ReynaPro Manual En

March 2, 2017 | Author: Alberto Einstein | Category: N/A
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ReynaPro Manual En...



Last Changes 02.07.2007 (In advance) © 2007 ORGADATA AG, Leer, Germany All rights reserved. Any reproduction of this manual will be prosecuted. The rise to the documentation belong to ORGADATA Software-Dienstleistungen AG, Leer, Germany. Published by: Reynaers Aluminium NV/SA Oude Liersebaan 266 2570 Duffel Belgium Internet: E-Mail: [email protected] Limitations of guarantee There is no guarantee for the accuracy of the contents of this manual. As errors despite all efforts can never be totally eliminated, we are grateful for any comments. 3


Contents General......................................................................................................................................... 7 Start Menu................................................................................................................................ 7 Main Menu................................................................................................................................ 8 User Interface........................................................................................................................... 9 Input of Elements ....................................................................................................................... 10 Job Data Input ........................................................................................................................ 10 Position Selection Functions .................................................................................................. 11 Create New Position............................................................................................................... 12 Grid Input............................................................................................................................ 14 Set and Delete Mullions and Transoms.............................................................................. 15 Insertion Input..................................................................................................................... 18 Insertion Data Input ............................................................................................................ 22 Secondary Profiles and Items............................................................................................. 23 Glass Input ......................................................................................................................... 24 Insertion Hardware ............................................................................................................. 25 Complete Position .............................................................................................................. 26 Positions Selection / Job Modification .................................................................................... 27 Input of a Pitched Position...................................................................................................... 29 Internal Rail Input ................................................................................................................... 31 Free Input ............................................................................................................................... 34 Input of a Curtain Wall............................................................................................................ 37 Mullion Divisions................................................................................................................. 39 Additional Hardware ............................................................................................................... 40 Settings .................................................................................................................................. 40 Select, Rename and Delete Jobs............................................................................................... 41 Position - Library ........................................................................................................................ 42 Printouts ..................................................................................................................................... 45 Estimation............................................................................................................................... 46 Position Drawing .................................................................................................................... 47 U-Value Report....................................................................................................................... 48 Assembly List ......................................................................................................................... 49 Cut Optimisation..................................................................................................................... 50 Cutting List ............................................................................................................................. 51 Survey Drawing ...................................................................................................................... 51 Installation Plan ...................................................................................................................... 52 Orders ........................................................................................................................................ 53 Profile Order ........................................................................................................................... 53 Gasket Frame......................................................................................................................... 54 Accessories Order.................................................................................................................. 54 Hardware Order...................................................................................................................... 55 Door Fillings ........................................................................................................................... 56 Glass/Panel ................................................................................................................................ 57 Glass/Panel Estimation .......................................................................................................... 57 Glass/Panel Request.............................................................................................................. 57 Glass/Panel Order.................................................................................................................. 58 Glass Assignment Plan .......................................................................................................... 59 Shaped Glass Drawing........................................................................................................... 59 Rebate Dimension Drawing.................................................................................................... 60 More Printouts ............................................................................................................................ 61 Price Takeover ....................................................................................................................... 61 Bill of Quantities ..................................................................................................................... 61 Quotation................................................................................................................................ 62 Delivery Note.......................................................................................................................... 63 Invoice .................................................................................................................................... 64 4

ReynaPro Word Processor.......................................................................................................................... 65 Fields...................................................................................................................................... 66 Add Templates ....................................................................................................................... 67 Select Templates.................................................................................................................... 67 Service/Settings ......................................................................................................................... 69 Estimation data....................................................................................................................... 69 Glass/Panel ................................................................................................................................ 70 Wages ........................................................................................................................................ 70 Address database .................................................................................................................. 72 Settings .................................................................................................................................. 72 Printer selection.................................................................................................................. 72 Margins............................................................................................................................... 73 Printer Defaults................................................................................................................... 73 Opti Stickers ....................................................................................................................... 74 Company letterhead ........................................................................................................... 75 Foreign currencies.............................................................................................................. 76 Users .................................................................................................................................. 77 Profile Orientation/View ...................................................................................................... 78 Saw settings ....................................................................................................................... 79 Material Display .................................................................................................................. 80 Additional settings .............................................................................................................. 80 Standard ......................................................................................................................... 80 Printouts ......................................................................................................................... 81 Word Processor.............................................................................................................. 82 Printing Problems ........................................................................................................... 82 Labour Hours.................................................................................................................. 83 Estimation....................................................................................................................... 83 Job Notes ....................................................................................................................... 84 Print Options................................................................................................................... 85 Output file ........................................................................................................................... 86 Addresses....................................................................................................................... 86 Setting for Interface File ................................................................................................. 87 Excel Interface................................................................................................................ 88 ERP/PPS Formate.......................................................................................................... 89 Online Database................................................................................................................. 90 Service and Update................................................................................................................ 91 Database .................................................................................................................................... 92 User Database ....................................................................................................................... 92 Discount Groups................................................................................................................. 93 Economic Data ................................................................................................................... 94 Economic Hardware Data................................................................................................... 95 System Profiles / Accessories ............................................................................................ 96 Hardware macros/Supplementary profile macros .............................................................. 97 Bottom Configuration.......................................................................................................... 98 Curved Profiles ................................................................................................................... 99 Standard glass.................................................................................................................... 99 Insu-Glass ........................................................................................................................ 100 Panels .............................................................................................................................. 101 Shaped Glass ................................................................................................................... 102 Intersections ............................................................................................................................. 103 CAD.......................................................................................................................................... 105 Function bar ......................................................................................................................... 105 Toolkit................................................................................................................................... 107 Function key assignments.................................................................................................... 109 Menu bar / Pull down menus................................................................................................ 110 Pull down menu "Data"..................................................................................................... 110 5

ReynaPro Pull down menu "Edit" ...................................................................................................... 112 Pull down menu "Drawing functions"................................................................................ 114 Pull down menu "Effects" ................................................................................................. 117 Pulldown menu "View"...................................................................................................... 119 Pulldown menu "Dimension" ............................................................................................ 120 Pulldown menu "Settings" ................................................................................................ 121 What is "Relative Positioning"? ........................................................................................ 125 How does Drawing Administration work? ............................................................................. 125 Printing / Plotting Menu - Printing out from Intersections and CAD.......................................... 126 Document Fields .................................................................................................................. 128 Static system ............................................................................................................................ 129 Explanation of determining static ......................................................................................... 130 Additional optimisation ............................................................................................................. 131 2D Optimisation........................................................................................................................ 132



General Start Menu

If you create more than one user account in the user management of ReynaPro, the program will ask you for the username and password during the start procedure. The request will be omitted if only one user is listed. For more information see Users, page 77.



Main Menu

After running the program the main menu is displayed. From here you can select the different functions of ReynaPro. In the lower area of the main menu you can see information about the current job. The list on the left hand contains all positions included the selected job.



User Interface

With the following functions you can change the view of the drawings. You can scroll the drawing and change the size of it. It is also possible to switch between the inside and outside of the element. Here you will get a first view of the functions of the user interface. 1

Move drawing up/down


Zoom in / out

3 Zoom in

Zoom out

Centre drawing 4

Move drawing left/right


Configuration of the width/height of the user interface


Cancel the input of elements with saving



Input of Elements To create a new job or to modify an existing job, select "Input of Elements" in the main menu.

Click "Create a New Job" to do so. If you want to edit an existing job select "Modify an Existing Job".

Job Data Input

After running Input of Elements, the "Address Menu" screen will be displayed. Here you may enter your customer's address and further job information. The job name is mandatory all other fields may remain empty. You get access to the internal address database where you select the designated address from by clicking the button "Address Database". Usually all users are able to access all jobs in ReynaPro. The access can be restricted to the user who created the job. For this untick the checkbox "Allow all users to work on this job". After you have entered all required information click the button "OK" to proceed to the next window. Note: The discounts are only used on printouts "Quotation", "Order Confirmation" and "Invoice". They aren't considered on the estimation printout. 10

ReynaPro Position Selection Functions

To create a new position click the button "Create New Position". If you want to modify or copy a position select the designated position and click the button "Edit or Copy existing Positions". A free text position can be created by the button "New Text Position". This position is independent from elements and includes free designed text which may be accompanied by estimation surcharges and labour hours. These positions are displayed in all relevant printouts. You are able to add pure material positions, i.e. positions which include only single materials for repair purposes, or you can do the same by importing existing lists from other programs in XMLformat. For this click the button "New Material Position". You can load already applied positions from other jobs and Grid Price Lists by the buttons "Position from another Job" and "Position from Grid Price List". Select "Recalculate all Piece Lists" to update all positions after a modification of the database. The item "Apportion Positions" applies costs (e.g. insulation, sheet metal, travel costs, etc.) which are apportioned to all positions of the job. The apportion cost proportion of each position is calculated by the ratio of position cost to total cost of job. You may also insert positions from other software solutions in XML-format by the function "Import". If you want to insert positions from the position-library click the button "Library Position". Hit


or the button "Main Menu" to leave Position Selection and to return to Main Menu.

Tip: Instead of clicking "Create New Position" you can just hit

Ins .

Tip:You are able to alter the address and job later by the button "Address" at the bottom of the screen. Tip: When you right-click a position a popup-menu opens and various functions to edit the position are displayed. 11


Create New Position

First enter a number for the position and if necessary also a brief description. You can allocate positions to phases, too. To create a new phase click the button "New" behind the dropdown-menu "Belongs to Phase" and enter the description of the new phase. After this determine the new position's profile system. An example section of each system is displayed during the selection. Depending on the system the program asks for e.g. glazing bead variants or system variants (subsystems). Having selected the profile system you directly proceed to the system preferences screen. Tip: Frequently used systems may be marked as favourites and are then always displayed on top of the selection list. For this determine the system with the corresponding variants you want to set as favourite and click the button "Add to Favourites". To remove systems from the favourite list right-click on the corresponding entry and select the option "Remove from Favourites".



This screen helps to raise the input speed of positions significantly. The program would usually ask for each single transom, mullion, frame etc. during the following input. As you frequently use the same transoms, mullions or frames within a job you can setup your preferences in this screen. The profiles will be set automatically in the further input process but you may still modify them if required. The set preferences only apply to new positions of the current job. Select the item "Save as Standard Settings" to use these preferences in future jobs. Through this you determine the set preferences as standard preferences of the used system. When you turn on structural analysis the mullions and transoms are checked for sufficient moments of inertia (second moment of area). The check applies to all mullions and transoms which are no frame or jamb elements. For structural analysis please note also Explanation of determining statics, page 130.



Grid Input

Now the program asks for the number of fields in width and height. After you have determined the quantity of fields the element is already drawn. Note: This screen is not applicable for particular systems (e.g. Sliders, Skylights). Tip: If it is impossible to define the position to be entered due to slant frames and mullions select the button "Free Input". Tip: There are some templates defined for a couple of systems by which you can quickly apply frequently arising constructions (Button "From Element-Template").



Set and Delete Mullions and Transoms

After you determined the number of fields in width and height the program asks for the total width as well as the partial widths and for the total height as well as the partial heights. In order to split the fields equally leave their status on "automatic". Fields which are calculated automatically are labelled by "A". The advantage of an automatic allocation consists in the fact that only automatic fields will be adjusted in case of later modifications (e.g. change of total dimension). If you want to determine a partial dimension either enter the absolute dimension or an equation e.g. T/2 (T = total dimension). The result of this formula will be figured automatically and entered into the corresponding field. Please note that this is a pure pocket calculator function. The equation itself won't be saved after the value was figured. Tip: If you want to alter one field's dimension simply click on the corresponding dimension and the program will jump automatically into the correct input field. Note: When using door and window systems the total dimensions refer to the distance from outer edge of frame to outer edge of frame, for a door they refer to finish floor level (FFL). The partial dimensions refer to outer edge of frame to centre line of mullion etc. In curtain wall constructions it is also possible to select centre line to centre line as dimension reference by a corresponding setting. Tip: You may swap between internal and external view anytime. For this press the button "I / O" in the bottom left corner.



Add / Delete Fields After all dimensions were entered you may correct your inputs by adding or deleting fields ("Add Fields" and "Delete Fields") or by altering the entered dimensions using the buttons "Total / Partial Width" or "Total / Partial Height". Set / Delete Profiles In order to delete an individual profile or to re-set it, right-click on the corresponding profile and select "Delete Profile" or "Set Profile" in the popup menu. It is possible to delete or set individual profiles by the button "Set / Delete Profiles" or to do the same for multiple profiles by the mark functions. Mark Areas The following functions are available: Individual selection by mouse-click, multi-selection by Ctrl and mouse-click and the possibility "area selection". For an area selection open a selection box over the profiles to be marked by using the left mouse button. There the open direction is decisive: A selection box from left to right marks only profiles which are fully enclosed by the box, a selection box from right to left marks enclosed and intersected profiles. Pitches Element pitches are also performed in this screen. Simply click the buttons "Left Pitch" and "Right Pitch" and enter the corresponding dimensions. You can either enter the displayed dimension or the enumerated mullion or transom centre lines. Add-On Profiles and Couplings You can set add-on profiles and couplings here, too. For add-ons click the button "Add-On Profiles" and select the profile and profile side where you want to place the add-on. By keeping Ctrl pressed you are able to select multiple profiles/profile sides. An add-on never changes the outer dimension of an element, it is always included in this outer dimension. For a coupling click the corresponding button and afterwards select one or more (keep Ctrl pressed) profiles you want to transform into coupled constructions. Then ReynaPro offers all entered couplings of this system which you can apply by the corresponding button in the explanation field. Now the centre line dimensions refer to the outer edges of the coupling


ReynaPro profiles. Additionally the gap of the coupling (if applicable) is dimensioned, too. The outer dimension of the element doesn't change. It is also possible to add additional mullions and transoms to the construction. For this enter the position of mullion from left and the position of transom from FFL. Tip: Don't run "Free Input" earlier, because this way you can already use the entered grid in your CAD construction (See Free Input, page 34).



