2) The great greater er number number of reso resonan nance ce struct structure uress that that can be writt written en for a spec species ies,, the more more stable stable that that species species will be.
4) All other other things things being being equal, equal, a reso resonan nance ce struct structure ure with with a negati negative ve charge charge on the the most most electr electron onega egativ tivee atom atom will have have greate greaterr stabil stability ity.. Conver Conversel sely, y, a resona resonance nce struct structure ure with with a positi positive ve charge charge on the least least electr electrone onegat gativ ivee atoms atoms will will be more stable stable.. •
In a double double or trip triple le bond, bond, electr electrons ons will will move move toward toward the more more electro electroneg negati ative ve elemen element. t. If both both elemen elements ts are the the same, same, electr electron onss will will not move. move. lQe
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Pi electrons and nonbonding electrons move toward a cation. Always push electrons, NEVER push positive charges. Draw all resonance structures, if any, for the following.
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Push nonbonding electrons or anions toward positive charges or pi bonds. Always start pushing at the negative charge (electrons) and go towards positive charges or pi bonds. Draw resonance structures of the following compounds.
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Pi electrons will move toward pi bonds. Remember Sp3atoms are roadblocks - never move towards a Sp3atom. Draw resonance structures of the following:
t) Which of the following resonance structures would be the major contributor? Show the arrow pushing that results in the second structure.
Explain why.
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u) Show the resonance structures of the following: Indicate which resonance structure, if any, is the major contributor and why.
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