Resumen de La Primera Unidad Mecánica de Fluidos

September 9, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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 Notfvfjnj >. Fevbstfcnofÿe jb ihs oheobpths auejngbetnibs y prhpfbjnjbs jb aiufjhs.


Pngçrbz On`rbrn Knrbe Enjxfbiif


G.B. Bjcnr _bcfsguejh Oruz Cnroçn 

_bgbstrb y cruph


Bi Bspfeni, Hnxnon, Gæxfoh

Nchsth ?>, 040>


Fetrhjuoofÿe _f in Açsfon bs in ofbeofn qub ghjbin b fetbrprbtn thjhs ihs abeÿgbehs enturnibs ohgh, phr blbgpih, in onçjn if`rb jb ue oubrph h bi `ntfr jb ue pæejuih sfgpib, in Gboîefon jb Aiufjhs bs in pnrtb jb in Açsfon qub bstujfn ihs abeÿgbehs be ihs qub, jb ue ghjh u htrh, ihs aiufjhs pnrtfofpne. pnr tfofpne. Ohgh sus ghvfgfbeths, tneth ihs enturnibs (bi ncun jfsourrfbejh phr bi onuob jb ue rçh, bi `ntfr jb ins hins be uen pinyn h bi oîiouih jb ins onrcns qub trnesgftb bi vfbeth n in vfsbrn jb ue bstnjfh), ohgh ihs nrtfafofnibs (phr blbgpih, bi `hg`bh jb ncun jb ue nouçabrh bxfstbetb n obetbenrbs jb gbtrhs jb prhauejfjnj) (Obecbi y Ofg`nin). Be bstb prbsbetb rbsugbe rbnifznjh n ghjh jb fevbstfcnofÿe, sb prbtbejb jnr jn r n ohehobr ofbrths pueths fgphrtnetbs qub sbrvfrîe pnrn bi jbsbgpbþh nonjægfoh jb ihs bstujfnetbs, njbgîs jb ahrtnibobr ins `nsbs netbs vfstns ohe ihs sbgbstrbs pnsnjhs, ihcrnejh nsç uen ohgprbesfÿe gîs aîofi jb ihs tbgns phr n`hrjnr.  n`hrjnr.  

> Oheobpths auejngbetnibs y prhpfbjnjbs jb aiufjhs Re aiufjh (içqufjh h cns) bs ue gbjfh ohetfeuh aîofigbetb jbahrgn`ib, in Gboîefon jb Aiufjhs bs in pnrtb jb in Açsfon qub bstujfn su ohgphrtngfbeth, tneth be rbphsh ohgh be ghvfgfbeth (Obecbi y Ofg`nin). In gboîefon jb aiufjhs sb pubjb jfvfjfr be jhs ongphs<   In bstîtfon jb aiufjhs< bstujfn n ihs aiufjhs be bstnjh jb rbphsh.

  In jfeîgfon jb aiufjhs< bstujfn n ihs aiufjhs be ghvfgfbeth.

Afcurn >.> Ongphs jb in gboîefon jb aiufjhs.



>.> Oheobpths jb aiufjhs _he sustneofns qub sb jbahrgne ohetfeungbetb ounejh she shgbtfjhs n uen aubrzn tnecbeofni h ohrtnetb (Ghrnibs, 04>6). Ihs aiufjhs pubjbe jfvfjfrsb be içqufjhs h cnsbs< Içqufjhs< _he nqubiihs qub njhptne in ahrgn jbi rbofpfbetb qub ihs ohetfbebe, be pnrtfouinr ounejh bi vhiugbe jbi rbofpfbetb supbrn ni vhiugbe jbi içqufjh sb bstn`ibobrî uen supbrafofb if`rb. Ihs içqufjhs she prîotfongbetb feohgprbsf`ibs (Ghrnibs, 04>6).

Afcurn >.0 Aiufjhs be bstnjh içqufjh

Cnsbs< _he nqubiihs qub houpne thtnigbetb bi rbofpfbetb qub ihs ohetfbeb, fejbpbejfbetbgbetb jbi vhiugbe jbi gfsgh. Ihs cnsbs she ohgprbsf`ibs.

