Reviewer - Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

January 10, 2017 | Author: Endaya Khizoul | Category: N/A
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reviewer - Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

Ar chi t ect ur alBoar dExam Revi ewer Architectural Board Exam Reviewer byj enar oonFr iMay29,20093: 13pm

Mgasi rshar ekol angungmgareviewer nai t o. . . . shar enyodi nkungmayr ondi n kayo. . . t hnx! ARCHI TECTURALACOUSTI CS compi l ed& edi t edbyAr ch.J enar oA.Vi l l amor ,uap Def i ni t i onsofACOUSTI CS: anchofphysi csconcer nedwi t hsound swi t ht hepr oduct i on,cont r ol ,t r ansmi ssi on,r ecept i on,andef f ect sofsound Al mostal lacoust i calsi t uat i onsar edescr i bedi n3par t s( el ement s) : 1.SoundSour ce(e. g.humanspeech,HVAC equi pment ) 2.Tr ansmi ssi onPat h( e. r ,ear t h,bui l di ngmat er i al s) 3.Recei ver( e. g.humans,ani mal s,sensi t i vemedi calequi pment ) ARCHI TECTURALACOUSTI CS 1.t echnol ogyofdesi gni ngspaces,st r uct ur esandmechani calsyst emst omeethear i ng needs 2.ef f ectofbui l di ngdesi gnont hecont r olofsoundi nbui l di ngs 3Aspect sofAcoust i calDesi gni nBui l di ngs 1.Pl anni ngt okeepnoi sesour cesasf araspossi bl ef r om qui etar ea 2.I nt er nalacoust i csofr ooms 3.St r uct ur alpr ecaut i onst or educenoi sepenet r at i ons Essent i alEl ement sofAr chi t ect ur alAcoust i cs: 1.Room Acoust i cs–t hequal i t i esorchar act er i st i csofar oom,audi t or i um,orconcer t hal lt hatdet er mi net heaudi bi l i t yofspeechorf i del i t yofmusi calsoundi ni t •Cubi cvol ume( andcoupl edspaces) •Shapeandpr opor t i on( l engt ht owi dt h,hei ght t owi dt h) •Fi ni shes( sel ect i onandpl acement ) •Audi encel ayout(f l oorsl ope,speaker t ol i st enerdi st ances) •Speci alt r eat ment(suspendedr ef l ect or s,r esonantabsor ber s,quadr at i cr esi due di f f user s) 2.SoundI sol at i on–t heuseofbui l di ngmat er i al sandconst r uct i onassembl i esdesi gned t or educet het r ansmi ssi onofai r bor neandst r uct ur ebor nesoundf r om oner oom t o anot herorf r om t heext er i ort ot hei nt er i orofabui l di ng( SoundI nsul at i on)



reviewer - Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

•Si t enoi sechar act er i st i cs( soundl evel ,char act er ,dur at i on) •Out doorbar r i er s,near bybui l di ngs,veget at i on,andear t hber ms •Locat i onofact i vi t i eswi t hi nbui l di ngs( zoni ng,buf f erspaces) •Backgr oundnoi secr i t er i a( HVAC syst em,el ect r oni c) 3.Mechani calsyst em noi seandvi br at i ons •Equi pmentnoi sechar act er i st i cs •Locat i onofmechani calequi pment •Vi br at i oni sol at i on(spr i ngs,pads) •Ai rductandpi pet r eat ment(l i ni ngs,muf f l er s,l aggi ngs) •Backgr oundnoi sef r om ai rout l et s( coor di nat i onwi t hsoundi sol at i on) 4.El ect r oni csoundsyst ems •Syst em compat i bi l i t ywi t hr oom acoust i cs •Loudspeakersel ect i on,pl acementandor i ent at i on •Syst em component sandcont r ol s •Backgr oundmaski ng( l oudspeakerl ayout ,soundspect r a) Def i ni t i onsofSOUND 2 1.physi calwavei nanel ast i cmedi um,usual l yai r 2.t hesensat i onst i mul at edi nt heor gansofhear i ngbymechani calr adi antener gy t r ansmi t t edasl ongi t udi nalpr essur ewavest hr ought heai rorot hermedi um 3.avi br at i oni nanel ast i cmedi um suchasai r ,wat er ,mostbui l di ngmat er i al s,andt he ear t h 4.physi cal l y,soundi sar api df l uct uat i onofai rpr essur e TypesofSound 1.Want edSound( speech,musi c)–hear dpr oper l y oconsi der eddesi r abl e ohear dpr oper l y 2.Unwant edSound( noi se)–annoyance oannoyance onotdesi r edorobj ect i onabl e Char act er i st i csofSound 1.Audi bl e 2.I naudi bl e Basi cPr i nci pl esofSound-under st andi ngt hechar act er i st i csofsoundi sessent i ali n desi gni ngf orgoodacoust i cs) 1.Gener at i on osoundi sgener at edwhenanobj ectvi br at es,causi ngt headj acentai rt omove, r esul t i ngi naser i esofpr essur ewavesr adi at i ngoutf r om t hemovi ngobj ect oWave–adi st ur banceorosci l l at i ont hatt r ansf er sener gypr ogr essi vel yf r om poi ntt o poi nti namedi um orspacewi t houtadvancebyt hepoi nt st hemsel ves,asi nt he t r ansmi ssi onofsoundorl i ght oSoundWave–al ongi t udi nalpr essur ewavei nai roranel ast i cmedi um pr oduci nganaudi bl esensat i on



reviewer - Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

2.Fr equency ot heno.oft i mest hecycl eofcompr essi onandr ar ef act i onofai roccur si nagi venuni t oft i me( e. g.1000cycl esi nt heper i odof1second= 1000cps= 1000Her t z) ot heno.ofcycl esperuni tt i meofawaveorosci l l at i on ot heno.ofcompl et ecycl espersecond( f r equencyofvi br at i on) ot her at eofosci l l at i onofmol ecul esbysound( f r equencyofvi br at i on)measur edi n cycl espersecond( Her t z) oPi t ch–f r equencyofsoundvi br at i on;t hepr edomi nantf r equencyofasoundas per cei vedbyt hehumanear oVi br at i on–t hebackandf or t hmot i onofacompl et ecycl e oCycl e–f ul lci r cui tbyadi spl acedpar t i cl e oPer i od–t het i mer equi r edf oronecompl et ecycl e o20–20, 000Hz–appr of r equencyr angeofhumanhear i ng; o600–40, 000Hz–cr i t i calf r equencyf orspeechcommuni cat i on oTone–composedofaf undament alf r equencywi t hmul t i pl esoft hef undament al , cal l edHar moni cs oPur eTone–soundcomposedonl yof1f r equency oMusi calsoundsar ecombi nat i onofmanypur et ones oFr equencybands–usedt oexpr essdi vi si onofsoundsi nt osect i ons( Oct avebandsar e t hemostcommon) o9Oct aveBands–31. 5,63,125,250,500,1000,2000,4000,8000Hz 3 3.Vel oci t y ovar i esaccor di ngt ot hemedi um oft r ansmi ssi on;appr ox.1100f psi nai ratnor mal t emper at ur eandpr essur e 4.Wavel engt h oDi st ancebet weensi mi l arpoi nt sonsuccessi vewaves;t hedi st ancet hesoundt r avel s i nonecycl e oRel at i onshi pbet weenwavel engt h,f r equency,andvel oci t y: Λ = c/ f Λ = wavel engt h,f t . 2 c= vel oci t yofsound,f ps f= f r equencyofsound,Hz( cps) oLow f r equencysounds:char act er i zedbyl ongwavel engt hs oHi ghf r equencysounds:char act er i zedbyshor twavel engt hs oSoundswi t hwavel engt hsr angi ngf r om ½”–50’canbehear dbyhumans 5.Magni t ude oSoundpower( wat t s)–amountofener gypr oducedbyasour ce oI nt ensi t y–descr i best heener gyl evel ;uni ti swat t s/ cm2 oLoudness( whati sper cei ved)–r el at edt ot heI nt ensi t yLevel( I L)orSoundPr essur e Level( SPL) oTheSoundPr essur eLevel( SPL)i sequi val entt ot heSoundI nt ensi t yLevel( I L) oI nt ensi t yLeveli sexpr essedi ndeci bel s



reviewer - Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

oDeci bel–di mensi onl essuni tusedt oexpr esst her at i ooft wonumer i calval uesofa l ogar i t hmi cscal e Compar i sonofdeci mal ,exponent i al ,andl ogar i t hmi cst at ement sofvar i ousacoust i c i nt ensi t i es I nt ensi t y( wat t s/ cm2)I nt ensi t yLevel Deci malNot at i onExponent i alNot at i onLogar i t hmi cNot at i onExampl es 0. 001103130dB Pai nf ul 0. 0001104120dB 0. 00001105110dB 75pi eceor chest r a 0. 000001106100dB 0. 000000110790dB Shout i ngat5f t . 0. 00000000110970dB Speechat3f t . 0. 00000000001101150dB Aver ageof f i ce 0. 0000000000001101330dB Qui etunoccupi edof f i ce 0. 00000000000001101420dB Rur alambi ent 0. 000000000000001101510dB 0. 000000000000000110160dB Thr eshol dofhear i ng oThef undament alr el at i onshi pt hatdet er mi nest hedeci bell eveli st ent i mest he l ogar i t hm t ot hebase10oft henumer i calr at i ooft het woi nt ensi t i es.Forexampl e: I L= 10l ogI I 0 I L= i nt ensi t yl evel I= i nt ensi t y,wat t s/ cm2 I 0= r ef er encei nt ensi t y,1016wat t s/ cm2 4 6.Ti meChar act er i st i csofSound oSomesoundsr emai nconst antwi t ht i me( e. g.f anmaypr oduceasoundwi t hconst ant f r equencyandi nt ensi t ychar act er i st i cs–ast eadyst at esound) oSounds( t r af f i c,voi ces,musi cali nst r ument s)var yasaf unct i onoft i me oVehi cul art r af f i csounds:maxi mum l evel s/ l evel sexceededf or90% oft het i me oSpeechsounds:1% peaks oOr chest r a’ ssound:l ongt er m aver agel evel s Behavi orofSoundi naFr eeFi el d •Soundi nt ensi t yi sr educedt oonequar t ereacht i met hedi st ancedoubl es: I 1andI 2ar et hei nt ensi t i esatdi st ancesd1andd2f r om t hesour ce •Thei nt ensi t yofasoundatadi st ancef r om t hesour cei sexpr essedast hepower( P)of t hesour cedi vi dedbyt hear eaoverwhi chi thasspr ead( A) I= P/ A •I ft hesoundr adi at esf r eel yi nal ldi r ect i onsf r om asour cet hear eai saspher e.The i nt ensi t yi sr epr esent edas: I= P



reviewer - Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

4πr 2 P= poweri nwat t s r= di st ancef r om sour cei ncm I nEngl i shuni t s,t heconver si onf act ori s930cm2/ f t 4πr 2Usi ngt hi s,t heequat i onf or spher i caldi r ect i oni s: I= P/ 930x4πr 2 Ast hei nt ensi t yi sr educedt oonequar t erwi t heachdoubl i ngofdi st ance,t hesound pr essur el evel( I L)i sr educedby6dB.Quar t er i ngt hei nt ensi t yr educedt hei nt ensi t y l evelby6dB •Soundat t enuat i oni sduet odi st ance,absor pt i on,orbar r i er s •Bar r i er s,t obeef f ect i vemustbesol i d,qui t el ar geascompar edt ot hewavel engt hof soundandneart ot hesour ceorr ecei ver •Shr ubs,hedges,smal lgr oves:vi sualbar r i er sonl y;noval ueacoust i cal l y •SoundCombi ni ng.Soundsf r om separ at esour cesmaycombi ne.Twovi ol i nspr oducea l oudersoundt han1i nst r ument ;3vi ol i nsar el ouderst i l l .Deci bel sar enotadded di r ect l yt omaket heper cei vedl evelt wi ceasl oudf or2sour cesor3t i mesasl oudf or3. Thel evelf orcombi nedsour cesi sdet er mi nedbyaddi ngpower s,i nt ensi t i esor pr essur es;andsubsequent l yconver t i ngt odeci bel s.Doubl i ngofi nt ensi t i esr esul t si na 3dB i ncr ease( e. g.50dB pl us50dB i s53dB,not100dB) 5 ROOM ACOUSTI CS SoundI ndoor s–Acoust i csofRoom •Soundi nanencl osur er adi at esoutf r om t hesour ceunt i li thi t sasur f acet hatr ef l ect s orabsor bsi t •I ft hesour cei scont i nuous,ast at eofequi l i br i um wi l lber eached •Level sar econst antt hr oughoutmostspacesexceptatpoi nt sver yneart hesour ce( f or agi vensour ce,t hebui l t uporr ever ber antl evel swi l lbehi ghesti naspacewi t haf ew absor pt i vesur f aces–l obbywi t hmar bl ewal l s/ f l oor s;i naspacewi t hl ar gear easof soundabsor bi ngmat er i al s,t hel evel swi l lbel owest 1.SoundAbsor pt i on •Mat er i al svar yi ngsoundabsor pt i onchar act er i st i cs Someabsor bl ow f r equencyener gy Someabsor bhi ghf r equencyener gy Ot her sabsor bener gyequal l yoverabr oadspect r um •Mechani sm ofAbsor pt i on:3f ami l i esofdevi cesf orsoundabsor pt i on;al lt ypesabsor b soundbychangi ngsoundener gyt oheatener gy Fi br ousmat er i al s( Por ousmat er i al s) :absor pt i onpr ovi dedbyaspeci f i cmat er i al dependsont hi ckness,densi t y,por osi t y,r esi st ancet oai rf l ow ( e. g.mat er i al smustbe t hi ckt oabsor bl ow f r equencysoundsef f ect i vel y;suspendi nganacoust i calcei l i ngt i l ea f ootbel ow t hest r uct ur er esul t si nbet t erbr oadbandabsor pt i ont hancement i ngt het i l e di r ect l yt ot hest r uct ur e;“ acoust i c”pai nt swi t hsandorwal nutshel l sar eusel essas soundabsor ber s



reviewer - Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

Panelr esonat or s:bui l twi t hamembr ane( t hi npl ywood,l i nol eum i nf r ontofaseal ed ai r space) ;paneli sseti nmot i onbyt heal t er nat i ngpr essur eoft hei mpi ngi ngsound wave;soundener gyi sconver t edi nt oheatt hr oughi nt er nalvi scousdampi ng;used wher eef f i ci entl ow f r equencyabsor pt i oni sr equi r ed/mi dandhi ghf r equencyabsor pt i on i sunwant ed;usedi nr ecor di ngst udi os Vol umer esonat or s •Coef f i ci entofAbsor pt i on( α) :Knowi ngt heamountofabsor pt i onatdi f f er ent f r equenci esf oreachmat er i ali nar oom i sessent i ali ndesi gni ngt her oom acoust i cs Theabsor pt i oncoef f i ci enti st hef r act i onofi nci dentener gyt hati sabsor bedbya sur f aceexpr essedas α= I a I i I i= i nci dentener gy,wat t s/ cm2 I a= absor bedener gy,wat t s/ cm2 α= absor pt i oncoef f i ci ent( nouni t s) Tot alabsor pt i on( A)pr ovi dedbyasur f ace( S)i sexpr essedi nsabi ns A = Sα A = Tot alabsor pt i on,sabi ns S = Sur f acear ea,sqf t α= Coef f i ci entofabsor pt i on 6 Coef f i ci ent sofGener alBui l di ngMat er i al sandFur ni shi ngs Coef f i ci ent sf orabsor pt i oni naudi t or i um i sshownf orbot hempt yandoccupi edseat i ng condi t i ons

