rh factor

December 11, 2016 | Author: salwaanwar1 | Category: N/A
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whether the RH antigen is present on RBCs on a person determines whether he/she is Rh+ or Rh- ,if it is presents Rh+ and on the opposite side Rh factor is important in blood transfusion cases .. if Rh- is given Rh+ blood antigen antibody reaction will take place leading to incompatibility.

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What are Rh Factor Rh factor is a blood protein. About 84% of the population is Rh positive, meaning only 16% of the general population is lacking Rh factor (RH negative).

What is a Rh factor People with different blood types have proteins specific to that blood type on the surfaces of their red blood cells (RBCs)., Rh factor "Rhesus factor" is type of antigens in human blood the presence...

What is RH Factor The Rh- factor is the synonym of "Rhesus factor". Rh factor is a layer of protein that is found outside the Red blood cell (RBC). It was discovered for the first time in Rhesus monkey an inhabitant...

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Why blood type and RH factor are checked before a transfusion If the blood type of the donor is different from the receivers blood type, the blood type of the revive can attack the different type of blood

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Why are blood type and Rh factor are checked before a transfusion

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What determines the Rh blood factor the presence or absence of a particular erythrocyte protein

Rh factor: An antigen found in the red blood cells of most people: those who have Rh factor are said to be Rh positive (Rh+), while those who do not are Rh negative (Rh-) Blood used in transfusions much match donors for Rh status as well as for ABO blood group, as Rh- patients will develop anemia if given R+ blood. Rh typing is also important during abortion, miscarriage, pregnancy, and birth, as mother and fetus may not be Rh-compatible. Rh stands for rhesus monkeys, in whose blood this antigen was first found.

whether the RH antigen is present on RBCs ona person determines whether he/she is rh+ or rh- .. if it is present .. prsn is rh+ and vice versa .. rh factor is important in blood transfussion cases .. if rh- prsn is given rh+ blood .. antigen antibody reaction wil take place leading to incompatibility .. The Rhesus Factor There is one more important antigen on the surface of red blood cells which also needs to be considered. It is called the Rhesus-D antigen. This antigen mechanism is again inherited from your mother or father. This adds another qualifier to a blood type under the ABO blood group classification system. A person with any of the four blood types may be Rhesus D positive (Rh+) or Rhesus D negative (Rh-). So that increases number of blood types to eight (A Rh+, A Rh-, B Rh+, B Rh-, AB Rh+, AB Rh-, O Rh+, O Rh-). Although the antigen mechanism is inherited from your father and mother, it lies dormant until there is a need for it to get into action. The anti-A antibodies and Anti B-antibodies are created during the first months after birth, when an infant's gut is infected by bacteria, through food. The Rh-D antibody is generated through placental sensitization (that is when an Rh+ mother exchanges blood with the infant at birth) or through blood transfusion.

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