Reviewer for Psychological Testing

December 27, 2016 | Author: testingsc2749 | Category: N/A
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guidance counselor's board exam reviewer...


2013 PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING Reviewer for Guidance and Counseling Board Exam


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Test-taking Advice 1. Go into the exam prepared, alert, and well-rested. 2. Complete your travel arrangements prior to the exam date. Plan to arrive early so that you have enough time to locate the venue and examination room without rushing. 3. Dress comfortably or wear the prescribe dress code and bring a sweater or jacket in case the room is too cool. 4. Take the following with you to the test site: (all PRC requirements) Monggol 2 pencil admission ticket (PRC admission slip, if there is) ID with picture identification watch snacks, lunch, water money 5. There are many strategies for taking a test and different techniques for dealing with different types of questions. Nevertheless, you may find the following general suggestions useful.  Read in advance the PRC Board Examination guide. If you do not have a copy, you may ask from the PRC office.  Listen carefully to the instructions given by the test facilitator and fill-out properly all the demographic information asked in the answer sheet.  Check the booklets and answer sheet for discrepancies (missing pages, missing items, erased/unclear or poorly printed pages) and had it change for a clean and complete copy.  Read each question and all the response options carefully before marking your answer. Pay attention to all of the details.  Go through the entire test once and answer all the questions you are reasonably certain about. Then go back and tackle the questions that require more thought.  Check periodically to be sure that you are correctly coding your answers on the answer sheet. When you answer questions out of sequence, be certain that the answers you mark on your answer sheet correspond to the correct question numbers in the test booklet.  When you are not certain of the right answer, eliminate as many options as you can and choose the response that seems best. It is to your advantage to answer all the questions on the test, even if you are uncertain about some of your choices. Be certain to mark your answers clearly on the answer sheet. As much as possible to avoid erasure and too heavy shading that result to blotting of the answer sheet. However, if you change an answer, erase the first answer completely and shade your new answer.  Make sure that you only have one shaded answer for each question. In most PRC test, there are only four options give that are usually coded as A, B, C, D but in the answer sheet they provided five boxes for the option like A, B, C, D, E. Never chose letter E.  Also make sure there are no stray marks on the answer sheet. Please do not write or mark outside the demarcated areas.  Take note of the time limit per test make sure to have answered all questions 2-5 minutes before time is up.  After completing the exam, go back and check every question.  Verify that you have answered all of the questions in all sub-tests and that your responses are correctly entered.


DIRECTIONS: All items in the test are of the multiple choice type. Read each item and chose your answer from the options given. On your answer sheet, shade the circle marked with your chosen answer. 1. What was the first known standardized test? a. Civil Service Examination b. Intelligence Test c. Personality Test d. Diagnostic Test 2. Who introduced the calibrated pendulum to measure “speed of thought”? a. Francis Galton b. Wilhelm Wundt c. James McKeen Cattell d. Chinese Emperor 3. Carl Jung utilizes this type of test for analysis of mental complexes. a. Oral Examination b. Visual-Motor Test c. Word-Association Test d. Sentence Completion Test 4. Who developed the first considered personality test? a. Lewis Terman b. Charles Spearman c. E.L. Thorndike d. Robert Woodworth 5. What year does Psychology was first introduced in the Philippines? a. 1890 b. 1910 c. 1951 d. 1961 6. Under whose leadership was the Philippine Psychological Corporation founded? a. Fr. Jaime Bulatao b. Virgilio Enriquez c. Virginia Villar d. Fr. Joseph Goertz 7. A new school counselor has just been hired by a school district with a significant backlog of referrals for children who need psychological testing. The guidance counselor’s supervisor has indicated that the purpose of the testing is to obtain much needed services for these children, including special education which could greatly


improve their educational progress and satisfaction. In an effort to accomplish the testing as quickly as possible, the supervisor scheduled several children for testing and the guidance counselor had them tested Given the above situation what ethical standard had been violated? a. b. c. d.

The right to informed consent The right to know and understand test results Protection from invasion of privacy The right to confidentiality

8. The proponent organization that provides psychological services and psychological testing in the Philippines? a. Psychological Association of the Philippines b. Philippine Psychological Corporation c. Central Guidance Bureau d. Philippine Guidance Counselor Association 9. What was the usual purpose of Psychological testing when it started to flourish in the Philippines in 1970’s? a. Examination of applicants for overseas contract workers b. College admission testing c. Job Application d. Educational measurement Questions 10 and 11 are based on the following passage. The English coordinator of an elementary school asked the assistance of the guidance counselor in conducting a research regarding average daily amount of television viewing and reading skills of children. Parents of children in four age groups (six year olds, seven year olds, eight year olds, and nine year olds) were asked to record the number of hours their children watched television for a six-month period. The guidance counselor also gave the children reading-speed and reading-comprehension tests on a monthly basis for the six-month period. Analyses of the data reveal the following correlations:

