Revolutionized Game - The Chode Gets Laid With Zero Resistance

November 14, 2021 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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This is just one of Max’s top 10 Lay reports series. These are a special bonus to RSD Max Hotseat. If you’re reading this and you haven’t signed up yet, click here to check out this premium live program ----

I let go of her, look her in the face to make it suuuper awkward. "D... do... I don't know... I'm so unexperienced... but... do you wanna have sex now... maybe?" This one happened in June 2014, right after my first 3 months of assisting Tyler in the US. I'm brought on board to assist Julien with his Canada tour – I'm getting my first experience as a public speaker in front of huge crowds and I love it. I discovered “chode” game and I'm a little too overly excited about it (calling it a “Revolution” and shit haha). The whole concept is pretty good but not feasible in this extend. The idea later on merged with the Killer Instinct concept into “The Gentleman Escalator” which is an incredibly effective far more balanced concept – lol: I kept these stories as pure and unedited as possible. - just like I wrote them back then. About some of it my opinions differ now, some of it I would do differently now but I kept it to depict my inner change accurately. Additional comments that I added now are kept in brackets […]

The Revolution of Game Chode Gets Laid With ZERO RESISTANCE Max, Where the Fuck Are You Again? Unbelievable, I'm onto something, this one idea has revolutionized my game. Truly. And it's awesome ;) I just got back into LA couple hours ago, so sick to be back!

The Truth About Julien Blanc Quick words about Julien: He's one of the coolest, most easy going, nicest guys I've ever met in my entire life. Had ridiculous amounts of fun hanging out with him - killer work ethic, funniest attitude towards the world and its craziness, genuinely nice and respectful to anyone.

But what is more: HIS GAME IS UNBELIEVABLE. After hanging out with him I can truly say he is tone of he best in the world. Calibration, negs, making the girl chase and BEG for him in such a smooth and stealth manner is just beyond this world. Now seriously, I ACTUALLY, SERIOUSLY believe Julien is not a human being. I actually think that motherfucker was sent from some advanced species that is not from this world in order to game. That's his sole purpose and he excels in it like barely anyone else. So big props to this motherfucker!

Preliminaries - Dublin, Ireland Remember that bridge-jump video ( Yeah, I got sick from that (for whatever reason), the next 4 days I spend in bed, having fever, barely being able to move lol. However, I get half-well and boom there it is, the call from RSD: "Can you come to Canada to help out Julien?" - "Hm... when?" - "Tomorrow." So typical, haha. I have a quick 20h layover in Dublin, Rock City. I do an Inner Circle meeting there, awesome questions, I talk for about 4h, followed by pimping with the guys - awesome community, couldn't have felt more welcome there!

Preliminaries - Montreal, Toronto, Canada "Hey, you should do the speeches at the free tours as well. How about the first 30 minutes before me?" If Julien asks you that with a smile on his face and his typical killer eye contact you just can't say no. Not that I wouldn't have said yes anyway. So psyched. 250 people in Montreal - biggest crowd ever for me. Absolutely off the hook, I fucking loved it. Infield, VBlogs, editing, more infield. Julien's on fire every. single. night. I'm just watching in awe. Toronto comes - more work to be done, but with Julien it's just pure fun throughout the whole day, haha. Free Tour comes - 450 people, I'm stunned by the crowd, I speak again, the words just bubble out of my mouth, I'm in the "Speaker Zone", it's my birthday and a lot of dudes congratulate me. I'm wearing my Jurassic Park shirt. This is too good to be true. I love it. Again, bootcamp assist, Hot Seat assist, RSDPapa shows up, we small talk he's in such a great mood and tells me he watched all my videos - sickly awesome haha. Good times traveling, good times learning and teaching at the same time ;)

The Approach - KILLER TEXTGAME ON TINDER Now Julien and me have been fucking around with Tinder on our time off. Whenever we we're chilling, eating, waiting, we just went on Tinder and fucked around.