Insertion Input

In this screen you determine the insertion types of the position. In the explanation field you can find door symbols and in the assistant field window symbols which are only offered depending on the possibilities of the selected system. If there is e.g. no folding door in a system then the option isn't displayed. Solid and dashed lines in the symbols show the open direction depending on the selected view (internal or external). A green frame stands for a sash. Consider this when entering fixed sashes and glazing from inside/outside. You can leave fields blank which include customer constructions or other constructions from vendors by "Empty Window" and "Empty Door". Deleted fields are fully removed from the construction (e.g. stepped constructions), but they can be replaced by another function anytime. The currently selected field is red. After each insertion selection the program proceeds to the next insertion field. The following selection functions are available for insertions to be determined: Individual selection by mouse-click, multi-selection by Ctrl and mouse-click and the possibility "area selection". For an area selection open a selection box over the fields to be marked by using the left mouse button. There the open direction is decisive: A selection box from left to right marks only fields which are fully enclosed by the box, a selection box from right to left marks enclosed and intersected fields.

In order to modify you can click the insertion field and alter the function anytime.



After selecting insertions and setting profiles the program asks for different dimension references if applicable: Since we entered a stepped construction in our example the program still requires the information if the entered partial height refers to centre line, inner or outer edge of mullion. You are able to switch between these possibilities by F2 or you can select one directly by mouse-click. Note: A modification of the dimension reference evokes a change of the right-hand dimension chain because the centre of mullion or the outer edge of frame is always dimensioned.



In this screen it is possible to display section drawings. Right-click next to a transom or mullion. A popup menu with various functions opens. Select the item "Set Section Line" and draw the line over the area you want to have the section generated from. You are also able to correct the input of all values in this window again. Simply hit the corresponding button. "Insertions"

You can change your entered insertions by this function afterwards. Among other things it is possible to transform a Deleted Field into another insertion (Glazing, Panel, Window).

"Frame", "Mullion", Here you are able to re-set the profiles. The program proceeds profile per profile. The button "Pitched/Curved Profiles" is "Transom", only available if the construction includes the corresponding "Pitched/Curved “ profiles, e.g. when using Free Input (See Free Input, page 34) "Set Partial Profile" Click on the partial profile to be altered and select the corresponding profile from the profile list. As soon as you have set the partial profile confirm by "Apply". Specification of Corner Connections, T-Connections and X"Modify Connections, if the horizontal or vertical profile shall pass or if a Connections" mitred connection shall be performed: Select the connection to be altered either by mouse-click or by cursor control keys. F2 switches between the connection possibilities. The program displays all options consecutively whereas the current one is enlarged. There is also another setting alternative for pitched elements, for this see Input of a Pitched Position, page 29. Here you can determine if and how far mullions and frames are "Extensions" extended at top and bottom. To this the program asks consecutively for each single extension. This item is primarily used during the input of curtain walls. At door elements you can also use the function "Bottom Configuration" to setup the bottom extension. Determine the position of a profile division here. "Profile Division" 20

ReynaPro The allocation of all profiles will be deleted and you are asked to re-assign each single profile. This is mainly reasonable to alter a construction depth or to change the insulator of a curtain wall. Rebate or glass dimensions are equalised. This function is only "Equal Rebate Dimension in Width" available for rectangular elements. "Reset all Profiles"

You are able to adapt rebate and glass dimensions. Unless all fields shall obtain the same dimension choose "Only selected fields". Then you are asked to determine the fields to be equalised. "Equal Rebate Dimension in Height" "Bottom Configuration"

Rebate and glass heights can be equalised. The individual options correspond with those of "Equal Rebate Dimension in Width". This item is only available at door elements and windows with sills. Here you determine the type of bottom configuration and the bottom extension of frame profiles. The bottom configuration includes bottom rail terminations, bottom rail alignments, thresholds and settings for the bottom gap. During the selection process you can right-click the drawing of the currently chosen bottom configuration and select one of the display options of the popup menu: Display in CAD, Full Screen Mode and Advanced View. It is possible that only one particular bottom rail profile is available. This one will be selected automatically.

"Wall Connection"

Here you are able to determine and, if required, to correct the wall connection.

"Insertion Data"

Modify sash or leaf profiles, bottom rails, partial door width, door midrail positions and handle heights. The program runs through this screen automatically during an initial input (See Insertion Data Input, page 22).

"Internal Rail Setting"

Select this item in order to setup internal rails of doors and windows (See Internal Rail Input, page 31). It is only available if you entered the insertion data first.

"Door Frame Design"

If you click "Door Frame Design" the door top and side lights will be attached to the door.


Here it is possible to enter missing Ug/Up-Values for the applied glass and panel types.

"System Variants"

This item allows you to alter again the glazing bead variants and subsystems.

Tip: If you want to use customised bottom configurations you can enter those in the database. 21


Insertion Data Input

After completing the base element the program automatically requests the input of Insertion Data. At a door you are asked for leaf profiles, bottom rails, handle height and midrails. For complex constructions select the item "Internal Rail Setting" after having completed Insertion Data. At windows only the sash profile is requested. Additionally you have got to enter a partial width at multi-part insertions. Meeting stile windows and pairs of doors require the input of the meeting stile information first and then you are being asked for the other sashes or leaf profiles. In parts you are able to setup this information already in the system preferences screen. Note: Door pairs always request the input of the master leaf's partial width, whereas meeting stile windows ask for the partial width of the leaf to be opened first.



Secondary Profiles and Items

Here you may add secondary, not automatically applied profiles, e.g. sill, shutter and wall connection profiles. For this all database profiles are available. The list is narrowed down to those profiles which are labelled as Secondary Profiles in the database. In order to input other profiles either enter the profile number manually or tick the checkbox "Display with Accessories" at the bottom of the profile list and select it. You are able to create secondary profile macros which include e.g. all parts of wall connection. Then this macros can be chosen from the list. The program either inserts the macro as a whole or all included parts will be written separately in the upper list. Thus all individual items of the macros may be deleted or altered later. To learn more about secondary profile macros see Hardware macros/Supplementary profile macros, page 97. At frequently used secondary profiles which are not listed you may activate the option "Secondary Profile" in the database in order to display them in the future. Only the profiles of the supplier whose system is currently selected will be displayed. In order to access also other secondary profiles tick the checkbox "Display all suppliers" at the bottom of your profile list. It is possible to load secondary profiles from already entered positions by hitting "From another Position", "From previous Position" or "From another Job".



Glass Input

The program asks you field by field which glass to apply. Thereby the currently selected field is displayed red. If you entered system preferences for glazing then the program allocates automatically glass or panel to the fields . After having decided for a filling the program displays a list of available thicknesses for this filling type. Glass units require an additional information about possible special glass inside or outside. If the selected glass turns out inappropriate (e.g. dimensions too large, side ratio exceeded) you may apply it anyway. However, the program asks in this case for the glass pane's price per area or price per unit. When using standard glass where no price is entered in the database (price on demand) you will be asked for a price per area or price per unit, too. This price applies to all other panes of this type in this position. There are two possibilities to enter a glass which is not part of the database: If you want to use the glass only once select the item "Manual Glass Input" from the list. Then input the glass name and the price per area or unit. If you want to use a glass multiple times in your current job you can create a project glass. This applies also to other positions of the job. The price assigned to project glass may be altered in the estimation data later. Tip: You may apply a previously entered glass including all assigned properties by "Copy from Previous Field". Tip: You are able to copy fillings, too. Right-click the filling you intend to copy and select "Copy Filling". Then paste it into the corresponding field by right-click and "Paste Filling". Note: Glass prices entered in the database can be checked and modified over "User Database" / "Glass Units" or "Standard Glass" (See Insu-Glass, page 100 or Standard glass, page 99). 24


Insertion Hardware

It is possible to allocate fittings in ReynaPro by the hardware manager. All hardware items are selected step by step. During the input ReynaPro checks all possible hardware combinations which belong to the selected item. Only reasonable entries are displayed to be selected by the user. In order to assign hardware items just click on the item you want to determine in the right input window. If you want to see all currently applied fittings (apart from additional hardware) at a glace click the button "Part List" in the top right corner. Hardware macros of older ReynaPro versions may still be used. For this use the bottom area of the insertion hardware screen.



Complete Position

In the fabrication and installation hours screen the program asks for quantities, labour hours, colours and other parameters of the position. Alternative positions are labelled by entering "0" at "Quantity". When you tick the option "Treatment for Locking Bars" then the inside colour of the insertion will be applied to the locking bars. If the colour is a coating then "E6/EV1" (anodised) will be used. If you select "Crimp" for corner cleats although there is no crimpable cleat available for the profiles then the program applies automatically the pinned corner cleat ("Nail"). Finally the program figures the part list whereby the position input is completed. NB: If you enter values in the fields "Time Fabrication", "Time Installation" and "Time Dismantling" ReynaPro generates a corresponding description in the quotation, e.g. "Including Dismantling, Installation and Sealing to Structure...". Tip: The program is able to suggest fabrication and installation hours. For this you have to input your typical labour effort in User Database/Labour Hours once ( Labour Hours, page 83). Then tick the option "Accept Suggestion" in the "Fabrication and Installation Hours" screen. Tip: It is possible to attach a comment to a position. For this click into the comment field.



Positions Selection / Job Modification

After completing a position input you will automatically return to this menu. In this menu you can find all already entered positions including quantity, colour, profile system and position drawing. In order to modify an existing position select the designated position and click the item "Edit or Copy existing Positions". The following window opens:

You will get a selection of different modification possibilities and you are able to alter the whole position or only particular items. When you click the button "Modify Position" the whole position will be opened for modifications. In this case the program proceeds step by step through all screens of the element input. If you don' t want to alter anything in a screen hit "Enter" or click the button "Next".


ReynaPro If you select the item "Copy" ReynaPro will ask for the position number of the new position. Then the new position will be placed at the bottom of the list. You can alter the new position directly in order to perform e.g. dimension changes. Positions can also be deleted completely by clicking the button "Delete". If you want to apply a different system to the position select the item "Swap System". It is possible to edit a position's name, quantity and colour, too. Via "Modify Glazing" you reach the Glass Input screen directly. Furthermore you may alter the following items: secondary profiles, hardware, labour hours, uvalues and sealings. When all positions are entered select the item "Main Menu" at the bottom of the screen or simply hit "Esc". You can also modify this job later by re-selecting "Input of Elements" on the Main Menu.



Input of a Pitched Position After you have entered how the fields are separated (2 widths, 1 height in this example) and the field measurements (total width 2000 mm, part width 1000 mm, total height 1000 mm), click on the button "Left pitch". ReynaPro first asks for the measurements or the transoms where the pitch begins (above). The transoms are numbered here.

If you enter 0 , 1 or 2 ,ReynaPro recognizes that you would like to choose the corresponding transom, and every other value will be interpreted as a measurement. You can also enter for example 500 (for 500 mm). In this example however you enter 1, to enable the pitch to begin at the middle transom. Next the program asks you for the lateral height up to the start of the pitch. Here the measurements are requested at the lower edge of the elements. With 0 you can choose the lower lock/frame. But for this example, please enter the measurement 300. Note: To delete a pitch again, choose "Left pitch" or "Right pitch" and press

F2 .

You can now change to the next menu and populate the fields with insertions. Once you have populated all the insertions and all the profiles as in the previous position, choose the item in the right-hand column "Change connections". Here you can choose between mitred and adjoining for the corner connections. For cross joints you can choose which profile goes through and which adjoins. In pitched corners you can move a running profile. Move the red cross using the arrow keys or the mouse on to the connection to be changed. You can change the join with

F1 .The

program goes through all the possibilities.



Choose the pitched edge as in the illustration. Use for placing the mullion:


to switch between the three possibilities

1. The outside view of the mullion runs into the corner so that the join is 90° and the outside view does not have to be latched. 2. The inside view of the mullion runs into the corner so that the join is 90° and the outside view does have to be latched. 3. The axis of the mullion rises to the top. 4. The inside view of the mullion runs into the corner so that the join of the mullion matches the angle of the pitched frame, and the outside view must therefore be latched. 5. The outside view of the mullion runs into the corner so that the join of the mullion matches the angle of the pitched frame, and the outside view must therefore not be latched. ReynaPro moves the mullion, and the corner measurement remains unchanged. When ready, click on "OK". The next actions for this position are the same as those for positions described earlier. Note: For lateral connections there is the same procedure as for the corners in the frames above. One condition here is that when entering the pitch, a lock number has been entered and not a fixed measurement. Note: To see other details in the drawing more closely, you can enlarge it using + in the area of the mouse position. With - you make the area smaller, and with x you return to the normal view.



Internal Rail Input After inputting the base elements and the insertion data, click on the button transoms & mullions.

You now have various possibilities for entering transoms & mullions. You can click on "Add locks" to add locks. In this dialog, enter the number of locks desired and click on "Same glass measurements" or "Free measurement input", depending on whether you want equal division of glass or free division.

