Resource Allocation Failure Service Degraded PDF
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Resource Allocation Failure Service Degraded Operating Instructions
147/1543-LZA 701 6014/1 Uen B6
© Ericsson AB 2016. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright owner. Disclaimer The contents of this document are subject to revision without notice due to continued progress in methodology, methodology, design and manufacturing. Ericsson shall have no liability for any error or damage of any kind resulting from the use of this document. Trademark List All trademarks mentioned mentioned here herein in are the property property of their respective respective owners. These are shown in the document Trademark Information. Information.
147/ 1543 43-L -LZA ZA 70 701 1 601 6014/ 4/1 1 Uen Uen B6 | 20 2016 16-0 -099-19 19 147/15
Alarm Description
Action for AdditionalT AdditionalText ext Insufficient Insufficient RF Power in Radio Radio Equipment
3.2 3.3 3.4
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Action for AdditionalT AdditionalText ext Insufficient Insufficient RF Power Hardware Hardware Activation Codes Codes Action for AdditionalT AdditionalText ext Unable to Allocate Allocate Baseband Baseband HW Resources for This MO Action for AdditionalT AdditionalText: ext: Failed To To Allocate Path
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4 5 5
Resource Allocation Failure Service Degraded
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2016 20 16-0 -099-19 19
Alarm Description
Alarm Description Resource Allocation Failure Service Degraded is a primary alarm.
Table 1
Alarm Description Descriptio n
Probable Cause
Managed Object
Configuration or customizing error
The alarm is raised when a The SectorCarrier, SectorCarrier, NodeBSectorCarrier, or r , NodeBSectorC NodeBSectorCarrier, or Trx is Trx is enabled. insufficient nt Availability Availability status arrier , or Trx setup and there is insufficie RF power in the sector to fulfil degraded. requirements,, which is requirements indicated by the additional text: AdditionaText AdditionaT ext Insufficient RF power available in radio equipment or Insufficient RF power Hardware Activation Code available.
The alarm is ceased after lock/unlock of the cell, if the available power in the sector is increased or if the total requested power for the sector is decreased (by manual action). The latter happens if the requested power for this or any other carrier or Trx using the same sector in a multi-standard multi-standard configuration is lowered. Configuration or customizing error
EutranCellFDD EutranCellTDD
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The alarm is raised when lack Service impact is degraded. of baseband HW resources within the allocated Baseband Resource Set prohibits the setup of some - but not all - of the sectors constituting a Multi-Sector Cell (Combined
Resource Allocation Failure Service Degraded
Probable Cause
Managed Object
cell or PSI-Coverage cell). The cell is brought up in degraded state and an alarm is raised. Configuration or Customizing Error
EUtranCellFD The AdditionalText Failed to allocate path D
The cell is degraded.
indicates that the error is
EUtranCellTD caused by one or more of the D
following reasons:
• IQ slots that have been used for total configured cell exceed the CPRI capability • Non-OAM link failure for multi-link configurations configurations (two input links to a radio unit) • LTE system (DU) and CDMA system (XMU) has become out of sync for XMU02 LTE and CDMA mixed mode configurations configurations
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Prerequisites General Prerequisites The prerequisites that apply to all alarm procedures are stated in Manage Faults.. Faults There are no additional prerequisites for this alarm.
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Resource Allocation Failure Service Degraded
Procedure Description ption on on page 1 table. 1. Analyz Analyze e the the alar alarm m deta details ils in the Alarm the Alarm Descri 2. Choose Choose the action action depend depending ing on on the Addition Additional al Text: Text:
AdditionalText: Insufficient RF power in radio equipment
AdditionalText: Insufficient RF power hardware activation codes
AdditionalText: Unable to allocate baseband HW resources for this MO
AdditionalText: Failed to allocate path
Action for AdditionalText Insufficient RF Power in Radio Equipment To resolve the alarm, do the following: Steps 1. Lock Lock the the ce cell ll.. 2. Decrease Decrease the the requeste requested d power power per SectorC SectorCarrie arrierr or add a radio radio unit to to support more power. Also consider the power configuration of other SectorCarriers or NodeBSectorCarriers NodeBSectorCarriers or TRXs using the same radio in a mixed-mode configuration. configuration. 3. Unloc nlock k tthe he ce cell ll.. 4. Check Check if the alarm alarm has ceased ceased.. 5. If the alarm alarm remains, remains, reinsta reinstallll the or origin iginal al unit unit and consult consult the the next level level of maintenance support. support.
Action for Ad AdditionalText Insufficient RF Power Hardware Activation Codes To resolve the alarm, alarm, do the following: Steps 1. Lock Lock the the ce cell ll..
