RG301854 - FR2LTE and RG302343 - EFR2LTE - 06122016

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Enhanced Fast Return to LTE GSM17: RG302343 Network Engineering Information Bartlomiej Bednarz MN P CS BDNE Radio Solu Solution tion 3 Wroclaw, November 2016, version 2.0 The latest version of this NEI can be found here


For internal use © Nokia Sie m me ens Network s 2012

MBB CS Network Engineering / Bartlomiej Bartlomiej Bednarz / November 2016  

Disclaimer  ATTENTION:: ATTENTION - Plea Please se note note that that NEI materials are FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY. If they shall be used as source for customer presentation, it is mandatory to align the contents with the Product Management and/on local sales teams first!


For internal use © Nokia Sie m me ens Network s 2012

MBB CS Network Engineering / Bartlomiej Bartlomiej Bednarz / November 2016  

History and Acknowledgements History

Open Issues



Reason for Update



Draft version ready for internal review



NetEng internal comments incorporated



Version after external external review – no comments received



External co comments from R&D in incorporated



TAU ex exceptions up update (s (slide #1 #14)



Prerequisites ad added on on sl slide#11


Information adden in blue color refers to Information to enhacements given by RG 302343. After internal review (A.Pomykala, M. Lukasiewicz)


Acknowledgements Ville Ahonen


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Open It Item De Description

Status / Co Comments

MBB CS Network Engineering / Bartlomiej Bartlomiej Bednarz / November 2016  

RG302343 – Enh Enhanc anced ed Fas Fastt Return Return to LTE LTE

Information presented in blue refers enhacements given by R G 30 3023 2343 43 E nha nhanced nced Fas color Fas t R et eturn urn to to to LTE  and to indicate the changes between R G 30 3018 1854 54 F as t R eturn to to LTE and R G 30 3023 2343 43 E nha nhanced nced Fas Fas t R eturn to to LTE  LTE 


For internal use © Nokia Sie m me ens Network s 2012

MBB CS Network Engineering / Bartlomiej Bartlomiej Bednarz / November 2016  

RG301854/RG302343 – (Enhanced RG301854/RG302343 Enhanced)) Fa Fast st Ret Retur urn n to LTE LTE

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Technical Details





Benefits and Gains

For internal use

Motivation and Feature Overview

Functionality and Implementation, Message Flows

Interdependencies Interdepend encies with Other Features and Functions

Simulation, Lab and Field Findings

NEI Contact: Bartłomiej Bednarz

Configuration Management

Parameters and Parameterisation scenarios

Deployment Aspects  Activation, Configuration Configuration Examples, Fault Mgmt, Trial Trial Area


Performance Aspects


Compliance Aspects

Counters and KPIs, Feature Impact Analysis and Verification



© Nokia Sie m me ens Network s 2012

MBB CS Network Engineering / Bartlomiej Bartlomiej Bednarz / November 2016


RG301854/RG302343 RG301854/ RG302343 – (Enhanced Enhanced)) Fa Fast st Ret Retur urn n to LTE LTE

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Technical Details





Benefits and Gains

For internal use

Motivation and Feature Overview

Functionality and Implementation, Message Flows

Interdependencies Interdepend encies with Other Features and Functions

Simulation, Lab and Field Findings

NEI Contact: Bartlo Bartlomiej miej Bednarz Bednarz

Configuration Management

Parameters and Parameterisation scenarios

Deployment Aspects  Activation, Configuration Configuration Examples, Fault Mgmt, Trial Trial Area


Performance Aspects


Compliance Aspects

Counters and KPIs, Feature Impact Analysis and Verification



© Nokia Sie m me ens Network s 2012

MBB CS Network Engineering / Bartlomiej Bartlomiej Bednarz / November 2016



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Background Information – BSS21353 LTE System Information (RG20)  – 1/2

 Feature

2135 353 3 LTE S ys tem Inform Informa ation (RG (R G 20 20)) supports autonomous cell reselection to LTE B S S 21

based on the new concept of the absolute priorities

 Each layer is given a priority priority (0- 7, 0 means the lowest lowest prio) and based on this informa information tion the MS

tries to camp on and reselect to the highest priority frequency/RAT if it can provide sufficient service  Equal priorities between RATs are not supported 

equal priorities are allowed only within certain RAT

priority 3 2 1

Details on B S S 21353 LTE S ys tem Information NEI slides are here

f 1 MS alwa always ys tries to reselect on the highest possible priority layer! For internal use

f 2

f 3



© Nokia Sie m me ens Network s 2012

MBB CS Network Engineering / Bartlomiej Bartlomiej Bednarz / November 2016



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Background information – BSS21353 LTE System Information (RG20)  – 2/2

Neighbor relation aspects: 

B S S 21 2135 353 3 LTE S ys tem Informa Informattion is required for defining

neighbor relation(s)

 LTE neighbor is defined per frequency (not per LTE cell)  Neighboring LTE frequencies are broadcasted on BCCH by a

serving 2G cell (on SI2quater message) when MS is in Idle Mode  LTE Neighboring frequencies are defined in ADJL MOCs GERAN

 One ADJL means one LTE frequency (one layer)  One segment could have up to 8 ADJ ADJL L object objects s



 For each each layer layer defined defined are are priority priority and upper upper and lower lower thresholds thresholds


ADJL LTE neighbor relations info

BTS cell configuration

BTS cell configuration

ADJW WCDMA neighbor relations info

ADCE For internal use

GERAN neighbor relations info

Tw Two o or more ADJLs with the same frequency must not be configured  only one ADJL per one frequency for all neighboring LTE cells (LTE Physical Cell ID (ADJL:pcid) is an optional in ADJL MOC)


© Nokia Sie m me ens Network s 2012

MBB CS Network Engineering / Bartlomiej Bartlomiej Bednarz / November 2016



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RG301854 Fast Return to LTE, RG302343 Enhanced Fast Return to LTE

R G 3018 301854 54 Fast R eturn eturn to to LTE is applied to all LTE capable mobiles when CS call is released in GSM:

 

  

SRVCC HOs from LTE, CSFB from LTE 2G or 3G originated calls

R G 302 302343 343 E nha nhanced nced Fas Fastt R et eturn urn to LT LTE  E  feature is an improvement to existing RG301854 Fastt Ret Fas R eturn urn tto o LTE  feature R G 301854 301854 Fast Fas t R eturn eturn to to LTE  is a prerequisite for R G 302 302343 343 E nha nhanced nced Fas Fas t Ret R eturn urn to L TE  When R G 302 302343 343 E nha nhanced nced Fas Fas t R et eturn urn to to LTE  fea featur ture e is used used,, then then fas fastt ret return urn to LTE LTE is applicabl appl icable e only to Circuit Circuit Switch Switched ed FallBack FallBack (CSFB) (CSFB) calls indic indicated ated by by MSS (RG301854 (RG301854 is overided by RG302343).

