Configuration To use use billing between company codes, make the following settings:
Create an an internal internal customer customer (transaction XD1! in the the supplying supplying company company code to represent represent the the re"uesting re"uesting
company code. #.
$ssign any sales organi%ation of the re"uesting re"uesting company code to the internal customer. &n Customi%ing Customi%ing for
'ales and Distribution, choose illing ) &ntercompany illing ) Define &nternal 'ales *umber by 'ales +rgani%ation.
e recommend that you assign the internal customer to e-actly one sales organi%ation of the company code. *eertheless, the internal customer represents the entire re"uesting company code. /.
'et up material determination and pricing pricing in the supplying supplying company company code as you re"uire re"uire for billing from from the
supplying to the re"uesting company code. 0.
'et up a dynamic item process profile (D& profile! with with the new source source illing illing between Company Codes
u#1/ 2ine &tems. &n Customi%ing for 'ales and Distribution, choose 'ales ) 'ales Documents ) Customer 'erice ) 'erice 3uotation45esource65elated illing ) rofiles for 5esource65elated illing43uotation Creation. 7or more information, see 5esource65elated illing. 8.
Create an internal sales order order with an item in the supplying company code for for each re"uesting company
code, and assign the D& profile you created aboe to the item. 9ou 9ou can use this internal sales order at any time. $lternatiely,, you can use $lternatiely use contracts (transaction (transaction $01! $01! instead of sales orders (transaction (transaction $1!. $1!.
;nsure organi%ationally, organi%ationally, that there is only one internal sales order at this point in time between the supplying and re"uesting company codes.
This setting is also maintained in item category category.. check it in t6code
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