Restorative Dentistry
January 15, 2017 | Author: Priya Sargunan | Category: N/A
Short Description
patient came complaining of severe pain on biting, related to a certain tooth. Upon examination no pulpal or periodontal findings, and pulpal vitality is positive, your Dx: 1) cracked tooth syndrome*** s yndrome***
ethod of Detecti De tection on of !racked !rac ked teeth teet h : ") #ori$ontal percussion %) &ertical percussion !) 'lectric pulp test D) (ransillumination visible light test.. ***
!racke d tooth syndrome !racked syndr ome is best bes t diagnosed diagnose d by ". +adiograph b. ub-ective symptoms and hori$ontal percussion c. alpation and vertical percussion d. ulp testing (he diagnosis of cusp fracture is easy /hen the cusp has fallen off. %efore this actually happens, ho/ever, the patient may experience pain but often finds it remarkably difficult to locate this to a particular tooth. (he patient /ill fre0uently complain of sensitivity to hot and cold and discomfort on biting. 'ven on clinical examination it is often difficult to pinpoint /hich tooth is causing the pain, but a fiberoptic light or disclosing solution may solution may assist the diagnosis by making the crack easier to see. 2ateral pressure on the suspect cusp may also help by producing a sensitivity that mirrors the patient3s symptoms. 4ften the pain occurs /hen the pressure is released. " crack usually does not sho/ up on an xray, xray , a physical examination of the tooth /ill have to be performed. " sharp instrument /ill be used to allo/ us to explore the tooth for cracks. 5e /ill also place pressure on the tooth to see if /e can expand the crack until it is seen. 6ou may have 7rays taken but 7rays often do not reveal the crack. 6our dentist may use a special tool to test the tooth. (here are different kinds of tools. 4ne looks like a toothbrush /ithout bristles. 8t fits over one part of the tooth at a time as you bite do/n. 8f you feel pain, the part of the tooth being tested most likely has a crack in it. Diagnostic tests of cracked tooth visual examination of cracks: aided by staining /ith dye such as methylene blue. (actile examination crutch the tooth surface /ith a sharp explorer /idening a gap of the crack may elicit extremely painful response. 9;< response. 9;< =>? @ABCA E< (ooth sloth FGH: bite tests each cusp tip must be tested individually pain on release often indicates crack tooth. (ransillumination: fiberoptic light source held perpendicular to the suspected crack that mean the prober exam for crack in the toothIb) sub-ective symptoms and hori$ontal percussion the book is J%D' 88
"fter bleaching a tooth, /e /anna restore the tooth /ith composite resin, /e don3t /ant to compromise the bonding, /e /ait for: a)KL hours b)a /eek *** MNOP 1
c) choose a different material 'sthetic restoration of teeth should be delayed for K /eeks after the completion of tooth /hitening. 5.
5hich type of burs is the least in heat generation: a) diamond b) carbide *** c) titanium
econdary dentine occur due to a occlusal trauma b recurrent caries c attrition dentine d all of the above***
#o/ much subgingivally do you go /ith the band in class 88 restorations: ") Q.R S 1 mm. *** %) 1 S K mm !) K S T mm (he matrix band should be above the ad-acent tooth occlusal surface by 1Kmm. *** KTmm. K.RT.Rmm. belo/ to it. atrix band should extend K mm above the marginal ridge height and 1 mm belo/ gingival margin of the cavity. (he matrix ban should not extend more than K mm beyond the occlusogingival height of the cro/n of the tooth. this facitilates vision and speed up /orking. (hickness of band is Q.QR mm Q.QQK inch Vor ade0uate closure of the margin, a minimum Q.R mm of matrix band beyond the margin is necessary. 8.
%ite/ing exam is used to diagnose '7!'(: 1. roximal caries. K. econdary caries. T. Wingival status. L. eriapical abscess***
10. 5hich
of the follo/ing types of base materials can be placed in contact /ith polymethyl methaacrylate X not inhibit the polymeri$ation of the resin a) $oe b) W8 cement c) Yn phosphat cement d) varnish e) bXc***
11. 5e
can use under the composite restoration: 1. &arnish. K. Yinc oxide and eugenol. T. !a I4#)K. L. Yinc phosphate cement. Z 1[K. Z K[T. Z T[L*** Z K[L.
