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Medical- Surgical Nursing 1 SKILLS LABORATORY CHECKLIST Procedure: DONNING STERILE GOWN (for surgical procedure)
Reyes, Anna Soa M. Name: ________________ __________________________________ _______________________ _____
December 19, 2020 _Date:____________ _Date:______________________________ __________________
BSN 3 - 2 Year Level and Block:_______________________
Clinical Instructor:________________
Rang scale: 3
Performed correctly, systemacally according to standard with correct raonale.
Performed correctly, with correct raonale but not systemac.
Performed correctly, but not systemac and with inadequate raonale.
Performed incorrectly.
Procedure 1. Do surgical scrubbing (surgical
handwashing) prior to entering the OR/ theater.
2. Once at the OR, dry hands with
sterile towel (following the steps sited at the surgical handwashing checklist checklist)) -
Circulang nurse must main ma inta tain ined ed th the e pr prin inci cipl ple e of sterility by having contact with unsterile unste rile surface surfacess only and by distancing at least 1 foot from the sterile eld or to any sterile personnel.
Main inttai ains ns ste sterrilit ility y of th the e gow gown and posions it for donning.
2. Once your hands are securely pinching the gown. Hold the gown near the gown's neck and allow it to unfold.
To avoid contaminang outer surfac sur face, e, ung unglov loved ed hands hands can only touch the exposed layer of the gown.
3. Step back from the shelf and allow the gown to drop. Make sure the gown does not touch any surrounding
Be c ar areful a n nd d d o no not l e ett t he he gown touc touch h anything anything unste unsterile rile as it drops.
3. The circulang nurse standing at the opposite side of the table will assist the scrub nurse in opening the wrapper of the sterile gown. -
To eliminate some of the controllable sources of contaminaon in the performance of asepc procedures In Ine eec ec ve hand hand dr dry ying res result ults wet hands are an infecon risk in incr crea easi sing ng th the e pote poten nal al for for cross-infecon.
The The circ circul ula ang ng nu nurs rse e ssho houl uld d only only be touching the folds of the
wrapper. Aer Aer the the wra wrap pw was as op open ened ed the the circulang nurse moves back away from the area, then the scrub nurse approach the table. Picking up the Gown 3. With one hand, pick up the en enre re folded gown from the wrapper by grasping the gown through all layers, being careful to touch only the inside top layer which is exposed. -
Performance 3 2 1 0
unsterile objects. 4. Grasp the inside shoulder seams and open the gown with the armholes facing you.
- Proper idenca idencaon on of the armholes provide a smooth and easy access of inserng the gown.
Inserng your arms into the sleeves of the gown 5. Carefully insert your arms part way Ke Keep ep ha hand ndss iins nsid ide e tthe he cu cus s to into the gown one at a me, keeping prevent contaminaon and a hands at shoulder level away from the preparaon for closed gloving. body. 6. Slide the arms further into the gown sleeves and when the ngerps are level with the proximal edge of the cu, grasp the inside seam at the cu hem using thumb and index nger. Be careful that no part of the hand protrudes from the sleeve cu.
Fastening the gown 7. A theatre assistant/ circulang nurse will fasten the gown behind you, posioning it over the shoulders by grasping the inside surface of the gown at the shoulder seam. The theatre
Shrug your arms into the sl slee eeve vess whil while e ke keep epin ing g yo your ur hands han ds wra wrappe pped d int into o the cus cus unl you get your gloves.
Prev revents nts an any y p pa art of the gow gown n from from to touc uchi hing ng a nonnon-st ster eril ile e ob obje ject ct
pr prov ovid ides es
comp comple lete te
coverage of undergarments.
assistant’s hands should only ever be in contact with the inside surface of the gown. 8. The theatre assistant/ circula circulang ng nurse then prepares to secure the gown at the neck and upper back. Gowns dier in how they are secured, but most with have either es, buons or Velcro tabs. 9. The circulang person then es the gown at waist level at the back. Note: before the nal e of the gown the scrub nurse must rst perform the sterile close gloving procedure.
This This adh adhere eress to the ste steril rilee-
sterile, unsterile-unsterile unsterile-unst erile movements and, to avoid contaminang the front of the gown that is already considered sterile. -
Gowns of the surgical team are considered sterile in front from the chest to the level of the sterile eld.
Final e of the gown 10. The scrub person will take hold of the belt tab which is securing the belt es. Keeping hold of the le side e with the le hand pull the tab with the righthand es sll secured and hand the tab to the circulang person. Variaon: in the absence of the belt tab, the scrub nurse may use a sterile forceps to hold the p of the belt. The forceps will then be handed to the circulang nurse. The circulang nurse must only
Secur ecure e th the e cl clos osur ure e of the the gow gown n by
as assi sis sng ng
th the e
circ circul ula ang ng
nurse in handling the tab while sl slll preven prevenng ng contac contactt with with them. -
Cir irccul ula ang ng n nur urse sess sho houl uld d only only come com e con contac tactt wit with h unster unsterile ile itemss and areas. Contact with item unster uns terile ile surgic surgical al team team could could
hold on to the forceps, careful not to touch any part of the e.
contaminate gown and gloves. Gown must enclose undergarments.
11. 11. The The circ circul ula ang ng pers person on wi will ll ta take ke hold hold
Un Unst ster eril ile e pe pers rson onne nell ke keep ep in
of the tab/ forceps being very careful not to touch the e and will move to the side or behind the scrub person. The scrub person will then turn if necessary, to enable them to reach and retrieve the e.
conta contact ct wit with h uns unster terile ile items items and
proximity to the sterile eld and personnel
12. When the scrub person is properly posioned they will then take hold of the belt e only being careful not to
- Sterile OR personnel come in direct contact with persons who wears gowns and gloves only.
touch the tab forceps pull with on the e leaving theor circula circulang ngand person only the tab/ forceps in their hand The circulang person must hold on ghtly to the tab/ or release clamp of the forceps so that when the scrub person pulls on the e the tab/ forceps doesn't come with it and contaminate them. 13. Finally the scrub praconer will secure the es on le side.
Theitems that they will touch are the sterile equipment. Any supply brought by an unsterile sta should transfer the item in a sterile manner.
provides complete coverage of unde underg rgar arme ment ntss
fr from om
be bein ing g
ANNA SOFIA M. REYES ______ _________ __________________ _________________ ______________ Signature over Printed Name of Student Evaluated By: _________________________ ________________ ________________ _______ Signature over Printed Name Clinical Instructor
References : hps:// hps:// hps://www.newcastle-hospi /Infecon %20Control/SurgicalScrubGownandGloveProceduresPolicy201706.pdf
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