•Manypr oduct sar epr ef abr i cat edf orsoundabsor bi ngt r eat ment( suspended cei l i ngs/ wal lmount edt r eat ment s •3ki ndsofcust omdesi gnedt r eat ment st hatar eof t enusedi naudi t or i ums/ chur ches ( t hedeepai rspacei nsur esadequat el ow f r equencyper f or mance

2.Noi seReduct i onbyAbsor pt i on •Noi sel evel si nar oom ar ehi ghestf oragi vensour cei ft her oom’ ssur f acesar e pr i mar i l ysoundr ef l ect i ng;l owesti ft her ear el ar gear easofsoundabsor bi ngmat er i al s ( e. g.soundabsor bi ngcei l i ngs 3.Ref l ect i ons 4.Rever ber at i on



reviewer - Architectural Board Exam Reviewer


Pet erPr an

Numberofpost s:3132 Age:31 Locat i on:shar j ah Regi st r at i ondat e: 22/ 01/ 2009

Re: Architectural Board Exam Reviewer bySt r ykeronFr iMay29,20093: 18pm

si rl akit ul ongnet oa. . .mal api tnexam !sal amatspagshar e. . . !


TheAr chi t ect

Numberofpost s:1870 Age:35 Locat i on:Tagayt ay Ci t y Regi st r at i ondat e: 13/ 12/ 2008

Re: Architectural Board Exam Reviewer byj hamesj oeal ber ti nf ant eonFr iMay29,20093: 20pm

hahahahat ndimoahdi t omopapnostsi r ! hhebakamal i . .



reviewer - Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

jhames joe albert infante CGPExper t

Numberofpost s:2733 Age:28 Locat i on:SanMat eo I sabel a/ Si ngapor e Regi st r at i ondat e: 18/ 11/ 2008

Re: Architectural Board Exam Reviewer byj enar oonFr iMay29,20093: 23pm

El ect r i calNot es: COULUMB ( C) -TheSIuni tofel ect r i cchar geequalt ot hequant i t yofel ect r i ci t yt r ansf er r edal ongt he conduct orbyacur r entofoneamper ei nonesecond WATT( W) -t heSIuni tequalt oonej oul epersecondort ot hepowerr epr esent edbyacur r entof oneamper ef l owi ngacr ossapot ent i aldi f f er enceofonevol t W= V xA WATTAGE -anamountofpowerespeci al l yt hepowerr equi r edt ooper at eanel ect r i caldevi ceor appl i ance,expr essedi nwat t s KI LOWATT( kW) -auni tofpowerequalt o1, 000wat t s KI LOWATTHOUR ( kWh) -auni tofener gyt r ansf er r edorexpandedbyoneki l owat ti nonehouracommonuni tof el ect r i cpowerconsumpt i on



reviewer - Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

ELECTROMOTI VEFORCE( emf ) -t heener gyperuni tchar geavai l abl ef orconver si onf r om achemi cal ,mechani calor ot herf or m ofener gyi nt oel ect r i calener gyorvi cever sai naconver si ondevi seasa bat t er y,gener at ororamot or POTENTI ALDI FFERENCE -t hevol t agedi f f er encebet weent wopoi nt st hatr epr esent st hewor ki nvol vedi nt he t r ansf erofauni tchar gef r om onepoi ntt ot heot her POTENTI AL -t hewor kr equi r edt omoveauni tchar gef r om ar ef er encepoi ntt oadesi gnedpoi nt VOLTAGE -pot ent i aldi f f er enceorel ect r omot i vef or ceexpr essedi nvol t s:anal ogoust opr essur ei n wat erf l ow VOLT( V) -t heSIuni tofpot ent i aldi f f er enceandel ect r omot i vef or ce,def i nedast hedi f f er enceof el ect r i cpot ent i albet weent wopoi nt sofaconduct orcar r yi ngaconst antcur r entofone amper e,whent hepowerdi ssi pat edbet weent hepoi nt si sequalt oonewat t CURRENT -t her at eoff l ow ofel ect r i cchar gei naci r cui tperuni tt i memeasur edi namper es AMPERE( A) -t hebasi cSIuni tofel ect r i ccur r ent ,equi val entt oaf l ow ofonecoul ombpersecondor t ot hest eadycur r entpr oducedbyonevol tappl i edt ooner esi st anceofoneohm AMPERAGE -t hest r engt hofanel ect r i ccur r entmeasur edorexpr essedi namper es:anal ogoust o t her at eofwat erf l ow RESI STANCE( R) -t heopposi t i onofaconduct ort ot hef l ow ofcur r ent ,causi ngsomeoft heel ect r i c ener gyt obet r ansf or medi nt oheatandusual l ymeasur edi nohms OHM -t heSIuni tofel ect r i calr esi st ance,equalt ot her esi st anceofaconduct ori nwhi cha pot ent i aldi f f er enceofonevol tpr oducesacur r entofoneamper e OHM’ S LAW -t hatl aw t hatf oranyci r cui tt heel ect r i ccur r enti sdi r ect l ypr opor t i onalt ot hevol t age andi nver sel ypr opor t i onalt ot her esi st ance I = V/ R



reviewer - Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

J OULE’ S LAW -t hepr i nci pl et hatt her at eofpr oduct i onofheatbydi r ectcur r enti sdi r ect l y pr opor t i onalt ot her esi st anceoft heci r cui tandt ot hesquar eoft hecur r ent RESI STI VI TY -t her esi st anceperuni tl engt hofasubst ancewi t hacr osssect i onalar ea.Al socal l ed speci f i cr esi st ance CONDUCTI VI TY -ameasur eoft heabi l i t yofasubst ancet oconductel ect r i ccur r ent ,equalt ot he r eci pr ocaloft her esi st i vi t yoft hesubst ance.Al socal l edspeci f i cconduct ance CI RCUI T -t hecompl et epat hofanel ect r i ccur r enti ncl udi ngt hesour ceofel ect r i cener gy SERI ES -anar r angementofcomponent si nanel ect r i cci r cui ti nwhi cht hesamecur r entf l ows t hr ougheachcomponenti nt ur nwi t houtbr anchi ng PARALLEL -t hear r angementofcomponent si nanel ect r i cci r cui ti nwhi chal lposi t i vet er mi nal sar e connect edt oasecondconduct or ,t hesamevol t agebei ngappl i edt oeachcomponent BATTERY -agr oupoft woormor ecel l sconnect edt oget hert opr oduceel ect r i ccur r ent CELL -adevi cef orconver t i ngchemi cali nt oel ect r i cener gyusual l yconsi st i ngofar ecept acl e wi t hel ect r odesi nanel ect r ol yt e.Al socal l edel ect r i ccel l ELECTROLYTE -anonmet al l i cconduct i ngmedi um i nwhi chcur r enti scar r i edbyt hemovementofi ons ELECTRODE -aconduct ort hr oughwhi chacur r entent er sorl eavesanonmet al l i cmedi um ANODE -t henegat i vet er mi nalofapr i mar ycel lorst or agebat t er y CATHODE -t heposi t i vet er mi nalofapr i mar ycel lorst or agebat t er y



reviewer - Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

GENERATOR -amachi net hatconver t smechani calener gyi nt oel ect r i cener gy ALTERNATOR -agener at orf orpr oduci ngal t er nat i ngcur r ent ELECTRI C MOTOR -amachi net hatconver t sel ect r i cpoweri nt omechani calener gy ARMATURE t hemai ncur r ent car r yi ngwi ndi ngofamot ororgener at ori nwhi chel ect r omot i vef or ce i si nduced DI RECTCURRENT( DC) -anel ect r i ccur r enti nonedi r ect i ononl yhavi ngamagni t udet hatdoesnotvar yor var i esonl ysl i ght l y ALTERNATI NG CURRENT( AC) -anel ect r i ccur r entt hatr ever sesdi r ect i onatr egul ar l yr ecur r i ngi nt er val s,havi nga magni t udet hatvar i esi nasi nusoi dalmanner VOLTAMPERE( VA) -auni tofel ect r i cmeasur ementequalt ot hepr oductofonevol tandoneamper e, equi val entt oonewat tf ordi r ectcur r entsyst em andauni tofappar entpowerf or al t er nat i ngcur r entsyst ems TRANSFORMER -anel ect r i cdevi ceconsi st i ngoft woormor ewi ndi ngwoundont hesamecor e,whi ch empl oyst hepr i nci pl eofmut uali nduct i ont oconver tvar i at i onsofal t er nat i ngcur r enti n apr i mar yci r cui ti nt ovar i at i onsofvol t ageandcur r enti nasecondar yci r cui t STEPUPTRANSFORMER -at r ansf or merhavi ngf ewert ur nsi nt hepr i mar ywi ndi ngt hani nt hesecondar y, ser vi ngt ot r ansf or ml ow vol t aget ohi ghvol t age STEPDOWN TRANSFORMER -at r ansf erhavi ngagr eat ernumberoft ur nsi nt hepr i mar ywi ndi ngt hani nt he secondar y,ser vi ngt ot r ansf or m hi ghvol t aget ol ow vol t age LI NEVOLTAGE -t hevol t agesuppl i edbyapowerl i ne,measur edatt hepoi ntofuse SERVI CECONDUCTOR -anyofsever alconduct or sext endi ngf r om amai npowerl i neort r ansf or mert ot he ser vi ceequi pmentofabui l di ng



reviewer - Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

SERVI CE -t hesuppl yofut i l i t i es,aswat er ,gasandel ect r i ci t y,r equi r edordemandedbyt he publ i c HI GH VOLATGE -oper at edonpowerbyort r ansmi t t i nghi ghvol t age SUBSTATI ON -anauxi l i ar ypowerst at i onwher eel ect r i calcur r enti sconver t ed,asf r om DC t oAC or wher evol t agei sst eppedupordown SERVI CEDROP -t heover headpor t i onofser vi ceconduct or sext endi ngf r om t henear estut i l i t ypol et oa bui l di ng SERVI CELATERAL -t heunder gr oundpor t i onofser vi ceconduct or sext endi ngf r om amai npowerl i neor t r ansf or mert oabui l di ng LI NEDROP -t hedecr easei nvol t agebet weent wopoi nt sonapowerl i ne,usual l ycausedby r esi st anceorl eakageal ongt hel i ne SERVI CEENTRANCECONDUCTOR -t hepor t i onofaser vi ceconduct orext endi ngf r om aser vi cedr oporser vi cel at er alt o t heser vi ceequi pmentofabui l di ng WATT-HOUR METER -amet erf ormeasur i ngandr ecor di ngt hequal i t yofel ect r i cpowerconsumedwi t h r espectt ot i me TRANSFORMER VAULT -af i r er at edr oom housi ngat r ansf or merandauxi l i ar yequi pmentf oral ar gebui l di ng, usual l yl ocat edongr adeorbel ow gr oundandvent i l at eddi r ect l yt ot heout si deai r SWI TCHGEAR ROOM -ar oom cont ai ni ngt heser vi ceequi pmentf oral ar gebui l di ng SERVI CEEQUI PMENT -t heequi pmentnecessar yf orcont r ol l i ng,met er i ng,andpr ot ect i ngt heel ect r i cpower suppl yt oabui l di ng,l ocat edneart heent r anceoft heser vi ceconduct or sandusual l y consi st i ngofamai ndi sconnectswi t chandsecondar yswi t ch,f usesandci r cui tbr eaker s



reviewer - Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

STANDBYGENERATOR -agener at orf orpr ovi di ngemer gencypowerdur i ngapowerout age.Al socal l ed emer gencygener at or UNI NTERRUPTI BLEPOWER SUPPLY -anemer gencysyst em desi gnedt opr ovi depoweraut omat i cal l yandi nst ant aneousl y uponf ai l ur eoft henor malpowersuppl y SWI TCHBOARD -oneoragr oupofpanel sonwhi char emount edswi t ches,overcur r entdevi ces, met er i ngi nst r ument s,andbusesf orcont r ol l i ngandpr ot ect i nganumberofel ect r i c ci r cui t scal l edswi t chgear UNI TSUBSTATI ON -af r eest andi ngencl osur ehousi ngadi sconnectswi t ch,ast epdownt r ansf or merand swi t chgearf oranumberofel ect r i cci r cui t FEEDER -anyoft heconduct or sext endi ngf r om t heser vi ceequi pmentt ovar i ousdi st r i but i on poi nt si nabui l di ng WI RE -apl i abl emet al l i cst r andort wi st edorwovenassembl yofsuchst r andsof t eni nsul at ed wi t hadi el ect r i cmat er i alandusedasaconduct orofel ect r i ci t y CONDUCTOR -asubst ance,bodyordevi set hatconduct sheat ,soundorel ect r i ci t y I NSULATOR -amat er i alt hati spoorconduct orofel ect r i ci t yusedi noper at i ngorsuppor t i ng conduct or st opr eventt heundesi r edf l ow ofcur r ent CABLE-asi ngl ei nsul at edconduct ororaboundorsheat hedcombi nat i onofconduct or s i nsul at edf r om oneanot her ARMORED CABLE -el ect r i ccabl econsi st i ngoft woormor ei nsul at edconduct or spr ot ect edbyf l exi bl e, hel i cal l ywoundmet alwr appi ng.Al socal l edBX MI NERALI SULATED CABLE -el ect r i ccabl econsi st i ngofat ubul arcoppersheat hcont ai ni ngoneormor econduct or s embeddedi nahi ghl ycompr essed,i nsul at i ngr ef r act or ymi ner al NON-METALLI C SHEATED CABLE