12. "t
/hich of the follo/ing locations on a mandibular molar do you complete the excavation of caries first: a axial /alls . % pulpal floor over the mesial pulp horns c peripheral caries. *** d all of the above are correct.
13. Dentist provided
bleaching /hich also kno/r as )home bleaching) contain a TRRQ\ hydrogen peroxide b RKK\ carbamide peroxide *** a solution of 1Q\ carbamide peroxide in a soft splint has been advocated for home bleaching 14. Vractured
tooth to alveolar crest, /hat]s the best /ay to produce ferrule effect ") restore /ith amalgam core subgingivaly. *** b) cro/n lengthening c) extrusion /ith orthodontics @^_B` F: 1S 8f the fracture is subgingival, remove the coronal segment and perform appropriate pulp therapy, then reposition the remaining tooth structure coronally either orthodontically or surgically K 8n the absence of a ferrule, "ykent et al1j found that in vitro use of a dentine bonding agent /ith an amalgam core and a direct stainless steel post provided a significant increase in fracture resistance in extracted premolars. 5hilst dentine bonding of the amalgam core did not offer any significant improvement /hen a 1 mm ferrule /as present, this study suggests that there may be a role for dentine bonding of amalgam cores /hen a ferrule cannot be achieved.%oth cro/n lengthening and orthodontic extrusion may allo/ for an increased ferrule, but they add additional cost, discomfort and length of treatment times for the patient. !ro/n lengthening increases the cro/n to root ratio. 5hilst 8chim et al1 used finite element analysis to predict that cro/n lengthening did not alter the levels or pattern of stress /ithin the palatal dentine, WegauffKQ concluded that cro/n lengthening could be problematic. WegauffKQ investigated /hether cro/n lengthening to achieve a ferrule /ould affect the static load failure. %y placing the finish line further apically, Wegauff postulated that the tooth may be /eakened as a result of the resultant decrease in crosssectional area of the preparation and the increased cro/n to root ratio. 4rthodontic extrusion may avoid this problem as it results in a smaller change in the cro/n to root ratio.
15. atient
that has a central incisor /ith severe resorption and /ho]s going through an ortho treatment that is going to make him extract the premolars, /hich of the follo/ing /on]t be present in the treatment plan a. rpd b.implant c. aryland bridge implant of the premolars. ******
IW& black) periodontal instrument classification: study /hat the number represent in the instrument formula. ***
17. Vor g.v black
classification study /hat the number refers to angulation
a. Jumber 1 b. Jumber K c. Jumber T *** d. Jumber L Vor g.v black classification study /hat the number represent in the instrument formula one for /idth one fo length one for angulation 1st: 5idth of blade Knd: 2ength of the blade in millimeterTrd: "ngle of blade Lth: /hen cutting edge at ab angle other then right 18. patient
had bulimia and had lesion in palatal surface in upper teeth /ith recurrent vomiting. 5hat is the type of lesion : a) attrition b) abrasion c) erosion***
19. (he primary
source of retention of porcelain veneer 1mechanical retention from under cut Kmechanical retention from secondary retentive features Tchemical bond by saline coupling agent Lmicromechanical bond from itching of enamel and porcelai 20. Knd
maxillary premolar contact area: a) iddle of the middle third /ith buccal embrasure /ider than lingual embrasure. %) iddle of the middle third /ith lingual embrasure /ider than buccal embrasure.*** @FqP < @`wqP @qP c) !ervical to the incisal third zz.x d) zz.x
21. #unter
chreger bands are /hite and dark lines that appear in: a) 'namel /hen vie/ in hori$ontal ground. %) 'namel /hen vie/ in longitudinal ground. *** c) Dentin /hen vie/ in hori$ontal ground. D) Dentin /hen vie/ in longitudinal ground.
