Reservation Info. For Foreigners: Homepage

February 8, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Area / Place Cheongwadae (Blue House) 와대

Station Line Gyeongbokgung Palace Station 경복   역 (Seoul Subway Line 3), Exit !

Admission fees &'ee

Remarks C- Sun, 7on . :ational Holidays

Reservation Info. for Foreigners

"! nline *++lication  Ho$e+age   *++lication Ho$e+age ( )

"# $ins walk to %enue!

!  *++lication by 'egula' $ail  *dd'ess - (*ttnHisto'y . /ou' /o u' 0n1o'$ation) " Cheongw Cheongwadae adae  2o, ongnoGu, Seoul, 4o'ea (Postal Code- ""#5#) 6 7ake su'e to include the 1ollowings in a++lications!  P'e1e''ed date . ti$e, 1ullna$e, date o1 bi'th, nationality, +ass+o't nu$be', contact in1o'$ation 6 *++lications should be su$itted at least "# days u+ to 8 $onths in ad%ance Ho$e+age -  - www!+'esident!go!k'  E$ail- tou'9+'esident!go!k' 

Gyeogbokgung Palace 경복궁  

Gyeongbokgung Palace Station 경복 궁   역 (Seoul Subway Line 3), Exit !


2, Gwanghwa$un Station 광화문 역  (Seoul Subway Line

sub>ect to change de+ending on ci'cu$stances!

), Exit !

Gwanghwa$un S?ua'e 광화문광장 

Gwanghwa$un Station 광화문 역  (Seoul Subway Line ), Exit ! 3 $in walk st'aight!

C- /uesdays an&eb, :o%;ec#eong Station Station 압구정 역 (Seoul Subway Line 3), Exit ! $othe's o1 S Lee /euk,

Aeekday- unction, a chu'ch is on you' le1t! 4ee+ walking st'aight, you will see es+ace building on you' le1t! Aalk towa'ds *ce HighEnd /owe'F! /S les S is located at le%el "!

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  Sangum#uri !rater 산34리 San 35, Gyo'ae'i, ocheoneu+, e>usi, e>udo Yo특별|}g Yo시 ^i ‚|ƒ로 768 58@=53
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