reviewer - Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

-el ect r i ccabl econsi st i ngoft woormor ei nsul at edconduct or sencl osedi nanonmet al l i c,moi st ur er esi st ant ,f l amer et ar dantsheat h.Al socal l edROMEX COAXI ALCABLE -acabl ef ort r ansmi t t i nghi ghf r equencyt el ephone,di gi t alort el evi si onsi gnal s consi st i ngofani nsul at edconduct i ngcor e SHI ELDED CABLE-anel ect r i ccabl eencl osedwi t hi namet al l i csheat hi nor dert or educe t heef f ect sofext er nalel ect r i cormagnet i cf i el ds CONDUI T-at ube,pi peorductf orencl osi ngandpr ot ect i ngel ect r i cwi r esorcabl e RI GI D METALCONDUI T -heavywal l ed,t ubul arst eelcondui t sj oi nedbyscr ewi ngdi r ect l yi nt oat hr eadedhub wi t hl ocknut sandbushi ngs ELECTRI CALMETALTUBI NG ( EMT) -t hi nwal l ed,t ubul arst eelcondui tj oi nedbycompr essi onorset scr ew coupl i ngs FLEXI BLEMETALCONDUI T -f l exi bl e,hel i cal l ywoundmet alcondui t ,usedf orconnect i onst omot or sorot her vi br at i ngequi pment .Al socal l edGr eenf i el dcondui t RACEWAY-achannelexpr essl ydesi gnedt ohol dandpr ot ectel ect r i cwi r esandcabl es SURFACERACEWAY-ar acewaydesi gnedt oexposedi nst al l at i oni ndr y,nonhazar dous, cor r osi vel ocat i ons MULTI -OUTLETASSEMBLY-asur f acemount edr acewaydesi gnedt ohouset heel ect r i cal wi r esf oraci r cui tandaser i esofr ecept acl es DUCT-anencl osedr unwayf orhousi ngconduct or sorcabl es BUS DUCT-ar i gi dmet alhousi ngf oragr oupofbusesi nsul t edf r om eachot herandt he encl osur e.Al socal l edbusway CABLETRAY-anopenmet alf r amewor kf orsuppor t i ngi nsul at edel ect r i calconduct or s BREAKDOWN VOLTAGE -t hemi ni mum appl i edvol t ageatwhi chagi veni nsul at orbr eaksdownandper mi t s cur r entt opass DI ELECTRI C STRENGTH -t hemaxi mum vol t aget hatcanbeappl i edt oagi venmat er i al



reviewer - Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

wi t houtcausi ngi tt obr eakdown,usual l yexpr essedi nvol t sorki l ovol t speruni tof t hi ckness DI ELECTRI C -anonconduct i ngsubst ance J UNCTI ON BOX -anencl osur ef orhousi ngandpr ot ect i ngel ect r i cwi r esorcabl est hatar ej oi ned t oget heri nconnect i ngorbr anchi ngel ect r i cci r cui t s KNOCKOUT-apaneli nacasi ngorboxt hatcanr eadi l yber emoved,asbypunchi ng, hammer i ngorcut t i ngt opr ovi deanopeni ngi nt ot hei nt er i or GROMMET-ar ubberorpl ast i cwasheri nser t edi nahol ei namet alpar tt opr event gr oundi ngofawi r epassi ngt hr ought hehol e BUSHI NG -ani nsul at i ngandpr ot ect i vel i ni ngf oroneormor econduct or spassi ng t hr oughahol e UTI LI TYBOX -f orl i ght i ngout l etandconveni enceout l et PULLBOX -t of aci l i t at epul l i ng OUTLETBOX -wher ecabl eends CUTOUTBOX -met alboxwi t hhi nge& encl osur e.Houseorf usebox I NSULATOR -usedassuppor t sandf oraddi t i onalpr ot ect i onf orwi r es GENERALWI RI NG RHW Moi st ur eandheatr esi st ancer ubberDr yandwetl ocat i ons TTher mopl ast i cDr yl ocat i ons TW Moi st ur er esi st antt her mopl ast i cDr yandwetl ocat i ons THHN Heatr esi st antt her mopl ast i cDr yl ocat i ons THW Moi st ur e& heatr esi st antt her mopl ast i cDr yandwetl ocat i ons THWN Moi st ur e& heatr esi st antt her mopl ast i cDr yandwetl ocat i ons XHHW Moi st ur e& heatr esi st antcr ossl i nkedDr yandwetl ocat i ons SA Si l i coneasbest osDr yl ocat i ons AVA Asbest osandvar ni shedcambr i cDr yl ocat i onsonl y CONDUI TFI TTI NGS: 1.el bow ( l ongsweep)



reviewer - Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

2.t ee a.LB Condul et s( angl e& bended) b.LR ( angl et ot her i ght ) c.TF( t eef r ont ) CONDUI TS: 1.RI GI D CONDUI TS-cannotbebended met al -RSC/EMT nonmet al -PVC 2.FLEXI BLE met al -BX


Pet erPr an

Numberofpost s:3132 Age:31 Locat i on:shar j ah Regi st r at i ondat e: 22/ 01/ 2009

Re: Architectural Board Exam Reviewer byj enar oonFr iMay29,20093: 44pm




reviewer - Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

Chapt er1. 01-GENERALPROVI SI ONS SECTI ON 1. 01. 01:Ti t l e ( a)Thi sActshal lbeknownast he" Nat i onalBui l di ngCodeoft hePhi l i ppi nes"andshal l her ei naf t erber ef er r edt oast he" Code" . SECTI ON 1. 01. 02:Decl ar at i onofPol i cy ( a)I ti sher ebydecl ar edt obet hepol i cyoft heSt at et osaf eguar dl i f e,heal t h,pr oper t y, andpubl i cwel f ar e,consi st entwi t ht hepr i nci pl esofenvi r onment almanagementand cont r ol ;andt ot hi send,makei tt hepur poseoft hi sCodet opr ovi def oral lbui l di ngs andst r uct ur ed,af r amewor kofmi ni mum st andar dsandr equi r ement sbygui di ng, r egul at i ng,andcont r ol l i ngt hei rl ocat i on,si t i ng,desi gn,qual i t yofmat er i al s, const r uct i on,use,occupancy,andmai nt enance,i ncl udi ngt hei renvi r onment ,ut i l i t i es, f i xt ur es,equi pment ,andmechani calel ect r i cal ,andot hersyst emsandi nst al l at i ons. SECTI ON 1. 01. 03:Scope ( a)Thepr ovi si onsoft hi sCodeshal lappl yt ot hedesi gn,l ocat i on,si t i ng,const r uct i on, al t er at i on,r epai r ,conver si on,use,occupancy,mai nt enance,movi ng,anddemol i t i onof , andaddi t i ont o,publ i candpr i vat ebui l di ngsandst r uct ur es. ( b)Addi t i ons,al t er at i ons,r epai r s,andchangesofuseoroccupancyi nal lbui l di ngsand st r uct ur esshal lcompl ywi t hr equi r ement sf ornew bui l di ngsandst r uct ur esexceptas ot her wi seher ei npr ovi ded.Onl ysuchpor t i onorpor t i onsoft heexi st i ngbui l di ngor st r uct ur ewhi chhavet obeal t er edt oef f ectt headdi t i on,al t er at i on,orr epai rshal lbe madet oconf or mt ot her equi r ement sf ornew bui l di ngsorst r uct ur es.Al t er at i onsshoul d pr eser vet heaest het i cval ueoft hebui l di ngt obeal t er ed. ( c)Wher e,i nanyspeci f i ccase,di f f er entsect i onoft hi sCodespeci f ydi f f er entmat er i al s, met hodsofconst r uct i on,orot herr equi r ement s,t hemostr est r i ct i veshal lgover n. SECTI ON 1. 01. 04:Appl i cat i on ( a)Thi sCodeshal lappl yt oal lbui l di ngsandst r uct ur esconst r uct edandanychangeor r epai rmadet her eonaf t ert heappr ovalofsai dCode.Bui l di ngsorst r uct ur esconst r uct ed bef or et heappr ovaloft hi sCodeshal lnotbeaf f ect edt her eby;Except ,wher et hei r cont i nueduseoroccupancyi sdanger oust ol i f eorl i mb;orwher eal t er at i ons,addi t i ons, conver si ons,orr epai r sar et obemadet her eon,t hi sCodeshal lappl yonl yt osuch por t i onsoft hebui l di ngsorst r uct ur ewhi chhavet obeal t er edi nor dert oef f ectsuch damagesorr epai r s. ( b)Thi sCodeshal lappl yt ochar t er edci t i es,pobl aci onesofmuni ci pal i t i esandmuni ci pal



reviewer - Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

di st r i ct swi t hapopul at i onofatl eastt wot housand( 2, 000)i nhabi t ant s,andt obar r i os ofur banar easwi t hapopul at i onofatl eastt wot housand( 2, 000)i nhabi t ant s.Thi sCode shal lal soappl yt oanyar eawher et her ear ef i f t y( 50)ormor ef ami l i esperhect ar e. ( c)Thi sCodeshal ll i kewi seappl yt oanyar eapr oposedf ororbei ngdevel opedi nt oa new t ownsi t e,r esi dent i alsubdi vi si on,commer ci alorr esi dent i alsi t e,schoolsi t e, housi ngpr oj ect ,andsi mi l arconst r uct i onpr oj ect swher ef i veormor ebui l di ngsnot cover edbypar agr aph( d)oft hi sSect i onwi l lbeconst r uct edeveni ft hepobl aci onor bar r i opopul at i oni sl esst hant wot housand( 2, 000)ort hedensi t yofpopul at i oni sl ess t hanf i f t y( 50)f ami l i esperhect ar e. ( d)Thedesi gnandconst r uct i onr equi r ement soft hi sCodeshal lnotappl yt oany t r adi t i onali ndi genousf ami l ydwel l i ngcost i ngnotmor et hanf i vet housandpesos ( P5, 000. 00)andi nt endedf oruseandoccupancyoft hef ami l yoft heowneronl y.The t r adi t i onalt ypeoff ami l ydwel l i ngsar et hoset hatar econst r uct edofnat i vemat er i al s suchasbamboo,ni pa,l ogs,orl umber ,wher ei nt hedi st ancebet weenver t i calsuppor t s orsupor t al esdoesnotexceed3. 00met er s( 10f eet ) ;andi fmasonr ywal l sorsocal osar e used,suchshal lnotbemor et han1. 00met er( 3f eet ,3i nches)f r om t hegr ound: Pr ovi ded,however ,Thatsucht r adi t i onali ndi genousf ami l ydwel l i ngwi l lnotconst i t ut ea dangert ol i f eorl i mbofi t soccupant soroft hepubl i c;wi l lnotbef i r ehazar doran eyesor et ot hecommuni t y;anddoesnotcont r aveneanyf i r ezoni ngr egul at i onoft he ci t yormuni ci pal i t yi nwhi chi ti sl ocat ed. ( e)Not wi t hst andi ngpar agr aph( d)oft hi sSect i on,t hi sCodeshal lappl yt oGr oupA dwel l i ngspr oducedonacommer ci alscal eandi nt endedf orusebyt hegener alpubl i c. SECTI ON 1. 01. 05Bui l di ngUseAf f ect i ngPubl i cHeal t handSaf et y ( a)Anybui l di ngorst r uct ur e,oranyanci l l ar yoraccessor yf aci l i t yt her et o,andany al t er at i onoraddi t i ont oanybui l di ngorst r uct ur eal r eadyexi st i ng,shal lconf or mi nal l r espect st ot hepr i nci pl esofsaf econst r uct i on,shal lbesui t edt ot hepur posef orwhi ch t hebui l di ngi sdesi gned,andshal l ,i nnocasecont r i but et omaki ngt hecommuni t yi n whi chi ti sl ocat edateyesor e,asl um,orabl i ght edar ea. ( b)Adequat eenvi r onment alsaf eguar dsshal lbeobser vedi nt hedesi gn,const r uct i on, anduseofanybui l di ngorst r uct ur ef ort hemanuf act ur eandpr oduct i onofanyki ndof ar t i cl eorpr oductwhi chconst i t ut esahazar dornui sanceaf f ect i ngpubl i cheal t hand saf et y,suchasexpl osi ves,gas,noxi ouschemi cal s,i nf l ammabl ecompounds,ort hel i ke. SECTI ON 1. 01. 06:Mai nt enance ( a)Al lbui l di ngsorst r uct ur es,bot hexi st i ngandnew,andal lpar t st her eofshal lbe mai nt ai nedi nasaf eandsani t ar ycondi t i on.Al ldevi cesorsaf eguar ds,whi char e



