a lot of equipment for. However, we do not use Xerox computers. IBM’s, and ah, Macintoshes. The rest of them, no. If you have any spare oscilloscopes, or any other high quality audio material, you might want to mention it to me, if it’s sitting in your garage, you can trade it for training, or other things. I believe in the barter system. It’s the only that the IRS does not understand. Now, we do have a big training program this summer… we have one coming up in December, but, I know a lot of people buy things and they don’t use them, and the more they buy a much better one. The other things is, is that if you have any spare tapes you’re not using, and old cassette tape recorders, ah, I, you can get from my wife an address… she will give you where we send – I get people to send those things to – it’s the AIDS ward nelly county general. They’ve decided Since these people are dying, that they didn’t want to waste money on things like television sets and radios. So what I’m doing, is I’m making them their own set of tapes. Ah, cause I think there should be a lot of spontaneous remission. By the way, that’s – every time I do something to somebody and they get cured, by the way, it wasn’t me that did it, it was spontaneous remission, because ‘they have no way of documenting it,’ in their double-blind studies. And I say, “You just stay double blind, and I’ll study. But, ah, there’s a few things in this world, and one is, is if you have tape recorders sitting around in your garage collecting dust, we’ve got a lot of stuff sitting in our garages and storage that could use some real


good. Cause we tried – Tony Robbins liked my idea – Tony, in his inevitable style went out and got new tape recorders. Lol. Just went out and bought 50 of them. “Gimme 50 of those!” With batteries. Now there’s a man who thinks. Isn’t that cool? Robert Alan gave me 50, and he gave me, uh, tapes about going out and buying real estate. Now, how are you going to utilize those tapes if you don’t get out of bed and get out there? We also gave them sets of neurosonics, and I made them some special tapes, and also, they use it in the cancer wards down there, because the people come in who can’t afford the expensive treatments because they have the nerve to get cancer and be poor! Hey, you’re not allowed to get cancer if you’re poor, so they were kinda being indulgent – They have to go in, and they give them their treatments, and they have to sit on these hard desks where they can’t do anything for 12 hours… we found out if they listened to a tape, time flies by, just like that. In fact, the only time they become conscious of anything is when they discover that they’ve turned the tape over and they’re at the end, but they don’t remember turning the tape over, but they have to do it again. That, some of these things are simple things that are in the world, but as you look around, remember, as you begin to have some spare time, there’s new places to have fun. You don’t have to look at the problems in the world as being difficult, look at them as an opportunity, to realize we’ve got a lot of work to do, and, if we do it before the government sets up a plan, it’ll get done. And as business people – I don’t know about you guys, but I don’t want the same people that are in charge of the post office, in charge of child care and health care. I’m sorry. You know, they go, ‘well we want everybody to have health insurance.’ I want everybody to have health! Cause to start with, you know, And if something goes wrong, then I want people to really be fixing it, who are in the state of cheerfulness, helping them. They did a study, actually did a real study and found out, there’s a connection between stress and health! Well if you’ve ever had any stress, you could have told them that, saved them millions of dollars. I mean, you know when you’re all keyed up, there’s no reason why you would feel bad… why, if you were keyed up for 10 years like this, how could it affect you? Well, seems to me, that one of the things to do, the best health insurance of all, is to mellow out. And look at a positive opportunity. Somebody said to me, “How do you keep such a young attitude?” You said I had to struggle to do that. This isn’t a young attitude, this is what maturity is all about. It’s not acting stuffy that’s mature, that’s stupid. Maturity is taking all the good things you have as a child and adding more as you grow up as an adult, so you have flexibility of behavior. These staunchy old guys, I chew them up and spit them out before they know what hit them. You think a 3 piece suit, an expensive pen, and a bad attitude is going to give you more flexibility than me? Wait till you get up and discover you have no pants on! Hypnosis is a wonderful thing, because you’re unconscious wants to play like I am. I had a guy smack himself right in the front of his face! POW. And I didn’t even expect it! His unconscious did it… I didn’t even expect it! But that didn’t stop me from

doing it again! Cause after all, when I see something… I went, ‘wow.’ I said, “Well Let’s make this harder!” It’s ok, it was a psychiatrist. You know what they said to me, he went, “That was a real hypnotic experience.” And I said, “Good, do it again.” And each time he hit himself he went, “Wow, this is great!” Far too much education, far too much education. And he trained other therapists! Isn’t that scary? And not only that, he did marriage counseling! “Is this a real experience, dear?” “Just – did you have an orgasm?” If you have to ask, the answer is no! Okay? Lol Get it guys, if you have to ask, the answer is no. Right. And it means that you have to start right over again and do it now. After all, you can be replaced by a machine, and if you can, you’re not doing the right things. Don’t buy a book. It won’t help. Get a different attitude. Remember, if you don’t look at your bed, and go, mmmmm, you can tell by the sounds, and all you have to do is be curious to wanna know, ‘What happens just before they have an orgasm!?’ … After all, beginning some things can be pleasurable. When you’re doing a sales, if it’s time to make the presentation, don’t! Nothing like somebody who has a premature salesgasm. They come in and they go, “Well, do you want this stereo?” And they go, “Well, I don’t know, maybe I’ll think about it.” If they have to tell you they have to go to think about it, you’re not being much help at all. You go, “You have to think about it, here everything I’m saying. Let me show you this one more time, only this time, perhaps I wasn’t clear enough… perhaps I was in the wrong system. Perhaps you can just forget about anything other than telling me exactly what it is that would delight you.”

Because it’s in that delight that you’re going to become successful. Now, with this in mind, you get to go home now! You get to make more money, you get to be successful…

Take the learnings of the holiday IN, OUT. I’ll see ya. Thank you.


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