#unterchreger band formation as it exists in enamel structure. 5hen examined by reflected light, these bands appear as alternating light and dark areas in the enamel portion of a longitudinal ground tooth section 22. (o hasten Yinc 4xide cement, you add: a) Yinc sulfide. %) %arium sulfide. !) Yinc acetate. *** D) %arium chloride. 23. 8n
/hich tooth the contact is at the incisal edge: a) 2o/er anterior teeth. *** b) zzx
24. cale
to measure marginal deterioration: 1. ahler scale.*** K. !olor analogues scale. rogression of the events to deeper or more extensive ditching has been used as visible clinical evidence of conventional amalgam deterioration and /as the basis of the mahler scale 25. 4ne
of these has no effect on the 2ife span of handpiece: a2o/ "ir in the compressor. *** b(rauma to the head of the hand piece cressure during operating
:5hen Do class 8 preparation of posterior tooth for !omposite +estoration *** .aremove caries only bextend Kmm in dentin 26. !olor
tability is better in: aorcelain. *** b!omposite cW8!
27. best
stress transfer under amalgam a/ith thin base layer. b/ith thick base layer. *** cif put on sound dentin.
28. (ooth
/ith full cro/n need +!(, you did the +!( through the cro/n, /hat is the best +estoration to maintain the resistance of the cro/n: ") Wlass ionomer resin /ith definite restoration. %) amalgam
29. old
pt came to replase all old amalgam filling he had sever occlusal attriation the best replacement is: 1 composite K amalgam
T cast metal restoration L full cro/ns. ***
30. Walvanic
shock a. ut separating medium. b. 5ait. *** c. put varnish. Walvenic shock: generally it gradually subsides and disappears in a fe/ days 31. %onding
agent for enamel /e use: unfilled resin. *** primer X adhesive bonding agent. resin dissolve in acetone or alcohol. primer /ith resin modified glass ionomer. 1 (he etchant: phosphoric acid, nitric acid, or another agent that is used to etch enamel andor precondition the dentin. K (he primer: a hydrophylic monomer in solvent, such as hydroxymethalmethacrylate. 8t acts as a /etting agent and provides micromechanical and chemical bonding to dentin T (he unfilled resin is then applied and light or dualcured. (his layer can no/ bond to composite, pretreated porcelain luted /ith composite, or amalgam in some products. 5e redo high copper amalgam restoration /hen /e have: aamalgam /ith proximal marginal defect. *** {food accumulation bopen margin less than Q.R mm (hickness of amalgam in complex amalgam restoration in cusp tip area: Q.R mm 11.R mm 1.RK mm KT mm. *** 5orking cusp reduction for amalgam K.RT mm 32. Vor
cavity class 88 amalgam restoration in a second maxillary premolar, the best matrix to be Used: ") (offlemire matrix. *** %) ylar matrix !) Wold matrix D) !elluloid strips (ypes of matrices etal Virm, used for amalgam restorations. ylar 'asily mouldable and can lightcure through| used for resin composite. lastic +igid, can lightcure through| used in !lass & cavities.