reviewer - Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

r equi r edbyt hi sCodei nabui l di ngorst r uct ur ewhenconst r uct ed,al t er ed,orr epai r ed, shal lbemai nt ai nedongoodwor ki ngor der . SECTI ON 1. 01. 07:I nsani t ar y,Unsaf e,Hazar dous,orDanger ousSi t es ( a)Thel andorsi t euponwhi chwi l lbeconst r uct edanybui l di ngorst r uct ur e,orany anci l l ar yorauxi l l ar yf aci l i t yt her et o,shal lbesani t ar y,hygi eni corsaf e.Wher et hel and orsi t ei spol l ut ed,i nsani t ar y,unhygi eni c,unsaf e,orhazar dous,condi t i onscont r i but i ng t oorcausi ngi t sbei ngpol l ut ed,i nsani t ar y,unhygi eni c,unsaf e,orhazar dousshal lbe r easonabl yi mpr ovedorcor r ect ed,orpr operr emedi almeasur esshal lbepr escr i bedor i ncor por at edi nt hedesi gnorconst r uct i onoft hebui l di ngorst r uct ur ei naccor dancewi t h t hepr ovi si onsoft hi sCode. ( b)Thel andorsi t euponwhi chbeconst r uct edabui l di ngofst r uct ur eoranyanci l l ar yor accessor yf aci l i t yt her et o,f oruseofhumanhabi t at i onorabode,shal lbeatasaf e di st ancef r om st r eamer sorbodi esofwat erand/ sour ceofai rconsi der edt obepol l ut ed, vol canoorvol cani csi t e,andbui l di ngorst r uct ur econsi der edt obeapot ent i alsour ceof f i r eorexpl osi on,suchasammuni t i onsf act or yordumpandst or agepl acef orhi ghl y i nf l ammabl emat er i al . SECTI ON 1. 01. 08:Danger ousandRui nousBui l di ngsorSt r uct ur es ( a)Gener al .-Thepr ovi si onsoft hi sCodeshal lappl yt oal ldanger ousbui l di ngs,as her ei ndef i ned,whi char enow i nexi st enceorwhi chmayher eaf t erbeconst r uct ed,as wel last or ui nousbui l di ngsasdef i nedi nAr t i cl e482oft heCi vi lCodeoft hePhi l i ppi nes. ( b)Danger ousBui l di ngsDef i ned.-Danger ousbui l di ngsar et hosewhi char est r uct ur al l y unsaf eornotpr ovi dedwi t hsaf eegr ees,orwhi chconst i t ut eaf i r ehazar d,orar e ot her wi sedanger oust ohumanl i f e,orwhi chi nr el at i ont oexi st i nguseconst i t ut ea hazar dt osaf et yorheal t horpubl i cwel f ar e,byr easonofi nadequat emai nt enance, di l api dat i on,obsol escence,f i r ehazar d,orabandonment ;orwhi chot her wi secont r i but e t ot hepol l ut i onoft hesi t eort hecommuni t yt oani nt ol er abl edegr ee.Anybui l di ngor st r uct ur ewhi chhasanyoral loft hecondi t i onsordef ect sher ei naf t erdescr i bed,or condi t i onsordef ect ssi mi l art her et o,shal lbedeemedt obedanger ousbui l di ng: Pr ovi ded,Thatsuchcondi t i onsordef ectexi st st ot heext entt hatt hel i f e,heal t h, pr oper t y,orsaf et yoft hepubl i cori t soccupantar eendanger ed: ( 1)Wheneveranydoor ,ai sl e,passageway,st ai r way,orot hermeansofexi sti snotof suf f i ci entwi dt horsi ze,ori snotsoar r angedast opr ovi desaf eandadequat emeansof exi ti ncaseoff i r eorpani c; ( 2)Whenevert hest r essi nanymat er i al smemberorpor t i ont her eof ,duet oal ldead andl i vel oadsi smor et hanoneandonehal ft i mest hewor ki ngst r essesorst r esses



reviewer - Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

al l owedi nt hi sCodef ornew bui l di ngofsi mi l arst r uct ur e,pur pose,orl ocat i on:Pr ovi ded, Thati ndet er mi ni ngwor ki ngst r ess,t hewor ki ngst r essmet hodofanal ysi sshal lbeused, andi nt hecaseofengi neer i ng" over st r ess" ,t heul t i mat est r engt hmet hod; ( 3)Wheneveranypor t i ont her eofhasbeendamagedbyf i r e,ear t hquake,wi nd,f l ood,or byanyot hercause,t osuchanext entt hatt hest r uct ur alst r engt hort hest abi l i t y t her eofi smat er i al l yl esst hani twasbef or esuchcat ast r opheandi sl esst hant he mi ni mum r equi r ement soft hi sCodef ornew bui l di ngsofsi mi l arst r uct ur es,pur pose,or l ocat i on; ( 4)Wheneveranypor t i onormemberorappur t enancet her eofi sl i kel yt of al l ,ort o becomedet achedordi sl odged,ort ocol l apseandt her ebyi nj ur eper sonsordamage pr oper t y; ( 5)Wheneveranypor t i onormemberoranyappur t enanceoror nament at i onoft he ext er i ort her eofi snotofsuchsuf f i ci entst r engt horst abi l i t y,ori snotsoanchor ed, at t ached,orf ast ened-pl acesoast obecapabl eofr esi st i ngawi ndpr essur eofonehal f oft hatspeci f i edi nt hi sCodef ornew bui l di ngsofsi mi l arst r uct ur e;pur pose,orl ocat i on wi t houtexceedi ngt hewor ki ngst r essesper mi t t edf orsuchbui l di ngs; ( 6)Wheneveranypor t i ont her eonhaswr acked,war ped,buckl ed,orset t l edt osuchan ext entt hatwal l sorot herst r uct ur alpor t i onshavemat er i al l yl essr esi st ancet owi ndsor ear t hquaket hani sr equi r edi nt hecasesi mi l arnew const r uct i on; ( 7)Whenevert hebui l di ngorst r uct ur e,oranypor t i ont her eof ,becauseof :( i ) di l api dat i on,det er i or at i on,ordel ay;( i i )f aul t yconst r uct i on;( i i i )t her emoval , movement ,ori nst abi l i t yofanypor t i onoft hegr oundnecessar yf ort hepur poseof suppor t i ngsuchbui l di ng;( i v)t hedet er i or at i on,decay,ori nadequacyofi t sf oundat i on; or( v)anyot hercause,i sl i kel yt opar t i al l yorcompl et el ycol l apse; ( 8)Whenever ,f oranyr eason,t hebui l di ngorst r uct ur e,oranypor t i ont her eof ,i s mani f est l yunsaf ef ort hepur posef orwhi chi ti sbei ngused; ( 9)Whenevert heext er i orwal l sorot herver t i cast r uct ur almember sl i st ,l ean,orbuckl e t osuchanext entt hatt hest r uct ur ef al l swi t hi nt hecondi t i ondescr i bedi nt hepr ecedi ng subpar agr aph( 2) ,above,orwheneveranypor t i ont her eofsuf f er samat er i alr educt i on oft hef i r eandweat herr esi st ancequal i t i esofchar act er i st i csr equi r edbyt hi sCodef or newl yconst r uct edbui l di ngsofl i kear ea,hei ght ,andoccupancyi nt hesamel ocat i on; ( 10)Wheneverabui l di ngorst r uct ur e,usedori nt endedt obeusedf ordwel l i ng pur poses,becauseofi nadequat emai nt enance,di l api dat i on,decay,damage,f aul t y const r uct i onorar r angement ,i nadequat el i ght ,ai r ,orsani t at i onf aci l i t i es,orot her wi se, i sf oundt obeunsani t ar y,unf i tf orhumanhabi t at i on,ori nsuchacondi t i ont hati sl i kel y



reviewer - Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

t ocausesi cknessordi sease; ( 11)Wheneveranybui l di ngorst r uct ur e,becauseofobsol escence,di l api dat ed, condi t i on,det er i or at i on,damage,i nadequat eexi st s,l ackofsuf f i ci entf i r er esi st i ve const r uct i on,orot hercause,i sf oundt obeaf i r ehazar d; ( 12)Wheneveranypor t i onofabui l di ngorst r uct ur er emai nsonasi t eaf t erdemol i t i on ordest r uct i onoft hebui l di ngorst r uct ur ei sabandonedf oraper i odi nexcessofsi x mont hs,soast oconst i t ut eanui sanceorhazar dt ot hepubl i c; ( 13)Wheneveranybui l di ngorst r uct ur ei si nsuchacondi t i onast oconst i t ut eapubl i c nui sancedef i nedi nAr t i cl e694and695oft heCi vi lCodeoft hePhi l i ppi nes. ( c)Abat ementofDanger ousBui l di ngs.I nal lcasesofdanger ousbui l di ngs,exceptt hose cover edbyAr t i cl e482and694t o707oft heCi vi lCodeoft hePhi l i ppi nes,t heBui l di ng Of f i ci alshal lor dert hei rr epai r ,vacat i on,ordemol i t i oni naccor dancewi t ht hef ol l owi ng pr ocedur e: ( 1)Wher et hedanger ousbui l di ngcanr easonabl yber epai r edsucht hati twi l lnol onger bedanger ous,i tshal lbeor der edr epai r ed; ( 2)Wher et hedanger ousbui l di ngi ssucht hatt or epai ri twoul dcostmor et han50per centoft hecur r entt or epl acementcostoft hebui l di ng,i tshal lber epai r edor demol i shedatt heopi ni onoft heowner ; ( 3)Wher et hedanger ousbui l di ngposesani mmedi at et hr eatt ol i f e,l i mb,orpr oper t y, i tshal lbevacat edi mmedi at el y,t henr epai r edordemol i shedi naccor dancewi t h subpar agr aphs( 1)or( 2)her ei n.


Pet erPr an

Numberofpost s:3132 Age:31 Locat i on:shar j ah Regi st r at i ondat e: 22/ 01/ 2009



reviewer - Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

Re: Architectural Board Exam Reviewer byj enar oonFr iMay29,20093: 44pm

SECTI ON 1. 01. 09.Al t er nat eornew Desi gn,Mat er i al ,Met hodofConst r uct i on,or Wor kmanshi p;Test s ( a)Anydesi gn,mat er i al ,met hodofconst r uct i on,orwor kmanshi pnotspeci f i cal l y i ncl udedi nt hi sCodemaybeused:Pr ovi ded,Thatsuchal t er nat eornew desi gn, mat er i al ,met hodofconst r uct i on,orwor kmanshi pi satl eastt heequi val entoft hose pr escr i bedi nt hi sCodei nef f ect i veness. ( b)Test sf ordesi gn,mat er i al s,met hodofconst r uct i on,orwor kmanshi pshal lbe pr escr i bedbyt heSecr et ar yofPubl i cWor ksandCommuni cat i oni nappr opr i at er ul es andr egul at i onst her ef or .

SECTI ON 1. 01. 10:Muni ci palandPr ovi nci alOr di nancesandRegul at i ons ( a)Localor di nancesshoul dconf or mt ot heCodeandsuppl et or yr equi r ement sher et o shal li nnocasedi mi ni shmi ni mum r equi r ement sembodi edi nt hi sCode.TheSecr et ar y ofPubl i cWor ksandCommuni cat i onsor ,i nt hepr opercase,t heSecr et ar yofJ ust i ce shal lt akeanyandal lappr opr i at est epsi ncaseswher el ocalor di nancesconf l i ctwi t ht he Code. SECTI ON 1. 01. 11:Def i ni t i onsandTabl es ( a)Thedef i ni t i onsi nAnnexA andt heTabl esi nAnnexB oft hi sCodear eher eby adopt edaspar tt her eof . SECTI ON 1. 01. 12:Separ abi l i t yCl ause ( a)I f ,f oranyr eason,anysect i onorpr ovi si onoft hi sCodeshal lbedecl ar ed unconst i t ut i onalori nval i d,noot hersect i onorpr ovi si onoft hi sCodeshal lbeaf f ect ed t her eby. SECTI ON 1. 01. 13:Repeal i ngCl ause ( a)Anyandal lst at ut es,or der s,or di nances,r ul esandr egul at i onsorpar t st her eof , i nconsi st entwi t ht hepr ovi si onsoft hi sCode,ar eher ebyr epeal edormodi f i ed accor di ngl y. SECTI ON 1. 01. 14:Ef f ect i vi t y



reviewer - Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

( a)Thi sCodeshal lt akeef f ectuponi t sappr ovalwi t hi nt heGr eat erMani l aMet r opol i t an Ar eaandi not herar easwher et her ear eal r eadyexi st i ngl ocalbui l di ngcodes,andf our ( 4)year st her eaf t er ,i nal lot herar easi nt hePhi l i ppi nes:Pr ovi ded,however ,Thatt hi s pr ovi si onshal lnotpr eventanyci t yormuni ci palcounci lorboar df r om adopt i ngt hi s Codei mmedi at el yuponi t sappr oval . Chapt er1. 02-ENFORCEMENT SECTI ON 1. 02. 01:J oi ntBui l di ngandEnvi r onment alPl anni ngResear chandSt andar ds Commi ssi on ( a)Member shi p.Ther ei sher ebycr eat edaJ oi ntBui l di ngandEnvi r onment alPl anni ng Resear chandSt andar dsCommi ssi oncomposedoft woSenat or s,t woCongr essmen,and f i veot hermember st obeappoi nt edbyt hePr esi dentoft hePhi l i ppi nes.Themember s shal lel ectaChai r manf r om amongt hemsel ves. ( 1)ThePr esi dentoft heSenat eshal ldesi gnat et hechai r manoft heCommi t t eeon Housi ng,Ur banDevel opmentandReset t l ementandoneSenat orf r om t hemi nor i t y par t yasmember soft heCommi ssi on. ( 2)TheSpeakeroft heHouseofRepr esent at i vesshal ldesi gnat et heChai r manoft he Commi t t eeonHousi ngandoneCongr essmanf r om t hemi nor i t ypar t yasmember sof t heCommi ssi on. ( 3)ThePr esi dentoft hePhi l i ppi nesshal lappoi ntt woar chi t ect s,t woengi neer s,andone bui l di ngcont r act orchosenf r om t hoseof f i ci al l yr ecommendedbyt hei rr espect i ve nat i onalpr of essi onalor gani zat i ons,t oser vef orf ouryear sorunt i lt hei rsuccessor sshal l havebeendul yappoi nt edandqual i f i ed. ( 4)Themember st her eofshal lser vewi t houtcompensat i on:except ,Thatt hemember s f r om t hepr of essi onalor gani zat i onsmayr ecei veaperdi em ofonehundr edpesos ( P100. 00)eachpermeet i ngact ual l yat t ended:Pr ovi ded,Thatt het ot alperdi em t he member smayr ecei veshal lnotexceedsi xhundr edpesos( P600. 00)permont h.A mont hl yt r anspor t at i onal l owanceoft wohundr edf i f t ypesos( P250. 00)shal lbegr ant ed eachoft hemember sf r om t hepr of essi onalor gani zat i ons. ( b)Dut i esandResponsi bi l i t i es.TheCommi ssi onshal lhavet hef ol l owi ngdut i esand r esponsi bi l i t i es: ( 1)Conductorcauset obeconduct edcont i nui ngr esear chandst udi esonbui l di ng, housi ng,andenvi r onment alpl anni ngst andar dsandr equi r ement st osaf eguar dl i f eor l i mb,heal t h,pr oper t y,andpubl i cwel f ar e;