 Aim of the enhanced fast return is to enforce MS to back to technology from wich it comes. Previously (with RG301854) all MSs were moved to LTE regardless the origin.  CSFB call is identified from CSFB indication in Clear command  

GPRS res GPRS resum ume e is pre preve vent nted ed fo forr mobi mobile les s th that at ar are e re retu turn rned ed to LTE LTE (it (it is more more be bene nefi fici cial al to contin con tinue ue dat data a transf transfer er in LTE LTE than than in GSM) GSM) For internal use


© Nokia Sie m me ens Network s 2012

MBB CS Network Engineering / Bartlomiej Bartlomiej Bednarz / November 2016



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RG301854 Fast Return to LTE, RG302343 Enhanced Fast Return to LTE

Voice Call Setup in LTE

MS makes makes redi redirecti rection on

Call ends & MS

to GSM (i.e. CSFB/SRVCC)

camps in 2G

When call ends, MS req reques uests ts LAU/RAU

LTE Idle





LTE Idle




LTE Idle Idle

If LTE LTE is preferred, preferred, new TAU is performed

LTE Idle Idle

With Channel Release message message MS goes directly to LTE LTE * Even 2G/3G orignated call is returned to LTE

Voice Call Setup

MS mak makes es redirection redire ction to GSM

in LTE

(i.e. CSFB) CSFB




LTE Idle

Call ends & MS camps in 2G

When call ends, MS req reques uests ts

If LTE LTE is preferred, preferred, new TAU is





LTE Idle Idle


With Channel Release message message MS goes directly to LTE LTE

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RG301854/RG302343 RG302343 – (Enhanced Enhanced)) Fa Fast st Ret Retur urn n to LTE LTE RG301854/

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Technical Details




Benefits and Gains

For internal use

Motivation and Feature Overview

Functionality and Implementation, Message Flows

Interdependencies Interdepend encies with Other Features and Functions

Simulation, Lab and Field Findings

NEI Contact: Bartlo Bartlomiej miej Bednarz Bednarz

5 6

Configuration Management

Parameters and Parameterisation scenarios

Deployment Aspects  Activation, Configuration Configuration Examples, Fault Mgmt, Trial Trial Area


Performance Aspects


Compliance Aspects

Counters and KPIs, Feature Impact Analysis and Verification



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RG301854 Fast Return to LTE, RG302343 Enhanced Fast Return to LTE

Dependency table: MSS







OSS5.4 CD3 PP2/NetAct 17

S16.1/BSC17 S16.1/ BSC17


MS  Yes*

Talk- MetroSite family Yes



Flexi EDGE

Flexi Multiradio

Flexi Multiradio 10

Flexi Compact










*) MS needs to be able to decode and utilize “E“E -UTRAN Description” included in Channel Release message (or otherwise MS does not benefit from “Fast Return to LTE” feature). feature). MS Classmark 3 is required to indicate indicate that MS is TDD or FD FDD D LTE capable

R G 302 302343 343 Enhanced Enhanced Fas Fas t R et eturn urn to LTE  LTE  requires: 

Release Upgrade license (5655)

LTE LT E System Information feature (1965)

Fast Return to LTE feature (4367)

Enhanced Fast Return to LTE (5624)

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RG301854 Fast Return to LTE, RG302343 Enhanced Fast Return to LTE  – prerequisities

Feat Fe atur ure e (Enhanced Enhanced)) Fast Return Return to LTE is applicabl applicable e if: 

Mobile Mobil e is LTE capable capable (accord (according ing to MS Classmar Classmark k 3)

GSM cell where call is released has defined LTE neighbors

fastReturnToLTE is fastReturnToLTE  is enabled in GSM cell/SEG where call is is released

Next: 

LTE neighbor information (EARFCNs among all ADJLs:earfcn) ADJLs:earfcn) is included in Channel Release message and mobile attempts to find suitable LTE cell on indicated frequencies, if no suitable cell is found then mobile camps in GSM (and cell reselection is applicable)

Important: 

BSC does not know whether it is CSFB call or not, CSFB is seen as normal call setup from BSC point of view.

BSC is informed by MSC (via CSFB indication in CLEAR COMMAND) wheter particular call is CSFB or not

Next slides show typical scenario for which feature is dedicated For internal use


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RG301854 Fast Return to LTE, RG302343 Enhanced Fast Return to LTE  – 1/8

Both features are typically dedicated to the call originated (MOC)

or terminated (MTC) in LTE network – 1 BSC must support the same LTE mode (FDD or TDD) as MS (BSC:LTEmode)

 

1.Feature 1.Feature enabled, Call establish on LTE cell,


Fallback for RG30234 RG302343 3 only   ) from the LTE MS is moving (CS Fallback network to the GSM network – 2

LTE frequency signal condition does not measured during the 2G call while in terms of RG302343, rxlev of 2G cell can be taken into considereation to make decision whether return to LTE or not.This solution is dedicated to collocated 2G and LTE sites and set by the parameter (minimumRxLevelForFastReturnToLte).

4. Return according to „ Cell selection


indicator ...”



Call ends – 3 MS

MS 3. Call ends,

For internal use

channel release, cell selection


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indicated MBB CS Network Engineering / Bartlomiej Bartlomiej Bednarz / November 2016


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RG301854 Fast Return to LTE, RG302343 Enhanced Fast Return to LTE  – 2 /8

When only Fast Return to LTE is enabled then

When Enhanced Fast Return to LTE is enabled then BSC detects (based on CLEAR COMMAND) whether the ended call is CSFB call or not: 

1.Feature 1.Feature enabled, Call establish on LTE cell,


If not (CSFBindication=F  (CSFBindication=F ), ), then typically MS states in 2G and makes LAU/RAU update, no feature further actions

4. Return according to „ Cell selection

If yes (CSFBindication=T  (CSFBindication=T ), ), then

BSC fills Cell selection indicator after release of all TCH and SDCCH in SDCCH  in CHANNEL RELEASE message RELEASE message 


indicator ...”