If you have not set any preferences for the transoms & mullions profile and the locks profile, the program will ask you for the profile number. The function "Add transoms & mullions" works just like "Add locks". In order to enter a lock in the door which has the same axis as the lock in the right-hand side, click on "Adapt profile". You can now click the lock into the side part using the mouse. As in this case the building depths between the door wing and the side part agree, the profile height and profile number will be adopted. Otherwise only the profile height would be adopted, and the profile number would be requested. You enter a pitched mullion using "Add free mullion": Using the mouse, you can choose every corner point and every point on the frame of the chosen insertion. If you have chosen a point on the frame, the program displays the measurement for correction. ReynaPro now asks you if you 31

ReynaPro would like to set the course of the mullion at a fixed angle or at an endpoint to be chosen. The choice of endpoint ensues like the choice of starting point. Transoms & mullions can only be entered from side to side of the insertion. If a transom should only run to another transom, it must first be completely entered and then shortened using "Delete part profile". You can also use these possibilities in combination. In the following example, the first and the third possibilities are used.

To enter the transoms & mullions, proceed as follows: Choose "add free mullion" and click with the mouse on the upper left edge of the door. The program now asks you if you want to enter the ending point of the mullion by angle or by an ending point.

Choose "angle" and enter the desired angle into the next dialog field.

(In this example please enter 145°.) Next, the program asks where the mullion should run to in the upper edge. On the right-hand side of the screen, you can see the corresponding possibilities. The dashed lines represent the outside view of the profile. This choice means that the pitched mullion when seen from outside with the upper edge runs directly into the corner of the wing profile. After you have chosen the profile number, you can continue with the next mullion. Choose “add free mullion” As a starting point, click on the point where the first mullion touches the wing 32

ReynaPro profile. Again choose the possibility to include the mullion above the angle, and enter an angle of 35°. After entering the profile number, answer the question about the course of the mullion by clicking on the icon illustrated here:

Choose "add mullion" To the question about the number of mullions, answer "1" and choose the button "Equal glass measurements".

After entering the profile number, choose the item "delete part profile" and click on the profile piece to be removed. If you now click on "Next" at the lower edge of the screen, the program returns to the previous menu and shows also the glass mouldings etc.



Free Input You can start a "Free Input" by entering and dimensioning, as in a normal input, the basic grid, and then using the button "Free Input". In this case, ReynaPro takes over the grid (see the example below). If you use the button "Free Input" without having defined the element grid in advance, "Free Input" starts with an empty screen. In this case you can construct it as you wish.

Using the CAD function, you can change and enlarge the grid. The CAD function is described starting at CAD, page 105.



When the drawing is ready, choose the function "Next" to get to the next menu. For a problem-free construction it is vital that all the line features are closed. ReynaPro can deal with discrepancies up to a certain point, but large discrepancies will result in ReynaPro reporting an error and not continuing to the next menu. Note: Only yellow / black lines are populated with profiles. Inputs with other colours are left untouched on the drawing. This feature can be used for example for dimensions or comments. Note: As soon as a position becomes a "Free input", it is no longer possible to return to the grid input. This means that measurement changes etc must be done in the line drawing. The only way to return to the grid input is to delete the whole drawing and click on "back". ReynaPro recognizes the lines and populates them with profiles. You can now input insertions and change the profile population. The procedure from here on is exactly the same as was described in previous positions. In addition there is the button "pitched mullions".



Note: ReynaPro recognizes model window panes automatically and takes into account in the calculation any impact from them. Note: Two-leaf doors and stile windows can only be entered in rounded fields.



Input of a Curtain Wall

The input of surfaces, glass, panels and structural engineering functions as in window positions. When inputting jambs and locks, the program displays the profile from the base profile for any insulator, a press profile and a cover one after the other, and you can put a combination together. Tip: If you would like to use a mullion profile instead of a lock, or the other way around, click when choosing the profile on the button "Also transom" or "Also mullion". In all cases, think about how easy or difficult it will be to build your chosen solution. The geometry of a facade position is built up in the same way as a window or door position. You can adapt the measurement of the OkFF (upper floor edge) in relation to the lower lock by clicking on the button “Set OkFF“. Door positions entered later will relate to the OkFF. When you leave the geometry menu using “next”, all fields with fixed glazing will be populated automatically. To enter door insertions or panel fields in these fields, choose the button "Input of insertions". The following dialog then appears.



You can change insertions already input using "Edit insertion". You enter windows and doors using the buttons "Window insertion" and "Door insertion". When you click on the button, the program jumps automatically to the input of the insertion position. You can enter the insertion position as you are already familiar with from the simple window and door positions. Via the button "Panel/fixed field row" or "Panel/fixed field column" you can populate a whole row or column with panel fields with just a single click. You can save time inputting similar insertions by entering the first insertion and then choosing "Copy insertion" to place it in the corresponding fields. Doing this, you can still establish the direction of opening of the insertion.



Mullion Divisions To separate mullion profiles, choose the button "Mullion Divisions". The program asks you the following questions:

If you choose "Select new separation for all mullions" the program will ask you for the separation measurement for the inside and outside profiles. The measurement that you have entered for the inside profile will be used for the mullion profile and if necessary on the insulator, the measurement for the outside profile on the press profile and the cover. For the item "Edit mullion divisions by each" you can choose another separation measurement for each individual profile. For every separation you can choose whether the "air" matches the system settings, ("System air") or are entered freely. In free input of the distance of the mullion profile, no accessories will be calculated for the transom join. Note: If you click on "next" in order to get to the next program menu, and some of the profiles are longer than the longest measuring rod, the program will automatically ask you if you want to undertake a mullion separation.



Additional Hardware Settings

Positions can be entered either as an inside or outside view. The view can always be chosen in the Input of elements using the "IÙA" button. With “Outside view as default” you are of course defining the initial view. "Automatic Order numbering": The order number is automatically set when creating a new object. "Automatic Order numbering": The order number is automatically set when creating a new object. "Measurement input for facades": You can relate the measurements input for the facade to exterior measurements or to axis measurements. The other buttons determine the appearance of the position plan. Also the item "Position drawing measurements for curtain walls" sets whether axle-frame outside measurements are shown. Furthermore, only frame outside measurements are entered.



Select, Rename and Delete Jobs Before you can modify or estimate a project you must select a job from the list in the "Job Manager". Please click the button "Select Job" in the main menu to open the Job Manager.

In this dialogue you will get a summary of all jobs of your installation. You have got the possibility to create new jobs, too. Furthermore you can edit, delete, rename, copy, move, import and export the jobs. When you right-click a job, a menu will open. Among others you are able to send a job by email. You can setup which job shall be displayed by using the filter option. If the job list became very long you may apply the search function at the bottom of the dialogue in order to find a job faster.



Position - Library You can enter templates for future inputs by the "Position Library". To create a new position click on the button "New".

Enter the position's name.

The further procedure complies with the Input of Elements. In the position library the number of fields in width and height is limited to four. To use the templates from the position library go to Position Selection in the Input of Elements and click the button "Library Position". You are also able to create a new library position over the main menu. Right-click in the window of the position survey and select the item “New Æ Position from Library”.



The position library window with the templates opens.

Select the template you want to use here.


ReynaPro In the following window you are able to re-define the template. Here you can alter both total and partial dimensions, determine new colours and edit glazing. All inputs made here are automatically applied to the template. That way you are able to modify and create frequently used elements by minimum effort.

After creation the position is listed in the position selection and can be edited like any other position.



Printouts In ReynaPro you can generate different print outs. You can display the print out before you print it. For that, choose the button To print directly, click the button



The menu items vary depending on the selected printout. The different printouts are described on the following pages. You can return to the main menu by hitting


or "Cancel".

If you click on the button "Display", the following window opens.

By the buttons and you can browse through the pages of the document. Instead of the buttons, you can also use the keys - and + . you can print the currently displayed page or all pages of the document. You can decide By in the following dialogue what shall be printed.




In the "Estimation" dialogue you can define which information your printout shall include. Activate the item "Summarise Gaskets, Connectors and Hardware" to determine if the additional items shall be allocated to each single insertion or if a summary shall be displayed at the end of the position. By ticking the item "Print/Display Summary" you can list only the estimation sums of all positions and display the total amount without VAT. It is possible to print an evaluation of the whole job. For this choose the item "Print/Display Evaluation". The estimation also contains the drawings of every position. Under the item "Drawing" you can select between "Internal and External View". By "Scale of Drawing" you are able to determine the size of the drawings. Additionally you can print a profile grid that displays the location of each profile. For this activate the item "Print Profile Grid". If the item "Print Letterhead" is activated, the company letterhead will be placed at the top of the printout (see Company letterhead, page 75). Activate the item "Calculate optimised Wastage" to run the cut optimisation prior to the estimation. The results of the cut optimisation will be considered in the estimation printout. By ticking "Assign all residual lengths to wastage" you state that all residual lengths arising during the fabrication process are allocated to wastage. Under "User Database --> System Profiles / Accessories" you can alter the minimum value of the residual length. NB: Settings made there don't affect this option. Activate the item "Calculate Special Lengths" to figure special profile lengths. The item "Unrolled Profiles" will only affect the calculation result if the profile supplier also offers profiles which are split in outer/inner profile and thermal break. The required information of outer and inner profiles have to be entered in the database. "Dual-Colour" means that only dual-colour profiles will be split in single parts. By ticking the option "Always" - every profile will be disassembled. The option "Never" applies the price of the whole (connected) profile. By hitting the Button "Estimation Data" the estimation parameters e.g. costs, taxes, profits (markups) and wages etc. are displayed at a glance (for more information see Estimation data, page 69). The item "Select Single Positions" displays a list of the current job's positions. Then the estimation will only be printed for the selected positions, whereas a summary always contains all positions of all selected jobs. 46

ReynaPro Position Drawing

By "Scale" you are able to determine the size of the drawings. If you set the "Scale" 1 : 1, the position drawing is automatically printed in the largest possible scale, displaying only one drawing per page. If the item "Print Letterhead" is activated, the company letterhead will be placed at the top of the printout (see Company letterhead, page 75). You are able to display the "Glass Dimensions", "Glass Configuration" and "Glass Name" on the printout by ticking the according checkboxes. By activating "Print Alternative Positions" you can determine if the position drawing shall also include alternative positions. The item "Select Single Positions" displays a list of the current job's positions. The printout will only include the positions you selected from the list. Under the item "Drawing" you can select between "Internal and External View". To display the description of the profile system and the profile colour activate the checkboxes "Display Profile System" and "Display Profile Colour".



U-Value Report

Under the item "Drawing" you can select between "Internal and External View" of the Drawing. By "Scale" you are able to determine the size of the drawings. If you set the "Scale" 1 : 1, the position drawing is automatically printed in the largest possible scale, displaying only one drawing per page. By ticking "Print Alternative Positions" you can determine if the position drawing shall also include alternative positions. The item "Select Single Positions" displays a list of the current job's positions. The printout will only include the positions you selected from the list. By specifying "Selected Template" you can apply own templates for the printout. How to create your own templates see Add Templates, page 67.



Assembly List

Activate the item "Summarise Gaskets, Connectors and Hardware" to determine if the additional items shall be allocated to each single insertion or if a summary shall be displayed at the end of the position. Additionally you can print a profile grid that displays the location of each profile. For this activate the item "Print Profile Grid". By ticking "Assembly List with Drawing" you can determine if drawings shall be displayed on the assembly list. Under the item "Drawing" you can select between "Internal and External View". By "Scale" you are able to determine the size of the drawings. If you set the "Scale" 1 : 1, the position drawing is automatically printed in the largest possible scale, displaying only one drawing per page. It is possible to add labels to a drawing. You are able to select between a "Complete" labelling and the option of only "Frame-Elements, Glass, Field". If the item "Print Letterhead" is activated, the company letterhead will be placed at the top of the printout (see Company letterhead, page 75). The item "Select Single Positions" displays a list of the current job's positions. The printout will only include the positions you selected from the list. If you click on "Don't Display Small Items" a new dialogue will open and you can select the items you don't want to be displayed on the printout. Tip: You can also generate assembly lists in CAD. For this use the function File --> Assembly Lists in CAD.



Cut Optimisation

The cut optimisation printouts can consider multiple jobs in order to get less waste.

If you want to optimise specific profiles select the option "Optimise only selected Profiles". To display the position numbers on the printout tick the checkbox "Print Position Numbers". By ticking "Assign all residual lengths to wastage" you state that all residual lengths arising during the fabrication process are allocated to wastage. In "User Database --> System Profiles / Accessories" you can alter the minimum value of the residual length. However, settings made there don't affect this option. Activate the item to figure special profile lengths. In the following menu the program asks about available settings:

You can determine a special length for individual profiles directly in this list or figure an appropriate length automatically. An automatic generation considers the lengths listed above and the parameters entered below.


ReynaPro E.g. a special length will be only applied if it still provides a favourable purchase despite of possible surcharges (in percent). The designated special lengths will be applied in optimisations, orders and estimations. The item "Unrolled Profiles" will only affect the calculation result if the profile supplier also offers profiles which are split in outer/inner profile and thermal break. The required information of outer and inner profiles have to be entered in the database. "Dual-Colour" means that only dual-colour profiles will be split in single parts. By ticking the option "Always" every profile will be disassembled. The option "Never" applies the price of the whole (connected) profile. Select the item "Select Single Positions" to display a list of the current job's positions. The printout will only include the positions you selected from the list. Under "Print/Display Summary only" you can determine which contents the summary shall include. You can avoid a page break with every new profile by ticking the item "No Page Break with New Profile" . By "Header Information" you can select between detailed and minimum display. In order to apply residual lengths you must activate the item "Use Residual Lengths". Cutting List

The Item "Only Selected Profiles" opens the dialogue "Profile Selection for Optimisation". Here you can determine the profiles which are supposed to be used and optimised in the current job. The item "Select Single Positions" displays a list of the current job's positions. The printout will only include the positions you selected from the list. Survey Drawing

If the option "Print Letterhead" is ticked, the company letterhead will be placed at the top of the printout (see Company letterhead, page 75). The item "Select Single Positions" displays a list of the current job's positions. The printout will only include the positions you selected from the list. Click the item "Drawing" to select between "Internal and External View".


