Resumen Oliver Twist - en Ingles

July 15, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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  The sotry is about Oliver Twist. Oliver was born in a work+house in England. His mother died just after after Oliver’s birth. Oliver spent  spent   the first nine years of his life in an orphanage, before being transferred to a workhouse for adults. After the other boys at the workhouse choose Oliver to ask for more gruel at the end of a meal, Mr. Bumble, the parish beadle, gets mad and offers five pounds to anyone who will take the boy away from the workhouse. Oliver escapes from the dark room he was locked in to escape to London. Outside London, Oliver, starved and exhausted, meets Artful Dodger, a boy his own age. Dodger offers him shelter in the house of his “mentor”,, Fagin. It turns out that Fagin is a criminal who trains orphan “mentor” boys to pick pockets for him. After a few days of training, Oliver is sent on a pickpocketing mission with two other boys. He then sees the two boys steal a handkerchief from an old man; who realizes his handkerchief is missing and when he turns around he sees Oliver, thinking he was the thief. Oliver runs away, and gets caught. He is almost convicted of the theft, but a man had seen what happened and said that he didn’t do it. it . Mr. Brownlow, the man whose handkerchief was stolen, takes Oliver to his home.

Mr. Brownlow is struck by

Oliver’s resemblance to a portrait of a young woman that hangs ha ngs in his house. Oliver stays in Mr. Brownlow’s home, but two young adults in Fagin’s gang, Bill Sikes and his lover Nancy, capture Oliver and return and  return him to Fagin. Fagin sends Oliver to help Sikes in a burglary. Oliver is shot by a servant of the house and, after Sikes escapes, Oliver is taken in by the women who live there, Mrs. Maylie and her niece Rose. They grow fond of Oliver, and he spends a perfect summer with them in the countryside. But Fagin and a mysterious man named Monks want to recapture Oliver. Meanwhile, it is revealed that Oliver’s mother left behind a gold locket when she died. Monks obtains and destroys that


locket. When the Maylies come to London, Nancy meets secretly with Rose and and tells her about Fagin’s plans, but a member of Fagin’s gang overhears the conversation. When Sikes finds out what Nancy had done, he murders Nancy and leaves London. Pursued by his conscience and an angry crowd, he accidentally hangs himself while trying to escape. Mr. Brownlow and the Maylies reunite Oliver, confront Monks and reveal the truth about Oliver’s parentage from him. It is revealed that Monks is Oliver’s half brother. Their father, Mr. Leeford, was unhappily married to a wealthy woman and had an affair with Oliver’s mo ther,  Agnes Fleming. Monks had been looking for Oliver all along to make sure that his half-brother half-brother doesn’t get his get his share of the family inheritance. Mr. Brownlow forces Monks to sign over Oliver’s share to Oliver. Moreover, it is discovered that Rose is Agnes’s younger sister , then it means she’s  she’s  Oliver’s aunt.  aunt.  Fagin is hung for his crimes. Finally, Mr. Brownlow adopts Oliver, and they and the Maylis retire to a happy existence in the countryside.



Oliver Twist was born in a workhouse in the eitin fertis England. His mother, whos name no one knows, dais yast after Oliver’s Oliver’s berf. Oliver spends the first nine years of his life in an orfanash, before biing transferd to a workhouse for adolts. After the other boys at the workhouse chus Oliver to ask for more grul at di end of a miel, Mr. Bambl, the parish bidl, gets mad and offers five paunds to anyone who will take the boy ewei from the workhouse. Oliver esqueips from the dark room he was lockd in to esqueip to London.  Autsaid London, Oliver starvd and exóstid, mits Artful Dodger, a boy his own age. Dodger offers him shelter in the house of his “mentor” Fagin. It turns out that Fagin is a criminal who treins orfan boys to pick pockets for him. After a few days of treining, Oliver is sent on a pickpocketing mishon with two other boys. He then sis the two boys stil a handkerchief from an old man; who rialaisis his handkerchief is missing and when he turns around he sis Oliver, thinking he w was as the dif. Oliver runs ewei, and gets cot. He is olmost convictid to the deft, but a man had seen what happend and said sa id that he didn’t do it. Mr. Brawnlow is strack by Oliver‘s resemblans  resemblans   to a portret of a yang woman that hangs in his house. Oliver steys in Mr. Brawnlow’s Bra wnlow’s home, but two young adolts adolts in Fagin’s gang, Bill Saiks and his lover Nancy, captchr Oliver and return him to Fagin. Fagin sends Oliver to help Saiks in a brglary. Oliver is shot by a servant of the house and, after Saiks esqueips, Oliver is teiquen in by the women who live dere, Misis. Meyli and her nis Rose. They grow fond of Oliver, and he spends a perfect summer with them in the cantrisaid. But Fagin and a mysterious man neimd Monks want to recapchr Oliver. Minguail, it is rivield that Oliver’s mother left bijaind  bijaind   a gold locket when she daid. Monks obteins and distroys that locket. When the Meylis come to London, Nancy mits sicretly with Rose and


