sample research proposal for labour research project...
1. Broad Subject Subject:: Condition Conditionss of labour labourers ers in in constructi construction on sites sites
2. Area of Specializat Specialization: ion: Conditions Conditions of labourers labourers in construct construction ion sites with with special emphasis emphasis to women, children and migrant worers !. "u "ura rati tion: on: ! wees wees #2 #2$ $ da%s da%s &. A. 'ri 'rinci ncipal pal (n) (n)est estiga igator tor:: i.
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ii. Se Se: : -e -em mal alee iii.. "at iii "atee of Bir Birth: th: i).. ua i) ualif lifica icatio tion: n: ). "e "esi sign gnat atio ion: n:
0. *ame of the (nstitution where the project will be undertaen: a3 "epartment : B.A.B56/*S3 b3 College78ni)ersit% : SA9;6A SC6//5 /- 5A. F2$1@ is liel% to be 02.!1 lah crores increasing from @.>@ lah crores in 2$12F1! to 1!.0E lah crores in 2$1>F1@ 12th fi)e %ear plan3.
!%rapa&' Pra(a)'k* !o%re)dra)a&h Chackra+ar& ,-/01 conducted a stud% on 2Pro+3e(s o4 Co)s&r%c&'o) Workers ') Wes& Be)5a3 Based o) Ne%&rosoph'c Co5)'&'6e "aps7 Aim of the stud% is
to stud% the problems faced b% construction worers in ;he 4inimum
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