Network initiates the channel release by sending CHANNEL RELEASE  message to the MS on the FACCH, starts timer T3109 and deactivates the SACCH (details in 3GPP TS 44.018) BSC decides and includes in CHANNEL RELEASE :

  

each LTE neighbor frequency (defined in each ADJL each ADJL), ), depending on ‘cell ‘cell selection…’ space availability and related LTE neighbor parameters

GSM MS MS 3. Call ends,

For internal use

channel release, cell selection


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indicated MBB CS Network Engineering / Bartlomiej Bartlomiej Bednarz / November 2016


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RG301854 Fast Return to LTE, RG302343 Enhanced Fast Return to LTE  – 3 /8

In case there are multiple frequencies (EARFCNs) the frequency having the highest priority (ADJL:lteAdjCellPriority) is the first one in the list (‘cell selection…’) 

The sa The same me EAR EARFC FCN N canno cannott be conf config igur ured ed more more than than on once ce for for the same GSM cell


The MS camps directly to the LTE frequency indicated by the CHANNEL RELEASE in the after release of all TCHmessage and SDCCH   –  – Cell 4 selection indicator

1.Feature 1.Feature enabled, Call establish on LTE cell,

4. Return according to „ Cell selection


indicator ...”

Nextly,, MS perfor Nextly performs ms measur measureme ements nts to find find suitab suitable le cell cell under under indicated indi cated EARFCN(s) EARFCN(s):: 


MS reads System information Block – Block  – 1 (SIB1): 

qrxlevmin qrxlevm in (Minimum required required R X level level in cell) cell) -

qRx LevMinOffset LevMinOffset (Q R X level level min. min. offset offset)) -

Specifies the minimum

required RX RSRP level in the cell

Affects the minimum required RX


level in the cell 

limit the MS's uplink transmission power on a carrier frequency


 pMaxOwnC ell (Max. uplink upli nk trans mis s ion power own cell) - Defines the  And other SIBs. Then, suitable LTE cell is chosen (LTE cell where Scriterion is fulfilled)

For internal use

3. Call ends, channel release, cell selection

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© N ok osome k ia ia Si Sie me me ns ns scenarios, N et et w wo o rrk k s 2 01 01 2 In MS does not camp on indicated layer as there is no L LTE TE cell coverage MBB CS Network Engineering / Bartlomiej Bartlomiej Bednarz / November 2016




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RG301854 Fast Return to LTE, RG302343 Enhanced Fast Return to LTE  – 4 /8

Tracking Area Update (TAU) procedure procedure is always always performed when MS goes (backs) to the LTE cell (regardless that new new TA is the same or different than the one stored in the MS) 

MS store stores s TA/LA where where call was setup setup (combined ( combined EPS/IMSI attach or combined TA/LA update is required by CS Fallback functionality)

1.Feature 1.Feature enabled, Call establish on LTE cell,

4. Return according to „ Cell selection

Exception, TAU is not performed: 

If MS camps back to LTE and ISR is enabled, no TAU is performed unless the current Tracking Area Identity (TAI) is not on the MS MS TAIs TAIs list list 


indicator ...”


Idle Mode Singalling Singalling Reduction (ISR (ISR)) MS can be simultaneously registered multiplemeans tracking areas and routing areahere of UTRAN or to GERAN, that TAUofisE-UTRAN not performed – performed  – details


Typically TAU procedure takes less than a second


More information about triggers for TAU is presented in 3GPP TS 23.401, chapter

3. Call ends, channel release, cell selection


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indicated MBB CS Network Engineering / Bartlomiej Bartlomiej Bednarz / November 2016


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RG301854 Fast Return to LTE, RG302343 Enhanced Fast Return to LTE  – 5/8

CHANNEL RELEASE mes messag sage e con contai tains ns „Ce Cell ll Se Sele lect ctio ion n In Indi dica cato torr af afte terr re rele leas ase e of al alll TC TCH H an and d SDCCH ” element – 1/2:

C el elll Sel S election ection Indica Indic ato torr after after relea releas e of all all TC H and SDC S DC C H  ::=

{000 { 1 } ** 0 | 010 { 1 > } ** 0 | 011 { 1 } ** 0 }; ...

< E-U E-UTRAN TRAN Description Description struct > ::= < EARFCN : bit (16) > { 0 | 1 < Measurement Bandwidth : bit (3) > } { 0 | 1 < Not Allowed Cells: Cells: < PCID Group IE > > } { 0 | 1 < TARGET _ PCID PCID : bit (9) > };

3GPP TS 44.018


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RG301854 Fast Return to LTE, RG302343 Enhanced Fast Return to LTE  – 6/8

CHANNEL RELEASE message contains „Cell „Cell Selection Indicator after release of all TCH and SDCCH ” element – 2/2: EARFCNs EARFC Ns among all ADJLs:earfcn < E-UTRAN E-UTRAN Descr Descript iption ion struct struct > ::= < EARFCN : bit (16) > { 0 | 1 < Measurement Bandwidth : bit (3) > } { 0 | 1 < Not Allowed Cells: < PCID Group IE > > } { 0 | 1 < TARGET _ PCID PCID : bit (9) > };

Channel bandwidt bandwidth h of the particular EARFCN ADJL:lteAdjCellMinBand

See the backup slides (MS does not perform reselection to these cells. ‘Not  Allowed Cells’ are provided during during neighbor neig hbor rela relation tion creation) creation) Specifies the physical layer cell identity of the target cell (3GPP TS 36.211) THIS FIELD DOES NOT SUPPORTED BY RG301854 Fast Return to LTE FEATURE


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3GPP TS 44.018

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RG301854 Fast Return to LTE, RG302343 Enhanced Fast Return to LTE  – 7 /8

Call Release Procedures message flow (Release by MS)

Cell selection indicator after release of all TCH and SDCCH is send when SDCCH is CSFB indication points CSFB





Conversation phase FACCH





CSFB indication* Disconnect from MSC to BCS is in sent Clear command Release *T = CSFB, F = non CSFB


Release complete

Release complete


Channel release Start T3110


Channel release

Release complete Start T3109

Clear complete

Deactivate SACCH Disconnect

Stop T3109



Released indication


Clear command


Start T3111

RF Channel Release (TCH)Expiry T3111 RF Channel Release ACK

Release complete


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RG301854 Fast Return to LTE, RG302343 Enhanced Fast Return to LTE  – 8 /8

Wireshark logs:

Without the feature Lack of ‘Cell Selection Indicator after Release of all TCH and SDCCH’ 