tells her about Fagin’s plans, but a member of Fagin’s gang overjiers the converseishon. When Saiks finds out what Nancy had don, he kills Nancy and livs London. Biing foloud by his conshens and an angry crawd, he accidentally hangs himself while traing to esqueip. Mr. Brawnlow and the Meylis riunait with Oliver, confront Monks and riviel the truf about Oliver’s par entash entash from him. It is rivield that Monks is Oliver ’s ’s half brother. Der father, Mr. Lifor , was anhappily married to a welfy woman and had an affeir affeir with Oliver’s mother, Agnes Fleming. Monks had been looking for Oliver all along to meik shur that his halfbrother doesn’t get his part of the family injeritens. injerite ns. Mr. Brawnlow forsis Monks to hand over Oliver’s sher to Oliver. Moreouver, it is discoverd that Rose is Agnes’s Agnes’s younger sister, then it mins mins she’s Oliver’s aunt. Fagin is hang for his craims. Finally, Mr. Brawnlow adopts Oliver, and they and the Meylis ritaier to a happy existens in the cantrisaid



Oliver Twist nació en un asilo de pobres en la Inglaterra de 1830. Su madre, cuyo nombre nadie sabe, murió tras darle luz a Oliver. Oliver pasa los primeros 9 años de su vida en un orfanato, antes de ser transferido a un asilo de pobres, para adultos. Despues de que los demas pibes de el asilo eligieran a Oliver para pedir por mas engrudo al final de una comida, Mr. Bumble, el alguacil de la parroquia, se enoja con él, y ofrece 5 libras a aquel quien se lleve al pendejo del asilo. Oliver se escapa de la habitacion oscura donde estaba atrapado y se dirije hacia Londres. En las afueras de Londres, Oliver, cansado y hecho percha, conoce a Artufl Dodger, un pendex de su edad. Dodger le ofrece refugio en la casa de su "mentor", Fagin. Resulta que Fagin es un criminal que entrena huerfanos para robar por el. Despues de unos dias de entrenamiento, Oliver es enviado en una mision de choreo con dos giles niños mas. El entonces ve que los otros dos roban un pañuelo de un viejo, que se da cuenta que le falta el pañuelo, y cuando se da vuelta ve a Oliver, pensando que este era el ladrón. Oliver huye, pero es atrapado, y casi es encarcelado por ladrón, pero un hombre que vio todo lo que pasó lo salva diciendo que el no lo hizo. Mr. Brownlow, el hombre al que le robaron el pañuelo, lleva a Oliver a su casa. A Mr. Brownlow le choca el parecido que tiene Oliver con un retrado de una mujer joven que cuelga en su casa. Oliver se queda en lo de Brownlow, pero solo hasta que dos adultos de la pandilla de Fagin, Bill Sikes y Nancy, su amante, lo capturan y lo devuelven a Fagin. Fagin entonces envía a Oliver para ayudar a SIkes con un robo a una casa. A Oliver le mete un tiro uno de los sirvientes de la casa y, despues de que Sikes se escapa, 2 mujeres que viven en la casa acojen a Oliver (Mrs. Maylie y su sobrina Rose) Se encariñan con Oliver, y el pasa el verano perfecto con ellas en el campo. Pero Fagin y un muchacho misterioso llamado Monks quieren recapturar a Oliver. Mientras tanto, se revela que la mamá de Oliver dejó un pendiente de oro cuando murió. Monks obtiene el pendiente y lo destruye. Cuando los Maylies vienen a Londres, Nancy se encuentra en secreto con


Rose y le cuenta los planes de Fagin; pero un miembro de la pandilla de maleantes de Fagin escucha la conversacion. Cuando Sikes se entera de lo que hizo Nancy, la asesina y escapa de Londres. Perseguido por su consciencia y una muchedumbre enojada, accidentalmente se ahorca a sí mismo tratando de escapar (se cuelga de una chimenea para escaparse, pero el nudo se le desplaza al rededor del cuello y muere ahorcado, por si te preguntan) Mr. Brownlow y los Maylies se reunen con Oliver, y se enfrentan a Monks, y este les revela la verdad sobre los padres de Oliver. Se revela que Monks es el medio hermano de Oliver. Su padre, Mr. Leeford, estaba casado infelizmente (como LodosJAJA) con una mujer rica y tuvo una aventura con la madre de Oliver, Agnes Fleming. Monks estuvo buscando a Oliver todo el tiempo para asegurarse que no reciba su parte de la herencia familiar. Mr Brownlow fuerza a Monks a firmar por la parte que le corresponde a Oliver. Despues todavia, se descube que Rose es la hermana menor de Agnes, o sea, que es la tía de Oliver. A Fagin lo cuelgan por gil, y por los crimenes que cometió. Finalmente, Mr. Brownlow adopta a Oliver, y el y los Maylies se retiran a una existencia feliz en el campo.  

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