ReynaPro Installation Plan

Click the item "Drawing" to select between "Internal and External View". By "Scale" you are able to determine the size of the drawings. If you set the "Scale" to 1 : 1, the position drawing is automatically printed in the largest possible scale, displaying only one drawing per page. Activate the item "Select Single Positions" to display a list of the current job's positions. The printout will only include the positions you selected from the list.



Orders In all orders you can generate printouts for multiple jobs to provide a collective order and less waste. Profile Order

If the item "Print Letterhead" is activated, the company letterhead will be placed at the top of the printout. In this dialogue you can choose between three different letterheads (for more information read Company letterhead, page 75). The Item "Only Selected Profiles" opens the dialogue "Profile Selection for Optimisation". Here you can determine the profiles which are supposed to be used and optimised in the current job. Activate the item "Calculate Special Lengths" to figure special profile lengths. Read more about Special Lengths on Cut Optimisation, page 50. The item "Unrolled Profiles" will only affect the calculation result if the profile supplier also offers profiles which are split in outer/inner profile and thermal break. The required information of outer and inner profiles have to be entered in the database. "Dual-Colour" means that only dual-colour profiles were split in single parts. By ticking the option "Always" every profile will be disassembled. The option "Never" applies the price of the whole (connected) profile. You can choose if you want to order colours provided by the profile supplier or a coating company. For this select either "Order at Profile Supplier" or "Order at Coating Company". By hitting the Button "Estimation Data" the estimation parameters e.g. costs, taxes, profits (markups) and wages etc. are displayed at a glance (for more information see Estimation data, page 69). You can enter the addressee and the delivery address by hitting the buttons "Enter Address" and "Enter Delivery Address". Activate the item "Select Single Positions" to display a list of the current job's positions. The printout will only include the positions you selected from the list. (This function won't be available if you selected the item "Select Multiple Jobs" in the previous dialogue). "Prices" you can select between the options "Don't Display", "Order Price", "Price per Bar" and "Price per Length". 53

ReynaPro It is possible to generate orders for each individual colour by "One Order per Colour". You may also display the "Used System", the "Effective Length" and the "Profile Drawing". Gasket Frame

If the item "Print Letterhead" is activated the company letterhead will be placed at the top of the printout. In this dialogue you can choose between three different letterheads (for more information read Company letterhead, page 75). You can enter the addressee and the delivery address by hitting the buttons "Enter Address" and "Enter Delivery Address". Activate the item "Select Single Positions" to display a list of the current job's positions. The printout will only include the positions you selected from the list. The items "Glass Gasket Frame" or "Centre Gasket Frame" decide which gasket frame type shall be printed. By hitting one of the options under "Output" you can determine if the gasket frame order shall be displayed "With Field Numbers", "Summarised by Positions" or only "Summarised". Accessories Order

If the item "Print Letterhead" is activated the company letterhead will be placed at the top of the printout. In this dialogue you can choose between three different letterheads ( Company letterhead, page 75). By hitting the Button "Estimation Data" the estimation parameters e.g. costs, taxes, profits (markups) and wages etc. are displayed at a glance (for more information see Estimation data, page 69). You can enter the addressee and the delivery address by hitting the buttons "Enter Address" and "Enter Delivery Address".


ReynaPro Activate the item "Select Single Positions" to display a list of the current job's positions. The printout will only include the positions you selected from the list. You can choose if you want to show the prices on the accessories order or not. If you want to display them you can select between "Total Price" or "Price per Piece/Length/Packing Unit". Tick the checkbox "Display effective Quantity" if you want to display the actually required quantity of the job. If you like to display the item drawing on the order please activate the checkbox "With Item Drawing". Hardware Order

If the item "Print Letterhead" is activated the company letterhead will be placed at the top of the printout. In this dialogue you can choose between three different letterheads (for more information read Company letterhead, page 75). By hitting the Button "Estimation Data" the estimation parameters e.g. costs, taxes, profits (markups) and wages etc. are displayed at a glance (for more information see Estimation data, page 69). You can enter the addressee and the delivery address by hitting the buttons "Enter Address" and "Enter Delivery Address". Activate the item "Select Single Positions" to display a list of the current job's positions. The printout will only include the positions you selected from the list. You can choose if you want to show the prices on the accessories order or not. If you want to display them you can select between "Total Price" or "Price per Piece/Length/Packing Unit". Tick the checkbox "Display effective Quantity" if you want to display the actually required quantity of the job. If you like to display the item drawing on the order please activate the checkbox "With Item Drawing".


ReynaPro Door Fillings

If the item "Print Letterhead" is activated, the company letterhead will be placed at the top of the printout. In this dialogue you can choose between three different letterheads (for more information read Company letterhead, page 75). You can enter the addressee and the delivery address by hitting the buttons "Enter Address" and "Enter Delivery Address". Activate the item "Select Single Positions" to display a list of the current job's positions. The printout will only include the positions you selected from the list.



Glass/Panel Glass/Panel Estimation

You have got the possibility to print the Glass/Panel Estimation with a shaped glass drawing. For this please tick "Print with Shaped Glass Drawing". By "Scale of Drawing" you are able to determine the size of the drawings. If you set the "Scale" 1 : 1, the position drawing is automatically printed in the largest possible scale, displaying only one drawing per page. By hitting the Button "Estimation Data" the estimation parameters e.g. costs, taxes, profits (markups) and wages etc. are displayed at a glance (for more information see Estimation data, page 69). The item "Select Single Positions" displays a list of the current job's positions. The printout will only include the positions you selected from the list. Under the item "Drawing" you can select between "Internal and External View". Additionally you can determine under the option "Output" by which criteria the printout for glass and panel estimation will be generated. Glass/Panel Request

You have got the possibility to print the Glass/Panel Request with a shaped glass drawing. For this please tick "Print with Shaped Glass Drawing". By "Scale" you are able to determine the size of the drawings. If you set the "Scale" 1 : 1, the position drawing is automatically printed in the largest possible scale, displaying only one drawing per page.


ReynaPro If the item "Print Letterhead" is activated, the company letterhead will be placed at the top of the printout. In this dialogue you can choose between three different letterheads (for more information see Company letterhead, page 75). The item "Select Single Positions" displays a list of the current job's positions. The printout will only include the positions you selected from the list. Under the item "Drawing" you can decide between "Internal and External View". By ticking the checkbox "Glass" or "Panel" you determine the kind of request. Additionally you can determine under the option "Output" by which criteria the printout for glass and panel request will be generated. You can avoid a page break with every new glass type by ticking the item "No Page Break with Glass Type" Glass/Panel Order

You have got the possibility to print the Glass/Panel Order with a shaped glass drawing. For this please tick "Print with Shaped Glass Drawing". By "Scale" you are able to determine the size of the drawings. If you set the "Scale" 1 : 1, the position drawing is automatically printed in the largest possible scale, displaying only one drawing per page. If the item "Print Letterhead" is activated, the company letterhead will be placed at the top of the printout. In this dialogue you can choose between three different letterheads (for more information see Company letterhead, page 75). You can enter the addressee and the delivery address by hitting the buttons "Enter Address" and "Enter Delivery Address". The item "Select Single Positions" displays a list of the current job's positions. The printout will only include the positions you selected from the list. Under the item "Drawing" you can decide between "Internal and External View". By ticking the checkbox "Glass" or "Panel" you determine the kind of order.


ReynaPro Additionally you can determine under the option "Output" by which criteria the printout for glass and panel order will be generated. You can avoid a page break with every new glass type by ticking the item "No Page Break with New Glass Type" Glass Assignment Plan

By "Scale" you are able to determine the size of the drawings. If you set the "Scale" 1 : 1, the position drawing is automatically printed in the largest possible scale, displaying only one drawing per page. If the item "Print Letterhead" is activated, the company letterhead will be placed at the top of the printout (see Company letterhead, page 75). By activating "Print Alternative Positions" you can determine if the glass assignment plan shall also include alternative positions. The item "Select Single Positions" displays a list of the current job's positions. The printout will only include the positions you selected from the list. Under the item "Drawing" you can decide between "Internal and External View". Shaped Glass Drawing

By "Scale" you are able to determine the size of the drawings. If you set the "Scale" 1 : 1, the position drawing is automatically printed in the largest possible scale, displaying only one drawing per page. If the item "Print Letterhead" is activated the company letterhead will be placed at the top of the printout. In this dialogue you can choose between three different letterheads (for more information read Company letterhead, page 75). By activating "Print Alternative Positions" you can determine if the shaped glass drawing shall also include alternative positions. Activate the item "Select Single Positions" to display a list of the current job's positions. The printout will only include the positions you selected from the list. Click the item "Drawing" to decide between "Internal and External View". By ticking the checkbox "Glass" or "Panel" you determine the kind of drawing. 59

ReynaPro Rebate Dimension Drawing

By "Scale" you are able to determine the size of the drawings. If you set the "Scale" 1 : 1, the position drawing is automatically printed in the largest possible scale, displaying only one drawing per page. If the item "Print Letterhead" is activated the company letterhead will be placed at the top of the printout. In this dialogue you can choose between three different letterheads (for more information read Company letterhead, page 75). By activating "Print Alternative Positions" you can determine if the rebate dimension drawing shall also include alternative positions. Activate the item "Select Single Positions" to display a list of the current job's positions. The printout will only include the positions you selected from the list. The items "Slanted Fields", Slant Internal Rails", "Rectangular Fields" and "Rectangular Internal Rail Setting" you determine which drawings are generated on the printout.



More Printouts Price Takeover

All positions of the current job are listed in the "Price Takeover" dialogue. Each position features two glass prices and two element prices. The left column contains the results of the estimation. The right column contains the prices which will be printed on quotations, order confirmations and invoices. These prices can be altered by a double click on it. NB: As soon as the price in the right column falls under the estimated production cost on the left the price is displayed red. Bill of Quantities

If you tick the checkbox "With "Or Equivalent"-Remark" a remark "Or Equivalent" will be printed on the bill of quantities. By "Scale" you are able to determine the size of the drawings. If you set the "Scale" 1 : 1, the position drawing is automatically printed in the largest possible scale, displaying only one drawing per page. The item "Select Single Positions" displays a list of the current job's positions. The printout will only include the positions you selected from the list. You have got the possibility to determine which information shall be provided for "Profiles", "Window Hardware", "Additional Hardware", "Additional Items" and "Bottom Configuration". 61


Glass prices can be printed separately by ticking "Print Glass Price separately". You are also able to setup the printout in such a way that only the total amount is displayed. For this activate the checkbox "Print only Total Amount". The "Price Text" can be generated automatically or manually. By selecting the item "Manual" you can enter your own text in the text field. By specifying "Selected Template" you can apply own templates for the printout. How to create your own templates see Add Templates, page 67. Quotation

Under the item "Drawing" you can select between "Internal and External View". By "Scale" you are able to determine the size of the drawings. If you set the "Scale" 1 : 1 the position drawing is automatically printed in the largest possible scale, displaying only one drawing per page. By ticking "Print Profile Colours" the profile colours will be listed. The button "Price-/Position-Selection" opens the "Price Takeover" dialogue. For more information see Price Takeover, page 61. You have got the possibility to determine which information shall be provided for "Profiles", "Window Hardware", "Additional Hardware", "Additional Items" and "Bottom Configuration". Glass prices can be printed separately by ticking "Print Glass Price separately". You are also able to setup the printout in such a way that only the total amount is displayed. For this activate the checkbox "Print only Total Amount". The "Price Text" can be generated automatically or manually. By selecting the item "Manual" you can enter your own text in the text field. A "Quotation Number" can be determined by yourself or generated by the program by a click on the button "New Number". By specifying "Selected Template" you can apply own templates for the printout. 62

ReynaPro Delivery Note

Under the item "Drawing" you can select between "Internal and External View". By "Scale" you are able to determine the size of the drawings. If you set the "Scale" 1 : 1, the position drawing is automatically printed in the largest possible scale, displaying only one drawing per page. The item "Select Single Positions" displays a list of the current job's positions. The printout will only include the positions you selected from the list. You have got the possibility to determine which information shall be provided for "Profiles", "Window Hardware", "Additional Hardware", "Additional Items" and "Bottom Configuration". The "Price Text" can be generated automatically or manually. By selecting the item "Manual" you can enter your own text in the text field. "Delivery Note Number" can be determined by yourself or generated by the program by a click on the button "New Number". By specifying "Selected Template" you can apply own templates for the printout. How to create your own templates see Add Templates, page 67.




By ticking "Invoice with Drawing" you are able to state if the invoice shall be printed with or without drawings. Under the item "Drawing" you can select between "Internal and External View". By "Scale" you are able to determine the size of the drawings. If you set the "Scale" 1 : 1, the position drawing is automatically printed in the largest possible scale, displaying only one drawing per page. The button "Price-/Position-Selection" opens the "Price Takeover" dialogue. For more information see Price Takeover, page 61. Glass prices can be printed separately by ticking "Print Glass Price separately". You are also able to setup the printout in such a way that only the total amount is displayed. For this activate the checkbox "Print only Total Amount". The "Price Text" can be generated automatically or manually. By selecting the item "Manual" you can enter your own text in the text field. An "Invoice Number" can be determined by yourself or generated by the program by a click on the button "New Number". Under "Number of Related Delivery Note" you can enter the delivery note number which belongs to the invoice. By specifying "Selected Template" you can apply own templates for the printout. How to create your own templates see Add Templates, page 67.



