Restaurant Opening Checklist
December 12, 2020 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Wood side Restaurant Opening Checklist Supervisor _____________ ____________________ _______________ __________ __ Date __________________________________
Upon arrival, survey exterior for trash, debris, broken glass, windows, etc.
Check ice machines and Wa Water ter ispenser to be in good working order.
Check air conditioning"heat for temperature, set thermostats.
Check reservation book for special functions and"or parties.
Check register system, run cash%out report to verify all daily readings are set at &ero.
Check register tape in all imprinters in kitchen, bar and guest check printers.
)ll lights functioning, set at correct levels, replace bulbs if needed.
)ll tables and chairs set in proper place.
Check in with chef on duty.
1. -e certain certain there are no kitchen, staffing, staffing, food or euipment problems. 11. /erify /erify all staff members on premises are punched in. 12. 0ead 0estaurant og -ook 03)C4. 1!. Check receiving receiving clip%board clip%board 5or file6 for all deliveries scheduled for the day. 1#. Check floor for general cleanliness%closing shift cleaning duties. 7ote any problems in 0estaurant og -ook. 1$. Check bar for cleanliness and check par levels. 1'. 8repare obby trolley for Coffee -reak set up and monitor if refill is needed. 1(. Check buffet buffet food food labels in each food item item
1*.8repare and make all necessary orders. Complete purchase order for each order. 1+. 8repare seating chart for shift and review reservation book consider schedule of staff, assign big party tables. 8ost copy of station map at host station, back wait station and expediter9s station. 0eview with opening host. 2. Check bus stands for set%up, cleanliness and pars. 21. Check that all service staff has arrived, dressed in uniform on the floor and performing side work duties. 22. 0eview with chef today9s specials and soup of the day. 2!. /erify all specials or out%of%stock items have been entered on the register system. 2#. /erify chalk boards are updated with today9s specials. 2$. :et all dining room lights. 2'. 4urn on exterior signs and lights. 2(. Check Coffee ;achine if it is working 2*. oad sound system with daytime C9s. 4urn on music, set volume levels. 2+. Check men9s and women9s rest rooms verify clean mirrors, spotless sinks, commodes and floor, stocked hand soap, hand towels and toilet paper. ???? :ide stations prepared for the :hift ???? @osts ???? :ervers ???? -ussers
!2. Complete line check with chefA taste all product on line hot food hot, cold food cold. DONE
!!. Check 8rivate 0oom @umidifier and remove filled up water !#. Check Barden 3lectric
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