AGE 6 7 8 9



10. The pattern of results above suggests which of the following about television watching? a. It increases reading comprehension but does not increase reading speed. 5

b. It has a stronger relationship to reading speed than to reading comprehension. c. It has a stronger relationship to reading comprehension than to reading speed. d. It diminishes the relationship between reading speed and reading comprehension. 11. Based on the correlational data, the psychologist claims that television viewing significantly reduces reading skills. This claim can be justly criticized because a. children younger than ten years prefer television viewing to reading and the sample in the study is therefore biased b. reading comprehension is more difficult to assess than is the amount of television c. television viewing need not impede the acquisition and utilization of reading skills d. correlational data do not justify inferences about causes 12. The best source of an objective review of a test is a. Tests in Print b. the Mental Measurement Yearbook c. the test publisher’s description of the test d. APA’s Finding Information About Psychological Tests 13. Which is NOT typically a variable considered when evaluating the technical quality of a test? a. reliability b. validity c. normative data d. behavior 14. Which is NOT one of the assumptions about testing and assessment listed in the text? a. Psychological traits and states can be quantified and measured b. Test-related behavior predicts non-test related behavior. c. Sources of error can be eliminated from the assessment process. d. Assessment can be conducted in a fair and unbiased manner 15. "A good test measures what it purports to measure and does so in a relatively consistent fashion." statement is a reference to the a. degree to which a tool of assessment is precise b. degree to which a tool of assessment is concise c. computer-administered version of a paper-and-pencil test d. technical or psychometric property of a test


16. A key difference between the terms "psychological testing" and "psychological assessment" is "psychological testing" refers to


a. a standardized process of checking a portion of an individual's behavior and comparing it to that of a group with known characteristics b. an instrument designed to measure unobserved constructs, also known as latent variables c. the process of the integrating information from multiple sources, such as tests of normal and

abnormal personality, tests of ability or intelligence, tests of interests or attitudes, as well as information from personal interviews d. all of the above 6

17. Suppose you wanted to develop a test to determine which of several job applicants would work a bank. What psychometric property are you going to consider if you wanted to measure job success? a. b. c. d.

Validity Reliability Normative Data Item Analysis

18. Standardization means: a. objectivity of scoring b. the use of standard scores c. experimental control over extraneous variables d. uniformity of procedure 19. Reliability can be simply defined as a. accuracy b. consistency c. truthfulness d. variation 20. It is expected that reliability coefficients be at least a. .30 b. .50 c. .70 d .90 21. There are many ways to split a test in two, but in general this method usually works well. a. odd versus even b. first half versus second half c. easy versus difficult d. homogeneous versus heterogeneous 22. Test A is composed of 200 items, while Test B is composed of 50 items. Both tests have a split-half reliability of .68. Using the Spearman-Brown formula, which test will be more reliable? a. Test A b. Test B c. both will be equal d. need additional information to tell 23. A test has a reliability of .62. If I increase the length of the test with similar items, I will a. decrease its reliability b. increase its reliability c. decrease its validity d. increase its validity 24. In effect, reliability is a function of the ______of the scores. 7

well in

a. b. c. d.

inconsistency differential validity variability sensitivity

25. The person who first investigated the psychological effects of fatigue in psychiatric patients and made extensive use of the free association method, a task requiring the subject to respond to a stimulus word with the first word that comes to mind. a. Emil Kraeplin c. Ronald Fisher b. Sir Francis Galton d. Lightmer Witmer 26. Norm reference refers to: a. the interpretation of scores using norms b. the studies by Norm and his colleagues c. an examination like a driver’s license test d. only norms that are expressed in z scores 27. A free response test might be illustrated by: a. an ipsative measure that involves ranking b. a personality test used for placement purposes c. the Rorschach Inkblot technique d. an interval scale of multiple choice items 28. The numbers on basketball players’ uniforms represent a(n) scale. a. nominal b. ordinal c. interval d. ratio 29. Ordinal scales a. involve ranks b. have a true zero c. have equal intervals d. have an arbitrary zero 30. Strictly speaking, a typical true-false personality scale is an example of a(n) scale. a. nominal b. ordinal c. ratio d. interval 31. In considering ethical issues, three areas are most important: a. qualifications of the examiner, privacy, and feedback b. informed consent, confidentiality, and privacy c. feedback, rapport, and informed consent d. validity, reliability, and norms 32. In constructing a test, the first step is to 8