Word Processor

By using the word processor you can create your own texts. The word processor functions are described as follows: New Creates a new document. Open Opens an existing document. Save Saves a document. Print Prints the current document. Print Preview Displays a preview of the page to be printed. Clip Removes and copies the selected text into the clipboard. After that you can insert the text at another place. Copy Copies the selected text into the clipboard. Paste Inserts the content of the clipboard at the cursor position and substitutes any marked words or objects. Insert Table Inserts a table into the document.


ReynaPro Nonprinting Characters Shows nonprinting characters in your text, e.g. tab stops, line breaks and spaces. Font Name and Font Size Select a font name from the list. The font size allows you to choose between different font sizes from the list. Bold Displays the marked text in bold type. If the selection is already bold, the format will be reset to standard. Underline Underlines the selected text or vice versa. Italics Displays the marked text in italic type. If the selection is already italic the format will be reset to standard. Left Aligns the selected text to the left page margin. Centre Centres the selected text on the page. Right Aligned Aligns the selected text to the right page margin. Justify Aligns the selected text with both the left and right margins. Borders Click the "Borders" icon to modify the border of a sheet area or an object.

Fields If you use templates for quotations etc. you can insert fields. The program fills out these fields automatically by the corresponding values when generating the printout. In order to put in a field select the item "Field" in the "Insert" menu and the type you want to insert into the document.



Add Templates You can create templates which are automatically applied in printouts.

For this select the button “Word Processor” in the main menu and create a new text or modify an existing text. How to use the functions of the word processor see Word Processor, page 65. After you created the template save it to a specific directory. If you want to attach text after the automatically generated position descriptions please enter the field in front of the text to be appended. You can add other fields in which e.g. dates, the customer addresses and job numbers etc. will be printed. How to add fields please see Fields, page 66. Tip: If the printout of the positions shall start on the second page set a page break at the end of the text by hitting the keys Ctrl and Enter . Select Templates In several printout dialogues you can determine which templates shall be applied for e.g. quotations, confirmations, delivery notes, invoices and bills of quantities by clicking on "Selected Template". After clicking "Selected Template" the following dialogue appears:


ReynaPro Select the template from the list you want to use for the printouts. How to create customised templates or to modify existing ones please see Add Templates, page 67. By clicking “Display” in the specific dialogue the program generates the text for the positions and unites those with the chosen template. After that you can modify the text in the word processor (see Word Processor, page 65). NB: Once a template is selected, it will be applied until you select another template.



Service/Settings Estimation data By using the button "Estimation Data" in the main menu or the first dialogue by running the "Estimation" or "Glass/Panel Estimation" you can modify the estimation attributes for new jobs or also existing jobs.

"Edit Basic Estimation Data" has no effect on already estimated jobs. Here you can determine the attributes for new estimations. To change the estimation data of existing jobs, press the button "Change Estimation Data of Job ". By using the button "Edit Basic Estimation Data" the following window opens.

In this dialogue you can create customised estimation data sets for you different customers. First you can select if and how the estimation shall consider "Unrolled Profiles" and "Bulk Price Lists". To use single Items, tick the checkbox "Single Items, No Kits". To use and select alternative items instead of the original ones press the button "Alternative Item Groups". In the lower area of the "Basic Estimation Data" dialogue, all existing estimation data sets are listed. To create a new estimation data set press the button "Add". The setting is always used as template for new settings. If you want to modify an existing estimation data set press the button "Edit". The settings will be copied by using the button "Copy". 69

ReynaPro To delete specific settings press the button "Delete". To use a setting as default press the button "As Default". Insert and modify data and discounts

The dialogue above displays the entry mask for the estimation data. You can enter all important attributes like currencies, costs, taxes, profits, wages etc. The values of the results are defined as follows: Material Profiles Colour Surface Area Accessories Hardware Small Material Overhead Costs

All Profiles included wastage (1) Coating included wastage (1) Coating included wastage (1) Gaskets, Screws, Connectors Window, Door and Special hardware Allowance of system data Surcharge on items above (2)

Glass/Panel Glass Purchase Panel Sealing Insertion Costs Overhead Costs

All glasses of position All panels of position (3) (4) Surcharge on items above (5)

Wages Fabrication



ReynaPro Installation Sealing Overhead Costs Extra Costs/Article Administration/Sales Interest/Appropriation Transport, Load/Unload Profit in Material

Profit on Glass-Purchase

Profit on Wages

(7) (8) Surcharge on items above (9) Fixed addition (10) Percentage surcharge on all preceding positions (11) Percentage surcharge on all preceding positions (12) Percentage surcharge on all preceding positions (13) Percentage surcharge (14) calculated on sum of elements plus panel. Overhead costs and surcharges. See previous category. ProfitMaterial=Sum of Elements + Sealing include Overhead Costs + Overhead Costs Glass Purchase + Surcharges (11+12+13) Percentage surcharge (15) calculated on Glass Purchase with Overhead costs and Surcharges. See previous category. ProfiltGlassPurchase= Glass Purchase + Surcharges (11+12+13) Percentage surcharge (16) calculated on sum of Wages and Glassinstallation with Overhead const and Surcharges. See previous category. ProfitWaste= Waste Sealing + Installation Glass (include Overhead costs (9) ) +Surcharges (11+12+13)

Planning Office (18): Commission (17): Discounts and Factors In the following dialogue you are able to enter rebates from your suppliers.

If you selected the button "Main Estimation Data", all discounts stored in ReynaPro will be displayed. Otherwise the profile and glass discounts of the current object will displayed. You can enter two discounts for each discount group, used in succession (for example 10% and 20% results a discount of 28%). You will find the project glass in the estimation data for a job. Here you can modify the prices of the project glasses for the complete job. 71


Address database

With the Address database you can manage the address list of your customers and suppliers. Amongst other the addresses are available in the "Input of Elements" and in different printout dialogues. To add an address to the address database, press the button "Add" or use the key enter the data in the text fields.



Addresses can also be printed on labels. For this, click the label button on the bottom of the window. Format of the labels can be set in the "Settings" under "Address-Labels" (see ). NB The addresses are sorted by the contents of the first Name/Company field.

Settings Printer selection

This list contains all printers installed under Windows. Select the printer you want to use.



Margins In this dialogue you can define the margins for the specific printouts.

Printer Defaults

In this menu you are able modify the settings for printouts. You can determine which colours and line weights as fill intensities shall be used by printouts in CAD. It is also possible to modify the paper format, the alignment and the scale of the drawing. Margins can be ignored by ticking "Ignore Margins". You are able to save different settings. On the left hand you can see a list with the different settings. To add a new one press the button "Add". Settings can also be copied. For this select an existing setting and press the button "Copy" and give the new setting a name. The settings can be used in the "Print Menu". For more information see Printing / Plotting Menu - Printing out from Intersections and CAD, page 126.


ReynaPro Opti Stickers

You can set up various types of labels. For building labels, the label description is used which is followed by the word "Standard". The use a different label layout, select the layout to be used and click on "Standard". To adjust an existing layout, select it on the list and click on "Edit". The following screen appears.

Enter the format of your labels. First count the labels on a page and enter the result into the fields "Number of Lines" and "Number of Columns". Now measure from the upper left edge to the left upper corner of the first label and enter the value into "Left Margin" and "Top Margin". Enter the width and height of a label in "Sticker Width" and "Sticker Height". By entering "Horizontal distance" and "Vertical distance" you determine the distance measurements. After entering the values, you can place the details on the label. For this, choose the relevant values from the left column and press the button "Add". You can change the position of the values by using the mouse.


ReynaPro Company letterhead In this menu you have got the possibility to modify up to three company letterheads. You can use them in various printouts by selecting the letterhead in the specific dialogue e.g. Profile Order, Hardware Order, the Glass/Panel Request etc.

You can change the letterhead in the word processor. (see Word Processor, page 65.


ReynaPro Foreign currencies

ReynaPro can generate printouts for different currencies. The currencies are entered in relation to the euro. You determine the currency in the estimation data. The currencies in the list on the top cannot be changed, while you can enter and change the currencies in the lower list.


ReynaPro Users

In the "User Management" you are able to create accounts for every single user. You can assign verified authorisations to every user. This avoids unmeant access to particular areas of the program. The advantage of separate user accounts are that every user can save his own settings by his individual account (e.g. CAD settings). If more than one user is verified in the "User Management", ReynaPro will ask you for the username and password.


ReynaPro Profile Orientation/View

In this dialogue you are able to determine what structure the optimisation and assembly list shall get. The measurement "Optimisation/cutting list" refers to the printouts cut optimisation and cuttings list and the data that will be transmitted to the steered saw. The measurement "Assembly list" relates to the assembly list. In the "Settings for Optimisation" you define how a profile will be displayed in the optimisation. Most of these settings only have an effect if you choose the output type "graphic" in the optimisation.



Saw settings

ReynaPro can administrate up to three different saws simultaneously. If you want to configure a saw you first have to tick the checkbox "Available". By the "Sawformat" you can specify the "language" of the used saw. Depending on the sawformat, you must enter the attributes of the saw. "Mirror second line" For multiple identical bars, every second bar is cut in reverse order. The adjustmenttime of the saw becomes shorter. In the "Field Assignments in Saw Files " you modify the values the program writes in the field for the saw.



Material Display

Under "Material Display" you are able to determine modify the options for displaying material. You can determine the options "Colour", "Filling Type", "Line Distances" and "Angle" for different materials. Additional settings By modifying the "Additional Settings" you are able to adjust many functions of ReynaPro to your own needs.


Under "Driver for Job Copy" you are able to set the (network) drive for when you run the "Job Copy" tool. By running ReynaPro an automatic backup is recommended in a settled period of time. If you backup your data by another storage software you should disable the option "Suggest Data Backup". If you are working with more users in a network more than one user can access to a job simultaneously if you tick "Multiple Users per Job". By F11 you can open the dialogue for the different screenshots. Because some other programs also use this key, you are able to use F11 only in combination with Shift. By ticking "Use F11 only in combination with Shift" you can activate this function.


ReynaPro To ensure that the job and offer numbers are unique you can activate the options "Unique Job Number" and "Unique Offer Number". Users who are used to the scroll wheel zoom functions of AutoCAD can now use those also in ReynaPro. This setting can be activated by ticking the checkbox "Scrollwheel Zoom like AutoCAD". You are able to hide program messages. Just activate the option "Don't display again" in the specific window.

If you want to reactivate the program messages press the button "Display all messages again". In the additional settings you also can change the language. Select the language in the "Language" box. You are able to set a specific resolution under "Resolution". To determine the currency, select it from the "Currency" box. Measurements can be displayed in metric or imperial. You can select it under "Measurement". Printouts

In this dialogue you can set which attributes shall be printed on the different printouts.


ReynaPro Word Processor

In the word processor settings you have the possibility to determine if the type of view shall be bitmap or emf. If you select bitmap you have to modify the resolution. You can also determine if you want to use the internal word processor of ReynaPro or Microsoft Word. Printing Problems The different printer drivers are not always up to 100% compatible to the standards of Windows. The following dialogue contains options to avoid printer errors.

You can determine the using of A4 as standard paper size. For this tick "Use A4 as Standard Paper Size". The paper size can always be set. For this tick "Always Set Paper Size". To display the printouts monochrome select "Printout Monochrome". You check "Use alternative print mode" if dimensions and captions on printouts are incorrect. This happens particularly with Kyocera printers. If you get by printing the error message "EPrinterException: Printer is Invalid" please tick "Don't delete DeviceMode".



Labour Hours

In this dialogue you are able to set attributes for labour hours. You have the possibility select between different display options under "Type of Labour Hours Calculation". The time format can be given in "minutes" or "hour:minutes". You can determine the description of the wages by adding an individual text. The descriptions are displayed in the Input of Elements and User Database. Estimation

In this dialogue you can enter free types of costs for production. Enter the "Description" of the costs and select under "Assignment to Estimation Sector" the estimation sector by a double click on the specific element. Tick "Don't save fixed proce after Quotation, Order Confirmation and Invoice" if you want to estimate the prices new after you have made changes on a job. Additional material from the dialogue "Secondary Profiles" (Secondary Profiles and Items, page 23) can be assigned to this costs. Furthermore you can use these costs for apportion position. 83


Job Notes

In this Dialogue you can determine if you want to display notes in ReynaPro and modify the description of the note.



Print Options

You can attach a water mark to printouts. Tick "Print Watermark" on the left and select the picture on the right. It is also possible to print the job directory on the printout. For this select "Display Job Directory on Printouts". To display the taping for profiles per meter on the estimation tick "Display profiles per meter for Taping on Estimation".



Output file

Using output files you can make information about objects available to other programs (e.g. PPS etc). A specification about output files is obtainable from ORGADATA.


To connect ReynaPro to external address databases e.g., Outlook or advanced databases insert the settings in this dialogue.


ReynaPro Setting for Interface File

ReynaPro can be connected to enterprise resource planning systems (ERP) and production planning and control systems (PPS). In this dialogue you can modify the settings for communication between ReynaPro and a PPS or ERP. The concept is based upon an XML interface so it can be used by near every program that is supporting XML. Many programs already have special interfaces to ReynaPro. If you want to know which programs supported by ReynaPro please contact ORGADATA. ERP/PPS Formats can be set directly under "Settings -> Interfaces -> ERP/PPS Formate".