Difficult cases 8n deep subgingival cavities use of special matrices such as tofflemire or automatrix or copper bands often achieve better contact points and marginal adaptation. 4ccasionally electrosurgery re0uired to permit matrix adaptation. 33. +eciprocal arm
in +D help to resist the force applied by /hich parts: retentive arm. *** guide plane and z
34. 5hen
removing moist carious dentin /hich exposes the pulp, dentist should: 1 do direct pulp cap K do indirect pulp cap T prepare for endo. *** (here is general agreement that carious exposure of a mature permanent tooth generally re0uires endodontic therapy. !arious exposure generally implies bacterial invasion of the pulp, /ith toxic products involving much of the pulp. #o/ever, partial pulpotomy and pulp capping of a carious exposure in a tooth /ith an immature apex have a higher chance of /orking. !avity !leansing, Disinfection, and #emorrage !ontrol. " clinical revie/ failed to support direct pulpcapping or pulpotomy procedures in teeth /hen a mechanical exposure pushes infected carious operative debris into the sub-acent pulp. %ecause of the stigma of longterm failures, our profession generally selects traditional endodontic treatment. 4nly in the treatment of pulp exposures in fractured young anterior teeth /ith open apices does the literature discuss pulpotomy or direct pulpcapping /ith !aI4#)K. 35. (reatment
of cervical caries in old patients /ith a temporary restoration is best
done by: a)Wlass ionomer. *** b)composite resitn c)zzz d)zz.. 36. the
retainer of rubber dam a)four points of contact t/o buccally and t/o lingually /ithout rocking. *** b) four points of contact t/o buccally and t/o lingually above the height of contour c) four points of contact t/o mesially and t/o distally d) K points zzz dental dam retainer clamp is that the four prongs must contact the tooth, if they do not, the clamp may need to be ground. a properly selected retainer should contact the tooth in four areast/o on the facial surface and t/o on the lingual surface. (his four point contact prevents rocking or tilting of the retainer. "ll four points of the -a/s of the clamp must contact the tooth gingival to the height of contour. 37. (he
divergence should be mesiodistally for an amalgam restoration a. no it should be convergent b. if the remaining proximal marginal ridge 1. mm
c. if the remaining proximal marginal ridge only { 1. d. if the remaining proximal marginal ridge only ~ 1.***
Dental Decks page KKj•
38. in
a class 888 composite /ith a liner underneath, /hat]s the best to use a. light cured W8. *** b. $no 'ug c. +einforced $noeug
39. (he
percentage of simple caries located in the outer /all of the dentin Iproximal sides of the tooth) /hich left /ithout cavitations is around: 11Q\ KTQ\ TQ\ *** LjQ\ approximately Q\ of teeth /ith radiographic proximal lesions in the outer half of dentin are likely to be noncavitated. 40. "malgam
pain after restoration due to: ") phase K gamma %) phase 1 gamma !) $inc containing alloy. *** D) "dmix alloy 41. Yinc if added to
amalgam a. 8ncrease moisture sensitivity and cause expansion b. 8ncrease marginal integrity and longevity than $inc free amalgam c. ". *** d. % e. "[ b.
. 42. distal
surface for first upper premolar ,contact /ith the neighbor teeth ")in the middle /ith buccal vastness /ider than lingual one %)in the middle /ith lingual vastness /ider than bucccaly one. *** 43. !avity
etching before applying W8! is: 1. olyacrylic acid 1Q seconds. *** K. olyacrylic acid Q seconds.
T. hosphoric acid 1Q seconds. L. hosphoric acid Q seconds.
44. to
increse retention of W8! u should use "T}\426"!+628! "!8D V4+ 1R '!4JD %TR\polyacrylic acid for 1Qsecond c1Q\polyacrylic acid for 1Q second d1Q\polyacrylic acid for 1R second a,b a,d, c only
45. "malgam
is used in extensive cavities : a 5hen the cusp is supported by dentine and proper retentive preparation b 5hen !usps lost and thin supported /all. *** c 5hen one cusp is lost and need to apply restoration to replace it
46. /hat
is the most factor encouraging dental caries : ") 7erostomia. *** %) #ypocalcification. !) moking. 47. 8ncipient
caries in the old patients is 4(26 due to: a)smoking b)saliva d)7erostomia. ***
48. "
(ailor is presented to your dental office, /hat3s the most common feature to be found in #is teeth upon examination : ")"ttrition %) abrasion. *** !) 'rosion D) "bfarcation 49. "brasion b. c. d. e.
of enamel and root surfaces may result from the long term use of: a. " hard toothbrush. (ooth abrasive toothpaste or po/der. &igorous use of the toothbrush. " and % only. ", % and !. *** 50. atient
came to your clinic complaining of pain, upon examination you can3t find a clue. 5hat3s the next logical step to do in investigation ") anoramic xray. *** %) !( can !) +8 D) +egular tomography j
51. contra
indication of implant '7!'( 1many dental caries. *** Kmalignancy Tradiation therapy
52. dental
implant are successfully /ith min failure: apremaxilla area in the upper arch. bposterior area of the maxillary arch. cmandible bet/een the mental foramen. dbuccal shelf of the mandible. 5hich anatomic site is the most likely to yield failed implants 8mplants placed in the maxillary anterior region are the most likely to fail. %ecause short implants are more likely to fail than longer implants, the longest implant that is compatible /ith the supporting bone and ad-acent anatomy should be used.