Afcurn >.? Aiufjhs be bstnjh cnsbhsh

 Nicuehs blbgpihs jb aiufjhs she< bi ncun, bi ncun, bi  bi nobftb, bi bi nfrb,  nfrb, bi  bi niohmhi, in gncgn vhioîefon (invn), in snisn jb thgntb, in pfeturn, in  pfeturn,   ihs ihs   cnsbs eh`ibs (ebÿe, xbeÿe, krfptÿe, mbifh, bto.), in snecrb, in snecrb, gbzoins  gbzoins mügbjns jb ncun ohe mnrfen h ncun ohe obgbeth.

>.0 Jbesfjnj Ren jb ins ahrgns gîs ütfibs jb onrnotbrfznr uen sustneofn bs bspbofafonr in onetfjnj jb sustneofn phr uefjnj jb vhiugbe (Smftb A. 044:). In jbesfjnj jb ue gntbrfni sb jbafeb ohgh in gnsn ohetbefjn be in uefjnj jb vhiugbe jbi gntbrfni. Thr tneth, hpbrnofhenigbetb in jbesfjnj bstî jnjn phr< 0


 7    Jhejb<

 7 gnsn  7 vhiugbe  7 jbesfjnj >.? Tbsh bspboçafoh _b jbafeb ohgh bi pbsh jb ue oubrph phr uefjnj jb vhiugbe (Smftb, 044:).

 7    Jhejb<

 7 pbsh jbi oubrph  7 vhiugbe  7 pbsh bspboçafoh >.: Qhiugbe bspboçafoh Bi vhiugbe bspboçafoh bs bi fevbrsh jb in jbesfjnj y sb jbafeb ohgh bi vhiugbe houpnjh phr uefjnj jb gnsn jbi aiufjh (Smftb, ( Smftb, 044:).

  7  > 7    Jhejb< 

  7  vhiugbe bspboçafoh    7 jbesfjnj jbi aiufjh   ?


>.2 Crnvbjnj bspboçafon In crnvbjnj bspbofafon h jbesfjnj jbes fjnj rbintfvn jb uen sustneofn sb jbafeb ohgh in rnzÿe betrb in jbesfjnj jb in sustneofn y in jbesfjnj jbi ncun n uen tbgpbrnturn jbtbrgfenjn (Ghrnibs, 04>6).

 7     Blbgpih< Re rbofpfbetb ofiçejrfoh jb >.4  jb jfîgbtrh y 0.4  jb nith, pbsn 06: , sf sb iiben ohe ue aiufjh içqufjh, bi ohelueth pbsn

>:.34 . Jbtbrgfenr bi pbsh

bspboçafoh, in jbesfjnj y in crnvbjnj bspbofafon jbi içqufjh. _hiuofÿe<

  7  Pbofpfbetb ofiçejrfoh shih  7 >  ℅ 7 0    7 06:  Pbofpfbetb ofiçejrfoh + ifqufjh 7   

  7 >:.34 7 >:344   Tbsh jbi içqufjh<

   7    7   7 >:344  06: ⇐   7 >::41   Qhiugbe jbi rbofpfbetb<

∄ 7  ∓ ℅ 7  : > ∓ 0 ⇐ ∄ 7 >.23  Tbsh bspboçafoh jbi içqufjh<

    7 6.>31     7  ∄  7 >::41   ⇐   7 6>32.=    >.23 Jbesfjnj jbi içqufjh< :


      7  ∓  ←    7   7 6>32.=   ←   7 6?1.?    6.=4 Crnvbjnj bspboçafon<

   7    7 6?1.?  ←   7 4.6?1   >444 >.1 Qfsohsfjnj n`shiutn In vfsohsfjnj sb jbafeb ohgh in rbinofÿe bxfstbetb betrb bi bsaubrzh ohrtnetb y bi crnjfbetb jb vbihofjnj. Bstn vfsohsfjnj rbof`b bi ehg`rb jb vfsohsfjnj n`shiutn h vfsohsfjnj jfeîgfon (Ghrnibs, 04>6).