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2. Activate Activate addition additional al HW HWAC AC Licenses Licenses or decrea decrease se requeste requested d power. power. Also consider the power configuration of other SectorCarriers or NodeBSectorCarriers NodeBSecto rCarriers or TRXs using the same radio in a mixed-mode configuration. 3. Unlock lock the the c cel ell. l. 4. Check Check if the alarm alarm has ceased ceased.. 5. If the alarm alarm remains, remains, reinsta reinstallll the ori origina ginall unit and and consult consult the next next level level of maintenance maintenanc e support.
Action for AdditionalText Unable to Allocate Baseband HW Resources for This MO To resolve the alarm, do the following: Steps 1. Delet Delete e exce excessi ssive ve cell cells s or or TRXs. TRXs. 2. If the alarm alarm rremai emains, ns, either either delete delete the cell cell or TRX TRX and set set it up again again with with the same attributes. 3. Check Check tha thatt the the alar alarm m has has ceased ceased.. 4. If the alarm alarm remains remains,, restart restart the the DU DU or Baseband Baseband unit. unit. 5. Check Check if the alarm alarm has ceased ceased.. 6. If the alarm alarm rremai emains, ns, consul consultt the next next level level of mainten maintenance ance suppo support. rt.
Action for AdditionalText: Failed To Allocate Path To resolve the alarm, check the following: •
Check how many IQ slots are used for the total configured cell. –
Check DU and radio radio unit CPRI CPRI capability. capability. 2.5G, 5G, and 10G CPRI CPRI support up to 16, 32, and 64 IQ slots respectively.
IQ slots for FDD are calculated calculated as follows: follows: (number of cells) cells) × (total number of antennas for both TX and RX) × (number of used IQ slots for cells). The number of used IQ slots for f or cells can be maximum 4,6, 8 IQ slots used for 10, 15, 20 MHz bandwidth, respectively. For example, 2 cells, 4 x 2, 10 MHz bandwidth is 2 × (4+2) × 4 = 48 IQ slots used.
IQ slots for TDD are calculated calculated as follows: follows: (number of cells) cells) × (maximum number of antennas for both TX and RX) × (number of used IQ slots for cells). The number of used IQ slots for cells can be
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Resource Allocation Failure Service Degraded
maximum 4,6, 8 IQ slots used for 10, 15, 20 MHz bandwidth, respectively. For example, 2 cells, 4 x 2, 10 MHz bandwidth is 2 × 4 × 4 = 32 IQ slots used. If the IQ slots used for the total configured cell exceed the CPRI capability capability,, Capacity on on page 6. go to Action to Action for IQ Slots Exceed Exceed the CPRI Capacity •
Check the operationalState attribute and the presence of Link Failure alarms on the RiLink MO used by the cell. If the Link Failure alarm appears on the RiLink MO, go to Action to Action for Link Failure for Multi-Link Configurations on Configurations on page 6.
Another possible possible alarm cause can be that the LTE LTE system (DU) an and d CDMA system (XMU) are out of sync for XMU02 LTE and CDMA mixed mode configurations. To resolve the alarm due to this problem, go to Action to Action for LTE LTE System and WCDMA System Out of Sync on on page 7.
Action for IQ Slots Exceed the CPRI Capacity If the IQ slots used for f or the total configured cell exceed the CPRI capability, capability, do the following: Steps 1. Lock Lock the the ce cell ll.. 2. Adjust Adjust the numbe numberr of cells, cells, number number of of antennas, antennas, or or carrier carrier bandwid bandwidth. th. 3. Unloc nlock k tthe he ce cell ll.. 4. Check Check tha thatt the the alar alarm m has has ceased ceased.. 5. If the alarm alarm remains, remains, consu consult lt the next level level of mainten maintenance ance..
Action ffo or Link Failure ffo or Multi-Link C Co onfigurations If the alarm is due to link failure for multi-link configurations, do the following: Steps 1. Lock the cell. 2. Repl Replac ace e tthe he faul faulty ty li link nk.. 3. Unloc nlock k tthe he ce cell ll.. 4. Check Check tha thatt the the alar alarm m has has ceased ceased.. 5. If the alarm alarm remains, remains, consu consult lt the next level level of mainten maintenance ance..
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Action for LTE System and WCDMA System Out of Sync If the LTE system (DU) and CDMA system (XMU) are out of sync for XMU 02 LTE and CDMA mixed mode configurations, do the following: Steps 1. Lock the the cell. ell. 2. Unlock lock the the c ce ell ll.. 3. Check Check tha thatt the the ala alarm rm has has ceased ceased.. 4. If the the alarm alarm remain remains, s, resta restart rt the the XM XMU U 02. 02. 5. Check Check tha thatt the the ala alarm rm has has ceased ceased.. 6. If the the alarm alarm remain remains, s, resta restart rt the the no node. de. 7. Check Check tha thatt the the ala alarm rm has has ceased ceased.. 8. If the alarm alarm remains remains,, consult consult the the next next level level of mainten maintenance ance..
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