Now, it's fucking 4am in the morning and Julien and me are goofing around in the hotel room. We're in a weird fucked-up state of sleep deprivation, unhealthy food and overworked-ness, listening to Abba, laughing our asses off to our own infield stuff, haha, great times. I see her profile, super cute blonde chick, wearing a shirt of one of my all-time favorite bands, I text her. It's actually one of the rare instances where I write a personalized opener, haha. Note: This is the new and fancy revolutionized Tinder text game I came up with. It's basically choding yourself out completely. The sick thing, it works so well cause you're basically slipping under the radar. The wolf in sheep's clothing, so to say. Big props also to Julien who helped me break down a couple things in greater detail. So here's the things you can do in order TO GET LAID OFF TINDER: # Double texting, almost always adding smileys and "haha"s # Barely ever leading, always asking for permission # Just seem like the most innocent, insecure fucker there is # Mention that Tinder is new to you

The Meet Up It's Saturday, Julien's Hot Seat day one and I'm assisting him as usual, hanging out there, getting some work done on my computer. It's a half-busy, half-non-busy job so I take the time to actually meet up with her. Now the whole notion of Chode Game is about to click in my brain, I'm not fully aware of it at the time I'm meeting up with her. The full realization actually just comes during sex, but let's keep things chronological, ey? We meet up, she actually has fucking blue hair, haha, wtf, but it does look cute. She's wearing super short, black hot pants and rockstar-ish high heels. Totally hot! Her face is really fucking cute, her body is tight, her skin is rather pale and she looks a little fragile, which I LOVE about girls ;) She shall be called Blue (for obvious reasons). However, at first I'm not really planning on anything. My whole intention is to actually get her to the Hot Seat and see her reaction, haha. But I don't wanna act massively uncalibrated and decide to let her loosen up a bit before I bring her into lion's den. We stroll around the area, the Eaton Center (biggest mall in Canada) is only a few blocks away and I decide to go there with her. Now at first I actually do normal game, increase physicality soon to see where her buying temperature's at, joke around, ask her weird stuff, cut her threads, let her invest. We walk around the huge mall and she doesn't really seem on. My game is a little too strong and it has intimidated her, I am too confident, too confronting, too all-over the place. I'm just about to break the whole thing up and just bring her to the Hot Seat to "get rid of her" haha.

At some point, however, I make the transition. Subconsciously and gradually. I'm not sure if I just notice that this will eventually get her or if I'm just feeling adventurous and I wanna see how far I can push chodiness... probably a mixture of both. So Be It - I Shall Be the Biggest Chode the World Has Ever Seen... I start with little insecurities and let her lead, since she is from Toronto and I'm not. "Oh, can we go this way? What's there? Haha, where are you bringing me?" I let her lead, act like the confused little Austrian barn boy. She starts leading slowly, it feels super natural this way. So the journey to complete beta begins... Note: My overall mindset looks like this - In all modesty, I personally love it and think it's the best thing I've invented for myself: Wow, I'm just a shy, little, dorky guy from Austria. Everything is new and exciting to me, haha, wow. I have no idea what I'm doing haha, and that's funny, I like this, I like you, I like everybody, I have a funny accent, haha, what's this? Oh, I like this also, hihi, you are a pretty girl, can I kiss you... maybe... haha, I'm not as experienced as many other boys, haha, I don't know, I don't want you to be uncomfortable, haha, can we hold hands? Is... is that alright? Haha, oh look, big buildings with many floors, wow, that's so high, we don't have that in Austria, haha! You are a really beautiful girl, I get aroused by you haha, I hope that doesn't make me a loser? I know I'm weird a little bit, haha, lol. So Blue starts leading, I tell her she's very dominant. She's not really but I just wanna put it in her head, I guess I already wanna seed the pull and wanna make it look like SHE'S doing it, hehehe. I'm beta-ing myself down more and more, after like an hour of strolling around I'm pure fucking innocence. Couple things I do: # I'm smiling a lot while looking down (subordinating myself). # I'm admitting that I'm not really as experienced as many other guys. # I tell her that many girls have told me that I'm weird and a little off but that's fine and I think it's funny. # I tell her that I'm really shy. # I stutter. # Even my fucking walk looks insecure as fuck - lol. She's leading, as it happens, we're actually walking away from the Hot Seat location towards my hotel, but she doesn't know that. So far I haven't even thought about pulling but it comes into my mind and it does look like it may work. She loosens up more and more. Why wouldn't she? I'm literally the nicest, most innocent guy she's ever met! ...And I'm just loving it, no leading, no being alpha, NO SHITTESTS FROM HER, I can just chode around and not have to care a single bit about attraction or whatever pitfall the girl might give me.