Afcurn >.: Qfsohsfjnj jfeîgfon

Ohesfjbrbghs n jhs pinons pnrnibins, suafofbetbgbetb crnejbs, sbpnrnjns n uen jfstneofn pbqubþn ’‗, bstnejh bi bspnofh betrb biins iiben jb aiufjh. _b supheb qub in pinon feabrfhr bs afln, gfbetrns qub in pinon supbrfhr sb gubvb be jfrboofÿe pnrnibin, n uen vbihofjnj ’‗, jb`fjh n in npifonofÿe jb uen aubrzn   qub sb blbrob be ue îrbn

’‗ jb in pinon gÿvfi. In vbihofjnj jbi aiufjh be ohetnoth ohe in pinon

feabrfhr tfbejb n sbr obrh, gfbetrns qub in vbihofjnj jbi aiufjh be ohetnoth ohe in supbrafofb supbrfhr tfbejb n sbr

. In ahrgn jb in vnrfnofÿe jb in vbihofjnj ohe in

jfstneofn betrb ins jhs supbrafofbs, sb jbehgfen pbrafi p brafi jb vbihofjnjbs, bsth sb jb`b n in rbsfstbeofn qub prbsbetn bi aiufjh n ghvbrsb, phr baboths jb su vfsohsfjnj (Ghrnibs, 04>6).

 7  ∓  ∓   




 7 aubrzn npifonjn n in pinon supbrfhr   7 îrbn jb ohetnoth jb in pinon ohe bi aiufjh  vfsohsfjnj jfeîgfon

7  7 vnrfnofÿe jb in vbihofjnj ohe rbspboth n in jfstneofn jb ins jhs pinons Thr ih tneth, n jfomn rbsfstbeofn phr uefjnj jb supbrafofb, qub npnrbob betrb jhs iîgfens jbsifznetbs, ouyn vnrfnofÿe jb vbihofjnj bs

  y

su sbpnrnofÿe


guitfpifonjh phr ue ohbafofbetb jb vfsohsfjnj, bs ih qub sb iingn bsaubrzh ohrtnetb.

  7  7  ∓      Jhejb<  7 bsaubrzh ohrtnetb jb`fjh n in aubrzn sh`rb in pinon gÿvfi y bi aiufjh

 7 vfsohsfjnj jfeîgfon jbi aiufjh   7 vnrfnofÿe jb in vbihofjnj ohe rbspboth n in jfstneofn jb ins jhs pinons  >.3 Qfsohsfjnj ofebgîtfon In vfsohsfjnj ofebgîtfon sb jbafeb ohgh in rnzÿe betrb in vfsohsfjnj jfeîgfon y in jbesfjnj jbi aiufjh (Ghrnibs, 04>6).

 7  


 7 vfsohsfjnj jfeîgfon jbi aiufjh  7 jbesfjnj jbi aiufjh  7 vfsohsfjnj ofebgîtfon jbi aiufjh 1


  jb jfîgbtrh fetbrfhr y jb >   jb ihecftuj bstî oheoæetrfoh ohe rbspboth n ue tu`h jb 041  jb jfîgbtrh bxtbrfhr. Betrb bi ofifejrh Blbgpih< Re ofifejrh jb 044

y bi tu`h bxfstb uen pbiçouin jb nobftb. ¸^uæ aubrzn sb rbqufbrb pnrn ghvbr bi ofifejrh n ih inrch jbi tu`h n uen vbihofjnj ohestnetb jb

>/8 _f in vfsohsfjnj

ofebgîtfon jbi nobftb bs jb 2.1 Ó >4∐   / y in crnvbjnj bspboçafon bs jb 4.60.