With the feature

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LTE562 CS Fallback via Redirect – Target RAT procedures – 1/3

The nex nextt slides slides pre presen sentt som some e asp aspect ects s ded dedica icated ted to the the LTE562 C S Fal Fallb lba ack vi a R ed edir irect  ect functionality. They show that a particular ‘Location Registration procedure’ might take place when is release released d or/an or/and d when the call is setup. This means the call is that reduction of the delay in moving to LTE may not be that significant compared to the idle mode cell reselection to LTE LTE (BSS21353 LTE System Information only)

The Idle Mode Signalling Reduction functionality also impacts the placement of the ‘Location Registration procedures’ in the message flow

Details about LTE LTE562 562 Fallb Fal lba ack via areCShere Redirect NEI slides

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LTE562 CS Fallback via Redirect – Target RAT procedures – 2 /3

target RAT and Location Area Area Identity of the new cell is d different ifferent than  If the MS switches to the target

the one stored in the MS (as a result of combined combined EPS/IMSI attach or combined TA/LA TA/LA update), Location Area Update must be performed before a CS call can be setup


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LTE562 CS Fallback via Redirect – Target RAT procedures  – 3/3

 Having completed CS voice connection in GERAN GERAN cell, the MS may either stay in current current RAT or move

back to E-UTRAN by means of existing mobility management mechanisms

reselection is applied - no specific CS Fallback Fallback mechanisms are needed  normal idle-state cell reselection  to force MS to camp back to E-UTRAN, the LTE layer should be configured as the prioritized one in GERAN GERAN

 Having camped back to E-UTRAN, MS follows standard idle-state idle-state procedures

EMM-REGISTERED, it performs TA update* and then listens to paging and follows normal cell  if MS is still EMM-REGISTERED, selection/reselection procedures  If MS has data to be transmitted, it triggers Service Request procedure  if MS is EMM-DEREGISTERED, EMM-DEREGISTERED, it performs combined EPS/IMSI attach

terminated the MS performs standard mobility  If the MS remains in GERAN after the CS voice call is terminated management procedures including location and routing area updates Reduction ction (ISR) is not considered here *Idle-mode Signaling Redu


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RG301854/RG302343 RG302343 – (Enhanced Enhanced)) Fa Fast st Ret Retur urn n to LTE LTE RG301854/

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Technical Details




Benefits and Gains

Motivation and Feature Overview

Functionality and Implementation, Message Flows

Interdependencies Interdepend encies with Other Features and Functions

Simulation, Lab and Field Findings

5 6

Configuration Management Parameters and Parameterisation scenarios

Deployment Aspects  Activation, Configuration Configuration Examples, Fault Mgmt, Trial Trial Area


Performance Aspects


Compliance Aspects

Counters and KPIs, Feature Impact Analysis and Verification



For internal use © N ok ok ia ia Si Sie me me ns ns N et et w wo o rrk k s 2 01 01 2

NEI Contact: Bartlo Bartlomiej miej Bednarz Bednarz MBB CS Network Engineering / Bartlomiej Bartlomiej Bednarz / November 2016



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RG301854 Fast Return to LTE, RG302343 Enhanced Fast Return to LTE

B S S 21 21353 353 LTE S ys tem Inform Informa ation is prerequisite feature, means that neighbor relation(s) must be configured for RG301854/  RG302343 ( Enhanced  Enhanced   ) F as astt Return R eturn to LTE  s tep in interworking between 2G and LTE networks. It makes possible to B S S 213 21353 53 LTE S ystem Inform Informa ation is a first step

add neighboring LTE LTE layer parameters into BSC. Based on that MS is able tto o execute autonomous cell reselections from GSM cells to LTE LTE cells. 

R G 30 3017 1732 32 Fast Return Return from G S M to to TD-SC DMA ensures similar functionality with the TD-SCDMA network, but: 

When ( Enhanced  Enhanced   ) F ast R eturn to LTE  has status ON, is enabled in serving cell, MS is LTE capable (supports the same LTE mode that is supported in BSC) and LTE neighbors are defined for serving cell, then MS is moved to LTE even if MS is handed over from TD-SCDMA (all above conditions must be fulfilled)

R G 30 3018 1854 54 Fas Fas t Return Return to LTE is a prerequisite for R G 302 302343 343 Enhanced Fas Fastt Return to to LTE  RG302343 Enhanced Fast Return to LTE

RG301854 Fast Return to LTE

BSS21353 LTE System Information

RG301732 Fast Return from GSM to TD-SCDMA

Details about B S S 21 2135 353 3 LTE LTE Infor forma mation tion NEI  S ys tem In slides are here Details about RG301732 Fast

ret return urn from G S M to to TD -


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 S C D MA NEI slides are here MBB CS Network Engineering / Bartlomiej Bartlomiej Bednarz / November 2016


RG301854/RG302343 RG302343 – (Enhanced Enhanced)) Fa Fast st Ret Retur urn n to LTE LTE RG301854/

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Technical Details




Benefits and Gains

Motivation and Feature Overview

Functionality and Implementation, Message Flows

Interdependencies Interdepend encies with Other Features and Functions

Simulation, Lab and Field Findings

5 6

Configuration Management Parameters and Parameterisation scenarios

Deployment Aspects  Activation, Configuration Configuration Examples, Fault Mgmt, Trial Trial Area


Performance Aspects


Compliance Aspects

Counters and KPIs, Feature Impact Analysis and Verification



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Benefits its and Gains Benef RG301854 Fast Return to LTE, RG302343 Enhanced Fast Return to LTE

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Prob Pr oble lem: m: ce cell ll re re-s -sel elec ecti tion on pr proc oced edur ure e is sl slow ow 

Dur uriing this this pr proc oced edur ure e the the MS is not not av avai aila labl ble e (out (outag age e tim time duri during ng Lo Loca cati tion on/R /Rou outi ting ng Area Area Reg egis istr trat atio ion n procedure)

LA/RA LA/R A Regi Regist stra rati tion on proc procedu edure res s may may be requ requir ired ed after after th the e ca call ll rele releas ase e Placem emen entt of Locati ation Reg egis isttrati ratio on pr pro ocedu edure(s re(s)) in mess essage age flow low (eit (eithe herr in cal alll se settup phas ase e or afte afterr call  – Plac Details ls and det determ ermine ines s out outage age time time releas release) e) depend depends s on sev severa erall asp aspect ects s pre presen sented ted in Technica Technicall Detai