reviewer - Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

( 2)Pr epar eadr af tofauni f or m codeofcr i t er i a,st andar ds,anddet ai l edspeci f i cat i ons cover i ngdesi gn,const r uct i on,andot herr el at edmat t er ssui t edt ol ocalneedsand i ndi genouscondi t i onsf oradopt i onbyl ocalgover nment st osuppl ementt hemi ni mum st andar dspr ovi dedi nt hi sCode; ( 3)Pr epar edr af t sofenvi r onment alpl anni ng,managementandcont r olcodes, subdi vi si onpol i ci esandst andar ds,zoni ngr egul at i onsandot hercodesf orl egi sl at i ve enact ment ;andr ecommend,f r om t i met ot i me,changesi nt hi sBui l di ngCodef or submi ssi ont oCongr ess;and ( 4)Tr ansmi tappr opr i at er ecommendat i ont ot heSecr et ar yofPubl i cWor ksand Communi cat i onsasabasi sf ort hepr omul gat i onbyt heSecr et ar yoft henecessar yr ul es andr egul at i onst ocar r youtt hepr ovi si onsoft hi sCode. ( c)Techni calSt af f .TheCommi ssi onshal lbeassi st edbyaTechni calSt af fwhi chshal lbe headedbyanExecut i veDi r ect orandanAssi st antExecut i veDi r ect or .Al lper sonnelshal l beappoi nt edbyt heChai r mansubj ectt oci vi lser vi cel aws,r ul es,andr egul at i ons. ( d)Appr opr i at i ons.Theamountoft wohundr edandf i f t yt housandpesos( P250, 000)or suchamountt her eofasmaybenecessar yf ort heoper at i onoft heCommi ssi oni sher eby aut hor i zedt obeappr opr i at edoutofanyf undsnotot her wi seappr opr i at edf ort hef i scal yearendi ngJ une30,1973.Suchsumsmaybenecessar yf ort heoper at i ngexpensesof t heCommi ssi oni nsucceedi ngf i scalyear sshal lbei ncl udedi nt heannualGener al Appr opr i at i onsAct . SECTI ON 1. 02. 02:Secr et ar yofPubl i cWor ksandCommuni cat i onsandBui l di ngOf f i ci al s ( a)TheSecr et ar yofPubl i cWor ksandCommuni cat i ons,her ei naf t err ef er r edt oast he " Secr et ar y" ,shal lpr omul gat esuchr ul esandr egul at i onsnecessar yt oenabl et he Bui l di ngOf f i ci alt oenf or cet hepr ovi si onsoft hi sCode. ( b)I nmuni ci pal i t i es,t heMuni ci palEngi neershal lbet heBui l di ngOf f i ci al ;Pr ovi ded, Thatwhent her ei snosuchMuni ci palEngi neer ,oradul yl i censedengi neerper f or mi ng t hedut i esofaMuni ci palEngi neer ,oraLandandBui l di ngOf f i ci al ,t hePr ovi nci al Engi neer ,ori nt heabsencet her eof ,t hePubl i cWor ksEngi neerwi t hi nwhosej ur i sdi ct i on t hemuni ci pal i t yf al l sshal lbet heBui l di ngOf f i ci al .I ncaseofci t i es,t heCi t yPubl i c Wor ksSuper vi sorshal lbet heBui l di ngOf f i ci al :Pr ovi ded,Thatwhent her ei snosuch Ci t yPubl i cWor ksSuper vi sor ,t heCi t yEngi neershal lbet heBui l di ngOf f i ci al .Fort he pur poseoft heenf or cementoft hepr ovi si onsoft hi sCode,t heBui l di ngOf f i ci alshal lbe undert hesuper vi si onoft heSecr et ar yofPubl i cWor ksandCommuni cat i ons,any pr ovi si onofl aw t ot hecont r ar ynot wi t hst andi ng.



reviewer - Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

( c)Subj ectt ot heappr ovaloft heMuni ci palMayor ,Ci t yMayor ,orPr ovi nci alGover nori n t hepr opercase,andot herci vi lser vi cel awsandr ul es,t heBui l di ngOf f i ci almayappoi nt suchnumberofof f i cer s,i nspect or s,assi st ant s,orot herempl oyeespossessi ngt he necessar yqual i f i cat i onsandcompet encyasmaybeaut hor i zedbyt heMuni ci palCounci l , Ci t yCounci l ,orPr ovi nci alBoar d,ast hecasemaybe.Hemaydeput i zesucht echni cal l y qual i f i edempl oyeesasmaybenecessar yt ocar r youtt hepr ovi si onsoft hi sCode.For pur posesoft hi sSubsect i on,t het er ms" necessar yqual i f i cat i onsandcompet ency"and " t echni cal l yqual i f i ed"shal lmeant hatt heper sont obedeput i zedshal lhavepassedt he hi ghestgr adeofexami nat i oncal l edf ori nt heappl i cabl el aw r egul at i ngt hepr act i ceof t hebr anchofengi neer i ngorar chi t ect ur er el at edt oorassoci at edwi t ht hedut i esand power swhi cht heper sont obedeput i zedshal lassume.


Pet erPr an

Numberofpost s:3132 Age:31 Locat i on:shar j ah Regi st r at i ondat e: 22/ 01/ 2009

Re: Architectural Board Exam Reviewer byj enar oonFr iMay29,20095: 13pm

Stryker wrote:

si rl akit ul ongnet oa. . .mal api tnexam !sal amatspagshar e. . . !

GodBl esssaexam nyosi r ! pai nom kayoha!



reviewer - Architectural Board Exam Reviewer


Pet erPr an

Numberofpost s:3132 Age:31 Locat i on:shar j ah Regi st r at i ondat e: 22/ 01/ 2009

Re: Architectural Board Exam Reviewer bybokki nsonFr iMay29,20097: 06pm

Ast i gt obr o.Thanksf orshar i ngJ enar o!


Speci alOps

Numberofpost s:10011 Regi st r at i ondat e: 18/ 09/ 2008

Re: Architectural Board Exam Reviewer byj enar oonFr iMay29,20097: 41pm

SECTI ON 1. 02. 03:Bui l di ngper mi t s ( a)Anyper son,f i r m,orcor por at i on,i ncl udi nganydepar t ment ,of f i ce,bur eau,agencyof i nst r ument al i t yoft hegover nmenti nt endi ngt oconst r uct ,al t er ,r epai r ,move,conver tor demol i shanybui l di ngorst r uct ur e,orcauset hesamet obedone,shal lobt ai na bui l di ngper mi tf r om t heBui l di ngOf f i ci alf orwhi cheverofsuchwor ki spr oposedt obe under t akenf ort hebui l di ngorst r uct ur e,bef or eanysuchwor ki sst ar t ed. ( b)Appr opr i at er ul esandr egul at i onsshal lbesetbyt heSecr et ar yconcer ni ng: ( 1)For msf orappl i cat i onf orbui l di ngper mi t s; ( 2)Pr ocedur est obeobser vedi nsecur i ngsuchper mi t s; ( 3)Pr ocedur est obeobser vedi nt hei ssuance,suspensi on,andr evocat i onofsuch bui l di ngper mi t s;and



reviewer - Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

( 4)Type,nat ur e,andscopeofpl ansandspeci f i cat i ons,andot herr equi si t edocument s, whi chshal lbepr epar edanddesi gnedbyal i censedar chi t ectorengi neer . ( c)Whenaut hor i zedbyt heBui l di ngOf f i ci ali naccor dancewi t ht hepr ovi si onsoft hi s Code,pl ansandspeci f i cat i onsneednotbesubmi t t edf ort hef ol l owi ng: ( 1)Gr oupA t r adi t i onali ndi genoust ypeofdwel l i ngconst r uct i oncost i ngnotmor et han t hr eet housandpesos( P3, 000. 00) ;and ( 2)Gr oupJDi vi si on1OccupancyofType1convent i onalwoodf r ameconst r uct i onorof t het r adi t i onali ndi genoust ypeofconst r uct i oncost i ngnotmor et hant hr eet housand pesos( P3, 000. 00) . ( d)Theappl i cantf orabui l di ngper mi tf orpr i vat ebui l di ngsorst r uct ur esaf t erhavi ng compl i edwi t hal lt her equi r ement spr escr i bedt her ef ori naccor dancewi t ht hepr ovi si ons oft hi sCode,shal lbei ssuedabui l di ngper mi twi t hi nf i f t een( 15)daysf r om t hedat eof paymentoft heper mi tf eef orGr oupsA andJOccupanci esandwi t hi nt hi r t y( 30)days f r om t hedat eofpaymentoft heper mi tf eef orot herGr oupOccupanci es,unl esst he Bui l di ngOf f i ci alorhi sDeput yaut hor i zedt oi ssuet heper mi tshal li nf or mt heappl i cant i nwr i t i ngwhyt heper mi tshoul dnotbei ssued,andshal li ndi cat et her eont hepar t i cul ar pr ovi si onsoft heCodevi ol at edbyt heappl i cantort hepar t i cul arr equi r ement snot compl i edwi t h.Wi t hi nf i f t een( 15)daysf r om t hedat eofr ecei ptbyt heappl i cantof advi cef r om t heBui l di ngOf f i ci alorhi sDeput yaut hor i zedt oi ssuet heper mi twhyt he bui l di ngper mi tshoul dnotbei ssued,orwhyt hebui l di ngper mi ti ssuspendedor r evoked,t heappl i cantmayappealt henoni ssuance,suspensi on,orr evocat i ont her eof , t ot heMayoroft hechar t er edci t yormuni ci pal i t y,ort heGover noroft hepr ovi ncewher e t hebui l di ngorst r uct ur ef orwhi cht heper mi ti sbei ngappl i edf ori sl ocat ed.Sai dappeal shal lbedeci dedwi t hi nf i f t een( 15)daysf r om r ecei ptt her eof ,ot her wi se,t heappl i cant maybr i ngt hemat t ert ot hepr operCour tofJ ust i cef orf i naldi sposi t i on. ( e)Al lpubl i cbui l di ngsshal lconf or mt ot hepr ovi si onsoft hi sCodeandt heBui l di ng Of f i ci aloft heci t yorpr ovi ncewher et hepubl i cbui l di ngi sl ocat edshal li ssuet he bui l di ngper mi tt her ef or ,st at i ngi nwr i t i ngt hatsuchpubl i cbui l di ngconf or mst ot he r equi r ement soft heCode.Fornat i onalpubl i cbui l di ngs,t heSecr et ar yofPubl i cWor ks andCommuni cat i onsshal li ssueacer t i f i cat i ont hatsuchabui l di ngconf or mst ot he Code.Publ i cbui l di ngsshal lbeexemptf r om paymentofbui l di ngper mi t ,i nspect i on, anot herf ees. SECTI ON 1. 02. 04:Fees ( a)Regul at i onsonbui l di ngper mi t ,i nspect i onandot herf ees,andf orcompl i ancewi t h t hesameshal lbecover edbyci t yandmuni ci palor di nances:Pr ovi ded,ThatTr adi t i onal i ndi genousf ami l ydwel l i ngsunderSect i on1. 01. 04( d)shal lbeexemptf r om paymentof bui l di ngper mi tf ees.



reviewer - Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

SECTI ON 1. 02. 05:I nspect i onadCer t i f i cat esofOccupancy ( a)I nspect i on.Thedul yl i censedar chi t ectorengi neerengagedbyt heownert o under t akei nspect i onanddet ai l edsuper vi si onoft heconst r uct i onshal lper i odi cal l y cer t i f yt hatt heconst r uct i onconf or mst ot hepl ansandspeci f i cat i onssubmi t t edi nt he appl i cat i onf orabui l di ngper mi t .Uponsubmi ssi onofsuchper i odi ccer t i f i cat i onsdur i ng t hepr ogr essofconst r uct i on,t heBui l di ngOf f i ci alshal lper i odi cal l yi ssuet her equi r ed aut hor i t yt ocont i nuewi t ht hesubsequentphasesofconst r uct i on,wi t houtpr ej udi cet o hi sr i ghtt oconductonhi sowni ni t i at i veanyi nspect i onoft hesai dconst r uct i on.Upon compl et i onoft heconst r uct i on,t hesai ddul yl i censedar chi t ectorengi neershal lsubmi t t ot heBui l di ngOf f i ci alt hef i nalcer t i f i cat i ont hatt hebui l di ngconf or mst ot hepr ovi si ons oft heCodeandwi t ht hedet ai l edpl ansandspeci f i cat i onssubmi t t ed. ( b)Cer t i f i cat esofOccupancy.Thepr operCer t i f i cat eofOccupancyshal lbei ssuedt ot he appl i cantwi t hi nseven( 7)daysf r om compl et i onoft her equi r ement sf ori nspect i onand occupancyandpaymentofanyandal lf eest her ef or ,unl esst hebui l di ngOf f i ci alorhi s Deput yi ssui ngt heCer t i f i cat eshal lshow causei nwr i t i ngwhyt heCer t i f i cat eshoul dnot bei ssuedandshal li ndi cat et her eont hepar t i cul arpr ovi si onsoft heCodevi ol at edort he par t i cul arr equi r ement snotcompl i edwi t h.Wi t hi nf i f t een( 15)daysf r om r ecei ptbyt he appl i cantoft headvi cef r om Bui l di ngOf f i ci alorhi sDeput yaut hor i zedt oi ssuet he cer t i f i cat ewhyt hecer t i f i cat eshoul dnotbei ssued,orwhyt hecer t i f i cat ei ssuspended orr evoked,t heappl i cantmayappealt henoni ssuance,suspensi on,orr evocat i on t her eof ,t ot heMayoroft hechar t er edci t yormuni ci pal i t y,ort heGover noroft he pr ovi ncewher et hebui l di ngf orwhi cht hecer t i f i cat ei sbei ngappl i edf ori sl ocat ed.Sai d appealshal lbedeci dedwi t hi nf i f t een( 15)daysf r om r ecei pt st her eof ,ot her wi se,t he appl i cantmaybr i ngt hemat t ert ot hepr operCour tofJ ust i cef orf i naldi sposi t i on.The bui l di ngmaybeoccupi edonl yuponi ssuanceoft heCer t i f i cat eofOccupancy. SECTI ON 1. 02. 06:Vi ol at i onsofThi sCodeCover i ngDesi gns,Mat er i al s,Met hodsof Const r uct i on,andWor kmanshi p ( a)I nal lcasesofvi ol at i onoft hi sCodecover i ngdesi gn,mat er i al s,met hodsof const r uct i on,andwor kmanshi p,t heBui l di ngOf f i ci alshal lobser vet hef ol l owi ng pr ocedur ei nor der i ngt heal t er at i ont oconf or mt ot hi sCodeordemol i t i onoft he bui l di ngorpor t i ont her eof : ( 1)Wher et hebui l di ngi si nt hepr ocessofconst r uct i on,t heconst r uct i onoft hepor t i on orpor t i onsi nvi ol at i onoft hi sCodeshal lbest oppedunt i lt hesameshal lhavebeen al t er edt oconf or mt ot hi sCode,unl esssuchpar t i alvi ol at i onwi l li mpai rt hest abi l i t yand saf et yoft hewhol eorpar toft hest r uct ur e,i nwhi chcase,t hewhol econst r uct i onshal l best opped.