Afcurn >.2 Bsqubgn jbi blbrofofh


 7 041  7 4.041   7 044  7 4.04   7 >/   7     7 4.041  4.04 4.04 7 4.441   Îrbn intbrni jbi ofifejrh oheoæetrfoh

  7  ∓  7  ∓ 4.04 ∓ > 7 4.1?  Jbesfjnj jbi nobftb<

   7  ∓  7 4.60 ∓>444    7 604   Qfsohsfjnj jfeîgfon jbi aiufjh<

 7  ∓  7 606 606 ∓ 2.1 2.1 Ó >>44∐  ⇐  7 4.2>20   ∓   Aubrzn npifonjn< 3


  >  ←  7 2:.>4    7  ∓  ∓  7 4.2>20 ∓ 4.1? ∓ 4.441 >.= Aiufjh Ebwthefneh y eh Ebwthefneh Aiufjhs Ebwthefnehs< Bs ue aiufjh ouyn vfsohsfjnj pubjb ohesfjbrnrsb ohestnetb be bi tfbgph (Smftb A. 044:). Nicuehs blbgpihs she< bi nfrb, bi ncun, in cnshifen, bi vfeh y nicuehs nobftbs gfebrnibs. Bi rhzngfbeth be ue aiulh uefjfgbesfheni jb ue aiufjh ebwthefneh sb pubjb rbprbsbetnr phr in rbinofÿe<

    7    Jhejb<

  7  In rbinofÿe tnecbeofni blbrofjn be ue pueth jbi aiufjh ( )  7 Qfsohsfjnj jbi aiufjh, jbpbejb shih jb in tbgpbrnturn ( ∓)    7 Bs bi crnjfbetb jb in vbihofjnj pbrpbejfouinr n in jfrboofheni pineh     Aiufjhs eh Ebwthefnehs< Bs nqubi ouyn vfsohsfjnj vnrçn ohe in tbgpbrnturn, in prbsfÿe y in tbesfÿe ohrtnetb qub sb ib npifon. Jbetrh jb ihs prfeofpnibs tfphs jb aiufjhs eh ebwthefnehs sb feoiuybe ihs sfcufbetbs< Bi gncgn, invn, ins beoçns bi bxtrnoth jb vnfefiin, in snecrb, bto.

>.6 Ghjbih vhiugætrfoh _b jbafeb ohgh in ofarn qub bxprbsn in rbsfstbeofn jb ue gntbrfni n ihs ong`fhs biîstfohs, rbinofÿe betrb in prbsfÿe qub notün sh`rb bi gntbrfni y bi ong`fh rnofheni qub sb prhjuob be su vhiugbe jbetrh jb ihs içgftbs jb binstfofjnj jbi gntbrfni (Thttbr y Sfccbrt). Bi gÿjuih vhiugætrfoh (K) sb jbafeb sbcüe in bounofÿe<

 7  ∁∁  7  ∁∁       Jhejb<

 7 prbsfÿe =


 7 vhiugbe ∁7 ong`fhs jb prbsfÿe ∁  7 ong`fhs jb vhiugbe  jb nfrb jb :6´   y uen prbsfÿe n`shiutn jb Blbgpih< Re ohetfbeb . ofifejrh 0.=4/ _b ohgprfgb  ?21 bi nfrb mnstn 34 . _uphefbejh ohejfofhebs fshtærgfons ¸Ouîi bs in prbsfÿe be bi eubvh vhiugbe y ouîi bs bi gÿjuih vhiugætrfoh8 _hiuofÿe<

  7    )(4.?21)  (0.=4  (0. =4 Ó >4 > 4    7 (4.434 4.434)) ∓ >4   7 >:.04/    7  7 >:.04/  >.>4 Zbesfÿe supbrafofni Bs in onetfjnj jb bebrcçn ebobsnrfn pnrn nugbetnr su supbrafofb phr uefjnj jb îrbn jb ue içqufjh, fgpifon qub in sustneofn tfbeb uen rbsfstbeofn pnrn nugbetnr su supbrafofb (Smftb A. 044:). Tnrn ue içqufjh bi ohbafofbetb jb tbesfÿe supbrafofni sb jbafeb ohgh bi trn`nlh qub jb`b rbnifznrsb pnrn iibvnr ghiæouins ni fetbrfhr jbi içqufjh mnstn su supbrafofb pnrn orbnr uen eubvn uefjnj jb îrbn (Smftb A. 044:).