Fast st re retturn to LT LTE  E  provides a mechanism for the St Star arti ting ng fr from om RG30 RG30EP EP1 1 th the e fe fea atu ture re RG 301854 Fa MS to return back to the LTE cell immediately after the Channel Release for any call (i.e: CSFB CS FB/S /SRV RVCC CC call call or 2G/3 2G/3G G or orig igin inat ated ed call calls) s)

Star St arti ting ng fr from om GS GSM1 M17 7 th the e fe feat atur ure e RG 302343 Enh Enha ance ced d Fa Fast st re retturn to LTE pr prov ovid ides es a me mech chan anis ism m for the MS to return back to the LTE cell immediately after the Channel Release for CSFB call i.e. pre pr eve ven nti ting ng fr from om co cont ntin inu uin ing g wit ith h PS se serv rvic ice e on GSM – as it is bene benefi fici cia al to co con nti tinu nue e pa pack cket et tr tran ansf sfer  er  on LTE

Benefits: 

MS ba back cks s as fa fast st as po poss ssib ible le to th the e LT LTE E ne netw twor ork k when hen th the e call call is relea elease sed d in the the GSM netw networ ork k

LAU/ LA U/RA RAU U pr proc oced edur ures es to GERA GERAN N ar are e no nott pe perf rfor orme med d afte afterr call call re rele leas ase e (MS ou outa tage ges s ar are e mi mini nimi mize zed d)

 CS use tr traf affi fic c is pu push shed ed to GSM GSM with ith mini minimi mize zed d lat laten encie cies s an and d si sign gnall allin ing g lo load ad in the return phase to LTE For internal 28

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Benefits and Gains

Main Menu

Table of Contents

RG301854 Fast Return to LTE, RG302343 Enhanced Fast Return to LTE – 2/2

Testing Testi ng of return return time time to LTE based on on RG301854 RG301854 : 

Test environment  –

10 MO CSFB calls used for calculation. Measured from DL Channel Release message to UL Tracking Area Update Complete message.


Default GPRS territory on GSM BTS


Used MS Lumia 820

Test item

 Average time [s]

With Fast Return to LTE


Without Fast Return to LTE

Without Fast Return to LTE (without GPRS territory on GSM BTS)



Routing Area Update, after call release, generates additional delay in autonomous return


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Based on test results executed by Matti Jantola, MBB GSM MBB CS Network Engineering / Bartlomiej Bartlomiej Bednarz / November 2016


RG301854/RG302343 RG302343 – (Enhanced Enhanced)) Fa Fast st Ret Retur urn n to LTE LTE RG301854/

Main Menu

Table of Contents




Technical Details




Benefits and Gains

Motivation and Feature Overview

Functionality and Implementation, Message Flows

Interdependencies Interdepend encies with Other Features and Functions

Simulation, Lab and Field Findings

5 6

Configuration Management Parameters and Parameterisation scenarios

Deployment Aspects  Activation, Configuration Configuration Examples, Fault Mgmt, Trial Trial Area


Performance Aspects


Compliance Aspects

Counters and KPIs, Feature Impact Analysis and Verification


NEI Contact: Bartlo Bartlomiej miej Bednarz Bednarz

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Configuration Management

Table of Contents

Main Menu

RG301854 Fast Return to LTE, RG302343 Enhanced Fast Return to LTE

Definition of terms and rules for parameter classification -


The ‘Basic Parameters’ category contains primary parameters which should be considered during cell deployment and must be adjusted to a particular scenario. These are: -

Network Element (NE) identifiers


Basic parameters activating basic functionalities, functionalities, e.g. power control, admission control, handovers Parameters defining operators’ strategy, e.g. traffic steering, threshol ds for power control, handovers, cell resele ctions, b asic parameters defining feature behaviour 

Planning parameters, e.g. neighbour definitions, frequency, scrambling codes, CI, RA preambles Parameters that are the outcome from dimensioning, i.e. basic parameters defining amount of resources

The ‘Advanced -


category contains the parameters for network optimisation opt imisation and fine tuning:

Decent network performance should be achieved without tuning these parameters Universal defaults ensuring ensuring decent netw network ork performance need need to be defined for all parameters of this category. If this is not possible for a given parameter it must be put to the ‘Basic Parameters’ category Parameters requiring detailed system knowledge and b road experience unless rules for the ‘Basic Parameters’ category are viol ated

parameters (even without defaults) defaults) related related to ad advanced vanced and very complex complex features features -  All parameters

Purpose: Categories of parameters have been defined to simplify network parameterization. Parameterization effort shall be ffocused ocused mainly on parameters included in basic category. Categorization will will be reflected in a ‘view’ definition in NetAct CM Editor (planned in in RG40) i.e. parameters will be displayed according to the category: either in the ‘Basic parameters’ view or the ‘Advanced parameters’ view.

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Configuration Management

Table of Contents

Main Menu

RG301854 Fast Return to LTE, RG302343 Enhanced Fast Return to LTE – 1/4

New parameter  

The license state of the R G 3018 eturnToL oLTE  TE  301854 54 Fas Fastt R eturn eturn to LTE  must be in the ON/CONF state for the fastR  fas tR eturnT parameter (to make the parameter visible)

This parameter must be enabled to activate R G 302 302343 343 E nha nhanced nced Fas Fas t R et eturn urn to LTE 


Fast Return to LTE This paramete parameterr enabl enables es Fast retur return n to LTE LTE on the BTS lev level. el. When the feat feature ure is enabled BSC sends LTE neighbor related information to mobile during CHANNEL RELEASE message and with this information mobile can di directly rectly return to LTE wi witho thout ut pe perfo rformi rming ng LA/RA LA/RA upd update ate in 2G.




0 (Fast Return to LTE disallowed), 1 (Fast Return to LTE allowed)



Note: lic icen ense se fo forr th this is fe fea atu ture re must be acti tiv vat ated ed on BS BSC C, bscO scOpt ptio ion ns: New val alu ue ”Fa Fast st Re Retu turn rn to LTE” (186 (186)) is in incl clud uded ed

Default: Multiplicity:

0 1

license for Enhanced Fast Return to LTE feature must be activated on BSC, bscOptions: New value ”Enhanced Fast Return to LTE” (208) is included



MML command:


MML abbreviated name: FRLTE Category:


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Configuration Management

Table of Contents

Main Menu

RG301854 Fast Return to LTE, RG302343 Enhanced Fast Return to LTE – 2/4

New parameter  

This parameter is dedicated only to R G 302 302343 343 E nha nhanced nced Fas Fas t R et eturn urn to LTE 

allowGp all owGprsR rsResu esumeF meForF orFast astRet Return urnT ToLt oLte e

Allow Al low GPRS GPRS Resu Resume me for for Fast Fast Return Return to LTE LTE




0:Not allow allowed ed (N); 1:Allowed (Y)

With this parameter you define whether GPRS Resume procedure is allowed for Circuit Switched Fallback (CSFB) call when it is released and Enhanced Fast Return to LTE is in use.