a. identify a need b. develop a theoretical framework c. construct a pool of items d. generate a table of specifications 33. A table of specifications refers to a. how long the test will be b. a blueprint of the structure of the finished test c. the practical decisions that need to be made d. the degree to which theory dictates content 34. I am developing a test to measure attitudes toward suicide. I have a pool of some 3000 potential items. A good technique at this point would be: a. content analysis b. pilot testing c. item analysis d. standardization 35. In regards to sample size of test norms: a. raw scores are most meaningful b. larger is always better c. groups differing in age should always be used d. representativeness is important 36. As a general rule a. the shorter the test the less reliable and valid it is b. the shorter the test the more reliable it is c. tests revised by factor analysis are more valid d. multivariate tests are better 37. Distractors should be a. equally attractive to the test taker b. clearly correct or incorrect c. substantially shorter than the stem d. more confusing to those who know the correct answer 38. Arthur obtained a raw score of 120 on a history test where the class average was 116 and a SD of 7. He also obtained a raw score of 52 on a geography test where the mean was 48 and the SD was 5.We can conclude that a. he did better on the history exam b. he did better on the geography exam c. he did equally well on both exams d. we need to know what the range of scores was

39. Item discrimination refers to the ability of a test item to identify 9

a. those who are higher from those who are lower on the tested dimension b. those who obtain a perfect score from all others c. those who score above the median versus below the median d. those who are being discriminated against 40. In computing item discrimination indices, the best strategy from a statistical point of view is to compare a. those above the median versus those below b. “A” students versus failing students c. upper 27% versus the lower 27% d. those with delta scores of above 50 versus below 50 41. Test-retest reliability involves __ group(s) of individuals assessed with__. a. one; two different tests b. two; two different tests c. one; one test d. two; one test 42. A typical achievement test assesses what a person a. has learned over a specific time period b. has learned over their lifetime c. is potentially able to achieve d. can learn in a reasonable amount of time 43. A very simple way of identifying the typical score is to pick the one that occurs most frequently. This measure of central tendency is known as a. mode b. median c. percentile d. mean 44. Verbal reasoning test are usually found in what psychological test(s)? a. aptitude and intelligence tests b. personality and interest tests c. diagnostic and achievement tests d. projective tests 45. Student A got the following periodical examination scores; English = 75/105, Math = 79/110, & Science 100/120. How will you determine which among the three subjects she performed the weakest? a. By computing the z-scores b. By computing the standard deviation

c. by computing the confidence interval d. None of the Above

46. The mean of a distribution of Z scores is always exactly a. 0 c. 2 b. 1 d. 3


47. The variable that is considered a cause. a. independent variable b. dependent variable

c. categorical variable d. continuous variable

48. Academic Follow-up: Its relation to Student’s Academic Performance. Suppose that the preceding phrase is a research title, which is considered an independent variable? a. Academic Follow-up b. Academic Performance

c. Academic Follow-up and Academic Performance d. Effectiveness

49. A diagram that permit you to see at a glance the degree and pattern of relation of the two variables. a. scatter plot c. pie graph b. histogram d. line graph 50. A famous French physician who pioneered the field of mental deficiency and emphasized the importance of training the senses in the education of the mentally deficient and developed many procedures to enhance their muscular control and sensory abilities. a. Esquirol b. Seguin

c. Binet d. Pinel

51. The following are the elements of test in accordance to Anastasi’s definition except ONE. a. objective c. quantitative b. standardized d. a sample of behavior 52. The Guidance Counselor used students test result in Stanford Achievement Test to determe who among them will be admitted to the school’s “Academic Skills Enhancement Program”. For what general purpose was the test utilized by the Guidance Counselor? a. classification c. program evaluation b. self-understanding d. scientific inquiry 53. In relation to question number 52, if at the end of the course, the students in the Academic Skills Enhancement Program were again tested of the Stanford Achievement Test to determine if there is improvement of their academic skills. What general purpose was test utilized in this situation? a. classification c. program evaluation b. self-understanding d. all of the above 54. The University of Southern California administers Otis-Lennon School Ability Test (OLSAT) for college admission. A cut-off IQ of 105 was set as basis for accepting student-applicants. Jenny got an IQ of 104 and was advice to look for another school. The situation above tells that OLSAT was used for what function? a. placement c. prediction b. selection d. diagnosis 55. In reference to the previous question #54, Jenny’s score in OLSAT was interpreted through what procedure. a. Norm-reference c. screening b. Criterion-reference d. ipsative


56. The guidance counselor asked the students to rank the seven career activities according to how they perceived each as helpful. What measurement scale is used? a. nominal c. interval b. ordinal d. ratio 57. Only the client and the professional have access to the test results, and any transmission of test results to a third party requires written consent on the part of the client. What ethical standard is being described in the preceding statement? a. Informed consent b. Confidentiality 58.


c. right to privacy d. Professional and scientific responsibility


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