   ()    7 ÿ  î (∁ ∁)) Blbgpih< Ren pbqubþn chtn jb ncun n 03´ bstî be ohetnoth ohe bi nfrb y tfbeb ue jfîgbtrh jb

4.24 . _f in prbsfÿe be bi fetbrfhr jb in chtn bs 2.64 Ó >4∐/ 

gnyhr qub in ntghsaærfon, ¸Ouîi bs bi vnihr jb in tbesfÿe supbrafofni8

2=)  (4.2 Ó >>44∐) 7 4.406    7 >  7 > (2=)  : :  6


>.>> Trbsfÿe In prbsfÿe sb jbafeb ohgh in onetfjnj jb aubrzn qub sb blbrob sh`rb uen uefjnj jb îrbn jb uen sustneofn, h sh`rb uen supbrafofb (Ghrnibs, 04>6). _b beueofn phr gbjfh jbin bounofÿe<

 7   7    7   Blbgpih< Re omfoh jb :2 kc jb gnsn sb beoubetrn jb pfb sh`rb in efbvb. Oniouin in prbsfÿe sh`rb bstb sç< n) _b nphyn sh`rb uen `htns, ouyns supbrafofbs sugne :44 0. `) _b nphyn sh`rb uehs bsquçs jb

>24 Ó 00  onjn ueh. ¸_n`rçns jbofr be

quæ sftunofÿe sb muejfrî gbehs be in efbvb8 Pnzhen in rbspubstn. Jnths<

 7 :44 0 7 4.4:    7 :2   7 6.=/  Oubstfÿe n) _hiuofÿe<  Npifonejh in jbafefofÿe jb prbsfÿe<

 .   ⇐  7 (:2)(6.=)    ⇐  7  7    ⇐  7  4.4:    7 >>402  Oubstfÿe `) Jnths

 (> bsquç) 7 >24 Ó 00 7 >.2 Ó 4.00 4.00 7 4.?? 4.??     (0 bsquçs) 7 0 Ó  ( > bsquç) 7 0 Ó 4.?? 4.?? 7 4.11 4.11  >4


 7 :2   7 6.=/  _hiuofÿe<  Npifonejh eubvngbetb in jbafefofÿe jb prbsfÿe

 (:2)( )(6.=  .   ⇐  7 (:2 6.=))    ⇐  7  7    ⇐  7  4.11    7 11=.>=  Jnjh qub ohe ins `htns bi omfoh blbrob guomn gîs prbsfÿe sh`rb in efbvb, sb muejfrî gîs qub sf ih mnob ohe ihs bsquçs. >.>0 Aiulh Aiulh< Ghvfgfbeth h ofrouinofÿe jb ue aiufjh sfe nitbrnr prhpfbjnjbs açsfons h quçgfons (Obecbi y Ofg`nin). Bxfstbe jhs tfphs jb aiulh< Aiulh fetbreh< Hourrb be bi fetbrfhr jb ohejuoofhebs. Aiulh bxtbreh< Nirbjbjhr jb oubrphs shifjhs (_bjfgbetnofÿe, afitrnofÿe…)  

Blbgpih< _b npifon uen onrcn jb 044 if`rns (i`) sh`rb ue bg`hih qub sbiin ue ofifejrh ofrouinr jb 0.24 puicnjns (fe) jb jfîgbtrh fetbrfhr qub ohetfbeb nobftb. Oniouib in prbsfÿe be bi nobftb lueth ni bg`hih.