Excel Interface

The excel interface enables you, to display several printouts in excel. You can modify the settings for "Material Analysis", "Estimations", "Glass Estimations", "Hardware Orders", "Accessories Orders", "Profile Orders", "Gasket Frames", "Cutting Lists" and "Invoices".

After you have selected a printout the specific dialogue opens. You have to give the setting a description. Then you select the excel-template you want to use. You can determine where the results are filled in the cells of the table by using the fields in the lower part of the dialogue. E.g. if you want to write the price colour in cell C16 you insert this value in the dialogue under "Price Colour". N.B: You can write the calculated results to the table in values or in formules.



ERP/PPS Formate

This menu enables you to configure the interface to an ERP or PPS system in ReynaPro. Select the specific program. A new dialogue opens. In this dialogue you can modify the settings.



Online Database To download updates and information you can get automatically access to the online database of ORGADATA. You have to insert your username and password to the "Internet Settings" dialogue. The user data is assigned from ORGADATA to you.

If you use a proxy server you also have to insert the attributes to get connection.



Service and Update

By using the "CAD-Explorer" you are able to copy CAD drawings from different places on your hard disk. The "Module Manager" you need if you want to upgrade ReynaPro with special modules like CNC and CAD. The technical support will ask you to run this option if you want to add special modules. "Open Program Folder" will open a new window and display the program directory on your hard disk. "Open Job Folder" will also open a new window and display the job directory on your hard disk.



Database User Database By using the "User Database" you can determine several attributes to the different elements.

The functions of the items are described on the following pages.



Discount Groups

Profiles with a listed price must be allocated to discount group. Discount groups determine the discount schema for a profile. The current discount will be entered later in the estimation data Estimation, page 83. You can enter colour prices to discount groups. The colour prices entered in the estimation data will not be allowed. NB: By different discounting of alternative item groups (e.g. different suppliers) every item group must have an own discount group.



Economic Data

In the economic data all attributes of your own insert profiles and accessories are stored. To every profile and accessory you can enter only one price. Profiles you can give additional information like surface area, colour and optimisation data like bar length and end deductions. For every article you must determine a discount group. The discount group defines, which discounts are calculated for the specific article. How you create discount groups see Discount Groups, page 93. NB: As long as no discount groups are entered, you can't insert own articles.


ReynaPro Economic Hardware Data

The Economic Hardware Data contains all hardware article you have entered by yourself. For hardware articles you can enter different colours, article numbers and prices. For every article you must determine a discount group. The discount group defines, which discounts are calculated for the specific article. How you create discount groups see Discount Groups, page 93. NB: As long as no discount groups are entered, you can't insert own articles.



System Profiles / Accessories

Here you can mark with a cross the profiles on the list to be changed, and at the top you can define the changes to be made. Using the button "Profile number" choose a number range, and with "Discount Group" all the profiles in a specific price class.


ReynaPro Hardware macros/Supplementary profile macros

Supplementary profile macros and supplementary hardware macros can contain several hardware items or profiles. As with facade macros, they serve to speed up input. For supplementary hardware macros you can define for which insertion types they are displayed. You can give macros any name you wish. There is of course a check that the same name is not used twice.



Bottom Configuration

When entering doors you require bottom configurations to determine which profiles are applied as bottom rail, threshold, bottom rail termination, bottom rail in side lights and bottom rail alignment. If you want to input a bottom configuration which is similar to an existing one just copy it by "Copy Bottom Configuration" and modify this one. With "Useable" you can limit a bottom configuration to specific door types. Important measures are "Height FFL-bottom-edge base" and "Height Base equalizer". Using this measures you define the leaf and glass measurements of the door and the glass measurements of the side area. The value "Height of OkFF door stile" affects the length of a stile profile.



Curved Profiles

Enter here the length surcharge and the minimum bending radii. If the bending radius is below the set value, you will get a note in the assembly list. Standard glass

Standard glass can be selected in the Input of Elements, or as a special glass for an insulating glass, if the buttons "Standard glass" and "Surcharge on Installation List" allow this. For these types of usage, prices can be entered. If standard glass is used, then "Price on request" can be clicked. The price will then be requested during selection in Input of Elements.


ReynaPro Insu-Glass

For graded prices, you will find the price list of a particular glass by selecting the button "Enter glass prices". If the glass only has a price by sq m, you can enter this directly using the button "Glass prices Square meter". The glass strength of insu-glass is only entered in Input of elements. In this menu you can define, by two or three glass strengths and the minimum and the maximum pane gaps, the area from which to choose the glass strengths. If a glass is only deliverable with one fixed glass strength, you enter that value beside the minimum and maximum pane gaps. Note: In Input of elements you can enter special glass to an insulating glass. However, this function is barred if the Insu glass type "Function" is stopped. Note: If in Input of elements two special classes had been chosen for an Insu-glass, the price is calculated using the "Base list". Note: If a glass has already been entered, strength and k-value cannot be changed.


ReynaPro Panels

Like normal and insu-glasses, panels can be chosen in Input of elements. Like a glass, a panel will be printed in the relevant order. If "Price on request" is switched on, you will be asked for the price in Input of elements when selecting a panel. For panels, prices are graded according to strength.



Shaped Glass

The pane surcharge to be used will be automatically determined and added during the glass calculation. The listed model pane types can be found in the price list of your glass supplier in the same presentation.




When starting Intersections, you will be in Generate single cut. With the mouse, you can choose any profile marked with a red cross. After you have put together the positions for an intersection, click on the button "Execute intersection". The intersection construction builds the intersection drawing and displays it beside or underneath the position plan. You can change the positions of the intersections on the paper in the Plot Menu. You can set up additional intersections, and position them beside the other intersections, using the button "Add intersection". If you choose the button "Execute intersection", previous intersections will be deleted and only the new one will be displayed. "Complete intersection" The mouse changes into cross hairs that you can position on the position plan. Intersections now displays the intersections for all profiles intersected by the cross hairs.

Using the buttons illustrated on the left, you define which parts of the screen contents are to be included in the printout or the CAD. The square button determines whether the position plan is to be included. The other two buttons define whether the vertical or horizontal intersections are to be included. Parts of the drawing not selected will be displayed more faintly. "Printing/ Plotting": ReynaPro transfers the chosen intersection in the Plot Menu. The use of the Plotting Menu is described starting at Printing / Plotting Menu - Printing out from 103

ReynaPro Intersections and CAD, page 126. This button is only available if Intersections was started from the Front Menu. If you started Intersection construction from CAD, then you will see here the button "CAD". It is used for transferring the chosen intersection into CAD. The button "Export" is only available if Intersections was started from the Front Menu. Using this, you can save the chosen intersection directly in the DXF format. The DXF format is used to exchange drawings between different CAD programs. Using the buttons "Previous position", "Next position" and "Choose position" you can fetch the position on to the screen for which you want to create intersections. If you click on "Settings", the following dialog appears.

"Profile designation": The profile number can be printed out for every profile of the intersection. The intersection plan can be dimensioned in a variety of ways. Under "Type of dimensions" you choose the appearance of the dimensions, and under "Dimensions of intersections", you choose what is to be dimensioned. "Position for vertical intersection": A vertical intersection can be printed out on the right-hand or the left-hand side of the position plan. "Size of dimension text" Here you enter the character size of the dimension. If you switch on "Position information", the position number, the number and view (inside/outside) of the position above the position view are displayed. "Name intersections" means that designations on the intersections such as A-A, B-B etc will be entered. Note: This setting has no effect on intersections that have already been created.




The CAD screen is split into several areas. The white surface is the drawing field. Drawings you are working on are displayed here. Unlike the other parts of the program, the mouse position is shown not with an arrow, but in some functions also with cross hairs. On the left and upper screen edge you can see buttons, which you can select with the mouse. Along the upper screen edge, above the buttons, you can see a menu. If you click with the mouse on a menu item, functions appear in a list, which you can also choose with the mouse. The menu and button functions are described on the next few pages. Along the bottom edge, you can see what are called status cells. On the right are displayed the selected function, the selected line type and the drawing colour, the coordinates and the step size. As soon as you select a function while you are in the drawing field, you will get information here about the selected function.

Function bar Begin new drawing When amending the drawing, you will be asked if you want to secure it. The drawing field will be deleted and CAD will be restored according to Preferences. You can now start a new drawing. Load drawing With this function you can load a drawing from the CAD database. (For drawing administration see Printing / Plotting Menu - Printing out from 105

ReynaPro Intersections and CAD, page 126) Add drawing With this function you can load an additional drawing from the CAD database. The drawing can be rotated D ,mirrored (horizontally H ,vertically V )or the relative positioning can be defined with P (see How does Drawing Administration work?, page 125). Pressing the left mouse key will fix the added drawing. (For drawing administration see Printing / Plotting Menu - Printing out from Intersections and CAD, page 126) Save drawing With this function you can save a drawing to the CAD database. (For drawing administration see Printing / Plotting Menu - Printing out from Intersections and CAD, page 126) Print CAD changes in the Printing and Plotting Menu The paper format, the output device (plotter or printer) etc are defined in the Printing and Plotting Menu (see Printing / Plotting Menu - Printing out from Intersections and CAD, page 126). Cut Removes all the marked drawing elements and puts them on the clipboard. Please note that the existing contents of the clipboard are automatically deleted when copying to the clipboard Copy Marked drawing elements are copied to the clipboard and are available for later use. Please note that the existing contents of the clipboard are automatically deleted when copying to the clipboard Paste With this function, drawing elements already in the clipboard can be pasted, and as in the function "Add drawing" can then be rotated D~, mirrored (horizontally H ,vertically V )or the relative positioning can be defined P (see How does Drawing Administration work?, page 125). Pressing the left mouse key will fix the added drawing. Grab With this function, marked drawing elements can be included and as with "Add drawing" can be rotated D ,mirrored (horizontally H ,vertically V )or the relative positioning can be defined with P (see How does Drawing Administration work?, page 125). Pressing the left mouse key will fix the added drawing. Undo With this function you can reverse the last drawing operation. By clicking several times on Undo you can go back several steps. Undo steps cannot be restored. Right angle When you click this button, lines can only be drawn at angles of 0° or 90° and shifts only along the X-axis or Y-axis. Copy 106

ReynaPro If you click the button Copy during shifting, mirroring or rotating, a copy of the drawing elements is created before the action. If the button is off, the elements are only moved.

Toolkit Mark drawing elements With this function drawing elements can be marked. For this, move the mouse near the input to be marked, press the left mouse key or Enter. If you select a drawing input that is already marked, it will revert to being unmarked. Cut and mark drawing elements at the next intersection The drawing elements near the cross hairs will be split at the next intersection and marked up to the intersection. Move the mouse near the part of the input to be marked, press the left mouse key or Enter. Arcs and lines are automatically separated at their next intersection with a cross or a line. If you select a drawing input that is already marked, it will revert to being unmarked. Mark cuts This function marks all the drawing elements of a cut. Elements that lie only partly within the cut are also marked. For this, move the mouse to the top left and then to the bottom right corner of the area to be marked, and then press the left mouse key or Enter. Unmark everything This function unmarks all drawing elements. Delete marked elements This function deletes all marked drawing elements. The following functions are basically the same. Choose the function you want. Set each point by moving the cross hairs to the point and then clicking on the left mouse key:, or confirming with Enter . You can also move the cross hairs by entering the desired X and Y coordinates using the keys X and Y and then confirming with Enter . End and middle points can be captured using

F1 ,and

intersections using

To cancel a function, press the right mouse key or



F1 .


Drawing Lines Start and end points can be entered as described above. Furthermore, the length of the line can be defined by simply entering the measurement once you have chosen the start point. To set the angle, use the I key and enter the angle. Drawing Rectangles You define the upper left and bottom right points as described above. You can also enter the width and heighten directly, once you have entered the start point. Drawing a Circle The start point (centre) and one point on the circle can be entered as described 107

ReynaPro above. In addition, you can define the radius by entering the measurement Drawing an arc With this function arcs can be drawn. The construction of the arc begins at the centre. Then set the start point. The acceptance angle can be set by moving the mouse or by entering the angle using the keyboard. Drawing an arch With this function arches can be drawn. The construction of the arch begins with a start and an end point. Then you can change the radius by moving the mouse. You can also set the radius by entering numbers directly. To enter the span, first press the S key. Drawing a polygon Start point (centre) can be entered as described above. You can also define the number of corners by entering the numbers directly, and the radius of the polygon with R . Enter Text With this function text can be entered. Click with the mouse at the position where you want to enter the text. Enter the text. While entering text, the following key combinations have special meanings. Alt



Bold on/off




Italics on/off




Underline on/off




Change typeface, size, text and angle of text

When you have completed the input of text with Enter~, the program jumps automatically to the next line, where you can enter more text. You can break out of this by pressing Esc. To apply superscript to (for example m^2 for m²)








Zoom direct The section will be centred on the current position of the cross hairs and enlarged or shrunk by a factor of 2. To shrink you use the right mouse key, to enlarge the left mouse key. Note: To enlarge you can also use


and to shrink

F6 .

Line type / Drawing colour If drawing inputs are marked, the program will ask you if it should change the colour of the input, or change the type of line in the marked input, or whether you want to establish the chosen settings for future drawing inputs. If no drawing inputs are marked, the chosen setting will automatically be used for future inputs. The chosen type of line and drawing colour will be displayed on the status line.