reviewer - Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

( 2)Wher eabui l di ngorpor t i ont her eofhasbeenconst r uct ed,t hef ol l owi ngpr ocedur e shal lbeobser ved: ( 2. 1)I ncasei tcanber easonabl yal t er edt oconf or mt ot her equi r ement soft hi sCode, i tshal lbeal t er edaccor di ngl y; ( 2. 2)I ncaset hel at er at i onwi l lcostmor et han50percentoft hecur r entconst r uct i on costoft hebui l di ng,i tshal lbeal t er edt oconf or mt ot hi sCodeordemol i shedatt he opt i onoft heowner ; ( 2. 3)I ncaset hebui l di ngorpor t i ont her eofposesani mmedi at edangert ol i f e,l i mb,or pr oper t y,t hesameshal lbevacat edi mmedi at el y,t henal t er edt oconf or mt ot he r equi r ement soft hi sCodeordemol i shedi naccor dancewi t hsubpar agr aphs( 1)and( 2) her ei n. ( 3)I ft heowner ,af t err ecei pt soft heor derofal t er at i onordemol i t i onf ai l st ocompl y wi t hsuchor derwi t hi naper i odofoneyear ,sai dconst r uct i onshal lbedecl ar eda nui sanceandbeabat edi naccor dancewi t ht hepr ovi si onsofAr t i cl e699oft heCi vi l Codeoft hePhi l i ppi nes. ( b)Thi sCodeshal lnotbeconst r uedt odepr i veanyper sont her i ghtt oavai lhi msel fof anyandal lj udi ci alpr oceedi ngsorr emedi esavai l abl eunderexi st i ngl aws. ( c)Not hi ngi nt hi sChapt eri si nt endedt odi mi ni sht hepower svest edi nt hedi f f er ent Boar dsofExami ner soft hevar i ousar chi t ect ur alandengi neer i ngpr of essi onsas pr ovi dedf ori nexi st encel awsr egul at i ngt hepr act i ceofar chi t ect ur eandengi neer i ng, nort or est r i ctt hedesi gni ngengi neer i ngorar chi t ecti nt heexer ci seofhi spr of essi onal di scr et i onwi t hi nt hebasi cmi ni mum st andar dsandr equi r ement sembodi edi nSect i on 1. 01. 02oft hi sCode.


Pet erPr an

Numberofpost s:3132 Age:31 Locat i on:shar j ah Regi st r at i ondat e: 22/ 01/ 2009



reviewer - Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

Re: Architectural Board Exam Reviewer byj enar oonFr iMay29,20097: 42pm

TI TLE2-FI REAND FI RERESI STI VESTANDARDS Chapt er2. 01-REQUI REMENTS FOR FI REZONES SECTI ON 2. 01. 01:Gener al ( a)Fi r eZonesDef i ned.Fi r ezonesar ear easwi t hi nwhi chonl ycer t ai nt ypesofbui l di ng ar eper mi t t edt obeconst r uct edbasedont hei ruse,occupancy,t ypeofconst r uct i on, andr esi st ancet of i r e. ( b)Bui l di ngLocat edi nMor eThanOneFi r eZone.I fabui l di ngorst r uct ur ei sl ocat edi n mor et hanonef i r ezoneandmor et hanonet hi r dofi t st ot alf l oorar eai si namor e r est r i ct edf i r ezone,t hent heent i r ebui l di ngshal lconf or mt ot her equi r ement sf ort he mor er est r i ct edar ea. ( c)MovedBui l di ng.Anybui l di ngorst r uct ur emovedwi t hi nori nt oanyf i r ezoneshal lbe madet ocompl ywi t hal lt her equi r ement sf orbui l di ngsoft hatf i r ezone. ( d)Tempor ar yBui l di ngs.Tempor ar ybui l di ngsorst r uct ur esconf or mi ngt ot he r equi r ement soft hi sCode,usedf ort hepr ot ect i onoft hepubl i car oundandi n conj unct i onwi t hconst r uct i onwor kmaybeer ect edi nanyoft hef i r ezones:Pr ovi ded, t hatsuchwor ki sal l owedbyspeci alper mi tf r om t heBui l di ngOf f i ci alandsuchi sused onl yf oral i mi t edper i odoft i me. ( e)Cent erLi nesofSt r eet s.Fort hepur poseoft hi sChapt er ,t hecent erl i neofan adj oi ni ngst r eetoral l eymaybeconsi der edanadj acentpr oper t yl i ne.Di st anceshal lbe measur edatr i ghtangl est ot hest r eetoral l ey. SECTI ON 2. 01. 02.Desi gnat i onofFi r eZones ( a)TheSecr et ar yshal lcl assi f yeacht ypeoff i r ezonei naccor dancet ouse,occupancy, t ypeofconst r uct i on,andr esi st ancet of i r esubj ectt ot hepr ovi si onsoft hi sCode. ( b)Basedont hecl assi f i cat i onoff i r ezones,Ci t yCounsel sorMuni ci palBoar ds,by r esol ut i on,shal ldi vi deci t i esandmuni ci pal i t i esi nt of i r ezones.Suchdi vi si onshal lbei n accor dancewi t ht hel ocalphysi calandspat i alf r amewor kpl ansort her ecommendat i on oft hel ocalci t yormuni ci paldevel opmentbody. Chapt er2. 02-FI RERESI STI VEREQUI REMENTS AND STANDARDS FOR FI RE PROTECTI ON



reviewer - Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

SECTI ON 2. 02. 01:Fi r eResi st i veRequi r ement s ( a)Ext er i orbear i ngandnonbear i ngwal l sofTypesI IandI I Iconst r uct i onsshal lhave onehourf i r er esi st i ver at i ng;whi l et hoseoft ypesI V andV shal lhavef our hourf i r er esi st i ver at i ng. ( b)I nt er i orbear i ngwal l s,per manentpar t i t i ons,f l oor s,andr oof sofTypesI It oI V const r uct i onsshal lhaveonehourf i r er esi st i ver at i ng;whi l et hoseofTypeV shal lhave t hr eehourf i r er esi st i ver at i ngf orwal l s,onehourf i r er esi st i ver at i ngf orpar t i t i ons,and t wohourf i r er esi st i ver at i ngf orver t i calopeni ngs,f l oor s,andr oof s. ( c)St r uct ur alf r amesofTypesI IandI I Iconst r uct i onsshal lhaveonehourf i r er esi st i ve r at i ng;t hoseofTypeI V shal lhavet wohourf i r er esi st i ver at i ng;andt hoseofTypeV shal lhavet hr eehourf i r er esi st i ver at i ng. ( d)Ext er i ordoor sandwi ndowsshal lhavet hr eef our t hshourf i r er esi st i ver at i ngf oral l t ypesofconst r uct i on.

SECTI ON 2. 02. 02:Fi r eResi st i veSt andar ds ( a)Gener al .Mat er i al sandsyst emsoff i r er esi st i vepur posesshal lbecl assi f i ed accor di ngt ot hei rf i r er esi st i ver at i ngsasdet er mi nedbyi nt er nat i onal l yaccept edt est i ng met hods,subj ectt ot hepr ovi si onsoft hi sSect i on. ( b)OneHourFi r eResi st i veTi mePer i odRat i ng ( 1)Thef ol l owi ngwal l sandpar t i t i onsshal lhaveaonehourf i r er esi st i ver at i ng:Sol i d masonr y,10cent i met er s( 4i nches)t hi ck;hol l ow uni tmasonr y,15cent i met er s( 6 i nches)t hi ck;sol i dconcr et e,10cent i met er s( 4i nches)t hi ck;st udwal l scover edon eachsi dewi t h1. 9cent i met er s( 3/ 4i nch)l at handpl ast er ,1. 6cent i met er s( 5/ 8i nch)of ver mi cul i t egypsum boar d,or2. 5cent i met er s( 1i nch)ofgypsum boar d;and5 cent i met er s( 2i nches)nomi nalt hi cknesst ongueandgr oovewood,ort wol ayer sof1. 9 cent i met er s( 3/ 4i nch)t ongueandgr oovewoodsepar at edbysheetmet alorasbest os paperandt r eat edoneachsi dewi t haf i r er et ar dantcoat i nghavi ngaf l amespr ead r at i ngof50orl ess.Squar eedgedboar dsmaybeusedi st hel ayer sar el ai datr i ght angl eswi t heachot her . ( 2)Thef ol l owi ngf l oor sshal lhaveaonehourf i r er esi st i ver at i ng:masonr yorconcr et e, 10cent i met er s( 4i nches)t hi ck;woodj oi st shavi ngt wol ayer soff l oor i ngaboveanda pl ast erorgypsum boar dcei l i ng,1. 9cent i met er s( 3/ 4i nch)i nt hi ckness-t het wol ayer s off l oor i ngshal lbesepar at edbysheetmet alorasbest osbui l di ngpaper ;6. 3



reviewer - Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

cent i met er s( 21/ 2i nches)nett hi cknesst ongueandgr oovedwoodf l oor scover edwi t h 1. 9cent i met er s( 3/ 4i nch)woodf l oor i ngl ai datr i ghtangl est her et o.Thesuppor t i ng beamsf orsuchf l oor sshal lbenotl esst han15cent i met er s( 6i nches)i nmi ni mum di mensi on. ( 3)Thef ol l owi ngpr ot ect i onsf ormet alst r uct ur almember sshal lhaveonehourf i r er esi st i ver at i ng:2. 5cent i met er s( 1i nch)ofconcr et e;3. 8cent i met er s( 11/ 2i nches)of masonr y;andmet all at hand2. 5cent i met er s( 1i nch)ofpl ast er . ( 4)Thef ol l owi ngshal lal sohaveaonehourf i r er esi st i ver at i ng;woodcol ums,20 cent i met er s( 8i nches)ormor ei nl eastdi mensi on;andwoodbeams,15cent i met er s( 6 i nches)ormor ei nl eastdi mensi on. ( c)TwoHourFi r eResi st i veTi mePer i odRat i ng ( 1)Thef ol l owi ngpar t i t i ons,wal l s,andf l oor sshal lhaveat wohourf i r er esi st i ver at i ng: sol i dmasonr y,15cent i met er s( 6i nches)t hi ck;hol l ow uni tmasonr y,20cent i met er s( 8 i nches)t hi ck;andsol i dconcr et e,127cent i met er s( 5i nches)t hi ck. ( 2)Thef ol l owi ngpr ot ect i onsf ormet alst r uct ur almember sshal lhaveat wohourf i r er esi st i ver at i ng.3. 8cent i met er s( 11/ 2i nches)ofconcr et e;5cent i met er s( 2i nches)of masonr y;andt wol ayer sofmet all at handpl ast erwi t h1. 9cent i met er s( 3/ 4i nch)ai r spacebet weenandhavi ngat ot alt hi cknessof6. 3cent i met er s( 21/ 2i nches) . ( d)Thr eeHourFi r eResi st i veTi mePer i odRat i ng ( 1)Thef ol l owi ngpar t i t i ons,wal l s,andf l oor sshal lhaveat hr eehourf i r er esi st i ve r at i ng:sol i dmasonr y,17. 8cent i met er s( 7i nches)t hi ck;hol l ow uni tmasonr y,25. 4 cent i met er s( 10i nches)t hi ck;andsol i dconcr et e,15cent i met er s( 6i nches)t hi ck. ( 2)Thef ol l owi ngpr ot ect i onf ormet alst r uct ur almember sshal lhaveat hr eehourf i r e r esi st i ver at i ng:cent i met er s( 2i nches)ofconcr et e;7. 6cent i met er s( 3i nches)of masonr y.

