Rev. Jikai - Where Mikkyo Came From

April 21, 2017 | Author: Memento__Mori | Category: N/A
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,nlWhere Mikkyo Came From I I







by Rev. C. Jikai Choffy Mikkyo is the Japanese vajrayana "diamond vehicle" approach to the realization of the universal ultimate truth. This awakening to ultimate truth as originally taught by Siddhartha Gautama is popularly referred to as attaining enlightenment. As Nine Gates Institute members know, these methods for accessing the inherent potential for enlightenment that is hidden in each of us were always closely associated with the roots of Japan's historical ninja. In Japan, the vajrayana method in its formal tradition has been handed down by two distinct lineages for almost 1,200 years. The Tendai tradition was brought back from China in 805 by the scholar priest Saicho, later known as Dengyo Daishi. The Shingon tradition was brought back at approximatel the same time by Saicho's counterpart Kuka1,later known as Kobo Daishi. The two lineages of Mikkyo are often referred to by other names in Japan. Tendai Mikkyo practice is sometimes called taimirsu. because of a reference to the sect's original Mt. T'ien-t'ai source in China,


and the himitsu "secret" or mystical nature of the teachings. Shingon Mlkkyo is referred to as to-mitsu, because the hirnitsu mystical knowledge was first taught from the To-ji

To-mitsu,Kukal's Shlngon Mlkkyo

temple in Kyoto. Although each is its own very independent tradition, both Tendai and Shingon are based on similar theories and practice methods. r It should be noted that Saicho, as founder of the Tendai denomination, did not himself receive the full transmission and initiation into the vajrayana methods while he was in China. Saicho' disciple Ennin, later known as Jikaku Daishi, was the one who travelled to China and trained there in the esoteric methods for nine years. Upon his return to Japan, Ennin expanded the esoteric foundation of the Tendai tradition based high on Mt. Hiei, northeast of Kyoto. Scholars now know that the principal texts upon which Tendai and Shingon practices are based had already been formulated by the beginning of the 700s, and probably much earlier than this in actual fact. These esoteric teachings are sometimes labelled "tantric" , implying that they were a third wave of development in the ancient Indian spiritual tradition. Today, the first wave is labelled Theravada ("way of the Elders"), or sometimes hinayana, or the "smaller vehicle", and refers to the original practices of discipline and secluded meditation carried out by the followers of the historical teacher Shakyamuni. The second wave is known as mahayana, or the "great vehicle", in reference to its acknowledgement of the inherent possibility for enlightenment in every being. The tantric vajrayana "diamond thunderbolt of ultimate unchanging truth" was the third wave of development, and introduced the most direct means of accessing enlightened vision inherent within each of us. It is very important to acknowledge the direct line of transmission of these vajrayana teachings from their original development in northern India to China, and then on to Japan and Tibet. The Japanese did not invent, imagine, or "make up'? the teachings and practices of Mikkyo. They were carried to Japan as already-proven techniques by courageous Japanese student-monks who underwent the perilous journey to China in the effort to bring the knowledge to their own country. Today, on the threshold of the twenty-first century, these same wellestablished teachings are now making their

way into the cultures of the Western world. In ancient India, the greatest teaching center for these vajrayana doctrines and practices was Nalanda University, home to great scholars including Nagarjuna, va, V a s u b h a e , and ~antaraksita. Other such universities were Vikramasila University and Odantapuri University. Nalanda University was almost a thousand years old before it was finally burned to the ground in the final holocaust as Moslem invaders swept into India and destroyed the indigenous spiritual wealth. By that time, however, the vajrayana teachings had been transmitted successfully to Nepal, Tibet, China, and were on their way to Japan. Later, the Moslem wave moved further to conquer China under the hand of the great Khan generals, leaving only Tibet and Japan untouched as the last repositories of the active practice of the vajrayana mystic traditions.


Rev. Jikai is a retired American university professor. He was ordained as a Tendai Mikkyo priest atop Mt. Hiei in Japan, in the summer of 1975. He in turn authorized the ordination of Nine Gates Institute founder Stephen K. Hayes. He can be reached by letter: Rev. C. Jikai Choffy, Tendai Kongosatta-In, PO Box 212, Cape Giradeau, MO 63702.

Short Notes

We are expanding our work. In addition to our Shadows of Iga Society martial arts training events and our Blue Lotus Assembly mikkyo mind science programs, we have recently inaugurated one more branch of our work as Nine Gates Institute. Under the imprint of Nine Gates Press, we will be offering members a new series of training materials in printed, video, and audio forms. These new publications will be directed towards members and students who must rely heavily on self-training without the daily uidance of a qualified teacher. Emphasis will be on c arifying the training process to permit self-discovery. These new publications will then fit in as a different view of the same arts as described in the more philosophical written works of founder Stephen K. Hayes. Ordering instructions for our two new workbooks a pear on the back cover of this issue of Musubi. 8nlightened Self-Protection is the training guide used by all students entering the Bujinkan Kasumi-An ninja martial arts program. It covers all the details of how to get started in the dojo, and what to do to prepare for your first tests. Action Meditation is the training guide used by those students who wish to begin formal training in the Tendai mikkyo mind science tradition of Mt. Hiei. It covers a series of meditation and mantra recitations necessary for building a solid foundation in the practice. By the way, we would appreciate our help in gettlng these new books out into the wor d. When you order and then receive your copies of the new workbooks, please show your copies to the managers of bookstores near you and encourage them to contact us about getting the books for their stores. Let us know if you are successful in getting them to carry our books; we would like to send a special calli raphy present to each member that helps get our boo s into the listings of booksellers around the world.




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