53. 5hat3s
the best implant type allo/ing 4sseointegration: ") +ootform 'ndosseous implant. ***
54. (he
indications of implantation: Diabetic patient. 2oss of one tooth only /ith the ad-ecent teeth. ***
1. K.
55. 5hich
of the follo/ing teeth has a contact area bet/een the incisal Iocclusal) third and middle third: ". 1st maxillary premolar. %. 1st mandibular premolar. *** !. 1st maxillary molar. D. !entral mandible 8ncisor 56. 5hich surface
of the central incisor that contacts the median line:
Distal. esial. *** %uccal. 2ingual a.
b. c.
57. direct
1. K. T. L.
pulp capping is done in: rimary molar. rimary incisor. ermanent molar. *** Jone of the above. 58. 8ndirect
1. K. T. L.
pulp capping done in: rimary molar. remolar and molar. 8ncisors. "ll the above. *** 1Q
59. 5hat
do /e use as temporary filling material in anterior reign /hen aesthetic is important: 1. !omposite. K. Wlass ionemer cement. *** T. Yinc oxide eugenol. 60. 5e should select
1. K. T. L.
the shade for a composite resin utili$ing a:
%right light. Dry shade guide. Dry tooth isolated by the rubber dam. Jone of the above are corrects. *** 61. patient
returned to you after 1 month from doing amalgam filling /ith definite severe pain, due to: a) contamination /ith moisture leading to amalgam expansion. *** b) unidentified pulpal exposure c) supra occlusion d) gingival access
62. 5hen esthetic
is important,posteriorclass 8 composite is done in: a. ubgingival box. b. %ad oralhygiene. c. !ontact free area. d. !lass 8 /ithout central contact
63. (he
test for testing the bur all the blades of the burs path through 1 point called a. ronted b. constidty c. routed and constedety d. none of above
(/o terms are in common use to measure this characteristic of bur heads concentricity and runout. !oncentricity is a direct measurement of the symmetry of the bur head itself. 8t measures ho/ closely a single circle can be passed through the tips of all of the blades. (hus, concentricity is an indication of /hether one blade is longer or shorter than the others. 8t is a static measurement not directly related to function +unout, on the other hand, is a dynamic test measuring the accuracy /ith /hich all blade tips pass through a single point /hen the instrument is rotated 8t measures not only the concentricity of the head, but also the accuracy /ith /hich the center of rotation passes through the center of the hand 64. !omposite is used mainly for 11
a) anterior teeth b) posterior c) a[b d) none 65. (he
instruments for examination are a) probe and t/ee$er b) mirror c) a [ b d) amalgamator
66. anorama
xray is used for a) eriapical tissues b) interproximal caries c) giving complete picture for upper and lo/er -a/ d) none 67. "ccording
to t/o digits system LK means a lo/er right lateral incisor b upper left lateral incisor c upper right lateral incisor d none 68. " preventive
agent is
a composite b Wlassionomer c fluoride d $inc oxide eugenol 69. 4ne
of the follo/ing releases fluorides a composite b Wlassionomer c fluoride d $inc oxide eugenol
70. aliva
e-ector is placed a at the side of /orking b under the tongue c opposite the /orking side d b[c 1. !omposite can be done in : a) conservative class one b) uncontrolled application clK proximal c) deep gingival margin
71. glass
ionomer : a) introduction 1j}Q
b) need dry field /hen application c) both d) none of the above 72. "ccording
to the universal system means a upper left first molar b lo/er left first molar c lo/er right first molar d none*** number refers to upper right canine
73. %urs is
a critical items*** b semi critical c non critical d all of the above 74. outh
mirror is a critical items b semi critical*** c non critical d all of the above
75. #&'
is placed a at the side of /orking*** b under the tongue c opposite the /orking side d b[c
76. Wrasping
a b c d
the #&' is by thumb to nose grasp pen grasp a[b*** none
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