( e)Four HourFi r eResi st i veTi mePer i odRat i ng ( 1)Thef ol l owi ngpar t i t i ons,wal l s,andf l oor sshal lhaveaf our hourf i r er esi st i ver at i ng: sol i cmasonr ywal l s,20cent i met er s( 8i nches)t hi ck;hol l ow uni tmasonr y,30 cent i met er s( 12i nches)t hi ck;andsol i dconcr et e,17. 8cent i met er s( 7i nches)t hi ck. ( f )St eelJ oi st s.St eelj oi stf l oor sshal lhavef r om onet of our hourf i r er esi st i ver at i ng



reviewer - Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

basedoni nt er nat i onal l yaccept edst andar dsofengi neer i ng. ( g)Fl amePr oofMat er i al s.Mat er i al sr equi r edt obef l amepr oof edshal lbet r eat edwi t ha f l amer et ar danthavi ngf l amespr eadr at i ngof50l essasdet er mi nedbyt he" Tunnel Test " . SECTI ON 2. 02. 03:I nt er i orWal landCei l i ngFi ni sh ( a)Gener al .Fi ni shesf ori nt er i orwal l sandcei l i ngsofanybui l di ngshal lbecl assi f i ed accor di ngt ot hei rf l amespr eadchar act er i st i csusi ngt hei nt er nat i onal l yaccept ed " TunnelTest "orot herequi val entt estf orf i r epr ot ect i on.Thecl assofmat er i al s accor di ngt of l amespr eadchar act er i st i csshal lbedet er mi nedf oreachoccupancygr oup. Thesmokedensi t yshal lnotbegr eat ert hant hatobt ai nf r om t hebur ni ngofunt r eat ed woodundersi mi l arcondi t i onswhent est edi naccor dancewi t ht he" TunnelTest "i nt he wayi nt endedf oruse.Thepr oduct sofcombust i onshal lbenomor et oxi ct hant he bur ni ngofunt r eat edwoodundersi mi l arcondi t i ons. ( b)I nt er i orFi ni shMat er i al s.I nt er i orwal l sandcei l i ngf i ni shshal lmeani nt er i or wai nscot i ng,panel i ng,orot herf i ni shappl i edst r uct ur al l yorf ordecor at i on,acoust i cal cor r ect i on,sur f acei nsul at i onorsi mi l arpur poses.Requi r ement sf orf i ni shesshal lnot appl yt ot r i m,door s,andwi ndowsort hei rf r ames,nort omat er i al swhi char el esst han onemi l l i met er( 0. 039i nch)i nt hi cknesscement edt oani ncombust i bl ebacki ng.I nt er i or f i ni shmat er i al sappl i edt owal l sandcei l i ngsshal lbet est edasspeci f i edher ei nand r egul at edf orpur posesofl i mi t i ngf l amespr ead. SECTI ON 2. 02. 04:Pr omul gat i onofFi r eResi st i veRegul at i ons ( a)TheSecr et ar yshal lpr omul gat eappr opr i at est andar dsandr egul at i onsont het est i ng ofmat er i al sf orf l amespr eadchar act er i st i cs;appl i cat i onofcont r ol l edi nt er i orf i ni sh; f i ni shesbasedonoccupancy;mat er i al sandt est sonf i r edamper s,f i r et est sofbui l di ng const r uct i onandmat er i al s,f i r et est sofdoorassembl i es,t i ncl adf i r edoor s,f i r et estof wi ndow assembl i es,i nst al l at i onoff i r edoorandf i r ewi ndows,andsmokeandf i r e det ect or sf orf i r epr ot ect i vesi gnal i ngsyst ems;f i r er esi st i vepr ot ect i onofst r uct ur al member s;f i r er esi st i vewal l sandpar t i t i ons;f i r er esi st i vef l oor cei l i ngsorr oof cei l i ngs; f i r er esi st i veassembl i esf orpr ot ect i onofopeni ngs;andf i r er et ar dantr oofcover i ngs.




reviewer - Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

Pet erPr an

Numberofpost s:3132 Age:31 Locat i on:shar j ah Regi st r at i ondat e: 22/ 01/ 2009

Re: Architectural Board Exam Reviewer byj enar oonFr iMay29,20097: 46pm

TI TLE3-REQUI REMENTS BASED ON OCCUPANCY Chapt er3. 01-CLASSI FI CATI ON OFALLBUI LDI NGS BY USEOR OCCUPANCYAND GENERALREQUI REMENTS FOR ALLOCCUPANCI ES SECTI ON 3. 01. 01:OccupancyCl assi f i ed ( a)Bui l di ngpr oposed,f orconst r uct i onshal lbei dent i f i edaccor di ngt oi t suseort he char act erofi t soccupancyandshal lbecl assi f i edasf ol l ows: ( 1)Gr oupA -Resi dent i al :Dwel l i ngs.Gr oupA Occupanci esshal li ncl udedwel l i ngs. ( 2)Gr oupB -Resi dent i al :Hot el sandApar t ment s.-Gr oupB Occupanci esshal li ncl ude boar di ngorl odgi nghouses,hot el s,apar t menthouses,convent s,andmonast er i es( each accomodat i ngmor et han10per sons) . ( 3)Gr oupC -Educat i onandRecr eat i on.Gr oupC Occupanci esshal lbeanybui l di ng usedf orschoolordaycar epur posesmor et hanei ghthour sperweek,i nvol vi ng assembl agef ori nst r uct i on,educat i on,orr ecr eat i on,andnotcl assedi nGr oupIori n Di vi si ons1and2ofGr oupH Occupanci es. ( 4)Gr oupD -I nst i t ut i onal .Gr oupD Occupanci esshal li ncl ude:Di vi si on1-Ment al hospi t al s,ment alsani t ar i ums,j ai l s,pr i sons,r ef or mat or i es,andbui l di ngswher e per sonall i ber t i esofi nmat esar esi mi l ar l yr est r ai ned;Di vi si on2-Nur ser i esf orf ul l t i me car eofchi l dr enunderki nder gar t enage,hospi t al s,sani t ar i ums,nur si nghomeswi t h nonambul at or ypat i ent s,andsi mi l arbui l di ngs( eachaccommodat i ngmor et hanf i ve per sons) ;Di vi si on3-Nur si nghomesf orambul at or ypat i ent s,homesf orchi l dr enof ki nder gar t enageorover( eachaccommodat i ngmor et hanf i veper sons) ;Pr ovi ded,That Gr oupD Occupanci esshal lnoti ncl udebui l di ngsusedonl yf orpr i vat er esi dent i al pur posesorf oraf ami l ygr oup. ( 5)Gr oupE-Busi nessandMer cant i l e.Gr oupEOccupanci esshal li ncl ude:Di vi si



reviewer - Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

Gasol i nef i l l i ngandser vi cest at i ons;st or agegar ageandboatst or agest r uct ur eswher e nowor ki sdoneexceptexchangeofpar t sandmai nt enancer equi r i ngnoopenf l ame, wel di ng,ort heuseofhi ghl yf l ammabl el i qui ds;Di vi si on2-Whol esal eandr et ai lst or es, of f i cebui l di ngs,dr i nki nganddi ni ngest abl i shment shavi nganoccupantl oadt estt han 100,pr i nt i ngpl ant s,muni ci palpol i ceandf i r est at i ons,f act or i esandwor kshopsusi ng mat er i al snothi ghl yf l ammabl eorcombust i bl e,st or ageandsal esr oom f orcombust i bl e goods,andpai ntst or eswi t houtbul khandl i ng,andDi vi si on3Ai r cr af thangar swher e nor epai rwor ki sdoneexceptexchangeofpar t sandmai nt enancer equi r i ngnoopen f l ame,wel di ng,ort heuseofhi ghl yf l ammabl el i qui ds;openpar ki nggar agesand hel i por t s. ( 6)Gr oupF-I ndust r i al .Gr oupFOccupanci esshal li ncl ude:I cepl ant s,powerpl ant s, pumpi ngpl ant s,col dst or age,andcr eamer i es;f act or i esandwor kshopsusi ng i ncombust i bl eandnonexpl osi vemat er i al s;andst or ageandsal esr oomsof i ncombust i bl eandnonexpl osi vemat er i al s. ( 7)Gr oupG -St or ageandHazar dous.Gr oupG Occupanci esshal li ncl ude:Di vi si on1St or ageandhandl i ngofhazar dousandhi ghl yf l ammabl eorexpl osi vemat er i al sot her t hanf l ammabl el i qui ds;Di vi si on2-St or ageandhandl i ngoff l ammabl el i qui ds;dr y cl eani ngpl ant susi ngf l ammabl el i qui ds;pai ntst or eswi t hbul khandl i ng;pai ntshops andspr aypai nt i ngr ooms,andshops;Di vi si on3-Woodwor ki ngest abl i shment s, pl anni ngmi l l sandboxf act or i es,shopsf act or i eswher el oose,combust i bl ef i ber sordust ar emanuf act ur ed,pr ocessedorgener at ed;war ehouseswher ehi ghl ycombust i bl e mat er i ali sst or ed;Di vi si on4-Repai rgar ages;andDi vi si on5-Ai r cr af tr epai rhangar s. ( 8)Gr oupH -Assembl yOt herThanGr oupI .Gr oupH Occupanci esshal li ncl ude: Di vi si on1-Anyassembl ybui l di ngwi t hast ageandanoccupantl oadofl esst han100 i nt hebui l di ng;Di vi si on2-Anyassembl ybui l di ngwi t houtast ageandhavi ngan occupantl oadof300ormor ei nt hebui l di ng;Di vi si on3-Anyassembl ybui l di ng wi t houtast ageandhavi nganoccupantl oadofl esst han300i nt hebui l di ng,i ncl udi ng suchbui l di ngsusedf orschoolpur posesl esst hanei ghthour sperweek;andDi vi si on4St adi ums,r evi ewi ngst ands,amusementpar kst r uct ur esnoti ncl udedwi t hi nGr oupIor Di vi si ons1,2,and3,Gr oupH Occupanci es. ( 9)Gr oupI-Assembl yOccupantLoad1000orMor e.Gr oupIOccupanci esshal lbeany assembl ybui l di ngwi t hast ageandanoccupantl oadof1000ormor ei nt hebui l di ng. ( 10)Gr oupJ-Accessor y.Gr oupJOccupanci esshal li ncl ude:Di vi si on1-Pr i vat e gar ages,car por t s,sheds,andagr i cul t ur albui l di ngs;Di vi si on2-Fencesover1. 80 met er s( 6f eet )hi gh,t anks,andt ower s. ( b)Ot hersubgr oupi ngsordi vi si onswi t hi nGr oupsA t oJmaybedet er mi nedbyt he Secr et ar y.Anyot heroccupancynotment i onedspeci f i cal l yi nt hi sSect i on,orabout



reviewer - Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

whi cht her ei sanyquest i on,shal lbei ncl udedi nt heGr oupwhi chi t susemostnear l y r esembl esbasedont heexi st i ngorpr oposedl i f eandf i r ehazar d. ( c)TheBui l di ngOf f i ci al sshal li dent i f yandi ndi cat ei nt heCer t i f i cat eofOccupancyt he appr opr i at ecl assi f i cat i ont owhi chabui l di ngorst r uct ur et obeconst r uct edbel ongs. SECTI ON 3. 01. 02:Changei nUse ( a)Nochangeshal lbemadei nt hechar act erofoccupanci esoruseofanybui l di ng whi chwoul dpl acet hebui l di ngi nadi f f er entdi vi si onoft hesamegr oupofoccupancyor i nadi f f er entgr oupofoccupanci es,unl esssuchbui l di ngsi smadet ocompl ywi t ht he r equi r ement sf orsuchdi vi si onorgr oupofoccupancy:Except ,Thatt hechar act erof occupancyofexi st i ngbui l di ngsmaybechangedsubj ectt ot heappr ovaloft heBui l di ng Of f i ci alandt hebui l di ngmaybeoccupi edf orpur posessetf or t hi not herGr oupswi t hout conf or mi ngt oal lt her equi r ement sf ort hoseGr oups,pr ovi dedt henew orpr oposeduse i sl esshazar dous,basedonl i f eandf i r er i sk,t hant heexi st i nguse. SECTI ON 3. 01. 03:Mi xedOccupancy ( a)Gener al .Whenabui l di ngi susedf ormor et hanoneoccupancypur poses,eachpar t oft hebui l di ngcompr i si ngadi st i nct" Occupancy"shal lbesepar at edf r om anyot her occupancy.Whenabui l di ngi susedf ormor et hanoneoccupancypur pose,i tshal lbe subj ectt ot hemostr est r i ct i ver equi r ement sf ort heoccupanci esconcer ned:Except ,( 1)Whenaonest or ybui l di nghousesmor et hanoneoccupancy,eachpor t i onoft he bui l di ngshal lconf or mt ot her equi r ement sf ort heoccupancyhousedt her ei n,andt he ar eaoft hebui l di ngshal lbesucht hatt hesum oft heact ualar easdi vi dedbyt he al l owabl ear eaf oreachsepar at eoccupancyshal lnotexceedone;and( 2)Wher emi nor accessor yusesdonotoccupymor et han10percentoft hear eaofanyf l oorofa bui l di ng,normor et han10percentoft hebasi sar eper mi t t edi nt heoccupancy r equi r ement s.Themaj oruseoft hebui l di ngshal ldet er mi net heoccupancycl assi f i cat i on pr ovi dedt heusesar esepar at edi naccor dancewi t hr equi r ement sf oroccupancy separ at i on. ( b)For msofOccupancySepar at i on.Occupancysepar at i onsshal lbever t i calor hor i zont alorbot h,orwhennecessar y,ofsuchot herf or m asmayber equi r edt oaf f or da compl et esepar at i onbet weent hevar i ousoccupancydi vi si onsi nt hebui l di ng. ( c)TypesofOccupancySepar at i on.Occupancysepar at i onsshal lbecl assedas" OneHourFi r eResi st i ve"" TwoHourFi r eResi st i ve" ," Thr eeHourFi r eResi st i ve" ,and" Four HourFi r eResi st i ve" . ( 1)A " OneHourFi r eResi st i veOccupancySepar at i ons"shal lbeofnotl esst hanonehourf i r er esi st i veconst r uct i on.Al lopeni ngsi nsuchasepar at i onsshal lbepr ot ect eda



reviewer - Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

f i r eassembl yhavi ngaonehourf i r er esi st i ver at i ng. ( 2)A " TwoHourFi r eResi st i veOccupancySepar at i on"shal lbeofnotl esst hant wohour f i r er esi st i veconst r uct i on.Al lopeni ngsi nsuchsepar at i onshal lbepr ot ect edbyaf i r e assembl yhavi ngaoneandonehal f hourf i r er esi st i ver at i ng. ( 3)A " Thr eeHourFi r eResi st i veOccupancySepar at i on"shal lbeofnotl esst hant hr eehourf i r er esi st i veconst r uct i on.Al lopeni ngsi nwal l sf or mi ngsuchsepar at i onshal lbe pr ot ect edbyaf i r eassembl yhavi ngat hr eehourf i r er esi st i ver at i ng.Thet ot alwi dt hof al lopeni ngsi nanyt hr eehourf i r er esi st i veoccupancysepar at i onwal li nanyonest or y shal lnotexceed25percentoft hel engt hoft hewal li nt hatst or yandnosi ngl eopeni ng shal lhaveanar eagr eat ert han10. 00squar emet er s( 107. 1squar ef eet ) .Al lopeni ngs i nf l oor sf or mi nga" Thr eeHourFi r eResi st i veOccupancySepar at i on"shal lbepr ot ect ed byver t i calencl osur esext endi ngaboveandbel ow suchopeni ngs.Thewal l sofsuch ver t i calencl osur esshal lbeofnotl esst hant enhour sf i r er esi st i veconst r uct i on,andal l openi ngst her ei nshal lbepr ot ect edbyaf i r eassembl yhavi ngoneandonehal f hour f i r er esi st i ver at i ng. ( 4)A " Four HourFi r eResi st i veOccupancySepar at i on"shal lhavenoopeni ngst her ei n andshal lbeofnotl esst hanf our hourf i r er esi st i veconst r uct i on. ( d)Fi r eRat i ngsf orOccupancySepar at i on.Occupancysepar at i onsshal lbepr ovi ded bet weenvar i ousgr oups,subgr oupi ngs,ordi vi si onsofoccupanci es.TheSecr et ar yshal l pr omul gat er ul esandr egul at i onsf orappr opr i at eoccupancysepar at i onsi nbui l di ngsof mi xedoccupancy:Pr ovi ded,Thatwher eanyoccupancysepar at i oni sr equi r ed,t he mi ni mum shal lbea" OneHourFi r eResi st i veOccupancySepar at i on" ;andwher et he occupancysepar at i oni shor i zont al ,st r uct ur almember ssuppor t i ngt hesepar at i onshal l bepr ot ect edbyequi val entf i r er esi st i veconst r uct i on.