I like her more and more, her face is absolutely beautiful, even though I don't even look into her eyes... I don't dare it... I'm too shy. But it's not enough for me yet, I want more, I want to push it further... We reach the big intersection where big parts of the Gay Pride thing are happening. Toronto is full of homosexuals this weekend, and they're all partying through the streets, running around in very little clothes, haha. Now I, as a shy chode, am of course very intimidated by all that: "Oh wow, there's... there's a lot of nakedness going on haha... oh, and all the loud music, and people everywhere... I don't know how to feel about this... Can... can I maybe... uhm... can we, maybe... hold hands... or something? I - I don't wanna make you feel uncomfortable though... is, that... is that okay with you? Is this weird haha? I don't know how this whole dating thing works, haha..." We hold hands, this is just too funny. She gives me a strange look... a mixture of "WTF"? and "Aw, he's kinda cute". I say "Oh wow, look we're all holding hands now and stuff... you're so pushy!" - Totally blame her, hehehe. I now tell her that she's actually leading us towards my hotel: "Haha, you're actually bringing us closer to my hotel! Is this how you do it? Haha, I don't know how to feel about this, I'm so shy, you're such a vixen, haha!" She, of course, denies it and at one point says we should turn around, HERE I quickly step in and lead for 2 seconds: "No it's fine, we can keep walking this way, oh look, there's a park!" And back to chode mode, letting her lead the rest of the way, so awesome haha.

How A Chode Does It - Asking For Permission to Kiss Her We talk about something random, I keep being innocent, insecure, dorky. Wanna push it even further and wonder what might happen if I randomly, out of the blue, asked her if we could kiss now. It couldn't be less calibrated, so I just interrupt her and shout out: "So, do you wanna make out now?" Silence, Blue looks at me with big eyes. I add: "Haha, I don't know how this works... w... was that weird? I mean... I don't... don't wanna make you feel uncomfortable or something haha." But she doesn't say no, hehe. Note: With all this complete chodiness you, dear reader, may ask now: "Why learning game then?" The key here is, acting like a complete chode might be the one side of the sword, BUT you need experience, calibration and knowledge about when to actually escalate, when to take a step forward, when to take a step back, when there's real resistance, when there's token resistance etc. etc. So it may sound easy as fuck, but it actually is a little art on its own ;) We sit down on a park bench. "Oh well, this is nice, I like this bench haha, Canada is a very nice country... So, do you wanna kiss now? You are very pretty, haha" She denies verbally, says she doesn't do that in public. I completely take a step back, look down, give her the shoulder: "I... I apologize, haha, I don't know how this works... I'm dorky I know... I'm sorry... I - I don't wanna make you feel uncomfortable or something..." I see it in her face, she gives me the "Awww, look how cute this little, helpless puppy is"-look. Hehehe, I reached full SHEEP MODE.

Note: Sheep Mode. What a great name for this. It shall indicate that the girl now fully believes you're an innocent little guy who is dorky and nice. Little does the girl know that SHE'S actually the one who's naive, cause deep inside you're still a motherfucking ice cold closer. A wolf... in sheep's clothing, hehehe. Sheep Mode, I now know I can totally kiss her. I touch her face, go for the kiss, pull back for a second, act super insecure and nervous, go forth again and kiss her amazing lips. She feels so good, her lips touch mine, I can smell her, she smells like a garden full of roses. Even when I'm writing this now I feel the chode coming up again, haha. I stop the kiss. Look at her. "Oh my God, I can't believe we did that haha, you're so forward and pushy, haha, we are so crazy lol!" Some gay guys walk by us smiling, yelling: "Yeah guys, that's how it's done!" We laugh. Note: The way I "escalate": Asking her, taking a step back, looking down, being super insecure but laughing about it, haha, then actually doing it and BLAMING HER. Now the thing with asking her in the chodiest way possible is you actually get SOCIAL CONDITIONING to work FOR YOU. Why? Girls are basically socially conditioned to help shy guys out, to have empathy for them, to let them get away with stuff. She almost complies out of pity. Even the way I neg her is so innocent: "Haha, do... do you think... maybe... do you think those homosexuals thought you are a transvestite? I mean, you with all the black high heels and the blue hair and stuff... haha, I don't know... do you think...?" She can't even be mad at me. I'm way too shy and innocent for that. HOWEVER, the emotional spike remains the same, hehehe. Funny thing, all that makes me incredibly horny, I'm literally sitting here with a boner. "Haha, you are so pretty, I have an erection, haha, but please don't look at it, I'm so shy, lowl."