Function key assignments F1

Jump to point

The cross hairs will be moved into the next point (line endpoint, line midpoint, circle endpoint, midpoint etc) +


Jump to intersection

The cross hairs will be moved to the next intersection. Intersections will be found between two lines, lines and arcs, and two arcs). F2

Set zero point

The zero point is the reference point with the coordinates (0,0). Increments, coordinate details relate to this point. F3

Right angle on/off

When you click this button, lines can only be drawn at angles of 0° or 90° and shifts only along the X-axis or Y-axis. F4

Copying on/off

If you click the button "Copy" during shifting, mirroring or rotating, a copy of the drawing elements is created before the action. If the button is off, the elements are only moved. F5





Zoom and View

These functions are described starting at Pull down menu "View", page 119. F10

Close corner

Two lines that do not meet exactly at a corner point are adjusted for length. Move the cross hairs near the corner to be closed and press the left mouse key. F11

Screen print-out

Use the keys 1 or 2 ,depending on whether you want the screen contents to be printed out in portrait or landscape format. Tip: You can copy this page, cut out the function key template and place it on your keyboard.



Menu bar / Pull down menus Pull down menus are menus at the top edge of the screen. As long as a pull down menu has not been opened, you can only see the title.

As soon as you click on the title, or on the underlined letter in the title together with the the pull down menu is opened.



The items there can now be chosen by clicking on the desired item, or by typing the underlined letter on the keyboard. The pull down menus contain all the CAD functions. Functions that are also on the function bar or in the toolkit, are identified with the corresponding icon next to the title.

Pull down menu "Data"

New The drawing field is emptied and you can start a new drawing. Before that happens, CAD checks whether the drawing has been amended since the last save. If so, the program asks if the drawing should be saved. Loading With this function you can load a drawing from the CAD database. As with New, the program asks whether you want to save the current drawing. (For drawing administration see How does Drawing Administration work?, page 125. Add With this function you can load an additional drawing from the CAD database. The drawing can be rotated D ,mirrored (horizontally H ,vertically V )or the relative positioning can be defined with P (see How does Drawing Administration work?, page 125). Pressing the left mouse key will fix the added drawing. (For drawing administration see How does Drawing Administration work?, page 125). Save With this function you can save a drawing to the CAD database. (For drawing administration see How does Drawing Administration work?, page 125). Save as


ReynaPro Saves the current drawing under another name or in another directory of the CAD database. (For drawing administration see How does Drawing Administration work?, page 125). Save marked inputs With this function you can save all marked inputs of a drawing to the CAD database. Import You can import drawings in DXF format, for example to read in drawings created in AutoCAD. Export You can export drawings in the following formats: DXF (Data Exchange Format) DWG (AutoCAD) PS (Postscript) BMP (Bitmap) OCD (Orgadata-CAD-Format) Printing CAD changes in the Printing and Plotting Menu The paper format, the output device (plotter or printer) etc are defined in the Printing and Plotting Menu (see Printing / Plotting Menu - Printing out from Intersections and CAD, page 126). Intersections With this function, Intersection is called (see Intersections, page 103). The intersection can be positioned as in "Add". Layer management Layer management offers the following functions: Note: Initially a new drawing consists automatically only of a single layer.If you nevertheless want to administer several part drawings in only one drawings file, using their management you can add or delete pages, and switch to individual pages. Using




you can switch back and forth between pages.

Front Menu With this function you leave CAD and return to the Front Menu. The current drawing with all its changes will be saved in "intermediate storage", and is automatically available when you next start CAD. Note: Nevertheless, you should save valuable drawings before ending CAD, and even save them at intervals while editing, so that the drawing is not lost in the event of problems or service failures.



Pull down menu "Edit"

Undo With this function you can reverse the last drawing operation. By clicking several times on “Undo” you can go back several steps. "Undo" steps cannot be restored. Insert With this function, drawing elements already in the clipboard can be pasted, and as in the function "Add drawing" can then be rotated D ,mirrored (horizontally H ,vertically V )or the relative positioning can be defined P (see How does Drawing Administration work?, page 125). Pressing the left mouse key will insert the drawing. Copy Marked drawing elements are copied to the clipboard and are available for later use. Please note that the existing contents of the clipboard are automatically deleted when copying to the clipboard Grab With this function, marked drawing elements can be included and as with "Add drawing" can be rotated D ,mirrored (horizontally H ,vertically V )or the relative positioning can be defined with P (see How does Drawing Administration work?, page 125).Pressing the left mouse key will insert the grabbed drawing at the new position. Mark all This function marks all drawing elements. Unmark everything This function unmarks all drawing elements. Swap Marking Marked drawing elements will be unmarked, and unmarked ones will be marked. Mark area


ReynaPro This function marks all the drawing elements of a cut. Elements that lie only partly within the cut are also marked. For this, move the mouse to the top left and then to the bottom right corner of the area to be marked, and then press the left mouse key or Enter. Unmark area This function unmarks all the drawing elements of a cut. Elements that lie only partly within the cut are also marked. For this, move the mouse to the top left and then to the bottom right corner of the area to be marked, and then press the left mouse key or Enter. Delete marked elements This function deletes all marked drawing elements. Should you by mistake delete too many inputs, you can retrieve them using "Undo". Mark colours All drawing elements of the same colour will be marked. For this a list will be displayed to you of all the colours, from which you can choose the one you want to mark. Unmark colours All drawing elements of the same colour will be unmarked. As with "Mark colours", a list of drawing colours will be shown for your choice. Mark line type All drawing elements with the same line type will be marked. For this a list will be displayed to you of all the line types, from which you can choose the one you want to mark. Unmark line type All drawing elements of the same line type will be unmarked. As with "Mark line type", a list of line types will be shown for your choice. Mark input With this function drawing elements can be marked. For this, move the mouse near the input to be marked, press the left mouse key or Enter. If you select a drawing input that is already marked, it will revert to being unmarked. Cut and mark drawing elements at the next intersection The drawing elements near the cross hairs will be split at the next intersection and marked up to the intersection. Move the mouse near the part of the input to be marked, press the left mouse key or Enter. Arcs and lines are automatically separated at their next intersection with a cross or a line. If you select a drawing input that is already marked, it will revert to being unmarked. Mark polyline With this function closed polylines of a single colour can be marked. Move the mouse near the corner of an element of the polyline and press the left mouse key. This function can be used, for example, to hatch a closed surface. As an alternative to this function, you can use equivalent polygon functions. Polygons have the advantage that fill patterns and line gaps can be changed later. Note the functions "Recognize polygon" and "Edit polygon".



Pull down menu "Drawing functions" Set zero point In order to set a new zero point, click with the mouse at the position where you want to set the zero point. The zero point is the reference point with the coordinates (0,0). Increments, coordinate details relate to this point. You can also set the zero point by using the F2 key In that case, the zero point will be set at the position where the cross hairs currently are when you press F2 . The following functions are basically the same. Choose the function you want. Set each point by moving the cross hairs to the point and then clicking on the left mouse key or confirming with Enter . You can also move the cross hairs by entering the desired X and Y coordinates using the keys X and Y and then confirming with Enter . End and middle points can be captured using

F1 ,and

To cancel a function, press the right mouse key or

intersections using



F1 .


Drawing lines Start and end points can be entered as described above. Furthermore, the length of the line can be defined by simply entering the measurement once you have chosen the start point. To set the angle, use the I key and enter the angle. Drawing a rectangle You define the upper left and bottom right points as described above. You can also enter the width and heighten directly, once you have entered the start point. Drawing a circle The start point (centre) and one point on the circle can be entered as described above. In addition, you can define the radius by entering the measurement. Drawing an arc With this function arcs can be drawn. The construction of the arc begins at the centre. Then set the start point. The acceptance angle can be set by moving the mouse or by entering the angle using the keyboard. Drawing an arch With this function arches can be drawn. The construction of the arch begins with a start and an end point. Then you can change the radius by moving the mouse. You can also set the radius by entering numbers directly. To enter the span, first press the S key. Drag Parallel Lines With this function, a line can be drawn that runs parallel to an existing line. First select the line beside which the parallel line is to be drawn. The distance can be set by entering numbers or using the mouse. Then set of the start and end points for the parallel line. Drawing a polygon Start point (centre) can be entered as described above. You can also define the number of corners by entering the numbers directly, and the radius of the polygon with R . 114

ReynaPro Drawing rectangular pipes With this function a square pipe shape can be drawn. When the function is called, the wall strength will be requested. Once you have set the start point, you can enter the beginning and end points as described above, or the width and height. Drawing a round pipe With this function a round pipe shape can be drawn. When the function is called, the wall strength will be requested. After that, continue as for "Drawing a circle". Drawing an angle With this function an angle can be drawn. When the function is called, the wall strength will be requested. Once you have set the start point, you can enter the beginning and end points as described above, or the width and height. Drawing a foil With this function foils can be drawn. When the function is called, the thickness of the foil, the inside radius and the length of hatching will be requested. You can set the course of the foil by selecting the various points one after another. The foil will be drawn laterally from the mouse position. If you want to mirror the foil on the other side of the mouse arrow, use S .When the function is ended, the foil will automatically be closed. Drawing sheet metal With this function sheet metal can be drawn. When the function is called, the thickness of the sheet metal and the inside radius will be requested. You can set the course of the sheet metal by selecting the various points one after another. The sheet metal will be drawn laterally from the mouse position. If you want to mirror the sheet metal on the other side of the mouse arrow, use S .When the function is ended, the sheet metal will automatically be closed. Text With this function text can be entered. Click with the mouse at the position where you want to enter the text. Enter the text. While entering text, the following key combinations have special meanings. Alt



Bold on/off




Italics on/off




Underline on/off




Change typeface, size, text and angle of text

When you have completed the input of text with Enter ,the program jumps automatically to the next line, where you can enter more text. You can break out of this by pressing Esc . To apply superscript (for example m^2 for m²)









Text blocks With this function a text block can be entered. Set the upper left and bottom right points for the text block. After you have entered the type size and the line gap, a window opens in which you can enter text. Drawing hatching With this function a rectangular surface with hatching can be drawn. Choose the desired hatching and then define the start and endpoints as described above. During editing the hatching gap can be changed using S . Hatching marked outline 115

ReynaPro A previously marked polyline will be filled with the chosen pattern. If both polylines are marked, the gap between two surfaces will be filled. Click on the polyline to be filled. To mark a polyline, you can use the function "Mark polyline" from the Edit menu. As an alternative to this function, you can use equivalent polygon functions. Polygons have the advantage that fill patterns and line gaps can be changed later. Note the functions "Recognize polygon" and "Edit polygon".



Pull down menu "Effects"

Mirror horizontally (X axis) All marked drawing elements will be mirrored over the X axis of the cross hairs. Mirror vertically (Y axis) All marked drawing elements will be mirrored over the Y axis of the cross hairs. Rotating drawing elements. All marked drawing elements will be rotated around the centre of the cross hairs. After you have set the centre for rotation, use the cross hairs to set the angle around which the drawing elements are to be rotated. Rotating drawing elements by 90° All marked drawing elements will be rotated around the centre by 90° to the right. Shifting drawing elements The marked drawing elements will be shifted. First set of the start point and then the target point for the shift. Cutting drawing elements This function cuts drawing elements into several pieces. Using the cross hairs, you set a line at which all drawing elements that cross the line are cut into pieces. Dimensions and text are not cut. If text and dimensions are to be cut, mark them, then first call the function "Dissolve drawing elements", so that they are split into lines. Cutting drawing elements with right angles With this function a rectangular section can be cut out of a drawing. All lines and arcs that cross the edge of the rectangle will be cut. The elements within the rectangle will be marked. Rounding corners The lines in a corner selected by the cross hairs will be shortened. Then an arc with the given radius will be inserted.


ReynaPro Close corner Two lines that do not meet exactly at a corner point are adjusted for length. Move the cross hairs near the corner to be closed and press the left mouse key. Connect lines and form corners With this function, two definable lines separated from each other are connected to each other with a corner point. Move the cross hairs to the lines concerned and press the left mouse key. If the lines previously extended beyond the corner, you must still use the cross hairs to define the corner to be formed. Connect lines and form a "T" With this function, a previously defined line can be lengthened so that it touches a line running diagonally across. Use the cross hairs first to define the line to be lengthened and then the line to which the first line should be lengthened. Proportionally enlarge /shrink part of a drawing. With this function, a previously marked drawing can be enlarged or shrunk to a defined scale. You can also enter the scale directly. Freely enlarge /shrink part of a drawing With this function a marked part of a drawing can be freely scaled. Please note that arcs can only be enlarged or shrunk proportionally. If a part of a drawing that contains arcs is not to be enlarged or shrunk proportionally, first break up the arc into lines. For this, use the function "Dissolve drawing elements". Recognize a polygon A closed polyline is changed into a polygon and store as an input. The outline must not be marked. It must consist only of lines and arcs of the same colour. If an area from a polygon is to be excluded, then before the polygon is recognized, its outline and the outline of the piece to the excluded must be marked. After that, move the cross hairs to the outside polyline and press the left mouse key. You can now selected the filling or the hatching for the polygon. Note: If the polygon is not to be closed at a particular place, then draw at this place a dash dot line instead of a drawn through line. Edit a polygon Click on a polygon. The filling of a polygon can be changed, or the polygon can be dissolved into separate lines and arcs. Optimise drawing Lines of the same colour crossing or adjoining each other will be combined. Dissolve drawing elements Marked drawing elements will be dissolved. Dissolving functions according to the following schema: - Polygons will be split into arcs and lines - Arcs will be changed into multiple lines - Texts will be split into individual lines - Dimensioning will be split into lines and texts This means that you must use this function prices if, for example, you want to dissolve a dimensioning into separate lines. Drawing an edge view From every endpoint of previously marked drawing elements edge views are generated. Length and direction are defined using the cross hairs. 118


Pulldown menu "View"

View / Zoom Function The zoom function enables you to enlarge or reduce drawing details, so that you can edit them more precisely. Note: The zoom functions have no effect on the drawing or the scale of the drawing. They serve only to change the view. Build new The screen is cleared and the drawing is built again. Using various functions, you can show up untidy parts on the screen which are then removed. This function has no effect on the drawing. Zoom all (Total view) With this function the whole drawing is displayed, filling the screen as much as possible. This function is also available with F8 . Zoom direct The cutting will be centred on the current position of the cross hairs and enlarged or shrunk by a factor of 2. To reduce you use the right mouse key, to enlarge the left mouse key. Note: To enlarge you can also use area while a function is active.


and to shrink

F6 .In

this way you can change the viewing

Zoom area The cutting defined by the mouse will be displayed as large as possible on the screen. Zoom previous The last zoom setting will be restored. The computer stores the last 5 settings. This is useful if you frequently want to change the zoom while editing a drawing. This function is also available with F7 . Re-centre drawing cutting The screen contents are shifted so that the position of the cross hairs forms the new centre.