Pet erPr an

Numberofpost s:3132 Age:31 Locat i on:shar j ah Regi st r at i ondat e: 22/ 01/ 2009



reviewer - Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

Re: Architectural Board Exam Reviewer byj enar oonFr iMay29,20097: 48pm

SECTI ON 3. 01. 04:Locat i ononPr oper t y ( a)Gener al .Bui l di ngsshal ladj oi norhaveaccesst oapubl i cspace,yar d,orst r eeton notl esst hanonesi de.Requi r edyar dsshal lbeper manent l ymai nt ai ned.Fort he pur poseoft hi sSect i on,t hecent erl i neofanadj oi ni ngst r eetoral l eyshal lbeconsi der ed anadj acentpr oper t yl i ne.Eavesoverr equi r edwi ndowsshal lbenotl esst han75 cent i met er s( 30i nches)f r om t hesi deandr earandr earpr oper t yl i nes. ( b)Fi r eResi st anceofWal l s.Ext er i orwal l sshal lhavef i r er esi st anceandopeni ng pr ot ect i oni naccor dancewi t hr equi r ement ssetbyt heSecr et ar y.Pr oj ect i onsbeyondt he ext er i orwal lshal lnotext endbeyondapoi ntonet hi r dt hedi st ancet ot hepr oper t yl i ne f r om anext er i orwal l ;orapoi ntonet hi r dt hedi st ancef r om anassumedver t i calpl ane l ocat edwher ef i r er esi st i vepr ot ect i onofopeni ngsi sf i r str equi r edduet ol ocat i onon pr oper t y,whi cheveri st hel eastr est r i ct i ve.Di st anceshal lbemeasur edatr i ghtangl es f r om t hepr oper t yl i ne.Whenopeni ngsi next er i orwal l sar er equi r edt obepr ot ect eddue t odi st ancef r om pr oper t yl i ne,t hesum oft hear eaofsuchopeni ngsshal lnotexceed50 percentoft het ot alar eaoft hewal li neachst or y. ( c)Bui l di ngsonSamePr oper t yandBui l di ngsCont ai ni ngCour t s.Fort hepur poseof det er mi ni ngt her equi r edwal landopeni ngpr ot ect i on,bui l di ngsont hesamepr oper t y andcour twal l sshal lbeassumedt ohaveapr oper t yl i nebet weent hem.Whenanew bui l di ngi st obeer ect edont hesamepr oper t ywi t hanexi st i ngbui l di ng,t heassumed pr oper t yl i nef r om t heexi st i ngbui l di ngshal lbet hedi st ancet ot hepr oper t yl i nef or eachoccupancyassetf or t hbyt heSecr et ar y:Pr ovi ded,Thatt woormor ebui l di ngson t hesamepr oper t ymaybeconsi der edaspor t i onsofonebui l di ngoft heaggr egat ear ea ofsuchbui l di ngsi swi t hi nt hel i mi t sofal l owabl ef l oorar easf orasi ngl ebui l di ng;and t hatwhent hebui l di ngssoconsi der edhousedi f f er entoccupanci esorar eofdi f f er ent t ypesofconst r uct i on,t hear eashal lbet hatal l owedf ort hemostr est r i ct edoccupancyor const r uct i on. SECTI ON 3. 01. 05:Al l owabl eFl oorAr eas ( a)Ar easofOneSt or yBui l di ngsandBui l di ngOverOneSt or y.Al l owabl ef l oorar easf or onest or ybui l di ngsandbui l di ngsoveronest or yshal lnotexceedt hel i mi t sdet er mi ned i naccor dancewi t hoccupancygr oupsandt ypesofconst r uct i on. ( b)Ar eaSepar at i onWal l s.Eachpor t i onofabui l di ngsepar at edbyoneormor ear ea separ at i onwal l smaybeconsi der edasepar at ebui l di ngpr ovi dedt hear easepar at i on wal lmeett her equi r ement soft hi sCode.



reviewer - Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

SECTI ON 3. 01. 06:Al l owabl eAr eaI ncr eases ( a)Thef l oorar eaher ei nabovepr ovi dedmaybei ncr easedi ncer t ai nspeci f i ci nst ances andunderappr opr i at econdi t i ons,basedont heexi st enceofpubl i cspace,st r eet s,or yar dsext endi ngal ongt headj oi ni ngt woormor esi desoft hebui l di ngorst r uct ur e. SECTI ON 3. 01. 07:Maxi mum Hei ghtofBui l di ngsandI ncr eases ( a)Themaxi mum hei ghtandnumberofst or i esofever ybui l di ngshal lbedependent upont hechar act eroft heoccupancyandt het ypeofconst r uct i on,andshal lnotexceed t hel i mi t sdet er mi nedbypopul at i ondensi t y,bui l di ngbul k,wi dt hsofst r eet s,andcar par ki ngr equi r ement s.Thehei ghtshal lbemeasur edf r om t hehi ghestadj oi ni ng si dewal korgr oundsur f ace,pr ovi dedt hatt hehei ghtmeasur edf r om t hel owest adj oi ni ngsur f aceshal lnotexceedsuchmaxi mum hei ghtbymor et han3. 00met er s( 10 f eet ) :Except ,Thatt ower s,spi r es,andst eepl es,er ect edasapar tofabui l di ngandnot usedf orhabi t at i onorst or age,ar el i mi t edast ohei ghtonl ybyst r uct ur aldesi gni f compl et el yofi ncombust i bl emat er i al s,ormayext endnott oexceed6. 00met er s( 19 f eet ,8i nches)abovet hehei ghtl i mi t sf oreachoccupancygr oupi fofcombust i bl e mat er i al s. SECTI ON 3. 01. 08:Maxi mum Requi r ement sf orGr oupA Dwel l i ngs:OneTwoSt or i es ( a)Dwel l i ngLocat i onandLotOccupancy.Thedwel l i ngshal loccupynotmor et han90 percentofacor nerl otand80percentofani nsi del ot ,andsubj ectt ot hepr ovi si onson easement sofl i ghtandvi ew oft heCi vi lCodeoft hePhi l i ppi nes,shal lbeatl east2. 00 met er s( 6f eet ,i nches)f r om t hepr oper t yl i ne. ( b)Li ghtandVent i l at i on.Ever ydwel l i ngshal lbesoconst r uct edandar r angedast o pr ovi deadequat el i ghtandvent i l at i on. ( 1)Habi t abl er ooms,bat hr ooms,t oi l etr oomsandut i l i t yr oomsshal lhaveahei ghtof notl esst han2. 40met er s( 8f eet ) ,measur edf r om f l oort ocei l i ng. ( 2)Roomsshal lhaveami ni mum si zeof6. 00squar emet er s( 65squar ef eet )wi t ha l easthor i zont aldi mensi onof2. 00met er s( 6f eet ,7i nches)f orr oomsofhuman habi t at i ons;3. 00squar emet er s( 32f eet )wi t hal easthor i zont aldi mensi onof1. 50 met er s( 5f eet )f orki t chens;and1. 20squar emet er s( 13squar ef eet )wi t hal east hor i zont aldi mensi onof90cent i met er s( 3f eet )f orbat hr ooms. ( 3)Wi ndowsshal lbeatl east1/ 10t hoft hef l oorar eaoft her oom. ( c)Sani t at i on.Ever ydwel l i ngshal lbepr ovi dedwi t hatl eastonesani t ar yt oi l etand



reviewer - Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

adequat ewashi nganddr ai nagef aci l i t i es. ( d)Foundat i on.Foot i ngshal lbeofsuf f i ci entsi zeandst r engt ht osuppor tt hel oadand dwel l i ngandshal lbeatl east30cent i met er s( 1f oot )t hi ckand60cent i met er s( 2f eet ) bel ow t hesur f aceoft hegr ound.Eachpostshal lbeanchor edt osuchf oot i ngsbyst r aps andbol t sofadequat esi ze. ( e)PostorSupor t al es.Thedi mensi onsofwoodenpostorsupor t al esshal lbet hose f oundi nTabl e3. 01-A Di mensi onofWoodenPost sorSupor t al es( AnnexB) . ( f )Fl oor .Thel i vel oadoft hef i r stf l oorshal lbeatl east200ki l ogr amspersquar emet er ( 40poundspersquar ef oot )andf ort hesecondf l oor ,atl east150ki l ogr amspersquar e met er( 30poundspersquar ef oot ) . ( g)Roof .Thewi ndl oadf orr oof sshal lbeatl east150ki l ogr amspersquar emet er( 30 poundspersquar ef oot ) . ( h)St ai r s.St ai r smaybe75cent i met er s( 30i nches)wi de,wi t har i seof20cent i met er s ( 8i nches)andar unof23cent i met er s( 9i nches) . ( i )Ent r anceandExi t .Ther eshal lbeoneent r anceandoneexi t . ( j )El ect r i calOut l et s.Ther eshal lbeatl eastoneconveni enceout l etper6. 00met er s( 20 f eet )ofwal lmeasur edal ongt hef l oorandonel i ghtout l etf orever yr oom. ( k)Mechani calRequi r ement s.Fami l ydwel l i ngsnotmor et hant wost or i esshal lbe exemptf r om t her equi r ement soft heMechani calCode. SECTI ON 3. 01. 09:Requi r ement sf orGr oupOccupanci es ( a)Subj ectt ot hepr ovi si onsoft hi sCode,t heSecr et ar yshal lpr omul gat er egul at i onsf or eachoccupancygr oupcover i ng:al l owabl econst r uct i on,hei ght ,andar ea;l ocat i onon pr oper t y,exi tf aci l i t i es,l i ght ,vent i l at i on,andsani t at i on;encl osur eofver t i calopeni ngs; f i r eext i ngui shi ngsyst em;andspeci alhazar ds.


Pet erPr an



reviewer - Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

Numberofpost s:3132 Age:31 Locat i on:shar j ah Regi st r at i ondat e: 22/ 01/ 2009

Re: Architectural Board Exam Reviewer bycal l ow_ar ki 28onSatMay30,20098: 19pm

Mar ami ngmar ami ngsal amatbr o!

callow_arki28 CGPAppr ent i ce

Numberofpost s:440 Age:31 Locat i on:mani l a Regi st r at i ondat e: 27/ 02/ 2009

Re: Architectural Board Exam Reviewer byHor he_sanj oseonTueJ un02,20098: 26pm

t i psl angmgabr os. . . . .NSCPt r yni yomagconcent r at esadef i ni t i onoft er ms. . . . .idont know kungnagbagonamgaexami ner sngayonha. . . . .kungsiEugeneGanf orsur eun padi n. . . .t r ynyoconcent r at edi f fbetNBC chakaf i r ecode. . . .Pr ofPr act r yni yobasahi n l angngbasahi nt hensaexam pur opr act i calr easoni ngl angnaman. . . .t hi r dday,t r ynyo t anongsamgat agaCDEPr evi ewer skunganot i nakeupni l af ordr af t i ngcl asses. . . . .t he bestr evi ew cent ert o,f ormeha. . . .hehehhe. . . . .USTgr adakoper ot hi si sr unbyUP admi n. . . .

Horhe_sanjose CGPNewbi e



reviewer - Architectural Board Exam Reviewer

Numberofpost s:123 Age:32 Locat i on:UAE Regi st r at i ondat e: 05/ 05/ 2009

Re: Architectural Board Exam Reviewer bypi xel bur nonTueJ un02,20098: 54pm

sabini l a,kasabi handaw angsi kr et osapagpasaayyungpagt ucki ndaw ngpol oshi r t , , dapatdaw hapi tnahapi t . . . . . .pansi nkokcungmgagi r l snanagt ucki nsahar apko, , , hapi tnahapi t , , ,pumasadi nsi l aeh! ! . . . . . . . . yunl angnamanpoangnaobser bahanko! ! ! ! ! _________________ . "INTRICATEUS DETAILSUS AREUS MYUS INTERESTUS"

pixelburn CGPGur u

Numberofpost s:1429 Age:29 Locat i on:Dubai ,SAN PEDRO,LAGUNA,Br unei Dar r usal am Regi st r at i ondat e: 10/ 04/ 2009

Si mi l art opi cs »Nur si ngCompr ehensi veRevi ewerBul l et s »Ar chi t ect ur alBoar dExam Revi ewer »Anot herAr chi t ect ur alBoar dExam Revi ewer s »( TI PS saBoar dexam) FastandExcel l entDesi gn »J une7&9Ar chi t ect ur alBoar dExam




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