MML command:


MML abbreviated name: GLTE Category:


If Mobile is DTM capable, stays in 2G, optional DTM BSS functionality is enabled (dtmenabled =Y) =Y) and parameter for resume allowGprsResumeForFastReturnToLte = allowed then Mobile stays in 2G - no fa fast st re return turn to to LTE LTE If GPRS Suspend w was as done when C CSFB SFB call was setup in BSS (i.e.:nonDTM mobile or DTM functionality not enabled) and parameter parameter fo forr resume allowGprsResumeForFastReturnToLte = allowed then then Mobile stays in 2G to resume 2G session session - no fast return to to LTE

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Configuration Management

Table of Contents

Main Menu

RG301854 Fast Return to LTE, RG302343 Enhanced Fast Return to LTE  – 3/4

New parameter  

This parameter is dedicated only to R G 302 302343 343 E nha nhanced nced Fas Fas t R et eturn urn to LTE 

minimu min imumR mRxLev xLevelF elForF orFastR astRetu eturnT rnToLt oLte e

Minimu Min imum m RX RX Lev Level el For For Fas Fastt Ret Return urn To LTE







With this parameter you define minimum Rx level in serving GSM BTS for Fast Return to LTE. Fast Return to LTE is not applied to calls with lower DL or UL Rx level. Rx level is used to predict the Rx level of LTE cell. If value is 0xFF (Not used) Rx level has no effect on whether fast f ast return to LTE is applied or not.







MML command:


MML abbreviated name: RXLTE Category:



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Configuration Management

Table of Contents

Main Menu

RG301854 Fast Return to LTE, RG302343 Enhanced Fast Return to LTE  – 4/4

Modified Modif ied parameter  parameter 


LTE Mode




Mode used in the system is TDD (0), Mode used in the system is FDD (1)



Default: Multiplicity:

0 1





This parame parameter ter defin defines es LTE mode mode (TDD o orr FDD), w whether hether used LTE LTE mode mode is T TDDDDLTE or FD FDD-L D-LTE. TE. BSC BSC supports supports only one LTE LTE mod mode e and M MS S needs to be capable capable of supported suppo rted mode.


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RG301854/ RG301854/RG302343 RG302343 – (Enhanced Enhanced)) Fa Fast st Ret Retur urn n to LTE LTE

Main Menu

Table of Contents




Technical Details




Benefits and Gains

Motivation and Feature Overview

Functionality and Implementation, Message Flows

Interdependencies Interdepend encies with Other Features and Functions

Simulation, Lab and Field Findings

5 6

Configuration Management Parameters and Parameterisation scenarios

Deployment Aspects  Activation, Configuration Configuration Examples, Fault Mgmt, Trial Trial Area


Performance Aspects


Compliance Aspects

Counters and KPIs, Feature Impact Analysis and Verification



NEI Contact: Bartlo Bartlomiej miej Bednarz Bednarz

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Deployment Aspects

Table of Contents

Main Menu

RG301854 Fast Return to LTE

Following steps enable RG301854 Fast Return to LTE functionality at BTS (SEG): 

License for B S S 21 2135 353 3 LTE S ys tem Inform Informa ation (prerequisite feature) must be installed and activated (state ON) at BSC 

installed (W7I) ZW7I:LIC,FULL:LIC= ZW7I:LIC,FULL:LIC=1965 1965;;

and activated activated (W7I) ZW7I:FEA,FULL:FEA= ZW7I:FEA,FULL:FEA=1965 1965;;

Turn feature state ON if needed (W7M)


ZW7M:FEA=1965 ZW7M:FEA= 1965:ON; :ON;

License for R G 3018 301854 54 Fas Fas t Return to to LTE  must be installed and activated activated (state ON) at BSC 

Check that the license covering covering feature (feature code: 1965) has been:

Check that that the license license covering fea feature ture (feature code: 4367) has been: 

installed (W7I) ZW7I:LIC,FULL:LIC= ZW7I:LIC,FULL:LIC=4367 4367;;

and activated activated (W7I) ZW7I:FEA,FULL:FEA= ZW7I:FEA,FULL:FEA=4367 4367;;

Turn feature state ON if needed (W7M) ZW7M:FEA= ZW7M:FEA=4367 4367:ON; :ON;

Enable feature on particular BTS (SEG)  ZEQF:BTS= ZEQF:BTS=bts_identification bts_identification:FRLTE=1; :FRLTE=1; CELL





… FAST RETURN TO LTE.......................(FRLTE).. BSC






Featu Fea ture re activa activatio tion n status status

ZEQO:BTS=bts_identification ZEQO:BTS= bts_identification:ALL; :ALL;

FAST RETURN TO LTE.......................(FRLTE).. 37

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Deployment Aspects

Table of Contents

Main Menu

RG302343 Enhanced Fast Return to LTE

Following steps enable enhanced functionality at BTS (SEG), previous slide presents prerequisities: 

License for R el elea eass e upg upg rade must be installed and activated (state ON) at BSC 

and activated activated (W7I) ZW7I:FEA,FULL:FEA= ZW7I:FEA,FULL:FEA=5655 5655;;

Check that that the license license covering fea feature ture (feature code: 5624) has been:

License for R G 302 30234 343 3 Enhanced Enhanced Fast R et eturn urn to to LTE LTE must be installed and activated (state ON) at BSC 

installed (W7I) ZW7I:LIC,FULL:LIC= ZW7I:LIC,FULL:LIC=5624 5624;;

and activated activated (W7I) ZW7I:FEA,FULL:FEA= ZW7I:FEA,FULL:FEA=5624 5624;;

Turn feature state ON if needed (W7M)


ZW7M:FEA=5624 ZW7M:FEA= 5624:ON; :ON;

Enable GPRS resume for enhanced fast return to LTE ZEEJ:GLTE=Y;

Disable GPRS resume for enhanced fast return to LTE 

installed (W7I) ZW7I:LIC,FULL:LIC= ZW7I:LIC,FULL:LIC=5655 5655;;

