this document is based on retail credit policy of bank...
This Retail Banking Credit Policy Manual of the Bank is prepared prepared in line with the Prudential Guidelines for consumer nancing of Bangladesh Bank on
Ocers!"ecuti#es in handling a$airs relating to credit in a disciplined way way% This This poli policy cy will will appl apply y to all all Bran Branch ches es of Prime rime Bank Bank &imi &imite ted d in Bangla Banglades desh h and repla replace ce the e"ist e"isting ing Policy olicy guidel guideline ines s that that ha#e ha#e 'een 'een issued from time to time though circulars% (t is #ery #ery lik likely ely that that this this polic policy y may may ha#e ha#e limi limita tati tion ons) s) whic which h will will 'e rectiedremo#ed in due course% Moreo#er) it will 'e re#ised and updated from from time time to time% time% *s such) such) sugges suggestio tions ns from from Bank+s Bank+s !"ecu !"ecuti# ti#es es and Ocers for making further impro#ement are welcome% The main purpose of this policy is to make the e"ecuti#es e"ecuti#es and ocers of the 'ank con#ersant with the policy and strategy of the Bank regarding credit operation and ena'le them to discharge duties and responsi'ilities with condence and constructi#e initiati#e% The concerned !"ecuti#es and Ocers must keep themsel#es fully con#ersant with its contents) which are strictly Private and Confdential and must not in any way 'e di#ulged to any person not in the ser#ice of the Bank% (n additi addition on to the instru instructi ctions ons contai contained ned in this this policy policy)) the Branc Branch h (n, chargeManager and Ocers will also 'e guided 'y circulars issued 'y -ead Oce from time to time% This Policy is printed in loose,leaf form to facilitate the replacement of any page or section due to su'se.uent changes and amendments made at any stage% /uch amendments on printed sheets will 'e supplied to the Branches as and when done and should 'e su'stituted accordingly%
1.0 Context
Retail lending is one of the core 'usinesses for Prime Bank &imited and has 'een targeted for signicant further growth% This re1ects the potential of retail lending to produce high le#els of economic prot and percei#ed demographic trends toward an e"panded middle class and higher income le#els%
*sset .uality is generally e"pected to 'e higher in personal lending than corporate lending due to a #ariety of factors including2 •
3i#ersication of risk
Cultural #alues
The increasing need for indi#iduals to ha#e access to 'ank credit for the conduct of normal daily acti#ities%
Prime Bank is a conser#ati#e lender in retail credit as part of its corporate philosophy% -owe#er) conser#atism does not mean simply minimi4ing 'ad de'ts) 'ut incorporates the concept of lending against accepta'le risks% The Bank+s o#erriding goal is not only to increase total shareholder shareholder return 'ut also to contri'ute to the socio economy 'y impro#ing the life style of the limited income segment of the country and that can 'e 'est achie#ed optimi4ing prots) rather than 5ust minimi4ing losses% Prot optimi4ation will follow from2
Good,planning and control of appro#al process
6ell ell
desig esigne ned d
pro products ucts
with ith
appr appro opriat riatel ely y
focu ocused sed
marketing •
The use of statistical techni.ues and decision support systems that permit risks to 'e managed predicta'ly
Gather Gathering ing high high .ualit .uality y manage managemen mentt infor informat mation ion)) this this is then read and used% 7
1.0 Context
Retail lending is one of the core 'usinesses for Prime Bank &imited and has 'een targeted for signicant further growth% This re1ects the potential of retail lending to produce high le#els of economic prot and percei#ed demographic trends toward an e"panded middle class and higher income le#els%
*sset .uality is generally e"pected to 'e higher in personal lending than corporate lending due to a #ariety of factors including2 •
3i#ersication of risk
Cultural #alues
The increasing need for indi#iduals to ha#e access to 'ank credit for the conduct of normal daily acti#ities%
Prime Bank is a conser#ati#e lender in retail credit as part of its corporate philosophy% -owe#er) conser#atism does not mean simply minimi4ing 'ad de'ts) 'ut incorporates the concept of lending against accepta'le risks% The Bank+s o#erriding goal is not only to increase total shareholder shareholder return 'ut also to contri'ute to the socio economy 'y impro#ing the life style of the limited income segment of the country and that can 'e 'est achie#ed optimi4ing prots) rather than 5ust minimi4ing losses% Prot optimi4ation will follow from2
Good,planning and control of appro#al process
6ell ell
desig esigne ned d
pro products ucts
with ith
appr appro opriat riatel ely y
focu ocused sed
marketing •
The use of statistical techni.ues and decision support systems that permit risks to 'e managed predicta'ly
Gather Gathering ing high high .ualit .uality y manage managemen mentt infor informat mation ion)) this this is then read and used% 7
Taking Taking the foregoing foregoing into account) this manual 8to 'e referred referred as Retail Banking Credit Policy Manual9 sets out the general policy parameters for personal lending% Retail lending in the conte"t of this manual is lending to indi#i indi#idua duals ls in their their own right right and e"clu e"cludes des sole sole propr propriet ietor or and small small 'usiness lending%
1. C!e"#t R#$% M&n&'e(ent Po)#*+
Credit risk management needs to 'e a ro'ust process that ena'les a Bank to proacti#ely manage its loan portfolio in order to minimi4e losses and also to earn an accepta'le le#el of return for stakeholders% Gi#en the fast chan changi ging ng dyna dynami mic c glo' glo'al al econ econom omy y and and the the incr increa easi sing ng pres pressu surre of glo'al glo'ali4a i4atio tion) n) li'era li'erali4 li4ati ation) on) consol consolida idatio tion n and dis disint inter er media mediatio tion) n) it is essential that Prime Bank has a ro'ust credit risk management policy and procedures procedures that are sensiti#e and responsi#e responsi#e to these changes%
To To pro#ide a 'oard guideline for the Retail Retail Credit Operation towards ecient management of the Retail Credit portfolio of the Bank) a clearly den dened ed))
well well,p ,plan lanne ned) d)
comp comprrehen ehensi si#e #e
and and
appr approp opri riat ate e
Cred Credit it
Risk Risk
Management Policy is a pre,re.uisite%
(n the a'o#e 'ackdrop) this policy document has 'een prepared% *nd) it is here'y named as :Ret) :Ret) B&n%#n' C!e"#t Po)#*+ M&n-&).