The Pull I decide to push it further now. I wanna fuck her... today... right now. Again, I do it in the most uncalibrated, weird way possible... "So now that we kissed... do you wanna go back to my hotel?" She's all like? "Fuck no! What the fuck?!" So I'm just: "Oh haha, sorry sorry, I just thought, that's how it works, haha I don't know, hihi..." I change the topic, we smalltalk for a second but then I go for the pull again: "Are you sure, you don't want to come to my hotel... I mean... we don't have to do anything we're uncomfortable with..." And HERE comes the chode sentence that actually gets her: "I mean... we can just sit in my room and kiss..." I see compliance in her face, I go in for the kill: "I mean, it's so loud here... and all these people... sometimes I just enjoy it when it's quieter and more alone and stuff..." Blue nods and her eyes lighten up: "Yeah, I actually like that more too!" I add: "Do... do you... like peanut butter... we could just sit there and eat peanut butter... I have a whole jar we can eat with spoons!" BAM, she totally complies, we get up and start heading towards my street. "Haha this is cool, you're so spontaneous, I like you, Blue!" I stutter while I'm walking next to her with an insecure walk.

"You're so insecure!" She smiles at me. Can't believe this actually works. We get Reese's - she pays, cause I say something like "Oh... I only have 10 dollars left in my pocket... oh that's too bad, I think I need this later on..." - "It's okay Max, don't worry, I got this." Note: I actually really like this girl and as I'm writing this I kinda miss her. Her aura and positivity were so cute and I love the way her petite body felt and how clear and deep-blue her eyes were. Even though I was totally choding myself out and kinda "experimented" throughout the entire interaction, I still built a connection towards her. Note: A small but not less important key for the pull here: I plant the idea in her head that she's very spontaneous, outgoing and open to everything - and tell her that that's why I like her so much. Now even though she's not in such a high degree, she still complies to it, as she doesn't want to seem like a "disappointment". I get out huge rapport stories, mixed up with a lot of insecurity, embarrassing stories and a lot of "Nah... I can't tell you, you will think I'm an idiot... haha." Which makes her, of course, chase even more. We reach our hotel, into the room. We sit down next to each other, silence, awkwardness, I deliberately do nothing against it, it should seem even more chode-like. I play some music on the phone, talk 2 minutes about awesome bands we have in common (again, she's actually a really great girl). But here comes the escalation.

The Escalation - Do You Wanna Do It? "Soo... I don't... I don't know... do you wanna... maybe... kiss again?" She's fully in that "I ask for permission - she allows it" mode and complies with everything: "Hm... I guess..." (Which is pretty much a huge YES in girl language.) Normally, that would've been more than enough but I'm too chody: "Oh... I mean, we don't have to do it, if you don't want it... I don't wanna make you feel uncomfortable..." Note: Again, all this hardcore refraining and only stepping back and back and back actually makes HER INVEST in the entire escalation, as you can see here: Blue: "Yeah, let's kiss. We can do that. Let's kiss again." I'm just like "Haha, okaaay." And go for a really passionate make out now. I let go of her. We're still sitting on the bed. "Do you wanna lie on the bed maybe now... it would be more comfortable I think... haha." She complies. We're lying next to each other, I'm horny as fuck, such a boner, make out, I pull her really close and feel her gorgeous body. I don't fuck around much now. Still, don't forget the chodiness, Max!

"Can... can I maybe... touch your ass? It looks very sexy..." She smiles, complies. "Do you wanna also... maybe... touch mine... or something? I mean... only if you like it, haha." She does touch it, she does like it. I fucking massage her perfect little ass. I let go of her. "This is so crazy, haha... you arouse me so much..." More passionate make out. I now start to finger her over her panties... for the first time without asking haha. Absolutely no resistance. I remember her saying an hour earlier. "We're not gonna go to your place. Neither are we gonna go to my place. (As an answer to one of my dorky, super-uncalibrated-forward questions)" She's only had 1 one night stand before... only slept with 7 guys in her entire life. I shall be the chodiest one. [Girls say a lot... who knows if that's even true lol] I ask if she wants me to take my shirt off, she does, I take it off. I finger her over her panties. "Hm... I think... maybe... can I... can I do this under your pants... maybe... I mean... maybe you will like it better?" She smiles at me with that puppy-smile again. We take off her pants. "Wow... I like your sexy, red panties, haha." I finger her, she's so wet already. "Do you... I don't wanna be pushy or so... haha... do you wanna maybe... do the same for me too?" I ask her for a hand job. "Yeah, why not, haha." She smiles, gets out my dick and starts jerking off. GOSH how horny this whole insecurity thing makes me... I let go of her, look her in the face to make it suuuper awkward. "D... do... I don't know... I'm so unexperienced... but... do you wanna have sex now... maybe?" Hahaha, glorious. Blue: "Hm... yeah... we can do that... (She acts all indecisive even though she's craving my dick like crazy) Do you have condoms?" Me: "Oh wow... that's awesome, I'm super nervous, haha. Yes... yes, I think I have some condoms somewhere here..." The half-empty 100 pack lies right there on the floor haha. I get a condom, put it on... "Wow, you are so beautiful... I'm really nervous and excited..." She gives me a "Don't be..." look. I penetrate her.