Turn feature state ON if needed (W7M) ZW7M:FEA= ZW7M:FEA=5655 5655:ON; :ON;

Check that the license covering covering feature (feature code: 5655) has been:


Configure Confi gure minimum minimum RX Level Level for enhanc enhanced ed fast return return to LTE 



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RG301854/RG302343 RG302343 – (Enhanced Enhanced)) Fa Fast st Ret Retur urn n to LTE LTE RG301854/

Main Menu

Table of Contents




Technical Details




Benefits and Gains

Motivation and Feature Overview

Functionality and Implementation, Message Flows

Interdependencies Interdepend encies with Other Features and Functions

Simulation, Lab and Field Findings

5 6

Configuration Management Parameters and Parameterisation scenarios

Deployment Aspects  Activation, Configuration Configuration Examples, Fault Mgmt, Trial Trial Area


Performance Aspects


Compliance Aspects

Counters and KPIs, Feature Impact Analysis and Verification



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Performance Aspects

Table of Contents

Main Menu

RG301854 Fast Return to LTE, RG302343 Enhanced Fast Return to LTE


Counter name



This counter measures the number of sent Channel Release messages that contain LTE neighbour cell related information. Trigger event: Counter is updated when BSC sends Channel Release including LTE neighbour data to MS.

Counter name


The number of successful CSFB calls from LTE LTE (00132 (001324) 4)

When Enhanced Fast Return to LTE feature is in use Fast Return to LT LTE E is applied only to CSFB calls indicated by MSS. New counter is implemented to count CSFB calls. Trigger event: Counter is updated when CLEAR COMMAND is received from MSC and "CSFB Indication" of the CLEAR COMMAND message states that released call is CSFB call.


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RG301854/RG302343 RG302343 – (Enhanced Enhanced)) Fa Fast st Ret Retur urn n to LTE LTE RG301854/

Main Menu

Table of Contents




Technical Details




Benefits and Gains

Motivation and Feature Overview

Functionality and Implementation, Message Flows

Interdependencies Interdepend encies with Other Features and Functions

Simulation, Lab and Field Findings

5 6

Configuration Management Parameters and Parameterisation scenarios

Deployment Aspects  Activation, Configuration Configuration Examples, Fault Mgmt, Trial Trial Area


Performance Aspects


Compliance Aspects

Counters and KPIs, Feature Impact Analysis and Verification


End to End Operability OSS and Core Interworking


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Compliance Aspects

Table of Contents

Main Menu

RG301854 Fast Return to LTE, RG302343 Enhanced Fast Return to LTE

Feature based on following specifications:  3GPP TS 24.008, Mobile radio interface Layer 3 specification; Core network protocols, Release 9  3GPP TS 44.018, Mobile radio interface Layer 3 specification; Radio Resource Control (RRC)

protocol, Release 9  3GPP TS 48.008, Mobile Switching Switching Centre - Base Station System (MSC-BSS) (MSC-BSS) interface; Layer 3

specification, Release 9


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References and Abbreviation Abbreviations s

Table of Contents

Main Menu

RG301854 Fast Return to LTE, RG302343 Enhanced Fast Return to LTE

 3GPP TS 24.008, Mobile radio interface Layer 3 specification; Core network protocols, Release 9  3GPP TS 44.018, Mobile radio interface Layer 3 specification; Radio Resource Control (RRC)

protocol, Release 9

 3GPP TS 48.008, Mobile Switching Switching Centre - Base Station System (MSC-BSS) (MSC-BSS) interface; Layer 3

specification, Release 9  RS RG301854 Fast Return to LTE  IS RG301854 Fast Return to LTE  BSS21353 LTE System Information NEI slides  CS Fallback to UTRAN or GSM via Redirect (LTE562)  RG302343 Enhanced Fast Return to LTE IS


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Table of Contents

RG301854 Fast Return to LTE


Main Menu


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S-critetion cell selection

Table of Main Contents Menu

• MS sele select cts s a eUTR eUTRA A cell cell if th the e S (s (sel elec ecti tion on)) cr crit iter eria ia is fu fulf lfil ille led: d: Srxlev > 0 Srxlev Srxl ev = Qrxlevm Qrxlevmeas eas – (Qrxlevmin* + Qrxlevminoffset**) - Pcompensation MS measurem measurement ent (RSRP)

SIB1 Parameter 

SIB1 Parameter 

Pcompensation = max (PEMAX*** – (PEMAX*** – PUMAX, 0) (dB) SIB1 Parameter 

* Qrxlevmin Qrxlevmin = LNCEL: LNCEL: qrxlevmin ** Qrxlevmino Qrxlevminoffse ffsett = LNCEL: LNCEL: qRxLevMinOffset (used only on ly when hen camp camped ed in VPLM VPLMN) N)  pMaxO wnC ell *** PEMAX = LNCEL: pMaxOwnC


PUMAX is MS class specific max. max. uplink transmit transmit power 

 Additional offset us used ed only only when when camp camped ed in VPLMN LNCEL; 2..18dB; 2dB; 18 dB


Maximum power the MS could use when accessing the cell; used to calculate Pco Pcompensation mpensation LNCEL; -30..34dBm; 1dBm; 34 dBm 34 dBm default me means ans not use used d

•  AND Squal> 0 

Minimum required RSRP level LNCEL; -140…-44dBm; 2dBm; -


18 dB default means not used

Squal Squ al = Qqualmea Qqualmeas s – (Qqua (Qqualmin lmin + Qqualminoffs Qqualminoffset) et) 46

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Technical Details

Table of Contents

Main Menu

BSS21353 LTE System Information

Changes in SI2quater  E-UTRAN Measurement Parameters Description

Indicates explicitly PCID barredLteAdjCellList Indicates one or more groups of consecutive PCIDs barredLteAdjCellGroup Defines the length of bit pattern

< Not A ll llowe owed d C el ells ls s truct > ::== { 1 < PC ID : bit (9 (9)) > } ** ** 0 -- expl xplicit icit PC ID co codin dingg { 0 | 1 < PCID_BITM PCID_BITMAP_G AP_G ROUP : bit (6 (6)) > } { 1 < PC ID_P attern_l ttern_length ength : bit (3) > < PCI D_P attern : bit (va (val(PCI l(PCI D_P atte tern_l rn_length ength + 1)) > Defines the PCID Pattern < PC ID_pa ID_pat t t ern_sense : bit (1 (1) ) > barredLteAdjCellPattern  } ** 0; Indicates whether PCID_Pattern as such defines the PCID group or the PCID_Pattern defines the exclusion from the PCID group barredLteAdjCellPatternSense In fact there are three ways to signal black-listed cells:  Explicit PCID coding of black listed cells 

Indication of one or more groups of consecutive PCIDs

 47

 A set of PCIDs with a defined defined bit pattern.