1./ P-!o$e
The sole purpose of this policy document is to set out yardsticks for and spell out standard operating procedures for management of retail credit risk of the Bank% *s such) it specically addresses the following areas2 areas2
!sta'lishing an appropriate appropriate credit risk en#ironment
/etting up a sound credit appro#al process
Main Mainta tain inin ing g
appr approp opri riat ate e
cred credit it
admi admini nist stra rati tion on
and and
monitoring ;
Process) and •
!nsuring ade.uate controls o#er credit risk%
1. S*oe
This policy document will 'e applica'le for issues related to retail lending C!e"#t R#$% R#$% oper operat atio ion n and and also also to 'e read ead in con5 con5un unct ctio ion n with with the the C!e"#t M&n&'e(en M&n&'e(entt Po)#*+ Po)#*+ with with respe espect ct to 'oth 'oth dir direct ect and and indi indirrect ect cred credit it products products of traditional and (slamic 'anking products%
1.2 A(en"(ent o3 t4e Po)#*+
This Retail Banking Credit Credit Policy Manual will 'e amended) re#ised) rened) read5usted as and when warranted to accommodate the changes in the mark market condit condition ion)) cyclic cyclic aspect aspect of the econom economy) y) go#er go#ernm nment ent policy policy)) industry demand) central 'ank regulation and e"perience of the Bank in managing credit risk% other (ncome 3ocuments Ierication
/. Cont&*t Po#nt =e!#>*&t#on t4!o-'4 T4#!" &!t+;$ Board *udit Cell will 'e responsi'le with performing audits of all departments% *udits should 'e carried out on a regular or periodically as agreed 'y the Management to assess #arious risks and possi'le weaknesses and to ensure compliance with regulatory guidelines) internal procedures) and Retail &ending Guidelines and Bangladesh Bank re.uirements%
6.0 Int!o"-*t#on
This section lays down the procedures with regard to collections and remedial management retail credit to ensure the e$ecti#e control and monitoring in the reco#ery of funds lent to customers%
6.1 O?e*t#9e
To minimi4e the com'ined collection e"penses) write o$ costs) and reduce the o#erall pro#isions held to minimi4e the 'ad de't charge on the prot and loss account% 6. Mon#to!#n'
* 'ank+s loan portfolio is su'5ect to a continuous process of monitoring% This will 'e achie#ed 'y regular generation of o#er limit and o#erdue reports) showing where facilities are 'eing e"ceeded and where payments of interest and repayment of principle are late%
(n order to ascertain the e$ecti#eness of this procedure) the section must 'e re#iewed e#ery after si" months 'y the -ead of Retail Banking or appropriate le#el of authority% *ny modications must 'e appro#ed 'y !C Board of 3irectors%
The collection process for personal loans starts when the account holder has failed to meet one or more contractual payment 8(nstallment9% (t therefore 'ecomes the duty of the Collection 3epartment to minimi4e the outstanding delin.uent recei#a'le and credit losses% 7
This procedure has 'een designed to ena'le the collection sta$ to systematically reco#er the dues and identify pre#ent potential losses) while maintaining a high standard of ser#ice and retaining good relations with the customers% (t is therefore essential and critical) that collection people are familiar with the computeri4ed system) procedures and maintain e$ecti#e liaison with other departments within the 'ank%
6.2Co))e*t#on o?e*t#9e$
The collector+s responsi'ility will commence from the time an account 'ecomes delin.uent until it is regulari4ed 'y means of payment or closed with full payment amount collected%
The goal of the collection process is to o'tain payments promptly while minimi4ing collection e"pense and write,o$ costs as well as maintaining the customer+s goodwill 'y a high standard of ser#ice% /l% o% 0 follows
7nd reminder letter /ingle #isit
;rd reminder letter 8*ppendi" 009
Group #isit 'y team mem'er
regulations co#ering their retail 'anking 'usinessJ that any potential pro'lem that arises are promptly resol#ed in a manner which minimi4es any potential damage to the good name and reputation of P!#(e B&n% Lt".
* :Compliance Culture must 'e fostered 'y regular instruction of sta$ on regulatory re.uirements) and the esta'lishment of) and enforcement of) related operating procedures and controls%
(n order to promotion of :good compliance the following ey Business #alues must 'e followed for Retail Banking2
To esta'lish and maintaining competiti#e ad#antage) the Bank shall in#est in training) de#elopment and education) which contri'ute directly to the achie#ement of 'usiness o'5ecti#es and good lending practices%
F%0 Ret) C!e"#t Co-!$e$
The Retail Credit training program will 'e comprised of :core courses ranging from fundamental to ad#anced le#el) supplemented 'y short :skill+ courses%
Core !"ecuti#eOcers Training Courses •
Collection unit
The credit appro#al team will 'e independent from the sales and 'ranch team who will e#aluate and appro#e the loan% The credit administration under Retail operations team will check and ensure the documentation and dis'urse the loans% This will ensure the 'etter control of the 'ank asset and mitigate the risk of compromise of the duties%
The following chart represents the Retail Banking management structure:
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