Pulldown menu "Dimension"

Dimension horizontal / vertical / sloping, Line distances / Arcs / Radius / Measure angle Dimensions are stored as an element. They can later be changed or shifted. Dimension text, typeface and the position of the scale number can all be changed. In Dimension Preferences you can choose a colour preference. Then all dimensions are displayed in this colour instead of the current drawing colour. In Preferences you can also define the distance to the reference edge and the display of tolerances, and also whether dimensions are automatically at the end and centre points. After selecting the points or the inputs to be dimensioned, the following dialog appears.

You can correct the calculated measurement and change the style of dimensions. Note: In the functions "Horizontal dimension" and "Vertical dimension" the program will automatically use a dimension point as the start point for a new dimension. Whether the program takes the start point or the endpoint of the first dimension can be defined in the setting "Reference measurement / Chain measurement", that you can switch using S . Edit dimensions Dimensions already entered can be changed with this function. This includes typeface, size, dimension style and the position of the dimension. The dialog pictured above then appears. Change dimensioning scale This function enables dimensioning to another scale. This scale applies only to measurement calculations.



Pulldown menu "Settings"

Drawing colour Set the colour to be used for all subsequent drawing elements The chosen colour will be displayed on the status line. Line type Set the type of line to be used for all subsequent drawing elements The chosen line type will be displayed on the status line. Right angle drawing on/off When you click this button, lines can only be drawn at angles of 0° or 90° and shifts only along the X-axis or Y-axis. Marked Copy If you click the button "Copy" during shifting, mirroring or rotating, a copy of the drawing elements is created before the action. If the button is off, the elements are only moved. Set step size This sets the step size of the cross hairs. How large or small the steps are by which the X and Y coordinates change for a mouse movement. Rapid drawing mode When the function is switched on, polygons are shown in a coarser grid, or not filled, to speed up the screen display. This function has no effect on the print-outs of polygons. Rotating coordinates system In the rotated coordinates system all positions and length details are recalculated. All drawing functions will rotate in the same way, and added drawings will be added already rotated. Define drawing grid

The drawing grid will be displayed as points on the screen. As soon as a mouse comes near a grid point, the cross hairs will jump to a grid point. Aligning to objects If the mouse is close to the end or centre point of a line, the cross hairs will jump automatically to this point.


ReynaPro User preferences

CAD regularly creates backups, so that a drawing is not lost if the computer crashes (for example because of an electricity cut). You define the backup intervals in "Time remaining until automatic Backup". "0" means that CAD makes no backups. "Adjust text width to step width". The text width and height will be adjusted to a fixed relationship with the step width. "Display position at cursor" The current coordinates are shown not only at the lower edge of the screen but also at the cross hairs. "Show distances on X/Y axis" In drawing functions, heights and widths are also shown at the cross hairs. "Display lengths and radius at cursor" In drawing functions, line lengths and radii are also shown at the cross hairs. "Time until quick help" If, during a drawing function, the cross hairs do not move during the specified time, quick help is displayed at the cross hairs. If you do not need this function, enter 0 for the time. "Retain settings for next time" If this button is not selected, and you start a new drawing, CAD will restore all the standard settings. If switched on, the step type, line type, drawing colour etc are retained. Hatching / thickness

The preferences that you set in this menu will be used in the corresponding functions. You can still adjust the values when you call a function.


ReynaPro Dimensioning

"Colour preferences for dimensioning". If a colour is chosen here, the dimensions will always be drawn in these colours; else in the current drawing colour. "Font for dimensioning". Here you can choose between the three CAD fonts. "Number of decimal places for dimensioning" is entered here. You can also change the dimensioning text during the input of dimensions. "Dimensioning with automatic hop". While this button is on, dimensions hop automatically to the next point. With the following details you design the appearance of the various dimensioning forms. "Factor for outside line length", "Length of outside measurement line", "Factor for circle radius for measurement number", "Factor for pitch length for measurement number", "Factor for Arrow length", "Factor for tolerance height". "Distance to reference edge". If you enter a value here, the dimensioning thresholds start with a corresponding distance to the chosen point. Drawing administration

If "History dependent on loading, adding or saving" is switched on, the program keeps track of the latest directory for each function. During loading, adding etc, the drawings will be shown in a small window during the selection. If the button "Drawings displayed in colour" is switched off, the drawings will be displayed in black on light grey.


ReynaPro "Dimensioning retained while adding". Profile drawings are stored partly dimensioned. If such drawings are added, it is generally better not to add the dimensions, as they disrupt the build-up of an intersection. This function only affects drawings loaded from the sub-directory "System drawings". Technical Preferences

If a multi-line text is entered, the "Factor row-distance for text input" defines the distance between two text lines. "Preferences for scale selection". Scales suggested in CAD are taken from this list. Lines of the same colour crossing or adjoining each other will be combined into one line by the function "OPTI". The "Block length for Optimisation" defines the size of the surrounding area in which the system searches for overlapping lines. "CAD base resolution" Here you define the number of decimal places that CAD works with. 1/10 = 1 decimal place, 1/100 = 2 decimal places etc. "Radius of the corner when rounding". The function "Radius of edges while rounding" uses this value as the preference for the radius.



What is "Relative Positioning"? In "Add", "Grab" etc the insertion point is automatically located bottom left at the drawing to be inserted. Use the key P to change the relative positioning, in other words the insertion point. Now you only see the drawing to be inserted on-screen. Move the mouse to the point you want to use as the insertion point and press the left mouse key. The program jumps back to the original drawing and holds the drawing to be inserted at the new insertion point at the cross hairs. How does Drawing Administration work?

If you load, save or add drawings, ReynaPro opens the menu for Drawing Administration. You can change to other sub-directories by clicking on the sub-directory. You can create a new . sub-directory by clicking on If you want to rename a drawing or a sub-directory, click with the right mouse key on the input and choose "Rename". The program now asks you for a new name for the chosen input. Drawing Administration allows you access to your object directories For this, click on the button "Objects". In the file window, you will now see all the objects stored in your program. To return to the CAD database, click on the button "Drawings". Note: You cannot store any drawings in the sub-directory "System drawings". Only drawings from the profile system's producer are stored in "System drawings".



Printing / Plotting Menu - Printing out from Intersections and CAD

Before you switch in the Printing and Plotting menu, select the printer and the set of preferences to be used. The program "binds" to that printer and to the most recent set of preferences, so that you can make a once-off selection for different output devices and then be offered automatically the correct set of preferences. You can also change both the output device and the set of preferences in the following menu. For how to set up and administer sets of preferences, read Address database, page 72. In the Printing and Plotting Menu you position the print-out created in Intersections or in CAD on paper. You can grab individual elements in the drawing with the mouse and shift them around on the paper. With "Paper format" you select the required paper size. Many printers do not provide a choice, as they only work with the DIN A4 Format. The "Scale" in printing relates to Intersections on the profile drawings. The scale of the position plans is 1/10 the scale of the profile drawings. In the example above, the profile scale is 1:2, the position scale is 1:20. "Display frames": A frame is drawn around the page. "Choose document field": With this button you can choose a document field. If the document field is to have "variable fields", you can change its contents with the button "Select presets". The following menu appears: For how to create and amend the document field, read Document Fields, page 128. The drawing is shifted to the sheet. Instead of using this button, you can also click on the drawing and then shift the various elements separately. The drawing is rotated 90° to the left. 126


The drawing is rotated 90° to the right. The drawing will be shifted to the middle of the sheet. With "Choose Preferences" you define the set of preferences to be used. "Set preferences" enables you to change the settings made in Preferences. Read Printing / Plotting Preferences on Address database, page 72. "Form feed": An empty page is printed. This function is intended for printers with continuous paper. With these buttons you set the number of copies. The currently selected number is shown under these buttons. Once you have done all the settings, start the printing or plotting with "Start print-out".



Document Fields A document field is a CAD drawing that must be in the directory "Document Fields" with a scale of 1:1. During Document Field selection, the Printing / Plotting Menu automatically displays all the drawings found in the directory. A document field can contain various fields which can be written to either automatically or manually. A Field is simply a piece of text that starts with the characters "&&". The field designation is automatically replaced during printing. The typeface and size are transferred. &&MSTB &&DATUM &&CADNAME

Drawing scale Print-out date Drawing name

The following fields are only displayed for drawings from Intersections that are printed directly. &&POSNR &&OBJNAME &&ANSICHT &&ANZAHL &&SERIE &&MSTBANSICHT &&ANGEBOTSNR &&AUFTRAGSNR &&FREIERTEXT1..6 &&BEARBEITER &&POSFARBE &&NAME1 &&NAME1

Position number Object name Inside or outside view Position number Profile series Drawing scale for the position view Quotation number Commission number Free Text 1…6 Editor Position colour Name 1 Name 2

If you use field names not listed above, the Printing / Plotting Menu will ask you about the text to be input. You can change this text that any time using the button "Select presets" at the lower edge of the menu. A document field in a drawing might look as follows.

The Printing / Plotting Menu would change the fields as required.



Static system

In the menu above, you can enter your static investigations one after the other. After every individual investigation, please press the button "Calculate". ReynaPro keeps track of the calculations, and will print them all out as soon as you click on "Print". Please note also the "Explanation for static" on the following page. Examples of usage: Bar length 1000 mm Field width 1 900 mm Field width 2 1,400 mm Largest part length 1000 mm

Bar length 2,600 mm Field width 1 600 mm Field width 2 1000 mm Largest part length 2,000 mm



Explanation of determining static In the event of a load, a bearer resting freely on two supports is assumed with a trapezium load. The formula for determining the required moment of inertia is: Jx erf. =

w x a(5 x l2 - 4 x a2) x (5 x l2 - 4 x a2) (cm4) 1920 x E x fzul.

Meanings: Jx erf.

Required moment of inertia

in cm4


Wind load

in kN/cm2


Permitted rod sagging

in cm


Elasticity modulus of bar material

in kN/cm2


Half width of load surface

in cm


Rod length

in cm

Note: Values not given are to be requested from the profile manufacturer and the glass industry. The values we have given are not binding and also need to be confirmed by the profile and glass manufacturer. Our program makes it possible to determine the moment of inertia for all materials. By entering the relevant E-modulus, the wind load and the permissible sagging as well as a part of the total rod and length (e.g. 1 /300) and as well as the boundary in cm (e.g. 0.8), every standard and precondition can be fulfilled. Possible values: Elasticity modulus:

Aluminium: 70.000 N/mm2 Steel: 210.000 N/mm2

Wind load:

Building height up to 8 m: 0,50 kN/m2 Building height up to 20 m: 0,80 kN/m2 Building height up to 100 m: 1,10 kN/m2 Building height over 100 m: 1,30 kN/m2 tower-like buildings: Value in kN/m2 x 1,34

Permissible sagging:


1/300 for insulation glass


Additional optimisation Additional optimisation creates an object like the Input of elements. At the start of Additional optimisation you reach the address menu. Here you must at least enter the object name under which you want to find this object later on. You will find a description of the Address Menu in the description of the Input of elements from Job Data Input, page 10.

Next ReynaPro asks you for the profile from which the lengths are to be cut. Here you can choose any of the profiles held in ReynaPro. If you want to optimise a profile not yet stored, simply give the designation or profile number from the keyboard. In this case you must enter the details "Profile length", "Part bar length", "Beginning & end deduction", "Saw deduction" and "Usable remaining profile". After you have chosen the profile, you can enter the individual lengths in the list on the right. For this, you must enter, for every profile, the number, length, the left and right cut and if necessary the position number. If you will want to skip inputting cuts and position numbers, click on the button "Enter cut and position number automatically". The cut will now be populated with I-I (90°-90°). To include another profile number, click on the left-hand list with the profile numbers and confirm with the "Ins" key. To start the optimisation, switch back to the Front Menu and choose the button "Optimisation".



2D Optimisation

As soon as 2D Optimisation is called, ReynaPro asks for data for the panes or panels from which the individual plates are to be cut. After the master data has been entered, you can enter the individual surfaces with the or by clicking on the button "Add (Ins)".



The menu for inputting plates appears automatically until you confirm the input with the button "Abort" or the Esc key. After you have entered all the plates, click on "Start Optimisation". The 2D optimisation will be displayed and can be printed out by clicking on the printer symbol at the bottom edge of the screen. You can now return to the input of plates, or the 2D Optimisation in the Front Menu.


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