Afcurn >. >4 Bg`hih ohe uen aubrzn npifonjn


    044  :4.3  7     7  7 :.6> 7    7 :4.3  >>


Oheoiusfÿe Pbspboth n ihs tbgns netbs gbeofhenjhs, gbeo fhenjhs, sb iibcÿ n in oheoiusfÿe jb in fgphrtneofn jb jfomhs tbgns. Ohgh sb sn`b, bi phjbr jb ihs bstujfnetbs bs fefgncfen`ib, bi ohehofgfbeth qub sb vn nebxnejh ohe bi pnsh jbi tfbgph sh`rb thjh n auturh cbebrn cbeb rn aruths y æxfths, phr ih tneth, nprbejbr sh`rb bsths tbgns mn sfjh jb crne fetbræs jb`fjh n qub ohgh prhabsfhefstns bsths ohehofgfbeths she jb vftni fgphrtneofn, jnjh qub crne pnrtb jb bsths sb vbrîe rbaiblnjhs be ue trn`nlh, phr blbgpih ounejh yn sb blbrzn ih nprbejfjh be in fecbefbrçn jb Bebrcçns Pbehvn`ibs, phrqub ohgh bs jb fgncfenrsb, bstn onrrbrn tfbeb guomh qub vbr ohe ’In Gboîefon jb Aiufjhs‗, jb

ghjh qub ounejh sb rbnifzne oîiouihs h neîifsfs jb ihs içqufjhs, jbesfjnjbs, prbsfhebs, gÿjuihs vhiugætrfohs , h bi ush jb ouniqufbrn jb ihs tbgns vfsths, sb bstnrçn npifonejh ih ohehofjh jb bstn nsfcenturn. _fe hivfjnr qub mn sfjh jb crne nphyh ohehobr gîs nobron jb bstn nsfcenturn, bspbrnejh qub ohe bi trnesoursh jbi tfbgph sb pubjn nprhvbomnr gîs bsths rbourshs h gîs `fbe bsths ohehofgfbeths. _fe iucnr n jujn ins gntbgîtfons she ue bsin`ÿe guy fgphrtnetb be in ahrgnofÿe jb ihs auturhs fecbefbrhs, bs phr bsh qub in ’Gboîefon jb Aiufjhs‗ eh bs in

bxobpofÿe. Ohgh sb gbeofheÿ netbrfhrgbetb, bstn nsfcenturn sb prbstn pnrn rbnifznr ue sfe afe jb prhyboths, ueh jb ihs gîs fgphrtnetbs bs bi trnsinjh jb ue aiufjh, yn qub mnob guomhs nþhs ntrîs bsth onusn`n oheaifoth ohe ins pbrshens jb`fjh n qub mn`çn iucnrbs jhejb bi ncun (Aiufjh) eh iibcn`n, phr ih tneth, crnofns ni fecbefh jb ihs sbrbs mugnehs, sb orbnrhe onenibs jhejb oinrngbetb oinr ngbetb sb npifonrhe bsths ohehofgfbeths, ihs ounibs yn mne sfjh ehg`rnjhs ohe netbrfhrfjnj, netbrfhrfjnj , bs phr bsh qub in gboîefon jb aiufjhs ougpib uen aueofÿe aueo fÿe sugngbetb fgphrtnetb be in vfjn jb ihs sbrbs vfvhs, phrqub feoiush `bebafofn n ihs mugnehs y nefgnibs.



Pbabrbeofns Obecbi V. y Ofg`nin L. 0441. Gboîefon jb aiufjhs< Auejngbeths y npifonofhebs. >rn bjfofÿe. Gæxfoh. Bjfthrfni Go Crnw Mfii Fetbrngbrfonen. Ghrnibs, P. O. (04>6). GBOÎEFON JB AIRFJH_ (Trfgbrn bjfofÿe bj., Qhi. >). Tbrü< Bjfofhebs Onrhifen (Zrulfiih). Pboupbrnjh bi ?4 jb Nchsth jb 040>, jb mttp trbng/mnejib/>0?:213=6/>20>4/GBON 20>4/GBON EFON%04JB%04AIRFJH_%04%0=>% EFON%04JB%04AI RFJH_%04%0=>%06.pja8sbqubeob7>& 06.pja8sbqubeob7>&fsNiihwbj7y fsNiihwbj7y Thttbr O., y Sfccbrt J. Gboîefon jb aiufjhs. ?rn Bjfofÿe. Gæxfoh. Bjfthrfni Zmhgshe. Smftb A. 044:. Gboîefon jb aiufjhs. 2tn Bjfofÿe. Bspnþn. Bjfthrfni Go Crnw Mfii.


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