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Technical Details

Table of Contents

Main Menu

Idle Mode Signalling Reduction (ISR)

 Smooth LTE and legacy systems interworking requires mobility management features to be complemented with an

efficient intersystem location management mechanism. For that purpose the ISR functionality has been standardized by 3GPP  This enhancement requires S3/S4 S3/S4-based -based intersystem interworking architecture so that the S-GW is the anchor for MS

mobility. S6d/Gr  GERAN/ UTRAN


Iu-PS/Gb S12










S11 S1 1 S-GW

S5/S8 




The ISR mechanism is a kind of of the LTEtospecific tracking area list concept inter inter-RA T scenario. With the tracking area list concept, MSevolution can be registered multiple T TAs As and therefore does to notthe need to-RAT perform TA update every time it crosses TA TA boundary (unless it camps on a cell of tracking area it is not registered to).

 With ISR, ISR, a MS MS can be simultaneously registered to multiple tracking areas of E-UTRAN and routing area of UTRAN

or GERAN GERAN.. As long as a terminal moves between RAT RATs s but within the t he registered areas, neither RAU nor TAU is performed (with the exceptions of periodic updates). Hence, the signaling load du due e to inter-RAT transitions may be reduced. This, however, is possible only at the cost of increased paging-related paging -related signaling, which, in the case of ISR, has to be initiated in both SGSN and MME.

ISR, when an idle-mode MS switches between RAT RATs, the routing area update (if the target is  Without ISR, 48  

For internal use GERAN/UTRAN) or the tracking area update (if the target is E-UTRAN) must be executed, executed, which in turn entails © N ok ok ia ia Si Sie me me ns ns N et et w wo o rrk k s 2 01 01 2 MBBT CS Bartlomiej Bednarz / November 2016 dere istration istration of a MS from the source source RAT RA . Network Engineering / Bartlomiej

Technical Details

Table of Contents

Main Menu

LTE562 CS Fallback via Redirect – Target RAT procedures – 2/5

 Having switched switched to the target cell, MS attempts the call setup procedure procedure in the same way way as in case of a

normal call establishment in a given RAT attempts pts esta establishi blishing ng a radio radio signall signalling ing connect connection ion via via the target target –RAT  –RAT specific Random Access procedure  MS attem  Havin Having g established established RRC connection connection MS MS sends CM Service Request (originating Request (originating call establishment with CSMO

flag) or Paging Response to the network


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Technical Details

Table of Contents

Main Menu

LTE562 CS Fallback via Redirect – Target RAT procedures – 3/5

target RAT and Location Area Area Identity of the new cell is d different ifferent than  If the MS switches to the target

the one stored in the MS (as a result of combined combined EPS/IMSI attach or combined TA/LA TA/LA update), Location Area Update must be performed before a CS call can be setup  Having switched to the new RAT (UTRAN or

GERAN), RAU with MME interaction must be executed* RAU is executed in parallel to  in CSUTRAN, call establishment  in GERAN, if DTM is applicable, RAU is

executed via CS signalling channel using GPRS Transparent Transport Protocol (GTTP)  in GERAN, if DTM is not supported, RAU

cannot be executed until CS connection is comple completed ted

  As soon as RAU is executed in

UTRAN/GERAN, UTRAN/GER AN, MS is paged for PS session in UTRAN/GERAN

paging is forwarded from MME to SGSN via Gn IF or S3 IF For internal use


* Idle-mode Idle-mode (ISR) is not © N ok ok ia ia Si Sie me meSignaling ns ns N et et w wo o rrk k s 2 01 01Reduction 2

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Technical Details

Table of Contents

Main Menu

LTE562 CS Fallback via Redirect – Target RAT procedures – 4/5

GERAN, PS connection may be established in parallel to  If target RAT is UTRAN or DTM-capable GERAN,

th the e CS cal calll  PS session establishment is performed according to

target RAT specific rules  RAU procedure has to be completed first*

Idle-mode Signaling Reduction (ISR) is not considered here * Idle-mode

SGSN asks MME MME (via Gn IF or S3 IF)  during RAU, SGSN

for EPS Bearers based on which PDP Contexts are derived

 if inter-system interworking architecture is based on

Gn/Gp IF IF,, the PDN-GW is the anchor point for PS sessions (data is sent sessions sent from PDN-GW PDN-GW to MS via SGSN connected connected with PDN-GW PDN-GW with Gn IF)

 if inter-system interworking architecture is based on

S3/S4 IF, IF, the S-GW is the anchor point for PS sessions  If target RAT RAT is GERAN and DTM is not supported (either by the network or the MS), the Suspend

procedure is triggered by the MS (via SGSN towards MME) before before CM Service Request or Paging Response is sent

 having completed CS call, the MS may start the Resume procedure by performing RAU (if remains in 51

For internal use © N ok ok ia ia Si Sie me me ns ns N et et w wo o rrk k s 2 01 01 2

GERAN) or TAU procedure (if switches back to LTE)

MBB CS Network Engineering / Bartlomiej Bartlomiej Bednarz / November 2016


Technical Details

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LTE562 CS Fallback via Redirect – Target RAT procedures  – 5/5

 Having completed CS voice (or DTM) connection connection in GERAN/UTRAN cell, cell, the MS may either stay in

current RAT or move back to E-UTRAN by means of existing mobility management mechanisms reselection is applied - no specific CS Fallback Fallback mechanisms are needed  normal idle-state cell reselection  to force MS to camp back to E-UTRAN, the LTE layer should be configured as the prioritized one in


back to E-UTRAN, MS follows standard idle-state idle-state procedures  Having camped back  if MS is still EMM-REGISTERED, EMM-REGISTERED, it performs TA update* and then listens to paging and follows normal cell selection/reselection procedures Request procedure  If MS has data to be transmitted, it triggers Service Request  if MS is EMM-DEREGISTERED, EMM-DEREGISTERED, it performs performs combined EPS/IMSI attach

 If the MS remains in UTRAN/GERAN UTRAN/GERAN after the CS voice voice call is terminated the MS performs standard

mobility management procedures including location and routing area updates Reduction ction (ISR) is not considered here *Idle-mode Signaling Redu

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