The Sex The sex is just amazing, absolutely no pressure for "I have to fuck her really well now!" I just fuck her missionary style, super chody, super slow, followed by "Do you like this? Am I doing it right?" She nods. "Do you... want me to do it differently? What do you like... maybe I can do it?" Hahaha, so insecure. She now looks at me "Yeah, you can do it a little harder." This makes me so horny for her and I now proceed fucking her harder. "You... you mean like this... is this good?" She moans and breathes faster now, her hands hold my body tightly, her pussy tightens up and contracts. I'm so diggin' this chode style... "I just came a little haha... is that a problem?" She shakes her head. I get a new condom, proceed to fuck her. "Can I maybe... fuck you from behind?" She complies. I fuck her from behind, hardcore now... just couldn't resist, her blue hair, her fragile, pale body...

I turn her around again, wanna face her. "You are so beautiful, you arouse me so much..." I tell her while I fuck her. She feels so good around my rock-hard dick... I fuck her faster, harder. "I really like you, Blue... you are so pretty..." It's almost getting too much haha. "Hey, you arouse me so much, I'm almost coming..." I ask her in an "what should I do now?" tone. She just says in a soothing voice: "That's okay." I give her some G-Spot Action and make her close to cumming, but my arm hurts too much and I'm too chody, haha. I fuck her again. Still haven't pushed it far enough... so I go for the last thing that comes into my mind - something I have implemented in all of my last lays, something that just needs to be done: "Oh my gosh... I'm almost cumming now, you are so pretty... can I maybe... urgh, I know this is weird... but I would really like it... and maybe you would like it too... I don't know... can I maybe... cum on your face?" She denies, doesn't comply. "No!... I don't do that... also, I'm wearing make-up." But I'm just like "Oh okay... but don't worry, I will clean your face right away." She complies, I'm just too nice to say no to. I pull it out, throw the condom in the corner, knee next to her, let her jerk off... "Oh my God... I feel it coming, Blue, you are so pretty, I'm cumming for you now!" And baaaam I cum all over her face... in loads... this whole thing just turned me on way too much. LOL. ____________________________________________________________________ # Never stop pushing yourself and never stop experimenting. The moment you stop experimenting, you stagnate. # Sometimes you don't have to be alpha, dominant, witty or anything else. Sometimes it's just enough that YOU ARE ENOUGH. # STILL know when to escalate, still calibrate the shit out of situations, still trust your skill of being able to turn everything around, just in case you pushed too hard. # I love Canada. # I love cute, petite, blonde girls, even if they're blue ___________________________________________________________________

We clean her face, I kiss her and notice... that I'm actually shaking, so immersed am I in this whole role of the insecure nice guy. I tell her that I would've never expected that we would have sex (I actually didn't, not with this kind of game, haha), she tells me the same, not in the world would she have expected that. We hang out a couple more minutes until she has to go - I need to get back to Hot Seat too, Julien's about to end. So, holding hands we're heading out together. I smile at her... "You are really awesome... I really enjoyed the time with you... Ca - can I... maybe... call you... like... when I get back... at some point to Toronto...?" She smiles at me: "Sure you can!"

We part ways. I get in the cab, back to Hot Seat. This was exciting... wow, such a big city... such a nice cab driver... such a crazy adventure, haha, I have no idea what I'm doing, I'm so insecure and happy about this... haha ;) This is just one of Max’s top 10 Lay reports series. These are a special bonus to RSD Max Hotseat. If you’re reading this and you haven’t signed up yet, click here to check out this premium live program ----

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